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School of Chemical, Biological, Material Engineering and
Sciences (CBMES)

Experiment No. : 6
Title: Dissolved Oxygen Levels in Natural Waters

Group No. : 1
Name: Isaiah Benjamin B. Alonzo

Pre/Post Lab Quiz

Prelim Data Sheet
Laboratory Attire
Title Page
Report Form

201 205 205

0.2 20.3 24.1

1.4 21.3 25.1

1.2 1.0 1.0


1.2 × 10−4 10.0.× 10−5 10.0.× 10−5

6.0 × 10−5 5.0 × 10−5 5.0 × 10−5

3.0 × 10−5 2.5 × 10−5 2.5 × 10−5

0.96 0.80 0.80

4.8 3.9 3.9



Laboratory Questions
1. The reported dissolved oxygen in the sample will be too high since the chemist waited to
return to the laboratory to fix the water sample. This is because the chemist is allowing
oxygen to be absorbed by the sample from the atmosphere plus there are biochemical
processes of microorganisms like respiration and photosynthesis which would increase the
concentration of dissolved oxygen.

2. a. The meaning of “fix the dissolved oxygen” is the process of putting reagents to the water
so that it will have a stable concentration of dissolved oxygen in the water where the
compound will not discharge. It is important for the analysis because the result will refrain
from deviating too much and would result to an accurate reading.
b. There is no need for the volume to be exact because it will be served as an excess
substance. To every manganese sulfate put in the solution, it will convert dissolved oxygen
into Mn(OH)3, so getting the amount of charge of Mn(OH)3 will also be connected for the
dissolved oxygen.

3. If reagents are properly prepared and no precipitate forms, then there would likely be a low
concentration of dissolved oxygen. This is because the reagents react with the dissolved
oxygen to form precipitates. The lack of precipitates would indicate the lack of oxygen to
react with.

4. The concentration of the dissolved oxygen in water depends on its temperature. Cold water
has higher concentration of dissolved oxygen than warm or hot water because the solubility
of oxygen decreases as the temperature increases therefore the reported concentration will
be reported as too low.

5. If the color of the analyte remained intense after the addition of the full burette of the S 2O32-
titrant then there is a high concentration of Iodine in the analyte.

7. When there are fish kills there is low concentration of dissolved oxygen in the area. This
is because when a population of fish is jammed within a small area, they can consume
oxygen pretty quickly and this will lead to fast depletion of oxygen level in the water. After
the experiment, the dissolved oxygen level will probably show it less than 5.

8. a. As stated on the previous numbers, hot water contains less concentration of dissolved
oxygen. Discharge points of water from cooling waters at electrical generating powerplants
expels hot water, a product of used cooling water to cool the generator. With this said, the
area around the discharge points becomes warm and would contain less concentration of
dissolved oxygen which results to fish kills.
b. When farmlands are present all around a water source, fish kills may occur in these areas.
This is because farmlands used fertilizers to help grow their crops. As rain falls over these
farmlands, rainwater washes off the fertilizer from the land to the water source promoting
microorganism growth that uses a lot of oxygen. This would lead to less concentration of
dissolved oxygen in the water which is not enough to support every fish in the area.

9. Dissolved concentrations may change from headwaters of rivers to the ending at the ocean
because of 2 factors which are temperature and salinity. Water is cooler in the headwaters
of rivers and it increases as they travel down to the ocean. The warmer the water, the less
concentration of dissolved oxygen. Next is salinity and the more it increases the less
concentration of dissolved oxygen. This is because oxygen has less space in saltwater
because of the presence of sodium and chloride ions.

10. Saltwater has lower concentration of dissolved oxygen due to the salinity. The more saline
the water the less dissolved oxygen concentration is in the water. This is because there are
less space for oxygen due to the presence of sodium and chloride ions.
After reading the lab manual and watching the supplemental videos for the experiment, I
have learned the process of determining the concentration of dissolved oxygen through different
experimental steps. The actual experiment was already conducted and so the only step left to do is
gather data and solve for the dissolved oxygen concentration using the data and sets of equations.
Using the Wrinkler Method discussed in the lab manual, I was able to calculate the
concentration of dissolved oxygen which has an average value of 4.2 ppm. This is above 3 ppm
which is the level of concentration on which fishes will have difficulty. Although it is high, it is
below the recommended concentration of 5 to 6 ppm of oxygen levels for fishes to live without
any difficulties.

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