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Unit Outline

Empyrean Institute of Education


Interpret Financial Information


Fremantle Campus

File Path: /conversion/tmp/scratch/473727633.docx

Author : Dean Thomas Created: 11.01.2017 Version: 1

UNIT DESCRIPTION...................................................................................................................................................3

Unit description....................................................................................................................................................3
Unit content.........................................................................................................................................................3
Learning outcomes...............................................................................................................................................3
CONTACT DETAILS....................................................................................................................................................4

Unit Contact.........................................................................................................................................................4
Training Lecturer..............................................................................................................................................4
TEACHING AND LEARNING RESPONSIBILITIES.........................................................................................................5

Teaching and learning strategies.........................................................................................................................5

Student’s rights and responsibilities....................................................................................................................5
Empyrean contact details.....................................................................................................................................5
Use of student feedback......................................................................................................................................6
ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW..........................................................................................................................................6

ASSESSMENT MECHANICS....................................................................................................................................6
Assessment Due Dates.........................................................................................................................................6
Assessment details...............................................................................................................................................7
Assessment 1, A1, eCoach Learning Content & eCoach Quiz..........................................................................7
Assessment 2, A2, Part A,B&C Blueberry Café & Top of the Town.................................................................7
Assessment 3, A3, The Project.........................................................................................................................7
Assessment: Penalties, fees and descriptions......................................................................................................8
UNIT RESOURCES......................................................................................................................................................8

File Path: /conversion/tmp/scratch/473727633.docx

Author : Dean Thomas Created: 11.01.2017 Version: 1

Welcome to the unit Interpret Financial Information. This is one of the units that make up
your Certificate IV Qualification. It involves 4 sessions and comprises of 3 Assessments
(related to the performance criteria of the unit) which you will need to demonstrate to
reach competency.

Unit description
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to interpret
financial information and reports used by organisations to monitor business performance
and provide information on operational or departmental financial activities.

Unit content
This unit is broken up into 2 elements each with specific performance criteria as shown


1. Access and interpret 1.1 Identify and interpret the range of financial
financial information. information and reports required for the
organisation to monitor business performance.
1.2 Interpret financial information and reports applicable
to operational or departmental activities.
2. Use and provide 2.1 Review financial information for impacts on
financial information. operational activities and take action according to
individual empowerment.
2.2 Routinely provide information on operational or
departmental financial activities.

Learning outcomes
On completion of this unit, you should be able to:

 Access and interpret financial information.

 Use and provide financial information.

File Path: /conversion/tmp/scratch/473727633.docx

Author : Dean Thomas Created: 11.01.2017 Version: 1

Unit Contact

Training Lecturer

Name: Dean Thomas

Phone: 0473389330
Consultation Hours: Friday, 9.00 to 11.00 am
Building: 18


Teaching and learning strategies

At the start of the unit, students will be exposed with a general overview of the theoretical
content of the unit followed by a synopsis of the different assessments involved.

File Path: /conversion/tmp/scratch/473727633.docx

Author : Dean Thomas Created: 11.01.2017 Version: 1
Sessions will be taught through power point presentation to formulate the lessons. Student
will be engaged in class activities throughout the lessons through an amalgamation of visual,
auditory or kinaesthetic techniques.
At the end of the unit delivery, each assessments will be explained in detail until
comprehension is reached individually.
Assessments are constantly updated based on the current working environment in Australia
thus developing students for work experience.

Student’s rights and responsibilities

This section explore the fundamental rights of students who undertake their education at
Empyrean Institute of Education.
It recognises that excellence in teaching and learning requires students to be active
participants in their vocational experience. It upholds the ethos that in addition to the
college's role of awarding vocational qualifications to students, the Empyrean Institute of
Education must strive to instil in all students independent learning, critical judgement,
academic integrity and ethical sensitivity.
Please refer to the Student Handbook regarding student’s rights and responsibilities.

Empyrean contact details

Phone: (+618)92281600
Facsimile: (+618)92271428
Website :

Use of student feedback

Feedback forms are handed over to students at the end of every term and their feedback
are taken into account when the unit is updated.

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Author : Dean Thomas Created: 11.01.2017 Version: 1
Previous feedback from students have brought considerable improvement in teaching
strategies and assessment activities.



All three assessment are designed in conjunction with the performance criteria, required
skills and knowledge and the assessment guidelines and range statement from the
government training package.
Assessment Due Dates

Item Due date

Assessment 1 See Master
A1, eCoach Learning Content & eCoach Quiz Assessment Timetable
Assessment 2
See Master
A2, Part A, B & C Blueberry Café - Top of Assessment Timetable
the Town
Assessment 3 See Master
A3, The Project Assessment Timetable

Assessment details

File Path: /conversion/tmp/scratch/473727633.docx

Author : Dean Thomas Created: 11.01.2017 Version: 1
Assessment 1, A1, eCoach Learning Content & eCoach Quiz

Elements Assessed: 1-2

Purpose: This is to be used for assessing students via the method of questions and answers.
The quiz offers multiple choice answers.

Assessment 2, A2, Part A,B&C Blueberry Café & Top of the Town

Elements Assessed: 1-2

Purpose: This is to be used for assessing students by requiring follow instructions and
complete the missing calculations, students must show the formulas.

Assessment 3, A3, The Project

Elements Assessed: 1-2

Purpose: This assessment provides evidence for the ability to complete tasks outlined in the
elements and performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role.

Assessment: Penalties, fees and descriptions

Late submission of Assessments: Late marking fee $25 per assessment

This Unit Outline prescribes when each assessment is due for this Unit of Competence. If
you submit your assessments late you will be required to pay the Late Assessment Fee.

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Author : Dean Thomas Created: 11.01.2017 Version: 1
Re-Assessment Fee $150 per assessment
If a student has submitted an assessment and has not fulfilled all necessary criteria and
receives a not achieved result for assessment outcome; student will be required to re-do
assessment. Above fee per assessment must be paid before submitting work to Trainer for
Plagiarism (Academic dishonesty) $150 per assessment
Students found copying, cheating or completing another students work will be deemed as
being academically dishonest. Trainer’s discretion will be used in the overall outcome of the
offence, penalties will incur per assessment.
Re-sit Unit: Full unit fee**
If student is re-scheduled to attend full unit re-sit inclusive of delivery of knowledge and
assessment criteria, student require Trainer facilitation for completion of unit requirements
full unit fee will apply.


Lecture notes handouts-

 Additional template formats
 Additional resources & reading material
 Futura eContent
Self-perpetuated learning-
 Websites
 Magazines
 Academic Journals
 Newspapers

File Path: /conversion/tmp/scratch/473727633.docx

Author : Dean Thomas Created: 11.01.2017 Version: 1

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