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Objective - Implement Azure SQL Database managed instances

1. Select Home > Resource groups, then choose your resource group, such as oreilly-az300
2. At the top of the resource group window select + Add, search for and select “sql database”,
then choose Create. Enter the following configuration information. If not noted below, use
the defaults:

Resource group: oreilly-az300

Database name: az300-training

Server: Create new

Server name: az300-training-<yourinitials-or-random-value>

Server admin login: azureuser

Password: Enter and confirm your own secure password

Location: West US

When ready, select OK

Elastic pool: No

Compute + storage: Select Configure database

3. Review the different configuration and pricing options for the database. By default, it’s likely
Provisioned which is pre-allocated and billed per vCore hour.

Look at options for Serverless, which is billed based on vCore usage per second.

Select the option for Basic, standard, and premium and contrast the ability to select the
DTUs you need and storage requirements.

For this exercise, choose a Standard SQL Database with 10 DTU. When ready, select Apply

4. Select Next: Networking and review the connection options. By default, no access is
provided. Select Public endpoint, then choose to Allow Azure services and resources to
access this server.
5. Select Next: Additional settings and for Use existing data, select Sample
6. Choose Review + create. When ready, select Create
7. If needed, select the notification bell in the top right-hand corner to view deployment
progress as the SQL database server is created. It takes a minute or two to create the SQL
8. When ready, select Go to resource

2. Objective – Provision and configure relational databases

1. From within your SQL Database window, select Settings > Database on the left-hand side.
You can change the DTUs or storage you require, or change to a provisioned or serverless
vCore model. This flexibility lets your configure your database as your business demands

2. On the left-hand side, select Settings > Geo-Replication. Your SQL Database can be
automatically configured to replicate to another region. Select region, such as East US, and
review the dialog box that pops up.

You’d need to create a server in the destination region, define access credentials, and
choose a pricing model, the same way that you defined all this options when you created a
database in the previous exercise. Feel free to return to this in your own study session after
the course, as there’s not a lot to really do here – once configured, the Azure platform
handles the replication to the secondary region for you.

3. Close out the geo-replication windows until you return to the SQL Database window itself.
Select Settings > Connection strings to view the connection details for things like ADO.NET,
JDBC, or ODBC. These connection credentials would be used to connect from your
4. On the left-hand side of the SQL Server window, select Security > Transparent data
encryption. By default, your SQL Databases are automatically encrypted. There’s nothing to
configure here unless you want to turn off encryption.
5. On the left-hand side of the SQL Server window, select Security > Dynamic Data Masking.
To protect your databases, you can mask out certain fields when queries return data. This
feature can be used to mask out things like credit card details or social security numbers.

The sample database we used is scanned and recommendations are shown for fields that
can be masked across the various tables. Selecting any of these suggested values adds a
mask. You can also configure your own custom masks when you build your own databases
to protect information your business deems necessary

Select + Add mask and review how you’d choose the schema, table, and column. Then, look
at the available Masking field format for things like Credit card value or Email.

For now, close out the Dynamic Data Masking windows and return to the main SQL Server

3. Objective – Create, read, update, and delete data tables

1. From the SQL Server window, select Query editor (preview) from the menu on the left-hand
2. Try to sign in with the administrator credentials you entered in a previous exercise to create
the SQL Database. As you didn’t select the option to allow the client IP address, an error is
returned that you can’t connect to the database. Follow the link the Set server firewall. You
can also access this firewall page from the SQL Server Overview window.
3. At the top, select + Add client IP. A rule is added for your IP address. As needed, additional
IP addresses for your business offices can be added. Select Save to apply the rules.
4. Once saved, close the firewall window, then try to sign in to the SQL Database again. It can
take a minute or two for the firewall rules to be applied, so if needed, wait and try again if
you receive an error.
5. After you have signed in, you can use the web-based editor to browse tables, execute SQL
queries, or export data. There’s limited functionality compared to something like SQL Server
Management Studio on your local computer, but the query editor in the Azure portal lets
you perform basic queries as needed.

4. Objective – Configure elastic pools for Azure SQL Database

1. Select Home > Resource groups, then choose your resource group, such as oreilly-az300
2. At the top of the resource group window select + Add, search for and select “sql database”,
then choose Create.
3. At the SQL deployment option page, from the SQL Databases drop-down menu, choose
Elastic pool, then select Create. Enter the following configuration information. If not noted
below, use the defaults:

Resource group: oreilly-az300

Elastic pool name: az300-training-pool

Server: SQL Server from previous exercises, such as az300-training-<yourinitials-or-


Compute + storage: Select elastic pool

4. Review the different configuration and pricing options for the elastic pool. They’re very
similar to when creating the SQL Database in the previous exercises. By default, it’s likely
billed per vCore hour.

Select the option for Basic, standard, and premium and contrast the ability to select the
DTUs you need and storage requirements.
For this exercise, choose a Standard SQL Database with 50 eDTU.
Select Databases > + Add databases.
Check the box next to your database, such as az300-training, then select Apply
Under Per database settings, you can configure the maximum eDTU each database in
the pool can use.

When ready, select Apply, then Review + create, and finally Create.

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