Emerging Trades Tips For Corbyn Borderline Insane: Case For Rate Rise Next Month Now Less Compelling', Says Fed Official

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THURSDAY 27 AUGUST 2015 WORLD BUSINESS NEWSPAPER UK £2.50 Channel Islands £2.80; Republic of Ireland €3.


Emerging trades Borderline insane Tips for Corbyn

EM volatility provides scope for Is the price tag on Tesla really Hard-left policies don’t have to
investors — MOHAMED EL-ERIAN, PAGE 26 so crazy? — COMMENT, PAGE 9 be stupid — CHRIS GILES, PAGE 9

Mahathir tells Briefing

Malaysia PM i Financial sector bonus payments retreat
Finance and insurance bonuses fell almost 10 per
Najib to resign cent to £13.6bn in the year to March and to their
lowest proportion of total pay in a decade. Payouts
increased the most in the IT, professional and
Former Malaysian leader Mahathir scientific sectors.— PAGE 2; SIMON SAMUELS, PAGE 9
Mohamad pauses during an interview
with the Financial Times in which he i Chilcott snubs Iraq war report calls
said premier Najib Razak “has to go” Sir John Chilcot has resisted calls to set a deadline
because he had undermined the legal on when he will publish his report into the Iraq war,
system in a scandal involving $700m which was commissioned in 2009 and which has so
that made its way into his bank account. far cost £10.4m.— PAGE 3; EDITORIAL COMMENT, PAGE 8
Speaking in his Kuala Lumpur office
and wearing his familiar khaki suit, 90- i Paddy Power and Betfair take a punt
year-old Mr Mahathir had no time for Paddy Power and Betfair are to combine to create
Mr Najib’s explanation that the cash the world’s largest online gambling company, with a
came from a Middle Eastern benefactor market value of £5bn. The move sends a warning to
nor the dismissals of the attorney-gen- rivals like William Hill.— PAGE 13; LOMBARD, PAGE 17
eral and deputy premier that in effect
shut down an inquiry into the matter. i Root cause of India onion surge disputed
Those around Mr Najib accuse Mr A surge in onion prices, said to be
Mahathir of mounting a coup d’état. determining factors in polls in 1980
Interview page 6 and 1998, is threatening to cause
Sanjit Das
electoral problems for premier
Narendra Modi amid claims of
market manipulation.— PAGE 6

Case for rate rise next month now i Hungarian troops set for border duty
Hungary is set to deploy troops at the EU’s frontiers
as Europe’s migration crisis enters a new phase after
reports that more than 2,500 people penetrated the

‘less compelling’, says Fed official

border with Serbia on Tuesday.— PAGE 6

i Green lobby to sue US fracking regulator

US protesters have started preparations to sue
watchdogs for not taking action on the way ancient
seawater releases are dealt with during fracking,
which scientists say causes earthquakes.— PAGE 4

3 Dudley damps expectation of imminent increase 3 US stocks stage biggest rally since 2011 i Corbyn’s women-only plan off track
Labour leadership frontrunner Jeremy Corbyn’s
suggestion that he might consider women-only
KADHIM SHUBBER AND citing China’s economic slowdown, and pumped liquidity into the banking ‘I really do Dennis Lockhart, president of the train carriages, last seen in the 1970s, has been
ROBIN WIGGLESWORTH — NEW YORK falling commodity prices, strains on sector by reducing the reserve require- Atlanta Fed, said on Monday that he still dismissed by rail experts.— PAGE 2; CHRIS GILES, PAGE 9
emerging markets and the resulting ment ratio for big banks. hope we expected interest rates to rise this year.
A top Federal Reserve official has “financial market volatility”. Earlier this summer most economists can raise But Mr Dudley is the first Fed policy- Datawatch
damped expectations that the central He was speaking after days of steep were predicting that the Fed would raise maker to speak in such detail since the
bank would raise US interest rates next slides in Chinese shares and mounting rates in September for the first time in interest global stock market sell-off.
month, highlighting how the turmoil evidence of a slowdown in the world’s almost a decade. But market expecta- Jeffrey Gundlach, the head of Double- China’s contribution
that has spread from China to global second-largest economy. The declines tions of a rise next month are fading fast,
rates this Line, a big bond fund manager, said to global growth
A prolonged
China slowdown
markets is rattling policymakers. have spread alarm across global with Barclays economists shifting their year . . . there was “no way” the Fed would lift Share of total growth in world
would have
William Dudley, head of the New York equities, commodities and foreign forecasts to March next year. But let’s see interest rates this year. “There are some GDP over previous three years (%) consequences.
branch of the Fed, told a conference that exchange markets. Mr Dudley said he still hoped the Fed people that still think the Fed could hike
it was “important not to overreact to The turmoil eased yesterday, with could raise interest rates by the end of how the in September. I think that’s a ridiculous
50 China accounted
for 28 per cent of
short-term market developments” but Wall Street staging an impressive come- the year, noting a move would be a sign assumption, given what is going on in 40
conceded that the argument for tighten- back. The benchmark S&P 500 posted of confidence in the US economy. He
data unfold’ financial markets,” he added. 30
the rise in global
output between
ing monetary policy as early as Septem- its biggest one-day gain in almost four added that new data could yet make a William Dudley “I think we should be very worried 20 2000 and 2014,
ber “seem[s] less compelling to me years after a volatile day in which the September rise “more compelling”. about China. It’s a very big deal.” 10 and nearly half
[now] than it was a few weeks ago”. FTSE Eurofirst 300 closed down 1.9 per “I really do hope we can raise interest China fallout page 5 of world growth
“International developments have cent. China’s Shanghai Composite index rates this year . . . But let’s see how the David Pilling page 9 1995 2000 05 10 16 in the crisis
Source: FT research, from IMF data years of 2007-09
increased the downside risk to US also dropped 1.3 per cent, a day after the data unfold before we make statements Short View page 13
economic growth somewhat,” he said, People’s Bank of China cut interest rates about when that might occur.” Markets pages 26-28

Scots campaigners aim to work ‘wi

pairtners tae heize up’ native tongue
MURE DICKIE — EDINBURGH industries, the first “Scots scriever”, or sopher David Hume that their native
writer, takes office this week. The tongue is merely a “corrupt dialect”.
For a government document, Scot-
appointment of Hamish MacDonald to a As Scots scriever, Mr MacDonald says
land’s policy of “wurkin wi pairtners
two-year residency at Edinburgh’s he hopes to encourage compatriots to
tae heize up the status o Scots language
National Library follows a long decline embrace their linguistic traditions.
amang folk an toons” has an unusual
in the use of Scots — which, like English, “There’s a living language, a living voice
Sex abuse inquiries cause ring to it.
is derived from the Germanic languages and a living expression that is part of a
unease at Westminster But cultural agency Creative Scotland of the Anglo-Saxons. really fascinating, beautiful and expres-
Harvey Proctor’s media showdown makes no apology for adopting a bilin- Scots has a long literary tradition that sive language,” he says. “It deserves and
amid allegations of murder and sexual gual format to call for more collabora- includes works by the 15th-century King needs to be celebrated.”
abuse of children has highlighted the tion to raise the status of a tongue once James I of Scotland, 19th-century author The lack of a modern standard ver-
disquiet felt at Westminster at the way championed by the 18th-century poet Walter Scott and contemporary novelist sion is a challenge for Scots promotion,
police are handling cases of alleged Robert Burns. Irvine Welsh. It retains a Scandinavian with Creative Scotland acknowledging
sexual abuse. Politicians fear police are “Scots is pairt o oor historie an oor influence and rich stock of onomato- that the “Central Scots” it used in its pol-
overcompensating for years in which cultural heritage, wi rich oral an poeic words, including “blocher” — icy statement is far from universal.
allegations of paedophilia by the rich scrievin tradeetions that ur still gey weel defined as the “act of making such a gug- Literacy expert Tommy MacKay wel-
and powerful were brushed aside by alive theday in oor sang, drama, story- gling noise as to indicate that there is a comes the greater use of Scots but says
pursuing inquiries based on tellin, the makin o fulms, braidcastin an great quantity of catarrh in the throat”. that rapid anglicisation of spoken lan-
incomplete evidence and in the full leeterature,” the agency says. But since union with England made guage in most Scottish communities
glare of the media. As part of a drive by the Scottish English the language of parliament and means Scots can no longer be consid-
Analysis i PAGE 3 National party government to raise the law courts, many in Scotland have ered a living tongue.
profile of Scots in schools and cultural shared the view of 18th-century philo- “That’s a lost cause,” he says.

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FTSE All World $ 256.72 252.10 1.83 Gold $ 1120.75 1137.50 -1.47 Prices are latest for edition Data provided by Morningstar

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2 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 27 August 2015



Bank bonuses at lowest share of salary in a decade

Finance sector payouts fall the year to March, according to the reflected employers’ growing confi- 10% short-term performance is over,” he ‘Banks now counter-productive because, by limit-
Office for National Statistics, although dence in the economy. pointed out. ing bonuses, banks are pushed to
from peak of a third of pay this fall was exaggerated by changes in Meanwhile, the continued decline in
Fall in cash terms
of finance and EU rules kicked in this year banning realise that increase fixed pay to compensate.
in 2007 to a fifth this year the timing of the 2014 bonus season. City payouts reflects a number of insurance bonuses banks from awarding bonuses of more the previous Mark Carney, Bank of England gover-
In contrast, bonuses in the rest of trends, including the EU’s bonus cap, to £13.6bn in the than twice fixed pay. The UK govern- nor, said last year the change had the
year to March culture of
the economy picked up last year, rising the requirement from regulators ment failed in an attempt to block the “undesirable side-effect of limiting the
to £28.8bn or 4.5 per cent of total that British banks defer more of their measure, while banks have sought ways unjustifiably scope for remuneration to be cut back”
Bankers’ bonuses have fallen to their pay, the highest share since records variable pay for longer, and the fact 4.5% around it. high cash and could create a need for rules limit-
lowest proportion of total pay in a dec- began in 2000. Bonuses increased the that investment banks have been Rise in bonuses in The European Banking Authority, an bonuses as a ing fixed pay.
ade, but the rest of Britain’s workers most in the IT, professional and scien- shrinking, particularly RBS and Bar- the rest of the agency that brings together regulators Yesterday’s ONS data show that peo-
have received higher payouts. tific sectors. clays, which have been cutting thou- economy to £28.8bn from the 28 EU states, intervened this reward for ple in finance and insurance are still
Official data show bonuses accounted Taken together, UK bonus payments sands of jobs. in the same period
year to tackle a trend of banks using short-term paid much higher bonuses than workers
for about a fifth of total pay in the in cash terms were almost back to their James Sproule, chief economist at the “role-based” or other allowances to performance in any other sector: they received an
finance and insurance sector in the year pre-crisis peak. However, the economy Institute of Directors, said the figures increase wages without falling foul of average £13,100 each last year com-
to March 2015, the lowest share since is now about 20 per cent bigger than the showed the City had taken steps to rein the bonus cap. Members of the Euro-
is over’ pared with an average bonus of £6,900
2003. They peaked at more than a third peak in cash terms, which means in excess. pean Parliament introduced the bonus for workers in the oil and mining sector,
of pay in 2007, just before the City’s bonuses play a smaller role than before “Under pressure from politicians, the cap after the financial crisis, saying it the next highest paying. Across the
boom turned to bust. the financial crisis. public and regulators, banks now realise would help to reduce incentives to take economy as a whole, the average bonus
In cash terms, finance and insurance Economists commented that higher that the previous culture of unjustifia- irresponsible risks. per person was about £1,500.
bonuses fell almost a tenth to £13.6bn in bonuses outside the finance industry bly high cash bonuses as a reward for The UK has argued that the rule is Make up your mind page 9

Opposition. Contested ground

Corbyn’s rise puts

Lib Dems in a spin
for a liberal, progressive force to chal-
A shift to the left could leave lenge the Conservatives. It will be a
the UK’s third political force losing game if the Lib Dems and Labour
were to compete for votes on the
fighting for occupied territory far left.”
Mr Farron has said the party should
KIRAN STACEY campaign on areas such as building
more social housing, spending more on
The rise of Jeremy Corbyn as a serious the National Health Service and defend-
contender to lead the UK’s main opposi- ing human rights.
tion party has put its third political force But these are all questions that Mr
in a bind. Having governed in coalition Corbyn, the leftwing MP for Islington
with the Conservatives from 2010, the North, has promised to focus on. More-
Liberal Democrats were comprehen- over, his move to the front of the race to
sively punished at the ballot box in May, succeed Ed Miliband has surprised
shrinking from 57 to 8 MPs. many Lib Dems, who had hoped that
In the aftermath, Tim Farron has providing a distinct challenge to the left
replaced Nick Clegg as leader and has of the Conservatives would help them
urged the party to return to the centre- win back some of the support lost over
left to win back voters. But his col- the past five years.
leagues are worried, telling the Finan- However, Mr Farron does not see a big
cial Times they think there is little mile- problem. “With a Corbyn victory ever
age in moving on to territory occupied more likely and the Tories lurching ever
by Mr Corbyn. further to the right, there has never
“My concern is that we have a real been more need and space for the Lib- Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

Lionel Barber and Janan Ganesh
eral Democrats,” he said.
“We have shown in government that
we can balance economic competency
Trouble ahead Critics of Jeremy Corbyn often accuse
him of wanting to take Britain back to
the 1970s. If he ever pursued the idea
London Overground, have completely
open carriages.
Another industry expert pointed to
chose to sit
there instead. Others have raised
concerns that women-only carriages
Doubt cast on
discuss the potential fallout
from a Corbyn victory with the liberal mission of making our of bringing back women-only train the cost to train operators if they had could become a magnet for pests.
country greener, fairer and more free. carriages to the UK, he would be doing to pay for security guards to monitor Other countries have taken

problem in competing for the same

“Sensible and progressive voters from
across the political spectrum will find a
home with the Liberal Democrats once
women-only exactly that.
Women-only compartments were
last used in 1977, when they were
women-only carriages.
Chris Sheldrake, of the European
Railway Association, said
various approaches. In Australia,
some trains at night have a carriage
where a guard is seated to provide
space. There is no way Tim can compete
to the left of Labour if Jeremy Corbyn
wins,” said one Lib Dem MP.
Some Lib Dem MPs say Mr Farron
should highlight the party’s economic
carriage idea phased out by British Rail. While
segregated compartments are now
absent from Europe, they have proved
reintroducing the concept in the UK
would reduce capacity when it is under
severe pressure. “It would also invite
added security to women.
Mr Corbyn’s defenders point out
he has not said it is his policy, only
Mr Farron won the leadership contest record in government rather than popular in other countries such as accusations of segregation and cause that he has said he would “consult
last month, beating his rival Norman focusing on social issues. India, Japan and Egypt. resentment,” he said. “For example, with women . . . to hear their views
Lamb by 13 percentage points on a turn- Alistair Carmichael, the MP and However, UK rail experts believe Mr how would men feel if there were no on whether women-only carriages
out of just 56 per cent. former cabinet minister, said: “What Corbyn’s idea, which he hopes would seats left in mixed carriages but plenty would be welcome — and also if
He is popular with grassroots mem- the Labour party will find is that looking help stem a rise in assaults on public of spare seats in the adjacent women- piloting this at times and on modes
bers, but viewed with suspicion by some credible on the economy is still the most transport, would be difficult to only coach?” of transport where harassment is
on the right of the party, who accuse him important issue. Inevitably there has to introduce today. Roger Ford, industry Yvette Cooper, Mr Corbyn’s Labour reported most frequently would be
of wanting to take it back to an “opposi- be a continued reduction in public and technology editor of Modern leadership rival, has dismissed the of interest”.
tion comfort zone”. spending.” Mr Carmichael added that Railways magazine, said the idea was idea. “Segregation to ‘keep women safe’ Some academic research has
“Tim will need to recognise that the party should stress its pro-business “pretty impractical” and particularly is turning the clock back, not tackling suggested that female
poor turnout and 44 per cent credentials as a way of exposing difficult to police on trains where there the problem. We shouldn’t have to shut compartments were unpopular even
support for Norman means he Labour’s weakness. were no staff other than the driver. ourselves away from men for our own in the Victorian era. David Turner,
has no clear mandate to shift Tom Brake, MP for Carshalton, Areas solely for females would also safety,” she said. Liz Kendall, another an associate lecturer in railway
dramatically to the left,” said a said: “As Syriza showed in Greece, if be more difficult to set up on trains contender, agreed, saying segregation studies at the University of York,
Lib Dem parliamentarian. you follow Jeremy Corbyn’s style of now compared with the late 19th “would be an admission of defeat, said that by the time of the first
Mr Lamb said: “There is a need politics you can march your sup- century, when they were introduced. rather than a sustainable solution”. world war, many train companies
porters to the top of the hill, Back then, carriages were formed of The End Violence Against Women had phased them out because they
but you often end up Tube travel in 1954 was a lot less compartments, making separation Coalition said the idea also implied that were underused and made no
Tim Farron: marching them down crowded than today easier. harassment against women would be financial sense.
popular with again.” Carl Sutton/Picture Post/Getty Images
Today, some services, such as the acceptable in mixed carriages if women Tanya Powley and Jim Pickard
grassroots Chris Giles page 9

Upper chamber Northern Ireland

A private bank unlike
any other. Peerages raise questions over Ulster Unionists add to crisis
Lords expense and credibility with move into opposition
JIM PICKARD £2.8m to the Conservative party and is VINCENT BOLAND — DUBLIN UUP was involved in drafting the agree-
its co-treasurer. ment, but has seen its position as the
30 global locations • www.efginternational.com The political arrangements for govern-
More than 40 peers will be appointed Defenders of the Lords point to its leading voice of unionism taken over by
ing Northern Ireland put in place after
today, many from the ranks of former many occupants who have had careers the DUP, and is a diminishing force.
the Troubles have begun to unravel
EFGslogan - 112x50mm - Generic ad - Q - Publication : Financial Times advert 2014 (20.08.2014)
MPs, party advisers and donors, once in the military, business or academia. The executive has been paralysed for
FINANCIAL TIMES after the Ulster Unionist party said it
newspaper in any manner is not permitted without
again raising questions about the However, many new faces are denizens months by disagreements between the
Number One Southwark Bridge, London SE1 9HL the publisher’s prior consent. intended to withdraw from the execu-
credibility and expense of the House of the “Westminster bubble”. DUP and Sinn Féin over budget cuts and
‘Financial Times’ and ‘FT’ are registered trade marks tive and become an opposition party.
Published by: The Financial Times Limited, of The Financial Times Limited. of Lords. The Electoral Reform Society has pre- welfare reform. Announcing his party’s
Number One Southwark Bridge, The Financial Times adheres to a self-regulation dicted that the additions to the chamber The move by the UUP, which represents move, UUP leader Mike Nesbitt said:
London SE1 9 HL, United Kingdom. regime under the FT Editorial Code of Practice:
Tel: 020 7873 3000; Fax: 020 7407 5700 www.ft.com/editorialcode
The new arrivals will take the upper will cost taxpayers £1.3m a year. mainstream unionist thinking, is the “The DUP and Sinn Féin have led our
Editor: Lionel Barber chamber to about 830 members, Tory appointments, which number latest step in a crisis gripping the prov- government for eight years now. We
Reprints expanding the second-biggest legisla- nearly 30, could include William Hague, ince after the murder this month of a need wait no longer for proof that they
Subscriptions and Customer service: Are available of any FT article with your company tive chamber in the world — surpassed former foreign secretary, Sir George former IRA gunman. are incapable of delivering positive out-
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www.ft.com/subscribenow order 100 copies). only by the Chinese National People’s Young, former chief whip, and The UUP withdrawal, likely to be con- comes for our people.”
One-off copyright licences for reproduction of FT Congress. David Willetts, one-time universities firmed by party officials on Saturday, The latest crisis was sparked after the
Advertising: articles are also available. Ministers will face questions about minister. would not immediately spell the end for Police Service of Northern Ireland said
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whether the announcement at noon has Also expected on the list are Kate Fall, the Northern Ireland executive, where it last week that the IRA was implicated in
Fax: 020 7873 5938; letters.editor@ft.com been timed to bury uncomfortable deputy chief of staff to the prime minis- has just one representative. That body is the murder of Kevin McGuigan, a
Executive appointments: FT Cityline news. ter; Stephen Gilbert, who ran part of the dominated by the Democratic Union- former hunger striker who was gunned
Tel: 020 7873 4909; www.exec-appointments.com For real time share prices call 0905 817 1690 or go to
http://www.ft.com/servicetools/ftmobile/cityline. Calls
It will come just hours after the publi- Conservatives’ election campaign; and ists, a hardline unionist party led by first down as part of an apparent internal
Printed by: cost 75p/min. cation of immigration data — expected two Tory special advisers, Simone Finn minister Peter Robinson, and Sinn Féin, IRA feud. The PSNI statement was
St Clements Press (1988) Ltd, London, Newsprinters to show a surge of incomers into the UK, and Philippa Stroud. the former political wing of the IRA. interpreted by unionists as saying that
(Knowsley) Limited, Merseyside, Newsprinters Newspapers support recycling despite Tory pledges to reduce numbers The Liberal Democrats will receive But it would undermine the cross- the IRA had not fully disbanded a dec-
(Eurocentral) Glasgow, and Smurfit Kappa News The recycled paper content of UK newspapers in
Press Ld, Kells, Ireland 2014 was 78.5% — as well as figures about the mortality more peerages than Labour in the party arrangements for governing set ade ago, as both its own operatives and
of welfare recipients. “dissolution honours”, reflecting out in the 1998 Good Friday agreement, Sinn Féin have long claimed.
©Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2015. All The appointments include James their involvement in the last govern- which ended 30 years of conflict The claim put both the DUP and Sinn
rights reserved. Reproduction of the contents of this
Lupton, a financier who has given ment. between loyalists and nationalists. The Féin on the defensive.
Thursday 27 August 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 3


Tension grows between Westminster

Iraq war inquiry

Chilcot resists
push for swift
and police over sex abuse inquiries deadline on
Some politicians believe forces are overcompensating for failures to probe big-name figures in the past
Sir John Chilcot has resisted calls to set
The sight of a distraught former Con- an immediate deadline on when he will
servative MP publicly confronting alle- publish his report into the Iraq war,
gations of murder and sexual abuse of saying he is still undergoing the “Max-
children has prompted disquiet at West- wellisation” process of consulting
minster at the way police are handling those he intends to mention by name.
such prominent cases.
After years in which allegations of Sir John has written to the families of
paedophilia by the rich and powerful victims of the war explaining why the
were brushed aside — most infamously report — which was commissioned in
in the case of Jimmy Savile — some poli- 2009 and which has so far cost £10.4m
ticians believe the police are overcom- — has taken so long. Although he has not
pensating by pursuing inquiries based revealed the contents of that letter, Sir
on incomplete evidence, and in the full John also published a lengthy statement
glare of the media. “They have gone in reply to calls for him to set a deadline
from one extreme to another,” said one on publication.
former Labour home secretary, who In it, he said: “I understand the
declined to be named. anguish of the families of those who lost
Harvey Proctor, a former Essex MP their lives in the conflict,” but he added:
who stood down in 1987 amid a scandal “In its scope and length, this is an
over his use of male prostitutes, claimed inquiry mandate for which there is no
on Tuesday he was the victim of a precedent. We expect to receive the last
“homosexual witch-hunt”. He said he responses to our Maxwellisation letters
was “completely innocent” of allega- shortly.
tions he murdered two young boys and “That will allow us to complete our
was linked to the death of a third. consideration of the responses, to
Mr Proctor, 68, called for the com- decide what further work will be
plainant, known by the pseudonym needed, and to provide the prime minis-
“Nick”, to be stripped of his anonymity ter and thus parliament and the public
after the ex-politician was questioned with a timetable for the publication of
for a second time by detectives investi- our work.”
gating claims of an establishment pae- “Maxwellisation” is a right-of-reply
dophile ring operating in Westminster procedure named after the former
in the 1970s and 1980s. Mr Proctor has Harvey Proctor at Tuesday’s newspaper owner, Robert Maxwell, who
not been arrested and is not on bail. press conference — Ben Cawthral/LNP was criticised in a government report in
Politicians at Westminster are reluc- 1969 and took the Department of Trade
tant to criticise the police publicly on Under scrutiny Four of the prominent figures linked to the alleged paedophile ring and Industry to court.
such a sensitive issue. But some are con- In recent months, Sir John has been
cerned that Mr Proctor and other fig- consulting those he intends to name but
ures — including Edward Heath, former Sir Edward Heath Sir Maurice Oldfield Sir Michael Hanley Lord Brittan has come under increasing pressure to
prime minister, Leon Brittan, former PM from 1970-74 MI6 chief 1973-78 MI5 head 1972-76 Home secretary 1983-85 speed up his report. When Gordon
home secretary, and past heads of MI5 Brown commissioned it as prime minis-
and MI6 — have been linked to the ter in 2009, he said it would take “at
alleged paedophile ring and have seen Sir Edward Heath Sir Maurice Sir Michael Hanley The former Tory least a year”.
their reputations sullied unfairly. was prime minister Oldfield, who died was head of MI5, home secretary, Last week David Cameron called
No charges have been brought. The from 1970-74 and aged 65 in 1981, the internal who died in delays to the report “frustrating”. The
laws on contempt of court that apply to leader of the was head of the security service, January, was prime minister said: “We want this
criminal investigations after any arrest Conservative Secret Intelligence from 1972 to 1976. interviewed under inquiry finished. It is for the good of the
are not yet in play in Mr Proctor’s case, party from 1965 Service from 1973 Hanley, who died caution by police in families. It is for the good of the country.
and most of the others named by “Nick” to 1975. He died in 2005, aged 89. to 1978. He was named as being in 2001 aged 82, was wrongly accused connection with the alleged rape of a People want to know the truth. They
are dead. The politician is accused of raping investigated by Scotland Yard over in the 1960s of being a Soviet spy. 19-year-old student in his central want this inquiry out and so do I.”
Steve McCabe, Labour’s spokesman a 12-year-old boy in his London flat child sex offences. Little is known of the allegations London flat in 1967, before he became Clare Short, the former cabinet minis-
on children, said: “What most folk in 1961. against him. a member of parliament. ter who eventually resigned from the
would like to see is some decent police Labour government over the war, is one
work to bring about some substantial of those who has been consulted in the
charges and fewer newspaper head- tiny in their investigations of allegations Her Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary police forces opened investigations into Sam Stein QC, specialist criminal process. She told the BBC yesterday: “I
lines.” of sex abuse following the revelation had made it harder to test the veracity of abuse claims involving Heath but no defence advocate at Mansfield Cham- think what might be true is that the
Politicians are particularly concerned that several forces, including Scotland allegations before launching a formal progress has been reported. bers, also raised concerns that in such draft is very poor and it is as big as War
at comments by Detective Superintend- Yard, had received complaints about investigation. “I think the requirement The police were also strongly criti- cases, the extensive publicity might and Peace, I understand.
ent Kenny McDonald, head of the Oper- Savile that were never taken forward for everything to be recorded immedi- cised for agreeing to let the BBC film a mean people would feel more reluctant “Lots of people have made serious
ation Midland inquiry into the alleged during his lifetime. ately has led to forces jumping straight raid on the house of Sir Cliff Richard to come forward with information in responses and they are probably having
Westminster ring, that he believed what Peter Neyroud, former chief consta- from receiving allegations to carrying over an alleged sex assault dating back such cases lest it be aired in public. to redraft. But I think the hope of it
“Nick” was saying was “credible and ble of Thames Valley Police and now an out a full inquiry,” Mr Neyroud said. to 1985. The pop star has not been Theresa May, home secretary, being a good piece of work that Britain
true”. independent adviser on policing mat- “They are then under a lot of pressure charged. announced this year new time limits for learns what went wrong and we don’t do
One former Conservative Home ters, said it was difficult for forces to from the press to be open and transpar- Mr Proctor’s emotional press confer- police bail in an attempt to cut the dura- it again looks very, very poor to me.”
Office minister said: “How can the handle a growing caseload of sexual ent about the nature of the crime they ence, in which he set out in detail the tion of the “legal limbo” facing those Ms Short added that based on the sec-
police know that before the evidence offence allegations at a time when their have recorded, and to name suspects.” allegations against him, has also been under investigation but not charged for tions she had seen, a wide range of peo-
has been tested? The police sometimes funding was being cut. One example is Wiltshire Police, criticised by some lawyers. an offence. ple would be criticised.
appear to look like they are persecuting He was particularly concerned that which is under investigation by the Peter Garsden, senior partner at law The former Labour home secretary “It is not just politicians. The criticism
people because they are rich and power- new guidelines on crime recording from police watchdog for its handling of sex firm Abney Garsden, said: “My view is told the Financial Times that this was seems to go right across Whitehall: sen-
ful. There are many in the higher eche- abuse allegations against Heath in the that we should not be judging guilt or vital, especially now that suspects’ ior permanent secretaries, the top of the
lons of the police who were scarred in 1990s. innocence at this stage, nor should Mr names were often circulated on social civil service — everybody.
the Tony Blair era by suggestions they
‘Most folk would like to see The force’s recent request for victims Proctor be attempting to manipulate media. “I see it and think this means every-
were doing what the politicians wanted. decent police work bring of abuse to make themselves known, the press and public into believing he is “The problem is that there does not one is to blame [so] no one is to blame.
There is a whole generation of coppers including an appeal made by Superin- innocent in advance of any criminal seem to be much urgency with which We won’t get a proper diagnosis and it
who don’t want to be seen as too close to
about substantial charges tendent Sean Memory outside the gates charges. The venue for the trial of guilt these lines of inquiries are being pur- won’t be helpful in finding out what
the establishment.” and fewer headlines’ of Heath’s former home, was criticised or innocence is the criminal court, not sued,” the former minister said. went wrong with our system.”
Police have been under intense scru- for being too sensationalist. Four other the media.” Additional reporting by Kiran Stacey Editorial Comment page 8

Housing market Urban renewal

Remortgaging reaches four-year high as More areas earmarked for enterprise zones
borrowers anticipate interest rate increase after strategy attracts £2.2bn investment
JAMES PICKFORD interest rates on fixed-rate loans to He added that he expected many to CHRIS TIGHE the organisation says, have com- The original idea, proposed by
record lows. wait until rates started to rise. “Anecdo- pounded the problems of struggling urban academic Sir Peter Hall, was for
The number of homeowners remort- England’s enterprise zones got off to a
Brokers think the main reasons for tally, the first rate rise is the trigger town centres. “Hong Kong style free-for-all areas”
gaging surged last month to its highest slow start from their launch in 2012 but
the quiet market were inertia and regu- point for many people remortgaging, Businesses in the 24 zones will receive where barriers to business growth,
level in four years, suggesting borrow- government figures published yester-
lation: consumers were reluctant to but it may even be the second or third business rate discounts until 2018; in such as regulation, would be removed so
ers are signing up for attractive deals in day say they have now created 19,000
move when they saw little prospect of increase, as that is when there is a signif- the new ones starting next April it will that enterprise could thrive.
case interest rates rise. jobs and attracted 540 companies and
interest rates rising, while remortgaging icant impact on a household’s expendi- be until 2021. The 38 zones designated in the UK
£2.2bn of private investment.
Remortgaging was up nearly 29 per cent has become harder to do with tougher ture and people then remortgage to save This could be worth up to £275,000 between 1981 and 1996 were not this
compared with July last year, according rules that were introduced in April money. The 24 zones, which offer companies per business over five years, the govern- laisser faire, and drew criticism that
to figures from the British Bankers’ 2014. “However, by then the best fixed rates business rate discounts and tax reliefs, ment says. Enhanced capital allowances they created too few jobs, at too great a
Association. Mortgage approvals overall But the mood has changed in recent will have long gone,” he warned. were launched by the coalition govern- are offered in some zones and extend public expense, or that they simply
were 15 per cent higher than in July weeks. Mark Harris, chief executive of The figures predate the market tur- ment with the aim, subsequently scaled shifted jobs around.
2014, with house purchases rising 11 per mortgage broker SPF Private Clients, moil of the past week, which has down, of creating 54,000 jobs by 2015. “Those lessons have been learned,”
cent. said the surge in remortgaging “reflects sparked speculation that the Bank of James Wharton, minister for local
‘The idea is to attract new Mr Wharton said. “The idea is to attract
Richard Woolhouse, BBA chief econo- growing concern among borrowers England could respond by delaying growth and the Northern Powerhouse jobs, new growth and new jobs, new growth, new investment,
mist, said: “Savvy homeowners are about a potential interest rate rise for interest rate rises. project, said the latest figures marked a not to move investment necessarily
snapping up competitive deals before an the first time in several years. Borrowers Even before the markets took flight, milestone and a vindication of the
new investment’ from one place to another,” he pointed
expected increase in interest rates.” are locking into cheap fixed-rate mort- the BoE had surprised some analysts enterprise zone policy, which it is now James Wharton, MP out.
Moneyfacts, the comparison site, said gages before they disappear.” with its cautious stance, with just one set to expand. The 19,000 jobs figure compares with
fixed mortgage rates were starting to member of its nine-strong Monetary He praised the opportunities they had until 2020. Other benefits include 15,500 jobs last December, and 4,649 in
creep up, with the average two-year Policy Committee voting for an August created but said it was impossible to superfast broadband — now available in December 2013.
fixed rate rising from 2.76 per cent at the increase in the main bank rate. predict the ultimate jobs figure and “dif- all but one of the 24 zones — and simpli- The zones’ 540 businesses include
start of August to 2.82 per cent. Even so, brokers said the logic of sign- ficult to measure the full economic fied planning rules. The local enterprise motor, aerospace, pharmaceutical and
Five-year fixed rates have also risen ing up for low fixed rates on home loans impact”. partnership and council in each area can renewable energy sectors.
from 3.24 to 3.29 per cent over the remained strong. In July, George Osborne, the chancel- keep extra business rates for 25 years. Officials say the zones are popular
month. Brian Murphy, head of lending at bro- lor, proposed creating more enterprise The latest figures show the govern- with colleges seeking to set up facilities
Charlotte Nelson, a finance expert at ker Mortgage Advice Bureau, said: zones and the deadline for bids is Sep- ment has spent £440m on developing and training opportunities. These have
Moneyfacts, said: “This goes to show “China’s financial crisis may have now tember 18. the 24 zones. It is also forgoing business benefited 2,000 trainees and appren-
that we do not necessarily need a base 2.82% 3.29% thrown doubt over when we can expect Ministers are hoping to attract more rates; in 2012-13, this cost it £10m. tices so far.
rate rise to see rates move upwards.” Average two-year Average five-year a base rate rise, but homeowners still smaller towns, while the Centre for The policy was inspired by the 1980s The Welsh government has set up
Remortgaging activity has been flat fixed rate, up fixed rate up from stand to save significant amounts by Cities think-tank has urged that new urban renewal programme instigated seven enterprise zones and the Scottish
since the financial crisis, despite a “price from 2.76% at the 3.24% at the start switching to one of the record low rates zones should focus on central, rather by then minister Michael Heseltine and government has overseen the establish-
war” among lenders, which have cut start of August of the month available on the market.” than out-of-town, locations. Past zones, prime minister Margaret Thatcher. ment of four enterprise areas.
4 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 27 August 2015


Nuclear agreement Shale revolution

Iran deal close to securing Congress votes US regulator

faces lawsuit
White House gains nearly believe there could even be enough sup-
port in the party to filibuster a resolu-
that might alter the political debate in
Washington, but they are confident the
of our options on the table if Iran doesn’t
hold up their end of the bargain.”
Congress has until mid-September to
review the deal and potentially to vote
threat over
enough support to stop
Republicans blocking pact
tion against the deal, which would mean
the president would not need to wield a
agreement will survive.
Support among Democrats has held
Her decision follows the announce-
ment on Sunday that minority leader
on a resolution blocking it. To override a
veto from the president, 67 senators and
quakes linked
veto to secure his second term foreign
policy priority.
If Congress were to vote to block the
up despite a lobbying campaign against
the nuclear deal worth $20m, including
television advertising, much of which
Harry Reid would vote in favour of the
deal. “I’m going to do everything in my
power to make sure the deal stands,” the
290 members of the House of Repre-
sentatives would need to vote against
the agreement.
to fracking
The White House is close to securing the Iran deal, it would amount to one of the has been organised by pro-Israel leading Democrat in the Senate said in a Needing only 34 votes in the Senate to
votes it needs in the US Congress to keep most important rebukes of a president’s groups. Jewish lobby groups in favour of telephone interview with The Washing- sustain a veto and maintain the agree- BARNEY JOPSON — DENVER
the nuclear agreement with Iran on foreign policy since the Senate opposed the agreement have also sponsored TV ton Post. “This is the best way, the only ment, the White House now has 29 sen-
Green groups are threatening to sue the
track despite fierce opposition from Woodrow Wilson’s plans for the US to adverts, although on a smaller scale. way, to keep Iran from getting a nuclear ators supporting the agreement and
US environmental regulator, alleging it
Republicans and a multimillion-dollar join the League of Nations in 1919. The Patti Murray, the Washington Demo- weapon.” Debbie Stabenow, a Demo- another four leaning towards support-
is failing in its duty to tackle a surge in
advertising campaign against the deal. debate has included accusations that crat who is the party’s fourth-ranking cratic senator from Michigan, came out ing, according to The Washington Post,
earthquakes that they blame on the
A steady trickle of Democrats has opponents of the deal are “warmon- senator, became on Tuesday the latest in support on Monday. with eight Democrats still undecided.
shale revolution.
come out in favour of the deal in recent gers” and claims that supporters have senior figure to endorse the deal. “I am So far, only two Senate Democrats If opponents in the Senate cannot
days, giving the White House almost been playing with anti-Semitism. convinced that moving forward with have said they would oppose the deal — secure 60 votes against the agreement, The groups yesterday said they were
enough votes to prevent Congress from Democratic aides in Congress say this deal is the best chance we have at a Charles Schumer, the New York Democratic leaders would be able to preparing a lawsuit against the Environ-
blocking the historic agreement, which party leaders are working hard to con- strong diplomatic solution,” she said. “It senator who is expected to take over filibuster the resolution, which would mental Protection Agency for not curb-
was reached in Vienna last month. vince undecided members to support puts us in a stronger position no matter as minority leader next year, and prevent the Senate from having a ing the disposal of wastewater by oil
Some Democratic Senate aides the deal and are wary of any revelations what Iran chooses to do, and it keeps all Robert Menendez from New Jersey. formal vote. companies, a practice that scientists say
has triggered a jump in seismic activity.
Earthquakes linked to oil and gas pro-
duction have unnerved residents in
Oklahoma, Texas, and elsewhere, and
Rebellion. Violent stand-off have become a pressing problem for a
US fracking boom that has upended

Angry young Kurds take up arms in Turkey energy markets.

The groups threatening to sue the
EPA, their usual ally, say it has a legal
obligation to update rules on the dis-
posal of wastewater from oil produc-
tion, which have not changed since
As tension with Ankara rises, 1988.
youths who once threw rocks “We think the EPA’s failure to act is
particularly egregious in light of the
now carry grenade launchers shale boom and the vast amount of
waste it has generated,” said Adam
Kron, a lawyer at the Environmental
Integrity Project, which is part of the
In Kurdish parlance, “going up to the coalition. “We’re flying blind here. We
mountains” has always meant joining need to have some rules in place.”
the Kurdistan Workers’ party (PKK), The oil and gas industry is trying to
the armed group ensconced in the high- fend off regulations that would require
lands of northern Iraq. But in Cizre, a it to overhaul its practices or spend
Turkish town on the border with Syria, more money, as it buckles under the
the phrase may be losing its meaning strain of a US crude price below $40 a
amid a violent stand-off between Kurd- barrel.
ish militants and Turkish security “Anything that raises costs right now
forces. is a problem,” said Kim Hatfield, presi-
“We don’t need to join the PKK, dent of Crawley Petroleum and an
because the PKK is the people,” says officer of the Oklahoma Independent
Ridvan, a young local, as he picks up his Petroleum Association.
automatic rifle and prepares to go on While fracking involves shattering
patrol, a woollen balaclava pulled over rocks by blasting liquids underground,
his face. that procedure is not what the US Geo-
Six of his friends, all in their late teens logical Survey blames for the quakes.
or early 20s and armed with machine Instead, the USGS points to the way oil
guns follow him. One of them is carrying companies handle water released as a
a rocket-propelled grenade. (Their byproduct of fracking. This is pumped
names, and Ridvan’s, have been into subterranean wells where scientists
changed.) Some members of the squad say it causes the reactivation of stable
refer to themselves as the Patriotic Rev- faults.
olutionary Youth Movement (YDG-H). The industry, however, says the cause
Others do not appear attached to the of tremors has not been settled. David
name. “Call us whatever you like,” says Lawler, chief executive of BP’s business
one. “There’s no difference between us in the continental US, said: “We’re cer-
and the PKK.” Unrest: armed Recep Tayyip Erdogan, once credited number of other towns in the south- northern Iraq, insisting their decision to tainly supportive of all the research
Over the past month and a half, Kurds guard with granting Turkey’s 15m Kurds new east, patrolling streets, raising barri- take up arms was their own. They also going on, but at the moment it’s incon-
according to figures cited in the Turkish a barricade in cultural rights, has since been accused cades, and staging regular attacks. have little patience for ceasefire calls clusive.”
media, clashes in the Kurdish south- Cizre. Since of stoking violence in the south-east to The sight of locals sporting rocket made by their own politicians, including Two oil producers are already being
east have claimed the lives of at least 60 early July, shore up the nationalist vote ahead of launchers inside the city has raised eye- the HDP, which won 92 per cent of the sued by a woman injured in a 2011 Okla-
members of Turkey’s security forces, 88 clashes in snap elections. brows in Cizre, where clashes between vote in Cizre during parliamentary elec- homa quake. To curb seismic activity,
militants, and 15 civilians. Police have south-east The unrest reached Cizre at the end of the PKK and the Turkish army claimed tions this June and garnered 13 per cent Oklahoma Corporation Commission, a
also rounded up 1,000 suspected PKK Turkey have July when Abdullah Ozdal, 23, was scores of lives in the 1990s. of the vote nationally. state regulator, has begun to restrict the
sympathisers in operations across Tur- claimed the lives gunned down during street protests. “A few years ago, these kids were “Let them appeal for peace, but the location and volume of wastewater dis-
key and have declared 100 areas in the of at least 60 Just days later another young man, throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails at only one who can make us lay down our posal.
south-east “special security zones”. members of Hasan Nerse, 17, was killed by police. police, and some went to jail. Now they guns is Apo,” says Hewal, another young The EPA has delegated to US states
The fighting began when the PKK Turkey’s Locals, as well as the pro-Kurdish Peo- have guns,” says Cihan Olmez, a local militant, referring to the PKK’s jailed the authority to regulate the under-
claimed responsibility for the assassina- security forces, ples’ Democratic party (HDP), allege he journalist. leader, Abdullah Ocalan. ground injection of fluids, but the envi-
tion of two Turkish policemen in what it 88 militants, was shot at close range after being hand- “The PKK is an organisation that The war in Syria has added to the ronmental groups are challenging the
referred to as retaliation for a July 20 and 15 civilians cuffed. learns,” says Nihat Ali Oczan, a security mobilisation of young Kurds in Cizre, watchdog under a different part of the
suicide attack linked to the Islamic State Piotr Zalewski
Anticipating arrests, militants across analyst. “In the 1990s their strategy did with scores slipping across the nearby law. Mr Kron said the EPA needed to
of Iraq and the Levant (Isis) in a Kurdish Cizre raised barricades, dug ditches, and not work, but now they have adapted, border to join the People’s Protection impose federal rules because compa-
town that killed 33 people, most of them mined a number of roads to prevent they have decentralised, giving a bigger ‘We don’t Units (YPG), a PKK offshoot, to fight Isis nies, when faced with a patchwork of
Kurdish activists. The PKK accuses the police vehicles from entering their role to volunteers and local groups.” militants. state regulations, would shift their dis-
authorities of complicity and negligence neighbourhoods. A policeman was Aliza Marcus, a Washington-based need to join Not so Hewal and his group, who take posal activities to the most permissive
in the attack. killed here two weeks ago in a PKK Kurdish expert, says: “The difference the PKK, positions atop a barricade looking out regimes.
The government responded with a rocket attack. A civilian died when a this time around is both sides, but espe- for approaching police vehicles. “We The EPA would not comment on the
military offensive, including air strikes roadside bomb planted by the militants cially the PKK, have had time to prepare because the didn’t go to the mountains and we didn’t lawsuit threat, but it said rules included
against PKK targets in northern Iraq, exploded under his car. and train.” PKK is the go to Syria, because we guessed this was requirements related to seismicity and
killing 800 insurgents, according to the Armed groups appear to be in control The Cizre militants deny taking coming,” says Ridvan. “Now the war is that it would continue to work with
semi-official Anadolu Agency. President of large parts of the city, as well as a orders from the PKK leadership in people’ right here.” states to address concerns.

European meeting

French call for ‘concrete proposals’ on security after rail attack

ADAM THOMSON — PARIS International Institute for Strategic have tended to focus on issues such as zani boarded the high-speed train at
Studies think-tank. “There are too theft and vandalism — despite the 2004 Brussels’ Midi station carrying a Kalash-
many people and too many intermedi- terrorist attack on a suburban train nikov AKM assault rifle, 270 rounds of
Until Friday’s foiled gun attack on a ate points.” in Madrid in which 191 people were ammunition, a handgun and half a litre
high-speed train travelling from Roger Ford, industry and technology killed. of petrol.
Amsterdam to Paris, the prospect of a editor at Modern Railways magazine, Officials are now examining whether Prosecutors believe he had recently
terrorist incident on the rail network added: “There are millions of people security checks would have stopped travelled to Turkey and may also have
had largely been ignored by European travelling on trains each day. Are you Moroccan-born Ayoub el-Khazzani, the visited Syria.
politicians. going to check every commuter, every man suspected of carrying out last The challenge of policing Europe’s rail
This is set to change this weekend lunchbox or briefcase? It would be very week’s “targeted” and “premeditated” system is immense. French operator
when transport and interior ministers difficult and expensive . . . [and] would attack — ultimately thwarted when pas- SNCF transports 5m passengers a
from nine European countries meet in cause too much disruption.” sengers tackled the gunman. month, while 100m people travel
Paris to examine what Bernard Caze- Policy discussions on rail security According to prosecutors, Mr Khaz- through London’s Waterloo train station
neuve, French interior minister, called each year, compared with about 73m
“concrete proposals” on strengthening who use Heathrow airport.
security on the railways. Passengers on the Eurostar, which
“We must examine whether we can connects London to Paris and Brussels,
set up a scheme that allows for more sys- pass through metal detectors and have
tematic checks . . . on public transport their baggage checked.
in a more co-ordinated way,” Mr Caze- The checks are generally performed
neuve told French radio yesterday. more quickly than at airports, although
Yet full security checks at rail termi- passengers are still told to arrive up to
nals — complete with barefooted pas- 45 minutes before departure during
sengers padding through metal detec- peak times.
tors — is an unlikely scenario because of Mr Inkster of the IISS advised
both the cost and inconvenience it authorities to focus on improving intel-
would cause, say officials and experts. ligence gathering and co-ordination.
“Airport-style security at train sta- “Security starts with intelligence and [in
tions is probably going to prove impossi- this case] it does seem the ball was
ble,” said Nigel Inkster, a director at the Police at the Brussels-Midi/Zuid rail station last weekend — Francois Lenoir/Reuters dropped,” he said.
Thursday 27 August 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 5



S Africa central bank chief rules out defence of rand

But governor fears for record lows against the dollar this week. think that policymakers will be spurred pany and you borrowed in foreign cur- emerging market currency turmoil. with the grim growth outlook amid
The central bank would get “involved” into action,” he said. The Sarb’s forecast rency and you happen not to have for- The country’s vulnerability to global inflationary pressures. The bank’s pri-
economy amid emerging only if it felt the need to use its “power of of 2 per cent growth for the year was eign currency-denominated earnings turbulence is exacerbated by its wide mary focus is keeping inflation within a
market turbulence persuasion” to ensure there was suffi- “definitely at risk”. . . . then you are in trouble unless you current account deficit, while China is a band of 3-6 per cent, and it raised the
cient liquidity in the rand foreign Even 2 per cent growth is far below the have hedged.” key market for its commodity exports. repurchase rate by 25 basis points in
ANDREW ENGLAND — PRETORIA exchange market. level the country needs to tackle wide- He said South Africa was fortunate Still, Mr Kganyago described the July. But more rate rises could damage
“I’m ruling out intervention to try and spread unemployment and poverty. that less than 10 per cent of government rand’s floating exchange rate as a “shock the growth outlook, while a US rate rise
South Africa’s central bank chief has defend a level of the currency,” he said. Mr Kganyago also expressed concern debt was in foreign currency. absorber” for the economy. He is also could put additional pressure on the
voiced concern about emerging market “To the extent that the depreciation of about the turbulence in emerging mar- South Africa is one of the most liquid mindful of the more than $20bn cost to rand.
turbulence if volatility over the Chinese the rand is driven by fundamentals, no kets as worries about the health of and traded emerging markets and the the treasury when South Africa sought He said South Africa’s economic chal-
economy continues, but has ruled out amount of central bank involvement, or China’s economy reverberate across the rand has fallen 11 per cent against the US to intervene to prop up the rand in the lenges were structural and “not in the
intervening to prop up a weak rand. even intervention, will stem the depre- globe. “I’m not sure I would call it an dollar this year. It hit R14 to the dollar 1990s. purview of just fiscal and monetary pol-
The South African Reserve Bank ciation of the currency.” However, he emerging market crisis — yet,” he said. on Monday before recovering to around “We won’t have a currency crisis,” he icy”. They include the electricity con-
(Sarb) issued a statement on currency conceded he was “very” worried about “It could be one . . . if the volatility is R13. It has also depreciated against ster- said. “Currency crises are created by straints, transport bottlenecks, labour
volatility this week, saying it “may con- South Africa’s economic outlook. accompanied by a contraction in emerg- ling and the euro in recent weeks amid central banks and this one is not about market issues and a poorly performing
sider becoming involved in foreign Data this week revealed the economy ing market economies.” to create a currency crisis.” education system.
exchange markets to ensure orderly contracted in the second quarter of this He said nations that had accumulated He added: “Philosophically, we have a These constraints, coupled with weak
market conditions”. year, as the country suffered a crippling foreign currency denominated debt and 2% 6.3% problem with having to defend the level global demand, have prevented South
But in an interview with the Financial power shortage, the collapse in com- had seen their currencies fall sharply — South African Manufacturing of the currency using interest rates.” African manufacturers from taking
Times, however, Lesetja Kganyago, the modity prices, rising costs and weak increasing the cost of servicing the debt economic growth sector’s output However, the rand’s weakness — seen advantage of the rand’s weakness, with
bank’s governor, said it was not looking consumer and investor confidence. in local terms — could face challenges. forecast — now shrinkage in as a key inflation risk — complicates the the sector’s output shrinking by 6.3 per
to defend the currency, which fell to “There are red lights flashing and I “If you are an emerging market com- ‘definitely at risk’ second quarter bank’s policy dilemma as it grapples cent in the second quarter.

Retail sector. Buying habits

Nimble companies evolve to keep pace with savvy consumers

with more focus on features and func-
Chinese are still spending despite tions, after-sales support and how prod-
the market turmoil but they are ucts fit in their life,” says Mr Cavender.
Samsonite, the suitcase maker, saw its
more careful with their cash China sales suffer over the past couple of
years but delivered an annualised 28 per
cent jump in sales in the first half after it
focused on more affordable products.
Evidence of China’s economic difficul- “Most consumer companies see that
ties and the ensuing stock market rout consumers in China are becoming
have sent shockwaves around a finan- smarter, they want to buy goods with
cially troubled world that has been better value,” says Ramesh Tainwala,
banking on China to stimulate demand. Samsonite’s chief executive. “That trend
But while sales of luxury goods have was already starting over the last two
slumped, some companies focused on years and will only continue.”
ordinary consumers in China are find- Zhou Yunjie, chief executive of the
ing ways to maintain their businesses, Hong Kong-listed subsidiary of Haier,
selling more washing machines and rice China’s largest distributor of home appli-
crackers as the economy slows. ances, says the company has mitigated
Analysts say the headlines belie a vast, the effect of the property slump in third
complex and competitive consumer and fourth-tier cities by becoming more
market where companies have to fight nimble. His division, Haier Electronics,
for sales, whether by offering cheaper, has focused on selling high-tech washing
smaller package sizes at the lower end or machines to better-off consumers, pro-
improving their products and customer moting low-cost water heaters in rural
service. areas and pushing into ecommerce and
Retail sales have been rising at an logistics.
annualised 10 per cent recently, accord- In the first half of the year, sales of air-
ing to official data, but analysts are scep- conditioners and refrigerators dropped
tical about the figures and believe that but Haier Electronics reported an
even in the best case they conceal diver- increase of 4-5 per cent in sales of wash-
gences betweencompanies. ing machines and water heaters.
“Consumer demand has always been “For white goods suppliers, sales
there in China and in the past it was easy really differ across categories,” says
for companies to grab it,” says Spencer Catherine Chan, an analyst at Citigroup
Leung, a consumer industry analyst at in Hong Kong. “Where we see growth, it
UBS in Hong Kong. “But things have is by increases in average sales prices,
slowed and only those who can offer dif- not just higher volumes, as people
ferentiated goods can capture demand.” upgrade to better models.”
He says that multinationals focused Other consumer companies have seen
on the mass market have been particu- Big load: a similar divergences in their products.
larly good at maintaining performance Yuan The timing of China’s twin easing cent to its lowest since mid-2011. Since Rmb6.8 by the end of this year, a woman carries Want Want, which sells snacks and
as annual gross domestic product direction measures, announced late on Tuesday, then, it has been flat against the dollar, 6.2 per cent depreciation from its home a washing drinks, saw milk sales fall 3 per cent
growth has fallen from 10 per cent in appeared to chime with the view that even as other emerging market current level of Rmb6.4. The currency machine in year on year in the first half, while rice
2010 to 7 per cent in the second quarter
Renminbi Beijing had blinked in the face of tumbling currencies have fallen sharply. Many has come under pressure as capital Dali, Yunnan crackers sales jumped 10 per cent
this year. Coca-Cola, PepsiCo and Nike looms stocks. Earlier in the day, the Shanghai analysts attribute the steadier leaves the country at a rapid pace and province. because of promotional campaigns.
all reported expanding sales in China in large Composite had dropped 7.6 per cent, exchange rate to intervention by the the economy slows. In July the Demand is Belle International, China’s biggest
recent updates, while Tim Cook, chief behind marking its steepest two-day slide in People’s Bank of China. equivalent of $41bn left China, a mixed for white shoe retailer, closed 167 of its 20,000
executive of Apple, arrested the slide in easing almost 20 years. But selling US dollars to buy renminbi monthly record. goods suppliers shops in the three months to May as
his company’s shares on Monday after However, some analysts are pointing the has become a costly endeavour for Some analysts believe this week’s Reuters
sales at its shops dropped 8 per cent year
telling a US television show host that he finger at the renminbi and the costs of Beijing, in terms both of ebbing foreign reductions to interest rates and reserve on year. But its sportswear stores
was seeing “strong growth” in China in supporting the Chinese currency following exchange reserves — albeit still by far requirement ratios (RRR) were increased sales by 12 per cent in the
Julyand August. this month’s devaluation. the world’s largest — and renminbi designed to offset the effects of capital same period, as it capitalised on the fit-
Ben Cavender, an analyst at China China stunned global markets on liquidity within China. outflows and Beijing’s attempts to ness trend in China.
Market Research Group in Shanghai, August 11 when it announced a 1.9 per cent “The battle to stabilise the currency underpin the renminbi, rather than Erwin Sanft, the head of China strat-
says that while the stock market turbu- cut to the daily fixing rate around which it has had a significant tightening effect simply to support share prices. egy at Macquarie in Hong Kong, says
lence has worried some consumers, few allows the renminbi to trade against the on domestic liquidity conditions,” said “We do not think stock market is a that the best consumer companies have
are directly exposed given that only US dollar, the largest drop on record. Wei Yao, economist at Société Générale, major factor behind the monetary managed to maintain their profits.
6 per cent of households own equities. Further cuts came on the following two in a note. “The PBoC’s war chest is easing,” wrote JPMorgan economists. “When you include the growth of tour-
The economy, beset by the underper- days, raising fears that Beijing was sizeable, no doubt, but not unlimited. It “The liquidity injection via [the] RRR ism, entertainment and ecommerce, we
forming industrial and property sectors, embarking on a competitive devaluation to is not a good idea to keep at this battle cut is mainly to offset the decline in haven’t seen that much of a slowdown in
has sapped consumer confidence, but it boost exports in the face of slowing of currency stabilisation for too long.” interbank liquidity, which is related to the overall consumer sector.”
hasalso changedthewaypeople buy. economic growth. In the space of just The French bank is among those that recent capital outflows and FX Additional reporting by Gloria Cheung in
“People are still spending but they are three days, the renminbi weakened 3.8 per now expect the renminbi to fall to intervention.” Josh Noble, Hong Kong Hong Kong and Jackie Cai in Shanghai
more careful about how they spend, David Pilling page 9

State visit. Economic tension

Xi faces mauling from Republican presidential hopefuls during US trip

in part by China’s slowing economy and presidential contenders have long lam- a debate between the China hawks and ment accounts with the anxiety that has bly, are out there in a way that they
Analysts say Beijing’s the fact that they actively manipulate basted China while vowing to take a the Panda-huggers. The balance keep- long been there in elite policy circles weren’t before. They’re an easy target.”
assertiveness lies behind a their economy,” Mr Walker said. tougher stance than the White House ers used to be business,” said Mr Jan- about China’s international policy The China-bashing has implications
Mr Walker was following on the heels incumbent if elected president. nuzi, who advised Joe Biden in his 2008 behaviour.” for Mr Obama, who spent much of this
rise in conservatives’ anger of Donald Trump, the bombastic real But some analysts say China is spark- run to be the Democrats’ nominee for Chris Johnson, a former China analyst year deflecting demands from Capitol
estate magnate leading the Republican ing a different degree of anger now for president. at the Central Intelligence Agency, said Hill to include binding provisions to pre-
polls, who took a break from attacking several reasons: its growth as an eco- “You are going to see the rhetoric on China was “different vent currency manipulation in a Pacific
SHAWN DONNAN — WASHINGTON illegal immigrants to aim his wrath at nomic power, its assertive actions in the many presidential can- from the standard stuff” because Bei- Rim trade deal known as the Trans-
China. In addition to saying he would South China Sea, rampant cyber didates view China’s jing refused to address US concerns Pacific Partnership. Helped by Republi-
When Xi Jinping arrives in Washington serve Mr Xi a Big Mac to protest against attacks, theft of intellectual property moment of economic on issues such as cyber security. cans, the administration saw off legisla-
next month for his first state visit to the the recent Chinese currency devalua- rights and the creation of a climate that turmoil as an opportu- “The comments from Walker and tion to impose trade sanctions on any
US, the Chinese president will be jump- tion, Mr Trump tweeted: “Markets are is less welcoming to foreign business. nity to push the others are irresponsible,” said country deemed to be manipulating its
ing into the kind of political cauldron crashing — all caused by poor planning Frank Jannuzi, president of the Mans- them . . . because Mr Johnson, “but it does put the currency for economic gain. But a big
the Communist party does not tolerate and allowing China and Asia to dictate field Foundation, which promotes US- they can combine the administration on the defensive.” component of the White House argu-
at home. the agenda.” Asia relations, said there had been a anxiety of the Ameri- Mr Johnson added that China ment was the perceived success of its
As Beijing struggles to contain the China has long served as a bogeyman bipartisan consensus since Richard can people about the had become a victim of its own diplomacy as signalled by the apprecia-
market crash, Republican presidential in US presidential elections. Whether Nixon went to China in 1972 that the US way China’s economy success and could not rely on tion of the renminbi in recent years.
contenders are taking pot shots at Mr Bill Clinton referring to the “butchers of would profit by engaging the country. could hit their retire- the “hide your strength, bide Beijing has undermined that argu-
Xi. Scott Walker, the Wisconsin gover- Beijing” in reference to the Tiananmen But he said the consensus had almost your time” strategy pro- ment with its devaluation. Moreover,
nor, has urged President Barack Obama Square massacre, George W Bush unravelled because companies had moted by former leader while China is not in the TPP, its move
to rescind his invitation. attacking Mr Clinton for being soft on become “increasingly disenchanted” Scott Walker: urged Deng Xiaoping. “Suddenly prompted Vietnam, a TPP member, to
“Americans are struggling to cope China, or Mr Obama touting the need with China. the president to these guys who were doing follow suit, helping critics to bring the
with the fall in today’s markets, driven for alliances to challenge Beijing, US “In Washington there has always been rescind invitation well, but doing well invisi- question of currencies back to the fore.
6 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 27 August 2015


Malaysia gripped by struggle Gujarat

India troops deployed as

between political blue-bloods six die in upper-caste riot
VICTOR MALLET — NEW DELHI erally prosperous group of landowners
and traders and are influential in the
Premier’s inner circle accuses former prime minister of mounting a coup The Indian government sent in the
army and 5,000 paramilitaries to
diamond trade, real estate and politics.
Anandiben Patel of the BJP succeeded
restore order in the state of Gujarat
Mr Modi as Gujarat chief minister after
yesterday, as six people were killed in
DAVID PILLING — KUALA LUMPUR he was elected prime minister in May
rioting by upper-caste Patels demand-
ing reserved jobs and college places.
Behind the political crisis engulfing However, some young Patels resent
Najib Razak, prime minister of Malay- Arson and violence worsened in cities their exclusion from quotas that reserve
sia, lies nearly $700m that somehow across the state despite an appeal for half of government jobs and college
made its way into his personal bank calm by Narendra Modi, the prime min- places for various “other backward
account. Behind that, according to ister whose home state is Gujarat. The castes” (OBC) as well as “scheduled
leaked documents, lies a state develop- government imposed curfews in several castes” and “scheduled tribes”.
ment fund with $11bn in debts. Behind towns and residents said mobile tele- At a rally in Ahmedabad on Tuesday,
everything, however, sits a 90-year-old, phone services had been disrupted to Hardik Patel alluded to the BJP’s lotus
for two decades the unassailable leader prevent the rioters co-ordinating their symbol and threatened the party with
of this erstwhile Southeast Asian suc- actions. the withdrawal of Patel support if it
cess story, who is doing all in his power A protest organised by 22-year-old did not meet the group’s demand for
to topple the present prime minister. Hardik Patel was launched in July but inclusion in the backward castes quota
That at least is the claim of those exploded this week into mass rallies, of 27 per cent of jobs.
around Mr Najib, who accuse Mahathir demonstrations and arson across the “The lotus will not bloom in the mud,
Mohamad, Malaysia’s forceful former state, disrupting business in the dia- it will never bloom,” said Mr Patel, who
prime minister, of mounting what they mond-cutting centre of Surat and was briefly arrested later. “If you will
describe as a coup d’état. “He has prompting baton charges and volleys address our issue, only then will we nur-
abused his position and done everything of tear gas rounds from the security ture your lotus.”
he can to undermine his successors just forces. Since coming to power, Mr Modi has
because his list of personal demands is The uprising by hundreds of thou- focused on economic development, and
not being met,” says a person close to sands of Patels poses a challenge to Mr in his first Independence Day speech a
government. Modi’s Bharatiya Janata party govern- year ago he called for a 10-year morato-
Mr Najib strenuously denies any ment, which is struggling to push eco- rium on communal and caste violence.
wrongdoing or accepting money for per- nomic reforms through a recalcitrant However, caste and particularly the
sonal gain. The funds in his account, he parliament. official preferences accorded to the
says, came from an unnamed Middle “I appeal to all brothers and sisters of humbler castes have long been divisive
Eastern benefactor — an explanation Gujarat not to resort to violence,” Mr issues for Hindus, prompting some at
endorsed by the country’s anti-corrup- Modi said in a sombre television the upper end of the spectrum to seek
tion commission. address, with photographs of independ- backward caste status for economic rea-
Mr Mahathir is having none of it. “I ence heroes Mahatma Gandhi and sons.
don’t believe it is a donation. I don’t Sardar Patel — both Gujaratis — behind Doctors and medical students took to
believe anybody would give [that him on a bookshelf. “Everybody should the barricades 10 years ago in a vain
much], whether an Arab, or anybody,” respect democratic values.” attempt to block the law extending
he says in his no-nonsense style. The Patels, who make up about 15 per lower-caste reservation to the country’s
Straight-backed and wearing his cent of Gujarat’s population, are a gen- main universities.
familiar khaki suit, the sharp-as-knives
nonagenarian is clearly enjoying his
duel with the man he handpicked six
years ago to run this Muslim country of Commodities
30m people.
“I think at some stage he has to go
because today he has undermined the
legal system,” he says, referring to Mr
Modi eyes price of onions as
Najib’s dismissal of the attorney-general
and his promotion of officials who had
issue that risks electoral tears
been co-ordinating an investigation into
1Malaysia Development Berhad, the
fund at the centre of the controversy. AMY KAZMIN — NEW DELHI and provides supplies that are supposed
Those moves, along with the sacking tolast untilOctoberorNovember.
Global markets may be see-sawing
of his deputy prime minister, who had But critics believe a clutch of traders
wildly but in India the price of one asset
criticised Mr Najib, have in effect shut who control much of the onion supplies
class is rocketing: onions, a crucial
down the inquiry, Mr Mahathir says. are simply working together to manipu-
ingredient for Indian dishes and a polit-
“They should be allowed to investigate, late the market and drive up prices, as a
ically sensitive commodities.
but he’s dismantled the institutions.” 2012 study sponsored by the Competi-
The bitter feud between Mr Mahathir Duellist: income economy. Yet instead of funding ‘I think at political slush fund. Instead, they say, it In the past month, onion prices in the tion Commission of India found they
and Mr Najib, a political blue-blood Mahathir new areas of economic activity, 1MDB was an innovative financial vehicle that Lasalgaon wholesale market in Mahar- had done on occasions.
whose father was prime minister in the Mohamad, mostly snapped up aged power stations some stage faces a cash crunch because it was slow ashtra, the country’s biggest onion- “The root cause of the surge in onion
1970s, has laid bare a crisis of legitimacy speaking above, in Malaysia, Egypt, Bangladesh and he has to go to monetise assets. growing state, surged to a record Rs57 prices is collusion among a few traders,”
within the United Malays National says Prime elsewhere as well as plots of government because today The Sarawak Report, a UK-based (86 US cents) a kg, up from Rs25 at the
Organisation, which has run Malaysia Minister Najib land in Kuala Lumpur at what Mr blog, and the Wall Street Journal last end of July. Retail prices now average
unbroken since independence in 1957. Razak, behind Mahathir says were knockdown prices. he has month published documents appearing about Rs80, raising fears they could Root cause:
New Delhi is trying
Umno, of which Mr Najib is president, on poster, has On the other hand, say critics, the undermined to show that money in the prime minis- crossthepsychologicalRs100level. to ease supply
squeaked back into power in the 2013 undermined the fund overpaid significantly for its power the legal ter’s account had been transferred there High onion prices are a problem for constraints after
general election despite losing the popu- legal system stations. 1MDB denies that, saying Gold- by agencies, banks and companies Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his claims of hoarding
lar vote. Sanjit Das/Panos
man Sachs carried out an independent system’ linked to 1MDB. Mr Najib denies any ruling Bharatiya Janata party, ahead of and poor weather
Since then, Malaysia’s economy has valuation. Mahathir link between those funds and 1MDB, state legislative assembly elections in
taken a turn for the worse, buffeted by Sceptics also wonder why 1MDB had Mohamad saying some of the documents are Bihar. The BJP is hoping for a decisive Anil Padmanabhan, deputy editor of
low prices for oil and gas, which make to borrow, particularly since it paid fat forged. The FT has not been able to ver- election victory in Bihar to reaffirm Mr the Mint newspaper, wrote, noting that
up nearly 30 per cent of government fees for several bond issues, three of ify the claim independently. Modi’s popularity and reinvigorate the a previous sharp price jump in 2011 was
revenue, and by the slowdown and cur- which, totalling $6.5bn, were arranged Mr Mahathir says of the nearly government, after a difficult year when contained when income tax officials
rency devaluation in China. The Malay- by Goldman Sachs for fees and commis- $700m in Mr Najib’s account: “I think it many crucial reforms have stalled. raided several large traders, and prices
sian ringgit has fallen to 17-year lows sions approaching $600m. has something to do with 1MDB despite However, high prices could sour the promptly fell 60 per cent.
and the stock market, down more than a “When you borrow the money, it’s not the explanation that it was a donation.” public mood in a state that grows few of New Delhi is trying to ease supply con-
quarter this year, has been the worst- sovereign wealth, it’s sovereign debt,” Attention has shifted to possible dis- its own. straints. On Sunday it raised the mini-
performing in Asia over the past 12 scoffs Mr Mahathir in a well-rehearsed sent within Umno, where rumours of Onion prices have a politically potent mum export price to $700 a tonne, up
months. line. “I told the prime minister that we plots against Mr Najib abound. history: they were considered a decisive from $425 in June, to try to discourage
As if this were not enough, Mr Najib is don’t need this and sure enough he got Although Mr Mahathir stepped down factor in the outcome of two state elec- exports.
fighting a firestorm of accusations into trouble.” in 2003, he has remained a kingmaker tions in 1998, and were blamed for the It is also now trying to import 10,000
around 1MDB, the acronym now famil- Now the fund is struggling to service — and kingbreaker. fall of the central government in 1980. tonnes of onions from neighbouring
iar to almost every Malaysian. Estab- those debts and is engaged in a disposal Displayed in Mr Mahathir’s office is a Mr Modi’s government has blamed the countries.
lished in 2009 under Mr Najib, who is of assets aimed, say insiders, at winding Fijian war club, once used by cannibals. current price spurt on unseasonal rains Ram Vilas Paswan, the consumer
chairman of 1MDB’s advisory board, the it down altogether. The people running “It’s for breaking your skull and then during the March to June growing sea- affairs minister, has also ordered a
purported goal of the fund was to help 1MDB deny accusations from opposi- eating your brains,” Mr Mahathir says son, which yields about 60 per cent of crackdown on hoarders, especially in
catalyse Malaysia’s transition to a high- tion politicians that it has been used as a with a chuckle. India’s total annual onion production — Maharashtra.

Erawan shrine bomb Migrants crisis

Theories abound as Thai police struggle to identify suspect Hungary set to use army
MICHAEL PEEL — BANGKOK have become more active outside their foreigners, who accounted for 70 per tion last month of more than 100 Mus-
against influx at border
region, they have never before inflicted cent of the dead, the shrine is thronged lim Uighurs to China, where they have
Thai police are still hunting for a break-
mass deaths. mostly with Asian Buddhists. Half the long complained of persecution.
through after the bomb in Bangkok’s
overseas nationals who died were from Stephen Tracy, a Bangkok-based ana- ANDREW BYRNE — VIENNA The summit comes days after Mace-
Erawan shrine last week that killed 20, Political violence mainland China or Hong Kong. lyst and expert on jihadi websites, says he donia’s army fired tear gas and stun gre-
the country’s worst such atrocity. Hungary is set to deploy the army at the
Members of both sides in the nine-year The apparent focus on foreigners has yet to see boasts about responsibility. nades at 2,000 migrants massed on its
Somyot Poompanmoung, the national EU’s frontiers as part of a military
political dispute between pro-establish- would seem to make less likely the border with Greece before falling back
police chief, has said that investigators
ment “yellow shirts” and “red shirts” notion that this was an Islamist response Turkish group with Uighur links response to Europe’s largest migration
as they broke through border defences.
are having to use their “imagination” crisissincethesecondworldwar.
mainly from the rural north have shown to the persecution of Rohingya Muslims Another theory is that the attack is inter- “Plans to use the army to stop asylum-
as broken security cameras have left
themselves capable of violence in Bang- in Myanmar, who have been trafficked national and linked to the Uighurs, but Janos Lazar, a Hungarian minister, said seekers in Bulgaria and Hungary are ill-
little footage of the main suspect, who
kok. So too has the Thai army, which through Thailand. It does, however, play via Turkey. The Uighurs are Turkic- the government had discussed a possi- advised. Militarisation of borders is the
was caught on film arriving at the
seized power in a coup in May last year. to the theory that the attack could have speaking and their cause has become a ble military build-up after police wrong answer to migration,” said Nils
shrine, planting the device and leaving.
Thailand’s struggle for power is intensi- been a revenge for Bangkok’s deporta- focus for nationalist groups in Turkey. reports that 2,500 migrants penetrated Muiznieks, the Council of Europe’s
Theories about the man and his accom- fying as the succession to the ailing King When Thailand sent the Uighurs to the border with Serbia on Tuesday. One human rights commissioner.
plices have since flourished: Bhumibol Adulyadej looms, with tussles China, it sparked fierce Turkish protests official said the numbers were the high- More than 140,000 refugees have
inside the ruling military and its allies in and the ransacking of the Thai consulate est in Hungary’s history. arrived in Hungary so far this year,
Southern insurgents the bureaucracy and business. in Istanbul. Mr Lazar’s statement came days after mainly from Syria, Afghanistan and
Udomdej Sitabutr, head of the army and Some analysts say a dissident military Anthony Davis, at IHS Jane’s, says the Bulgaria dispatched troops to its border Iraq. While much attention has focused
deputy defence minister, has played faction cannot be ruled out, given what attack could be linked to the Grey with Turkey, prompting criticism from on migrants crossing the Mediterranean
down the idea that this was the work of one describes as “enough disgruntled Wolves, a Turkish far-right group with a human rights groups that warned to Italy by sea from northern Africa, gov-
Muslim ethnic Malay separatists fight- officers across the political spectrum”. history of violence, including attacks on against a militarised response by Euro- ernments have struggled to co-ordinate
ing the government in Thailand’s south. Asian nationals, with links to organised pean countries. a response to tens of thousands travel-
Surachart Bamrungsuk, a military International Islamist group crime. “The Uighur cause is something Evidence of a build-up of migrants on ling through the western Balkans and
expert at Bangkok’s Chulalongkorn Uni- Some Middle Eastern groups affiliated to they have latched on to in a big way,” he Europe’s south-east border comes as enteringtheEUviaHungary.
versity, says the shrine device, a pipe al-Qaeda or the Islamic State of Iraq and said in Bangkok this week. Other ana- Angela Merkel, German chancellor, pre- The Hungarian government said mili-
bomb filled with ball bearings, was dif- the Levant (Isis), have links to South- lysts say such an attack would be a depar- pares to attend a summit with Balkan tary deployment would be subject to
ferent from the explosives-packed gas east Asian countries, mainly those with ture for the Grey Wolves but a faction leaders in Vienna today to discuss a parliamentary approval but confirmed
cylinders typically used in the southern large Muslim populations. But while the Candles at the Erawan shrine from the group or one of Turkey’s other fresh response to the refugees crossing six police “border hunter” units were
campaign. And while the insurgents Bangkok attack may well have targeted commemorate the victims ultranationalistscouldbeinvolved. the former Yugoslavia. preparing for deployment.
Thursday 27 August 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 7


Strict Islamic laws in several provinces have raised fears that the world’s largest Muslim-majority country is
taking an extremist turn. But deeper political and cultural factors lie behind the increased displays of piety.
By Avantika Chilkoti

ith roofs swooping to
the sky like the horns of
a buffalo, the traditional
homes of the Minang-
kabau people in West
Sumatra are among the world’s most
distinctive buildings. They have Populist moves ‘Anti-sin’ legislation is
another distinctive feature, too: the often a tool for politicians coveting
houses are passed down from mother to votes, while small traders back anti-
daughter. alcohol laws against bigger stores
Despite being staunchly Muslim, the
Minangkabau are one of the largest mat- Business sense Many companies are
rilineal communities in the world. In the becoming sharia-compliant, with the
700-odd years since Islam arrived in owners of one Jakarta hotel saying the
this part of Indonesia, such contradic- move offers better returns
tions have been worn lightly. But as a
wave of piety has swept through the Influential sector Muslim consumer
country in recent years, the Minang- spending on clothing and shoes in
kabau homeland has become a hotspot Indonesia reached $18.8bn in 2013,
for orthodoxy and intolerance. according to Thomson Reuters
In the regional capital of Padang,
many schoolgirls who would have
sported scruffy pigtails with their smart shopping malls, matching carefully
school uniforms a decade ago now draped headscarves with the skinniest
parade through the dusty streets in of skinny jeans and vertiginous stilettos.
starched cotton headscarves. It is one of Muslim consumer spending on cloth-
several sharia bylaws enforced since ing and shoes in Indonesia reached
2005 by the former mayor, Fauzi Bahar, $18.8bn in 2013, according to Thomson
who also introduced Koran reading tests Reuters estimates. And “hijaber com-
in schools and banned unmarried cou- munities” have developed around spe-
ples from frolicking in public. cific designers, organising events where
“The principle of religion is good young Muslim women receive religious
behaviour,” he explains, a smile on his teaching alongside lessons on the new-
face and a Rolex on his wrist. “With time est headscarf fashion.
those values were gradually eroded, Dwita Yuniata, who works at Zalora, a
then people started to leave religion, local online fashion retailer, says head-
they got involved in free relationships scarves have become popular not
and promiscuity — I’ll bring them back thanks to any rise in orthodoxy but
to the good that existed in the past.” because an array of new Islamic design-
There are signs of rising religiosity ers have made them more accessible.
throughout Indonesia, the world’s larg- “It’s more a fashionable thing and every-
est Muslim-majority country, where body has their own style,” she explains.
strict Islamic laws have been enforced in “All these hijabers, they need to have
lots of selection, lots of colours.”
There is a similar story of rapid
growth in the halal hotel industry,
where Indonesia’s Muslim travellers
spent some $7.5bn on outbound tourism
excluding the hajj pilgrimage in 2013,
according to Thomson Reuters.
In the lobby of the Sofyan Hotel
Betawi in central Jakarta, green tinsel
decorates the reception desk and indus-
try certificates line the walls, but there
are no obvious clues that the establish-
ment is sharia-compliant. Meeting
Islamic law simply means serving halal
food, providing prayer mats and mak-
ing sure unmarried couples do not share
a room. Non-Muslims are welcome.

A challenge to tradition
several provinces and a growing The Sofyan family, originally from
number of women wear the veil. West Sumatra, began working towards
With President Joko Widodo focused compliance with sharia law at the hotel
on flagging economic growth and politi- because it offered better returns. “If we
cal infighting, these outward signs of are sharia compliant we broaden our
piety are feeding concerns that Indone- market reach rather than narrowing it,”
sia’s tolerant brand of Islam is at risk. says Riyanto Sofyan, its chairman.
The anxiety has been compounded by
the rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and Local identities: says, estimating that about 440 sharia world, where the religion is practised in Extremism fears
Six provinces that have seen a rise in sharia bylaws
the Levant, also known as Isis or Isil, farmers work bylaws have been issued across Indone- its purest form, but there are attempts Signs of rising piety in Indonesia may
which has drawn some Indonesians to in front of sia, most in just six provinces. to broadcast the virtues of Southeast 500 km have little to do with religiosity but they
its vision of a “caliphate”. distinctive When the Indonesian constitution Asia’s more open form of Islam. Where South feed concerns about extremism, which
The worries about Indonesians wag- Minangkabau was drafted 70 years ago politicians the US saw the region as the second China has a long history across the archipel-
ing war in Syria are particularly potent houses in West edited out the seven words ordering front in the “war on terror” under the Sea ago. The violent Darul Islam group has
in this country. Returning fighters Sumatra, above. Muslims to follow sharia law, so many of Bush administration, it is now being M A L AYS I A been trying to create an Islamic state
threaten to revive local extremist Left: a Muslim these new religious rules are unconsti- presented as a model for other Islamic SOUTH since it first emerged in the final years of
groups and undo years of counterterror- woman browses tutional. Local leaders get around this societies — and a counterbalance to the SUMATRA SINGAPORE Borneo SULAWESI Indonesia’s fight for independence from
ism efforts by Jakarta, just as veterans of for headscarves by burying them in so-called “anti-sin” Wahhabi fundamentalism exported SOUTH the Dutch some 70 years ago. And
Padang Panjang

the Afghan war in the 1980s formed the at a market in legislation, which bands together every- from the Middle East. KALIMANTAN Jemaah Islamiyah fighters have carried

al-Qaeda-sponsored Jemaah Islamiyah Aceh, one of the thing from child pornography to cafés “We are trying in some ways — and out savage attacks.

network that has carried out savage provinces that playing music late into the evening. actually the US pushes us — to be more Yet given the size of the population,
attacks, including the bombing of a Bali has seen a rise in Even among devout communities in bold in our efforts in showing to the INDONESIA the number of serious terrorist inci-
nightclub in 2002. the adoption of rural Sumatra, not everyone supports world that Islam has different faces,” OCEAN JAVA JAVA
dents remains small. Indonesia ranks
“It appears that Isil and what’s hap- stricter laws religiously motivated policies. Ewa- says Ibnu Hadi, who heads the north 31st out of 124 countries in the Global
pening in Syria is providing better train- Peter Horee/Alamy; Heri
Juanda/AP Photo
soska, head of the directorate for law and Central America unit at the foreign area
AU ST R AL I A Terrorism Index published by the Insti-
ing and a network that might bring and human rights in the small town of affairs ministry. “In the Middle East the Source: Soas tute of Economics and Peace last year,
some of those basically isolated and Padang Panjang, is among those con- connotation is always violent and it’s just below the US.
ineffectual groups together,” says Eliza-
beth Pisani, author of Indonesia Etc.
cerned. The local government is asking
a Christian church to secure consent
harsh and rigid but in Asia [we’re] more
tolerant and we can adapt.”
Islamic identity has emerged. Instead,
local traditions, animism and mysticism
‘We are Powerful mainstream Muslim organi-
sations such as the Muhammadiyah are
“That poses a much bigger threat.” from the surrounding community Among the Pancasila, or five princi- have been combined with faith. Azyu- trying — a stabilising force, providing education
In July, authorities began investigat- before it expands — a legal requirement ples, forming Indonesia’s founding phi- mardi Azra, a moderate thinker, takes and healthcare while emphasising to
ing two former pilots in Indonesia who which he says applies only to the con- losophy is belief in one God. Some 87 per the example of the custom of visiting the and the US their 30m followers that Islam does not
pledged allegiance to Isis. And this
month local police foiled Isis supporters
struction of a new place of worship. His
fear is that officials will hound minority
cent of the 250m population is Muslim,
almost exclusively Sunni, 10 per cent is
tombs of loved ones or holy saints, a
practice that is frowned on by more tra-
pushes us condone violence. Meanwhile, civil soci-
ety groups conduct anti-radicalisation
who planned an attack during the coun- communities to prove their credentials Christian and 2 per cent Hindu and Bud- ditional Muslims. “Indonesian Muslims — to be workshops and the Detachment 88
try’s Independence Day celebrations. as good Muslims. dhist. Only atheism is an alien concept. love to practise what I call flowery police force gathers intelligence.
“Our Islamic leaders are afraid about Academics say the moderate nature Islam, colourful Islam,” he says.
more bold Yet, in recent years a new threat has
Sweeping changes what people will say, what the world will of Indonesian Islam comes down to his-
Commercial opportunities in showing emerged as Isis gains traction in the
Yet analysts say there is little to link vio- say,” he explains. “For me Islam is a very tory: the religion was introduced by Middle East and attracts followers from
lent extremism with the social and polit- perfect religion but Muslims don’t travelling sufis and merchants rather In bustling, cosmopolitan Jakarta the to the across the globe. Jakarta officially
ical changes sweeping through Indone-
sia. “What people need to realise is the
understand Islam completely.”
Many Indonesians still revere the
than imposed by Turkish or Arab con-
querors. With the population dispersed
trappings of Islam may not reflect a
deeper piety but they are big business. A
world that banned the militant group a year ago
but Sidney Jones, director of the Jakarta-
importance of symbolism and theatre in Middle East as the centre of the Islamic across about 17,000 islands, no single growing army of “hijabers” flood the Islam has based Institute for Policy Analysis of
Indonesian life and politics, so what Conflict, says the police have little
we’re getting is a lot more outward dis- different power to control radical preachers. Abu
play of piety,” Ms Pisani says. “I don’t
think there’s been particular change in
Counter- Indonesia’s Detachment 88 special
police force was established with
while others suggest it is a reference
to the 88 Australians killed in the
sophisticated bombing,” he says,
explaining that many of the bombings
faces’ Bakar Ba’asyir, Indonesia’s best-known
Islamist cleric, pledged allegiance to Isis
the intensity of the people’s religious training and funding from foreign Bali attack. that have occurred in recent years from within a maximum-security
devotion and belief.”
Elite unit governments, including the US and By arresting powerful, well-trained involve primitive explosives, such as prison.
Michael Buehler, a lecturer at the takes active Australia, after the bombing of a Bali leaders and collecting high-level pipe bombs, that create little damage More than 300 Indonesians are now
School of Oriental and African Stud- role nightclub in 2002 raised alarm over the intelligence, the force has co-ordinated and sometimes fail to explode. “Densus fighting with Isis in the Middle East, Ms
ies in London, says the new sharia threat of violent extremism in the raids to prevent attacks in the planning 88 is really good in terms of the hard Jones estimates. The figure is low com-
laws are often a tool for secular world’s largest Muslim-majority stage and weakened established approach strategy.” pared with the UK, where thousands
politicians seeking to win votes. country. extremist groups in Indonesia, like the Yet, the unit faces criticism for the have joined the militant group, but it is
Padang’s former mayor may While the Indonesia Armed Forces Jemaah Islamiyah network behind the high number of casualties involved in high for a distant country with a power-
talk about reviving faith but by has historically faced an embargo on 2002 attack. its raids, and for allegedly using US and ful Muslim majority and no fear of mar-
enforcing Koran reading classes weapons and training from many other Solahudin, author of The Roots of Australian wiretapping technologies ginalisation or Islamophobia.
he also creates business for pow- countries, the anti-terror squad is well Terrorism in Indonesia, says that the and torturing suspects. “It’s a worrying trend because we have
erful Islamic teachers who equipped and widely praised. special unit, which is thought to be International human rights groups always been a laid-back society, we have
influence a vast bank of voters. Rumours swirl around the name of made up of fewer than 500 men, should have implored foreign governments to always been tolerant and we are proud
Anti-alcohol laws may drain the heavily armed unit, also known as be given credit for the small number of withdraw support for Detachment 88, of our tolerant religion,” says Yenny
sales from supermarket Densus 88, who dress all in black. Some major terrorist attacks in the country in while Indonesia’s Islamic groups, Wahid, an Islamic activist and daughter
chains but they also win sup- say it was chosen because eight is a recent years. including the Indonesian Ulama of the late president, Abdurrahman
port from small traders. lucky number in Asia or because the “Police have arrested the key people Council, a clerical body, say the unit is Wahid. “But it is now under attack —
“You just put a social camou- number 88 resembles handcuffs, who have the capacity to conduct anti-Islam and should be shut down. there are people out there who try to
flage on corruption,” Mr Buehler spread the gospel of intolerance.”
8 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 27 August 2015

Email: letters.editor@ft.com or
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7873 5938
Include daytime telephone number and full address
Corrections: corrections@ft.com

BBC funding survey asked slanted questions Chinese policymakers face

Herculean challenges —
we should wish them well
Sir, The Whitehouse Consultancy’s poll and only then whether they supported advertising-funded BBC, which would
on replacing the BBC licence fee with or opposed “abolishing the licence fee sharply reduce the price of commercial Sir, I read with great interest Michael
advertising is a great example of a and making the BBC fund itself, even if airtime, leading to less revenue and Schuman’s article “No need to idolise
biased survey (“Majority of Britons that means adverts in programmes, lower programme budgets for all China’s accident-prone technocrats”
want BBC financed by advertising”, reducing the number of original broadcasters. Despite most of the (August 21), in which he rebuked the
FT.com, August 23). Respondents were programmes they can produce or public not knowing this, surveys that Chinese technocrats for the supposed
first asked about the current scrapping their public service ask a simple multiple choice question failure of their policies. For example, he
THURSDAY 27 AUGUST 2015 “compulsory licence fee paid by broadcasting duty”. “Make the BBC (with no priming) typically find that considers Beijing’s stimulus plan to deal
individuals who watch live television”, fund itself” is obviously slanted and only 25-30 per cent choose advertising with the 2008 crisis “catastrophic”,
priming them with the bad word “scrapping their public service funding. The Whitehouse 52 per cent because it eventually had led to the
“compulsory” and wrongly saying that broadcasting duty” is confusing. is, as far as I know, a record. They are country’s debt exploding to 248 per
the licence fee is paid by individuals But the main distortion is the to be commended for ingenuity, but cent of gross domestic product by 2014.

Britain’s never-ending not households. They were then asked

about funding the BBC through
“increased taxes” instead of the licence
implication that only the BBC would
have less money for original
programmes. As the report says,
not for validity.
Patrick Barwise
Emeritus Professor,
While there is no doubt this policy
had resulted in some wasteful
spending, this should be balanced

inquiry into the Iraq war fee (which of course most rejected) commercial broadcasters oppose an London Business School, UK against the fact that it has saved the
Chinese economy from sliding into a
recession. Furthermore, with the debt
Before criticising Corbyn villages and towns are struggling with being denominated in local currency
The remit of Chilcot’s investigation was far too broad ageing and declining populations, with and given the country’s huge financial
evaluate his policies a vicious circle of falling populations, resources, Beijing could easily take care
Six years after Gordon Brown’s govern- eight-year period from 2001 to 2009, Sir, Instead of predicting that a Jeremy closing schools, closing shops, of its debt obligations.
ment asked Sir John Chilcot to conduct encompassing not only the origins of Corbyn leadership would spell disaster disappearing jobs, more families The main problem with Mr
an inquiry into the Iraq war, the non- the war but all the political, diplomatic for the Labour party (“No ifs, no buts moving out, reduced public facilities, Schuman’s analysis is that he
appearance of his report has become and military decisions taken during the — Corbyn spells disaster for Labour”, empty houses and so on. conveniently ignores the huge
almost as neuralgic a topic as the con- invasion and subsequent occupation. August 25), would it not be better for In most cases such towns and villages challenges facing Chinese
flict itself. Furious demands for publi- This is a huge undertaking and far Janan Ganesh to evaluate Mr Corbyn’s should welcome young families with policymakers. The reason for the
cation have come from a wide group of exceeds the scope of past inquiries into policies and those of the eminent children moving in. Not hundreds of present relative decline in China’s rate
individuals — most notably the families military conflicts, such as the Franks economists who support him? Yes, the refugees (often a majority of young of economic growth is that the country
of dead soldiers — many of whom report that followed the 1982 Falklands Zeitgeist would have us believe that single men) bussed in together into is going through a transition from an
believe that the UK went to war on false war. banks, utility companies and care some sort of concentrated facility, as export-oriented economy to a
pretences. Yet despite an investigation Given the public desire to hold the providers must be in the private sector. this obviously creates resistance. consumption-oriented one, and from
that has consumed more than £10m to architects of the Iraq conflict to Yet the state has had to bail out the Instead a gradual process of settling a producing low value-added goods to
date, no verdict has emerged. account, it might have been better to banks; utility companies are ever few families in existing but empty high-tech products. China now is
What particularly grates is the focus on the circumstances under closer to being told to give customers houses, assisted with language and focusing on building an innovation-led
former civil servant’s inability even to which Tony Blair took the UK into the the best deal from all on the market, so other training to facilitate integration economy so that it could join the ranks
set a date by which the report will be war, and whether this was done on a what happens to competition then? and with the children going to local of advanced nations by 2050.
published. David Cameron recently false prospectus. Not only is this the (And, note, some companies are state- schools, would create a positive Instead of chastising China’s leading
expressed his irritation at this, telling question that most preoccupies the owned, albeit not British.) And the ‘It’s to keep Donald Trump out’ outcome for all. policymakers, we should try to
Sir John to “get on with it”. The prime public, it is also central to the debacle provision of care services via the profit While this would not solve the understand the reasons behind their
minister’s impatience does not simply that followed. By attaching himself so motive is not the best way to quality dramatic refugee situation, especially high level of efficiency. First, the
reflect a desire to draw a line under one unconditionally to the US, Mr Blair care. Mr Corbyn’s preference for some organisation should not be confused also the so-called economic refugees, country’s meritocratic system. For
of the most calamitous chapters in Brit- became the prisoner of Washington’s sort of public ownership hence merits with raising money for the “Under 11s consisting mainly of single young centuries, China’s (scholar) officials
ain’s postwar military and diplomatic subsequent decisions, notably the dis- serious discussion. football competition”. individuals, it could certainly deal with were chosen on the basis of the
history — one that bears parallels with astrous one that disbanded Iraq’s army His critics might also like to What can be done to attract the the most urgent and deserving cases of competitive imperial civil-service
the Suez fiasco in 1956. It reflects con- and civil administration. remember how decades ago his individuals with “a sense of families with children. exam. Second, many of the country’s
cern about the Iraq war’s enduring abil- There are plenty of lessons to be promotion of a national minimum engagement and responsibility” and Adrie de Groot present elite have received their PhDs
ity to poison political discourse. learnt from Britain’s mismanagement wage, animal welfare, a green agenda, ability to read a balance sheet that Mr Enzersfeld, Austria from top western universities. Third,
Some MPs this week warned that of the occupation of Iraq. Why were so talks with the IRA, the release of Shawcross, absolutely correctly, calls policymakers in China are latecomers.
parliament could not contemplate any few soldiers committed to provide Nelson Mandela, and his opposition to for? One thing the Charity Commission Use the experience older They have the advantage of learning
extension of the UK’s military opera- security in Basra, the main province for arms for Saddam Hussein, were all could do is lobby the corporate sector from other countries’ experiences. For
tions against the Islamic State of Iraq which the UK had responsibility? What much mocked at the time — yet all to encourage its experienced workers have developed example, for years they have resisted
and the Levant (Isis) until after publi- explained the lack of effective intelli- ended up being right. executives to give their time to serve as Sir, Stefan Wagstyl, in “Help wanted: American pressure substantially to
cation of the Chilcot report. gence about what was happening polit- None of this proves that all his charity trustees. Although the scarcity youth and inexperience required” (The raise the value of the renminbi. This is
Much criticism has been flung at Sir ically on the ground? But attempting to current views are right; but it surely of funding for good causes is headline- Big Read, August 25), rightly points to because of their belief that
John, not least for the slow pace of the cover the whole conflict has come at a suggests that commentators should hitting, it is the dearth of individuals the challenges associated with the Washington’s pressure on Tokyo which
so-called “Maxwellisation” process by heavy cost: Sir John’s investigation has show some humility and reflection with experience of running businesses ageing and projected fall in Germany’s led to the yen appreciation (after the
which individuals who appear in the ended up lasting longer than the Iraq instead of knee-jerk horror. If Mr and making “difficult and unpopular population, where it is something of a 1985 Plaza Accord) was responsible for
draft report can challenge criticisms. operation itself. Corbyn is to fail, let it at least not be decisions” to serve as charity trustees global pioneer. However, population Japan’s two lost decades. Their recent
He could perhaps have moved more Britain has had a dismal experience because of repeated prophecies of that is the greater threat to the long- ageing and decline can be seen as an moves to shore up the stock market
smartly. But some of the delays are with public inquiries over the past dec- disaster — which thus make them self- term wellbeing of this important opportunity. have many similarities with the
beyond his control. Whitehall dragged ade. The Saville report into Bloody fulfilling. sector. An ageing population should policies adopted by the Hong Kong
its feet about the disclosure of certain Sunday took 12 years and cost an esti- Peter Cave Robin Hindle Fisher encourage us to use the skills and Monetary Authority in the wake of the
documents deemed sensitive. Accord- mated £200m. The Leveson inquiry London W1, UK Partner, experience that workers have 1997 Asian financial crisis. Fourth,
ing to a statement issued by Sir John into the media’s use of phone hacking Hay Hill Partners, developed during their careers into thanks to the strong backing of the
yesterday, some papers were only dis- ended up producing little in the way of Charities need the skills London W1, UK their later lives. A falling workforce can party, swift implementation of
closed to the inquiry this year. tangible results. Unless he reports prompt us to improve both workforce government policies is almost always
A bigger issue, however, is that the soon, Sir John’s effort will come to be of the corporate sector Welcome young families participation among the marginalised, ensured.
remit of the inquiry was simply too remembered not for what he says but Sir, William Shawcross (Comment, and levels of automation and The present economic slowdown in
broad. Sir John was asked to cover an for how long he took to say it. August 24) is right to remind charities’ with children moving in efficiency. China has ripple effects that have
trustees, and your readers, that it is Sir, The FT, in line with all other Taking the longer view, Germany’s negatively affected many other
they who bear the legal responsibilities sources of current news, is full of population was historically much lower nations. Given the Herculean
for the organisations they serve, not dramatic and sad items covering the than it is today. Populations cannot challenges facing the Chinese
the Charity Commission nor the plight of tens of thousands of refugees, grow forever. A falling population is an technocrats, we should wish them well,
executive teams. It is to be hoped that fleeing absolute security threats. opportunity to reduce the cost of living not only for the sake of China but for

Clinton needs to come what Mr Shawcross refers to as the

“present crises”, highlighted by the
collapse of Kids Company, encourages
Certainly nobody can doubt their
motivation to seek safer areas. Many of
these are families with small children,
as competition for housing and other
resources falls, to reduce emissions and
resource depletion, to move to
the world.
Khairy Tourk
Professor of Economics,

clean over email fiasco a cultural change in the sector. Despite

the current harsh funding environment
for charities, too many are still
and well educated and motivated
parents. Increasingly, however, in the
countries where they would most like
sustainable energy production and to
improve biodiversity from today’s low
levels. For the individual, what matters
Stuart School of Business,
Illinois Institute of Technology,
Chicago, IL, US
reluctant to accept that they should be to settle, resistance seems to be is not the overall size of the economy
Denying the gravity of her mistakes is only making matters worse run as businesses, albeit not for profit, developing, with worries about how to but average per capita income, and
not as philanthropic bodies with deal with these large numbers of valid how that income is distributed. LETTERS ON FT.COM
The 2016 presidential race started off which she said were private. The FBI is entitlement to exist justified by the refugees. Simon Ross Leverage ratio
with the equivalent of an open goal now trying to retrieve those from her undoubtedly good causes they address. At the same time, all these countries Chief Executive, Representatives of the global derivatives
for Hillary Clinton. No credible rival impounded server. As a fellow trustee once commented, have within their borders a completely Population Matters, markets on one of the key planks of Basel III
entered the Democratic contest and Worse, it turns out that many of the running a major charitable different population problem. Many London E4, UK
Donald Trump has since thrown the emails she handed over did contain
Republican field into disarray. Yet Mrs classified material, and only a fraction
Clinton has been doing her best to have been released. There are likely to
prove the quip that she is her own
worst enemy.
be many more. The best gloss that can
be put on her actions is that she A revolution I felt assaulted the second I stepped
out of the airport in Beirut. Not by
group came from a cross section of
religious groups, including Christian,
Tamam Salam, the prime minister,
who presides over a fractious cabinet,
The manner in which she has han-
dled inquiries into her use of a private
behaved as if there were one law for her
and another for everyone else — a that reeks guns or bullets, but by an
overwhelming, nauseating stink. For
Sunni, Shia and Druze. Whatever their
background, they were united in their
has seemed as desperate as the
protesters. The trash, he said this
server when she was secretary of state
is a case study in damage maximisa-
tion. Rather than admit her errors and
familiar Clinton trait. That, in itself,
provides fodder for her critics. But this
is potentially far more grave.
of symbolic weeks, heaps of uncollected rubbish
had been accumulating on the streets
of the Lebanese capital after the main
frustration with corrupt and sectarian
For many, the rubbish symbolised
week, was the “straw that broke the
camel’s back but the story is much
bigger. It is the story of the political
make amends, Mrs Clinton has ducked,
weaved, belittled and evaded — any-
In her quest to insulate herself from
political enemies, she may have com-
decay landfill reached overcapacity. The city
and its surroundings had become one
everything rotten in the Lebanese
state, from failed institutions
garbage in this country”.
After a violent weekend and hints
thing rather than face the issue. As a promised US national security. Mrs large rubbish dump. incapable of providing the most basic that Mr Salam could indeed throw in
result, the probes are multiplying and Clinton went to great lengths to keep Though I escaped for a few days to services to a corrupt political elite the towel, the waste management
now include the Federal Bureau of her communications out of US govern- the sleepy, cleaner mountains above guarding vested interests. “Some trash bidding process was hastened. On
Investigation. More worrying, Mrs ment hands with methods that all but Beirut, there was no running away should not be recycled,” read one of Monday the environment minister
Clinton’s trust ratings have fallen into ensured they would fall into foreign from the trash, or the talk of trash, or the You Reek banners, with head declared a “happy ending” to the
negative territory. No nominee has ones, such as China and Russia. As the politics of trash. And, by the time I shots of political party bosses, a trash crisis and publicised the results
made it to the White House with the Edward Snowden has shown, it is a rel- left the country last week, a sort of sentiment that is widely shared. of what he described as a
mistrust of a majority of US voters. Joe atively simple matter to tap into unen- rubbish revolution had erupted, as Beirut’s trash revolt is also a “transparent” tender.
Biden, the vice-president, is dropping crypted servers. That may well prove to thousands of furious young protesters reminder of the broader decay of the By Tuesday, however, the happy
hints that he is ready to run if Mrs Clin- be the case. Should it turn out her email turned against the political class with Middle East, with relatively calmer ending had ended. A chaotic
ton continues to falter. traffic contained highly classified a slogan of the long-gone Arab spring: parts of the region threatened with government session intended to
It will not be easy for her to turn
things around. To recap, Mrs Clinton
material that jeopardised US intelli-
gence’s “sources and methods”, Mrs Beirut the people want the fall of the regime.
It may seem surreal to rise up in the
institutional failures that continue to
provoke growing disenchantment. In
confirm the contracts awards
dissolved in disarray and some
routed all her electronic communica-
tions as secretary of state through a pri-
Clinton could find herself in very deep
trouble indeed. The Department of Notebook name of trash in a Middle East torn
apart by more mortal threats. Lebanon
recent weeks the more stable areas of
Iraq, including Baghdad, also have
cabinet members walked out. In an
apparent attempt to show their
vate, unencrypted server that was Justice will have to make a decision itself has been reeling from deeper been rocked by street protests over commitment to the public good, other
installed in her family home in New whether to prosecute. Her campaign by Roula Khalaf problems, some home-made and corruption and persistent power cuts. ministers decried the cost of the
York. She also conducted all email cor- could even be derailed. others spilling over from neighbouring Lebanon’s crisis was predictable, contracts and demanded a reopening
respondence on her private address. What, at this point, can she do about Syria. The young people’s demands and should have been manageable. of the bids.
No other cabinet official, or federal it? The answer is very little. Several were also improbable: the country is The landfill where the capital’s waste In the meantime, the government
employee, in the Obama administra- probes are under way. Yet even at this in constitutional limbo and the is disposed of has been taking more decided to allocate $100m to the
tion did likewise. Although it was tech- stage, with months of potentially presidential palace has been vacant than its capacity for years and the impoverished northern region of
nically permissible at the time for her embarrassing revelations in front of for a year. If the government goes, people living around it had said that it Akkar, in the hope that public
to do so, all official communications are her, Mrs Clinton has yet to acknowl- there is no president to name a new was overfull. But political bickering spending would encourage
federal property. Yet Mrs Clinton edge her mistakes. Last week she cabinet, and the result will probably was paralysing decision-making and communities there to agree, at some
treated hers as private. Moreover, it is downplayed the gravity of the situation be even bigger piles of trash. the search for new waste management point, to a new landfill in their region
against the law to send classified mate- by making a joke about having opened But the young people’s message is contracts stalled. Ask any man or to dump Beirut’s refuse. The result in
rial over unencrypted systems. an account at Snapchat, where mes- long overdue, and so is their woman on the street what the political this Lebanese mess is that the rubbish
Mrs Clinton only reluctantly last year sages disappear “all by themselves”. mobilisation. In a country where infighting is about and they will say is here to stay, as will the people’s
handed over about 30,000 emails of This will not do. Unless Mrs Clinton sectarian identification trumps that politicians are looking to profit revulsion and revolt.
official correspondence to government comes clean and makes amends, voters national interest, those who answered from the contracts and arguing about
lawyers. But she took it upon herself to will rightly doubt her suitability to be the call of the You Reek campaign the size of their shares. roula.khalaf@ft.com
delete about another 30,000 emails, commander-in-chief.
Thursday 27 August 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 9

How to be hard left without being stupid Make up your
mind on
dom is its ability to worry less about pre-
serving individual property rights than
tions protect wasteland around cities,
preventing both growth and more
time, it would efficiently redistribute
income and wealth, improving the
untapped pools of free money, to be
accessed via setting up a national banking
others. Such rights are never absolute —
any form of taxation is lawful extortion
— and if they stand in the way of growth
affordable housing and ensuring older
and richer people, especially around
London, entrench their privileges.
lives of poorer people.
Few want a generation of lazy
trust-fund children. So, other forms
investment bank, attacking so-called
“corporate welfare”, engaging in
quantitative easing “for the people”
and greater equality, a leftwing govern- Regulations could be substantially of overt redistribution should include or simply ending austerity.
ment can remove them. This surely loosened, with the state appropriating heavier inheritance taxes. These are That is not a coherent programme
should be the guiding theme of any most of the increase in land value of justified on the twin principles that for the left, but just another form of
practical economics of the hard left. areas that currently cannot be devel- bequests damage benefactors’ work populism. And of course it comes OPINION
orbynomics should not be as The constraints are sadly real, how- oped. Many parts of inner cities, incentives and the dead find the tax- with other popular fallacies such as
C incoherent as it is. Leftwing
economic platforms need
not be stupid, but propo-
nents must understand their
ever. You can tax the rich until the pips
squeak, but if the pips are mobile, you
will find the fruit you are squeezing is
seedless. Governments can also fail
An economically coherent
platform would weaken
man more difficult to avoid than the
living. The constraint here is to
understand that people will seek to
divest their wealth before they meet
saying the finances of the British
state are regressive — when it is
obvious that poor families receive
their income from the state. Slogans

strengths and limitations. So here are more regularly than markets. their maker and even a hard-left gov- are easy to write if you wilfully con- he people who have taken
some suggestions for Jeremy Corbyn,
the hard-left veteran likely to become
With this in mind, an economically
coherent leftwing platform would
the property rights that ernment will need to trade off higher
revenues against inevitable avoidance.
fuse objectives with policy, making
empty statements such as, “faster
over at four of Europe’s
largest banks are less likely
UK Labour party leader next month. weaken the property rights that most most impede prosperity In taxation, the left should under- growth and higher wages must be to elicit sympathy than the
There is no left-right dividing line in impede prosperity, allowing these stand that revenue raising is a collec- key to bringing down the deficit”. defenestrated chief execu-
sensible economic policymaking. Eve- gains to offset damage from likely often freehold land owned by the tive activity and that to generate suf- It is Mr Corbyn’s populism, not his tives they succeeded. But the new
ryone needs to define their ambitions, government failures and weaker public sector, could be rebuilt at ficient receipts to devote more of the being hard left, that destroys his eco- bosses of Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank,
understand how policy might achieve incentives to work and to innovate. higher densities with widespread nation’s resources to the poor, to edu- nomic credibility. A smart hard-left Barclays and Standard Chartered face a
goals and recognise constraints. Mr Cor- Once you are clear about such essen- compulsory purchase. A third runway cation, to health or to other public stance could claim to boost both nearly impossible task: they are trying
byn’s ambition is clear: he wants a more tials, it is not too difficult to devise at Heathrow — a pro-growth measure services requires more than a raid on prosperity and equality. It would be to decide on the best long-term direc-
equal and a more prosperous society. sensible leftwing economic policies. opposed by local property owners — the rich. There are not enough of radical and coherent, but in under- tion for their bank without knowing the
Since this desire is shared across the Abundant land is disastrously used should go ahead. them. Higher taxes for all, as in Nor- mining property rights, possibly not future key regulatory rules.
political spectrum, the radical left must in Britain, constrained by arbitrary To be clear, this is a red policy, not dic countries, is the solution. all that popular — one of the reasons There seems to be little official recog-
demonstrate its ability to act where planning constraints and not-in-my- a green one. Alongside higher prop- All of this is economically literate, why the hard left rarely wins office. nition of this challenge. Far from it. In a
other, more conservative forces, are back-yard attitudes of small “c” con- erty taxes on those who gained from radical and leftwing. Little of this is July speech, Sir Jon Cunliffe of the Bank
constrained. The left’s important free- servative residents. Greenbelt restric- buying in the right place at the right Corbynomics. For him, there are vast chris.giles@ft.com of England, was boasting of a job well
done. “Seven years on from the crisis,”
the deputy governor said, “the contours
of the new regulatory framework are
clear and in the main agreed.”

To be rational
Really? Consider the single most
important decision that regulators have
to make: how much capital banks are
required to have. To a bank, nothing
matters more than this number. It
determines their ability to lend, their

about Tesla is to
decision to grow or shrink each of their
businesses and their ability to reward
shareholders and employees. When reg-
ulators change the capital requirements
for banks, it is analogous to raiding the

miss the point

cash pile of an industrial company.
Yet years after the crisis, banks are
again faced with extraordinary uncer-
tainty over how much capital is
required. And if a bank cannot say with
much certainty how much capital an
activity needs, it cannot possibly know
what return on capital it might achieve,
makes little sense. This looks more like and cannot decide with any degree of
OPINION a venture investment. You do not buy confidence which businesses to grow
Tesla because you think you know what
Philip profits it will make. You buy the stock
Delves Broughton because you think some new technology
such as Tesla’s will change the world in
ways that invalidate any such estimate.
If banks do not know how
much capital an activity

ook at the numbers; they are This is a play on the looming changes in
borderline insane. For every
car it had sold by the end of
the car and energy industries. To profit
from the electric car race, you have to
needs, they cannot sensibly
last year, Tesla Motors had back the winner. Missing out is costlier decide whether to do it
burnt through about $40,000 than backing a few losers along the way.
in research, development and capital It is all prone to risk: the novel tech- ing General Motors and hiring Alfred to finance his flailing company. His car already sleep-deprived Detroit. But to and which to shrink.
expenditure. The company is worth nology, the competitive threat, the dan- Sloan to run it. During the 1920s, he may have been a clunker, but it was think that he can grow at the rate he pro- To understand what is happening,
about half as much as BMW, which ger of its charismatic founder falling became a major player on Wall Street. immortalised as a time travel machine poses and gobble up the car market the you have to delve into the “risk-
makes 35 times as many vehicles. Tesla under a bus, taking Tesla’s mojo with But he was ruined in the crash of 1929 in the 1985 movie Back to the Future. way Apple did with smartphones is to weighted assets” calculation. This meas-
has never made an annual profit, yet him. Hedge funds love the stock and ended his life invalided by a stroke Then there is the technology industry, misunderstand how cars are bought and ure, in which assets that are considered
investors keep pouring money in. because it is so volatile. No one can and managing a bowling alley in Flint, which rewards absurdly big thinking. sold. People crave choice. As Henry safe need less capital than those consid-
In early spring, Elon Musk delivered make up their mind whether it is for Michigan. In the late 1970s, John DeLo- You do not get to a Tesla-sized valuation Ford discovered to his detriment, they ered risky, has fallen into disrepute.
an analysts’ call for the ages. With most real. All that seems certain is that, a dec- rean, a GM executive who made his by playing coy. Investors, employees did not want their cars just in black. Many observers distrust the compli-
companies, these calls are death ade hence, the company’s value will be name building muscle cars, raised and customers all want to hear you say They wanted them in lots of colours, cated models that banks use, which they
marches through the footnotes of an nowhere near its current market capi- money from his celebrity friends and a you are going to be massive. Facebook, with fins, and floating suspensions and say tend to make assets look safer than
earnings report, but the Tesla founder talisation of $28bn. If Mr Musk fails to British government desperate for an Google, Apple massive. That is what giant grilles. they really are. Indeed, during the crisis,
announced that his company would be realise his bold vision, the company industrial manufacturing success to attracts the talent and the money. Still, if you try to be rational, you are many assets that had been considered
spending “staggering amounts on might be worthless. If you buy Tesla now build the DMC-12, an all-steel, rustproof Mr Musk has done a remarkable job missing a big point in Mr Musk’s favour. safe proved to be nothing of the sort.
capex” and would be worth $700bn, and the company delivers, you will have sports car with gull-wing doors. The in proving that electric cars can be gor- Silicon Valley is currently obsessed with The Basel III rule book agreed in 2010
around the same as Apple, in 10 years. hit a giant home run. venture imploded in 1982 when DeLo- geous. When you are slung low in one of cars. More than that, those who mutter largely ignored this problem. The Basel
Here is how: revenue of $6bn this year, Mr Musk stands at a crossroads of rean was arrested with 55 pounds of the Model S’s curving seats, see the giant about the lessons of the last dotcom Committee which sets standards for glo-
growing at 50 per cent a year for a dec- three industries that have always been cocaine and charged with trying to sell it touchscreen which stands in for all the crash could be missing out on the next bal banks is now discussing a funda-
ade, making a 10 per cent profit margin rich in swashbucklers and hype: energy, footling dials on ordinary cars, start it Amazon. If you had written off Jeff mental overhaul of the formula used to
and valued at 20 times earnings. You cars and technology. Energy has its wild- up and hear the murmur of its electrical Bezos’ hubris, you would have missed calculate risk weightings, which might
hear that in Munich?
It was sweet of Mr Musk to bother
catters, oil and gas men who build great
fortunes starting with nothing but a
To profit from the electric system stirring to life — when you do all
that, you might not mind taking a one-
one of the great investments of our age.
You buy Tesla today so that in years to
take years. The European Central Bank
is conducting its own, separate review
with a cash flow valuation exercise, but wide-brimmed hat and a hole in the car race, you have to back way trip over the financial rapids. come, you can say you were there. into the calculations, which will not be
he may have been patronising his audi-
ence. The idea of applying the same val-
ground. The car industry has long
attracted adventurers. William Durant
the winner. Missing out is The Tesla chief’s dynamism has hur-
ried along an entire industry. He is keep- The writer is author of ‘What They Teach
completed for another four years. Regu-
lators say they are aiming for simpler
uation to Tesla as you might to Ford sold cigars and carriages before found- costlier than picking a loser ing Mercedes up at night, as well as an You at Harvard Business School’ rules which are harder to manipulate,
which is in principle a good thing. But
banks fear the new system will judge
their assets to be riskier than they
looked under the old one, forcing them

China’s push-me-pull-you policies leave the world reeling to increase their capital. This is not a
minor tweak. It is the birth of Basel IV.
Should Standard Chartered’s new
chief executive expand or contract its
Asian mortgage business? It is impossi-
ble to know. Under Basel III, mortgage
nese state intervention — old-fashioned investment, sending global commodity tral bank were almost certainly not only to let it collapse. They reined in lending generates a return on equity of
ASIA pump-priming on a truly colossal scale prices into a tailspin, and damaging seeking a competitive devaluation. credit, only to open the sluices again. about 15 per cent. If, under Basel IV, the
— that kept things going. Chinese economies from Brazil to Australia. Rather, they wanted to move to a more They announced drastic reform of same lending requires more equity, that
David demand for oil, iron ore and copper trig- More recently, after its futile attempts to flexible exchange rate in order to state-owned enterprises, only to do not return might plunge by two-thirds.
Pilling gered booms in commodity-producing
countries from South America to Africa.
tame the stock market, it has bowed to
market forces. The result has been a
improve the renminbi’s chances of
being included in the International
much of anything. Their push-me-pull
you policies have left the world uncer-
Should Deutsche Bank’s new chief
expand its corporate lending business?
A surge in Chinese consumer demand frightening slide. Just in case things Monetary Fund’s Special Drawing tain about the direction of travel and Again, it is impossible to know, since a
kept US carmakers and Taiwanese chip- were not interesting enough, the Peo- Rights. How do we know devaluation unsure about whether Chinese policy- business that has a 17 per cent return on
makers afloat. ple’s Bank of China picked this month of was not the real aim? Because China makers are as competent as they were equity under Basel III might earn a pal-

t used to be that when America For the Chinese economy, though, all months to move to a more market- has since lavished tens of billions of always cracked up to be. try 3 or 4 per cent under Basel IV.
sneezed, the rest of the world there was a price to pay. Total debt in determined exchange rate. It has let dollars a day to prop up its currency. So where is China heading? If we look Regulators may say they have more or
caught a cold. Now the US has real the system has swelled since 2009 from This shows just how tied up in knots to Xi Jinping for clues we might deduce less finished rewriting the rules of the
competition when it comes to 130 per cent of gross domestic product Chinese policymakers have become. that state control will win the day. game. But to paraphrase words of one
spreading economic influenza.
These days, it seems, if China sneezes,
to about 280 per cent. As China ramped
up investment levels to nearly 50 per
The sense of panic has In order to convince markets the
bank was seeking a market-friendly
China’s president does not exactly give
the impression of being willing to leave
former British chancellor, this is rather
like sending your batsmen to the crease,
the world comes down with bird flu. cent of GDP, it built houses, offices and been exacerbated by exchange rate regime it has been things to chance. He is all about control: only for them to find that some of the
That is hardly surprising given China
now accounts for 16 per cent of global
steel mills it simply did not need.
Instead of leaning on exports, Beijing
the mixed signals — take obliged to intervene on a massive scale.
How perverse is that?
of his party, of the media and doubtless
of the economy too. When push comes
bats have been broken before the game
by the sport’s organising bodies —
output, the same as the US in purchas- allowed the renminbi to appreciate the exchange rate That in microcosm is the state of to shove, state intervention is likely to though you do not know which ones.
ing power parity terms. Although econ- against the dollar. Even when its arch-ri- China’s economy policy as a whole. Poli- prevail over what must have looked to If banks appear strategically frozen,
omists have long urged Beijing to adopt val Japan set the printing presses roll- loose a whirlwind. “It’s payback time,” cymakers find themselves squeezed China’s leaders like a reckless dabbling that is probably because they are. Regu-
pro-market reforms, the dirty secret is ing, China sucked it up. The renminbi says Jonathan Slone, chief executive of between the Scylla of the market and with market forces by their technocrats. lators should not delay. If they are going
that China has borne the global econ- has appreciated nearly 40 per cent CLSA, the Hong-Kong based brokerage, the Charybdis of state control. The eco- If that is right, Beijing will do everything to tighten the rules further, they should
omy on its back by doing precisely the against the yen since the 2013 launch of referring to the deferred cost of 2009’s nomic road map laid out at the Commu- to stabilise the situation and ensure a get on with it and allow a new crop of
opposite. Now its economy is juddering Abenomics, Tokyo’s bid to revive and $600bn stimulus. nist party’s Third Plenum in 2013 called decent level of growth. In the short chief executives to set sail with confi-
and its policymakers are allowing mar- reflate its economy. The sense of panic emanating from for both “a decisive role” for markets term, that will be good for the world. It dence. It is one thing to decide that
kets to exert a modicum of influence, Now Beijing is adjusting policy, clum- China has been exacerbated by the and a “dominant role” for the state. All may, however, only be postponing the tighter regulations are worth the cost. It
global investors are looking on in horri- sily and uncertainly. It has accepted that mixed signals. The world does not have clear, then? In practice, policymakers day of reckoning. is another to exacerbate that cost
fied awe. Back in 2008, when the world its economy cannot grow at 10 per cent a clue what Beijing is up to. Take the have slalomed alarmingly between the through delay and indecision.
went into virtual lockdown, it was Chi- forever. It has trimmed fixed capital exchange rate. Technocrats at the cen- two. They propped up the stock market, david.pilling@ft.com
The writer is a banking consultant
10 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 27 August 2015


Indians relied Sundar Pichai’s appointment this
month as chief executive of the newly
companies, however, roughly a third
were launched by Indians. The next
Nowadays, Indian executives are
over-represented across Silicon Valley, The review
on each other rejigged Google prompted happy
outpourings across India. The US
most successful group, the Chinese,
accounted for 5 per cent.
especially at businesses that prize
engineering talent, such as Google. But
Tips for picking a dream team
to prosper in technology group will still be controlled
by founders Larry Page and Sergey
Brin. But Mr Pichai’s rise to become
Indian immigrants in the US are
numerous, highly educated and speak
excellent English. This adds up to a
while the original need to break into
the tech sector has passed, their habit
of mutual support persists. Mr Pichai
but the art remains a mystery
Silicon Valley their most senior lieutenant seemed to
confirm the considerable achievements
powerful trio of traits that other foreign
arrivals struggle to match, according to Pichai is
seems to embody this culture too, given
the way colleagues describe him as

of India’s global diaspora. political scientist Devesh Kapur, co- described as technically brilliant, but also kind and
Pride in eminent expatriates is author of a forthcoming book on the helpful to others. which management
common across developing economies. diaspora. As a result, Indians do well technically It might seem surprising that this challenges really start to
But it is especially warranted in India, across corporate America, bagging top brilliant, kind of clubbing together was increase — complains about
whose émigrés have achieved great roles at blue-chip companies and Wall necessary. Silicon Valley is celebrated a promising potential new
prominence in the US. Mr Pichai’s Street banks, and making Hinduism but also for its dense networks of funders and vice-president who had
promotion follows a handful of others: the country’s wealthiest religion per kind and entrepreneurs. started to haggle for added
Satya Nadella, for instance, who last capita. Evangelists portray the area as the perks. “It means that we’re
year took the helm at Microsoft; or Yet this alone does not explain why helpful ultimate open economic system; a

not a team any more,” he
former Google executive Nikesh Arora, they prosper in the technology sector, a freewheeling technological laments. “Now people join
now heir presumptive at SoftBank, the phenomenon with deeper roots in the meritocracy, in which outsiders are Team Genius: The New the company for what they
Japanese telecoms group. experience of the early engineers who welcome and good ideas rise to the top. Science of High- can get out of it. I knew it
More interesting, though, are the first moved to California. Back then, That is at best a half-fiction. The tech Performing Organizations was coming, but I didn’t
wider accomplishments of Indian employment at established tech sector is not always collegiate, as recent By Rich Karlgaard and think it would be so soon.”
entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley. companies came easily. But those who revelations about Amazon’s work Michael Malone While the most successful
At first this looks counterintuitive. tried to launch start-ups found life practices made clear. The same point is Harper Business teams are the most diverse,
Indians have a strong reputation as more difficult, struggling to raise driven home by the anxious founders the book usefully points out
software developers, dating back to the venture capital in particular. and backbiting coders of hit HBO that the most diverse teams
first wave who arrived armed with elite The lesson drawn by these pioneers, comedy Silicon Valley. A simple truth — that are also often the least
engineering degrees in the 1980s. But says Vivek Wadhwa, entrepreneur and Above all, successful innovators also “boards and investors harmonious, and require the
that same group has since gone on a Stanford University fellow, was that tend to have the best contacts, opening almost always overrate most active management.
less heralded journey, outpacing once- they had to stick together. “The first closed doors to money and support. individual genius and under- The neglected but
dominant communities from Taiwan crop of Indian entrepreneurs all had Those without access — foreigners, for rate genius team essential art of how to close
and China, to become the US’s most similar stories of being held back by a instance, or women — must break into contribution” — drives this down teams and analyse
technologically entrepreneurial tech system dominated by white established networks or create others. book. But an equally their success, or failure, is
immigrants as well. Americans,” he says. Those who And more than any other group of fundamental obstacle gets also well explained. From
Today the contest is not even close. succeeded, such as Vinod Khosla, co- outsiders, it was the Indians who in its way: there are so many such postmortems spring
Immigrants either founded or co- founder of Sun Microsystems, became figured out that, to make it in start-up permutations of individuals insights that can help
founded around four in 10 Silicon linchpins in a support system for their land, it helps to have a social network that assembling a dream managers create better
James Crabtree Valley businesses between 2006 and fellow nationals, ranging from formal of your own. team is near impossible. teams, though the debrief
2012, according to the Kauffman business groups to ad hoc networks for Even defining the procedure of the US Navy
Businessandsociety Foundation — itself a remarkable
statistic. Of those immigrant-founded
mentoring and funding. “They decided
they needed to help each other out.”
Michael Skapinker is away
simplest team of all, a pair,
technology journalists Rich
Blue Angels aerobatics team
seems extreme. It always
Karlgaard and Michael starts with a recitation of the
Malone identify 12 varieties, team mantra: “There are no
including duos “chained perfect performances. We’re

Shaped for the circular economy

together by success” (such here to talk about what was
as the feuding but imperfect.”
successful kings of light While Team Genius
opera, Gilbert and Sullivan), provides a useful overview
and “Yin and Yang” team- of the science of teams,
pairs (such as Apple’s Steve recent advances are neither
Jobs and Steve Wozniak). as compelling nor as
Small companies with “Having such a panoply of
pair types can seem a bit
definitive as the book
promises. For instance, the
ecological innovations daunting,” they say. Too authors try to explain why
must plan how they fit in right. Reading the book,
I had a growing feeling of
groups of seven people, plus
or minus two, are the most
with the mainstream, sympathy for managers successful small teams, but
writes Alicia Clegg struggling to put together
a team with the right
conclude only that “there
are several possible reasons
combination of talents and — and the real answer

nee-deep in half-empty paint thinking styles. probably lies in some
pots, the residues of a life- Team Genius mostly combination of them all”.
time’s home improvement assumes leaders can With luck, Karlgaard and
projects now destined for the assemble and change teams Malone write, “tools will . . .
refuse tip, Keith Harrison felt at will, which may be true in soon emerge” to help
a stab of regret — and the stirrings of an the technology sector, from managers work out what to
opportunity. which it draws many of its do when large teams fall
“I kept thinking I could do something examples. between some of the
with it, the paint had an intrinsic value. But most projects require “optimal” sizes they discuss.
It would have been a huge waste just to the presence of certain For now, however, even
throw it away,” says the former indus- members of staff with though the science can
trial chemist. specific skills, which could explain why we work well in
He launched Newlife Paints in Sussex, limit managers’ ability to some combinations, and not
on the south coast of England, in 2009. build a team with the right so well in others, when it
Remanufacturing eco-paints from lefto- “cognitive diversity”. comes to team selection
ver paint, the novice entrepreneur is A few anecdotes shine most leaders are still more
joining the “circular economy”. out. In one, Tom Siebel of or less on their own.
Advocates insist that circular econ- the eponymous Silicon
omics is more than upmarket recycling. Valley software group — The writer is the FT’s
It involves designing goods at the outset then 50-strong, the point at management editor
that will be easy to repair, reuse or re-
make from their parts. The aim is to
devise production processes that avoid The riff
waste; keep high- and low-value materi-
als separate; and, like Mr Harrison, en-
able spent goods to be remanufactured Predictions will exist forever
to their original condition, rather than
salvaged for their components or recy- HENRY MANCE
cled into lower quality products. This at least was what C-Tech Innova- He has also launched an upmarket Any colour, so itself against this potential develop-
Philips, Renault and other big indus- tion, a UK company, and the Non- brand called Reborn Paints. The devel- long as it is ment, Bio-bean is investing in technol-
trial companies are among the pioneers wovens Innovation and Research Insti- opment was part funded by Akzo Nobel, green: Keith ogy and exploring what more value it
of the circular economy. But when it tute, which develops new textiles, con- maker of Dulux Paints, which has been Harrison can extract from coffee grounds, start-
comes to devising bold alternatives to cluded when they wanted to commer- working with him as part of an initiative developed a ing with oils for biodiesel. It is also an-
the “take-make-dispose” model of cialise a technology to prolong the life of led by Innovate UK, a government technology to alysing other sources of urban waste.
growth, start-ups are joining in and uniforms. Every year thousands of agency. Blended with extra minerals — reuse leftover Once it can prove its technology
sometimes showing the way. As Joss tonnes of workwear ends up in landfill such as Cornish clay, for a nicer finish — paint; below, works on several kinds of refuse, it plans
Blériot, who leads on policy at the Ellen and incinerators before it has worn out. the range is aimed at affluent house- Bio-bean is to license it to waste producers wanting
MacArthur Foundation, which pro- With the new technology, Wear2, holders with a green conscience. exploring how to become waste processors. Then, says
motes the circular economy, puts it: clothes are sewn with a yarn that frag- to boost its Arthur Kay, co-founder: “We’ll transi-
“Start-ups are free to innovate in ways ments when exposed to microwaves, so It pays to plan ahead technology to tion from a green manufacturing busi-
that big companies sometimes aren’t.” they can be pulled apart and remade For the economics of circular systems to extract more ness into a technology business.”
Yet, lacking the benefit of well- into new garments. Company logos on be viable, the procedures for recovering value from Also experimenting is New York- “I never make predictions executives and analysts
resourced facilities, established routes the clothes can be easily removed if materials must be well planned. Wear2 waste based Ecovative Design, which makes and I never will,” is a quote have to focus on what may
to market and well-known brands, they developers focused on workwear be- Charlie Bibby an alternative to plastic packaging that attributed to everyone from happen in 10 or 20 years.
also face many challenges. ‘We’ll transition from a cause it is usually handed back to the
issuer once finished with. This creates
is grown from crop waste and myc-
elium, the root-structure of mush-
Tony Blair to Paul
Gascoigne. Who cares if it is
Will electric cars go
mainstream? Will
Scaling up
Mr Harrison set up on his own because
green manufacturing an obvious and easy recovery path.
Sometimes generators of waste real-
rooms. Its best-known product, Mush-
room Packaging, which it licensed to the
apocryphal; it is accurate.
Most of us realise that we
smartphones make credit
cards redundant?
he was nearing retirement and impa- business into a ise there is value in the rubbish they are packaging company Sealed Air, protects are bad at forecasts. The One approach is to hedge
tient to put his ideas into practice. He giving away and start to levy a charge merchandise such as electronic goods troubles of the Chinese our bets. Venture capitalists
developed his technology, which in- technology business’ instead of paying for its removal — as in transit. economy, the rise of Jeremy do not know if a particular
volves removing leftover paint from tins with brewers’ grains, which found a sec- Now Ecovative is commercialising a Corbyn and even the decline technology will catch on, so
that have been diverted from landfill, made with the yarn, leaving them ready ondary market as animal feed. mycelium-based board designed to re- of Tesco testify to how they bet on lots of start-ups,
and blending and filtering them to pro- for reuse or resale. Bio-bean is a London start-up that place engineered wood, and its chemical wrong conventional wisdom especially those whose
duce colour-matched new paints. To avoid being blocked on price early turns old coffee grounds into a source of adhesives, in furniture. Other projects can be. But we cannot stop founders seem capable of
He started in his garage, later renting in discussions, Rob Bell, a director at energy. It collects them via waste man- include mycelium-based insulation and making more forecasts. The adapting to failure.
a small manufacturing plant. But with C-Tech, advises circular economy inno- agement contractors from freeze-dried grow-it-yourself kits to enable consum- journalist Paul Mason has The best big companies
limited resources he struggled to scale vators to make contact with the man- coffee factories, high-street chains and ers to invent their own uses for mush- even written a book entitled adopt a “test-and-refine
up production of the paints, which he agement board of potential clients. As kiosks in transport hubs to turn into room materials. “When you design a Postcapitalism: A Guide to approach” to new products,
sells online and through retailers. So, in decision makers, they should have a biomass pellets, which are sold to heat sustainable alternative, you essentially Our Future, which I predict says Boston Consulting
2013, Mr Harrison began licensing his better overview of the company’s over- offices and homes. Those companies do take on a constraint for which you can- will one day win a prize for Group. Ereaders never
technology as his main route to market. all strategy. “[Operational] people often not wish to extract the value them- not charge. The cost to the planet of hubris. caught on as analysts
Waste company Veolia began making say: ‘I like the idea, but if it costs more selves, but this could change. To protect existing materials, such as plastics, sim- Is there a better way? In expected, but Amazon, the
Newlife Paints under licence this year. than my usual supplier, I won’t buy it,” ply isn’t counted, which makes sustain- his book Future Babble, the biggest manufacturer of the
“By licensing we can have more impact he says. To do otherwise might cost ability quite a difficult path to take,” Canadian author Dan devices, refined its strategy
and spread internationally, ” he says. them their bonus. The support of a man- says Eben Bayer, a co-founder. Gardner offers a solution. — and moved on to tablets
aging director, he adds, helped Wear2’s Undeterred by the challenges he has We should assign instead.
Procurement impasses developers sign a licence with Northern- encountered, Mr Harrison is suggesting probabilities to outcomes, Few people are patient
Enthusiasts for integrating circular Ireland’s Hunter Apparel Solutions. to manufacturers how they could plan critique our methods and, enough to think of the world
economy principles into manufacturing more imaginatively for the afterlife of above all, be humble. And he in terms of bets, test runs
argue that longevity, avoided disposal Reaching consumers their products. One suggestion is adding adds, we should avoid and scenarios. Many of us
costs and potential resale value out- When it comes to wooing consumers to more symbols to packs to assist sorting predicting those things that just want to know. We push
weigh the small cost increases that at- circular brands directly, getting the waste paints into types. “At the moment are too uncertain and too others to enunciate a clear
tach to goods specifically designed or re- semiotics right can be decisive. Mr Har- we’re fighting fires, because the paints long term. vision of the future —
formulated for reuse. But paying more rison first named Newlife Paints “Sus- we pull out of the waste stream today That is hard, and it is however impossible that is.
today for a saving tomorrow is not nec- sex recycled paints”, before swapping to were manufactured five or so years ago, becoming harder. We love misplaced certainty
essarily what procurement managers “eco-paints” when he realised consum- when the circular economy was barely Technology means that and we always will.
with short-term budgets are looking for. ers took “recycled” to mean “cheap”. on the horizon,” he says.
Thursday 27 August 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 11


When art is
an every day
Robin Blake sets himself the challenge of seeing Gems: clockwise
a London art show each day in August from main
picture, Peter

any with their own web- ‘Crushed
site know the situation. Missile’ (1980);
My site was accumulating a still from
layers of virtual dust; it D. Watson’s ‘Are
needed refreshment. I You Not
decided to post a daily blog throughout Entertained’
August, but what could I write about? I’d from London
soon grow bored — not to say boring — Open at the
with the minutiae of life. So I gave Whitechapel
myself the task of visiting a London art Gallery; Shanti
show every day of the month and Panchal’s ‘Artist
recording my impressions. and the Lost
I knew I’d include a few big-ticket Studio’, winner
events and have made a belated visit to of the Ruth
Joseph Cornell’s theatrical boxes at the Borchard prize
Royal Academy, with the serene
abstraction of Agnes Martin at Tate Kennard and Normal are well inside — painted wooden rods propped against Burlington House. Was this prejudice on the 1950s a set of clear derivations from
Modern still awaiting. But August is not my comfort zone, and the same can be the wall. But I loved the setting. Marian the part of codger-like selectors? I have Cézanne’s “Bathers”.
a month for big eye-catchers. Galleries said for the 18th-century self-portrait Goodman’s commercial gallery is a light to line up with the codgers on this point, Contemporary art is no different: eve-
are marking time before the openings, drawings by Jonathan Richardson at the and placid space, highly agreeable to art. as I confess to finding most video over- rywhere you see imitation, in waves of
art fairs and sales of autumn. August is Courtauld, and the National Portrait Light Echoes at the Barbican’s Curve, long, underwhelming and lazy. It’s not fashion. The moment for apeing
better treated as a time for unconsid- Gallery’s display of Cornelius Johnson, on the other hand, looks like the last good enough just to say “I am a camera”, Cézanne, let alone Rembrandt, is past:
ered trifles and half-forgotten gems. supposedly the 17th century’s “forgot- word in art technology: laser painting in point the lens and suppose the equip- today everyone wants to do neo-Dada.
One of these is Peter Kennard, with a ten painter”, though not by me. Equally the dark. It ends with a video record of ment can do your thinking for you. Damien Hirst borrowed from Cornell,
small retrospective at the Imperial War Frans Hals and Van Dyck at the Wallace While looking at the 100 self-portraits who borrowed from Duchamp; Alice
Museum. Uncompromisingly anti-war Collection were like calling on old selected for the Ruth Borchard Prize at Anderson, whose everyday objects
(which is odd, in the context), he’s an friends, but I never meant to spend the
I am wondering Kings Place, I thought about how tech- wrapped in copper wire I’ve seen at the
artist of my generation and I had a sense month only with the familiar. whether, as with nology must have affected the artist’s Wellcome Collection, is also riffing on a
of revisiting some of the great old So at Tate Britain I rejected the dis- self-image, wondering in particular theme from Dada, as are many video and
causes: Vietnam, apartheid, the bomb. play about Wright of Derby’s “An Exper- marathon runners, which is better: to paint oneself from a collage makers. One thing this exercise
Kennard moved me also with his skill in
collage, invisibly achieved long before
iment on a Bird in an Air Pump” as being
too easy, and concentrated on filters by
a ‘wall’ awaits me selfie or to look in the mirror? Where
the difference was evident in this show, I
has taught me, however, is not to look for
originality at the RA Summer Exhibi-
Photoshop made such effects routine. Christine Mackie, showing in the neo- found a mirror to be easily the more inti- tion. There, even Dadaisabit outré.
On another day, however, I was classical hallway. It was the wrong even more spectacular laser-work in the mate and truthful reflector. Approaching the end of this test of
impressed by digital image manipula- choice. The Mackie installation is flimsy US, a whole landscape painted with col- There’s nothing to be seen in London critical stamina, I wonder whether, as
tion. David Normal’s Crossroads of Curi- and dull both in concept and execution, oured light. that’s really new but the truth is that, in with marathon runners, a “wall” awaits
osity at the British Library is a set of four and made worse by the gallery’s pomp- Video art is a hugely popular medium art, there never has been much original- me. This should be expected around
“lightbox” panels which juxtapose Vic- ous and pretentious philosophical label- among contemporary artists, as demon- ity. I started on day one with Jonathan now, when the thought of another set of
torian images from the library’s collec- ling. By the end I wished I’d gone for strated by its dominance in the London Richardson and saw how he had aped incomprehensible curator’s notes,
tions in luridly inventive ways. Each is Wright of Derby which, as I wrote in the Open show at the Whitechapel Gallery. the styles of Rembrandt, Bernini et al. another wobbly video or piece of con-
titled with a portmanteau word — my blog, “really is philosophical art”. Over at the Royal Academy, while vid- Later I met for the first time work by ceptual hype, saps the will to go on. But
favourite was “Conflamingulation” — Gabriel Orozco is approaching heavy- eos aren’t excluded from the Summer Fausto Pirandello at the Estorick Collec- so far I feel good and I’m full of running.
and indeed Lewis Carroll haunts the weight cultural status but the quality of Exhibition, none were among the more tion, a rather original 20th-century Ital-
whole installation. his work I saw in Soho is literally slender than 1,000 entries clogging the walls of ian painter who nevertheless made in robinblake.co.uk


Pick of the day

World’s Busiest Railway floor awash with blood, and
(BBC2 9pm) concludes with a the resilience of the
look at the splendeurs et commuters. Presenters Dan
misères of Mumbai’s railway, Snow (pictured), Anita Rani
as teeming, contradictory and Robert Llewellyn have
and irrepressible as India self-conscious conversations
itself. We hear of staggering for the camera.
Victorian engineering in the Sky Select’s Pacino double
Ghat mountains (25,000 bill pairs the cult Dog Day
workers died), today’s 3,000 Afternoon (10pm) with the
yearly fatal accidents (mainly early drug drama The Panic
from crossing the line), the in Needle Park (12.15am)
2005 flash flood that which paired young Pacino
brought the system to a with Kitty Winn, subsequently
standstill, the 2008 terrorist distinguished on stage.
attack that left the station MARTIN HOYLE

BBC 1 BBC 2 ITV London Channel 4

6.00 BBC News. 6.00 Two Tribes. Quiz. 6.00 ITV News London. 6.00 The Simpsons. R
6.30 BBC Regional News 6.30 Eggheads. Quiz. R 6.30 ITV News and Weather. 6.30 Hollyoaks.
Programmes. 7.00 Athletics: World 7.00 Emmerdale. 7.00 Channel 4 News.
7.00 The One Show. Championships Highlights. 8.00 Coronation Street. 8.00 Location, Location,
7.30 EastEnders. Gabby Logan presents 8.30 Flockstars. Gabby Logan Location. Kirstie Allsopp
8.00 Big Blue Live. More news action from day six at the presents the first semi-final and Phil Spencer are in
from California’s Monterey Bird’s Nest Stadium in of the contest. south-west London, helping
Bay, as Liz Bonnin Beijing. 9.00 Stephen Fry in Central long-distance partners
investigates an influx of 8.00 Building the Ancient City. America. New series. The Jason and Jaye, and
white sharks, and Matt Andrew Wallace-Hadrill author, actor and comedian Hannah and Frank, who are
Baker encounters elephant examines how the ancient embarks on a journey searching for a family home.
seals. Romans made their city through the entire Central 9.00 The Other Prince William.
9.00 Who Do You Think You work, including how the American isthmus to the The life and tragic death of
Are? Actor Derek Jacobi population was fed, housed Panamanian border with Prince William of
discovers a family past far and transported. South America, beginning Gloucester, who was the
removed from his humble 9.00 World’s Busiest Railway in Mexico. Queen’s cousin and
upbringing in east London. 2015. The team considers 10.00 ITV News at Ten and pageboy at her wedding,
10.00 BBC News. the challenges faced by Weather. but who died in a plane
10.25 BBC Regional News and Mumbai’s Chhatrapati 10.30 ITV News London. crash in 1972 at the age of
Weather. Shivaji Terminus and ask 10.40 Jason Robinson: Sports just 30.
10.35 Parking Mad. R what the future holds for Life Stories. A profile of 10.00 Very British Problems.
5.5m rail commuters. the former rugby winger, James Corden, Jonathan
11.35 The Unbreakables: Life and
Love on Disability Campus. 10.00 Country Strife: Abz on the who achieved great Ross, Ruth Jones and
New series. Documentary Farm. R success and represented Stephen Mangan are
following students at 10.30 Newsnight. his country in both codes among those ruminating on
National Star, a college for 11.00 Weather. of the sport. Brits’ excruciating inability
people with disabilities. The 11.05 The Fast Show. R 11.40 Murder, She Wrote. R to express emotions and
campus elects a student 11.35 Horizon: OCD — A Monster feelings. Last in the series.
president. in My Mind. R Regional variations apply 11.00 Educating Cardiff. R

Other channels
BBC3 5 News Tonight. 7.00 Police Sky Atlantic Barclays Premier League World.
7.00 Top Gear. 8.00 Don’t Tell Interceptors. 8.00 Skinny Brides 6.00 House. 7.00 Without a
the Bride. 9.00 Live at the to Fat Wives. 9.00 Celebrity Trace. 8.00 Blue Bloods. Sky 1
Apollo. 9.30 Live at the Apollo. Big Brother: Live Launch. 9.00 American Spring Killing. 6.00 Futurama. 6.30 The
10.00 EastEnders. 10.30 Russell 11.00 Celebrity Big Brother’s 10.20 Last Week Tonight with Simpsons. 7.00 The Simpsons.
Howard’s Good News. 11.00 Bit on the Side. John Oliver. 10.55 Ray 7.30 The Simpsons. 8.00 Modern
Family Guy. 11.45 American Dad! Donovan. Family. 8.30 Modern Family.
More4 9.00 Modern Family. 9.30 Modern
BBC4 6.50 George Clarke’s Amazing Sky Sports 1 Family. 10.00 NCIS: Los Angeles.
7.00 World News Today. 7.30 Spaces. 7.55 Grand Designs. 6.00 Premier League 100 Club. 11.00 Hawaii Five-0.
BBC Proms: The Bach Recitals. 9.00 The Descendants. 6.30 Barclays Premier League
9.00 The Secrets of Quantum 11.15 Embarrassing Bodies. World. 7.00 Capital One Cup Sky Arts
Physics. 10.00 Horizon: 40 Years Goals. 8.00 Barclays Premier 6.45 Portrait Artist of the
on the Moon. 11.00 Lost Land Film4 League Legends. 8.30 Barclays Year 2014. 7.45 Monty Python:
of the Volcano. 7.00 (500) Days of Summer. Premier League Legends. 9.00 Almost the Truth. 8.50 Arts
8.50 45 Years Interview Special. Capital One Cup Goals. 10.00 La Scholarships 2014 — Ollie
Channel 5 9.00 Warm Bodies. 10.50 Black Liga Show. 10.30 NFL Hard Howell. 9.00 Funny Games.
6.00 Home and Away. 6.30 Rock. Knocks: Houston Texans. 11.30 11.10 Sex & the Silver Screen.
12 ★ † FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 27 August 2015

Pump and circumstance

Schlumberger’s purchase of pumpmaker Cameron International comes in the middle of a
sharp slowdown in oil services deal volume. This year’s number of deals should be well below
previous years. Most of Cameron’s divisions should complement Schlumberger’s operations.

Twitter: @FTLex Email: lex@ft.com Mergers and acqusitions Global oil services Cameron International
Number of deals* 2014 operating profit**
400 $m
Uber: Some have already demurred. You 97
Subsea 207 Surface 427 Sberbank:
can believe in Uber without thinking it 324 228
166 506 (14%) (28%)
Chinese traffic jam will win in China. Hillhouse Capital, the Average deal 181 224 300 one steppe at a time
Chinese investment firm, is invested in value ($m) 122 215
Is investing in Uber — the ride-sharing Uber in the US and Didi Kuaidi in Russia bears look away. Sberbank, the
app that has had two of its managers China. That is a slightly safer route. 200 country’s biggest lender by assets and
arrested, drivers’ cars torched and market capitalisation, actually beat
equity valued at 125 times trailing expectations in its second quarter.
revenues — just a little too tame? 171 Perhaps there is reason for confidence
Welcome to Uber China.
WPP: 95 138 407
100 in the country after all.
surfin’ USA 469
That probably is not the pitch that Valves & Drilling
But not even that obscured the tough
Uber and its bankers at Goldman Sachs measurement 474 (32%)
underlying picture. The bank’s profits
are employing. But the fundraising This time the Sorrell sound bite was 393 (26%)
fell more than two-fifths against the
for Uber’s China subsidiary (rumoured about China. Sir Martin Sorrell, WPP same period a year ago as the (oil-
to be $1bn, although Uber has not chief executive, always ready to 2000 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 2015 price-driven) economic slowdown
confirmed the size), has been going on accompany results with a snappy one YTD hurt. Sberbank’s shares fell harder
for a longer-than-expected two liner, said he was an “unabashed bull” * Deals by announcement date, average value includes only those deals where the value was disclosed
FT graphic Sources: Dealogic, Cameron International Corp ** Loss from corporate segment not shown
than the market yesterday.
months. It is not for the faint of heart. of the country, despite everything that Western sanctions and Russia’s
Uber, which has a valuation of has been happening in the stock recession have been tough on its banks.
$50bn, is going all guns blazing into the markets. The marketing and public Nothing like a little retail therapy to well. They have operated a joint- Schlumberger’s shares fell 5 per cent Sberbank’s market value is less than a
world’s most populous market and it relations group is sticking with its plan snap one out of a dark mood. With oil venture called OneSubsea since 2013. on the news. third of what it was three years ago.
needs more ammunition. It is already to generate 40-45 per cent of sales in prices in freefall Schlumberger, the Yet not all of Cameron’s businesses Cameron’s shares, meanwhile, rose Then, it had roughly the same market
spending more than $1bn a year in emerging markets (up from 29 per cent US oil services group, decided to go seem an obvious fit for Schlumberger. more than 40 per cent. But even that capitalisation as Santander, but is now
China in an effort to recruit drivers and in the first half of 2015). shopping. Yesterday it agreed to pay Take the drilling division, for example, left them at $60, well below the deal dwarfed by it. The market value of
customers. It has claimed early success, But that is for the future. For a better almost $15bn for Cameron, a maker which accounts for a third of Cameron’s price. So there are some doubts, Société Générale, owner of Rosbank in
with a fast-growing presence in 16 cities view of what is driving WPP now, look of valve and pump equipment for the operating profit. Schlumberger does though that will not be because of Russia, is almost twice Sberbank’s.
and more than 1m trips a day — at North America. It is the group’s oil industry. Cameron shareholders have a business in this area, but with regulatory worries. Business overlap Like its European peers, SocGen and
although even Uber acknowledges biggest and highest-margin business. will receive $66 a share, a 56 per cent offshore drilling in decline, does it need looks minimal, so antitrust regulators the much smaller Raiffeisen Bank
that some of those are fraudulent. Profits grew 23 per cent in the first half premium to the previous closing this extra exposure? The company should not object. Another hopeful International, which earns half of its
If it is successful, Uber would because of decent growth in advertising price, mostly in shares. Not bad. thinks so. But it will need to extract sign is that Cameron’s chief executive profits in Russia, Sberbank turned
accomplish what no US internet and healthcare communications. If Cameron has not traded at that price some savings to make the deal work. will keep the same role as head of the rouble woes into opportunity with a
company has managed. Google, Yahoo emerging markets struggle (and since oil was at $100 last September. Management promises to cut $900m new company. That is partly an sharp increase in currency trading.
and Amazon have bet on China and emerging markets profits fell in the Schlumberger advises its clients on over two years, a third of that in the acknowledgment of decent progress That partly offset declining net interest
got burnt. first half), then WPP’s North American how to find and produce oil and gas first year. Taxed and capitalised, these at OneSubsea. income resulting from higher funding
But the obstacles are huge and the operations will have to do the legwork, most efficiently, often from complex savings amount to almost $6bn. While Schlumberger did not pick costs, and bad debt provisions that rose
biggest is a homegrown competitor, while also coping with the possibility of reservoirs. It believes Cameron’s Compare that to the $5bn premium up a bargain in the sales, this deal by over two-fifths. Too bad that lumpy
Didi Kuaidi, which leads the market. higher US interest rates. technology (for example, in subsea paid over the pre-announcement price looks reasonable if — and it is a big if trading income lowers earnings quality.
Its formidable backers include Tencent Given that uncertainty, it is hardly equipment) will help its business. and the deal makes financial sense. — the worst has past for oil. Best to Sberbank’s asset quality is bearing
and Alibaba, the Chinese internet surprising that Sir Martin is cautious And the companies know each other The market seemed less sure: keep that receipt. up. True, bad loans climbed to 4.9 per
companies, SoftBank, the Japanese with his capital allocation. Yes, WPP cent of its loan book at the end of June
telecoms company, Tiger Global and spent £459m on acquisitions in the from 3.4 a year ago, but not as bad as
Coatue Management, the US hedge first half, which is almost as much as in feared. Sberbank is in any case
funds, and China Investment the whole of last year. But it spent such as digital communications and But even before the recent market choppy. Asset management in Asia is conservative with provision coverage.
Corporation, the nation’s sovereign almost as much — £405m — on share emerging markets. No wonder he is turmoil, the asset management also likely to get a boost from China’s Given the risks ahead, though, it needs
wealth fund. Already Uber is buybacks, and the 15.9p per share still a bull on China. industry had not benefited significantly mutual fund recognition scheme with to lift its core tier one capital ratio (still
complaining that its service is being interim dividend will cost another from the sort of Asian growth that Hong Kong. under Basel I!) of only 9.6 per cent.
blocked from WeChat, the popular £207m. Still, the balance sheet can other sectors have enjoyed. Of This arrangement allows funds to be Some of the capital build could come
messaging app, which happens to be handle it — net debt rose slightly to Asian asset managers: $11tn-$12tn in institutional assets in approved for sale in both markets, through net interest margin expansion.
owned by Tencent. £3.4bn in the first half, but it is by no Asia, only $2tn is allocated to third subject to a quota of about $50bn in Funding costs should fall with its rising
As it tries to amass its own powerful means excessive at 1.6 times earnings under-appreciated parties to manage — although this each jurisdiction. There is no shortage retail deposits — more than 46 per cent
investors in China, one option is going before interest, tax, depreciation and number is growing — according to of funds queueing up for recognition: of funding — so reducing its reliance on
to individuals. A term sheet that has amortisation. There have been plenty of Greenwich Associates, a consultancy. Hong Kong’s Securities and Futures costly corporate and central bank
circulated shows Citic-CP Asset Sir Martin’s aim is to turn an uncomfortable places to be in the The proportion of externally managed Commission says that total assets of funding. And Sberbank’s costs remain
Management offering to wealthy environment of growth in the low markets this week. But Asian fund assets has expanded so far this year. $50bn in Hong Kong and over six times remarkably low: it costs it just 43
Chinese people who have at least single-digits in global economic output managers have probably had it worst. If western markets offer a road map, that in China may be eligible. kopecks to earn a rouble of income.
Rmb3m the chance to invest in the into growth in WPP earnings per share Major Asian stock markets are down there should be more to come. US Not that any of this makes the Trading on a lowly 0.8 times tangible
ride-hailing app, suggesting returns of of 10-15 per cent. Share buybacks will for the year, shrinking assets already institutional assets are of similar total current markets any easier to bear for book value, Sberbank is more resilient
up to 109 per cent. Uber, however, says help, as will the group’s well-worn invested and disincentivising further value to those of Asia, yet a far higher the asset managers. Falling stock than its bearish valuation suggests.
that there is no authorised distribution policy of small-to-medium-sized inflows. The Chinese stock market is proportion — around 80 per cent — is markets do not exactly encourage new
to individuals and the target is acquisitions, usually of privately owned down 40 per cent since its peak in June. externally managed. That is a big investment. But over the long term
institutions. It will have to emerge from companies (do not expect big deals for No surprise, then, that Asian opportunity for the industry to there is still scope for the industry’s Lex on the web
For notes on today’s breaking
this with a big list of them to fuel the listed rivals). But he will also need investment funds have suffered big address, even if (and perhaps bigger players — and niche specialists stories go to www.ft.com/lex
quest for China domination. some help from faster growing areas outflows in recent weeks. especially if) stock markets remain — to find growth in Asia.

L W Forecasts by
15 LOW
15 20 15
5 1000 Luxembourg Rain 18 64
26 Lyon Sun 30 86
15 17 1020 Madrid Sun 33 91
18 18 29 27 Manchester Fair 19 66
20 Miami Thunder 31 88
17 1020
16 22 2 Milan Sun 30 86
19 1010 HIG Montreal Fair 22 72
16 31
17 LOW 29 1020
Moscow Cloudy 22 72
19 20 31 Mumbai Cloudy 31 88
17 30 30 22
Munich Sun 30 86
18 29 27
20 19 New York Fair 28 82
30 Nice Sun 27 81
18 26 33 30 Paris Rain 16 61
32 32
36 Prague Sun 29 84
17 Reykjavik Cloudy 16 61
33 33 28 33 Rio Rain 28 82
Wind speed in MPH at 12 BST 37 Rome Sun 30 86
Temperatures max for day˚C Wind speeds in KPH 30 San Francisco Sun 27 81
Stockholm Shower 22 72
Today’s temperatures Strasbourg Fair 29 84
Abu Dhabi Sun 43 109 Belgrade Sun 33 91 Copenhagen Shower 20 68 Hamburg Shower 20 68 Sydney Fair 20 68
Amsterdam Shower 18 64 Berlin Fair 26 79 Delhi Sun 37 99 Helsinki Cloudy 21 70 Tokyo Drizzle 29 84
Athens Sun 32 90 Brussels Rain 18 64 Dubai Sun 42 108 Hong Kong Thunder 30 86 Toronto Cloudy 21 70
B’ham Fair 19 66 Budapest Sun 31 88 Dublin Fair 17 63 Istanbul Sun 28 82 Vancouver Fair 22 72
Bangkok Thunder 33 91 Buenos Aires Sun 20 68 Edinburgh Shower 17 63 Jersey Shower 16 61 Vienna Sun 30 86
Barcelona Sun 29 84 Cardiff Shower 18 64 Frankfurt Cloudy 24 75 Lisbon Fair 26 79 Warsaw Sun 29 84
Beijing Sun 29 84 Chicago Fair 25 77 Geneva Sun 30 86 London Fair 20 68 Washington Fair 28 82
Belfast Shower 17 63 Cologne Rain 20 68 Glasgow Shower 15 59 Los Angeles Sun 32 90 Zurich Sun 29 84

ACROSS 4 Cur’s barking before wee

CROSSWORD 1 Suit – cash is arranged for what analysis (8)
No. 15,020 Set by FLIMSY it’s worth (4,2,2,2) 5 Pile the artwork up, holding
7 Suggestion – throw dart (4) bottom of ceiling – one could be
        9 Fast time ends in medal high and wobbly (9,6)
alongside Usain Bolt (4) 6 Get together the whole day (6)
10 Urchin to scoff a cake (10) 7 Fed up with roll? It could come
  11 Talk about the French villa in the out with icing (9)
Alps? (6) 8 Touch second fly with tip of nose
12 Finished inhaling oxygen? (7)
  Perfect (8) 14 Hated rolling next to bunker –
13 Enthusiast – someone desperate this is a hazard (9)
to perform a dance (8) 16 Small with device for playing the
15 Cricket uneventful, partly guitar learner’s forgotten scale
resulting in adjustment to pitch (8)
 (4) 18 Grand piano in Oxford University
17 Small fuss over drink (4) given for hire (7)
19 Heavenly men pay ‘er off (8) 20 A couple of bridge players
 22 Joy from pie author cooked, after certain to be brilliant (7)
temperature’s dropped (8) 21 Female redesigned in red brick
   23 Prestige store opening in (6)
Tottenham (6) 24 Price to tour a beach (5)
25 Gallop with donkey and Her
  Royal Highness gets weepy (10)
26 Maintain a very painful Solution 15,019
expression (4) < 0 2 7 + ( 5
  27 Peter out to return large sum of 1 $ 7 , 2 1 + 2 8 1 ' ' 2 *
. / ( ( % : 3
money (4)
No. 14,845 Set by NEO
1 Important Viking one among best 1 Hard maths topic written up to find
friends (5,4) circumference (5)
  6 Socialite with appeal makes left- 2 Love comes in no time, wildly, for
side entry (5) passion (7)
9 Brazilian city as far as we’re 3 Disagreed also with a thousand
concerned ungovernable (7) children (4,5)
10 Obscure English knight against 4 Bond gets to a casino and is
European rebuffed (7) beaten (11)
11 Poor nation’s little island in hot 5 Beast summarising Tokyo-London-
   current (5) Tokyo trip? (3)
12 Caught flamboyant cardinal in 6 Painter died hungry (5)
Seventh Heaven? (5,4) 7 Discount supermarket name in
14 Notice flock encircles houses (3) GB’s upturn with loss on top (7)
15 Alarmist financier reversed into 8 As 007 mission to Spectre might
second vehicle bearing right (11) be? (3-6)
17 German poet’s the writer 13 Dope sheathes weapon in open
embracing pub vocalist (11) coat (11)
19 Moggy fur with hole concealed? (3) 14 Soul an unknown factor in some
20 Earl, King and Queen on men? Fearless pilots? (9)
   Hampshire river’s banks (9) 16 Girl having paddle round saw
22 Ambassador in temple finds grain manor demolished (9)
(5) 18 Mistress Gwynne about to be
24 Ardent Green must change leader announced in sport (7)
(7) 19 Side issue for Clintons (7)
26 As one’s despicably mean, small 21 Having ducks in horses area
tips for servants materialise (2,5) causes commotion (3-2)
JOTTER PAD 27 Sauce unfortunately knocked over 23 Crime article Financial Times
contains sulphur (5) provides (5)
28 Related martial artist stops at 25 Sick at first, old man here for
Bedouin residence (9) healthy holiday (3)
Solution to Saturday’s prize puzzle on Saturday February 14
Solution to yesterday’s prize puzzle on Monday February 16
Winners’ names will be printed in Weekend FT

, 1 . 6 3 2 7 5 $ , ' ( 5
28 Market trade almost exploded – 7 , 2 , 1 ,
JOTTER PAD it’s conjectured to be about 90% , 2
' , 1 (
1 &
3 $ 6 $ ' (
6 5
1 $

of everything (4,6) 7 , 6 6 8 ( 6 2 7 7 2 0 $ 1
DOWN 8 , , 2 *
5 ( & / 8 6 ( 6 $ 1 ' ( $ 1
2 You’re thrashed? To an extent 3 $ , + 0 6
one has to go through it (7) 2 , / 5 , * 0 < $ / * , $
3 Inn’s spicy meals regularly =
- 2
, 1
% 6 + $ 5
5 5
, 1 $ :
$ <
ignored (5) $ 0 / / $ 0 6
Thursday 27 August 2015 ★★★ 13

Sberbank WPP Monsanto FTSE Eurofirst Dollar / yen Shanghai German Nikkei 225
Smart Money It’s too early 300 Composite 10-year Bund
to call a true bear market 0.30% 3.74% 8.57% 1.9% 0.7% 1.3% 4bp 3.2%
Rbs71 £13.11 $97.08 1,380.88 Y119.70 2,926.38 0.71% 18,376

Paddy Power and Betfair to merge Short

3 Tie-up creates biggest online gambling group 3 Combined revenues will top £1.1bn
dend of €80m. Both companies bene- have headquarters in both Dublin and Power’s finance chief. “But we agreed
MALCOLM MOORE fited from sharp rises in their share London and a dual listing.
are two the ratio on the fundamental value of Mackintosh
prices after the deal was announced, “These are two businesses that are the two companies over time.”
Paddy Power and Betfair are to combine boosting the value of the stakes held by performing at a very high calibre and we businesses He said the combined company
in an all-stock merger to create the the companies’ co-founders. Betfair’s will have a market-leading position in that are would be called Paddy Power Betfair. Bets on when the Federal Reserve will raise US interest
world’s largest online gambling shares rose 20.4 per cent to £31.34 and the UK, Europe, Ireland and Australia,” performing “Betfair is the leading exchange busi- rates are starting to look like the playground game of pull-
company, in the latest round of consoli- Paddy Power’s 18.5 per cent to €93. said Breon Corcoran, who left Paddy ness in sports betting and that technol- ing petals off a daisy: this year, next year, sometime, never.
dation for the sector. Ed Wray, Betfair’s co-founder and Power in 2012 to become chief executive at a very ogy is something Paddy Power does not Plunging share prices are widely seen as a reason for the
The union of the sector’s two best per- largest shareholder, saw the value of his of Betfair and will head the combined high calibre’ have. We have a retail and mass market Fed to delay again in September, with futures pricing in a
formers will create a group with a com- 9.5 per cent holding increase almost group. Mr Corcoran said he expected Breon Corcoran business and we have an Australian higher chance of the Fed keeping rates on hold all year.
bined market capitalisation in excess of £50m to £280m. David Power, one of the competition authorities in several business that they do not. ” From thinking a rise was almost certain, futures now sug-
£5bn and send a warning to rivals such Paddy Power’s co-founders and its big- countries to evaluate the merger, but The tie-up is the sector’s latest deal. gest only a one-in-three chance of a rise next month.
as William Hill. gest individual shareholder, saw the hoped the deal would complete next This summer, Ladbrokes and Coral Bill Dudley, head of the New York Fed, told investors
The deal will see Paddy Power share- value of his 8 per cent holding rise €50m January. announced a merger, and Bwin.party, what they wanted to hear yesterday when he said the case
holders control 52 per cent of the new to about €320m. “We have agreed an exchange ratio another online gaming company, is for a rate rise was less compelling than before — although
business, with the remainder held by The combined group would have rev- that gives an 11 per cent premium [for being courted by both 888 and GVC. he also said it was important not to be too sensitive to
Betfair investors. Paddy Power share- enues of £1.1bn, the companies said, Paddy Power] if you take the share price ‘Betty Power’ page 16 short-term market moves.
holders would also receive a special divi- and would keep both brands in Europe, figure,” said Cormac McCarthy, Paddy Lombard page 17 US stocks have suffered a proper short-term move:
down 10 per cent in as many days, before yesterday’s early
bounce. But history suggests the Fed is very sensitive to
such moves, with rates cut within months every time
(except 2011, when it began Operation Twist).
Sometimes, rate cuts were a direct response to the mar-
Unhappy meal ket, as in 1987. Other times, both policymakers and inves-
tors were driven by the same thing, as after the September
McDonald’s fries 11 attacks in 2001. The Fed may insist it is data-dependent,
but in reality seems to be very market-dependent, too.
rival’s ‘peace burger’ A Goldman Sachs survey of academic studies suggests a
10 per cent drop in shares lowers future Fed rates by 15bp.
Put another way, the chance of a quarter-point rate rise
It was a calculated offer that only a next month should fall 60 per cent due to the equity rout.
heartless company could refuse: a This does not mean the Fed should delay. After all, it did
marketing stunt to create a “hamburger not rush to tighten monetary policy when equities rose
of peace”, writes Malcolm Moore. 10 per cent (the S&P 500 was up 11 per cent last year,
In a full-page advertisement in The 30 per cent the year before). It is true that nasty price falls
New York Times, Chicago Tribune and can be self-fulfilling if leveraged investors go bust. But
online, Burger King laid down a drops of this size are far from unusual, with the market los-
challenge to its rival McDonald’s: ing a tenth over three months 40 times in the past 50 years.
“How about we call a ceasefire on these With unemployment close to long-term sustainable
so-called ‘burger wars’?” levels and the US economy doing fine, interest rates could
It proposed the two unite “the tastiest be expected to be a fair bit higher.
bits” of their top sandwiches into one Yet there is ample evidence of Fed dovishness, and no
“delicious, peace-loving burger”. The pressure from inflation. The nervy market gives policy-
result would be half Big Mac, half makers one more excuse to hold off. Ironically, equities
Whopper, sold by staff wearing may both cause a Fed delay and be the beneficiaries of it.
half-and-half uniforms in a pop-up shop
in Atlanta, halfway between McDonald’s Market dependent
headquarters in Chicago and Burger S&P 500 Fed funds
King’s base in Miami, on September 21. (10-day % change) target rate
All proceeds from the “McWhopper” -10 20
would go towards promoting the UN’s
International Day of Peace the same day. -15 15
But McDonald’s quickly used the olive
branch as kindling. “Let’s acknowledge -20 10 From thinking a
that between us there is simply friendly rise was almost
business competition and certainly not -25 5 certain, futures
the unequalled circumstances of the real now suggest only
pain and suffering of war,” wrote Steve -30 0 a one-in-three
Easterbrook, McDonald’s chief 1971 80 90 2000 10 15 chance of a rate
Source: Thomson Reuters Datastream
executive. “P.S. A simple phone call will rise next month
do next time,” he added.

BNY Mellon computer glitch leaves

funds trading on inaccurate prices
STEPHEN FOLEY — NEW YORK and it was unclear whether investors value figures for its ETFs that it now
might have ended up buying or selling knew to be off by more than 1 per cent.
Investment firms and regulators are
funds at inaccurate prices during the Some big fund complexes have not
scrambling to find out how many
high-volume trading of the past few been affected, however, including Fidel-
mutual funds and exchange traded
days. ity, which calculates its own NAVs, and
funds may have reported inaccurate
One of the leading ETF providers, SSgA, which is owned by BNY Mellon’s
prices during the market turmoil of
Invesco PowerShares, warned yesterday rival custodian bank State Street and
recent days, as the result of a computer
Oil majors feel the heat of that its family of funds might not be able uses its services.
glitch that affected one of the largest
threats to their dividends to disseminate accurate price informa- Problems began on Monday as the
custodian banks.
tion as the result of problems at BNY result of a failed software upgrade by
The extra yield demanded by investors Bank of New York Mellon, whose com- Mellon. Trading is currently based on SunGard, which BNY Mellon uses as an
to hold the shares of a group of five puter systems are used to calculate the the prior day’s NAV, Invesco said. outside supplier. The glitch was unre-
European oil majors over those of a net asset values (NAVs) of many funds, Other companies to have been lated to the dramatic market moves of
wider basket of European stocks has has been suffering problems since the affected include Prudential Financial, early Monday morning. The Securities
risen to a 28-year high as the sell-off in start of the week because of a failed soft- Federated Investors and Guggenheim and Exchange Commission, which was
crude and wider market turmoil pose a ware upgrade by one of its suppliers. Partners, according to people familiar already monitoring markets for signs of
threat to their dividends. The resulting confusion could take with the firms or public statements. trouble at ETFs, has been working with
Analysis i PAGE 15 many days to clear up, according to peo- One group, First Trust Advisors, said BNY Mellon and fund companies since
ple at several of the companies affected, it had published inaccurate net asset the issue came to light.

Companies / Sectors / People

Companies Cameron International...................13,27 Hunting.........................................................27 Publicis..........................................................18 YouTube........................................................16 Cryan, John.................................................14
888..............................................................13,17 China Merchants Bank........................26 IAG...................................................................27 Raiffeisen Bank International...........12 Sectors Davies, Chris...............................................17
Abercrombie & Fitch............................27 Cinven.............................................................17 ING...................................................................26 Rosbank.........................................................12 Banks........................................12,13,14,18,26 Easterbrook, Steve.................................13
Accor..............................................................26 Citic Securities..........................................14 Indian Oil Corporation..........................15 Rovio Entertainment........................16,17 Chemicals.....................................................14 Fieth, Robin.................................................18
Advent............................................................17 Commerzbank...........................................14 Ladbrokes...............................................13,17 Samsonite.......................................................5 Financials.....................................................14 Golding, Andy...........................................18
Alibaba...........................................................14 Coral................................................................13 Life Insurance Corporation................15 Santander.....................................................12 Grant, Hugh................................................14
Allianz............................................................26 Credit Suisse..............................................14 Maker Studios...........................................16 Sberbank.......................................................12 Kenny, Stewart..........................................16
Amazon...................................................16,27 Deutsche Bank.........................................14 Schlumberger.................................13,14,27
Markit.............................................................26 Oil & Gas.......................................4,12,15,27 Kibsgaard, Paal.........................................13
Apple.............................................................5,9 Express..........................................................27 Société Générale......................................12
McDonald’s..................................................13 Real Estate..................................................17 Kyncl, Robert.............................................16
Ashtead Group..........................................17 Fresnillo........................................................26 Speedy Hire................................................17
Monsanto...............................................14,27 Support Services......................................17 Ma, Jack........................................................14
BC Partners.................................................17 GF Securities..............................................14 Standard Chartered.........................14,26
Omnicom......................................................18 Technology......................................5,9,14,16 Martin Sorrell, Sir....................................18
BNY Mellon.................................................13 GVC.............................................................13,17 Syngenta..........................................14,26,27
OneSavings Bank....................................18 Travel & Leisure...................4,13,16,17,27 Musk, Elon.....................................................9
Baker Hughes............................................13 Gala Coral.....................................................17 Taobao...........................................................14
PKO BP..........................................................14 People Power, David.........................................13,16
Bank of China...........................................26 General Electric........................................13 Tenaris...........................................................27
Barclays.........................................................18 Glencore.......................................................26 Paddy Power..................................13,16,27 Tesla Motors................................................9 Beale, Graham...........................................18 Rantala, Pekka..........................................16
Betfair.............................................13,16,17,27 Google......................................................10,16 Paddy Power .......................................13,17 Tmall...............................................................14 Black, Andrew............................................17 Roy, S.K..........................................................15
BlackRock.....................................................14 GroupM..........................................................18 PetroChina..................................................26 Total................................................................26 Breon Corcoran, ......................................13 Thiam, Tidjane..........................................14
Burger King.................................................13 HSS Hire .....................................................17 Petrofac.........................................................27 WPP............................................................12,18 van Beurden, Ben....................................15 Winters, Bill.................................................14
Bwin.party...............................................13,17 Haitong Securities..................................14 Ping An Insurance.................................26 Weir.................................................................27 Corbett, Gerald.........................................17 Wray, Ed........................................................13
CVC Capital Partners............................16 Halliburton...................................................13 Platts..............................................................26 William Hill........................................13,16,17 Corcoran, John..........................................16 Wray, Edward.............................................16
Cameron..................................................12,27 Huatai Securities.....................................14 Playtech.........................................................17 Wood Group...............................................27 Corcoran, Breon..................................16,17 Zhang, Daniel............................................14

© The Financial Times Limited 2015 Week 35

14 ★★★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 27 August 2015

Oil & gas

Schlumberger buys Cameron for $14bn Henry

Largest oil services group Halliburton’s $38bn bid for Baker industry has to take some ownership” in ranging from exploring underground
Hughes, which is working its way driving down the production cost per reservoirs to delivering oil and gas.
takes advantage of
plunging crude prices
through a difficult regulatory process,
and General Electric’s acquisitions to
build up its energy division.
Mr Kibsgaard said that Schlumberger,
through its acquisition of Cameron,
Cameron is one of the world’s largest
manufacturers of blowout preventers,
the stacks of valves fitted at the top of a
Mortgage losses plan
The oil and gas production companies
that are Schlumberger’s customers have
would “achieve significant efficiency
gains through lowering operating costs,
well that are intended to stop oil and gas
escaping in an accident. It also provides
places Poland’s banks
Schlumberger, the world’s largest oil
services group, has become the latest
been cutting their spending to conserve
cash and protect dividends, as oil prices
fall. This is driving down the level of
streamlining supply chains, and
improving manufacturing processes”.
Schlumberger, which has already
other valves and related equipment,
and packages of services for drilling
wells and keeping them in production.
in election crossfire
company to take advantage of the activity for oil services groups, and the announced plans to cut about 20,000 Mr Kibsgaard said he did not expect
plunge in crude prices, agreeing a rates they can charge customers, and jobs — or 15 per cent of its workforce — The deal any competition authorities worldwide

$14.3bn deal to buy energy equipment therefore increasing the pressure for this year, said it would be able to gener- to block the deal, telling analysts on a ajority investors do not normally vote to
manufacturer Cameron International. consolidation and cost savings. ate about $300m in savings in the first would call that there was “basically no product increase their business’ costs by $350m vol-
The acquisition will give Schlum- Paal Kibsgaard, Schlumberger’s chief year after the deal and $600m during enable line overlap in the offerings”. untarily. But then the Polish government is
berger, which specialises in work “down executive, said the Cameron deal would the second. It expects the transaction to The deal is expected to close in the not a normal majority investor — at least not
hole” in oil and gas wells, a range of new help make the deepwater oil and gas be accretive to earnings by the end of the customers first quarter of 2016, pending regulatory since the country’s politics all got a little,
technologies for use on the surface, both industry more economically viable at a first year. to be served approvals. well, political.
on land and offshore. time of low commodity prices. Schlumberger said the deal would Schlumberger is advised by Goldman With two months to go to a general election that could
It continues the consolidation of the Resources in deepwater were so sig- enable it to serve its customers from from ‘pore Sachs, Baker Botts and Gibson Dunn & see a generation change in the country’s governance, the
oil services industry, which has been nificant that they would continue to be “pore to pipeline”, providing products to pipeline’ Crutcher. Cameron is advised by Credit money in Poles’ pockets is becoming an increasingly
progressing through deals including developed, he added, but “the service and services for use in operations Suisse and Cravath, Swaine & Moore. fraught battleground between the two main parties. And
the country’s banks are caught in the crossfire.
That is perplexing for the lenders’ chief executives who —
for much of the past decade — have often been reminded
their solid balance sheets and financial stability are because
Technology. Growth struggles ofthetenderlovingcareoftheirpoliticaloverlords.
Recently, though, it appears that the gamekeepers have

Alibaba’s ‘values’ have eerie ring of the past become poachers.

It all began in January, when Switzerland devalued the
franc. Roughly 550,000 Polish homeowners have mort-
gages in the Swiss currency — a total of $38bn worth of
loans. Most were taken out before 2008 by canny — or so
they thought — borrowers seeking low interest rates.
As China ecommerce group’s That decision looked decidedly less smart when the
shares continue to slide it devaluation made their repayments soar by about 20 per
cent. So, egged on by a resurgent opposition, the mortgage-
knows value of a back-up plan holders went to the government, cap in hand.
Months of political deliberation followed, with bank
CHARLES CLOVER — BEIJING managers summoned to the finance ministry, and reports
commissioned from the central bank. A deal appeared to
As Alibaba’s shares edged ever lower have been struck: banks and borrowers would split the
this week, Daniel Zhang, chief execu- extra cost, 50-50. So the banks groaned, their shares fell,
tive, sought to reassure his employees: and the lobby groups piped down.
“Our values do not waver with the fluc- But then, as the legislation headed to a late-night vote,
tuations in stock price”. the unexpected happened: an amendment was proposed
After hitting a $119 high in November, by a leftist opposition party suggesting banks foot 90 per
two months after its record-breaking cent of the costs. Months of calculations and deliberations
$25bn initial public offering in New were metaphorically ripped up — and, when the votes
York, Alibaba’s shares have fallen stead- were counted, the motion was passed. On the following
ily. They dipped below the $68 list price morning, bank stocks sank.
for the first time on Monday, driven by Under the new plan, analysts reckon Polish lenders will
the market storms in China, where it is take a $5bn hit over the next few years. PKO BP — the
based, and the US, where it is listed. nation’s biggest bank, which
Mr Zhang’s statement had an eerie is majority owned by the
ring to it. In 2012, Alibaba.com, the government — will account
Analysts reckon
company’s first publicly traded incarna- for $800m of that, according Polish lenders
tion that was listed in Hong Kong, was to Reuters. That is almost
taken private via a management buy- double what it — and its
will take a $5bn
out. That move was accompanied by a investors — had assumed the hit over the next
statement that delisting would free the damage would be. It is also
company “from the pressure of market roughly the bank’s entire net
few years
profit last year. At 11 other
banks, it would mean costs that exceed last year’s pre-tax
The downward path of profits, according to research by the Polish central bank.
Alibaba’s stock price In addition, it could have the effect of cutting the coun-
try’s corporate tax income by $500m in its first year of
could begin to mimic its implementation.
star-crossed predecessor Foreign investors still own more than 60 per cent of the
Polish banking industry, and investor sentiment towards
the sector seems clear: the Warsaw stock exchange’s bank-
expectations, earnings visibility and ing sector index is down almost 20 per cent in 2015.
share price fluctuations”. It is little wonder, then, that banks in Poland — including
If unchecked, the downward path of Alibaba founder trated by its disappointing recent It has also invested in joint venture web- early as 2017. Ding Daoshi, founder of foreign owners such as Commerzbank and GE Capital —
Alibaba’s stock price could begin to Jack Ma was results. In the last quarter, gross mer- site Koubei, aimed at capitalising on the Sootoo Research, a China-based analy- are threatening legal action over the legislation, which is
mimic its star-crossed predecessor. happy to mark chandise value and revenues grew at trend of “online to offline” commerce. sis site, says Alibaba “was overvalued now before the Senat, the upper house of parliament.
Listed in 2007, Alibaba.com shares hit the group’s IPO their slowest in more than three years. But Alibaba’s future success may rest from the start” but adds that “another Senior officials have hinted this week they might seek to
their highest level on the first trading in New York last Iresearch, a Beijing-based consul- with its payments affiliate Ant Finan- reason for the pessimism may be that reverse the amendment lifting banks’ share of the conver-
day, only to skid steadily downwards for September, but tancy, predicts pure ecommerce has cial. The company, which is owned by Alibaba’s most profitable and most pro- sion costs to 90 per cent, and Ewa Kopacz, the prime min-
five years until its ignominious end. the shares started to hit the era of declining returns Jack Ma and his associates separately spective businesses, like Ant Financial, ister, said yesterday Poland needed to consider the stabil-
For Alibaba’s senior management and dipped below to scale. From 70 per cent growth regis- from Alibaba, controls Alipay, Alibaba’s will list separately. People see them, not ity of the banking system when dealing with the Swiss
founder Jack Ma, the lesson of the first their $68 list tered in 2011, it predicts from 2018 payments system, and its online bank, Taobao, as the future of Alibaba”. franc loan issue.
IPO is simple: always have a back-up price this week growth will be at 16 per cent annually. Mybank. Mr Ma has said Ant Financial Alibaba’s publicly listed companies However, the climate could get significantly worse for
plan. Scott Eells/Bloomberg
However, Alibaba has made it clear may list in China, though he has have grown in tandem with China’s the banks if, as expected, the rightwing Law and Justice
In the case of Alibaba.com, the fall- that it can innovate and come up with declined to give a timetable, while some broader economy. Alibaba.com brought party wins power in October’s general election.
back was a platform it launched in 2006 new business models when the old ones reports have suggested it could be as Chinese exporters and western whole- Keen to raise some cash to fund its plans to cut the retire-
called Taobao. An eBay-style online begin to struggle. It is already investing sale buyers together online, with the ment age and raise the income tax threshold, the party has
marketplace — on which merchants in ideas for a post-Taobao era. intention of tapping into China’s mas- floated the idea of a 0.3 per cent tax on the assets of finan-
rent virtual stalls and hawk everything Jack Chen, professor of marketing at Alibaba sive export-led growth engine. cial institutions. If introduced, this would slice another
from socks and smartphones to inflata- Cheung Kong Graduate School of busi- Share price ($) When it changed its focus to Taobao, $1.4bn off the banks’ books and — potentially — lower their
ble David Beckham sex dolls — Taobao ness in Beijing, says that ecommerce is Alibaba was pacing into a new fad for appetite to lend. For less well-capitalised banks that went
and Tmall, its counterpart aimed at big- changing and Alibaba is just starting to 110 China turning into a consumption- big on Swiss franc mortgages, such a double hit could be
ger branded sellers, have come to domi- get behind the new form of online retail. driven economy. too much to bear.
nate ecommerce in China. Together, “Combined channel” marketing, he 100 Now, Ant Financial has plugged in to One senior government official with knowledge of the
they account for 8 per cent of all retail says, where customers go to physical the rise of the mobile internet and the lenders’ balance sheets told the Financial Times that,
and are the backbone of Alibaba’s sec- stores and restaurants but make online 90 government’s strategy of “internet under the current proposals, some banks could require a
ond incarnation as a public company. purchases, mainly with smartphones, is plus”. The state wants to use the web to recapitalisation and possible bailout — the very outcome
According to Wang Guanxiong, growing more rapidly than traditional 80 breathe life into over-regulated and that the government takes credit for avoiding post-2008.
founder of Heavy Innovation Lab, a Bei- ecommerce. “Taobao did its job, which monopolised sectors of the Chinese Poland’s regulator loves to wag its finger at the reckless
jing-based consultancy, by the time it was to go to the stock market and get 70 economy such as finance and transport. West and remind London, Paris and Frankfurt that War-
listed, Alibaba was already showing lots of money. Now Alibaba should But even if Ant Financial is the future, saw’s banks survived the crisis unscathed thanks to benign
signs that it had seen its best days. “Ali- probably be looking for new business 60
Mr Ding says Taobao and Tmall are still stewardship. Today’s investors must wish a similar
baba listed at its peak last year. There models for the future,” he says. Sep 2014 2015 Aug growing rapidly. “We should not count approach applied to politicians with eyes on the ballot box.
wasn’t much room left to grow,” he says. In August, the company took a 20 per them out, they’re still great businesses.”
Source: Thomson Reuters Datastream
Taobao’s struggles have been illus- cent stake in electronic retailer Suning. Additional reporting by Ma Fangjing henry.foy@ft.com

Chemicals Banks

Monsanto ends $46bn pursuit of Syngenta Lenders’ capital raising plans hit by sell-off
ARASH MASSOUDI — LONDON revealed the details of its rejected offer. approach, the board unanimously MARTIN ARNOLD — BANKING EDITOR gap between their market capitalisation board meeting on September 10. Shares
The move ends the latest attempt by rejected their revised proposal. It signif- and book value means any equity issue in the German bank have fallen a quar-
There is growing concern that the
Monsanto yesterday abandoned its Monsanto’s Scottish chief executive icantly undervalued the company and will be more painfully dilutive for share- ter this month, meaning it now trades a
recent sell-off in bank shares will make
$46bn pursuit of agribusiness rival Hugh Grant to buy Syngenta — a take- was fraught with execution risk.” holders. third below its tangible book value.
expected capital raisings much harder
Syngenta, after its third bid this year to over he has personally pursued on three Syngenta has previously argued that a “As a bank looking to raise capital, Since taking over at Credit Suisse, Tid-
to achieve for large European lenders
create a dominant seeds and farm different occasions since 2011. deal would take up to 18 months to close once you go below tangible book value jane Thiam has said the bank “may need
such as Standard Chartered, Deutsche
chemicals business was rejected by the A deal would have seen the St Louis- and would face significant obstacles that becomes fairly dilutive for share- to call for additional capital” when it
Bank and Credit Suisse.
Swiss company. based company become arguably one of from regulatory bodies in many coun- holders,” said Joseph Dickerson, banks completes a strategic review by the end
the most powerful suppliers of seeds tries. It also raised concerns about Mon- The three banks have recently changed analyst at Jefferies. of the year. Credit Suisse shares have
The decision to walk away was instantly and chemicals to farmers around the santo’s plan to redomicile to the UK as their chief executives after a period of StanChart has been one of the hardest lost more than 10 per cent this month
cheered by Monsanto’s investors, who world. But Syngenta refused to engage part of a so-called tax inversion. underperformance and many analysts hit by the market turmoil. Shares in the but still trade at a premium to tangible
had begun to chafe privately to the US with Monsanto this year until its third Some Syngenta shareholders started expect them to raise extra capital from bank, which is listed in London but spe- book value.
company about its efforts to buy Syn- offer, except for a series of meetings to believe that its management should investors to bolster their balance sheets cialises in Asia, the Middle East and Bill Winters, StanChart’s new chief
genta. between antitrust lawyers to discuss engage with Monsanto. That belief was this year. But after a sharp fall in their Africa, have fallen a quarter this month. executive, is expected to unveil his new
Shares in Monsanto had jumped by hurdles to a deal. reflected in Syngenta’s share price, shares this month amid concerns about John Cryan, Deutsche’s new chief strategy and a potential fundraising
more than 7 per cent to $95.93 in early Syngenta said yesterday: “After which plummeted 18.2 per cent to close the Chinese economy, analysts and executive, is expected to discuss his plan after quarterly results in Novem-
afternoon trading in New York after it engaging with Monsanto on their latest at SFr309.9 in Zurich yesterday. investment bankers say the widening strategic plans at an off-site supervisory ber.
Thursday 27 August 2015 ★★★ FINANCIAL TIMES 15


Falling crude drives angst over energy dividends

Yields are rising, highlighting shareholder concern that payouts are at risk as oil majors contend with price crash
Feeling the pain
Fears that the collapse in oil prices will Tightening grip
force big European energy groups to US groups add debt to
slash investor payouts have sent yields Oil majors’ dividend yields maintain distributions
on their dividends soaring, to the high-
est levels in almost three decades versus Aug 2015
the rest of the stock market.
This week’s sharp sell-off in crude,
European oil majors
7.1% The large US oil groups are seen as
amid wider market turmoil triggered by being under less pressure to cut
alarm over a weakening Chinese econ- dividends than European peers, but
omy, has taken the price of internation- their yields have also been rising.
ally traded Brent to its lowest point in ExxonMobil’s shares yield about
more than six years and added to the 4.3 per cent, and Chevron’s about
financial strain on oil companies. 5.9 per cent.
The latest slide raises questions over Exxon is the world’s largest listed
whether industry-wide cost-cutting, oil group by market capitalisation,
asset sales and the deferral of billions of and also one of the financially
dollars in spending on new projects this strongest. It has a triple-A credit
year — all to shore up cash flow — will be rating which gives it, notionally, a
enough to protect dividends. Hence the higher grade than the US
tumble in share prices that has pushed government.
yields higher. During the years of high oil
Indeed, the level of concern is such
Jan 2000 prices, Exxon was conservative in
that the extra yield demanded by inves-
tors to hold the shares of a group of five
2.2% increasing its capital spending, and
used share buybacks to return
European majors — BP, Italy’s Eni, Royal much of its excess cash to
Dutch Shell, Statoil of Norway and MSCI Europe investors. It has also been
France’s Total — over those of a wider increasing its dividend, even
basket of European stocks has risen to a Jan 2000 Aug 2015 through the crisis years of 2008-09,
28-year high, say analysts at Bernstein
Research. The group-wide yield has hit 1.8% 3.1% and raised the quarterly payout by
5.8 per cent to 73 cents for the
7 per cent, more than twice that of the second quarter of this year.
broader market. In the first half of 2015, Exxon
According to one energy investment paid out almost $6bn in dividends,
banker, protecting dividends will be the and its free cash flow after capital
“number one” priority for oil industry European energy groups’ cash flow pressured amid oil price plunge European oil companies have relatively low gearing spending was about $3.9bn, so the
executives returning from the summer company has been running down
break, some of whom only weeks ago Free cash flow* ($bn) Brent ($ per barrel) Cash position ($bn) Gearing (%)** its cash balance and adding to its
unveiled fresh reductions in spending debts to cover its distributions.
and further job losses to combat the 80 120 100 25 Chevron is in a weaker position:
worsening slump. 80 its capital spending in the first half
In late July, Brent crude was trading at 60 100 of this year exceeded its operating
$53 a barrel, having plunged from last 60 cash flow by about $5.7bn, and has
year’s peak of $115 — a fall due in large 40 80 been selling assets and borrowing
part to the decision last November by 15 more to cover that expenditure and
Opec, the oil producers’ cartel, not to cut 20 60 20 pay its $4bn of dividends. However,
output in the face of a US supply glut. the company is getting over a
Brent has since shed another $10, tum- 0 40 0 10 hump in capital spending and
bling below January’s lows and threat- committed to cover the dividend
ening to further erode revenues and 2005 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 2005 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 from its free cash flow in 2017.
* Rolling 12-months
profits. Dividends, therefore, could ** Net debt to net debt plus equity Ed Crooks
become vulnerable. FT graphic Source: Bernstein Photo: Dreamstime

One analyst, who declines to be

named, says the oil majors need a crude
price of $60 to $70 a barrel to cover their scenario where the price will have aver- mechanically. The dividend reflects
dividends on current forecasts for reve- aged just over $50 a barrel for 2015. companies’ confidence in the future as
nues. “Where we are today, it’s not a sus- His analysis shows that a wider group much as current fortunes. For the likes
tainable model, but there are levers they of eight integrated oil companies, of Shell and BP in particular, sacrificing
can pull,” he adds. “If we are still in the including BG Group, Spain’s Repsol and the dividend would mark a historic
low $40s in January and February next Portugal’s Galp, should generate $132bn shift. For his part, Shell’s chief executive
year, that’s when panic stations might in operating cash flow this year, includ- Ben van Beurden has pledged to at least
start to set in.” ing asset sales announced by June 30. maintain current payouts in 2016.
The dividends paid by big oil compa- This compares with outflows — capital Secondly, Mr Clint points to more
nies matter to fund managers — they are expenditure, known acquisitions and than $110bn of cash on the companies’
the main reason why many hold stocks cash dividends — of $149bn. combined balance sheets. The oil
such as Shell, BP and Total. For next year, assuming that Brent majors, he adds, will if necessary use
“The dividend is the anchor point, it is trades flat at $50, the equivalent cash their financial strength and relatively
essential for investors,” says Martijn inflow excluding asset sales would be low leverage to borrow more to cover
Rats, an analyst at Morgan Stanley. The $118bn, against outflows of $134bn. In their dividends. Their average gearing —
payouts, with rare exceptions, are both years, then, the dividends cannot or ratio of debt to equity — is 19 per cent,
dependable, even through industry be covered by cash alone — the annual below the 22 per cent of six years ago,
downturns. shortfall runs to about $17bn. But that when crude last collapsed. In the late
One company, Eni, cut its payout in does not mean the companies would 1990s oil price plunge, which spurred a
March, repeating action it took in 2009, automatically cut payouts to investors. frenzied round of dealmaking, gearing
when crude last collapsed. But Shell has First, executives would not act so was nearly 30 per cent and the groups
never cut its dividend and BP has only had less than $5bn of cash available.
done so twice in living memory. Total “These companies are in much better
last cut its payout in 1981. So how justi-
‘If we are still in the low shape today,” says Mr Clint.
fied is the market angst? $40s in January . . . that’s So, do not rule out dividend cuts. But,
Oswald Clint, an analyst at Bernstein, for now, at current oil price levels,
has assessed the level of dividend stress
when panic stations another round of cost-cutting looks
to be expected if crude remains in the might start to set in’ much more likely, in the autumn with
mid-$40s for the rest of this year — a third-quarter results.


Facebook dials M for virtual assistant

HANNAH KUCHLER the internet. Virtual assistants could For now, the app will be informed
dominate users’ attention and direct only by the information that a user tells
Facebook has created a virtual assist- them to particular businesses for their it — such as a friend’s favourite cake —
ant powered by artificial intelligence needs. not by the vast troves of data that Face-
that can do everything from organise M is trained and supervised by a team book holds on its users’ likes and dis-
birthday parties to calling companies of contractors at Facebook, who will likes. But finding a way to mine that
so users do not have to spend hours on oversee more complex requests until data while not appearing creepy or
hold. the assistant becomes smarter and who infringing privacy could help Facebook
can add the odd, more personal surprise beat other virtual assistants.
The M service, which will run inside touch. The service is being tested by a few
Facebook Messenger, is the company’s hundred users in the Bay Area, where
attempt to challenge Apple’s Siri and Facebook has its headquarters. “This is
Microsoft’s Cortana, virtual personal early in the journey to build M into an
assistants that communicate using at-scale service,” Mr Marcus said.
voice recognition software. Mr Marcus was hired from his post as
But it could also help Facebook to take PayPal chief executive last year, in a sign
on Google on the smartphone, if it that Facebook was planning to focus
becomes the primary place for the social many of its new developments on its
network’s almost 1.5bn users to search Messenger app, which is used by more
for information and carry out tasks. than 700m people.
David Marcus, vice-president of Facebook’s approach to eventually
messaging products at Facebook, said generating revenue from Messenger is
that unlike other artificial intelligence- being closely watched as both a new
based services, M can actually complete stream for the business, and a potential
tasks on a user’s behalf. model for how it might monetise
“It can purchase items, get gifts deliv- WhatsApp, the messaging app that it
ered to your loved ones, book restau- bought for $22bn last year.
rants, travel arrangements, appoint- This year Facebook has announced
ments and way more,” he said in a post Messenger for business, which allows
on Facebook. customers to communicate with retail-
This is the latest entrant in a battle for ers through the app, a way to send
virtual assistants which, like the money to friends through the app and
browser wars of the 1990s, could set the M, the virtual assistant, will run further integration with other apps such
balance of power for the next stage of inside Facebook Messenger as the ability to send gifts in chats.
16 ★ † FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 27 August 2015


Corcoran nets

YouTube aims
to challenge
big win with Amazon with
live streams of
‘Betty Power’ video games

Rivals left at odds as uniquely placed YouTube has unveiled a standalone

gaming app as the Google-owned video
chief bets on Paddy Power-Betfair deal site looks to challenge Amazon’s
Twitch in the growing market for
watching live streams of people playing
MALCOLM MOORE But Betfair has had an astonishing run
under Mr Corcoran, making the failed
Four years ago, when Betfair was look- 950p-a-share offer from the private YouTube Gaming pulls together all the
ing for a new chief executive, there was equity house CVC Capital Partners in gaming-related videos and live streams
one outstanding candidate: the chief early 2013 seem highly opportunistic. In from across the site, including material
operating officer of its rival, Paddy the past 12 months alone, active cus- from YouTube star PewDiePie, who
Power. tomer numbers have risen 52 per cent to broadcasts his thoughts on video games
But Breon Corcoran, who had spent a 1.7m and underlying free cash flow is up to his channel’s almost 39m subscribers.
decade in Dublin with the Irish book- 47 per cent to £103.8m. People are spending 75 per cent more
maker, was not sure he wanted to leave. After hitting the top end of his targets, time watching gaming videos on
His rise at Paddy Power had been Mr Corcoran was awarded a bonus of YouTube this year, compared with the
swift, while the UK’s Betfair looked like £10m in Betfair shares, whose paper year before, the company said.
a challenge. Having floated in 2010 at value rose more than £2m on the news Frank Petterson, engineering man-
£13 a share, it was trading at near £8 a of the merger. ager, said the new app had more than
share as investors lost confidence. Mr Corcoran’s strategy has been to 25,000 game pages. “Together we all
“I never got the sense that he did not take Betfair’s leading technology — it make gaming better,” he said. “Our
want the job,” says Edward Wray, co- has the biggest gaming exchange, on peers make us better gamers, and games
founder of Betfair, who remains the which customers bet against each other, are made better by the communities
company’s largest shareholder with in the business — and build a consumer- that surround them.”
about 9.5 per cent. “But he was certainly friendly format in front of it. The trend of watching others play
well-embedded in Paddy Power. It took The result is that Betfair’s online games online is part of a broader
us some time and quite a lot of effort to sportsbook took £1.2bn in wagers last e-games phenomenon, where people
get him out of there.” year, up 140 per cent, close to the £1.3bn even gather in their thousands at
Now, almost exactly three years after that was staked at Ladbrokes.
taking the plunge and joining Betfair, “Breon Corcoran? He’s doing at Bet-
the 44-year-old from Mullingar, County fair what he did at Paddy Power,” says
Marketers are targeting
Westmeath, is set to put his green jacket one Paddy Power executive. Now Mr millennials who they
back on. If everything goes smoothly in Corcoran will be able to do the reverse:
a deal announced yesterday, Betfair and bolt Betfair’s technology on to Paddy
struggle to reach with
Paddy Power will merge in January with Power’s strong brand — it is known for television advertising
Mr Corcoran at the helm, in a tie-up that its tongue-in-cheek advertising.
has become known as “Betty Power”. “Breon has re-engineered Betfair,” stadiums to watch computer games
“He knows both businesses inside says Warwick Bartlett, chief of Global competitions for prize money.
out,” says Mr Wray. “Often when you do Betting and Gaming Consultancy. “He Gaming videos are worth $3.8bn
a merger, it is 25 per cent known and 75 has cut waste, introduced new products worldwide according to estimates by
per cent unknown. This is the other way and made sure the company has stayed Haydock races: Betfair’s tie-up with Paddy Power will create the biggest online gambling group — John Giles/PA SuperData Research. YouTube has 72
around.” Was this the plan all along? “I at the cutting edge of technology and per cent of the viewers but Twitch,
wish I could say I had that much fore- innovation. The guy’s a winner.” acquired by Amazon last year for
sight,” he says, laughing. Alan Weinrib, an internet gaming
Online gaming Bookmaker performance $970m, has the highest market share by
Indeed, a year ago, a merger of equals consultant who has worked with Mr Revenues, 2014 (£bn) Annual pre-tax profits (£m) revenue at 43 per cent, the research
would have been impossible. Betfair’s Corcoran, adds: “He had a vision with 150 company said.
market capitalisation was below £1bn, Paddy Power that no matter how good a Bet365 The app launch comes as YouTube is
while Paddy Power’s was about €2bn. deal looked he did not want to do any- 1.28 Paddy Power* spinning off more specialist features for
thing that would dilute the brand, and Paddy Power Betfair its more than 1bn viewers, to provide
how correct he turned out to be.” 0.439 0.394 areas suited for watching games or for
888-Bwin 50
The union of the two companies into children on the site.
the UK’s largest gaming company, sit- 0.77 Robert Kyncl, Google vice-president
ting in the middle of the FTSE 100 with a GVC-Bwin 0 and global head of business at YouTube,
combined market capitalisation in 0.653 said the company was looking to create
William Hill Betfair -50
excess of £5bn, will leave rivals facing spin-off apps for areas with “meaningful
Gambling groups step pressure to do their own deals. Ladbrokes-Coral consumer engagement” that could
William Hill, which had been linked -100 increase the time users watch content if
up consolidation 0.523 2011 12 13 14 15
with Paddy Power in a potential tie-up they developed more specific features.
nicknamed “Will Power”, did not * 2015 figure is an estimate Overall, hours watched on YouTube
Sources: GBGC; Bloomberg
respond to requests for comment on its increased 60 per cent in the past year
July 2015 888 Holdings and GVC chase position now that it looks set to lose its and the number of advertisers increased
Bwin.party. GVC says it will bid more market-leading status. by 40 per cent, as marketers target mil-
than $1bn “This leaves William Hill in a tricky Irish connection Bookmakers Association, says: “They newspaper’s Rich List for 2015. Mr lennials who they struggle to reach with
position,” says David Jennings, an ana- Bookies who cast betting’s didn’t so much change the industry as Corcoran owns 3 per cent. Mr Kenny, television advertising.
July Ladbrokes and Gala Coral lyst at Davy, the Irish stockbroker. “All change the perception of it. They put who started in the bookmaking trade at Courtney Holt, chief strategy officer
announce a merger to create a group of its major rivals are building scale. It back-alley image aside the fun into betting and moved it away age 15, stepped down as chief executive at Maker Studios, the Disney-owned
with a market capitalisation of £2.3bn probably leaves them all the more rue- from its smoky, drab, back-alley image.” in 2002 and studied Buddhism at multichannel networks said the rise of
ful they could not reach an agreement to While there was not a founder monasteries in Tibet. He is on the online video had created new types of
Feb William Hill tries (and fails) to buy acquire 888 earlier in the year.” As the Irish economy boomed in the named Paddy Power — “Paddy” was Paddy Power board and owns about content, from watching people playing
888 with a £700m bid William Hill may not have the finan- 1990s and early 2000s, Paddy Power chosen to signify the Irish connection 400,000 shares. games to viewing people take toys out of
cial firepower to challenge the Betfair captured a renewed desire to have fun. — David Power’s son Paddy now works The emergence of the mainly online their boxes.
Feb Intertain Group buys consumer and Paddy Power merger, and Mr Jen- Stewart Kenny, David Power and for the business as a marketing Paddy Power business contributed to “If somebody said 10 years ago that
assets of Gamesys, including nings says a deal for online group Bet365 John Corcoran, three long-established executive and the Power family remains the slow disappearance of the there would be a cable network whose
Jackpotjoy, for an initial £425.8m is unlikely because of the latter’s expo- bookmakers with small betting-shop actively involved. independent bookie’s shop in Ireland. entire purpose was primarily young
sure to unregulated markets. chains, joined forces in 1988 to create David Power is Paddy Power’s Another factor in this decline was the boys talking over video game footage,
Dec 2014 CVC buys controlling 80 per Betfair’s combination with Paddy the company, with “a determination to biggest individual shareholder. His disappearance of construction workers that would have sounded pretty terri-
cent stake in Sky Bet for £600m Power may be the biggest deal so far in bring betting into the world of almost 8 per cent stake, now worth — a big market for local bookmakers — ble,” Mr Holt said.
the gambling sector, as companies seek entertainment”, as the group’s official about €320m, makes him one of who were laid off in their thousands “But it is an incredible new business
Jun 2014 Amaya Gaming buys Oldford the scale to compete with greater tax and history puts it. Ireland’s richest men — he was number after the collapse of the building boom. and form of self-expression, leveraging
Group for $4.9bn. The deal includes regulation,butitisunlikelytobethelast. Sharon Byrne of the Irish 41 in Ireland’s Sunday Independent Vincent Boland characters and animation to tell a new
the PokerStars and Full Tilt brands See Lombard story.”

Contracts & Tenders Public Notice


Angry Birds maker sheds 260

jobs in effort to remain aloft
RICHARD MILNE Clans and Candy Crush, which are free to
play but charge players for in-game ben-
The freefall of the maker of Angry Birds efits and which differ from the paid-for
continued as Rovio Entertainment said model originally used by Angry Birds.
it would cut another 260 jobs, taking Rovio said its playground and educa-
losses in the past year to nearly half the tion businesses would be shut down as
workforce at the Finnish company. part of a shift to focus on three core
areas: gaming, media, and consumer
One of the most downloaded mobile
apps, Angry Birds was an early success in
gaming for smartphones and tablets.
‘Fundamental changes
But Rovio has struggled to replicate that are needed to ensure
achievement, while an expansion into
everything from theme parks and play-
Rovio succeeds in its
grounds to education and branded global ambitions’
goods has floundered.
The company, which employs 670 products. The job cuts came despite
people after cutting 110 jobs last year, Angry Birds 2 being downloaded 50m
said yesterday it would shed 260 more times in recent months. Nonetheless,
in all parts of its business except for the game has slipped down the apps
those working on The Angry Birds Movie, charts in recent weeks.
which is due for release next year. “Fundamental changes are needed to
Rovio had revenues of just €158m and ensure Rovio succeeds in its global
operating profit of €10m in 2014, both ambitions to be the leading entertain-
down on the previous year. The film is ment company with mobile games at its
estimated to have cost the company heart,” said Pekka Rantala, a former
more than $100m. Nokia manager who took over as chief
The start-up has struggled with the executive last August.
rise of freemium games such as Clash of See Lombard
Thursday 27 August 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 17


Betty Power leaves William Hill the wallflower in bookies’ consolidation waltz
is taking over Gala Coral, Playtech has leaps in those of its two rivals. An selling those businesses, itself an when markets are stable. Some private hoody, it’s probably the way you’d
been expanding into spread betting attempt by the big UK bookie to buy overture to raising another fund. Many equity firms were caught out by the choose to go. Rovio could even
and Bwin.party is in talks with both 888 earlier this year was derailed by PE groups are beginning the third 2008 crash, having raised capital at the introduce a competitive element by
GVC and 888. opposition from Israeli shareholders. phase of that cycle with the pre- top of the market. Those that are still releasing pigs into its car park and
The consolidation wave is driven by The partners have complex promotion of multibillion European in the game should have done better scaling redundancy payments to the
three trends. First, a shift from racing integrations of systems and cultures to funds that are expected to close next this time, selling swaths of businesses number each ex-staffer knocks over.
to sports betting. Second, a burgeoning execute. It should help that Betfair’s year. Advent, BC Partners and Cinven when prices were high. OK. It’s tough losing your job. But an
taste for wagering on a mobile phone at well-regarded chief executive Breon are among those tipped to assail the But private equity types should employer that hit the jackpot with a
If you don’t bet, you can’t win. William the expense of high-street bookies. Corcoran will retain that role. Betfair wallets of investors. The last bumper eschew buying back companies they single mobile game was always a risky
Hill, current number one in the UK and Third, growing regulation. chairman Gerald Corbett is bowing out year was 2013, according to Prequin. floated not long before. Low cunning is employer. The shark’s fin sales pattern
Irish betting industry, is set to be Betfair, which deadbatted an with credit. The combination looks like Collapsing equity values are more best deployed discreetly. for computer games is the stuff of
superseded by “Betty Power”, as the opportunistic £1bn bid from CVC in a winning punt on paper. But so did a propitious than you might think. Even textbooks. Instead of creating another
£5.7bn combo of Paddy Power and 2013, has its roots in a betting exchange horse called Quantitative Easing that when buying companies privately, shark’s fin, Rovio tried to stretch out
Betfair has been jokingly dubbed. The devised by tech whizz Andrew Black. Lombard backed at Cheltenham this toppy stock markets tend to raise Floppy bird the first one, but with limited success.
share-based merger is intended to Paddy Power’s heritage is of fidgety year. It crashed through the barriers, prices. Private equity buyers have been As to catapult delayering, there is
create a fast-talking, tech-savvy group men studying the form in their local tumbled a photographer and made off paying around 10-11 times earnings Rovio Entertainment, producer of the probably some pettifogging law that
that is as comfortable writing bookie amidst crumpled betting slips. in the direction of Cleeve Hill. before nasties. Levels of 7-8 times mobile game Angry Birds, is cutting prevents it.
algorithms as treading the hallowed Paddy Power has a cheeky style would feel a lot more comfortable. another 260 jobs. It is a difficult time Similar red tape prevented the great
turf of Ascot and The Curragh. exemplified by a “Making Mischief” There is a psychological difficulty, and managers should act in accordance publicist Jim Moran from staging a
The proposed transaction, involving section on its website that boasts such Perpetual promotion though. A fund manager whose quoted with the values that everyone at the novel candy promotion, prompting his
the payment of a modest premium to headlines as “Daft Punk get their lucky portfolio is tanking does not want a Finnish group holds dear: they should remark: “It’s a sad day for capitalism
Paddy Power shareholders via an pants out for the Brits”. Certainly, the Private equity firms believe in returns spreadsheet. He wants a paper erect a giant catapult atop Rovio HQ when a man can’t fly a midget (sic) on
€80m special dividend, is the merger could cause considerable permanent marketing, just as Maoists bag to breathe in and out of. It can be and use it to ping employees out on to a kite over Central Park”.
culmination of a year of frenetic deal- competitive mischief to William Hill, as believed in permanent revolution. easier to raise a €5.3bn European the jobs market.
doing by gambling groups. Ladbrokes indicated by a fall in its shares and Investing in companies is a prelude to equity fund, as Permira did last June, If you’re a kidult coder in a Red Bird jonathan.guthrie@ft.com

Support services

Second profit
warning takes
toll on HSS Hire
Profits downgraded amid revenue growth is pencilled in at
between 8 and 11 per cent, compared
a slow recovery in DIY with sales growth of one-quarter in
and housing markets 2014.
Chief executive officer Chris Davies
MICHAEL POOLER called the results “disappointing”.
“Trading continues to be unpredicta-
Shares in tool rental company HSS Hire ble, and after a reasonable July, we have
fell by more than one-third after the seen softer market conditions in
group issued its second profit warning in August,” said Mr Davies. “As a result we
as many months. are cautious on the outlook for the bal-
The company joined London’s junior ance of the year.”
Aim market in February, raising £100m Analysts at Numis, who reduced their
at a float price of 210p per share. But the forecast for revenue growth by 4 per
stock slumped to a low of 79p yesterday cent to the bottom of the company’s new
morning — almost two-thirds below its range, said: “A second profit warning
listing price — amid what it called a within six months of the IPO has
“slow and more erratic than predicted” reduced our confidence that HSS can
recovery in the home improvement and deliver growth rates significantly ahead Hitting goals: Carillion’s contracts, which include work on Liverpool’s Anfield Stadium, saw revenues grow for the first time in five years — John Powell/Getty
housing markets. of the market.”
This led management at HSS, which HSS’s woes reflect those of its peer
leases out tools ranging from drills and
concrete mixers to welders and carpet
cleaners, to downgrade sales and earn-
Speedy Hire, which suffered a sharp
share price fall after warning on profits
in July.
Milestone Carillion has returned to revenue
growth for the first time in five years as
a rise in UK government outsourcing
of 4.8 per cent in the same period last
Along with other services companies,
margin’s fell as it launched new
Carillion’s performance contrasts
ings forecasts for 2015.
Profits for the full year are expected to
However, rival tool hire firm Ashtead
Group raised its dividend by a third ear-
Carillion back helped boost the construction group’s
sales in the six months to June.
Carillion has benefited from increased
spending on outsourcing, which
with that of Balfour Beatty. The rival
UK construction firm, with which
fall below market expectations, while lier in the year after posting a record
HSS reported a 12.1 per cent rise in
to growth Carillion, which is involved in a
broad range of services from the
maintenance of UK military bases to
doubled to £120bn under the last
coalition government.
The company’s support services
Carillion discussed a £3bn merger
last year, suffered widening losses in
the first half.
HSS Hire revenues to £146.4m in the first half of construction work on Liverpool’s revenue grew 13 per cent to £1.24bn. Despite the return to revenue
Share price (pence) the year, boosted in part by new local Anfield Stadium, reported revenue Despite the strong sales growth, growth, Carillion’s shares fell 1.7 per
250 branches and bolt-on acquisitions but growth of 21 per cent in the first half to Carillion’s pre-tax profit remained flat cent to 323.5p. They are now down
chiefly through organic sales growth. £2.26bn, compared with a contraction at £67.5m, however, as the group’s 2.7 per cent year to date. Joel Lewin
However, pre-tax losses widened by
200 more than a quarter to £14.1m com-
pared with the same period last year —
in line with a prior warning in June.
150 The widening deficit was attributed to
one-off flotation expenses of £3m, the
100 setting up of new branches and
increased depreciation charges to a hire
fleet. However, the company said it was
50 targeting cost reductions of £1.5m-£3m
Feb 2015 Aug in the final quarter and up to £12m in
Source: Thomson Reuters Datastream
HSS shares closed 39 per cent down.
18 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 27 August 2015


Media Banks

Bullish WPP plays down risk of losing clients OneSavings

profits rise but
Group is confident of chief warns of
winning business despite
reviews of ad spending
tax impact

Specialist lender OneSavings Bank has

WPP has played down the risk that it
reported an 88 per cent surge in profits,
will lose business as a result of the $20bn
but has warned a new tax threatens to
“tsunami” of advertising spending
choke lending to small businesses.
reviews that are taking place at many of
the world’s biggest brands, and remains The bank, which is backed by private
bullish on China despite the recent mar- equity group JC Flowers, said profits
ket turmoil. before tax increased to £46.6m in the
A flurry of large marketers including first half, due to strong loan growth.
carmaker Volkswagen and Mondelez, This was up from £24.8m in the same
the food group, this year launched period last year and beat analysts’
reviews of which media agencies they expectations.
should employ to plan and buy advertis- However, Andy Golding became the
ing space on their behalf. latest bank chief executive to criticise
But the marketing services group led chancellor George Osborne’s new 8 per
by Sir Martin Sorrell, which reported its cent tax surcharge, claiming it unfairly
first-half results yesterday, expressed penalises small lenders.
confidence that it would win clients He told the Financial Times he hopes
from rivals such as Publicis and Omni- the threshold for the tax, which applies
com, rather than lose them. to banks’ UK profits above £25m, will be
“There’s more upside than downside,” raised to £250m to exempt smaller
for WPP, said Paul Richardson, chief banks that are attempting to grow and
financial officer of the world’s largest provide competition.
advertising group by revenues. He Some £10bn of lending by challenger
added that the company’s agencies — banks could be stifled by the tax, most of
which include Mindshare, MEC and which finds its way to small and medi-
MediaCom — are the incumbents on less um-sized businesses, he warned. How-
than a quarter of the media spending ever, he added: “I don’t expect any
reviews. change to the new tax in this fiscal year.”
WPP has this year won more pitches Sir Martin 7 per cent. And he added that “stock confidence both on the fundamental advertising technology. Sir Martin also His comments come a week after Gra-
than it has lost. The company gained a Sorrell remains market valuations in China are still at resilience of the world’s economy.” warned that some of WPP’s clients were ham Beale, chief executive of Nation-
total of £1.3bn in net new business in the an “unabashed too high a level”. For the full year, WPP is targeting like- increasingly wary of digital media, wide, criticised the tax as “dispropor-
first half, compared with £2.6bn in the bull” on China, WPP reported that net sales — a meas- for-like revenue and net sales growth of because of evidence that many online tionate”. Robin Fieth, chief executive of
same period last year. Of the total, WPP’s third ureofrevenuescloselyfollowedbyinves- more than 3 per cent. It is also planning adverts go unseen by consumers. the Building Societies Association, said
GroupM, WPP’s media investment divi- biggest market tors as it excludes distortions such as a 0.3 percentage point increase in its net “Clients are starting to look at online the tax, which also hit six building socie-
sion, generated net new billings of and the source pass-through costs — increased 5.2 per sales margin, excluding the effects of and ask themselves: where am I getting ties, could dent £20bn of mortgage
£400m. of almost 7 per cent to £5bn. On a like-for-like basis, net currency movements. the value? Where am I getting the view- lending during this parliament.
Sir Martin said that he remained an cent of group sales rose 2.3 per cent, broadly in line Sir Martin also used the company’s ability?” he said. OneSavings’ lending grew by 17 per
“unabashed bull” on China — WPP’s revenues withconsensusanalystexpectations. results conference to criticise Google. In ‘Do we Such concerns are one of the main cent in the first half of 2015 to £4.6bn,
third-biggest market and the source of Christophe Morin/ Bloomberg
Group profit before tax increased particular, he said the Silicon Valley change reasons that big brands are reviewing driven by gross organic origination and
almost 7 per cent of group revenues — in 45 per cent to £710m. WPP’s net sales group’s practice of “bundling” some of their agency relationships, Sir Martin the purchase of a mortgage portfolio for
spite of fears about economic slowdown. margin, a widely followed metric of the its advertising technology products was WPP’s said. He believes WPP is well-placed to £260m in March.
“This is a cyclical correction,” he said. group’s profitability, increased 0.3 per- “anti-competitive”. strategy win pitches thanks to its strength in Mr Golding said he is also looking at
“Do we change WPP’s strategy because centage points to 13.3 per cent. As the Financial Times reported in “technology, data and content”, all areas various acquisition opportunities, add-
of what’s happening? No.” Claudio Aspesi, an analyst at Bern- July, companies including AppNexus, because of in which the group has expanded more ing that in spite of the tax he expects
But he still cautioned that China’s stein, described the results as “strong”. which is part-owned by WPP, have vis- what’s aggressively than its rivals. OneSavings to achieve a return of equity
economy was probably growing at about He added: “Most important, WPP ited the European Commission to argue WPP’s shares were down 3.74 per cent greater than 25 per cent next year.
4 per cent — considerably slower than reconfirmed its guidance for 2015 in that Google may be unlawfully happening? to £13.11 at close of trading. Shares in the bank closed 14.5 per cent
the officially reported growth rate of spite of the recent turmoil — a big vote of stifling competition in the market for No’ See Lex up at 363.9p yesterday.

Executive Appointments
Thursday 27 August 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 19
20 ★★★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 27 August 2015



Change during previous day’s trading (%)
S&P 500 Nasdaq Composite Dow Jones Ind FTSE 100 FTSE Eurofirst 300 Nikkei Hang Seng FTSE All World $ $ per € $ per £ ¥ per $ £ per € Oil Brent $ Sep Gold $

-1.68% -1.86% -1.52% -0.088% -1.083% -0.609% -0.31% -1.47%

3.90% 4.24% 3.95% 3.20% 1.83% 0.963%
Stock Market movements over last 30 days, with the FTSE All-World in the same currency as a comparison
Jul 27 - Aug 26 Index All World Jul 27 - Aug 26 Index All World Jul 27 - Aug 26 Index All World Jul 27 - Aug 26 Index All World Jul 27 - Aug 26 Index All World Jul 27 - Aug 26 Index All World

S&P 500 New York S&P/TSX COMP Toronto FTSE 100 London Xetra Dax Frankfurt Nikkei 225 Tokyo Kospi Seoul
2,093.25 20,328.89 2,039.10
14,001.37 6,555.28 11,173.91
13,381.59 1,894.09
1,940.51 18,376.83
5,979.20 9,997.43
Day 3.90% Month -6.69% Year -2.87% Day 1.75% Month -5.67% Year -14.33% Day -1.68% Month -8.73% Year -11.98% Day -1.29% Month -11.90% Year 4.27% Day 3.20% Month -10.55% Year 17.70% Day 2.57% Month -7.42% Year -8.09%

Nasdaq Composite New York IPC Mexico City FTSE Eurofirst 300 Europe Ibex 35 Madrid Hang Seng Hong Kong FTSE Straits Times Singapore
5,089.21 11,252.40 24,503.94
44,222.97 1,545.79
4,697.54 1,380.88 9,984.50 2,886.29
Day 4.24% Month -7.69% Year 3.08% Day 0.74% Month -4.35% Year -6.91% Day -1.86% Month -11.46% Year 0.58% Day -1.29% Month -11.71% Year -6.60% Day -1.52% Month -16.11% Year -16.24% Day -0.46% Month -14.31% Year 11.76%

Dow Jones Industrial New York Bovespa São Paulo CAC 40 Paris FTSE MIB Milan Shanghai Composite Shanghai BSE Sensex Mumbai
17,630.27 49,601.60 23,328.02
4,977.32 3,663.00 27,459.23
16,285.51 46,038.08 21,473.81
4,501.05 25,714.66
Day 3.95% Month -7.30% Year -4.63% Day 3.35% Month -6.51% Year -23.04% Day -1.40% Month -11.00% Year 3.66% Day -0.81% Month -8.65% Year 4.01% Day -1.27% Month -28.09% Year 31.31% Day -1.34% Month -8.53% Year -2.73%

Country Index Aug 26 Aug 25 Country Index Aug 26 Aug 25 Country Index Aug 26 Aug 25 Country Index Aug 26 Aug 25 Country Index Aug 26 Aug 25 Country Index Aug 26 Aug 25
Argentina Merval 10290.17 9777.73 Cyprus
CSE M&P Gen 78.00 78.04 Italy FTSE Italia All-Share 23103.07 23280.66 Philippines Manila Comp 6867.92 6830.34 Taiwan Weighted Pr 7715.59 7675.64 Cross-Border DJ Global Titans ($) 219.57 213.60
Australia All Ordinaries 5178.90 5143.80 PX Czech Republic 984.85 989.62 FTSE Italia Mid Cap 32581.74 32753.42 Poland Wig 49318.58 49372.33 Thailand Bangkok SET 1320.08 1323.88 Euro Stoxx 50 (Eur) 3170.73 3218.01
S&P/ASX 200 5172.80 5137.30 OMXC Copenahgen 20
Denmark 916.17 924.45 FTSE MIB 21473.81 21649.69 Portugal PSI 20 5164.19 5215.97 Turkey BIST 100 73509.71 71341.95 Euronext 100 ID 871.15 884.72
S&P/ASX 200 Res 2818.40 2767.30 Egypt
EGX 30 6836.95 6654.06 Japan 2nd Section 4563.00 4396.36 PSI General 2360.91 2380.29 UAE Abu Dhabi General Index 4329.94 4334.17 FTSE 4Good Global ($) 5239.52 5146.70
Austria ATX 2266.67 2287.70 Estonia
OMX Tallinn 867.15 869.72 Nikkei 225 18376.83 17806.70 Romania BET Index 6996.31 7044.14 UK FT 30 2690.50 2724.70 FTSE All World 256.72 252.10
Belgium BEL 20 3346.19 3392.12 Finland
OMX Helsinki General 7807.04 7881.31 S&P Topix 150 1233.57 1193.34 Russia Micex Index 1660.95 1658.13 FTSE 100 5979.20 6081.34 FTSE E300 1380.88 1406.98
BEL Mid 5524.14 5604.75 France
CAC 40 4501.05 4564.86 Topix 1478.97 1432.65 RTX 754.61 758.46 FTSE 4Good UK 5458.96 5549.89 FTSE Eurotop 100 2742.92 2799.67
Brazil Bovespa 46038.08 44544.85 SBF 120 3547.09 3596.57 Jordan Amman SE 2090.24 2091.59 Saudi-Arabia TADAWUL All Share Index 7384.46 7543.05 FTSE All Share 3297.33 3346.24 FTSE Global 100 ($) 1236.86 1207.61
Canada S&P/TSX 60 789.87 Germany
775.54 M-DAX 19137.61 19299.90 Kenya NSE 20 4171.35 4242.73 Singapore FTSE Straits Times 2873.00 2886.29 FTSE techMARK 100 3637.55 3650.94 FTSE Gold Min ($) 864.66 902.46
S&P/TSX Comp 13381.59 13150.93 TecDAX 1642.78 1662.91 Kuwait KSX Market Index 5814.03 5834.78 Slovakia SAX 254.60 254.15 USA DJ Composite 5773.88 5590.97 FTSE Latibex Top (Eur) 2431.90 2457.10
S&P/TSX Met & Min 398.64 414.69 XETRA Dax 9997.43 10128.12 Latvia OMX Riga 430.84 429.29 Slovenia SBI TOP 688.15 692.46 DJ Industrial 16285.51 15666.44 FTSE Multinationals ($) 1395.72 1397.51
Chile IGPA Gen 18013.79 17970.28
Greece Athens Gen 622.72 621.70 Lithuania OMX Vilnius 484.52 483.14 South Africa FTSE/JSE All Share 48359.24 48980.84 DJ Transport 7682.12 7466.97 FTSE World ($) 455.60 446.87
China FTSE A200 7848.93 7853.38 FTSE/ASE 20 182.74 182.19 Luxembourg LuxX 1439.97 1452.11 FTSE/JSE Res 20 32891.69 33348.33 DJ Utilities 566.58 557.17 FTSEurofirst 100 (Eur) 3887.08 3969.10
FTSE B35 8652.60 8514.46
Hong Kong Hang Seng 21080.39 21404.96 Malaysia FTSE Bursa KLCI 1580.37 1563.94 FTSE/JSE Top 40 42854.06 43439.05 Nasdaq 100 4219.60 4016.32 FTSEurofirst 80 (Eur) 4241.02 4302.13
Shanghai A 3066.64 3106.32 HS China Enterprise 9427.93 9514.04 Mexico IPC 42323.04 42010.89 South Korea Kospi 1894.09 1846.63 Nasdaq Cmp 4697.54 4506.49 MSCI ACWI Fr ($) 381.91 382.36
Shanghai B 279.08 277.32 HSCC Red Chip 3800.11 3820.13 Morocco MASI 9316.01 9430.08 Kospi 200 227.71 223.07 NYSE Comp 9979.67 9692.39 MSCI All World ($) 1583.87 1589.50
Shanghai Comp 2927.29 2964.96
Hungary Bux 21190.85 21389.35 Netherlands AEX 428.73 436.68 Spain IBEX 35 9984.50 10115.40 S&P 500 1940.51 1867.61 MSCI Europe (Eur) 1356.80 1378.20
Shenzhen A 1773.44 1829.64
India BSE Sensex 25714.66 26063.48 AEX All Share 660.18 671.91 Sri Lanka CSE All Share 7240.10 7231.58 Wilshire 5000 20427.87 19722.01 MSCI Pacific ($) 2238.75 2186.55
Shenzhen B 1030.35 1014.07 S&P CNX 500 6513.35 6569.85 New Zealand NZX 50 5577.78 5613.29 Sweden OMX Stockholm 30 1458.20 1483.35 Venezuela IBC 14876.04 14923.65 S&P Euro (Eur) 1405.82 1424.88
Colombia COLCAP 1149.53 1150.78
Indonesia Jakarta Comp 4237.73 4228.50 Nigeria SE All Share 28807.00 29214.13 OMX Stockholm AS 483.81 489.57 Vietnam VNI 545.89 529.98 S&P Europe 350 (Eur) 1416.98 1444.37
Croatia CROBEX 1736.51 1739.97
Ireland ISEQ Overall 6115.53 6094.72 Norway Oslo All Share 615.04 610.21 Switzerland SMI Index 8548.75 8758.79 S&P Global 1200 ($) 1778.10 1749.34
Israel Tel Aviv 100 14.00 13.61 Pakistan KSE 100 33537.42 33798.80 Stoxx 50 (Eur) 2988.59 3049.71
(c) Closed. (u) Unavaliable. † Correction. ♥ Subject to official recalculation. For more index coverage please see www.ft.com/worldindices. A fuller version of this table is available on the ft.com research data archive.


AMERICA LONDON EURO MARKETS TOKYO Aug 26 %Chg %Chg Aug 26 %Chg %Chg Aug 26 %Chg %Chg Aug 26 %Chg %Chg
ACTIVE STOCKS stock close Day's ACTIVE STOCKS stock close Day's ACTIVE STOCKS stock close Day's ACTIVE STOCKS stock close Day's FTSE 100 price(p) week ytd FTSE 250 price(p) week ytd FTSE SmallCap price(p) week ytd Industry Sectors price(p) week ytd
traded m's price change traded m's price change traded m's price change traded m's price change Winners Winners Winners Winners
Apple 105.6 109.69 5.95 Glaxosmithkline 226.2 1274.50 -21.50 Nestle N 719.8 64.32 -1.02 Toyota Motor 1219.8 6920.00 195.00 Antofagasta 561.50 1.7 -25.4 Lonmin 34.47 19.6 -80.6 Oxford Biomedica 9.10 16.4 73.3 Oil Equipment & Services 15646.08 -1.1 -4.6
Schlumberger 40.4 70.09 -2.43 Bp 221.7 331.20 -4.15 Syngenta N 663.1 351.09 0.00 Mitsubishi Ufj Fin,. 936.3 769.60 25.30 Rsa Insurance 512.50 1.3 17.8 Betfair 3134.00 11.7 99.4 Aquarius Platinum Ld 8.10 13.3 -45.1 Nonlife Insurance 2266.72 -1.8 17.4
Netflix 39.0 110.13 8.61 Hsbc Holdings 183.8 496.20 -10.90 Novartis N 650.4 85.87 0.00 Mizuho Fin,. 896.9 236.80 8.80 Weir 1358.00 0.4 -26.6 Onesavings Bank 363.90 11.2 69.7 Mccoll's Retail 160.00 10.3 -11.1 Technology Hardware & Equip. 1084.69 -2.3 -8.6
Facebook Class A 38.8 87.19 4.19 Astrazeneca 182.1 3922.50 -47.50 Roche Gs 616.5 243.11 0.00 Softbank . 844.0 6870.00 -20.00 Ashtead 902.00 -1.0 -21.7 Kaz Minerals 163.70 5.1 -36.5 Kenmare Resources 2.80 8.9 -13.6 Industrial Engineering 7663.42 -2.6 -13.2
Cameron Int 35.6 59.93 17.46 British American Tobacco 171.6 3405.50 -19.50 Santander 607.1 5.31 -0.12 Fast Retailing Co., 748.4 50620.00 2645.00 Admiral 1506.00 -1.1 13.9 Vedanta Resources 500.50 4.4 -12.9 Skyepharma 291.50 8.8 -13.0 Automobiles & Parts 6555.94 -2.7 -18.1
Amazon.com 31.7 500.77 34.40 Vodafone 155.8 216.80 -2.40 Telefonica 555.7 12.31 -0.21 Tokyo Electric Power ,orporated 708.1 838.00 67.00 Easyjet 1677.00 -1.2 0.4 Wood (john) 582.50 3.9 -2.3 Utv Media 167.00 8.1 -4.6 Travel & Leisure 8238.64 -2.9 2.5
Google Class A 27.9 659.74 47.27 Royal Dutch Shell 155.7 1585.50 -48.00 Total 462.6 37.70 -1.39 Sumitomo Mitsui Fin,. 658.5 4718.50 163.50 Int Consolidated Airlines S.a. 531.50 -1.4 9.3 Rank 258.00 3.2 59.6 Costain 372.75 7.6 33.2 Industrial Transportation 2707.08 -3.0 -4.3
Bank Of America 27.8 16.06 0.80 Bhp Billiton 149.5 1009.50 -11.50 Intesa Sanpaolo 443.6 3.23 0.02 Fanuc 494.9 19665.00 915.00 Tui Ag 1144.00 -1.5 6.9 Polymetal Int 460.80 3.0 -20.0 Centaur Media 85.50 6.9 31.5 Food Producers 7945.12 -3.5 -2.1
Microsoft 26.9 42.71 2.24 Shire 149.2 4736.00 -72.00 Eni 409.3 13.49 -0.33 Sony 439.9 2963.00 128.50 Morrison (wm) Supermarkets 165.30 -2.1 -10.3 Wetherspoon ( J.d.) 745.00 1.2 -9.1 Stock Spirits 193.25 6.0 -12.2 Fixed Line Telecommunication 4855.34 -4.1 6.6
Google Class C Capital Stock 26.3 628.62 46.56 Rio Tinto 139.0 2200.00 -44.50 Unicredit 397.3 5.79 -0.03 Nippon Telegraph And Telephone 368.3 4429.00 119.00 Arm Holdings 875.00 -2.2 -12.1 Enterprise Inns 119.90 1.1 4.6 Lamprell 129.25 5.1 6.8 Support Services 6496.08 -4.2 1.1
G4s 248.70 -2.4 -10.5 Paypoint 1004.00 0.8 11.6 Fdm (holdings) 510.00 4.1 45.9 Equity Investment Instruments 7009.53 -4.3 -3.1
BIGGEST MOVERS Close Day's Day's BIGGEST MOVERS Close Day's Day's BIGGEST MOVERS Close Day's Day's BIGGEST MOVERS Close Day's Day's
Royal Mail 453.70 -2.4 5.5 Diploma 718.00 0.8 1.3 Arrow Global 268.00 4.0 17.8 Food & Drug Retailers 2776.34 -4.3 -1.7
price change chng% price change chng% price change chng% price change chng%
Ups Ups Ups Ups Losers Losers Losers Losers
Cameron Int 59.93 17.46 41.11 Betfair 3134.00 531.00 20.40 Hexagon Ab Ser. B 27.69 0.61 2.26 Tdk 7480.00 690.00 10.16 Standard Chartered 707.30 -14.4 -26.6 Petra Diamonds 129.20 -16.9 -33.4 Hss Hire 79.00 -43.2 - Industrial Metals 739.15 -12.4 -51.3
Mallkrodt 85.82 7.16 9.10 Onesavings Bank 363.90 46.10 14.51 Luxottica 60.25 1.00 1.69 Nitto Denko 8105.00 687.00 9.26 Glencore 138.90 -12.6 -53.5 Evraz 75.05 -12.6 -51.4 Ferrexpo 57.75 -17.5 9.0 Oil & Gas Producers 5577.63 -9.1 -21.4
Monsanto 97.08 7.66 8.57 Fisher (james) & Sons 1035.00 64.50 6.65 Telenor 17.16 0.28 1.68 Tokyo Electric Power ,orporated 838.00 67.00 8.69 Bg 923.90 -11.6 6.8 Bank Of Georgia Holdings 1663.00 -12.6 -19.9 Exillon Energy 91.50 -16.8 -39.0 Forestry & Paper 15133.76 -8.0 34.5
Netflix 110.13 8.61 8.48 Cranswick 1686.00 105.00 6.64 Technip 45.58 0.71 1.58 Thb Kansai Electric Power ,orporated 1499.50 113.00 8.15 Centrica 236.10 -10.4 -15.4 Spire Healthcare 348.70 -11.9 -8.2 Hochschild Mining 69.25 -14.5 -21.3 Mobile Telecommunications 4938.28 -7.2 -1.1
Google Class C Capital Stock 628.62 46.56 8.00 Spire Healthcare 348.70 18.20 5.51 Vi 54.96 0.67 1.23 Shiseido , 2599.50 183.00 7.57 Bp 331.20 -9.9 -19.4 Riverstone Energy 839.00 -11.1 -2.4 Pacific Horizon Investment Trust 146.00 -13.7 -20.3 Health Care Equip.& Services 6340.24 -7.1 -5.6
Royal Dutch Shell 1575.00 -8.9 -26.9 Fidelity China Special Situations 113.10 -11.0 -15.5 New India Investment Trust 285.38 -13.7 -10.9 Pharmaceuticals & Biotech. 11801.24 -6.8 -6.8
Downs Downs Downs Downs
Hikma Pharmaceuticals 2243.00 -8.9 13.3 Al Noor Hospitals 819.00 -10.8 -17.3 Raven Russia Ltd 44.00 -13.5 -7.4 Gas Water & Multiutilities 5465.57 -6.7 -10.6
Transocean 11.60 -0.60 -4.92 Petra Diamonds 129.20 -10.80 -7.71 Altice 23.75 -1.73 -6.77 Pacific Metals Co., 305.00 -11.00 -3.48
Royal Dutch Shell 1585.50 -8.9 -29.0 Ted Baker 2980.00 -10.6 34.2 Findel 178.50 -11.9 -20.4 Banks 3866.10 -6.6 -11.2
Freeport-mcmoran 7.92 -0.32 -3.88 Fresnillo 594.50 -45.00 -7.04 Altice B 26.45 -1.05 -3.82 Nippon Paper Industries Co Ltd 1955.00 -50.00 -2.49
Sabmiller 2938.00 -8.8 -12.6 Unite 628.00 -10.0 35.1 Tribal 134.75 -11.2 -16.2 Personal Goods 23479.22 -6.3 -4.3
Schlumberger 70.09 -2.43 -3.35 Lonmin 34.47 -1.89 -5.20 Sodexo 77.41 -2.86 -3.56 Komatsu 1962.00 -38.50 -1.92
Coca-cola Hbc Ag 1291.00 -8.5 5.1 Ocado 335.10 -9.9 -16.2 Martin Currie Asia Unconstrained Trust 243.50 -11.1 -17.8 Real Estate & Investment Servic 3131.21 -6.2 17.2
Liberty Global Lilac Class C Ordinary Shares 32.80 -0.90 -2.67 Standard Chartered 707.30 -37.70 -5.06 Total 37.70 -1.39 -3.56 Sapporo Holdings 451.00 -6.00 -1.31
Mondi 1405.00 -8.4 33.8 Brown (n) 290.00 -9.4 -13.6 Cambian 258.50 -11.1 27.0 Mining 9423.43 -6.2 -33.7
Newmont Mining 15.81 -0.36 -2.23 Fidelity China Special Situations 113.10 -5.70 -4.80 Royal Dutch Shella 21.62 -0.77 -3.42 Mitsui O.s.k.lines, 335.00 -4.00 -1.18
Fresnillo 594.50 -8.3 -22.4 Segro 416.20 -8.9 12.4 4imprint 1129.00 -11.0 40.2 Beverages 12654.40 -6.1 -10.2
Based on the constituents of the S&P500 and the Nasdaq 100 index Based on the constituents of the FTSE 350 index Based on the constituents of the FTSEurofirst 300 Eurozone index Based on the constituents of the Nikkei 225 index
Based on last week's performance. †Price at suspension.

Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's
Aug 26 Currency Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change Aug 26 Currency Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change Aug 26 Currency Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change Aug 26 Currency Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change
Argentina Argentine Peso 9.2768 0.0060 10.5796 0.0008 14.4091 -0.1413 Indonesia Indonesian Rupiah 14122.5000 57.5000 16105.9644 56.4291 21935.8377 -139.0713 Poland Polish Zloty 3.7146 0.0134 4.2364 0.0129 5.7698 -0.0392 ..Three Month 0.6437 0.0067 0.7341 0.0072 - -
Australia Australian Dollar 1.4074 0.0136 1.6050 0.0146 2.1860 -0.0015 Israel Israeli Shekel 3.9396 0.0803 4.4929 0.0891 6.1192 0.0621 Romania Romanian Leu 3.8962 0.0116 4.4434 0.0107 6.0518 -0.0451 ..One Year 0.6435 0.0067 0.7335 0.0072 - -
Bahrain Bahrainin Dinar 0.3775 -0.0001 0.4305 -0.0004 0.5863 -0.0063 Japan Japanese Yen 119.1750 -0.7300 135.9126 -0.9105 185.1090 -3.0806 Russia Russian Ruble 69.4918 0.3946 79.2516 0.4051 107.9383 -0.5089 United States United States Dollar - - 1.1404 -0.0007 1.5533 -0.0162
Bolivia Bolivian Boliviano 6.8900 0.0100 7.8577 0.0069 10.7019 -0.0962 ..One Month 119.1750 -0.7301 135.9127 -0.9105 185.1089 -3.0808 Saudi Arabia Saudi Riyal 3.7510 0.0007 4.2778 -0.0016 5.8263 -0.0598 ..One Month - - 1.1404 -0.4290 1.5532 -0.0162
Brazil Brazilian Real 3.6367 0.1016 4.1475 0.1136 5.6487 0.1005 ..Three Month 119.1748 -0.7303 135.9126 -0.9105 185.1086 -3.0814 Singapore Singapore Dollar 1.4062 0.0054 1.6036 0.0052 2.1841 -0.0144 ..Three Month - - 1.1403 -0.4290 1.5532 -0.0162
Canada Canadian Dollar 1.3302 0.0021 1.5170 0.0015 2.0661 -0.0183 ..One Year 119.1740 -0.7320 135.9125 -0.9108 185.1089 -3.0826 South Africa South African Rand 13.1193 0.1118 14.9619 0.1190 20.3776 -0.0375 ..One Year - - 1.1396 -0.4290 1.5530 -0.0162
Chile Chilean Peso 705.1300 3.8300 804.1627 3.9116 1095.2455 -5.4372 Kenya Kenyan Shilling 103.5600 -0.1900 118.1046 -0.2842 160.8549 -1.9796 South Korea South Korean Won 1185.8500 -9.6500 1352.3978 -11.7833 1841.9256 -34.3988 Venezuela Venezuelan Bolivar Fuerte 6.3050 0.0100 7.1905 0.0073 9.7933 -0.0867
China Chinese Yuan 6.4105 -0.0019 7.3108 -0.0063 9.9571 -0.1071 Kuwait Kuwaiti Dinar 0.3015 -0.0002 0.3438 -0.0004 0.4682 -0.0052 Sweden Swedish Krona 8.4423 -0.0070 9.6280 -0.0135 13.1130 -0.1481 Vietnam Vietnamese Dong 22544.5000 1.0000 25710.8405 -13.4924 35017.4387 -364.3843
Colombia Colombian Peso 3229.3500 39.8000 3682.8994 43.3144 5015.9985 10.0339 Malaysia Malaysian Ringgit 4.2520 0.0390 4.8492 0.0417 6.6044 -0.0078 Switzerland Swiss Franc 0.9461 -0.0019 1.0789 -0.0028 1.4695 -0.0184 European Union Euro 0.8769 0.0005 - - 1.3620 -0.0135
Costa Rica Costa Rican Colon 532.3500 - 607.1164 -0.3464 826.8744 -8.6432 Mexico Mexican Peson 17.0798 0.1087 19.4785 0.1129 26.5292 -0.1067 Taiwan New Taiwan Dollar 32.4935 -0.1655 37.0571 -0.2100 50.4706 -0.7873 ..One Month 0.8768 0.0005 - - 1.3619 -0.0135
Czech Republic Czech Koruna 23.7810 0.0473 27.1209 0.0385 36.9378 -0.3119 New Zealand New Zealand Dollar 1.5558 0.0215 1.7743 0.0235 2.4166 0.0085 Thailand Thai Baht 35.6500 0.1450 40.6569 0.1423 55.3735 -0.3512 ..Three Month 0.8767 0.0005 - - 1.3618 -0.0135
Denmark Danish Krone 6.5451 0.0043 7.4643 0.0006 10.1662 -0.0996 Nigeria Nigerian Naira 199.1200 -0.1300 227.0856 -0.2779 309.2838 -3.4369 Tunisia Tunisian Dinar 1.9410 0.0022 2.2135 0.0012 3.0148 -0.0281 ..One Year 0.8760 0.0005 - - 1.3613 -0.0134
Egypt Egyptian Pound 7.8288 0.0172 8.9283 0.0145 12.1601 -0.1001 Norway Norwegian Krone 8.3385 0.0735 9.5096 0.0784 12.9518 -0.0200 Turkey Turkish Lira 2.9356 0.0112 3.3479 0.0109 4.5597 -0.0301
Hong Kong Hong Kong Dollar 7.7519 0.0001 8.8406 -0.0050 12.0406 -0.1258 Pakistan Pakistani Rupee 104.0250 0.0250 118.6349 -0.0392 161.5772 -1.6497 United Arab Emirates UAE Dirham 3.6731 -0.0001 4.1889 -0.0025 5.7052 -0.0598
Hungary Hungarian Forint 277.1494 1.8536 316.0739 1.9348 430.4832 -1.5905 Peru Peruvian Nuevo Sol 3.3075 0.0305 3.7720 0.0327 5.1374 -0.0058 United Kingdom Pound Sterling 0.6438 0.0067 0.7342 0.0072 - -
India Indian Rupee 66.1388 0.2125 75.4277 0.1994 102.7302 -0.7403 Philippines Philippine Peso 46.7200 0.0950 53.2816 0.0780 72.5680 -0.6094 ..One Month 0.6438 0.0067 0.7342 0.0072 - -
Rates are derived from WM Reuters Spot Rates and MorningStar (latest rates at time of production). Some values are rounded. Currency redenominated by 1000. The exchange rates printed in this table are also available at www.FT.com/marketsdata
Produced in conjunction with the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries Aug 26 Aug 25 Aug 24 Aug 21 Aug 20 Yr Ago High Low Year to date percentage changes Closing Day's Closing Day's
£ Strlg Day's Euro £ Strlg £ Strlg Year Div P/E X/D Total FT 30 2690.50 2724.70 2640.60 2739.70 2818.80 0.00 3110.40 2575.90 Forestry & Paper 37.62 Tobacco 2.73 Oil Equipment & Serv -4.47 FTSE 100 Price Change FTSE 100 Price Change
Aug 26 chge% Index Aug 25 Aug 24 ago yield% Cover ratio adj Return FT 30 Div Yield 1.86 1.83 1.88 1.81 1.77 0.00 3.93 2.74 Real Est Invest & Se 21.77 Support Services 2.42 NON FINANCIALS Index -4.49 3I Group PLC 479.40 -12.00 Land Securities Group PLC 1228 -32.00
FTSE 100 (100) 5979.20 -1.68 6339.88 6081.34 5898.87 6830.66 4.05 1.45 17.04 195.15 4644.85 P/E Ratio net 24.01 24.41 23.69 24.59 25.27 0.00 19.44 14.26 Household Goods & Ho 20.23 Travel & Leisure 2.26 FTSE 100 Index -5.76 Aberdeen Asset Management PLC 307.20 -7.20 Legal & General Group PLC 248.00 -5.70
FTSE 250 (250) 16601.31 -0.72 17602.76 16721.55 16214.28 16024.64 2.59 2.13 18.08 301.85 11457.21 FT 30 since compilation: 4198.4 high: 19/07/1999; low49.4 26/06/1940Base Date: 1/7/35 Software & Comp Serv 18.57 Technology 2.17 Chemicals -6.08 Admiral Group PLC 1506 -41.00 Lloyds Banking Group PLC 76.08 -0.60
FTSE 250 ex Inv Co (212) 18090.68 -0.71 19181.96 18220.44 17667.23 17355.19 2.61 2.22 17.24 332.76 12731.46 FT 30 hourly changes Construct & Material 18.49 Mobile Telecomms 2.02 Gas Water & Multi -6.60 Anglo American PLC 664.30 -19.40 London Stock Exchange Group PLC 2462 -74.00
FTSE 350 (350) 3343.86 -1.51 3545.58 3395.12 3293.05 3714.85 3.79 1.53 17.22 100.58 5235.80 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 High Low Nonlife Insurance 17.71 Consumer Goods 1.67 Utilities -7.69 Antofagasta PLC 561.50 -18.00 Marks And Spencer Group PLC 500.50 -1.50
FTSE 350 ex Investment Trusts (312) 3321.96 -1.53 3522.35 3373.44 3272.03 3698.19 3.82 1.53 17.07 100.91 2678.23 2724.7 2686.3 2695.6 2688.1 2705.9 2717.1 2733.4 2713.9 2699.3 2736.3 2668.3 Real Est Invest & Tr 11.43 Industrials 0.85 Beverages -8.62 Arm Holdings PLC 875.00 -20.50 Meggitt PLC 455.70 -8.30
FTSE 350 Higher Yield (108) 3056.55 -1.69 3240.93 3109.05 3024.31 3726.87 5.64 1.19 14.87 133.49 4890.12 FT30 constituents and recent additions/deletions can be found at www.ft.com/ft30 Leisure Goods 8.83 Industrial Transport 0.32 Banks -8.64 Ashtead Group PLC 902.00 -20.50 Merlin Entertainments PLC 380.20 -4.20
FTSE 350 Lower Yield (242) 3313.62 -1.33 3513.51 3358.13 3247.44 3338.83 1.89 2.57 20.56 56.88 3490.92 Fixed Line Telecomms 8.24 Life Insurance -0.38 Tech Hardware & Eq -8.71 Associated British Foods PLC 3097 -30.00 Mondi PLC 1405 -17.00
FTSE SmallCap (291) 4488.46 -0.20 4759.22 4497.48 4375.16 4475.51 2.79 1.72 20.84 84.22 6093.43 Media 6.83 Food & Drug Retailer -0.97 Aerospace & Defense -9.01
FTSE SmallCap ex Inv Co (154) 4129.82 0.06 4378.94 4127.32 4042.14 3993.12 2.64 2.56 14.82 74.76 5889.63 FX: EFFECTIVE INDICES General Retailers 6.23 Equity Invest Instr -1.60 Industrial Eng -11.25
Astrazeneca PLC 3922.5 -47.50 Morrison (Wm) Supermarkets PLC 165.30 -1.60
Aviva PLC 477.20 -7.10 National Grid PLC 825.80 -19.20
FTSE All-Share (641) 3297.33 -1.46 3496.23 3346.24 3245.99 3649.22 3.75 1.54 17.33 97.79 5222.57
Aug 25 Aug 24 Mnth Ago Aug 26 Aug 25 Mnth Ago FTSE 250 Index 4.92 Financials -1.62 Electricity -11.52 Babcock International Group PLC 937.00 -9.00 Next PLC 7590 -90.00
FTSE All-Share ex Inv Co (466) 3261.72 -1.49 3458.48 3311.17 3212.27 3620.95 3.80 1.55 17.02 98.24 2673.15 Electronic & Elec Eq 4.92 Food Producers -1.62 Oil & Gas -15.70 Bae Systems PLC 436.80 -8.10 Old Mutual PLC 192.30 -2.20
FTSE All-Share ex Multinationals (577) 1165.19 -1.02 1023.98 1177.18 1139.17 1126.61 2.74 2.08 17.50 24.09 1969.77 Australia 89.60 89.25 92.53 Sweden 76.84 77.51 77.57 FTSE SmallCap Index 4.72 Personal Goods -1.65 Oil & Gas Producers -16.09 Barclays PLC 252.00 -4.35 Pearson PLC 1082 -24.00
FTSE Fledgling (108) 7571.24 0.03 8027.96 7569.23 7472.86 6941.25 2.45 0.85 48.12 123.21 13548.27 Canada 88.10 88.52 90.04 Switzerland 160.72 160.87 164.01 Telecommunications 4.31 Health Care Eq & Srv -1.67 Automobiles & Parts -16.89 Barratt Developments PLC 613.00 -11.00 Persimmon PLC 2003 -55.00
FTSE Fledgling ex Inv Co (56) 10503.81 0.41 11137.44 10460.75 10404.23 8608.54 2.35 0.51 83.66 147.43 18259.85 Denmark 106.78 107.00 105.49 UK 93.19 92.70 93.32 Consumer Services 4.24 FTSE All{HY-}Share Index -3.76 Basic Materials -24.78 Bg Group PLC 923.90 -36.70 Prudential PLC 1394 -17.50
FTSE All-Small (399) 3113.46 -0.19 3301.28 3119.34 3036.90 3092.09 2.77 1.68 21.49 58.08 5427.91 Japan 126.00 126.55 123.69 USA 102.65 101.65 104.60 Financial Services 3.31 Health Care -3.99 Mining -28.77 Bhp Billiton PLC 1009.5 -11.50 Randgold Resources LD 3817 -184.00
FTSE All-Small ex Inv Co Index (210) 3081.93 0.08 3267.84 3079.58 3018.11 2958.47 2.63 2.47 15.38 55.21 5569.15 New Zealand 109.24 108.25 111.83 Euro 87.80 88.50 85.40 Pharmace & Biotech -4.22 Industrial Metals & -39.02 BP PLC 331.20 -4.15 Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC 5529 -139.00
FTSE AIM All-Share Index (824) 716.56 -0.07 759.78 717.06 702.40 778.95 1.49 1.03 64.82 5.61 767.00 Norway 85.80 85.52 89.07
British American Tobacco PLC 3405.5 -19.50 RELX PLC 1011 -14.00
FTSE Sector Indices Source: Bank of England. New Sterling ERI base Jan 2005 = 100. Other indices base average 1990 = 100. British Land Company PLC 808.50 -13.50 Rio Tinto PLC 2200 -44.50
Oil & Gas (18) 5942.62 -2.23 6301.10 6078.07 5930.69 9089.78 6.39 1.16 13.47 282.04 4909.30 Index rebased 1/2/95. for further information about ERIs see www.bankofengland.co.uk Bt Group PLC 427.15 -4.40 Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC 714.50 -9.50
Oil & Gas Producers (11) 5609.95 -2.41 5948.36 5748.20 5615.57 8589.71 6.46 1.15 13.44 270.00 4792.69 Bunzl PLC 1687 -19.00 Royal Bank Of Scotland Group PLC 324.10 2.90
Oil Equipment Services & Distribution (7)16266.42 2.08 17247.66 15934.68 15090.90 24455.59 4.66 1.51 14.25 515.61 11771.06 FTSE GLOBAL EQUITY INDEX SERIES Burberry Group PLC 1347 -45.00 Royal Dutch Shell PLC 1575 -44.00
Basic Materials (31) 3332.58 -2.39 3533.61 3414.24 3281.08 5679.91 5.99 1.36 12.28 154.08 3226.95 Capita PLC 1211 5.00 Royal Dutch Shell PLC 1585.5 -48.00
Chemicals (8) 11017.97 -3.01 11682.61 11359.76 10882.88 11240.43 2.45 2.45 16.63 188.19 9430.67 Aug 26 No of US $ Day Mth YTD
YTD Gr Div Aug 26Total No of US $ Day Mth YTD Total YTD Gr Div Carnival PLC 3189 -9.00 Royal Mail PLC 453.70 -5.50
Forestry & Paper (1) 16513.71 -1.20 17509.87 16713.52 15926.03 12223.67 2.18 3.37 13.57 360.52 17153.99 Regions & countries stocks indices % % %
% Yield Sectorsretn stocks indices % % % retn % Yield Centrica PLC 236.10 -7.70 Rsa Insurance Group PLC 512.50 -2.00
Industrial Metals & Mining (2) 846.35 -2.65 897.41 869.38 851.65 1390.64 1.36 -22.91 -3.21 11.18 738.60 FTSE Global All Cap 7599 439.67 1.8 -7.9
-4.8 -6.4 597.21
2.6 Oil & Gas 164 308.20 1.3 1.3 -22.6 465.29 -20.7 4.5 Coca-Cola Hbc AG 1291 -8.00 Sabmiller PLC 2938 -67.00
Mining (20) 9034.18 -2.36 9579.15 9252.78 8900.09 16933.15 6.82 1.28 11.43 475.26 4570.86 FTSE Global All Cap 6965 450.74 2.2 -8.0
-5.4 -6.9 601.30
2.5 Oil & Gas Producers 115 280.18 1.3 1.3 -22.7 430.49 -20.7 4.7 Compass Group PLC 1002 -18.00 Sage Group PLC 495.00 -8.50
FTSE Global Large Cap 1363 387.62 1.9 -8.2
-5.3 -7.0 538.40
2.8 Oil Equipment & Services 40 322.41 1.5 1.5 -22.2 443.68 -20.6 4.1 Crh PLC 1800 -5.00 Sainsbury (J) PLC 235.90 -1.80
Industrials (117) 4266.15 -0.96 4523.49 4307.65 4194.15 4439.07 2.60 1.18 32.70 74.30 4199.88
Construction & Materials (13) 5048.93 -0.35 5353.50 5066.42 4895.49 4135.05 2.55 -0.81 -48.10 81.96 5120.73 FTSE Global Mid Cap 1664 589.37 1.5 -6.7
-3.3 -4.5 765.07
2.1 Basic Materials 273 359.93 -0.2 -0.2 -17.4 522.99 -15.7 3.4 Diageo PLC 1658.5 -14.50 Schroders PLC 2740 -32.00
Aerospace & Defense (9) 4379.85 -1.57 4644.06 4449.55 4375.30 5095.93 2.57 0.96 40.47 71.70 4485.70 FTSE Global Small Cap 4572 618.68 1.7 -7.5
-4.0 -5.2 779.56
2.0 Chemicals 124 576.09 0.1 0.1 -7.6 841.33 -6.0 2.6 Direct Line Insurance Group PLC 346.90 -5.00 Severn Trent PLC 2045 -37.00
General Industrials (6) 3435.61 -1.13 3642.86 3474.74 3397.75 3407.03 3.27 1.65 18.48 58.74 3677.78 FTSE All-World 3027 256.72 1.8 -8.0
-5.0 -6.6 367.85
2.7 Forestry & Paper 17 200.52 0.4 0.4 -3.7 319.56 -1.5 3.0 Dixons Carphone PLC 420.30 -5.10 Shire PLC 4736 -72.00
Electronic & Electrical Equipment (11) 5280.37 -0.25 5598.90 5293.64 5189.90 5024.01 2.19 2.06 22.13 74.00 4632.88 FTSE World 2531 455.60 2.0 -7.6
-4.6 -6.2 876.45
2.6 Industrial Metals & Mining 71 274.14 0.9 0.9 -33.5 399.39 -32.3 3.4 Easyjet PLC 1677 2.00 Sky PLC 1015 -23.00
Industrial Engineering (14) 8145.39 -0.18 8636.74 8160.34 7941.63 10845.71 2.97 1.62 20.78 197.28 9482.13 FTSE Global All Cap ex UNITED KINGDOM In 7272 450.73 2.2 -7.9
-4.8 -6.3 603.80
2.5 Mining 61 387.21 -2.1 -2.1 -32.0 559.13 -30.0 6.0 Experian PLC 1064 -24.00 Smith & Nephew PLC 1088 -25.00
Industrial Transportation (8) 4044.66 0.24 4288.65 4035.11 4000.97 4277.72 4.03 1.15 21.67 116.47 3359.56 FTSE Global All Cap ex USA 5633 414.09 -0.1 -9.2
-5.4 -7.4 596.68
3.1 Industrials 534 289.64 1.8 1.8 -8.0 399.51 -6.6 2.3 Fresnillo PLC 594.50 -45.00 Smiths Group PLC 1059 -31.00
Support Services (56) 6385.77 -1.11 6770.98 6457.20 6257.58 6441.61 2.40 1.48 28.16 106.18 6352.39 FTSE Global All Cap ex JAPAN 6344 447.91 1.6 -8.0
-5.8 -7.4 613.85
2.7 Construction & Materials 110 416.04 0.7 0.7 -3.5 602.17 -2.0 2.3 G4S PLC 248.70 -3.80 Sports Direct International PLC 758.50 -18.50
FTSE Developed 2091 414.39 2.1 -7.4
-3.9 -5.5 566.98
2.6 Aerospace & Defense 29 481.48 1.6 1.6 -3.1 658.90 -1.8 2.2 Gkn PLC 280.40 -5.60 Sse PLC 1420 -24.00
Consumer Goods (40) 16093.35 -1.30 17064.15 16305.46 15824.46 15707.26 3.22 1.84 16.88 452.82 11292.17
FTSE Developed All Cap 5648 435.52 2.0 -7.3
-3.7 -5.3 589.52
2.5 General Industrials 57 198.84 2.0 2.0 -8.6 294.18 -7.0 2.8 Glaxosmithkline PLC 1274.5 -21.50 St. James's Place PLC 901.50 -12.50
Automobiles & Parts (1) 6589.53 -1.96 6987.03 6721.13 6528.43 8384.97 3.03 1.59 20.72 199.75 6060.00
FTSE Developed Large Cap 886 382.79 2.1 -7.6
-4.2 -5.9 530.72
2.7 Electronic & Electrical Equipment 69 303.56 3.1 3.1 -6.7 386.14 -5.7 1.8 Glencore PLC 138.90 -5.40 Standard Chartered PLC 707.30 -37.70
Beverages (6) 12695.03 -1.36 13460.83 12869.66 12498.51 13860.54 2.77 1.78 20.27 344.98 8626.12
FTSE Developed Europe Large Cap 205 334.14 -2.0 -8.4
-2.8 -5.5 523.84
3.7 Industrial Engineering 103 543.55 1.6 1.6 -12.1 737.29 -10.7 2.5 Hammerson PLC 615.50 -12.50 Standard Life PLC 407.50 -7.00
Food Producers (10) 8018.52 -0.47 8502.22 8056.27 7831.82 7808.91 2.01 1.59 31.26 91.21 6656.39
FTSE Developed Europe Mid Cap 310 505.41 -1.4 -5.83.1 1.0 721.07
2.6 Industrial Transportation 95 502.67 1.5 1.5 -15.8 691.28 -14.7 2.4 Hargreaves Lansdown PLC 1061 -16.00 Taylor Wimpey PLC 191.00 -2.60
Household Goods & Home Construction (13)12528.98 -2.11 13284.76 12798.85 12333.48 9953.23 2.19 2.60 17.50 217.78 8478.03
FTSE Dev Europe Small Cap 717 718.00 -0.9 -5.06.2 4.3 996.94
2.4 Support Services 71 265.22 2.1 2.1 -2.7 351.83 -1.5 2.0 Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC 2243 -33.00 Tesco PLC 186.20 0.20
Leisure Goods (2) 5339.28 -0.66 5661.37 5374.84 5185.18 5226.48 4.23 1.26 18.70 182.47 4476.07
FTSE North America Large Cap 319 416.62 3.9 -6.9
-5.0 -6.3 544.17
2.4 Consumer Goods 406 390.53 1.4 1.4 -3.6 550.91 -2.0 2.5 HSBC Holdings PLC 496.20 -10.90 Travis Perkins PLC 1973 -43.00
Personal Goods (6) 20442.33 -1.83 21675.47 20822.80 20269.57 20187.62 3.18 3.01 10.44 484.64 13091.85
FTSE North America Mid Cap 399 630.74 3.0 -5.9
-6.1 -7.0 773.57
1.7 Automobiles & Parts 98 355.61 2.1 2.1 -8.8 481.61 -7.3 2.6 Imperial Tobacco Group PLC 3098 -18.00 Tui AG 1144 5.00
Tobacco (2) 40981.88 -0.57 43454.03 41217.65 40119.93 39818.28 4.54 1.30 16.96 1696.14 24808.25
FTSE North America Small Cap 1481 644.01 2.4 -6.9
-5.6 -6.5 768.40
1.7 Beverages 48 517.01 0.7 0.7 -3.9 738.41 -2.4 2.7 Inmarsat PLC 913.50 -20.50 Unilever PLC 2544 -41.00
Health Care (20) 8651.42 -1.40 9173.30 8774.16 8624.85 9410.61 3.99 0.64 39.20 290.81 6268.34
FTSE North America 718 279.59 3.7 -6.8
-5.2 -6.4 374.34
2.2 Food Producers 102 539.28 1.1 1.1 -2.3 785.70 -0.6 2.3 Intercontinental Hotels Group PLC 2335 -50.00 United Utilities Group PLC 833.50 -16.00
Health Care Equipment & Services (8) 6489.31 -1.53 6880.77 6589.90 6394.09 6016.49 1.51 2.44 27.18 60.90 5467.45
FTSE Developed ex North America 1373 224.13 -0.3 -8.3
-1.8 -4.0 346.49
3.1 Household Goods & Home Construction 44 375.08 1.6 1.6 -5.3 526.98 -3.7 2.5 International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A. 531.50 13.50 Vodafone Group PLC 216.80 -2.40
Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology (12)11714.91 -1.39 12421.59 11879.61 11692.25 12927.80 4.23 0.58 40.98 421.58 7540.04
FTSE Japan Large Cap 174 318.76 4.0 -7.75.5 4.5 394.88
1.9 Leisure Goods 26 121.98 2.9 2.9 -3.2 155.62 -2.5 1.4 Intertek Group PLC 2464 -29.00 Weir Group PLC 1358 26.00
Consumer Services (98) 4694.75 -0.98 4977.95 4741.27 4599.49 4385.16 2.33 1.90 22.66 82.08 4208.52 FTSE Japan Mid Cap 305 464.78 3.4 -6.8
10.3 9.3 557.41
1.5 Personal Goods 76 577.35 0.7 0.7 -1.0 777.34 0.3 2.1
Food & Drug Retailers (7) 2895.85 -0.25 3070.54 2903.07 2829.55 3495.42 2.43 0.50 82.73 42.13 3298.52 Intu Properties PLC 313.60 -5.80 Whitbread PLC 4820 -56.00
FTSE Global wi JAPAN Small Cap 776 493.07 3.8 -5.76.2 5.2 610.07
1.7 Tobacco 12 1122.83 1.3 1.3 4.6 2159.19 7.4 4.2 Itv PLC 244.40 -3.90 Wolseley PLC 4045 -40.00
General Retailers (33) 2994.85 -1.07 3175.50 3027.36 2945.21 2702.18 2.17 2.29 20.11 45.98 3252.32
FTSE Japan 479 131.85 3.9 -7.56.5 1.8 Health Care
5.5 183.61 159 454.37 2.3 2.3 4.6 629.91 6.1 1.9 Johnson Matthey PLC 2573 -108.00 Wpp PLC 1311 -51.00
Media (23) 6902.27 -2.04 7318.64 7046.27 6817.53 6382.03 2.84 1.69 20.87 156.22 4045.67
FTSE Asia Pacific Large Cap ex Japan 491 515.30 -0.3 -13.6
-14.4 -16.3 763.86
3.5 Health Care Equipment & Services 58 626.63 2.5 2.5 6.1 715.44 6.7 1.1 Kingfisher PLC 345.70 -5.00
Travel & Leisure (35) 8051.89 -0.24 8537.60 8071.49 7821.66 7047.57 1.97 2.40 21.16 123.98 7294.32
FTSE Asia Pacific Mid Cap ex Japan 441 693.85 0.6 -13.6
-12.4 -13.9 991.83
3.0 Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology 101 347.88 2.3 2.3 4.2 501.02 5.9 2.1
Telecommunications (7) 3774.48 -1.07 4002.17 3815.14 3704.42 3518.61 4.28 1.89 12.39 108.88 3902.11 FTSE Asia Pacific Small Cap ex Japan 1372 460.75 1.1 -15.1
-12.1 -13.8 650.33
3.0 Consumer Services 385 376.00 2.4 2.4 0.5 485.88 1.6 1.7
Fixed Line Telecommunications (5) 4923.97 -0.91 5221.00 4969.01 4771.25 4480.41 3.08 1.82 17.79 101.81 4229.81
Mobile Telecommunications (2) 4930.80 -1.17 5228.25 4989.11 4879.09 4663.33 5.06 1.91 10.35 168.70 4537.06
FTSE Asia Pacific Ex Japan
FTSE Emerging All Cap
-16.0 642.38
3.4 Food & Drug Retailers
-18.0 801.74
3.4 General Retailers
53 303.10
120 506.73
0.8 407.46
6.0 639.39
Utilities (8) 7763.97 -2.19 8232.32 7937.68 7728.38 8785.00 5.32 1.35 13.91 305.26 8168.59 FTSE Emerging Large Cap 477 539.77 -0.7 -14.3
-15.5 -17.5 769.60
3.4 Media 91 283.62 1.3 1.3 -5.7 367.17 -4.6 1.9 Aug 26 Aug 25 Aug 24 Aug 21 Aug 20 Yr Ago
Electricity (3) 8251.16 -1.56 8748.90 8381.89 8130.04 9545.36 6.15 1.43 11.38 493.70 10961.70 FTSE Emerging Mid Cap 459 696.11 -0.4 -14.3
-17.4 -19.2 982.46
3.1 Travel & Leisure 121 358.40 2.7 2.7 -0.5 467.40 0.7 1.7 SEAQ Bargains 5439.00 - 7696.00 7696.00 7696.00 4514.00
Gas Water & Multiutilities (5) 7223.31 -2.36 7659.04 7397.69 7209.93 8123.22 5.10 1.32 14.81 243.90 7608.97 FTSE Emerging Small Cap 1015 565.66 0.7 -16.4
-18.3 -20.0 773.17
3.3 Telecommunication 94 160.34 0.4 0.4 -4.0 278.80 -1.2 4.2 Order Book Turnover (m) 37.11 51.17 41.35 41.35 41.35 33.34
Financials (283) 4453.45 -1.47 4722.09 4520.01 4354.58 4655.36 3.44 1.97 14.75 130.37 3860.96 FTSE Emerging Europe 98 279.52 -0.4 -10.0
-7.3 -10.3 407.02
4.5 Fixed Line Telecommuniations 44 132.16 1.4 1.4 -3.5 250.89 -0.4 4.7 Order Book Bargains 1165235.00 1721212.00 901596.00 901596.00 901596.00 844100.00
Banks (9) 3817.38 -1.81 4047.66 3887.85 3741.97 4515.09 4.04 1.31 18.94 145.12 2613.98 FTSE Latin America All Cap 243 648.73 0.1 -13.0
-26.6 -28.0 949.36
3.8 Mobile Telecommunications 50 172.63 -0.9 -0.9 -4.6 272.79 -2.3 3.6 Order Book Shares Traded (m) 1548.00 2469.00 1398.00 1398.00 1398.00 0.00
Nonlife Insurance (10) 2611.61 -0.83 2769.15 2633.47 2556.98 2154.16 2.72 2.19 16.81 57.90 4360.27 FTSE Middle East and Africa All Cap 213 695.07 -2.3 -8.4
-8.0 2.9 Utilities
-9.7 1026.32 163 236.19 0.8 0.8 -11.6 428.17 -9.2 4.1 Total Equity Turnover (£m) 3096.01 - 0.01 0.01 0.01 3458.15
Life Insurance/Assurance (11) 7478.81 -1.47 7929.95 7590.42 7270.24 7506.38 3.66 1.77 15.42 241.46 6819.06 FTSE Global wi UNITED KINGDOM All Cap In 327 332.03 -2.6 -8.3
-5.0 3.9 Electricity
-7.6 520.24 113 257.19 1.4 1.4 -9.3 461.66 -6.9 3.9 Total Mkt Bargains 1308672.00 - 2.00 2.00 2.00 90.00
Index- Real Estate Investment & Services (24) 3127.70 -1.04 3316.38 3160.49 3089.59 2679.97 1.87 6.32 8.47 41.99 7989.84 FTSE Global wi USA All Cap 1966 480.91 3.7 -6.7
-4.3 2.1 Gas Water & Multiutilities
-5.5 611.85 50 251.68 -0.3 -0.3 -15.4 467.19 -13.0 4.5 Total Shares Traded (m) 4081.00 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Real Estate Investment Trusts (23) 2936.86 -1.81 3114.02 2991.15 2910.21 2607.56 2.80 6.78 5.28 62.70 3441.73 FTSE Europe All Cap 1385 383.49 -1.7 -7.7
-1.2 3.4 Financials
-3.7 583.08 667 199.21 1.5 1.5 -7.7 307.15 -5.7 3.0 † Excluding intra-market and overseas turnover. *UK only total at 6pm. ‡ UK plus intra-market turnover. (u) Unavaliable.
General Financial (31) 7484.17 -1.37 7935.64 7588.33 7250.12 6841.69 3.06 2.24 14.60 150.49 8053.24 FTSE Eurobloc All Cap 634 360.65 -1.3 -7.40.3 3.2 Banks
-2.1 555.19 241 182.33 1.2 1.2 -9.3 299.47 -7.1 3.4 (c) Market closed.
Equity Investment Instruments (175) 7279.43 -0.65 7718.54 7327.29 7090.60 7419.93 2.67 1.16 32.33 130.80 3792.42 FTSE RAFI All World 3000 3018 5377.55 1.3 -8.3
-6.8 3.3 Nonlife Insurance
-8.7 6716.20 69 206.31 1.7 1.7 -3.7 285.83 -1.9 2.4
Non Financials (358) 3789.77 -1.46 4018.38 3845.82 3739.88 4277.45 3.87 1.40 18.51 112.95 5259.51 FTSE RAFI US 1000 1006 8495.08 3.5 -7.0
-7.2 2.6 Life Insurance
-8.6 10644.99 49 193.62 0.6 0.6 -8.3 292.02 -6.4 2.9
Technology (19) 1251.31 -1.55 1326.80 1271.06 1225.67 1174.70 1.52 2.12 30.99 14.29 1558.35 FTSE EDHEC-Risk Efficient All-World 3027 307.19 1.6 -6.6
-2.5 2.3 Financial Services
-3.9 410.02 137 217.81 2.8 2.8 -5.9 288.26 -4.7 2.0 All data provided by Morningstar unless otherwise noted. All elements listed are indicative and believed
Software & Computer Services (12) 1588.82 -1.06 1684.66 1605.82 1569.90 1300.81 2.06 1.71 28.47 27.02 2073.07 FTSE EDHEC-Risk Efficient Developed Europe 515 275.61 -1.6 -5.81.0 2.8 Technology
-1.1 400.48 182 159.86 4.1 4.1 -7.1 189.83 -5.9 1.9 accurate at the time of publication. No offer is made by Morningstar or the FT. The FT does not warrant nor
Technology Hardware & Equipment (7) 1392.18 -1.99 1476.16 1420.44 1353.03 1447.05 1.04 2.85 33.64 9.10 1592.44 Software & Computer Services 79 273.25 4.1 4.1 0.7 312.73 1.5 1.2 guarantee that the information is reliable or complete. The FT does not accept responsibility and will not be
Technology Hardware & Equipment 103 120.94 4.0 4.0 -13.6 147.46 -12.2 2.5 liable for any loss arising from the reliance on or use of the listed information.
Hourly movements 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 High/day Low/day The FTSE Global Equity Series, launched in 2003, contains the FTSE Global Small Cap Indices and broader FTSE Global All Cap Indices (large/mid/small cap) as well as the enhanced FTSE All-World index Series (large/ For all queries e-mail ft.reader.enquiries@morningstar.com
FTSE 100 5995.98 5988.29 5999.42 5991.41 6035.85 6059.55 6086.15 6039.82 6001.25 6094.85 5950.70 mid cap) - please see www.ftse.com/geis. The trade names Fundamental Index® and RAFI® are registered trademarks and the patented and patent-pending proprietary intellectual property of Research Affiliates, LLC
FTSE 250 16551.88 16525.49 16540.49 16501.03 16605.10 16664.96 16791.40 16687.79 16618.23 16811.83 16441.15 (US Patent Nos. 7,620,577; 7,747,502; 7,778,905; 7,792,719; Patent Pending Publ. Nos. US-2006-0149645-A1, US-2007-0055598-A1, US-2008-0288416-A1, US-2010- 0063942-A1, WO 2005/076812, WO 2007/078399 A2,
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FTSE SmallCap 4486.64 4475.07 4479.21 4483.59 4487.35 4492.35 4498.16 4491.00 4485.39 4500.98 4472.93
FTSE All-Share 3302.91 3298.30 3303.82 3299.10 3322.14 3334.66 3350.73 3326.79 3307.44 3354.51 3280.37 www.ftse.com/icb. For constituent changes and other information about FTSE, please see www.ftse.com. © FTSE International Limited. 2013. All Rights reserved. ”FTSE®” is a trade mark of the London Stock Exchange
Time of FTSE 100 Day's high:12:33:15 Day's Low07:14:15 FTSE 100 2010/11 High: 7103.98(27/04/2015) Low: 5898.87(24/08/2015) Group companies and is used by FTSE International Limited under licence.
Time of FTSE All-Share Day's high:12:34:00 Day's Low07:15:00 FTSE 100 2010/11 High: 3834.45(27/04/2015) Low: 3245.99(24/08/2015)
Further information is available on http://www.ftse.com © FTSE International Limited. 2013. All Rights reserved. ”FTSE®” is a trade mark of the
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For changes to FTSE Fledgling Index constituents please refer to www.ftse.com/indexchanges. ‡ Values are negative.


Amount Latest Company Turnover Pre-tax EPS(p) Div(p) Pay day Total Issue Issue Stock Close Mkt
Issue paid renun. closing Albion Development VCT Int 0.69 0.37 0.486 0.223 0.8 0.51 2.5 2.5 May 29 5 5 date price(p) Sector code Stock price(p) +/- High Low Cap (£m)
price up date High Low Stock Price p +or- Anglo Pacific Group Int 3.828 2.581 11.351L 20.919L 5.81L 20.84L 4 4.45 Feb 4 8 10.2 08/11 120.00 Gloo Networks PLC 126.00 0.00 127.00 120.00 3225.6
There are currently no rights offers by any companies listed on the LSE. APR Energy Int 122.2 254.2 58.4L 54.3 0.684L 0.501 - 5.62 - - 16.7 07/31 100.00 Menhaden Capital PLC 102.25 -1.16 103.50 101.00 8180.0
BHP Billiton Pre 44636 56762 8056 21735 0.359 2.6 62 64.725 Sep 29 127.4 122.8
Bioquell Int 12.525 12.281 0.069 1.634L 82.5 0.3L - - - - -
Cambian Group Int 140.935 115.996 9.968 11.837L 4.1 12.6L 0.91 - Nov 4 2.71 -
Carillion Int 1961.3 1520.9 67.5 67.5 12.7 13.2 5.7 5.6 Nov 4 17.85 17.6
HSS Hire Group Int 146.401 - 14.122L - 10.51L - 0.57 - Oct 1 0.57 -
Jupiter Dividend & Growth Trust Int 1.092 1.421L 0.85 0.48 0.2 0.18 Aug 21 0.38 0.36
NMC Health Int 393.754 314.314 41.548 40.869 0.213 0.217 - - - - -
Onesavings Bank Int 76.24 53.209 46.597 24.817 15 8.8 2 - Nov 6 5.9 -
OXACO Int 0.015 0.003 0.446L 0.546L 0.22L 0.26L - - - - -
R E A Holdings Int 46.205 66.436 1.357 17.077 0.097L 0.232 - 6.813 - - 13
Skyepharma Int 40.8 34.4 10.5 18.1L 8.7 27L - - - - -

Figures in £m. Earnings shown basic. Figures in light text are for corresponding period year earlier. §Placing price. *Intoduction. ‡When issued. Annual report/prospectus available at www.ft.com/ir
For more information on dividend payments visit www.ft.com/marketsdata For a full explanation of all the other symbols please refer to London Share Service notes.
Thursday 27 August 2015 ★★★ FINANCIAL TIMES 21



52 Week 52 Week 52 Week 52 Week 52 Week 52 Week
Stock Price Day Chg High Low Yld P/E MCap m Stock Price Day Chg High Low Yld P/E MCap m Stock Price Day Chg High Low Yld P/E MCap m Stock Price Day Chg High Low Yld P/E MCap m Stock Price Day Chg High Low Yld P/E MCap m Stock Price Day Chg High Low Yld P/E MCap m
Australia (A$) Finland (€) Japan (¥) Sweden (SKr) BakerHu 49.20 1.46 70.51 44.11 1.37 83.60 21445.41 Lyondell♦ 80.90 3.18 115.40 70.06 3.52 9.39 37689.26
ANZ 28.07 0.08 37.25 26.41 10.19 9.55 57351.08 Nokia 6.19 -0.11 7.87 5.65 2.27 15.24 24906.95 AstellasPh 1768 48.50 2047 1476 1.63 27.98 32961.48 AtlasCpcoB 183.40 -4.10 270.00 165.20 1.64 16.99 8477.09 BankAm 16.06 0.80 18.48 14.60 1.23 17.34 167641.02 Marathon Ptl♦ 45.52 1.75 60.38 37.32 2.17 8.03 24405.86
BHPBilltn 23.94 0.60 37.48 22.41 10.03 9.45 54632.7 SampoA 42.25 -0.30 49.40 34.77 4.45 14.56 26925.13 Bridgestne 3945 145.00 5182 3328 2.93 10.60 26915.78 Ericsson 81.05 -0.75 120.00 77.45 4.22 25.70 31729.52 Baxter 37.67 0.70 43.44 34.50 5.45 12.08 20550.45 Marsh&M 53.36 1.49 59.99 48.66 2.07 20.14 28280.4
CmwBkAu♦ 76.13 1.05 96.69 71.42 8.29 13.48 88043.31 France (€) Canon 3595 44.00 4539 3172 4.28 17.95 40233.94 H&M 322.70 -11.40 368.50 269.60 3.04 24.60 63263.77 BB & T♦ 36.32 1.54 41.90 34.50 2.69 13.29 26640.01 MasterCard 91.71 4.89 99.18 69.64 0.64 28.49 101695.76
CSL 90.40 -0.19 102.43 71.04 1.65 22.24 29858.18 Airbus Grpe 55.92 -0.28 67.88 39.64 2.07 16.65 50227.57 CntJpRwy 19030 730.00 24800 13320 0.61 14.00 32894.31 Investor 295.70 -7.00 363.40 219.30 3.06 4.28 26871.07 BectonDick 139.94 2.32 154.98 112.15 1.66 35.21 29423 McDonald's 95.15 3.94 101.88 87.50 3.49 22.35 91202.69
NatAusBk 31.39 0.30 39.71 29.40 9.99 11.76 58562.6 AirLiquide 103.35 -3.10 123.95 87.17 2.37 20.23 40548.47 Denso 5248 102.00 6548 4466.5 2.02 16.16 38930.92 Nordea Bk 97.20 -1.40 115.50 82.40 5.93 10.92 46417.63 BerkshHat 200499.9 6300 229374 190007 - 18.58 162756.8 McGraw Hill♦ 96.27 3.08 109.13 73.96 1.29-160.86 26233.58
Telstra♦ 5.86 0.03 6.74 5.23 7.81 15.99 50905.43 AXA 21.88 -0.22 25.24 16.43 4.19 10.86 60996.99 EastJpRwy 11085 530.00 12815 7623 1.04 23.43 36508.18 SEB 96.80 -0.60 111.50 82.30 4.93 10.73 24881.59 Biogen 298.25 16.51 480.18 265.00 - 20.44 70139.22 McKesson 197.89 9.45 243.61 160.10 0.48 24.15 45990.27
Wesfarmers♦ 40.16 0.24 46.95 38.45 7.83 17.43 32067.06 BNP Parib 55.07 -0.42 61.00 43.14 2.63 10.23 78265.93 Fanuc 19665 915.00 28575 17335 3.11 18.76 33982.41 SvnskaHn 120.80 -1.10 426.00 114.10 3.47 15.50 26783.27 BkNYMeln 39.47 1.69 45.45 35.06 1.70 15.93 43674.25 Medtronic 72.24 2.36 79.50 55.54 1.71 29.63 102160.99
Westpc 31.28 0.38 40.07 29.20 9.35 11.92 70765.57 ChristianDior 162.20 -2.30 195.35 126.10 2.02 11.80 33615.93 FastRetail 50620 2645 61970 32220 0.63 44.14 45055.16 Swedbank 186.70 -1.60 223.90 166.20 6.11 12.67 24445.81 BlackRock 303.09 8.43 382.84 275.00 2.68 15.48 49596.57 Merck 54.42 3.25 63.62 45.69 3.25 16.10 153281.28
Woolworths 26.89 0.27 37.03 25.12 8.35 12.22 24200.84 Cred Agr 11.88 -0.09 14.49 9.82 2.84 9.81 35735.98 Fuji Hvy Ind 4059 257.00 4827.5 2941.5 1.61 11.21 26663.75 TeliaSonera 46.66 -0.65 55.85 44.37 6.46 14.38 23932.08 Boeing♦ 129.34 3.85 158.83 115.14 2.50 17.79 87885.9 Metlife♦ 48.79 2.20 58.23 44.49 2.88 8.36 54492.63
Belgium (€) Danone 54.15 -0.78 67.74 49.84 2.67 37.05 40446.61 Hitachi 672.40 18.70 939.90 639.10 1.58 12.11 27270.98 Volvo 89.25 -2.10 120.50 71.00 3.38 22.72 17155.72 BrisMySq 60.03 2.15 70.54 47.55 2.42 56.86 100100.19 Microsoft♦ 42.71 2.24 50.05 39.72 2.80 29.27 341593.77
AnBshInBv 93.80 -1.31 119.65 78.75 3.20 18.76 172039.82 EDF 18.80 -0.25 26.12 18.42 7.03 8.93 39868.69 HondaMtr 3671.5 121.50 4499 3239 2.31 12.74 55805.83 Switzerland (SFr) Broadcom♦ 49.85 2.66 57.70 34.50 1.03 28.50 27866.15 Mnstr Bvrg 138.59 4.23 155.83 86.01 - 51.52 28480.03
KBC Grp 56.85 -1.11 66.00 36.53 - 11.33 27086.54 Essilor Intl 103.10 -1.65 121.10 75.85 0.95 37.31 25412.89 JapanTob 4080 95.50 4848 3101 2.55 17.38 68470.74 ABB 17.88 -0.24 22.31 16.75 - 17.08 43747.81 CapOne 74.75 2.50 92.10 67.73 1.72 10.70 40546.56 MondelezInt 42.20 0.89 48.58 31.83 1.40 33.67 67997.16
Esslr Intl 103.10 -1.65 121.10 75.85 0.95 37.31 25412.89 KDDI 2927 22.50 3375 1978 1.86 49.66 66089.68 CredSuisse 25.39 -0.51 28.94 18.57 2.76 11.17 43971.09 CardinalHlth 83.55 4.13 91.91 71.72 1.67 23.43 27350.89 Monsanto 97.08 7.66 126.00 89.34 1.99 17.76 45417.38
Brazil (R$)
GDF Suez 17.56 0.67 20.57 16.08 5.77 46.56 46717.29 Keyence 54310 1700 70100 42660 0.38 26.16 27708.43 Nestle 69.40 -1.10 77.00 64.15 2.94 16.18 233893.5 Carnival♦ 48.85 1.51 54.05 33.11 2.08 26.16 28952.82 MorganStly 33.30 1.54 41.04 30.40 1.33 17.08 65047.74
Ambev 18.85 0.45 20.29 14.99 10.18 20.37 81468.64
Hermes Intl 312.65 -4.45 365.55 229.00 0.91 36.11 37641.87 MitsbCp 2145.5 62.00 2837 1942.5 2.69 9.91 29237.44 Novartis 90.65 -2.00 103.20 78.60 2.81 24.15 256508.02 Caterpillar 73.87 1.81 109.73 70.23 3.74 12.80 44516.47 MylanNV 51.13 2.02 76.69 44.80 - 25.01 25055.4
Bradesco 26.00 1.32 34.42 23.03 4.34 7.51 18047.54
LOreal 148.45 -4.35 181.30 117.05 1.75 29.32 94759.28 MitsubEst 2561 38.50 2975 2151.5 0.53 51.94 29878.81 Richemont 70.15 -1.65 92.25 66.40 1.76 27.97 38706.51 CBS 44.35 1.08 63.95 40.75 1.34 19.31 19709.51 Netflix 110.13 8.61 129.29 45.08 - 251.03 46915.91
Cielo 39.11 0.63 46.27 30.18 2.88 16.42 20289.82
LVMH 145.85 -1.70 176.60 121.40 2.28 12.31 84499.78 MitsubishiEle 1174.5 28.00 1718 1122 1.09 20.57 21161.21 Roche 257.00 -5.30 295.80 238.80 3.11 24.76 190855.25 Celgene 119.23 6.53 140.72 83.16 - 45.70 94256.1 News Corp A 27.34 0.61 39.27 22.81 0.99 7.04 33380.5
ItauHldFin 25.96 1.44 35.22 23.83 2.05 5.72 21750.81
Nmrcble-SFR 44.32 -0.25 60.01 26.38 - -54.30 22150.92 MitsuiFud 3272 72.00 3879 2854.5 0.73 28.01 27219.98 Swiss Re 81.20 -0.90 96.95 69.25 5.20 35.42 31817.98 CharlesSch 29.74 0.94 35.72 23.35 0.80 31.53 39126.66 NextEraE♦ 101.66 1.92 112.64 90.33 2.90 15.74 45960.86
Petrobras 9.13 0.25 23.50 7.88 - -4.28 18684.43
Orange 13.63 -0.01 16.45 10.20 4.25 37.16 41159.92 MitUFJFin 769.60 25.30 936.80 546.20 2.25 7.23 91498.63 Swisscom 512.50 -6.50 587.50 486.50 4.29 15.82 28062.47 ChevrnTx♦ 73.09 3.07 129.53 69.58 5.78 11.42 137535.98 Nike 108.76 5.23 117.72 78.27 1.01 28.88 73731.25
Vale 15.90 0.55 31.22 14.77 13.88 -8.54 14065.87
PernodRic 93.81 -0.47 117.75 82.23 1.85 24.19 28396.19 Mizuho Fin 236.80 8.80 280.40 178.10 3.29 7.24 49261.59 Syngent 309.90 -68.90 435.20 273.20 3.44 18.69 30446.44 Cigna 137.55 3.76 170.68 85.75 0.03 17.25 35418.49 NorfolkS♦ 74.12 1.68 117.64 72.10 3.09 12.88 22338.79
Canada (C$) Murata Mfg 16955 1625 22220 9881 0.82 32.72 32048.2 Cisco 25.68 1.06 30.31 22.49 3.07 14.72 130605.62 Northrop 164.48 4.79 176.83 118.24 1.74 16.85 30822.32
Renault 72.54 -0.99 100.25 49.50 2.53 8.12 24464.5 UBS 19.55 -0.53 22.57 13.58 3.84 15.41 77696.33
BCE 52.63 0.35 60.20 46.43 5.07 17.01 33582.31 NipponTT 4429 119.00 5066 3001.5 1.95 17.49 84488.05 Citigroup♦ 52.28 2.40 60.95 46.60 0.15 12.69 157354.71 NXP 85.02 4.18 114.00 53.81 - 45.39 21403.91
Safran 64.58 -0.42 71.35 43.66 1.79 -20.31 30714.23 Zurich Fin 263.30 -4.10 334.60 255.00 - 11.05 41857.82
BkMontrl 71.05 3.23 85.71 64.01 4.94 10.05 34308.12 Nissan Mt 1073.5 53.50 1350 917.40 2.96 9.39 40721.52 CME Grp 91.74 2.64 100.87 75.30 2.09 26.26 30985.74 Occid Pet 67.15 1.40 100.26 64.83 4.28 -21.26 51299.32
Sanofi 85.00 -1.65 101.10 69.58 3.24 24.05 127205.05 Taiwan (NT$)
BkNvaS 58.50 1.58 73.55 52.60 5.01 9.27 53117.48 Nomura 743.90 26.20 909.20 576.20 1.68 10.52 23860.74 Coca-Cola 38.73 0.74 44.87 36.56 3.24 23.00 168475.64 Oracle 36.91 1.46 46.71 35.14 1.41 16.43 160044.6
Sant Gbn 39.50 0.10 44.84 29.51 1.51 27.46 25835.01 Chunghwa Telecom♦ 95.10 -0.20 99.80 90.00 4.95 18.85 22704.03
Brookfield 41.90 1.63 48.64 32.21 1.40 9.71 30888.53 Nppn Stl 241.30 9.00 350.50 227.10 2.19 9.59 19241.63 Cognizant 62.16 3.18 69.35 42.94 - 25.37 37888.34 Pepsico 92.49 2.85 100.76 76.48 2.85 21.65 135867.18
Schneider 54.12 -1.21 75.29 52.03 3.42 19.40 36267.22 HonHaiPrc 83.50 -1.50 112.00 77.90 2.00 8.16 38927.47
CanadPcR 181.36 3.34 247.56 172.01 0.81 18.66 21784.45 NTTDCMo 2427.5 26.50 2873.5 1612.5 2.58 22.65 83223.91 ColgtPlm 62.23 1.86 71.56 50.84 2.32 25.30 56015.19 Perrigo♦ 183.76 5.89 215.73 135.00 0.25 203.21 26880.31
SocGen 42.36 -0.63 48.77 31.85 2.73 10.75 38942.12 TaiwanSem 122.50 -1.00 155.00 112.50 6.37 10.01 97757.02
CanImp 90.31 2.33 107.37 83.10 5.03 9.27 26973.72 Panasonic 1286.5 76.00 1853.5 1130 1.08 55.06 26480.84 Comcast 55.40 1.55 64.99 49.33 1.69 16.58 118065.04 Pfizer♦ 32.43 1.09 36.46 27.51 3.29 23.31 200007.09
Total 37.71 -1.39 52.09 36.92 6.57 29.27 103818.56
CanNatRs 26.00 0.16 47.53 25.01 3.68 17.12 21389.68 Seven & I 5144 149.00 5998 3794.5 1.39 26.48 38261.87 Thailand (THB) ConocPhil♦ 43.41 1.22 81.47 41.10 6.64 32.61 53544.44 Phillips66♦ 73.30 2.75 87.98 57.33 2.78 9.55 39410.45
UnibailR 226.50 -3.70 262.00 180.70 4.15 13.33 25477.14
CanNatRy 71.56 0.54 88.89 68.81 1.65 16.86 42896.93 ShnEtsuCh 6573 130.00 8529 6360 1.46 21.83 23832.49 PTT Explor 249.00 -3.00 398.00 240.00 3.66 15.63 19950.02 Corning 16.52 0.55 25.16 15.42 2.63 8.33 20252.45 PhilMorris 79.75 2.36 90.25 75.27 4.95 16.90 123547.56
Vinci 54.96 0.67 60.35 39.65 3.40 11.75 37486.46
Enbridge♦ 51.11 0.56 66.14 47.43 3.36 204.86 32917.3 Softbank 6870 -20.00 8760 6600 0.56 10.34 69213.65 United Arab Emirates (Dhs) Costco♦ 138.16 5.45 156.85 117.03 1.08 26.04 60719.61 PNCFin 89.03 3.18 100.52 76.69 2.16 12.33 45725.79
Vivendi 21.94 -0.07 24.83 17.32 4.49 -86.07 34221.11
GtWesLif 33.85 1.01 37.70 29.30 3.94 11.90 25379.93 Sony 2963 128.50 3970 1782 0.81 -50.17 31380.64 Emirtestele 12.60 0.10 15.85 9.41 5.24 13.31 29833.11 CrownCstl 81.64 2.11 89.44 74.45 3.40 54.54 27248.28 PPG Inds♦ 93.10 2.05 118.95 85.78 1.45 23.27 25204.16
ImpOil 42.36 -0.03 57.96 42.12 0.97 15.94 26991.65 Germany (€)
SumitomoF 4718.5 163.50 5770 3823 2.85 10.31 55986.76 United Kingdom (p) CSX 26.37 1.06 37.99 24.47 2.47 13.31 26053.07 Praxair 104.05 1.05 134.06 101.01 2.59 20.52 29807.37
Manulife 20.97 0.87 24.20 18.91 3.19 13.05 31074.97 Allianz 138.85 -0.80 170.15 115.05 4.76 9.80 72366.37
Takeda Ph 5770 80.00 6657 4337.5 3.00 -30.49 38253.16 AscBrFd 3097 -30.00 3293 2407 1.10 43.40 38082.89 CVS 102.87 2.87 113.65 77.40 1.20 25.04 114647.19 Prec Cast 228.88 0.38 249.12 186.17 0.05 22.52 31470.46
Potash 33.03 0.96 47.10 31.74 5.69 13.92 20725.04 BASF 68.82 -0.71 97.22 63.00 3.87 13.19 72087.25
TokioMarine 4586.5 208.00 5504 3102 1.99 14.60 29153.64 AstraZen♦ 3922.5 -47.50 4931.68 3746 4.55 66.13 76990.53 Danaher 86.67 3.44 92.92 70.12 0.54 24.17 59237.91 Priceline 1223.46 44.65 1395 990.69 - 27.58 62031.37
RylBkC 72.10 -0.26 83.87 68.05 4.59 10.03 78223.3 Bayer 116.90 -2.05 146.45 96.83 1.86 28.62 110247.14
Toyota 6920 195.00 8783 5710 2.78 10.17 198469 Aviva 477.20 -7.10 578.68 449.86 3.79 12.49 29987.81 Deere 81.23 2.14 98.23 76.76 2.99 10.95 27120.38 ProctGmbl 70.90 2.48 93.89 65.02 3.61 23.46 192320.63
Suncor En 34.52 0.90 44.72 30.89 3.41 34.24 37519.01 BMW 80.62 -1.20 123.75 74.59 3.47 10.24 55349.09
Mexico (Mex$) Barclays♦ 252.00 -4.35 289.90 204.05 2.58 112.85 65669.43 Delphi 73.47 3.24 90.57 58.23 1.34 16.57 20891.1 Prudntl♦ 77.46 3.24 94.30 74.05 2.89 13.76 34934.46
ThmReut♦ 50.85 1.42 54.47 39.45 3.44 15.90 29973.63 Continental 188.45 -1.35 234.25 136.85 1.66 15.50 42984.69
AmerMvl 15.00 -0.06 17.64 13.48 1.88 - 37334.06 BG♦ 923.90 -36.70 1420 780.55 1.98 -46.60 49015.04 Delta♦ 43.70 2.33 51.06 30.12 0.81 19.54 34758.91 PublStor 203.20 6.24 217.99 162.34 2.87 35.94 35146.96
TntoDom 51.80 1.45 58.11 47.75 4.11 11.42 72118.56 Daimler 70.14 -0.82 96.07 55.10 3.37 9.64 85577.24
FEMSA UBD 146.46 2.46 154.14 116.20 0.81 26.94 30683.54 BP♦ 331.20 -4.15 499.25 326.25 7.80 -15.04 94041.83 DirectTV 93.55 1.36 95.51 82.04 - 16.82 47176.52 Qualcomm 56.66 2.78 78.53 52.59 3.03 15.71 89024.32
TrnCan 43.34 0.18 63.86 41.95 4.97 16.31 23098.41 Deut Bank 25.74 -0.43 33.42 22.66 2.81 22.44 40480.81
WalMrtMex 38.70 0.99 41.00 28.26 1.47 28.66 39612.82 BrAmTob♦ 3405.5 -19.50 3894 3231.5 4.35 15.81 98608.57 DiscFinServ 52.98 1.72 66.75 50.92 1.86 11.09 23062.55 Raytheon 103.62 2.97 113.36 92.96 2.43 15.10 31453.64
ValeantPh 302.36 8.87 347.84 125.13 - 95.37 77554.13 Deut Tlkm 14.74 -0.21 17.63 10.07 3.27 36.40 77412.34
BSkyB 850.50 -12.00 954.00 782.50 3.76 9.03 23005.52 Disney 99.23 3.34 122.08 78.54 1.80 20.88 167486.14 Regen Pharm 535.47 36.45 605.93 320.06 - 136.51 54476.86
DeutsPost 24.40 -0.04 31.19 21.55 - 16.56 33696.46 Netherlands (€)
China (HK$) BT♦ 427.15 -4.40 481.75 351.90 2.67 16.39 55321.77 DominRes♦ 70.62 1.04 80.89 65.53 3.49 24.45 41971.01 ReynoldsAm 83.60 1.56 88.28 56.27 3.17 15.66 59736.44
E.ON 9.88 -0.22 15.46 9.56 1.37 -7.60 22546.49 Altice 23.75 -1.73 143.20 20.61 - - 20300.01
AgricBkCh 3.12 0.01 4.55 3.08 7.50 4.27 12371.76 Compass 1002 -18.00 1223.36 924.41 2.70 19.45 25643.29 DowChem 41.05 1.66 54.97 35.11 3.92 12.23 47540.08 Salesforce 68.52 3.34 78.46 51.04 - -266.02 44949.12
Fresenius Med 66.15 -1.26 82.32 50.75 1.12 21.99 23469.86 ASML Hld 76.85 -2.05 104.85 68.29 0.88 25.65 37978.67
Bk China 3.53 -0.08 5.68 3.42 7.27 4.65 38079.91 Diageo♦ 1658.5 -14.50 2055 1592.5 3.23 17.53 64793.91 DukeEner♦ 71.74 1.53 89.97 70.15 4.38 21.62 49380.83 Schlmbrg 70.09 -2.43 112.00 68.01 2.54 21.06 88695.32
Fresenius SE 59.58 -0.01 66.56 36.00 0.71 28.68 29641.79 Heineken 68.79 -0.96 77.77 54.03 1.37 24.73 45188.14
BkofComm 5.86 -0.02 8.61 5.29 5.80 4.98 26467.22 GlaxoSmh♦ 1274.5 -21.50 1645 1247.5 6.28 6.41 96338.41 DuPont♦ 50.66 1.60 76.61 48.01 3.70 15.31 45839.09 Shrwin-Will♦ 255.55 6.90 294.35 202.01 0.94 26.26 23819.98
HenkelKgaA 79.36 -0.24 99.44 66.70 1.57 20.66 23513.03 ING 13.20 -0.16 16.00 9.68 - 29.04 58249.97
BOE Tech 1.86 0.01 4.78 1.12 2.14 19.65 47.74 Glencore 138.90 -5.40 373.70 137.25 8.24-323.02 28647.76 Eaton 54.57 1.86 73.82 49.21 3.76 11.95 25511.48 SimonProp♦ 181.97 4.88 206.31 162.43 2.99 38.38 56640.12
Linde 149.65 -5.05 195.55 141.80 2.03 27.34 31698.66 Unilever♦ 34.75 -0.74 42.75 28.75 3.21 21.26 67945.73
Ch Coms Cons 8.75 0.06 17.00 5.45 2.81 7.65 4997.58 HSBC♦ 496.20 -10.90 674.57 482.55 6.54 11.19 150616.08 eBay 26.17 0.94 29.35 19.50 - 11.07 31881.03 SouthCpr♦ 24.40 -0.11 33.31 23.41 1.78 16.06 19447.15
MuenchRkv 161.30 0.50 206.50 141.10 4.43 9.27 31813.47 Norway (Kr)
Ch Evrbrght 3.33 -0.09 5.65 3.32 6.76 4.10 2950.6 ImpTob 3098 -18.00 3413 2482.72 4.13 15.51 46055.01 Ecolab 106.49 1.96 118.46 97.78 1.17 26.53 31424.37 Starbucks 53.96 2.87 59.32 35.39 1.12 30.79 80087.43
SAP 58.29 -1.98 70.81 50.08 1.82 23.55 81666.77 DNB 115.90 -0.90 143.00 100.90 3.43 8.15 22639.29
Ch Rail Cons 9.35 -0.13 17.70 6.92 1.82 7.58 2504.35 LlydsBkg♦ 76.08 -0.60 89.35 70.90 0.99 41.35 84439.4 EMC 24.18 1.51 30.92 22.66 1.88 19.89 46539.88 StateSt 70.77 2.68 81.26 64.21 1.73 16.95 28882.16
Siemens 86.49 -0.60 106.35 80.17 3.68 13.19 86899.35 Statoil♦ 119.20 1.00 182.50 113.90 6.32 -9.24 45582.16
Ch Rail Gp 6.60 0.03 12.30 3.98 1.31 10.28 3582.21 Natl Grid 825.80 -19.20 965.00 806.40 5.12 15.47 48035.78 Emerson♦ 46.41 1.25 65.94 44.03 3.92 13.06 30497.88 Stryker 98.81 3.32 105.34 77.87 1.34 41.02 37207.72
Volkswgn 165.95 -1.85 254.50 147.35 2.79 7.83 55847.81 Telenor 163.20 2.70 186.10 128.90 2.44 22.34 29386.34
ChConstBk 5.38 -0.08 7.98 5.34 7.30 4.47 166856.83 Prudential♦ 1394 -17.50 1761.5 1287 2.65 14.19 55669.72 EOG Res 70.99 2.63 110.47 68.15 0.87 28.42 38985.68 Sychrony Fin 32.67 -0.32 36.40 23.76 - 12.70 27239.1
China Vanke - - - - - - - Hong Kong (HK$) Qatar (QR) EquityResTP 71.29 2.34 82.53 60.44 2.92 30.39 25955.42 Target♦ 76.84 2.90 85.81 58.72 2.62 19.30 49061.7
RBS 324.10 2.90 414.00 300.30 - -22.60 32568.83
ChinaCitic 4.65 -0.08 7.40 4.63 - 4.28 8927.21 AIA♦ 42.05 -0.80 58.20 39.10 1.05 19.04 65351.24 QatarNtBk 167.50 0.50 237.00 159.90 4.42 10.81 32184.5 Exelon♦ 31.44 1.04 38.93 30.37 3.90 11.76 27089.26 TE Connect♦ 56.88 1.68 73.73 51.03 2.08 12.61 22887.63
ReckittB♦ 5529 -139.00 6300 4895 2.51 23.49 61054.98
ChinaLife 24.55 -0.40 41.00 21.00 1.60 14.33 23566.13 BOC Hold 25.80 -0.40 33.70 23.85 3.90 11.15 35188.75 ExpScripts 84.10 3.18 94.61 68.06 - 28.00 56828.98 Telsa Mtrs 224.84 4.81 291.42 181.40 - -54.98 28586.64
Russia (RUB) RELX♦ 1011 -14.00 1199 921.50 2.47 95.14 32549.53
ChinaMBank 17.32 0.42 26.85 13.12 4.68 5.73 10257.5 Ch OSLnd&Inv 21.50 - 34.05 19.80 2.27 6.38 27348.62 ExxonMb♦ 72.50 3.79 100.31 66.55 3.81 13.06 302285.03 TexasInstr 45.41 1.89 59.99 41.47 2.87 16.27 46608.18
Gzprm neft 140.51 0.11 166.94 113.73 6.41 8.12 47867.13 RioTinto♦ 2200 -44.50 3373 2107.78 6.20 21.89 47632.41
ChinaMob 90.15 -2.50 118.00 85.00 3.48 13.53 238113.93 ChngKng 50.30 -1.90 77.55 50.10 - - 25044.57 Facebook 87.19 4.19 99.24 70.32 - 90.21 197026.43 TheTrvelers 100.00 2.25 110.49 90.83 2.23 9.22 31120.56
Lukoil 2355 -26.00 3297.7 1913 3.33 6.79 28824.66 RollsRoyce 714.50 -9.50 1061 685.50 3.23 -52.54 20405.23
ChinaPcIns 25.55 -0.65 47.10 24.80 2.05 13.85 9147.36 Citic Ltd 13.92 0.06 16.40 11.64 1.90 8.50 52237.39 Fedex 148.43 3.37 185.19 130.01 0.55 39.86 41931.61 ThrmoFshr 125.26 5.21 141.25 107.33 0.47 25.92 49914.56
MmcNrlskNckl 10290 219.00 12247 6766 14.18 11.74 23432.22 RylDShlA♦ 1575 -44.00 2475.5 1542.5 7.71 11.67 95849.3
ChMinsheng 7.53 0.08 11.88 6.97 3.08 4.57 6735.14 Citic Secs 16.18 -0.40 40.50 15.72 2.18 7.32 4755.42 FordMtr♦ 13.21 0.31 17.87 10.44 4.11 14.48 51479.18 TimeWrnr 71.67 1.98 91.34 66.82 1.84 17.21 58452.72
Novatek 581.20 20.90 601.50 364.50 11.02 26.79 25394.39 SABMill 2938 -67.00 3857 2773 2.41 21.43 73819
ChMrchSecs RMB 14.41 -0.04 40.00 10.59 2.96 8.37 10796.74 CK Hutchison 100.30 -2.00 174.90 97.50 3.51 4.33 49939.81 Franklin 39.99 1.14 59.43 38.25 1.41 10.87 24546.58 TimeWrnrC 185.20 4.48 194.22 128.78 2.00 27.04 52406.84
Rosneft 240.00 4.60 294.20 183.95 6.70 6.39 36602.4 Shire 4736 -72.00 5870 3448.28 0.30 14.34 43546.52
Chna Utd Coms RMB 5.58 -0.38 10.74 3.36 1.23 29.11 18450.58 CNOOC 8.06 0.15 15.80 7.60 7.03 4.81 46422.19 GenDyn 144.05 5.21 153.76 114.73 1.80 16.86 46488.85 TJX Cos♦ 70.81 1.96 76.93 58.58 1.00 21.88 48178.06
Sberbank 71.00 0.21 81.30 47.21 - 4.58 22055.38 StandCh♦ 707.30 -37.70 1250.18 707.30 7.81 15.74 27979.5
ChShenEgy 13.00 0.32 24.40 12.34 7.03 7.75 5699.49 HangSeng♦ 136.00 -2.20 162.10 123.20 4.07 9.86 33541.75 GenElectric 24.01 0.74 28.68 19.37 3.74 47.23 242415.26 T-MobileUS 38.96 0.83 42.56 24.26 - 116.67 31747.52
Surgutneftegas 33.10 -0.06 39.80 21.82 2.23 1.16 17017.01 Tesco 186.20 0.20 253.70 155.40 6.06 -2.65 23533.06
ChShpbldng RMB 9.93 -1.10 20.19 4.86 0.50 85.31 27817.08 HK Exc&Clr♦ 178.50 -1.50 311.40 162.00 2.20 30.96 27573.07 GenMills 55.89 1.08 59.87 47.43 3.04 27.82 33517.61 UnionPac 84.10 3.54 124.52 79.31 2.47 14.64 72972.86
Saudi Arabia (SR) Vodafone 216.80 -2.40 258.00 179.10 5.11 10.12 89395.85
ChStConEng RMB 5.02 -0.28 12.52 3.10 3.08 5.86 23414.18 MTR♦ 33.85 -0.20 40.00 29.95 2.71 12.65 25538.56 GenMotors 28.10 0.82 39.00 24.62 4.43 10.50 44455.98 UPS B♦ 96.63 2.17 114.40 93.64 2.86 22.82 67491.05
AlRajhiBnk 53.95 -3.08 79.50 48.40 3.55 13.33 23372.1 WPP 1311 -51.00 1616 1091 2.69 16.28 26390.81
ChUncHK 9.98 -0.40 16.00 9.68 2.51 15.87 30830.19 SandsCh 26.45 -0.85 52.60 25.90 7.43 14.59 27532.02 GileadSci 106.96 4.40 123.37 85.95 0.40 11.44 156975.08 USBancorp 41.41 1.65 46.26 38.10 2.36 13.40 72923.18
SHK Props 96.60 0.40 137.60 94.20 3.45 8.88 35847.55 Natnlcombnk 54.57 0.57 72.75 48.80 - 12.73 29018.17 United States of America ($)
CNNC Intl RMB 8.04 -0.05 14.38 4.07 - - - GoldmSchs 184.40 6.18 218.77 171.26 1.29 11.06 79821.41 UtdHlthcre 113.46 3.48 126.21 80.72 1.41 18.28 108191.21
Tencent 128.60 -2.30 171.00 104.50 0.28 37.27 155940.7 SaudiBasic♦ 76.08 -2.67 136.50 70.25 6.93 9.42 60847.77 3M♦ 142.72 5.08 170.50 130.60 2.60 18.86 89163.66
CSR 8.34 -0.16 20.70 6.80 1.41 16.06 4702.7 Google 659.74 47.27 713.33 490.91 - 33.21 191249.57 UtdTech♦ 91.56 2.76 124.45 87.17 2.65 13.30 81543.13
SaudiTelec 60.04 -0.96 76.50 52.75 6.17 11.23 32012.8 AbbottLb 43.98 1.08 51.74 39.28 2.07 28.29 65549.62
Daqin RMB 8.39 0.30 15.15 7.22 5.54 8.08 19457.51 India (Rs) Halliburton 34.43 0.96 70.50 30.93 1.98 20.42 29429.01 ValeroEngy♦ 58.85 1.24 71.50 42.53 2.27 6.82 29255.03
Singapore (S$) Abbvie 63.14 2.43 71.60 52.06 2.88 49.59 104514.15
Gree Elec Apl 0.19 0.01 0.45 0.13 - -1.65 279.35 Bhartiartl 339.20 -9.15 452.45 332.50 1.06 26.54 20501.11 HCA Hold 86.95 3.84 95.49 43.91 - 18.03 36100.94 Verizon 45.16 1.66 51.73 38.06 4.81 19.07 183606.63
DBS♦ 17.65 -0.25 21.50 17.57 3.39 19.11 31428.79 Accenture 95.04 2.90 105.37 73.98 2.18 21.10 75802.09
GuosenSec - - - - - - - HDFC Bk 1013.5 -4.95 1128 834.00 0.81 25.24 38522.15 Hew-Pack 27.10 1.41 41.10 24.85 2.39 10.71 48953.85 VertexPharm 130.11 8.94 143.45 90.89 - -42.85 31832.13
JardnMt US$♦ 46.51 -0.89 67.88 46.20 3.02 10.13 32492.19 Ace 101.85 2.13 117.89 96.00 3.17 11.60 32979.54
HaitongSecs 10.60 -0.16 27.90 10.32 1.50 7.41 4662.31 Hind Unilevr 855.00 -10.95 981.00 707.15 1.39 45.45 27957.98 HiltonWwde♦ 24.33 0.79 31.60 20.72 - 37.33 24024.68 VF Cp 71.92 2.79 77.83 61.75 1.68 30.14 30612.17
JardnStr US$♦ 27.39 -0.36 37.84 27.06 0.97 9.83 30679.61 Actavis 298.98 -2.94 317.72 201.91 - -34.92 117333.1
Hngzh HikVDT - - - - - - - HsngDevFin 1102.35 -43.20 1402.3 975.00 1.33 19.52 26274 HomeDep 115.93 4.96 123.80 86.35 1.82 22.72 150590.29 Viacom 38.61 0.03 81.99 36.32 3.56 9.11 13415.43
OCBC♦ 8.89 -0.07 10.92 8.63 4.18 8.31 25610.33 Adobe 77.33 2.76 87.25 58.51 - 105.66 38482.92
Hunng Pwr - - - - - - - ICICI Bk 278.05 -5.45 393.40 267.15 3.66 11.99 24406.16 Honywell♦ 97.83 3.90 107.41 82.89 2.02 17.76 76479.82 Visa Inc♦ 70.69 3.72 76.92 48.80 0.64 30.03 137943.57
SingTel 3.85 -0.05 4.57 3.63 4.50 15.33 43653.04 AEP♦ 54.01 0.99 65.38 51.58 3.82 15.37 26495.12
IM Baotou Stl RMB 3.22 -0.33 7.50 2.43 0.59 200.86 7907.22 Infosys 1064.6 -21.05 2336 932.65 3.59 18.56 36790.23 HumanaInc 180.73 5.27 219.79 121.04 0.62 21.65 26774.01 Walgreen♦ 85.41 4.41 97.30 58.39 1.61 21.55 93291.87
UOB♦ 19.36 0.11 25.05 18.51 3.73 9.55 22060.28 Aetna 115.42 4.92 134.40 71.81 0.81 17.71 40235.41
In&CmBkCh 4.59 -0.04 7.10 4.54 7.46 4.50 51392.49 ITC 317.65 -2.25 409.95 294.00 1.71 27.75 38534.71 IBM♦ 146.70 5.74 195.00 140.62 3.10 9.89 143697.03 WalMartSto 64.83 1.73 90.97 61.50 3.02 13.13 208788.17
Aflac♦ 56.92 1.69 65.10 51.41 2.67 9.68 24515.11
IndstrlBk RMB 12.93 0.73 21.42 9.99 3.85 4.69 32634.29 L&T 1592.2 -32.45 1893.8 1401 0.93 25.62 22401.53 South Africa (R) IllinoisTool 83.26 3.17 100.14 78.79 2.30 16.96 30480.53 Wellpoint 128.71 0.94 129.96 81.84 1.64 12.65 34744.16
AirProd 137.79 2.98 158.20 118.20 2.26 29.22 29622.43
Kweichow RMB 183.88 7.29 290.00 145.50 2.34 13.33 36033.02 OilNatGas 224.85 -5.80 457.95 223.00 4.47 7.03 29085.84 Firstrand 52.66 -0.67 58.47 40.27 3.73 12.92 22516.09 Illumina 195.70 6.06 242.37 145.12 - 60.57 28317.79 WellsFargo♦ 52.30 2.28 58.77 46.44 2.69 12.90 268474.69
Alexion 173.54 8.10 208.88 150.06 - 60.02 39246.88
Midea 1.97 0.03 2.68 1.65 5.05 9.53 54.65 RelianceIn 853.40 5.25 1067.85 796.45 1.16 10.42 41782.39 MTN Grp♦ 170.68 -5.57 263.44 161.10 7.79 9.59 24009.57 Intcntl Exch 229.34 6.82 246.39 184.27 0.88 23.81 25339.45 Williams Cos 45.67 1.00 61.38 40.07 4.97 16.93 34239.31
Allstate 57.40 0.41 72.87 54.12 2.00 9.77 22982.38
New Ch Life Ins 27.85 -0.60 56.55 26.20 0.71 7.86 3715.23 SBI NewA 245.70 -7.65 336.00 234.61 1.25 11.10 28107.89 Naspers N 1673.15 -53.47 2029.97 1130.01 0.29 42.67 53493.28 Intel♦ 27.30 1.43 37.90 24.87 3.36 11.72 129784.2 Yahoo 32.52 0.78 52.62 29.00 - 4.56 30614.03
Altria 53.21 1.39 56.70 42.58 3.86 20.84 104328.58
PetroChina 6.29 0.05 11.70 5.90 6.79 11.30 17120.07 SunPhrmInds 872.90 -17.70 1200.8 748.00 0.18 29.27 31760.17 South Korea (KRW) Intuit 83.29 3.42 109.21 77.96 1.14 73.90 22960.46 Yum!Brnds 79.68 3.58 95.90 65.81 1.98 39.50 34358.46
Amazon 500.77 34.40 580.57 284.00 - -1254.14 234215.25
PingAnIns 35.90 -0.60 62.90 28.53 0.43 10.15 34490.85 Tata Cons 2576.75 9.60 2839.7 2345 1.55 24.64 76311.57 HyundMobis 203500 5500 295000 185500 1.65 8.29 16394.85 John&John♦ 95.11 4.38 109.49 81.79 2.96 16.96 263369.69 Venezuela ()
AmerAir 38.85 1.35 56.20 28.10 1.02 6.79 26100.23
PngAnBnk RMB 9.91 0.45 17.50 8.32 1.79 6.25 18247.89 Indonesia (Rp) KoreaElePwr 49150 1650 53100 38750 1.14 8.27 26607.52 JohnsonCn 40.21 1.26 54.52 38.48 2.46 14.98 26300.13 Bco de Vnzla 113.00 - 143.95 27.00 - - 32197.37
AmerExpr 75.63 2.11 94.89 71.71 1.74 13.35 75727.06
Pwr Cons Corp RMB 6.54 -0.62 20.00 2.92 2.37 11.87 3366.66 Bk Cent Asia 11850 225.00 15600 11000 1.31 16.26 20687.77 SK Hynix 33450 -50.00 51700 30300 0.94 4.97 20535.19 JPMrgnCh 62.91 3.00 70.61 50.07 2.57 11.49 232645.42 Bco Provncl 4000 - 4400 839.99 - - 33696.09
AmerIntGrp 59.16 2.52 64.93 48.56 0.83 11.77 76546.35
SaicMtr RMB 15.02 0.91 29.18 14.00 8.64 5.38 25833.23 SmsungEl♦ 1067000-12000.00 1510000 1033000 2.10 6.19 116352.49 Kimb-Clark 106.18 2.83 119.01 99.57 3.20 60.79 38678.72 Mrcntl Srvcs - - - - - - -
Israel (ILS) AmerTower 91.53 2.02 105.20 89.39 1.73 55.71 38742.73
ShenwanHong - - - - - - - Spain (€) KinderM 30.79 0.86 44.71 28.50 5.77 43.74 67489.74
TevaPha♦ 252.10 7.10 275.90 182.70 2.03 22.09 62732.88 Amgen♦ 153.98 8.79 181.81 127.67 1.80 20.66 116755.39
ShgPdgBk RMB 13.02 0.63 19.17 9.36 5.94 4.93 30308.76 Kraft 88.19 -0.11 91.32 53.33 2.45 45.49 52233.16 Closing prices and highs & lows are in traded currency (with variations for that
Italy (€) BBVA 8.09 -0.14 9.91 7.21 0.95 12.64 58173.45 Anadarko 65.16 1.17 113.51 58.10 1.64 -13.31 33102.07
Sinopec Corp 4.95 -0.09 8.23 4.80 6.39 12.86 16291.86 Kroger♦ 35.08 1.42 39.43 25.07 1.01 18.55 17038.76 country indicated by stock), market capitalisation is in USD. Highs & lows are
Enel 3.88 -0.08 4.50 3.36 3.30 78.68 41566.32 BcoSantdr 5.31 -0.12 7.96 5.09 10.87 11.46 86681.91 Aon Cp 92.62 3.23 107.08 78.26 1.12 21.41 25937.58
Sinopec Oil RMB 6.37 -0.71 14.23 2.92 - 145.40 447.16 L Brands♦ 81.36 3.49 95.78 62.91 1.89 21.17 23754.23 based on intraday trading over a rolling 52 week period.
ENI 13.49 -0.33 19.64 12.98 8.01-637.78 55910.56 CaixaBnk 3.72 -0.02 5.00 3.54 1.04 24.09 24484.88 Apple 109.69 5.95 134.54 92.00 1.74 12.84 625531.58
Denmark (kr) Iberdrola 5.92 -0.05 6.49 5.11 2.53 15.67 42114.76 LasVegasSd 45.18 0.45 68.69 40.00 5.03 15.43 36028.84 ♦ ex-dividend
Generali 16.25 -0.27 19.21 14.40 3.56 12.87 28852.36 ArcherDan♦ 43.99 0.98 53.91 41.63 2.33 12.29 26787.25
DanskeBk 200.70 -1.50 218.00 139.20 2.65 32.47 30928.49 Inditex 28.71 -0.55 32.54 19.29 1.39 34.41 102028.28 LibertyGbl 46.90 0.47 58.66 39.95 - -29.42 11842.63 ■ ex-capital redistribution
IntSPaolo 3.23 0.02 3.65 2.00 1.53 28.82 58406.85 AT&T 32.69 0.89 36.45 30.97 5.65 32.77 201076.19
MollerMrsk 11120 -180.00 16450 10860 2.68 13.44 36457.48 Repsol 12.42 -0.31 19.50 12.24 - 17.51 19463.8 Lilly (E)♦ 81.10 2.84 90.18 60.58 2.41 42.63 89902.64 # price at time of suspension
Luxottica 60.25 1.00 67.80 34.74 1.15 39.74 33209.37 AutomData 77.80 4.28 90.23 64.29 2.48 27.26 36240.03
NovoB 357.10 -3.90 415.00 244.50 1.35 30.83 112533.29 Telefonica 12.32 -0.21 14.31 10.76 3.13 19.66 69358.05 Lockheed 202.12 3.14 213.34 166.28 2.85 18.18 62765.24
Unicred 5.79 -0.03 6.61 4.82 2.00 15.97 39402.35 Avago Tech 116.20 7.69 150.50 68.75 1.17 46.30 30180.59
Lowes 68.75 1.76 76.25 49.85 1.35 24.10 64122.14

Close Prev Day Week Month Close Prev Day Week Month Day's Mth's Spread Day's Mth's Spread
price price change change % change change % change % price price change change % change change % change % Red Ratings Bid Bid chge chge vs Red Ratings Bid Bid chge chge vs
MmcNrlskNckl 10290.00 10071.00 219.00 2.17 565.00 5.8 14.02 DirectTV 93.55 92.19 1.36 1.48 - - 0.42 Aug 26 date Coupon S* M* F* price yield yield yield US Aug 26 date Coupon S* M* F* price yield yield yield US
Novatek 581.20 560.30 20.90 3.73 9.50 1.7 3.88 Sinopec Oil 6.37 7.08 -0.71 -10.03 -3.54 -35.7 -40.19 High Yield US$ US$
Kraft 88.19 88.30 -0.11 -0.12 1.21 1.4 4.58 Pwr Cons Corp 6.54 7.16 -0.62 -8.66 -3.53 -35.1 -41.50 Windstream Services, LLC 11/17 7.88 BB- B2 BB 102.86 6.54 0.00 -1.29 5.91 Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. 09/26 6.22 BBB+ Baa3 A- 116.94 4.32 0.00 -0.24 2.19
Wesfarmers 40.16 39.92 0.24 0.60 0.50 1.3 -2.76 BOE Tech 1.86 1.85 0.01 0.54 -0.93 -33.3 -34.97 High Yield Euro Bank of America Corporation 10/26 4.25 BBB+ Baa3 A- 98.88 4.43 0.00 -0.13 2.29
Wellpoint 128.71 127.77 0.94 0.74 1.56 1.2 1.59 ChShpbldng 9.93 11.03 -1.10 -9.97 -4.77 -32.4 -29.82 Kazkommerts Intl BV 02/17 6.88 B Caa1 B 97.50 - 0.00 0.00 - Citigroup Inc. 11/26 4.30 BBB+ Baa3 A- 99.58 4.39 0.00 -0.09 2.26
Ambev 18.40 18.40 0.00 0.00 0.20 1.1 -1.00 IM Baotou Stl 3.22 3.55 -0.33 -9.30 -1.51 -31.9 -36.99 Korea Electric Power Corporation 08/27 6.75 A+ Aa3 AA- 97.96 7.13 0.00 -0.03 -
Firstrand 52.66 53.33 -0.67 -1.26 0.56 1.1 -3.80 ChMrchSecs 14.41 14.45 -0.04 -0.28 -5.72 -28.4 -38.60 Emerging US$ SouthTrust Bank 12/27 6.57 A+ Aa3 A+ 120.84 4.40 0.00 -0.17 -
GDF Suez 17.56 16.89 0.67 3.97 0.10 0.6 5.53 ChStConEng 5.02 5.30 -0.28 -5.28 -1.87 -27.1 -37.33 Peru 05/16 8.38 BBB+ A3 BBB+ 104.67 1.45 0.00 0.04 0.82 FleetBoston Financial Corp. 01/28 6.88 BBB+ Baa3 A- 121.58 4.62 0.00 -0.25 -
Woolworths 26.89 26.62 0.27 1.01 0.13 0.5 -3.45 CNNC Intl 8.04 8.09 -0.05 -0.62 -2.64 -24.7 -31.28 Mexico 09/16 11.40 BBB+ A3 BBB+ 111.09 0.73 -0.02 -0.23 0.10
Brazil 01/18 8.00 BBB- Baa3 BBB 108.17 4.33 0.04 0.03 3.70 Euro
ITC 317.65 319.90 -2.25 -0.70 0.75 0.2 0.99 Chna Utd Coms 5.58 5.96 -0.38 -6.38 -1.79 -24.3 -22.07 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The) 06/26 2.88 A- A3 A 106.71 2.17 0.00 -0.14 0.03
L Brands 81.36 77.87 3.49 4.48 0.18 0.2 -1.93 Citic Secs 16.18 16.58 -0.40 -2.41 -4.52 -21.8 -29.96 Russia 07/18 11.00 BB+ Ba1 BBB- 119.22 3.97 0.00 0.35 3.34
Peru 03/19 7.13 BBB+ A3 BBB+ 116.22 2.40 0.00 0.00 0.94 Credit Agricole S.A. 03/27 2.63 BBB Baa3 A- 93.77 3.28 0.00 0.13 -
Naspers N 1673.15 1726.62 -53.47 -3.10 -1.49 -0.1 -8.32 HaitongSecs 10.60 10.76 -0.16 -1.49 -2.96 -21.8 -30.72 B.A.T. Netherlands Fin B.V. (Re - British American Tobacco) 03/29 3.13 A- A3 A- 111.99 2.10 0.00 -0.11 -
Gzprm neft 140.51 140.40 0.11 0.08 -0.29 -0.2 3.01 Intuit 83.29 79.87 3.42 4.28 -22.98 -21.6 -21.93 Brazil 01/21 7.88 BBB- Baa3 BBB 101.36 4.58 0.05 0.22 3.12
Turkey 03/21 5.63 - Baa3 BBB- 105.53 4.55 0.00 0.30 3.09 Philip Morris Intl, Inc. 05/29 2.88 A A2 A 108.94 2.12 0.00 -0.09 -
Rosneft 240.00 235.40 4.60 1.95 -1.05 -0.4 8.79 Ch Rail Cons 9.35 9.48 -0.13 -1.37 -2.25 -19.4 -16.81
Poland 04/21 5.13 A- A2 A- 112.11 2.81 0.00 -0.05 1.36 Yen
Sberbank 71.00 70.79 0.21 0.30 -0.50 -0.7 0.78 PngAnBnk 9.91 9.46 0.45 4.76 -2.36 -19.2 -25.93
Colombia 07/21 4.38 BBB Baa2 BBB 102.49 3.93 0.00 0.17 2.48 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. 07/15 0.94 NR WR NR 100.00 0.31 0.00 0.00 -
Prec Cast 228.88 228.50 0.38 0.17 -1.97 -0.9 21.31 SandsCh 26.45 27.30 -0.85 -3.11 -6.25 -19.1 -21.86
CmwBkAu 76.13 75.08 1.05 1.40 -0.78 -1.0 -11.28 Gree Elec Apl 0.19 0.18 0.01 6.01 -0.04 -18.1 -30.71 Turkey 04/26 4.25 - Baa3 BBB- 92.13 5.29 0.00 0.31 3.16 £ Sterling
Actavis 298.98 301.92 -2.94 -0.97 -3.32 -1.1 0.74 Daqin 8.39 8.09 0.30 3.71 -1.82 -17.8 -23.66 Emerging Euro IPIC GMTN Limited 03/26 6.88 AA Aa2 AA 125.54 3.87 0.03 0.15 1.74
NatAusBk 31.39 31.09 0.30 0.96 -0.37 -1.2 -7.43 SaicMtr 15.02 14.11 0.91 6.45 -3.22 -17.7 -29.52 Brazil 02/15 7.38 BBB- Baa2 BBB 111.75 0.73 0.00 0.00 0.09 B.A.T. Intl Fin plc (Re - British American Tobacco) 09/26 4.00 A- A3 A- 106.12 3.33 0.08 -0.01 1.19
Westpc 31.28 30.90 0.38 1.23 -0.38 -1.2 -8.64 Ch Coms Cons 8.75 8.69 0.06 0.69 -1.75 -16.7 -17.76 Mexico 07/17 4.25 BBB+ A3 BBB+ 111.13 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.87 Data provided by SIX Financial Information. US $ denominated bonds NY close; all other London close. *S - Standard & Poor’s, M -
Mexico 02/20 5.50 BBB+ - BBB+ 109.27 3.23 0.00 0.04 1.78 Moody’s, F - Fitch.
Based on the FT Global 500 companies in local currency Based on the FT Global 500 companies in local currency
Bulgaria 09/25 5.75 BB+ - BBB- 115.11 3.96 0.00 0.14 1.82
Data provided by SIX Financial Information & Tullett Prebon Information. US $ denominated bonds NY close; all other
London close. *S - Standard & Poor’s, M - Moody’s, F - Fitch.

Aug 26 Rate Current Since Last Mnth Ago Year Ago Day's Month's Year Return Return Aug 26 Day Chng Prev 52 wk high 52 wk low Red Change in Yield 52 Week Amnt
US Fed Funds 0.00-0.15 16-12-2008 0.15 0.00-0.25 0.00-0.25 Index change change change 1 month 1 year VIX 30.32 -5.70 36.02 53.29 10.88 Aug 26 Price £ Yield Day Week Month Year High Low £m
US Prime 3.25 16-12-2008 3.25 3.25 3.25 Markit IBoxx VXD 29.61 -4.90 34.51 56.32 7.04 Tr 2pc '16 100.62 0.45 -2.17 -6.25 -13.46 -36.62 101.97 100.62 0.32
US Discount 0.75 18-02-2010 0.75 0.75 0.75 ABF Pan-Asia unhedged 170.19 0.15 -2.80 -4.54 -3.17 -5.93 VXN 31.37 -6.95 38.32 46.72 11.15 Tr 1.75pc '17 101.69 0.54 -1.82 -1.82 -11.48 -47.57 102.68 101.59 0.29
Euro Repo 0.05 10-09-2014 0.15 0.05 0.25 Corporates( £) 292.41 -0.26 -1.20 -0.38 -0.81 4.13 VDAX 27.93 0.00 27.93 27.93 - Tr 5pc '18 110.77 0.70 1.45 -2.78 -14.63 -48.91 113.65 110.64 0.35
UK Repo 0.50 05-03-2009 0.50 0.50 0.50 Corporates($) 249.21 -0.49 -0.60 -0.51 -0.60 -0.51 † CBOE. VIX: S&P 500 index Options Volatility, VXD: DJIA Index Options Volatility, VXN: NASDAQ Index Options Volatility. Tr 4.5pc '19 112.21 0.97 0.00 -4.90 -13.39 -40.12 115.07 111.71 0.36
Japan O'night Call 0.00-0.03 05-10-2010 0.03 0.00-0.10 0.00-0.10 Corporates(€) 210.66 0.14 -0.60 -0.96 -0.45 0.80 ‡ Deutsche Borse. VDAX: DAX Index Options Volatility. Tr 4.75pc '20 115.52 1.22 0.83 -3.17 -10.29 -32.97 119.04 114.45 0.33
Switzeland Libor Target 0.00-0.25 03-08-2011 0.00-0.75 0.00-0.25 0.00-0.25 Eurozone Sov(€) 222.01 0.19 -0.77 0.15 -0.34 3.08 Tr 8pc '21 136.24 1.44 2.13 -1.37 -7.10 -26.90 142.92 135.31 0.24
Gilts( £) 287.45 -0.43 0.43 0.63 1.11 7.51 BONDS: BENCHMARK GOVERNMENT Tr 4pc '22 115.27 1.53 2.00 -1.29 -6.13 -26.79 119.85 112.16 0.38
INTEREST RATES: MARKET Global Inflation-Lkd 249.20 -0.99 0.15 -0.66 1.16 -2.98 Red Bid Bid Day chg Wk chg Month Year Tr 5pc '25 127.76 1.81 2.26 -2.16 -6.70 -25.51 134.70 122.10 0.35
Over Change One Three Six One Markit iBoxx £ Non-Gilts 293.22 -0.33 -0.78 -0.09 -0.39 4.49 Date Coupon Price Yield yield yield chg yld chg yld Tr 4.25pc '27 123.76 2.05 1.99 -0.97 -4.65 -22.35 131.90 116.13 0.31
Aug 26 (Libor: Aug 25) night Day Week Month month month month year Overall ($) 225.63 -0.61 0.06 0.65 0.06 0.65 Australia 10/18 3.25 104.43 1.79 0.04 -0.12 -0.14 -1.07 Tr 4.25pc '32 126.55 2.33 2.19 -0.43 -3.32 -18.53 136.85 117.16 0.35
US$ Libor 0.13250 -0.001 0.000 -0.002 0.19775 0.32700 0.52280 0.82735 Overall( £) 286.50 -0.40 0.06 0.42 0.65 6.55 04/26 4.25 113.83 2.74 0.07 -0.03 -0.16 -0.78 Tr 4.25pc '36 128.79 2.46 2.07 0.00 -2.77 -16.89 140.37 117.65 0.28
Euro Libor -0.18000 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.10500 -0.02786 0.05129 0.15671 Overall(€) 218.48 0.18 -0.59 -0.01 -0.27 2.47 Austria 10/18 1.15 103.64 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tr 4.5pc '42 139.05 2.51 1.62 0.00 -2.71 -16.33 153.16 124.52 0.26
£ Libor 0.48125 0.000 0.000 -0.001 0.50788 0.58438 0.74875 1.04650 Treasuries ($) 217.76 -0.77 0.44 1.25 0.44 1.25 10/25 1.20 101.56 1.04 -0.04 0.13 0.05 0.00 Tr 3.75pc '52 130.80 2.47 1.65 0.00 -3.89 -18.21 145.21 112.07 0.22
Swiss Fr Libor 0.000 -0.78700 -0.72800 -0.68100 -0.57100 FTSE Belgium 06/18 0.75 101.76 0.11 0.00 -0.01 -0.06 -0.34 Tr 4pc '60 142.67 2.43 2.10 0.41 -3.57 -18.73 159.23 119.83 0.21
Yen Libor 0.000 0.05300 0.08786 0.13157 0.24186 Sterling Corporate (£) 110.66 -0.45 - - -0.64 -0.02 06/25 0.80 97.28 1.09 -0.04 0.12 0.08 0.00 xd Ex dividend. Closing mid-prices are shown in pounds per £ 100 nominal of stock. Red yield: Gross redemption yield.
Euro Euribor -0.002 -0.09600 -0.03300 0.04100 0.16100 Euro Corporate (€) 106.68 -0.01 - - -0.60 -1.86 Canada 11/17 0.25 99.67 0.40 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.00 This table shows the gilts benchmarks & the non-rump undated stocks.
Sterling CDs 0.000 0.51000 0.60000 0.78500 Euro Emerging Mkts (€) 810.25 -12.29 - - -8.62 -15.24 06/26 1.50 99.58 1.54 0.06 0.07 -0.13 0.00
Euro CDs
Eurozone Govt Bond 112.61 0.03 - - -0.64 0.12 Denmark 11/16 2.50 103.53 -0.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 GILTS: UK FTSE ACTUARIES INDICES
CREDIT INDICES Day's Week's Month's Series Series 11/25 1.75 108.21 0.91 -0.03 0.07 0.04 -0.37
Price Indices Day's Total Return Return
Short 7 Days One Three Six One Index change change change high low Finland 05/18 1.00 99.84 1.06 0.00 -0.09 -0.09 0.00
Fixed Coupon Aug 26 chg % Return 1 month 1 year Yield
Aug 26 term notice month month month year Markit iTraxx 07/25 4.00 126.99 1.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1 Up to 5 Years 98.09 -0.02 2355.98 0.32 2.33 1.46
Euro -0.20 -0.10 -0.20 -0.10 -0.20 -0.05 -0.15 0.00 -0.08 0.07 0.07 0.22 Crossover 5Y 367.96 21.99 58.13 81.33 371.85 242.25 France 11/16 0.25 100.55 -0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 5 - 10 Years 178.03 -0.23 3210.39 0.75 5.45 1.85
Sterling 0.40 0.55 0.40 0.55 0.46 0.56 0.55 0.65 0.71 0.86 1.03 1.18 Europe 5Y 78.30 4.77 11.45 16.00 81.85 52.94 11/19 0.50 101.46 0.15 -0.01 0.09 0.06 -0.22
3 10 - 15 Years 206.11 -0.41 3768.75 1.01 8.21 2.05
Swiss Franc - - - - - - - - - - - - Japan 5Y 69.75 5.07 12.09 12.02 69.98 48.09 05/25 0.50 94.56 1.09 -0.04 0.12 0.09 0.00
4 5 - 15 Years 184.46 -0.27 3345.05 0.81 6.22 1.91
Canadian Dollar - - - - - - - - - - - - Senior Financials 5Y 90.11 6.68 15.14 18.84 100.19 62.28 05/45 3.25 127.94 2.00 -0.05 0.10 0.06 -0.27
5 Over 15 Years 297.77 -0.81 4285.85 1.36 12.52 2.47
US Dollar 0.12 0.22 0.12 0.22 0.15 0.25 0.25 0.35 0.50 0.60 0.80 0.90 Germany 04/18 0.25 101.21 -0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Markit CDX 7 All stocks 171.87 -0.40 3204.58 0.86 7.19 2.29
Japanese Yen -0.03 0.07 -0.05 0.05 -0.10 0.10 -0.10 0.10 -0.05 0.15 0.00 0.20 10/20 0.25 100.94 0.07 -0.02 0.04 -0.01 0.00
Emerging Markets 5Y 388.92 -7.67 44.73 71.19 396.59 278.35 08/25 1.00 102.81 0.71 -0.02 0.09 -0.01 0.00
Libor rates come from ICE (see www.theice.com) and are fixed at 11am UK time. Other data sources: US $, Euro & CDs: Day's Month Year's Total Return Return
Nth Amer High Yld 5Y 423.24 -3.68 35.94 62.07 426.92 337.73 08/46 2.50 128.05 1.38 -0.02 0.08 -0.05 -0.42
Tullett Prebon; SDR, US Discount: IMF; EONIA: ECB; Swiss Libor: SNB; EURONIA, RONIA & SONIA: WMBA. Index Linked Aug 26 chg % chg % chg % Return 1 month 1 year
Nth Amer Inv Grade 5Y 87.08 -0.90 9.19 16.12 87.98 60.22 Greece 07/17 3.38 85.97 12.13 -0.62 1.18 -9.53 8.98
Nth AmerHiVol 5Y 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 1 Up to 5 Years 308.31 -0.12 -0.54 -2.85 2344.28 -0.54 -1.51
02/26 3.00 63.50 9.07 -0.17 -0.11 -2.83 2.93 2 Over 5 years 576.24 -1.17 0.60 11.71 4244.12 0.60 12.61
Websites: markit.com, ftse.com. All indices shown are unhedged. Currencies are shown in brackets after the index names. Ireland 10/17 5.50 111.86 -0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 5-15 years 425.45 -0.81 -1.14 0.07 3224.65 -1.14 1.39
03/25 5.40 135.69 1.38 -0.04 0.13 0.07 -0.59 4 Over 15 years 715.75 -1.32 1.31 17.53 5175.32 1.31 18.25
COMMODITIES www.ft.com/commodities BONDS: INDEX-LINKED Italy 05/18 0.25 99.61 0.40 0.00 0.09 0.06 0.00 5 All stocks 532.63 -1.02 0.43 10.14 3971.80 0.43 11.12
05/20 0.70 98.80 0.96 0.00 0.16 0.09 0.00
Energy Price* Change Agricultural & Cattle Futures Price* Change Price Yield Month Value No of
06/25 1.50 95.82 1.98 0.00 0.17 0.08 0.00 Yield Indices Aug 26 Aug 25 Yr ago Aug 26 Aug 25 Yr ago
Crude Oil† Sep 38.90 -0.12 Corn♦ Sep 362.25 -4.00 Aug 25 Aug 25 Prev return stock Market stocks
09/46 3.25 105.66 2.99 0.02 0.20 0.06 0.00 5 Yrs 1.29 1.26 1.71 20 Yrs 2.48 2.43 2.95
Brent Crude Oil‡ 43.59 0.48 Wheat♦ Sep 491.50 -5.00 Can 4.25%' 21 129.78 -0.434 -0.538 -0.36 5.18 70110.77 7
Japan 08/17 0.10 100.18 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10 Yrs 1.95 1.91 2.44 45 Yrs 2.44 2.40 3.01
RBOB Gasoline† Aug 1.37 -0.07 Soybeans♦ Sep 878.50 -15.25 Fr 2.25%' 20 112.65 -0.301 -0.313 -1.91 20.31 203860.33 14
09/20 0.05 99.68 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15 Yrs 2.31 2.27 2.80
Heating Oil† Sep 1.41 0.00 Soybeans Meal♦ Sep 324.30 -2.50 Swe 0.25%' 22 107.35 -0.698 -0.763 -0.98 30.88 217988.17 6
06/25 0.40 100.24 0.37 0.00 0.00 -0.03 0.00
Natural Gas† Sep 2.69 0.00 Cocoa (ICE Liffe)X Sep 2068.00 18.00 UK 2.5%' 16 - - - - - - -
06/45 1.60 104.52 1.39 0.00 -0.01 -0.03 0.00 inflation 0% inflation 5%
Ethanol♦ - - Cocoa (ICE US)♥ Sep 3100.00 0.00 UK 2.5%' 24 338.09 -0.738 -0.829 -0.76 6.82 483585.15 25
Netherlands 04/17 0.50 101.16 -0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Real yield Aug 26 Dur yrs Previous Yr ago Aug 26 Dur yrs Previous Yr ago
Uranium Sep 36.75 0.00 Coffee(Robusta)X Sep 1581.00 -1.00 UK 2%' 35 234.26 -0.839 -0.912 0.34 9.08 483585.15 25
07/25 0.25 93.69 0.92 -0.05 0.10 0.04 0.00 Up to 5 yrs -0.62 2.69 -0.66 -1.20 -1.35 2.71 -1.39 -1.98
Carbon Emissions - - Coffee (Arabica)♥ Sep 118.55 1.05 US 0.625%' 21 101.40 0.384 0.304 -0.77 35.84 1067101.42 36
Diesel Sep 121.25 0.00 White SugarX 334.20 -5.40 New Zealand - - - - - - - Over 5 yrs -0.83 23.51 -0.88 -0.31 -0.87 23.61 -0.92 -0.36
US 3.625%' 28 133.84 0.803 0.304 -1.29 16.78 1067101.42 36
Unleaded Sep - - Sugar 11♥ 10.51 -0.11 12/17 6.00 107.65 2.55 0.01 -0.05 -0.11 -1.35 5-15 yrs -0.61 9.89 -0.70 -0.51 -0.73 9.90 -0.82 -0.65
Representative stocks from each major market Source: Merill Lynch Global Bond Indices † Local currencies. ‡ Total market
Norway 05/17 4.25 106.32 0.54 -0.02 -0.03 -0.15 -0.95 Over 15 yrs -0.86 29.13 -0.91 -0.28 -0.88 29.18 -0.93 -0.31
Base Metals (♠ LME 3 Months) Cotton♥ Oct 62.31 -0.90 value. In line with market convention, for UK Gilts inflation factor is applied to price, for other markets it is applied to par
03/25 1.75 102.54 1.46 0.03 0.06 -0.15 0.00 All stocks -0.83 20.40 -0.88 -0.32 -0.88 20.56 -0.93 -0.38
Aluminium 1537.50 -18.50 Orange Juice♥ Sep 126.00 3.75 amount.
Aluminium Alloy 1680.00 5.00 Palm Oil♣ Sep 437.50 -12.75 Portugal 02/16 6.40 103.05 -0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 See the FTSE website for more details: http://www.ftse.com/products/indices/gilts
Copper 4925.00 -131.00 Live Cattle♣ Oct 141.55 0.08 BONDS: TEN YEAR GOVT SPREADS 10/25 2.88 101.67 2.68 -0.03 0.21 0.16 0.00
Lead 1636.50 -37.00 Spain 04/18 0.25 99.56 0.42 -0.02 0.04 0.05 0.00 All data provided by Morningstar unless otherwise noted. All elements listed are indicative and believed accurate
Feeder Cattle♣ Sep 198.38 0.20
Nickel 9545.00 -20.00 Lean Hogs♣ Oct 67.28 -0.08 Spread Spread Spread Spread 10/25 2.15 100.55 2.09 -0.01 0.10 0.04 0.00 at the time of publication. No offer is made by Morningstar or the FT. The FT does not warrant nor guarantee
Tin 13700.00 -400.00 Bid vs vs Bid vs vs Sweden 01/18 0.88 99.77 0.97 0.00 -0.10 -0.10 0.00 that the information is reliable or complete. The FT does not accept responsibility and will not be liable for any
Zinc 1682.00 -56.00 % Chg % Chg Yield Bund T-Bonds Yield Bund T-Bonds 05/25 2.50 117.57 0.63 0.00 -0.01 -0.11 0.00 loss arising from the reliance on or use of the listed information. For all queries e-mail
Precious Metals (PM London Fix) Aug 25 Month Year Australia 2.74 2.04 0.61 Italy 1.98 1.28 -0.15 Switzerland 10/16 2.00 103.07 -0.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ft.reader.enquiries@morningstar.com
Gold 1120.75 -16.75 S&P GSCI Spt 335.51 -7.09 - Austria 1.04 0.33 -1.10 Japan 0.37 -0.33 -1.76 05/26 1.25 114.44 -0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Silver (US cents) 1441.00 -46.00 DJ UBS Spot 85.14 -4.65 - Belgium 1.09 0.39 -1.04 Netherlands 0.92 0.22 -1.21 United Kingdom 07/18 1.25 100.99 0.91 0.00 -0.02 -0.14 -0.63 Data provided by Morningstar | www.morningstar.co.uk
Platinum 973.00 -21.00 R/J CRB TR 185.77 -9.63 -35.77 Canada 1.54 0.84 -0.59 Norway 1.46 0.76 -0.67 01/21 1.50 100.53 1.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Palladium 524.00 -34.00 Rogers RICIX TR 2220.08 - - Denmark 0.91 0.20 -1.23 Portugal 2.68 1.98 0.55 09/25 2.00 100.37 1.96 0.05 0.00 -0.14 0.00
Bulk Commodities M Lynch MLCX Ex. Rtn 251.65 -11.35 -41.60 Finland 1.13 0.43 -1.00 Spain 2.09 1.38 -0.04 01/45 3.50 119.24 2.56 0.05 0.03 -0.10 0.00
Iron Ore (Platts) 53.50 0.25 UBS Bberg CMCI TR 12.80 -10.74 -37.44 France 1.09 0.38 -1.04 Switzerland -0.09 -0.79 -2.22 United States 07/17 0.63 99.99 0.63 0.03 -0.04 -0.08 0.00
Iron Ore (The Steel Index) 53.10 -0.20 LEBA EUA Carbon 7.51 -0.27 30.84 Germany 0.71 0.00 -1.43 United Kingdom 1.96 1.25 -0.18 07/20 1.63 100.81 1.45 0.05 -0.05 -0.17 0.00
GlobalCOAL RB Index 51.50 -0.80 LEBA CER Carbon 0.51 13.33 325.00 Greece 9.07 8.36 6.93 United States 2.13 1.43 0.00 08/25 2.00 98.80 2.13 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00
Baltic Dry Index 918.00 -24.00 LEBA UK Power 2162.00 30.40 1.79 Ireland 1.38 0.67 -0.75 08/45 2.88 99.63 2.89 0.09 0.07 0.00 0.00
Sources: † NYMEX, ‡ ECX/ICE, ♦ CBOT, X ICE Liffe, ♥ ICE Futures, ♣ CME, ♠ LME/London Metal Exchange.* Latest prices, $ Data provided by SIX Financial Information & Tullett Prebon Information Data provided by SIX Financial Information & Tullett Prebon Information
unless otherwise stated.
22 ★★★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 27 August 2015


Main Market
52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol
Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s
Aerospace & Defence CloseBrs 1440 -24.00 1857.39 1284.75 3.40 13.19 242.9 Severfd♦ 66.25 -0.50 73.00 57.00 - 1380.21 58.3 BHP Bltn 1009.5 -11.50 1961.5 955.60 7.74 8.71 14807.6 SEGRO♦ 416.20 -9.70 466.70 330.90 3.63 3.89 1661.5 Lavendon 166.00 -3.00 214.25 155.50 2.29 20.31 186.7
AvonRub♦ 840.00 11.25 900.00 610.73 0.67 19.06 9.5 DBAG € 27.34 0.97 34.50 20.20 1.45 7.35 27.9 SKF SKr 153.90 -4.00 231.70 134.80 3.59 13.98 3124.4 BisichMg 89.50 - 104.00 60.15 3.35 8.75 25.0 Shaftbry 901.00 -13.50 975.50 648.00 1.45 5.01 621.3 MngCnslt 16.00 0.50 26.50 13.25 5.16 -78.05 25.0
BAE Sys 436.80 -8.10 549.00 419.30 4.69 19.73 9799.8 El Oro 55.00 - 78.00 40.00 6.73 -4.71 0.7 Spirax-S 3056 -58.00 3767.56 2698.37 2.19 23.45 172.1 EVRAZ 75.05 -2.80 209.90 72.60 - -1.50 2035.4 Town Ctr 292.00 -7.38 324.65 230.00 3.58 5.47 38.9 MearsGp 398.00 -1.50 477.00 354.75 2.51 15.39 259.6
Chemring 217.00 3.00 248.00 197.48 1.89 -24.82 136.9 Hargr Lans 1061 -16.00 1299 827.00 2.11 31.15 749.3 Tex 106.00 2.00 117.00 86.30 5.66 7.54 3.5 Fresnillo♦ 594.50 -45.00 978.00 593.00 0.33 125.69 2792.9 Wkspace 894.50 -15.00 988.00 592.00 1.23 3.93 193.4 MenziesJ 443.75 20.75 525.00 306.25 3.65 39.45 115.0
Cobham 266.40 -5.90 349.10 250.50 4.00 -154.70 3754.3 HBM Hlth SFr 94.50 -0.05 113.50 80.50 - - 10.7 Trifast 112.38 -1.63 134.00 88.63 1.42 15.90 54.9 GemDmnd 123.50 -3.00 217.00 122.29 2.57 10.12 98.1 Real Estate Inv & Services MichaelPge 490.90 -8.20 568.00 358.70 2.24 23.76 1374.1
Meggitt 455.70 -8.30 593.50 421.70 3.02 18.96 4634.6 HenderGp 250.90 -7.80 303.30 180.10 3.59 17.50 3215.9 Vitec 620.00 -8.00 670.85 540.00 3.87 24.54 0.6 Harmony R 11.40 -0.78 38.50 11.04 - -3.54 2157.3 Cap&Count 432.70 -6.40 475.10 313.00 0.35 6.35 1380.1 MITIE 288.50 -3.20 329.90 263.90 3.92 30.47 879.3
RollsRoyceX 714.50 -9.50 1061 685.50 3.23 -52.54 7300.2 ICAP 445.60 -7.70 573.00 354.40 4.94 34.96 1156.2 Weir 1358 26.00 2786 1230 3.24 - 2161.2 Hochschild 69.25 -1.75 177.00 60.97 - -4.26 231.5 Cardiff 1045 - 1085.5 950.00 1.24 4.53 1.0 PayPoint 1004 -9.00 1115 779.82 3.62 17.51 37.1
Senior 279.90 -7.40 361.70 248.90 2.01 18.82 940.1 Indvardn SKr 150.80 -0.70 183.50 111.40 4.16 6.84 466.6 Kenmr 2.80 0.30 13.00 2.18 - -1.20 2558.7 CLS 1840 - 2037 1270 - 3.92 2.9 PremFarn 129.00 1.10 204.60 116.50 8.06 10.02 868.5
ICG 515.50 -4.50 712.83 421.98 4.82 8.78 558.9
Industrial General Lonmin 34.47 -1.89 236.70 26.50 - -4.52 5429.2 Rentokil♦ 145.00 -1.00 154.20 110.90 1.79 20.31 2219.5
UltraElc 1720 -12.00 1914 1646 2.58 -150.89 172.9 Daejan 6040 10.00 6614.2 4700 1.36 4.42 3.1
IPF 392.10 1.90 548.00 348.00 3.06 11.40 632.4 BritPoly 688.00 11.00 730.00 571.35 2.18 11.96 3.0 Petra 129.20 -10.80 210.80 127.16 - 15.63 2303.0 Ricardo 893.00 -2.00 967.50 605.50 1.70 24.30 11.6
DvlptSec 250.00 -5.00 293.00 179.00 2.24 9.34 85.8
Automobiles & Parts Investec 513.50 -12.50 649.50 477.20 3.80 19.05 1572.6 CoatsGrp 25.25 -1.25 32.00 19.00 - -376.87 474.4 Petropvlsk 5.70 -0.19 45.00 4.21 - -0.09 4671.0 Grainger 231.50 -2.50 256.00 167.80 1.08 26.84 971.3 RbrtWlts 430.50 -1.75 478.00 270.00 1.39 25.10 9.7
FordMtr $X♦ 13.21 0.31 17.87 10.44 4.11 14.48 48282.8 Jupiter♦ 426.70 -9.00 478.20 313.70 3.09 12.76 899.6 JardnMt $X♦ 46.51 -0.89 67.88 46.20 3.02 10.13 474.3 PolymtIntl 460.80 0.50 634.00 315.18 2.95 -14.21 335.3 RPS 221.25 2.75 295.00 181.50 3.83 15.65 415.9
Jard Str $X♦ 27.39 -0.36 37.84 27.06 0.97 9.83 411.7 HelclBar 430.25 -2.00 460.00 320.00 1.59 7.07 39.8
GKN♦ 280.40 -5.60 389.00 272.30 3.00 31.21 5068.2 Liontrust 323.00 3.00 393.50 210.00 1.24 23.78 2.4 RndgldRs 3817 -184.00 5752.1 3638 0.98 26.60 832.2 HK Land $♦ 6.89 0.26 8.80 6.47 2.72 12.85 3529.6 Shanks 91.50 -0.75 113.50 84.50 3.77 -19.89 217.3
Man♦ 160.10 7.30 217.80 108.30 3.98 10.85 15188.8 Macfrlne 46.00 1.75 47.50 34.00 3.48 12.15 78.3 RioTintoX♦ 2200 -44.50 3373 2107.78 6.20 21.89 6318.1 SIG 182.80 -1.90 212.20 143.40 2.41 32.75 1010.4
Banks REXAM 530.00 -3.00 592.50 424.60 3.34 18.75 2577.8 Lon&Assc 36.00 - 50.00 34.50 0.35 -4.21 65.0
NB GFRIF 94.50 -0.40 99.75 93.90 3.93 24.19 1776.2 Troy Res A$ 0.29 -0.01 0.88 0.28 - -0.57 401.8 MacauPrp 172.88 -2.13 257.00 167.00 - 9.10 8.0 SpeedyHr 47.25 -2.50 80.50 45.75 1.38 1211.54 718.2
ANZ A$X 28.07 0.08 37.25 26.41 10.19 9.55 10232.1 RPC♦ 635.00 -3.00 696.24 488.20 2.24 30.53 1074.0
Paragon 389.90 -2.70 461.50 313.70 2.31 12.00 484.8 VedantaRs 500.50 7.40 1105.22 353.21 8.33 -1.14 989.5 Mntview 11837.5 - 12900 7481.95 2.11 14.51 0.6 St Ives 178.00 3.00 220.63 156.68 4.02 51.11 77.5
BcoSant 391.50 -3.75 758.00 369.65 10.84 11.51 1020.5 Smith DS 380.50 -1.60 423.70 231.82 2.76 23.20 2717.5
Providnt 2815 -19.00 3268 1942 3.48 21.01 339.7 Q'tainEst 129.50 0.50 134.44 75.00 - 17.99 631.6 TribalGrp 134.75 2.50 188.00 131.75 1.34 -22.92 2.3
BankAm $X 16.06 0.80 18.48 14.60 1.23 17.34 173302.0
RathbnBr 2170 -55.00 2348 1774 2.40 27.95 26.8 Smiths 1059 -31.00 1363 1006 3.80 18.79 2185.8 Oil & Gas Vp 735.00 -37.50 816.00 539.00 2.10 15.64 16.0
BnkGeorgia 1663 -2.00 2604 1609 2.75 8.34 121.4 SmurfKap € 24.46 -0.79 30.31 14.92 2.18 22.46 367.3 Afren 1.79 -0.05 114.22 1.28 - - 9090.3 RavenRuss 44.00 0.38 75.75 37.25 - -5.56 68.6
Record 32.75 1.00 41.00 29.00 4.58 12.37 94.8 RavenR Prf♦ 127.38 0.50 146.00 101.50 9.42 - 6.6 Watermn 71.00 1.00 76.00 50.00 1.41 54.20 7.0
BankIre € 0.35 0.01 0.39 0.07 - 16.36 21759.7 Vesuvius♦ 386.00 - 530.00 374.50 4.18 10.86 289.3 Aminex 2.05 0.08 3.17 0.81 - -24.12 5145.8
S&U 2425 63.00 2520 1763 2.35 15.72 0.5 RavenR Wrt 29.50 -1.50 49.64 25.00 - - 10.0 Wolseley 4045 -40.00 4398 2990 2.04 36.52 993.4
BkNvaS C$X 58.50 1.58 73.55 52.60 5.01 9.27 3333.0 BGX♦ 923.90 -36.70 1420 780.55 1.98 -46.60 14666.2
Schroder♦ 2740 -32.00 3441 2086 2.85 16.82 661.9 Industrial Transportation Safestre 287.00 -3.25 323.25 185.25 2.60 5.90 331.9
BarclaysX♦ 252.00 -4.35 289.90 204.05 2.58 112.85 48887.3
..N/V♦ 2135 -16.00 2629 1692 3.65 13.10 28.9 BPX♦ 331.20 -4.15 499.25 326.25 7.80 -15.04 66939.9 Tech - Hardware
CanImp C$X 90.31 2.33 107.37 83.10 5.03 9.27 1606.0 BBA Aviat 286.80 5.00 362.10 267.60 3.61 17.03 3411.6 Cadogan 10.13 - 13.25 8.25 - -0.62 470.5 Savills 886.50 -32.50 991.46 577.00 1.24 20.72 380.6 ARM Hldgs 875.00 -20.50 1233 778.50 0.80 41.53 12046.4
SVG Cap 450.40 -2.60 535.00 226.00 - 11.24 311.4 Braemar 453.00 -1.25 515.00 390.00 5.74 49.39 35.0 SchroderRE♦ 59.00 -0.25 63.00 53.25 4.20 5.23 1049.1
HSBCX♦ 496.20 -10.90 674.57 482.55 6.54 11.19 37037.9 CairnEng 139.40 -0.20 210.00 137.28 - -2.28 1278.4 CSR 899.50 0.50 900.00 550.00 1.02 25.43 2323.5
TullettPre 372.30 -12.70 415.90 242.60 4.53 7.95 797.6 Clarkson 2320 15.00 2855 1835 2.59 47.82 27.2 Smart(J) 100.50 -1.00 112.40 86.00 2.95 41.75 15.0
LlydsBkgX♦ 76.08 -0.60 89.35 70.90 0.99 41.35 153043.3
Tungsten 67.75 -6.25 409.75 52.49 - -2.57 818.0 Cape 228.50 15.50 327.25 177.00 6.13 12.57 120.1 Laird 372.10 -6.70 413.30 281.50 3.36 18.10 439.2
RylBkC C$X 72.10 -0.26 83.87 68.05 4.59 10.03 6388.8 Eurotunnl € 11.91 -0.12 14.57 8.62 1.46 60.79 987.1 DragnOil 796.50 -3.50 803.50 447.50 2.87 12.31 255.0 StModwen♦ 449.30 -3.90 499.40 324.59 1.02 4.24 291.2 Pace 330.40 -1.70 520.80 316.34 1.32 9.46 470.9
WlkrCrip 44.50 - 55.00 37.50 3.57 65.15 18.2 Fisher J 1035 64.50 1442 958.50 2.13 13.41 59.1 UNITE Gp 628.00 -12.00 706.00 395.60 1.78 5.07 918.3
RBSX 324.10 2.90 414.00 300.30 - -22.60 20391.5 Endeav Int' $ - - 0.60 0.02 - - - SpirentCM♦ 76.50 -1.50 98.87 65.95 3.22 84.72 837.8
StandChX♦ 707.30 -37.70 1250.18 707.30 7.81 15.74 16710.7 Food & Beverages Flybe Grp 87.00 4.00 135.75 52.00 - -7.91 727.1 EnQuest 30.50 4.50 122.90 21.50 - -2.67 4382.7 Urban&C 255.00 - 278.00 215.00 0.59 8.30 110.2
..7.375%Pf 117.50 - 128.00 108.50 6.28 - 56.9 AngloEst 580.00 0.50 690.00 521.00 0.55 11.67 1.8 Goldenpt 131.00 - 370.00 113.80 - -0.70 0.1 Exillon 91.50 -8.50 175.57 90.00 - 4.43 95.4
Tech - Software & Services
OceanWil♦ 802.50 12.50 1205 790.00 4.98 73.77 1.2
Retailers Anite 125.75 - 129.75 69.25 1.51 39.36 4191.0
..8.25%Pf 127.25 -1.00 141.00 119.50 6.48 - 92.5 AscBrFdX 3097 -30.00 3293 2407 1.10 43.40 694.5 ExxonMb $X♦ 72.50 3.79 100.31 66.55 3.81 13.06 34356.6 AA 325.90 -5.70 434.50 270.00 - -141.27 1469.8
TntoDom C$X 51.80 1.45 58.11 47.75 4.11 11.42 4940.7 Barr(AG) 556.50 -3.00 699.36 515.97 2.03 21.52 60.7 RoyalMail 453.70 -5.50 532.50 388.00 4.41 13.96 3252.9 GenelEgy 292.00 - 912.50 276.25 - -3.58 1682.4 AVEVA 2054 -4.00 2344 1183.9 1.34 31.64 218.7
UK Mail♦ 375.25 0.25 606.53 370.00 5.73 12.98 6.1 AO World 125.20 2.30 240.00 106.86 - -209.36 227.9 Computcnt 732.00 -7.50 802.40 651.67 2.82 16.14 32.6
VirginMoney 415.00 5.10 472.90 278.00 - -1037.50 450.0 Britvic 657.50 -3.50 788.00 600.72 3.18 16.34 585.8 GeoPark $ 2.87 -0.23 11.00 2.70 - -2.67 27.8 AshleyL 27.50 - 36.00 24.94 7.27 10.93 65.2
Westpc A$X 31.28 0.38 40.07 29.20 9.35 11.92 10387.2 C&C € 3.48 0.04 4.42 3.16 2.90 -14.39 81.2 GrnDnGas 273.25 -1.75 548.50 270.00 - 22.20 15.1 DRS Data 13.00 - 16.50 11.25 3.08 -2.65 1.5
Insurance Brown N 290.00 -7.20 403.03 247.19 4.91 13.70 569.4 Elecdata 65.50 - 79.00 64.00 3.05 21.79 5.0
CarrsGroup 155.00 7.00 178.50 136.00 2.19 11.90 64.3 Admiral GulfKeyst 27.00 2.00 88.00 20.25 - -1.48 5230.6 Caffyns 575.00 - 665.00 480.00 3.26 1.74 0.0
Basic Resource (Ex Mining) 1506 -41.00 1640 1175.33 3.07 14.35 1355.0 MicroFoc 1263 -24.00 1442 836.50 2.42 34.32 366.3
Coca-Cola H 1291 -8.00 1497 1051 3.92 20.51 622.2 Amlin 500.00 2.00 533.08 418.20 1.62 10.90 1234.1 HellenPet € 4.10 - 5.80 3.35 - -4.98 30.8 Card Factor 362.20 -11.60 376.33 209.50 - 34.10 284.0
Ferrexpo♦ 57.75 1.00 139.04 47.60 7.27 5.93 402.2 NCC Grp 230.75 3.75 250.00 169.80 1.59 29.42 68.2
Cranswk♦ 1686 105.00 1730 1181.6 1.93 20.12 175.0 AvivaX 477.20 -7.10 578.68 449.86 3.79 12.49 10955.4 Hunting 433.00 18.60 918.83 376.20 4.41 15.07 759.3 Dairy Fm $♦ 6.53 -0.14 10.58 6.42 3.48 19.15 98.3
IntFerMet 0.90 0.06 8.35 0.76 - -0.55 562.4 RM♦ 170.25 2.88 185.00 120.00 2.35 10.71 15.4
Dairy Cr 583.50 -11.50 618.00 367.39 3.67 39.16 269.5 Beazley♦ 328.30 -1.70 346.45 248.20 2.87 11.42 768.8 ImpOil C$X 42.36 -0.03 57.96 42.12 0.97 15.94 1369.2 Debenhm 79.95 -0.05 96.80 56.85 4.25 10.87 2086.0
Mondi♦ 1405 -17.00 1614.36 919.00 2.12 18.21 2203.1
Devro 285.00 0.25 328.00 230.00 3.09 50.92 355.5 JKX 16.25 - 51.13 10.23 - -0.43 41.7 Sage 495.00 -8.50 584.00 346.70 2.45 27.10 3148.1
Vale BRLX 15.90 0.55 31.22 14.77 13.88 -8.54 6596.3 Chesnar 340.00 -5.50 364.75 309.25 5.31 15.40 70.2 Dignity 2442 -28.00 2643 1401 0.82 -28.07 126.6 SDL 368.75 -3.50 472.00 306.00 0.68 35.02 852.8
Glanbia € 17.19 -0.32 19.59 10.75 0.62 32.79 26.7 DirectLine♦ 346.90 -5.00 388.70 283.96 4.15 10.87 6743.1 Lamprell 129.25 11.75 178.00 93.50 - 6.83 321.8 DixonsCar 420.30 -5.10 490.80 339.50 1.25 49.45 4456.3 Telecity♦ 1050 -9.00 1250 815.63 1.29 83.43 176.1
Chemicals Grncore♦ 286.40 4.00 359.40 228.50 1.90 19.34 1010.8 Eccles prf 130.50 -0.25 146.00 123.00 6.61 - 51.9 Nostrum 475.00 -0.50 817.00 370.00 3.57 19.75 187.5 Dunelm 887.50 -10.50 970.00 767.00 2.25 18.90 90.5
HiltonFd 426.00 -8.88 500.00 342.25 3.03 17.06 1.6 OphirEgy 87.95 0.95 256.40 80.80 - -2.03 3614.2 TriadGp 36.00 - 42.00 9.00 - 15.50 4.0
Alent 462.00 -1.40 493.96 294.56 1.98 21.47 585.7 Hansard 109.38 1.38 116.25 80.00 7.68 18.11 11.1 Findel 178.50 -1.00 265.44 178.00 - -24.79 19.5
Bayer €X 116.90 -2.05 146.45 96.83 1.86 28.62 3060.7 Kerry € 64.70 0.08 71.88 49.30 0.87 22.57 76.6 Hiscox♦ 891.00 -2.50 959.00 615.50 2.64 10.94 215.2 Petrofac 794.00 27.00 1203 594.00 5.35 -21.47 3225.8 Halfords♦ 507.50 -6.50 563.51 417.10 2.88 15.23 289.3 Telecommunications
Carclo 142.00 -2.00 169.75 80.00 1.87 -4.28 71.4 Nestle SFrX 69.40 -1.10 77.00 64.15 2.94 16.18 11190.4 JardineL 1034 -7.00 1112 815.00 2.79 20.21 54.2 Lukoil RUBX 2355 -26.00 3297.7 1913 3.33 6.79 1270.0 Inchcape♦ 709.50 -7.50 906.65 589.50 2.83 19.10 1702.8 BTX♦ 427.15 -4.40 481.75 351.90 2.67 16.39 22489.1
Croda 2811 -85.00 3150 1965 2.33 21.89 395.2 PremFds 34.25 -0.50 47.79 26.13 - -1.35 697.6 Lancashire 630.50 2.50 703.45 506.00 1.40 9.03 414.4 PremOil 93.75 1.55 354.00 87.00 - -1.00 6404.4 JDSportsF 842.00 -3.50 885.00 388.00 0.81 23.94 69.3 Colt Grp 189.50 - 194.00 113.10 - -13.69 91.4
Elemntis 229.80 -4.80 324.10 224.00 2.30 9.99 894.9 REA 275.00 -5.13 444.50 260.00 2.94 10.63 11.9 Leg&Gen♦ 248.00 -5.70 296.02 209.20 4.54 14.44 19151.7 RylDShlAX♦ 1575 -44.00 2475.5 1542.5 7.71 11.67 8570.9 Lookers 158.00 -3.30 172.00 117.50 1.80 12.89 2215.6 Inmarsat 913.50 -20.50 1041.24 653.00 3.41 20.36 1033.6
Syngent SFrX 309.90 -68.90 435.20 273.20 3.44 18.69 1888.8 SABMillX 2938 -67.00 3857 2773 2.41 21.43 3540.0 NovaeGp 818.50 -8.50 844.61 516.50 3.03 10.74 289.9 ..B♦ 1585.5 -48.00 2580.54 1550 7.65 11.75 9822.1 Marks&Sp 500.50 -1.50 600.00 380.80 3.44 16.94 6426.1 KCOM Gp 90.00 1.25 101.00 78.50 5.60 36.87 178.1
Synthomer 335.00 -3.10 364.10 176.64 2.33 22.60 415.4 StckSpirit 193.25 0.25 316.00 172.00 0.92 28.93 127.2 Old Mut 192.30 -2.20 241.60 163.80 4.52 13.36 16418.1 Schlmbrg $X 70.09 -2.43 112.00 68.01 2.54 21.06 57669.4 MossBros 92.50 -0.50 112.00 77.50 6.92 24.33 35.6 TalkTalk 295.70 2.10 415.10 261.00 4.26 38.48 1012.2
Victrex 1690 -61.00 2202.55 1542 2.67 17.08 208.1 Tate&Lyl 502.00 -5.50 744.50 492.20 5.58 77.23 1469.2 PermTSB 0.06 - 0.10 0.05 - -0.08 0.0 SEPLAT 68.00 -6.00 240.25 67.25 13.83 4.56 60.1 Next 7590 -90.00 8055 6130 1.88 18.53 988.9 TelePlus 1063 12.00 1525 725.50 3.57 26.45 141.6
TongtHu R 115.38 -0.12 174.93 110.50 3.73 11.78 77.7 PhoenixGrp 862.50 -5.50 935.00 693.00 6.19 18.14 679.1 Soco Int 124.00 -0.25 444.30 117.00 7.85 -10.71 574.1 Ocado 335.10 3.60 478.50 216.80 - 293.69 2013.4
Construction & Materials Unilever♦ 2544 -41.00 3087 2397 3.24 21.20 3816.4 TrnCan C$X 43.34 0.18 63.86 41.95 4.97 16.31 1619.5 Pendragn 44.75 -1.25 46.17 28.25 2.01 7.84 13147.3 Tobacco
PrudntlX♦ 1394 -17.50 1761.5 1287 2.65 14.19 5704.6
Alumasc 150.00 -1.50 166.73 113.60 3.33 12.96 20.4 ..NV €♦ 34.73 -0.78 42.98 28.81 3.21 21.25 28.8 Tullow 188.80 2.00 739.50 177.00 2.23 -1.75 8566.2 Photo-Me 144.75 -2.75 159.50 107.85 2.96 19.49 150.1 BrAmTobX♦ 3405.5 -19.50 3894 3231.5 4.35 15.81 5040.0
RSA Ins 512.50 -2.00 528.00 391.70 0.39 78.94 9574.3
BalfourB 260.90 -1.90 271.90 145.59 2.15 -4.37 1773.1 Saga 201.40 0.90 225.10 143.75 - 23.69 301.8 ImpTobX 3098 -18.00 3413 2482.72 4.13 15.51 3462.7
Health Care Equip & Services SagicFin 61.00 -1.50 68.00 55.00 4.17 5.88 2.0 Pharmaceuticals & Biotech
..CvPf 118.75 - 124.50 101.00 8.15 - 35.4 SignetJwl♦ 7621 -62.00 9499 6101.5 0.65 23.27 7.8
Bioquell 134.50 2.00 155.50 80.00 2.45 134.23 100.1 StJmsPl 901.50 -12.50 1008 637.00 2.58 26.83 2295.3 BTG 610.00 -3.50 835.87 556.00 - 67.77 592.1 Travel & Leisure
Boot(H) 231.00 -2.00 245.00 170.00 2.27 14.48 11.6 SuperGroup 1424 -21.00 1579 750.00 - 25.52 135.1
ConstMed 937.00 6.00 1045 650.00 1.93 62.05 24.1 Stan Life 407.50 -7.00 505.68 362.30 4.48 30.08 4149.5 CathayIn 22.25 - 36.50 16.00 - -101.14 0.4 888 Hldg 155.50 -0.75 185.75 118.75 4.19 15.20 219.7
ClarkeT 73.00 - 84.01 37.50 4.25 - 34.4 TescoX 186.20 0.20 253.70 155.40 6.06 -2.65 26348.7
Costain 372.75 -0.25 380.00 263.50 2.55 15.77 191.7 GNStre kr 118.50 -1.70 158.50 113.70 0.73 28.15 637.8 Media Dechra 930.00 8.50 1068 702.50 1.66 36.94 33.9 AirPrtnr 416.75 5.38 470.31 245.00 4.96 15.15 24.1
UDGHlthC 493.40 -15.60 551.50 315.20 1.48 13.95 435.7 Genus 1318 -30.00 1535 1058.35 1.34 25.24 45.2 VertuMotor 65.00 -1.00 67.00 50.50 1.31 13.61 642.3 bwin.party 113.70 -0.50 128.00 70.40 3.15 -13.01 1371.4
CRH 1800 -5.00 2478.5 1220 2.69 5.88 2032.5 4imprint♦ 1129 29.00 1350 651.00 1.82 25.89 16.2
GalfrdT 1685 -26.00 1824 1085 3.15 17.17 138.5 Blmsbury 173.25 0.75 185.00 140.50 3.38 14.56 33.6 GlaxoSmhX♦ 1274.5 -21.50 1645 1247.5 6.28 6.41 17752.0 Support Services Cineworld 577.50 -3.00 599.00 298.40 2.34 19.35 1179.7
House, Leisure & Pers Goods HikmaPhm 2243 -33.00 2617 1580 0.62 29.03 700.5 CompassX 1002 -18.00 1223.36 924.41 2.70 19.45 5576.2
Keller♦ 995.50 3.00 1105 742.00 2.53 31.43 78.6 Centaur 85.50 1.50 87.09 56.20 3.04 12.66 32.8 Acal 296.00 -1.00 334.75 180.00 2.43 61.67 16.8
AGARmst 183.00 0.25 185.00 78.44 - -39.63 350.1 Oxfd Bio 9.10 -0.05 13.38 3.30 - -21.21 994.4 EntInns 119.90 3.90 139.60 96.85 - 20.08 377.5
KierGp 1398 -21.00 1779 1260 4.12 36.17 151.0 ChimeCm 362.00 0.25 365.00 239.00 2.32 127.38 1434.7 Aggreko 1041 20.00 1747 991.00 2.61 13.78 1063.2
BarrttDev 613.00 -11.00 660.00 357.20 1.68 16.23 5599.5 RichterG $ 15.10 -0.35 17.28 12.20 0.78 20.52 0.0 FirstGrp 106.50 -2.60 129.90 88.65 - 17.10 2359.5
Kingsp € 21.44 -0.32 24.00 11.03 0.73 28.27 78.2 Creston♦ 146.50 1.00 157.85 108.00 2.76 11.77 26.1 APR Engy 79.25 -3.75 599.50 75.50 13.36 -0.16 248.5
Bellway 2382 -41.00 2560 1445 2.18 12.31 243.4 ShireX 4736 -72.00 5870 3448.28 0.30 14.34 3150.9 Fuller A 1109 -4.00 1235 890.00 1.42 21.99 1.0
LowBonr 66.63 0.38 83.54 44.25 4.05 17.15 100.5 DlyMailA 783.00 -16.50 989.50 699.00 2.61 10.65 775.8 AshtdGp♦ 902.00 -20.50 1231 838.00 1.36 15.00 2938.2
Berkeley♦ 3234 -68.00 3570 2033 5.57 10.33 730.1 VecturGp 167.00 -1.30 183.75 113.25 - 185.76 541.4 Go-Ahead 2525 -83.00 2745 2184 3.35 16.30 70.3
Marshlls 311.00 - 335.00 173.50 1.77 31.45 219.7 HaynesPb 122.50 -0.50 192.00 110.00 6.12 14.14 18.2 AtknsWS 1433 -31.00 1580.34 1225 2.39 16.78 173.6
BovisHme 1075 -12.00 1206 723.00 3.26 13.19 595.4 GreeneKg♦ 809.00 -15.00 891.00 712.00 3.55 19.92 598.3
MorgSdl 813.00 0.50 865.00 570.00 3.32 -23.79 6.0 ITE Grp 154.25 -0.75 211.90 125.00 4.80 12.33 127.2 Real Estate Babcock 937.00 -9.00 1207 908.50 2.34 17.80 1547.1
CrestNic 523.50 -4.00 587.92 291.98 2.73 11.71 453.0 IrishCtl € 4.39 0.01 4.50 2.63 2.45 13.81 25.5
Norcros 21.00 0.13 22.76 14.69 2.50 16.15 707.3 ITV 244.40 -3.90 281.90 192.10 1.92 18.77 13945.3 Berendsen 969.50 -9.00 1161 895.50 3.09 19.04 254.9
GamesWk♦ 585.00 7.00 624.50 487.25 8.89 15.28 13.1 Harworth Gr 11.13 0.13 14.00 5.35 - 19.45 186.6 Ladbrokes 98.85 -2.75 147.00 95.70 9.00 -37.84 11166.1
StGobn €X 39.50 0.10 44.84 29.51 1.51 27.46 3296.4 JohnstnP 100.00 - 7830 94.69 - -208.77 2.6 Brammer 298.75 -3.00 432.75 265.00 3.58 41.70 307.3
Gleeson 439.50 -0.50 465.00 324.66 1.37 13.74 1.8 REITs MandarO $♦ 1.47 -0.05 1.84 1.45 4.64 18.72 35.0
Tyman♦ 282.00 -1.25 342.00 228.25 2.84 40.90 123.4 News Corp A $ 13.22 0.28 17.80 12.67 - -52.19 5341.8 Bunzl 1687 -19.00 1969 1517 2.10 24.72 950.8
Headlam 464.25 - 512.00 390.00 3.77 15.43 49.3 Assura 53.50 -1.25 62.25 43.50 3.46 11.38 357.3 Marstons 151.80 -1.00 174.40 134.50 4.41 -32.14 2530.4
NewsCpB $ 13.43 0.26 17.44 12.62 - -53.02 2289.1 Capita 1211 5.00 1336 1000.5 2.41 32.83 1919.7
Electronic & Electrical Equip McBride 117.75 -1.50 125.00 74.00 - -12.62 45.3 BigYellw 654.50 -18.50 720.00 479.40 2.87 9.11 443.4 Carillion 326.70 -5.80 371.40 294.03 5.39 25.70 2709.0 Natl Exp 293.00 1.00 324.80 213.40 3.52 18.15 814.4
Persimn 2003 -55.00 2156 1247.08 - 13.91 2108.2 Pearson♦ 1082 -24.00 1517.42 1051 4.71 46.35 2496.5
Dialight 547.00 -5.00 960.00 398.00 2.74 29.27 26.6 BritLand 808.50 -13.50 891.50 649.00 3.40 5.11 5388.4 Comnsis 46.00 -0.50 68.56 44.65 4.35 -6.32 114.8 PPHE Htl 636.50 16.50 664.45 417.80 2.56 8.23 42.9
Philips € 22.22 -0.15 28.00 20.69 - 92.99 6493.1 Quarto 197.50 - 239.00 136.66 4.19 7.67 2.4
e2v Tech 227.00 1.25 268.00 145.44 1.98 20.95 101.4 Cap&Reg 66.00 -1.00 70.05 46.25 1.44 4.01 528.6 ConnectGp 155.00 -3.25 191.45 128.02 6.06 12.15 46.6 Rank Gp 258.00 -6.60 268.00 151.90 1.74 21.36 145.0
PZCusns♦ 309.40 0.70 392.10 288.50 2.51 14.49 305.7 RELX NV €♦ 14.36 0.18 24.17 13.85 - - 3278.3
Halma 735.00 -4.00 786.50 557.50 1.56 26.75 507.7 Countrywd 497.90 -4.10 608.00 404.30 3.01 24.80 990.1 DCC 4671 -82.00 5320 3050 1.70 30.71 152.1 Restaurt 671.50 -1.50 748.70 607.00 2.21 22.44 464.1
ReckittBX♦ 5529 -139.00 6300 4895 2.51 23.49 1831.1 RELX PLCX♦ 1011 -14.00 1199 921.50 2.47 95.14 5345.2
MorganAd 326.50 -1.00 375.84 258.10 3.34 56.49 353.2 DrwntLdn 3542 -66.00 3818 2615 1.12 4.91 226.3 DeLaRue 479.75 -4.25 779.00 445.03 7.61 14.34 153.8 Sportech 62.25 -0.50 79.50 47.00 - -1.48 9.0
Redrow 459.80 0.60 497.00 248.64 0.65 11.99 612.7 STV Grp 467.25 7.25 494.00 322.00 0.86 12.43 13.9
OxfordIn 845.50 -20.00 1114 671.58 1.51 -76.63 75.2 Gt Portld 811.50 -18.00 883.50 600.04 1.10 5.50 736.0 Diploma 718.00 -7.00 916.50 631.00 2.37 21.92 112.2 Stagech 365.00 -9.20 437.90 331.60 2.68 15.12 1457.4
TaylorWm♦ 191.00 -2.60 207.40 104.60 0.82 15.03 16968.8 ThmReut C$X♦ 50.85 1.42 54.47 39.45 3.44 15.90 1113.3
Renishaw 2104 - 2672.9 1520 1.96 13.74 38.8 Green Reit € 1.46 -0.06 1.70 1.21 - - 51.2 Elctrcmp 180.00 -0.80 263.10 170.50 6.53 11.29 687.4 ThomasCook 103.80 -0.50 162.20 99.05 - -26.79 5284.5
TedBaker 2980 -115.00 3438 1768 1.19 36.78 41.1 UTV Med 167.00 0.50 222.00 137.00 4.23 11.62 89.9
Spectris 1747 -6.00 2420 1606 2.66 16.18 269.0 Hammersn♦ 615.50 -12.50 708.00 537.00 3.31 7.11 2990.4 EnergyAst 544.50 12.00 640.00 375.00 - 20.47 2.7 TUI 1144 5.00 1294.78 996.74 - 63.95 1613.9
WPPX 1311 -51.00 1616 1091 2.69 16.28 10473.4
TT Elect 157.00 5.00 158.00 96.00 3.50 -80.39 32.3 Industrial Engineering Hansteen 114.60 0.80 128.95 98.70 4.28 6.76 1069.5 Essentra 845.00 2.50 1069 624.50 2.17 30.24 556.2 Whitbrd 4820 -56.00 5475 3767 1.50 23.77 864.6
XP Power 1570 - 1750 1340 3.95 15.60 13.6
Bodycote 607.50 -11.00 797.59 542.50 2.37 19.44 301.8
Mining HIBERNIA 1.31 -0.02 1.39 1.03 - - 2501.3 Experian 1064 -24.00 1264 909.95 2.43 20.78 3106.5 Willim H 355.90 -10.80 432.10 333.40 3.43 17.77 5618.1
Acacia 239.30 -5.00 318.90 191.70 1.12 23.94 658.1 Highcrft 1025 - 1090 795.00 3.51 18.78 0.2 Grafton 676.50 -15.00 868.00 570.00 1.37 19.90 524.4
Financial General Castings 415.00 - 480.00 360.00 3.14 13.05 6.0
INTU 313.60 -5.80 376.50 305.50 4.37 16.40 2906.4 Utilities
Fenner♦ 169.50 0.50 368.00 156.00 7.08 822.82 731.0 AngloAmer♦ 664.30 -19.40 1603 649.30 8.21 -1.92 10432.6 HarvyNah 97.75 0.25 112.00 66.32 3.41 13.57 16.4
3i 479.40 -12.00 571.50 343.61 3.34 6.57 2387.0 LandSecs 1228 -32.00 1363 988.50 2.57 4.03 2610.5 Centrica 236.10 -7.70 327.00 234.40 5.72 -23.75 22828.8
Goodwin 2292 17.50 3749 2120 1.85 10.98 0.1 AngloPacif 83.50 -2.00 174.25 74.75 12.22 -1.98 324.2 Hays 154.20 -4.00 173.70 108.15 1.71 22.92 3950.1
AberAsM 307.20 -7.20 509.64 291.90 5.86 13.53 5959.9 LondonMtrc 156.60 -2.00 173.20 132.30 4.47 6.13 1160.3 DeeVally 1405 -11.00 1450 1135 4.45 18.65 2.0
Hill&Sm 706.00 6.00 734.00 520.00 2.55 27.41 7.0 AnGoldA R 96.84 -5.97 183.95 71.59 - -158.83 2498.1
Homesve 410.00 1.50 447.84 312.00 2.97 22.65 151.2
Ashmore 254.00 -1.70 355.90 249.00 6.48 12.15 754.4 McKaySec 260.00 -3.00 275.00 215.00 3.31 7.33 1.2 Drax 278.50 - 664.00 246.00 4.27 6.52 1430.3
IMI♦ 1002 2.00 1454.55 965.50 3.75 15.48 1169.2 Antofagasta 561.50 -18.00 813.00 519.50 2.43 36.47 5246.3 HowdenJny 470.50 -5.30 532.00 309.00 1.79 20.03 1273.9
BrewDlph 275.80 -5.20 361.00 236.80 3.59 41.91 244.7 MucklGp 493.00 1.00 510.00 421.00 4.10 5.74 15.4 Natl GridX 825.80 -19.20 965.00 806.40 5.12 15.47 7274.1
MelroseInd♦ 259.00 -1.50 314.78 242.70 3.21 40.53 5209.4 ..5%Pf 0.60 - 0.60 0.60833.33 - - Intserve 558.50 -4.00 878.50 487.20 4.12 15.18 180.8
Canaccord 270.00 - 695.00 275.00 3.77 -14.83 0.4 PrimyHth 409.00 -1.00 421.25 324.00 4.83 11.47 280.0 Pennon♦ 722.50 -14.00 925.00 714.50 4.15 23.08 1088.7
Renold 71.50 0.25 86.00 49.00 - 28.99 14.8 AquarsPl 8.10 -0.15 24.25 5.53 - -3.44 3138.5 Intertek 2464 -29.00 2851.78 2141 1.99 20.92 509.0
CtyLonInv 325.00 -15.50 380.37 251.25 7.93 15.25 18.2 Redefine 52.70 1.05 59.90 48.00 6.07 5.21 499.3 UtdUtils 833.50 -16.00 1045 784.00 4.39 20.99 2217.5
Rotork 198.30 -1.20 289.00 188.10 2.53 17.28 2378.2 Barrick C$ 8.72 -0.67 20.03 8.60 2.26 -2.89 4298.0 Latchways♦ 720.00 - 1040 705.01 5.50 19.01 4.8

52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol
Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s
Aerospace & Defence PolarCap 399.50 0.50 500.00 351.00 6.63 15.73 8.6 Insurance Egdon Res 12.00 0.25 25.93 6.24 - -7.69 6.2 LXB Retail 78.00 -0.50 149.00 77.00 - - 700.6 Tech - Hardware
Cohort 370.00 - 390.00 195.40 1.19 26.93 46.6 Share 27.50 - 41.68 26.75 2.25 292.55 36.0 Gable 24.75 -0.50 84.00 16.75 - -6.93 92.0 Enegi Oil 0.63 - 4.18 0.58 - -0.24 10.0 NewRiver 328.00 -0.50 342.00 271.00 2.59 17.74 200.0 AminoTech 160.00 2.00 171.00 75.24 3.13 14.25 73.0
ShoreCap 407.50 -7.50 431.50 400.00 2.21 19.60 0.5 Helios 192.50 2.50 200.00 120.00 0.78 15.74 5.5 EuropaOil 4.88 - 10.75 4.50 - -6.92 34.3 Palace Cap 362.50 -2.50 405.00 295.00 2.34 4.52 110.7 IQE 24.00 0.50 26.50 12.08 - 99.59 1233.1
Banks STM Group 49.00 0.50 55.90 16.50 - 29.48 38.0 FalkldO&G 21.00 -0.50 45.00 16.75 - -45.26 872.7 PnthrSec 352.50 -5.00 375.00 300.00 3.40 13.51 2.7
BCB Hldgs 7.50 - 13.50 6.00 - -1.27 2.0 WH Ireland 108.50 - 130.00 79.00 1.84 41.75 38.7 Media GETECH 54.50 - 71.70 32.00 4.04 8.26 36.2 PSPI 30.50 - 31.00 23.00 - -5.65 12.8 Tech - Software & Services
STB♦ 2870 -5.00 3024 2257 2.37 20.85 30.5 Avesco 199.00 -2.50 233.00 95.00 3.02 13.87 10.6 Infrastrata 1.38 - 8.88 1.40 - -1.20 374.9 SiriusRE € 0.48 0.00 0.53 0.28 2.18 10.52 692.0 Blinkx 20.50 1.25 45.00 14.75 - -5.87 6035.3
Food & Beverages Cello Gp 94.50 1.50 106.70 81.00 2.55 35.89 23.3 Iofina 16.75 0.25 65.56 15.00 - -5.00 168.8 SumGermny €♦ 0.91 - 0.99 0.50 2.05 3.63 50.5 BondInt 123.50 -1.00 148.25 83.00 1.78 23.91 7.5
Basic Resource (Ex Mining) FinsbryFd 97.50 -0.50 101.98 56.00 1.03 13.07 41.7 M&Csaatc 325.25 1.25 395.00 249.75 1.73 -1372.36 30.2 Brady 98.50 - 110.13 64.00 1.73 176.52 108.6
Ithaca Engy 31.75 -0.25 137.50 26.25 - -5.93 698.8 TaliesinPr 2312.5 - 2545 1750 - 8.38 0.0
CropperJ 502.75 - 570.00 355.00 1.57 24.99 4.2 Nichols♦ 1404 8.00 1459 834.56 1.60 24.32 14.3 MissionMk 45.00 -0.50 51.00 37.00 2.22 8.90 11.4 Datatec 350.00 - 369.66 261.25 3.14 14.66 86.5
KBC Adv 114.00 -1.00 130.31 77.00 0.88 20.60 390.6 Winkworth♦ 155.00 -4.50 180.00 115.00 3.81 13.14 11.0
PureCircle 402.50 - 635.00 352.24 - 313.47 4.6 Next15Cm 184.00 - 198.00 116.00 1.50 119.02 4.4 DDD 2.75 - 5.05 1.25 - -2.86 30.3
Chemicals Max# 0.16 - 1.38 0.08 - -0.08 634.1
RealGdFd 51.00 -2.00 59.40 23.00 - 60.00 113.2 YouGov 118.50 -1.00 133.00 98.50 0.68 213.13 7.7 PetrelRes 2.50 - 7.50 2.00 - -1.09 20.0 Eckoh 39.00 0.75 48.50 33.00 0.80 46.10 111.5
Scapa 191.25 -3.75 225.25 120.00 0.52 30.82 276.7
Wynnstay 575.00 17.50 607.25 474.52 1.77 16.20 13.9 Petroceltic 46.75 2.75 224.00 42.75 - -0.51 1051.3 ASOS 2904 -118.00 4259 1742 - 66.76 871.8 EgSoltns 63.50 - 84.00 62.00 - 18.03 15.5
Construction & Materials Mining Koovs 67.50 -3.00 171.00 60.00 - - 22.0 Iomart♦ 239.00 -6.00 285.75 159.93 0.73 29.00 79.9
Health Care Equip & Services PetroNeft 4.15 -0.30 6.65 3.60 - -5.11 558.0
Abbey 1012.5 - 1050 800.00 0.79 7.55 0.1 AMC 14.00 -0.50 44.58 2.77 - -69.31 1750.2 Majestic 402.00 -9.25 480.00 280.00 3.98 19.74 89.5 K3BusTc 267.50 - 275.00 205.00 0.47 29.69 6.7
Advnc Med 146.00 -0.75 161.00 111.00 0.43 24.01 193.4 Plexus 200.00 2.00 268.87 165.00 0.55 32.19 15.1
AccsysTch 70.00 - 81.50 0.93 - -6.90 4.5 BotswanaD 0.80 0.03 4.15 0.72 - -1.71 123.4 StanlGib 206.50 -1.50 322.00 206.00 3.51 51.94 104.4 OMG 41.50 -0.50 49.00 26.00 1.20 119.60 23.6
AVO 7.25 - 16.90 3.50 - -9.67 2163.1 PresidentEn 10.13 0.38 39.48 9.00 - 4.51 72.6
Aukett 6.63 - 9.50 5.76 3.17 8.69 27.5 CentAsiaM 157.00 1.00 198.00 135.16 6.68 4.44 4.3 Progility 3.13 0.13 10.30 2.75 - 3.31 50.0
CareTech 246.00 3.50 263.25 190.00 3.25 11.60 30.7 Rockhop 47.75 2.75 95.50 40.00 - -9.34 918.7 Support Services
Connema 1.50 -0.13 3.81 0.25 - -2.60 323.1 Pub Tech 137.50 1.50 240.00 120.00 - -4.23 0.8
Sound Oil 15.50 -0.25 26.73 8.75 - -11.34 560.5
Electronic & Electrical Equip ImmunDiag 306.00 - 479.00 264.40 2.78 38.29 3.1 C'royG&NR 0.65 - 1.60 0.50 - -7.07 100.0 AndSyks 340.00 - 385.00 260.00 7.00 15.43 0.5
SciSys 64.00 - 96.75 38.50 2.34 8.82 1.0
SphereMed 13.25 - 31.00 12.00 - -1.49 10.0 TowerRes 0.17 0.01 0.88 0.09 - -0.16 9028.2 Augean 57.25 0.25 62.00 37.65 0.61 12.69 66.8
CeresPow 8.85 -0.06 11.75 6.50 - -6.43 39.0 GrekaDrill 5.75 0.18 16.80 5.32 - -6.20 50.0 WANdisco 176.00 - 545.00 170.30 - -1.72 39.9
Tristel 95.50 -1.50 107.99 65.00 1.70 23.80 68.3 TrinityE 3.10 -0.05 93.57 2.92 - -0.03 164.9 Begbies 43.00 0.50 54.76 38.50 5.27 16.81 17.5
Densitrn 8.50 0.13 9.75 3.50 - 293.10 100.0 Herencia 0.14 0.01 0.49 0.12 - -1.73 11808.6
UnJackOil 0.17 - 0.48 0.14 - -4.25 16188.0
ElektronT 7.00 -0.13 8.70 3.25 - 70.00 201.0 House, Leisure & Pers Goods HighldGld 48.75 0.25 71.50 17.73 10.87 -9.91 97.4 Christie 131.00 -2.00 162.00 115.00 1.34 14.57 5.7 Telecommunications
VictorOil 50.00 0.75 89.05 1.21 - -1.45 105.0 Empres 70.50 -2.00 91.50 38.13 0.50 9.37 40.0
FlowGp 13.00 0.25 50.00 12.20 - -3.30 457.8 KarelianDd 0.93 - 2.08 0.80 - -13.21 242.7 AltNetwks 483.00 -7.13 545.00 415.00 3.00 26.07 20.9
Airea 19.50 - 20.80 10.25 3.08 12.71 45.0 VolgaGas 55.50 -3.50 121.00 55.00 4.33 5.46 12.0 Hargreaves 339.00 1.50 815.00 280.00 7.52 3.60 38.9
LPA 63.00 0.50 112.00 60.00 2.46 55.65 5.8 KEFI Min 0.75 - 1.80 0.67 - -1.86 2348.5 AvantiCom 209.00 2.00 325.00 170.25 - -3.73 39.3
Churchll 520.00 2.50 630.00 425.00 2.85 16.91 9.0 Hydrogen 53.00 -0.50 90.25 48.25 8.68 -126.19 14.5
ThorpeFW 181.50 1.50 196.00 120.00 1.79 20.08 10.9
gamingrealm 22.50 -0.25 41.00 20.00 - -4.81 82.0
OracleC 1.50 - 2.00 0.25 - -7.28 444.7 Pharmaceuticals & Biotech Peoples Op 125.00 - 147.60 120.00 - -55.19 0.5
Zytronic 296.50 3.00 319.00 219.00 3.38 14.50 12.2 RamblMtls 8.75 - 27.40 8.50 - -30.49 50.3 Abcam 552.50 -20.00 614.50 355.25 1.40 31.45 870.3 Impellam 790.00 -5.00 859.60 455.00 0.79 12.90 1.5
Mulberry 909.50 4.50 969.00 562.50 0.55 -387.52 8.2
ShantaGold 4.75 - 13.00 4.25 - 3.92 54.9 ISG 158.50 0.50 356.00 140.00 5.96 -5.79 17.2 Travel & Leisure
AllcePharm 54.75 0.50 63.00 31.65 1.71 17.34 63.8
Financial General Portmern 905.00 - 960.00 840.00 2.93 14.81 6.4
SierraRut 22.25 - 38.00 17.00 - -19.03 1.0 JhnsnSrv 86.00 1.75 91.00 56.00 1.52 29.66 1294.0 CastleStIn 36.00 2.00 41.25 17.00 8.33 - 123.8
TelfordHms 392.25 0.75 495.00 317.50 2.60 12.03 195.7 Epistem 192.50 - 339.00 175.00 - -6.43 0.0
Ambrian 6.50 - 12.50 5.25 - 19.70 3.5 Sirius Min 16.50 - 29.50 6.40 - -32.80 2580.7 JourneyGp 176.50 - 180.47 113.00 1.63 15.29 1.3 Celtic 73.50 -1.75 79.00 72.18 - -19.13 3.3
WalkerGb 219.00 - 244.85 151.05 0.88 26.47 32.9 e-Thera 33.13 -0.13 49.40 24.25 - -11.25 27.8
Arbuthnot 1463 9.50 1650 1000.00 1.85 20.09 0.9 SolGold 1.83 -0.08 7.06 1.78 - -3.46 739.2 LonSec 2100 -45.00 2450 1900 2.95 20.31 0.0 ..6%CvPf♦ 65.00 - 80.00 35.00 4.98 - 0.5
GW Phrms 542.00 -4.00 708.55 299.11 - -35.59 324.1
Aurora 9.13 - 12.88 8.00 - -0.93 0.9 Industrial Engineering Stratex 2.15 -0.03 3.22 1.00 - -4.12 1112.3 Matchtech 560.00 -5.00 587.80 495.00 3.57 17.46 8.0 ..Cv Pf 135.00 - 150.00 120.00 - - 16.0
HtchChMd 1795 - 2020 1010 - 1602.68 96.1
BP Marsh 137.50 -1.00 156.75 121.00 2.00 8.14 15.8 Xtract Res 0.25 -0.01 0.49 0.06 - -2.78 51236.6 NewmkSec 3.13 0.05 4.93 1.66 2.40 6.65 251.8 Dalata 288.00 -2.00 299.00 111.15 - 102.09 10.9
600 Grp 16.75 -0.25 21.40 14.60 - 6.50 13.5 ImmuPhar 41.00 - 67.00 37.00 - -11.94 5.3
BrooksMac 1788 -17.00 1900 1300 1.45 28.55 1.2 ZincOx 10.75 - 18.00 6.00 - -0.79 30.4 NormanBr 14.00 1.50 25.00 8.50 - -1.52 25.0 Dart 446.00 -4.00 500.00 200.00 0.65 20.09 543.7
Molins 74.50 -0.50 161.00 68.01 7.38 -48.41 12.0 ReNeuron 5.38 0.13 6.50 2.80 - -10.79 2097.3
Camellia 9575 5.00 10000 8450 1.31 93.26 0.8 NWF 155.00 - 165.00 120.00 3.29 12.17 16.9 GoalsSocc 198.00 -0.50 242.00 195.00 0.93 22.27 1.0
MS Intl 171.00 1.00 201.80 116.00 4.68 20.86 1.2 Sareum 0.21 - 0.68 0.19 - -3.62 5898.5
CaptlMgt 117.00 - 200.00 103.00 - -1.50 0.0 Oil & Gas Optimal Pay 285.00 21.25 575.00 215.00 - 23.70 16666.5 MinoanGp 7.13 -0.13 15.73 6.75 - -11.29 62.9
Pres Tech 204.00 -4.50 750.00 180.00 4.12 12.37 10.4 SinclairIS 38.75 1.00 48.00 23.30 - -14.86 380.4
Fairpoint 158.00 - 170.00 105.66 3.89 24.19 48.9 AlkneEng 22.50 -0.25 40.35 19.50 0.89 10.07 35.3 PennaCns 216.00 3.50 230.00 116.00 1.62 14.31 9.0 PeelHtls 103.50 - 110.00 75.00 - 22.16 4.0
TP Group 3.75 - 7.40 3.00 - -4.24 15.0 Vernalis 74.00 -1.00 85.00 41.75 - -111.28 91.5
Leeds 31.00 - 43.79 30.00 - 8.12 9.0 AmeriRes 23.75 0.25 67.25 19.10 - 14.53 2228.1 Petards 11.50 - 15.99 9.75 - 10.37 135.4
MattioliWds 576.00 1.00 580.00 414.00 1.58 25.79 116.1 Industrial General AndesEnrg 24.00 -3.75 49.42 16.50 - -17.71 355.5 Real Estate Utilities
RedhallGp 11.00 - 18.50 8.50 - -0.38 10.8
Miton 24.50 -0.88 38.50 18.50 2.20 -7.50 75.0 BahamasP 2.00 -0.04 4.70 1.50 - -8.55 137.9 ModernWtr 11.13 - 29.00 10.50 - -0.50 9.6
Powerflte 74.25 0.25 80.00 35.00 1.41 46.18 2.2 Conygar 173.00 -2.50 195.00 160.00 1.01 8.77 41.7 Renew 326.50 4.00 348.00 237.00 1.53 18.92 138.0
MAB 297.63 0.13 309.26 160.00 - 31.04 2.7 BorSthnPet 2.61 - 13.90 2.07 - -5.06 145.7 RenEnGen 46.50 - 68.00 46.00 4.73 -32.49 15.0
RM2 64.75 0.75 77.00 46.00 - -6.80 71.0 FltchKng 45.50 - 65.00 38.00 6.59 6.33 0.3 Restore 242.00 -1.00 289.00 195.24 0.87 40.37 16.8
Numis 246.75 1.75 280.00 196.09 4.26 18.74 45.6 Circle Oil 5.13 -0.25 28.70 5.00 - -0.84 1089.9 Rurelec 1.48 -0.15 6.48 1.32 - -2.81 1436.6
Symphny 7.50 - 11.22 6.50 - -32.05 20.1 InlandHms 67.88 -0.38 74.00 45.00 0.88 21.46 692.2 SafeCharge 254.00 -1.00 297.00 195.00 0.73 38.18 1787.6
Park Grp 67.00 -1.00 77.50 47.00 3.81 14.56 3.0 ClontarfEn 0.35 - 1.40 0.26 - -3.80 20.0 SeaEnergy 7.50 0.25 39.50 7.00 - -1.67 15.0
Lok'nStor 280.00 - 300.30 199.17 2.50 119.00 1.5 Servoca 21.50 -1.00 26.03 11.00 - 16.00 104.4
Utilityws 155.00 -1.00 311.05 142.00 2.58 10.81 786.7

Investment Companies
Conventional (Ex Private Equity) 52 Week Dis(-) ..CULS 102.75 - 107.89 102.00 - - - JPMGIConv 92.75 2.25 112.00 90.00 6.06 98.5 -5.8 ScotAmer♦ 237.50 -1.25 276.50 221.99 4.44 224.9 5.6 Albion Ent♦ 90.50 - 91.75 85.00 5.52 98.0 -7.7 Marwyn Val 222.25 2.25 251.93 196.00 - - -
Price +/-Chg High Low Yld NAV or Pm Edin Inv 659.00 -11.00 706.00 565.20 3.58 651.3 1.2 JPM GEI 93.38 -0.38 130.00 86.11 5.25 92.4 1.1 Scottish In 571.00 -5.50 670.00 536.00 2.10 632.6 -9.7 AlbionTech 76.00 -0.50 78.49 71.25 6.58 79.2 -4.0 TerraCat 106.00 0.50 112.00 90.00 - - -
3i Infra 164.70 0.10 189.56 151.00 4.54 - - Edin WWd 426.00 -5.00 502.44 332.25 0.47 448.6 -5.0 JPM I&C Uni 361.50 - 370.00 330.06 - 340.5 6.2 ScottMort 238.90 -3.40 283.40 204.00 1.21 228.1 4.7 AlbionVCT 66.00 - 68.65 63.00 7.58 67.1 -1.6
AbnAsianIn 156.25 1.00 213.80 142.50 5.25 161.8 -3.4 EP Global 220.75 -3.75 262.10 207.04 1.49 221.9 -0.5 JPM Inc&Gr 105.50 -0.50 115.85 98.50 2.09 107.4 -1.8 ScottOrtll 699.50 -5.50 900.00 660.00 1.64 780.3 -10.4 ArtemisVCT 63.50 - 70.52 59.23 6.30 70.4 -9.8 ISDX
AbnAsian 699.50 -0.50 1014 653.77 1.43 800.3 -12.6 Estabmt 145.00 - 188.00 145.00 3.24 190.6 -23.9 JPM Ind 477.75 -9.25 605.50 430.00 - 533.8 -10.5 SecTstScot 126.63 -2.25 148.00 123.00 3.79 131.4 -3.6 Baronsmd 76.13 - 75.60 69.50 4.60 79.4 -4.1
Euro Ast♦ 1037.5 2.50 1160 800.00 5.04 1027.2 1.0 JPM JpSm 217.75 0.88 261.75 184.00 - 263.4 -17.3 Seneca I&G♦ 139.88 - 150.00 131.00 4.00 140.2 -0.2 ..VCT 2 98.63 - 99.00 91.00 4.56 103.0 -4.2 52 Week Vol
AbnJapInv 471.50 1.00 571.00 357.50 0.95 485.7 -2.9
EuroInvT 746.00 -7.00 849.00 659.33 1.88 771.1 -3.3 JPM Jap 258.13 0.63 307.95 195.00 1.08 292.7 -11.8 Shires Inc 224.38 0.25 261.00 214.00 5.35 229.5 -2.2 ..VCT 3 102.25 - 104.70 94.00 7.33 106.1 -3.6 Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s
AbnLatAmIn 49.50 1.00 85.68 44.25 8.59 52.8 -6.2
F&C Cp&I 255.13 -0.88 277.00 231.75 3.88 247.3 3.2 JPM Mid 955.00 -1.00 992.00 669.10 1.88 978.0 -2.4 StdLf Eqt 454.38 0.75 471.46 362.50 3.08 443.2 2.5 ..VCT 4 94.88 - 94.35 86.75 3.16 98.7 -3.9 ArsenalFC 1587500 - 1590000 1400000 - 68.02 0.0
..Sub 0.20 - 2.63 0.10 - - -
F&CGblSmlr 925.00 19.00 1028.92 781.00 0.88 920.7 0.5 JPM O'seas 956.50 6.50 1159 890.95 1.57 1039.4 -8.0 StdLf Sml 319.50 -0.75 340.00 256.00 1.41 344.0 -7.1 ..VCT 5 78.13 -0.25 78.88 72.00 5.12 80.6 -3.1 ShephdNm 1140 - 1260 1000.00 2.27 25.29 0.0
AbnNewDn♦ 145.25 -2.75 205.23 136.00 2.48 165.5 -12.2
F&CMgdG 147.00 - 158.00 130.00 - 144.5 1.7 JPMRussian 270.75 1.00 447.00 223.25 4.80 326.2 -17.0 StrategicEq 226.75 3.75 241.50 153.65 0.34 209.7 8.1 BSC VCT 88.00 - 91.80 82.00 6.25 96.2 -8.5 Thwaites 109.00 - 132.00 108.00 4.09 9.82 0.0
AbnNewThai 342.13 -4.13 489.88 324.00 2.34 406.1 -15.8
AbnSmlCo 212.00 0.50 229.00 174.00 3.10 247.3 -14.3 F&CMgdI 115.00 - 130.00 110.00 4.30 114.2 0.7 JPMSnrSec 90.00 - 101.00 89.22 - 93.6 -3.8 Temp Bar 1088 -21.00 1274 1040 4.30 1098.9 -1.0 ..VCT2 57.00 - 60.50 51.98 7.89 62.5 -8.8
Abn UK 290.25 -6.00 334.75 281.83 3.51 300.9 -3.5 FidAsian 201.00 -0.75 285.50 195.50 0.55 233.7 -14.0 JPM Smlr 850.00 -4.50 868.00 527.00 1.13 997.5 -14.8 TempEmerg 395.00 -2.50 626.64 370.00 1.84 452.2 -12.6 Crown Place 29.00 - 30.50 27.75 8.62 28.1 3.2
Abf Gd Inc♦■ 199.50 2.25 212.00 138.25 3.68 214.7 -7.1 FidChiSpS 113.10 -5.70 179.78 105.06 1.02 131.9 -14.3 JPM US Sml 162.50 -1.50 193.75 135.77 - 169.4 -4.1 TRIG♦ 100.00 -0.25 109.00 99.00 5.50 - - FrsightSol 103.50 - 106.00 95.00 5.80 108.4 -4.5 Guide to FT Share Service
Abf Sml♦ 1176 -3.00 1235 966.00 2.10 1265.1 -7.0 Fid Euro 167.30 -2.50 187.50 137.40 1.85 174.8 -4.3 JupUSSmCo 585.50 -0.50 704.03 574.28 - 660.7 -11.4 ThreadUKSel♦ 168.00 - 181.78 160.00 2.59 178.1 -5.7 Inc&GthVCT 93.50 - 104.00 88.25 19.25 103.6 -9.7
AcenciADbt $ 1.54 -0.02 114.00 1.53 4.05 1.7 -9.4 Fid Jap 77.25 0.63 88.25 64.00 - 91.5 -15.6 KeystoneInv 1749 -11.00 1900 1651.76 2.89 1796.0 -2.6 TREurGth 603.00 1.00 661.00 438.00 1.08 650.1 -7.2 KingsAYVCT 18.00 - 19.50 17.25 5.56 19.8 -9.1
AdvDvpMk 357.75 -7.63 483.00 350.00 - 409.6 -12.7 Fid Spec 195.75 -5.25 217.00 159.37 1.69 - - Law Deb♦ 468.25 -7.75 545.50 452.50 3.35 437.0 7.2 TroyInc&G 66.75 -0.50 74.71 60.00 3.41 66.1 1.0 Maven I&G 66.00 - 67.50 59.50 6.82 64.9 1.7
Alliance 448.30 -2.30 531.50 420.20 2.21 511.6 -12.4 FinsG&I 540.50 -8.00 609.36 464.25 2.16 537.7 0.5 LinTrain £♦■ 469.50 -2.50 537.00 364.40 1.44 398.5 17.8 UtilicoEmg♦ 155.50 -0.25 206.09 142.94 3.92 172.6 -9.9 MavenVCT2 52.25 - 56.75 49.00 7.37 59.4 -12.0 For queries about the London Share Service pages e-mail
AllianzTech 563.50 6.50 640.43 463.07 - 567.8 -0.8 FstPacfic H HK$ 5.02 0.03 9.48 4.95 4.16 - - Ln&StLaw♦ 349.88 -2.00 384.00 330.80 3.94 355.8 -1.7 UtilicoInv♦ 111.50 1.50 128.25 103.00 6.73 132.1 -15.6 MavenVCT3♦ 73.75 - 79.00 70.00 2.71 86.8 -15.0 ft.reader.enquiries@morningstar.com.
AltAstsOps 38.25 - 47.00 36.50 - 43.4 -11.9 For & Col 411.60 -1.50 467.90 365.00 2.28 438.6 -6.2 Lowland 1335.5 -6.50 1440 1219 2.85 1307.5 2.1 ValAndInc 236.00 -1.00 274.00 228.50 3.69 304.5 -22.5 MavenVCT4 84.50 - 88.39 80.00 5.62 98.5 -14.2 All data is as of close of the previous business day. Company classifications
Art Alpha 256.00 1.75 306.50 249.50 1.27 309.8 -17.4 Geiger 13.75 -0.50 27.95 12.50 - 15.9 -13.5 M&GHighInc 160.50 -0.50 179.95 148.00 2.87 162.7 -1.4 Witan 720.00 -5.00 850.00 642.00 2.17 718.5 0.2 MavenVCT5♦ 34.75 - 37.00 32.00 2.88 42.6 -18.4 are based on the ICB system used by FTSE (see www.icbenchmark.com). FTSE
..Sub 19.00 -0.50 44.73 18.10 6.32 - - GenEmer 429.20 2.30 583.00 391.70 - 476.1 -9.9 Majedie 250.00 4.00 283.00 206.41 3.00 247.5 1.0 WitanPac 209.50 -2.50 274.75 203.03 2.15 248.2 -15.6 Nthn 2 VCT 69.75 - 88.00 67.25 2.87 74.1 -5.9 100 constituent stocks are shown in bold.
AsianToRt 170.25 -3.75 224.00 163.25 1.91 190.6 -10.7 GFIS 16.00 - 28.39 15.00 - 43.8 -63.5 Man&Lon 231.50 -2.38 260.49 219.00 3.23 265.5 -12.8 WorldTst♦ 237.00 -0.50 285.25 212.00 0.22 268.3 -11.7 Nthn 3 VCT 90.00 - 104.00 88.00 6.11 95.4 -5.7 Closing prices are shown in pence unless otherwise indicated. Highs & lows
Aurora 151.50 - 166.79 144.00 2.51 155.3 -2.4 GRIT 11.13 -0.63 35.00 9.79 - - - MCGlobPort 162.50 -0.75 195.00 155.00 2.46 163.0 -0.3 WwideHlth 1817 2.00 2108.5 1355 0.77 1849.6 -1.8 NthnVent 76.00 - 85.36 74.50 7.89 79.8 -4.8 are based on intra-day trading over a rolling 52 week period. Price/earnings
BG Japan 418.00 -8.25 493.25 316.50 - 407.9 2.5 GoldenPros 19.75 - 41.83 18.00 - 22.7 -13.0 MCurPac 243.50 -2.75 336.00 236.73 3.08 284.3 -14.4 ProVenGI 79.00 - 81.25 76.00 5.06 83.6 -5.5 ratios (PER) are based on latest annual reports and accounts and are updated
Conventional - Private Equity 52 Week Dis(-)
BG Shin 368.75 7.75 424.00 282.50 - 365.9 0.8 Hansa 824.50 1.00 988.00 814.98 2.30 1097.1 -24.8 MercantIT 1691 -28.00 1762.96 1316.55 2.37 1842.8 -8.2 ProVenVCT 94.50 - 97.89 89.50 4.76 100.5 -6.0 with interim figures. PER is calculated using the company’s diluted earnings
Price +/-Chg High Low Yld NAV or Pm
BSRT 21.50 0.50 39.80 19.00 - 38.9 -44.7 ..A 806.50 - 942.00 795.00 - 1097.1 -26.5 MrchTst 439.00 - 506.33 413.00 5.40 432.1 1.6 UnicornAIM 133.00 - 135.79 122.00 4.51 153.5 -13.4 from continuing operations. Yields are based on closing price and on dividends
Hend Alt 218.00 -2.50 254.00 215.00 1.38 266.1 -18.1 Mid Wynd 317.50 -1.00 352.50 260.07 1.20 303.3 4.7 AbnPvtEq♦ 83.38 - 96.00 80.28 2.68 118.1 -29.4
Bankers♦ 574.00 -11.00 674.50 506.00 2.63 583.8 -1.7 Ordinary Income Shares 52 Week HR paid in the last financial year and updated with interim figures. Yields are
Hen Div 89.00 -0.25 95.50 87.50 5.73 89.2 -0.2 MitonUKMic 53.63 0.38 56.25 50.00 - - - Altamir € 10.05 - 11.82 9.43 - 16.0 -37.2
BrngEmEu 449.00 -6.00 679.00 432.00 4.23 508.1 -11.6 Price +/-Chg High Low Yld WO GRY 0% shown in net terms; dividends on UK companies are net of 10% tax, non-UK
HenEuroF 1011 -13.00 1148.5 816.47 2.32 980.9 3.1 MitonWw 158.50 - 164.65 149.00 - 170.4 -7.0 Dun Ent 316.88 1.63 409.00 305.00 5.21 514.2 -38.4
BH Global 1300 - 1343.6 1178 - 1372.0 -5.2 companies are gross of tax. Highs & lows, yields and PER are adjusted to reflect
HenEuro 820.50 -11.00 957.00 678.25 2.13 828.4 -1.0 MMP 3.13 - 5.00 3.00 - - - Electra 3231 41.00 3349.01 2338 - 3605.2 -10.4 JPM I&C 96.38 -0.63 106.00 86.00 6.74 -13.6 -9.2
..EUR € 12.00 - 14.00 11.80 - - - capital changes where appropriate.
HenFarEs♦ 261.00 -6.00 362.00 238.25 7.09 263.0 -0.8 Monks 381.50 -3.20 458.90 348.40 1.04 420.4 -9.3 ElectraPrf 151.00 -0.25 152.05 144.25 - 145.7 3.6 JupiterDv&G 4.25 -0.25 5.50 3.50 17.41 8.0 -34.7
..USD $ 12.80 -0.05 13.35 11.70 - 13.5 -5.2 Trading volumes are end of day aggregated totals, rounded to the nearest
HendGlob 346.63 -3.75 416.81 336.20 2.88 398.2 -13.0 MontanSm 482.00 -2.00 544.00 390.50 1.45 545.4 -11.6 F&C PvtEq 217.75 -0.25 230.00 197.00 4.94 278.0 -21.7 M&GHI&Gt 59.00 0.25 67.00 55.00 - -14.3 -21.4
BH Macro 2055 -11.00 2191 1938 - 2174.0 -5.5 1,000 shares.
HenHigh 176.50 -0.25 195.25 156.50 4.93 168.4 4.8 Mur Inc 669.00 -3.00 796.60 646.50 4.90 700.1 -4.4 GraphEnt 565.00 -9.50 605.00 536.10 1.33 686.2 -17.7 Rghts&Icp 4750 - 4900 3800 - -79.1 -2.7
..EUR € 19.84 -0.16 21.10 18.71 - 21.0 -5.5
HenInt Inc♦ 114.25 0.50 137.69 103.00 3.76 111.2 2.7 Mur Int 810.00 -18.00 1123 787.96 5.56 810.9 -0.1 HVPE $ 13.30 -0.15 13.85 11.92 - 16.2 -17.9 Net asset value per share (NAV) and split analytics are provided only as a
..USD $ 19.55 -0.21 21.10 18.67 - 20.9 -6.5 Income Shares 52 Week HR
Hen Opp♦ 993.50 -9.00 1059.1 755.00 1.26 1021.6 -2.8 ..B 750.00 - 1445.47 677.00 - 810.9 -7.5 HgCapital 1085 -9.00 1169 1006 2.95 1296.6 -16.3 guide. Discounts and premiums are calculated using the latest cum fair net
BiotechGth 715.50 4.00 898.92 492.52 - 738.9 -3.2 Price +/-Chg High Low Yld WO GRY 0%
HenSmlr 656.00 -4.00 696.00 468.13 1.75 710.8 -7.7 NB DDIF $ 1.16 0.00 1.25 1.00 - - - JPM Pvt Eq $ 1.01 - 1.07 0.76 - 1.3 -22.3 asset value estimate and closing price. Discounts, premiums, gross redemption
BlckRCom 60.50 1.50 119.88 55.25 9.94 58.2 4.0 JPM In&Gr 95.75 -0.25 100.50 90.15 4.60 -69.2 10.6
Herald 680.00 -7.00 742.50 594.00 - 824.8 -17.6 NewCtyEgy 13.00 -0.50 37.00 10.50 - 17.1 -24.0 JZ Capital 437.00 - 480.00 390.00 - 676.6 -35.4 yield (GRY), and hurdle rate (HR) to share price (SP) and HR to wipe out (WO)
BlckREmEur 170.50 -8.75 247.00 164.58 1.36 200.7 -15.0 M&GHghIc 56.50 0.50 63.00 51.00 - -13.8 -18.4
HICL Infra 152.80 -0.90 161.40 140.10 5.91 138.0 10.7 ..Sub 0.13 - 0.15 0.06 - - - Mithras 134.00 -2.25 151.91 130.00 0.75 161.5 -17.0 are displayed as a percentage, NAV and terminal asset value per share (TAV)
BlckRFrnt 101.50 0.25 133.28 95.25 4.10 105.0 -3.3 Rghts&I 1075 - 1245 895.00 3.35 - 44.6
Impax Env. 139.00 -2.50 167.75 136.00 1.01 157.2 -11.6 NewCityHY♦ 56.13 -0.38 66.50 52.00 7.54 56.1 0.1 NB PE Ptnr $ 11.50 -0.11 12.20 10.80 - - - in pence.
BlckRGtEur 233.88 -5.13 264.50 201.75 2.01 244.6 -4.4
Ind IT♦ 346.00 1.00 364.00 268.50 1.45 349.1 -0.9 NewIndia 285.38 -4.00 371.30 263.00 - 331.3 -13.9 Nthn Invs 546.50 - 665.00 385.25 1.83 526.7 3.8 Capital Shares 52 Week HR
..Sub 10.50 -0.13 25.63 8.50 - - -
Intl PP 136.10 -0.20 140.59 130.34 4.57 123.8 9.9 New Star IT 73.00 -0.50 77.91 65.45 - 103.6 -29.5 Pantheon 1250 -5.00 1355 1140 - 1541.6 -18.9 Price +/-Chg High Low SP WO TAV 0% X FT Global 500 company
BlckR I&G♦ 174.50 - 193.00 158.01 3.27 176.1 -0.9
InvAsTr 157.50 0.50 213.58 147.00 2.19 179.4 -12.2 NorthAmer 754.00 -1.00 906.45 729.50 3.78 809.2 -6.8 PantheonR 1235 -50.00 1300 1058 - 1541.6 -19.9 JPM Inc&Gr 10.50 -0.25 15.19 9.00 6.8 0.4 - ♦ trading ex-dividend
BlckRIncStr 130.50 -5.00 140.50 119.25 4.95 129.3 0.9
Inv Inc 280.50 -6.00 305.00 255.00 3.57 288.7 -2.8 NthAtSml 2005 -10.00 2050 1625.86 - 2529.9 -20.7 PrincssPE € 7.50 -0.01 8.12 6.50 6.95 9.0 -16.7 M&GHghIc 2.43 - 5.39 2.00 16.1 15.3 - ■ trading ex-capital distribution
BlckRckLat 271.00 -7.63 508.45 267.02 7.09 322.1 -15.9
InvPerp 71.50 - 79.00 70.00 6.99 69.1 3.5 Oryx Int 547.50 - 565.00 375.00 - 616.4 -11.2 Riverstone 839.00 -25.00 1114 822.00 - 1051.8 -20.2 # price at time of suspension from trading
BlckRckNrAm♦ 105.25 -1.00 124.50 98.75 3.80 111.1 -5.3 Zero Dividend Preference Shares 52 Week HR
IPST BalR 118.75 -0.50 123.00 114.00 - 114.7 3.5 PacAsset 177.00 3.00 226.15 156.25 1.47 176.8 0.1 StdLfEuPv 202.75 0.25 236.42 198.00 2.47 262.0 -22.6
BlckRSmlr 899.75 -1.75 969.39 697.00 1.43 1004.9 -10.5 Price +/-Chg High Low SP WO TAV 0% The prices listed are indicative and believed accurate at the time of publication.
BlckRThrmt 330.75 2.00 351.79 238.00 1.33 373.7 -11.5 IPST Gbl Eq 153.50 -0.50 172.00 138.00 3.00 148.1 3.6 PacHorzn 146.00 -2.00 223.77 142.50 0.96 167.7 -12.9 Conventional - Property ICs 52 Week Dis(-) Abf Gd Inc 150.50 - 153.25 143.00 -44.8 - 159.7 No offer is made by Morningstar or the FT. The FT does not warrant nor
BlckRWld 205.25 -2.75 496.44 202.00 10.23 231.6 -11.4 IPST Mngd 102.25 -0.25 104.00 100.75 - 103.2 -0.9 Perp I&G 397.10 -2.90 431.00 350.81 3.05 386.1 2.8 Price +/-Chg High Low Yld NAV or Pm EcofinWatr 154.13 - 155.10 149.75 -67.9 -86.4 160.7 guarantee that the information is reliable or complete. The FT does not accept
Bluecrest A 190.00 - 194.60 182.93 - 201.2 -5.6 IPST UK Eq 158.50 0.50 174.39 143.00 3.88 157.0 1.0 PerAsset 33565 -250.00 36313.1 33436 1.67 33407. 0.5 Direct Property JPM I&C 174.00 - 175.00 165.50 -17.4 - 192.1 responsibility and will not be liable for any loss arising from the reliance on
Brit Emp 458.80 -2.50 557.08 444.40 2.29 521.4 -12.0 InvPpUK♦ 369.50 -3.50 390.46 281.00 1.76 389.6 -5.2 7 JupiterDv&G 111.00 0.50 114.00 99.50 -5.3 -98.5 125.8
AseanaPr $ 0.55 0.00 0.58 0.43 - 0.5 10.0 or use of the information.
Brunner♦ 518.25 -3.50 584.12 486.00 2.32 568.2 -8.8 Invs Cap A 92.50 -0.50 102.00 87.00 4.84 93.5 -1.1 PolarFins♦ 103.00 -1.50 112.84 92.00 3.01 105.3 -2.2 JZ Capital 357.50 - 358.90 342.50 -85.7 -97.6 369.8
AXA Propty 45.63 -0.25 47.50 39.45 - - -
Calednia 2264 20.00 2517.66 2104 2.19 2642.0 -14.3 Invs Cap B 93.50 1.00 103.00 87.03 1.23 93.5 0.0 ..Sub 7.50 -0.50 13.00 5.00 - - - M&GHghIc 114.38 - 115.29 110.01 -17.2 -94.7 122.8 The London Share Service is a paid-for-print listing service and may not be
CustdnREIT♦ 107.63 0.50 111.50 104.00 3.48 - -
CanGen C$ 18.36 0.56 22.00 17.08 2.98 23.9 -23.2 Invs CapU 373.00 -1.00 404.95 347.00 - 374.0 -0.3 PolarHealth♦ 167.50 -1.50 187.50 142.50 2.12 175.1 -4.3 UtilicoFn16 184.63 - 186.00 177.51 -66.1 - 192.8 fully representative of all LSE-listed companies. This service is available to all
F&CComPrp♦ 145.10 -1.00 149.00 123.00 4.14 127.1 14.2
Cap Gear 3181 -44.00 3575 3125 0.50 3185.3 -0.1 JLaingInf 118.30 -1.00 128.60 116.00 5.49 109.9 7.6 PolarTech 541.50 -8.50 614.00 458.80 - 534.9 1.2 UtilicoFn18 139.25 -0.50 146.50 129.00 -19.1 -32.2 160.5 listed companies, subject to the Editor’s discretion. For new sales enquiries
F&CUKRealE 100.50 -0.75 104.50 86.00 4.98 97.0 3.6
City Merch 181.25 -0.63 194.00 180.50 5.52 177.5 2.1 JPM Amer 253.90 -2.60 296.14 236.05 1.28 255.9 -0.8 ProspJap $ 0.95 0.01 1.15 0.91 - 1.2 -20.8 UtilicoFn20 120.25 -1.13 123.75 103.50 -8.3 -11.1 154.9 please email stella.sorrentino@ft.com or call 020 7873 4012.
InvistaERET 0.10 - 4.30 0.03 - 4.4 -97.7
CityNatRs♦ 82.25 -0.25 146.00 75.00 6.81 101.9 -19.3 JPM Asn 188.38 0.13 268.92 182.00 1.17 216.6 -13.0 QatarInvF $ 1.17 - 1.49 1.09 - 1.4 -16.4
Longbow 105.50 - 106.75 101.25 5.45 - -
City Lon♦ 370.70 -4.80 418.35 345.00 4.01 360.5 2.8 JPM Brazil♦ 38.38 -0.25 76.49 36.00 2.21 41.4 -7.3 RIT Cap 1511 -20.00 1615 1265.55 1.97 1528.6 -1.2
PictonProp♦ 72.25 - 74.75 60.50 4.15 69.7 3.7 Investment Companies - AIM
DexionAb 186.50 -0.25 191.00 167.00 - 197.0 -5.3 JPM China 146.38 -4.00 233.96 136.30 1.09 172.2 -15.0 RobecoNV € 30.38 - - - - - -
SLIPropInc 84.00 0.25 90.25 74.75 5.50 77.0 9.1 Data provided by Morningstar
..EUR € 2.55 0.03 2.65 2.40 - 2.7 -5.6 JPMElct MC 100.00 - 101.99 97.01 - 101.8 -1.8 RolincoNV € 28.32 - - - - - - 52 Week Dis(-)
UKComPrp♦ 87.40 -0.05 94.00 80.50 4.21 84.3 3.7
..USD $ 3.85 - 3.89 3.60 - 4.2 -8.3 ..MG 576.00 -6.50 635.00 507.66 1.23 588.0 -2.0 Ruffer Inv 219.00 0.25 226.00 193.50 - 209.1 4.7 Price +/-Chg High Low Yld NAV or Pm
DiverseInc 89.38 -0.25 93.00 73.02 2.63 87.0 2.7 ..MI 96.50 1.00 110.00 92.00 1.76 99.9 -3.4 SchdrAsiaP 240.75 -0.13 321.50 226.25 1.14 270.9 -11.1 Property Securities AdFrntMkt 50.88 -0.38 65.50 49.00 - 55.8 -8.8
JPM Emrg 513.50 -6.00 674.65 486.00 1.07 578.7 -11.3 Schdr Inc 262.00 1.63 348.25 235.50 3.85 263.2 -0.5 SchdrGlbRe 117.00 -0.63 132.98 98.88 1.86 120.1 -2.6 CrysAmber 154.50 -9.50 170.00 129.81 0.3 160.3 -3.6
Dun Inc♦ 231.25 -3.75 275.00 221.50 4.80 238.9 -3.2
JPM EurGth 232.75 5.63 263.00 193.00 2.88 247.7 -6.0 SchdrJap 140.50 1.75 165.00 115.25 1.28 153.5 -8.5 TR Prop 303.20 3.20 325.00 232.40 2.49 301.2 0.7 GLI Finance♦ 55.75 -0.38 65.00 51.00 9.0 - -
Dun Sml 206.88 -2.50 229.00 171.30 2.54 239.7 -13.7
EcofinWatr♦ 118.00 -0.75 176.75 114.75 5.93 162.8 -27.5 JPM EurInc 123.38 -0.63 147.50 104.75 2.07 129.4 -4.7 SchdrOrient 169.00 0.75 215.25 154.00 4.53 169.5 -0.3 VCTs 52 Week Dis(-) IndiaCap 55.75 0.25 69.40 46.00 - 69.4 -19.7
JPM EuSm 239.00 0.38 256.00 164.00 1.21 259.5 -7.9 SchdrUK 152.50 -0.25 174.00 145.25 3.11 165.7 -8.0
-0.25 111.70 102.00 -
-1.75 311.00 212.50 0.97
-11.6 JPM Clavr♦ 583.00 4.00 645.18 534.51 3.52 595.5 -2.1 SchdrUKMd 472.50 -7.25 504.50 402.49 1.80 513.5 -8.0
Price +/-Chg High Low Yld NAV or Pm Infra India
20.13 -
3.13 -
21.99 10.00
5.00 3.00
- -
AlbionDev 69.00 0.50 70.89 66.00 7.25 73.7 -6.4
Thursday 27 August 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 23


Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield

Artemis Strategic Bond R Q Acc 83.49 88.65 0.10 4.01 CF Seneca Diversified Income B INC 102.96 - 0.19 5.08 EUR Accumulating Class (H) € 9.23 - 0.00 0.00 UK Gilt Bond £ 1.28 - 0.00 1.98 Corp Pens UK Index Tracker £ 1.85 1.85 0.02 -

Artemis Strategic Bond R Q Inc 54.33 57.68 0.06 4.09 CF Seneca Diversified Income N INC 102.02 - 0.18 5.08 EUR Distributing Class € 10.85 - 0.10 2.74 UK Gilt Gross £ 2.03 - 0.00 1.95 Guardian Linked Life Assurance Ltd
ACPI Global UCITS Funds Plc (IRL)
www.acpishard.com Artemis UK Growth R Acc 447.83 474.52 -1.44 0.54 Investment Adviser - DSM Capital Partners EUR Distributing Class (H) € 8.93 - 0.00 3.02 UK Long Corp Bond £ 1.36 - -0.01 4.39 Managed Acc £ 17.13 18.04 0.09 -
Regulated The Westchester X $ 25.73 - -0.58 0.00
Artemis UK Smaller Cos R Acc 1100.99 1184.55 -0.30 0.49 GBP Distributing Class £ 9.66 - 0.05 2.95 UK Long Corp Bond - Gross £ 2.46 - 0.00 4.23 Equity Acc £ 31.33 32.98 0.34 -
ACPI Emerging Mkts FI UCITS Fund USD A $ 107.26 - 0.08 0.00
The Westchester Class 1 GBP Acc £ 17.81 - -0.22 0.00 Fixed Interest Acc £ 17.07 17.97 -0.07 -
Artemis UK Special Sits R Acc 496.41 527.71 -3.39 1.62 GBP Distributing Class (H) £ 8.99 - 0.00 2.96 UK Long Corporate Bond Fund - Gross Income £ 10.91 - -0.04 4.37
ACPI Global Credit UCITS Funds USD A $ 13.85 - 0.00 0.00
The Westchester Class 2 GBP Acc £ 17.84 - -0.22 0.00 International Acc £ 12.29 12.94 0.08 -
Artemis US Abs Ret I Acc 104.33 - -0.12 - USD Accumulating Class $ 9.28 - 0.00 0.00 UK Specialist £ 1.78 - -0.01 1.57
ACPI Global Fixed Income UCITS Fund USD A $ 151.10 - -0.65 0.00 Investment Adviser - Morant Wright Management Limited
Artemis US Equity I Acc 103.49 - -0.93 - BlueBay Asset Management LLP (LUX) Dodge & Cox Worldwide Funds plc-Global Stock Fund FIL Investment Services (UK) Limited (1200)F (UK) Retail Share Classes International S-NA Acc £ 6.31 6.65 0.04 -
Q ACPI India Fixed Income UCITS Fund USD A $ 9.85 - 0.15 - Regulated CF Morant Wright Japan A X 251.15 - 8.76 0.00 130, Tonbridge Rd, Tonbridge TN11 9DZ
USD Accumulating Share Class $ 15.10 - -0.02 0.00 Emerging Markets - retail £ 1.13 - 0.00 0.07 International S-PA Acc £ 3.81 4.01 0.02 -
Artemis US Select I Acc 105.99 - -0.80 - Callfree: Private Clients 0800 414161
ACPI India Fixed Income UCITS Fund USD A3 $ 84.08 - 1.22 0.00 BlueBay EmMkt B-USD $ 282.22 - 0.65 0.00 CF Morant Wright Japan A Inc X 247.44 - 8.63 0.00
GBP Accumulating Share Class £ 15.83 - 0.07 0.00 Broker Dealings: 0800 414 181 Europe Long Term Growth £ 1.54 - 0.00 1.84 International S-EU Acc £ 3.08 3.24 0.03 -
Artemis US Select I Inc 94.67 - -0.71 -
ACPI International Bond UCITS Fund USD A $ 18.07 - -0.20 0.00 BlueBay EmMktCrp B-USD $ 160.78 - -1.98 0.00 CF Morant Wright Japan B X 266.87 - 9.31 0.56 Authorised Inv Funds
GBP Distributing Share class £ 11.57 - 0.05 0.71 {*}CAR - Net income reinvested
Artemis US Smlr Cos I Acc 112.77 - -0.95 - Managed S-PR Acc £ 6.51 6.85 0.04 -
BlueBay EmMktSel B-USD $ 143.58 - 0.45 0.00 Unit Trust
CF Morant Wright Japan B Inc X 251.66 - 8.78 0.58
EUR Accumulating Share Class € 19.74 - 0.17 0.00 Fixed Interest S-IL Acc £ 6.45 6.79 -0.03 -
Artemis US Ex Alpha I Acc 108.15 - -1.01 - Cash Accum Units 186.34 186.34 0.00 0.00
BlueBay EmMkLocCy B-USD $ 133.61 - 0.96 0.00 CF Morant Wright Nippon Yield ACC A X 257.87 - 9.10 2.23
ACPI Select UCITS Funds PLC (IRL) Dodge & Cox Worldwide Funds plc-International Stock Fund FIL Fund Management (LUX) Deposit Accum £ 4.45 4.68 0.00 -
Cash Fund £ 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.13
Regulated BlueBay GlblConv I-USD $ 183.25 - -1.20 0.00 CF Morant Wright Nippon Yield ACC B X 267.05 - 9.43 2.23 USD Accumulating Share Class $ 13.54 - 0.18 0.00 2a, rur Albert Borschette, BP 2175, L-1021, Luxembourg
Phone: 800 22 089, 800 22 088 Guardian Pensions Management Ltd
ACPI Balanced UCITS Fund USD Retail $ 13.64 - -0.11 0.00 Gross Accum Cash £ 1.28 1.28 0.00 0.00
Artisan Partners Global Funds PLC (IRL) BlueBay GlblHgYd B-USD $ 131.06 - 0.29 0.00 CF Morant Wright Nippon Yield Fund A Inc X 226.37 - 7.99 2.28 EUR Accumulating Share Class € 13.87 - 0.31 0.00 Regulated Pens. Managed Acc. £ 22.14 23.30 0.14 -
Beaux Lane House, Mercer Street Lower, Dublin 2, Ireland MoneyBuilder Cash ISA £ 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.13
ACPI Balanced UCITS Fund EUR Retail € 10.31 - -0.08 0.00 BlueBay HgYield B-EUR € 334.61 - -3.24 0.00 CF Morant Wright Nippon Yield Fund B Inc X 234.49 - 8.27 2.27 Dodge & Cox Worldwide Funds plc-U.S. Stock Fund
Tel: 44 (0) 207 766 7130 China Consumer A-GBP £ 13.03 - 0.55 0.00 Pens. Equity Acc. £ 33.09 34.83 0.42 -
ACPI Balanced UCITS Fund GBP Retail £ 10.42 - -0.08 0.00 USD Accumulating Share Class $ 16.69 - -0.24 0.00 MoneyBuilder Global £ 2.48 2.48 0.05 0.19
FCA Recognised BlueBay HgYieldCp B-EUR € 141.86 - -1.24 0.00 China Focus A-GBP £ 3.84 - 0.09 0.24
Artisan Partners Global Funds plc OEIC Funds
ACPI Balanced UCITS Fund USD Institutional $ 10.00 - - - BlueBay InvGr B-EUR € 170.14 - -0.65 0.00 GBP Accumulating Share Class £ 16.54 - -0.15 0.00
Cavendish Asset Management Limited (1200)F (UK) American £ 25.42 - -0.29 0.00 Global Financial Services A-GBP £ 0.42 - 0.01 0.00
Artisan Emerging Markets I USD Acc $ 6.20 - 0.10 0.00 HPB Assurance Ltd
ACPI Balanced UCITS Fund EUR Institutional € 10.00 - - - BlueBay InvGEurGv B-EUR € 146.91 - -1.12 0.00 Chelsea House, Westgate, London W5 1DR GBP Distributing Share Class £ 10.55 - -0.09 0.51
American Special Sits £ 10.49 - -0.16 0.00 Global Health Care A-GBP £ 0.54 - 0.01 0.00 Anglo Intl House, Bank Hill, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 4LN 01638 563490
Artisan Global Equity Fund Class I USD Acc $ 14.11 - 0.10 0.00 IFA Enquiries 020 8810 8041 Admin/Dealing 0870 870 7502
ACPI Balanced UCITS Fund GBP Institutional £ 10.00 - - - BlueBay InvGEurAg I-EUR € 147.23 - -0.95 0.00 EUR Accumulating Share Class € 18.86 - -0.09 0.00 International Insurances
Authorised Inv Funds Asia Pacific Ops W-Acc £ 0.95 - -0.01 - Global Industrials A-GBP £ 0.58 - 0.00 0.00
Artisan Global Opportunities I USD Acc $ 11.43 - 0.06 0.00
Asset Management
ACPI Horizon UCITS Fund $ 12.83 - 0.10 0.00 BlueBay InvGLibor B-EUR € 124.88 - 0.08 0.00 Holiday Property Bond Ser 1 £ 0.49 - -0.01 0.00
Cavendish Opportunities Fund B Class 1062.00 - -1.00 1.37 Global Inflation-Linked Bd A-GBP-Hdg £ 1.16 - 0.00 0.52

Asset Management
Artisan Global Value Fund Class I USD Acc $ 15.10 - 0.02 0.00 Fidelity Asian Dividend Fund A-Accumulation £ 0.99 - 0.00 1.40
HighIncomeLoan H-EUR € 194.59 - -0.40 0.00 Holiday Property Bond Ser 2 £ 0.59 - -0.01 0.00
Cavendish Opportunities Fund A Class 1055.00 - -1.00 0.60 Fidelity Asian Dividend Fund A-Income £ 0.95 - 0.00 2.63 Global Real Asset Securities £ 1.29 - 0.01 0.00
Artisan US Value Equity Fund Class I USD Acc $ 10.12 - -0.16 0.00
Abbey Life Assurance Company Limited (UK) Cavendish Opportunities Fund C Acc 1096.00 - -1.00 1.20 China Consumer £ 1.29 - -0.03 0.07 Global Technology A-GBP £ 0.23 - 0.00 0.00
100 Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth BH8 8AL 0845 9600 900
BONHOTE Cavendish Worldwide Fund B Class 280.70 - 1.70 0.79 Global Telecomms A-GBP £ 0.27 - 0.00 1.00 Hamon Investment Group
additional fund prices can be found @ www.abbeylife.co.uk Emerging Asia £ 1.03 - -0.01 0.14
Ashmore Sicav (LUX) Other International Funds Other International Funds
Insurances Cavendish Worldwide Fund A Class 279.90 - 1.70 0.07 India Focus A-GBP £ 4.11 - 0.13 0.00
2 rue Albert Borschette L-1246 Luxembourg Emerg Eur, Mid East & Africa H £ 1.28 - 0.00 0.97 Asian Market Leaders - USD $ 22.52 - 0.10 0.00
Life Funds Bonhôte Alternative - Multi-Arbitrage (USD) Classe (EUR) € 6806.00 - 4.00 2.22
FCA Recognised Cavendish Worldwide Fund C Acc 287.00 - 1.70 0.80 Latin America A-GBP £ 1.28 - 0.02 0.21
Dragon Capital Group Enhanced Income - Acc £ 1.80 - -0.02 6.80 Asian Market Leaders - GBP £ 11.21 - 0.11 0.00
Prop. Acc. Ser 2 1540.10 1621.20 1.30 - Ashmore SICAV Emerging Market Debt Fund $ 91.80 - 0.20 7.51 Bonhôte Alternative - Multi-Performance (USD) Classe (EUR) € 10147.00 - -123.00 0.90
Cavendish AIM Fund B Class 157.20 - 0.30 0.36 c/o 1901 Me Linh Point, 2 Ngo Duc Ke, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Enhanced Income - Inc £ 1.17 - -0.01 7.12
Selective Acc. Ser 2 1554.00 1635.80 -3.90 - Greater China - USD $ 9.67 - -0.03 0.00
Ashmore SICAV Emerging Market Frontier Equity Fund $ 140.68 - 1.20 0.89 Fund information, dealing and administration: funds@dragoncapital.com
Cavendish AIM Fund A Class 152.50 - 0.20 0.00 European - Inc £ 1.39 - -0.01 1.48 Findlay Park Funds Plc (IRL)
American Ser. 4 1560.80 1642.90 -11.10 - Other International Funds Greater China - GBP £ 3.89 - 0.01 0.00
Ashmore SICAV Emerging Market Total Return Fund $ 80.05 - 0.15 5.43 Braemar Group PCC Limited (GSY) Cavendish Asia Pacific Fund B Class 143.20 - 1.30 1.53 30 Herbert Street, Dublin 2, Ireland Tel: 020 7968 4900
Vietnam Enterprise Inv. (VEIL) NAV $ 3.51 - -0.18 0.00 European £ 15.71 - -0.10 1.12 Selected Asian P'folio $ 41.81 41.82 0.48 0.00
Custodian Ser. 4 480.70 506.00 -1.20 - Regulated FCA Recognised
Ashmore SICAV Global Small Cap Equity Fund $ 106.86 - 2.53 0.00
Cavendish Asia Pacific Fund A Class 142.30 - 1.20 0.70 Vietnam Growth Fund (VGF) NAV $ 22.70 - -0.85 0.00 European Opportunities £ 3.64 - -0.02 0.23
UK Agricultural Class A £ 1.26 - 0.00 0.00 American Fund USD Class $ 76.01 - -0.73 0.00
Equity Ser. 4 534.70 562.90 -5.50 - Ashmore SICAV Local Currency Fund $ 81.69 - 0.34 0.31
Cavendish Asia Pacific Fund C Acc 147.20 - 1.20 1.51 Vietnam Property Fund (VPF) NAV $ 0.82 - 0.04 0.00 Extra Income £ 0.26 - 0.00 3.35
UK Agricultural Class B £ 1.38 - 0.00 0.00 American Fund GBP Hedged £ 41.41 - -0.40 0.00
European Ser 4 551.70 580.80 -3.40 - EM Mkts Corp.Debt USD F $ 92.84 - -0.05 7.30 Hargreaves Lansdown Fd Mgrs (1100)F (UK)
Cavendish European Fund B Class 134.90 - 0.20 1.24 Extra Income - Gross £ 0.26 - 0.00 3.35
Student Accom Class B £ 0.55 - -0.17 0.00 American Fund GBP Unhedged £ 48.44 - -0.20 - PO Box 55736, 50 Bank Street, Canary Wharf London E14 1BT
Fixed Int. Ser. 4 895.20 942.30 -0.10 - EM Mkts Loc.Ccy Bd USD F $ 77.83 - 0.07 4.39
Cavendish European Fund A Class 133.10 - 0.10 0.36 Enquiries 0117 90090000
Global Dividend - Acc £ 1.46 - -0.02 3.18 Latin American Fund USD Class $ 11.15 - -0.04 0.00
Intl Ser. 4 407.80 429.20 -5.50 - DSM Capital Partners Funds (LUX) www.hl.co.uk
Cavendish Japan Fund B Class 147.20 - 6.70 0.77 www.dsmsicav.com Global Dividend - Inc £ 1.31 - -0.01 3.32 Latin American Fund GBP Unhedged £ 7.11 - 0.02 - Authorised Inv Funds
Japan Ser 4 354.00 372.60 15.60 - CAF Financial Solutions (UK)
Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent 03000 123 222 Cavendish Japan Fund A Class 145.80 - 6.70 0.00 Global Focus £ 12.32 - -0.14 0.00 Hargreaves Lansdown Funds
Man. Ser. 4 1586.00 1669.50 -12.20 - Global Growth I2 Acc € 121.15 - 2.60 0.00 Unit Trust
Property & Other UK Unit Trusts Cavendish North American Fund B Class 170.40 - 0.10 0.58 Global High Yield Fund - A Gross Acc £ 11.85 - -0.05 4.78
Money Ser. 4 524.30 551.90 0.00 - CAF UK Equitrack Inc Fd 67.35 67.35 -0.52 3.50 Global Growth I1 Eur € 90.64 - 1.94 - HL Multi-Manager Special Situations Trust A Acc 253.88 267.24 -1.10 0.38
Cavendish North American Fund A Class 165.20 - 0.10 0.00 Global High Yield Fund - A Gross Inc £ 9.97 - -0.05 5.35
Prop. Ser. 4 1096.50 1154.20 0.80 - CAF UK Equitrack Acc Fd 93.82 93.82 -0.72 3.50 HL Multi-Manager Special Situations Trust M Acc 253.90 267.26 -1.08 0.00
Cavendish Technology Fund B Class 246.30 - 0.80 0.09 Global High Yield Fund - A Net Acc £ 11.44 - -0.05 4.83
Custodian Ser 5 461.90 486.20 -1.10 - FP CAF Alternative Strategies A Class Acc 110.55 - 0.17 0.49 HL Multi-Manager Income & Growth Trust A Acc 159.19 167.49 1.20 3.53
Cavendish Technology Fund A Class 234.40 - 0.80 0.00 Eclectica Asset Management (UK)
Global High Yield Fund - A Net Inc £ 9.96 - -0.05 5.36
International Ser 5 391.80 412.40 -5.30 - Aspect Capital Ltd (UK) FP CAF Alternative Strategies A Class Inc 109.71 - 0.16 0.52 40 Dukes Place, London EC3A 7NH HL Multi-Manager Income & Growth Trust M Acc 159.18 167.47 1.20 0.29
Other International Funds Cavendish UK Balanced Income Fund B Class 135.70 - -0.60 5.03 Order desk: 0845 6080941 Switchboard 0870 6072555 Global Property - Acc £ 1.37 - -0.03 1.28
Managed Ser 5 1524.00 1604.20 -11.60 - FP CAF Fixed Interest A class Acc 113.59 - -0.15 2.91 HL Multi-Manager Income & Growth Trust A Inc 96.91 101.96 0.73 3.62
Aspect Diversified USD $ 424.06 - 12.59 0.00 Cavendish UK Balanced Income A Class 129.10 - -0.50 5.29 Authorised Corporate Director - Capita Financial Managers
Global Property W Inc £ 1.13 - -0.03 2.90 Fleming Financial Trust Investment Fund Limited (NZ)
Money Ser 5 513.30 540.40 0.00 - FP CAF Fixed Interest A class Inc 99.92 - -0.14 2.97 Authorised Inv Funds HL Multi-Manager Income & Growth Trust M Inc 96.89 101.95 0.73 0.29
Aspect Diversified EUR € 255.69 - 7.71 - Cavendish UK Select Fund B Class 150.50 - -0.80 1.80 Incorporated in New Zealand, Reg No 5141841
CF Eclectica Agriculture A EUR Acc ♦ € 1.39 - -0.01 0.00 Global Special Sits £ 23.52 - -0.21 0.00
Property Ser 5 1053.60 1109.00 0.80 - FP CAF Fixed Interest B class Acc 114.08 - -0.16 2.91 Registered address: Level 5, 3 City Road, Graftn, Auckland, 1010, New Zealand HL Multi-Manager Balanced Managed Trust A Acc 175.66 184.76 -0.40 0.93
Aspect Diversified GBP £ 130.32 - 3.87 0.00 Cavendish UK Select Fund A Class 150.00 - -0.80 0.98 Index Emerging Markets P-Acc £ 0.89 - -0.01 2.58 www.fftinvestmentfund.com
Pension Funds CF Eclectica Agriculture A GBP Acc ♦ 101.26 - -0.64 0.00 HL Multi-Manager Balanced Managed Trust M Acc 175.67 184.77 -0.40 0.00
FP CAF Fixed Interest B class Inc 100.23 - -0.14 2.97 info@fftinvestmentfund.com
Aspect Diversified CHF SFr 122.40 - 3.61 0.00 Index Europe ex UK P-Acc £ 0.99 - 0.00 2.38
American 1765.90 1858.80 -26.60 - CF Eclectica Agriculture A USD Acc ♦ $ 1.58 - -0.03 0.00 Other International Funds
FP CAF International Equity A Class Acc 130.63 - 0.48 0.68 HL Multi-Manager Equity & Bond Trust A Inc 106.46 111.89 0.21 2.01
Aspect Diversified Trends USD $ 130.09 - 3.15 0.00
Equity 4673.60 4919.50 -24.10 - Cedar Rock Capital Limited (IRL) CF Eclectica Agriculture C EUR Acc ♦ € 1.44 - -0.01 0.34 Index Japan P-Acc £ 1.06 - 0.00 1.53 Fleming FT Investment Fund
FP CAF International Equity A Class Inc 127.01 - 0.47 0.68 HL Multi-Manager Equity & Bond Trust M Inc 106.45 111.87 0.21 0.17
Aspect Diversified Trends EUR € 130.28 - 3.02 0.00 Regulated Fleming Fund $ 3.83 3.93 0.01 -
European 1105.50 1163.70 -0.60 - CF Eclectica Agriculture C GBP Acc ♦ 104.96 - -0.67 0.39 Index Pacific ex Japan P-Acc £ 0.96 - -0.01 3.73
FP CAF UK Equity A Class Acc 143.97 - 1.21 2.16 Cedar Rock Capital Fd Plc $ 365.29 - -3.41 0.00 HL Multi-Manager Equity & Bond Trust A Acc 143.14 150.43 0.28 1.99
Aspect Diversified Trends GBP £ 134.80 - 3.15 0.00 Index UK A-Acc £ 0.80 - -0.01 2.79
Fixed Int. 1642.60 1729.10 -3.80 - CF Eclectica Agriculture C USD Acc ♦ $ 1.62 - -0.03 0.40
FP CAF UK Equity A Class Inc 131.66 - 1.11 2.19 Cedar Rock Capital Fd Plc £ 367.41 - -3.53 0.00 HL Multi-Manager Equity & Bond Trust M Acc 143.15 150.44 0.29 0.17
International 855.20 900.20 -10.50 - Index UK P-Acc £ 0.97 - -0.01 3.03 Foord Asset Mgt (Guernsey) Ltd (GSY)
FP CAF UK Equity B Class Acc 143.97 - 1.21 2.16 Cedar Rock Capital Fd Plc € 342.24 - -5.15 0.00 HL Multi-Manager Strategic Bond Trust A Acc 166.69 171.84 -0.52 1.48
Japan 366.20 385.50 13.40 - Atlantas Sicav (LUX) Index US A-Acc £ 1.47 - -0.02 1.45
FP CAF UK Equity B Class Inc 131.65 - 1.11 2.19 Foord International Trust $ 33.65 - -0.74 0.00 HL Multi-Manager Strategic Bond Trust M Acc 166.69 171.84 -0.52 0.13
Managed 4070.80 4285.00 -24.20 - Index US P-Acc £ 1.13 - -0.02 1.66
American Dynamic $ 3273.97 - -328.49 0.00 HL Multi-Manager Strategic Bond Trust A Inc 139.60 143.91 -0.44 1.50
Property 2836.50 2985.80 2.80 -
Charles Schwab Worldwide Funds Plc (IRL) Index World A-Acc £ 1.32 - -0.01 1.78
American One $ 3006.66 - -326.74 0.00 Regulated HL Multi-Manager Strategic Bond Trust M Inc 139.60 143.91 -0.44 0.13
Security 1476.50 1554.20 0.00 - Index World P-Acc £ 1.07 - -0.01 1.90 Franklin Templeton International Services Sarl (IRL)
Schwab USD Liquid Assets Fd $ 1.00 - 0.00 0.01 JPMorgan House - International Financial Services Centre,Dublin 1, Ireland HL Multi Manager Emerging Markets A Acc 80.37 82.83 0.54 0.00
Bond Global € 1340.79 - -44.68 0.00
Selective 1985.40 2089.90 -6.60 - Japan £ 2.60 - 0.02 0.00 Other International Funds
Eurocroissance € 801.72 - -92.32 0.00 HL Multi-Manager European A Acc 97.28 100.27 1.82 0.14
Formerly Hill Samuel Life Assurance Ltd EdenTree Investment Management Ltd (UK) Japan Smaller Companies £ 1.87 - 0.02 0.00 Franklin Emerging Market Debt Opportunities Fund Plc
100 Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth, BH8 8AL 0845 6023 603 Far East $ 620.54 - -63.79 0.00 Chartered Asset Management Pte Ltd PO Box 3733, Swindon, SN4 4BG, 0800 358 3010 HL Multi-Manager UK Growth A Acc 100.27 103.37 1.09 0.16
Franklin Emg Mkts Debt Opp CHFSFr 17.85 - -0.03 6.46
Other International Funds MoneyBuilder Asset Allocator £ 1.15 - 0.00 0.51
Managed Ser A (Life) 1517.40 1605.70 13.70 - Authorised Inv Funds
Franklin Emg Mkts Debt Opp EUR € 12.62 - -0.07 6.52
CAM-GTF Limited $ 271270.16 271270.16 -5157.63 0.00 Amity UK Cls A Inc 207.90 - -1.50 1.43 MoneyBuilder Balanced £ 0.49 - 0.00 4.02
Managed Ser A (Pensions) 1005.90 1058.90 11.00 - CCLA Investment Management Ltd (UK)
BLME Asset Management (LUX) Senator House 85 Queen Victoria Street London EC4V 4ET
Franklin Emg Mkts Debt Opp GBP £ 10.43 - -0.08 6.43 Haussmann
CAM GTi Limited $ 647.80 - -62.67 0.00 Amity UK Cls B Inc 207.90 - -1.40 2.21 Money Builder Dividend £ 2.46 - -0.02 4.28
Formerly Target Life Assurance Ltd BLME Sharia'a Umbrella Fund SICAV SIF Other International Funds
Authorised Inv Funds Franklin Emg Mkts Debt Opp SGD S$ 22.98 - -0.11 6.28
100 Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth, BH8 8AL 0845 6023 603 Regulated Raffles-Asia Investment Company $ 1.72 1.72 -0.10 7.53 Higher Income Cls A Inc 120.50 - -0.50 4.83 MoneyBuilder Growth £ 0.72 - -0.01 2.17 Haussmann Cls A $ 2859.39 - -18.19 0.00
The Public Sector Deposit Fund
Managed (Life) 1537.90 1618.90 13.70 - Franklin Emg Mkts Debt Opp USD $ 17.75 - -0.17 6.31
Income Fund - Share Class A Acc $ 1138.20 - -0.10 0.00 The Public Sector Deposit Fund-share class 1 ♦ F 100.00 - 0.00 0.51 Higher Income Cls B Inc 123.90 - -0.60 4.76 MoneyBuilder Growth ISA £ 0.73 - 0.00 2.31 Haussmann Cls C € 2504.82 - -16.57 0.00
Managed Growth (Life) 481.60 507.00 6.20 - Income Fund - Share Class B Acc $ 1158.38 - -0.09 0.00 MoneyBuilder Income £ 0.35 - 0.00 3.24
The Public Sector Deposit Fund-share class 2 ♦ F 100.00 - 0.00 0.30 UK Equity Growth Cls A Inc 231.80 - -1.40 0.59 Haussmann Cls D SFr 1328.55 - -9.32 0.00
Managed (Pensions) 6037.10 6354.80 66.50 - Income Fund - Share Class C Acc $ 1006.45 - -0.09 0.00 MoneyBuilder Income -Gross £ 0.35 - 0.00 3.24 Frontier Capital (Bermuda) Limited
The Public Sector Deposit Fund-share class 3 ♦ F 100.00 - 0.00 0.36 UK Equity Growth Cls B Inc 237.10 - -1.40 1.19
Managed Growth (Pensions) 583.40 614.10 9.30 - Other International
Income Fund - Share Class D Dis $ 996.33 - -0.08 1.22 The Public Sector Deposit Fund-share class 4 ♦ F 100.00 - 0.00 0.41 Amity Balanced For Charities A Inc 106.00 - -0.50 5.94 Multi Asset Adventurous A-Acc £ 1.25 - 0.00 0.46
additional fund prices can be found on our website Commercial Property-GBP Class £ 71.42 - -0.53 - Heartwood Wealth Management Limited (IRL)
Income Fund - Share Class G Acc £ 1078.27 - -0.08 0.00 The Public Sector Deposit Fund-share class 5 ♦ F 100.00 - 0.00 0.30 Amity European Fund Cls A Inc 192.10 - 0.20 1.23 Multi Asset Alloc Adventurous A-Acc £ 3.62 - 0.00 2.31 Regulated
Global Real Estate-GBP C Class £ 45.26 - -0.50 -
Income Fund - Share Class M Acc € 1013.52 - -0.13 0.00 Amity European Fund Cls B Inc 194.30 - 0.20 2.08 Multi Asset Alloc Strategic A-Acc £ 1.14 - 0.00 0.28 Heartwood Caut Multi Asset B Acc 137.65 - 0.48 0.00

Income Fund - Share Class W DisA$ 1033.48 - -0.03 - Cheyne Capital Management (UK) LLP (IRL) Multi Asset Alloc Def - Gross A £ 1.10 - 0.00 0.28
Amity Global Equity Inc for Charities A Inc 95.58 - -0.69 3.88
CCLA Investment Management Ltd (UK) Regulated
Gl Sukuk Fund - Share Class A Acc $ 1228.01 - -0.07 0.00 Senator House 85 Queen Victoria Street London EC4V 4ET Amity International Cls A Inc 186.10 - -0.60 1.35 Multi Asset Alloc Def - Net A £ 1.10 - 0.00 0.24 Henderson Global Investors (UK)
Cheyne Convertibles Absolute Return Fund € 1325.52 - 7.81 0.00
Gl Sukuk Fund - Share class B Acc £ 1095.54 1095.54 -0.07 0.00 Property & Other UK Unit Trusts PO Box 9023, Chelmsford, CM99 2WB Enquiries: 0800 832 832
Amity International Cls B Inc 187.80 - -0.50 2.21 Multi Asset Alloc Growth A £ 1.15 - -0.01 0.00
CBF Church of England Funds Cheyne European Real Estate Bond Fund € 110.50 - -0.54 0.00 www.henderson.com
Amity Sterling Bond Fund A Inc 106.80 - -0.10 5.16 Multi Asset Defensive £ 1.20 - 0.00 0.35 Authorised Inv Funds
Investment Inc 1274.36 1288.46 -88.91 3.78 Cheyne Global Credit Fund € 118.54 - 0.30 0.00
Bank of America Cap Mgmt (Ireland) Ltd (IRL) Amity Sterling Bond Fund B Inc 115.20 - -0.10 5.14 Multi Asset Defensive - Gross £ 1.21 - 0.00 0.35 Asia Pacific Capital Growth A Acc 623.00 - -11.10 0.91
Alceda Fund Management S.A. Investment Acc 2570.49 2598.92 -179.32 -
www.alceda.lu Regulated Multi Asset Growth £ 1.31 - 0.00 0.34 Asian Dividend Income Inc 77.42 81.70 -1.12 6.32
Global Equity Inc 144.11 145.70 -12.76 4.31 Fundsmith LLP (1200)F (UK)
FCA Recognised Global Liquidity USD $ 1.00 - 0.00 0.22 Cheyne Capital Management (UK) LLP
MultiManager Balanced £ 1.09 - 0.00 0.56 PO Box 10846, Chelmsford, Essex, CM99 2BW 0330 123 1815 Cautious Managed A Acc 233.00 - -1.20 3.17
AC Opp - Aremus Fund EUR A € 111.43 - 1.06 0.00 Global Equity Acc 208.42 210.72 -18.46 - Other International Funds Edinburgh Partners Limited (IRL) www.fundsmith.co.uk, enquiries@fundsmith.co.uk
Cheyne European Event Driven Fund € 137.14 - 0.99 0.00 27-31 Melville Street, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, EH2 4DJ +353 1 434 5143 Multi Asset Open Growth A-Acc £ 0.44 - -0.01 0.78 Authorised Inv Funds Cautious Managed A Inc 145.30 - -0.70 3.23
AC Risk Parity 7 Fund EUR A € 118.00 - 0.14 0.00 UK Equity Inc 139.09 140.49 -12.25 4.05
Barclays Investment Funds (CI) Ltd (JER) Dealing - Fax only - +353 1 434 5230
Cheyne European High Yield Fund € 136.72 - -3.22 0.00 Multi Asset Open Strategic A-Acc £ 1.20 - 0.00 1.33 Fundsmith Equity T Acc 196.44 - -1.40 1.22 China Opportunities A Acc 705.20 - -22.30 0.40
AC Risk Parity 12 Fund EUR A € 139.83 - 0.29 0.00 UK Equity Acc 203.52 205.57 -17.91 - FCA Recognised
39/41 Broad Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 3RR Channel Islands 01534 812800
Cheyne Malacca Asia Equity Fund Class A $ 1437.16 - 19.75 0.00 Edinburgh Partners Opportunities Fund PLC Multi Asset Open Strategic A-Inc £ 0.29 - 0.00 2.31 Fundsmith Equity T Inc 185.52 - -1.32 1.23 Emerging Markets Opportunities A Acc 131.30 - 0.70 0.77
AC Risk Parity 17 Fund EUR A € 85.80 - 0.26 0.00 FCA Recognised Fixed Interest Inc 165.61 166.27 1.17 3.96
Bond Funds Cheyne Multi Strategy Liquid Fund $ 127.99 - 0.31 - European Opportunities I EUR € 2.53 - 0.10 2.04 Multi Asset Strategic £ 1.49 - 0.00 0.52 European Growth A Acc 160.70 - -1.30 0.78
ACQ Risk Parity Bond Fund EUR A € 96.03 96.03 -0.17 0.00 Fixed Interest Acc 497.29 499.29 3.51 -
Sterling Bond F £ 0.46 - 0.00 3.36 European Opportunities I GBP £ 1.83 - 0.05 2.27 Open World A-Acc £ 1.10 - -0.02 0.00 European Selected Opportunities A Acc 1231.00 - -7.00 0.65
Cheyne Real Estate Credit Holdings Fund £ 151.98 - 0.89 0.00
Property Fund Inc 129.30 133.64 1.14 6.51 GAM Limited (2300)F (UK)
Cheyne Real Estate Debt Fund Class A1 £ 131.69 - 0.43 0.00 European Opportunities I USD $ 2.90 - 0.07 1.82 Multi Asset Income A Gross Acc £ 1.54 - 0.00 3.66 GAM Sterling Management Limited European Special Situations A Acc 94.66 - -0.29 1.05
Property Fund Acc 231.49 239.24 2.03 -
12 St James's Place London SW1A 1NX. 0800 919 927
Baring Fund Managers Ltd (1200)F (UK) Cheyne Total Return Credit Fund - December 2017 Class $ 197.53 - -6.47 0.00 European Opportunities A EUR € 2.47 - 0.09 1.42 Multi Asset Income A Gross Inc £ 1.09 - 0.00 5.13 Fixed Interest Monthly Income A Inc 21.89 22.96 0.02 5.48
Internet: gam.com
Dealing and Enquiries 020 7214 1004
Cheyne Total Return Credit Fund December 2019 $ 143.50 - 2.25 - Global Opportunities I USD $ 1.59 - -0.01 1.93 Multi Asset Income A Net Acc £ 1.46 - 0.00 3.68 Authorised Inv Funds Global Care Growth A Inc 187.60 - 3.50 0.11
Fund Information: www.barings.com CCLA Fund Managers Ltd (UK) GAM Funds OEIC
Authorised Inv Funds Senator House 85 Queen Victoria Street London EC4V 4ET Global Opportunities I GBP £ 1.02 - 0.00 1.85 Multi Asset Income A Net Inc £ 1.09 - 0.00 5.14 Global Equity Income A Inc 45.92 - -0.13 3.71
GAM Global Diversified Acc 3687.84 - 1.36 0.00
Dynamic Capital Growth Acc 633.00 668.00 -2.50 1.24 Property & Other UK Unit Trusts Global Opportunities I EUR € 1.39 - 0.01 1.87 South East Asia £ 7.10 - -0.05 0.12 Global Growth Fund 1885.20 1970.81 13.77 0.00
COIF Charity Funds (UK) Cohen & Steers SICAV (LUX) GAM North American Gwth Acc 2991.69 - -18.43 0.00
Dynamic Capital Growth Inc 253.30 267.30 -1.00 1.25 Regulated Global Opportunities A GBP £ 0.95 - -0.01 1.40 Special Situations £ 29.32 - -0.25 0.76 Global Technology A Acc 823.50 - -18.10 0.00
Algebris Investments (IRL) Investment Inc 1229.63 1243.23 -7.49 3.62
Asset Management
GAM UK Diversified Acc 1805.14 - 38.45 1.04
Regulated Eastern Acc GBP 573.70 - -2.70 0.00 European Real Estate Securities € 22.3525 - 0.6784 2.74 Pan European Opportunities I EUR € 1.54 - 0.06 - Strategic Bond £ 0.31 - 0.00 3.03 Multi-Manager Absolute Return A Acc 134.00 - -0.50 0.31
Algebris Financial Credit Fund - Class I EUR € 129.85 - -0.87 0.00 Eastern Inc GBP 563.00 - -2.70 0.00
Investment Acc

Ethical Invest Inc

11718.59 11848.21 -71.39

190.00 192.10 -1.28 3.73

Europ.RealEstate Sec. IX € 29.9245 - 0.9081 0.00 Strategic Bond Gross £ 0.31 - 0.00 3.02 Multi-Manager Active A Acc ▲ Asset Manageme 165.40 - 0.70 0.00
Algebris Financial Income Fund - Class I EUR € 117.79 - -2.90 0.00 Europe Select Inc GBP 2500.00 - 8.00 0.66 Gbl RealEstate Sec. I $ 10.1282 - -0.1467 2.18 Target 2015 £ 0.50 - 0.00 0.27 GAM Limited (IRL)
Multi-Manager Distribution A Inc 124.00 - 0.00 3.28
Ethical Invest Acc 242.21 244.89 -1.63 - FCA Recognised
Algebris Financial Equity Fund - Class B EUR € 96.46 - -1.82 - European Growth Inc 1006.00 1060.00 -3.00 1.36 Gbl RealEstate Sec. IX $ 11.9784 - -0.1734 0.00 Target 2015 - Gross £ 0.50 - 0.00 0.30 GAM Fund Management Ltd Multi-Manager Diversified A Acc 77.00 - -0.04 2.66
Global Equity Inc 145.29 146.90 -1.46 4.41
Algebris Asset Allocation Fund - Class B EUR € 97.98 - -0.48 - German Growth Acc GBP 565.20 - 4.00 0.29 Georges Court, 54-62 Townsend Street, Dublin 2 + 353 1 6093927
Target 2020 £ 0.55 - 0.01 0.50 Multi-Manager Global Select Acc 169.30 - -0.30 0.00
Global Equity Acc 213.36 215.72 -2.15 - GAM Star Fund Plc
German Growth Inc GBP 520.40 - 3.70 0.28 Target 2025 £ 1.26 - 0.01 0.27 Multi-Manager Income & Growth A Acc 147.90 - -0.10 2.15
Fixed Interest Inc 134.17 134.71 -0.96 4.14 GAM Star Asia-Pacific Eqty USD Acc F $ 11.28 - -0.17 0.00
Strategic Bond Inc 116.00 121.90 0.00 1.07 Target 2030 £ 1.34 - 0.02 0.24 Multi-Manager Income & Growth A Inc 136.90 - 0.00 2.18
Fixed Interest Acc 761.48 764.53 -5.42 - GAM Star Asian Eqty USD Ord Acc F $ 11.87 - 0.20 0.00
Global Growth Inc 354.80 373.70 -2.40 0.00 EFG Hermes UK Select £ 2.34 - -0.03 0.85 Multi-Manager Managed A Acc 219.00 - 0.60 0.41
Property Inc 111.19 114.92 -0.43 5.79 DIFC, The Gate Building, West Wing Level 6, PO BOX 30727, Dubai UAE GAM Star Balanced GBP Acc £ 9.92 - -0.16 0.00
Japan Growth Acc 128.50 135.40 1.80 0.26 Contact: Telephone + 971 4 363 4029 Email AMsales@EFG-HERMES.com UK Growth £ 3.44 - -0.02 0.00 Multi-Manager Managed A Inc 215.00 - 0.60 0.40
Property Acc 245.85 254.09 2.45 - GAM Star Cap.Appr.US Eqty USD Inc F $ 15.92 - -0.15 0.00
Korea Acc 257.40 272.60 6.40 0.00 Other International Funds
Local Authorities Property Fd (LAMIT) (UK) UK Smaller Companies £ 2.05 - -0.01 0.18 Sterling Bond Acc 194.46 203.19 -0.31 2.78
Comgest SA (FRA) The EFG-Hermes Egypt Fund $ 29.93 - - 0.00 GAM Star Cat Bond USD Acc $ 12.50 - 0.02 0.00
Multi Asset A Acc ... C 151.60 - -0.70 1.46 Property 274.76 295.14 2.73 4.81 WealthBuilder A Acc £ 0.97 - 0.02 0.61 Sterling Bond Inc 60.64 63.35 -0.09 2.82
17 square Edouard VII - 75009 Paris
Allianz Global Investors GmbH(1200) F (LUX) Middle East & Developing Africa Fund (Final) $ 19.81 - - 0.00 GAM Star Cautious GBP Acc £ 10.18 - -0.15 0.00
Multi Asset A Inc ... C 145.10 - -0.60 1.48 FCA Recognised Fidelity PathFinder Strategic Bond A Inc 126.50 - 0.10 5.31
FCA Recognised
Saudi Arabia Equity Fund SR 14.78 - -0.37 0.00 Fidelity PathFinder Foundation 1 Gross Acc (clean) £ 1.08 - 0.00 - GAM Star China Equity USD Acc F $ 20.20 - 0.21 0.00
UK Growth Inc 231.90 245.20 -1.60 1.46 Comgest Magellan € 17.94 - 0.55 0.00
Allianz Best Styles Global Equity £ 97.63 97.63 -0.95 - UK & Irish Smaller Companies A Acc 549.70 - 1.60 0.00
CG Asset Management Limited (IRL) GAM Star Cont European Eqty GBP Acc F £ 3.37 - 0.09 0.00
Charity Fund Fidelity PathFinder Foundation 1 Acc (clean) £ 1.07 - -0.01 -
Allianz Global Fundamental Strategy £ 101.06 101.06 -0.62 - Northern Trust, George's Court, 54-62 Townsend Street, Dublin 2, Rep of Ireland UK Absolute Return A Acc 146.30 - -0.20 0.00
0800 032 6347 (charity enquiries) 00 353 1 434 5098 GAM Star Cred Opportunities GBP Acc £ 12.29 - -0.02 4.58
Electric & General (1000)F (UK) Fidelity PathFinder Foundation 2 Acc (clean) £ 1.06 - 0.00 -
Allianz Global Small Cap Equity £ 103.14 103.14 -0.04 -
Targeted Return Fund Acc 139.90 140.70 -0.70 3.11 FCA Recognised
Comgest AM International Ltd (IRL) UK Alpha A Acc ♦ 109.80 - -0.40 0.96
46 St Stephen's Green, Dublin 2, Ireland Stuart House St.John's Street Peterborough PE1 5DD Fidelity PathFinder Foundation 3 Acc (clean) £ 1.03 - 0.00 - GAM Star Defensive GBP Acc £ 10.61 - -0.10 0.00
Capital Gearing Portfolio Fund Plc £ 26334.91 26334.91 -85.58 0.63 Orders & Enquiries: 0845 850 0255 UK Equity Income & Growth A Inc 593.90 - -1.60 3.70
Targeted Return Fund Inc 108.70 109.30 -0.60 3.18 FCA Recognised GAM Star Discretionary FX USD Acc F $ 12.44 - 0.16 0.00
Authorised Inv Funds Fidelity PathFinder Foundation 4 Acc (clean) £ 1.03 - -0.01 -
CG Portfolio Fund Plc UK Index A Acc 470.30 - -3.70 2.47
Amundi Funds (LUX) Comgest Gth Asia Pac ex Jap DIS F $ 7.13 - 0.10 0.12
Authorised Corporate Director - Carvetian Capital Management GAM Star Dynamic Gbl Bd USD Acc H $ 10.15 - -0.07 0.00
5 Allee Scheffer L-2520 Luxembourg + 44 (0)20 7074 9332 Fidelity PathFinder Foundation 5 Acc (clean) £ 1.09 - 0.00 -
Real Return Cls A £ 165.16 165.16 0.03 2.41 Comgest Gth Emerging Mkt DIS F $ 28.60 - 0.49 0.41 UK Property A Acc 193.08 203.24 0.05 4.04
www.amundi-funds.com Baring International Fd Mgrs (Ireland) (IRL) Electric&General Net Income A 131.80 - -1.00 2.01 GAM Star Emerg. Market Rates USD Acc F $ 11.42 - 0.00 0.00
Fidelity PathFinder Focussed 1 Gross Acc (clean) £ 1.09 - 0.00 -
Northern Trust, George Court 54-62 Townsend Street, Dublin 2 Rep of Ireland 020 7214 1004 Dollar Fund Cls D £ 127.48 127.48 -0.19 1.63 Comgest Gth Europe DIS F € 19.52 - 0.69 0.00 UK Property A Inc 97.68 102.81 0.03 4.16
FCA Recognised GAM Star European Eqty USD Acc F $ 23.11 - 0.64 0.00
FCA Recognised Fidelity PathFinder Focussed 1 Acc (clean) £ 1.08 - -0.01 -
Bd. Euro Corporate AE Class - R - EUR € 18.40 - -0.06 0.00 Capital Value Fund Cls V £ 128.26 128.26 -0.55 0.27 Comgest Gth GEM PC DIS F € 11.22 - 0.30 0.14 UK Tracker A Acc 210.10 - -1.80 2.20
ASEAN Frontiers A GBP Inc £ 97.83 - -0.56 0.57 Ennismore Smaller Cos Plc (IRL) Fidelity PathFinder Focused 2 Acc (Clean) £ 1.09 - 0.00 - GAM Star Flexible Gbl Port GBP Ac £ 12.18 - 0.01 0.00
Bd. Global AU Class - R - USD $ 25.84 - -0.25 0.00 US Growth A Acc 699.70 - -8.90 0.00
5 Kensington Church St, London W8 4LD 020 7368 4220 GAM Star GAMCO US Equity Acc F $ 12.16 - -0.12 0.00
Asia Growth A GBP Inc H £ 38.75 - -0.11 0.00 Fidelity PathFinder Focussed 3 Acc (clean) £ 1.07 - 0.00 -
Eq. Emerging Europe AE Class - R - EUR € 26.83 - -0.24 0.00 FCA Recognised
Australia A GBP Inc £ 61.65 - -0.98 1.94
Consistent Unit Tst Mgt Co Ltd (1200)F (UK)
Fidelity PathFinder Focussed 4 Acc (clean) £ 1.07 - 0.00 - GAM Star Global Rates USD Acc F $ 12.74 - -0.02 0.00

Asset Management
Ennismore European Smlr Cos NAV £ 96.66 - -0.35 0.00
Eq. Emerging World AU Class - R - USD $ 77.68 - 1.61 0.00 PO BOX 10117, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 9JB

Asset Management Asset Management

Baring China Bond Fund $ 9.77 - -0.01 0.00 Fidelity PathFinder Focussed 5 Acc (clean) £ 1.09 - 0.02 - GAM Star Global Selector USD Acc F $ 12.54 - 0.00 0.00
Dealing & Client Services 0845 0264281 Ennismore European Smlr Cos NAV € 132.95 - 1.08 0.00
Eq. Greater China AU Class - R - USD $ 514.39 - 4.98 0.00
Authorised Inv Funds GAM Star Japan Eqty USD Acc F $ 12.39 - -0.49 0.00
Baring Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund $ 9.27 - 0.01 0.00 Fidelity PathFinder Freedom 1 Gross Acc (clean) £ 1.06 - 0.00 -
Eq. Latin America AU Class - R - USD $ 329.05 - 2.59 0.00 Consistent UT Inc 52.39 53.01 -0.46 4.47
Baring European Opportunities Fund Class A EUR Acc € 12.98 - -0.04 0.00 Fidelity PathFinder Freedom 2 Acc (clean) £ 1.04 - 0.00 - GAM Star Keynes Quant Strat USD Acc F $ 12.34 - -0.15 0.00
Gl. Macro Bds & Curr Low Vol AHG - GBP £ 98.94 - 0.03 0.00 Consistent UT Acc 122.10 123.55 -1.08 4.33 Ennismore European Smlr Cos Hedge Fd
GAM Star Local EM Rates and FX USD Acc $ 10.78 - 0.07 0.00
Baring Global Mining Fund - Class A GBP Inc £ 3.77 - -0.07 0.55 Canada Life Investments (UK) Other International Funds Fidelity PathFinder Freedom 1 Acc (clean) £ 1.05 - -0.01 -
1-6 Lombard St, London, EC3V 9JU, Dealing: 0845 606 6180 Practical Investment Inc 201.93 206.77 -1.78 3.72 GAM Star North of South EM Equity Acc F $ 9.13 - -0.56 0.00
Dynamic Emerging Markets A GBP Acc F £ 8.49 - -0.01 0.00 NAV € 482.14 - 6.07 0.00 Fidelity PathFinder Freedom 3 Acc (clean) £ 1.01 - 0.00 -
Authorised Inv Funds
Hermes Investment Funds Plc (IRL)
The Antares European Fund Limited Practical Investment Acc 961.85 984.90 -8.44 3.63 GAM Star Technology USD Acc F $ 14.00 - 0.09 0.00 Hermes Investment Management Limited, 1 Portsoken Street, London E1 8HZ +44 (0) 207 680 2121
Eastern Europe A GBP Inc £ 36.82 - 0.14 1.77 Asia Pacific B Acc 743.32 - 15.01 0.93 Fidelity PathFinder Freedom 4 Acc (clean) £ 1.00 - 0.00 -
Other International FCA Recognised
Emerging Mkt Debt LC A GBP Hedged Inc £ 7.39 - -0.07 6.62 GAM Star US All Cap Eqty USD Acc F $ 12.40 - -0.15 0.00
AEF Ltd Usd $ 630.92 - -19.03 - Balanced B Acc 140.17 - -0.44 0.92 Equinox Fund Mgmt (Guernsey) Limited (GSY) Fidelity PathFinder Freedom 5 Acc (clean) £ 1.03 - -0.01 -
Hermes Abs Return Credit Fund Class F Acc £ £ 0.97 0.97 0.00 -
Regulated GAM Star Worldwide Eqty USD Acc F $ 3171.83 - 51.16 0.00
AEF Ltd Eur € 633.71 - -18.64 0.00 Emerging Opportunities A GBP Inc H £ 16.19 - -0.02 0.00 Corporate Bond B Inc 204.34 - -0.56 4.08 Fidelity PathFinder Income 1 Income (clean) £ 1.02 - 0.00 3.93
Hermes Abs Return Credit Fund Class R Acc € € 1.92 1.92 0.03 -
Equinox Russian Opportunities Fund Limited $ 113.57 - 2.96 0.00
Glb Emerging Markets A GBP Inc H £ 16.52 - -0.05 0.00 European B Acc 240.91 - -0.74 0.00 Fidelity PathFinder Income 1 Gross Income (clean) £ 1.02 - 0.00 4.81
Hermes Active UK Inflation Fund Class F Acc £ 1.31 1.31 -0.01 0.00
Glb Resources A GBP Inc H £ 10.08 - -0.15 0.35 Global Bond B Inc 90.26 - 0.63 2.78 Fidelity PathFinder Income 2 Income (clean) £ 1.02 - 0.00 3.71 GYS Investment Management Ltd (GSY)
Hermes Asia Ex-Japan Equity Fund Class F Acc £ 1.33 1.33 0.03 0.00
Arisaig Partners Regulated
Other International Funds High Yield Bond A GBP Hedged Inc H £ 6.39 - 0.04 6.79 Euronova Asset Management UK LLP (CYM) Fidelity PathFinder Income 2 gross £ 1.03 - 0.00 4.68
Global Equity B Acc 557.56 - -3.51 1.67 Hermes Asia Ex-Japan Equity Fund Class R Acc € 2.90 2.90 0.06 0.00
Regulated Taurus Emerging Fund Ltd $ 171.11 174.60 -15.93 0.00
Arisaig Africa Consumer Fund Limited $ 14.70 - -0.03 0.00 Hong Kong China A GBP Inc £ 505.36 - -10.40 0.57 Fidelity PathFinder Income 2 Gross Income (clean) £ 1.02 - 0.00 4.62
Global Equity Income B Inc 115.10 - -0.32 4.13 Crèdit Andorrà Asset Management (LUX) Smaller Cos Cls One Shares (Est) € 33.47 - -1.57 0.00 Hermes Global Emerging Markets Fund Class F Acc £ 1.05 1.05 0.01 0.00
Arisaig Asia Consumer Fund Limited $ 60.02 - 0.76 0.00 India Fund - Class A GBP Inc £ 13.62 - -0.01 0.00 www.creditandorra.com Fidelity PathFinder Income 3 Income (clean) £ 1.02 - 0.00 4.29
Global High Yield Bond B Inc 94.82 - 0.20 4.71 Smaller Cos Cls Two Shares (Est) € 23.54 - -1.00 0.00 Hermes Global Emerging Markets Fund Class R Acc € 2.65 2.65 0.00 0.00
Arisaig Global Emerging Markets Consumer Fund $ 9.74 - 0.13 0.00 FCA Recognised Institutional OEIC Funds Generali International Limited
Latin America A USD Inc H $ 26.54 - -0.75 0.20 Global Infrastructure B Acc 104.38 - -0.52 1.32 Smaller Cos Cls Three Shares (Est) € 11.86 - -0.49 0.00 PO Box 613, Generali House, Hirzel Street, St Peter Port, Guernesy, GY1 4PA 01481 714108 Hermes Global Equity Fund Class F Acc £ 1.37 1.37 0.00 0.00
Crediinvest SICAV Money Market Eur I € 11.21 - 0.00 0.00 America £ 3.61 - -0.05 0.53
Arisaig Global Emerging Markets Consumer UCITS € 11.03 - 0.30 0.00 MENA A GBP Inc F * £ 11.81 - -0.02 0.57 International Insurances
Global Resource B Acc 69.80 - -0.30 0.13 Smaller Cos Cls Four Shares (Est) € 15.19 - -0.68 0.00 Hermes Global Equity Fund Class R Acc € 3.60 3.60 -0.01 0.00
Crediinvest SICAV Money Market Usd A $ 10.02 - 0.00 0.00 Emerging Markets £ 2.83 - 0.00 0.81
Arisaig Global Emerging Markets Consumer UCITS STG £ 10.24 - 0.16 0.00 Global Multi-Strategy Managed $ 4.91 5.29 0.00 0.00
Japan B Acc 48.95 - 0.62 0.62 Hermes Global ESG Equity Fund Class F Acc £ 1.05 1.05 0.00 0.00
Crediinvest SICAV Fixed Income Eur € 10.73 - 0.00 0.00 Europe £ 3.94 - -0.02 1.53
Arisaig Latin America Consumer Fund $ 19.69 - 0.30 0.00 UK Multi-Strategy Managed £ 4.93 5.31 -0.02 0.00
Baring International Fd Mgrs (Ireland) (IRL) Portfolio III B Acc 105.49 - -0.29 2.02
Asset Management
Hermes Global High Yield Bond Fund Class F Acc £ 1.07 1.07 -0.01 0.00
Crediinvest SICAV Fixed Income Usd $ 10.48 - -0.01 0.00 Fidelity Pre-Retirement Bond Fund £ 117.10 - -0.30 3.07
Regulated EU Multi-Strategy Managed € 3.08 3.32 0.01 0.00
Portfolio IV B Acc 106.53 - -0.31 2.20 Hermes Global High Yield Bond Fund Class R Acc € 2.80 2.80 0.01 0.00
China A-Share A GBP Inc £ 5.70 - 0.14 0.00 Crediinvest SICAV Spanish Value € 256.07 - 6.51 0.00 Global Focus £ 2.62 - -0.03 0.80 Global Bond USD $ 3.49 3.77 -0.02 0.00
Portfolio V B Acc 104.73 - -0.23 1.34 Hermes Global Small Cap Fund Class F Acc £ £ 0.91 0.91 0.00 -
Crediinvest SICAV International Value € 215.63 - 6.81 0.00 Index Linked Bond £ 2.67 - -0.03 0.72
Portfolio VI B Acc 103.01 - -0.20 1.44 Hermes Global Small Cap Fund Class R Acc € € 1.80 1.80 0.00 -
Crediinvest SICAV Big Cap Value € 16.83 - 0.62 0.00 Index Linked Bond Gross £ 3.22 - -0.03 0.72
Barings (Luxembourg) (LUX)
Portfolio VII B Acc 98.99 - -0.16 1.16 Genesis Asset Managers LLP Hermes Multi Asset Inflation Fund Class F GBP Acc £ 0.98 0.98 0.00 -
FCA Recognised Crediinvest SICAV US American Value $ 17.09 - -0.20 0.00 Index-Linked Bond Fund Gross Inc £ 12.59 - -0.12 0.72 Other International Funds
North American B Acc 748.96 - -9.74 1.05 Eurobank Fund Management Company (Luxembourg) S.A. Hermes Multi Strategy Credit Fund Class F Acc Hed £ 1.03 1.03 0.00 0.00
Russia A GBP Inc F £ 21.75 - 0.77 0.00 Crediinvest SICAV Sustainability € 14.28 - -0.31 0.00 Japan £ 1.94 - 0.01 0.78 Emerging Mkts NAV £ 4.75 - 0.07 0.00
Strategic Return B Acc 96.77 - -0.54 0.00 Hermes Sourcecap EU Alpha Fund Class F Acc £ 1.23 1.23 0.00 0.00
Artemis Fund Managers Ltd (1200)F (UK) (LF) Absolute Return € 1.28 - 0.00 0.00 Long Bond £ 0.51 - 0.00 2.90
57 St. James's Street, London SW1A 1LD 0800 092 2051 Total Return B Acc 99.21 - -0.59 2.88 Hermes Sourcecap EU Alpha Fund Class F Dis £ 1.19 1.19 -0.01 1.29
Barmac Asset Management Ltd (UK) DAVIS Funds SICAV (LUX) (LF) Balanced - Active Fund (RON)RON 16.34 - 0.17 0.00 Long Bond Gross £ 0.82 - -0.01 2.84
Authorised Inv Funds UK Equity B Inc 104.66 - -0.55 1.45
Guardian (UK)
40 Dukes Place, London, EC3A 7NH Regulated Hermes Sourcecap EU Alpha Fund Class R Acc € 2.98 2.98 -0.02 0.00
(LF) Cash Fund € € 1.16 - 0.01 - Long Bond Fund Gross Inc £ 11.29 - -0.04 2.90 Ballam Road, Lytham St Annes, Lancashire, FY8 4JZ 01253 733 151
Artemis Capital R ACC 1209.82 1278.57 -2.06 1.24 Authorised Corporate Director - Capita Financial Managers UK Equity & Bond Income B Inc 223.14 - -0.92 4.37 Davis Value A $ 37.76 - -0.33 0.00 Insurances Hermes Sourcecap EX UK Fund Class F Acc £ 1.29 1.29 0.00 0.00
Dealing: 0845 922 0044 (LF) Cash Fund (RON) RON 15.61 - 0.00 0.00 Pacific (Ex Japan) £ 3.23 - -0.04 1.86
Artemis European Growth R Acc 235.06 248.27 0.68 1.17 Guardian Assurance
Authorised Inv Funds UK Equity Income B Inc 393.53 - -2.02 4.17 Davis Global A $ 27.03 - 0.26 0.00 Hermes Sourcecap EX UK Fund Class R Acc € 3.03 3.03 -0.02 0.00
(LF) Eq Emerging Europe € 0.68 - 0.02 0.00 Pan European £ 2.55 - -0.01 2.00
Artemis European Opps R Acc 71.65 75.63 0.05 0.81 Equity S-GH Class B £ 11.83 - -0.09 -
The Castleton Growth Fund Ret Acc 2 113.52 - 0.10 0.00 UK Government Bond B Inc 47.26 - -0.07 1.30 Hermes UK Small & Mid Cap Fund Class F Acc £ 1.58 1.58 -0.01 0.00
(LF) Eq Flexi Style Greece € 0.94 - -0.05 - Reduced Duration UK Corporate Bond £ 10.49 - 0.00 3.15
Artemis Global Emg Mkts I GBP Acc 76.73 - 0.54 - Managed Fund Bond £ 22.39 23.32 0.11 -
The Castleton Growth Fund Ret Inc 2 112.17 - 0.10 0.00 Hermes UK Small & Mid Cap Fund Class R Acc € 4.76 4.76 -0.03 0.00
Discretionary Unit Fund Mngrs (1000)F (UK) (LF) Global Bond Fd € 11.97 - -0.02 0.00 Reduced Duration UK Corporate Bond Gross £ 10.66 - 0.00 3.15
Artemis Global Emg Mkts I GBP Dist 76.73 - 0.54 - Choices Wth-Pfts Lg-tm 319.50 336.30 0.00 -
The Castleton Growth Fund Ret Acc X F 109.90 - 0.09 0.00 1 Poultry, London EC2R 8JR 020 7 415 4130 Hermes US All Cap Equity Class F Stg £ Acc £ 0.88 0.88 0.00 -
Capita Asset Services (UK) (LF) Global Equities € 1.07 - 0.02 0.00 Reduced Duration UK Corporate Bond Inc £ 9.93 - 0.00 3.15
Artemis Global Energy R Acc 20.37 21.59 -0.17 0.00 Authorised Inv Funds Choices Wth-Pfts St-tm 270.80 285.00 0.00 -
The Castleton Growth Fund Ret Inc X F 110.35 - 0.09 0.00 40 Dukes Place, London EC3A 7NH Hermes US All Cap Equity Class R € Acc € 1.73 1.73 -0.01 -
Order Desk 08459 220044 Switchboard 0870 607 2555 Disc Inc 1583.50 1632.50 -6.30 0.00 (LF) Eq Mena Fund € 13.21 - 0.41 0.00 Reduced Duration UK Corp Bond Gross Inc £ 9.94 - 0.00 3.15
Artemis Global Growth R Acc 170.36 179.77 -0.12 0.80 Choices Managed 586.04 616.88 3.55 -
Authorised Inv Funds Hermes US SMID Equity Fund Class F Acc £ 1.47 1.47 0.00 0.00
Do Accum 5941.20 6125.00 -23.70 0.00 (LF) Greek Government Bond € 16.39 - 0.55 - Select Emerging Markets Equities £ 1.06 - 0.00 1.58
Artemis Global Income R Acc 89.20 94.26 -0.11 3.79 Choices Equity 656.92 691.49 8.25 -
BlackRock (JER) CF Heartwood Cautious B Acc X 125.40 - -0.23 0.12 Hermes US SMID Equity Fund Class R Acc € 3.14 3.14 -0.01 0.00
(LF) Income Plus $ $ 1.22 - 0.00 0.00 Select European Eqts £ 1.73 - 0.01 1.88
Artemis Global Income R Inc 71.83 75.90 -0.08 3.91 Freedom With Pfts Long-Tm 219.30 230.80 0.00 -
Regulated CF Heartwood Cautious Income B Inc X 109.27 - -0.17 2.10
(LF) Greek Corporate Bond € 10.05 - 0.09 - Select Global Equities £ 2.78 - -0.03 1.10
Artemis Global select R Acc 65.96 69.60 -0.39 0.00 BlackRock UK Property £ 40.34 - 0.00 3.57 Freedom With Pfts Short-Tm 197.20 207.60 0.00 -
CF Heartwood Growth B Acc X 136.42 - -0.21 0.70 Hermes Property Unit Trust (UK)
(LF) FOF Balanced Blend € 1.36 - 0.01 0.00 South East Asia £ 3.19 - -0.03 2.00
Artemis High Income R Inc 78.14 83.19 -0.01 5.71 Blackrock UK Long Lease £ 1057.79 - 1.80 0.00 Freedom Managed 344.37 362.49 1.69 -
CF Heartwood Balanced Income B Inc X 110.03 - -0.33 2.62 Property & Other UK Unit Trusts
(LF) FOF Equity Blend € 1.23 - 0.03 0.00 Sterling Core Plus Bond Gr Accum £ 2.05 - 0.00 3.48
Artemis Income R Inc 198.07 209.84 -1.67 4.22 BLK Intl Gold & General $ 3.88 4.10 -0.17 0.00 Freedom Equity 386.68 407.03 3.89 - Property £ 5.58 5.95 0.03 3.15
CF Heartwood Balanced B Acc X 120.64 - -0.12 0.35
(LF) FOF Glob. Emerging Mkts € 0.79 - 0.02 0.00 Sterling Core Plus Bond Inc £ 1.33 - -0.01 3.59
Artemis Income R Acc 331.91 351.64 -2.80 4.10 Corp Pens Mananged 206.89 206.89 1.26 -
CF Heartwood Defensive Multi Asset Fund B Accumulation 108.62 - -0.09 0.01
(LF) FOF Dynamic Fixed Inc € 11.21 - -0.03 0.00 UK £ 3.41 - -0.03 2.21
Artemis Monthly Dist R Inc 60.64 64.33 0.22 4.71 Corp Pens Equity 214.47 214.47 2.69 -
CF Richmond Core X 174.16 - -0.07 0.00 Dodge & Cox Worldwide Funds (IRL) Hermes UK Residential Real Estate (UK)
(LF) FOF Real Estate € 15.12 - -0.03 0.00 UK Aggreg Bond Gr Accum £ 1.81 - 0.00 3.11
Artemis Pan-Euro Abs Ret GBP 109.45 - 0.35 - 6 Duke Street,St.James,London SW1Y 6BN Corp Pens Fixed Interest 297.67 297.67 -1.56 - Property & Other UK Unit Trusts
CF Seneca Diversified Growth A ACC 209.01 - -0.25 1.38
Artemis Strategic Assets R Acc 72.91 77.23 -0.52 0.00 www.dodgeandcox.worldwide.com 020 3713 7664 UK Aggregate Bond Inc £ 1.22 - 0.00 3.19 VISTA UK Residential Real Estate £ 1.02 1.06 0.03 -
Corp Pens Index Linked 334.16 334.16 -2.94 -
CF Seneca Diversified Growth B ACC 123.46 - -0.14 1.36 FCA Recognised
Artemis Strategic Bond R M Acc 83.40 88.56 0.09 4.01 UK Corporate Bond £ 1.22 - 0.00 3.97
Dodge & Cox Worldwide Funds plc - Global Bond Fund Corp Pens Deposit 190.76 190.76 0.00 -
CF Seneca Diversified Growth N ACC 122.32 - -0.14 1.18
Artemis Strategic Bond R M Inc 54.23 57.58 0.06 4.08 UK Corporate Bond - Gross £ 2.25 - -0.01 3.84
EUR Accumulating Class € 11.20 - 0.10 0.00 Corp Pens Protector 364.41 364.41 -3.83 -
CF Seneca Diversified Income A INC 86.90 - 0.15 5.18
UK Corporate Bond Fund Gross Inc £ 11.03 - -0.07 3.96
24 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 27 August 2015


Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield

Global Equity (No Trail) inc ♦ F 181.29 - -1.18 0.99 Diversified Real Ret Inc 48.76xd - -0.45 1.09 Strategic Bond A Acc 178.99 - -0.03 1.85 Vantage 1500 (EUR) MA € 10.20 - -0.02 0.00 US Conc.Growth A1 $ 14.12 - -0.15 0.00 Mir. -Eq Spain A € 25.93 - 0.93 0.00 Asia Pac Eq GBP Ord Inc £ 86.20 - 0.86 3.47

Global Equity Income (No Trail ) Acc ♦ F 233.12 - -2.50 3.15 Emerging Mkts Acc 125.10 - -1.00 0.83 Strategic Bond A Inc 118.89 - -0.02 1.85 Vantage 3000 (EUR) MA € 10.30 - -0.03 0.00 US Government Bond A1 $ 17.08 - -0.08 0.00 Mir. - Eq Swiss Sm/Mid A SFr 306.92 - 9.66 0.00 Asia Pac Eq USD Ord Inc $ 86.73 - 0.87 2.90
Impax Asset Management (IRL)
Norfolk House, 31 St James's Square, London, SW1Y 4JR Global Equity Income (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 194.33 - -2.09 3.22 Emerging Mkts Inc 53.79 - -0.44 0.83 UK Equity Absolute Return A Acc 118.70 - 0.10 0.00 PrivilEdge Value A1 $ 20.19 - -0.26 0.00 Mir. - Glb High Yield Bds A $ 108.85 - -0.06 - Asia Pac Eq USD Inst Acc $ 91.92 - 0.93 0.00
FCA Recognised Inc.Pt.RMB Dt.CNH PA CNH 101.40 - -0.06 0.00
Global ex UK Core Equity Index ( No Trail) Acc ♦ F 156.83 - -1.77 1.31 Emrg Mkts Inc Acc... C 45.88xd - -0.28 5.78 UK Equity A Acc 221.33 - 0.13 1.42 Mir. - Glb Eq High Income A USD $ 96.23 - -0.25 0.00 Asia Pac Eq USD Inst Inc $ 96.79 - 0.98 3.57
Env Mkts (Ire) Stl A £ 2.01 - 0.01 0.00
Inc.Pt.RMB Dt.SH CHF PA SFr 9.61 - -0.03 0.00
Global ex UK Enhanced Index ( No Trail) Acc ♦ F 183.74 - -1.92 1.71 Emrg Mkts Inc Inc... C 40.35xd - -0.25 5.98 UK Equity Income A Acc 194.80 - -1.38 4.24 Mir. - Glb Strat. Bd A USD $ 105.09 - 0.04 0.00 Dyn Europ Eq EUR Ord Inc € 167.47 - 6.03 1.30
Env Mkts (Ire) Euro A € 1.90 - 0.03 0.00 MMIP Investment Management Limited (GSY)
Inc.Pt.RMB Dt.SH EUR PA € 9.68 - -0.02 0.00 Regulated
Gbl Fin Cap No Trail Acc 178.28 - -0.13 4.26 Europe Acc 1010.00 - 1.00 1.54 UK Equity Income A Inc 152.24 - -1.09 4.36 Dyn Europ Eq GBP Ord Inc £ 177.87 - 6.76 1.64
Env Mkts (Ire) USD A $ 1.65 - 0.00 0.00 Multi-Manager Investment Programmes PCC Limited
Inc.Pt.RMB Dt.USD PA $ 9.73 - -0.03 0.00
Gbl Fin Cap No Trail Inc 153.12 - -0.11 4.39 Europe Inc 58.11 - 0.00 1.54 UK Opportunities A Acc 158.74 - 0.05 1.33 Dyn Europ Eq USD Ord Inc $ 167.17 - 6.43 1.22
European Equity Fd Cl A Initial Ser € 2630.39 2630.39 115.75 0.00
Jenn. US Eq.Opp. USD PA $ 9.01 - -0.11 0.00
Global Opportunities (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 226.48 - -2.89 0.95 Eur Dynamic exUK Acc 156.90 - 0.20 0.83 UK Smaller Companies A Acc 269.57 - 0.17 0.65 China Equity EUR Ord Acc € 124.64 - -0.74 0.00
Japanese Equity Fd Cl A Initial Ser ¥ 374586.00 374586.00 2750.00 0.00
INDIA VALUE INVESTMENTS LIMITED (INVIL) Neubrg.Berman US Core PA $ 12.86 - -0.17 0.00
Global Smaller Companies (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 230.83 - 0.02 0.39 Eur Dynamic exUK £ hdg Acc 179.70 - -0.70 0.73 China Equity GBP Ord Acc £ 129.89 - -0.66 0.00
www.invil.mu MMIP - US EQUITY CLASS A 01 June 07 Series $ 1343.33 1343.33 -11.03 0.00
Sands US Growth PA € 12.68 - -0.05 0.00
Other International Funds Global Smaller Companies (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 220.56 - 0.02 0.39 Eur Dynamic exUK Inc 72.01 - 0.06 0.83 China Equity USD Ord Acc $ 126.53 - -0.63 0.00
Kames Capital Investment Portfolios ICVC (UK) Pacific Basin Fd Cl A Initial Ser $ 2267.99 2281.49 -101.36 0.00
NAV £ 7.55 - -0.03 0.00 Kames House, 3 Lochside Crescent, Edinburgh EH12 9SA Sands US Growth PA $ 15.33 - -0.06 0.00
Global Targeted Rets (No Trail) Acc 111.80 - -0.28 0.84 Eur Smaller Cos Acc 452.30 - 3.80 0.00 China Equity USD Inst Acc $ 129.77 - -0.65 0.00
0800 45 44 22 www.kamescapital.com UK Equity Fd Cl A Series 01 £ 2405.27 2429.26 50.96 0.00
Will.Blair Gbl. Ldrs PA € 14.30 - 0.21 0.00 Montello Real Estate Opportunity Fund (LUX)
High Income (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 167.16 - -0.59 3.35 Eur Smaller Cos Inc 58.83 - 0.50 0.00 Global Val.Cr.Fd GBP Ord Inc £ 110.94 - 0.05 3.57
Authorised Funds Diversified Absolute Rtn Fd USD Cl AF2 $ 1647.35 - 7.55 0.00 101 New Cavendish Street,London W1W 6XH
Will.Blair Gbl. Ldrs PA $ 12.17 - 0.01 0.00
Intrinsic Value Investors (IVI) LLP (IRL) High Income (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 122.90 - -0.43 3.43 Fusion Balanced Acc 53.07 - -0.03 0.49 Property Income B Acc 116.34 - -0.08 - Regulated Global Val.Cr.Fd USD Inst Acc $ 122.48 - 0.06 0.00
Diversified Absolute Return Stlg Cell AF2 £ 1667.95 - 7.74 0.00
1 Hat & Mitre Court, 88 St John Street, London EC1M 4EL +44 (0)20 7566 1210 Montello Real Estate Opportunity Fund II £ 1134.60 - 8.02 0.00
High Yield Fund (No Trail) Acc 221.99 - 1.24 4.60 Fusion Balanced Inc 53.05 - -0.04 0.49 Property Income B Inc 109.58 - -0.09 - Global Val.Cr.Fd GBP Ord Acc £ 176.71 - 0.08 0.00
FCA Recognised
High Yield Fund (No Trail) Inc 165.48 - 0.92 4.71 Fusion Conservative Acc 52.79 - -0.05 0.67 Lothbury Property Trust (UK) Global Val.Cr.Fd USD Ord Acc $ 165.91 - 0.08 0.00
IVI European Fund EUR € 17.42 - 0.44 0.00
155 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3TQ +44(0) 20 3551 4900 Manek Investment Mgmt Ltd (1000)F (UK)
Hong Kong & China (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 164.28 - -4.55 1.23 Fusion Conservative Inc 52.68 - -0.05 0.69 MW Japan Fund Plc (IRL) Global Val.Cr.Fd EUR Ord Acc € 154.87 - 0.04 0.00
IVI European Fund GBP £ 17.18 - 0.23 0.99 Kames Capital VCIC (IRL) Property & Other UK Unit Trusts P.O.Box 100, Swindon SN1 1WR 0844 800 9401
Income & Growth (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 215.32 - -1.08 3.99 Fusion Growth Acc 54.06 - 0.06 0.49 1 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland +35 3162 24493 Authorised Inv Funds FCA Recognised Swiss Select Equity Inst Acc SFr 112.26 - 3.65 0.00
Lothbury Property Trust GBP £ 1732.06 1858.39 27.09 3.34
FCA Recognised Growth Fd Acc 56.26 59.48 0.38 0.00 MW Japan Fund PLC A $ 23.78 - 0.67 -
Income & Growth (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 170.45 - -0.86 4.10 Fusion Growth Inc 54.05 - 0.05 0.49 Swiss Select Equity Ord Acc SFr 111.20 - 3.61 0.00
Absolute Return Bond B GBP Acc 1077.45 - -0.01 - MW Japan Fund PLC B $ 24.01 - 0.68 -
Income (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 166.16 - -0.48 3.17 Fusion Growth + Acc 55.11 - 0.15 0.50 US Growth USD Ord Acc $ 193.01 - -0.55 0.00
Eq Market Neutral B Acc 1017.57 - 0.78 - MW Japan Fund PLC C $ 91.00 - 2.12 -
Income (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 123.54 - -0.36 3.25 Fusion Growth + Inc 55.11 - 0.15 0.50 Manulife Global Fund (LUX) US Growth EUR Ord Acc € 185.30 - -0.61 0.00
Eq Market Neutral Plus B Acc 1028.72 - 2.58 - 31 Z.A. Bourmicht, L-8070 Bertrange, Luxembourg
Japan (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 142.20 - 0.61 0.76 Fusion Income Acc...C 52.84 - -0.06 2.46 US Growth GBP Ord Acc £ 193.97 - -0.56 0.00
High Yield Global Bond A GBP Inc 527.00 - 2.03 3.76 www.manulife.com.hk
Japanese Smaller Companies (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 158.00 - 4.08 0.00 Fusion Income Inc...C 50.53 - -0.06 2.48 FCA Recognised Morant Wright Funds (Ireland) PLC (IRL) US Growth USD Inst Acc $ 177.88 - -0.50 0.00
High Yield Global Bond B GBP Inc 1094.58 - 4.22 4.27 FCA Recognised
Invesco Fund Managers Ltd (UK) Latin American (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 93.06 - 0.15 2.16 Global Allocation Acc 52.31 - -0.35 0.67 American Growth Fund Class A F $ 28.1562 - -0.3893 0.00 Wealthy Nat Bd EUR Inst Inc € 107.58 - -0.14 3.76
Investment Grade Global Bd A GBP Inc 554.62 - -2.53 2.56 Morant Wright Fuji Yield EUR Acc Hedged € 10.72 - 0.28 -
Perptual Park, Henley-On-Thames, Oxon, RG9 1HH M & G Securities (1200)F (UK)
Asset Management
Latin American (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 84.99 - 0.14 2.19 Global Allocation Inc 51.97 - -0.34 0.67 American Growth Fund Class AA F $ 1.5989 - -0.0221 0.00 Wealthy Nat Bd GBP Inst Inc £ 111.46 - -0.14 3.61
Dealing: 0800 085 8571 Kames Global Equity Income B GBP Acc 1053.14 - 1.98 - PO Box 9039, Chelmsford, CM99 2XG Morant Wright Fuji Yield EUR Dist Hedged € 10.67 - 0.28 -
Investor Services: 0800 085 8677
Managed Growth (No Trail) Acc ♦ F

Managed Growth (No Trail) Inc ♦ F



-0.58 1.21

-0.53 1.22
Global Bond exUK Acc

Global Bond exUK Inc



-1.20 0.76

-1.00 0.76
Kames Global Equity Income B GBP Inc 1007.64 - 1.90 -
www.mandg.co.uk Enq: 0800 390 390, Dealing: 0800 328 3196
Authorised Inv Funds
American Growth Fund Class AA (HKD) FHK$ 9.9096

Asian Equity Fund Class A F $ 2.6967


-0.1378 0.00

0.0113 0.40
Morant Wright Fuji Yield GBP Acc Hedged £ 10.94 - 0.29 -
Wealthy Nat Bd EUR Ord Inc

Wealthy Nat Bd GBP Ord Inc

Asset Manageme€ 106.85

£ 112.10

-0.14 3.52

-0.13 3.34
Authorised Inv Funds Strategic Global Bond A GBP Inc 1098.98 - 0.05 0.58 Morant Wright Fuji Yield GBP Dist Hedged £ 10.71 - 0.28 -
Charifund Inc 1380.78 - -7.65 4.94 Asian Equity Fund Class AA F $ 0.8674 - 0.0036 0.00
INVESCO PERPETUAL Funds Managed Income (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 181.90 - -0.57 3.09 Global Bond Opport. Acc 49.06xd - 0.04 2.87 Wealthy Nat Bd USD Ord Inc $ 109.11 - -0.13 3.32
Strategic Global Bond B GBP Inc 623.21 - 0.06 1.08 Morant Wright Fuji Yield USD Acc Hedged $ 10.64 - 0.28 -
Asian Acc ♦ F 381.65 - -0.09 0.89 Charifund Acc 18737.75 - -103.91 4.79 Asian Small Cap Equity Fund Class AA F $ 1.8796 - 0.0287 0.00 New Capital Alternative Strategies
Managed Income (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 150.65 - -0.47 3.15 Global Bond Opport. Inc 48.65xd - 0.04 2.90
Morant Wright Fuji Yield USD Dist Hedged $ 10.77 - 0.28 -
Asian Inc ♦ F 342.78 - -0.09 0.89 M&G Corporate Bond A Acc 62.14xd - -0.15 3.09 Asian Small Cap Equity Fund Class AA (HKD)HK$ 7.6041 - 0.1156 0.00 All Weather Fd USD Cls $ 121.26 - 0.57 0.00
Monthly Income Plus (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 169.64 - 0.26 4.67 Global Eq Income £ hdg Acc... C 63.65xd - -1.48 3.75
Morant Wright Fuji Yield YEN Acc ¥ 1097.04 - 28.47 -
Asian Equity Income Acc ♦ F 52.10 - -0.15 4.38 Monthly Income Plus (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 107.91 - 0.16 4.77 Global Eq Income £ hdg Inc ... C 45.85xd - -1.06 3.83 Kleinwort Benson Bank (UK) M&G Corporate Bond A Inc 39.28xd - -0.09 3.09 China Value Fund Class A F $ 7.4546 - 0.0078 0.69 All Weather Fd EUR Cls € 109.06 - 0.45 0.00
14 St. George Street, Mayfair, London W1S1FE Morant Wright Fuji Yield B YEN Acc ¥ 968.45 - 25.88 -
Asian Equity Income Inc ♦ F 44.39 - -0.12 4.50 M&G Dividend A Inc 57.69xd - -0.25 4.76 China Value Fund Class AA F $ 2.3339 - 0.0024 0.47 All Weather Fd GBP Cls £ 117.69 - 0.54 0.00
Pacific (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 163.90 - 0.66 0.85 Global Eq Income Acc... C 65.95xd - -1.06 3.78 Dealing and enquiries: 0800 024 2400
Morant Wright Fuji Yield YEN Dist ¥ 1084.97 - 28.16 -
Balanced Risk 6 Acc 51.28 - -0.22 0.00 Authorised Inv Funds M&G Dividend A Acc 577.81xd - -2.54 4.59 Dragon Growth Fund Class A F $ 1.7308 - -0.0163 0.61 Tactical Opps USD Cls $ 137.12 - -15.77 0.00
Pacific (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 155.56 - 0.62 0.94 Global Eq Income Inc ... C 57.46xd - -0.93 3.86
Unit Trust Manager/ACD - Host Capital Morant Wright Sakura Fund Sterling Acc Hedged £ 13.10 - 0.30 0.00
Balanced Risk 8 Acc 52.44 - -0.30 0.00 M&G Episode Growth X Inc 49.41xd - -0.18 1.89 Dragon Growth Fund Class AA HKDHK$ 8.3711 - -0.0793 0.58 Tactical Opps EUR Cls € 115.03 - -12.99 0.00
Tactical Bond (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 139.55 - 0.25 1.45 Global Equity Acc 912.70 - -20.40 0.17
HC KB Capital Growth A Acc 156.84 - -0.51 1.36 Morant Wright Sakura Fund Euro Acc Hedged € 13.08 - 0.30 0.00
Balanced Risk 10 Acc 53.44 - -0.40 0.12 M&G Episode Income A Acc 131.56xd - -1.97 3.73 Emerging Eastern Europe Fund Class AA F $ 1.2204 - -0.0082 0.50 Tactical Opps GBP Cls £ 129.22 - -14.80 0.00
Tactical Bond (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 118.99 - 0.21 1.46 Global Equity Inc 67.83 - -1.52 0.16
HC KB Capital Growth A Inc 146.86 - -0.48 1.38 Morant Wright Sakura Fund Yen Acc Unhedged ¥ 1335.01 - 30.89 0.00
Childrens Acc ♦ F 383.85 - -2.61 1.71 UK Aggressive (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 157.82 - -1.24 2.28 Global Financials Acc 683.80 - -11.20 0.91
M&G Episode Income A Inc 110.67xd - -1.66 3.81
Asset Management
Emerging Eastern Europe Fund Class A F $ 2.8415 - -0.0191 0.90

set Management
HC KB Enterprise Equity Income A Inc 106.04 - 0.84 3.78 Morant Wright Sakura Fund Dollar Acc Hedged $ 13.04 - 0.30 0.00
M&G Extra Income A Inc 700.66 - -9.70 4.62

Asset Management Asset Management

Corporate Bd Acc (Gross) ♦ F 204.99 - -0.32 3.61 UK Aggressive (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 132.79 - -1.04 2.33 Global Financials Inc 38.89 - -0.64 0.92 European Growth Fund Class A F $ 10.4227 - -0.0986 1.15
HC KB Enterprise Equity Income A Acc 156.11 - 1.23 3.69 Morant Wright Sakura Fund Swiss Franc Acc HedgedSFr 13.00 - 0.30 0.00
Corporate Bd Inc (Gross) ♦ F 88.69 - -0.13 3.71 M&G Extra Income A Acc 5684.87 - -78.66 4.48 European Growth Fund Class AA F $ 0.7537 - -0.0071 0.56
UK Enhanced Index (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 382.30 - 0.92 3.43 Global High Yield Bd Mth Inc C 37.49xd - 0.26 6.54
HC KB Endeavour Multi Asset Balanced A Acc 126.95 - 0.36 0.81
Corporate Bond Acc ♦ F 182.75 - -0.29 3.63 M&G Global Basics A Inc 577.97 - -3.80 0.32 Global Contrarian Fund Class AA F $ 0.8726 - -0.0089 0.00
UK Enhanced Index (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 242.89 - 0.59 3.51 Global High Yield Bd Acc C 97.87xd - 0.67 6.49
HC KB Endeavour Multi Asset Balanced A Inc 120.65 - 0.34 0.81
Corporate Bond Inc ♦ F 88.44 - -0.14 3.71 M&G Global Basics A Acc 872.52 - -5.74 0.32 Global Property Fund Class AA F $ 0.9371 - -0.0154 0.75
UK Growth (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 138.75 - -0.94 2.29 Global High Yield Bd Inc C 37.46xd - 0.26 6.58
HC KB Enterprise Fixed Income A Acc 121.97 - -0.60 3.44
Distribution Acc ♦ F 107.14 - -0.05 4.20 M&G Global Dividend Fund A Acc 173.88xd - -2.65 3.62 Global Property Fund Class AA (HKD)HK$ 8.8056 - -0.1454 -
UK Growth (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 113.54 - -0.77 2.34 Global Property Secs Acc 54.21xd - -2.12 0.62
HC KB Enterprise Fixed Income A Inc 108.89 - -0.54 3.44 Northwest Investment Management (HK) Ltd
Distribution Acc (Gross) ♦ F 122.42 - -0.05 4.18 M&G Global Dividend Fund A Inc 138.22xd - -2.11 3.70 Global Resources Fund Class AA F $ 0.6082 - -0.0144 0.00
UK Smaller Companies Equity (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 271.97 - -0.11 1.00 Global Property Secs Inc 46.79xd - -1.83 0.62 11th Floor, Kinwick Centre, 32, Hollywood Road, Central Hong Kong +852 9084 4373
Distribution Inc ♦ F 63.02 - -0.03 4.28 M&G Glbl Emrgng Mkts A Acc 168.64 - 1.86 1.01 Greater China Opportunities Class AA $ 0.8659 - -0.0056 0.00 Other International Funds
UK Smaller Companies Equity (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 250.89 - -0.11 1.01 Income Acc ... C 49.61xd - 0.07 6.67
Lloyds Investment Fund Managers Limited (1000)F (JER) M&G Glbl Emrgng Mkts A Inc 162.93 - 1.80 1.01 Northwest $ class $ 2331.51 - -97.83 0.00
Distribution Inc (Gross) ♦ F 63.07 - -0.02 4.28 UK Strategic Income (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 700.40 - -0.92 3.35 Income Inc ... C 46.88xd - 0.07 6.70 Healthcare Fund Class AA F $ 1.8731 - -0.0248 0.00
PO Box 311, 11-12 Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 8ZU 01534 845555 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds (LUX)
Other International Funds M&G Global Macro Bond Fund A Acc 104.26xd - 0.78 0.89 6b Route de Trèves L-2633 Senningerberg Luxembourg (352) 34 64 61 Northwest Warrant $ class $ 2413.75 - -188.47 0.00
Emerging European Acc ♦ F 31.59 - 0.08 2.90 UK Strategic Income (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 525.08 - -0.69 3.43 Japan Acc 275.40 - 5.30 0.00 India Equity Fund Class AA F $ 1.2974 - -0.0152 0.00
Lloydstrust Gilt £ 12.3400 - -0.0200 2.40 M&G Global Macro Bond Fund A Inc 72.34xd - 0.54 0.89 www.morganstanleyinvestmentfunds.com
Emerging European Inc ♦ F 28.79 - 0.07 2.97 US Equity (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 204.00 - -3.46 0.04 Japan Inc 66.29 - 1.28 0.00 International Growth Fund Class A F $ 4.3838 - -0.0375 0.13
FCA Recognised
Lloyds Investment Funds Limited M&G Global High Yield Bond X Inc 49.26xd - 0.14 4.33
European Equity Acc ♦ F 817.85 - -0.72 2.17 Multi-Asset Inc Mth Inc ... C 62.70xd - -0.48 3.88 International Growth Fund Class AA F $ 1.0060 - -0.0087 0.00 US Advantage A F $ 53.67 - -0.45 0.00
Euro High Income € 1.6260 - -0.0020 3.00
European Equity Inc ♦ F 691.96 - -0.60 2.22 M&G Global High Yield Bond X Acc 115.16xd - 0.31 4.33 Japanese Growth Fund Class A F $ 3.2677 - 0.0799 0.58
Multi-Asset Inc Acc... C 82.86xd - -0.63 3.80 Asian Equity A F $ 38.79 - -0.37 0.00
European £ 7.1190 - -0.0430 1.41
European Equity Income Acc ♦ F 71.36 - -0.03 3.36 M&G Managed Growth X Inc 70.67 - -0.34 0.73 Japanese Growth Fund Class AA F $ 0.8401 - 0.0206 0.00
Multi-Asset Inc Inc... C 62.70xd - -0.47 3.89 Asian Property A F $ 17.19 - -0.19 0.00
High Income £ 0.8678 - -0.0013 5.02
European Equity Income Inc ♦ F 55.23 - -0.03 3.44 M&G Optimal Income A Inc 141.98 - -0.07 1.95 Latin America Equity Fund Class AA F $ 0.6920 - -0.0143 1.63
Multi-Asset Macro Acc 66.99 - -0.45 0.00 Asian Property AX F £ 10.18 - 0.01 0.49
International £ 3.7150 - -0.0160 1.34
European High Income Acc ♦ F 78.86 - 0.13 3.37 M&G Optimal Income A Acc 186.15 - -0.09 1.95 Russia Equity Fund Class AA F $ 0.3783 - -0.0034 0.00
Multi-Asset Macro Inc 66.98 - -0.46 0.00 Diversified Alpha Plus A F € 31.42 - 0.09 0.00
North American £ 14.1800 - -0.0900 0.23 Oasis Crescent Management Company Ltd
European High Income Inc ♦ F 57.68 - 0.10 3.43 M&G Recovery GBP A Inc 115.20xd - -0.10 0.76 Taiwan Equity Fund Class AA F $ 1.4121 - 0.0086 0.21
Multi-Manager Growth Acc 681.30 - -5.20 0.49 Emerg Europ, Mid-East & Africa Eq A F € 64.02 - -0.43 0.00 Other International Funds
Sterling Bond £ 1.4700 - -0.0030 3.64
European Opportunities Inc ♦ F 84.21 - 0.45 0.16 Invesco (LUX) Multi-Manager Growth Inc 635.80 - -4.90 0.49
M&G Recovery GBP A Acc 258.67xd - -0.22 0.75 Turkey Equity Fund Class AA F $ 0.6517 - 0.0018 0.00 Emerging Markets Debt A F $ 74.38 - 0.29 0.00 Oasis Crescent Equity Fund R 9.00 - -0.10 0.00
Dublin 00 353 1 439 8100 Hong Kong 00852 3191 8282 UK £ 6.4140 - -0.0600 1.72
European Opportunities Acc ♦ F 86.23 - 0.46 0.16 M&G Strategic Corp Bond A Inc 72.95 - -0.14 2.74 US Bond Fund Class AA F $ 1.2075 - -0.0033 3.93
FCA Recognised Natural Resources Acc 329.10 - -9.60 0.12 Emerging Markets Domestic Debt AX F £ 10.19 - 0.01 5.46
Lloyds Gilt Fund Limited
European Smlr Cos Acc ♦ F 187.57 - 1.34 0.00 Invesco Management SA M&G Strategic Corp Bond A Acc 104.14 - -0.21 2.74 U.S. Bond Fund Class AA Inc F $ 0.9779 - -0.0027 2.53
Natural Resources Inc 23.31 - -0.68 0.12 Lloyds Gilt Fund Quarterly Share £ 1.2830 - -0.0020 1.93 Emerging Markets Equity A F $ 32.12 - -0.41 0.00 Oasis Global Mgmt Co (Ireland) Ltd (IRL)
Invesco Active Multi-Sector Credit Fund A € 2.91 - 0.00 0.00 M&G Global Leaders GBP A Inc 176.58 - -1.33 1.55 Regulated
Global Bd Acc (Gross) ♦ F 127.79 - 0.60 1.18 New Europe Acc 123.20 - 0.30 2.94 Monthly Share £ 1.2340 - -0.0020 1.93 US Bond Fund Class AA (HKD) HK$ 9.8802 - -0.0282 - Euro Bond A F € 15.54 - -0.06 0.00
Invesco Asia Balanced A dist $ 13.87 - -0.13 3.63 M&G Global Leaders GBP A Acc 411.95 - -3.10 1.53 Oasis Global Investment (Ireland) Plc
Global Bd Inc (Gross) ♦ F 79.16 - 0.37 1.19 New Europe Inc 29.29 - 0.09 2.90 Lloyds Money Fund Limited U.S. Bond Fund Class AA (HKD) IncHK$ 9.7482 - -0.0279 2.63 Euro Corporate Bond AX F £ 21.76 - 0.17 1.69
Oasis Crescent Global Short Term Income Fund $ 1.00 - 0.00 0.45
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand Fund A income $ 12.12 - -0.17 0.19 Sterling Class £ 52.5910 - 0.0010 0.16 M&G UK Inflation Lnkd Corp Bnd A Acc 111.67 - -0.01 0.09
Global Bond Acc ♦ F 120.14 - 0.57 1.19 Portfolio Acc 190.20 - 0.80 0.72 U.S. Special Opportunities Fund Class AA F $ 0.8916 - 0.0000 7.15 Euro Strategic Bond A F € 43.07 - -0.08 0.00
Oasis Global Equity $ 25.79 - -0.17 0.22
Invesco Asia Infrastructure (A) $ 12.06 - -0.10 1.42 Lloyds Multi Strategy Fund Limited M&G UK Inflation Lnkd Corp Bnd A Inc 110.07 - 0.00 0.09
Global Bond Inc ♦ F 79.07 - 0.37 1.20 Sterling Corporate Bond Acc 82.09xd - 0.22 2.56 U.S. Special Opportunities Fund Class AA (HKD)HK$ 9.5989 - 0.0104 - European Currencies High Yield Bd A F € 21.54 - 0.06 0.00 Oasis Crescent Global Investment Fund (Ireland) plc
Invesco Asia Opportunities Equity A $ 95.89 - -1.09 0.00 Conservative Strategy £ 1.0880 - -0.0010 1.97
Glbl Distribution Acc 51.80 - -0.20 4.19 Sterling Corporate Bond Inc 51.58xd - 0.13 2.57 U.S. Special Opportunities Fund Class AA Inc $ 0.8800 - 0.0000 - European Equity Alpha A F € 42.91 - -0.10 0.00 Oasis Crescent Global Equity Fund $ 26.17 - -0.23 0.00
Invesco Balanced Risk Allocation Fund A € 14.52 - -0.11 0.00 Growth Strategy £ 1.4270 - 0.0090 1.32
Glbl Distribution Acc (Gross) 52.38 - -0.20 4.19 Strategic Bond Acc 68.38xd - 0.00 2.70 M & G Securities Ltd (UK) US Small Cap Equity Fund Class AA F $ 1.0546 - -0.0088 0.00 European Property A F € 34.37 - -0.38 0.00 Oasis Crescent Global High Equity Balanced Fund $ 9.30 - -0.02 0.00
Invesco Emerging Europe Equity Fund A $ 7.59 - -0.06 0.00 Aggressive Strategy £ 1.6850 - 0.0180 0.00 Property & Other UK Unit Trusts
Glbl Distribution Inc 49.67 - -0.19 4.20 Strategic Bond Inc 57.07xd - 0.00 2.71 US Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities Fund Class AA F $ 1.2694 - -0.0038 0.06 Eurozone Equity Alpha A F € 11.26 - 0.03 0.00 Oasis Crescent Variable Balanced Fund £ 10.23 - 0.12 -
Invesco Emerging Local Currencies Debt A Inc $ 6.97 - -0.06 6.72 Global USD Growth Strategy $ 1.3140 - 0.0010 0.00 Charibond 123.55xd - -0.33 5.23
Glbl Distribution Inc (Gross) 49.70 - -0.19 4.20 UK Active Index + E Acc 267.20 - -1.70 3.21 Global Bond A F $ 38.81 - -0.18 0.00 OasisCresGl Income Class A $ 11.01 - 0.00 2.28
Dealing Daily (Accum Units) 3609.36xd - -9.61 5.23
Invesco Emerging Mkt Quant.Eq. A $ 8.86 - -0.06 0.00
Global Emerging Markets Acc ♦ F 214.52 - 1.79 0.53 UK Active Index + E Inc 50.39 - -0.31 3.21 Global Brands A F $ 91.39 - -1.36 0.00 OasisCresGl LowBal D ($) Dist $ 11.54 - -0.02 0.00
Manulife Global Fund
Invesco Energy A $ 16.83 - -0.43 0.00 NAACIF 71.88xd - -0.49 4.80
Global Emerging Markets Inc ♦ F 193.44 - 1.60 0.53 UK Dynamic Acc 154.50xd - -0.40 1.53 Other International Funds Global Convertible Bond A F $ 41.55 - 0.08 0.00 OasisCresGl Med Eq Bal A ($) Dist $ 11.62 - -0.04 0.31
Invesco Euro Corporate Bond Fund (A) € 17.12 - -0.03 0.00 (Accum Units) 6357.20xd - -43.69 4.67 Asia Total Return Fund Class AA $ 0.9578 - -0.0010 -
Global Equity (acc) ♦ F 439.31 - -2.88 0.48 UK Dynamic Inc 126.30xd - -0.40 1.54 Global Property A F $ 26.88 - -0.48 0.00 Oasis Crescent Gbl Property Eqty $ 9.29 - 0.04 1.83
Invesco Euro Inflation Linked Bond A € 15.26 - -0.02 0.00 M&G Property Portfolio A Acc 131.21 138.11 0.00 3.64 Asia Total Return Fund Class AA (HKD) Inc FHK$ 9.4806 - -0.0111 -
Global Equity (inc) ♦ F 400.69 - -2.63 0.48 UK Eq & Bond Inc Acc ... C 135.90xd - -0.40 3.37 Indian Equity A F $ 34.81 - -0.07 0.00
Invesco Euro Reserve A € 322.82 - 0.00 0.00 Property Portfolio A 121.20 127.57 0.01 3.73 Asia Total Return Fund Class AA Inc $ 0.9070 - -0.0010 3.23
Global Equity Income Acc ♦ F 112.82 - -1.21 3.16 UK Eq & Bond Inc Inc ... C 79.85xd - -0.26 3.43 Latin American Equity A F $ 38.00 - -0.80 0.00
Invesco Euro Bond A € 7.04 - 0.00 0.00 Property Portfolio X 121.20 121.20 0.01 3.71 Asia Value Dividend Equity Fund Class AA F $ 1.4724 - 0.0000 0.00
Global Equity Income Inc ♦ F 94.04 - -1.01 3.24 UK Higher Inc Acc ... C 864.50xd - -5.80 4.33 Short Maturity Euro Bond A F € 20.39 - -0.01 0.00
Invesco European Growth Equity A € 23.14 - -0.21 0.00 Asia Value Dividend Equity Fund Class AA Inc $ 0.8936 - 0.0000 -
Gbl Financial Capital Acc 87.58 - -0.06 4.27 UK Higher Inc Inc ... C 502.50xd - -3.30 4.47 Lombard Odier Funds (Europe) S.A (LUX) US Dollar Liquidity A F $ 13.03 - 0.00 0.00
Invesco Global Absolute Return Fund A Class € 11.17 - -0.01 0.00 www.loim.com M & G (Guernsey) Ltd (GSY) Strategic Income Fund Class AA F $ 1.0754 - -0.0007 4.44
Gbl Financial Capital Inc 75.20 - -0.06 4.41 UK Managed Equity Acc 62.48xd - -0.37 2.13 US Growth A F $ 63.30 - -0.48 0.00
Regulated Regulated
Invesco Global Bond A Inc $ 5.55 - -0.01 0.97
Gbl Financial Cap Acc Gross 91.36 - -0.07 4.77 UK Managed Equity Inc 52.70xd - -0.31 2.16 Lombard Odier Funds The M&G Offshore Fund Range US Growth AH F € 43.89 - -0.33 0.00
Invesco Global Conservative Fund 90 (EUR) A € 11.88 - 0.02 0.00 Absolute Ret Bond (EUR) PA € 12.07 - -0.01 0.00 Odey Asset Management LLP (UK)
Gbl Financial Cap Inc Gross 75.52 - -0.06 4.96 UK Smaller Cos Acc 372.00 - 1.70 0.00 Corporate Bond 1307.78 1348.23 -2.99 3.07 Marlborough Fd Managers Ltd (1200)F (UK) US Growth AX F £ 40.66 - 0.19 0.00
Invesco Global Equity Income Fund A $ 57.55 - -1.13 0.00 Marlborough House, 59 Chorley New Road, Bolton, BL1 4QP 0808 145 2500 40 Dukes Place, London, EC3A 7NH
Global Opportunities Acc ♦ F 88.10 - -1.13 0.46 UK Smaller Cos Inc 72.23 - 0.33 0.00 Absolute Ret Bond (USD) PA $ 17.72 - -0.02 0.00 Global Basics 2128.05 2193.87 -14.00 0.00
www.marlboroughfunds.com US Property A F $ 62.73 - -1.57 0.00 Order Desk: 0845 300 2106, Enquiries: 0870 607 2555
Invesco Global Inc Real Estate Sec A dist $ 9.05 - -0.08 2.14 All Roads (CHF) PA SFr 17.34 - -0.02 0.00 Authorised Corporate Director - Capita Financial Managers
Global Smaller Cos Acc ♦ F 1581.68 - 0.10 0.00 UK Strategic Eq Inc Acc ... C 145.30xd - -0.70 3.72 Global Leaders 3066.85 3194.64 -23.10 1.26 Authorised Inv Funds
Invesco Global Inv Grd Corp Bond A Dist $ 11.67 - -0.01 3.05 Authorised Inv Funds
Global Smaller Cos Inc ♦ F 1510.31 - 0.10 0.00 UK Strategic Eq Inc Inc ... C 95.06xd - -0.46 3.81 All Roads (USD) PA $ 11.02 - -0.01 0.00 Global High Yield Bond 968.55 998.50 2.75 4.30 Balanced 147.91 156.39 0.50 0.05
Morgens Waterfall Vintiadis.co Inc CF Odey Continental European GBP R Acc 694.82 - 0.71 0.19
Invesco Global Leisure A $ 34.86 - -0.79 0.00 All Roads (GBP) PA £ 11.25 - -0.01 0.00 Bond Income 50.28 53.21 -0.15 4.86
Global Targeted Rets Acc 55.38 - -0.13 0.29 UK Strategic Gth Acc 107.70 - -0.40 1.22 Global Macro Bond Fund 10842.57 11177.91 80.86 0.89 Other International Funds
CF Odey Opus GBP R Inc 3592.23 - 8.91 0.00
Invesco Global Smaller Comp Eq Fd A $ 55.18 - -0.56 0.00 All Roads (EUR) PA € 11.17 - -0.02 0.00 Cash 50.17 - 0.00 0.32 Phaeton Intl (BVI) Ltd (Est) $ 402.75 - -17.86 0.00
High Income Acc ♦ F 782.60 - -2.75 3.36 UK Strategic Gth Inc 100.50 - -0.30 1.24 North American Dividend Fund 143.11 149.07 -2.79 0.63
CF Odey Absolute Return GBP R 308.72 - -1.79 0.00
Invesco Global Structured Equity A $ 44.34 - -0.38 0.73 Alpha Japan (EUR) PA F € 10.75 - -0.31 0.00 Cautious Inc 80.55 84.79 -0.01 1.35
High Income Inc ♦ F 431.71 - -1.51 3.44 US Acc 636.90 - -21.90 0.00 Optimal Income Fund 140.69 145.04 -0.07 1.94
CF Odey Portfolio Fund GBP R Inc 139.61 - -0.13 0.07
Invesco Global Total Ret.(EUR) Bond Fund A € 13.22 - 0.00 0.00 Alpha Japan (CHF) PA F SFr 13.43 - -0.39 0.00 Defensive A Inc 115.10 - -0.22 0.98
High Yield Fund Acc 107.24 - 0.60 4.62 US Inc 88.15 - -3.04 0.00 Recovery Fund Limited 'A' Participating Shares 9981.19 10397.07 -8.66 0.43
Invesco Gold & Precious Metals A $ 3.66 - -0.13 0.00 Alpha Japan (JPY) PA F ¥ 1276.00 - -36.00 0.00 Emerging Markets 199.94 - 1.35 1.90
High Yield Fund Acc (Gross) 124.84 - 0.71 4.59 US Equity Income Acc ... C 107.30xd - -4.20 2.35 Recovery Fund Limited 'I' Participating Shares 9984.49 10085.34 -7.84 1.23
Invesco Greater China Equity A $ 40.22 - -1.17 0.00 Alpha Japan (USD) PA F $ 15.39 - -0.43 0.00 ETF Global Growth A 150.85 - 0.69 0.00 Odey Asset Management LLP (CYM)
High Yield Fund Inc 42.91 - 0.24 4.73 US Equity Income £ hdg Inc ... C 90.93xd - -4.59 2.37 Strategic Corporate Bond Fund 132.46 137.98 -0.25 2.72
Invesco India Equity A $ 51.74 - -0.49 0.00 Alternative Beta PA F SFr 113.93 - 0.38 0.00 ETF Commodity A 66.75 - -0.08 0.00
High Yield Fund Inc (Gross) 42.97 - 0.24 4.72 US Equity Income Inc ... C 91.54xd - -3.58 2.37 UK Growth 1452.60 1513.12 -8.36 1.19 OEI Mac Inc GBP A £ 363.01 - 4.91 0.00
Invesco Japanese Equity Adv Fd A ¥ 3621.00 - -11.00 0.00 Alternative Beta PA F € 76.84 - 0.24 0.00 European Multi-Cap 261.49 - 2.60 0.20
Hong Kong & China Acc ♦ F 414.69 - -11.49 0.73 US Select Acc 98.76 - -3.44 0.00 OEI Mac Inc GBP B £ 196.98 - 2.63 0.00
Invesco Japanese Value Eq Fd A ¥ 1187.00 - -1.00 0.00 Alternative Beta PA F $ 114.92 - 0.40 0.00 Extra Income 76.98 81.46 -0.43 4.60 Natixis International Funds (Lux) I SICAV (LUX)
Income & Growth Acc ♦ F 915.61 - -4.60 3.99 US Select Inc 97.52 - -3.48 0.00 OEI MAC Inc USD $ 1943.43 - 26.13 0.00
Cannon Bridge House, 25 Dowgate Hill, London, EC4R 2YA 0044 20 3216 9000
Invesco Latin American Equity A $ 5.76 - -0.03 0.00 Commodities (CHF) PA SFr 5.22 - 0.01 0.00 Far East Growth A Inc 140.41 - 1.47 2.12
Income & Growth Inc ♦ F 397.24 - -1.99 4.11 US Smaller Cos Acc 352.60 - -9.70 0.00 FCA Recognised Odey European Inc EUR € 846.63 - 15.90 0.00
Invesco Nippon Small/Mid Cap Equity A ¥ 973.00 - 13.00 0.00 Commodities (EUR) PA € 5.29 - 0.01 0.00 Global 166.26 175.04 -1.10 0.00 Harris Global Equity R/A (USD) $ 246.57 246.57 0.08 0.00
Income Acc ♦ F 3027.04 - -8.85 3.19 US Smaller Cos Inc 92.40 - -2.55 0.00 Odey European Inc GBP A £ 324.51 - 6.17 0.00
Invesco Pan European Equity A EUR Cap NAV € 18.83 - -0.06 0.00 Commodities (USD) PA $ 5.46 - 0.02 0.00 Global Bond Inc 134.36 142.18 0.10 3.24 Harris Concentrated US Equity H-N/A (GBP) £ 127.93 127.93 -1.70 0.00
Income Inc ♦ F 1709.66 - -5.00 3.26 Odey European Inc GBP B £ 184.16 - 3.50 0.00
Invesco Pan European High Income Fd A € 13.87 - 0.01 2.14 Convertible Bd P A € 17.00 - 0.06 0.00 High Yield Fixed Interest 73.36 77.84 0.02 5.67 Harris Concentrated US Equity R/D (GBP) £ 88.43 88.43 -0.94 33.93
Japan Acc ♦ F 299.60 - 1.27 0.30 Odey European Inc USD $ 390.05 - 7.39 0.00
JPMorgan Charity Funds (UK)
Japanese Smlr Cos Acc ♦ F 62.10 - 1.61 0.00
Invesco Pan European Small Cap Equity A € 22.17 - 0.03 0.00
60 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0JP 020 7742 9175 Convertible Bd Asia PA F SFr 13.24 - 0.06 0.00 MFS Investment Funds (LUX) Multi Cap Income A Inc 154.09 - 0.01 4.37 Loomis Sayles Strategic Alpha Bond Fund H-N/D(GBP) £ 98.35 98.35 -0.07 0.90
Giano Capital EUR Inc € 4423.88 - -73.35 0.00
Property & Other UK Unit Trusts FCA Recognised
Invesco Pan European Structured Equity A € 16.20 - -0.10 0.00 Convertible Bd Asia PA F € 14.11 - 0.07 0.00 Nano-Cap Growth A Acc 100.7859 111.0900 0.6608 -
Latin America Acc ♦ F 96.35 - 0.15 1.42
UK Equity Fund for Charities I...C £ 2.687780xd 2.698710 -0.013080 3.55 Blend.Research Gb.Eq.Fd. € 94.03 - 1.49 -
Invesco UK Eqty Income A £ 30.27 - -0.09 0.00 Convertible Bd Asia PA F $ 14.20 - 0.07 0.00 Special Situations A Acc 1129.13 1194.85 -1.99 0.39
Latin America Inc ♦ F 81.03 - 0.13 1.43 Natixis International Funds (Dublin) I plc (IRL)
Bond Fund for Charities £ 1.350160xd 1.356660 -0.002120 3.73 Blend.Research Gb.Eq.Fd. £ 91.85 - 0.39 - Odey Asset Management LLP (IRL)
Invesco UK Investment Grade Bond A £ 0.99 - 0.00 2.93 Emerg. Consumer (CHF) PA SFr 11.23 - 0.07 0.00 UK Multi-Cap Growth A Inc 227.40 240.64 0.53 0.40 Cannon Bridge House, 25 Dowgate Hill, London, EC4R 2YA +44 (0)20 3216 9000
Managed Growth Acc ♦ F 151.33 - -0.48 0.70 FCA Recognised
Blend.Research U.S.Core Eq.Fd. ¥ 9368.00 - -27.00 - Regulated
Invesco US Structured Equity A $ 19.94 - -0.52 0.00 Emerg. Consumer (EUR) PA € 11.35 - 0.07 0.00 UK Micro Cap Growth A 466.09 493.22 14.77 0.00 Odey Pan European EUR R € 332.94 - 12.37 0.00
Managed Growth Inc ♦ F 125.98 - -0.40 0.70
Blend.Research Gb.Eq.Fd. $ 94.72 - 0.16 - Loomis Sayles Global Opportunistic Bond R/D (GBP) £ 13.23 13.23 -0.09 1.14
Invesco US Value Eq Fd A $ 29.28 - -0.84 0.00 Emerg. Consumer (USD) PA $ 11.33 - 0.07 0.00 US Multi-Cap Income 286.99 - -0.50 0.19 Odey Allegra European EUR O € 259.01 - 10.10 0.00
Managed Income Acc ♦ F 151.91 - -0.48 3.09
Em.Mk.Eq.Fund Euro € 98.53 - 3.58 0.00 Loomis Sayles High Income R/D (USD) $ 8.77 8.77 0.02 13.40
Invesco USD Reserve A $ 87.02 - 0.00 0.00 Emerg.Eq. Risk Par.(EUR) PA € 7.22 - 0.28 0.00 MFM - Third Party Funds Odey Allegra International EUR O € 168.71 - 4.34 0.00
Managed Income Inc ♦ F 93.81 - -0.30 3.15
Em.Mk.Eq.Fund Sterling £ 84.24 - 2.11 0.00 Loomis Sayles Multisector Income R/D (GBP) £ 12.65 12.65 0.01 4.56
Junior Oils 66.22 70.07 3.86 0.00
Money Acc ♦ F 90.12 - 0.00 0.22 Emerg. Eq. Risk Par.(USD) PA $ 5.76 - 0.15 0.00 Odey Allegra Developed Markets USD I $ 125.91 - 1.57 0.00
Em.Mk.Eq.Fd.US Dollar $ 85.87 - 1.93 0.00
Junior Gold C Acc 20.85 - -0.49 0.00
Money Acc (Gross) ♦ F 95.23 - 0.00 0.22 Invesco Global Asset Management Ltd (IRL) Emerg. Loc.Cur.&Bds DH (CHF) PASFr 7.87 - 0.00 0.00 Odey European Focus Fund € 17.32 - 0.61 0.49
Em.Mk.Loc.Ccy Debt Fd.FC ¥ 7996.00 - 16.00 5.93 Natixis International Funds (UK)
Dublin 00 353 1 439 8100 Hong Kong 00 852 2842 7200 MFM Artorius Fund 144.28 - -7.41 0.18
Monthly Income Plus Acc ♦ F 294.44 - 0.45 4.68 Emerg.Loc.Cur.Bd.Fdt PA SFr 7.93 - 0.13 0.00 Odey Atlas Fund GBP I S £ 1.14 - 0.01 0.00
FCA Recognised GAM Em.Mk.Loc.Ccy Debt Fd.FD ¥ 9613.00 - 110.00 5.94 Cannon Bridge House, 25 Dowgate Hill, London, EC4R 2YA 0044 20 3216 9000
MFM Bowland 148.99 161.07 -7.47 0.00
Monthly Income Plus Acc (Gross) ♦ F 345.46 - 0.54 4.66 funds@gam.com, www.jbfundnet.com Emerg.Loc.Cur.Bd.Fdt PA € 10.56 - 0.20 0.00 Authorised Funds Odey Giano European Fund EUR R € 116.69 - 1.47 0.00
Invesco Stlg Bd A QD F £ 2.61 - 0.00 3.36 Gb.Conc.Eq.Fd.Euro € 250.88 - 2.13 0.00
Regulated MFM Hathaway Inc 103.89 108.79 -2.06 1.56 H2O MultiReturns Fund N/A (GBP) $ 12.59 12.59 -0.12 1.76
Monthly Income Plus Inc ♦ F 109.61 - 0.17 4.78 Emerg.Loc.Cur.Bd.Fdt PA $ 8.37 - 0.04 0.00 Odey Naver Fund EUR I € 122.81 - 0.10 0.00
Invesco Asian Equity A $ 5.75 - -0.08 0.50 Gb.Conc.Eq.Fd.Sterl.UK T £ 152.49 - -0.48 0.00
JB BF ABS-EUR B € 105.01 - -0.01 0.00 MFM SGWM Managed A Acc 118.21 - 0.94 0.16 H2O MultiReturns Fund I/A (GBP) £ 1.33 - 0.01 1.68
Monthly Income Plus Inc (Gross) ♦ F 109.81 - 0.17 4.78 Euro BBB-BB Fdt PA SFr 15.47 - -0.02 0.00 Odey Odyssey USD I $ 153.46 - 2.52 0.00
Invesco ASEAN Equity A $ 86.32 - -1.14 0.40 Gb.Conc.Eq.Fd.Sterling £ 230.96 - -0.74 0.00
JB BF Abs Ret Def-EUR B € 110.51 - 0.25 0.00 MFM Techinvest Special Situations Acc 127.29 - -4.10 0.01 Harris Associates Global Concentrated Equity Fund N/A (GBP) £ 0.98 - 0.00 0.00
Pacific Acc ♦ F 884.43 - 3.52 0.38 Euro BBB-BB Fdt PA € 12.28 - -0.02 0.00 Odey Orion Fund EUR I € 122.08 - 1.53 0.00
Invesco Bond A $ 27.27 - -0.06 2.22 Gb.Conc.Eq.Fd.US $ 181.20 - -1.04 0.00
JB BF Abs Ret EM-USD B $ 116.52 - 0.47 0.00 MFM Techinvest Technology Acc 337.06 - -28.75 0.00 Harris Associates Global Concentrated Equity Fund I/A(GBP) £ 0.98 - 0.00 0.00
Pacific Inc ♦ F 812.33 - 3.23 0.38 Euro BBB-BB Fdt PA £ 10.84 - -0.02 0.00 Odey Swan Fund EUR I € 102.20 - -0.65 0.00
Invesco Continental Eurp Small Cap Eqty A $ 199.23 - -1.24 0.00 Gb.Eq.Hdg Fd.Euro IRE T € 170.45 - 0.88 0.00
JB BF Abs Ret-EUR B € 129.38 - 0.46 0.00 MFM UK Primary Opportunities A Inc 304.96 - -3.58 1.45 Loomis Sayles Strategic Income H-N/D (GBP) £ 0.93 - 0.00 4.49
Tactical Bond Acc ♦ F 68.24 - 0.12 0.96 Euro BBB-BB Fdt PA $ 17.42 - -0.02 0.00 Odey European Absolute Return GBP S £ 100.60 - 0.13 0.00
Invesco Emerging Markets Equity A $ 33.34 - -0.19 0.00 Gb.Eq.Euro Hdg Fd. € 241.63 - 1.25 0.00
JB BF Abs Ret Pl-EUR B € 128.00 - 0.50 0.00 Slater Investments Ltd - Investment Adviser
Euro Credit Bd PA F € 12.86 - -0.05 0.00 Loomis Sayles Strategic Income H-N/A (GBP) £ 1.01 - 0.00 4.38
Tactical Bond Inc ♦ F 59.39 - 0.10 0.96 Invesco Emerging Markets Bond A $ 20.35 - 0.04 4.82 MFM Slater Growth 380.55 403.77 0.06 0.12
JB BF EM Corporate-USD B $ 106.93 - 0.06 0.00 Gb.Eq.Fund Euro € 258.99 - 3.37 0.00
Euro Government Fdt PA € 12.39 - -0.10 0.00 Loomis Sayles US Equity Leaders N/A (GBP) £ 1.30 - 0.00 0.27
Tactical Bond Acc (Gross) ♦ F 70.76 - 0.13 0.96 Invesco Continental European Equity A € 8.62 - -0.05 0.18 MFM Slater Income A Inc 158.49 - -0.65 3.90 Odey Wealth Management (CI) Ltd (IRL)
JB BF EM Infl Link-USD B $ 82.64 - 0.32 0.00 Gb.Eq. Fd Euro IRE T € 163.81 - 2.13 0.00
Euro Inflation-Lk Fdt PA € 11.80 - -0.02 0.00 Loomis Sayles US Equity Leaders I/A (GBP) £ 1.28 - 0.00 0.46 www.odey.com/prices
Tactical Bond Inc (Gross) ♦ F 59.47 - 0.11 0.96 Invesco Gilt A £ 15.08 - -0.04 1.48 MFM Slater Recovery 161.76 171.63 -2.71 0.25
JB BF EM Inv Grade-USD B $ 98.84 - 0.15 0.00 Gb.Eq.Fd.Sterling UK T £ 190.33 - 0.26 0.00 FCA Recognised
UK Aggressive Acc ♦ F 192.03 - -1.51 1.75 Euro Resp.Corp. Fdt PA € 18.09 - -0.08 0.00
Invesco Global Small Cap Equity A NAV $ 117.64 - -1.17 0.00 Gb.Eq.Fd.US Dollar $ 295.40 - -0.36 0.00 Odey Opportunity EUR I € 210.39 - 0.97 0.00
JB Emerging (EUR)-EUR B € 328.29 - 0.97 0.00
UK Aggressive Inc ♦ F 159.92 - -1.26 1.78 Invesco Global High Income A NAV $ 12.28 - 0.05 5.35
Europe High Conviction PA € 11.19 - 0.39 0.00 NatWest (2230)F (UK)
JB Emerging (USD)-USD B $ 398.28 - 1.33 0.00 Gb.Eq.Fund Sterling £ 188.27 - 0.25 0.00 Marlborough International Management Limited (GSY) PO Box 23873, Edinburgh EH7 5WJ**
UK Growth Acc ♦ F 525.18 - -3.57 1.78 Eurozone Small&Mid Caps PA € 50.09 - 1.82 0.00
Invesco Gbl R/Est Secs A GBP F F £ 7.16 - -0.08 0.91 Gb.Val.Ex-Jap.Fd.USD $ 109.96 - -0.57 0.00 Tudor House, Le Bordage, St Peter Port, Guernsey, CI, GY1 1DB +44 1481 71520 Enquiries: 0800 085 5588
JB BF Local EM-USD B $ 254.67 - 0.62 0.00 Omnia Fund Ltd
UK Growth Inc ♦ F 333.20 - -2.26 1.81 Fdmt.Eq.L/S SH Sd EUR PA € 10.83 - -0.01 0.00 FCA Recognised Authorised Inv Funds
Invesco Global Health Care A $ 131.36 - -2.15 0.00 Gb.Val.Ex-Japan Fd.Yen ¥ 12965.00 - 60.00 0.00 Other International Funds
JB BF Total Ret-EUR B € 98.53 - 0.30 0.00 Marlborough North American Fund Ltd £ 30.37 30.67 -0.05 0.00 Series 1(Minimum initial investment 16375,000)
UK Smaller Cos Equity Acc ♦ F 836.25 - -0.38 0.54 Fdmt.Eq.L/S SH Sd USD PA $ 10.85 - -0.01 0.00 Estimated NAV $ 979.10 - 25.55 0.00
Invesco Global Select Equity A $ 12.70 - -0.22 0.00 Low Volatility Gb.Eq.Fd. € 93.98 - 1.06 -
JB EF Abs Ret Eur-EUR B € 120.06 - 0.51 0.00 Marlborough Tiger Fund Ltd F £ 24.75 25.00 -0.70 0.00 United Kingdom Equity Index Fund £ 12.08 - 0.36 2.83
UK Smaller Cos Equity Inc ♦ F 640.38 - -0.29 0.55 Gbl.Gvt.Fdmt PA € 10.26 - 0.03 0.00
Invesco Jap Eqty Core A $ 1.80 - -0.01 0.00 Low Volatility Gb.Eq.Fd. £ 91.80 - -0.04 -
JB EF Euro Value-EUR B € 180.72 - 7.81 0.00 UK Specialist Equity Inc £ 18.75 - 0.32 0.42
UK Strategic Income Acc ♦ F 176.52 - -0.23 3.36 Gbl.Gvt.Fdmt.(CHF) PA SFr 22.25 - 0.02 0.00
Invesco Japanese Equity A $ 17.84 - 0.09 0.00 Low Volatility Gb.Eq.Fd. $ 94.67 - -0.28 -
JB EF Japan-JPY B ¥ 16658.00 - 518.00 0.00 Contl Europe Spec Equity £ 15.35 - 0.24 0.00
UK Strategic Income Inc ♦ F 132.32 - -0.18 3.44 Invesco Korean Equity A $ 33.15 - 1.70 0.00
Gbl.Gvt.Fdt.SH (CHF) PA SFr 26.61 - -0.13 0.00 Marwyn Asset Management Limited (CYM)
JB EF Luxury B-EUR B € 210.87 - 6.50 0.00 Regulated US Spec Equity Fund £ 12.34 - -0.09 0.00
US Equity Acc ♦ F 490.42 - -8.33 0.00 Gbl.5B Fdmt (EUR) PA € 11.60 - 0.07 0.00
Invesco PRC Equity A $ 46.94 - -1.15 0.00
JB Ms EF Special Val. EUR/A € 131.51 - 1.16 0.74 MFS Meridian Funds SICAV (LUX) Marwyn Value Investors £ 535.69 - -21.99 0.00 Japan Specialist Fund X £ 8.94 - -0.13 0.00
Invesco Perpetual Funds (No Trail) Gbl.5B Fdmt (CHF) PA SFr 10.26 - 0.04 0.00
Invesco Pacific Equity A $ 44.48 - -0.26 0.18 Regulated
JB Strategy Balanced-CHF/B SFr 145.04 - 1.27 0.00 Pacific Basin Specialist Equity Fund £ 19.75 - 0.11 0.73
Asian (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 159.76 - -0.04 1.43 Gbl.5B Fdmt SH (USD) PA $ 10.91 - -0.02 0.00
Invesco Global Technology A $ 14.54 - -0.30 0.00 Absolute Return A1 € 19.08 - 0.03 0.00
JB Strategy Balanced-EUR € 149.66 - 1.49 0.00 McInroy & Wood Portfolios Limited (UK) UK Sovereign Bd Index Fund £ 10.95 - -0.10 2.60
Asian (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 145.27 - -0.04 1.45 Generation Global (CHF) PA F SFr 12.03 - 0.13 0.00 Optima Fund Management
Invesco UK Eqty A £ 7.81 - -0.04 1.31 Asia ex-Japan A1 $ 21.00 - 0.56 0.00
JB Strategy Balanced-USD/B $ 125.69 - 0.43 0.00 Easter Alderston, Haddington, EH41 3SF 01620 825867 UK Specialist Equity Income Fund £ 9.50 - 0.12 3.89
Asian Equity Income (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 106.53 - -0.30 4.37 Other International Funds
Generation Global (EUR) PA F € 18.31 - 0.22 0.00 Bond A1 $ 10.32 - -0.06 0.00 Authorised Inv Funds
JB Strategy Growth-CHF/B SFr 87.61 - 1.13 0.00 Global Spec Inv Grade Bd Fund GBP £ 10.03 - -0.09 3.21 Cuttyhunk Fund II Limited $ 1569.30 - 6.52 0.00
Asian Equity Income (No Trail) Inc 90.78 - -0.26 4.49 Generation Global (USD) PA F $ 14.24 - -0.03 0.00 Balanced Fund Personal Class Units 3728.10 - -2.70 1.99
China Equity Fd A1 $ 8.64 - 0.17 0.00
JB Strategy Growth-EUR € 109.97 - 1.76 0.00 Inflation Lkd Sov Bd Fund £ 12.69 - -0.18 0.67 JENOP Global Healthcare Fund Ltd $ 17.36 - -0.05 0.00
Balanced Risk 6 No Trail Acc 104.37 - -0.44 0.16 Global Energy (USD) PA F $ 6.20 - -0.04 0.00 Income Fund Personal Class Units 2283.80xd - -12.40 3.01
Continental European Eqty A1 € 16.72 - 0.45 0.00
JB Strategy Inc-CHF/B SFr 117.46 - 0.49 0.00 Global Emerg Mkts Equity Fund X £ 10.01 - 0.08 0.60 OPTIKA Fund Limited - Cl A $ 119.88 - 1.27 -
Balanced Risk 8 No Trail Acc 106.69 - -0.62 0.42 Golden Age (CHF) PA F SFr 21.19 - -0.04 0.00 Emerging Markets Fund Personal Class Units 1472.30 - 7.60 2.65
Emer Mkts Debt Lo Curr Fd A1 $ 11.14 - -0.01 0.00
JB Strategy Inc-EUR/B € 156.76 - 0.75 0.00 Series 2 (Investment Management customers only) Optima Fd NAV $ 96.11 - -0.61 0.00
Balanced Risk 10 No Trail Acc 108.75 - -0.80 0.57 Golden Age (EUR) PA € 14.39 - -0.02 0.00 Smaller Companies Fund Personal Class Units 3419.00xd - -7.80 1.81
Emerging Markets Debt A1 $ 32.59 - 0.07 0.00 United Kingdom Equity Index Fund £ 12.09 - 0.36 3.33
JB Strategy Inc-USD/B $ 144.17 - 0.05 0.00 Optima Discretionary Macro Fund Limited $ 87.21 - -1.06 0.00
Corporate Bond (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 162.57 - -0.26 3.87 Golden Age (USD) PA F $ 19.96 - -0.03 0.00 Emerging Markets Eq.A1 $ 9.63 - 0.21 0.00 UK Specialist Equity Inc £ 18.95 - 0.32 1.77 The Dorset Energy Fd Ltd NAV $ 28.91 - -3.23 0.00
Corporate Bond (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 116.95 - -0.18 3.96 Invest AD Sh.T- Money Mkt EUR PA € 112.33 - 0.00 0.00 European Concentrated A1 € 16.73 - 0.40 0.00 Meridian Fund Managers Ltd Contl Europe Spec Equity £ 16.14 - 0.26 0.63
Client services: +971 2 692 6101 clientservices@InvestAD.com Platinum Fd Ltd $ 88.12 - -0.49 0.00
Distribution (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 164.19 - -0.08 4.19 Sh.T- Money Mkt CHF PA SFr 128.87 - 0.00 0.00 Other International Funds
Other International Funds European Core Eq A1 € 29.44 - 0.74 0.00 US Spec Equity Fund £ 12.88 - -0.09 0.17
Global Gold & Resources Fund $ 180.02 - -1.51 - Platinum Fd Ltd EUR € 17.12 - -0.10 0.00
Distribution (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 109.95 - -0.05 4.27 Sh.T- Money Mkt GBP PA £ 10.27 - 0.00 0.00
Invest AD - Iraq Opportunity Fund $ 65.31 - -0.15 0.00 European Res.A1 € 30.76 - 0.77 0.00 Japan Specialist Fund X £ 9.49 - -0.14 0.56
Global Energy & Resources Fund $ 37.95 - -6.10 - Platinum Japan Fd Ltd $ 56.08 - -0.45 0.00
Emerging European (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 65.64 - 0.17 3.53 Sh.T- Money Mkt USD PA $ 10.30 - 0.00 0.00
Invest AD - Emerging Africa Fund $ 950.10 - -7.25 0.00 European Smaller Companies A1 € 48.09 - 1.00 0.00 Pacific Basin Specialist Equity Fund £ 19.70 - 0.11 1.45 Optima Partners Global Fd (Est) $ 14.94 - -0.04 0.00
Emerging European (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 58.00 - 0.15 3.63 Sw.Fr.Bd(For) PA SFr 23.75 - -0.04 0.00
Invest AD - GCC Focus Fund $ 1523.87 - 61.55 0.00 European Value A1 € 33.68 - 0.76 0.00 UK Sovereign Bd Index Fund £ 11.12 - -0.11 2.60 Optima Partners Focus Fund A $ 17.23 - 0.04 0.00
European Equity (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 144.25 - -0.12 2.66 Sw.Fr.Credit Bd(For) PA SFr 13.65 - -0.02 0.00 Metage Capital
Kames Capital ICVC (UK) Global Conc.A1 $ 33.94 - -0.16 0.00 UK Specialist Equity Income Fund £ 10.25 - 0.14 3.83
European Equity (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 121.84 - -0.10 2.74 Other International Funds
Kames House, 3 Lochside Crescent, Edinburgh, EH12 9SA Tactical Alpha (CHF) PA SFr 10.20 - -0.06 0.00 Global Credit Fund $ 10.41 - -0.09 0.00
MGS -Master Series (Est) $ 240.66 - -2.89 - Global Spec Inv Grade Bd Fund GBP £ 10.18 - -0.09 3.21
European Equity Income (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 146.84 - -0.06 3.35 0800 45 44 22 www.kamescapital.com
Tactical Alpha (EUR) PA € 10.49 - -0.05 0.00 Oryx International Growth Fund Ltd
Authorised Funds Global Energy Fund A1 $ 11.70 - -0.07 0.00 Inflation Lkd Sov Bd Fund £ 12.82 - -0.18 0.67
MEMO - Master Series $ 501.03 - -3.56 0.00 Other International Funds
European Equity Income (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 113.69 - -0.05 3.43 Tactical Alpha (USD) PA $ 15.07 - -0.08 0.00
Diversified Income B Acc 108.78 - -0.32 5.29 Global Equity A1 $ 42.96 - -0.01 0.00 Global Emerg Mkts Equity Fund X £ 9.67 - 0.07 0.83 NAV (Fully Diluted) £ 6.18 - 0.11 0.00
MEMO - MEMV Series $ 117.28 - -0.07 0.00
European High Income (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 162.33 - 0.28 3.37 Technology PA € 12.59 - -0.01 0.00
Diversified Income B Inc 100.64 - -0.30 5.47 Global Equity A1 € 23.69 - 0.02 0.00 The initial charge you will pay will depend on the amount you invest
European High Income (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 118.73 - 0.20 3.42 Technology PA $ 19.08 - -0.01 0.00 **Address and Telephone number for series 1 only
Diversified Growth A Acc 129.01 - 0.28 2.71 Global High Yield Fund $ 24.63 - 0.09 0.00
European Opportunities (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 180.34 - 0.98 0.66 Ministry of Justice Common Investment Funds (UK)
JPMorgan Asset Mgmt (1200)F (UK) Ethical Cautious Managed A Acc 162.95 - -0.93 1.62 Wld Gold Expertise PAF SFr 9.03 - -0.29 0.00 Global High Yield Fund € 15.60 - 0.07 0.00 Property & Other UK Unit Trusts
European Opportunities (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 171.14 - 0.93 0.66 60 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0JP
Wld Gold Expertise PA € 7.19 - -0.24 0.00 Global Multi-Asset A1 $ 15.01 - 0.00 0.00 Asset Management
Asset Management
Brokerline: 0800 727 770, Clients: 0800 20 40 20 Ethical Cautious Managed A Inc 134.81 - -0.77 1.64 The Equity Idx Tracker Fd Inc 1254.00 1254.00 3.00 2.69
European Smaller Companies (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 230.11 - 1.65 0.46

Global Balanced Index (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 149.66 - -0.88 1.75

Authorised Inv Funds
JPM Retail OEIC (A class unless stated) Asset Management
Ethical Corporate Bond A Acc

Ethical Corporate Bond A Inc



-0.84 3.32

-0.48 3.32
Wld Gold Expertise PA
LO Selection
$ 9.54 - -0.30 0.00 Global Res.A1

Global Total Return A1

Asset Management $ 24.44

€ 16.43

-0.02 0.00

-0.08 0.00
Distribution Units

America Equity Acc 54.61 - -1.48 0.00 Balanced (CHF) PA F SFr 105.15 - 0.88 0.00
Global Bond (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 134.95 - 0.64 1.44 Permal Investment Mgmt Svcs Ltd
Ethical Equity A Acc 169.58 - -1.15 1.22 Inflation-Adjusted Bond A1 $ 13.96 - -0.08 0.00 Mirabaud Asset Management (LUX)
America Equity Inc 54.61 - -1.48 0.00 Balanced (EUR) PA F € 122.45 - 1.23 0.00 www.mirabaud.com, marketing@mirabaud.com www.permal.com
Global Bond (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 122.71 - 0.58 1.45
High Yield Bond A Acc 114.64 - 0.94 4.07 Japan Equity A1 $ 9.70 - 0.02 0.00
Asia Acc 106.10 - 0.30 0.36 Conservative (CHF) PA F SFr 102.75 - 0.02 0.00 Regulated New Capital Fund Management Ltd (IRL) Other International Funds

Asset Management
Glbl Distribution Acc (No Trail) 104.25 - -0.40 3.76

Glbl Distribution Inc (No Trail) 99.97 - -0.39 3.83

Asia Inc 58.87
Asset Management
- 0.16 0.35
High Yield Bond A Inc 52.51 - 0.43 4.07
Conservative (EUR) PA F € 112.95 - 0.15 0.00
Latin American Equity Fd A1

Limited Maturity A1
$ 11.51

$ 14.03

0.02 0.00

-0.02 0.00
Mir. Conv. Bds Eur A EUR € 134.70 - 1.80 0.00
Leconfield House, Curzon Street, London, W1J 5JB
FCA Recognised
Offshore Fund Class A US $ Shares
Investment Holdings N.V.
$ 5712.21 - -20.57 0.00

Asset Management
Investment Grade Bond A Acc 158.41 - -0.44 3.04
Asset Management
Mir. Conv. Bds Glb A USD $ 112.25 - 0.67 0.00 New Capital UCITS Funds
Cautious Managed Rt Acc 67.26xd - -0.31 0.18 Global Allocation (GBP) PA F £ 9.71 - 0.00 0.00
Gbl Emerging Markets (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 140.45 - 1.17 1.07 Macro Holdings Ltd $ 4197.79 - 38.91 0.00
Investment Grade Bond A Inc 116.06 - -0.33 3.04 Prudent Wealth Fd A1 $ 14.43 - 0.06 0.00 Mir. - Eq Asia ex Jap A $ 156.36 - 0.18 0.00 Asia Pac Bd USD Inst Inc $ 90.82 - 0.12 3.23
Cautious Managed Rt Inc 59.18xd - -0.27 0.18 Growth (CHF) PA F SFr 108.80 - 1.61 0.00
Gbl Emerging Markets (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 130.51 - 1.09 1.08 Fixed Income Holdings N.V. $ 386.95 - -15.12 -
Sterling Corporate Bond A Acc 69.30 - -0.20 2.95 Research Bond A1 $ 16.54 - -0.08 0.00 Mir. - Eq Glb Emrg Mkt A USD $ 82.66 - -0.24 0.00 Asia Pac Bd USD Ord Inc $ 92.74 - 0.12 2.50
Diversified Real Ret Acc 50.20xd - -0.46 1.07 Growth (EUR) PA F € 131.02 - 2.18 0.00
Global Equity (No Trail) acc ♦ F 193.71 - -1.27 0.98 Permal Absolute Return Fund $ 169.53 - 2.94 0.00
Sterling Corporate Bond A Inc 30.95 - -0.09 2.95 UK Equity A1 £ 7.58 - 0.11 0.00 Mir. - Eq Global Focus A USD $ 95.98 - -0.06 0.00 Asia Pac Eq EUR Ord Inc € 83.33 - 0.75 3.07
Thursday 27 August 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 25


Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield

UK Long Term Corp. Bnd Inst-Inst Acc £ 18.95 - -0.20 0.00 US Premium Equities (USD) $ 186.49 - -2.60 0.00 Equity Inc Inc Ret 199.70 - -1.20 - Charity Value and Income Fund Inc 90.14 90.60 -0.55 4.68 Data Provided by
UK Real Return - Inst Acc £ 23.24 - -0.34 0.00 Equity Inc Acc Inst 140.30 - -0.90 -
The National Investor (TNI) Veritas Asset Management LLP (IRL)
UK Sterling Long Average Duration - Inst Acc £ 21.73 - -0.34 0.00 N&P UK Gwth Inc Ret 156.00 - -0.90 - www.tni.ae HSSI Ltd, 1 Grand Canal Sq, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland
Royal Bank of Scotland (2230)F (UK) Standard Life Wealth (JER)
Other International Funds Veritas Funds Plc
UK Sterling Low Average Duration - Inst Acc £ 14.00 - 0.01 0.00 PO Box 23873, Edinburgh EH7 5WJ 0800 917 7072 Stckmkt 100 Track Gwth Acc Inst 87.33 - -0.84 - PO Box 189, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9RU 01534 709130
TNI Blue Chip UAE Fund * AED 10.29 - 0.36 0.00 www.veritas-asset.com
Authorised Inv Funds FCA Recognised
Unconstrained Bond - Inst Acc $ 12.03 - 0.04 0.00 Stckmkt 100 Track Gwth Acc Ret 161.70 - -1.50 - +353 1 635 6799
Series 5 (Minumum Initial Investment £75,000) Standard Life Offshore Strategy Fund Limited TNI Funds Ltd (BMU)
FCA Recognised
US Fundam.Index StocksPLUS Inst Inc $ 11.16 - -0.10 0.00 United Kingdom Equity Index Fund £ 15.12 - 0.46 2.83 UK Growth Acc Inst 272.80 - -1.50 - Bridge Fund £ 1.5073 - -0.0013 2.20 MENA Hedge Fund $ 995.03 - 3.99 0.00 Institutional
Pictet Asset Management (Europe) SA (LUX) TNI Funds Plc (Ireland)
15, Avenue J.F. Kennedy L-1855 Luxembourg
US High Yield Bond Fund Inst Acc $ 27.63 - 0.18 0.00 UK Specialist Equity Inc £ 18.75 - 0.31 0.42 UK Growth Acc Ret 316.60 - -1.80 - Diversified Assets Fund £ 1.1474 - -0.0036 3.07
MENA UCITS Fund * $ 1133.71 - -90.39 0.00
Veritas Asian Fund A USD H $ 289.43 - -0.04 0.65
Tel: 0041 58 323 3000 Contl Europe Specialist Fund £ 22.67 - 0.36 0.00 UK Growth Inc Ret 210.60 - -1.20 - Global Equity Fund £ 1.7067 - 0.0057 1.19 Veritas Asian Fund A GBP H £ 343.12 - 3.55 0.49
FCA Recognised
Data as shown is for information purposes only. No
Managed OEIC
Japan Specialist Fund X £ 13.53 - -0.20 0.00 Global Balanced Fund - Income Units £ 1.2748 - 0.0007 2.02 Veritas Asian Fund A EUR H € 290.20 - 1.51 0.40 offer is made by Morningstar or this publication.
Pictet-Absl Rtn Fix Inc-HI EUR € 106.49 - 0.15 0.00 Glob Em Shs Port Acc Ret 142.00 - 1.20 -
US Spec Equity Fund £ 16.68 - -0.11 0.00 Global Balanced Fund - Accumulations Units £ 1.4796 - 0.0002 1.99 Thesis Unit Trust Management Limited (UK) Veritas China Fund A USD $ 140.91 - 2.21 0.00
Pictet-Absl Rtn Glo Div-I EUR F € 123.97 - -0.15 0.00 Max 70% Shs Port Acc Ret 247.30 - 1.00 - Exchange Building, St Johns Street, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1UP
Pacific Basin Specialist Equity Fund £ 34.83 - 0.19 0.75 Global Fixed Interest Fund £ 1.0010 - -0.0006 3.49 Veritas China Fund A GBP £ 145.69 - 2.29 0.00
Pictet-Agriculture-I EUR F € 180.22 - 2.53 0.00 Authorised Funds
Max 70% Shs Port Acc X 177.60 - 0.80 -
UK Sovereign Bd Index Fund £ 10.73 - -0.10 2.60 Sterling Fixed Interest Fund £ 0.8461 - -0.0016 3.10 TM New Court Fund A 2011 Inc £ 12.70 - -0.06 0.00 Veritas China Fund A EUR € 139.82 - 2.29 0.00
Pictet-Asian Equities Ex Japan-I USD F $ 184.97 - 0.70 0.00 Max 70% Shs Port Acc S 143.60 - 0.60 -
Inflation Lkd Sov Bd Fund £ 12.93 - -0.19 0.67 UK Equity Fund £ 1.8615 - -0.0109 2.82 TM New Court Fund - A 2014 Acc £ 12.72 - -0.07 0.00 Veritas Global Equity Income Fund D USD $ 114.97 - -1.72 4.49
Pictet-Asian Local Currency Debt-I USD F $ 148.04 - -0.06 0.00 Platinum Capital Management Ltd Investment Port Acc Ret 231.50 - -0.60 -
Pictet-Biotech-I USD F $ 829.47 - 5.66 0.00 Other International Funds
UK Specialist Equity Income Fund £ 9.48 - 0.13 3.89
Investment Port Acc X 164.10 - -0.40 -
TM New Court Equity Growth Fund - Inc £ 12.77 - -0.07 0.00 Veritas Global Equity Income Fund D EUR € 195.54 - -1.63 3.70
Guide to Data
Platinum All Star Fund - A $ 120.00 - - - Global Emerg Mkts Equity Fund X £ 9.67 - 0.08 0.56 Veritas Global Equity Income Fund D GBP £ 142.93 - -0.63 4.44
Pictet-Brazil Index I USD $ 39.57 - 0.31 0.00 Max 50% Shs Port Acc Ret 239.10 - 0.20 -
Platinum Global Dividend Fund - A $ 59.09 - - - Global Spec Inv Grade Bd Fund GBP £ 9.87 - -0.09 3.21 Veritas Global Focus Fund D USD $ 24.84 - -0.31 2.65 The fund prices quoted on these pages are supplied by
Pictet-CHF Bonds I CHF SFr 505.67 - -1.24 0.00 Max 50% Shs Port Inc Ret 214.00 - 0.20 -
Series 6 (Investment Management Customers Only) Veritas Global Focus Fund D EUR € 21.90 - -0.13 2.41 the operator of the relevant fund. Details of funds
Platinum Global Dividend UCITS Fund $ 64.92 - -1.93 5.16 published on these pages, including prices, are for the
Pictet-China Index I USD $ 99.76 - 0.07 0.00 United Kingdom Equity Index Fund £ 14.93 - 0.45 3.33 Max 50% Shs Port Acc X 173.10 - 0.20 -
Platinum Essential Resources UCITs Fund $ 5.34 - -0.21 0.00 Veritas Global Focus Fund D GBP £ 26.98 - -0.04 2.33 purpose of information only and should only be used
Pictet-Clean Energy-I USD F $ 77.13 - 0.19 0.00 UK Specialist Equity £ 18.95 - 0.32 1.77 Max 50% Shs Port Acc S 144.90 - 0.10 - as a guide. The Financial Times Limited makes no
Platinum Maverick Enhanced Fund Limited $ 103.46 - - 0.00 Veritas Global Focus Fund A GBP £ 26.00 - -0.04 2.12 representation as to their accuracy or completeness
Pictet-Digital Communication-I USD F $ 229.39 - -0.17 0.00 Contl Europe Specialist Fund £ 23.62 - 0.37 0.63 Max 100% Shs Port Acc Ret 258.70 - 1.90 - Stenham Asset Management Inc Veritas Global Focus Fund A EUR € 12.74 - -0.07 1.91
and they should not be relied upon when making an
Pictet-Eastern Europe-I EUR F € 253.53 - 11.35 0.00 www.stenhamassetmanagement.com investment decision.
Japan Specialist Fund X £ 14.26 - -0.21 0.56 Max 100% Shs Port Acc X 185.70 - 1.00 -
Other International Funds Toscafund (CYM) Veritas Global Focus Fund A USD $ 23.92 - -0.30 2.22
Pictet-Em Lcl Ccy Dbt-I USD F $ 155.85 - 0.99 0.00 US Spec Equity Fund £ 17.44 - -0.12 0.17 Max 100% Shs Port Acc S 135.40 - 1.00 - Regulated The sale of interests in the funds listed on these pages
Stenham Asia USD $ 135.37 - -2.06 - Veritas Global Focus Fund C GBP £ 28.09 - -0.05 0.00 may, in certain jurisdictions, be restricted by law and
Pictet-Emerging Markets-I USD F $ 452.97 - 3.01 0.00 Enhanced Inc Inc Ins 203.90 - -1.10 - Tosca $ 305.03 - -0.19 0.00 the funds will not necessarily be available to persons
Pacific Basin Specialist Equity Fund £ 34.75 - 0.19 1.45
Stenham Credit Opportunities A Class USD $ 104.62 - -0.76 0.00 Veritas Global Focus Fund C EUR € 22.91 - -0.13 0.00
Tosca Mid Cap GBP £ 267.76 - 6.83 0.00 in all jurisdictions in which the publication circulates.
Pictet-Emerging Markets Index-I USD F $ 203.91 - 4.34 0.00 UK Sovereign Bd Index Fund £ 10.84 - -0.11 2.60 Enhanced Inc Inc Ret 193.00 - -1.00 -
Stenham Emerging Markets USD B1 $ 105.21 - -2.06 0.00 Veritas Global Focus Fund C USD $ 25.92 - -0.32 0.00 Persons in any doubt should take appropriate
Pictet-Emerging Corporate Bonds I USD $ 105.02 - -0.04 0.00 Enhanced Inc Inc X 163.90 - -0.80 - Tosca Opportunity B USD $ 313.41 - 20.23 0.00 professional advice. Data collated by Morningstar. For
Inflation Lkd Sov Bd Fund £ 12.80 - -0.19 0.67
Stenham Gold USD $ 143.57 - -11.96 0.00 Veritas Global Equity Income Fund A GBP £ 137.08 - -0.60 4.47 other queries contact reader.enquiries@ft.com +44
Pictet-Emerging Markets High Dividend I USD $ 90.85 - 0.28 0.00 UK Specialist Equity Income Fund £ 10.25 - 0.14 3.83 Enhanced Inc Acc Inst 150.00 - - - (0)207 873 4211.
Polar Capital Funds Plc (IRL) Stenham Growth USD $ 228.02 - 2.78 - Veritas Global Equity Income Fund A EUR € 190.10 - -1.58 3.73
Pictet-Emerging Markets Sust Eq I USD $ 82.18 - 2.12 0.00 Regulated Managed Investments OEIC
Global Spec Inv Grade Bd Fund GBP £ 10.15 - -0.09 3.21 The fund prices published in this edition along with
Stenham Healthcare USD $ 200.89 - 7.01 0.00 Veritas Global Equity Income Fund A USD $ 110.71 - -1.66 4.51
Pictet-Environmental Megatrend Sel I EUR € 144.45 - 2.37 0.00 Asian Financials I USD $ 268.07 268.07 0.11 0.00 Max 30% Shs Port Acc Ret 153.40 - -0.10 - additional information are also available on the
Global Emerg Mkts Equity Fund X £ 9.67 - 0.07 0.80 Financial Times website, www.ft.com/funds. The
Stenham Helix USD $ 31.00 - -73.66 - Veritas Global Equity Income Fund C GBP £ 159.94 - -0.70 -
Pictet-EUR Bonds-I F € 546.18 - -3.37 0.00 Biotechnology I USD $ 17.99 17.99 0.15 0.00 Max 30% Shs Port Acc X 153.10 - -0.10 - funds published on these pages are grouped together
Address and telephone number for Series 5 only
Stenham Managed Fund USD $ 120.10 - 1.29 - Veritas Global Equity Income Fund C EUR € 221.17 - -1.84 - by fund management company.
Pictet-EUR Corporate Bonds Ex Fin i EUR € 142.45 - -0.80 0.00 European Income Acc EUR € 11.17 11.17 0.41 - Max 30% Shs Port Acc S 147.00 - -0.10 -
Stenham Multi Strategy USD $ 123.16 - 0.52 - Veritas Global Equity Income Fund C USD $ 128.37 - -1.93 -
European Ex UK Inc EUR Acc € 9.45 9.45 0.32 - Max 30% Shs Inc Port Inc Ret 152.60 - -0.30 - Prices are in pence unless otherwise indicated. The
Pictet-EUR Corporate Bonds-I F € 197.88 - -0.92 0.00 Royal London Unit Managers Ltd. (1200) F (UK)
Stenham Quadrant USD A $ 402.92 - 6.77 - Veritas Global Real Return Fund A USD $ 19.39 - 0.05 2.07 change, if shown, is the change on the previously
Financial Opps I USD $ 12.18 - 0.11 1.99 5th Floor, Churchgate House, 56 Oxford Street, Manchester M1 6EU 03456 057777 Max 30% Shs Inc Port Inc X 152.80 - -0.30 - TreeTop Asset Management S.A. (LUX) quoted figure (not all funds update prices daily). Those
Pictet-EUR Government Bonds I EUR € 155.33 - -1.36 0.00
Authorised Inv Funds Stenham Trading Inc USD $ 116.54 - 1.77 - Regulated Veritas Global Real Return Fund A GBP £ 10.83 - 0.02 2.05 designated $ with no prefix refer to US dollars. Yield
Pictet-EUR High Yield-I F € 240.76 - 0.84 0.00 GEM Growth I USD $ 8.15 - 0.11 0.00 Max 30% Shs Inc Port Inc S 146.50 - -0.30 - TreeTop Convertible Sicav
Royal London Sustainable Diversified A Inc £ 1.49 - -0.01 1.89 percentage figures (in Tuesday to Saturday papers)
Stenham Universal USD $ 458.70 - 2.19 - Veritas Global Real Return Fund A EUR € 11.43 - 0.02 0.17 allow for buying expenses. Prices of certain older
Pictet-EUR Short Mid-Term Bonds-I F € 136.65 - -0.07 0.00 GEM Income I USD $ 9.21 - 0.12 0.00 Max 60% Shs Port Acc Ret 262.70 - 0.30 - International A € 286.86 - 2.32 0.00
Royal London Sustainable World A Inc 159.40 - -0.40 0.67 Stenham Universal II USD $ 170.21 - 0.74 0.00 Retail insurance linked plans might be subject to capital
Pictet-EUR Short Term HY I EUR € 118.38 - -0.34 0.00 Global Alpha I USD $ 12.22 12.22 0.00 0.00 Max 60% Shs Port Inc Ret 209.60 - 0.20 - International B $ 368.62 - 2.61 0.00 gains tax on sales.
Royal London Corporate Bond Mth Income 88.79 93.46 -0.24 4.18 Veritas Asian Fund B USD $ 201.15 - -0.02 0.47
Pictet-EUR Sov.Sht.Mon.Mkt EUR I € 103.06 - 0.00 0.00 Global Convertible I USD $ 11.47 11.47 -0.03 0.00 Max 60% Shs Port Inc X 162.30 - 0.20 - International C £ 123.96 - 0.94 0.00 Guide to pricing of Authorised Investment Funds:
Royal London European Growth Trust 104.60 110.10 -0.20 0.91 Veritas Asian Fund B GBP £ 252.53 - 2.61 0.04
Max 60% Shs Port Inc S 143.30 - 0.10 - Stratton Street Capital (CI) Limited (GSY) (compiled with the assistance of the IMA. The
Pictet-Euroland Index IS EUR € 127.84 - 5.18 0.00 Global Insurance I GBP £ 3.73 - -0.01 0.00 International D € 266.32 - 2.13 2.96
Royal London Sustainable Leaders A Inc 431.90 - -2.40 0.81 Regulated Veritas Asian Fund B EUR € 213.21 - 1.12 0.00 Investment Management Association, 65 Kingsway,
Eq Inc Port Acc Ret 280.60 - 1.50 - Pacific A € 258.46 - 0.75 0.00 London WC2B 6TD.
Pictet-Europe Index-I EUR F € 165.56 - 6.58 0.00 Global Technology I USD $ 20.68 - 0.13 0.00
Royal London UK Growth Trust 458.70 482.80 -3.20 1.07 Japan Synthetic Warrant Yen Class ¥ 1630.64 - -117.68 0.00 Veritas China Fund B GBP £ 140.84 - 2.09 0.00 Tel: +44 (0)20 7831 0898.)
Pictet-European Equity Selection-I EUR F € 606.54 - 23.56 0.00 Healthcare Blue Chip Fund I USD Acc $ 10.71 10.71 -0.04 - Eq Inc Port Inc Ret 218.90 - 1.10 - Pacific B $ 325.69 - 0.63 0.00
Royal London UK Income With Growth Trust 213.30 224.50 -1.30 4.40 Japan Synthetic Warrant GBP Hedged Class £ 196.68 - 2.04 0.00 Veritas China Fund B EUR € 166.75 - -2.49 0.00
Managed Investments OEIC 2 OEIC: Open-Ended Investment Company. Similar to a
Healthcare Opps I USD $ 39.91 - 0.06 0.00 TreeTop Global Sicav
Pictet-European Sust Eq-I EUR F € 232.06 - 8.16 0.00 Japan Synthetic Warrant USD Class $ 17.29 - -0.99 0.00 Veritas Global Focus Fund B USD $ 17.24 - -0.21 1.62 unit trust but using a company rather than a trust
Royal London US Growth Trust 141.30 148.70 0.30 0.00 Investments Inc Port Inc Ret 163.20 - -0.20 - Global Opp.A € 135.39 - 1.61 0.00 structure.
Pictet-Global Bds Fundamental I USD $ 118.08 - -1.27 0.00 Income Opportunities B2 I GBP Acc £ 1.69 1.69 0.02 0.00 Additional Funds Available Japan Synthetic Warrant USD Hedged Class $ 195.83 - 2.73 0.00 Veritas Global Focus Fund B GBP £ 19.82 - -0.04 1.68
Investments Inc Port Inc X 147.90 - -0.10 - Global Opp.B $ 135.22 - 1.15 0.00
Pictet-Global Bonds-I EUR € 158.89 - 0.26 0.00 Japan Alpha I JPY ¥ 199.14 199.14 6.97 0.00 Please see www.royallondon.com for details Different share classes are issued to reflect a different
Renminbi Bond Fund AUD Cls A A$ 115.09 - -1.81 3.83 Veritas Global Focus Fund B EUR € 15.14 - -0.09 1.53 currency, charging structure or type of holder.
£ Gov Bond Inc Inst (gross) 178.40 - -0.30 - Global Opp.C £ 165.68 - 1.77 0.00
Pictet-Global Emerging Currencies-I USD F $ 96.17 - 0.28 0.00 Japan I JPY ¥ 2012.30 - 66.44 0.00
Renminbi Bond Fund AUD Cls B A$ 116.85 - -1.84 3.57 Veritas Global Equity Income Fund B GBP £ 126.27 - -0.55 4.52
£ Gov Bond Inc Inst 146.40 - -0.30 - Sequoia Equity A € 142.28 - 1.90 0.00 Selling price: Also called bid price. The price at which
Pictet-Global Emerging Debt-I USD F $ 347.92 - 0.02 0.00 North American I USD $ 16.27 16.27 -0.14 0.00 Ruffer LLP (1000)F (UK)
units in a unit trust are sold by investors.
Renminbi Bond Fund CHF Cls A SFr 112.93 - -1.70 3.86 Veritas Global Equity Income Fund B EUR € 174.67 - -1.45 3.77
40 Dukes Place, London EC3A 7NH £ Gov Bond Acc Inst 147.10 - -0.30 - Sequoia Equity B $ 147.71 - 1.37 0.00
Pictet-Global Megatrend Selection-I USD F $ 213.39 - 0.06 0.00 UK Absolute Equity I GBP £ 12.13 12.13 0.01 -
Order Desk and Enquiries: 0845 601 9610 Renminbi Bond Fund CHF Cls B SFr 112.73 - -1.71 3.62 Veritas Global Equity Income Fund B USD $ 109.89 - -1.65 4.57 Buying price: Also called offer price. The price at
Strat Bond Inc Inst (gross) 181.90 - 0.00 - Sequoia Equity C £ 161.33 - 1.92 0.00
Pictet-Greater China-I USD F $ 419.63 - -1.84 0.00 Authorised Inv Funds which units in a unit trust are bought by investors.
Renminbi Bond Fund CNH Cls A CNH 122.22 - -0.89 3.43 Veritas Global Real Return Fund B USD $ 18.78 - 0.05 1.62
Authorised Corporate Director - Capita Financial Managers Strat Bond Inc Inst 149.70 - 0.00 - Includes manager’s initial charge.
Pictet-Health-I USD $ 274.84 - -0.67 0.00 Polar Capital LLP (CYM) Renminbi Bond Fund CNH Cls B CNH 121.97 - -0.90 3.19 Veritas Global Real Return Fund B GBP £ 10.61 - 0.02 1.63
CF Ruffer Investment Funds Strat Bond Acc Inst 149.70 - 0.00 -
Regulated Single price: Based on a mid-market valuation of the
Pictet-High Dividend Sel I EUR F € 144.12 - 3.03 0.00 CF Ruffer Gold Fund C Acc 73.62 - -0.79 0.00 Renminbi Bond Fund Euro Cls B € 114.14 - -1.73 3.62 Veritas Global Real Return Fund B EUR € 12.22 - 0.02 1.44 underlying investments. The buying and selling price
Managed Investments OEIC 3
ALVA Convertible A USD $ 129.05 - 0.44 0.00 for shares of an OEIC and units of a single priced unit
Pictet-India Index I USD $ 96.17 - 1.86 0.00 CF Ruffer Gold Fund O Acc 72.94 - -0.79 0.00 Div Inc Port Inc Ret 166.10 - -0.90 - Renminbi Bond Fund GBP Cls B £ 115.99 - -1.79 3.41 trust are the same.
European Conviction A EUR € 151.07 - -9.24 0.00
Pictet-Indian Equities-I USD F $ 430.04 - -2.88 0.00 Equity & General C Acc 375.75 - -9.95 0.25 Corp Bond Acc Inst (gross) 211.00 - -0.20 - Renminbi Bond Fund SGD Cls B S$ 114.87 - -1.85 3.38
European Forager A EUR € 180.73 - -0.07 0.00 Veritas Asset Management LLP Treatment of manager’s periodic capital charge:
Pictet-Japan Index-I JPY F ¥ 15575.00 - 491.90 0.00 Equity & General C Inc 346.76 - -9.19 0.25 Corp Bond Inc Inst 142.10 - -0.10 - Renminbi Bond Fund USD Cls B $ 115.38 - -1.79 3.18 www.veritas-asset.com The letter C denotes that the trust deducts all or part
Other International Funds of the manager’s/operator’s periodic charge from
Pictet-Japanese Equities Opp-I JPY F ¥ 9216.40 - 308.40 0.00 Equity & General O Inc 345.47 - -9.18 0.00 Corp Bond Acc Inst 143.60 - -0.10 - Renminbi Bond Fund YEN Cls B ¥ 12737.94 - -191.05 0.00 Troy Asset Mgt Ltd (UK) capital, contact the manager/operator for full details
Real Return Asian Fund USD (Est) € 284.54 - -6.58 0.00
Pictet-Japanese Equity Selection-I JPY F ¥ 13856.90 - 437.90 0.00 Polunin Capital Partners Ltd Equity & General O Acc 372.32 - -9.89 0.00 Multi-Manager OEIC Renminbi Bond Fund USD Cls A $ 159.06 - -2.46 3.42 40 Dukes Place, London EC3A 7NH of the effect of this course of action.
Other International Funds Order desk: 0845 608 0950, Enquiries 0845 608 0950 Real Return Asian Fund GBP (Est) £ 303.70 - -7.13 0.00
Pictet-LATAM Index I USD $ 50.60 - 0.60 0.00 Bal Intl Track Acc Ret 252.70 - -0.50 - Exit Charges: The letter E denotes that an exit charge
European C Acc 501.41 - -6.31 0.22 Renminbi Bond Fund GBP Cls A £ 154.58 - -2.37 3.65 Authorised Inv Funds
Emerging Markets Active $ 42.54 - -2.14 - Real Return Asian Fund EUR (Est) $ 299.76 - -7.08 0.00 may be made when you sell units, contact the
Pictet-LATAM Lc Ccy Dbt-I USD F $ 111.19 - 0.57 0.00 Bond Mthly Inc Acc Ret 143.20 - -0.30 - ACD Capita Financial Mgrs
European O Acc 496.88 - -6.28 0.00 Renminbi Bond Fund SGD Cls A S$ 152.13 - -2.45 3.62 manager/operator for full details.
Luxcellence Em Mkts Tech $ 737.12 - -113.65 0.00
Pictet-Pacific Ex Japan Index-I USD F $ 315.46 - 7.66 0.00 Bond Mthly Inc Inc Ret 92.45 - -0.26 - Trojan Investment Funds
Japanese Fund C Acc 173.27 - -15.06 0.01 Renminbi Bond Fund YEN Cls A ¥ 18853.78 - -282.36 0.00 Time: Some funds give information about the timing of
Polunin Developing Countries $ 685.43 686.39 9.09 0.00 Spectrum Fund 'O' Acc ♦ 151.88 - -2.32 0.29
Pictet-Premium Brands-I EUR F € 147.87 - 3.78 0.00 Waverton Investment Funds Plc (1600)F (IRL) price quotes. The time shown alongside the fund
Japanese Fund O Acc X 171.48 - -14.92 0.00 Renminbi Bond Fund EUR Cls A € 104.96 - -1.58 3.86
Polunin Discovery - Frontier Markets $ 1453.36 - -55.06 0.00 Spectrum Fund 'O' Inc ♦ 148.04 - -2.27 0.29 waverton.investments@citi.com manager’s/operator’s name is the valuation point for
Pictet-Quality Global Equities I USD $ 125.57 - -0.72 0.00 Pacific C Acc 275.07 - -26.87 0.51 Santander Asset Management UK Limited (1200)F (UK) Poland Geared Growth £ 0.46 - -0.04 0.00 FCA Recognised their unit trusts/OEICs, unless another time is
Polunin Small Cap $ 1215.96 1231.16 -175.10 0.00 Spectrum Income Fund 'O' Acc 93.81 - -0.37 -
287 St Vincent Street, Glasgow G2 5NB 0845 605 4400 indicated by the symbol alongside the individual unit
Pictet-Russia Index I USD $ 45.81 - 1.72 0.00 Pacific O Acc 272.32 - -26.61 0.19 Waverton Asia Pacific A USD $ 17.16 - 0.12 1.03
Authorised Inv Funds trust/OEIC name.
Spectrum Income Fund 'O' Inc 93.81 - -0.37 -
Pictet-Russian Equities-I USD F $ 38.66 - 1.52 0.00 Total Return C Acc 390.99 - -11.09 1.43 Santander Premium Fund (OEIC) Waverton Global Bond Fund Cls A $ 8.76 - -0.01 5.40
Private Fund Mgrs (Guernsey) Ltd (GSY) Trojan Fund O Acc ♦ 246.81 - -2.83 0.46 The symbols are as follows: ✠ 0001 to 1100 hours; ♦
Pictet-Security-I USD F $ 188.61 - 0.02 0.00 A Shares Waverton Global Equity Fund A GBP £ 12.69 - 0.01 0.37 1101 to 1400 hours; ▲1401 to 1700 hours; # 1701 to
Regulated Total Return C Inc 273.38 - -7.75 1.44
Europe (ex-UK) 267.10 - 0.30 - Trojan Fund O Inc ♦ 204.75 - -2.35 0.46 midnight. Daily dealing prices are set on the basis of
Pictet-Select-Callisto I EUR € 106.39 - -1.43 0.00 Monument Growth 18/08/2015 £ 482.51 487.88 -2.92 1.04 Total Return O Inc 270.76 - -7.71 1.44 Waverton UK Fund A GBP £ 12.70 - -0.06 1.81 the valuation point, a short period of time may elapse
Japan Equities 145.70 - 6.80 - Trojan Global Equity O Acc 199.57 - -2.20 0.97 before prices become available. Historic pricing: The
Pictet-Small Cap Europe-I EUR F € 1072.70 - 44.83 0.00 Total Return O Acc 387.40 - -11.01 1.42 Waverton Equity Fund A GBP £ 13.74 - -0.10 0.00
letter H denotes that the managers/operators will
Pacific Bas (ex-Japan) 459.50 - 5.00 - Trojan Global Equity O Inc 169.99 - -1.88 0.98
Pictet-ST.MoneyMkt-I € 140.50 - -0.01 0.00 Waverton Sterling Bond Fund A GBP £ 9.47 - -0.01 5.41 normally deal on the price set at the most recent
Prusik Investment Management LLP (IRL)
Trojan Income O Acc ♦ 255.58 - -1.74 3.95 valuation. The prices shown are the latest available
Pictet-ST.MoneyMkt JPY I USD ¥ 101529.48 - -4.78 0.00 Sterling Bonds 263.20 - -0.40 - E.I. Sturdza Strategic Management Limited (GSY)
Enquiries - 0207 493 1331 before publication and may not be the current dealing
Regulated UK Equities 253.70 - -0.80 - Regulated Trojan Income O Inc ♦ 161.89 - -1.11 4.07 levels because of an intervening portfolio revaluation
Pictet-ST.MoneyMkt-ICHF SFr 124.54 - 0.00 0.00
Nippon Growth Fund Limited ¥ 110391.00 - -2339.12 0.00 WA Fixed Income Fund Plc (IRL) or a switch to a forward pricing basis. The
Prusik Asian Equity Income B Dist $ 147.63 - -0.71 3.75 US Equities 234.30 - -0.40 -
Pictet-ST.MoneyMkt-IUSD $ 135.09 - 0.00 0.00 Regulated managers/operators must deal at a forward price on
Prusik Asia A $ 181.59 - 1.84 0.00 B Shares Strat Evarich Japan Fd Ltd JPY ¥ 89457.00 - -13045.00 0.00 request, and may move to forward pricing at any time.
Pictet-Timber-I USD F $ 142.44 - -1.39 0.00 UBS Global Asset Mgmt Fds Ltd (UK) European Multi-Sector € 115.18 - -0.97 0.00
Forward pricing: The letter F denotes that that
Prusik Asian Smaller Cos A $ 137.82 - 1.83 0.00 Pacific Bas (ex-Japan) 458.80 - 4.90 - Strat Evarich Japan Fd Ltd USD $ 886.54 - -134.82 0.00 21 Lombard Street, London, EC3V 9AH managers/operators deal at the price to be set at the
Pictet Total Ret-Agora I EUR € 112.24 - 0.33 0.00 next valuation.
Client Services 0800 587 2113, Client Dealing 0800 587 2112
Pictet Total Ret-Corto Europe I EUR € 134.14 - 1.25 0.00 S W Mitchell Capital LLP (CYM) www.ubs.com/retailfunds
Authorised Inv Funds Investors can be given no definite price in advance of
Pictet Total Ret-Divers Alpha I EUR € 104.73 - 0.19 0.00 Purisima Investment Fds (UK) (1200)F (UK) Regulated Saracen Fund Managers Ltd (1000)F (UK) E.I. Sturdza Funds PLC (IRL)
the purchase or sale being carried out. The prices
40 Dukes Place, London EC3A 7NH S W Mitchell European Fund Class A EUR € 355.68 - 15.96 - 19 Rutland Square, Edinburgh EH1 2BB Regulated OEIC
appearing in the newspaper are the most recent
Pictet Total Ret-Kosmos I EUR € 109.12 - 0.12 0.00 Order Desk 08459 220044, Enquiries: 0870 607 2555 Dealing: 00 353 1 603 9921 Nippon Growth (UCITS Fund Euro Hedged Class EUR) € 1049.13 - -33.35 0.00 Global Emerg Mkts Eqty B Acc £ 1.17 - 0.00 1.70 provided by the managers/operators. Scheme
S W Mitchell Small Cap European Fund Class A EUR € 235.00 - -3.60 - particulars, prospectus, key features and reports: The
Pictet Total Ret-Mandarin I USD $ 113.11 - -0.08 0.00 Authorised Inv Funds Saracen Investment Funds ICVC (OEIC) Enq. 0131 202 9100
Nippon Growth (UCITS Fund Euro Hedged Institutional Class EUR) € 1233.38 - -39.10 0.00 Global Optimal B Acc £ 0.90 - 0.00 0.63 most recent particulars and documents may be
Authorised Corporate Director - Capita Financial Managers The Charlemagne Fund EUR € 333.23 - -14.24 - Authorised Inv Funds
Pictet-US Equity Selection-I USD $ 175.29 - -1.80 0.00 UBS UK Opportunities Fund B Acc £ 0.85 - 0.00 2.90 obtained free of charge from fund
Global Total Fd PCG A 149.44 - -1.54 0.38 Saracen Growth Fd Alpha Acc £ 3.60 - 0.11 0.96 Nippon Growth (UCITS) Fund JPY Class A shares ¥ 96533.00 - -2997.00 0.00
Yuki International Limited (IRL) managers/operators. * Indicates funds which do not
Pictet-US High Yield-I USD F $ 145.91 - 0.56 0.00 Nippon Growth (UCITS) Fund JPY Class B Acc shares ¥ 80895.00 - -2522.00 0.00 US Equity B Acc £ 1.33 - 0.00 0.29 Tel +44-20-7269-0207 www.yukifunds.com price on Fridays.
Global Total Fd PCG B 148.20 - -1.53 0.14 Saracen Growth Fd Beta Acc £ 5.74 - 0.17 1.43
Pictet-USA Index-I USD F $ 164.37 - -2.20 0.00
S W Mitchell Capital LLP (IRL) Regulated
Global Total Fd PCG INT 146.36 - -1.51 0.00 Saracen Global Income & Growth Fund A - Acc £ 1.09 - 0.02 2.90 Nippon Growth (UCITS) Fund JPY Class C Dis shares ¥ 78655.00 - -2442.00 0.00 UBS S&P 500 Index C Acc £ 0.47 - 0.00 - Charges for this advertising service are based on the
Regulated Yuki Mizuho Umbrella Fund
Pictet-USD Government Bonds-I F $ 636.34 - -4.99 0.00 number of lines published and the classification of the

Asset Management
SWMC European Fund B EUR € 15404.69 - 674.47 0.00 Saracen Global Income & Growth Fund A - Dist £ 1.02 - 0.02 2.65 Nippon Growth (UCITS Fund Class D Institutional JPY) ¥ 52348.00 - -1626.00 0.00 UBS Targeted Return B Acc £ 1.21 - 0.00 1.19
Yuki Mizuho Japan Dynamic Growth ¥ 6466.00 - 210.00 0.00 fund. Please contact data@ft.com or
Pictet-USD Short Mid-Term Bonds-I F $ 129.48

Pictet-USD Sov.ST.Mon.Mkt-I $ 102.58


-0.18 0.00

0.00 0.00
Purisima Investment Fds (CI) Ltd (JER)

SWMC Small Cap European Fund B EUR € 13461.57

£ 11688.27 -

297.99 0.00

385.78 0.00
Saracen Global Income and Growth Fund -Acc # £ 1.35 - 0.02 3.26 Strategic China Panda Fund USD $ 2005.14

Strategic China Panda Fund Hedged EURO € 1951.24


23.30 0.00

21.15 0.00 UBS Multi Asset Income B Inc (net) £

Asset Management
UBS Sterling Corporate Bond Indexed Fund 51.20


0.36 3.32

0.00 3.56
Yuki Mizuho Japan Large Cap ¥ 6647.00 - 261.00 0.00 Asset Management
call +44 (0)20 7873 3132 for further information.

Regulated Saracen Global Income and Growth Fund -Dist # £ 1.19 - 0.02 2.68 Yuki Japan Low Price ¥ 26183.00 - 1100.00 0.00
Pictet-Water-I EUR F € 247.90 - 4.10 0.00 PCG B X 155.72 - -2.87 0.00 SWMC Emerging European Fund B EUR € 8470.57 - 292.51 0.00 Strategic China Panda Fund Hedged Sterling £ 1975.94 - 22.89 0.00 UBS UK Equity Income B Inc Net £ 0.38 - 0.00 4.64
Saracen UK Income Fund - Acc £ 1.00 - 0.03 - Yuki Japan Value Select ¥ 12291.00 - 488.00 0.00
PCG C X 153.63 - -2.83 0.00 Strategic Euro Bond Accumulating Class CHFSFr 991.82 - -0.22 0.00 Corporate Bond UK Plus B Inc Net £ 0.52 - 0.00 4.00 YMR Umbrella Fund
Saracen UK Income Fund - Dist £ 0.99 - 0.03 -
Pimco Fds: Global Investors Series Plc (IRL) . Strategic Euro Bond Institutional Class EUR € 1014.62 - -0.08 0.00 UBS Global Allocation (UK) B Acc £ 1.03 - 0.01 1.79 YMR N Growth ¥ 15819.00 - 528.00 0.00
PIMCO Europe Ltd,11 Baker Street,London W1U 3AH For Save & Prosper please see Countrywide Assured Yuki Asia Umbrella Fund
Strategic Euro Bond Fund Accumulating Class Shares € 1138.62 - -0.10 0.00 UBS Global Enhanced Equity Income C Inc £ 0.44 - 0.00 -
http://gisnav.pimco-funds.com/ Putnam Investments (Ireland) Ltd (IRL)
Regulated Yuki Japan Rebounding Growth Fund ¥ 22255.00 - 820.00 0.00
Dealing: +44 20 3640 1000 Strategic Euro Bond Fund Distributing Class Shares € 1027.62 - -0.10 2.90 UBS US Growth Fund B Acc £ 1.34 - 0.01 0.00
PIMCO Funds: +44 (0)20 3640 1407 Putnam New Flag Euro High Yield Plc - E € 1009.76 - 2.29 4.26 Schroder Property Managers (Jersey) Ltd Strategic Global Bond RMB Acc $ 1046.96 - -2.30 0.00 UBS Emerging Markets Equity Income B Inc £ 0.35 - 0.00 5.66
FCA Recognised Other International Funds
Strategic Global Bond USD Acc $ 1047.82 - -2.93 0.00 Zadig Gestion (Memnon Fund) (LUX)
Asia Local Bond Fund - Inst Acc $ 9.41 - 0.04 0.00 Indirect Real Estate SIRE £ 130.50 136.46 1.01 2.50 FCA Recognised
Rathbone Unit Trust Mgmt (1200)F (UK) RobecoSAM (LUX) Strategic US Momentum and Value Fund $ 778.40 - -5.15 0.00
Capital Securities Inst Acc $ 14.83 - 0.07 0.00 Tel. +41 44 653 10 10 http://www.robecosam.com/
Unicapital Investments (LUX) Memnon European Fund I GBP £ 109.17 - 2.44 0.00
PO Box 9948, Chelmsford, CM99 2AG
Strategic US Momentum & Value Fund USD I Class $ 516.22 - -3.43 0.00 Regulated
Commodity Real Return Fund Inst Acc $ 6.26 - 0.03 0.00 Order Desk: 0845 300 2101, Enquiries: 0207 399 0399 Regulated
Scottish Friendly Asset Managers Ltd (UK) Investments III € 27.41 - 0.58 0.00
Authorised Inv Funds RobecoSAM Sm.Energy/A £ 9.94 - 0.08 1.28 Strategic US Momentum and Value EUR Hedged Class EUR € 543.91 - -3.92 0.00
Credit Absolute Return Fund Inst Acc $ 11.28 - 0.04 0.00 Scottish Friendly Hse, 16 Blythswood Sq, Glasgow G2 4HJ 0141 275 5000
Blue Chip Income Inc 141.15 145.82 -1.26 4.27 Authorised Inv Funds Investments IV - European Private Eq. € 292.33 306.94 2.23 - Zebedee Capital Partners LLP (CYM)
RobecoSAM Sm.Materials/A £ 111.70 - 0.35 2.00 Strategic US Momentum and Value CHF Hedged Class CHFSFr 542.29 - -3.91 0.00
Diversified Income - Inst Acc $ 19.28 - 0.02 0.00 Regulated
Blue Chip Income Acc 210.39 217.12 -1.88 4.14 Managed Growth ♦ 228.70 - -1.30 0.00 Investments IV - Global Private Eq. € 416.23 437.04 -20.82 -
RobecoSAM Gl.Small Cap Eq/A £ 72.12 - 0.34 1.68 Zebedee Focus Fund Limited Class A EURO Shares € 169.78 - -0.96 0.00
Diversified Income Durat Hdg Fund Inst Acc $ 11.30 - 0.08 0.00
Ethical Bond Inc 90.36 92.38 -0.18 5.13 UK Growth ♦ 248.30 - -1.30 0.00
RobecoSAM Sustainable Gl.Eq/B € 166.25 - 2.30 0.00 Zebedee Focus Fund Limited Class B USD Shares $ 197.30 - -1.19 0.00
EM Fundam.Ind StocksPLUS Fund Inst Acc $ 8.35 - 0.16 0.00 Taube Hodson Stonex Ptnrs UT (1200)F (UK)
Ethical Bond Acc 171.22 174.70 -0.34 5.00 RobecoSAM S.HealthyLiv/B € 166.88 - 2.45 0.00 50 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London E14 5NT Unicorn Asset Management Ltd (UK)
Emerging Asia Bond Fund Inst Acc $ 9.46 - 0.02 0.00 Zebedee Focus Fund Limited Class A USD $ 170.38 - -0.82 0.00
Global Opportunities Acc 127.32 131.38 0.91 0.11 Admin: 50 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London E14 5NT PO Box 10602, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 9PD 0845 026 4287
RobecoSAM S.Water/A £ 150.87 - -0.15 2.26 SIA (SIA Funds AG) (LUX)
Emerging Local Bond - Inst Acc $ 10.99 - 0.04 0.00 Dealing & Enquiries: 0870 870 8433 Authorised Inv Funds

Emerging Markets Bond - Inst Acc $ 37.63 - 0.15 0.00

Income Inc 824.67 853.44 -4.86 3.91 Regulated
LTIF Classic € 305.04 - 8.78 0.00
Authorised Inv Funds
THS Growth & Value Funds
UK Growth A Inc 392.71 - 0.24 0.00 Money Market
Income Acc 1253.30 1295.56 -7.37 3.74
Mastertrust A Inc X F 346.08 - 1.49 0.00
Emerging Markets Corp.Bd Fund Inst Acc F $ 12.77

Emerging Markets Curr.Fd- Inst Acc $ 11.74


0.01 0.00

0.07 0.00
Multi Asset Enhanced Growth Acc 112.89 - -0.84 0.00
LTIF Natural Resources € 64.28 - 1.84 0.00 International
IGV - Inc A 317.30 - 0.60 2.30 UK Growth B Inc 395.28 - 0.25 0.23
Trusts and
LTIF Stability A ACCU € 159.02 - 3.50 -
Multi Asset Strategic Growth inc 142.56 - -0.35 1.37
Euro Bond - Inst Acc € 22.35 - -0.12 0.00
Multi Asset Strategic Growth acc 150.65 - -0.37 1.36
IGV - Inc B 316.90 - 0.50 1.51 Mastertrust B Inc X F 311.98 - 1.33 0.38
Bank Accounts Gross
Euro Credit - Inst Acc € 14.58 - -0.07 0.00 IGV - Acc X 387.70 - 0.70 1.78 Outstanding British Cos A Acc X F 238.09 - -1.38 0.44
Multi Asset Total Return inc 125.01 - 0.19 1.87 SIA (SIA Funds AG) (CH) Gross Net AER Int Cr
Euro Income Bond - Inst Acc F € 12.84 - 0.00 0.00 IGV - Acc Y 415.40 - 0.70 2.26 Outstanding British Cos B Acc X F 248.29 - -1.42 1.12
Other International Fds
Multi Asset Total Return acc 136.97 - 0.20 1.84
Euro Long Average Duration - Inst Acc € 21.08 - -0.70 0.00 LTIF Stability Growth SFr 185.90 - -14.50 - IGV - Acc Z 385.40 - 0.70 1.52 UK Smaller Cos A Inc X F 433.28 - -0.71 0.08 CCLA Investment Management Ltd
Recovery Inc 412.87 428.75 -2.58 2.26 Senator House 85 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4V 4ET
Euro Low Duration Fund Inst Acc € 11.24 - 0.00 0.00 LTIF Stability Inc Plus SFr 165.20 - -12.90 5.66 European UK Smaller Cos B Inc X F 426.02 - -0.69 0.75
Recovery Acc 490.14 508.55 -3.06 2.23 CBF Church of England Deposit Fund 0.50 - 0.50 Qtr
Euro Real Return - Inst Acc € 13.08 - -0.06 0.00 Santander Asset Management UK Limited (1200)F (UK) EGV - Acc S 267.80 - 0.90 - UK Income A Acc X F 256.84 - 0.04 5.82
Strategic Bond Ret Acc £ 1.17 1.19 0.00 4.23 287 St Vincent Street, Glasgow G2 5NB, 0845 6000 181
Euro Short-Term Inst Acc € 12.27 - 0.00 0.00 EGV - Acc Z 267.80 - 0.90 0.80 UK Income A Inc X F 232.73 - 0.04 6.05 CCLA Fund Managers Ltd
Authorised Funds Smith & Williamson Investment Management (1200)F (UK)
Strategic Bond Ret Inc £ 1.04 1.06 0.00 4.27 Senator House 85 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4V 4ET
Euro Ultra Long Duration - Inst Acc € 28.09 - -1.16 0.00 Santander Atlas Range 25 Moorgate, London, EC2R 6AY 020 7131 8100 Continental UK Income B Acc X F 272.21 - 0.05 5.78
www.sandwfunds.com COIF Charities Deposit Fund 0.45 - 0.45 Qtr
Santander Atlas Port 3 Acc Ret 146.50 - 0.00 - CGV Acc S 109.80 - 0.40 - UK Income B Inc X F 246.78 - 0.05 6.01
Global Advantage - Inst Acc $ 12.15 - -0.06 0.00 Authorised Inv Funds
Santander Atlas Port 3 Inc Ret 102.00 - 0.00 - CGV Acc X 109.10 - 0.40 -
Global Advantage Real Return Fund Inst Acc $ 8.65 - -0.03 0.00 European Growth Trust A Class 495.30 - 0.10 0.71
Santander Atlas Port 3 Acc Inst 160.90 - 0.10 - CGV Inc A £ 1.10 - 0.01 -
Global Bond - Inst Acc $ 27.62 - -0.11 0.00 Far Eastern Income and Growth Trust A Class 384.30 - 7.80 3.17 Value Partners Hong Kong Limited (IRL)
Santander Atlas Port 4 Acc Ret 176.40 - 0.40 - CGV Inc B £ 1.10 - 0.01 - www.valuepartners.net, fis@vp.com.hk
Global Bond Ex-US - Inst Acc $ 19.22 - -0.09 0.00 Fixed Interest Trust A Class 121.60xd - -0.20 3.69
Global Fundam.Index StocksPLUSInst Acc $ 10.44 - 0.00 0.00 Santander Atlas Port 4 Inc Ret 127.40 - 0.30 - Global Gold and Resource Trust A Class 127.20 - -2.30 0.00 Value Partners Classic Equity Fund USD Z Unhedged $ 10.14 - 0.18 0.00
Global High Yield Bond - Inst Acc $ 19.95 - 0.10 0.00 Santander Atlas Port 4 Acc Inst 160.10 - 0.40 - MM Endurance Balanced Fund A Class 205.20 - -0.10 1.16 The Hartford International Funds (IRL)
Robeco Asset Management (LUX)
Value Partners Classic Equity Fund CHF HedgedSFr 10.62 - 0.18 0.00
Global Investment Grade Credit - Inst Income $ 12.22 - -0.05 3.58 Coolsingel 120, 3011 AG Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Santander Atlas Port 5 Acc Ret 184.50 - 0.80 - MM Global Investment Fund A Class 2062.00 - -11.00 1.75
Gbl Govt Bond (Ex Japan) Index (GBP) £ 1559.66 - -18.05 0.00 Value Partners Classic Equity Fund EUR Hedged € 10.72 - 0.19 0.00
www.robeco.com/contact Santander Atlas Port 5 Acc Inst 156.50 - 0.70 -
Global Investment Grade Credit Fund Inst Acc € € 11.35 - 0.07 0.00 North American Trust A Class 1534.00 - 2.00 0.00
FCA Recognised UK Corporate Bond £ 1554.41 - -1.88 0.00 Value Partners Classic Equity Fund GBP Hedged £ 10.95 - 0.19 0.00
Global Investment Grade Credit Fund Inst Acc $ $ 16.54 - -0.07 0.00 Santander Atlas Port 6 Acc Ret 249.10 - 1.50 - Oriental Growth Fund A Class 132.40 - 0.80 1.03
Asia-Pacific Equities (EUR) € 121.11 - 0.45 0.00 Value Partners Classic Equity Fund GBP Unhedged £ 10.73 - -0.08 0.00
Gilt £ 1583.85 - -0.33 0.00
Global Multi-Asset - Inst Acc $ 14.02 - 0.04 0.00 Santander Atlas Port 6 Acc X 177.80 - 1.00 - UK Equity Growth Trust A Class 405.50 - -1.30 0.64
Chinese Equities (EUR) € 66.67 - 0.98 0.00 Value Partners Classic Equity USD Hedged $ 12.43 - 0.21 0.00
Global Eq (Ex Japan) Index Fund ¥ 1.28 - 0.00 0.00
Global Real Return - Inst Acc $ 17.98 - -0.13 0.00 Santander Atlas Port 6 Acc Inst 153.00 - 0.90 - UK Equity Income Trust A Class 218.20 - -1.20 5.95
Em Stars Equities (EUR) € 153.40 - 5.30 0.00 Value Partners Health Care Fund RMB Class Z UnhedgedCNH 8.64 - -0.07 -
Global Eq (ex Japan) Class HJ4 ¥ 1.34 - 0.01 0.00
Income Fund Inst Acc $ 12.20 - 0.01 0.00 Santander Atlas Port 7 Acc Ret 191.60 - 1.30 -
Emerging Markets Equities (EUR) € 128.88 - 3.03 0.00 Value Partners Health Care Fund HKD Class A UnhedgedHK$ 8.19 - -0.05 -
Global Eq (ex Japan) Class JP5 ¥ 1.45 - 0.02 0.00
Inflation Strategy Fund Inst Acc $ 8.82 - -0.05 0.00 Santander Atlas Port 7 Acc Inst 151.90 - 1.10 -
Flex-o-Rente (EUR) € 109.30 - -0.56 0.00 Smith & Williamson Fd Admin Ltd (1200)F (UK) Value Partners Health Care Fund USD Class A Unhedged $ 8.22 - -0.05 -
Global Eq Ex Japan Index Fund (Hedge) ¥ 1.33 - 0.02 0.00
Authorised Inv Funds 25 Moorgate, London, EC2R 6AY 0141 222 1150
Low Average Duration - Inst Acc $ 14.72 - 0.01 0.00 Glob.Consumer Trends Equities (EUR) € 139.33 - 2.33 0.00
Max 70% Shs Acc Ret 160.00 - 0.10 - Authorised Inv Funds Gbl Govt Bond (Ex Japan) Index ¥ 1.34 - -0.01 0.00
Socially Resp.Emerg.Mkts Bd Fd Inst Acc F $ 12.63 - 0.05 0.00 High Yield Bonds (EUR) € 123.79 - 0.33 0.00
Max 70% Shs Inc Ret 135.50 - 0.00 - S&W Deucalion Fd (OEIC) 2191.00 - -7.00 0.18 Gbl Govt Bond (ex Japan) Class JP4 ¥ 1.32 - 0.00 0.00
StocksPLUS{TM} - Inst Acc $ 21.15 - 0.04 0.00 Lux -O- Rente (EUR) € 139.48 - -1.80 0.00
Investments Inc Acc Ret 154.20 - -0.20 - S & W Magnum 358.30 379.10 -1.60 1.87 Japan Equity Index Fund ¥ 1.01 - 0.03 0.00
Total Return Bond - Inst Acc $ 27.02 - -0.08 0.00 New World Financials (EUR) € 49.56 - 1.22 0.00
Investments Inc Inc Ret 102.50 - -0.30 - S & W Marathon Trust 180.80 191.30 -1.30 1.85 Japan Equity Class JP3 ¥ 1.23 - 0.04 0.00
UK Corporate Bond - Inst Acc £ 17.11 - -0.11 0.00 US Premium Equities (EUR) € 166.87 - -2.42 0.00
Equity Inc Inc Inst 232.40 - -1.40 - Charity Value and Income Fund Acc 132.30 133.00 -0.80 4.55
26 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 27 August 2015


INSIGHT Equities

El-Erian Europe stocks falter on global caution
Rebound ends with Miners were lower after a series of price Cluse, economist at UBS, said the Swiss
3.4% know about the extent of China’s slow-
target downgrades by Citigroup. bank remained “constructive” in its out- down and emerging market fragilities,
mining among sectors The Eurofirst’s mining sector fell look for the eurozone, but it thought the Fall in Eurofirst [against] what they do know about the
mining sector, with
Contagion from EM hurt by China exposure 3.4 per cent, with silver producer Fres-
nillo dumping 7 per cent. Commodity
trader Glencore, after Tuesday’s rally,
risk posed to the region’s markets from
China’s slowdown needed “to be taken
Glencore losses
deepening 3.7%
strength of the US labour market and
the resilience of domestic demand in
developed economies.”
currency storm offers MICHAEL HUNTER
European stocks moved up off session
resumed its dizzying run lower, falling
3.7 per cent and taking its losses this
He added: “The share of European
exports to China is relatively limited, at 18.2 %
The volatile trading brought Europe’s
national indices off session lows. In

investment openings lows yesterday but were unable to week to 12 per cent. 3.1 per cent of total European exports, Syngenta’s drop Frankfurt the Xetra Dax rebounded
after Monsanto said
extend the gains made during the previ- Standard Chartered, the London- equivalent to 1 per cent of European it was no longer from an early loss of 2.7 per cent to stand
ous session while sentiment on global listed bank focused on Asian markets, GDP. Among individual countries, Ger- considering a bid 1.3 per cent lower at 9,997. The CAC 40
markets remained cautious after fur- shed 5.1 per cent, while French oil many has by far the highest exposure, at in Paris rallied to 1.4 per cent lower, hav-
ther falls for China’s stocks. exporter Total fell 3.6 per cent. 5.8 per cent of exports. ing been down as much as 2.9 per cent

he currency storm that has engulfed the The FTSE Eurofirst 300 came off the The biggest weight to the downside, “We continue to prefer the domesti- in early trade.
emerging world has blown into other markets lows that had taken it down as much however, was Syngenta’s 18.2 per cent cally exposed cyclical stocks.” “Markets are traditionally less liquid
around the globe. It has put pressure on valua- as 2.8 per cent in early trade to stand drop after US rival Monsanto said it was Looking at the immediate prospects in August because of the holiday season
tions, produced patches of illiquidity and, 1.6 per cent lower by the close. no longer considering a bid for the Swiss of wider global markets, Lena Komileva — so the signs are that what we are see-
in some cases, is spilling over into the eco- This came after Tuesday’s 4 per cent agrochemicals and seeds group. Months at G+ Economics, said: “Market volatil- ing is a correction rather than the begin-
nomic and policy spheres. While these dislocations have rebound, which was helped by a rate cut of courtship ended with a sweetened bid ity will dictate a regime change in inves- ning of something worse,” said Algernon
caused investor pain and risk some accidents, they are also from the People’s Bank of China. being rejected. tor psychology [from] the first half of Percy, chairman of the asset allocation
creating a few investment opportunities today and a lot Stocks with exposure to China contin- Caution remained the main theme of the year as global markets struggle committee at Waverton Investment
more down the road. ued to be among the worst performers. the day among analysts. Reinhard under the weight of what investors don’t Management.
On the economic front many emerging economies are
being buffeted by that unpleasant mix of lower global
demand and less favourable international prices. They are
operating in an environment characterised by slowing
growth, with China’s deceleration compounding sluggish- Analysis. Indices
ness in Europe and Japan; and, in the case of commodity
producers, a sharp drop in export earnings.
Policy options facing these emerging economies are a lot
less attractive now they have used up some of the impres-
sive international reserves they had built up. Their ability
Blunt hedging tools edge towards reinvention
to navigate the global downturn using just financing tools
has become more limited. Yet timely policy adjustments —
a mix of fiscal adjustment and pro-growth structural
reforms — are inhibited by unsettled political conditions, Pre-crisis products are being CDX decline as ETFs rise
especially in the case of systemically important countries adapted to minimise disparity $bn
with heavy influence in market indices (such as Brazil,
Russia and Turkey). with the underlying bonds CDX net notional
The withdrawal of foreign portfolio capital accentuates
the challenges. “Crossover investors” — those who have outstanding*
invested in markets outside their comfort zone — feel an
urgency to retrench to their home markets in advanced Like an ageing pop act desperate to stay
economies. In addition to placing greater pressures on relevant to the younger generation, 300
international reserves and asset prices, this tendency robs credit derivatives are being forced to
emerging markets of operational liquidity, making dys- reinvent themselves. Fixed income ETFs** 200
functional occurrences more common. As investors brace for rising interest
In the foreign exchange arena the carnage has been par- rates and more turbulence, there is 2011 12 13 14 15
ticularly acute. The most demand for a product to protect bond * CDX includes all main series for investment grade
tradeable emerging market portfolios against sharp price move- and high yield
currencies are at lows that are
Good names ments. It is a job credit derivative indi- ** Assets under management

worse than those experienced get flushed out ces — which track the likelihood of As at August 14

in the global financial crisis.

with the bad, as default by the underlying companies — CDX diverges against
Companies face mounting perform unsatisfactorily, because it is underlying bonds
losses because of a mismatch certain investors not what they were designed to do.
Barclays US Markit
between high foreign The indices came to prominence
exchange liabilities and lower
are forced to sell before the 2008 financial crisis, trading
Corporate CDX North
high-yield average American
foreign exchange earnings. alongside collateralised debt obliga-
opinion-adjusted high-yield
Inflexible pegs, most recently those of Kazakhstan and tions, which package up single-name
spread series 24
Vietnam, are biting the dust. And all this is fuelling the credit default swaps (a means of insur-
classic overshoot whereby currencies depreciate well ing against default by a particular com- 6.0 450
beyond what is warranted by fundamentals. pany) and cash debt, among other
The deeper the disruptions and the longer they persist, things. 5.5
the more likely they are to contaminate other asset classes. People sought to exploit discrepancies 400
And that is exactly what has happened. Having under- in the pricing of CDO, CDS and the 5.0
mined emerging market credit and local currency bond index, leveraging up the credit exposure
markets, the instability stretched to corporate bonds in that was to unravel, adding fuel to the 350
the advanced economies, and even to the better-anchored fire of the crisis.
equity markets such as in the US. This practice, along with the blow-up
And the resulting volatility could last a while. Some mar- of AIG, an insurer heavily exposed to 4.0 300
ket prices are still quite decoupled from fundamentals, CDS, led to a big decline in volumes for Dec 2015 Aug
particularly when it comes to those that have relied on single-name CDS, and while index trad-
Sources: Deutsche Bank; DTCC; Bloomberg
central bank largesse. Meanwhile policy circuit-breakers ing remains good in comparison, it has AIG’s insurance against defaults on mortgage-backed securities led to a bailout — Brendan McDermid/Reuters
are less effective these days, given how long these institu- still suffered. The solution: reinvent the
tions have been operating exceptional policy regimes. index primarily as a hedging tool reasons for their disparity. The high- interest rate and a credit component in CDS markets have been subject to reg-
In the short run caution in portfolio positioning is called designed to track the underlying bond yield contract contains a 4 per cent their pricing, whereas CDS are pure ulatory overhaul since 2008, with the
for, but not universally. The combination of overshoots market closely. weighting to energy, against 14 per credit hedges. index being mandated to be pushed
and contagion creates interesting individual investment “It is positive for investors to keep this cent in a widely traded cash bond index, “Even if [the index] was identical in through a clearing house, which sits
opportunities. In market washouts good names get flushed product relevant and for derivative leading to a breakdown between them the underlying names, you are hedging between the parties to a trade to reduce
out with the bad, especially as volatility-driven trading markets to align it as a hedging tool during this year’s energy collapse. something [that has] an interest rate counterparty risk. That means greater
algorithms force certain investors to sell wherever they rather than retaining the remnant of Markit recently announced that it component with something that barriers to entry for investors. Instead
can. Fearing client redemptions, even asset managers with something more speculative,” says would be implementing changes to the doesn’t,” says Fraser Lundie, co-head of calling up a bank to trade, investors
long-term orientations scramble to accumulate cash. Michael Hampden-Turner, a credit US High Yield index from the end of of credit at Hermes Investment Man- need to have clearing relationships in
Most of the resulting trade opportunities are concen- trader at HSBC. September. Inclusion in the index will agement. “It’s a blunt hedge if it is a place and infrastructure to handle post-
trated in “relative trades” — that is, investors using gener- While there are multiple providers of be based not only on single-name CDS hedge at all.” ing “initial margin” — collateral that is
ally disrupted markets to buy the fundamentally well- equity indices, credit derivatives are activity but also the number of bonds a The rebranding exercise has other the first loss if there is a default. ETFs
anchored names and selling those whose weak fundamen- dominated by just one: Markit, a data company has outstanding and the issues. The industry already has prod- are much simpler to trade.
tals are likely to get weaker. And the most important dis- provider that manages the iTraxx and amount of trading in its debt. There will ucts to hedge the underlying bond mar- ProShares runs a high-yield CDS ETF,
tinguishing characteristics here are large balance-sheet CDX index groups for Europe and Asia, also be a rebalancing of weightings. ket; credit default swap options, or “created for people who like the struc-
cushions, significant operational flexibility and a record of and the US, respectively, with emerging If the changes are successful, the “swaptions”, total return swaps and ture of CDS but find trading it cumber-
sound management. markets split between them. expectation is that the investment- exchange traded funds. While small in some”, says Simeon Hyman, head of
Over the longer term the opportunities will migrate to Made up of the most actively traded FT series: rise
grade counterpart will also be adapted. fixed income, the ETF sector is growing investment strategy.
the asset class level as long-term investors find outright single-name CDS contracts, the indices of the index A rival index launched by S&P Dow fast, with $340bn of assets under man- Oleg Melentyev, a strategist at Deut-
asset class exposure available at relatively cheap levels. typically have a five-year maturity, with Tomorrow: Jones is seeking to do something similar, agement, from $59bn in 2008. sche Bank, says: “ETFs are chipping
This is particularly likely to be the case in emerging mar- a new contract introduced every six US equities using the largest debt issuers on the S&P ETFs can provide index-like products, away at CDX, but they have a long way
kets’ currencies, local bonds and external debt, where months, which many investors choose 500 equity index. priced off a basket of underlying bonds, to go before they dominate hedging
patience is likely to be handsomely rewarded. to “roll” into. Read the rest But some observers question whether to give both credit and rates exposure, products in this space.
of the series at
The indices’ sector weightings are www.ft.com/
CDS can successfully be altered to pro- or even from CDS, providing access to “But the direction of the move and the
Mohamed El-Erian is chief economic adviser to Allianz and radically different from those of compa- riseoftheindex vide a hedge against bond movements. CDS markets without having to invest in pace are substantial. You can see the
chair of President Barack Obama’s Global Development Council rable bond indices — one of the primary For one thing, bonds contain both an the product itself. change on the horizon.”

Commodities Equities

US natural gas glut prompts price warning Shanghai and Shenzhen sink despite rate cut
GREGORY MEYER — NEW YORK casting group, has warned that bench- Administration. The record for stocks at JOSH NOBLE — HONG KONG surging share prices among banks and Morgan Stanley analysts estimate that
mark US gas prices could fall below the end of the injection season is 3.929tn insurers, boosted by Beijing’s latest cuts $105bn will be added to the financial
A hot summer has done little to burn A fresh salvo of easing measures from
$2.50 per million British thermal units cu ft, in November 2012. to interest rates and reserve require- system as a result of the RRR reduction.
off an impending US natural gas glut the People’s Bank of China failed to
by the autumn, with regional prices Bentek said some reservoirs, espe- ment ratios. Bank of China rose 4.8 per Restrictions on trading in stock index
that is prompting warnings of record- counter downward pressure on stocks,
around northeastern wells dropping to cially salt domes along the US Gulf of cent, China Merchants Bank soared 9.3 futures, announced by the China Finan-
breaking inventories and lower prices. with the Shanghai Composite index fin-
record lows. Nymex September gas was Mexico coast, would approach limits by per cent and Ping An Insurance was cial Futures Exchange on Tuesday, were
ishing the day 1.3 per cent lower.
By the onset of winter, analysts expect $2.692 per mBtu on Wednesday. late autumn. The benchmark gas higher by 5 per cent. PetroChina, the yettotakeeffectyesterday,saidReuters.
gas banked for the heating season to “Not much stands in the way of US gas futures price is set at the Henry trading China’s central bank cut rates on Tues- biggest Shanghai stock, was flat. China’s equities market has lost more
approach or exceed 4tn cubic feet, sur- storage inventories reaching record hub on that coast. day and said it would pump liquidity In the rest of Asia most bourses were than 40 per cent since a seven-year high
passing a high set in 2012. high levels this fall of about 4tn cu ft,” “The price implications for this are into the banking sector to support the higher, with Japan’s Nikkei 225 up 3.2 in mid-June. “The timing of the moves is
The forecasts are surprising, because said Bentek, a unit of the Platts com- decidedly bearish,” the report said. “Sig- economy and reverse a slump in share per cent, its biggest daily rise this year. linked to the falling stock market, which
this summer has been warmer than the modities information service, in a nificant volumes of natural gas will be prices that has alarmed global investors. After the market close on Tuesday the has undermined not only domestic con-
previous two and the 10-year norm. report to be issued this week. dumped on to the market this October Trading was erratic, even by China’s PBoC said it had reduced its benchmark fidence but global risky asset prices,”
Power plants have consumed 4bn cu ft “And that strong likelihood points to a and November, especially if heating standards, with the Shanghai index at one-year lending rate by 25 basis points said Dong Tao, a Credit Suisse econo-
per day more gas than in 2014 to meet winter of relatively weak gas prices.” load is slow to ramp up.” one point yesterday afternoon up 4.3 to 4.6 per cent, the fifth time it has cut mist, in a report. “We expect additional
air conditioning needs as they turn away US producers inject gas into under- However, some analysts are doubtful per cent. The Shenzhen Composite rates since November and the second in market confidence-boosting measures
from coal as an energy source. ground reservoirs from spring to that producers will be forced to unload dropped 3.1 per cent, having been up two months. from other ministries.”
But robust output from shale forma- autumn, banking fuel for the winter sea- gas. Breanne Dougherty at Société earlier in the day. The central bank also cut the one- Other analysts said capital outflows,
tions has more than compensated for son. These facilities, consisting of salt Générale wrote: “While achieving a The CSI 300 has lost 25 per cent since year savings rate by 25bp to 1.75 per cent slowing economic activity and the rising
this demand, with states such as Ohio domes, depleted gasfields and aquifers, record storage level seems likely . . . it is the start of last week, while the small- and said it would lower the reserve costs of currency intervention were
emerging as important suppliers. are designed to hold 4.665tn cu ft, less about the level and more about how cap CSI 500 is down 28 per cent. requirement ratio for large banks by driving the easing measures.
Bentek Energy, an analysis and fore- according to the Energy Information that level relates to capacity.” Yesterday’s sell-off came despite 50bp, in effect injecting liquidity. Additional reporting by Ben Bland
Thursday 27 August 2015 ★★★ FINANCIAL TIMES 27


Global overview
TRADING POST Markets update
Wall Street strikes more confident S&P 500 index
Change on day 3.90%

note but European stocks retreat

Central bankers, market players and 1900
academics will gather today at the
Economic Policy Symposium in Jul 2015 Aug
Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
The policy chatterati’s annual S&P 500 has best day in do point in the direction of more QE,” US equities Wall Street managed to
powwow may hold even more interest said Nick Kounis, head of macro shrug off an early bout of nerves and
than usual, coming as it does amid an almost four years while research at ABN Amro. “However, core rally strongly, with all 10 S&P 500
intense market wobble and just a few Treasury bond yields and inflation has bottomed out and industry sectors moving higher, led by
weeks before potential lift-off for US eurozone economic data have been technology and healthcare
interest rates. dollar gain even as talk of pretty resilient.”
Jackson Hole has been used to September rate rise fades Europe’s stock markets may have FTSE 100 index
signal US policy in the past, but most been unimpressed but the German 10- Change on day 1.25%
investors think it unlikely this time DAVE SHELLOCK year government bond yield fell 4 basis 7000
because Fed chair Janet Yellen isn’t points to 0.71 per cent.
attending. A more confident tone finally emerged Across the Atlantic, Treasury bond 6500
Of course that won’t stop the market on Wall Street following the extreme prices were lower as the market 6000
dissecting every utterance for a clue to turmoil of recent sessions, supported to digested robust US durable goods orders
monetary policy trajectories. some degree by fading expectations that data and comments from William Jul 2015 Aug
And the potentially most interesting the Federal Reserve would raise US Dudley, president of the New York Fed.
comments may come from Fed vice- interest rates next month. Headline orders jumped 2 per cent UK equities Fresh losses for mining
chair Stanley Fischer when he delivers But lingering concerns about China’s last month, way ahead of expectations, and energy stocks helped drive the
a speech on Saturday. economy and stock market turbulence suggesting business investment in FTSE 100 lower, a day after the
If market turbulence continues for pushed European equities lower, while equipment had made a solid start to the blue-chip index recorded its biggest
the rest of the week, it’s likely traders Treasury bonds and the dollar appeared third quarter. one-day advance since 2011
will start thinking there is an increased to brush aside the shifting outlook for Meanwhile, Mr Dudley said while it
possibility that Mr Fischer could use US monetary policy. was important not to overreact to Eurofirst 300 index
his address to deliver some form of In New York, the S&P 500 index “short-term market developments”, the
Change on day 1.57%
market-salving comments. jumped 3.9 per cent to 1,940, its biggest case for a rise in interest rates next 1600
An allusion to why the Fed may be one-day rise since November 2011 — but month was “less compelling”, given the
minded to hold for a bit longer given only after a nervous morning domi- weakening global backdrop. 1500
Kevin Frayer/Getty Images
uncertainty over China’s economy nated by concerns about the possibility His remarks initially wiped out early 1400
would probably do the trick. of a repeat of Tuesday’s late sell-off. Commodities crash: in 90 seconds — FT.com/video losses for the policy-sensitive two-year
Perhaps that could come as part of a Yesterday’s rise left the US equity A slowing Chinese economy and turbulence in the stock Treasury, although the yield, which
Jul 2015 Aug
concerted central bank effort — benchmark less than 10 per cent below markets are having an impact on global commodity prices moves inversely to its price, was later up
perceived or real — to calm nerves. the record high it reached in May. 4 basis points at 0.68 per cent. The 10- European equities Persistent worries
Now, given one senses central banks The technology-heavy Nasdaq Com- year yield was up 5bp at 2.18 per cent. over China made for another volatile
are becoming increasingly wary of posite index put in an even more as would be the case in some countries. ness was reflected clearly in the per- “The window of opportunity for a session in Europe, with Syngenta
being seen to forever prop up market impressive performance, rising 4.2 per “But the decision to allow the renminbi formance of European stocks. The FTSE tightening next month is rapidly clos- tumbling 18 per cent after Monsanto
sentiment, such an intervention may cent, while the CBOE Vix volatility to float more freely reflects to some Eurofirst 300 fell 2 per cent in early ing, but a rate hike in December is more abandoned its pursuit of the company
be unlikely. But if it did occur, it could index — the so-called equity “fear degree the pain caused by an over- trade, before briefly rallying into likely than not, particularly if the US
make for a pretty painful Monday for gauge” — fell more than 16 per cent to valued currency in an economy that is positive territory ahead of the US open, economy remains robust in the face of
those short “risk” assets. close just above the 30 level. slowing significantly, while the apparent only to finish 1.9 per cent lower. rising headwinds overseas,” said Nick Nikkei 225 index
Wall Street’s buoyant finish provided scale of FX intervention to manage the The retreat came even as the Euro- Stamenkovic at RIA Capital Markets. (’000) Change on day 3.20%
jamie.chisholm@ft.com a marked contrast to the mood earlier in currency since indicates how powerful a pean Central Bank appeared to leave the The dollar continued to rally, climb- 20.0
the day. A distinct lack of confidence genie the PBoC has allowed — partially door open for further monetary stimu- ing 0.9 per cent against the yen to
FTSE All World index was evident in China’s stock markets as — out of the bottle,” he said. lus in the region. Peter Praet, the ECB’s Y119.88, while the euro — undermined
the Shanghai Composite swung wildly “What we’re left with is a slowdown in chief economist, said recent develop- to some degree by Mr Praet’s comments
300 before closing 1.3 per cent lower, as the world’s second-biggest economy, a ments had “increased the downside risk — was 1.6 per cent lower versus the US 17.0
Tuesday’s interest rate cut and liquidity central bank that is fighting to prevent of achieving the sustainable inflation currency at $1.1332. Jul 2015 Aug
260 injection failed to bolster sentiment. more/faster currency weakness, and a path towards 2 per cent”, prompting Gold was off $17 at $1,123 an ounce. Japanese equities The Nikkei enjoyed
Kit Juckes, strategist at Société Géné- clear downtrend in global FX reserves speculation that the bank’s quantitative Oil price action was relatively muted, its biggest one-day gain since the end
Aug 2014 2015 Aug
rale, highlighted that moves in China’s which, all things being equal, will easing programme could be extended. with Brent slipping just 7 cents to $43.14 of October as bargain hunters moved
Source: Thomson Reuters Datastream
stock market neither reflected nor tighten global monetary conditions.” “China risks, the drop in commodity a barrel, although copper fell 2.6 per in after a six-session run of losses
affected the country’s economy as much The latest bout of China-led nervous- prices and tighter financial conditions cent in London to $4,395 a tonne.

Petrofac per cent premium. Hunting, itself Trading Directory

Share price (pence) subject of takeover speculation, led with
1200 a 4.5 per cent gain to 433p. Weir climbed
2 per cent to £13.58 and Wood Group
1000 edged up 0.3 per cent to 582.5p.
800 Hunting was rumoured to have been
600 approached by a US-listed peer this
London Aug 2014 2015 Aug year, leading its advisers to refresh
defence strategies. Tenaris, the world’s
IAG climbs on
Source: Thomson Reuters Datastream

V leading maker of seamless steel pipes
improvement at all ,QGLFHV &ORVH FKDQJH for the energy industry, was said to be
among the potential bidders.
four of its carriers
)76(   Schlumberger’s bid for Cameron
)76(   “reminds that oil and gas equipment
)76($OO6KDUH   assets are attractive and could be the
subject of M&A”, said RBC. “Weir, as a
strong player in flow control and
Bryce Elder \U*LOW<LHOG  
pressure pumping equipment, could be
a target.”
However, RBC also noted that
IAG beat a falling London market Iberia had since its 2013 restructuring Schlumberger was Weir’s largest oil and
yesterday after its house broker argued become the leanest full-service carrier gas customer.
that the British Airways owner was now in Europe, the broker said. Cameron was largely an equipment
defensive, not cyclical. “This may all sound too good to be supplier with products that overlapped
Barclays set a 750p target on IAG, true — but much the same was said with about 25 per cent of Weir’s oil and
which rallied 2.6 per cent to 531.5p. about the US airline industry when gas revenue, so the vertical integration
Improvements at all four of its airlines carriers such as Delta started outlining by Schlumberger might cost the UK
meant not only that IAG could similar targets two years ago,” said group orders, the broker argued.
sustainably beat margin targets through Barclays. “Today, the US airline Petrofac rose 3.5 per cent to 794p
the cycle, but it would still generate free industry is achieving the kind of double- after Goldman Sachs added to the stock
cash flow and cover a dividend in a digit margins and returns we are to its “conviction buy” list.
recession or an oil-price rebound to arguing for IAG.” Among European oil services
$110 a barrel, Barclays said. Volatility continued to define the companies, Petrofac offered the highest
Given its strength in London, British wider market. The FTSE 100 opened exposure to the robust Middle East
Airways could become one of the 1.7 per cent lower, rallied into positive markets and had scope to raise its
world’s most profitable airlines, territory by mid-session, then reversed dividend as its current investment cycle
Barclays said. to close 1.7 per cent lower — down wound down, Goldman said.
Plugging in to the IAG networks 102.14 points at 5,979.20. Betfair surged 20.4 per cent to £31.34
meant that Aer Lingus would be able to Oil services companies moved higher and Paddy Power was up 18.5 per cent
develop its transatlantic business and on Schlumberger’s agreement to buy to €93.02 after the bookmakers set out
Vueling could cut overheads, given that sector peer Cameron for $14.8bn, a 56 plans to merge.

“hold” ratings and one “sell” rating, teens migrated from the logo-heavy
according to Bloomberg. trends for which the label was once
Ken Sena, an analyst at Evercore, said known, to designs from fast-fashion
he expected Amazon would strengthen retailers such as H&M and Zara.
its retail position and capture 16 per Shares in rival fashion retailer
cent of the $2.8tn ecommerce market by Express surged 19.8 per cent to $20.25
2020, driven in part by its Prime service, after it reported second-quarter results
Wall Street which includes shipping benefits and
TV and music streaming. Amazon
that beat analysts’ forecasts. Profits
more than tripled to $21m, while sales
S&P 500 posts biggest shares, which have gained 61 per cent so
far this year, rose 7.4 per cent to $500.77.
rose 11 per cent to $535.6m.
Cameron International jumped 41
one-day gain since 2011 Abercrombie & Fitch jumped 9.5 per per cent to $60 after Schlumberger, the
cent to $18.91 after the teen clothing largest oilfield services company,
retailer reported second-quarter results agreed to buy it in a $14.8bn deal.
that topped analysts’ forecasts. Schlumberger fell 3.4 per cent to
The group reported a net loss of $70.08.
Mamta Badkar $810,000, or 1 cent a share, compared Syngenta stock fell 13.6 per cent to
with a profit of $12.9m, or 17 cents a $67.51 in New York after Monsanto
share, during the same period last year. abandoned its bid for the Swiss group.
Amazon climbed yesterday after the
e-commerce site received an analyst
upgrade, building on a broader climb in
Sales fell 8 per cent to $817.8m.
Analysts had forecast a loss of 4 cents
a share on sales of $812m.
US stocks jumped in the final hour of
trading following Tuesday’s dramatic
reversal. The S&P 500 snapped a six-
Trading Directory
US stocks. Analysts at Evercore ISI Same-store sales, a key industry day losing streak, posting its biggest
upgraded the stock to “buy” from metric, declined 4 per cent narrower one-day gain since November 2011. FT BUSINESS
“hold” and maintained their price than expectations for a 5.9 per cent The S&P 500 closed 3.9 per cent Tuesday, Friday & Saturday: Business for Sale, Business Opportunities, Business Services,
target at $585. drop. The company said its higher at 1,940.51, the Dow Jones Business Wanted, Franchises
The number of Amazon bulls on Wall performance was boosted by progress at Industrial Average put on 4 per cent to Classified Business Advertising
Street swelled to 40 following Evercore’s its Hollister brand. Progress at its 16,285.51 and the Nasdaq Composite UK: +44 20 7873 4000 | Email: acs.emea@ft.com
upgrade and the stock now has seven eponymous brand was more modest as advanced 4.2 per cent to 4,697.54.
28 ★★★ Thursday 27 August 2015

INSIGHT Analysis. Capital markets

US rate rise falls fast down the probability scale
As fallout from China builds, Vanishing opportunities
whatever the Fed does will
Mess of the past few seem wrong to some observers
Dollar and the Fed
$ per €
June 17: US Fed chair Janet Yellen says
too much attention is focused on timing
Core CPI (annual % change)
CPI (annual % change)

days suggests entrance ROGER BLITZ

of rates hike, warns that rising dollar is
affecting the outlook and expresses
confidence inflation will rise to 2%
PCE* (annual % change)

to true bear territory If there is one thing US policymakers

have learnt from Europe’s handling of
July 17: US
the Greek debt crisis, it is how to put May 22: Boost in consumer price
off decisions. 1.25 US consumer price index for June
index for April, up

arkets need another compass. Valuation is Market hawks are increasingly weary 0.3%, the biggest
up a seasonally
of limited use when stock markets have at what they regard as the prevarication gain in more than
adjusted 0.3%, 1.0
behaved as violently as they have in the past of the Federal Reserve on raising rates. 1.20 pushing up the
two years dollar and raising
week. US stocks look expensive but have According to Stephen Jen, head of cur-
expectations of
done all year; emerging markets look cheap rency hedge fund SLJ Macro, the US Apr 29: Sharp dollar a rate hike
but have done all year. It is time to tiptoe into the charts. central bank’s approach to raising rates fall after first-quarter 0.5
The question in the US is: is this a correction or the is “the same strategy as Brussels GDP figures show
beginning of a lasting bear market? Historic charts cannot towards Athens”. 1.10 only 0.2% growth.
give a clear guide because US stocks’ behaviour this year is So fast is a rate hike falling down The figures were
literally without precedent. Until smashing through its the probability scale, as the fallout of the in May revised 0
range downwards last week, the S&P 500 had gone the renminbi devaluation spreads and the downwards to
1.05 -0.7%, and in July
whole year without rising or falling more than 3.5 per cent focus on China’s economy intensifies, it upwards to 0.6%
from its opening. This is just not the way stocks behave. is in danger of falling off.
EidoSearch, a US research group that analyses historical Central bank policymakers gather for 1.00 -0.5
patterns in markets, finds nothing like it in any of the 62 the annual Kansas Fed shindig at Jack-
Aug 2014 Aug 2015
international markets it tracks in the past four decades. son Hole in a climate that is becoming
*Personal consumption expenditure FT graphic Source: Thomson Reuters Datastream
But in the much shorter term, the pattern for the 10 paralysed with fear. Far from contem-
trading days that culminated in this week’s so-called Black plating a rate rise in September, some
Monday in Shanghai does have 17 close analogues. A week commentators are mooting a resump-
later the average was a 0.2 per cent fall in the S&P 500 — tion of quantitative easing. ‘If they don’t resulting upward pressure on the dollar, Strategists are pushing back their pre- been that the economy has not grown
but this was skewed by the presence of the original Octo- One possibility is that the Fed will not foreign exchange movements and pol- dictions. Barclays has shifted from Sep- fast enough, even with lower oil prices.
ber 1987 Black Monday crash in the sample. In most cases merely keep on delaying a rate rise but get that icy responses in other countries, and the tember to March, and is not alone is Inflation remains well below the Fed’s
there was a modest relief rally. This is in line with several will not in fact raise at all. That could stability, the consequences of China exporting more wondering whether the European Cen- 2 per cent target. “Employment is not
other measures, which look at the extreme selling and sug- play out if China’s economy slows to the time to raise deflation. “Even if it were not for insta- tral Bank and the Bank of Japan will leading to inflationary pressures,” says
gest a decent chance of a relief rally in the short term. extent that a genuine crisis hits emerg- bility in the financial markets, the hur- extend their money-printing strategies. Paul Lambert, head of currency at
For the longer term there are different ways to analyse ing markets and infects global markets. rates will be dle for the Fed is perhaps increased by Like all central banks, the Fed would Insight Investment.
the data. The internal composition of the market has sug- Mr Jen doubts that such an outcome is kicked out to what China did.” like to claim it does not take market True, the US economy is hardly likely
gested for a while that investors have no confidence in US likely, but it has become possible. beyond the It is a Catch-22 situation for the Fed, fluctuations into account. But the mood to go into reverse because of a 0.25 basis
growth. Rather these patterns “The most probable scenario is of us says Thu Lan Nguyen, Commerzbank of the market cannot be ignored. point rates rise, he adds. “But isn’t it a
are typical of bear markets, lingering in an uncertain state,” he says. investable FX strategist. Leaving rates unchanged It is the Fed’s ultra-cautious approach bit worrying that despite low long-term
which led Andrew Lapthorne,
If ‘fair value’ “The Fed wants to hike, but it doesn’t. horizon’ risks exacerbating China fears. Lifting all year that has got it where it is, rates, the economy doesn’t seem to be
quantitative strategist at for the S&P 500 It’s like me and my morning jog. I know rates would wrongfoot the market and says Mr Meggyesi. Otherwise it would able to accelerate?”
Société Générale, to declare what’s good for me, but I can’t bring might lead it to conclude that the US surely have raised rates by now. “Tacti- A strong US labour market may jus-
that the US was in a bear mar-
is about 1,558, myself to do it.” central bank was making a historic pol- cally it would make sense for the Fed to tify the Fed raising rates, but global fac-
ket early in August, when it that implies a What was a hard decision for the Fed icy mistake. “Whatever it does will be look back at opportunities when they tors mean the central bank needs to see
was still up for the year. has been made a lot more complicated wrong,” she says. could have hiked, and freed themselves stability before it can contemplate the
Another measure that has
further 16% fall by the frantic market reaction to the Fed member William Dudley gave of this dependence on market condi- move the market has long expected.
enduring appeal, and that can renminbi devaluation. “There is a lot for voice to those doubts yesterday when he tions,” he says. “I’m sure they don’t want It may be too late, says Mr Lambert.
turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy, is a simple gauge of the the Fed to be working with,” says Paul said the decision to begin raising rates in to be boxed in by the markets.” “If they don’t get that stability, the time
market’s momentum, which is one of the strongest forces Meggyesi, currency strategist at JPMor- September “seems less compelling to Opportunities came with good infla- to raise rates will be kicked out to
driving it. Vinny Catalano of Blue Marble Research in New gan, citing China’s devaluation and the me than it was a few weeks ago”. tion and jobs data. But the worry has beyond the investable horizon.”
York suggests that a “mega-trend reversal” tool can signal
whether a true bear market has started. This compares the
market’s price with its recent trend (its average for the past
50 days) and its longer trend (200 days). When the 50-day Capital markets
moving average drops below the 200-day (colourfully
called a “death cross”) while the price drops below both,
and all are heading downwards, an upward trend has been
decisively reversed.
EM debt misses worst
On this basis the trend has been uninterruptedly
upwards since 2012, but a cross is approaching. One or two
of global turbulence
more bad days’ trading in the US would bring the 50-day
below the 200-day, while the price is already below both.
While many mock following such signals, a “cross”, if it ELAINE MOORE panies such as Codelco in
were to occur, would affect sentiment among traders and Chile, Pemex in Mexico and
could spark further selling. It is at this point, according to Emerging market debt is Ecopetrol in Colombia indi-
Mr Catalano, that it would be clear that a true bear market sidestepping a violent rout cated no meaningful levels of
was under way. in global markets in spite of distress, said credit strate-
The typical lazy description of a bear market is a fall of at dire warnings about the gists Oleg Melentyev and
least 20 per cent from peak to trough. What would it take risk posed by a surge in EM Daniel Sorid at Deutsche
for the mess of the past few days to be the start of a secular borrowing since the finan- Bank.
bear market that is significantly deeper than this? cial crisis. “What the markets are
Ned Davis of Ned Davis Research in Florida suggests that The chain reaction triggered telling you is that investors
the answer hinges on the economy. Bear markets, he says, by China’s decision to aren’t panicked about EM
tend to start as a recession sets in, or as the Federal Reserve devalue its currency has led creditworthiness,” said Chris
begins to tighten interest rates. Truly valuation-driven to severe movements in Iggo of Axa Investment Man- Central bankers, market players and
bear markets, sparked when stocks are too expensive (as emerging market equities agement. academics will gather today at the
they are now), are rarer and milder. Mr Davis’s estimate is and currencies that have yet “Bonds have weakened Economic Policy Symposium in
that “fair value” for the S&P 500 is about 1,558, implying a to be matched by equivalent but haven’t moved as far as Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
further 16 per cent fall from Tuesday’s close. turbulence in debt markets. equities or FX.” The policy chatterati’s annual
So the implication is that we can expect a relief rally in “There is no chatter in Governments and compa- powwow may hold even more interest
the next few days, but this will merely interrupt what looks trading rooms about a debt nies in Brazil, China, Turkey than usual, coming as it does amid an
like the beginning of a true bear market. How bad it is crisis,” said David Riley, head and other emerging markets intense market wobble and just a few
depends first on the Fed. Fear of a premature rate rise goes of credit strategy at BlueBay have sold billions of dollars weeks before potential lift-off for US
a long way to explaining the way stocks had stalled for Asset Management. “EM of debt in the past five years interest rates.
most of the year; a delay would boost asset prices. bonds have held up relatively as investors have sought ref- Jackson Hole has been used to
The second factor is the economy. Absent a clear sign well considering the pres- uge from low interest rates in signal US policy in the past, but most
that the trouble for China and emerging markets is damag- sures they are already the US and Europe. investors think it unlikely this time
ing the US economy, the chances are for a relatively mild under.” This year the World Bank because Fed chair Janet Yellen isn’t
bear market. If indicators of a global slowdown — such as Although prices for hard cautioned that a storm was attending.
falling durable goods orders and declining world trade — currency debt sold by coun- brewing in emerging market Of course that won’t stop the market
do translate into a US economic downturn, then the sell-off tries including Turkey, Mex- sovereign debt as growth dissecting every utterance for a clue to
would have a long way to go. ico and Indonesia have slowed and government monetary policy trajectories.
fallen, sending yields up, the budget deficits expanded to And the potentially most interesting
john.authers@ft.com total return on JPMorgan’s levels not seen in a decade. comments may come from Fed vice-
emerging market sovereign Economists at the Bank for chair Stanley Fischer when he delivers
debt index so far this year is International Settlements a speech on Saturday.
minus 0.3 per cent, com- have highlighted how If market turbulence continues for
pared with minus 15.86 per quickly dollar-denominated the rest of the week, it’s likely traders
cent over the same period for lending to companies and will start thinking there is an increased
More comment and data on ft.com MSCI’s EM equities index. governments outside the US possibility that Mr Fischer could use
Bond markets had long has increased in recent years, his address to deliver some form of
been flagging the risks of with emerging market issu- market-salving comments.
Y Fast FT Our global economies, headed stalling global growth and ers accounting for much of An allusion to why the Fed may be
team gives you market- by Brazil, Russia, India low interest rates, said Mr the rise. minded to hold for a bit longer given
moving news and views, and China. Riley, while other markets Now those EM debt issuers uncertainty over China’s economy
24 hours a day, five days ft.com/beyondbrics had been more optimistic. face a perfect storm of China- would probably do the trick.
a week. ft.com/fastft Steep falls in currencies led growth fears, falling com- Perhaps that could come as part of a
Y Podcast The Hard
Y Alphaville Our Currency podcast takes a such as the Turkish lira modity prices, rising political concerted central bank effort —
irreverent financial blog. look at what is driving and Brazilian real against risks and the prospect of cap- perceived or real — to calm nerves.
Join Paul Murphy and the global currency the US dollar had pushed ital outflows sparked by Now, given one senses central banks
Bryce Elder for the daily market. ft.com/podcasts down prices for local-cur- higher US interest rates. are becoming increasingly wary of
Markets Live session at rency debt further, mean- However, these concerns being seen to forever prop up market
Y Lex Video Analysis ing the total return this have been balanced by a sentiment, such an intervention may
11am. ft.com/alphaville
and opinion from the year for EM local-currency change in the way emerging be unlikely. But if it did occur, it could
Y beyondbrics News and team on the hot issues debt was minus 12.7 per markets borrow. Emerging make for a pretty painful Monday for
comment from more affecting companies and cent, JPMorgan said. markets were well placed to those short “risk” assets.
than 40 emerging markets. ft.com/lexvideo However, dollar-denomi- absorb “sudden stops” in
nated bonds sold by EM com- capital flows, said BlueBay. jamie.chisholm@ft.com

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