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Case Studies
5 : Case Studies

The chart can be drawn in many ways. North Indian style best form of
drawing a chart, as it provides a very easy comprehension of the chart at a mere
glimpse. It shows angle, planets placed in angles without enumeration. (Chaudhary
Rajesh, 2013). This is called as Rasi chart, Natal chart, Main chart, Horoscope etc.
Here in this study the researcher has used the term Natal chart or birth chart.

The following chart is of a female respondent residing in one of the Old age
home in Nagpur. She was a teacher by profession. She is XII passed and did her
Diploma in Education. She is getting pension. Reading, chanting devotional songs
(Bhajan), etc. She has one son and one daughter, residing in Andhra Pradesh and
Nagpur respectively. Her son is a well-educated fellow (An Engineer); and doing well
in his career, her daughter is well-qualified, and residing in one nearby area of

Her date of admission in old age home is 14th September 2006.

Case 1 : February 15,1945 11:40 am 77E 45, 20N56


1. The second house has Saturn(R) in Gemini sign ruled by Mercury and it is
associated with Rahu. Saturn and Rahu are friendly.

2. Jupiter, (R), is placed in fifth house, again in Virgo, the sign of Mercury,

5 : Case Studies

3. The ninth house sign is Capricorn and Mars and Mercury are seen situated in
ninth house, and Mars is in the sign of Saturn. Arudha Lagna (AL) is also
situated in ninth.

4. Tenth house is occupied by Sun, in Aquarius sign, which is ruled by the planet

5. The eleventh house is occupied with Venus, Moon, in Pisces.

6. Mandi is situated in twelfth house.

7. Mars, Mercury, Saturn and Rahu are in Shadashtaka.

8. No planet is situated in Kendra, Cardinal house, except the Sun.

9. Majority of planets are situated in cadent or Apoklima houses; 3.6.9, and


10. The rising sign in Ascendant is Taurus. These people have an agreeable
appearance. Lagna Lord is in eleventh with Moon and Gulika. It is aspected by
Saturn from second house. Moon is with the planet of balance, but Saturn is
aspecting, that means the native needs harmonious environment, in order to
feel happy. But the Moon is enemy of Venus. It is a one sided animosity.
When Moon is with Venus, or oppose it, it staves Venus. These people have
problems in relationships. In the evaluation of natal chart, Gulika holds a
prime position. Mishra Suresh Chandra (2014), said that, Gulika is most
malefic entity in a natal chart. Gulika is called as Sarva Hanthanthare
(destroyer of all).

Saturn and Rahu is a rare conjunction in astrology. It is interesting to note that

this happens once in 18 years and half period of time. Rahu works as double Saturn in
a chart. Both of them are slow moving. It is a deadly combination. It surely gives
trouble and stress in family life. If “SEPERATIVE” planets occupy or falls in second
house, one has to leave his family and live away from them.

5 : Case Studies

Mars and Mercury in Capricorn: Mars and Mercury are found to be placed in
ninth house in Capricorn sign, which is ruled by planet Saturn. The ninth house is
ruled by Jupiter planet and Sagittarius sign; and is a cadent house.

She left her house when there was Sun Mahadasha, 14-04-2001 to 15-4-2007.

Case 1 : September, 14, 2006 5:30 am. 79 E 6, 21 N 9


The 10th is the last angular house, ruling the material goals and a sense of
completion. The Moon in 10th house often feels an emotional bond with the collective,
with “ordinary” people. They need to feel recognized. If they do not feel recognition,
it may lead to moodiness, a crankiness, and the individual feels incredibly hurt. The
person tries to accommodate the needs of others in every aspect of the life. The Moon
in tenth house canmean the safety and security needs are projected out in to the world,
The Moon in the chart rules the things that can make us feel empty, insecure and
unfulfilled, unless one is getting the needs answered by moon.

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The family background had a powerful influence over various stages of family
life cycle. The family thread or bonding still has an influential effect on the Moon in
the tenth house. The 4th and 10th house axis form the “family status” and it also
reveals the mediating quality of these houses over the path of life.

Moon in Taurus: A person with the moon in Taurus always strive for security
and permanence in their lives. They are self-reliant and independent.

Sun in first house: Sun is posited in first house along with its inimical planet.
The native suffers from deep sorrow. Though, Sun exalts in first house and gives good
result, Sun and Venus together give bad results except health and help from
Government. There will be no happiness in family life. Here Venus is Putra karaka
and in association with Sun, which is Amatya karaka.

In her birth chart Rahu is Putrakaraka and is being placed with retrograde
Saturn, and in this chart, Rahu is in eighth house.

Mars, Mercury and Ketu were in the second house. Ketu is the south node of
the Moon and the rest of the body which represents separation, isolation and the
abandonment of the material world. Mars, Mercury and Ketu are in conjunction.

The fourth house rules home, family, and foundation. Scorpio in fourth house
means the person is silent about family matters.

Saturn, Gulika, Mandi in twelfth house in Cancer:

Jupiter is occupying third house; s it shows that she may be greatly humiliated
or insulted.

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In Bhinnashtaka varga chart (BAV) with reference to Taurus, positions in D1 /

natal chart are highlighted, and in second house 26 benefic points are obtained, which
are less than28, whereas in fifth house benefic points or bindus are 25, less than 28. It
is observed that, in ninth house, benefic points are 31, a little more than 30.

In D-4 of the natal chart (BAV), with reference to Taurus, positions in D-4 are
highlighted. The chart shows hat, in second house, 26 benefic points, in fifth house 22
benefic points and in ninth 25 benefic points. It can be concluded that, all these points
are less than 28, and points in fourth house are even less than 25. It produces

Case 2 : December 31, 1948 23:40 80 E 36, 26 N 39


This is a chart of female respondent from Nagpur, residing in old age home.
She is well-educated, and was working as a Principal, in Local Jilha Parishad School,
Bhandara. She belongs to Daryapur. She has done her M.A.; M.Ed. then M.A. Music,
and Sangeet Visharad. She also is getting pension. Her hobbies are Painting, Singing,
and Reading. That time, when the survey was conducted her Hip Bone Operation was
carried out. She had only Son who expired at the age of 21 years.

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Gulika and Mandi ascendant: Traditionally, it is considered that Gulika and

madi are very malefic. There must be some sort of problem, with her health. The
effect is like that of Saturn, but one must not have undue fear. It causes delay in
proper development of the physical body. While narrating the effect of Gulika in 1st
house, Maharshi Parashara, in ancient astrology scripture, said that, the native will
suffer from diseases, and may be miserable. Thus Gulika in first house reduces the
good results of the chart. Parashara recommends that, one should worship Lord Shiva
regularly and light a ghee lamp before Shiva temple. It also considered as serpents, so
Rahu puja or Durga Puja is the remedy.

Ketu in second in Libra: It generally gives negative results. It has aspect of

Saturn from 12th house. It has no aspect of any benefic planet. People around her in
the family, be inimical, leading to undesirable experiences.

Sun and Jupiter in fourth: The sun has to work extra to make family life
happy. Jupiter is in its own sign, which makes her learned, educated, religious, but it
is placed with malefic planet, he positive results will be reduced considerably. The
fourth house is one of the kendrashanas. This should not be under the influence of any
malefic planet.

Moon and Mars in Capricorn, fifth house: It should be kept in mind that the
factors influencing birth chart are karma, condition of a planet ruling a house, planets
in a house, and planetary dasha period which is running currently. Mars in fifth shows
unhappiness and childlessness. Capricorn sign is inimical for Moon and Mars.
Planetary ruler of 5th house, Saturn, retrograde in twelfth house, has been placed in
Leo, inimical sign for Saturn. Mars, Moon and Saturn are in 6/8, shadashtaka.

Rahu is in Randhra bhava, This is not a good position for a badly placed
Rahu,.Generally Rahu placed in this house tends to make the native, face difficulties
from his children and with regard to his family and health. The native may face
humiliation and criticism.

Saturn in twelfth brings strength in the native’s life, but bring many
difficulties and hurdles in the native’s path. The native would be fearful of harsh
realities of life. Saturn here indicates losses on various fronts.

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Bhinnashtakavarga with reference to Virgo (BAV), shows that in second
house benefic bindus are 40, but in fifth house and ninth house benefic points are just
20 and 25, respectively, which are less than 28. In fifth house the points are even less
than 25.

In D-4 Bhinnashtakavarga(BAV) with reference to Sagittarius, in second

house 32 benefic bindus are obtained and in fifth and ninth house 31 and 22 points

Her date of entry in the old age home is 10th April 2010. Saturn Mahadasha
was running.

Case 2 : April 10., 2010 5.30 pm 79 E 6 21 N 9

1. Ascendant is Pisces and Sun is seen situated in Lagna/ Ascendant, at the time
when she entered old age home.

2. Venus and Mercury in second house

3. Ketu in fourth house, in Gemini

4. Retrograde Saturn in seventh in Virgo, and has direct aspect on Sun in Lagna

5. Gulika, Mandi, Rahu in tenth house, in Sagittarius

6. Jupiter and Moon in twelfth house, in Aquarius

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7. Mars in fifth house in Cancer. The native devoid of happiness, wealth and son
and will incus evils.

When entered old age home, she was 62 years old.

The Sun’s placement suggests there is a strong determination to choose one’s

own course in life. Pisces is the twelfth sign and last sign of the Zodiac is the
dissolution and release of the past cycle, purifying the essencefrom the waste in
preparation for the birth of a new cycle. As the mutable water sign Pisces has
changing and adaptable emotions. The flowing water always takes the form of its
situation. The dual nature expresses understanding, but due to sensitivity may be
pulled into negative feelings of sorrow when exposed to emotional sufferings.

The female respondent, staying in local old age home is a housewife, educated
up to 10th standard, and her hobbies are reading and knitting. She has a daughter, but
as she was not willing to stay with son-in law, she preferred to shift in old age home
in the year 2007.

1. Ascendant is Pisces with Moon

2. Ketu in Gemini in fourth house
3. Mars in Leo situated in sixth house
4. Virgo sign, Mercury(R), and Sun situated in seventh house
5. Venus and Gulika in eighth house, in seventh house
6. Jupiter and Mandi in ninth house, in Scorpio sign
7. Rahu in Sagittarius in 10th house
8. Retrograde Saturn in 12th house in Pisces
Ascendant or rising sign reveals the ways in which one present oneself to
others. It describes the ways in which we project ourselves out in to the environment.
When Pisces is rising, there is an inherent challenge around knowing how to project
the self-outward.

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Pisces rising motto seems to be “Go with the flow”. The second house lord is
situated in sixth and it has direct aspect of Saturn. The second house is the house of
“Family”. The second house lord is situated in sixth house, which is lord of ninth
house also. In ninth house Jupiter is in association with Malefic Mandi and twelfth
house is occupied by retrograde Saturn in sign Aquarius. These are all cadent or
Apoklima houses. Happiness and peace could be absent from the native’s life due to
variant hurdles and difficulties. The ruler of fourth house is Moon and ketu is its
enemy. Ketu here indicates lack of good results. When Rahu is in 10th house and ketu
in fourth house he native is obsessed towards materialistic pursuit and withdraw from
domestic life.

Case 3 : October 1, 1936 18 : 00 77 E 18, 21 N 9

This chart shows the general condition and placement of planets when case 3
took entry in old age home.

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The female respondent from local old age home, educated up to 10 th standard,
from Jabalpur. Her husband was working with forest Department and died in 1996.
She is getting pension of 3500/- per month. She worked as a Hostel Warden, in a local
Girl’s Hostel, attached to Matru Seva Sangh, Nagpur. She entered old age home in
2009. She has no issue. She values cleanliness and tidiness, she mentioned when

Case 4 : September 13, 1933 5: 30 78 E 14, 20 N 59

1. Sun, Mercury and Ketu in Leo Ascendant,

2. Virgo Jupiter in second house

3. Mars and Venus in Third house, Libra sign

4. Saturn retrograde in sixth house, in Capricorn

5. Rahu and Gulika in Seventh house

6. Moon in Eleventh house.

Sun, Mercury in conjunction with ketu,

5 : Case Studies


Case 5 : March 9, 1935, 8:00 73 E 29, 26 N 43

This chart is of a female respondent from Nagpur old age home, she is
educated up to IX standard. She belonged to Hingoli, Marathawada. She worked as a
strong Political Party worker. She worked as a Warden, in Matru Seva Sangh, at
Akola. She is not getting any pension. She got married at the age of 15 years, and lost
his husband within a month after marriage. She was alone throughout her life.

She entered Old age home on 20th March 2007.

1. Ascendant is Pisces, occupied by Venus and Mandi in First house. Moon is in

second house in Aries sign. Money has a tendency to come and go. The fifth
house sign is Cancer, and Ketu is situated in fifth.

2. Retrograde Mars is in eighth house.

3. The Mercury Planet and Rahu in eleventh house, sign Capricorn.

4. Jupiter in ninth house in Scorpio

5. The Sun, Saturn and Gulika in twelfth house.

6. Gulika or Mandi situated in janma lagna give bad results.It holds a position of
prime importance in the evaluation of a natal chart. Also called as Maandi, it
has no physical existence, like Rahu- Ketu. But it always makes a difference
in the natal chart output.

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According to the set standards of assessment of maleficence, it surpasses all

natural malefic.

Gulika= Maandi= “slow, stupid, loitering”. Traditionally believed to be a

highly malefic influence, it is beneficial in the Upachaya sthanas, 3 rd, 6th, and 11th
houses. (Maharishi Parashara, Ch. 25, shloka-62-73).

Case 5 : March 20, 2007 12: 00 79 E 6, 21 N 9

When she started residing in old age home, the planetary position at that time
is depicted in the chart. Gulika and Mandi were found situated in First House, which
is not good. In second house retrograde Saturn has been situated, which has aspect of
Planet Mars. No planet is seen situated in Kendra, except Sun and Moon, in watery
sign, Pisces. Tenth house lord is situated in sixth house, and aspecting Sun, Moon,
and Saturn also. The Sun and Moon are aspecting the fourth house. The ninth house is
seen occupying Rahu and Mercury. Venus is found occupied by eleventh house.
Mercury, Rahu, Saturn are in 6/ 8 relationship (Shadahtaka).

5 : Case Studies

The female respondent from local old age home, is educated up to 4th standard.
He has two sons and two daughters. Her daughter is in Chandrapur and one daughter
is in Odisha. Her daughters-in law, are not willing to stay with her, so she entered old
age home in 2010.

Case 6 : November 16, 1942 17:30 79 E 6, 21 N 9

A female respondent is from local old age home. She is un-married and
entered old age home in 2008. Her education is up to 10th Standard. After the death of
Mother, Father and only brother she has no one to look after and she forced to enter
old age home.

1. Aries Ascendant
2. Rahu in second house in Taurus
3. Sun- Moon in third house in Gemini
4. Saturn and Mercury and Venus in fourth house in Cancer sign
5. Mars in fifth house in Leo
6. Jupiter in sixth house
7. Gulika and mandi in eleventh and twelfth respectively

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The second house represents family members. If malefic planet is placed in

second house, the native will not get the favors of own family members. Generally,
the native moves out of the family. It also causes problem of earning. The native has
to face situations, where she has to depend on others for her existence.

The fourth house emphasizes the growth environment, as shown by family,

home. Saturn in the fourth tends towards restrictions and rules that create difficulties
in the growth environment. Saturn though a friend to Venus gives bad effect on
Venus. Fourth house represents home. Therefore, it separates the person from family
for a period of time, may be in childhood or adulthood. Love life might suffer. Venus
indicates marriage, and in association with Saturn the marriage is delayed. Venus
denotes happiness and Saturn denotes hard work. So happiness would come after
sheer hard work in life, in certain cases. The combination of Saturn in cancer means
that the home and family life is not easy or necessarily positive.

The natural Putra karaka is in sixth and it has aspect of Saturn.

Case 7 : June 30, 1946 2 : 35 79 E 6 21 N 9

Bhinna ashtakavarga with reference to Aries: (SAV) shows that second house
shows 33 benefic points, whereas fifth house shows 23 points and ninth house shows
25 points. The benefic points in fifth and ninth house are less than 28, but the second
house points are 31, more than 30.

5 : Case Studies

This chart shows that the ascendant is Libra and lagna lord Venus is situated in
ninth house in Gemini sign.

Gulika and Mandi both seen present in second house. Retrograde Saturn has
been placed in its own sign Capricorn with fourth house ruler Moon. Rahu in
Aquarius sign is found placed in fifth house. Mars and Venus in ninth house in

Sun in Cancer, placed in 10th house. In eleventh house Jupiter and retrograde
Mercury in conjunction and Ketu is also seen associated.

He is respondent staying with his wife, in old age home. He was teacher by
profession. His wife also retired, as a teacher, one of the famous schools of Nagpur.
He has only son, doing well in Nagpur. Because of certain family issues, regarding
property, they have been forced to stay away from home.

Saturn and Sun are in Kendra sthanas, Sun, Rahu, Ketu, Saturn, Mars are
natural maefic planets. They harm the prospects of the house with which they are
associated or whom they aspect.

Case 8 : August 15, 1932 11:00 79 E 6, 21 N 9

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Rahu and Ketu are shadowy planets and if they are found situated alone
without being associated with or being under the aspect of any planet, they will give
results through the planet which is lord of the sign occupied with them (Bhasin J.N.
Saturn, Mercury and Venus are benefics for Libra ascendant, and Saturn being
the best. For Libra ascendant, Sun, Jupiter and Moon are malefics. Mars is taken as
feeble benefic (Raman B.V.2002).

The most vulnerable house in the astrology is fourth house. If this house is
damaged the native have hard time to achieve inner peace. In fact, Saturn brings blend
of both positive and negative shades. The placement of Saturn in fourth house will be
the reason for both good and adverse things in life. The life will be both pleasing and
difficult at times.

The Saturn in fourth house deprives the native from happiness. Sometimes
may cause emotional separations. There may be deep lack of emotional security due
to early experiences. The ability to be self-sufficient and making our own way in the
world has always been tested by Saturn. Adawal Shanker (2006), said that, retrograde
Saturn in the chart, represents the neglect of responsibilities in the past or previous
life. With a retrograde Saturn, he comes in to the current life, with a tendency to carry
forward the same goals which he had left unfinished, in the previous life, as not
fulfilled. But in this case Saturn is in its own sign, so it should give happiness. But it
in association with Moon and it is said that Saturn-Moon association, is called
Punaraphoo Dosha. (KP PADDHATI). It also affects other aspects of life. Saturn and
Moon are not inimical to each other, but Saturn is inimical to Moon. The effect
depends on sign in house and aspect on them. Here Saturn and Moon are aspected by
BHINNASHTAKAVARGA (BAV), with reference to Libra position in natal
chart are highlighted. It is noted from (SAV) Chart that second house consists of 29
benefic points, fourth house consists of 22 benefic points and ninth house is seen
having 32 benefic points. The benefic points in second and ninth houses are somewhat
more than 30, but points in fifth house, which is house of children, are less than 25,
and it can be concluded that there is no happiness from children.

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This male respondent belongs to Rajkot, Gujarat, and residing in old age
home, Aurangabad. Both husband wife is staying there together. They have very good
family background. Their son is in foreign country and daughter sends money for

1. Leo Ascendant with Sun in its own sign. It has aspect of retrograded Saturn,
from the seventh house.

2. Venus and Mercury in second house, in Virgo sign.

3. Fourth sign Scorpio, and it has been occupied by Jupiter.

4. Rahu has been placed in Sagittarius sign in fifth house.

5. Capricorn Moon has been placed in sixth house

6. Mandi-Gulika in ninth house.

7. Ketu in Gemini sign in 11th house

8. Mars in twelfth house in Cancer sign

9. Jupiter is natural Putrakaraka, has 10th aspect of Saturn. Moon and Mars are
seventh from each other (Samsaptaka).

Case 9 August 31, 1936 5 :30 70 E 47, 22 N 18

5 : Case Studies

Saturn’s third aspect on the ninth house could mean discipline bound/
constrained interaction with father figure and it also means hard luck.

Jupiter in fourth house gives good result.

Fifth house belongs to children when Rahu occupy fifth house it creates Putra
dosha. i.e. trouble in child birth in case of female birth chart.

BHINNASHTAKAVARGA: with reference to Leo

Position in D1 are highlighted. SAV shows that in second house 28 benefic

points have been observed and in fifth house only21 benefic points were observed. In
ninth house 26 points are obtained. 28 points mean just on border line; whereas 21
and 26 are less than 25 and 28, respectively, showing unhappiness from children.

5 : Case Studies


Sarva means all-encompassing and this chart is the biggest chart when
compared to the other Ashtakvarga charts. This chart is a sum total of all other
Ashtakvarga chart. The house that has the lowest score is the weakest. Less than 25
points means the weak houses. When the score is between 25 to 28 points the house is
called the strong house.

The D-1 of the natal chart (SAV) shows the benefic points in various houses.


POINTS 27 31 31 27 116
POINTS 26 25 25 28 104
POINTS 28 31 31 27 117

In the above table benefic points obtained in sarvastaka varga of natal chart
are shown. In Kendra or cardinal houses points obtained are 27+31+31+27=116.
Panphara or succedent houses obtained 26+25+25+28= 104, and Apoklimaor cadent
houses obtained 28+31+31+27=117.

It can be said that the middle part is not very good. In kendra and apoklima the
points are nearabout same But accoding to Jatak Parijata1, under the heading’
difference in khandatraya or three parts of life’ points obtained in VIII house and XII
house should not be included. Thus by deducting 25 i.e. points in VIII house (104-
25=79) the points in VIII house are 79 and by deducting points of XII house from
117(117-27=90) the remaining points are 90. It can be conclude that the minimum
points are obtained in succedent houses and 90 points are obtained in the Apoklima

Jataka Parijata, vol.II,Baidyanath,translated by Ojha Gopesh kumar, Motilal Banarasidas
Publication Delhi, 2005, p 729

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First Part of life XII I II III TOTAL

27 27 26 28 108
Second part IV V VI VII
31 25 31 31 118
Last part of life VIII IX X XI
25 31 27 28 111

The above table shows that the three parts of life span i.e. first part (from XII
house to III house) obtained 27+27+26+28=108, and second part from house IV to
VII, the points obtained are 31+25+ 31+31=118 and in last part of life the benefic
points are 25+31+27+28=111 out of total 337 bindus or points.It shows that the
second part of her life was better than the first and third part. By deducting the points
of VIII and XII house 111-25 and 108-27 the remaining bindus are 86 and 81
respectively. It can be concluded that the first and later part of life was not very good
and the middle part of life was better.



POINTS 33 23 24 30 110
POINTS 40 20 28 30 118
POINTS 33 29 25 23 110

110-points of XII house 23= 87 and 118- points of VIII house 28= 90

Total of points obtained in Kendra is 110 which is same as in Apoklima house

i.e. 110, whereas total of points obtained in succedent house is 118 which is the
highest, and it shows that this pat of life was the best, means rising in power stage.
When the points obtained by VIII house are deducted from the total 118(118-28= 90)
the remaining points are 90 and by deducting points of XII house 23 from the total
points 110 i.e. (110-23=87) the remaining points are 87, which is the lowest figure.

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Thus it can 1be concluded here that the later part of life is miserable than the other
two parts. Kendra house obtained highest points in sarvashtaka varga.

First Part of life XII I II III TOTAL

23 33 40 33 129
Second part IV V VI VII
23 20 29 24 96
Last part of life VIII IX X XI
28 25 30 29 112

The table shows khandatraya of first, middle, and later part of life, starting
from XII house to XI house, XII to III; IV to VII and VIII to XI; and it is clear that the
first part obtained 129 points; second part obtained only 96 points, the lowest figure;
and the later part o 1f life obtained 112 points in sarvashtaka varga. By deducting
points of VIII house the remaining points are 84 (112-28=84) and by deducting points
of XII house (129-23=106) the remaining points are 106 and it can be conclude that
the later part of life will be miserable as it has minimum benefic points , (84) which
means the malefic points are more. First part of life is than the second or middle part
of life. The middle part of life is worst as compared to first and later part of life.

In the present research study the objective was to study II, V, and IX house of
SAV of natal chart so his part is not included in the study but discussed here in the
case study. This can be taken as a topic for further research.


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