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Janson Makelaardij B.V.

Prins Hendrikplein 3-B

2518 JA Den Haag
070 346 93 72

IBAN: NL18 ABNA 0474 6403 45

KvK: 27116995


Because of the fight against the corona virus, we have taken precautions.

For viewings at our properties, the following rules apply:

1. Before the employee of Janson Estate Agents enters the property, he or she washes their
hands with water and soap or by means of a disinfection gel or cloth.

2. During viewings it is necessary that there is nobody at home, so as few people as possible
are present at the same time.

3. Only one visitor (or couple) will be allowed in the property at the same time, alone or
together with their estate agent. If a visitor shows physical symptoms like a cold, fever or
cough, he or she will not be allowed into the property.

4. We will not shake hands and will keep a minimum distance of 1,5 meters between

5. Only the employee of Janson Estate Agents will open doors, kitchen appliances etc.
Because of that there is no need for the visitor to touch anything. If this does happen by
accident, the employee has disinfection cloths with him or her to clean touched surfaces.

6. No brochures or other documentation is handed over, all information is available digitally.

7. After the visit(s) we advise the residents to wait some time before returning to the
property. How long, is up to the residents themselves. It is not yet known how long the
virus can survive outside of a human body. For more information about this subject please

The goal of these precautions is to ensure your and our safety as much as possible, but at the
same time continue normal life as much as possible.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any questions you might have. In spite of the adjustments in
our work methods, you will still receive the service and quality that you are used to from us.

Many thanks for understanding, together we will bring an end to this unfortunate situation as
soon as possible.

Team Janson Estate Agents.

Opdrachten worden aanvaard, diensten verleend en/of inlichtingen verstrekt volgens de Algemene voorwaarden Janson
Makelaardij. Iedere aansprakelijkheid is beperkt tot het bedrag dat in het desbetreffende geval onder de verplichte
beroepsaansprakelijkheidsverzekering wordt uitbetaald. NVM-lid: E. van Stralen.

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