Brexit Ballot Rewrite Hands First Victory To Eurosceptics: Cashing Out Dynasty Fatigue After Tianjin

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WEDNESDAY 2 SEPTEMBER 2015 WORLD BUSINESS NEWSPAPER UK £2.50 Channel Islands £2.80; Republic of Ireland €3.


Cashing out After Tianjin Dynasty fatigue

The start-up founders only after China’s biggest toxic legacy is not smog Is America tiring of the Bush
a fast buck — BUSINESS LIFE, PAGE 12 but soil pollution — BIG READ, PAGE 9 and Clinton show? — PAGE 11

Brexit ballot Line closed Migrants protest as police

in Budapest seal off route to Germany
i China turmoil weighs on manufacturing

rewrite hands
UK factories struggled in August, with analysts
blaming the strength of the pound and the turmoil
in China, which itself saw factory activity contract.

first victory to i Umunna urges solidarity over Corbyn

Chuka Umunna, dubbed one of a “gang of two” by
Lord Prescott, has urged fellow moderates to back
Jeremy Corbyn if he becomes Labour leader, ruling
out the prospect of an “SDP-style” split.— PAGE 2

eurosceptics i Plagiarism dispute sinks Tokyo logos

Tokyo has decided to scrap its logo for
the 2020 Olympics, which was
unveiled in July, after creator Kenjiro
Sano was besieged with allegations
3 Cameron told to rephrase question that he copied the design from the
motif of a Belgian theatre.— PAGE 6
3 Tory rebels back spending challenge i Cabbies offer fixed fares in Uber fight
London’s black cabs have started offering fixed
tained a “double bias” by including only prices and discounts on longer journeys as they
David Cameron suffered his first defeat the “remain” option and having the Yes fight back against Uber, the app that has brought
in the build-up to the Brexit referendum answer endorse the status quo. That fierce competition to the capital’s streets.— PAGE 4
campaign after being told to rewrite the might “encourage voters to consider one
allegedly biased question to be put on response more favourably than the i New Delhi halts retrospective tax push
the ballot paper. other”, said a spokesperson. India is to end attempts to levy up to $6.4bn in
Mr Cameron agreed to change the Research by ComRes and ICM poll- retrospective tax on foreign investors in a move set
wording after the Electoral Commission sters suggests that voters are more to end one of the country’s business uncertainties. A
objected to the suggestion that voters be likely to say they favour the status quo tax case involving Vodafone is unresolved.— PAGE 15
invited to say Yes to Britain’s staying in when framed as a Yes or No question,
the EU. The move means there will not rather than whether the UK should i Republicans seize on Clinton emails
be a Yes and No campaign, unlike in the remain or leave. Critics have pounced on news that 150 emails that
referendum on Scottish independence. Meanwhile, Mr Cameron faces an presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton handled via a
During that debate, the pro-union ambush by eurosceptic Tory MPs over personal account as secretary of state contained
Better Together side maintained that the rules governing the EU referendum classified information.— PAGE 6; RICK PERLSTEIN, PAGE 11
the question favoured secessionists. in the first serious challenge to his
Eurosceptics celebrated the verdict. authority since forming a new govern- i Chinese retreat lights way for Apollo
Nigel Farage, leader of the UK Inde- ment in May. The US buyout group has emerged as a possible
pendence party, said: “I’m in no doubt Tory rebels are planning to back buyer of Novo Banco, the Portuguese bank salvaged
that the Yes/No offering was leading to Labour’s drive on Monday to prevent Angry migrants wave tickets outside Keleti station as Hungary bars their way — Laszlo Balogh/Reuters from the ruins of Banco Espírito Santo, after a
great confusion.” the government from spending money €3.5bn bid by China’s Anbang collapsed.— PAGE 16
The EU referendum bill going through on one side of the argument in the clos-
parliament had proposed that voters be ing stages of the referendum campaign. ANDREW BYRNE — BUDAPEST reaching western Europe. August. As the security services
asked: “Should the United Kingdom A spokesman for the eurosceptic RALPH ATKINS — ZURICH
Police and riot officers formed a tried to contain the protests,
remain a member of the European Business for Britain group welcomed European leaders traded accu- cordon around the building, Budapest lambasted other EU
Union?” But the independent Electoral the change to the wording of the refer- sations of mismanagement allowing in only ticket-holders countries over the bloc’s Iceland real GDP growth Since its meltdown
Commission urged the government to endum question but said Monday’s and untruths yesterday as with EU passports and Hungar- response to the influx. Annual % change in 2008 Iceland
change the question to: “Should the “purdah” vote, during the third reading ian identity cards. Hundreds of Janos Lazar, chief of staff to Forecasts 10 has recovered
Budapest’s main railway sta- steadily, with
United Kingdom remain a member of of the bill, would be a “far more tion became the latest flash- young migrants waving tickets Viktor Orban, the prime minis- 8
economic activity
the European Union or leave the important” moment. point in the escalating migra- bought in the belief they would ter, blamed a “leftist approach” 6
above pre-crisis
European Union?” The government has sought to abolish be allowed to board trains out by the European Commission 4
tion crisis gripping European levels, falling
Pro-EU campaigners shrugged and the usual purdah that blocks govern- of Hungary chanted “let us go” and warned that millions of 2
capitals. unemployment
said that they would continue to call ments from spending money or using and “Germany, Germany”. migrants would soon arrive in 0
and improving
themselves the Yes campaign. One said: officials to help one side during a refer- Protests broke out at Buda- Nearby, women and small Europe. Mr Lazar said the EU -2
public finances.
“In any case the word ‘remain’ sounds endum. The amendment from Labour pest’s Keleti railway station children lay on blankets in the was incapable of protecting its The OECD predicts
static: fighting for the status quo is an will call for the rules to be kept. when police barred hundreds square in front of Keleti station, borders. growth this year of
advantage.” The Brexit question page 2 of migrants, mostly Middle which has been transformed Mr Orban, who has described 2007 10 12 14 16 4.3 per cent, above
Source: OECD
The Electoral Commission said the Schengen’s weak points page 7 Eastern, from the terminus, into a camp for some of the immigration as a threat to its average
original wording was clear but con- Editorial Comment page 10 frustrating their hopes of 50,000 migrants who arrived in Continued on Page 7

Lack of breeze leaves US clean-energy

industry and backers in the doldrums
GREGORY MEYER — NEW YORK chief executive of power producer NRG Energy Group and NRG Yield, control-
Energy, has told analysts. led by NRG Energy, have declined this
A lack of wind is making the US
The situation is likely to intensify into year.
clean-energy sector sweat, with conse-
the first quarter of 2016 as the El Niño Wall Street banks are passive inves-
quences for investors from yield-
weather phenomenon holds back wind tors in wind farms, often through tax-
hungry pensioners to Goldman Sachs.
speeds around much of the US, accord- advantaged financing structures. Gold-
Apple radio station chief Electricity generated by US wind farms ing to Vaisala, a weather measurement man Sachs’s holdings include a stake in
lured to Paris by LVMH fell 6 per cent in the first half of the year company in Helsinki. Cabazon Wind Partners in California,
Ian Rogers, the Apple executive who even as the nation expanded wind gen- “We do know that the strong El Niño where generation fell 16 per cent in the
stepped down from running its Beats 1 eration capacity by 9 per cent, according cycle that we are now in tends to be first half, EIA data show. JPMorgan
radio station, has been appointed to Energy Information Administration correlated with below-average conti- Chase has acquired an interest in Cali-
digital chief of luxury fashion group records. nental wind resource, and we also know fornia’s Alta Wind X, which suffered an
LVMH, surprising colleagues at the The reason was some of the softest air that meteorological expectations are for 18 per cent decline in electricity output.
tech group’s Cupertino base. The move currents in 40 years, cutting power sales the El Niño phase to continue,” Moray Rating agency Standard & Poor’s put a
to Paris is evidence of the growing ties from wind farms to utilities even as the Dewhurst, chief financial officer of negative outlook on bonds issued by two
between digital businesses and luxury White House promotes renewable NextEra Energy, said. wind farm companies as their revenues
groups, after Apple’s appointment last energy, including wind, as part of its US wind farms are increasingly owned tracked wind speeds lower. Wind gener-
year of Angela Ahrendts, the former Clean Power Plan to counter greenhouse by so-called yieldcos, spin-offs from ated 4.4 per cent of US electricity last
chief executive of Burberry, to run its gas emissions. power producers that promise steady year, up from 0.4 per cent a decade ago.
retail strategy. “We never anticipated a drop-off in payments based on contracted electric- But this year US wind plants’ “capac-
Analysis i PAGE 15 the wind resource as we have witnessed ity sales. Shares of wind-exposed yield- ity factor” has averaged just a third of
over the past six months,” David Crane, cos such as NextEra Energy, Pattern their total generating capacity.

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2 ★ † FINANCIAL TIMES Wednesday 2 September 2015


The Brexit question

Cameron keeps EU options open target 8
Prime minister puts campaigning on hold until result of talks with Brussels is known
The In camp Who stands where
man, said in June that Mr Farage was
seen as “very divisive” and “somebody
New Labour else” should represent the campaign for GEORGE PARKER — POLITICAL EDITOR

Out In
Nigel Farage The Ukip Lord Sainsbury Former a British exit from the EU. Eight cabinet ministers have been
figures from Blair leader wants to put
immigration at the centre of
Labour minister and
ex-chairman of J Sainsbury,
The Farage question lies at the heart of
grappling between three rival groups to
approached by anti-EU campaigners
about joining the push for a British exit.
era win pivotal role Arron Banks Came to
the campaign, arguing that
it is the clearest example of
he is helping to fund the
embryonic cross-party Roland Rudd The
lead the “Out” campaign. The In group
has already coalesced around the Busi- But it is unclear how many of David
where the UK has ceded campaign to stay in the EU ness for New Europe with participants Cameron’s team will ultimately make
public prominence when well-connected founder
control to Brussels from the Conservatives, Labour and Lib- the leap. Matthew Elliott and Dominic
GEORGE PARKER — POLITICAL EDITOR he gave £1m to Ukip at and chairman of City PR
eralDemocrats. Cummings, two architects of a fledgling
the height of last year’s firm Finsbury is the key
But the Out campaign still consists of No campaign, have immaculate Con-
Conservative party figure in recruiting

The campaign to keep Britain in the EU several strands all vying for supremacy. servative contacts but concede that they


conference. The former business backers for the

will finally be launched in the middle of The stakes are considerable: the Elec- do not know how much cabinet support


Conservative donor made pro EU campaign, many of

October, but David Cameron will not be toral Commission can designate only they will garner.

his fortune in insurance, them linked to his Business

taking part. one “lead campaigner” for each out- “Ministers are waiting to see how

founding Southern Rock for New Europe group
The prime minister and senior Tories come. Each side can spend up to £5m Cameron’s negotiation pans out — what
are under a self-denying ordinance not including state funding of £600,000, the opinion polls are saying,” said one
to campaign for an In vote until it is clear made up of television broadcasts, free senior figure in the No campaign.


what reform deal Downing Street might mailshots and a public grant. The two ministers traditionally seen


extract from Britain’s EU partners. That The commission is expected to pick as the most passionate eurosceptics are


is unlikely to be clear until at least the the lead campaigners once the EU refer- Iain Duncan Smith, work and pensions
end of the year. endum bill, now in parliament, is secretary, and Chris Grayling, leader of
Mr Cameron has left open the possi- enacted. The most likely candidates to the House of Commons.
bility that he could argue for a Brexit if run the official Brexit movement are Their allies say Mr Cameron will have
he fails to get a good deal from Brussels, Matthew Elliott and Dominic Cum- to return from Brussels with a very
although the working assumption of mings, former campaigners against the strong deal to persuade them to back


most Tory MPs is that he will be firmly eurofromoveradecadeago. the Yes campaign. One supporter of Mr


in the In camp. Mr Elliott, who also ran the successful Duncan Smith said: “Iain thinks we



In the meantime, the task of trying to campaign against the Alternative Vote need to play it long to get a good deal —


assemble a cross-party, business-heavy in 2011, has a considerable Brexit busi- we have a great opportunity. If the refer-
campaign to keep Britain in the EU has ness base from Business for Britain, endum is next June, then that won’t be
been left to a group including some of which he founded. Mr Cummings is a long enough.”
the leading New Labour figures from the former special adviser to Michael Gove, Other ministers including Michael
Tony Blair era. former Tory education secretary. Gove, justice secretary; Elizabeth Truss,
Matthew Elliott Founder of the Lord Mandelson A divisive
Lord Sainsbury of Turville, the Paul Stephenson, a former Conserva- environment secretary; and even Philip
TaxPayers’ Alliance, which figure in the Labour party but
former Blairite minister and scion of the tive special adviser and media chief at Hammond, foreign secretary, have
campaigns for public spending respected for his campaigning
supermarket family, has provided the the British Bankers’ Association, has made little secret of their scepticism
reform and a smaller state. He skills and business links. The
start-up funding of an organisation been hired to sharpen the body’s com-

was campaign director for the former business secretary
which he hopes will become the offi- munications effort before a proposed
cially designated In campaign. “No to AV” group in the 2011 urged the pro EU campaign
launch this month.
Boris Johnson tells friends
Roland Rudd, the founder of City PR referendum on a new voting
system. Since then, he has
to delay its launch until
next month
“We’re working in a hangar, getting all privately that he could not
company Finsbury, is another member the technology sorted out,” said one
of the New Labour aristocracy, who will been chief executive of member of the group. The aim is to
imagine campaigning for
pull in his business contacts to help Business for Britain recruithundredsofvolunteers,readyfor Britain to leave the EU

broaden and finance the campaign. areferendumasearlyasspring2016.



Meanwhile, Mr Rudd’s friend Lord


Against them is pitted “The Know”,



Mandelson, the architect of three suc- set up by Arron Banks, a multimillion- about the European project. Theresa


cessive New Labour election victories aire insurance tycoon, as a non-political May, home secretary, suggested at the

and a former EU commissioner, is also campaign for Britain to leave the EU. Mr weekend that EU migrants should only

playing a key role in putting the cam- Banks said he wanted a campaign that come to Britain if they had a job offer: a

paign together. featured people from other walks of life restriction on free movement of work-

Boris Johnson The MP and London Sajid Javid Conservative MPs expect such as the military and business. ers that Angela Merkel, German chan-
The campaign, called “”, cellor, has indicated she would not
Cameron’s friends say the mayor tells friends he will not campaign the eurosceptic business secretary to
has offices at Millbank Tower and has accept.
for a Brexit but his public utterances be made chancellor if George Osborne
prime minister is ‘wary’ of suggest he might. Many Conservatives Iain Duncan Smith The work and succeeds David Cameron as prime received a donation from Jim Mellon, a However, most of the speculation
financier based in the Isle of Man. among Conservative MPs surrounds the
the new cross-party group will support the Brexit campaign: would it pensions secretary is the highest-profile minister. Would he cross Mr Osborne by
Critics have pointed out that both Mr intentions of Sajid Javid, business secre-
help his leadership prospects if he joined joining the campaign to leave the EU?
to keep Britain in the EU them?
cabinet minister likely to campaign for
exit. David Cameron would have to deliver
Banks and Mr Mellon are former donors tary, and Boris Johnson, London mayor,
a stellar EU deal to keep him on board
to Ukip. The Tories have barred The who have both indicated that they could
Know from their annual conference in countenance a Brexit.
Manchester. Mr Banks insists that he Mr Johnson tells friends privately that
Mr Cameron’s friends say the prime
minister is “wary” of the new group.
across society with the capacity to raise
up to the legal limit of £7m to fund the
The Out camp does not want any politicians, including
Mr Farage, involved in his campaign.
he could not imagine campaigning for
Britain to leave the EU. Allies say the
One said Mr Cameron thought it needed
to be “more hard-headed”: in other
referendum campaign.
Lord Cooper, a Tory peer, former
Fears over ‘divisive’ He has had private talks about merg-
ing his campaign with Business for Brit-
London mayor believes Mr Cameron
will get a good deal. But after a bruising
words, less fervently pro-European.
Another ally of the prime minister
Cameron adviser and founder of the
Populus polling organisation, has been
Farage lead to ain that have so far been fruitless.
Mr Farage himself, emerged yesterday
few weeks, Mr Johnson is sounding
increasingly eurosceptic.
said Downing Street was unclear
whether Lynton Crosby, the Australian
brought in to the In operation, as has
Damian Green, the former Tory immi-
3-way battle with a demand that his party’s 50,000
members must play a big role in what-
He said yesterday it was “very disap-
pointing” that Mr Cameron would not
campaign director behind Mr Cam- gration minister. ever “umbrella” group emerges. Ukip, campaign to exclude Britain from all EU
eron’s May election victory, might help Ryan Coetzee, a South African strate- which will launch its own campaign on employment laws.
to run the Brexit campaign. gist who ran the ultimately disastrous JIM PICKARD, GEORGE PARKER Friday, wants to emphasise the impact of Mr Javid, a potential contender for the
“He’s loyal to the prime minister but Liberal Democrat election campaign, the EU on Britain’s record high levels of Tory leadership when David Cameron
the No side has all the money,” said one has been recruited, as has the Green MP The campaign for Britain to leave the EU immigration. Ceding control of policy to steps down, recently rebuked the CBI
senior Conservative. Mr Crosby says he Caroline Lucas. has been hamstrung because its most Brussels had “opened the door to an exo- employers’ group for signalling its sup-
does not know whether he would take The fledgling campaign is developing famous face, UK Independence party dus of biblical proportions, meaning mil- port for the EU in any circumstance. But
part in the campaign for either side. a strategy to make the positive case for leader Nigel Farage, is considered a divi- lions and millions of people”, Mr Farage Tory MPs believe that if George Osborne
Mr Rudd’s nascent group believes it Britain’s EU membership, including sive character said yesterday. become prime minister he would make
will be designated by the Electoral Com- drawing on lessons from the upbeat pro- Stuart Wheeler, whose donations kept But Mr Elliott and Mr Cummings are Mr Javid his chancellor: quitting the
mission as the official cross-party In independence Yes Scotland campaign. Ukip afloat for years, has warned about More on determined to keep the focus of the Out cabinet to campaign for a Brexit would
campaign, even if Mr Cameron and sen- But the core of the In campaign’s argu- Mr Farage’s “worrying” and, “aggres- For the latest campaign on the economy, arguing that be a bold gamble.
ior Tories ultimately end up fighting ment will be economic, with a heavy sive” rhetoric. “To win the referen- news, comment reassuring people a Brexit will not cost Yet if opinion polls suggest that the
and analysis on
their own corner. emphasis in the later stages about the dum . . . we need a quiet, well-reasoned the Brexit them jobsiskey. Brexit campaign could triumph, and
The race is on to prove that it is a gen- impact on jobs and prosperity if Britain approach to convince the waverers,” he question, go to Cooper urges UK page 4 that most Tory members support the
uinely cross-party campaign with wide leaves, reinforced by a chorus of pro-EU warned. Schengen weak points page 7 UK leaving, Mr Cameron’s cabinet unity
support in the business community and business leaders. Suzanne Evans, deputy party chair- Editorial Comment page 10 could start to look shaky.

Labour leadership
A private bank unlike
any other. Umunna urges party moderates to back Corbyn if he wins
GEORGE PARKER AND JIM PICKARD can return Labour to office,” he said. them that moderate social democrats peer, said her party should work with
However, Labour modernisers are can deliver the change they want. whoever emerged as Labour leader to
Chuka Umunna, shadow business sec-
unlikely to join Mr Corbyn’s team, Last month Lord Prescott, the former try to identify common areas on which
retary, has urged fellow Labour moder-
unless he ditches the most leftwing deputy prime minister, accused Mr to fight joint centre-left campaigns.
ates to support Jeremy Corbyn if he
parts of his programme — on the EU, Umunna and Mr Hunt of being the “I don’t think we should exploit their
30 global locations • becomes leader, ruling out the pros-
Trident, Nato and public spending. “Gang of Two” — a reference to the present position: a country like Britain
pect of an “SDP-style” split.
In recent weeks, several modernisers, “Gang of Four” who formed the SDP. needs effective opposition,” she said.
EFGslogan - 112x50mm - Generic ad - Q - Publication : Financial Times advert 2014 (20.08.2014) Shirley Williams, the former Labour including Tristram Hunt, Liz Kendall Tim Farron, leader of the Liberal “We should identify issues where we
FINANCIAL TIMES newspaper in any manner is not permitted without minister who helped to found the break- and Yvette Cooper have said they would Democrats which emerged from the have a shared set of values with the
Number One Southwark Bridge, London SE1 9HL the publisher’s prior consent.
‘Financial Times’ and ‘FT’ are registered trade marks away Social Democratic party in 1981, not work with Mr Corbyn. union of the Liberals and Social Demo- Labour party.”
Published by: The Financial Times Limited, of The Financial Times Limited. also told the Financial Times that this Mr Umunna believes that Labour crats in 1988, has offered a home to disil- Asked whether she expected Labour
Number One Southwark Bridge, The Financial Times adheres to a self-regulation was “not an SDP moment”. should harness the energy of its new lusioned Labour moderates. to split — repeating the schism of 1981 —
London SE1 9 HL, United Kingdom. regime under the FT Editorial Code of Practice:
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Labour moderates have been agonis- wave of young supporters and convince But Baroness Williams, a Lib Dem she said: “I don’t think this is an SDP
Editor: Lionel Barber ing about how to respond if leftwinger moment. No.”
Reprints Mr Corbyn wins the Labour leadership Baroness Williams said areas of agree-
Subscriptions and Customer service: Are available of any FT article with your company on September 12, but a wholesale exo- ment might include campaigning for
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Tel: 020 7873 4909; For real time share prices call 0905 817 1690 or go to Calls
ish exit from the EU. allowed themselves to be marginalised,”
Printed by: cost 75p/min. But Mr Umunna said yesterday that she said. “The record of the SNP in gov-
St Clements Press (1988) Ltd, London, Newsprinters moderates should work with the new ernment is far from good, and has to be
(Knowsley) Limited, Merseyside, Newsprinters Newspapers support recycling Labour leader to shape the agenda. challenged.”
(Eurocentral) Glasgow, and Smurfit Kappa News The recycled paper content of UK newspapers in
Press Ld, Kells, Ireland 2014 was 78.5% “Solidarity is the key, which is why Labour is still sending out ballot
we must accept the result of our contest papers and last Friday posted a batch of
©Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2015. All when it comes and support the new 120,000 forms after a delay of several
rights reserved. Reproduction of the contents of this
leader in developing an agenda that Staying put: Chuka Umunna, right, with Tristram Hunt — Stephen Simpson/Rex Shutterstock days, according to party sources.
Wednesday 2 September 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 3


Stately pile
Strong sterling Sculptures at
and China fears Sculptures by Dame Barbara

hit factories
Hepworth, Henry Moore and
other British artists go on display
this month at Chatsworth House
in Derbyshire.
As well as the giants of 20th
century sculpture, the biggest annual
Monthly fall in index On the cost front there were signs that exhibition of monumental sculpture
low inflation is continuing to affect the in the grounds of the country estate
raises concerns for economy, with average costs for manu- will also display works by
rebalancing of economy facturers falling at one of the sharpest contemporary artists. They include
rates in the past 16 years, thanks to low silver courgettes by Sarah Lucas and,
FERDINANDO GIUGLIANO oil prices and a strong exchange rate, by the entrance to the grounds, Gavin
ECONOMICS CORRESPONDENT which makes imported goods cheaper. Turk’s sleeping bag and bin bag
Employment growth turned mildly works — a contrast to the opulence of
UK factories struggled in August as the negative in August, according to the PMI the seat of the dukes of Devonshire.
strength of sterling and sluggish foreign survey, with staff headcounts falling for Auction house Sotheby’s has staged
demand continued to weigh on the the first time in more than two years. a sculpture show annually at
manufacturing sector. This follows a string of puzzling Chatsworth for 10 years. This year’s
The Markit/CIPS purchasing manag- job reports showing that the steep event will run from September 14 to
ers’ index fell to 51.5 last month from fall in unemployment Britain has October 25.
51.9 in July. The reading was well below enjoyed over the past couple of years Hepworth is represented by her
the long-term average of 54.2 although has halted. 1969 work “Three Obliques (Walk
still above the crucial 50 mark that sepa- “Particularly notable over the month In)” which invites viewers to wander
rates expansion from contraction. is the drop in employment, which could in and out of the structure. At
The British economy expanded by 0.7 signal an end to the job growth the sec- Chatsworth free runners have been
per cent in the second quarter of this tor has seen over the past two years,” invited to leap off the sculpture.
year, but manufacturing recorded a 0.3 said Lee Hopley, chief economist at EEF, Jumping for joy: free runner Chase Armitage performs on Dame Barbara Hepworth’s ‘Three Obliques (Walk In)’ James Pickford
per cent decline. Economists said yes- the manufacturers’ organisation.
terday’s reading was consistent with a “All in all, there is little in the data to
further 0.2 per cent drop in the sector. indicate that manufacturers are set to
Consumer goods continued to power see renewed growth momentum in the
ahead, helped by robust domestic coming quarters.”
demand, but exporters limped along as Elsewhere, there were signs that lend-
new business fell for the fifth consecu- ing continued to increase at a good clip.
tive month. The production of capital Separate data from the Bank of England
goods was also weak. showed that the Monetary Policy Com-
Analysts noted that the weakness of mittee’s preferred measure of bank
manufacturing, and particularly the lending rose by 2.3 per cent in July, up
exporting sector, bode ill for any rebal- from 1.8 per cent in June. The number of
ancing of the economy away from serv- new mortgage approvals also went up
ices. They blamed the strength of the from 67,069 to 68,764.
pound, which has appreciated steeply “Net mortgage lending is now back to
against the euro, and the turmoil in pre-crisis levels. Together with the surge
China. in mortgage approvals this provides fur-
Howard Archer at IHS Global Insight ther evidence that the housing market is
said: “Lacklustre manufacturing activ- hotting up,” said Richard Woolhouse,
ity is worrying for hopes that UK growth chief economist at the British Bankers’
can become more balanced and less Association.
dependent on the services sector and However, there were early signs that a
consumer spending.” He added: “Manu- possible increase in UK interest rates
facturers will be concerned about the was starting to affect high street rates.
ongoing strength of sterling against the The rate paid on new household depos-
euro, and they will also be worried that its rose to 1.55 per cent in July from 1.44
global growth could be held back by a in June, although it was in line with the
marked slowdown in China.” long-term trend.
Mortgage rates on new loans went
marginally up from 2.56 per cent to 2.57
per cent, halting nearly a year of contin-
uous decline.
The BoE is considering when to
increase interest rates for the first time
since the financial crisis. Mark Carney,
the governor, has said the decision will
come into “sharper relief” about the
turn of the year.
Last Saturday, Mr Carney told a sym-
51.5 0.3% posium of central bankers in Jackson
Markit/CIPS Size of decline Hole, Wyoming, that the recent market
purchasing recorded in turmoil and the fears of a sharp slow-
managers’ index manufacturing in down in China had not affected BoE
from 51.9 in July second quarter strategy.

Policy programme

School tests face reform

as SNP unveils agenda
MURE DICKIE — EDINBURGH Ms Sturgeon insists they would replace
existing assessments rather than
The Scottish government has
increasing workload and would not be
embraced standardised testing for pri-
the sole measurement of pupil progress.
mary school pupils as part of a policy
Ms Sturgeon further demonstrated
programme aimed at polishing its
her willingness to tweak policy direc-
reformist credentials and heading off
tion in the face of opposition by
criticism over core areas such as educa-
announcing a review of police govern-
tion, health and policing.
ance, a tacit acknowledgment of con-
The government programme for cerns about the unified national force
2015-16, announced by Nicola Sturgeon, created by the SNP government in 2013.
first minister, yesterday, also includes The first minister praised departing
tighter controls on private landlords, chief constable Sir Stephen House, who
the abolition of fees for employment tri- announced his resignation last week
bunals and the extension of the next after a string of controversies while also
Scottish parliamentary term to five promising stronger local scrutiny of his
years. successors.
She also announced a statutory code
to govern police “stop and search” prac-
Nicola Sturgeon: tices after complaints that soaring num-
‘We need to be
able to see bers of people were being stopped on the
what’s working street.
and where we still Ms Sturgeon’s plan for legislation to
need to improve’ protect residential tenants of private
sector landlords from “excessive rent
The governing Scottish National party increases” — including possible rent
is riding high in opinion polls, but it has controls in some areas — prompted
faced intense criticism over its eight- immediate criticism from the sector.
year record in office, particularly over a “Even the possibility of rent controls
recent slide in school pupils’ numeracy could sound the death knell for future
and literacy. investment in the build-to-rent mar-
Ms Sturgeon said her government ket,” said the Scottish Property Federa-
would introduce national standardised tion, a real estate owner lobby group.
tests for primary and secondary pupils “Build-to-rent has the potential to
across all schools by 2017. rapidly boost Scotland’s housing supply,
“We need to be able to see what’s which needs to be increased dramati-
working and where we still need to cally across all tenures if the current
improve,” the first minister said of a pol- housing shortage is to be resolved,” it
icy rethink immediately hailed by Ruth said.
Davidson, Scottish Conservative leader, SNP plans to abolish employment tri-
as a “massive U-turn, but a welcome bunal fees will be welcomed by unions
one”. but risked increasing regulatory com-
Proposals for new tests have already plexity for employers, said Stuart Neil-
raised teaching unions’ concerns, but son of law firm Pinsent Masons.
4 ★★★ FINANCIAL TIMES Wednesday 2 September 2015


London taxis Migration

Cabbies offer fixed rates to counter Uber Cooper urges

‘immoral’ UK
Pricing change and who feel the lack of regulation is skew-
ing the market in favour of such “e-hail-
But the move from Gett is a more sig-
nificant change to black cab pricing.
journey and it’s at the metered fare or
lower, then it’s fine from a regulatory
to take 10,000
rival app herald fightback
against newcomer
ing” apps.
But now a rival app might be the cab-
Taxi fares have historically been
charged on the meter, based on time and
perspective,” said TfL.
But Steve McNamara, general secre-
bies’ saviour. Gett, an Israeli start-up mileage, according to a scale set by tary of the Licensed Taxi Drivers Associ-
ANDY SHARMAN backed by Russia-born billionaire Len Transport for London. The prices factor ation, said the move by Gett meant cab-
MOTOR INDUSTRY CORRESPONDENT Blavatnik, is now allowing Londoners to in all the costs of running a taxi, includ- bies could now offer a “Rolls-Royce HELEN WARRELL
set the price of a black cab at the start of ing obtaining a licence, acquiring “the service” at an affordable price.
London’s cabbies have launched a fight- their journey. Knowledge” — an encyclopedic memory “Taxi drivers cannot work at the Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper
back against Uber, the taxi-hailing For journeys of six miles or more, Gett of London’s streets — diesel fuel, repairs prices Uber drivers do,” he added. “[But says the UK should take in 10,000 Mid-
smartphone app that has bought fierce will offer a discount of up to 30 per cent and insurance. This cost index does not this] is something the industry has dle East refugees and derided the gov-
competition to the capital’s taxi market. ‘This is on the metered fare. The discounts will apply to minicab firms, the classification wanted to offer for some time. We just ernment as “immoral” for failing to
From today, for the first time, black be available on weekdays during off- that applies to Uber, which can charge haven’t had the technology to do it. The help more people fleeing persecution.
cabs are offering fixed prices on all jour- something peak hours. ratesoftheir ownchoosing. taxi industry is very keen to move into
neys, as well as discounts on longer jour- the Gett, which also has operations in TfL says its cost index sets the maxi- the 21st century.” Ms Cooper, who is standing in the
neys. Israel, Russia and the US, says it has mum fare, and there has been nothing Uber said the move would give cus- Labour leadership election, is the first
The pricing change is part of a rear- industry more than 6,000 cabbies signed up to its stopping cabbies from charging less tomers more choice, but added: “Uber’s Westminster politician to have spoken
guard action by London’s “Hackney car- has wanted platform in London — a sizeable propor- than the metered rate. technology responds to real-time out in favour of accepting more
riages”, whose business model has been tion of the capital’s 25,000 black cabs. Cabbies have also previously been demand, which allows us to be 25-40 migrants at a time when thousands of
upended by Uber. to offer for Gett has previously experimented able to set fares for destinations outside per cent cheaper at normal rates.” people from countries such as Iraq,
The growth of the service, which some time’ with fixed fares in central London, an Greater London, which can be negoti- The LTDA has launched legal action Syria and Eritrea are crossing into
began life in San Francisco, has sparked area roughly corresponding to zones ated between the passenger and driver against Uber, alleging that the use of a Europe to escape conflict and poverty.
protest from cabbies worldwide. Parts Steve one and two, and rival service Hailo has before the journey, according to TfL. All hail: a user smartphone to log journeys is against Speaking in central London yester-
of London were brought to a standstill in McNamara, offered fixed fares to all London airports “As long as the price is agreed by the finds a vehicle regulations. The case will be heard in the day, Ms Cooper acknowledged that her
May by a demonstration by taxi drivers, LTDA since April this year. cabbie and the passenger before the on the Uber app High Court in October. comments would be controversial after
last week’s revelation that net immigra-
tion had reached a record 330,000.
However, she argued that Britain had
Premier League. Transfer deadline not responded adequately to the crisis
and urged Theresa May, the home secre-
tary, to hold a conference with local

Clubs battle it out on football’s longest day councils to discuss how many refugees
each town and city could take.
“If every city took 10 refugee families,
if every London borough took 10 fami-
lies, if every county council took 10 fam-
ilies, if Scotland, Wales and every Eng-
Net spending hits record levels lish region played their part, then in a
of £460m according to month we would have nearly 10,000
more places for vulnerable refugees
consultancy Deloitte
‘We cannot carry on
For football fans it is a day of nail-biting
it is cowardly’
drama, the moment when their clubs Yvette Cooper
sign, or sell, that star player. For those
people trying to do the deals, especially
at smaller clubs, transfer deadline day is fleeing danger, seeking safety,” Ms
a time of paranoia, sleep deprivation Cooper said.
and constant phone calls. Comparing the plight of people fleeing
By the close of business yesterday, the the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant,
net spending of Premier League clubs, the group known as Isis, with the perse-
which accounts for the money clubs cution of Jews under the Nazi regime,
recoup in player sales, had reached she said: “This has become a humani-
£460m, a record, according to the con- tarian crisis on a scale we have not seen
sultancy Deloitte. Clubs spent £90m on on our continent since the second world
deadline day alone. The total gross war. Yet we seem paralysed to respond.
spending in 2015, across both the Janu- “We cannot carry on like this. It is
ary and summer windows, reached immoral, it is cowardly and it is not the
£1bn for the first time. For clubs in British way. It is a test of British values,
too — of whether we will again be able to
reach out to the rest of the world and
‘The computer runs help as we have done in previous gener-
the deadline and it ations, or whether we will turn inwards
and turn our backs instead.”
does not care what Ms Cooper called for politicians of all
your explanation is’ parties to support a “national mission”
to change attitudes on asylum, and said
the government should end its
“immoral” policy of including refugees
search of a player, transfer deadline day Off target: the “For the three months of the window since 2004: Wayne Rooney, Dimitar Man Utd paid things are calmer and look at the com- within its target of reducing net immi-
can be the worst time to buy as sellers £29m transfer we handle around 60 to 70 transfers a Berbatov, Marouane Fellaini and Rad- £36m for paratives and work out the relative gration to below 100,000.
inflate their prices to reflect rising levels of David De Gea, day. On the last day we have around amel Falcao. In 2008, Man Utd were Anthony Martial value. You go through your list of play- Home Office ministers have repeat-
of desperation. Manchester 400,” said Mark Goddard, the managing made to pay a particularly heavy price ers working out what you are willing to edly warned that Britain is seen as an “El
“If you are still doing business on United’s director of Fifa TMS. for Berbatov after Tottenham Hotspur pay and you work out an approach so Dorado” by potential asylum seekers
transfer deadline day, it is often the case goalkeeper, The English window opened a day delayed the deal to the last minute to you do not have pressure mounting up.” because of its generous benefits regime
that things have not gone to plan,” said collapsed — Laurent longer this year because of the bank holi- extract a full £30m. Mr Woodward said he stops answer- but in fact the UK lags far behind other
Leon Angel, chairman of Base Soccer, an Dubrule/AP
day. The window in Spain, France and This year, Man Utd spent £36m on ing his phone on deadline day, when countries such as Germany and Sweden
agency that acts for top players. Italy closed on Monday and the £29m 19-year-old Monaco striker Anthony player agents call every 15 minutes to in the numbers of applications made.
In previous years, prices have shot up transfer of David De Gea, the Manches- Martial on the final day of the offer him deals. But the bosses of the The Home Office confirmed last week
in the hour of trading before the dead- ter United goalkeeper, to Real Madrid French transfer window but Ed Premier League’s smaller clubs rarely that it had received 25,771 asylum appli-
line, according to data from Fifa TMS, collapsed after the two sides failed to Woodward, the club’s chief execu- have the same luxury: they need to do cations in the year to March, and that of
the computer system that manages submitthedealtoFifaintime. tive, said it was important not to be deals to ensure their survival and have these only 11,600 were granted. Ger-
global football transfers. In 2012, the “Whatever you do, don’t forget that panicked into any last-minute deals. little choice about timing. many, by comparison, is preparing for
average price of a player in the final the computer runs the deadline and it “You ignore everything going on “When Man Utd try to do a deal and it the arrival of 800,000 refugees this year.
hour nearly tripled from the hours does not care what your explanation is. If around you. You do not look at the does not work, they can just walk away Responding to Ms Cooper’s com-
beforehand to £6.7m. you don’t do it in time, it is gone,” Mr press. That is irrelevant. You just stick to from it,” Mr Angel said. “But a smaller ments, the prime minister’s spokesman
In 2014, the average cost of a player in Goddardsaid. your plan, which you plotted months club will be waiting to see which players said the UK had “a proud history of pro-
the final hour was £5.05m, more than For clubs such as Man Utd, doing busi- ago. We do not sit looking at Sky Sports become available.” viding refuge to those in need”, adding:
twice the average in the two preceding ness on the last day of the window is News and wondering what is going on. He pointed out that big clubs might “We should continue to do so, while also
hours, as clubs tried to push through 45 rarely a good idea. It has only bought You cannot act like that. decide only at the last minute who tackling illegal economic migration.”
deals before the window closed. four players on the final day of trading “You have to value players when to let go out on loan. Schengen weak points page 7

Business Leaders Architecture

Old cinemas reel under developer pressures

EDWIN HEATHCOTE Liverpool’s 1912 Futurist Cinema is not architecturally significant enough to
awaiting demolition and one of Milton justifylisting.
When it was built in 1926, the Kensing-
Keynes’ key modernist landmarks, the The proposals for the Kensington
ton Cinema (now the Odeon) was the
remarkable, pyramidal high-tech The Odeon exemplify the flipside of prop-
biggest film theatre in England. It was
Point,istobe razed. erty values in the form of a vocal and
completed just in time for the arrival of
The problem, according to Roger organised community stuffed with
the talkies (The Jazz Singer, the first film
Bowdler, head of listing at Historic Eng- celebrities including Benedict Cumber-
with sound, came in 1927), which saw
land (formerly English Heritage), is batch, Richard Curtis and Sir John Hurt.
cinema attendance explode.
“massive oversupply”. “There were so About 25,000 have signed a petition to
Now the building, with its huge and dis- many cinemas,” he says “and it is vital save it and a last-ditch plea to spot-list
tinctive recessed black marble arch will for us that we identify the really special was submitted to John Whittingdale,
be turned into apartments. The façade ones, but we have to be realistic about culture minister last month.
will be kept and a new, much smaller how much we can save.” While apartments spell the death
subterranean cinema will be added, but The Kensington Odeon was one of the knell for cinemas, there are other uses
everything else will go. Even the biggest cinemas that did not make it — deemed capable of maintaining their spaces.
blockbusters cannot compete with Ken- Most popular has been their adoption
sington property prices. by evangelical churches. The vast Art
Another Odeon (Odeon West End) is Deco Finsbury Astoria is a case in point,
also closing in London’s Leicester kept alive by the Brazilian Universal
Square. The 1930 building was the Church of the Kingdom of God.
venue for many big-ticket premieres, The irony about the loss of such build-
but enthusiasts failed to save the land- ings is that cinema attendance has been
mark Art Deco structure, which is to be creeping up since its 1984 nadir with
replaced by a generic hotel complex. 157.5m admissions last year (although
The Curzon Soho, which lays claim to that should be compared with the 1946
being one of London’s most successful zenith when the figure was more than 10
art house cinemas, is also under threat. Biggest in England: the Kensington times last year’s attendance — and it was
Neither is this just a London problem. Odeon in its heyday a slight drop on 2013).
Wednesday 2 September 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 5


Petrobras scandal US producers

Judge insists risk Ending export

curbs will not
to Brazil is from aid oil groups,
report warns
corruption not GREGORY MEYER — NEW YORK

its prosecution Lifting 40-year-old constraints on US

oil exports would probably not elimi-
nate the gaping discounts that domes-
tic producers endure when they sell
their crude, a government analysis has

Economic fallout is felt in declined by 1.9 per cent in the The price of West Texas Intermediate
second quarter, while fixed investment crude, the US benchmark, would
weak GDP figures and fell 8.1 per cent. remain close to $6 a barrel beneath the
collapse of investment The political temperature surround- international marker Brent crude
ing the Petrobras inquiry has also risen “whether or not restrictions on crude oil
after the filing 10 days ago of the first exports are removed”, the US Energy
indictments of leading politicians, Information Administration said in a
The Brazilian judge at the centre of the including Eduardo Cunha, the speaker report released yesterday.
investigation into widespread corrup- of the lower house of congress. Unlike The analysis runs counter to argu-
tion at Petrobras has been rallying pub- the business executives who are being ments by US drillers as they campaign
lic support for the inquiry just as the tried by Mr Moro in Curitiba, the cases to abolish export curbs dating to the
impact on the economy from the scan- against elected politicians are taken out energy crisis of the 1970s. Oil lobbyists
dal is starting to become clearer. of his hands and transferred to the warn that a tide of light, sweet crude will
In a series of events in São Paulo in country’s supreme court in Brasília. create a domestic glut. The partial ban
recent days where he received raptur- With the discovery of new oilfields “artificially depresses the price of WTI
ous receptions, Sérgio Moro called on and greater emphasis on state-led eco- crude oil” and “creates an uneven play-
the public to continue supporting the nomic development, Petrobras has ing field for domestic producers”, the
Petrobras investigation and insisted come in recent years to play a much Producers for American Crude Oil
corruption was the real danger to the larger role in the economy. However, the T-shirts reading would be suffering anyway as a result of fidence that they can compete on equal Exports says in its literature.
economy — not its prosecution. arrest of a series of executives from ‘Out, Dilma’ oil prices falling to $40. “Petrobras is terms for public contracts, if there is a Momentum to overturn the ban has
“Confronting systematic corruption Petrobras and construction companies reflect calls now effectively being run by its finance grey zone of bribe payments, then that picked up in Congress, while the White
will bring significant gains for all of us, it works with have brought some of its for President director,” he said, in reference to the impacts the functioning of the market,” House has punched some holes in it
for companies and for the economy in projects to a halt. The company’s latest Dilma Rousseff’s huge constraints it is now operating he said. through administrative tweaks.
general,” he said at a conference of busi- long-term plan for 2015-19 included a impeachment. under. “Any company being run by its Amid the interconnected political The EIA explored a range of scenarios
ness executives on Monday. “The cost of 37 per cent cut in investment from its Below, judge finance director is facing a lot of prob- and economic crises that the country is in its analysis. If US oil output were to
systematic corruption is extraordinary.” previous forecast. Sérgio Moro lems.” suffering, one of the few things that rise more than 2m barrels per day in the
The relatively rare public appear- A recent study by GO Associados, a in São Paulo In his speech on Monday, which won a many Brazilians have been able to take next decade to 11.7m b/d, the discount
ances by Mr Moro, a 43-year-old federal São Paulo consultancy, calculated that yesterday standing ovation even from the jaded pride in has been the corruption investi- would widen to more than $10 a barrel,
Reuters/Paulo Whitaker
judge in the southern city of Curitiba the economic impact from the Petro- media section of the audience, Mr Moro gation and the arrest of senior figures the agency said. Conversely, a worsen-
who has become a national hero bras corruption scandal over the next rejected the suggestion that the Petro- ‘If there is once thought untouchable. Mr Moro is ing discount would also spur more US
because of his role in the inquiry into oil few years — including reduced invest- bras corruption cases were the cause of a grey zone the public face of the inquiry, but he has production.
company Petrobras, comes at a delicate ment by the company, construction Brazil’s sharp economic downturn. been working with a group of young The EIA report also said that remov-
moment for the case, with political activity and jobs — will “The policeman who discovers a crime of bribe prosecutors in Curitiba, many in their ing export restrictions would have little
opposition starting to grow. amount to R$142.6bn is not to blame for the corpse,” he said. payments, 30s and many educated in the US, who effect on US petrol prices, a sensitive
His visit to São Paulo followed the ($38.9bn), which is equiva- The elaborate system of bribes sur- have openly declared their intent to issue among American voters despite a
publication on Friday of second-quarter lent to 2.5 per cent of GDP. rounding the company, which prose- then that break the air of impunity that has long dramatic fall in fuel costs.
gross domestic product figures that José Roberto Mendonça cutors estimate to be worth impacts the surrounded corruption cases in Brazil. The agency said: “Petroleum product
showed a collapse in investment, which de Barros, a prominent around $2bn, was one reason Mr Moro said one model for the Petro- prices in the United States, including
is partly the result of the impact of the Brazilian economist, said Petrobras had made a series of functioning bras inquiry was the “clean hands” gasoline prices, would be either
inquiry into deep-seated corruption at the impact from the corrup- disastrous investment deci- of the investigation in Italy in the early 1990s unchanged or slightly reduced by the
Petrobras, the largest industrial tion investigation was hard sions in recent years. “If eco- that exposed widespread corruption removal of current restrictions on crude
company in Brazil. The economy to calculate because Petrobras nomic agents do not have con- market’ among politicians and businessmen. oil exports.”
6 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Wednesday 2 September 2015


US politics
Symbolic loss
Republicans attack Clinton over emails Tokyo to scrap
Olympic logo
Release shows private
messages contained
cism since it emerged in March that she
used a private email account for official
receiving classified information over
the private account. But she has
sensitive level of secret information —
after the fact. Her supporters say she
sonal emails from the server could be
construed as obstruction of justice. after plagiarism
classified information
business while serving as the top US dip-
lomat, particularly since the account
was hosted on an unencrypted server in
recently tweaked her defence to say she
never sent or received information that
was “marked” classified at the time of
has not broken any laws or rules and
argue the classification process has
many problems. But the justice depart-
The scandal has taken a toll on Mrs
Clinton’s standing in presidential elec-
tion opinion polls. Bernie Sanders, the
DEMETRI SEVASTOPULO — WASHINGTON her New York home. transmitting. That followed the revela- ment is probing whether classified socialist senator from Vermont, is cut-
The state department on Monday information was mishandled in connec- ting into her lead in the first voting state
Republicans have pounced on the news released 7,000 pages of Mrs Clinton’s tion with the account. of Iowa, and according to one poll has
that 150 emails Hillary Clinton, the emails to comply with a court order that
‘Hillary Clinton’s reckless Mrs Clinton has also taken flak for overtaken her in the second voting state Tokyo endured fresh embarrassment
Democratic presidential contender, a quarter of the 30,000 emails she had attempt to skirt deleting personal emails from the server of New Hampshire. over its preparations for the 2020 Olym-
sent or received on a personal email given the government be made availa- before handing her official correspond- Her attempts to play down the scan- pic Games yesterday when the organis-
account while secretary of state con- ble to the public before September.
transparency laws put . . . ence to the state department. Following dal with humour — including joking that ing committee said it would scrap the
tained classified information. “These emails show Hillary Clinton national security at risk’ months of condemnation and suspicion, she had opened a Snapchat account logos it unveiled only a few weeks ago.
“She hasn’t been truthful. She has hid exposed even more classified informa- she last month handed the server over where messages disappear automati- Since the twin emblems for the Olym-
all this,” Jeb Bush, the former Florida tion on her secret server than previously tion that internal government watch- to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. cally — have backfired by feeding into pics and Paralympics were revealed on
governor and Republican presidential known,” said Reince Priebus, chairman dogs had found evidence of classified Michael Mukasey, US attorney-gen- the perception that she sees herself as July 24, their creator, Kenjiro Sano, has
contender, said yesterday. “This has all of the Republican National Committee. information in her private email eral during the final years of the second above normal rules. been besieged with allegations that he
been secretive. It took a subpoena to get “On hundreds of occasions, Hillary Clin- account. Bush administration, last month said Under the court order, the state copied the design from a theatre in the
this information, and she talks about it ton’s reckless attempt to skirt transpar- The emails released on Monday con- Mrs Clinton had broken the law by stor- department must release all of her Belgian city of Liege.
in a very cavalier attitude. I think it has ency laws put sensitive information and tained 150 messages that included ing classified information on a personal emails by January, just weeks before the In the face of Mr Sano’s repeated deni-
been very damning.” our national security at risk.” information deemed to be “confiden- server. Writing in the Wall Street Jour- Iowa caucuses. als of plagiarism, Olivier Debie, the Bel-
Mrs Clinton has faced intense criti- Mrs Clinton has denied sending or tial” — the classification for the least nal, he said her decision to delete per- US appetite for dynasties page 11 gian designer, filed a lawsuit against the
International Olympic Committee
demanding the emblem not be used.
The decision to scrap the logos,
Regional strategy announced after an emergency meeting
of the Tokyo Olympic organising com-

Obama eyes boost to Arctic icebreaker fleet

mittee, comes as Japan is struggling to
select a new, cheaper design for the
national stadium after those plans were
also ordered back to the drawing board
by Shinzo Abe, the prime minister.
The reduced budget for the stadium,
BARNEY JOPSON — LANSING which was announced last week, set a
cap on construction costs of Y155bn
President Barack Obama is pushing ($1.3bn) — Y100bn lower than previ-
Congress to provide money to expand ously, which was based on a design by
the US fleet of icebreaker vessels to Zaha Hadid, the Iraqi-British architect.
reduce the gap with Russia, which has a
far greater ability to navigate the
increasingly important Arctic region.
Mr Obama was expected to announce
the push yesterday during what is the
first visit by a sitting president to the
Arctic. The US has three icebreakers,
including only one heavy-duty vessel,
which pales in comparison with Russia, The logos compared
which has 40 icebreakers and is build-
ing another 11 vessels.
The White House said the ships would Toshiro Muto, chief executive of
help the US “meet our national inter- Tokyo 2020, said that while members of
ests, protect and manage our natural the committee understood Mr Sano’s
resources, and strengthen our interna- design was not a copy of the Belgian
tional . . . relationships”. The Arctic is logo, “the question is whether ordinary
becoming more important for trade as people can understand and be con-
rising temperatures and the melting of vinced”.
sea ice create shorter shipping routes Mr Muto added that Mr Sano feared
between Europe and Asia. his work was now having a negative
“It is an important first step,” said effect on the Olympics and had asked
Heather Conley, at the Center for Strate- for his logo to be dropped. “To solve the
gic & International Studies in Washing- situation, we think that we should
ton. “There was a lag of US readiness for respect his wishes,” said Mr Muto.
this incredible transformation that we Ahead of the emergency meeting,
are seeing. That is in part why the presi- Yoichi Masuzoe, Tokyo governor, said
dent is spending three days in Alaska.” he “felt betrayed” by Mr Sano and the
Mr Obama has faced pressure to be Bearing down: “given what we know, it’s not worth the Mr Obama was also preparing for a Thestate’senvironmentischerishedand process that had approved the designs.
more assertive in the region, amid con- protesters in risk of drilling”. Her opposition came as crash course in wilderness survival yes- vulnerable, as it is warming faster than Tokyo metropolitan government staff
cerns that Russia and Canada are mov- Anchorage, she faces an unexpected challenge in the terday from Bear Grylls, the special anywhere else on the globe, a trend were encouraged last month to reprint
ing aggressively to take advantage of its Alaska, on race for the White House from Bernie forces soldier-turned-celebrity adven- resulting in melting glaciers, storm thousands of their business cards with
energy resources. Critics say he has Monday voice Sanders, the Vermont senator who is turer. The White House is using his surges, eroding shorelines, and the the now defunct Olympic logos. Japa-
placed too much emphasis on protecting opposition to opposed to offshore drilling. appearance on Mr Grylls’ Running Wild threatofflooding forcoastalvillages. nese media reported that Y46m worth
the environment and not enough atten- drilling by Shell, Ms Conley said Mr Obama’s move to television show to highlight climate Alaska is also a poor and under-devel- of flags and posters bearing the logo had
tiontoUSeconomicinterests. which Barack push for more icebreakers was “the change in Alaska. The US state is an oped part of the US, home to many resi- been ordered.
The president attempted to deflect Obama has most visible, quickest way you can wrap equally stern test of Mr Obama’s ability dents who are worried about climate Mr Sano’s studio has faced questions
some of that criticism last month by giv- supported your arms around readiness and pre- to ensure that the credibility of his pol- ‘It is an change but also hungry for more oil and over other high-profile work. Designs
ing Royal Dutch Shell a permit that it Jerome Cartillier /AFP/Getty
paredness for this change [in the Arc- icy survives. As he seeks to cement a leg- gas projects, which some see as one of for a promotion by Suntory, the Japa-
needed to drill for oil reserves in Alaska, tic]”. But she said it was just a downpay- acy on climate change, he faces a recur-
important the only viable sources of wealth, nese drinks maker, were withdrawn
a state where the debate about the bal- ment, adding that the US needed to do a ring conflict between the imperatives of first step . . . despite a slump in the crude price. after Mr Sano’s company acknowledged
ance between pursuing energy reserves range of things, including investing in environmental protection and eco- For Mr Obama’s national audience, that “issues regarding copyright” had
and protecting natural resources is both deepwater ports, and building better nomic growth. The Obama administra-
That is which does not necessarily see action on emerged on the designs of promotional
acute and political. satellite communications. tion dismisses the notion that there is a why the climate change as a priority, Alaska pro- gifts.
His decision to allow offshore drilling If Congress provides funding, the gov- binary choice between prosperity today vides a dramatic backdrop to underline A zoo in the Japanese city of Nagoya
sparked a split with Hillary Clinton, his ernment will have to determine who or a hospitable planet tomorrow. It
president is the urgency of action. Dan Weiss, at the recently demanded an investigation
former secretary of state and frontrun- will build the vessels, as the US has not argues that renewable energy is creating spending League of Conservation Voters, said: into a logo Sano’s studio sold it in 2013,
ner for the Democratic presidential developed an icebreaker in three dec- more jobs of its own. “He’s using it as a cautionary tale. which many judge to bear distinct simi-
nomination, who tweeted that the Arc- ades. Ms Conley said US companies had But in no part of the US is the argu-
three days Alaska is our warning system that cli- larities to the emblem of a museum in
tic was a “unique treasure” and that lost the technology. ment harder to defend than in Alaska. in Alaska’ mate change is here.” Costa Rica.

Joko Widodo. Leadership woes Election campaign

Indonesian president struggles to build power base Canada’s fall into recession
knocks Harper poll hopes
Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting ahead of Independence Day in August, low her orders. Last week she recom-
Poll ratings decline amid suggested 56 per cent of Indonesians blaming “the erosion of a culture of mended the dissolution of Indonesia’s
were dissatisfied with Mr Widodo’s per- mutual respect” and “a web of egos” for Corruption Eradication Commission, RICHARD BLACKDEN — NEW YORK New Democratic party, was leading the
faltering reforms and lingering formance. holding back the administration. the centre of Mr Widodo’s anti-graft SIMON DOYLE — OTTAWA
race in the opinion polls with 33.5 per
influence of Megawati The new administration has delivered Meanwhile, a proposed amendment campaign. Canada’s economy shrank at a 0.5 per cent support, compared with 29.1 per
few big reforms since controversial fuel to Indonesia’s criminal code that bans Paul Rowland, a Jakarta-based ana- cent annualised pace in the quarter to cent for Mr Harper’s Conservatives and
subsidy cuts late last year and, despite insulting the president has surprised lyst, says Ms Megawati also influences the end of June, a report from Statistics 27.3 per cent for the Liberal party,
Mr Widodo’s push for ministers to accel- campaign groups, who saw Mr Widodo Mr Widodo’s policy decisions and is Canada showed yesterday. according to polling aggregator Three-
When President Joko Widodo, a former erate disbursement, Jakarta spent just as a populist leader breaking away eager to pass political power on to her
furniture salesman and small-town 11 per cent of the $22bn allocated for daughter. “Megawati has been far more That was better than the 1 per cent “[You have] an opposition leader seen
mayor, swept to victory in last year’s infrastructure projects this year in the intensely involved than anyone would squeeze forecast but, with gross domes- as more competent than a sitting prime
polls, many Indonesians expected a first six months, according to Eurasia Popularity of have predicted,” he says. “Rhetorically, tic product having also shrunk in the minister,” said Greg Lyle, head of poll-
President Joko
rush of economic reforms and better Group estimates. Widodo, right, has she hasn’t been very supportive first quarter of the year, the country is in sters Innovative Research Group.
governance in Southeast Asia’s largest Amid waning public optimism, the dropped as growth and . . . she’s certainly contributing to a technical recession. The Bank of Canada has struggled to
economy. president has made a series of has slipped the environment of economic national- This is not helpful to Canada’s Con- predict the impact that the crumbling
Now, however, there are growing con- announcements aimed at reinforcing below 5 per cent ism.” servative Prime Minister, Stephen oil price will have on the country’s
cerns that the country’s first leader from his authority. Mr Widodo’s appointment to his Harper, who is seeking another term energy-exporting economy. The central
outside the political and military elite is A long-awaited decision to reshuffle from the country’s authoritarian past. refreshed cabinet of Rizal Ramli, a when voters go to the polls on Octo- bank surprised investors by cutting
struggling to build a power base and bal- his cabinet has brought his most trusted “He’s a mainstream ordinary Indone- former economic minister, is one sign ber 19. As the global credit crisis interest rates in January and did so
ance his influence with that of the adviser, Luhut Pandjaitan, into a power- sian citizen from the mainstream ethnic that people close to Ms Megawati con- unfolded, fears about the economy again in July.
Jakarta establishment. ful post and put experienced policy- group, from the mainstream religion,” tinue to hold sway. helped Mr Harper win re-election in Canada’s first recession since the
“After 10 months in power you should makers such as Darmin Nasution, the says Mr Sukarsono. “And mainstream As the president builds political back- 2008 and 2011. 2008-9 crisis, has raised fiscal stimulus
have more authority,” says Achmad former central bank governor, in top Indonesia is not socially progressive.” ing, there are also signs the army is With Canada emerging from the as a central issue in campaigns.
Sukarsono, an analyst at the Eurasia economic roles. Political analysts say Mr Widodo’s slowly gaining power almost 20 years downturn less battered than the US and Justin Trudeau, leader of Canada’s
Group, a risk consultancy. “People on “The reshuffle itself might have given main opposition comes from within his after it lost its foothold when the dicta- Europe, he gained a reputation as the Liberal party, has pledged to use deficit
the ground just don’t follow him, they people some hope,” says Wellian own Democratic Party of Indonesia- tor Suharto was ousted. most trusted economic manager among spending to almost double federal infra-
ignore him.” Wiranto, an economist at OCBC Bank. Struggle (PDI-P), and chairwoman Amid conflict with the police, Mr Canadian political leaders. structure funds to nearly C$125bn
The president’s popularity ratings “He [Mr Widodo] came in bearing quite Megawati Sukarnoputri, a former presi- Widodo broke with tradition to elect an But negative news may not work for ($95bn) over 10 years, taking advantage
have dwindled as growth has dropped a lot of expectations, as with anyone dent and daughter of Indonesia’s first army representative rather than the Mr Harper this time. Amid a close of low interest rates and promising to
below 5 per cent, planned infrastructure being elected, but the reality on the president. head of the air force to lead the country’s three-way election contest, his reputa- rebalance the books by 2019. That con-
projects fail to break ground and gov- ground has been a lot more tricky than The PDI-P matriarch used a party military, and has given the army new tion is under threat from a modest trasts with the balanced-budget
ernment spending remains weak. even he himself expected.” conference in April to demand that roles in areas including control of drug recession and a popular challenger. approach of Mr Harper and Mr Mulcair.
A survey in June by Jakarta-based Mr Widodo also lampooned his critics members, including the president, fol- abuse. Tom Mulcair, leader of the leftwing Editorial Comment page 10
Wednesday 2 September 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 7


Crisis exposes Schengen weak points


China turns
up heat on
Passport-free zone’s asylum management system buckles under weight of numbers
BRUSSELS after market
From terror attacks and surges in
migration to Roma deportation cam-
paigns, the Schengen Area has with-
stood European controversy to keep the
world’s biggest passport-free zone intact PATTI WALDMEIR — SHANGHAI
throughout its 20-year history.
Beijing intensified its clampdown on
But as the EU faces the biggest irregu-
stock market impropriety and
lar inflow of people over its borders for
rumour-mongering yesterday as the
almost half a century one of the bloc’s
whereabouts of one of China’s leading
crowning achievements, the elimina-
hedge fund managers remained
tion of internal borders across 1.7m
square miles, is under pressure like
never before. The husband of Li Yifei, Man Group
Even Schengen supporters recognise China head, denied that she was in
that the sheer numbers of migrants has detention. An earlier Bloomberg report
exposed an inadequate system of gov- saying she had been taken into custody
ernance, particularly of asylum claims, by police in connection with the stock
which undermines the project’s border- market probe into market volatility was
busting idealism. Germany alone is “not accurate”, Wang Chaoyong, Ms Li’s
expecting 800,000 asylum applicants husband, told the Financial Times.
this year, more than the entire EU bloc “Li is in a meeting with [financial
combined has ever faced in a year. Some industry] authorities at the moment in
of the weaker points of the Schengen the suburbs of Beijing,” he said, adding
frontier, notably Greece, are adminis- that the meeting was continuing from
tered by the EU’s most fragile govern- Monday and that “it sounds like there
ments. are a lot of people attending from for-
This imbalance prompted Germany’s eign financial institutions”.
Chancellor Angela Merkel’s warning on Mr Wang said he did not know the
Monday that Schengen would be endan- purpose of the meeting, adding “it is
gered unless more was done to share the confidential, they are not allowed to
refugee burden, just the kind of “soli- turn on their phones”. But he said such
darity” that has riled voters and govern- encounters between foreign businesses
ments in eastern EU countries where and the Chinese market authorities
anti-immigrant sentiment is high. were normal and he did not appear dis-
Part of the issue is that the Schengen tressed about his wife’s situation. “I
accord makes for common borders — talked to her yesterday morning and the
what one EU official called “a small mir- day before,” he said. “I haven’t talked to
acle” in sovereign co-operation — but A small girl Their systems now appear so over- to Greece, because the reception condi- tions closed and trains of migrants her today.”
without any common interior ministry waits to board a whelmed that migrants are not being tions there are cataclysmic.” waved through without checks. Man Group declined to comment on
to oversee security matters or handle bus in Munich properly registered, big migrant flows Jean Claude-Juncker, commission Yet Schengen has proved itself rela- the situation.
asylum claims equitably between coun- after arriving are heading towards northern Europe, president, is preparing to unveil further tively resilient during past crises. The Questions over Ms Li’s whereabouts
tries. with migrants and the principle of sending back claim- reform plans next week to the asylum accord provides enough flexibility, come after authorities turned up the
There have been steps to strengthen from Hungary. ants to their original host country is all regime, including a more permanent including through the temporary reim- heat on other prominent figures, includ-
the regime. The European Commission Below, German but unenforceable. regime for sharing refugees between position of border controls to maintain ing four executives of Citic Securities, a
is more actively pursuing breaches of police monitor Sergio Carrera of the Centre for Euro- countries in emergencies. public order, which have provided a financial journalist and an official of the
common asylum rules, which stipulate the new pean Policy Studies said the root of the This will face fierce political resist- political safety valve in the past. China Securities Regulatory Commis-
how refugees should be treated and arrivals — Christof problems was this huge variance in ance. But even if enacted the measures Under Mr Juncker too the commis- sion, the market watchdog. China’s pub-
their claims handled. The EU’s border Stache/AFP; Lennart
Preiss/Getty Images
national approaches. “This explains the fall short of the wholesale centralisation sion is set to protect the Schengen prin- lic security bureau did not immediately
management agency, Frontex, has been huge variation in acceptance rates and of asylum management that some ciples, which he said are being wrongly respond to requests for comment.
strengthened. Yet with the EU asylum in treatment in practice. It also explains experts see as necessary. blamed for the “misery” of the migrant Authorities have blamed market
support office, based in Malta, boasting why no one is applying Dublin when it “They must create the central system crisis by “political illiterates”. manipulation and foreign forces as the
only 80 staff, the bloc’s common agen- comes to sending asylum seekers back required to manage these registrations,” “We must block the road to those who market slumps. The Shanghai Compos-
cies seem to be facing an overwhelming said Jytte Klausen, a professor of inter- say that the Schengen Agreement ite index is down more than 40 per cent
challenge. national co-operation at Brandeis Uni- should be revised,” he said at an anni- from its June 12 peak, prompting a
Many issues stem from the way versity in the US. “Either that happens, ‘We must versary event for Schengen this year. series of detentions alongside technical
Europe’s asylum arrangements were or Schengen falls apart and we will have Some European diplomats inter- measures designed to reverse the slide.
laid down in the 1990s, ultimately hundreds of thousands living in a partly
block the preted Ms Merkel’s warning over Schen- Ms Li leads the China business of Lon-
encapsulated in the Dublin regulation legal status across Europe.” road to gen as a way to encourage more burden don-listed Man Group, the world’s larg-
on asylum, which runs parallel to Schengen critics, including from sharing from the east, rather than a real est publicly traded hedge fund. A kung
Schengen. At the time, countries on within anti-establishment parties in
those who threat to Schengen principles. fu expert who once worked as a stunt
Europe’s southern flank saw themselves France, Italy and Germany, are already say that the “This is probably one of the most pop- double in martial arts, she previously
as points of emigration, not the front calling for tighter internal controls. ular achievements of the union,” said held senior roles in China for US enter-
line of an immigration crisis. Thus, they Such a vision of border closures, irregu-
Schengen one EU official. “The security threats tainment groups MTV and Viacom.
were happy to sign up to relatively unfa- lar migrant flows and the collapse of Agreement and migration problems would need to But Man Group does not run a trading
vourable arrangements, which required Schengen principles have been seen in be overwhelmingly serious, of existen- desk or make investments from its Chi-
asylum claims to be processed at the miniature this week on the Austro-Hun-
should be tial proportions, before anyone would nese office, and fewer than five people
country of entry. garian border, with roads blocked, sta- revised’ consider anything so serious.” are employed there. Ms Li’s role is to sell
Man Group funds to Chinese institu-
tional investors.
The group first received permission to

Protest as Continued from Page 1

European civilisation and linked immi-

bound for Vienna and Munich. Austrian
authorities issued orders to halt the
trains but more than 3,500 migrants
fence at the frontier. Hundreds have
been camped at Keleti station for weeks,
while police have prevented those with-
made clear that Europe’s “Dublin regu-
lation”, which requires migrants to seek
asylum in the member state in which
market its funds in China from the gov-
ernment under the so-called QDLP pro-
gramme, which was launched in 2013.
police seal grants with terrorism and violent crime,
will meet Jean-Claude Juncker, the com-
reached Vienna, with most travelling on
to Germany. Austrian police refrained
out passports and visas from boarding
trains out of the country.
they first arrived, remained in place.
At Keleti station, Muhab, an English
The programme allowed approved for-
eign hedge funds to raise up to $50m in

off route mission president, in Brussels tomor-

row, as divisions over an EU migrant-
sharing scheme widen.
from imposing systematic controls,
local media reported.
Hungary summoned France’s ambas-
Johanna Mikl-Leitner, Austria’s inte-
rior minister, called on Germany to
launch an “information offensive” in
teacher from Idlib, a town in a part of
Syria run by Islamist militants, said he
had bought a ticket to Austria when
assets in mainland China.
Man’s current assets in China make up
less than 1 per cent of its near $80bn in
to Germany Natasha Bertaud, a commission
spokeswoman, said it was recognised
sador to Budapest to the foreign ministry
on Monday, rejecting as “ignorant” and
Hungary to correct misinformation
about the treatment of refugees.
authorities told him he would be
allowed to travel.
total assets. Its Asian trading all takes
place from its office in Hong Kong.
that Hungary was in a “serious and “insensitive” comments by Laurent Germany’s help for Syrian migrants “I don’t know what I will do now. Markets are in febrile mood as more
pressing situation” and tomorrow’s Fabius, the French foreign minister, in had created “enormous expectations”, There is no way I will remain in this market participants and observers
talks would focus on assistance from which he described Hungary’s rejection not least among those already registered country,” he said. “No one can imagine become ensnared in various probes.
Brussels in managing the daily inflow of of the EU migrant quota system as “scan- in Hungary. Rumours had even spread what it is like in Syria, to be attacked for Nearly 200 people have been punished
more than 3,000 migrants. dalous”andoutoflinewithEUvalues. on social media about Berlin sending four years, to have no water or electric- for online rumour-mongering, state
The closure of the station came a day More than 50,000 migrants crossed special trains to Budapest, reported offi- ity. One of my friends has lost one arm news agency Xinhua has reported.
after thousands of migrants over- the EU’s external borders into Hungary cials in Vienna. and one leg. He stayed behind but I had Additional reporting by Jackie Cai
whelmed police and boarded trains in August, scaling a 175km razor-wire Ms Mikl-Leitner said it had to be to leave. Where will I go now?” Martin Wolf page 11

Papal ‘indulgence’

Pope allows priests to forgive women who have had abortions

JAMES POLITI — ROME with contrite heart, seek forgiveness for “I am well aware of the pressure that “who am I to judge?” in response to a
it,” he added. has led them to this decision. I know question about gay priests, in what was
Pope Francis will allow priests to for-
Although Pope Francis’s statement that it is an existential and moral ordeal. widely interpreted as the first step in a
give women who have had abortions,
does not affect Catholic teaching, which I have met so many women who bear in shift towards more tolerance of homo-
marking one of the boldest moves yet
states that abortion is a sin, it will make their heart the scar of this agonising and sexuality. The pontiff also keeps push-
by the 78-year-old Argentine pontiff to
it easier for women who have had abor- painful decision,” Pope Francis wrote in ing hard for the Church to allow
soften the tone of the Catholic Church
tions to remain faithful and not be ostra- the letter to Archbishop Rino Fisichella, divorced and remarried Catholics to
on a highly contentious social issue.
cised. Previously, in rare cases, women president of the Pontifical Council for receive communion.
The move by Pope Francis will bolster would have to seek consent from a the Promotion of the New Evangelisa- The Pope’s decision — which Vatican
his credentials as a reformer ahead of bishop, who would probably be less tion. officials said would only apply to the
his first visit to the US this month, and is accessible, in order to be absolved. The Pope’s move on abortion follows jubilee year for now — comes as the US
likely to draw cheers from liberal Catho- Pope Francis said the looser guide- his attempts to set a less rigid tone from heads into a presidential election season
lics but raise eyebrows among conserva- lines reflected an acceptance of the the Vatican on other contentious social in which abortion has already flared up
tives. moral dilemma facing many women. matters. In 2013, Pope Francis asked as a heated political issue. Republicans
Pope Francis announced the decision are pushing for the government to
in a letter released by the Vatican yes- defund Planned Parenthood, the
terday, in which he outlined measures of women’s healthcare provider that offers
“indulgence” that would be in place dur- advice on the procedure, which is being
ing a special jubilee year due to begin in resisted by Democrats.
December. Some Vatican analysts said the word-
“The forgiveness of God cannot be ing of the Pope’s message could be read
denied to one who has repented, espe- to include abortion providers as well as
cially when that person approaches the the women who receive them.
sacrament of confession with a sincere The Pope’s call for “mercy” during the
heart in order to obtain reconciliation jubilee was not confined to abortions.
with the Father,” Pope Francis wrote. He also said Catholics could be validly
“I have decided . . . to concede to all confessed by a priest from the breaka-
priests for the Jubilee Year the discre- way traditionalist Fraternity of Saint
tion to absolve of the sin of abortion Pius X, which opposed the reforms of
those who have procured it and who, Pope Francis says he recognises the ‘moral ordeal’ of abortion — Max Rossi/Reuters the 1960s-era Second Vatican Council.
8 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Wednesday 2 September 2015
Wednesday 2 September 2015 ★ † FINANCIAL TIMES 9


The disaster in Tianjin has cast a spotlight on the impact of industrial pollution on China’s soil, a $1tn
problem that causes serious illnesses and contaminates crops. But can Beijing afford to clean it up?
By Lucy Hornby

Ground operation

Decontaminating the ground of

cyanide and other chemicals after
the explosions in Tianjin. Recent
incidents are raising awareness of
soil pollution — AFP/Getty Images

Soil pollution by type

he chemicals warehouse for cleaner air and water alone require lution and of the misuse of agricultural Pollution by zone type Poisoning by lead, cadmium or other
explosions in the port city Percentage that exceeds standard limits Rmb2tn a year over the next five years, inputs like pesticides and fertiliser will % of sample areas found to be polluted metals particularly harms the young.
of Tianjin last month although the central bank wants “green become the next big stage in the food Riots by parents of poisoned children
reached straight into Yan financing” to relieve government cof- safety debate,” says Xu Liqing, who Abandoned 34.9 add social unrest to the long list of rea-
48 28
Hongmei’s apartment, frac- fers. A soil pollution action plan in the researches food safety and environmen- industrial land sons for covering up the extent of soil
turing her mother’s pelvis when a win- Cd Ni works will also involve significant tal issues at Jiangnan University School Mining areas 33.4 pollution. “Access to information is cur-
7% 4.8%
Cadmium Nickel
dow frame crashed on to her bed. A few budget allocations during the next five- of Business. rently limited for the bottom 40 per
days later, rain sprinkled the city with year plan from 2016-2020. Otherwise, Worried about sales of rice and other Industrial parks 29.4 cent, who are known to be relatively
foamy yellowish flecks. The day after Ms Lan says, at current spending of crops, Hunan’s provincial government more exposed to degraded or highly pol-
Irrigation areas
that, thousands of dead fish turned riv- 48 28 about Rmb40bn a year, sorting out soil has been vague about where exactly the using wastewater 26.4 luted areas than other population
Cadmium Nickel
erbanks into a silvery-white mass. Cd
Used in pigments Ni
Used in stainless
pollution “will take us 1,000 years”. contamination lies. It is not alone. groups,” the World Bank wrote when it
Oil producing 23.6
“They say there are no problems now, batteries;7% In 2014, China finally published a provided a $15m grant this April to
28produced 4.8%
Cadmium Nickeland alloys; regions
but what about the future? What if our
steel Redevelopment concerns $150m national soil pollution survey clean up former pesticide factories.
byproduct of coal or by burning Solid waste 21.3
children will be affected down the Cd
zinc mining and
48 28
oil and coal. Can “Green financing” only goes so far. from 2006-2011 that had been classified treatment plants The “bottom 40 per cent” are the only
road?” she said as she begged officials to phosphate
Cadmium fertilisers. cause
Nickel rashes and Investors can charge for treated waste- as a “state secret”. Officials and experts people living in the village of
buy her home. “We are afraid of the pol- Cd 7%
Can cause painful Ni
lung damage4.8% water, but there is little return on soil were “really tense” before the report’s
Highway sides 20.3
Zhengjiang, tucked between an aban-
joint swelling and 29Nickel
7% 4.8%
lution posed by chemicals. Even though remediation. “The biggest challenge is release, one insider says, fearing it doned chemicals compound and the
they say there is no pollution and it is As
bone deformities, Cu financing. Where’s the money coming would harm agricultural trade. Hunan’s Source: Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection
high levees of the Xiang river in Hunan.
safe, we still believe pollution exists.”
especially 2.7%
Arsenic in old Copper
2.1% from?” one businessman says. reputation for “cadmium rice” has hurt Crops used to die when heavy rains
The fallout in Tianjin — from air, to One funding source is developers sales, many believe, even though official require different chemicals, complicat- washed soot from the complex into the
water, to soil — is mirrored in industrial who, according to World Bank studies, statistics show output has risen since ing the scalable solution that bureau- fields. Now they grow better, explains
pollution across China. The thick smog 33 29 should be willing to clean up contami- the Caixin report. crats want. Mr Yang, a local scrap dealer, while his
that blocks the sun and causes hospital As Cu nated urban sites to raise the value of The findings were alarming: nearly Every approach to solving the prob- mentally handicapped teenage assistant
admissions to rise, often dubbed the
2.7% 29
2.1% their land. But that idea has yet to bear one-fifth of arable land was contami- lem involves a trade-off. “China’s at the grins behind him.
“smog-ocalypse”, makes headlines fruit. A special fund was created for one nated. There was no indication of how stage where it’s trying to assess the mag- Zhengjiang’s first plant opened in
worldwide. Rivers sometimes inexplica- As
flagship site, the blackened former cam- the contamination was distributed, or nitude of the problem,” says Scott Stefl, 1980. Soon 20 different processors
bly turn red, plagues of dead fish can 2.7% 2.1% pus of Shougang Steel in Beijing, after where the hotspots are. general business director for Peroxy- spewed smoke into the air and fouled
materialise overnight and algae blooms As
Arsenic Cu
Shougang balked at spending $800m to The concern over contaminated crops Chem, which manufactures products the river and fields. “Back then, no one
turn lakes bright green.
in gold mining, 82
in wiring, pipes
rehabilitate the land. reflects urban citizens’ ability to set the that fix metals in the soil. “There’s no sil- cared if it was poison or not. They only
But soil pollution — invisible, its Hg
wood treatment,
animal feed and
and alloys. Appears
dust from mining When housing has been built near national agenda. That partly explains ver bullet.” wanted the money,” Mr Yang says.
1.6% 1.5%
effects lingering long after the original poisons. Seeps from and smelting and reclaimed sites, there are scant profits the preference for moving polluting The fern gently spreading its fronds at Eight years ago, a provincial environ-
polluter is gone — may be the thorniest mining waste. leaches from for developers. China’s largest clean-up plants away from prosperous cities to Mr Chen’s office at CAS represents mental team arrived to test the village
problem of them all. Withers crops and agricultural use. Can project to date, a former coking plant in areas where regulations are laxer and another hope. Phytoremediation — the well. They were so horrified that they
Faced with public discontent, Beijing can
80 cause cancer 82cause diarrhoea and Beijing, is ringed by low-income apart- people are too poor to complain. use of plants to suck heavy metals from cemented it up. Yellow bubbles used to
has started to address air pollution by Hg Pb ments housing Beijingers forced out of While citizens worry about food and fields and paddies — promises a cheap appear in boiling water, says a shop-
modernising factories and moving coal- Mercury
1.5% historic hutong neighbourhoods. Bitter air, the risks linger in drinking water and effective solution. It also carries keeper whose wife, daughter and baby
consuming industries away from cities. 80 82 residents spend three times their subsi- and soil. Heavy metals are inhaled with risks. The crop must be burnt and bur- granddaughter have stuck with bottled
By 2020, many major waterways are
Hg Pb
dised rent on bottled water. the dust that children kick up as they ied, or the heavy metals will re-enter the water ever since.
Hg 1.6% Pb 1.5%
supposed to meet new drinking water Mercury Yet even if urban industrial sites do play, motes that are stirred by farmers’ soil. Rice is particularly suited to The chemical plants left Zhengjiang
standards. Some of these remedies may begin to sprout luxury apartments, soil hoes and passing cars. In one Hunan val- absorbing heavy metals, but what if two years ago. “They went somewhere
be counter-productive, since moving 24Mercury
1.6% 30 Lead
1.5% pollution will still blight rust belt towns ley hit by an arsenic spill, villagers were someone sells the tainted crop? in the mountains, where people aren’t
polluting factories to the hinterlands Cr 1.1%
Used in fluorescent
Zn 0.9%
Used in batteries,
and prime farmland. “The US and told not to eat local crops or drink local Some badly contaminated villages are crowded up against them like here,” Mr
Chromium Zinc
can have the perverse effect of fouling bulbs, chemicals, paint and solder. Europe have a lot of brownfield sites but water. Four years later, babies’ hair sam- switching to ornamental crops, like Yang says. Remediation plans posted
air, soil and water closer to river sources. coal burning and Comes from coal China is different, because a lot of its ples showed the same elevated levels of flowers or saplings, that cannot be online by the Xiangtan government
Yet the government is only now begin- gold production. burning, coal and agricultural land is polluted,” says Chen arsenic as the adult population. eaten. That preserves agricultural include transforming the area into a
ning to grapple with soil pollution, after Can
24 cause fatigue, metals mining and
30 Tongbin, director of the Center for Envi- income but does not address health “service industry hub”. One retired vil-
‘Burn and bury’
years in which experts struggled to 1.1%
deformities and
insanity 0.9%
smelting. Can cause
learning deficiencies
ronmental Remediation at the Chinese risks. And it cannot be applied broadly lage cadre was vaguely aware of plans to
bring attention to the issue. Chromium Zinc Academy of Sciences. Japan’s version of Love Canal was cad- without denting food production. relocate. No one else had been told.
and stomach pains
In 2004, workers digging Beijing’s 24 30 Beginning in the 1950s, central plan- mium and mercury poisoning that came Slower, cheaper options carry hidden A few months ago, the villagers
Songjiazhuang subway station were poi-
Cr 1.1% Zn
0.9% ners built heavy industrial plants deep to light in the 1960s. Remediation meth- costs. The longer it takes to treat a plot, noticed a team testing the ground. One
soned by gases leeching from an aban- Chromium in the countryside. Winds and rain car- ods there, like the US, involve scraping the longer that land is idle. Even the gen- said he was testing for soil pollution. Vil-
doned pesticide plant. That sparked Cr 1.1% Zn 0.9% ried black smoke and dust into sur- up contaminated soil, burning it and erous cost estimates developed by Ms lagers have not heard anything since.
China’s first regulations on decontami- Chromium Zinc rounding towns. Worse, irrigation burying it — or in some cases dumping it Lan of Renmin University do not Additional reporting by Owen Guo
nating abandoned industrial sites. canals distributed wastewater from deep at sea. That approach is ill-suited include compensation for lost harvests.
Chromium Zinc
Recent incidents, including cyanide Used in stainless Used in galvanised
mines and smelters into fields miles to contaminated farmland. The burn- That means that Chinese farmers
contamination after the Tianjin blasts, steel and alloys. steel and alloys. away. When economic reforms kicked and-bury method can cost $47,000 per might oppose removing the pollutants
are raising public awareness. Found in waste from Released in mining off in the 1980, farmers over-applied hectare. With farming already banned that are slowly seeping into their own
“China has entered its Love Canal tanning. Hexavalent and smelting waste pesticides and fertiliser to combat from an estimated 3.3m hectares in bones and blood. Even stunted crops
era,” says Lan Hong, a professor at Ren- chromium is toxic and in coal burning. stunted yields from dead soil. China, the bill would be astronomical. can be sold, and many in the country-
min University’s School of Environment Can cause anaemia A growing recognition that soil pollu- There is also the question of oversight. side have no other source of income.
and Natural Resources, who is drafting a and damage the tion contaminates water, which in turn An economic slowdown has turned real Expensive issue Campaigners hope
plan to finance China’s soil pollution pancreas and kidney
pollutes farmland, has forced Beijing to estate developers into soil remediation Relocation issues there will be significant budget
clean-up. The 1970s discovery that the speed up its soil pollution plan, rather contractors. If untrained or unscrupu- A decade ago, heavy metal concentra- allocations for treating soil pollution in
Love Canal neighbourhood near Nia- than tackling air, then water and leaving lous contractors cut corners by improp- tions in the Xiang river prompted the next five-year plan from 2016-2020
gara Falls was built on toxic waste led to soil for last. erly sealing incinerators or neglecting to Hunan’s government to relocate metals
the US “Superfund” for brownfield sites. In 2011, Caixin magazine shocked the line burial pits, pollutants would re-en- processors from two cities, Xiangtan Laying waste Last year Beijing finally
China needs Rmb7tn ($1.1tn) to clean nation with its cover photo of a rice ter the air, water and ground. and Zhuzhou, to protect drinking water published a 2006-2011 soil pollution
up soil pollution, equivalent to one- plant, the grain turned a silvery metallic Another method under trial is the use in the capital, Changsha. Upstream cit- survey showing that nearly 20% of
third of its entire foreign exchange colour. It revealed that rice from south- of chemicals to fix metals in the soil. ies like Hengyang enthusiastically wel- arable land was contaminated
reserves, if it uses practices developed in ern Hunan province, the top producer, Chinese experts are divided on the comed the factories as a boost to growth.
the US and Japan, Ms Lan estimates. was contaminated with cadmium. results. Some recoil at curing soil pollu- Last year, children living near one Search for solutions Remediation
“China can’t afford it,” she says. The report hit a nerve with city dwell- tion by injecting more chemicals. Also, Hengyang plant tested for high levels of methods include ‘burn and bury’
The Chinese central bank estimates Sources: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ers already anxious about food safety proper application requires skilled lead. The city pledged to move it again, techniques, fixing metals in the soil
that the environment ministry’s targets US federal agencies
and persistent smog. “The effects of pol- workers and different pollutants to the other side of town. and phytoremediation
10 ★★★ FINANCIAL TIMES Wednesday 2 September 2015

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Include daytime telephone number and full address

Is pleasing the client coming before standards? The 5% Club needs

more support if it is
to make a difference
Sir, Your Big Read article “Accounting held favourite strategies and resistance to regulation, misusing the
for change” (August 28) accurately operational tactics? In particular can tools of statistics (correlation does not Sir, With 738,000 unemployed young
portrays the risks of potential conflicts they be trusted when they make prove causation) and invoking flawed people in the UK, both the public and
of interest among the Big Four pronouncements related to the value of economic theories of rational markets private sectors need to work harder to
accounting firms that now derive the the activities of these clients in the and behaviour. They ignore Oscar tap into this pool of talent, and we
majority of their revenues from non- context of controversial issues of public Wilde’s wise observation about being believe apprenticeships and graduate
audit services, including consulting. policy and regulation? Will they risk able to resist everything except programmes are the best way of doing
WEDNESDAY 2 SEPTEMBER 2015 However, there are equally troubling losing these clients and their fees to temptation. so.
risks of potential “conflicts of another consultant that is prepared to Professional standards and ethics The government, while setting
incentives” among the Big Four’s indulge their beliefs? seem to have limited and diminishing targets, agrees that the ambition can
competitive but non-audit consulting McKinsey was a cheerleader for one influence in the face of a risk that a only be achieved with all employers,
firms. of its major clients, Enron, and its off client may be displeased with the both public and private sector, playing

Cameron wisely refrains How objective and independent are

they with respect to the advice they
give their most lucrative and largest
balance sheet financing and business
model. Some economic consultancies
are notorious for their reliable well-
outcome of an analysis and terminate a
sizeable stream of fees.
Martyn Roetter
a full part, as recently stated by skills
minister Nick Boles.
This is why, in 2013, we launched

from fighting old battles clients about these clients’ strongly- funded support of major corporations’ Boston, MA, US The 5% Club, inviting British
businesses to join us in setting the
commitment that 5 per cent of our UK
Europe, unprepared and horizon, the best approach to workforce will be on apprenticeship or
Leave rows about the EU social chapter to nostalgic eurosceptics promoting internationalisation of the graduate training schemes within a
paralysed, needs its own renminbi is to improve the currency’s five-year timeframe.
Asked to condense into one phrase degree warned by doomsayers. The version of US’s Ellis Island international liquidity and risk Launching with our founding
what is worst about the European Working Time Directive, which guar- characteristics through more organisations and supporters, nearly
Union, many Conservatives would antees holiday time and limits workers Sir, The appalling scenes we have seen determined financial sector reforms, two years on we were delighted to
plump for “The Social Chapter”. Cover- to a 48-hour week, is another Conserv- on Europe’s borders in recent months including capital account opening, welcome our 100th member last
ing labour law, equalities and more, its ative bugbear. But given how workers contrast shamefully with the approach, interest rate deregulation, central bank month.
insertion into the 1992 Maastricht can opt out of the 48-hour rule, there is however imperfect, to managing mass independence, and greater It’s a self-rewarding process —
treaty marked the EU’s evolution from little evidence that it has causes meas- immigration into the US in the past participation of private sector in apprenticeship and graduate training
a largely economic enterprise into a urable harm. Likewise the Agency century and a half. financial sector. programmes provide an abundance of
grander and much more political one. Workers Directive, which entitles tem- Despite many years of warnings and David Roland-Holst training benefits, close skills gaps and
For the UK government it was an porary or outsourced employees to much policy chattering in European Professor, provide the leadership for the future.
encroachment too far, and then-prime similar terms to those enjoyed by per- political circles about the prospect of Depts of Economics and Agricultural and We have critical mass, but we still
minister John Major held up the Maas- manent staff. No doubt each restrict humanitarian crises on Europe’s Resource Economics, need more support to make a
tricht treaty until securing a broad opt- businesses’ room for manoeuvre but southern and eastern flanks leading to University of California — Berkeley, US difference. It is in the power of every
out. But Tony Blair, his Labour succes- the cost is less a hit to the economy the scenes we are now witnessing daily, business to join us in the 5 per cent
sor, wasted little time reversing this than an enforced transfer from compa- the member states and institutions of Odds distinctly against commitment and see for themselves
opt-out, drawing a line that still divides nies to their staff. the European Union appear utterly the positive difference this can make,
British politics. This highlights a third reason that unprepared and indeed paralysed in the Tesla speculators not only for our businesses but for the
David Cameron, the prime minister, those clamouring for a regulatory roll- inactivity and divided in their Sir, With reference to Philip Delves ‘I prefer the modern’ future of our young people.
has vowed to redraw the UK’s relation- back should be ignored: the politics of approach, with no semblance of a Broughton’s “To be rational about Tesla Dave Armstrong
ship with Europe, and many of his col- labour regulation has shifted dramati- coherent European approach to is to miss the point” (August 27): the Managing Director, MBDA UK
leagues — not least London Mayor and cally. In July, George Osborne, the managing immigration in sight. investment battlefield is littered with “immense debt the country owed to Dr Allan Cook
leadership hopeful Boris Johnson — call chancellor, unveiled a minimum wage The “United States of Europe” in this the share price wrecks of unprofitable Cook and his team in combating Chairman, Atkins
for a new opt-out from EU labour mar- set to rise almost £2 above the prevail- respect at least is proving a dismal businesses that speculators hoped epidemic diseases and infant John Cridland
ket rules to be top of Mr Cameron’s ing rate. This is an imposition that prospect as a beacon of hope, leave would someday be able to turn mortality”. Since then, the two Director-general, CBI
wishlist. The years after Maastricht dwarfs anything to have emanated alone offering a vision of a dynamic aggressive revenue growth into cash hospitals have trained tens of Paul Kahn
saw a flow of directives from Brussels, from Brussels. When defending melting pot in which those, irrespective profits, in spite of no demonstrated thousands of medical professionals and President, Airbus Group UK
each new imposition eliciting grumbles attempts to restrict overseas labour, of ethnic origin and class, who are ability to do so. saved millions of Ugandan lives. Prof Uwe Krueger
about the damage being wreaked on Tory politicians even decry the way determined to survive can thrive Amazon is the one notable long-term Today, Ugandans will owe no less a CEO, Atkins
the UK’s lightly regulated labour mar- competition corrodes pay for the less through hard work and initiative, as success story of such wishful thinking. debt to these MBA students who are Sir David McMurtry
ket. In 2007 Mr Cameron vowed to pull well-off — a position more often associ- earlier generations did who arrived on Yet the jury is still out, in that in spite travelling to the country at a time when Chairman and CEO, Renishaw
Britain from the social chapter if he ated with the anti-globalisation left. Americas shores. of its explosive sales growth over the access to medical services is rapidly Leo Quinn (founder)
ever made it to Downing Street. These sharp, albeit haphazard shifts in Europe cannot reinvent itself as years, profitability of any meaningful declining in inverse proportion to the CEO, Balfour Beatty
In office the prime minister has been Conservative thinking provide a weak America in its golden age — our history magnitude has yet to materialise. The exploding population, which has Peter Rogers
more circumspect, and for good rea- basis for a negotiating strategy built weighs Europe down in this respect, best that can be said of Amazon stock quadrupled from 9m at independence CEO, Babcock International Group
sons. The clearest of these reflect real upon a rollback of EU labour rules. and our geography presents additional is that it is a triumph of investor 54 years ago to 36m. Steve Wadey
politik. Mr Cameron knows how Two decades of economic change challenges. However, why even aspire optimism and a sustained suspension Sam Akaki CEO, QinetiQ
unpopular a fresh derogation for Brit- render arguments about the social to “ever greater union” if “Europe” of disbelief over the financial gravity Director, Democratic Institution for Founding companies and supporters
ish companies would be with his EU chapter somewhat atavistic. Dreamt cannot organise the most basic of that fells the vast majority of shares in Poverty Reduction in Africa (DIPRA),
peers, particularly in light of the high up when unions were strong and econ- approaches to immigration at its such profitless enterprises. London W3, UK Hereditary peers have
unemployment besetting the conti- omies still prone to the occasional borders? If you choose to speculate in Tesla
nental economy. The UK’s humming wage-price spiral, its principles look James Stuart stock, understand that the odds are Tactical voting in a system that works
labour market already draws workers outdated in a world of globally mobile London SW10, UK distinctly against you. Do so for vanity Sir, 92 members of the House of Lords
from across Europe. Lighten its rules labour, zero-hours contracts and Uber. or entertainment, just don’t expect to wide open primaries are elected: the electorate are the
and the flow would only increase. Right-leaning eurosceptics of a nostal- Wrong framework for make any money. Sir, Paul Collier’s proposal, in “The hereditary peers. Since 2002, when one
This leads to a second good reason gic bent will continue to gnash their Daniel Mauro Labour party is too big to fail — just of them dies a by-election is called and
for downplaying the issue: whatever teeth about the imposition of “social renminbi as reserve Chicago, IL, US like banks” (August 31), that “the they elect another peer. In my
the complaints of business, none of Europe”. But Mr Cameron should save Sir, Much ink has been spilled on selection of leaders of systemically experience this group are
Europe’s demands have served to cal- his negotiating capital for battles of financial pages lately to divine the fate The pioneers of Uganda’s important parties [should] be opened representative and work hard in the
cify the British labour market to the greater significance. of the renminbi. Outsiders might care to the entire electorate”, is open to the widest interests of this country. I would
about the currency because of modern medical practice objection that it would create an suggest that their numbers should be
international competitiveness. China Sir, As a Ugandan-born British citizen, I incentive for Labour voters to vote for increased to 100 for good behaviour —
cares about it as a matter of welcome the report that MBA students the worst Conservative candidate, and their system works!
international status, aspiring for the are to help develop a business plan to vice versa. Thus on March 3 2008 Rush The life peers could take a leaf out of
renminbi to join the US dollar as a so- help caregivers in Uganda gain access Limbaugh, the radio talk show host, the hereditary peers’ procedures and

Canada needs to discover called reserve currency or universally

accepted store of value and purchasing
to vaccines for their children.
Their commitment to saving life
brings back fond memories of Dr Sir
advised his 13m listeners to “hold their
noses”, participate in the March 4
Democratic primaries, and vote for
be asked to elect just, say, 300 of their
members to sit in the House of Lords.
The new creations would be included

its global role once again Simply put, the scale of the Chinese
economy is consistent with reserve
currency status, but its current
Albert Cook and his colleagues from
Church Missionary Society who
pioneered modern medical practice in
Hillary Clinton.
True, it could also create an incentive
to vote for the best candidate of the
in the electorate and the Lord of the
Moat might, for example, not be
picked! This would incidentally give
financial policy framework is not. Uganda when they set up the present opposite party, but is that a reasonable those life peers who are infirm or who
Party leaders in the general election campaign are yet to inspire Reserve currencies are technologies for Mulago and Mengo hospitals in late bet? do not attend a chance to retire
managing international financial 1880s. The Church Missionary Society’s Jon Elster gracefully by not standing for election.
As a rule, governments prefer to face neither of his rivals is doing much bet- liquidity and risk, and their adoption is medical files contain revealing Columbia University, The House of Lords would be then
re-election when the economy is ter. In many ways, Mr Mulcair’s NDP is a voluntary global process responding correspondence, including the New York, NY, US consist of 400 and be all elected.
expanding. Stephen Harper, Canada’s Canada’s answer to the populism con- to the quality of these two services. comment by the katikiro (prime John Newman
Conservative prime minister, who has vulsing other western nations. Once a Over a realistic medium-term minister) of Buganda, who spoke of the Thornford, Dorset, UK
called a general election for October 19, party of socialist also-rans, the NDP
is not going to enjoy that luxury. Data shocked Canadians this year when it
published on Tuesday showed the swept provincial elections in Alberta, a
Canadian economy contracting for two
consecutive quarters in the first half of
former conservative bastion that is
home to most of the nation’s vast oil For a successful With an even voice that tries to
withhold judgment but strains with
OK, for me to have dinner with (but
I’m sure none are as interesting as my
evidence of this in the wild at a
wedding celebration at a stately hotel
2015 — the technical definition of a
sands reserves. Alone among Canada’s
big parties, the NDP opposes the Key- relationship it scepticism, my boyfriend asks: “You’re
not working, I hope?” During a lull in
boyfriend, of course). These statistics
were published last week in a report
just outside Bath. Several times at the
event, a woman would get her phone
Even with a growing economy, Mr
Harper’s aim would still be ambitious:
he wants to be the first prime minister
stone XL pipeline to the US, offering a
trans-Canadian pipeline instead.
Mr Mulcair supports restoring Can-
helps if you are our conversation over dinner in a local
restaurant, I rather foolishly pick my
phone out of my pocket, unlock it
covering the findings of a survey on
“mobile etiquette” conducted by the
Pew Research Center. The report does
out and launch the camera. Each time,
her husband would promptly help to
get the right light and set-up for a
in Canada’s history to win a fourth con-
secutive term. Yet both of his principal
ada’s leadership on global warming. Yet
his economic plans are confusing. He
technically with one hand, and yes, while holding
it below the table I coolly try typing a
not, however, go into attitudes about
device usage within couples. For that,
photo. They both seemed to very
much enjoy the joint venture. When I
rivals — Tom Mulcair, leader of the
insurgent New Democratic party, and
promises to raise Canada’s corporate
taxes to the OECD average and balance
compatible quick response to a work-related
email. “Um, maybe?” I manage, as I
one has to turn to academic studies.
In the International Journal of
made inquiries, they shyly admitted
that their phone usage extended so far
Justin Trudeau, Liberal party leader — Ottawa’s budget. This makes little hit send and put the phone away. Neuropsychotherapy in 2014, as to send each other emoticons when
suffer from clear weaknesses. Canada’s sense when a slowing Canada needs Thankfully, over the course of our researchers from the University of in different rooms of their house to
electorate faces a quandary familiar to stimulus. Fiscal retrenchment would relationship, I’ve discovered that we Queensland outlined an investigation “convey how you’re doing, like hungry
other democracies: the incumbents also undercut the Bank of Canada’s have almost identical tech drives. into the impact of the use of PCs, or sleepy”. Contrast this with a couple
may be unpopular but the alternatives recent monetary easing. Nicknamed Aside from some differences of laptops, smartphones and televisions of colleagues who despair at their
fail to inspire. “Angry Tom”, there are also questions opinion when it comes to the use of on couples. They posit that “if one partners’ lack of understanding of
The best to be said for Mr Harper is about Mr Mulcair’s temperament. phones in public spaces, our screen partner in a relationship disengages their technology habits, let alone
that he has yet to set out a persuasive There are also persistent doubts habits are strikingly similar in terms from a face-to-face interaction while managing any engagement. But then
case for a return to office. Canada was about Mr Trudeau’s ability to lead Can- of time spent and content consumed. engaging in technology (ie, the their relationships predate the
widely praised for having avoided the
worst of the 2008 crisis because of its
ada. In spite of his Hollywood good
looks and pedigree — many viewed his Notebook It prompts daily discussions (“Hey,
did you see that story on Reddit?”). I
laptop), the other partner may
experience a sense of threat to their
smartphone revolution and are
otherwise solid partnerships.
preference for tightly regulated (“bor- father, Pierre Trudeau, as Canada’s wonder if we would have lasted if we need to feel attached and in control of Last week mobile analytics and
ing”) banking. Ottawa deserved plau- greatest modern leader — he has failed
by Lisa Pollack weren’t so technologically compatible. that relationship”. advertising company Flurry reported
dits. But Mr Harper’s government to set out a coherent plan to revive And yet, attitudes about phones The degree to which this threat is that US consumers now spend 220
failed to build on its good fortune. growth. He is also seen as an intellec- and laptops weren’t a discussion like experienced appears to be at least minutes on their phones on average
The Canadian economy’s growth tual lightweight. Polls show a tight religion or children when we started partly related to the manner in which per day, a 35 per cent increase on last
since then has mostly been driven by three-way race with the Green Party of going out three years ago. Such the device is used. This was illustrated year. Within this context, not only
the global commodities boom that Canada coming a distant fourth. Coali- weighty topics generally come front- by the results of a survey the should the risk of overuse be
delivered big windfalls to its gas, oil and tion may be the most likely outcome. loaded in the dating lives of researchers did of 21 heterosexual considered, but so should how we best
mining sectors. In the past 12 months Whatever the result, Canada’s next thirtysomethings. That tech habits couples. The couples had a mean age adapt our use to avoid shutting out
that has gone into reverse. The result- government must repair the country’s didn’t feature in the “Hey, so are we of 31 and had been together for an those who are close to us. As in any
ing fall in the Canadian dollar, which global standing. Mr Harper withdrew wasting our time?” discussion seems average of approximately six years. long-term relationship, sometimes
has depreciated by almost 20 per cent Canada from the Kyoto agreement on unwise given the degree to which Interestingly, those who reported you have to find a middle ground to
against the US dollar since 2014, has climate change and ended the coun- people now use gadgets in the high levels of engagement and deal with your partner’s habits. But if
failed to stimulate export growth. Can- try’s leadership in multinational peace- presence of others. interaction with their partner when you’re just starting out and find that
ada’s once muscular auto-sector is suf- keeping operations. If he keeps his job, In any case it turns out that 62 per using devices, also tended to report your new partner is technologically
fering. Ironically, the only thing that that is unlikely to change. Yet neither of cent of Americans agree with my higher satisfaction, agreement and incompatible, you may be wasting
has kept Canada from a full-blown his rivals has spelt out a compelling glo- boyfriend that using a mobile in a more positive feelings about their your time.
recession is a US-style housing bubble. bal role for Canada. So far no one restaurant is not “generally OK”. This relationships.
Mr Harper offers little new to redress deserves to win Canada’s election. They leaves fully 38 per cent, who think it is I believe I recently observed
Canada’s structural weaknesses. Yet have seven weeks to turn that around.
Wednesday 2 September 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 11

Clinton and Bush test America’s appetite for dynasties The clever
Bush’s relative liberalism on immigra- of his cousin Theodore. The Longs (at Still, there’s an old saying: when it died with a fortune of more than $250m.
tion and his resolute blandness in an
increasingly personality-driven Repub-
least 14 of them) ran Louisiana; the Rus-
sells ran Georgia; the Chafees, Rhode
comes to picking presidents, Republi-
cans fall in line, but Democrats fall in
The eventual Republican nominee will
be aided enormously by the king-mak- who crashed
lican party find him well behind Donald
Trump, whom Spy magazine used to
dismiss as a “short-fingered vulgarian”.
Island. Mitt Romney, former governor
and presidential candidate, is son of
George Romney, former governor and
love. That is to say, they love to elevate
obscure figures from the provinces
(Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barack
ing brothers Charles and David Koch,
the rightwing donors who inherited an
oil-refining empire.
the economy
Across the aisle, Hillary Clinton’s presidential candidate. Then there were Obama). Poor Mrs Clinton was bucking And the Clintons? Both Bill and Hil-

n Britain, the princess is a com- ascension had seemed still more inevi- the Kennedys — too many to list. that trend from the beginning. lary made their own money. Their 35-
moner. But in the Land of Opportu- table. But a scandal-obsessed press, Do not make too much of this. If year-old daughter Chelsea earnt a
nity, the Republican frontrunner focusing on her use of a personal email Americans have lost their taste for reported $600,000 a year as an NBC BUSINESS
for president is the grandson of a
senator and the son and brother of a
as secretary of state, has degraded her
support so steadily that Joe Biden, the
The broader map is still cross-generational political transfers of
power, the broader map of US power is
News correspondent and serves on
the boards of Cornell University’s John
president; the Democrat a president’s vice-president, might enter the race — dynastic: US parents still strikingly dynastic. According to medical school and IAC, Barry Diller’s Kay
wife. Or at least that’s the way we
thought it was supposed to go.
even though, were he elected, he would
be 74 years old. Thanks to Mrs Clinton’s
pass almost half their data cited by the Organisation for Eco-
nomic Cooperation and Development,
internet media company. By all
accounts Mrs Clinton is a capable
Not too many months ago, John Ellis association with the entente cordiale her income to their children “intergenerational elasticity of income” woman. But her success appears to be
“Jeb” Bush’s nomination as the Republi- husband made with Wall Street, she has is 47 per cent in the US — parents pass just one more sign of a society saturated

can candidate was spoken of as a near been passed in polling in the New But now the electorate is restless. almost half their income to their chil- with hereditary rank — an unpleasant, hen I was a schoolboy in
inevitability. The presumption had Hampshire primary by the left-wing Among Republicans, the overwhelming dren. That figure compares with 15 per unAmerican trend that shows little sign Edinburgh in the 1960s,
always been that he was the son of insurgent Bernie Sanders. mood of “throw the bums out” has cent in Denmark and 19 per cent in Can- of stopping, despite the country’s seem- the head office of the
George H W Bush who was destined for America, it seems, has had its fill of made bearing a familiar name an alba- ada. (The UK should not gloat: its level is ing second thoughts about its electoral Bank of Scotland was an
great things; it was an accident of timing political dynasties. tross. (“We’ve had enough Bushes,” as a 50 per cent.) dynasties. imposing building on
that saw his layabout older brother in For much of the 20th century things prominent political figure has pro- In politics, Mr Trump might be an the Mound, the street that leads from
the presidency instead. But now that his were different. Franklin Roosevelt was claimed — Barbara Bush.) Short-fin- insurgent; in business, not so much. His The writer, a historian, is author of ‘Nixon- Princes Street to Edinburgh Castle and
turn has come around this year, Mr inspired to enter politics by the example gered vulgarians no longer seem so bad. father, Fred, was a property mogul who land and The Invisible Bridge’ the Royal Mile. The Royal Bank of Scot-
land, its arch-rival, occupied Dundas
House, the finest property in the city’s
Georgian New Town.
Banking was then a career for those

China risks
who did not quite make the grades
required by the good universities. If
they joined either of these two institu-
tions, they might with diligence become
branch managers after 20 years. The
bank manager was a community figure

an economic
who would base his (they were all men)
lending decisions as much on his local
knowledge and the character of the bor-
rower as on figures. He expected to
spend his career at the bank and retire

with a generous pension to spend more
time on the golf links where he had sch-
moozed his clients. It never crossed his
mind, or those of his customers, that the
bank he had joined would not continue
forever in broadly its existing form.
By the time both banks failed in 2008,
the financial world had changed beyond
its economy would be bigger than those recognition. The causes included glo-
ECONOMICS of the US and Europe combined. balisation, deregulation, technological
This is a case for long-run optimism. and product innovation and new ideolo-
Martin Against it is the caveat that “past per- gies, as well as shifts in social and cul-
Wolf formance is no guarantee of future per-
formance”. Growth rates usually revert
tural norms.
Lawrence Summers (the former US
to the global mean. If China continued Treasury secretary who experienced
fast catch-up growth over the next gen- the transformation variously as aca-
eration it would be an extreme outlier. demic, politician, university adminis-

avid Daokui Lee, an influen- In emerging economies growth tends trator and would-be central banker)
tial Chinese economist, has to be marked by “discontinuities”. But described it thus: “In the last 30 years
argued that: “The stock what Chinese policymakers call the Catch-up in relative GDP per head Contributions to Chinese Components of Chinese GDP the field of investment banking had
market sell-off is not the “new normal” is not itself such a discon- At purchasing power parity (% of US level) GDP growth % of total been transformed from a field that was
problem . . . the problem — tinuity. They believe they have overseen Japan (1950-) China (1978-) Percentage points Net exports dominated by people who were good at
not a huge one, but a problem nonethe- a smooth slowdown from annual growth Taiwan (1959-) India (1980-) Total factor Labour quantity Government consumption meeting clients at the 19th hole, to peo-
less — is the Chinese economy itself.” I of 10 per cent to still-fast growth of 7 per South Korea (1962-) Vietnam (1990-) productivity Labour quality 100 ple who were good at solving very diffi-
100 Capital Growth
agree with both points, with one excep- cent. Is a far bigger slowdown possible? 14 80 cult mathematical problems that were
tion. The problem may prove huge. More important, would this be a tempo- 12
10 60
Market turmoil is not irrelevant. It rary interruption, as in South Korea in 10 8 Household consumption
matters that Beijing has spent $200bn the late 1990s crisis — or more perma- 6 40 The new breed has run
on a failed attempt to prop up the stock nent, as in Brazil in the 1980s or Japan in 4
2 20
market and that foreign exchange the 1990s? 1
0 Gross investment banking far less well than
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 -2 0
reserves fell by $315bn in the year to July
2015. It matters, too, that a search for
There are at least three reasons why
China’s growth might suffer a disconti- Years since take-off point (date in brackets)
less intellectually
2000 05 10 14 2000 02 04 06 08 10 12 14
scapegoats is in train. These are indica- nuity: the current pattern is unsustaina- Sources: The Conference Board; Haver Analytics distinguished predecessors
tors of capital flight and policymaker ble; the debt overhang is large; and deal-
panic. They tell us about confidence — ing with these challenges creates the 120 per cent of GDP in 2008 to 193 per ment share in GDP needs to fall by about or domestic disequilibria. The best involved in pricing derivative securi-
or the lack of it. risks of a sharp collapse in demand. cent in 2014. The government can man- 10 per cent. If that were to happen sud- approach would be to continue with ties.” Professor Summers reported this
Nevertheless, economic performance The most important fact about age this overhang. But it must not let the denly, the impact on demand would reforms, while trying to put more shift with evident approval.
is ultimately decisive. The important China’s current pattern of growth is its build-up restart. The credit-dependent cause a slump. An investment share of spending power into the hands of con- Yet these cleverer people managed
economic fact about China is its past dependence on investment as a source part of investment has to shrink. 35 per cent of GDP (merely back to sumers and investing more in public things much less well than had their less
achievements. Gross domestic product of supply and demand (see charts). The debt overhang is not the only rea- where it was in the early 2000s) would consumption and environmental intellectually distinguished predeces-
(at purchasing power parity) has risen Since 2011 additional capital has been son why investment will wilt. Daniel be a desirable outcome of reforms. But improvements. Such a response would sors. They were rarely as clever as they
from 3 per cent of US levels to some 25 the sole source of extra output, with the Gros of the Brussels-based Centre for moving there swiftly would take a huge be fully in keeping with China’s needs. thought they were — or sufficiently
per cent (see chart). GDP is an imper- contribution of growth of “total factor European Policy Studies shows that the bite out of today’s domestic demand. A discontinuity in China’s economic clever to handle the complexities of the
fect measure of the standard of living. productivity” (measuring the change in ratio of capital to output in China is on Many believe the economy is already growth is now more likely than for dec- environment they had created.
But this transformation is no statistical output per unit of inputs) near zero. an explosive path. Remarkably, it is growing far more slowly than the gov- ades; such a discontinuity might not be The growth in the size of the financial
artefact. It is visible on the ground. Moreover, the incremental capital out- already far higher than in the US. If the ernment admits. But the weaker the brief; and the challenge facing policy- sector, the explosion of remuneration
The only “large”(bigger than city state) put ratio, a measure of the contribution capital-output ratio is merely to stabi- prospective rate of growth and the more makersishuge.Theyneedtore-engineer and the changes in the nature of finan-
economies, without valuable natural of investment to growth, has soared as lise at current levels, and the economy is uncertain are returns, the more rational a slowing economy without crashing. cial activity were not to any large degree
resources, to achieve something like this returns on investment have tumbled. to grow at about 6 per cent, the invest- it becomes to postpone investment, fur- Moreover, the challenge is not only, or driven by changes in the needs of the
since the second world war are Japan, The International Monetary Fund ther slowing the growth of the economy. even mainly, technical. A big question is non-commercial economy for financial
Taiwan, South Korea and Vietnam. Yet, argues: “Without reforms, growth The core argument for a discontinuity whether a market-driven economy is services. These needs — the operation of
relative to US levels, China’s GDP per
head is where South Korea’s was in the
would gradually fall to around 5 per cent
with steeply increasing debt.” But such a
If it became as rich as is that it is hard to move smoothly from
an unsustainable path. The risk is that
compatible with the growing concentra-
tion of political power. The next stage
the payments utility, the management
of personal wealth across lifetimes and
mid-1980s. South Korea’s real GDP per path would be unsustainable, not least Korea, its economy would the economy slows much faster than for China’s economy is a conundrum. Its between generations, the allocation of
head has since nearly quadrupled in real
terms, to reach almost 70 per cent of US
because debts are already at such a high
level. Thus “total social financing” — a
be bigger than those of the almost anybody now expects. The gov-
ernment needs to work out a way of
resolution will shape the world. capital between different forms of pro-
ductive investment, and the pooling of
levels. If China became as rich as Korea, broad credit measure — jumped from US and Europe combined responding that does not increase global risks — have changed very little.
In fact, the growth of wholesale finan-
cial markets is the result principally of a
massive increase in secondary market
trading of existing assets; and the focus

Do not let fear kill the promise of Big Data of innovation has been the management
(or mismanagement) of risks created in
the financial system itself. In the self-
referential world of modern finance, the
primary activity of financial institutions
unprecedented leak in US military his- porate warfare, part affair of state. users’ confidence. Coincidentally, at the and security, among other examples. is trade with other financial institutions.
OPINION tory. Three years later, 20 times as These attacks hit hard, but they hit same time as the Ashley Madison crisis, At this moment of high tension about There may be less need today for the
many documents were published by primarily the powerful: institutions, Spotify decided in some countries to our online information, everyone networker, the individual who knows
Maurice Edward Snowden. There was a scandal governments, military and corporate harvest — with users’ permission — involved must accept their responsibili- whom rather than what; technology
Lévy within the scandal: the leak publicised leaders, celebrities and heads of state. information stored on their smart- ties. We must ensure that fear does not helps make connections, although it
activity such as surveillance of leaders Next came the Ashley Madison leak, phones that had nothing to do with restrain the great promise of Big Data. cannot displace personal relationships.
including Angela Merkel, Germany’s however. This was the first such hack of music: contacts, photos, multimedia Digital giants should take a self-regu- But efficient capital allocation requires

nticed by the promise of “dis- chancellor, by the US National Security people’s personal lives, exposing on a files and so on. The decision, unsurpris- latory approach — in terms, for exam- above all the knowledge and experience
creet indiscretions”, millions Agency, where Mr Snowden had grand scale the data of ordinary users — ingly, immediately unleashed a social ple, of security, destruction and ano- to assess the quality of the underlying
of people sign up to a global worked. media outcry against the music stream- nymisation of data. Their best practices assets, and the capabilities of those who
website offering extramarital The story moved on from matters of ing service. would soon be adopted by every other manage them.
encounters. Last month,
legions of those same people found their
state. In December 2013 Target, the US
retailer and distribution chain,
The Ashley Madison leak The questions raised by Big Data are
of urgent importance to everyone. Pri-
keeper of digital information. The UK
advertising industry’s voluntary code of
Yet the ability most valued in the
finance sector in the first decade of the
names, personal preferences and other announced that the banking data of was the first big hack of the vacy is at the heart of democratic good practice, which has struck a bal- 21st century was a keen appreciation of
intimate details sprayed most indis- 110m clients had been stolen in a cyber people, exposing ordinary modernity, and it must be preserved. ance between regulation and innovation asset markets themselves. The deploy-
creetly across the internet. This spectac- attack. It was the largest ever theft of The manipulation of the information we for decades, might serve as a model. ment of such abilities by people with an
ular incident, the latest in an accelerat- banking data. The next episode, in users on a grand scale share with organisations online, Now is the time to start, and those exaggerated idea of the relevance of
ing tally of hacks and leaks, forces us to August 2014, focused on celebrities: the increasingly extensive and sensitive in with the most influence — global digital these skills, and an overblown sense of
take the measure of the rapid evolution iCloud photo hack released hundreds of and not just their banking passwords, nature, makes digital processes a ques- companies to begin with — should their own competence, plunged the glo-
of our data-driven world and the far- private images of entertainment stars. either. tion of life (private life, certainly) and, tackle this problem, which is central to bal economy into the worst financial cri-
reaching impact on all our lives. The storyline was picking up pace. In Big Data? Big problems. With potentially, death. the trust of internet users and, in turn, sis since the Great Depression. Perhaps
In July 2010 the first big data dump hit late 2014 an attack on Sony Pictures each hack, leak, and act of piracy At the same time, Big Data analytics to the very future of the digital world. those nice boys with low golf handicaps
the headlines when WikiLeaks Entertainment — resulting in leaks of and sabotage, we grow more aware that have been shown to have significant had something to offer after all.
uploaded the Afghan War Diary — about executives’ emails that created high- the performance of the new digital potential to benefit the common good: The writer is chairman and chief executive
90,000 documents that constituted an level political ructions — was part cor- order is in direct proportion to its in the fields of health, science, research of Publicis Groupe
12 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Wednesday 2 September 2015


The moral

Here’s a tale that epitomises the absurd start-up lifestyle with little personal they should,” he says. “What you want,
times that tech start-ups are currently risk, before choosing an easier career through the tricky times, is to give Dear Lucy
hazard created enjoying (or exploiting, depending on
your perspective).
path. Such as working for Goldman
Sachs or McKinsey.
them enough incentive to keep going.”
How then to spot the twenty- Work problems
by abundant In London, a particularly obnoxious
and overconfident founder was asked a
David Cohen co-founded Techstars,
which provides cash, a workspace and
something entrepreneur committed for
a long time, not just a good time? Mr
reasonable question by an investor: mentoring to start-ups. He recently Hommels employs a subtle test of
start-up funds “How do you intend to make money?”
His response? “I sell equity to venture
wrote: “The thing I worry about is that
the Facebook movie and tons of seed
equity to
character. During a chat about funding,
he deliberately changes the subject.
capitalists.” Not an answer likely to funding have made it almost too “The cool entrepreneur will
reassure a potential backer that he attractive to get into entrepreneurship. venture immediately get back to the topic and
intended to work hard to create a great Founders can live for a year or two capitalists not be a social talker,” he reckons. “The My job is not demanding —
return on their investment. Yet, his
three-year-old company has secured
on seed capital, have some fun and
punch their lottery ticket. If things has become good ones are more focused.”
Mr Lobato’s test is more direct. “I get
am I missing something?
several million pounds in funding. don’t take off immediately, they can a lucrative edgy and unpleasant,” he says. “I want
Selling equity to venture capitalists simply move on.” to see what their reaction is. For them, Most of my friends have demanding corporate jobs: they
has become a lucrative business model. Klaus Hommels is the founder of business I’m a means to an end. It shouldn’t work long hours and are glued to their phones. I am also part

In London, Stockholm, Berlin and Lakestar, a European venture fund, matter how unpleasant I get. I want to of the corporate world but I have never had a demanding job:
Silicon Valley, buckets of “seed capital” and an early investor in Facebook, see that they behave rationally and I turn off my work phone as soon as I leave the office. Outside
are sloshing around for wannabe tech Spotify and Airbnb. He says the moral understand they need to get what they work, I have a very fulfilling life: I volunteer at a charity,
founders, allowing them to get even the hazard is an “unavoidable side-effect” need to succeed.” founded a popular social networking group and have a social
wildest ideas off the ground. of so much money flowing into start- Danny Rimer, a partner at Index life. I do not understand my friends’ dedication. Am I missing
And these days, entrepreneurship is ups. But he insists it “will give birth to Ventures, a global tech fund, says an something? Female vice-president, 38
sexy work. A chief executive title can some ideas that wouldn’t have been obvious turn off is an entrepreneur
be parlayed into easy entry to the best pursued if the money wasn’t available”. keen to discuss a quick “exit”. He
parties and makes for a great pick-up Anyway, he argues, bad apples are in doesn’t want to hear how they plan to Lucy Kellaway’s answer
line. A decade ago, bright young minds the minority. Yes, he worries about the sell out to Google or Facebook within a
hunted for a corner office at Goldman “self-celebrating crowd” who believe couple of years. Instead, he wants to When I first read your make the rest of life
Sachs or McKinsey. Today, they lease a they are “masters of the universe”. But hear how their company will be around problem I was so irritated I possible. There is nothing
loft in Shoreditch or Kreuzberg and he feels more of them are sober. for another decade. nearly didn’t publish it. You wrong with that either.
found a start-up. Juan Lobato is a prolific angel And sometimes, obnoxious seem to be saying that Morally, the two positions
Investors complain the boom has investor and co-founder of London- overconfidence has the karmic effect it despite putting so very little are much of a muchness. It is
given rise to a disturbing trend. Young based fintech group Ebury. He reckons deserves. “I had a pitch from an effort into your job you have a matter of personality,
entrepreneurs are quickly hit with the investors must share the blame. Too entrepreneur once,” Mr Rimer recalls. managed to do well at it — chance and choice.
realities of business. Hours are long, often, he sees savvy venture capitalists “She said: ‘I am the American dream.’ you gratuitously mention However, at some point
setbacks frequent. There is a constant insist on funding terms, such as That was a tell-tale sign.” that you are a VP, which along the way how hard we
Murad Ahmed grind to find customers and hire talent. preferential share classes and priority even in these days of title work stopped being private.
When confronted with these liquidation rights, that leave The writer is the FT’s European inflation must mean It has become a vital part of
Entrepreneurship difficulties, they quit.
The abundance of cash flowing into
inexperienced founders feeling more
exploited than motivated. “Sometimes,
technology correspondent something. That alone
would be annoying, but then
our identity, a way of
assessing status and a tool
fledgling tech companies is creating a they offer term sheets that don’t offer you insist on telling us you with which to put other
moral hazard. Entrepreneurs enjoy the entrepreneurs as much of the upside as Twitter: @muradahmed are also an entrepreneur, an people down. An interesting
all-round marvellous person study in the Netherlands
who gives time to the needy showed that people who
and who also has lots of had colleagues who worked
time for friends. Your only much harder than they did
Founders. Gordon Sanghera, Oxford Nanopore Technologies problem is that you don’t
understand why other
felt less happy as a result.
The conspicuous work of
people can’t do everything our peers unsettles and

A genes genie in Oxford

you can do, and are instead undermines us.
fixated on their silly little Seen like that, I’m slightly
phones and silly little jobs. more sympathetic towards
Yet I am trying to swallow you. The only answer is to
my irritation because your remind yourself repeatedly
problem touches on that what others are doing is
something important. How irrelevant. You must stop
hard we work ought to be a seeking to justify your own
private matter. Some people jobsworth position by going
like to put in long hours and on about all the other
others don’t. Work can be worthwhile things you are
something that makes doing. If you are relatively
The scientist behind a people happy, or at least satisfied with how you
less unhappy than not spend your time (and it
pioneering sequencer for working. Work can give you sounds as if you are, very)
DNA wants it to be a world a more reliable rush of that should be enough.
adrenalin and importance Your nine to five habit
leader that stays British, than many other things. does not make you better
writes Clive Cookson There is absolutely nothing and wiser than your
wrong with that. colleagues — neither does it
Equally, work can be done make them better and wiser

ordon Sanghera has a grand
ambition: to build a new to make some money and than you.
science-based company
under British ownership
that commands a large Your advice
global market. He is already on the way
with Oxford Nanopore Technologies, Yes, you are missing the worse of the two. You
the gene-reading company he has led punctuation proficiency. The are taking a riskier life
since its foundation in 2005 as an colon in your first sentence choice than you think.
Oxford university spinout. The aim is to indicates that working long On the other hand, if you
become the world’s leading producer of hours glued to a phone is have “founded a popular
equipment to decode the DNA of any evidence of “demanding social networking group”
organism, from people to viruses, in corporate jobs”. Says who? you are probably an
applications from medical diagnosis to Perhaps some of your entrepreneur but just
food safety. friends find the office a haven’t realised it yet.
If Dr Sanghera succeeds it will be a sanctuary of sanity Pursue that to avoid the “I
rare achievement. British science and compared to the mad wish I had . . .” risk.
tech start-ups tend either to suffer a fail- mayhem they face at home. Charity trustee
ure of nerve or to sell out to established And have you ever
rivals just as their products are ap- wondered to whom they are Research shows that most
proaching global commercialisation. nattering on the phone? time over about 44 hours
“Just as we get the technology working, Beyond punctuation, it’s per week is just show time. It
the company is sold,” as he puts it. great that you have “a very makes your boss feel good
There are plenty of examples of what fulfilling life” in your spare about you (if they notice)
Dr Sanghera wants to avoid. Medisense, Gordon His academic performance improved close how a big company operates, but I Over the past year, 1,000 or so “early time, but sad that you seem but it achieves very little.
the glucose monitoring start-up where Sanghera: ‘I had as an undergraduate and he went on to was becoming frustrated by all the in- access” customers, mainly young res- content to remain Add to that the research in
he cut his business teeth, was sold to an idea of the do a PhD at Cardiff, developing electro- terdepartmental infighting,” he says. “I earchers, have been testing pre-launch unchallenged at work. Can’t The Lancet showing a 33
Abbott of the US in 1996. California- kind of chemical sensors for the food industry. had an idea of the kind of organisation I MinIons in the field, for reading gen- you aspire to find some kind per cent increase in the
based Illumina, which dominates the organisation I “There was huge family pressure on me wanted to build.” omes that range from an unknown for- of fulfilment there also? risk of fatal stroke if you
DNA sequencing industry, owes much wanted to build’ to get an arranged marriage. Doing a He had kept in touch with Isis Innova- est frog in Tanzania to Ebola virus in Anon work more than 55 hours a
of its recent growth to the acquisition of Andrew Fox
PhD was a way of getting out of it.” tion, Oxford’s technology transfer arm, west Africa. Although accuracy does not week and you know what
Solexa, a Cambridge university spinout, Then he began postdoctoral research and with IP Group, which had signed a match that of today’s big lab-based I do not think you are to do . . .
in 2007. Last month Oxitec, an Oxford on biosensors with his mentor Professor long-term commercialisation partner- machines, Dr Sanghera says the next missing anything, your Doctor
spinout on the brink of commercialising Allen Hill at Oxford, before moving to ship with Oxford’s department of chem- product, the PromethIon, a $75,000 friends are. They probably
its innovative insect control technology, Medisense, the company Prof Hill had istry. He discussed several possible benchtop machine launching shortly, believe their work ethic will Within a few years, anything
was sold to Intrexon of the US. founded in 1989. After its acquisition by spinouts before settling on a proposal to will be more than competitive with gain them more attention, you do at work is deleted or
Oxford Nanopore’s latest funding Abbott, he remained with the US com- exploit Prof Hagan Bayley’s research on products from market leader Illumina, status and money, which thrown in the bin. So why
round in July brought in £70m, raising pany for nine years working in senior nanopores, proteins containing tiny in performance as well as price. they consider as their sense worry or waste any more
total funding over 10 years to £251m. research and development positions. holes (see box). The working relation- Meanwhile, Oxford Nanopore contin- of fulfilment. I am reaching time than necessary on it?
The company’s current valuation is By 2005 Dr Sanghera was keen to start ship between Dr Sanghera as chief exec- ues to grow at the science park, where it the end of my work career Anon
about £970m. Dr Sanghera says all the his own business. “I spent a long time utive and Prof Bayley as scientific is fitting out new labs, and has branches and I am very pleased that
shareholders are committed to long- with Abbott because I wanted to see up founder was clear from the start. “He in Cambridge in the UK, and in Boston my work day has closely The fact that you are
term growth and maintaining indepen- was church and I was state,” Dr Sangh- and New York in the US. Although the resembled yours. I have even asking the question
dence. IP Group and Lansdowne Part- era says. “You see too many university world market for DNA sequencing attained my goals in the suggests to me that you
ners have the largest holdings with 22 A nanopore is a tiny hole within a spinouts dominated by a brilliant prof machines is worth several billion dollars corporate world with a think lack of ambition might
and 17 per cent respectively. “There will Nanopore molecule. It can be used as a biosensor where the CEO is just a patsy.” a year, the company has wider ambi- satisfying life in addition. be a problem. If you really,
be a UK initial public offering one day notes by setting a voltage across the pore and Prof Bayley’s lab was not the only one tions. Indeed, “internal start-ups” are Senior vice-president in really want to find out what
but I don’t know when,” he says. measuring changes in electric current as working on nanopores. “When we got already exploring related areas. The banking, male you’re missing, abandon
Dr Sanghera, a lean and athletic 54- other molecules move through the hole. our first serious investment, we decided first, called Metrichor, is a cloud-based all your outside work
year-old, showed little academic or How it In particular, it can distinguish between to bank all the nanopore IP we could analysis service designed to make sense What are you missing from commitments and work
entrepreneurial prowess growing up in works the four biochemical “letters” of DNA: G, [with patents],” says Dr Sanghera. He of data emerging from MinIon and other having a job but not a two extra hours a day until
Swindon, the oldest of four children A, T and C. wanted to avoid a problem Medisense instruments, for example by identifying career? Money and an easier you get a promotion.
born to first-generation immigrants Oxford Nanopore uses holes in had experienced: big pharmaceutical pathogens from their DNA as it appears source of meaning and Alternatively, I’d suggest
from the Indian Punjab. His mother natural proteins extracted from bacteria, groups quickly developed competing on screen. purposefulness. The not worrying about it.
died when he was 11, leaving his grand- which make them for various products by buying in glucose monitor- Scientific and business leaders who meaningfulness gap may be Anon
parents to look after what he calls “a physiological processes requiring ing technology from other sources. know the company, such as Lord Dray-
very loving family that was also stifling molecular channels. Its scientists are So the company lined up exclusive son, former science minister, say Dr
and claustrophobic”. also investigating synthetic nanopores. deals with key nanopore labs at Harv- Sanghera has the skills and personality Next problem The FTSE 100 company where I work is “stale,
Wearing a smart white shirt, with Large numbers of nanopores, ard, University of California Santa Cruz to achieve his ambition. “He has a good male and pale” — it is very hierarchical, resistant to change
jacket and jeans, he is speaking at embedded in a membrane, are attached and elsewhere. chance of building a multibillion com- and crippled by internal politics. Although the leadership is
Oxford Nanopore’s low-key headquar- to an electronic array that detects their Developing a working DNA reader pany,” Lord Drayson says. making thousands of low-wage workers in developing
ters tucked away on Oxford Science changing electrical activity as DNA took longer than the founders hoped Ewan Birney, co-director of the Euro- countries redundant, they are still flying first class, all the
Park, near the Mini car plant. moves through the holes. Computer but in June Oxford Nanopore launched pean Bioinformatics Institute in Cam- while telling the minions to watch every penny they spend.
He went to Cardiff University to study software combines the multiple signals its first product. MinIon, at $1,000 for a bridge and a consultant to Oxford Nano- The board seems utterly clueless. Is this typical rottenness or
chemistry — a subject short of students to give a single genetic readout. This starter kit, is the size of a mobile phone pore, says Dr Sanghera has assembled a more extreme rottenness? Corporate minion, female
in the 1970s — despite scraping low direct electronic process is simpler than and fits into the USB port of a personal team of excellent scientific and techni-
grades at A-level in chemistry and existing sequencing systems, which computer, making it the world’s first cal staff and enjoys the backing of sup-
maths. “At school I could see that my attach coloured chemical tags to the truly portable DNA sequencer. It is easy portive shareholders. “There are very Please send answers and new problems to
teachers hated their jobs and were just DNA and require a computerised to use: just add a droplet of sample and few people who deserve the title ‘entre- This column appears fortnightly
hanging on until retirement,” he says. camera to read the results. DNA data appear on the screen. preneur’ and he is one of them,” he says.
Wednesday 2 September 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 13


Giant house
was fast, it did feel that taking a risk or
trying something out was part of it,” says
the sculptor Richard Deacon, who
exhibited in week 29 of fig-1. “I think it

of connected
really woke me up.”
Fig-2 is the second edition, brought to
life by Francis and Candida Gertler, the
founder of Outset. She was an enthusi-

astic visitor to fig-1, and remembers it as
the “coolest, most unusual” thing hap-
pening in London. “Such a good idea
could not go to waste,” she says. “It had
to happen again.”
Rather than just taking the tempera-
Fifteen years after its predecessor, a cycle of 50 ture of the city, Üstek’s emphasis has
been on “activating” its art scene: intro-
week-long shows is under way. By Lily Le Brun ducing different influences and encour-
week, for example, will be the winner of

t is just after 6pm on a Monday an open call for students. Most of the
night at the Institute of Contempo- exhibitshavebeennewcommissions.
rary Arts in London. The gallery is Novelists, dancers, even literary pub-
closed, but there is a relaxed queue lications have participated in fig-2. But
of people filing through an anony- so rarely do they make something char-
mous back entrance to a room that has acteristic that, this time, distinguishing
undergone a transformation every between disciplines seems arbitrary.
Monday of 2015. This is the site of fig-2, a For week 31, the duo Broomberg &
marathon exhibition cycle of 50 crea- Chanarin, known for their photographic
tive projects in 50 weeks. It attempts the work, devised a performance that cri-
scope of a contemporary art fair and the tiqued the “highly militarised environ-
immediacy of a studio. ment” of St James’s, the area of London
So far the room has been the office of
the protagonist in Tom McCarthy’s Clockwise from remain. Today, not only are exhibits
novel, Satin Island, a pitch-black venue
The line-up of fig-1 reads left: Broomberg immediately archived on the project
for a set by the death metal band Anox- like a list of the most & Chanarin’s website but visitors can easily docu-
ide, a blue-carpeted landscape filled performance at ment it too, via their phones.
with sounds and sculptures by Ann well-known artists fig-2; Eva Perhaps because exhibitors are under
Hardy. It has been integrated into an
animation by Shezad Dawood, and
working in Britain today Rothschild and
Joe Moran’s ‘A
no pressure to sell, performance and
conceptual installation work have dom-
turned into a sympathetic environment Setup’ at fig-2; inated fig-2, even if it deviates from their
in which to communicate with microbes that in a city where there’s inevitably a Wolfgang Tillmans; Howard Hodgkin; where the ICA is located. “I seem to trig- novelist Tom normal practices. Although the ICA
that have developed to live on plastic lot happening, museums, public spaces Jeremy Deller; Bridget Riley. ger the devil in people!” Üstek jokes. McCarthy with project space is the same square footage
debris. This week, the Austrian per- or galleries would only show five or six Fig-1 launched with an unfinished Üstek, who is in her mid-thirties, is fig-2 curator as the Soho space, generally clusters of
formance artist Veronika Hauer has exhibitions a year. It seemed sluggish.” painting by the British pop artist Rich- never less than enthusiastic. But there is Fatoş Üstek artworks have been displayed with art-
been given the space to play with. He imagined cutting away any cloying ard Hamilton (by chance called “Bath- no doubt that this is a demanding Gita Cooper-van Ingen,
Sylvain Deleu
ists curating mini-exhibitions. Fig-2 is
Fig-2 is hosted by the ICA but inde- infrastructure. One work, by one artist, room — fig. 1”) and concluded, 50 weeks undertaking. Alongside the planning, yet to feature any paintings, a marked
pendent of it. The Turkish-born curator would be shown in one room for one later, with “Bathroom — fig. 2”, the com- installing and invigilating, with her contrast to its predecessor, where sev-
Fatoş Üstek oversees its programme and week only. There was to be no shipping, pleted painting. Those selected in the team of three she runs seminars and eral weeks consisted of a sole picture.
productionteam,anditreceivesthebulk no sales, no storage. It was called fig-1 — interim were a mix of established names patron events, fundraises and competes Could this edition prove as prophetic
of its funding from the philanthropic to suggest an image that might be many and artists who were barely out of art with the noise on social media — none of as its predecessor? As with many previ-
organisation Outset. While its exhibits different things, and in homage to Mar- school, or yet to have galleries. which were necessary 15 years ago. ous weeks, those walking through the
are at the cutting edge of contemporary cel Broodthaers — and it ran in a semi- It was also interdisciplinary. There The differences between the two doors of fig-2 this Monday will encoun-
art, its origins are found in a time before derelict warehouse space in Soho were designers, dancers, writers and projects reveal how far art, and the ter a little known artist, and work that is
Tate Modern, before Frieze art fair, throughout 2000. Working with two filmmakers, including Patti Smith, world it occupies, has changed. This not immediately easy to understand.
before most people had email. Even the assistants, Francis curated the pro- Philip Treacy and Will Self, who sat at a time, female artists have been in the They will see a plinth with ceramic figu-
term“pop-up”wasyettobecoined. gramme, often scheduling exhibitions laptop connected to a projector, writing majority. Üstek has been able to give her rines, a video of a semaphore “dance”,
Curator Mark Francis, now a director only a few weeks in advance. “live” about the visitors. “It was the non- programme a more international scope, and posters featuring photographs and
of Gagosian, and Jay Jopling, founder of His curation proved prescient. The art things that seemed like most fun,” and has a greater consciousness of the texts relating to past performances, but
White Cube, conceived the project 15 line-up reads like a list of the most well- says Francis. project as a whole, envisioning it as “a it could take another 15 years for the real
years ago. “Everybody I mentioned it to known artists working in Britain today: For the less established, fig-1 prof- giant house with 50 connected rooms”. significance to become apparent.
to start with thought it was crazy,” says Jake and Dinos Chapman; Grayson fered a springboard. To the well known, When fig-1 launched, there was little
Francis. “But it didn’t make sense to me Perry; Anish Kapoor; Tracey Emin; it gave freedom. “Because the turnover expectation that any record of it would


Pick of the day

The Ascent of Woman was female, and an Egyptian
(BBC2 9pm) exhilaratingly queen organised trade,
justifies its title. Historian peace and prosperity —
Amanda Foreman’s four- subsequently obliterated
parter addresses women’s from public record. (Pictured:
fluctuating status in contributor Aisula on
civilisation. Not all patriarchy horseback dressed as an
and brutal possessiveness, Ukok princess in the
history throws up surprises: mountains of Altai.)
“aggressively egalitarian” In the lesser-known but
ancient Anatolia, gripping Clint Eastwood
Mesopotamia’s women thriller Tightrope a detective
engaged in business, law and becomes aware of his own
property ownership. There dark side as he investigates
were dark times for women, serial murder (ITV4 10pm).
but the first signed author MARTIN HOYLE

BBC 1 BBC 2 ITV London Channel 4

6.00 BBC News. 6.00 Eggheads. 6.00 ITV News London. 6.00 The Simpsons. R
6.30 BBC Regional News 6.30 Terry and Mason’s Great 6.30 ITV News and Weather. 6.30 Hollyoaks.
Programmes. Food Trip. 7.00 Emmerdale. 7.00 Channel 4 News. Including
7.00 The One Show. 7.00 The Farmer and the Food 7.30 Coronation Street. At the sport and weather.
7.30 Pound Shop Wars. Chain. New series. Farmer hospital, Fiz and Tyrone 8.00 Posh Pawn. A mother-
8.00 The Great British Bake Gareth Wyn Jones explores are stunned when the and-son duo hope to
Off. the Welsh food industry to consultant tells them Hope secure a loan against a
9.00 Kolkata with Sue Perkins. find out whether the has cancer. 71-carat tanzanite ring
Sue Perkins details how country can change the 8.00 You Saw Them Here First: bought from a home-
the West Bengal state way it feeds itself. Hall of Fame. Bruce shopping channel, and
capital, formerly known as Previously seen on BBC Forsyth, Lorraine Kelly, James Constantinou takes
Calcutta, discarded its One Wales. Phillip Schofield, Kevin a shine to bespoke show
colonial heritage to become 7.30 Great British Menu. Whately, Barbara Knox and motorbike.
a 21st-century city with a 8.00 Horizon: Which Universe Thelma Barlow are 9.00 One Born Every Minute.
reputation for tolerance. Are We In? Documentary inducted into the show’s A couple who maintained
10.00 BBC News. exploring the validity of “hall of fame” to mark ITV’s a long-distance relationship
10.25 BBC Regional News and the “multiverse” concept. 60th anniversary. prepare to become parents,
Weather. 9.00 The Ascent of Woman. 9.00 The Nick. New series. and a self-confessed “baby
10.35 A Question of Sport. Sue New series. Dr Amanda Three-part reality machine” arrives expecting
Barker asks the questions Foreman profiles the documentary detailing the her fifth baby. Last in the
in the light-hearted quiz, women who made and daily duties faced by police series.
with team captains Matt changed human history, patrolling the streets of 10.00 Katie Piper’s Extraordinary
Dawson and Phil Tufnell from 10,000 BC to the Brighton. Births. An insight into
joined by Carl Fogarty, present day, beginning 10.00 ITV News at Ten and extravagant modern birth-
John Hartson, Perri with those who rocked Weather. plans, including women
Shakes-Drayton and ancient civilisations. 10.30 ITV News London. seeking to emulate the
Ashton Sims. 10.00 QI. R 10.40 The Chase: Celebrity Duchess of Cambridge, and
11.05 Mountain Goats. R 10.30 Newsnight. Special. R others hoping for a
11.10 Weather. 11.40 Wild Ireland. R delivery in the presence of
11.35 FILM Into the Sun. Action wild dolphins.
adventure, starring 11.15 Return of the Giant Killers:
Africa’s Lion Kings. R 11.00 Educating Cardiff. R
Anthony Michael Hall. Regional variations apply

Other channels
BBC3 Channel 5 Film4 Sky 1
7.00 Top Gear. 8.00 Barely Legal 6.00 Home and Away. 6.30 5 7.00 The Death and Life of 6.00 Modern Family. 6.30, 7.00,
Drivers. 9.00 Don’t Tell the Bride. News Tonight. 7.00 The World Charlie St Cloud. 9.00 American 7.30 The Simpsons. 8.00 Desi
10.00 Top Coppers. 10.30 Bad Trade Centre: Rebuilt. 8.00 The Reunion. 11.10 From Dusk Till Rascals. 9.00 An Idiot Abroad 2.
Education. 11.00, 11.25 Family Nightmare Neighbour Next Door. Dawn. 10.00 The Force: Manchester.
Guy. 11.45 American Dad! 9.00 Celebrity Big Brother. 10.00 11.00 Hawaii Five-0.
Wentworth Prison. 11.00 Celebrity Sky Atlantic
BBC4 Big Brother’s Bit on the Side. 6.00 House. 7.00 Without a Sky Arts
7.00 World News Today. 7.30 Trace. 8.00 Blue Bloods. 9.00 6.00 The Beatles: From Liverpool
Great Continental Railway More4 Ray Donovan. 10.10 Veep. to San Francisco. 7.00 Objects of
Journeys. 8.00 Miniature Britain. 6.50 George Clarke’s Amazing 10.45 House of Lies. 11.20 The Desire. 8.00, 8.30 South Bank
9.00 Timeshift: The Trains that Spaces. 7.55 Grand Designs. Affair. Show Originals. 9.00 Hey, Boo:
Time Forgot. 10.00 India’s 9.00 Four Rooms. 10.00 8 Out Harper Lee and To Kill a
Frontier Railways. 11.00 Treasures of 10 Cats Does Countdown. Sky Sports 1 Mockingbird. 10.30 Video Killed
of the Indus. 11.05 Embarrassing Bodies. 4.00 Live US Open Tennis. the Radio Star. 11.00, 11.30 Dag.
14 ★ † FINANCIAL TIMES Wednesday 2 September 2015

’roo the day

Australia was a China play when China was ascendant. Exports, accordingly, have risen as a proportion of GDP.
As China slows and commodity prices fall, profits have dropped at Australian resource companies. Results at
industrial companies and banks have also started to falter

Twitter: @FTLex Email:

Growth in net profits of Australian companies* Australian exports
Half-yearly (year-over-year %) As a % of GDP**
Industrials Banks Resources
Yelp: extract, given how central salespeople 40 100 22 Altice:
are to both businesses. Then there is
under review Google, a $400bn bully. Under its new 30 75 lean in
Alphabet configuration, it has both the 21
Yelp is the subject of an upcoming room and resources to lavish on a 20 50 A plump baby may be a healthy one,
documentary, Billion Dollar Bully, which relative weakling. but healthy adolescents are typically
alleges the reviews site engages in 10 25 20 slim. Fourteen-year-old Altice, the
sharp practices to get businesses to acquisitive Dutch-listed telecoms
advertise. It rejects the allegations. But 0 0 company, has expanded using high-
on its current trajectory, the title might
Aga Rangemaster: 19 yield debt to gobble up telecoms
prove inadvertently flattering. marrying up -10 -25 companies in France, the US and Israel.
Three-and-a-half years after going Altice works hard to keep the flab
public, Yelp stock is back to where it A faded standard-bearer of British -20 -50 18 down, slashing costs to boost cash flow
closed on its debut. Its market rural aristocracy with bills to pay; a 2004 06 08 10 12 15 2001 04 06 08 10 12 15 so that the group can carry all that
capitalisation of $1.8bn is as much as vulgar American with piles of money. ytd debt. The question is whether Altice
70 per cent lower than its peak last year. From such beginnings, happy * June 2015 is a blend of actual earnings for companies that have reported (75% of companies, 90% of market capitalisation) needs further slimming, given that the
with forecasts for those companies that have yet to report ** Constant prices, seasonally adjusted, 2012-13 chained prices
Yelp is an attractive-sounding marriages have been made. market is demanding more yield for
FT graphic. Sources: Deutsche Bank; Thomson Reuters Datastream; FT research
proposition. It has tens of millions of Aga Rangemaster, maker of the higher-risk issuers.
users writing content for free: not the massive cast-iron stoves that adorn Bank of America’s European high-
ephemeral whinings of celebrities and many a country kitchen in the No worries? Treasury secretary Joe were up 13 per cent year on year, ahead Victoria earned an average of A$49 yield bond index reflects this demand.
journalists that plague Twitter, but Cotswolds, has two Yankee suitors. A Hockey says the Australian economy of expectations. Consumer spending an hour — more than engineers and Its yield has risen to one-year highs of
useful stuff on which restaurants are £1.85-per-share bid from Middleby of — recession-free for a quarter of a has been resilient; Deutsche Bank says investment advisers, according to a over 4.8 per cent. Another way to
good and which plumbers are not. The Illinois, confirmed in July, puts a century — remains in good shape. companies in the sector, including Master Builders Australia report. So check the health of the non-investment
reviews can be used to persuade £129m price tag on Aga’s equity, a 77 The Reserve Bank of Australia gaming operators Echo and Crown, and far, margins at developers such as grade market: look at how much
companies to advertise. Competition is per cent premium to the undisturbed agrees; it held the benchmark retailers JB Hi-fi and Harvey Norman, Lend Lease do not appear to have traders pay to insure the bonds against
fragmented. The big beast is Google price. Include the company’s modest lending rate yesterday at 2 per cent. registered aggregate annual revenue suffered. The MBA says wage costs default. One measure of this cost, the
but, despite its ubiquity, it typically net debt and its £47m pension deficit Recent data undermine the cheer. growth of around 5 per cent, although have simply been passed through iTraxx Crossover index, has also
fails to attract enough reviews to (which has dragged on the stock for The Australian Bureau of Statistics the outlook for grocers Wesfarmers into rapidly rising property prices. climbed over the past six months.
compete with Yelp, at least in the US. years) and the deal value comes to said that the June quarter current and Woolworths is tougher. Last Australia was a China play when Using debt for future purchases
Smaller, publicly listed rival Angie’s £179m. Aga’s board has recommended account deficit was A$19bn, much month, Westpac’s consumer sentiment China was ascendant. Can it be might be difficult in this climate, which
List focuses on local trades and the offer to shareholders and is moving wider than forecast because of worse index rose by 8 per cent versus July, a something else now? The extent of may help to explain Altice’s decision to
requires users to subscribe, while ahead with it, without ruling out an than expected net exports. Australia’s strong bounce that may be down to a the links between external and change its share structure this summer.
larger TripAdvisor focuses on hotels. approach from Whirlpool, announced “terms of trade” (the difference June increase in the minimum wage. internal demand — whether one can It split its shares into two classes, A and
Yelp is increasing revenues at more yesterday. Aga is opening its books to between export and import prices) Strong wage growth has been a get rich hammering nails or owning B. The two classes differ in voting
than 60 per cent a year — faster than the Michigan-based appliance maker. has also fallen sharply. The slowdown feature of the Australian economy, property when iron ore prices have power — the B class has 25, against one
all of those rivals — but its depressed Aga shareholders have certainly in China, which has only gotten particularly in the construction cratered — will soon be known. The for the A shares. Altice wants to use
valuation is lower than the sector suffered. Over a decade, total returns worse since June, is the chief culprit. industry, where it has averaged 5 per next test: second-quarter GDP figures these A shares as currency for
average. are negative, sales are flat and margins Offsetting that is domestic cent a year over the past decade. Last today. Modest growth is expected. acquisitions, which could reduce the
There have been missteps. Yelp have fallen. Middleby and Whirlpool optimism. July building approvals year, unskilled construction workers in Be worried. use of debt in deals.
complained it was hard to hire sales have enterprise values of $7bn and That might be good news to Moody’s,
people in its home town of San $16bn, respectively. Their strong the rating agency, which has had the
Francisco, before belatedly conceding balance sheets could eliminate the company on credit watch since it
that perhaps it might be more sensible pension issue and put global very low bid indeed. What could be good, too, for Babcock International, year, it should hit its target. If BAE does announced the acquisition of US cable
to look outside one of the country’s distribution muscle behind Aga’s better than a bidding war fought with which services the subs. But subs are not land the orders this year, however, company Suddenlink in May. Altice’s
hottest jobs markets. At the same time, strong brand. Middleby owns Viking crass American cash? not the main driver of either fixed costs will still need to be covered multiple of net debt to earnings before
it made a U-turn on ignoring ranges, social signifiers in American company’s earnings. and it may need to start thinking about interest, tax, depreciation and
geography for assigning sales leads homes in the same way that Agas are in Look more closely at BAE, whose standing down its engineers. A second, amortisation is a punchy six times.
when it turned out local knowledge Britain. Whirlpool is big worldwide. BAE Systems: shares are submerged below the level lesser factor is the future of BAE’s naval On the other hand, the possibility of
helped. That hints at a deeper problem: That is why Whirlpool could pay of a year ago. Near-flat earnings before shipyard in Melbourne, which depends combining equity and debt could mean
Yelp’s over-dependence on the US, and significantly more than Middleby has holding its breath interest, tax and amortisation of on Australia’s naval fleet renewal plans. even bigger deals, such as France’s
the San Francisco area in particular, for offered — and why Middleby could £800m in the first half account for BAE trades on 11 times forecast 2016 Bouygues Telecom or Cablevision in
its revenues. TripAdvisor made 50 per raise its bid. The premium looks big, Ignore for a moment the furore over some of the dive. But the cautious earnings, a discount to peers, as if its the US. Either deal would unnerve the
cent of its revenues outside the US in but the analysts who cover the stock Faslane’s Royal Navy submarine base. optimism of Ian King, chief executive, best (a 28 per cent return on equity last rating agencies.
the previous quarter; Yelp made less suggest Aga could have £20m in George Osborne, chancellor of the has not halted the fall, nor has BAE’s year, well above its 10-year average) Dexter Goei, Altice’s chief executive,
than 3 per cent. Another problem is earnings (before interest, taxes, exchequer, drew attention to it this unchanged February guidance that has passed. Yet its rating belies a robust prefers to play down Altice’s appetite
annual revenue per employee: Yelp’s depreciation and amortisation) this week by promising £500m more full-year earnings per share might be £37.3bn order backlog and the UK’s for more transactions. He should. It’s
was $142,769 last year, TripAdvisor’s year. So the Middleby offer amounts to investment for the port that is home to only marginally higher than last year. commitment to defence spending at 2 best to digest old purchases before
was $466,000. 8.5 times ebitda, in line with Whirlpool the UK’s nuclear deterrent. The timing of contract wins moves per cent of economic output. The US returning to the table.
Given the market’s unfavourable and less than Middleby’s own share His spending boost should reassure defence-sector shares. Two things defence market recovery is good for
reviews, Yelp might want to advertise price rating. If the buyer can get Aga’s BAE Systems, maker of missile- could help BAE in the current half. the gizmos that BAE makes. With that
itself to potential bidders. It would be a margins to pre-financial crisis levels carrying Vanguard and Astute hunter One is long-awaited orders for the improving longer-term backdrop, the Lex on the web
For notes on today’s breaking
complementary fit with TripAdvisor, and increase its sales outside the UK submarines, as it searches for Typhoon combat jet by Saudi Arabia. If caution and worrying over when an stories go to
though cost savings might be tough to £179m will turn out to have been a commitment to defence spending. It is BAE lands those before the end of the order lands looks overdone.

Forecasts by

19 1010

1030 7
Luxembourg Fair 19 66
25 5
46 Lyon Fair 23 73
15 14 Madrid Sun 30 86
1 1 21
22 35 Manchester Shower 16 61
18 Miami Fair 33 91
21 Milan Thunder 27 81
14 15 20
16 Montreal Fair 29 84
20 8
14 20 Moscow Cloudy 17 63
1 35 1010
16 1020 Mumbai Cloudy 31 88
15 34 0 Munich Rain 19 66
17 33
1 New York Fair 31 88
8 Nice Sun 26 79
16 3 30 0 Paris Fair 20 68
38 Prague Fair 20 68
Reykjavik Cloudy 13 55
Rio Cloudy 22 72
Wind speed in MPH at 12 BST 1 Rome Sun 28 82
Temperatures max for day˚C Wind speeds in PH 31 San Francisco Fair 22 72
Stockholm Rain 16 61
Today’s temperatures Strasbourg Fair 22 72
Abu Dhabi Sun 41 106 Belgrade Sun 35 95 Copenhagen Sun 20 68 Hamburg Fair 19 66 Sydney Shower 20 68
Amsterdam Shower 18 64 Berlin Fair 21 70 Delhi Sun 37 99 Helsinki Rain 19 66 Tokyo Fair 30 86
Athens Sun 32 90 Brussels Shower 18 64 Dubai Sun 39 102 Hong Kong Thunder 30 86 Toronto Fair 30 86
B’ham Shower 16 61 Budapest Sun 28 82 Dublin Cloudy 14 57 Istanbul Sun 28 82 Vancouver Shower 18 64
Bangkok Thunder 34 93 Buenos Aires Cloudy 14 57 Edinburgh Cloudy 14 57 Jersey Fair 16 61 Vienna Cloudy 22 72
Barcelona Thunder 26 79 Cardiff Shower 17 63 Frankfurt Fair 21 70 Lisbon Fair 23 73 Warsaw Fair 22 72
Beijing Sun 29 84 Chicago Fair 33 91 Geneva Fair 23 73 London Fair 18 64 Washington Fair 34 93
Belfast Cloudy 14 57 Cologne Fair 19 66 Glasgow Cloudy 15 59 Los Angeles Fair 25 77 Zurich Shower 20 68

No. 15,025 Set by REDSHANK
        ACROSS 2 A tanktop and cagoule managed
1 Simon came across yellow plane in to make brochure (9)
 US (8) 3 Fry, perhaps, or boil varied
5 A rocket attached to a line specimens (5-10)
restricted flights here (6) 4 Dutch court owing money for big
10 Congenitally partially inverted plant? (7)
tongue (5) 6 Three figures describing another
  11 Medic providing couple with one (5,10)
overdose remains ashore (9) 7 Torment some bridge game (5)
12 Spiteful married girl almost 8 Greeting doctor in Paris, she’s
promises to settle debts (9) introduced Swiss singer (8)
   13 Staunch palace resident swaps 9 Mafia’s contract reduced to

sides (5) shambles (6)
14 Corresponded about drilling over 16 Bar allowed Fourth of July hype
   the hill (6) (9)
15 Odd couple circle square 8 times 17 Fine bulldog and hunter (8)
 (7) 19 Force unit to cut modern name (6)
18 Deliveries to sailors include 20 A girl’s wavering over old opal (7)
   uniform for swamp (7) 21 When out of cash, order more
20 Eponymous hero in book copes shiny stuff (6)
with change of character (6) 23 Rare tree spans a field (5)
22 The bank has no time for the
contents of some pots (5)
24 Author withholds gold award to Solution 15,024
serviceman (9) 9 , 5 7 8 $ / 5 ( $ / , 7 <
  25 Peacekeepers’ hostility said to be 7 5 ( ) ( * 1 $
unopposed (9) $ 0 $ 6 6


No. 14,845 Set by NEO

1 Important Viking one among best
friends (5,4)
6 Socialite with appeal makes left-
side entry (5)
9 Brazilian city as far as we’re
concerned ungovernable (7)
10 Obscure English knight against
European rebuffed (7)
11 Poor nation’s little island in hot
current (5)
12 Caught flamboyant cardinal in
Seventh Heaven? (5,4)
14 Notice flock encircles houses (3)
15 Alarmist financier reversed into
second vehicle bearing right (11)
17 German poet’s the writer
embracing pub vocalist (11)
19 Moggy fur with hole concealed? (3
20 Earl, King and Queen on
Hampshire river’s banks (9)
22 Ambassador in temple finds grain
24 Ardent Green must change leader
26 As one’s despicably mean, small
tips for servants materialise (2,5)
27 Sauce unfortunately knocked over
contains sulphur (5)
28 Related martial artist stops at
Bedouin residence (9)
Solution to Saturday’s prize pu
Solution to yesterday’s prize pu
Winners’ names will be printed

2 9 ( 5 * 5 2 : 1
26 Jones the architect’s colour lacks 5 6 7 5 . 5 ) .

density (5) ' ( & 5 < 3 7 6 1 , ) ) / (

JOTTER PAD 27 Girl gets main role back binding
, ,
6 $ % 5 $
% / , 9 , 2 8
manuscript (6) / 7 5 ( ( )
28 Lloyd set out how Julius arranged 6 ( ( 6 $ : , 1 * ' ( ) ( 5

his dates (3,5) & /

5 ( & . 2 1 6
, 6
6 1 $ 3 3 (
DOWN ( + : & / 3 5 ,
1 A few absorb nearly everything in ( 6 2 7 ( 5 , & $ $ & , ' 6
revealing play (6) & , % ) 7 & 1 +
+ $ 5 ' % 2 , / ( ' ( * * 6
Wednesday 2 September 2015 ★★★ 15

Altice BAE Systems Yelp Brent oil Xetra Dax Copper (LME) Dollar / yen Two-year
Lombard Private equity US Treasury
hitches a bet to camping 6.82% 1.68% 3.62% 8.5% 2.4% 1.3% 1.2% 3bp
€23.69 444.6p $23.40 $49.56 10,015 $5,067 Y119.76 0.71%

LVMH bags former Apple executive Short

3 Rogers takes top digital role at fashion group 3 Links grow between high-tech and luxury
year of Angela Ahrendts, the former colleagues were said to be surprised. He the driving force behind Beats 1. “I’d
chief executive of Burberry, to run its had spoken of his role with the iPhone
‘I decided especially like to thank him for the help Mackintosh
The Apple executive who stepped down retail strategy. maker as being his “dream job” and that I’m he gave to the architects of Beats 1 radio,
from running its Beats 1 radio station Bernard Arnault, the chairman and even has a tattoo of the NeXT logo — the ready for Trent Reznor and Zane Lowe.”
has been appointed head of digital for chief executive of LVMH, said that Mr computer group Steve Jobs started He was involved in the hiring of Mr Is the market sending a message in a topple? Back in 2013
LVMH, the luxury and fashion house. Rogers would bring “extensive experi- when he was forced out of Apple in 1985. a new Lowe, the former BBC radio DJ, to front the “Taper Tantrum” was as good as a Wall Street memo to
Ian Rogers joined Apple from Beats ence in high-end digital ventures . . . to “Seeing Apple Music on that Apple challenge’ one of the Beats 1 shows. the Federal Reserve: tighter policy was really, really scary.
after the $3bn acquisition of the audio develop LVMH leadership in the digital stage was the culmination of a 20-year Apple is using Beats 1 to introduce The 2015 summer scare is much more confusing. Is it a
group last year. He was involved in the luxury field”. professional journey,” Mr Rogers said. Ian Rogers consumers to its new streaming music crisis made in China, as it first appeared? A prediction of
development of Beats 1, Apple’s new Mr Rogers moves from the world’s He added that he asked his wife if the service, which is competing with Spot- global slowdown? The realisation that commodity weak-
global radio station, alongside Trent largest company to one with a portfolio unveiling of the service was “the start- ify. At the June launch, Tim Cook, Apple ness does not automatically boost consumer spending?
Reznor, the Nine Inch Nails frontman. of luxury brands encompassing cham- ing gun or the finish line for me in the chief executive, said the service repre- (Canada has dropped into recession as a result.) Anxiety
He resigned last week only two months pagne, clothing, watches and luggage. digital music race . . . I decided I’m sented the “next chapter” of music. about an imminent Fed rate rise? Or merely a natural cor-
after the station launched. LVMH owns Veuve Clicquot, Krug and ready for a new challenge both profes- Mr Rogers began his career working rection of excessively high prices, made worse by summer
His exchange of Cupertino for Paris is Hennessy, as well as Givenchy, Thomas sionally and personally”. for the Beastie Boys band and launched trading volumes?
evidence of the growing ties between Pink, Fendi and Marc Jacobs. Jimmy Iovine, the head of Apple Topspin, a music services group Among the volatility that seems to have little signifi-
digital businesses and luxury groups, His departure from Apple is still being Music, thanked Mr Rogers in a state- that connects artists to fans, before cance is the oil price. After jumping more than a quarter in
after the appointment by Apple last digested at the technology group, where ment that suggested Mr Rogers was not joining Beats. three days, yesterday the oil price tumbled 8 per cent. The
leap was about short-sellers covering positions, while the
fall was a natural follow-on in a cautious market. It is hard
to believe either move tells a deep story about expected
future demand.
Volatility in itself can be dangerous; while the stock mar-
In range ket may have predicted nine of the past five recessions, as
economist Paul Samuelson famously said, wild swings in
Whirlpool cooks up prices make it harder for companies and investors to plan.
On the other hand, high levels of fear — as are visible in
late play for Aga heightened implied volatility for equities, currencies and
commodities, if not so much in bonds — ought to throw up
opportunities. One obvious place to look is in oil stocks,
Whirlpool, the US home appliance with the world oil sector down 40 per cent in the past year
maker, has made a last-minute move to to match the worst 12-month fall during the 1974 oil shock.
acquire Aga cookers, the homely The only bigger annual slide since the early 1970s was after
cast-iron stoves that are as much a the 2008 oil bubble burst.
quintessential symbol of British country The drop has returned the sector to a normal stock mar-
houses as black labrador dogs and green ket size of less than 7 per cent of global market value, from
Wellington boots. 13 per cent in 2008 and above a fifth in 1980 (see chart).
The approach from Whirlpool, Equities are prone to overshoot. But in more than 40
reported by Aga Rangemaster yesterday, years the oil sector has been a significantly smaller portion
followed an offer in June from its US rival of world capitalisation only during the dotcom froth.
Middleby Corporation worth £129m. If the uncertainty embodied in the past fortnight’s wild
Aga and Middleby had been expected to price swings proves to be an indicator of deep trouble in
tie up a deal by the end of this month. the global economy, both the oil price and oil shares could
The British company said it was fall a good way yet. Otherwise, the sector is approaching
continuing to recommend the Middleby the point where it is worth drilling for bargains.
offer to its shareholders. Whirlpool has
until September 8 to make a firm offer or Oil and trouble
to withdraw. Real Brent
Oil & gas as % of crude price
Report page 17 world market cap ($ per barrel)
The fall in the
25 150 world oil sector
20 has returned it to
100 a normal stock
‘For a faded standard-bearer 10
market size of less
than 7 per cent
of the British aristocracy, 5
of global market
what could be better than 0 0
value, from 13 per
a bidding war fought with 1975 90 2000 10 15
cent in 2008
and above a fifth
crass American cash?’ Source: Thomson Reuters Datastream
in 1980
Page 14
James Royall

India calls time on plans to levy up to

$6.4bn back-tax on foreign investors
VICTOR MALLET — NEW DELHI also apply [for] pre-April 2015,” Mr national norms and damaging to India’s
Jaitley said. investment reputation.
India is to end attempts to levy up to The committee, chaired by retired “It is a relief the government has acted
$6.4bn in retrospective tax on foreign judge AP Shah, examined the dispute on this matter and hopefully finally
investors in a move likely to end one of over the tax department’s attempts to put it to rest,” said Ketan Dalal, head of
several frustrating uncertainties faced levy MAT and said it favoured “com- tax and regulatory services at PwC
by financial and other businesses oper- plete inapplicability of the MAT provi- India.
Yelp finding it tough to ating in the country. sions” to foreign institutional and port- Despite yesterday’s decision, a
attract its target market folio investors (FIIs/FPIs). number of other prominent tax cases
Arun Jaitley, finance minister, said the The finance ministry said it had involving individual foreign companies
The local listings app is finding the government had accepted the recom- agreed to clarify that backdated MAT in India remain unsolved, including
task of persuading small businesses to mendations of a committee it appointed was not applicable to FIIs or FPIs with- those affecting UK telecoms group
ditch the telephone directory, flyers in May and would not apply so-called out a permanent base in India “and has Vodafone and oil explorer Cairn Energy.
and local radio spots to advertise on its minimum alternate tax to foreign insti- decided that an appropriate amend- Tax demands for MAT from foreign
site a tough task amid a falling share tutional investors for the period before ment to the income tax act will be investors earlier this year led to an out-
price, competition from Google and April 1 this year. They are already carried out”. flow of capital that weakened the rupee,
accusations of acting like the mafia. exempted from that date onward. Tax experts welcomed the decision. and prompted moves to take legal
Analysis i PAGE 17; Lex i PAGE 14 “What applies post-April 2015 — that Most had condemned the proposed tax action by fund managers such as
is no MAT on capital gains on FIIs — will change as both out of line with inter- Aberdeen Asset Management.

Companies / Sectors / People

Companies Cairn Energy...............................................15 Hershey........................................................26 Nippon Television Network..............18 UniCredit Bank Austria.......................26 Oil & Gas........................................................5
Aeroflot..........................................................16 Carlyle Group.............................................19 Honeywell....................................................18 Noble Group..............................................26 Vodafone......................................................15 Technology..................................................18
Aga Rangemaster..............................14,17 China Cinda Asset..................................16 Huarong........................................................16 Northern Trust..........................................18 Warburg Pincus........................................16 Travel & Leisure........................................4
Alcatel-Lucent...........................................16 Circassia Pharmaceuticals.................27 Hulu.................................................................18 Novo Banco................................................16 Weir.................................................................27 People
Alstom............................................................18 Citadel............................................................26 ICBC.................................................................16 Ocado.............................................................27 Wesfarmers.................................................14 Andurand, Pierre.....................................26
Altice.........................................................14,16 Citic Limited...............................................18 Innovation Group....................................19 Whirlpool Corporation..........................17 Beighton, Nick...........................................19
Amazon.....................................................17,18 Coca-Cola.....................................................18 JB Hi-fi...........................................................14 PayPal........................................................17,18 Woolworths.................................................14 Combes, Michel........................................16
Anbang Insurance...................................16 Commerzbank...........................................26 KKR..................................................................16 Petrobras........................................................5 Yahoo..............................................................17 Goei, Dexter................................................14
Andurand Capital...................................26 Danske Bank..............................................26 Klarna.............................................................18 Priceline.........................................................17 Yelp.............................................................14,17 Immelt, Jeff.................................................18
Angie’s List.................................................14 Digital Sky Technologies....................18 LVMH..............................................................15 Santander....................................................26 Yoshimoto Kogyo....................................18 Mensink, Clive...........................................18
Anglo American.......................................27 Echo.................................................................14 Lend Lease.................................................14 Sequoia..........................................................18 Musk, Elon...................................................17
Ansaldo Energia.......................................18 Facebook......................................................17 Lonmin..........................................................27 Shanghai Electric.....................................18
Palmer, Clive...............................................18
Antofagasta................................................27 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles.................16 Man Group..................................................27 Siemens.........................................................18 Airlines...........................................................16
Roberts, Andrew......................................19
Apple..........................................................15,17 Ford...........................................................16,27 Manchester United..................................4 Skype..............................................................18 Banks........................................................16,26
Robertson, Nick........................................19
Asos.................................................................19 Fosun International................................16 Meggitt..........................................................27 SoftBank.......................................................18 Energy............................................................18 Sarr, Mamadou-Abou............................18
Atomico.........................................................18 Fuji Television Network.......................18 Microsoft.......................................................17 Sophos...........................................................27 Financial Services....................................18 Shuvalov, Igor............................................16
BAE Systems..............................................14 GM....................................................................27 Middleby..................................................14,17 Tottenham Hotspur.................................4 Financials................................................15,18 Siemiatkowski, Sebastian...................18
BHP Billiton................................................27 General Electric........................................18 Mineralogy...................................................18 Tranquilidade.............................................16 Industrial Goods......................................18 Stoppelman’, Jeremy.............................17
Babcock International..........................14 General Motors.........................................16 Mitsubishi Hitachi Power...................18 Transaero.....................................................16 Industrials....................................................18 Terry, Rob....................................................19
Banco BPI.....................................................16 Glencore.................................................26,27 Morningstar................................................18 Transport for London............................4 Insurance.................................................16,19 Thorpe, David............................................19
Bank of China............................................16 Google............................................................14 Nanyang Commercial Bank...............16 TripAdvisor.................................................14 Media..............................................................18 Welch, Jack..................................................18
Berkeley Homes......................................27 Harvey Norman........................................14 Netflix.............................................................18 Uber...................................................................4 Mining............................................................18 Zennström, Niklas...................................18

© The Financial Times Limited 2015 Week 36

16 ★★★ FINANCIAL TIMES Wednesday 2 September 2015


Chinese bid for Novo Banco collapses Henny

Anbang withdrawal opens second-best offer would now be invited strong commitment to Portugal” follow- €3.5bn buy Tranquilidade, the insurance arm
to begin exclusive talks on a potential ing the Bank of Portugal’s decision. of the collapsed Espírito Santo family
way for possible rival deal Top estimate of

with Apollo or Fosun

deal. The offer made by a third short-
listed bidder also remained “wholly
valid”, the central bank said.
The sale of Portugal’s third-largest
bank to Anbang would have been the
first acquisition of a systemically impor-
Anbang’s bid for
Novo Banco
business group. Some bankers see a pos-
sibility of Apollo buying Novo Banco
and bringing in Portugal’s Banco BPI to
Fears over bad banks
PETER WISE — LISBON None of the bidders have been offi-
cially identified by the Bank of Portugal,
tant European bank by a Chinese group.
A deal with Apollo could lead to what
First-half loss
run it, potentially leading to a merger.
One Lisbon banker said BPI was
and bad debt as Beijing
A multibillion-euro bid by China’s
Anbang Insurance to buy Novo Banco,
the Portuguese lender salvaged from the
but several bankers familiar with the
talks have identified Anbang, Apollo
and Fosun as the first, second and third-
some Lisbon bankers describe as a “Por-
tuguese solution” with the US fund
potentially appointing a local manage-
reported by
Novo Banco
under pressure from the European Cen-
tral Bank to reduce exposure to Angola,
one of its main sources of revenue, and
proves all too fallible
ruins of Banco Espírito Santo, has col- ranked candidates respectively. ment team. “needs space” to expand in Portugal.
lapsed, opening the way for a possible However, media reports in Lisbon Uncertainty over the success of Earlier, Novo Banco reported a first-

deal with Fosun International, another quoted unidentified officials as saying Anbang’s bid surfaced last week after half loss of €251.9m, saying earnings ere this a more perfect world — and were
Chinese group, or Apollo Global Man- the Bank of Portugal had invited Fosun bankers in Lisbon and London said had been hit by the write-off of €103m China’s a more perfect stock market —
agement, a US private equity group. for exclusive talks after failing to agree doubts had arisen over its offer and the in interest payments owed by big corpo- Huarong, the bad bank of ICBC, would be
The Bank of Portugal said yesterday on a deal with Anbang. implications of Chinese ownership. rate clients it had inherited from BES. listing its shares in October, raising more
that exclusive talks on the sale with a Fosun, a Shanghai-based conglomer- Anbang is understood to have made Total assets fell to €61.8bn in June from than $1bn for its current backers including
single bidder — understood to be ate, last year took control of Fidelidade, the highest offer at up to €3.5bn. But €65.4bn six months earlier while total Warburg Pincus, KKR and ICBC itself.
Anbang — had been terminated after Portugal’s last insurer, in a €1bn deal bankers said the China group had liabilities dropped to €56.8bn from Instead, after the meltdown in the mainland equity mar-
the two sides failed to reach an agree- and later purchased Espírito Santo insisted on setting a limit on injecting €60bn in December. The bank’s com- kets last week, new listings have been banned indefinitely
ment by the deadline of August 31. Saude, a private hospital group. new capital into Novo Banco. mon equity tier one ratio fell marginally — not that sentiment towards banks such as ICBC was ter-
It said the bidder that had made the Fosun yesterday “reaffirmed its Apollo last year paid about €200m to to 9.4 per cent from 9.5 per cent. ribly positive before share prices were sent crashing.
Banks have always been a proxy on economic growth in
their home markets. So as China slows down, demand for
credit slows correspondingly. There is no motivation for a
Telecoms. Remuneration steel mill to borrow more when demand for everything
from cars to castles is declining. (Tycoons in China do liter-
ally build castles: there is a replica of Buckingham Palace

Alcatel-Lucent chief’s package shines light on pay in Hunan.)

Meanwhile, 41 months of deepening deflation on the
mainland have increased the real burden of existing debt
on existing bank borrowers,
at precisely the time their
ability to earn the money to
Investors in
Lucrative golden parachute repay their creditors Huarong hoped
for departing chief Michel shrinks.
That is why, when ICBC
for a rational,
Combes proves controversial reported its earnings last capitalist
week, a 74 per cent rise in
provisions almost wiped out
the bank’s profits. Worse,
For months, departing Alcatel-Lucent Chinese banks are widely believed to significantly under-
chief executive Michel Combes kept report their bad loans, which in the case of ICBC have
quiet about his future, batting away “risen” to a mere 1.4 per cent.
repeated questions about whether he It was not supposed to be like this. The whole point of the
was headed to Altice, the telecoms government’s support of the stock market was to engineer
group controlled by Patrick Drahi. a large-scale debt-for-equity swap, whereby China Inc.
But when confirmation finally came would raise equity capital so it could reduce the large debt
this week, it was not as Mr Combes it took on in the wake of the global financial crisis.
would have planned it: instead of a dis- Today the banks should be reducing their non-perform-
creet departure from the French tele- ing loans, not boosting their provisions for them.
coms equipment maker following its Bad debts only compound the problems in the Chinese
sale to Nokia, he was the talk of the town economy, making it ever more difficult to get out of the
after it was reported that he would bind. So the question is: what can China do about the debt
potentially collect €13.7m for services problem?
rendered. Even the AMF, France’s finan- Plan A — use the stock market — is dead. What, then, will
cial watchdog, said that it would look plan B consist of?
into the case. For the People’s Bank of China, Plan B is to cut interest
rates. But that may prove of limited efficacy because it will
lead to more capital outflows, which mean an effective
‘Whatever the conditions monetary tightening. China’s capital controls have proved
of the package, it is much more porous than outsiders seem to realise.
For others, including the foreign investors in Huarong,
an amount that the hope had been that China would begin to deal with its
shocks the public’ distressed debt in a rational,
capitalist way: marking
Executive compensation, in particu- down the value of bad loans,
At ICBC, an
lar golden parachutes, has long been find a clearing price and increase of 74%
controversial in France. moving forward.
But the issue has become pricklier However, it is not clear
in provisions
since the Socialists won power in 2012. A that Beijing is brave enough almost wiped
crackdown on big paydays was a central to take that step, especially if
theme of President François Hollande’s this version of Plan B
out profits
campaign, which also included a pro- requires more bankruptcies
posal to impose a 75 per cent marginal Michel Combes licited attention has come as the public biggest companies taken over last year Questions remain about the appropri- and more lay-offs.
tax on incomes above €1m. has defended his — and governments — have begun to could total $430m. ateness of his package given that he Remember, Beijing focuses relentlessly on jobs, not eco-
Big corporate pay and severance pay-off but focus more keenly on executive pay lev- Mr Combes has defended himself, was in the job for just over two years. nomic growth, since social stability is always the para-
packages have also become more con- France’s finance els in Europe. A report last month by the telling the French newspaper Les Echos There were also doubts about the mount consideration.
troversial given the wider backdrop of minister, Michel UK’s High Pay Centre said that the lead- that the sum was down to a decision to timing of the addition of a non-compete Recent developments involving China Cinda Asset
France’s stubbornly sluggish economy Sapin, below, ers of Britain’s biggest companies are reduce the fixed portion of his salary to stock package, worth an estimated Management — the only bad bank that has already listed —
and unemployment that continues to be has accused him paid 183 times that of the average €1.2m, while maximising the variable €2.4m of the potential €13.7m at today’s are not reassuring. Last week Bank of China’s Hong Kong-
at near-record levels. of showing no worker in the country — up from 160 portion, which was linked to the group’s values. listed unit put up for sale Nanyang Commercial Bank, one
Little wonder that Michel Sapin, restraint — Simon times just five years ago. performance. Yesterday, Alcatel-Lucent said that of the original mainland owned “sister” banks in Hong
France’s finance minister, was one of the Dawson/Bloomberg
But a report published by Vlerick Insisting that he took on the top job in the remuneration package was compli- Kong. But the only entity to show up at the auction was
first to react. Speaking of Mr Combes’ Business School in Belgium this year ant with Medef’s code, which, under Cinda. It isn’t clear why Cinda wishes to own a bank in
golden parachute, he told France Info showed that Germany had overtaken government pressure, the federation Hong Kong.
radio this week, “at a given moment, it’s the UK as the home of Europe’s top-paid €1.2m 183 times changed in 2013 to include a “say on There are lots of other question marks around Cinda, as
necessary to have some common sense, corporate executives. The fixed portion Multiple of top UK pay” rule for shareholders and the crea- well. Analysts at Barclays Capital have asked why 44 per
a little measure, some restraint . . . in Across the Vlerick study’s sample of of Michel Combes’ bosses’ pay tion of a special body to oversee compli- cent of the bonds Cinda raised in the first half of the year
this case, Michel Combes has not had Germany, the Netherlands, France, Bel- salary as chief of compared with ance. are denominated in US dollars, exposing the bank to
any”. gium and the UK, the biggest determi- Alcatel-Lucent average worker The enhanced rules also proposed the potential losses as the renminbi weakens?
Even Medef, the country’s employers’ nant of pay was the size of company, presence of employee representatives As the Chinese Ministry of Finance controls both Cinda
federation, was critical. Thibault with executives at larger businesses 2013 when the company was in “quasi- on company boards, including a seat on and Bank of China’s Hong Kong unit, most people expect
Lanxade, its vice-president, enjoying higher pay, bigger bonuses and collapse”, he said: “I took on the risk of remuneration committees. They also the Nanyang deal to go through despite the questions
described the sum as more generous pensions. the industrial project.” Since then, Alca- sought tougher conditions on stock-op- about the wisdom of the deal — not least because Cinda
“shocking”. Emmanuel Yet corporate pay in the US dwarfs tel-Lucent’s share price has increased tions and other remuneration such as cannot use its shares to finance the transaction.
Macron, economy min- that of Europe. So do the golden para- from about €1 per share to €2.91 yester- golden parachutes. Still, questions about bad banks and bad debt will not go
ister, was due to meet chutes companies hand out to execu- day. But even if the package does fall away. It may have been the case that, until recently, the
Philippe Camus, Alca- tives facing the prospect of losing In July, it also reported its first second- within the rules, the noise is unlikely to Chinese government was seen to be almost infallible. After
tel-Lucent’s chairman their jobs following a merger or an quarter positive free cash flow since die down soon. the stock market debacle, however, that is no longer the
and acting chief execu- acquisition. Alcatel merged with US Lucent Tech- As Colette Neuville, of Adam, an case. Whether Huarong turns out to be a good investment
tive, yesterday after- Data compiled by Equilar, the nologies in 2006. organisation that defends minority for Warburg Pincus depends partly on what the bureau-
noon to discuss the executive pay research firm, Mr Combes was widely praised this shareholders, put it: “Whatever the con- crats of Beijing decide to do next.
issue. showed that golden parachute pay- year after he negotiated the company’s ditions of the package, it is an amount
Mr Combes’ unso- ments for chief executives of the 10 €16bn sale to Finland’s Nokia. that shocks the public.”

Airlines Automobiles

Russia’s Aeroflot to win control of Transaero US vehicle sales race ahead of expectations
COURTNEY WEAVER — MOSCOW reported. The government-backed deal ing their jobs, and safeguards the tickets ANDY SHARMAN of a quirk in the calendar that meant the indicated a rate of 17.8m vehicles for
has already been confirmed by privately held by tens of thousands of customers. Labor Day weekend, a busy time for August. That would mark the fourth
Russian state-controlled airline Aero-
held Transaero, and is expected to be It is less clear what the deal will mean The big three US carmakers posted bet- dealerships, would be included in Sep- consecutive month above 17m for the
flot is set to secure a controlling stake in
approved by Aeroflot’s board at its next for Aeroflot, which is expected to have ter than anticipated domestic sales last tember figures. closely watched rolling rate, the longest
troubled carrier Transaero, as the
meeting. A person involved in yester- to take on Transaero’s debts. At the end month as volatile global stock markets US car sales, which are seen as a lead- streak since 2006.
country’s economic crisis fuels consoli-
day’s talks said Aeroflot would take on of March, Transaero’s net debt stood at failed to dent purchases in the world’s ing indicator of consumer spending, Fiat Chrysler delivered 2 per cent
dation in the transport industry and
all of Transaero’s customers holding Rbs67.6bn ($1bn). Its earnings before second-biggest automobile market. have been fuelled by an expanding more vehicles in the US compared with
other sectors.
valid tickets. interest, tax, depreciation and amorti- economy, cheap financing schemes and a year ago, thanks to strong sales of its
The deal, announced yesterday during a The impending deal provides an sation for 2014 came to Rbs7bn. General Motors, Ford and Fiat Chrysler low petrol prices. Jeep sport utility vehicles.
meeting chaired by Igor Shuvalov, Rus- insight into the Kremlin’s approach to Last month Russian lender Otkritie, a Automobiles each reported vehicle Early results from the carmakers Ford’s US sales rose 5.6 per cent in
sia’s first deputy prime minister, will handling the economic crisis — deciding Transaero creditor, filed a Rbs1.3bn deliveries for August that were ahead of August, eclipsing analysts’ forecasts for
combine the nation’s two biggest air- which companies to save or cast aside lawsuit against the carrier for late pay- analysts’ expectations. Ford and Fiat a 0.2 per cent fall. That included the best
lines. As part of the deal, Aeroflot will based on their social and strategic sig- ments. Transaero and other Russian air- Chrysler bucked predictions for a Carmakers sold August sales of its F-series pickup trucks
17.8m vehicles in
pay a symbolic one rouble — or about nificance. A merger with Aeroflot saves lines have been badly hit by the down- decline in deliveries. August, with GM, since 2006.
one US cent — to take a 75 per cent stake Transaero from bankruptcy. It also turn. Many of their customers are cut- Analysts had forecast US car sales Ford and Fiat General Motors’ US sales slid 0.7 per
plus one share in heavily indebted averts any social upheaval from ting back on travel because of the sharp would decline in August — the first con- Chrysler beating cent, but this was narrower than the 2.6
Transaero, Russian news agencies Transaero’s thousands of employees los- devaluation of the rouble. traction for a year and a half — because forecasts per cent drop that analysts had forecast.
Wednesday 2 September 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 17


Yelp struggles to catch advertisers’ attention

Local recommendations website faces plummeting share price, rising competition and a film critical of its practices
Chasing the clicks
Camera action
Jeremy Stoppelman’s Yelp is a company Small businesses fund
trying to tackle a more modest problem US digital advertising revenues*
than those being solved by other start- ‘Billion Dollar Bully’
Estimated, 2015 (% share)
ups founded by the so-called PayPal
mafia, the cadre of technology entrepre- Google Facebook Microsoft Yahoo Share price, class A ($) 100
neurs and venture capitalists who used Yelp is not only facing a hostile
to work at the payments company. 80 Wall Street. It also stands accused
The local listings app is not working by small businesses, which have
on space travel, like Elon Musk’s 60 clubbed together to fund a
SpaceX, or building luxury electric cars documentary titled Billion Dollar
as Mr Musk is doing at Tesla. Nor is it 40 Bully, making negative claims over
trying to track terrorists on behalf of the the tech group’s practices.
US government like Palantir, founded 20 In the film, due out this autumn,
by a number of ex-PayPal executives. business owners claim that when
But Yelp’s task of persuading small they did not take out an
businesses to ditch the old-favourite 2013 14 15 advertisement after calls from Yelp
Yellow Pages telephone directory, flyers sales people, positive reviews
and local radio spots to advertise on its Revenues ($m) disappeared from the
site is proving almost as difficult. “recommended reviews” section
Mr Stoppelman, a former vice-presi-
dent of engineering at the payments
36.6 11.6 5.6 4.5 100
and negative ones appeared.
Kaylie Milliken, the director, says
company, faces a stock price that has 80 the film shows Yelp engaging in
fallen more than 70 per cent in the last “shady business practices,
year, competition from Google and a 60 extortion and pay-to-play tactics”.
new documentary film that accuses the 40 Helped by upset local
company of acting like the real mafia. 20 businesses, she raised $90,000
Twitter Amazon LinkedIn Yelp
Shares fell more than 25 per cent in in a Kickstarter campaign to make
one day, after it missed earnings expec- 0 the film.
tations last month, gave guidance to 2013 14 15 It is not the first time Yelp has
Wall Street to expect revenues that were faced this kind of criticism.
lower than the average analyst forecast The Federal Trade Commission, a
US regulator, has investigated the
US local advertising spend issue twice, most recently for a
Mr Stoppelman $bn year, though it closed the cases
admitted Yelp’s 2015 140 without taking action.
In late 2013 a Harvard study said
had not gone ‘as smoothly 120
Yelp did not treat advertisers
as we anticipated’ 100 differently from businesses that
80 did not pay for their presence on
and announced that chairman Max Lev- Digital the platform.
chin was stepping down. Sales were up 60 Yelp says the allegations are
more than 50 per cent year on year to 40 “completely not true” and people
$133m in the quarter, but the market can find plenty of five-star-rated
was expecting a juicier meal. Non-digital businesses that do not pay.
Mr Stoppelman admitted Yelp’s 2015
had not gone “as smoothly as we antici-
2.3 1.9 0.9 0.8 0 It says it filters results only
because it wants to prioritise real,
pated”. 2013 14 15 16 frequent users over spam.
Sources: eMarketer; Thomson Reuters Datastream; company; Borrell Associates *Selected companies
Robert Peck, an analyst at SunTrust
Robinson Humphrey, says Yelp had
been a “painful stock”. It almost hit
$100 last year, so when it came down to controlled to a certain degree by Google more specific locations. But transform-
$60, Mr Peck recommended it — and and for good reason,” he says. ing small businesses’ marketing strate- Contracts & Tenders
then watched it slip even further to the Yelp says the increasing shift to gies is labour intensive, with many need-
current price in the mid-$20s. mobile is decreasing its reliance on inghelptousethenewplatforms.
“We’ve been wrong each quarter and Google, as users can access reviews Corey Elliott, vice-president of
each quarter it has felt like there was a directly through its app. But while research at Borrell Associates, says Yelp
different story,” he says, explaining the mobile usage is growing — up 50 per may be suffering from being one of a
reasons for underperformance included cent in the past year — the app is on 18m myriad options in the market. In a
problems with the mix of advertisers to devices, far fewer than the almost 80m recent survey carried out by the
slow growth of its salesforce. “Last quar- users that use the desktop site and the research firm, Yelp was the fourth most
ter it was just capitulation. Wall Street 64m that use mobile browsers. popular site for companies after Face-
said enough is enough and after three Google also may not be the only com- book, Google and Twitter — but there
quarters, threw the towel in.” petitor to worry about. The rise of dig- were thousands of others.
Mr Stoppelman founded Yelp back in ital assistants such as Apple’s Siri, “Poor Yelp — they could just be taking
2004. Since then, other larger compa- Microsoft’s Cortana and Facebook’s M the brunt of general frustration with the
nies have recognised people’s desires to could sidestep the need for Yelp. mystery of online advertising from a
read user opinions on local businesses, But Yelp points to the size of the local small business point of view,” he says.
from reviews on Facebook pages to advertising market overall, arguing that But after reports that Yelp could be
Google’s inclusion of ratings and reviews it has a total addressable market of looking to sell itself to a larger internet
in search results and Google Maps. $6bn-$8bn and up to 5m businesses that company such as Yahoo, Amazon or
A key problem for Yelp is that Google itneedstopersuadetochoosedigitalover Priceline earlier this summer, many
is both a competitor and the gateway traditional advertising. The market — investors were disappointed when no
many users depend on to find search defined as anything that is not targeting deal materialised.
results. Yelp has even filed a complaint the whole of the US — is growing, driven Mr Squali adds: “Investors were dis-
against the group in an EU investigation. by digital marketing that can target ever appointed when Jeremy pulled the plug
Youssef Squali, an analyst at Cantor on a potential transaction because after
Fitzgerald, adds that Yelp appeared to all the negative things reflected in the
have lost 30-40 per cent of its traffic 50 % 18 m stock price, there was a premium put on
outside the US “overnight” after the Rise in use of Yelp People using the shares in case of a potential deal.
Google algorithm was updated. “Gener- app via mobile mobile app — “When it became clear there was not
ally Wall Street gets really, really, really in last year, compared with one coming, they moved on.”
nervous when a company’s destiny is company claims 80m on desktop See Lex

Personal & household goods

Whirlpool fuels the flames of Aga saga

MICHAEL POOLER Panel, by which time Whirlpool must tainly looks likely now. Another 50p
either make a firm offer or withdraw. would be a perfectly reasonable expec-
Aga Rangemaster, the British manufac-
Matthew McEachran, analyst at N+1 tation for Whirlpool to kick things off.”
turer of upmarket cast-iron cookers,
Singer, said: “The relatively low offer Middleby’s offer of 185p per Aga share
has found itself caught in a tug-of-war
from Middleby left the door open to a represented a premium of 77 per cent
between two larger US kitchen equip-
competing offer and Whirlpool have over the closing price of 104p on June 16,
ment rivals.
now come into the frame and have been the last day before the beginning of the
London-listed Aga said yesterday that it granted time to do due diligence, one of offer period.
had received a last-minute approach for a number of conditions to any offer Shares in Aga closed 14.6 per cent
a possible cash offer from Whirlpool being made. higher yesterday at 210p, giving it a
Corporation, the US white goods group. “If a bidding war breaks out there can market capitalisation of £145.5m. Its
The bid for the maker of high-end be no saying where the upside may cap shares are up almost 40 per cent over
cookers challenged an offer that was out at, but an increase from 185p cer- the year. Aga benefited from a sales
close to completion. Illinois-based Mid- boost after May’s general election, as UK
dleby Corporation said in June that it consumers showed more willingness to
was in talks to buy Aga with an offer that spend on luxury household goods. Rev-
valued the company at £129m. enues rose 1.5 per cent to £125.4m in the
The timing of the Whirlpool approach first half of the year as the housing mar-
surprised market watchers, as Aga and ket picked up and incomes rose.
Middleby had been expected to close One-off costs of £3m associated with
the deal this month. One analyst, who the planned sale to Middleby, as well as
asked not to be named, said Whirlpool’s Aga’s big pension deficit relative to its
offer could carry a premium of roughly valuation, weighed on the group’s half-
10 per cent over the Middleby proposal. year results. After agreeing terms with
Aga has opened its books to Whirl- Middleby in July, Aga said a selling point
pool, however its board yesterday said it of the deal was the support it would
continued to recommend the Middleby bring to the company’s pension scheme.
bid to shareholders “to avoid any delay Aga reported a pre-tax loss of £4m for
to completion of that transaction”. the six months to June, compared with a
The company added that a share- £300,000 loss in 2014. Operating profits
holder meeting would still be held on were up 16.7 per cent to £2.8m.
September 8 to consider the Middleby The UK group’s pension deficit stood
offer. A “put up or shut up” deadline is Aga, a traditional British brand, is at £46.7m as at June 30.
now awaited from the UK Takeover being fought over by two US bidders See Lex
18 ★★★ FINANCIAL TIMES Wednesday 2 September 2015


Media Mining

Netflix targets Asia with Japanese launch Mineralogy

sues Citic for
Streaming video service who heads Netflix’s Japanese unit, said
As a stepping stone into Asia, Mr
Peters says conditions in Japan are ripe
to Mr Peters. The company has already
announced tie-ups with TV broadcaster
in 2011 and its Japanese service was
later sold to local broadcaster Nippon
A$10bn in
seeks foothold in country
as part of global expansion
Digital services such as Netflix and
Amazon have lured viewers from tradi-
for acceptance of Netflix’s on-demand
services. The infrastructure is already in
Fuji Television Network and Osaka-
based talent agency Yoshimoto Kogyoto
Television Network.
“There is still no growing awareness of
iron ore fight
tional broadcast and cable networks place with households having access to produce original local content. paying money for content in Japan,” said
KANA INAGAKI — TOKYO with affordable pricing and strong origi- broadband internet and mobile devices. This week, it also announced a part- Goro Oba, a media expert at Bukkyo
nal content such as House of Cards, trig- Compared with launches in other nership with SoftBank, which would University. JAMIE SMYTH — SYDNEY
Netflix, the US streaming video service gering fundamental changes in TV markets, where the percentage of local allow its users to pay Netflix subscrip- Japan has a strong public broadcaster
A company owned by Clive Palmer, the
provider, is to make its first foray into viewing habits. content is between 10 and 20 per cent, tion fees through the Japanese telecom called NHK, the equivalent of the BBC in
Australian mining tycoon turned poli-
Asia with its launch in Japan today. Netflix operates in more than 50 Netflix will have domestic offerings of and internet group’s payment system. the UK, and six other free-to-air broad-
tician, is suing China’s Citic Limited for
The arrival of the US challenger has countries with a subscriber base of 65m, closer to 50 per cent in Japan, according Netflix’s monthly pricing plan for Japan casters. Many Japanese still visit rental
A$10bn (US$7.1bn) in the latest twist in
raised hopes for a shake-up of the Japa- of which 23m are outside of the US. It ranges from Y650 ($5.40) to Y1,450 DVD shops rather than obtaining con-
a bitter legal battle involving an iron
nese television industry following Netf- aims to expand into every significant while it costs $8.99 a month in the US. tent online. Fewer than 30 per cent of
Viewing habits: ore project.
lix’s successes in North America and global market — including China and Netflix operates
Netflix said the penetration of its Japanese households subscribe to
Europe. India — by the end of 2016, making hefty in more than 50 services in Japan would probably be pay-TV compared with 85 per cent in Mineralogy claims the Chinese state-
“There is no vision of being a global investments that will in the short term countries with gradual. Another US rival, Hulu, which the US and 60 per cent in the UK, owned company is exporting iron ore
internet television network that doesn’t expand its operating losses for non-US a subscriber entered the Japanese market before according to estimates by Media Part- from their joint venture Sino Iron
include operating in Japan,” Greg Peters, businesses. base of 65m Netflix, struggled after its Japan launch ners Asia. project in Western Australia without
paying the agreed level of royalties.
“By repudiating the commercial
arrangements the Citic companies are
Industrials. Energy takeover liable to pay mineralogy damages equiv-
alent to the value of the rights Citic has
repudiated,” said Clive Mensink, Miner-

GE on track to gain approval for $14bn Alstom deal alogy chairman.

He said Citic had also failed to meet
other financial obligations to Mineral-
ogy in what seemed to be a “deliberate
strategy to gain control of Australian
resources without having to pay for
US group has offered Brussels them”.
concessions to allay fears over The case, which has recently been
taken to the supreme court of Western
turbine competition threats Australia, is one of several court actions
involving both parties over the A$10bn
Sino Iron business, which was set up as a
joint venture in 2006 but has faced
General Electric is likely to win EU delays and technical problems.
approval in the coming days for its In March, Citic wrote down the value
$14bn deal to buy Alstom’s energy
assets, according to people close to the
deal who stress that the US conglomer-
Mineralogy said it
ate has offered significant remedies. seemed to be a ‘deliberate
GE’s partial takeover of France’s
Alstom has been one of the most closely
strategy to gain control of
watched deals in Europe after the Euro- Australian resources’
pean Commission raised concerns it
would damage competition in the mar- of the Sino Iron venture by US$2.5bn.
ket for turbines used to generate elec- At the heart of the dispute is the level
tricity from gas-fired power stations. of royalties that Citic should pay Miner-
If Brussels does unexpectedly block alogy, which owns the rights to mine the
the deal before a September 11 deadline, ore deposits.
it will revive memories of GE’s failed In this most recent case, Mineralogy
$42bn deal to buy Honeywell in 2001, claims Citic is refusing to pay a portion
when US executives were stunned that of an agreed royalty payment, according
EU competition authorities had such to a statement issued by Mineralogy.
wide-reaching powers to scupper a US The court papers were not immediately
transaction. made available to the media.
A second veto against GE from Brus- The legal battle between the two com-
sels this week or next could also prove panies began in 2012 and intensified
politically explosive on both sides of the Brussels had been worried the GE-Alstom group could control more than 50 per cent of the global market, excluding China, for 50Hz turbines — Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg over the past 18 months when Citic
Atlantic. After weathering a storm launched legal proceedings, which
about a US company buying large accused Mr Palmer of misusing A$12m
chunks of a French industrial cham- better lobbying job than Welch . . . but The commission countered the rela- mission focused on GE divesting some of the challenges on the Alstom deal were through Mineralogy to finance his elec-
pion, the government of president the expected EU merger clearance tively small sales volumes were irrele- Alstom’s turbine-related business to markedly different from the Honeywell tion campaign last year.
François Hollande is now investing dip- comes with a price tag which might have vant in a sector as sensitive as power, Ansaldo, which is 40 per cent owned by case. “It’s a different time and transac- Judge David Jackson later ruled Mr
lomatic capital in ensuring the deal goes been avoided”. where turbines cost hundreds of mil- China’s Shanghai Electric. Alstom’s tion. One thing that startled many last Palmer had no case to answer with
ahead to keep jobs in France. Brussels’ greatest concern was that lions of euros. Despite its initial resist- main turbine business centres are in time was the interest the commission regard to the alleged misappropriation
People at the European Commision the GE-Alstom group could control ance, GE relented and offered conces- France and Switzerland. took in a transaction between American of the A$12m.
and lawyers in Brussels said that GE had more than 50 per cent of the market in sions to Brussels in July, and people People in Brussels with knowledge of companies that had been cleared by the The dispute flared again last year
learned lessons from the bruising Europe and the rest of the world exclud- close to the matter said these proposals the case said technical points were still [US] Department of Justice,” he added. when Mr Palmer launched a televised
Honeywell case, and noted that Jeff ing China for turbines operating at the were received “positively”. On receiving under discussion between GE and the “The question is whether GE’s pro- tirade against the Chinese, calling them
Immelt, chief executive, had taken a far 50Hz frequency. The tie-up would also feedback from Brussels, GE later further commission, but did not think these posed remedy is enough to satisfy com- “bastards” and “mongrels” who shoot
more diplomatic approach than his reduce GE’s competitors to only two “tweaked” the terms of the deal. should stop the deal being approved. mission concerns that are particular to their own citizens. He later apologised
predecessor, Jack Welch. Mr Immelt vis- main companies: Germany’s Siemens One person briefed on the case said Emmanuel Macron, France’s econ- the results for competition in Europe.” for the remarks.
ited Margrethe Vestager, EU competi- and Japan’s Mitsubishi Hitachi Power the concessions scrutinised by the com- omy minister, has been leading Paris’s GE, noting the commission’s final Last month the federal court dis-
tion commissioner, two times during Systems, with Italy’s Ansaldo Energia charm offensive towards the commis- decision was due by September 11, said: missed an attempt by Mineralogy to
negotiations. “GE has clearly softened,” being a niche player. sion. In July, he noted that the talks with “We have submitted a remedy package prevent Citic from using a port in the Pil-
said one EU official. “Its whole approach When the commission launched its
‘The question is whether Brussels were going well, saying: “We that addresses the commission’s con- bara region to export its iron ore. Miner-
has been very different.” probe of the GE-Alstom deal in Febru- GE’s proposed remedy remain on our guard but, on the plan cerns and preserves the economics of alogy had claimed Citic had agreed to
Andreas Geiger, a lobbyist and ary, GE initially flatly denied that its itself, we have seen rather reassuring the deal.” Alstom declined to comment. hand over the port after it was built.
founder of the law firm Alber & Geiger deal harmed customer choice, because
is enough to satisfy elements.” Ansaldo could not be reached. Citic said it looked forward to the
who is familiar with the Honeywell and only about four 50Hz frequency tur- commission concerns’ Edward T. Swaine, professor of law at Additional reporting by Peggy Hollinger validity of the recent claims being scru-
Alstom cases, said that Mr Immelt “did a bines were sold in Europe each year. George Washington University, said that and Rachel Sanderson tinised by the court.

Contracts & Tenders Technology Financials

Klarna in US payments launch Northern Trust green fund shift

MURAD AHMED — EUROPEAN “We’re not dependent on a US launch LINDSAY WHIPP — CHICAGO assets in the developed world. “Momen-
from that perspective. But what is inter- tum is great,” Mr Sarr said, in reference
Northern Trust, one of the world’s larg-
Klarna has launched its online pay- esting is that the US market is so big to countries in Asia such as Japan and
est investment managers, expects
ments service in the US. The Stock- that, for us, if we were to get a half a per- Malaysia, adding that the biggest ESG
stronger growth in its environmental,
holm-based start-up said it had begun centage point of market share in the US, market was the US. “Innovation is
social and governance integrated funds
operations there after signing up we would double in size. important, not just on the equity side
from a shift towards more responsible
online retailer “That doesn’t mean that we’re not but on the fixed interest side.”
super-ambitious. We’d love to have 50 Leading investors such as Norway’s
The group said that within the next fort- per cent market share. But it tells you Assets under management in ESG sovereign wealth fund and large univer-
night it expected to unveil 200 more US something about the opportunity we see reached $60bn in June from $20bn four sity endowments have been leaders in
merchants that would adopt the system. in the US market.” years earlier, said Mamadou-Abou Sarr, focusing on fossil fuels, abandoning
The system allows shoppers to buy Klarna operates in 18 countries and global head of ESG investments at the shares of coal companies, while some
and receive goods before paying for has become a leader in ecommerce pay- Chicago-based trust. Growth “will accel- pension funds refuse to invest in
them, while taking on the credit risk for ments in Germany, France and Italy. In erate”, he said, without giving estimates tobacco companies. In Europe, where
retailers. for the rate of increase. almost 60 per cent of invested assets are
Klarna uses algorithms based, for Mr Sarr expects some growth to come run on an ethical mandate, countries
instance, on the time of day and a cus- 18 $1.4 bn from new money but emphasised that a such as the Netherlands banned invest-
tomer’s shopping history to allow one- Number of Valuation for good proportion would come from con- ments in cluster munitions groups.
click purchases and detect fraud. countries where the company verting money in existing funds. He said Many active investors are also more
The US launch was delayed after the Swedish in September momentum for ESG was driven by regu- keen to work with companies than
Klarna said it had planned to be availa- group operates last year latory change, a more environmentally divest them, says Principles for Respon-
ble to US customers earlier this year. conscious younger generation and the sible Investment, a UN-backed group.
Business For Sale The group faces tough competition its home market of Sweden, 40 per cent view that climate change poses financial Increased investor focus on ethical
from large and entrenched online rivals of the 10m population uses the service. as well as environmental risks. investments may spur companies to
such as PayPal and Square and tradi- In September 2014, the company was There was scope for product innova- adopt higher sustainability targets.
tional card groups such as Visa and Mas- valued at about $1.4bn. tion, particularly in fixed income, which
terCard. The company has raised more than was still the biggest asset class for inves-
Earlier this year, Apple unveiled its $280m in investment from venture cap- tors but where there were relatively few
payments system. ital groups including Skype co-founder ESG funds.
The group has said it would invest at Niklas Zennström’s Atomico, Yuri In the past two years, according to the
least $100m in its US push. But Milner’s Digital Sky Technologies and Global Sustainable Investment Alliance
Sebastian Siemiatkowski, chief execu- Sequoia. which started to track these issues in
tive, said it would rely on word of mouth Mr Zennström admitted that “the US 2012, assets have grown by 61 per cent.
rather than costly marketing campaigns is a tough market” but said he was confi- In that period the global sustainable
to expand its user base in the country. dent Klarna would succeed. investment market rose from $13.3tn at
“We’re a profitable business that has a “The US payments market hasn’t the outset of 2012 to $21.4tn at the start
solid business model and has been in evolved much since the launch of of 2014, and from 21.5 per cent to 30.2
Europe for many years,” he said. PayPal some 20 years ago,” he said. per cent of professionally managed
Wednesday 2 September 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 19



Caravan groups’ near-£1bn merger shrugs off post-holiday gloom Asos

Chief to bow out
Asos founder and chief executive
Nick Robertson is set to step down
with its wallets. Either that, or they events in different ways. And, after 15 years at the helm of what
believed a recent survey commissioned yesterday, Mr Terry's former had been one of the UK’s most
Matthew by rival Park Leisure that claimed a Innovation business showed how successful internet start-ups until
static caravan improves one’s sex life differently an investment can turn out its fortunes reversed amid a string
Vincent (it did not say how). Whatever the after early adversity — by heading for a of profit warnings.
reason, the National Caravan Council stock market exit via a £500m buyout. According to people familiar with
calculates the market for all forms of Both Innovation Group and Quindell the matter, Mr Robertson is to be
wobbly-walled holiday accommodation began as London-listed companies in replaced by Nick Beighton, who was
is now £6bn a year. difficult circumstances. Innovation’s promoted to chief operating officer
First day back at work after a sun- Together, Park Resorts and Parkdean share price fell by 96 per cent as the from finance director in October.
drenched summer holiday? Lombard account for £370m of this, say people market lost faith in its accounting for The company declined to
sympathises, especially if the route to familiar with their businesses, revenues. Similarly, Quindell achieved comment.
your City desk took in Gatwick and indicating that their profit margin a £3bn market capitalisation, only to Mr Robertson, who holds 10 per
East Croydon beneath the leaden Bank based on those £100m of earnings, be attacked by shortsellers and cent of the company’s shares, is
Holiday drizzle. There is not much that before interest, tax depreciation and investigated over its accounting — its likely to remain on the board as a
can alleviate these ‘back to school’ amortisation, is as healthy as an early shares fell 94 per cent. non-executive director.
blues (and greys)— except perhaps the morning swim. In the North Sea. Where the stories diverge, though, is Asos, which targets fashion
knowledge that thousands less What’s more, much of the in the speed of the boardroom revolving and budget-conscious shoppers
fortunate listened to the same rain investment needed to compete with doors. At Innovation, Mr Terry was in their twenties, has found it
pounding on the roof of a static the likes of Center Parcs — such as forced out, ushering in what broker N+1 difficult to find growth and improve
caravan. In Skegness. fitting double glazing — has been made. Singer calls “a successful period under profitability in an increasingly
That might explain why Electra A refinancing by Electra in 2013 which the management team had crowded UK online market.
Private Equity chose yesterday to released £60m to improve facilities, turned around the business”. Private Scheherazade Daneshkhu
brighten the mood with news of a near- after which 2014 revenues came in 8 equity group Carlyle’s 40p cash offer
billion-pound mega-merger. Of 73 per cent higher, helping to lift profits squarely meets the broker’s target price. Deloitte
caravan parks. At least one of which is across the caravan parks businesses by At Quindell, investors gave Mr Terry
in Skegness. more than a quarter. Apparently, it Divergent stories: Rob Terry was another chance, only forcing him out
Psychological move
According to the London-listed made the holiday season last longer, forced out early from Innovation Sliding Doors II after the damage was done. Most have Deloitte has acquired a boutique of
investment group, combining its Park from February into Autumn. Group, whereas he stayed at long since given up on a happy ending. business psychologists as part of
Resorts holiday business with Alchemy However, a new £550m refinancing Quindell until 2014 Rob Terry, founder of insurance claims plans to launch a leadership
Partners’ Parkdean Holidays will on completion of the merger — with software company Innovation Group consulting practice, in the latest
create a national operation with annual Barclays, Royal Bank of Scotland and and insurance claims processor Stick or twist sign of professional services firms
earnings of £100m, and a value — JPMorgan — will be used only to repay Quindell, has never looked much like expanding into new areas.
when all of their refinanced debt is existing debt and let Electra take cash Scottish actor John Hannah. Nor has Remember Late Nite Poker, the It acquired Bristol-based Kaisen
included — of £960m. of £96m — recouping most of its the shareholder register of either insomniacs favourite TV show, in Consulting, which employs about
It seems static caravans — not to original investment. With sales across business ever — to the best of anyone’s which stubbly Norf Londoners in 60 people, and said it planned to
expand the business by recruiting
mention the chalets, safari tents and
more glamorous ‘glamping’ facilities
the holiday park business growing at a
less sexy 2-3 per cent, and Visit
Much of the investment knowledge — included Hollywood
actress Gwyneth Paltrow. But investors
sunglasses fiddled with gambling chips
for ages before invariably raising the 700 people globally by 2020.
offered by Park Resorts — are big England recording a dip in caravan and needed to compete with could be forgiven for viewing the fate of ante? Everyone at clearly The business of leadership
consulting is a fragmented market,
business. Electra used to classify its
investment in Park Resorts under the
camping spend, investors might
wonder whether Electra is realising
the likes of Center Parcs those two companies as a strange
corporate remake of the thesps’ low-
does. It is now taking its time over a
raised offer from 888 Holdings, which spanning coaching, psychological
theme “austerity/value”, and with a what amorous bathers off the coast of — such as fitting double budget Brit-flick Sliding Doors. is likely to followed by another pot profiling and the application of
neuroscience techniques.
change in the political climate as
unlikely as a break in Bank Holiday
Lincolnshire discover after a few
minutes: we don’t want to become too
glazing — has been made Peter Howitt’s 1998 film used a split
plot device to examine how differently
sweetener from GVC Holdings. But
because they are Gibraltar based, there Harriet Agnew
weather, it seems the public has voted overexposed. life can turn out if characters react to is no time limit. Deal me out!

Travel & leisure

Holiday park operators to join forces

Parkdean Holidays and clays, Royal Bank of Scotland and
JPMorgan, giving it a £96m windfall.
Park Resorts tie-up comes The private equity firm has struggled
as ‘staycations’ on rise to fend off Edward Bramson, a New
York-based shareholder activist. Last
MALCOLM MOORE AND month, his Sherborne Investments
JOSEPH COTTERILL increased its stake in Electra to 31 per
cent, buying convertible bonds that
Britain’s love affair with caravans and would not trigger a mandatory takeover
camping has helped hatch a near-£1bn bid. Earlier this year Electra said it
company after two of the country’s larg- would return more cash to investors, an
est holiday park operators announced a indirect response to Sherborne’s pres-
merger. Between them, Park Resorts sure to appoint its own directors.
and Parkdean Holidays will have 73 Holiday homes and caravan parks
parks dotted along the English and Scot- have become a hotbed of dealmaking
tish coasts and said they would host and debt engineering for private equity
1.8m holidaymakers each year. firms. Buyout investors are often
The deal, between Electra Private attracted to them as an unusual hybrid
Equity, the owner of Park Resorts, and of real estate and businesses that are
Alchemy Partners, the owner of Park- classic turnround opportunities.
dean, comes after a rise in the number of This year Blackstone sold Center
“staycations”. Since the financial crisis, Parcs to Brookfield, the Canadian
more British families have opted to holi- investment group, for £2.4bn.
day at home, partly to save money and Park Resorts’ previous private equity
partly to take frequent short breaks owner, GI Partners, bought the com-
rather than one foreign holiday. Sales of pany in 2007 for £440m, including
new caravans rose by 9.2 per cent last £343m of debt, which soured as the
year to 21,379, according to the National The parks deal comes as more holidaymakers have chosen to stay in the UK recession reached caravan parks.
Caravan Council, while new motorhome Electra snapped up slices of this debt
registrations rose 18 per cent to 8,733. at distressed prices in a 2012 restructur-
But there are already signs that appe- tor accounts for 13 per cent of UK trips. invested £20m on refurbishments last ing, which it used to wrest control of the
tite for domestic holidays is waning. “The staycation is currently being year and plans to spend the same this company in a “loan to own” strategy.
Last year, there was a 9 per cent fall in sustained by economic uncertainty,” year. It has installed WiFi and staged “What started as an investment in
domestic tourism — which also includes Visit England said in a research report concerts to attract younger crowds. Park Resorts’ senior debt has now
hotels and rented accommodation — from April. “In the short-medium term The tie-up between Park Resorts and become an equity position in a business
according to Visit England, the national it is likely the staycation will decline as Parkdean Holidays creates a company of real scale and with strong growth
tourist board, and a £90m fall in the consumers feel better off [ . . .] and that Electra says has a value of £960m prospects,” said Alex Fortescue, Elec-
amount of money spent on camping and greater affluence encourages people to including debt. The deal allowed Electra tra’s chief investment partner.
caravan holidays, to £2.34bn. The sec- go abroad.” Nevertheless, Park Resorts to refinance £550m of debt with Bar- See Lombard


Innovation agrees £500m sale

MURAD AHMED AND NAOMI ROVNICK erts vacating the role for an unspecified
new position at the end of this year.
British insurance claims technology
Last December, the company said it
company Innovation Group has agreed
would appoint separate chief executives
a buyout by Carlyle Group, the US pri-
for its technology and services busi-
vate equity firm, for almost £500m,
just months after it set out on a wide-
Innovation said the US buyout spe-
ranging restructuring of its business.
cialists would provide the insurance
The boards of the two companies said software group with “global presence”.
yesterday they had reached agreement “We also believe that Carlyle brings a
over a cash offer worth 40p a share, rep- commitment and vision to the ongoing
resenting a 13.5 per cent premium to investment requirements of the busi-
Innovation’s share price on August 27. ness,” said David Thorpe, non-executive
The deal values Innovation’s equity at chairman of Innovation.
£499m, at a historic price/earnings The company was founded by Rob
multiple of 22.9 times. Terry, who also launched Quindell, the
The London-listed outsourcer and ailing insurance claims processor. Mr
provider of software had previously Terry was ousted from both companies
announced a restructuring that would in the aftermath of share price plunges.
lead to the chief executive Andrew Rob- See Lombard
20 ★★★ FINANCIAL TIMES Wednesday 2 September 2015



Change during previous day’s trading (%)
S&P 500 Nasdaq Composite Dow Jones Ind FTSE 100 FTSE Eurofirst 300 Nikkei Hang Seng FTSE All World $ $ per € $ per £ ¥ per $ £ per € Oil Brent $ Sep Gold $

-2.96% -2.94% -2.84% -3.03% -2.77% -3.84% -2.24% -2.66% -0.325% -1.081% -5.90%
0.446% 0.823% 0.64%
Stock Market movements over last 30 days, with the FTSE All-World in the same currency as a comparison
Aug 02 - Sep 01 Index All World Aug 02 - Sep 01 Index All World Aug 02 - Sep 01 Index All World Aug 02 - Sep 01 Index All World Aug 02 - Sep 01 Index All World Aug 02 - Sep 01 Index All World

S&P 500 New York S&P/TSX COMP Toronto FTSE 100 London Xetra Dax Frankfurt Nikkei 225 Tokyo Kospi Seoul
2,098.04 14,468.44 20,548.11 2,008.49
6,696.28 11,443.72
13,481.90 1,914.23
1,913.85 6,058.54 10,015.57 18,165.69
Day -2.96% Month -9.03% Year -4.47% Day -2.72% Month -6.82% Year -13.72% Day -3.03% Month -9.62% Year -11.33% Day -2.38% Month -11.44% Year 5.66% Day -3.84% Month -11.75% Year 17.77% Day -1.40% Month -5.71% Year -7.46%

Nasdaq Composite New York IPC Mexico City FTSE Eurofirst 300 Europe Ibex 35 Madrid Hang Seng Hong Kong FTSE Straits Times Singapore
5,115.38 44,903.95 1,583.52 11,265.90 24,411.42 3,284.00
4,636.11 1,392.57 9,992.80 2,882.77
Day -2.94% Month -9.60% Year 1.22% Day -1.85% Month -4.11% Year -5.56% Day -2.77% Month -11.52% Year 1.04% Day -2.59% Month -10.62% Year -6.86% Day -2.24% Month -14.01% Year -14.37% Day -1.32% Month -9.98% Year 11.76%

Dow Jones Industrial New York Bovespa São Paulo CAC 40 Paris FTSE MIB Milan Shanghai Composite Shanghai BSE Sensex Mumbai
17,598.20 50,058.49 5,120.52 23,714.38 28,187.06
21,451.37 3,622.91
16,058.35 45,477.06 4,541.16 3,166.62 25,696.44
Day -2.84% Month -9.22% Year -6.08% Day -2.46% Month -10.59% Year -25.62% Day -2.40% Month -10.65% Year 3.65% Day -2.24% Month -8.87% Year 5.43% Day -1.23% Month -13.57% Year 42.82% Day -1.65% Month -8.60% Year -3.54%

Country Index Sep 01 Aug 31 Country Index Sep 01 Aug 31 Country Index Sep 01 Aug 31 Country Index Sep 01 Aug 31 Country Index Sep 01 Aug 31 Country Index Sep 01 Aug 31
Argentina Merval 10736.51 11032.87 Cyprus
CSE M&P Gen 77.96 78.49 Italy FTSE Italia All-Share 23062.06 23584.70 Philippines Manila Comp 7086.86 7098.81 Taiwan Weighted Pr 8017.56 8174.92 Cross-Border DJ Global Titans ($) 217.66 224.10
Australia All Ordinaries 5117.10 5222.10 Czech Republic
PX 997.03 1024.05 FTSE Italia Mid Cap 32350.75 33052.41 Poland Wig 50292.20 51280.38 Thailand Bangkok SET 1362.39 1382.41 Euro Stoxx 50 (Eur) 3188.73 3269.63
S&P/ASX 200 5096.40 5207.00 OMXC Copenahgen 20
Denmark 922.58 944.21 FTSE MIB 21451.37 21941.92 Portugal PSI 20 5126.86 5261.15 Turkey BIST 100 75210.37 74641.60 Euronext 100 ID 878.17 900.52
S&P/ASX 200 Res 2876.10 2937.70 Egypt
EGX 30 7252.43 7055.28 Japan 2nd Section 4637.63 4759.07 PSI General 2349.13 2408.10 UAE Abu Dhabi General Index 4375.24 4493.93 FTSE 4Good Global ($) 5174.02 5322.65
Austria ATX 2278.11 2325.11 Estonia
OMX Tallinn 869.69 876.12 Nikkei 225 18165.69 18890.48 Romania BET Index 6966.38 6997.79 UK FT 30 2729.00 2808.60 FTSE All World 254.93 261.89
Belgium BEL 20 3387.69 3463.12 Finland
OMX Helsinki General 7764.84 7942.81 S&P Topix 150 1230.71 1279.02 Russia Micex Index 1697.99 1733.17 FTSE 100 6058.54 6247.94 FTSE E300 1392.57 1432.23
BEL Mid 5617.26 5734.74 France
CAC 40 4541.16 4652.95 Topix 1478.11 1537.05 RTX 805.06 833.60 FTSE 4Good UK 5528.65 5693.00 FTSE Eurotop 100 2768.44 2849.85
Brazil Bovespa 45477.06 46625.52 SBF 120 3569.80 3655.27 Jordan Amman SE 2088.42 2097.59 Saudi-Arabia TADAWUL All Share Index 7438.43 7522.47 FTSE All Share 3341.83 3434.66 FTSE Global 100 ($) 1224.04 1260.08
Canada S&P/TSX 60 792.19 Germany
815.45 M-DAX 19291.91 19678.46 Kenya NSE 20 4176.59 4176.59 Singapore FTSE Straits Times 2882.77 2921.44 FTSE techMARK 100 3748.46 3800.73 FTSE Gold Min ($) 856.28 868.00
S&P/TSX Comp 13481.90 13859.12 TecDAX 1663.68 1706.98 Kuwait KSX Market Index 5797.77 5820.56 Slovakia SAX 254.57 258.09 USA DJ Composite 5695.99 5848.87 FTSE Latibex Top (Eur) 2522.70 2557.60
S&P/TSX Met & Min 425.70 458.86 XETRA Dax 10015.57 10259.46 Latvia OMX Riga 437.99 435.48 Slovenia SBI TOP 690.18 692.44 DJ Industrial 16058.35 16528.03 FTSE Multinationals ($) 1451.46 1461.65
Chile IGPA Gen 18507.67 18756.37
Greece Athens Gen 621.51 633.81 Lithuania OMX Vilnius 490.92 490.61 South Africa FTSE/JSE All Share 48515.13 49972.33 DJ Transport 7677.32 7845.15 FTSE World ($) 451.85 464.26
China FTSE A200 8776.04 8751.40 FTSE/ASE 20 181.06 186.67 Luxembourg LuxX 1475.99 1494.47 FTSE/JSE Res 20 34164.55 35833.34 DJ Utilities 546.94 562.02 FTSEurofirst 100 (Eur) 3924.94 4048.37
FTSE B35 8900.10 9216.83
Hong Kong Hang Seng 21185.43 21670.58 Malaysia FTSE Bursa KLCI 1609.21 1612.74 FTSE/JSE Top 40 42979.77 44350.11 Nasdaq 100 4142.63 4274.58 FTSEurofirst 80 (Eur) 4261.37 4368.40
Shanghai A 3317.96 3358.81 HS China Enterprise 9454.11 9741.41 Mexico IPC 42911.51 43721.96 South Korea Kospi 1914.23 1941.49 Nasdaq Cmp 4636.11 4776.51 MSCI ACWI Fr ($) 396.73 399.56
Shanghai B 287.25 300.60 HSCC Red Chip 3909.83 4042.55 Morocco MASI 9345.70 9307.37 Kospi 200 229.55 232.80 NYSE Comp 9874.67 10176.50 MSCI All World ($) 1645.43 1658.07
Shanghai Comp 3166.62 3205.99
Hungary Bux 21122.94 21395.95 Netherlands AEX 433.53 445.03 Spain IBEX 35 9992.80 10259.00 S&P 500 1913.85 1972.18 MSCI Europe (Eur) 1367.68 1403.47
Shenzhen A 1786.00 1872.50
India BSE Sensex 25696.44 26127.04 AEX All Share 668.10 685.53 Sri Lanka CSE All Share 7298.75 7306.94 Wilshire 5000 20206.07 20802.96 MSCI Pacific ($) 2215.60 2275.82
Shenzhen B 1038.98 1068.06 S&P CNX 500 6522.25 6669.35 New Zealand NZX 50 5654.99 5656.24 Sweden OMX Stockholm 30 1469.86 1501.07 Venezuela IBC 14819.87 14835.12 S&P Euro (Eur) 1412.78 1447.75
Colombia COLCAP 1246.59 1217.95
Indonesia Jakarta Comp 4412.46 4509.61 Nigeria SE All Share 29684.84 28814.62 OMX Stockholm AS 487.37 497.82 Vietnam VNI 562.31 564.75 S&P Europe 350 (Eur) 1429.33 1470.73
Croatia CROBEX 1737.21 1738.18
Ireland ISEQ Overall 6260.35 6405.97 Norway Oslo All Share 623.07 634.48 Switzerland SMI Index 8621.27 8824.56 S&P Global 1200 ($) 1765.93 1815.17
Israel Tel Aviv 100 13.87 14.08 Pakistan KSE 100 34456.34 34726.51 Stoxx 50 (Eur) 3018.01 3110.31
(c) Closed. (u) Unavaliable. † Correction. ♥ Subject to official recalculation. For more index coverage please see A fuller version of this table is available on the research data archive.


AMERICA LONDON EURO MARKETS TOKYO Sep 01 %Chg %Chg Sep 01 %Chg %Chg Sep 01 %Chg %Chg Sep 01 %Chg %Chg
ACTIVE STOCKS stock close Day's ACTIVE STOCKS stock close Day's ACTIVE STOCKS stock close Day's ACTIVE STOCKS stock close Day's FTSE 100 price(p) week ytd FTSE 250 price(p) week ytd FTSE SmallCap price(p) week ytd Industry Sectors price(p) week ytd
traded m's price change traded m's price change traded m's price change traded m's price change Winners Winners Winners Winners
Apple 81.9 107.72 -5.04 Royal Dutch Shell 203.6 1638.00 -57.00 Eni 641.6 14.38 -0.25 Toyota Motor 691.4 7000.00 -192.00 Meggitt 488.70 5.3 -5.8 Betfair 3160.00 21.4 101.0 Soco Int 167.75 35.0 -44.7 Oil Equipment & Services 17189.73 11.7 4.6
Netflix 37.7 105.79 -9.24 Glencore 196.1 133.50 -14.80 Novartis N 562.1 87.46 0.00 Mitsubishi Ufj Fin,. 592.5 777.00 -23.10 Bp 349.40 4.2 -15.0 Hunting 492.70 18.9 -7.3 Enquest 33.50 28.8 -5.6 Construction & Materials 5039.29 3.9 22.0
Facebook Class A 31.2 87.23 -2.20 Bp 193.2 349.40 -11.10 Nestle N 519.1 64.74 -1.11 Mizuho Fin,. 570.7 240.00 -8.70 Crh 1880.00 4.2 21.8 Tullow Oil 218.70 17.1 -47.2 Skyepharma 323.75 21.1 -3.4 Oil & Gas Producers 5836.38 2.0 -18.2
Google Class C Capital Stock 22.0 597.79 -20.46 Hsbc Holdings 187.3 499.00 -19.70 Roche Gs 500.2 243.80 0.00 Tokyo Electric Power ,orporated 559.8 781.00 -49.00 Inmarsat 966.50 3.5 20.9 Petrofac 887.50 15.7 26.2 Xaar 519.00 15.6 34.6 Electronic & Electrical Equip. 4164.08 1.7 3.2
Microsoft 20.6 41.82 -1.70 Royal Dutch Shell 164.4 1646.00 -60.50 Santander 452.9 5.31 -0.15 Softbank . 501.8 6853.00 -210.00 Bhp Billiton 1056.00 3.4 -23.9 Vedanta Resources 561.00 13.8 -2.3 Cape 246.00 15.5 2.3 Food Producers 8104.54 1.5 -0.5 19.0 496.54 -16.35 Rio Tinto 152.2 2271.00 -117.00 Total 429.9 40.41 -0.39 Sumitomo Mitsui Fin,. 459.9 4818.00 -146.00 Royal Bank Of Scotland 328.00 2.1 -16.8 Ophir Energy 98.20 12.9 -30.6 Dialight 633.00 14.7 -21.9 Health Care Equip.& Services 6537.53 1.5 -2.9
Bank Of America 18.5 15.58 -0.76 Bhp Billiton 151.1 1056.00 -76.00 Intesa Sanpaolo 402.4 3.16 -0.10 Fast Retailing Co., 344.4 47480.00 -1785.00 Arm Holdings 913.50 2.0 -8.2 Onesavings Bank 358.50 12.8 67.1 Kenmare Resources 2.85 14.0 -12.0 Technology Hardware & Equip. 1127.28 1.5 -5.6
Exxon Mobil 17.3 72.08 -3.16 Lloyds Banking 136.1 75.56 -1.82 Daimler Ag Na O.n. 351.4 71.66 0.00 Sony 310.2 3051.00 -111.00 Int Consolidated Airlines S.a. 528.00 1.9 8.6 Premier Oil 103.70 12.5 -38.0 Innovation 39.75 13.6 32.5 Electricity 8529.73 1.1 -13.1
Google Class A 16.0 629.56 -18.26 Astrazeneca 128.0 4033.50 -86.50 Unicredit 345.0 5.63 -0.20 Toshiba 279.5 363.50 -20.50 Weir 1355.00 1.7 -26.8 Aldermore 300.00 12.3 - Circassia Pharmaceuticals 343.00 10.6 23.0 Aerospace & Defense 4327.08 0.9 -9.2
General Electric 15.6 23.88 -0.94 Bg 120.0 964.90 -29.70 Royal Dutch Shella 330.7 22.54 -0.74 Fanuc 270.2 19290.00 -425.00 Astrazeneca 4033.50 1.6 -11.5 Amec Foster Wheeler 805.00 9.5 -5.6 Lamprell 129.75 10.4 7.2 General Industrials 4311.39 0.8 10.7
Smith & Nephew 1130.00 1.5 -4.9 Wood (john) 632.00 8.9 6.0 Jpmorgan Russian Securities 293.50 8.8 4.5 Pharmaceuticals & Biotech. 12061.09 0.7 -5.2
BIGGEST MOVERS Close Day's Day's BIGGEST MOVERS Close Day's Day's BIGGEST MOVERS Close Day's Day's BIGGEST MOVERS Close Day's Day's
Carnival 3246.00 1.5 11.2 Marshalls 338.00 8.7 44.4 Servelec 301.75 8.4 1.6 Industrial Engineering 7725.43 0.5 -12.7
price change chng% price change chng% price change chng% price change chng%
Ups Ups Ups Ups Losers Losers Losers Losers
Cablevision Systems 25.66 0.49 1.95 Onesavings Bank 358.50 10.50 3.02 Adidas Ag Na O.n. 66.72 0.00 0.00 Pioneer 226.00 6.00 2.73 Glencore 133.50 -7.5 -55.3 Petra Diamonds 121.00 -13.6 -37.6 Hss Hire 62.50 -51.6 - Industrial Metals 698.27 -9.3 -54.3
American Airlines 39.20 0.22 0.56 Rank 260.00 7.60 3.01 Allianz Se Vna O.n. 142.25 0.00 0.00 Meidensha 396.00 5.00 1.28 3i 459.20 -6.6 2.0 Jimmy Choo 145.80 -11.6 -16.7 Oxford Biomedica 7.70 -15.8 46.7 Life Insurance 7238.46 -3.4 -4.2
Liberty Interactive Series A Liberty Ventures 39.90 0.17 0.43 Just Retirement 191.50 5.00 2.68 Basf Se Na O.n. 71.82 0.00 0.00 Mitsui Eng & Shipbuilding Co., 188.00 -1.00 -0.53 Fresnillo 601.50 -5.9 -21.5 Evraz 70.90 -8.9 -54.1 Huntsworth 35.00 -10.8 -28.6 Fixed Line Telecommunication 4789.24 -2.3 4.7
Alcoa $3.75 Pfd 81.10 0.05 0.06 Vedanta Resources 561.00 13.50 2.47 Bayer Ag Na 120.95 0.00 0.00 Jtekt 1699.00 -10.00 -0.59 St. James's Place 875.00 -4.3 7.4 Lonmin 33.41 -8.1 -81.2 Fidelity Special Values 189.00 -6.0 9.6 Automobiles & Parts 6551.26 -2.1 -18.6
Sigma-aldrich 139.44 0.03 0.02 Meggitt 488.70 11.30 2.37 Beiersdorf Ag O.n. 73.78 0.00 0.00 Nippon Paper Industries Co Ltd 1974.00 -13.00 -0.65 Itv 239.00 -3.7 11.1 Debenhams 75.00 -6.3 -0.3 Anglo-eastern Plantations 545.00 -6.0 -1.8 Real Estate Investment Trusts 3243.64 -2.1 6.2
Wpp 1311.00 -3.7 -2.5 Henderson 243.50 -5.9 13.8 Speedy Hire 47.00 -5.5 -40.5 Media 6822.62 -1.9 4.4
Downs Downs Downs Downs
Burberry 1341.00 -3.7 -18.0 Phoenix Holdings 827.50 -4.7 -0.3 Assura 52.25 -4.6 2.5 General Financial 8731.68 -1.5 2.3
Dollar Tree 69.65 -6.61 -8.67 Evraz 70.90 -8.05 -10.20 Altice B 25.68 -2.30 -8.22 Tosoh 515.00 -58.00 -10.12
Old Mutual 187.40 -3.7 -1.6 Wizz Air Holdings 1795.00 -4.3 - Johnston Press 95.50 -4.5 -42.5 Banks 3883.53 -1.5 -11.3
Freeport-mcmoran 9.77 -0.87 -8.18 Glencore 133.50 -14.80 -9.98 Altice 23.69 -1.74 -6.82 Thb Yokohama Rubber , 2165.00 -217.00 -9.11
Whitbread 4701.00 -3.6 -1.4 Entertainment One 289.00 -4.0 -10.4 Fuller, Smith & Turner 1063.00 -4.5 13.7 Personal Goods 23602.80 -1.4 -4.3
Netflix 105.79 -9.24 -8.03 Jimmy Choo 145.80 -13.80 -8.65 Kering 144.25 -8.50 -5.56 Eisai Co., 7653.00 -621.00 -7.51
Standard Life 400.00 -3.5 0.0 Go-ahead 2507.00 -3.9 2.0 Connect 151.25 -4.4 -1.8 Real Estate & Investment Servic 3135.83 -1.1 17.1
Joy Global 22.30 -1.92 -7.93 Anglo American 684.40 -56.60 -7.64 Bureau Veritas 19.48 -0.87 -4.27 Tdk 7030.00 -520.00 -6.89
London Stock Exchange 2452.00 -3.3 10.4 Workspace 876.00 -3.7 14.5 Bloomsbury Publishing 165.00 -4.3 1.8 Chemicals 10534.29 -1.0 -7.0
Murphy Oil 28.56 -2.44 -7.87 Man 150.20 -10.90 -6.77 Yara Int 37.90 -1.66 -4.20 Nisshin Steel Holdings Co., 1067.00 -75.00 -6.57
Prudential 1367.50 -3.1 -8.3 Playtech 866.50 -3.7 25.8 Charles Taylor 232.25 -4.2 -7.1 Tobacco 40926.58 -1.0 0.4
Based on the constituents of the S&P500 and the Nasdaq 100 index Based on the constituents of the FTSE 350 index Based on the constituents of the FTSEurofirst 300 Eurozone index Based on the constituents of the Nikkei 225 index
Based on last week's performance. †Price at suspension.

Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's
Sep 01 Currency Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change Sep 01 Currency Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change Sep 01 Currency Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change Sep 01 Currency Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change
Argentina Argentine Peso 9.3015 0.0141 10.4721 0.0656 14.2554 -0.0285 Indonesia Indonesian Rupiah 14097.5000 47.5000 15871.6554 128.6320 21605.7385 -3.0347 Poland Polish Zloty 3.7677 -0.0050 4.2419 0.0146 5.7743 -0.0280 ..Three Month 0.6524 0.0023 0.7345 0.0061 - -
Australia Australian Dollar 1.4214 0.0108 1.6002 0.0197 2.1784 0.0090 Israel Israeli Shekel 3.9293 -0.0049 4.4238 0.0155 6.0220 -0.0288 Romania Romanian Leu 3.9426 -0.0107 4.4387 0.0090 6.0423 -0.0378 ..One Year 0.6523 0.0023 0.7339 0.0060 - -
Bahrain Bahrainin Dinar 0.3773 -0.0001 0.4248 0.0020 0.5782 -0.0021 Japan Japanese Yen 119.8750 -1.3100 134.9609 -0.8267 183.7193 -2.6618 Russia Russian Ruble 66.3363 -0.3837 74.6845 -0.0752 101.6663 -0.9483 United States United States Dollar - - 1.1258 0.0053 1.5326 -0.0054
Bolivia Bolivian Boliviano 6.9000 -0.0100 7.7683 0.0257 10.5749 -0.0526 ..One Month 119.8749 -1.3101 134.9609 -0.8267 183.7192 -2.6621 Saudi Arabia Saudi Riyal 3.7507 0.0001 4.2227 0.0202 5.7482 -0.0201 ..One Month - - 1.1258 -0.4121 1.5326 -0.0054
Brazil Brazilian Real 3.6734 0.0311 4.1357 0.0546 5.6298 0.0281 ..Three Month 119.8748 -1.3103 134.9609 -0.8266 183.7190 -2.6625 Singapore Singapore Dollar 1.4122 0.0019 1.5899 0.0097 2.1643 -0.0047 ..Three Month - - 1.1257 -0.4121 1.5325 -0.0054
Canada Canadian Dollar 1.3206 -0.0099 1.4868 -0.0040 2.0239 -0.0224 ..One Year 119.8739 -1.3121 134.9608 -0.8269 183.7192 -2.6638 South Africa South African Rand 13.3811 0.1168 15.0650 0.2024 20.5077 0.1074 ..One Year - - 1.1249 -0.4121 1.5324 -0.0054
Chile Chilean Peso 691.4000 -1.2800 778.4108 2.2640 1059.6332 -5.7006 Kenya Kenyan Shilling 104.1000 0.2500 117.2007 0.8369 159.5427 -0.1774 South Korea South Korean Won 1171.7500 -11.0000 1319.2116 -6.0579 1795.8132 -23.2428 Venezuela Venezuelan Bolivar Fuerte 6.3050 0.0100 7.0985 0.0449 9.6630 -0.0187
China Chinese Yuan 6.3645 -0.0118 7.1655 0.0208 9.7542 -0.0525 Kuwait Kuwaiti Dinar 0.3021 -0.0001 0.3401 0.0016 0.4630 -0.0017 Sweden Swedish Krona 8.4541 -0.0312 9.5180 0.0103 12.9566 -0.0936 Vietnam Vietnamese Dong 22487.5000 6.0000 25317.5453 127.0421 34464.2192 -112.1340
Colombia Colombian Peso 3096.3500 2.8500 3486.0174 19.7552 4745.4381 -12.3297 Malaysia Malaysian Ringgit 4.1650 -0.0350 4.6892 -0.0169 6.3832 -0.0763 Switzerland Swiss Franc 0.9618 -0.0053 1.0828 -0.0007 1.4740 -0.0133 European Union Euro 0.8882 -0.0042 - - 1.3613 -0.0113
Costa Rica Costa Rican Colon 534.1500 0.1000 601.3713 2.9691 818.6333 -2.7295 Mexico Mexican Peson 16.8492 0.0691 18.9696 0.1676 25.8228 0.0154 Taiwan New Taiwan Dollar 32.4205 -0.1155 36.5005 0.0440 49.6874 -0.3526 ..One Month 0.8882 -0.0042 - - 1.3612 -0.0113
Czech Republic Czech Koruna 23.9997 -0.1329 27.0199 -0.0205 36.7816 -0.3339 New Zealand New Zealand Dollar 1.5775 -0.0016 1.7761 0.0066 2.4177 -0.0110 Thailand Thai Baht 35.7500 -0.0950 40.2490 0.0848 54.7901 -0.3391 ..Three Month 0.8881 -0.0042 - - 1.3611 -0.0113
Denmark Danish Krone 6.6292 -0.0318 7.4635 -0.0002 10.1598 -0.0848 Nigeria Nigerian Naira 199.0500 -0.2000 224.0999 0.8406 305.0622 -1.3820 Tunisia Tunisian Dinar 1.9480 -0.0069 2.1931 0.0027 2.9854 -0.0211 ..One Year 0.8873 -0.0042 - - 1.3606 -0.0113
Egypt Egyptian Pound 7.8325 0.0256 8.8181 0.0705 12.0039 -0.0030 Norway Norwegian Krone 8.2925 -0.0930 9.3360 -0.0599 12.7089 -0.1878 Turkey Turkish Lira 2.9222 0.0112 3.2900 0.0282 4.4785 0.0015
Hong Kong Hong Kong Dollar 7.7500 - 8.7254 0.0415 11.8777 -0.0418 Pakistan Pakistani Rupee 104.1250 - 117.2288 0.5569 159.5810 -0.5620 United Arab Emirates UAE Dirham 3.6730 0.0000 4.1352 0.0196 5.6292 -0.0199
Hungary Hungarian Forint 279.8508 0.0248 315.0692 1.5246 428.8967 -1.4724 Peru Peruvian Nuevo Sol 3.2480 0.0135 3.6568 0.0325 4.9779 0.0032 United Kingdom Pound Sterling 0.6525 0.0023 0.7346 0.0061 - -
India Indian Rupee 66.2450 -0.2300 74.5817 0.0966 101.5265 -0.7113 Philippines Philippine Peso 46.6900 -0.0500 52.5658 0.1937 71.5567 -0.3289 ..One Month 0.6525 0.0023 0.7346 0.0061 - -
Rates are derived from WM Reuters Spot Rates and MorningStar (latest rates at time of production). Some values are rounded. Currency redenominated by 1000. The exchange rates printed in this table are also available at
Produced in conjunction with the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries Sep 01 Aug 31 Aug 28 Aug 27 Aug 26 Yr Ago High Low Year to date percentage changes Closing Day's Closing Day's
£ Strlg Day's Euro £ Strlg £ Strlg Year Div P/E X/D Total FT 30 2729.00 2808.60 2771.40 2690.50 2724.70 0.00 3110.40 2575.90 Forestry & Paper 40.76 Telecommunications 5.11 FTSE All{HY-}Share Index -2.78 FTSE 100 Price Change FTSE 100 Price Change
Sep 01 chge% Index Aug 31 Aug 28 ago yield% Cover ratio adj Return FT 30 Div Yield 1.84 1.79 1.81 1.86 1.83 0.00 3.93 2.74 Construct & Material 24.39 Leisure Goods 5.00 Tech Hardware & Eq -3.02 3I Group PLC 459.20 -32.60 Land Securities Group PLC 1224 -28.00
FTSE 100 (100) 6058.54 -3.03 6432.19 6247.94 6247.94 6829.17 3.99 1.45 17.27 196.53 4707.57 P/E Ratio net 24.31 24.93 24.72 24.01 24.41 0.00 19.44 14.26 Household Goods & Ho 22.38 Support Services 4.06 NON FINANCIALS Index -3.31 Aberdeen Asset Management PLC 307.90 -11.00 Legal & General Group PLC 246.70 -6.00
FTSE 250 (250) 16840.36 -1.55 17878.95 17106.36 17106.36 15965.43 2.55 2.14 18.30 317.03 11632.82 FT 30 since compilation: 4198.4 high: 19/07/1999; low49.4 26/06/1940Base Date: 1/7/35 Software & Comp Serv 20.85 Travel & Leisure 3.99 FTSE 100 Index -4.85 Admiral Group PLC 1516 -34.00 Lloyds Banking Group PLC 75.56 -1.82
FTSE 250 ex Inv Co (212) 18357.48 -1.56 19489.63 18648.96 18648.96 17279.25 2.57 2.23 17.45 349.27 12931.03 FT 30 hourly changes Nonlife Insurance 19.65 Mobile Telecomms 2.97 Chemicals -4.90 Anglo American PLC 684.40 -56.60 London Stock Exchange Group PLC 2452 -68.00
FTSE 350 (350) 3388.91 -2.77 3597.91 3485.50 3485.50 3712.08 3.73 1.54 17.45 101.75 5308.20 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 High Low Real Est Invest & Se 18.82 Tobacco 2.94 Beverages -6.91 Antofagasta PLC 574.50 -34.50 Marks And Spencer Group PLC 505.50 -16.00
FTSE 350 ex Investment Trusts (312) 3366.83 -2.80 3574.47 3463.78 3463.78 3695.31 3.76 1.54 17.30 102.04 2715.33 2808.6 2743.6 2735.9 2740.7 2747.5 2745.1 2722.1 2727 2722 2808.6 2718.6 Fixed Line Telecomms 8.78 Consumer Goods 2.83 Gas Water & Multi -7.61 Arm Holdings PLC 913.50 -20.00 Meggitt PLC 488.70 11.30
FTSE 350 Higher Yield (108) 3107.78 -3.10 3299.44 3207.09 3207.09 3720.50 5.53 1.20 15.12 134.67 4974.00 FT30 constituents and recent additions/deletions can be found at Real Est Invest & Tr 8.43 Industrials 2.75 Aerospace & Defense -7.83 Ashtead Group PLC 917.00 -28.50 Merlin Entertainments PLC 377.20 -11.30
FTSE 350 Lower Yield (242) 3347.07 -2.43 3553.49 3430.51 3430.51 3339.99 1.88 2.57 20.74 57.93 3527.27 Media 7.13 Food Producers 1.15 Banks -8.08 Associated British Foods PLC 3129 -73.00 Mondi PLC 1417 -61.00
FTSE SmallCap (291) 4552.05 -0.90 4832.79 4593.37 4593.37 4477.65 2.75 1.72 21.09 87.09 6183.71 General Retailers 7.10 Food & Drug Retailer 0.44 Utilities -8.69
FTSE SmallCap ex Inv Co (154) 4202.49 -0.14 4461.66 4208.32 4208.32 3991.76 2.60 2.54 15.14 77.71 5997.55 FX: EFFECTIVE INDICES Electronic & Elec Eq 6.65 Health Care Eq & Srv 0.39 Industrial Eng -8.71
Astrazeneca PLC 4033.5 -86.50 Morrison (Wm) Supermarkets PLC 162.40 -6.10
Aviva PLC 469.30 -14.50 National Grid PLC 849.40 -10.70
FTSE All-Share (641) 3341.83 -2.70 3547.93 3434.66 3434.66 3646.63 3.70 1.54 17.56 98.99 5294.98 Technology 6.44 Equity Invest Instr -0.46 Electricity -12.46
Aug 31 Aug 28 Mnth Ago Sep 01 Aug 31 Mnth Ago Babcock International Group PLC 945.00 -24.00 Next PLC 7700 -245.00
FTSE All-Share ex Inv Co (466) 3306.06 -2.74 3509.95 3399.35 3399.35 3618.16 3.74 1.55 17.25 99.37 2710.43 FTSE 250 Index 6.35 Life Insurance -0.48 Oil & Gas -14.77 Bae Systems PLC 444.60 -7.60 Old Mutual PLC 187.40 -12.80
FTSE All-Share ex Multinationals (577) 1171.55 -2.25 1030.88 1198.48 1198.48 1120.88 2.73 2.08 17.58 24.55 1981.31 Australia 90.13 89.98 92.32 Sweden 77.86 77.47 77.88 Financial Services 5.95 Industrial Transport -0.98 Automobiles & Parts -15.20 Barclays PLC 253.15 -8.30 Pearson PLC 1092 -41.00
FTSE Fledgling (108) 7746.06 0.87 8223.78 7679.24 7679.24 6944.58 2.38 0.76 54.96 124.18 13862.88 Canada 88.69 88.54 90.19 Switzerland 160.96 160.66 162.52 Oil Equipment & Serv 5.84 Financials -1.22 Oil & Gas Producers -15.49 Barratt Developments PLC 623.50 -16.00 Persimmon PLC 2042 -61.00
FTSE Fledgling ex Inv Co (56) 10967.28 2.97 11643.66 10651.08 10651.08 8583.94 2.25 0.49 89.77 147.43 19065.53 Denmark 106.33 106.41 105.77 UK 91.96 92.10 93.14 Consumer Services 5.31 Personal Goods -1.55 Basic Materials -23.94 Bg Group PLC 964.90 -29.70 Prudential PLC 1367.5 -50.50
FTSE All-Small (399) 3159.05 -0.81 3353.88 3184.73 3184.73 3093.57 2.73 1.68 21.82 59.98 5510.76 Japan 125.76 126.07 123.74 USA 103.61 103.58 103.90 FTSE SmallCap Index 5.21 Health Care -2.05 Mining -28.02 Bhp Billiton PLC 1056 -76.00 Randgold Resources LD 3926 -33.00
FTSE All-Small ex Inv Co Index (210) 3139.80 0.00 3333.44 3139.82 3139.82 2957.14 2.59 2.46 15.73 57.31 5677.60 New Zealand 109.30 109.07 112.24 Euro 87.20 87.19 86.12 Pharmace & Biotech -2.29 Industrial Metals & -42.65 BP PLC 349.40 -11.10 Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC 5655 -102.00
FTSE AIM All-Share Index (824) 730.67 -0.57 775.73 734.85 734.85 779.77 1.46 1.04 65.53 5.65 782.15 Norway 86.81 86.50 88.65
British American Tobacco PLC 3391 -88.00 RELX PLC 1019 -26.00
FTSE Sector Indices Source: Bank of England. New Sterling ERI base Jan 2005 = 100. Other indices base average 1990 = 100. British Land Company PLC 803.50 -16.50 Rio Tinto PLC 2271 -117.00
Oil & Gas (18) 6233.02 -3.10 6617.43 6432.19 6432.19 9058.68 6.08 1.16 14.16 282.70 5149.79 Index rebased 1/2/95. for further information about ERIs see Bt Group PLC 421.15 -16.20 Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC 727.00 -16.50
Oil & Gas Producers (11) 5873.23 -3.19 6235.45 6066.65 6066.65 8563.34 6.16 1.15 14.07 270.00 5017.62 Bunzl PLC 1718 -21.00 Royal Bank Of Scotland Group PLC 328.00 -8.80
Oil Equipment Services & Distribution (7)17796.44 -1.00 18893.99 17976.23 17976.23 24143.40 4.30 1.40 16.57 560.17 12913.62 FTSE GLOBAL EQUITY INDEX SERIES Burberry Group PLC 1341 -70.00 Royal Dutch Shell PLC 1646 -60.50
Basic Materials (31) 3401.97 -5.56 3611.78 3602.07 3602.07 5614.93 5.87 1.36 12.49 155.53 3295.56 Capita PLC 1196 -40.00 Royal Dutch Shell PLC 1638 -57.00
Chemicals (8) 11273.65 -1.74 11968.92 11473.10 11473.10 11116.77 2.41 2.44 17.02 223.16 9680.23 Sep 01 No of US $ Day Mth YTD Total
YTD Gr Div Sep 01 No of US $ Day Mth YTD Total YTD Gr Div Carnival PLC 3246 -74.00 Royal Mail PLC 450.30 -13.70
Forestry & Paper (1) 16654.75 -4.13 17681.90 17371.72 17371.72 11965.09 2.16 3.37 13.69 360.52 17300.50 Regions & countries stocks indices % % % retn
% Yield Sectors stocks indices % % % retn % Yield Centrica PLC 237.00 -6.20 Rsa Insurance Group PLC 506.50 -7.50
Industrial Metals & Mining (2) 806.18 -9.73 855.90 893.05 893.05 1310.38 1.43 -18.64 -3.76 11.18 703.54 FTSE Global All Cap 7596 437.00 -2.6 -9.3 -7.0 593.78
-5.4 2.6 Oil & Gas 164 321.48 -3.2 -3.2 -19.3 485.57 -17.3 4.3 Coca-Cola Hbc AG 1281 -56.00 Sabmiller PLC 2959.5 -94.50
Mining (20) 9228.91 -6.21 9798.08 9840.33 9840.33 16746.74 6.68 1.28 11.67 475.41 4669.46 FTSE Global All Cap 6962 448.14 -2.7 -9.4 -7.4 598.04
-5.9 2.5 Oil & Gas Producers 115 291.35 -3.3 -3.3 -19.6 447.69 -17.6 4.4 Compass Group PLC 1019 -16.00 Sage Group PLC 504.00 -11.50
FTSE Global Large Cap 1362 384.62 -2.7 -9.8 -7.7 534.38
-6.0 2.8 Oil Equipment & Services 40 341.00 -3.0 -3.0 -17.7 470.20 -15.9 3.9 Crh PLC 1880 -42.00 Sainsbury (J) PLC 237.90 -4.80
Industrials (117) 4343.55 -1.77 4611.43 4421.86 4421.86 4433.33 2.55 1.18 33.12 75.86 4277.64
Construction & Materials (13) 5252.13 -1.68 5576.04 5341.91 5341.91 4124.35 2.46 -0.80 -50.76 83.54 5328.48 FTSE Global Mid Cap 1663 587.39 -2.5 -7.9 -4.9 762.82
-3.6 2.1 Basic Materials 273 363.25 -2.9 -2.9 -16.6 527.98 -14.9 3.3 Diageo PLC 1691 -39.00 Schroders PLC 2720 -118.00
Aerospace & Defense (9) 4498.87 -1.15 4776.32 4551.21 4551.21 5139.68 2.50 0.96 41.57 72.80 4608.75 FTSE Global Small Cap 4571 619.18 -2.3 -8.2 -5.1 780.58
-3.9 2.0 Chemicals 124 577.03 -2.5 -2.5 -7.5 842.97 -5.8 2.6 Direct Line Insurance Group PLC 348.10 -5.00 Severn Trent PLC 2041 -36.00
General Industrials (6) 3502.23 -1.92 3718.23 3570.68 3570.68 3393.57 3.21 1.66 18.80 68.53 3759.81 FTSE All-World 3025 254.93 -2.7 -9.5 -7.3 365.40
-5.6 2.7 Forestry & Paper 17 201.02 -2.7 -2.7 -3.5 320.35 -1.3 3.0 Dixons Carphone PLC 417.50 -13.90 Shire PLC 4865 -160.00
Electronic & Electrical Equipment (11) 5422.40 -0.59 5756.82 5454.56 5454.56 4864.80 2.13 2.02 23.16 74.00 4757.50 FTSE World 2529 451.85 -2.7 -9.3 -7.0 869.50
-5.4 2.7 Industrial Metals & Mining 71 283.33 -3.0 -3.0 -31.3 412.98 -30.0 3.4 Easyjet PLC 1654 -29.00 Sky PLC 1020 -23.00
Industrial Engineering (14) 8210.88 -2.55 8717.26 8425.76 8425.76 10797.98 2.95 1.62 20.94 206.38 9569.06 FTSE Global All Cap ex UNITED KINGDOM In 7269 447.78 -2.6 -9.2 -7.0 600.04
-5.4 2.5 Mining 61 394.94 -4.2 -4.2 -30.7 570.39 -28.6 5.8 Experian PLC 1075 -34.00 Smith & Nephew PLC 1130 -33.00
Industrial Transportation (8) 4042.45 -1.66 4291.76 4110.71 4110.71 4203.58 4.03 1.15 21.66 116.47 3357.72 FTSE Global All Cap ex USA 5632 414.22 -2.3 -9.7 -7.4 597.02
-5.4 3.1 Industrials 532 288.46 -2.4 -2.4 -8.3 398.07 -7.0 2.3 Fresnillo PLC 601.50 -19.00 Smiths Group PLC 1103 -26.00
Support Services (56) 6459.60 -2.02 6857.98 6592.44 6592.44 6438.21 2.37 1.49 28.22 106.18 6425.83 FTSE Global All Cap ex JAPAN 6341 445.22 -2.6 -9.4 -8.0 610.37
-6.3 2.7 Construction & Materials 110 420.66 -2.2 -2.2 -2.5 609.22 -0.8 2.2 G4S PLC 251.80 -4.70 Sports Direct International PLC 787.50 -6.50
FTSE Developed 2089 410.61 -2.7 -9.2 -6.3 561.98
-4.7 2.6 Aerospace & Defense 29 475.27 -2.1 -2.1 -4.4 651.12 -2.9 2.2 Gkn PLC 280.20 -11.50 Sse PLC 1462 -9.00
Consumer Goods (40) 16247.51 -2.33 17249.53 16634.27 16634.27 15857.28 3.13 1.87 17.05 464.40 11408.55
FTSE Developed All Cap 5645 431.95 -2.6 -9.1 -6.1 584.88
-4.5 2.5 General Industrials 56 197.91 -2.7 -2.7 -9.0 292.83 -7.4 2.8 Glaxosmithkline PLC 1295 -45.50 St. James's Place PLC 875.00 -40.50
Automobiles & Parts (1) 6584.83 -3.94 6990.93 6855.09 6855.09 8298.01 3.03 1.59 20.71 199.75 6055.67
FTSE Developed Large Cap 885 378.95 -2.7 -9.6 -6.9 525.55
-5.2 2.7 Electronic & Electrical Equipment 69 303.61 -2.7 -2.7 -6.7 386.28 -5.6 1.8 Glencore PLC 133.50 -14.80 Standard Chartered PLC 724.20 -40.80
Beverages (6) 12864.22 -2.62 13657.59 13210.65 13210.65 13997.03 2.73 1.78 20.54 345.28 8741.29
FTSE Developed Europe Large Cap 205 332.75 -2.4 -9.9 -5.9 521.69
-3.2 3.7 Industrial Engineering 102 540.10 -2.4 -2.4 -12.7 732.71 -11.3 2.5 Hammerson PLC 610.50 -17.50 Standard Life PLC 400.00 -16.10
Food Producers (10) 8174.19 -1.56 8678.31 8303.38 8303.38 7856.47 1.98 1.55 32.60 93.32 6787.41
FTSE Developed Europe Mid Cap 310 501.29 -2.1 -7.6 0.2 715.39
2.3 2.6 Industrial Transportation 95 501.13 -2.0 -2.0 -16.1 690.19 -14.9 2.4 Hargreaves Lansdown PLC 1080 -45.00 Taylor Wimpey PLC 196.00 -5.30
Household Goods & Home Construction (13)12799.39 -2.08 13588.76 13070.72 13070.72 10044.41 2.15 2.60 17.88 217.78 8661.01
FTSE Dev Europe Small Cap 717 715.71 -1.7 -5.9 3.9 994.14
5.9 2.4 Support Services 71 263.29 -2.4 -2.4 -3.4 349.26 -2.2 2.0 Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC 2225 -50.00 Tesco PLC 185.40 -5.95
Leisure Goods (2) 5295.82 0.55 5622.43 5267.10 5267.10 5095.92 4.27 1.26 18.54 182.47 4439.64
FTSE North America Large Cap 319 411.14 -2.9 -9.2 -7.6 537.22
-6.2 2.4 Consumer Goods 406 388.03 -2.3 -2.3 -4.2 547.46 -2.6 2.5 HSBC Holdings PLC 499.00 -19.70 Travis Perkins PLC 1999 -49.00
Personal Goods (6) 20549.93 -2.68 21817.30 21116.70 21116.70 20359.49 3.17 3.01 10.50 484.64 13160.76
FTSE North America Mid Cap 398 628.00 -2.8 -7.7 -7.4 770.48
-6.5 1.7 Automobiles & Parts 98 353.16 -2.5 -2.5 -9.4 478.32 -8.0 2.6 Imperial Tobacco Group PLC 3113 -46.00 Tui AG 1150 -6.00
Tobacco (2) 40926.65 -2.19 43450.71 41841.58 41841.58 40332.18 4.37 1.35 16.93 1786.68 24829.67
FTSE North America Small Cap 1480 642.66 -2.7 -8.6 -6.7 767.11
-5.8 1.8 Beverages 48 515.24 -2.0 -2.0 -4.2 735.88 -2.7 2.7 Inmarsat PLC 966.50 -14.50 Unilever PLC 2563 -60.00
Health Care (20) 8849.09 -2.74 9394.84 9098.84 9098.84 9451.43 3.90 0.64 40.11 291.31 6411.93
FTSE North America 717 276.34 -2.9 -9.0 -7.5 370.12
-6.3 2.3 Food Producers 102 535.10 -2.1 -2.1 -3.0 779.76 -1.3 2.3 Intercontinental Hotels Group PLC 2390 -66.00 United Utilities Group PLC 828.00 -27.00
Health Care Equipment & Services (8) 6690.00 -2.19 7102.59 6839.63 6839.63 6002.66 1.46 2.44 28.02 60.90 5636.54
FTSE Developed ex North America 1372 222.91 -2.4 -9.6 -4.5 344.67
-2.4 3.1 Household Goods & Home Construction 44 370.52 -2.6 -2.6 -6.5 520.62 -4.9 2.6 International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A. 528.00 -11.00 Vodafone Group PLC 220.00 -6.70
Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology (12)11973.31 -2.80 12711.74 12318.16 12318.16 12990.46 4.14 0.58 41.90 422.32 7706.85
FTSE Japan Large Cap 174 315.92 -2.8 -8.6 3.6 391.44
4.6 1.9 Leisure Goods 26 123.56 -1.7 -1.7 -1.9 157.66 -1.2 1.4 Intertek Group PLC 2440 -96.00 Weir Group PLC 1355 -49.00
Consumer Services (98) 4707.10 -2.21 4997.40 4813.70 4813.70 4359.06 2.33 1.88 22.75 84.67 4221.93 FTSE Japan Mid Cap 305 462.77 -2.8 -7.0 8.9 555.17
9.8 1.5 Personal Goods 76 574.78 -2.3 -2.3 -1.4 773.96 -0.2 2.1
Food & Drug Retailers (7) 2895.53 -2.51 3074.10 2970.08 2970.08 3265.38 2.43 0.50 82.72 42.13 3298.15 Intu Properties PLC 315.00 -8.00 Whitbread PLC 4701 -96.00
FTSE Global wi JAPAN Small Cap 776 495.37 -2.7 -5.2 5.7 613.18
6.8 1.7 Tobacco 12 1104.17 -2.6 -2.6 2.9 2124.73 5.7 4.2 Itv PLC 239.00 -11.20 Wolseley PLC 4097 -110.00
General Retailers (33) 3015.51 -2.45 3201.48 3091.11 3091.11 2715.36 2.19 2.25 20.24 49.10 3278.18
FTSE Japan 479 130.80 -2.8 -8.3 1.8 Health Care
4.6 182.19
5.7 159 445.04 -2.7 -2.7 2.5 616.99 3.9 1.9 Johnson Matthey PLC 2637 -68.00 Wpp PLC 1311 -40.00
Media (23) 6916.90 -2.67 7343.48 7106.31 7106.31 6438.00 2.83 1.68 20.98 156.56 4054.44
FTSE Asia Pacific Large Cap ex Japan 490 519.20 -2.1 -12.4 -15.7 769.83
-13.7 3.5 Health Care Equipment & Services 58 615.49 -2.7 -2.7 4.2 702.73 4.8 1.1 Kingfisher PLC 345.50 -10.70
Travel & Leisure (35) 8061.07 -1.59 8558.22 8191.20 8191.20 7054.07 1.98 2.39 21.20 130.63 7308.68
FTSE Asia Pacific Mid Cap ex Japan 441 706.50 -1.7 -10.7 -12.3 1011.60
-10.6 3.0 Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology 101 340.44 -2.6 -2.6 1.9 490.33 3.6 2.1
Telecommunications (7) 3796.01 -3.17 4030.12 3920.34 3920.34 3536.23 4.26 1.89 12.46 108.88 3924.37 FTSE Asia Pacific Small Cap ex Japan 1372 470.65 -1.1 -10.8 -11.9 665.03
-10.2 2.9 Consumer Services 385 371.33 -2.4 -2.4 -0.8 480.22 0.5 1.8
Fixed Line Telecommunications (5) 4861.49 -3.67 5161.31 5046.73 5046.73 4498.96 3.12 1.82 17.56 101.81 4176.14
Mobile Telecommunications (2) 5017.73 -2.85 5327.19 5165.20 5165.20 4689.11 4.97 1.91 10.53 168.70 4617.05
FTSE Asia Pacific Ex Japan
FTSE Emerging All Cap
-15.3 648.35
-13.3 3.4 Food & Drug Retailers
-16.5 816.59
-14.5 3.3 General Retailers
53 298.87
120 499.26
-0.6 401.90
4.4 630.59
Utilities (8) 7916.37 -1.65 8404.60 8049.24 8049.24 8843.50 5.22 1.35 14.19 305.26 8328.93 FTSE Emerging Large Cap 477 548.74 -2.5 -11.9 -16.1 782.46
-14.1 3.4 Media 91 281.21 -2.5 -2.5 -6.5 364.17 -5.3 1.9 Sep 01 Aug 31 Aug 28 Aug 27 Aug 26 Yr Ago
Electricity (3) 8478.33 -0.92 9001.21 8557.43 8557.43 9459.03 5.98 1.43 11.69 493.70 11263.50 FTSE Emerging Mid Cap 459 710.15 -2.1 -11.3 -17.5 1003.23
-15.7 3.1 Travel & Leisure 121 354.06 -2.2 -2.2 -1.7 462.24 -0.4 1.8 SEAQ Bargains 4255.00 4985.00 4985.00 4985.00 4930.00 6.00
Gas Water & Multiutilities (5) 7349.65 -1.85 7802.92 7487.98 7487.98 8212.60 5.01 1.32 15.06 243.90 7742.05 FTSE Emerging Small Cap 1015 581.50 -0.8 -12.1 -17.8 795.84
-15.9 3.2 Telecommunication 94 159.51 -2.3 -2.3 -4.5 277.36 -1.7 4.2 Order Book Turnover (m) 37.77 24.02 24.02 24.02 42.89 37.11
Financials (283) 4454.65 -2.86 4729.38 4585.62 4585.62 4636.90 3.44 1.97 14.73 132.04 3863.46 FTSE Emerging Europe 98 290.54 -2.0 -7.6 -6.8 423.07
-3.7 4.5 Fixed Line Telecommuniations 44 130.59 -2.6 -2.6 -4.7 247.93 -1.6 4.7 Order Book Bargains 1109302.00 885881.00 885881.00 885881.00 1059331.00 1165235.00
Banks (9) 3834.60 -3.42 4071.09 3970.44 3970.44 4466.11 4.03 1.31 19.02 145.16 2625.80 FTSE Latin America All Cap 243 653.65 -2.7 -13.3 -27.5 956.66
-26.0 3.8 Mobile Telecommunications 50 173.23 -2.0 -2.0 -4.2 273.75 -1.9 3.5 Order Book Shares Traded (m) 1553.00 1411.00 1411.00 1411.00 1565.00 1548.00
Nonlife Insurance (10) 2625.93 -1.27 2787.88 2659.61 2659.61 2191.89 2.70 2.19 16.90 58.61 4385.39 FTSE Middle East and Africa All Cap 213 687.61 -3.3 -11.0 -10.7 1015.64
-9.0 2.9 Utilities 163 232.17 -2.3 -2.3 -13.1 420.91 -10.8 4.1 Total Equity Turnover (£m) 2507.77 - - - - -
Life Insurance/Assurance (11) 7350.21 -3.54 7803.51 7619.78 7619.78 7545.86 3.72 1.77 15.18 246.20 6706.05 FTSE Global wi UNITED KINGDOM All Cap In 327 332.11 -3.1 -10.4 -7.5 520.54
-5.0 3.8 Electricity 113 251.60 -2.4 -2.4 -11.3 451.70 -8.9 3.9 Total Mkt Bargains 1271407.00 - - - - 1308672.00
Index- Real Estate Investment & Services (24) 3129.19 -1.34 3322.18 3171.69 3171.69 2639.54 1.87 6.32 8.48 41.99 7993.65 FTSE Global wi USA All Cap 1964 475.20 -2.9 -9.0 -6.6 604.82
-5.4 2.1 Gas Water & Multiutilities 50 249.50 -2.2 -2.2 -16.1 463.13 -13.7 4.5 Total Shares Traded (m) 4078.00 - - - - 4081.00
Real Estate Investment Trusts (23) 2929.35 -1.80 3110.01 2983.18 2983.18 2588.60 2.80 6.80 5.24 62.70 3432.93 FTSE Europe All Cap 1385 382.11 -2.2 -9.1 -4.1 581.07
-1.5 3.4 Financials 667 196.50 -2.8 -2.8 -8.9 303.06 -7.0 3.1 † Excluding intra-market and overseas turnover. *UK only total at 6pm. ‡ UK plus intra-market turnover. (u) Unavaliable.
General Financial (31) 7482.14 -3.11 7943.59 7722.02 7722.02 6838.55 3.08 2.23 14.56 160.16 8061.47 FTSE Eurobloc All Cap 634 357.51 -1.9 -8.8 3.2 Banks
-3.0 550.36
-0.6 241 179.73 -3.0 -3.0 -10.6 295.21 -8.4 3.5 (c) Market closed.
Equity Investment Instruments (175) 7360.17 -1.63 7814.09 7482.27 7482.27 7427.86 2.64 1.17 32.44 136.30 3837.39 FTSE RAFI All World 3000 3016 5360.87 -2.6 -9.5 -9.0 6697.32
-7.1 3.3 Nonlife Insurance 69 203.42 -2.2 -2.2 -5.0 281.88 -3.3 2.4
Non Financials (358) 3859.13 -2.65 4097.13 3964.09 3964.09 4279.01 3.79 1.40 18.85 114.30 5357.69 FTSE RAFI US 1000 1005 8429.66 -3.0 -8.8 -9.3 10567.29
-7.8 2.7 Life Insurance 49 191.74 -3.3 -3.3 -9.2 289.40 -7.2 2.9
Technology (19) 1290.60 -1.75 1370.20 1313.56 1313.56 1201.27 1.48 2.13 31.78 14.63 1607.71 FTSE EDHEC-Risk Efficient All-World 3025 305.64 -2.4 -8.0 -4.4 408.10
-2.9 2.3 Financial Services 137 214.43 -3.1 -3.1 -7.4 283.95 -6.1 2.0 All data provided by Morningstar unless otherwise noted. All elements listed are indicative and believed
Software & Computer Services (12) 1625.49 -1.54 1725.74 1650.86 1650.86 1298.76 2.01 1.72 28.80 27.68 2121.79 FTSE EDHEC-Risk Efficient Developed Europe 515 273.74 -2.0 -7.7 -1.7 397.84
0.4 2.8 Technology 182 158.14 -3.1 -3.1 -8.1 187.84 -6.9 1.9 accurate at the time of publication. No offer is made by Morningstar or the FT. The FT does not warrant nor
Technology Hardware & Equipment (7) 1446.18 -1.93 1535.37 1474.66 1474.66 1503.18 1.01 2.85 34.94 9.30 1654.46 Software & Computer Services 79 267.58 -2.9 -2.9 -1.4 306.23 -0.6 1.2 guarantee that the information is reliable or complete. The FT does not accept responsibility and will not be
Technology Hardware & Equipment 103 120.82 -3.3 -3.3 -13.7 147.39 -12.2 2.5 liable for any loss arising from the reliance on or use of the listed information.
Hourly movements 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 High/day Low/day The FTSE Global Equity Series, launched in 2003, contains the FTSE Global Small Cap Indices and broader FTSE Global All Cap Indices (large/mid/small cap) as well as the enhanced FTSE All-World index Series (large/ For all queries e-mail
FTSE 100 6177.68 6105.24 6080.79 6096.75 6113.98 6108.26 6048.95 6061.21 6037.68 6203.25 6028.91 mid cap) - please see The trade names Fundamental Index® and RAFI® are registered trademarks and the patented and patent-pending proprietary intellectual property of Research Affiliates, LLC
FTSE 250 16978.44 16877.87 16849.48 16874.84 16901.62 16887.45 16784.40 16837.39 16818.95 16999.82 16784.01 (US Patent Nos. 7,620,577; 7,747,502; 7,778,905; 7,792,719; Patent Pending Publ. Nos. US-2006-0149645-A1, US-2007-0055598-A1, US-2008-0288416-A1, US-2010- 0063942-A1, WO 2005/076812, WO 2007/078399 A2,
WO 2008/118372, EPN 1733352, and HK1099110). ”EDHEC™” is a trade mark of EDHEC Business School As of January 2nd 2006, FTSE is basing its sector indices on the Industrial Classification Benchmark - please see
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FTSE SmallCap 4588.08 4574.69 4566.57 4568.58 4569.58 4570.27 4563.73 4563.03 4561.53 4588.08 4552.05
FTSE All-Share 3399.50 3364.11 3352.26 3360.13 3368.58 3365.63 3336.05 3343.20 3332.26 3410.92 3328.03 For constituent changes and other information about FTSE, please see © FTSE International Limited. 2013. All Rights reserved. ”FTSE®” is a trade mark of the London Stock Exchange
Time of FTSE 100 Day's high:07:08:30 Day's Low14:58:00 FTSE 100 2010/11 High: 7103.98(27/04/2015) Low: 5898.87(24/08/2015) Group companies and is used by FTSE International Limited under licence.
Time of FTSE All-Share Day's high:07:08:00 Day's Low14:58:00 FTSE 100 2010/11 High: 3834.45(27/04/2015) Low: 3245.99(24/08/2015)
Further information is available on © FTSE International Limited. 2013. All Rights reserved. ”FTSE®” is a trade mark of the
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For changes to FTSE Fledgling Index constituents please refer to ‡ Values are negative.


Amount Latest Company Turnover Pre-tax EPS(p) Div(p) Pay day Total Issue Issue Stock Close Mkt
Issue paid renun. closing Asian Total Return Investment Co Int 4.515 7.829 2.11 1.74 - - - - - date price(p) Sector code Stock price(p) +/- High Low Cap (£m)
price up date High Low Stock Price p +or- Diamondcorp Int - - 3.159L 2.749L 0.98L 0.91L - - - - - 08/11 120.00 AIM GLOO Gloo Networks PLC 126.00 -0.99 127.00 120.00 3225.6
There are currently no rights offers by any companies listed on the LSE. Downing THREE VCT Int 0.621 0.168 0.566 0.086 7.7 0.9 - - - - - 07/31 100.00 MHN Menhaden Capital PLC 102.25 0.14 103.50 101.00 8180.0
Downing TWO VCT Int 0.621 0.168 0.572 0.099 7.9 1 - - - - -
Inch Kenneth Kajang Rubber Int 6.284 16.66 2.758L 4.524L 0.007L 0.012L - - - - -
Mithril Capital 3rd - - 0.123L - 0.1L - - - - - -
Plethora Solutions Holdings Int - - 0.493L 1.73L 0.07L 0.42L - - - - -
Snoozebox Holdings Int 2.357 0.731 3.055L 2.284L 1.4L 1.5L - - - - -
Standard Life UK Smaller Companies Trust Pre 32.406 15.526 6.76 5.05 4.4 3.23 Oct 29 5.8 4.5

Figures in £m. Earnings shown basic. Figures in light text are for corresponding period year earlier. §Placing price. *Intoduction. ‡When issued. Annual report/prospectus available at
For more information on dividend payments visit For a full explanation of all the other symbols please refer to London Share Service notes.
Wednesday 2 September 2015 ★★★ FINANCIAL TIMES 21



52 Week 52 Week 52 Week 52 Week 52 Week 52 Week
Stock Price Day Chg High Low Yld P/E MCap m Stock Price Day Chg High Low Yld P/E MCap m Stock Price Day Chg High Low Yld P/E MCap m Stock Price Day Chg High Low Yld P/E MCap m Stock Price Day Chg High Low Yld P/E MCap m Stock Price Day Chg High Low Yld P/E MCap m
Australia (A$) Finland (€) Japan (¥) Sweden (SKr) BakerHu♦ 54.38 -1.62 70.51 44.11 1.22 93.65 23703.28 Lyondell♦ 81.55 -3.83 115.40 70.06 3.44 9.60 37992.08
ANZ 27.07 -0.86 37.25 26.41 10.53 9.24 54763.16 Nokia 6.19 -0.11 7.87 5.65 2.27 15.24 24906.95 AstellasPh 1695.5 -104.50 2047 1476 1.69 27.03 31425.24 AtlasCpcoB 189.70 -3.50 270.00 165.20 1.57 17.78 8756.1 BankAm 15.58 -0.76 18.48 14.60 1.25 17.05 162630.58 Marathon Ptl♦ 46.06 -1.25 60.38 37.32 2.12 8.24 24695.38
BHPBilltn 24.65 -0.53 36.99 22.41 9.71 9.77 55698.91 SampoA 42.38 -0.65 49.40 34.77 4.44 14.62 26662.25 Bridgestne 3878 -189.50 5182 3328 2.95 10.50 26304.15 Ericsson 80.95 -1.60 120.00 77.45 4.17 25.98 31646.33 Baxter 37.23 -1.22 43.44 34.50 5.44 12.10 20310.42 Marsh&M 52.10 -1.63 59.99 48.66 2.09 19.93 27612.61
CmwBkAu♦ 73.30 -1.78 96.69 71.42 8.58 13.02 85425.73 France (€) Canon 3627.5 -79.50 4539 3172 4.21 18.25 40360.6 H&M 318.30 -7.50 368.50 269.60 3.04 24.56 62314.44 BB & T 35.33 -1.59 41.90 34.50 2.73 13.10 25913.87 MasterCard 89.05 -3.32 99.18 69.64 0.65 28.03 98746.13
CSL 89.86 -2.01 102.43 71.04 1.65 22.18 29388.01 Airbus Grpe 56.51 -1.58 67.88 39.64 2.05 16.83 50107.77 CntJpRwy 18900 -985.00 24800 13320 0.61 14.01 32478.83 Investor 296.90 -8.00 363.40 219.30 3.01 4.35 26942.62 BectonDick 134.89 -6.13 154.98 112.15 1.69 34.40 28361.21 McDonald's♦ 93.47 -1.55 101.88 87.50 3.50 22.26 89592.39
NatAusBk 30.40 -0.77 39.71 29.40 10.28 11.43 56156.99 AirLiquide 105.30 -1.55 123.95 87.17 2.33 20.62 40784.68 Denso 5144 -285.00 6548 4500.5 2.04 15.96 37936.6 Nordea Bk 97.60 -2.60 115.50 82.40 5.83 11.10 46543.85 BerkshHat 198144.3-4386.70 229374 190007 - 18.61 160844.63 McGraw Hill♦ 92.77 -4.22 109.13 73.96 1.32-157.11 25279.83
Telstra♦ 5.66 -0.11 6.74 5.23 8.06 15.50 48683.78 AXA 21.60 -0.88 25.24 16.43 4.24 10.73 59444.33 EastJpRwy 10735 -470.00 12815 7623 1.07 22.86 35149.01 SEB 96.95 -1.60 111.50 82.30 4.86 10.88 24885.52 Biogen 292.50 -4.80 480.18 265.00 - 20.31 68787 McKesson♦ 195.78 -1.80 243.61 160.10 0.48 24.21 45499.9
Wesfarmers♦ 40.00 -0.66 46.95 38.45 7.83 17.42 31624.71 BNP Parib 54.61 -1.66 61.00 43.14 2.65 10.15 76618.67 Fanuc 19290 -425.00 28575 17435 3.15 18.55 33139.73 SvnskaHn 124.70 -1.80 426.00 114.10 3.32 16.19 27609.54 BkNYMeln 38.34 -1.46 45.45 35.06 1.73 15.68 42423.89 Medtronic 69.53 -2.76 79.50 55.54 1.75 28.90 98328.54
Westpc 30.20 -0.90 40.07 29.20 9.65 11.55 67649.32 ChristianDior 160.15 -5.25 195.35 126.10 2.04 11.66 32766.19 FastRetail 47480-1785.00 61970 32615 0.66 41.72 42013.57 Swedbank 189.40 -4.00 223.90 166.20 5.95 13.00 24764.86 BlackRock♦ 294.30 -8.17 382.84 275.00 2.72 15.23 48158.21 Merck 52.53 -1.32 63.62 45.69 3.32 15.75 147957.84
Woolworths 25.57 -0.83 36.52 25.12 7.07 14.06 22786.17 Cred Agr 11.75 -0.34 14.49 9.82 2.87 9.71 34892.32 Fuji Hvy Ind 4081 -189.50 4827.5 2941.5 1.59 11.35 26651.73 TeliaSonera 46.74 -1.04 55.85 44.37 6.37 14.58 23939.78 Boeing♦ 127.44 -3.24 158.83 115.14 2.51 17.76 86594.86 Metlife♦ 47.99 -2.11 58.23 44.49 2.89 8.33 53599.12
Belgium (€) Danone 54.36 -1.03 67.74 49.84 2.66 37.21 40083.7 Hitachi 663.00 -18.80 939.90 639.10 1.59 12.03 26732.73 Volvo 89.40 -2.70 120.50 71.00 3.33 23.03 17160.67 BrisMySq 58.20 -1.27 70.54 47.55 2.46 55.87 97048.66 Microsoft♦ 41.82 -1.70 50.05 39.72 2.82 29.05 334475.56
AnBshInBv 94.79 -2.67 119.65 78.75 3.17 18.97 171630.09 EDF 18.77 -0.52 26.12 18.42 7.04 8.92 39305.98 HondaMtr 3679.5 -144.50 4499 3239 2.28 12.87 55600.84 Switzerland (SFr) Broadcom♦ 49.88 -1.79 57.70 34.50 1.02 28.90 27882.92 Mnstr Bvrg 135.03 -3.43 155.83 88.20 - 50.87 27748.46
KBC Grp 58.14 -1.03 66.00 36.53 - 11.60 27346.57 Essilor Intl 104.25 -2.15 121.10 76.65 0.94 37.75 25367.42 JapanTob 4152.5 -177.00 4848 3101 2.49 17.82 69280.5 ABB 18.40 -0.27 22.31 16.75 - 17.52 44282.89 CapOne 74.32 -3.43 92.10 67.73 1.70 10.78 40313.32 MondelezInt 41.01 -1.35 48.58 31.83 1.43 33.16 66079.71
Esslr Intl 104.25 -2.15 121.10 76.65 0.94 37.75 25367.42 KDDI 2913.5 -104.50 3375 1996 1.86 49.80 65400.7 CredSuisse 25.13 -0.82 28.94 18.57 2.79 11.02 42808.14 CardinalHlth 80.23 -2.04 91.91 71.72 1.72 22.81 26264.05 Monsanto 95.80 -1.85 126.00 89.34 1.99 17.76 44818.55
Brazil (R$)
GDF Suez 17.56 0.67 20.57 16.08 5.77 46.56 46717.29 Keyence 55300-1090.00 70100 42660 0.37 26.84 28048.77 Nestle 70.10 -1.20 77.00 64.15 2.92 16.29 232383.92 Carnival♦ 47.78 -1.45 54.05 33.11 2.10 25.93 28318.64 MorganStly 33.12 -1.33 41.04 30.40 1.32 17.22 64696.13
Ambev 18.71 -0.38 20.29 14.99 10.22 20.29 80055.63
Hermes Intl 309.15 -7.50 365.55 229.00 0.92 36.25 36744.03 MitsbCp 2199.5 -55.50 2837 1942.5 2.60 10.23 29175.18 Novartis 91.70 -3.00 103.20 78.60 2.79 24.35 255230.05 Caterpillar 74.90 -1.54 109.73 70.23 3.64 13.15 45137.18 MylanNV 48.29 -1.30 76.69 44.80 - 23.94 23663.71
Bradesco 24.40 -0.77 34.42 23.03 4.61 7.07 16767.71
LOreal 149.75 -2.95 181.30 117.05 1.74 29.59 94365.47 MitsubEst 2515 -94.00 2975 2151.5 0.53 51.40 29170.8 Richemont 70.70 -1.65 92.25 66.40 1.75 28.10 38371.18 CBS 43.79 -1.45 63.95 40.75 1.34 19.32 19460.64 Netflix 105.79 -9.24 129.29 45.08 - 244.39 45067.05
Cielo 37.60 -0.75 46.27 30.18 2.99 15.83 19311.56
LVMH 144.20 -4.45 176.60 121.40 2.31 12.18 82474.4 MitsubishiEle 1154 -57.00 1718 1122 1.10 20.37 20670.44 Roche 257.40 -6.60 295.80 238.80 3.12 24.72 188022.09 Celgene 115.46 -2.62 140.72 83.16 - 44.85 91275.77 News Corp A 26.60 -0.79 39.27 22.81 1.01 6.95 32477
ItauHldFin 24.71 -0.38 35.22 23.83 2.14 5.46 20496.65
Nmrcble-SFR 44.05 -1.80 60.01 26.38 - -54.00 21734.15 MitsuiFud 3241.5 -118.50 3879 2854.5 0.74 27.96 26808.79 Swiss Re 81.40 -1.65 96.95 69.25 5.20 35.40 31374.03 CharlesSch 29.09 -1.29 35.72 23.35 0.80 31.26 38271.5 NextEraE♦ 95.35 -3.06 112.64 90.33 3.06 14.96 43108.09
Petrobras 9.95 -0.67 23.50 7.88 - -4.68 20159.08
Orange 13.66 -0.43 16.45 10.20 4.24 37.27 40737.39 MitUFJFin 777.00 -23.10 936.80 546.20 2.21 7.36 91838.97 Swisscom 510.00 -12.50 587.50 486.50 4.33 15.69 27468.28 ChevrnTx♦ 78.19 -2.80 129.38 69.58 5.33 12.38 147132.83 Nike 108.63 -3.12 117.72 78.35 1.00 29.23 73643.12
Vale 17.10 -0.82 29.57 14.77 12.86 -9.21 14976.3
PernodRic 91.05 -2.47 117.75 82.23 1.90 23.49 27207.94 Mizuho Fin 240.00 -8.70 280.40 178.10 3.23 7.40 49635.95 Syngent 332.00 -3.00 435.20 273.20 3.22 19.96 32083.55 Cigna 139.00 -1.79 170.68 85.75 0.03 17.67 35791.86 NorfolkS♦ 75.71 -2.20 117.64 72.10 2.99 13.33 22818
Canada (C$) Murata Mfg 16455-1095.00 22220 10200 0.84 31.99 30921.48 Cisco 25.12 -0.76 30.31 22.49 3.10 14.60 127757.52 Northrop♦ 159.37 -4.37 176.83 118.24 1.77 16.55 29864.75
Renault 71.77 -2.32 100.25 49.50 2.55 8.04 23894.97 UBS 19.63 -0.40 22.57 13.58 3.83 15.42 76736.74
BCE 51.99 -1.21 60.20 46.43 5.03 17.15 33415.09 NipponTT 4491 -138.50 5066 3001.5 1.91 17.87 85170.52 Citigroup 50.94 -2.54 60.95 46.60 0.15 12.53 153321.52 NXP 81.84 -2.81 114.00 53.81 - 44.28 20603.34
Safran 68.00 -1.62 71.35 43.66 1.70 -21.40 31926.79 Zurich Fin 260.00 -5.70 334.60 255.00 - 10.88 40656.35
BkMontrl 68.74 -2.26 85.71 64.01 4.64 10.62 33433.98 Nissan Mt 1053 -44.00 1350 917.40 2.99 9.28 39710.64 CME Grp 91.12 -3.32 100.87 75.30 2.07 26.44 30776.33 Occid Pet 70.01 -3.00 99.50 64.83 4.05 -22.46 53484.22
Sanofi 86.00 -2.17 101.10 69.58 3.20 24.35 127054.09 Taiwan (NT$)
BkNvaS 58.24 -1.98 73.33 52.60 5.75 11.08 53265.82 Nomura 743.30 -22.80 909.20 576.20 1.67 10.59 23702.3 Coca-Cola 38.75 -0.57 44.87 36.56 3.19 23.32 168562.64 Oracle 36.01 -1.08 46.71 35.14 1.42 16.25 156142.13
Sant Gbn 39.76 -1.21 44.84 29.51 1.50 27.65 25672.2 Chunghwa Telecom 97.40 -1.40 99.80 90.00 4.76 19.61 23305.47
Brookfield♦ 40.69 -0.72 48.64 32.21 1.41 9.63 30214.58 Nppn Stl 240.40 -9.30 350.50 227.10 2.18 9.63 19057.94 Cognizant 61.23 -1.71 69.35 42.94 - 25.32 37321.48 Pepsico 91.33 -1.60 100.76 76.48 2.85 21.67 134163.14
Schneider 55.15 -1.18 75.29 52.03 3.36 19.78 36484.36 HonHaiPrc 89.80 -2.70 103.00 77.90 1.83 9.36 41958.82
CanadPcR 185.61 -5.48 247.56 172.01 0.78 19.49 22457.02 NTTDCMo 2433 -105.50 2873.5 1612.5 2.55 22.88 82925.4 ColgtPlm 61.27 -1.54 71.56 50.84 2.32 25.24 55151.06 Perrigo♦ 179.46 -3.51 215.73 135.00 0.25 201.13 26251.31
SocGen 41.98 -1.48 48.77 31.85 2.76 10.65 38094.23 TaiwanSem 124.00 -5.00 155.00 112.50 6.19 10.29 99176.97
CanImp 94.51 -2.18 107.37 83.10 4.41 10.61 28433.37 Panasonic 1297 -40.50 1853.5 1130 1.06 55.93 26541.06 Comcast 55.02 -1.31 64.99 49.33 1.68 16.68 117255.21 Pfizer♦ 31.36 -0.86 36.46 27.51 3.36 22.84 193408.03
Total 40.41 -0.40 52.09 36.92 6.13 31.39 109842.33
CanNatRs 28.36 -1.29 47.42 25.01 3.31 19.06 23500.82 Seven & I 5039 -251.00 5998 3794.5 1.41 26.14 37261.99 Thailand (THB) ConocPhil 47.75 -1.40 81.37 41.10 5.96 36.35 58897.65 Phillips66 77.59 -1.48 87.98 57.33 2.59 10.24 41717.01
UnibailR 224.50 -6.75 262.00 180.70 4.19 13.21 24928.93
CanNatRy 71.75 -1.46 88.89 68.81 1.62 17.26 43323.48 ShnEtsuCh 6401 -272.00 8529 6360 1.49 21.42 23073.33 PTT Explor 264.00 -4.00 398.00 240.00 3.42 16.75 21092.69 Corning♦ 16.70 -0.51 25.16 15.42 2.57 8.54 20473.12 PhilMorris 77.78 -2.02 90.25 75.27 5.01 16.71 120495.66
Vinci 56.30 -1.11 60.35 39.65 3.32 12.04 37908.87
Enbridge 52.74 -1.63 66.14 47.43 3.19 215.80 34214.02 Softbank 6853 -210.00 8760 6600 0.56 10.39 68639.21 United Arab Emirates (Dhs) Costco 138.30 -1.75 156.85 117.03 1.06 26.41 60781.14 PNCFin 87.19 -3.93 100.52 76.69 2.18 12.24 44780.77
Vivendi 21.67 -0.38 24.83 17.32 4.55 -85.04 33359.62
GtWesLif 33.03 -0.60 37.70 29.30 3.95 11.85 24945.15 Sony 3051 -111.00 3970 1782 0.78 -52.05 32123.94 Emirtestele 12.70 -0.15 15.85 9.41 5.13 13.59 30070.27 CrownCstl 81.46 -1.93 89.44 74.45 3.36 55.16 27188.25 PPG Inds♦ 91.35 -3.94 118.95 85.78 1.46 23.14 24730.4
ImpOil 44.61 -1.84 57.70 42.12 1.15 17.14 28631.98 Germany (€)
SumitomoF 4818 -146.00 5770 3823 2.77 10.60 56833.54 United Kingdom (p) CSX♦ 26.73 -0.65 37.99 24.47 2.41 13.67 26408.74 Praxair 102.38 -3.37 134.06 101.01 2.60 20.46 29328.96
Manulife 20.33 -1.05 24.20 18.91 3.22 12.91 30345.56 Allianz 138.90 -3.35 170.15 115.05 4.76 9.81 71465.74
Takeda Ph 5700 -262.00 6657 4337.5 3.01 -30.35 37568.42 AscBrFd 3129 -73.00 3293 2407 1.09 43.85 37964.55 CVS 100.27 -2.13 113.65 77.40 1.21 24.74 111749.53 Prec Cast 229.60 -0.65 249.12 186.17 0.05 22.89 31569.45
Potash 33.62 -0.64 47.10 31.74 5.47 14.46 21256.11 BASF 69.96 -1.86 97.22 63.00 3.80 13.41 72343.3
TokioMarine 4656 -220.00 5504 3102 1.95 14.93 29422.6 AstraZen♦ 4033.5 -86.50 4931.68 3746 4.43 68.00 78123.59 Danaher 84.79 -2.23 92.92 70.12 0.54 23.96 57952.95 Priceline 1215.36 -33.28 1395 990.69 - 27.77 61620.69
RylBkC 71.33 -2.01 83.87 68.05 4.25 10.93 77951.59 Bayer 117.05 -3.90 146.45 96.83 1.85 28.67 108975.52
Toyota 7000 -192.00 8783 5710 2.73 10.36 199591.09 Aviva 469.30 -14.50 578.68 449.86 3.86 12.28 29099.22 Deere 80.00 -1.78 98.23 76.76 2.95 12.50 26253.3 ProctGmbl 68.90 -1.77 93.89 65.02 3.67 23.11 186895.5
Suncor En 36.05 -1.21 44.61 30.89 3.20 36.51 39466.78 BMW 80.10 -2.12 123.75 74.59 3.49 10.18 54288.14
Mexico (Mex$) Barclays♦ 253.15 -8.30 289.90 204.05 2.57 113.37 65095.52 Delphi 72.03 -3.49 90.57 58.23 1.35 16.46 20481.63 Prudntl♦ 77.12 -3.58 94.30 74.05 2.87 13.89 34781.12
ThmReut♦ 50.05 -1.13 54.47 39.45 3.42 15.97 29622.79 Continental 185.85 -3.60 234.25 136.85 1.69 15.30 41848.99
AmerMvl 15.09 -0.18 17.64 13.48 1.82 - 38072.04 BG♦ 964.90 -29.70 1420 780.55 1.89 -48.66 50510.16 Delta 43.77 -0.01 51.06 30.12 0.80 19.84 34814.58 PublStor 199.00 -2.27 217.99 162.34 2.89 35.67 34420.5
TntoDom 51.22 -1.26 57.97 47.75 3.81 12.33 71905.39 Daimler 69.91 -1.75 96.07 55.10 3.38 9.62 84204.74
FEMSA UBD 147.10 -2.25 154.14 116.20 0.78 27.80 31239.38 BP♦ 349.40 -11.10 499.25 326.25 7.39 -15.86 97933.59 DirectTV 93.55 1.36 95.51 82.04 - 16.82 47176.52 Qualcomm♦ 55.02 -1.56 78.53 52.59 3.08 15.46 86447.54
TrnCan 44.02 -1.88 63.86 41.95 4.79 16.91 23631.36 Deut Bank 25.59 -0.69 33.42 22.66 2.83 22.32 39729.69
WalMrtMex 40.44 0.31 41.00 28.26 1.37 30.77 41960.39 BrAmTob♦ 3391 -88.00 3894 3231.5 4.37 15.74 96882.76 DiscFinServ 51.35 -2.38 66.75 50.92 1.90 10.90 22353 Raytheon 100.04 -2.52 113.36 92.96 2.48 14.78 30366.94
ValeantPh 296.20 -8.79 347.84 125.50 - 95.37 76526.41 Deut Tlkm 14.83 -0.42 17.63 10.07 3.25 36.66 76914.09
BSkyB 850.50 -12.00 954.00 782.50 3.76 9.03 23005.52 Disney 99.51 -2.37 122.08 78.54 1.77 21.22 167958.74 Regen Pharm 496.42 -17.08 605.93 320.06 - 128.27 50504.05
DeutsPost 23.94 -0.62 31.19 21.55 - 16.26 32644.68 Netherlands (€)
China (HK$) BT♦ 421.15 -16.20 481.75 351.90 2.71 16.16 54026.37 DominRes♦ 67.80 -1.95 80.89 65.53 3.59 23.79 40295.03 ReynoldsAm 40.83 -1.05 44.14 40.59 3.20 15.50 29175.11
E.ON 9.88 -0.22 15.46 9.56 1.37 -7.61 22266.87 Altice 23.69 -1.74 143.20 20.61 - -137.32 19989.53
AgricBkCh 3.07 -0.06 4.55 3.05 7.33 4.58 12176.57 Compass 1019 -16.00 1223.36 924.41 2.65 19.78 25732.83 DowChem 41.66 -2.10 54.97 35.11 3.81 12.58 48246.53 Salesforce 66.63 -2.73 78.46 51.04 - -431.39 43975.8
Fresenius Med 67.03 -1.18 82.32 50.75 1.10 22.29 23477.65 ASML Hld 80.32 -1.36 104.85 68.29 0.84 26.83 39185.41
Bk China 3.44 -0.10 5.68 3.42 7.35 4.59 37117.42 Diageo♦ 1691 -39.00 2055 1592.5 3.16 17.88 65191.26 DukeEner♦ 69.05 -1.86 89.97 68.66 4.49 21.09 47529.22 Schlmbrg♦ 75.42 -1.95 109.93 68.01 2.33 22.97 95440.17
Fresenius SE 61.76 -1.29 66.56 36.00 0.69 29.75 30333.04 Heineken 69.00 -1.50 77.77 54.03 1.36 24.82 44745.88
BkofComm 5.65 -0.19 8.61 5.29 5.91 5.21 25524.7 GlaxoSmh♦ 1295 -45.50 1645 1247.5 6.18 6.51 96588.35 DuPont♦ 50.02 -1.48 76.61 48.01 3.70 15.32 45260 Shrwin-Will♦ 248.53 -7.28 294.35 202.01 0.96 25.89 23165.64
HenkelKgaA 79.95 -1.87 99.44 66.70 1.56 20.82 23384.61 ING 13.23 -0.42 16.00 9.68 - 29.12 57635
BOE Tech 1.90 -0.08 4.78 1.12 2.05 26.40 48.78 Glencore 133.50 -14.80 373.70 133.00 8.57-310.47 26776.02 Eaton 54.90 -2.16 73.82 49.21 3.69 12.18 25665.75 SimonProp 175.01 -4.31 206.31 162.43 3.06 37.41 54473.75
Linde 152.05 -2.85 195.55 141.80 2.00 27.79 31794.75 Unilever♦ 34.95 -0.79 42.75 28.75 3.19 21.40 67471.72
Ch Coms Cons 8.78 -0.44 17.00 5.45 2.76 7.78 5015.91 HSBC♦ 499.00 -19.70 674.57 482.55 6.51 11.25 149601.27 eBay 26.48 -0.63 29.35 19.50 - 11.35 32258.68 SouthCpr 25.44 -1.22 33.31 23.41 1.69 16.97 20276.04
MuenchRkv 162.45 -1.35 206.50 141.10 4.40 9.34 31630.15 Norway (Kr)
Ch Evrbrght 3.37 -0.17 5.65 3.32 6.59 4.21 2986.8 ImpTob♦ 3113 -46.00 3413 2482.72 4.12 15.59 45662.36 Ecolab 105.42 -3.72 118.46 97.78 1.17 26.62 31108.62 Starbucks 53.50 -1.21 59.32 35.39 1.11 30.94 79404.7
SAP 58.71 -1.28 70.81 50.08 1.81 23.74 81202.27 DNB 115.50 -2.90 143.00 100.90 3.38 8.28 22686.45
Ch Rail Cons 9.69 -0.47 17.70 6.92 1.73 7.97 2596.01 LlydsBkg♦ 75.56 -1.82 89.35 70.90 0.99 41.07 82746.64 EMC 24.01 -0.86 30.92 22.66 1.87 20.02 46212.68 StateSt 69.68 -2.24 81.26 64.21 1.73 16.92 28437.32
Siemens 86.84 -1.62 106.35 80.17 3.66 13.25 86134.11 Statoil 123.10 -0.80 182.50 113.90 6.01 -9.72 47334.92
Ch Rail Gp 6.62 -0.33 12.30 4.03 1.29 10.45 3593.91 Natl Grid 849.40 -10.70 965.00 806.40 4.97 15.92 48731.92 Emerson♦ 46.27 -1.45 65.94 44.03 3.88 13.19 30405.88 Stryker 95.46 -3.19 105.34 77.87 1.37 40.17 35946.25
Volkswgn 161.95 -4.75 254.50 147.35 2.86 7.64 53804.01 Telenor 160.70 -4.40 186.10 128.90 2.43 22.41 29096.86
ChConstBk 5.34 -0.11 7.98 5.33 7.25 4.50 165654.75 Prudential♦ 1367.5 -50.50 1761.5 1287 2.70 13.92 53885 EOG Res 76.02 -2.29 109.85 68.15 0.80 30.85 41748.02 Sychrony Fin 31.71 -1.24 36.40 23.76 - 12.49 26438.69
China Vanke - - - - - - - Hong Kong (HK$) Qatar (QR) EquityResTP 69.48 -1.77 82.53 60.44 2.95 30.01 25296.44 Target♦ 75.39 -2.32 85.81 58.72 2.71 16.95 47377.36
RBS 328.00 -8.80 414.00 300.30 - -22.87 32542.27
ChinaCitic 4.53 -0.22 7.40 4.51 - 4.23 8698.77 AIA 42.15 -0.70 58.20 39.10 1.04 19.34 65521.83 QatarNtBk 182.00 3.00 237.00 159.90 4.01 11.91 34988.87 Exelon♦ 29.96 -0.80 38.93 29.75 4.03 11.36 25814.07 TE Connect♦ 57.91 -1.38 73.73 51.03 2.02 13.01 23302.09
ReckittB♦ 5655 -102.00 6300 4895 2.46 24.03 61616.97
ChinaLife 25.55 -1.25 41.00 21.00 1.91 13.09 24531.69 BOC Hold 24.75 -1.45 33.70 23.85 4.41 10.38 33764.49 ExpScripts 81.93 -1.67 94.61 68.06 - 27.64 55362.64 Telsa Mtrs 238.63 -10.43 291.42 181.40 - -59.14 30339.93
Russia (RUB) RELX 1019 -26.00 1199 921.50 2.45 95.89 32385.86
ChinaMBank 18.02 -0.44 26.85 13.12 4.60 6.38 10674.53 Ch OSLnd&Inv 22.15 -0.55 34.05 19.80 2.17 6.66 28182.03 ExxonMb♦ 72.08 -3.16 99.59 66.55 3.79 13.16 300533.86 TexasInstr 46.34 -1.50 59.99 41.47 2.78 16.82 47562.72
Gzprm neft 144.50 -3.69 166.94 113.73 5.78 7.45 51568.01 RioTinto♦ 2271 -117.00 3283.5 2107.78 6.01 22.59 48492.93
ChinaMob 92.75 -1.15 118.00 85.00 3.34 14.11 245038.17 ChngKng 53.70 -0.60 77.55 50.10 - - 26743.68 Facebook 87.23 -2.20 99.24 70.32 - 91.47 197116.82 TheTrvelers 97.49 -2.06 110.49 90.83 2.26 9.11 30339.44
Lukoil 2455 -76.00 3297.7 1913 2.84 12.70 31478 RollsRoyce 727.00 -16.50 1061 685.50 3.18 -53.46 20486.09
ChinaPcIns 27.80 -0.40 47.10 24.80 1.86 15.27 9955.2 Citic Ltd 13.42 -0.78 16.40 11.64 1.94 8.31 50372.7 Fedex 148.03 -2.58 185.19 130.01 0.54 40.29 41818.61 ThrmoFshr 121.45 -3.92 141.25 107.33 0.48 25.47 48396.33
MmcNrlskNckl 10329 -240.00 12247 6766 13.30 12.52 24639.88 RylDShlA♦ 1638 -57.00 2475.5 1542.5 7.41 12.14 98357.18
ChMinsheng 7.27 -0.24 11.88 6.97 3.15 4.47 6504.11 Citic Secs 14.86 -0.68 40.50 14.70 2.35 6.81 4368.49 FordMtr 13.72 -0.15 17.87 10.44 3.91 15.24 53466.65 TimeWrnr♦ 69.44 -1.66 91.34 66.82 1.87 16.90 56633.97
Novatek 610.00 -23.00 633.00 364.50 9.89 29.86 27920.59 SABMill 2959.5 -94.50 3857 2773 2.39 21.59 73375.47
ChMrchSecs RMB 16.56 0.60 40.00 10.74 2.52 9.82 12497.33 CK Hutchison 101.20 -2.10 174.90 97.50 3.43 4.43 50399.61 Franklin 39.45 -1.13 59.43 38.25 1.41 10.87 24215.12 TimeWrnrC 183.37 -2.65 194.22 128.78 1.99 27.13 51888.99
Rosneft 242.70 -2.40 294.20 183.95 6.24 6.87 38774.81 Shire 4865 -160.00 5870 3448.28 0.29 14.73 44141.77
Chna Utd Coms RMB 6.50 -0.05 10.74 3.36 1.04 34.62 21647.87 CNOOC 9.22 -0.39 15.80 7.60 6.00 8.19 53115.74 GenDyn 138.89 -3.14 153.76 114.73 1.84 16.48 44823.58 TJX Cos♦ 69.39 -0.93 76.93 58.58 1.04 21.60 46794.59
Sberbank 73.14 -1.36 81.30 47.21 - 5.01 23800.91 StandCh♦ 724.20 -40.80 1250.18 707.30 7.63 16.11 28266.93
ChShenEgy 12.80 -0.64 24.40 12.34 7.04 7.74 5613.1 HangSeng♦ 137.70 -0.20 162.10 123.20 3.96 10.12 33968.91 GenElectric 23.88 -0.94 28.68 19.37 3.71 47.60 241102.72 T-MobileUS 38.96 -0.65 42.56 24.26 - 118.24 31747.52
Surgutneftegas 33.75 -0.55 39.80 21.82 2.06 1.26 18176.31 Tesco 185.40 -5.95 252.52 155.40 6.09 -2.64 23120.4
ChShpbldng RMB 11.81 -0.59 20.19 5.13 - 181.25 33322.78 HK Exc&Clr♦ 180.00 -2.20 311.40 162.00 2.15 31.65 27811.24 GenMills 55.53 -1.23 59.87 47.43 3.02 28.01 33301.71 UnionPac♦ 83.38 -2.36 124.52 79.31 2.45 14.71 72348.12
Saudi Arabia (SR) Vodafone 220.00 -6.70 258.00 179.10 5.03 10.27 89510.19
ChStConEng RMB 6.24 0.11 12.52 3.13 2.43 7.44 29314.89 MTR♦ 33.80 -0.75 40.00 29.95 2.67 12.81 25506.74 GenMotors 28.64 -0.80 39.00 24.62 4.29 10.84 45310.3 UPS B 95.20 -2.45 114.40 93.64 2.87 22.79 66492.27
AlRajhiBnk 52.98 -0.66 77.50 48.40 3.57 13.27 22954.02 WPP 1311 -40.00 1616 1091 2.91 13.55 26035.47
ChUncHK 10.04 -0.14 16.00 9.68 2.46 16.19 31022.96 SandsCh 26.25 -0.65 49.50 25.60 7.38 14.67 27330.13 GileadSci 101.49 -3.58 123.37 85.95 0.41 11.00 148947.28 USBancorp 40.27 -2.08 46.26 38.10 2.40 13.21 70915.64
SHK Props 94.90 -3.30 137.60 94.20 3.47 8.84 35224.87 Natnlcombnk 54.54 -0.49 72.75 48.80 - 12.90 29004.92 United States of America ($)
CNNC Intl RMB 8.41 -0.67 14.38 4.07 - - - GoldmSchs♦ 182.12 -6.48 218.77 171.26 1.28 11.07 78834.47 UtdHlthcre 112.63 -3.07 126.21 80.72 1.41 18.40 107399.75
Tencent 127.20 -4.60 171.00 104.50 0.28 37.37 154278.89 SaudiBasic♦ 79.98 -0.80 136.50 70.25 6.50 10.04 63972.9 3M♦ 138.50 -3.64 170.50 130.60 2.65 18.55 86527.24
CSR 8.72 -0.34 20.70 6.80 1.33 17.02 4918.1 Google 629.56 -18.26 713.33 490.91 - 32.12 182500.8 UtdTech♦ 89.72 -1.89 124.45 87.17 2.67 13.21 79904.43
SaudiTelec 59.55 -0.44 76.50 52.75 6.14 11.29 31754.5 AbbottLb 43.57 -1.72 51.74 39.28 2.06 28.40 64938.53
Daqin RMB 10.19 0.12 15.15 7.33 4.71 10.61 23802.77 India (Rs) Halliburton♦ 37.95 -1.40 68.18 30.93 1.77 22.81 32437.73 ValeroEngy♦ 57.40 -1.94 71.50 42.53 2.29 6.74 28534.22
Singapore (S$) Abbvie 60.50 -1.91 71.60 52.06 2.96 48.16 100144.22
Gree Elec Apl 0.21 -0.03 0.45 0.13 - -1.82 303.91 Bhartiartl 345.40 -8.90 452.45 332.50 1.02 27.35 20842.36 HCA Hold 84.32 -2.30 95.49 43.91 - 17.72 35008.99 Verizon 44.90 -1.11 51.73 38.06 4.77 19.22 182549.55
DBS♦ 17.47 -0.29 21.50 17.43 3.39 19.09 30971.3 Accenture 92.29 -1.98 105.37 73.98 2.22 20.76 73608.74
GuosenSec - - - - - - - HDFC Bk 1000.1 -27.35 1128 838.65 0.81 25.20 37951.86 Hew-Pack 27.81 -0.25 41.10 24.85 2.30 11.14 50236.4 VertexPharm 124.04 -3.48 143.45 90.99 - -41.40 30347.07
JardnMt US$♦ 49.68 -0.26 67.88 46.20 2.79 10.97 34706.78 Ace 99.72 -2.44 117.89 96.00 3.20 11.51 32289.84
HaitongSecs 10.54 -0.64 27.90 10.32 2.93 5.67 4636.98 Hind Unilevr 853.75 -7.15 981.00 707.15 1.37 45.92 27887.25 HiltonWwde♦ 24.10 -0.73 31.60 20.72 - 37.48 23797.57 VF Cp 70.75 -1.68 77.83 61.75 1.68 30.05 30114.17
JardnStr US$♦ 28.32 -0.21 37.84 27.06 0.93 10.30 31721.3 Actavis 298.98 -2.94 317.72 201.91 - -34.92 117333.1
Hngzh HikVDT - - - - - - - HsngDevFin 1157.4 -28.75 1402.3 975.00 1.25 20.73 27541.86 HomeDep♦ 113.07 -2.80 123.80 86.35 1.84 22.46 145193.56 Viacom 40.39 -0.38 81.99 36.32 3.35 9.66 14033.91
OCBC♦ 8.82 -0.11 10.92 8.63 4.17 8.32 25299.52 Adobe 75.99 -2.58 87.25 58.51 - 105.22 37816.07
Hunng Pwr - - - - - - - ICICI Bk 270.95 -6.95 393.40 267.15 3.71 11.83 23745.3 Honywell♦ 95.96 -3.31 107.41 82.89 2.03 17.65 75017.92 Visa Inc 68.96 -2.34 76.92 48.80 0.65 29.69 134567.67
SingTel 3.71 -0.03 4.57 3.63 4.63 14.91 41885.53 AEP♦ 52.99 -1.30 65.38 51.58 3.84 15.28 25994.75
IM Baotou Stl RMB 4.13 0.17 7.50 2.46 0.30-304.61 10215.16 Infosys 1089 -5.40 2336 932.65 3.47 19.21 37573.1 HumanaInc 179.25 -3.54 219.79 121.04 0.61 21.76 26567.51 Walgreen♦ 86.04 -0.51 97.30 58.39 1.58 22.00 93980
UOB 19.20 -0.18 25.05 18.51 3.73 9.56 21784.24 Aetna 111.55 -2.97 134.40 71.81 0.83 17.35 38896.16
In&CmBkCh 4.50 -0.08 7.10 4.50 7.03 4.74 50396.09 ITC 315.45 -9.70 409.95 294.00 1.70 27.89 38206.47 IBM♦ 142.68 -5.21 195.00 140.62 3.14 9.75 139759.32 WalMartSto 63.82 -0.91 90.97 61.50 3.03 13.10 205535.41
Aflac 56.65 -1.95 65.10 51.41 2.65 9.76 24398.82
IndstrlBk RMB 14.85 0.27 21.42 9.99 3.28 5.50 37751.09 L&T♦ 1557.9 -45.00 1893.8 1401 0.94 25.36 21883.79 South Africa (R) IllinoisTool 81.84 -2.69 100.14 78.79 2.31 16.89 29960.69 Wellpoint 128.71 0.94 129.96 81.84 1.64 12.65 34744.16
AirProd 135.92 -3.61 158.20 118.20 2.27 29.21 29220.41
Kweichow RMB 194.37 -1.00 290.00 145.50 - 15.25 38363.92 OilNatGas 234.10 -5.20 457.95 223.00 4.25 7.41 30233.82 Firstrand 50.61 -2.30 58.47 40.27 3.91 12.34 21216.26 Illumina 193.13 -4.48 242.37 145.12 - 60.58 27945.91 WellsFargo 50.99 -2.34 58.77 46.44 2.72 12.74 261749.99
Alexion 170.85 -1.34 208.88 150.06 - 59.89 38638.52
Midea 1.93 -0.02 2.68 1.65 5.09 9.46 53.55 RelianceIn 839.85 -16.05 1067.85 796.45 1.17 10.38 41053.03 MTN Grp 175.10 -1.87 263.44 161.10 7.64 9.78 24149.52 Intcntl Exch 224.52 -3.89 246.39 184.27 0.89 23.62 24806.89 Williams Cos 46.01 -2.19 61.38 40.07 4.87 17.29 34494.22
Allstate♦ 57.14 -1.14 72.87 54.12 1.98 9.86 22878.28
New Ch Life Ins 28.75 -1.55 56.55 26.20 0.90 7.84 3836.18 SBI NewA 239.10 -8.25 336.00 234.61 1.27 10.93 27308.98 Naspers N 1629.78 -89.22 2029.97 1130.01 0.30 41.30 51087.41 Intel 27.82 -0.72 37.90 24.87 3.26 12.11 132256.28 Yahoo 31.60 -0.64 52.62 29.00 - 4.49 29747.95
Altria 52.03 -1.55 56.70 42.92 3.90 20.66 102014.96
PetroChina 6.19 -0.25 11.70 5.90 5.20 14.29 16851.69 SunPhrmInds 901.95 3.00 1200.8 748.00 0.17 30.60 32764.52 South Korea (KRW) Intuit 84.10 -1.65 109.21 77.96 1.11 75.62 23183.75 Yum!Brnds 79.10 -0.67 95.90 65.81 1.97 39.74 34108.36
Amazon 496.54 -16.35 580.57 284.00 - -1260.31 232236.83
PingAnIns 37.15 -0.80 62.90 28.53 0.41 10.65 35700.11 Tata Cons 2537.4 -26.65 2839.7 2345 1.56 24.55 75025.69 HyundMobis 203000-3500.00 293500 185500 1.51 9.95 16551.36 John&John♦ 92.09 -1.89 109.49 81.79 3.02 16.64 255006.99 Venezuela ()
AmerAir 39.20 0.22 56.20 28.10 0.99 6.95 26335.37
PngAnBnk RMB 11.57 0.50 17.50 8.32 1.50 7.45 21458.59 Indonesia (Rp) KoreaElePwr 48500 500.00 53100 38750 1.12 8.37 26571.59 JohnsonCn 39.37 -1.77 54.52 38.48 2.48 14.86 25750.71 Bco de Vnzla 110.00 -5.00 143.95 27.00 - - 31342.56
AmerExpr 74.00 -2.72 94.89 71.71 1.75 13.23 74094.96
Pwr Cons Corp RMB 7.93 0.14 20.00 2.92 1.26 15.76 4111.7 Bk Cent Asia 12575 -325.00 15600 11000 1.21 17.52 21992.27 SK Hynix 34400-1400.00 51700 30300 0.89 5.24 21372.53 JPMrgnCh 61.45 -2.65 70.61 50.07 2.60 11.38 227246.24 Bco Provncl 3950 - 4400 839.99 - - 33274.88
AmerIntGrp 58.73 -1.61 64.93 48.56 0.83 11.84 75989.98
SaicMtr RMB 17.44 0.14 29.18 14.00 6.88 6.73 30212.26 SmsungEl 1085000-4000.00 1510000 1033000 2.01 6.46 119739.05 Kimb-Clark 104.03 -2.50 119.01 99.57 3.22 60.36 37895.53 Mrcntl Srvcs - - - - - - -
Israel (ILS) AmerTower 90.03 -2.16 105.20 89.39 1.73 55.54 38107.81
ShenwanHong 0.19 - 0.49 0.17 - -2.55 62.10 Spain (€) KinderM 31.39 -1.02 44.71 28.50 5.59 45.19 68804.9
TevaPha♦ 257.00 0.40 275.90 182.70 1.98 22.55 62733.87 Amgen♦ 147.46 -4.32 181.81 127.67 1.85 20.05 111811.6
ShgPdgBk RMB 15.33 0.37 19.17 9.40 4.94 5.92 35944.05 Kraft 88.19 -0.11 91.32 53.33 2.45 45.49 52233.16 Closing prices and highs & lows are in traded currency (with variations for that
Italy (€) BBVA 7.99 -0.28 9.91 7.21 0.97 12.48 56690.52 Anadarko 68.29 -3.29 112.99 58.10 1.54 -14.13 34692.15
Sinopec Corp 5.05 -0.11 8.23 4.80 6.18 13.29 16624.81 Kroger 33.85 -0.65 39.43 25.42 1.03 18.14 16441.34 country indicated by stock), market capitalisation is in USD. Highs & lows are
Enel 3.91 -0.10 4.50 3.36 3.27 79.49 41436.55 BcoSantdr 5.31 -0.15 7.96 5.09 10.87 11.46 85540.02 Aon Cp 90.28 -3.16 107.08 78.26 1.13 21.15 25282.28
Sinopec Oil RMB 6.66 -0.74 14.23 2.92 - 191.25 470.89 L Brands♦ 83.85 -0.05 95.78 63.51 1.81 22.11 24481.22 based on intraday trading over a rolling 52 week period.
ENI 14.38 -0.25 19.64 12.98 7.51-680.21 58836.3 CaixaBnk 3.75 -0.12 5.00 3.54 1.03 24.26 24320.83 Apple 107.72 -5.04 134.54 92.00 1.75 12.78 614297.21
Denmark (kr) Iberdrola 5.93 -0.12 6.49 5.11 2.52 15.71 41666.98 LasVegasSd 45.33 -0.90 65.83 40.00 4.94 15.69 36148.46 ♦ ex-dividend
Generali 16.07 -0.26 19.21 14.40 3.60 12.74 28167.51 ArcherDan♦ 43.34 -1.65 53.91 41.63 2.34 12.27 26391.44
DanskeBk 204.10 -1.90 218.00 139.20 2.60 33.04 31053.42 Inditex 28.99 -0.76 32.54 19.29 1.38 34.76 101704.71 LibertyGbl 46.54 -1.58 58.66 39.95 - -29.58 11751.72 ■ ex-capital redistribution
IntSPaolo 3.16 -0.10 3.65 2.00 1.56 28.19 56373.98 AT&T 32.32 -0.88 36.45 30.97 5.64 32.84 198800.32
MollerMrsk 11110 -220.00 16450 10860 2.53 8.81 35964.5 Repsol 12.30 -0.46 19.50 12.23 - 17.35 19028.92 Lilly (E)♦ 79.80 -2.55 90.18 60.58 2.42 42.52 88461.54 # price at time of suspension
Luxottica 58.75 -1.65 67.80 34.74 1.18 38.77 31968.05 AutomData 75.10 -2.22 90.23 64.29 2.53 26.67 34982.34
NovoB 358.60 -10.60 415.00 244.50 1.35 30.98 111572.36 Telefonica 12.23 -0.36 14.31 10.76 3.15 19.54 67997.61 Lockheed♦ 197.62 -3.56 213.34 166.28 2.87 18.01 61367.83
Unicred 5.63 -0.20 6.61 4.82 2.06 15.54 37823.08 Avago Tech 119.37 -6.60 150.50 68.75 1.12 48.21 31003.93
Lowes 67.75 -1.42 76.25 49.85 1.35 24.07 63189.45

Close Prev Day Week Month Close Prev Day Week Month Day's Mth's Spread Day's Mth's Spread
price price change change % change change % change % price price change change % change change % change % Red Ratings Bid Bid chge chge vs Red Ratings Bid Bid chge chge vs
Petrobras 10.62 10.62 0.00 0.00 1.74 19.6 -14.08 DirectTV 93.55 92.19 1.36 1.48 - - 0.42 Sep 01 date Coupon S* M* F* price yield yield yield US Sep 01 date Coupon S* M* F* price yield yield yield US
ShgPdgBk 15.33 14.96 0.37 2.47 2.46 19.1 1.73 ReynoldsAm 40.83 41.88 -1.05 -2.50 -41.21 -50.2 -52.41 High Yield US$ US$
Daqin 10.19 10.07 0.12 1.19 1.50 17.3 -0.29 BOE Tech 1.90 1.98 -0.08 -4.04 -0.32 -14.4 -30.91 Windstream Services, LLC 11/17 7.88 BB- B2 BB 103.84 6.04 0.00 -0.81 5.34 Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. 09/26 6.22 BBB+ Baa3 A- 114.90 4.54 0.00 -0.04 2.36
Vale 17.92 17.92 0.00 0.00 2.57 16.7 -4.31 Citic Secs 14.86 15.54 -0.68 -4.38 -2.18 -12.8 -29.91 High Yield Euro Bank of America Corporation 10/26 4.25 BBB+ Baa3 A- 98.52 4.47 0.00 -0.08 2.29
IM Baotou Stl 4.13 3.96 0.17 4.29 0.58 16.3 -5.71 Syngent 335.00 335.00 0.00 0.00 -43.80 -11.6 -16.98 Kazkommerts Intl BV 02/17 6.88 B Caa1 B 97.50 - 0.00 0.00 - Citigroup Inc. 11/26 4.30 BBB+ Baa3 A- 99.20 4.44 0.00 0.08 2.26
CanNatRs 29.65 29.65 0.00 0.00 3.81 14.7 -11.15 Glencore 133.50 148.30 -14.80 -9.98 -10.80 -7.5 -35.82 Korea Electric Power Corporation 08/27 6.75 A+ Aa3 AA- 97.98 7.12 0.00 0.02 -
IndstrlBk 14.85 14.58 0.27 1.85 1.89 14.6 -4.44 Bk China 3.44 3.54 -0.10 -2.82 -0.26 -7.0 -18.87 Emerging US$ SouthTrust Bank 12/27 6.57 A+ Aa3 A+ 119.61 4.52 0.00 0.01 -
Kweichow 194.37 195.37 -1.00 -0.51 24.73 14.6 -6.02 Altice 23.69 25.43 -1.74 -6.82 -1.79 -7.0 -79.40 Peru 05/16 8.38 BBB+ A3 BBB+ 104.57 1.46 0.00 0.07 0.76 FleetBoston Financial Corp. 01/28 6.88 BBB+ Baa3 A- 119.71 4.80 0.00 0.00 -
BakerHu 54.38 56.00 -1.62 -2.89 6.64 13.9 -6.48 FastRetail 47480.00 49265.00 -1785.00 -3.62 -3420.00 -6.7 -22.04 Mexico 09/16 11.40 BBB+ A3 BBB+ 110.79 0.86 -0.02 -0.08 0.17
Brazil 01/18 8.00 BBB- Baa3 BBB 108.42 4.19 -0.18 -0.16 3.50 Euro
CNOOC 9.22 9.61 -0.39 -4.06 1.12 13.8 -4.06 SandsCh 26.25 26.90 -0.65 -2.42 -1.70 -6.1 -23.47 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The) 06/26 2.88 A- A3 A 105.37 2.30 0.00 0.10 0.13
Halliburton 37.95 39.35 -1.40 -3.56 4.48 13.4 -9.19 Sinopec Oil 6.66 7.40 -0.74 -10.00 -0.42 -5.9 -27.29 Russia 07/18 11.00 BB+ Ba1 BBB- 118.92 4.04 0.00 0.48 3.35
Peru 03/19 7.13 BBB+ A3 BBB+ 116.35 2.34 0.00 -0.02 0.84 Credit Agricole S.A. 03/27 2.63 BBB Baa3 A- 94.08 3.25 0.00 0.15 -
SaicMtr 17.44 17.30 0.14 0.81 2.05 13.3 -9.45 SBI NewA 239.10 247.35 -8.25 -3.34 -14.25 -5.6 -11.46 B.A.T. Netherlands Fin B.V. (Re - British American Tobacco) 03/29 3.13 A- A3 A- 109.86 2.27 0.00 0.15 -
ConocPhil 47.75 49.15 -1.40 -2.85 5.56 13.2 -5.15 Naspers N 1629.78 1719.00 -89.22 -5.19 -96.84 -5.6 -7.92 Brazil 01/21 7.88 BBB- Baa3 BBB 101.36 4.57 0.09 0.25 3.06
Turkey 03/21 5.63 - Baa3 BBB- 106.27 4.39 0.00 0.17 2.89 Philip Morris Intl, Inc. 05/29 2.88 A A2 A 106.88 2.28 0.00 0.16 -
Gree Elec Apl 0.21 0.24 -0.03 -11.72 0.02 12.2 -15.26 ChUncHK 10.04 10.18 -0.14 -1.38 -0.56 -5.3 -8.23
Poland 04/21 5.13 A- A2 A- 112.10 2.81 0.00 -0.01 1.30 Yen
PngAnBnk 11.57 11.07 0.50 4.52 1.22 11.8 -6.39 NextEraE 95.35 98.41 -3.06 -3.11 -5.16 -5.1 -9.36
Colombia 07/21 4.38 BBB Baa2 BBB 102.34 3.96 0.00 0.30 2.45 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. 07/15 0.94 NR WR NR 100.00 0.31 0.00 0.00 -
ChevrnTx 78.19 80.99 -2.80 -3.46 8.17 11.7 -11.71 Firstrand 50.61 52.91 -2.30 -4.35 -2.72 -5.1 -7.54
Bk Cent Asia 12575.00 12900.00 -325.00 -2.52 1275.00 11.3 -4.01 BkofComm 5.65 5.84 -0.19 -3.25 -0.30 -5.0 -17.16 Turkey 04/26 4.25 - Baa3 BBB- 93.73 5.08 0.00 0.15 2.90 £ Sterling
EOG Res 76.02 78.31 -2.29 -2.92 7.66 11.2 -1.52 ChinaCitic 4.53 4.75 -0.22 -4.63 -0.23 -4.8 -18.08 Emerging Euro IPIC GMTN Limited 03/26 6.88 AA Aa2 AA 125.66 3.86 0.00 0.17 1.68
Suncor En 37.26 37.26 0.00 0.00 3.64 10.8 -2.14 AstellasPh 1695.50 1800.00 -104.50 -5.81 -85.00 -4.8 -8.49 Brazil 02/15 7.38 BBB- Baa2 BBB 111.75 0.73 0.00 0.00 0.09 B.A.T. Intl Fin plc (Re - British American Tobacco) 09/26 4.00 A- A3 A- 105.41 3.40 0.00 0.13 1.22
SK Hynix 34400.00 35800.00 -1400.00 -3.91 3350.00 10.8 -7.28 H&M 318.30 325.80 -7.50 -2.30 -15.80 -4.7 -7.26 Mexico 07/17 4.25 BBB+ A3 BBB+ 111.13 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.80 Data provided by SIX Financial Information. US $ denominated bonds NY close; all other London close. *S - Standard & Poor’s, M -
Mexico 02/20 5.50 BBB+ - BBB+ 109.08 3.27 0.00 0.11 1.76 Moody’s, F - Fitch.
Based on the FT Global 500 companies in local currency Based on the FT Global 500 companies in local currency
Bulgaria 09/25 5.75 BB+ - BBB- 115.10 3.96 0.00 0.20 1.78
Data provided by SIX Financial Information & Tullett Prebon Information. US $ denominated bonds NY close; all other
London close. *S - Standard & Poor’s, M - Moody’s, F - Fitch.

Sep 01 Rate Current Since Last Mnth Ago Year Ago Day's Month's Year Return Return Sep 01 Day Chng Prev 52 wk high 52 wk low Red Change in Yield 52 Week Amnt
US Fed Funds 0.00-0.08 16-12-2008 0.14 0.00-0.25 0.00-0.25 Index change change change 1 month 1 year VIX 31.40 2.97 28.43 53.29 10.88 Sep 01 Price £ Yield Day Week Month Year High Low £m
US Prime 3.25 16-12-2008 3.25 3.25 3.25 Markit IBoxx VXD 29.80 2.79 27.01 56.32 7.04 Tr 2pc '16 100.59 0.47 -2.08 2.17 -9.62 -31.88 101.97 100.59 0.32
US Discount 0.75 18-02-2010 0.75 0.75 0.75 ABF Pan-Asia unhedged 170.30 -0.34 -2.74 -4.48 -2.74 -6.20 VXN 32.95 3.03 29.92 46.72 11.15 Tr 1.75pc '17 101.66 0.55 1.85 0.00 -11.29 -45.54 102.68 101.59 0.29
Euro Repo 0.05 10-09-2014 0.15 0.05 0.25 Corporates( £) 292.51 0.04 -1.16 -0.34 -1.16 3.34 VDAX 29.94 2.01 27.93 29.94 - Tr 5pc '18 110.67 0.71 0.00 2.90 -15.48 -47.79 113.65 110.64 0.35
UK Repo 0.50 05-03-2009 0.50 0.50 0.50 Corporates($) 249.21 0.08 -0.59 -0.51 -0.59 -0.51 † CBOE. VIX: S&P 500 index Options Volatility, VXD: DJIA Index Options Volatility, VXN: NASDAQ Index Options Volatility. Tr 4.5pc '19 112.13 0.98 0.00 1.03 -13.27 -38.36 115.07 111.71 0.36
Japan O'night Call 0.00-0.03 05-10-2010 0.03 0.00-0.10 0.00-0.10 Corporates(€) 210.26 -0.15 -0.78 -1.15 -0.78 0.38 ‡ Deutsche Borse. VDAX: DAX Index Options Volatility. Tr 4.75pc '20 115.45 1.22 0.00 0.83 -10.95 -31.84 119.04 114.45 0.33
Switzeland Libor Target 0.00-0.25 03-08-2011 0.00-0.75 0.00-0.25 0.00-0.25 Eurozone Sov(€) 221.36 -0.27 -1.06 -0.14 -1.06 2.67 Tr 8pc '21 136.15 1.44 0.00 2.13 -8.28 -25.39 142.92 135.31 0.24
Gilts( £) 287.15 0.03 0.33 0.53 0.33 6.49 BONDS: BENCHMARK GOVERNMENT Tr 4pc '22 115.32 1.52 -0.65 1.33 -8.43 -25.49 119.85 112.16 0.38
INTEREST RATES: MARKET Global Inflation-Lkd 245.85 0.10 -1.20 -1.99 -0.68 -5.11 Red Bid Bid Day chg Wk chg Month Year Tr 5pc '25 127.84 1.80 -1.10 1.69 -8.63 -24.37 134.70 122.10 0.35
Over Change One Three Six One Markit iBoxx £ Non-Gilts 293.19 0.03 -0.79 -0.10 -0.79 3.68 Date Coupon Price Yield yield yield chg yld chg yld Tr 4.25pc '27 123.77 2.05 -0.49 1.99 -5.96 -19.92 131.90 116.13 0.31
Sep 01 (Libor: Aug 31) night Day Week Month month month month year Overall ($) 225.23 -0.06 -0.12 0.47 -0.12 0.47 Australia 10/18 3.25 104.46 1.78 0.00 0.03 -0.22 -1.04 Tr 4.25pc '32 126.37 2.34 0.00 2.63 -3.70 -15.52 136.85 117.16 0.35
US$ Libor 0.13350 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.19855 0.32900 0.53425 0.84330 Overall( £) 286.28 0.03 -0.02 0.34 -0.02 5.61 04/26 4.25 114.01 2.72 -0.03 0.05 -0.18 -0.74 Tr 4.25pc '36 128.53 2.47 -0.40 2.49 -3.14 -14.24 140.37 117.65 0.28
Euro Libor -0.18071 0.000 -0.001 0.000 -0.10500 -0.03000 0.04500 0.15671 Overall(€) 217.91 -0.22 -0.85 -0.27 -0.85 2.06 Austria 10/18 1.15 103.64 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tr 4.5pc '42 138.74 2.53 0.00 2.43 -2.32 -13.65 153.16 124.52 0.26
£ Libor 0.48125 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.50600 0.58688 0.74813 1.04900 Treasuries ($) 217.17 -0.14 0.17 0.98 0.17 0.98 10/25 1.20 100.76 1.12 -0.01 0.05 0.19 0.00 Tr 3.75pc '52 130.50 2.48 -0.40 2.06 -3.13 -15.65 145.21 112.07 0.22
Swiss Fr Libor 0.000 -0.78100 -0.72400 -0.67600 -0.56100 FTSE Belgium 06/18 0.75 101.70 0.13 0.01 0.02 0.03 -0.28 Tr 4pc '60 142.26 2.44 0.00 2.52 -2.79 -16.44 159.23 119.83 0.21
Yen Libor 0.000 0.05300 0.08929 0.13086 0.23971 Sterling Corporate (£) 110.59 1.54 - - -1.17 -0.69 06/25 0.80 96.78 1.15 0.07 0.01 0.18 0.00 xd Ex dividend. Closing mid-prices are shown in pounds per £ 100 nominal of stock. Red yield: Gross redemption yield.
Euro Euribor 0.000 -0.09800 -0.03300 0.03900 0.16000 Euro Corporate (€) 106.22 -0.31 - - -1.20 -2.55 Canada 11/17 0.25 99.57 0.45 -0.02 0.07 0.00 0.00 This table shows the gilts benchmarks & the non-rump undated stocks.
Sterling CDs 0.000 0.51000 0.60000 0.78500 Euro Emerging Mkts (€) 817.01 -19.17 - - -7.52 -13.60 06/26 1.50 98.93 1.61 -0.03 0.13 0.03 0.00
Euro CDs
Eurozone Govt Bond 112.11 -0.52 - - -1.48 -0.29 Denmark 11/16 2.50 103.40 -0.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 GILTS: UK FTSE ACTUARIES INDICES
CREDIT INDICES Day's Week's Month's Series Series 11/25 1.75 107.03 1.02 0.07 0.09 0.21 -0.16
Price Indices Day's Total Return Return
Short 7 Days One Three Six One Index change change change high low Finland 05/18 1.00 99.74 1.10 0.00 0.04 -0.01 0.00
Fixed Coupon Sep 01 chg % Return 1 month 1 year Yield
Sep 01 term notice month month month year Markit iTraxx 09/25 0.88 98.23 1.06 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
1 Up to 5 Years 98.09 0.00 2355.97 0.21 2.27 1.02
Euro -0.20 -0.10 -0.20 -0.10 -0.20 -0.05 -0.15 0.00 -0.08 0.07 0.07 0.22 Crossover 5Y 338.67 14.69 -5.78 54.69 371.85 242.25 France 11/16 0.25 100.52 -0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 5 - 10 Years 178.17 0.07 3212.95 0.49 5.23 1.64
Sterling 0.40 0.55 0.40 0.55 0.46 0.56 0.55 0.65 0.71 0.86 1.03 1.18 Europe 5Y 74.39 2.84 0.84 12.14 81.85 52.94 11/19 0.50 101.25 0.20 0.03 0.04 0.13 -0.16
3 10 - 15 Years 206.27 0.15 3771.51 0.63 7.54 2.03
Swiss Franc - - - - - - - - - - - - Japan 5Y 64.20 1.76 -3.65 6.24 69.98 48.09 05/25 0.50 93.99 1.16 0.07 0.03 0.20 0.00
4 5 - 15 Years 184.60 0.09 3347.67 0.52 5.86 1.76
Canadian Dollar - - - - - - - - - - - - Senior Financials 5Y 84.98 3.90 0.31 11.60 100.19 62.28 05/45 3.25 125.41 2.09 0.07 0.04 0.20 -0.18
5 Over 15 Years 297.30 0.12 4279.17 -0.23 10.78 2.46
US Dollar 0.12 0.22 0.12 0.22 0.15 0.25 0.25 0.35 0.50 0.60 0.80 0.90 Germany 04/18 0.25 101.08 -0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Markit CDX 7 All stocks 171.80 0.07 3203.22 0.11 6.45 2.22
Japanese Yen -0.02 0.08 -0.06 0.04 -0.30 0.00 -0.15 0.05 -0.10 0.10 -0.05 0.15 10/20 0.25 100.57 0.14 0.04 0.05 0.10 0.00
Emerging Markets 5Y 345.26 -0.20 -51.33 18.39 396.59 278.35 08/25 1.00 101.90 0.80 0.06 0.07 0.16 0.00
Libor rates come from ICE (see and are fixed at 11am UK time. Other data sources: US $, Euro & CDs: Day's Month Year's Total Return Return
Nth Amer High Yld 5Y 392.19 7.61 -34.73 35.10 426.92 337.73 08/46 2.50 124.46 1.51 0.08 0.11 0.16 -0.26
Tullett Prebon; SDR, US Discount: IMF; EONIA: ECB; Swiss Libor: SNB; EURONIA, RONIA & SONIA: WMBA. Index Linked Sep 01 chg % chg % chg % Return 1 month 1 year
Nth Amer Inv Grade 5Y 81.73 1.53 -6.25 9.92 87.98 60.22 Greece 07/17 3.38 87.22 11.33 -0.80 -1.42 -9.25 8.02
Nth AmerHiVol 5Y 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 1 Up to 5 Years 309.56 0.12 -0.18 -2.59 2353.80 -0.18 -1.24
02/26 3.00 63.55 9.07 0.03 -0.17 -2.47 2.97 2 Over 5 years 577.93 0.22 -0.99 10.09 4256.54 -0.99 10.99
Websites:, All indices shown are unhedged. Currencies are shown in brackets after the index names. Ireland 10/17 5.50 111.76 -0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 5-15 years 430.79 0.35 -0.36 0.54 3265.18 -0.36 1.85
03/25 5.40 134.86 1.45 0.06 0.04 0.26 -0.50 4 Over 15 years 715.09 0.16 -1.24 14.82 5170.61 -1.24 15.52
COMMODITIES BONDS: INDEX-LINKED Italy 05/18 0.25 99.59 0.40 0.02 0.01 0.14 0.00 5 All stocks 534.28 0.20 -0.87 8.74 3984.09 -0.87 9.70
05/20 0.70 98.86 0.95 0.04 -0.02 0.18 0.00
Energy Price* Change Agricultural & Cattle Futures Price* Change Price Yield Month Value No of
12/25 2.00 99.43 2.07 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 Yield Indices Sep 01 Aug 31 Yr ago Sep 01 Aug 31 Yr ago
Crude Oil† Sep 45.26 -2.84 Corn♦ Sep 355.25 -8.50 Aug 31 Aug 31 Prev return stock Market stocks
09/46 3.25 104.97 3.02 0.10 0.05 0.19 0.00 5 Yrs 1.28 1.29 1.69 20 Yrs 2.49 2.49 2.87
Brent Crude Oil‡ 49.28 -3.72 Wheat♦ Sep 483.00 -1.00 Can 4.25%' 21 129.05 -0.345 -0.321 -0.82 5.18 69529.85 7
Japan 08/17 0.10 100.17 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 10 Yrs 1.95 1.96 2.38 45 Yrs 2.45 2.46 2.94
RBOB Gasoline† Sep 1.39 -0.08 Soybeans♦ Sep 884.75 -11.75 Fr 2.25%' 20 112.95 -0.366 -0.362 -1.62 20.31 205479.56 14
09/20 0.05 99.70 0.11 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 15 Yrs 2.32 2.33 2.71
Heating Oil† Sep 1.70 0.02 Soybeans Meal♦ Sep 318.10 -2.40 Swe 0.25%' 22 107.44 -0.720 -0.701 -0.89 30.88 217287.46 6
06/25 0.40 100.35 0.36 -0.02 -0.01 -0.03 0.00
Natural Gas† Sep 2.69 0.00 Cocoa (ICE Liffe)X Sep 2110.00 24.00 UK 2.5%' 16 - - - - - - -
06/45 1.60 104.22 1.40 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 inflation 0% inflation 5%
Ethanol♦ - - Cocoa (ICE US)♥ Sep 3145.00 28.00 UK 2.5%' 24 338.69 -0.759 -0.759 -0.55 6.82 479991.25 25
Netherlands 04/17 0.50 101.12 -0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Real yield Sep 01 Dur yrs Previous Yr ago Sep 01 Dur yrs Previous Yr ago
Uranium Sep 36.75 0.00 Coffee(Robusta)X Sep 1583.00 2.00 UK 2%' 35 231.77 -0.775 -0.775 -0.71 9.08 479991.25 25
07/25 0.25 92.94 1.01 0.08 0.04 0.19 0.00 Up to 5 yrs -0.77 2.67 -0.73 -1.26 -1.47 2.69 -1.43 -2.02
Carbon Emissions - - Coffee (Arabica)♥ Sep 119.55 -1.45 US 0.625%' 21 101.61 0.348 0.361 -0.48 35.84 1085310.80 36
Diesel Sep 121.25 0.00 White SugarX 336.30 -5.10 New Zealand - - - - - - - Over 5 yrs -0.85 23.52 -0.84 -0.39 -0.88 23.61 -0.87 -0.43
US 3.625%' 28 133.91 0.795 0.361 -1.13 16.78 1085310.80 36
Unleaded Oct - - Sugar 11♥ 10.69 0.05 12/17 6.00 107.73 2.49 -0.02 -0.05 -0.07 -1.37 5-15 yrs -0.74 9.89 -0.71 -0.60 -0.85 9.90 -0.82 -0.72
Representative stocks from each major market Source: Merill Lynch Global Bond Indices † Local currencies. ‡ Total market
Norway 05/17 4.25 106.20 0.59 0.04 0.03 -0.05 -0.88 Over 15 yrs -0.86 29.11 -0.85 -0.36 -0.88 29.16 -0.87 -0.39
Base Metals (♠ LME 3 Months) Cotton♥ Oct 63.73 -0.37 value. In line with market convention, for UK Gilts inflation factor is applied to price, for other markets it is applied to par
03/25 1.75 101.49 1.58 0.10 0.14 0.08 0.00 All stocks -0.84 20.42 -0.83 -0.40 -0.89 20.57 -0.88 -0.45
Aluminium 1600.00 -5.00 Orange Juice♥ Sep 127.85 -1.70 amount.
Aluminium Alloy 1703.00 43.00 Palm Oil♣ Sep 484.00 11.25 Portugal 02/16 6.40 102.94 -0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 See the FTSE website for more details:
Copper 5072.00 -71.50 Live Cattle♣ Oct 140.98 -2.00 BONDS: TEN YEAR GOVT SPREADS 10/25 2.88 101.36 2.72 0.13 0.01 0.33 0.00
Lead 1724.00 -7.00 Spain 04/18 0.25 99.51 0.44 -0.01 0.00 0.11 0.00 All data provided by Morningstar unless otherwise noted. All elements listed are indicative and believed accurate
Feeder Cattle♣ Sep 200.45 -2.40
Nickel 9745.00 -315.00 Lean Hogs♣ Oct 68.10 -0.38 Spread Spread Spread Spread 10/25 2.15 100.12 2.14 0.08 0.04 0.19 0.00 at the time of publication. No offer is made by Morningstar or the FT. The FT does not warrant nor guarantee
Tin 14605.00 555.00 Bid vs vs Bid vs vs Sweden 01/18 0.88 99.66 1.02 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 that the information is reliable or complete. The FT does not accept responsibility and will not be liable for any
Zinc 1806.00 -6.00 % Chg % Chg Yield Bund T-Bonds Yield Bund T-Bonds 05/25 2.50 116.39 0.74 0.04 0.11 0.00 0.00 loss arising from the reliance on or use of the listed information. For all queries e-mail
Precious Metals (PM London Fix) Aug 31 Month Year Australia 2.72 1.92 0.54 Italy 2.07 1.27 -0.11 Switzerland 10/16 2.00 102.96 -0.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Gold 1142.30 7.30 S&P GSCI Spt 364.14 8.02 - Austria 1.12 0.32 -1.06 Japan 0.36 -0.44 -1.81 05/26 1.25 113.99 -0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Silver (US cents) 1468.00 24.00 DJ UBS Spot 88.74 3.36 - Belgium 1.15 0.35 -1.03 Netherlands 1.01 0.21 -1.17 United Kingdom 07/18 1.25 100.97 0.91 0.00 0.00 -0.07 -0.60 Data provided by Morningstar |
Platinum 1005.00 2.00 R/J CRB TR 196.52 -3.24 -33.03 Canada 1.61 0.81 -0.57 Norway 1.58 0.78 -0.60 01/21 1.50 100.12 1.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Palladium 598.00 25.00 Rogers RICIX TR 2395.59 - - Denmark 1.02 0.22 -1.16 Portugal 2.72 1.92 0.54 09/25 2.00 100.57 1.94 -0.02 0.03 -0.06 0.00
Bulk Commodities M Lynch MLCX Ex. Rtn 280.29 -0.51 -34.46 Finland 1.06 0.26 -1.12 Spain 2.14 1.34 -0.04 01/45 3.50 119.21 2.57 -0.01 0.05 0.03 0.00
Iron Ore (Platts) 56.25 0.00 UBS Bberg CMCI TR 13.52 -4.05 -34.08 France 1.16 0.36 -1.02 Switzerland -0.05 -0.85 -2.23 United States 07/17 0.63 99.87 0.70 0.00 0.10 -0.05 0.00
Iron Ore (The Steel Index) 55.70 0.00 LEBA EUA Carbon 7.51 -0.27 30.84 Germany 0.80 0.00 -1.38 United Kingdom 1.94 1.14 -0.24 08/20 1.38 99.36 1.51 -0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00
GlobalCOAL RB Index 53.75 0.65 LEBA CER Carbon 0.50 8.70 316.67 Greece 9.07 8.27 6.89 United States 2.18 1.38 0.00 08/25 2.00 98.41 2.18 -0.04 0.12 0.00 0.00
Baltic Dry Index 911.00 8.00 LEBA UK Power 2249.00 -10.97 -38.35 Ireland 1.45 0.65 -0.73 08/45 2.88 98.65 2.94 -0.01 0.14 0.00 0.00
Sources: † NYMEX, ‡ ECX/ICE, ♦ CBOT, X ICE Liffe, ♥ ICE Futures, ♣ CME, ♠ LME/London Metal Exchange.* Latest prices, $ Data provided by SIX Financial Information & Tullett Prebon Information Data provided by SIX Financial Information & Tullett Prebon Information
unless otherwise stated.
22 ★★★ FINANCIAL TIMES Wednesday 2 September 2015


Main Market
52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol
Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s
Aerospace & Defence CloseBrs 1474 -17.00 1857.39 1298.48 3.32 13.51 260.0 Severfd♦ 66.75 - 73.00 57.00 - 1390.63 16.3 BHP Bltn 1056 -76.00 1938 955.60 7.40 9.12 14311.7 SEGRO♦ 414.00 -5.60 466.70 330.90 3.65 3.87 1901.1 Lavendon 170.75 -5.25 214.25 155.50 2.69 18.01 336.2
AvonRub♦ 856.00 -9.00 900.00 610.73 0.66 19.43 5.9 DBAG € 26.83 -0.63 34.50 20.20 1.48 7.22 10.3 SKF SKr 157.50 -4.40 231.70 134.80 3.47 14.48 2960.3 BisichMg 89.50 - 104.00 60.15 4.47 6.89 0.5 Shaftbry 889.00 -11.00 975.50 648.00 1.47 4.94 384.0 MngCnslt 16.00 - 26.50 13.25 5.16 -78.05 49.0
BAE Sys 444.60 -7.60 549.00 419.30 4.61 20.08 10584.2 El Oro 55.00 - 78.00 40.00 6.73 -4.71 2.0 Spirax-S 3058 -96.00 3767.56 2698.37 2.19 23.46 153.6 EVRAZ 70.90 -8.05 209.90 70.40 - -1.37 3351.4 Town Ctr 295.00 -6.00 324.65 230.00 3.54 5.52 21.7 MearsGp 397.00 -1.00 475.00 354.75 2.52 15.35 27.3
Chemring 226.00 1.00 248.00 197.48 1.81 -25.85 151.6 Hargr Lans 1080 -45.00 1299 827.00 2.07 31.71 833.2 Tex 109.50 -2.00 117.00 86.30 5.48 7.79 5.0 Fresnillo♦ 601.50 -19.00 978.00 593.00 0.32 127.17 1693.1 Wkspace 876.00 -21.50 988.00 592.00 1.25 3.85 207.1 MenziesJ 447.00 -5.00 525.00 306.25 3.62 39.74 60.1
Cobham 284.70 3.10 349.10 250.50 3.74 -165.33 3933.0 HBM Hlth SFr 94.75 -1.25 113.50 80.50 - - 10.9 Trifast 112.25 0.25 134.00 88.63 1.43 15.88 73.3 GemDmnd 127.75 -2.25 217.00 121.00 2.49 10.47 41.9 Real Estate Inv & Services MichaelPge 493.80 -13.20 568.00 358.70 2.23 23.90 615.4
Meggitt 488.70 11.30 593.50 421.70 2.81 20.34 5784.7 HenderGp♦ 243.50 -15.90 303.30 180.10 3.70 16.99 5334.1 Vitec 611.50 -3.50 670.85 540.00 3.92 24.20 1.2 Harmony R 11.09 -0.19 38.50 10.81 - -1.48 1744.9 Cap&Count 435.00 -8.50 475.10 313.00 0.34 6.39 962.5 MITIE 293.40 -3.30 329.90 263.90 3.85 30.99 732.3
RollsRoyceX 727.00 -16.50 1061 685.50 3.18 -53.46 7992.6 ICAP 444.30 -9.80 573.00 354.40 4.95 34.86 1415.1 Weir 1355 -49.00 2786 1230 3.25 - 1254.9 Hochschild 68.25 0.50 177.00 60.97 - -4.20 492.5 Cardiff 1045 - 1085.5 950.00 1.24 4.53 0.5 PayPoint 1013 -7.00 1112.15 779.82 3.58 17.66 12.0
Senior 281.00 -4.80 361.70 248.90 2.00 18.90 601.6 Indvardn SKr 151.20 -3.00 183.50 111.40 4.10 6.94 616.4 Kenmr 2.85 0.04 12.50 2.18 - -1.29 717.7 CLS 1840 20.00 2037 1270 - 3.92 6.9 PremFarn 128.00 -2.60 204.60 116.50 8.13 9.94 719.1
ICG 524.50 -9.50 712.83 421.98 4.74 8.93 797.1
Industrial General Lonmin 33.41 -1.69 236.70 26.50 - -4.38 4211.0 Rentokil♦ 151.70 3.40 154.20 110.90 1.71 21.24 5281.6
UltraElc♦ 1767 10.00 1914 1646 2.51 -155.01 114.4 Daejan 5845 -25.00 6614.2 4700 1.40 4.27 2.7
IPF 394.20 -3.40 542.50 348.00 3.04 11.46 583.1 BritPoly 703.00 -2.00 730.00 571.35 2.28 11.30 3.2 Petra 121.00 -4.00 210.80 116.00 - 14.63 1817.2 Ricardo 860.00 5.00 967.50 605.50 1.77 23.41 216.7
DvlptSec 250.00 -5.00 293.00 179.00 2.24 9.34 33.9
Automobiles & Parts Investec 511.50 -23.00 649.50 477.20 3.81 18.97 1200.6 CoatsGrp 25.25 - 31.86 19.00 - -376.87 1137.9 Petropvlsk 5.80 -0.13 45.00 4.21 - -0.84 4579.2 Grainger 228.20 -7.30 256.00 167.80 1.10 26.46 709.4 RbrtWlts 438.00 -10.00 478.00 270.00 1.37 25.54 113.7
FordMtr $X 13.72 -0.15 17.87 10.44 3.91 15.24 50148.2 Jupiter 432.80 -13.50 478.20 313.70 3.05 12.94 628.1 JardnMt $X♦ 49.68 -0.26 67.88 46.20 2.79 10.97 283.7 PolymtIntl 483.20 0.70 634.00 315.18 2.81 -14.90 206.5 RPS 228.00 -5.75 293.70 181.50 3.71 16.12 353.0
Jard Str $X♦ 28.32 -0.21 37.84 27.06 0.93 10.30 107.0 HelclBar 423.00 -2.00 460.00 320.00 1.62 6.96 114.3
GKN♦ 280.20 -11.50 389.00 272.30 3.00 31.19 5582.9 Liontrust 325.00 -1.00 393.50 210.00 1.23 23.93 34.3 RndgldRs 3926 -33.00 5752.1 3638 0.95 27.36 773.8 HK Land $♦ 6.79 -0.13 8.80 6.47 2.73 12.83 1218.9 Shanks 92.00 -1.50 113.50 84.50 3.75 -20.00 362.8
Man♦ 150.20 -10.90 217.80 108.30 4.24 10.18 14846.6 Macfrlne 49.00 -0.25 50.00 34.00 3.37 11.88 92.1 RioTintoX♦ 2271 -117.00 3283.5 2107.78 6.01 22.59 6702.5 SIG 186.60 -1.20 212.20 143.40 2.36 33.43 1600.7
Banks REXAM♦ 533.00 -5.50 592.50 424.60 3.32 18.85 1762.4 Lon&Assc 36.25 - 50.00 34.50 0.43 -5.12 14.0
NB GFRIF 94.90 0.25 99.75 93.90 3.92 24.29 765.3 Troy Res A$ 0.28 - 0.88 0.27 - -0.55 373.2 MacauPrp 170.00 -4.00 255.25 167.00 - 8.94 30.4 SpeedyHr 47.00 -0.75 80.50 45.75 1.38 1205.13 71.6
ANZ A$X 27.07 -0.86 37.25 26.41 10.53 9.24 9277.1 RPC♦ 634.00 -22.50 696.24 488.20 2.24 30.48 2061.4
Paragon 408.70 -3.10 461.50 313.70 2.20 12.58 616.4 VedantaRs 561.00 13.50 1105.22 353.21 7.43 -1.27 1764.7 Mntview 11820 -42.50 12900 7481.95 2.12 14.48 0.0 St Ives 180.00 - 219.25 156.68 3.97 51.68 36.4
BcoSant 388.38 -17.75 758.00 369.65 10.93 11.42 11890.8 Smith DS 387.30 -7.40 423.70 231.82 2.71 23.62 1736.1
Providnt 2893 -57.00 3268 1942 3.39 21.59 280.5 Q'tainEst 129.75 -0.25 134.44 75.00 - 18.02 551.8 TribalGrp 132.00 -2.00 188.00 131.75 1.36 -22.46 2.2
BankAm $X 15.58 -0.76 18.48 14.60 1.25 17.05 118508.8
RathbnBr 2203 28.00 2348 1774 2.36 28.38 11.1 Smiths 1103 -26.00 1363 1006 3.65 19.57 1392.2 Oil & Gas Vp 741.00 -9.00 816.00 539.00 2.08 15.76 0.3
BnkGeorgia 1705 -38.00 2604 1609 2.69 8.55 66.4 SmurfKap € 25.30 -0.84 30.31 14.92 2.11 23.25 249.4 Afren 1.79 -0.05 114.22 1.28 - - 9090.3 RavenRuss 43.00 - 74.75 37.25 - -3.04 79.3
Record 35.50 - 41.00 29.00 4.23 13.41 262.2 RavenR Prf♦ 126.88 -0.50 146.00 101.50 9.46 - 10.7 Watermn 71.25 - 76.00 50.00 1.40 54.39 2.8
BankIre € 0.35 0.00 0.39 0.07 - 16.37 21972.6 Vesuvius♦ 392.50 -6.30 530.00 374.50 4.11 11.04 177.5 Aminex 2.03 -0.10 3.17 0.83 - -23.82 3048.4
S&U 2469 41.50 2520 1775 2.31 16.01 0.9 RavenR Wrt 29.50 -1.50 49.64 25.00 - - 10.0 Wolseley 4097 -110.00 4398 2990 2.01 36.99 596.5
BkNvaS C$X 58.24 -1.98 73.33 52.60 5.75 11.08 2306.3 BGX♦ 964.90 -29.70 1420 780.55 1.89 -48.66 12436.8
Schroder♦ 2720 -118.00 3441 2086 2.87 16.69 683.6 Industrial Transportation Safestre 289.00 -3.50 323.25 185.25 2.58 5.94 252.0
BarclaysX♦ 253.15 -8.30 289.90 204.05 2.57 113.37 43535.5
..N/V♦ 2147 -82.00 2629 1692 3.63 13.18 249.0 BPX♦ 349.40 -11.10 499.25 326.25 7.39 -15.86 55287.2 Tech - Hardware
CanImp C$X 94.51 -2.18 107.37 83.10 4.41 10.61 1750.8 BBA Aviat 287.90 -3.50 362.10 267.60 3.60 17.10 818.2 Cadogan 10.13 - 13.25 8.25 - -0.61 9.8 Savills 886.50 -16.50 991.46 577.00 1.24 20.72 196.3 ARM Hldgs 913.50 -20.00 1233 778.50 0.77 43.36 8459.1
SVG Cap 463.00 -2.40 535.00 226.00 - 11.55 437.0 Braemar 462.75 11.75 515.00 390.00 5.62 50.46 9.8 SchroderRE 58.50 -0.75 63.00 53.25 4.24 5.19 342.2
HSBCX♦ 499.00 -19.70 674.57 482.55 6.51 11.25 37525.5 CairnEng 145.20 -6.40 210.00 137.28 - -2.37 4263.4 CSR 899.50 0.50 900.00 550.00 1.02 25.43 2323.5
TullettPre 372.20 -5.10 415.90 242.60 4.53 7.95 511.0 Clarkson 2320 20.00 2855 1835 2.59 47.82 10.1 Smart(J) 101.50 - 112.40 86.00 2.92 42.17 2.5
LlydsBkgX♦ 75.56 -1.82 89.35 70.90 0.99 41.07 180146.7
Tungsten 75.25 3.25 409.75 52.49 - -2.86 1146.6 Cape 246.00 -11.50 327.25 177.00 5.69 13.54 185.9 Laird 376.90 -4.30 413.30 281.50 3.32 18.34 216.1
RylBkC C$X 71.33 -2.01 83.87 68.05 4.25 10.93 2862.7 Eurotunnl € 11.93 -0.14 14.57 8.62 1.46 60.93 675.1 DragnOil 800.00 -0.50 803.50 447.50 2.85 12.37 55.1 StModwen♦ 447.30 0.70 499.40 324.59 1.03 4.22 534.4 Pace 333.20 -7.80 520.80 316.34 1.31 9.54 330.3
WlkrCrip 44.50 - 55.00 37.50 3.57 65.15 58.7 Fisher J 1052 7.00 1442 958.50 2.09 13.63 36.5 UNITE Gp 633.00 -16.00 706.00 395.60 1.77 5.11 785.2
RBSX 328.00 -8.80 414.00 300.30 - -22.87 19343.2 Endeav Int' $ - - 0.60 0.02 - - - SpirentCM♦ 78.00 -0.25 98.87 65.95 3.16 86.38 404.1
StandChX♦ 724.20 -40.80 1250.18 707.30 7.63 16.11 11584.2 Food & Beverages Flybe Grp 86.50 -1.50 135.75 52.00 - -7.86 201.5 EnQuest 33.50 -0.25 122.20 21.50 - -2.93 5674.4 Urban&C 255.00 2.75 278.00 215.00 0.59 8.30 359.0
..7.375%Pf 115.00 - 128.00 108.50 6.41 - 21.5 AngloEst 545.00 -13.00 690.00 521.00 0.55 -42.55 5.6 Goldenpt 125.00 -6.00 370.00 113.80 - -0.46 0.6 Exillon 106.00 5.75 175.57 90.00 - 6.51 39.0
Tech - Software & Services
OceanWil♦ 825.00 15.00 1185 790.00 4.85 75.84 1.4
Retailers Anite 125.75 - 129.75 69.25 1.51 39.36 4191.0
..8.25%Pf 127.00 - 141.00 119.50 6.50 - 0.2 AscBrFdX 3129 -73.00 3293 2407 1.09 43.85 856.4 ExxonMb $X♦ 72.08 -3.16 99.59 66.55 3.79 13.16 23953.1 AA 325.00 -7.60 434.50 273.90 - -140.88 1010.7
TntoDom C$X 51.22 -1.26 57.97 47.75 3.81 12.33 3788.3 Barr(AG) 565.00 4.00 699.36 515.97 2.00 21.85 56.9 RoyalMail 450.30 -13.70 532.50 388.00 4.44 13.86 2618.0 GenelEgy 350.25 -5.50 912.50 276.25 - -4.30 1951.0 AVEVA 2060 -105.00 2344 1183.9 1.33 31.73 118.3
UK Mail 375.00 -11.00 606.53 370.00 5.73 12.98 7.6 AO World 129.40 - 240.00 106.86 - -216.39 227.2 Computcnt 781.50 9.50 802.40 651.67 2.53 8.50 55.2
VirginMoney♦ 406.10 -18.50 472.90 278.00 - -1015.25 293.8 Britvic 653.00 -16.50 788.00 600.72 3.20 16.22 655.0 GeoPark $ 3.90 0.63 11.00 2.70 - -3.68 89.5 AshleyL 27.75 -0.25 36.00 24.94 7.21 11.03 283.0
Westpc A$X 30.20 -0.90 40.07 29.20 9.65 11.55 6010.5 C&C € 3.57 0.02 4.42 3.16 2.82 -14.77 56.0 GrnDnGas 265.00 -7.50 548.50 265.00 - 21.53 1.3 DRS Data 12.50 -0.50 16.50 11.25 - -5.27 1.5
Insurance Brown N 300.00 -0.30 400.66 247.19 4.74 14.17 530.7 Elecdata 65.50 - 79.00 64.00 3.05 21.79 9.6
CarrsGroup 155.00 - 178.50 136.00 2.19 11.90 8.3 Admiral GulfKeyst 32.00 1.50 85.00 20.25 - -1.52 6300.2 Caffyns 590.00 10.00 665.00 480.00 3.18 1.78 0.2
Basic Resource (Ex Mining) 1516 -34.00 1640 1175.33 3.05 14.45 1529.3 MicroFoc 1277 -28.00 1442 836.50 2.39 34.70 321.8
Coca-Cola H 1281 -56.00 1497 1051 3.95 20.35 475.3 Amlin 508.50 -7.50 533.08 418.20 1.59 11.08 704.3 HellenPet € 4.36 0.03 5.80 3.35 - -8.68 39.5 Card Factor 374.50 -14.50 389.90 209.50 - 35.26 149.3
Ferrexpo♦ 57.00 -4.75 135.90 47.60 7.36 5.85 581.8 NCC Grp♦ 240.00 9.50 250.00 169.80 1.53 30.60 140.2
Cranswk♦ 1675 -6.00 1730 1181.6 1.95 19.99 21.5 AvivaX 469.30 -14.50 578.68 449.86 3.86 12.28 10414.8 Hunting 492.70 -25.30 907.00 376.20 4.01 -30.98 1128.7 Dairy Fm $♦ 6.24 -0.26 10.54 6.18 3.59 18.55 173.6
IntFerMet# 0.90 0.06 8.35 0.76 - -0.55 562.4 RM♦ 174.75 -2.25 185.00 120.00 2.29 11.00 8.7
Dairy Cr 589.00 3.00 618.00 367.39 3.63 39.53 291.4 Beazley♦ 328.80 -5.90 346.45 248.50 2.86 11.44 541.2 ImpOil C$X 44.61 -1.84 57.70 42.12 1.15 17.14 968.4 Debenhm 75.00 -0.70 96.80 56.85 4.53 10.20 3788.1
Mondi♦ 1417 -61.00 1614.36 919.00 2.10 18.37 1644.4
Devro♦ 299.00 10.00 328.00 230.00 2.94 53.42 137.7 JKX 15.75 - 51.13 10.23 - -0.42 0.3 Sage 504.00 -11.50 584.00 346.70 2.40 27.59 2805.1
Vale BRLX 17.10 -0.82 29.57 14.77 12.86 -9.21 6385.2 Chesnar 357.25 -2.50 364.75 309.25 5.15 14.01 85.2 Dignity 2404 -18.00 2643 1406 0.84 -27.63 131.4 SDL 372.25 -10.50 472.00 306.00 0.67 35.35 20.7
Glanbia € 17.55 -0.06 19.59 10.75 0.60 33.50 43.0 DirectLine♦ 348.10 -5.00 388.70 283.96 4.14 10.91 5877.9 Lamprell 129.75 -3.00 178.00 93.50 - 10.36 225.1 DixonsCar♦ 417.50 -13.90 490.80 339.50 1.26 49.12 3882.7 Telecity♦ 1074 -13.00 1250 815.63 1.26 85.33 218.4
Chemicals Grncore♦ 295.20 -2.10 359.40 228.50 1.85 19.94 610.6 Eccles prf 129.75 0.25 146.00 123.00 6.65 - 100.2 Nostrum 497.60 7.70 798.50 370.00 3.41 20.69 143.0 Dunelm 895.50 -36.00 970.00 767.00 2.23 19.07 91.7
HiltonFd 420.50 -12.25 500.00 342.25 3.07 16.84 0.1 OphirEgy 98.20 1.35 256.40 80.80 - -2.27 5986.7 TriadGp 36.00 - 42.00 9.25 - 15.50 2.7
Alent 475.50 -1.50 493.96 294.56 1.92 22.10 862.1 Hansard 110.00 -2.50 116.39 80.00 7.64 18.21 10.4 Findel 177.00 -1.75 265.44 177.00 - -24.58 4.1
Bayer €X 117.05 -3.90 146.45 96.83 1.85 28.67 2636.6 Kerry € 64.32 -1.08 71.88 49.30 0.88 22.45 47.8 Hiscox♦ 894.00 -6.00 959.00 615.50 2.63 10.97 484.4 Petrofac 887.50 -4.50 1203 594.00 4.78 -24.00 2073.8 Halfords 510.00 -11.00 563.51 417.10 2.86 15.30 360.1 Telecommunications
Carclo♦ 143.25 2.25 169.75 80.00 1.85 -4.31 70.8 Nestle SFrX 70.10 -1.20 77.00 64.15 2.92 16.29 8019.0 JardineL 1047 -7.00 1112 815.00 2.76 20.46 73.5 Lukoil RUBX 2455 -76.00 3297.7 1913 2.84 12.70 1455.4 Inchcape♦ 712.00 -18.50 906.65 589.50 2.82 19.17 1248.8 BTX♦ 421.15 -16.20 481.75 351.90 2.71 16.16 16014.0
Croda♦ 2850 -42.00 3150 1965 2.30 22.19 517.0 PremFds 34.00 -0.75 47.79 26.13 - -1.34 272.8 Lancashire♦ 656.50 4.50 703.45 506.00 1.34 9.40 706.4 PremOil 103.70 -1.60 354.00 87.00 - -1.11 8812.0 JDSportsF 874.50 -1.50 887.13 392.00 0.78 24.86 85.1 Colt Grp 190.00 0.50 194.00 113.10 - -13.73 187.9
Elemntis 233.10 -4.30 324.10 224.00 2.27 10.13 687.0 REA 255.00 -10.13 444.50 260.00 3.02 53.43 102.1 Leg&Gen♦ 246.70 -6.00 296.02 209.20 4.56 14.37 16648.3 RylDShlAX♦ 1638 -57.00 2475.5 1542.5 7.41 12.14 12431.7 Lookers 163.60 1.60 172.00 117.50 1.74 13.35 352.1 Inmarsat 966.50 -14.50 1041.24 653.00 3.22 21.54 2038.1
Syngent SFrX 332.00 -3.00 435.20 273.20 3.22 19.96 503.8 SABMillX 2959.5 -94.50 3857 2773 2.39 21.59 3604.8 NovaeGp 861.00 12.00 862.50 516.50 2.88 11.29 116.4 ..B♦ 1646 -60.50 2580.54 1550 7.37 12.20 9990.5 Marks&Sp 505.50 -16.00 600.00 380.80 3.40 17.11 4420.3 KCOM Gp 96.00 2.00 101.00 78.50 5.25 39.33 256.4
Synthomer 339.90 -3.90 364.10 176.64 2.29 22.93 367.3 StckSpirit♦ 190.25 -5.75 316.00 172.00 0.93 28.48 33.6 Old Mut 187.40 -12.80 241.60 163.80 4.64 13.02 11074.6 Schlmbrg $X♦ 75.42 -1.95 109.93 68.01 2.33 22.97 14908.0 MossBros 90.00 -3.50 112.00 77.50 7.11 23.67 19.5 TalkTalk 283.40 -17.50 415.10 261.00 4.45 36.88 2729.7
Victrex 1775 -21.00 2202.55 1542 2.54 17.94 224.4 Tate&Lyl 538.50 -3.50 744.50 492.20 5.20 82.85 1741.5 PermTSB 0.06 - 0.10 0.05 - -0.08 0.0 SEPLAT 77.00 3.25 240.25 67.25 12.21 5.16 540.5 Next 7700 -245.00 8055 6130 1.86 18.80 598.7 TelePlus 1085 -29.00 1507 725.50 3.50 26.99 145.6
TongtHu R 112.85 -2.13 174.93 110.50 3.84 11.45 53.8 PhoenixGrp♦ 827.50 -16.00 935.00 693.00 6.45 17.40 542.5 Soco Int 167.75 13.75 436.30 117.00 5.81 -14.49 1410.2 Ocado 347.00 4.20 478.50 216.80 - 304.12 6448.3
Construction & Materials Unilever♦ 2563 -60.00 3087 2397 3.21 21.36 2858.1 TrnCan C$X 44.02 -1.88 63.86 41.95 4.79 16.91 1633.9 Pendragn 45.00 -0.75 46.17 28.25 2.00 7.88 528.1 Tobacco
PrudntlX♦ 1367.5 -50.50 1761.5 1287 2.70 13.92 6350.5
Alumasc 157.00 4.50 166.73 113.60 3.18 13.57 268.5 ..NV €♦ 34.86 -0.73 42.98 28.81 3.20 21.34 9.7 Tullow 218.70 -4.50 739.50 177.00 1.93 -2.02 9696.2 Photo-Me 145.25 -1.00 159.50 107.85 2.95 19.56 67.2 BrAmTobX♦ 3391 -88.00 3894 3231.5 4.37 15.74 3333.3
RSA Ins 506.50 -7.50 528.00 391.70 0.39 78.02 5782.1
BalfourB 267.30 -5.20 272.50 145.59 2.10 -4.48 2757.0 Saga 200.30 -2.90 225.10 143.75 - 23.56 327.8 ImpTobX♦ 3113 -46.00 3413 2482.72 4.12 15.59 2270.7
Health Care Equip & Services SagicFin 56.50 -4.50 68.00 55.00 4.50 5.45 2.5 Pharmaceuticals & Biotech
..CvPf 118.75 - 124.50 101.00 8.15 - 103.2 SignetJwl 8722 -486.00 9499 6371 0.57 26.63 11.9
Bioquell 140.50 -1.00 155.50 80.00 2.35 140.22 26.8 StJmsPl 875.00 -40.50 1008 637.00 2.66 26.04 5410.1 BTG 622.00 -9.00 835.87 556.00 - 69.10 413.6 Travel & Leisure
Boot(H) 232.25 -7.75 245.00 170.00 2.41 14.21 40.4 SuperGroup 1445 -22.00 1579 750.00 - 25.90 153.7
ConstMed 950.00 1.50 1045 650.00 1.91 62.91 49.9 Stan Life 400.00 -16.10 505.68 362.30 4.57 29.53 4450.4 CathayIn 20.00 -2.25 36.50 16.00 - -20.81 96.3 888 Hldg 167.25 4.50 185.75 118.75 3.04 22.26 322.2
ClarkeT 74.25 0.75 84.01 37.50 4.18 - 123.5 TescoX 185.40 -5.95 252.52 155.40 6.09 -2.64 32029.3
Costain 387.50 -0.50 390.00 263.50 2.45 16.39 1262.9 GNStre kr 116.60 -2.20 158.50 113.70 0.74 27.71 364.8 Media Dechra 955.50 5.00 1068 702.50 1.61 37.95 25.9 AirPrtnr 416.75 5.38 470.31 245.00 4.96 15.15 24.1
UDGHlthC 504.00 -0.50 551.50 315.20 1.45 14.25 596.2 Genus 1350 -27.00 1535 1058.35 1.31 25.86 35.5 VertuMotor 65.00 -0.25 67.00 50.50 1.31 13.61 913.0 115.60 -0.80 128.00 70.40 3.09 319.34 2055.4
CRH 1880 -42.00 2478.5 1220 2.36 7.04 1717.8 4imprint♦ 1135 34.00 1350 651.00 1.81 26.03 3.3
GalfrdT 1721 -20.00 1824 1085 3.08 17.54 117.3 Blmsbury♦ 165.00 -4.00 185.00 140.50 3.55 13.87 46.5 GlaxoSmhX♦ 1295 -45.50 1645 1247.5 6.18 6.51 8429.0 Support Services Cineworld 582.00 -8.00 599.00 298.40 2.32 19.50 410.9
House, Leisure & Pers Goods HikmaPhm♦ 2225 -50.00 2617 1580 0.63 28.80 351.3 CompassX 1019 -16.00 1223.36 924.41 2.65 19.78 4433.9
Keller♦ 980.50 -2.00 1105 742.00 2.57 30.96 82.2 Centaur 84.00 -1.50 87.09 56.20 3.10 12.44 34.9 Acal 287.00 -8.00 334.75 180.00 2.50 59.79 2.9
AGARmst 210.00 26.75 210.00 78.44 - -45.47 4499.4 Oxfd Bio 7.70 -0.45 13.38 3.33 - -19.69 3739.0 EntInns 116.10 -3.70 139.60 96.85 - 19.44 220.7
KierGp 1495 -4.00 1779 1260 3.85 38.67 131.2 ChimeCm 365.00 3.25 365.00 239.00 2.30 128.43 119.8 Aggreko 1026 -41.00 1726.32 991.00 2.64 13.58 1196.8
BarrttDev 623.50 -16.00 660.00 357.20 1.65 16.51 4446.4 RichterG $ 15.26 0.08 17.28 12.20 0.76 21.01 0.0 FirstGrp 107.00 -2.00 129.90 88.65 - 17.18 2882.5
Kingsp € 21.79 -0.03 24.00 11.03 0.72 28.74 32.6 Creston♦ 150.00 2.00 157.85 108.00 2.70 12.05 43.3 APR Engy 68.50 -7.50 599.50 68.00 4.98 -0.12 194.6
Bellway 2443 -46.00 2560 1445 2.13 12.62 264.0 ShireX 4865 -160.00 5870 3448.28 0.29 14.73 1978.6 Fuller A 1063 2.00 1235 890.00 1.48 21.08 0.6
LowBonr♦ 66.00 -1.00 83.00 44.25 4.09 16.99 216.4 DlyMailA 806.00 -15.00 989.50 699.00 2.53 10.96 543.5 AshtdGp♦ 917.00 -28.50 1231 838.00 1.34 15.25 2939.8
Berkeley♦ 3284 -88.00 3570 2033 5.48 10.49 597.4 VecturGp 172.70 0.70 183.75 113.25 - 192.10 1425.7 Go-Ahead 2507 -24.00 2745 2184 3.37 16.18 61.8
Marshlls 338.00 3.00 340.00 184.00 1.78 27.56 1186.6 HaynesPb 122.50 - 192.00 110.00 6.12 14.14 2.1 AtknsWS 1439 -29.00 1580.34 1225 2.38 16.85 113.9
BovisHme 1088 -15.00 1206 723.00 3.22 13.35 487.9 GreeneKg♦ 805.50 -15.50 891.00 712.00 3.57 19.84 812.0
MorgSdl 815.50 -5.50 865.00 570.00 3.31 -23.86 11.5 ITE Grp 149.25 -1.25 211.90 125.00 4.96 11.93 189.1 Real Estate Babcock 945.00 -24.00 1207 908.50 2.32 17.95 1121.1
CrestNic 532.50 -20.50 587.92 291.98 2.69 11.92 467.8 IrishCtl € 4.42 0.03 4.70 2.63 2.29 12.59 65.6
Norcros 20.50 0.25 22.76 14.69 2.56 15.77 480.7 ITV 239.00 -11.20 281.90 192.10 1.97 18.36 18280.3 Berendsen 978.50 -19.50 1161 895.50 3.07 19.22 243.0
GamesWk♦ 570.00 14.00 624.50 487.25 9.12 14.89 5.3 Harworth Gr 11.13 -0.13 14.00 5.35 - 2.69 310.9 Ladbrokes 98.35 -1.65 147.00 95.70 9.05 -37.65 3107.8
StGobn €X 39.76 -1.21 44.84 29.51 1.50 27.65 2937.3 JohnstnP 95.50 -5.25 7830 94.69 - -199.37 48.2 Brammer 309.00 4.75 432.75 265.00 3.46 43.13 329.7
Gleeson 427.50 -9.50 465.00 324.66 1.40 13.36 43.9 REITs MandarO $♦ 1.45 -0.05 1.84 1.45 4.63 18.78 33.1
Tyman♦ 291.50 6.50 342.00 228.25 2.74 42.28 153.5 News Corp A $ 13.07 -0.56 17.80 12.67 - -52.30 4948.7 Bunzl 1718 -21.00 1969 1517 2.07 25.17 1058.2
Headlam 484.50 6.50 512.00 390.00 3.61 16.11 40.1 Assura 52.25 1.25 62.25 43.50 3.54 11.12 596.3 Marstons 151.50 -0.30 174.40 134.50 4.42 -32.08 1120.1
NewsCpB $ 13.31 -0.52 17.44 12.62 - -53.26 2551.2 Capita 1196 -40.00 1336 1000.5 2.44 32.42 1976.2
Electronic & Electrical Equip McBride 118.00 - 125.00 74.00 - -12.65 143.4 BigYellw 661.00 -13.00 720.00 479.40 2.84 9.20 191.1 Carillion 333.50 -7.80 371.40 294.03 5.32 26.66 1752.8 Natl Exp 292.60 -3.40 324.80 213.40 3.52 18.13 427.3
Persimn 2042 -61.00 2156 1247.08 - 14.18 1558.8 Pearson♦ 1092 -41.00 1517.42 1010 4.67 46.77 3331.1
Dialight 633.00 1.50 960.00 398.00 2.37 33.87 200.4 BritLand 803.50 -16.50 891.50 649.00 3.42 5.07 4152.8 Comnsis 48.25 0.50 68.25 44.65 4.15 -6.62 98.3 PPHE Htl 662.50 2.50 668.50 420.58 2.67 10.10 13.7
Philips € 22.51 -0.42 28.00 20.69 - 94.23 3912.5 Quarto 197.50 -6.50 239.00 136.66 4.19 7.67 1.5
e2v Tech 236.75 6.25 268.00 145.44 1.90 21.85 48.8 Cap&Reg 66.75 0.25 70.05 46.25 1.42 4.06 484.3 ConnectGp 151.25 -3.00 191.45 128.02 6.21 11.86 87.7 Rank Gp 260.00 7.60 268.00 151.90 1.73 21.52 107.4
PZCusns♦ 312.10 -4.80 392.10 288.50 2.51 25.09 274.5 RELX NV € 14.36 0.18 24.17 13.85 - - 3278.3
Halma 740.50 -14.50 786.50 557.50 1.55 26.95 719.4 Countrywd 501.00 -21.50 608.00 404.30 2.99 24.95 215.4 DCC 4794 -65.00 5320 3050 1.66 31.52 191.6 Restaurt 674.50 8.00 748.70 607.00 2.28 24.09 1350.3
ReckittBX♦ 5655 -102.00 6300 4895 2.46 24.03 1207.7 RELX PLCX 1019 -26.00 1199 921.50 2.45 95.89 3877.7
MorganAd 329.90 -5.10 375.84 258.10 3.30 57.08 236.4 DrwntLdn 3539 -70.00 3818 2615 1.12 4.90 234.9 DeLaRue 479.00 -10.75 779.00 445.03 7.62 14.31 150.5 Sportech 61.50 -1.50 79.50 47.00 - -1.47 0.2
Redrow 472.30 -9.60 497.00 248.64 0.64 12.31 673.0 STV Grp 450.00 - 494.00 322.00 1.78 13.75 14.1
OxfordIn 841.00 1.00 1114 671.58 1.51 -76.23 163.3 Gt Portld 818.00 -10.50 883.50 600.04 1.09 5.55 1202.4 Diploma 715.50 -10.50 916.50 631.00 2.38 21.85 55.3 Stagech♦ 362.00 -0.90 437.90 331.60 2.71 14.99 1060.7
TaylorWm♦ 196.00 -5.30 207.40 104.60 0.80 15.43 18764.9 ThmReut C$X♦ 50.05 -1.13 54.47 39.45 3.42 15.97 1095.5
Renishaw 2146 -19.00 2672.9 1520 1.97 12.81 49.9 Green Reit € 1.50 - 1.70 1.21 - - 33.5 Elctrcmp 182.60 -0.90 263.10 170.50 6.43 11.45 870.2 ThomasCook 103.40 -3.80 162.20 99.05 - -26.69 4248.3
TedBaker 3024 -42.00 3438 1768 1.17 37.32 15.1 UTV Med 175.00 2.50 222.00 137.00 4.14 31.29 54.3
Spectris 1825 1.00 2420 1606 2.55 16.90 344.1 Hammersn♦ 610.50 -17.50 708.00 537.00 3.34 7.05 3965.3 EnergyAst 550.00 24.00 640.00 375.00 - 20.67 13.5 TUI 1150 -6.00 1294.78 996.74 - 64.29 2299.5
WPPX 1311 -40.00 1616 1091 2.91 13.55 6274.3
TT Elect 158.75 -0.25 164.00 96.00 3.46 -81.29 100.3 Industrial Engineering Hansteen 115.00 - 128.95 98.70 4.35 5.67 2035.3 Essentra 844.00 -8.50 1069 624.50 2.17 30.21 393.6 Whitbrd 4701 -96.00 5475 3767 1.54 23.18 1024.0
XP Power 1625 24.50 1750 1340 3.82 16.15 0.8
Bodycote 627.00 -14.00 797.59 542.50 2.30 20.07 264.0
Mining HIBERNIA 1.30 -0.03 1.39 1.03 - - 2473.7 Experian 1075 -34.00 1264 909.95 2.41 21.00 2885.3 Willim H 354.00 -6.00 432.10 333.40 3.45 17.68 3965.4
Acacia♦ 236.60 -2.70 318.90 191.70 1.13 23.67 884.7 Highcrft 1025 - 1090 795.00 3.51 18.78 5.0 Grafton 737.00 -12.00 868.00 570.00 1.46 19.10 758.4
Financial General Castings 422.00 -8.00 480.00 360.00 3.09 13.27 21.0
INTU 315.00 -8.00 376.50 305.50 4.35 16.47 3045.2 Utilities
Fenner♦ 169.75 -1.00 367.50 156.00 7.07 824.03 419.7 AngloAmer♦ 684.40 -56.60 1603 649.30 7.97 -1.98 9932.4 HarvyNah 97.75 - 112.00 66.32 3.41 13.57 14.0
3i 459.20 -32.60 571.50 343.61 3.48 6.30 2994.2 LandSecs 1224 -28.00 1363 988.50 2.58 4.02 3026.2 Centrica 237.00 -6.20 327.00 234.40 5.70 -23.85 14669.1
Goodwin 2440 60.50 3698 2120 1.74 11.69 1.1 AngloPacif 84.00 -1.75 165.25 74.75 12.14 -2.00 39.4 Hays 159.00 -0.70 173.70 108.15 1.65 23.63 3953.4
AberAsM 307.90 -11.00 509.64 291.90 5.85 13.56 6584.7 LondonMtrc 160.80 -1.50 173.20 132.30 4.35 6.30 944.9 DeeVally 1405 5.00 1450 1135 4.45 18.65 0.5
Hill&Sm 717.50 0.50 734.00 520.00 2.51 27.85 4.5 AnGoldA R 105.00 -1.79 183.95 71.59 - -171.12 2209.1
Homesve 421.10 0.20 447.84 312.00 2.89 23.27 240.5
Ashmore 250.90 -11.80 355.90 249.00 6.56 12.00 2624.7 McKaySec 260.00 -5.88 275.00 215.00 3.31 7.33 8.0 Drax 279.70 -12.90 664.00 246.00 4.25 6.55 1757.8
IMI♦ 1017 -21.00 1454.55 965.50 3.70 15.71 1047.5 Antofagasta 574.50 -34.50 811.50 519.50 2.38 37.32 6239.6 HowdenJny 477.10 -4.50 532.00 309.00 1.76 20.31 1648.3
BrewDlph 275.80 -7.60 361.00 236.80 3.59 41.91 110.2 MucklGp 488.00 -10.50 510.00 421.00 4.15 5.68 3.8 Natl GridX 849.40 -10.70 965.00 806.40 4.97 15.92 11264.0
MelroseInd♦ 259.50 -7.50 314.78 242.70 3.20 40.60 3644.3 ..5%Pf 0.60 - 0.60 0.60833.33 - - Intserve 583.50 -1.00 878.50 487.20 3.94 15.86 207.3
Canaccord♦ 300.00 30.00 695.00 270.00 3.40 -16.48 0.7 PrimyHth 416.00 4.75 421.25 324.00 4.75 11.66 118.8 Pennon♦ 746.50 -24.00 925.00 714.50 4.02 23.84 1397.0
Renold 72.00 0.25 86.00 49.00 - 29.20 3.1 AquarsPl 8.51 0.16 24.25 5.53 - -3.62 5248.0 Intertek 2440 -96.00 2844 2141 2.01 20.72 701.2
CtyLonInv 328.00 2.25 380.37 251.25 7.86 15.39 7.7 Redefine 52.20 -0.55 59.90 48.00 6.13 5.16 760.8 UtdUtils 828.00 -27.00 1045 784.00 4.42 20.86 2475.8
Rotork♦ 201.70 -7.40 289.00 188.10 2.48 17.57 4243.7 Barrick C$ 8.89 -0.26 19.77 8.60 2.17 -3.01 3853.1 Latchways♦ 1077 357.00 1077 705.01 3.68 28.44 69.2

52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol
Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s
Aerospace & Defence PolarCap 398.00 -6.00 500.00 351.00 6.66 15.67 4.1 Insurance Egdon Res 12.13 -0.25 25.93 6.24 - -7.77 175.9 LXB Retail 80.00 -0.25 149.00 77.00 - - 103.4 Tech - Hardware
Cohort♦ 380.00 -2.50 390.00 195.40 1.16 27.66 28.1 Share 29.00 0.25 41.68 26.75 2.14 308.51 9.1 Gable 26.00 - 84.00 16.75 - -7.28 49.6 Enegi Oil 0.63 - 4.14 0.58 - -0.24 73.0 NewRiver 337.50 -1.75 342.00 271.00 2.52 18.26 310.8 AminoTech 159.50 - 171.00 75.24 3.13 14.20 45.4
ShoreCap 407.50 - 431.50 400.00 2.21 19.60 0.2 Helios 192.50 2.50 200.00 120.00 0.78 15.74 5.5 EuropaOil 5.13 0.25 10.75 4.50 - -7.28 354.0 Palace Cap 382.50 2.50 405.00 295.00 2.22 4.77 10.5 IQE 23.75 0.25 26.50 12.08 - 98.55 756.2
Banks STM Group 51.00 1.50 55.90 16.50 - 27.45 160.1 FalkldO&G 21.25 -2.50 45.00 16.75 - -45.80 702.5 PnthrSec 352.50 - 375.00 300.00 3.40 13.51 4.2
BCB Hldgs 7.50 - 13.50 6.00 - -1.27 13.9 WH Ireland 108.50 - 130.00 79.00 1.84 41.75 0.9 Media GETECH 56.00 - 71.70 32.00 3.93 8.49 22.2 PSPI 31.00 0.50 31.00 23.00 - -5.74 1.2 Tech - Software & Services
STB♦ 2917 64.00 3024 2257 2.33 21.20 0.5 Avesco 220.00 - 233.00 95.00 2.73 15.33 10.8 Infrastrata 1.63 0.25 8.88 1.38 - -1.42 1413.5 SiriusRE € 0.49 0.00 0.53 0.28 2.17 10.58 3731.7 Blinkx 22.50 -1.25 45.00 14.75 - -6.44 2548.6
Food & Beverages Cello Gp 93.00 -1.00 106.70 81.00 2.59 35.32 29.9 Iofina 19.13 0.63 65.56 15.00 - -5.71 86.7 SumGermny € 0.91 - 0.99 0.50 2.05 3.64 0.1 BondInt 123.50 - 148.25 83.00 1.78 23.91 7.9
Basic Resource (Ex Mining) FinsbryFd 99.00 - 101.98 56.00 1.01 13.27 68.6 M&Csaatc 337.50 7.00 395.00 249.75 1.67 -1424.05 9.9 Brady 99.25 - 110.13 64.00 1.71 177.87 13.8
Ithaca Engy 36.25 1.00 137.50 26.25 - -6.77 1976.2 TaliesinPr 2335 22.50 2545 1750 - 8.46 0.0
CropperJ 515.00 - 570.00 355.00 1.53 25.60 0.2 Nichols 1395 - 1459 834.56 1.61 24.16 9.3 MissionMk 44.50 - 51.00 37.00 2.25 8.80 33.9 Datatec 355.00 5.00 369.66 261.25 3.10 14.87 0.6
KBC Adv 113.50 -0.50 130.31 77.00 0.88 20.51 31.4 Winkworth♦ 155.00 - 180.00 115.00 3.81 13.14 6.7
PureCircle 400.00 - 635.00 352.24 - 311.53 8.5 Next15Cm 180.50 -4.00 198.00 117.00 1.53 116.75 27.3 DDD 2.63 -0.13 5.00 1.25 - -2.73 114.6
Chemicals Max# 0.16 - 1.35 0.08 - -0.08 634.1
RealGdFd 51.00 0.50 59.40 23.00 - 60.00 41.0 YouGov 117.50 - 133.00 98.50 0.68 211.33 0.9 PetrelRes 2.50 - 7.45 2.00 - -1.09 20.0 Eckoh 39.25 - 48.50 33.00 0.79 46.39 79.0
Scapa 197.50 3.50 225.25 120.00 0.51 31.83 176.3
Wynnstay 577.50 - 607.25 474.52 1.77 16.27 5.1 Petroceltic 61.00 7.50 224.00 42.75 - -0.66 535.6 ASOS 2984 -10.00 4259 1742 - 68.60 984.0 EgSoltns 63.50 - 84.00 62.00 - 18.03 3.2
Construction & Materials Mining Koovs 67.50 - 171.00 60.00 - - 0.8 Iomart 253.75 9.50 284.25 159.93 0.69 30.79 499.2
Health Care Equip & Services PetroNeft 4.30 0.15 6.65 3.60 - -5.30 1028.3
Abbey 1012.5 - 1050 800.00 0.79 7.55 0.1 AMC 14.00 - 44.58 2.85 - -69.31 2775.1 Majestic 441.50 1.75 480.00 280.00 3.62 21.68 47.7 K3BusTc 271.00 - 275.00 205.00 0.46 30.07 22.7
Advnc Med 148.00 -2.00 161.00 111.00 0.43 24.33 138.5 Plexus 190.25 -7.13 267.32 165.00 0.58 30.62 22.6
AccsysTch 70.38 -0.13 81.50 0.93 - -6.93 10.9 BotswanaD 0.80 - 4.15 0.72 - -1.71 10.4 StanlGib 212.50 -1.50 322.00 206.00 3.41 53.45 53.2 OMG 41.00 - 49.00 26.00 1.22 118.16 109.0
AVO 7.88 -0.13 16.90 3.50 - -10.50 3476.2 PresidentEn 10.38 - 39.48 9.00 - 4.62 171.6
Aukett 6.63 - 9.50 5.76 3.17 8.69 80.7 CentAsiaM 153.50 -2.50 198.00 135.16 6.83 4.34 0.1 Progility 3.13 - 10.10 2.75 - 3.31 14.3
CareTech 247.00 -0.50 263.25 190.00 3.24 11.65 13.8 Rockhop 52.50 -2.75 95.50 40.00 - -10.27 1306.0 Support Services
Connema 1.38 -0.13 3.81 0.25 - -2.39 490.0 Pub Tech 140.50 2.50 240.00 120.00 - -4.33 25.0
Sound Oil 16.25 -0.50 26.73 8.75 - -11.89 1153.4
Electronic & Electrical Equip ImmunDiag 305.00 -1.00 478.00 264.40 2.79 38.16 1.8 C'royG&NR 0.65 - 1.60 0.50 - -7.07 161.4 AndSyks 340.00 - 385.00 260.00 7.00 15.43 0.2
SciSys 64.00 - 96.75 38.50 2.34 8.82 0.1
SphereMed 13.25 - 31.00 12.00 - -1.49 23.0 TowerRes 0.17 -0.01 0.88 0.09 - -0.16 12813.5 Augean 57.50 - 62.00 37.65 0.61 12.75 28.0
CeresPow 8.60 -0.03 10.93 6.50 - -6.25 28.8 GrekaDrill 5.85 0.13 16.80 5.32 - -6.31 174.7 WANdisco 176.00 - 545.00 170.30 - -1.72 2.3
Tristel 94.00 - 107.99 65.00 1.72 23.43 25.2 TrinityE 4.25 0.65 93.57 2.92 - -0.04 288.0 Begbies 42.50 -0.25 54.76 38.50 5.33 16.61 2.3
Densitrn 8.50 - 9.75 3.50 - 293.10 5.0 Herencia 0.14 - 0.49 0.12 - -1.73 1136.4
UnJackOil 0.17 - 0.48 0.14 - -4.25 1069.1
ElektronT 6.75 -0.38 8.70 3.25 - 67.50 201.0 House, Leisure & Pers Goods HighldGld 49.00 - 71.50 17.73 10.82 -9.96 492.0 Christie 131.00 - 162.00 115.00 1.34 14.57 0.1 Telecommunications
VictorOil 50.75 - 89.05 1.21 - -1.47 334.5 Empres 71.00 - 91.50 38.13 0.49 9.43 26.7
FlowGp 13.13 - 50.00 12.20 - -3.33 74.1 KarelianDd 1.00 -0.05 2.08 0.80 - -14.29 1412.0 AltNetwks 484.00 -1.50 545.00 415.00 3.00 26.13 27.7
Airea 20.00 - 20.80 10.25 3.00 13.04 4.8 VolgaGas 55.50 - 121.00 54.00 4.33 5.46 1.4 Hargreaves 332.75 -3.25 794.00 280.00 7.66 3.53 81.9
LPA♦ 63.50 0.50 112.00 60.00 2.44 56.10 3.0 KEFI Min 0.70 -0.05 1.80 0.66 - -1.73 5536.2 AvantiCom 226.75 -15.00 325.00 170.25 - -4.05 129.3
Churchll 555.00 2.50 630.00 460.00 2.90 17.22 4.6 Hydrogen 53.00 - 90.25 48.25 8.68 -126.19 1.4
ThorpeFW 182.00 0.50 196.00 120.00 1.79 20.14 8.9
gamingrealm 23.00 -1.00 41.00 20.00 - -4.92 40.0
OracleC 1.50 - 2.00 0.25 - -7.28 100.0 Pharmaceuticals & Biotech Peoples Op 125.00 - 147.60 120.00 - -55.19 0.5
Zytronic 304.00 -1.00 319.00 219.00 3.29 14.87 12.6 RamblMtls 8.75 - 27.40 7.30 - -30.49 143.2 Abcam 570.00 -8.50 614.50 355.25 1.36 32.44 597.8 Impellam 785.00 - 859.60 455.00 0.80 12.82 3.4
Mulberry 902.50 2.50 969.00 562.50 0.55 -384.53 7.7
ShantaGold 4.63 - 13.00 4.25 - -9.54 1935.9 ISG 157.50 -7.00 356.00 140.00 6.00 -5.75 44.5 Travel & Leisure
AllcePharm 56.00 -1.50 63.00 31.65 1.68 17.74 158.6
Financial General Portmern 907.50 -2.50 960.00 840.00 2.92 14.85 9.1
SierraRut 22.13 -0.25 38.00 17.00 - -19.06 20.0 JhnsnSrv 91.50 3.50 91.50 56.00 1.43 31.55 145.5 CastleStIn 35.25 - 41.25 17.00 8.51 - 19.2
TelfordHms 394.75 -3.00 495.00 317.50 2.58 12.11 146.3 Epistem 192.50 - 339.00 175.00 - -6.43 0.4
Ambrian 6.00 - 12.50 5.13 - 18.18 7.8 Sirius Min 16.75 0.25 29.50 6.40 - -33.30 1498.2 JourneyGp 176.50 - 180.47 113.00 1.63 15.29 0.1 Celtic 73.50 - 79.00 72.18 - -19.13 1.0
WalkerGb 224.50 1.50 244.85 151.05 0.86 27.13 11.4 e-Thera 32.38 -0.25 49.40 24.25 - -11.00 7.6
Arbuthnot 1472.5 -0.50 1650 1000.00 1.83 20.22 0.8 SolGold 2.03 0.03 6.65 1.77 - -3.84 789.5 LonSec 2100 - 2400 1800 2.95 20.31 1.3 ..6%CvPf 65.00 - 80.00 35.00 4.98 - 1.0
GW Phrms 568.00 -28.00 708.55 299.11 - -37.29 391.8
Aurora 9.38 - 12.88 8.00 - -0.96 12.4 Industrial Engineering Stratex 1.93 0.05 3.00 1.00 - -3.99 886.7 Matchtech 562.50 - 587.80 495.00 3.56 17.54 4.4 ..Cv Pf 135.00 - 150.00 120.00 - - 16.0
HtchChMd 1795 - 2020 1040 - 1602.68 8.4
BP Marsh 136.50 -1.00 156.75 121.00 2.01 8.08 12.1 Xtract Res 0.24 -0.01 0.49 0.06 - -2.67 52940.1 NewmkSec 3.33 0.18 4.93 1.66 2.26 7.07 890.3 Dalata 289.00 - 299.00 111.15 - 102.45 672.8
600 Grp 16.75 - 20.89 14.60 - 6.50 1.0 ImmuPhar 41.00 - 67.00 37.00 - -11.94 26.5
BrooksMac 1759.5 -3.00 1900 1300 1.48 28.10 0.1 ZincOx 11.00 -0.25 18.00 6.00 - -0.81 45.0 NormanBr 14.00 - 23.00 8.50 - -1.52 43.3 Dart 442.00 -11.00 500.00 200.00 0.65 19.91 140.1
Molins 76.50 - 141.00 68.01 7.19 -18.65 19.4 ReNeuron 5.38 - 6.50 2.80 - -10.79 635.7
Camellia 9550 -50.00 10000 8450 1.32 324.05 0.4 NWF 156.50 -1.50 165.00 120.00 3.26 12.29 10.7 GoalsSocc 196.00 -0.50 242.00 192.00 0.94 22.04 2.8
MS Intl 171.50 - 201.80 116.00 4.66 20.92 2.4 Sareum 0.22 - 0.68 0.19 - -3.71 1650.8
CaptlMgt 115.00 -2.00 190.00 103.00 - -1.47 0.0 Oil & Gas Optimal Pay 300.75 -17.25 575.00 215.00 - 46.00 7248.9 MinoanGp 6.88 -0.13 15.73 6.57 - -10.90 146.6
Pres Tech 201.50 - 750.00 180.00 4.17 12.22 11.7 SinclairIS 38.75 - 48.00 23.30 - -14.86 50.2
Fairpoint 160.00 1.50 170.00 105.66 3.84 24.49 39.8 AlkneEng 22.00 - 40.35 19.50 0.91 9.84 47.7 PennaCns 217.50 - 230.00 116.00 1.61 14.41 2.8 PeelHtls 103.50 - 110.00 75.00 - 19.74 5.1
TP Group 3.75 - 7.40 3.00 - -4.24 190.1 Vernalis 77.00 -1.25 85.00 42.00 - -115.79 53.7
Leeds 34.00 - 43.79 30.00 - 8.91 71.0 AmeriRes 26.00 -0.25 64.51 19.10 - 15.91 3609.5 Petards 11.63 - 15.99 9.75 - 10.48 4.0
MattioliWds 595.00 5.50 598.00 414.00 1.53 26.65 138.1 Industrial General AndesEnrg 20.75 -1.75 49.42 16.50 - -15.31 81.1 Real Estate Utilities
RedhallGp 10.75 -0.25 18.50 8.50 - -0.37 105.2
Miton 24.75 - 38.50 18.50 2.18 -7.57 10.0 BahamasP 1.93 0.02 4.70 1.50 - -8.23 1354.9 ModernWtr 10.50 - 28.98 10.00 - -0.47 41.6
Powerflte 75.75 1.50 80.00 35.00 1.38 47.11 579.3 Conygar 173.00 1.75 195.00 160.00 1.01 8.77 81.4 Renew 324.00 -0.50 348.00 237.00 1.54 18.78 81.6
MAB 297.50 -2.50 309.26 160.00 - 31.03 5.1 BorSthnPet 3.13 -0.35 13.90 2.07 - -6.07 829.7 RenEnGen 46.50 - 68.00 46.00 4.73 -32.49 1.0
RM2 64.00 -1.00 77.00 46.00 - -6.72 58.5 FltchKng♦ 51.00 6.00 65.00 38.00 5.88 7.10 16.9 Restore 242.50 - 289.00 211.00 0.87 40.45 35.0
Numis 238.25 -5.25 280.00 196.09 4.41 18.09 21.1 Circle Oil 5.63 0.50 28.70 4.75 - -0.92 1281.4 Rurelec 1.48 - 6.48 1.32 - -2.81 227.4
Symphny 7.75 0.25 11.22 6.50 - -33.12 74.0 InlandHms 69.00 0.13 74.00 45.00 0.87 21.81 281.6 SafeCharge 258.00 -2.00 297.00 205.00 0.72 38.78 26.6
Park Grp♦ 70.38 -0.63 77.50 47.00 3.62 15.30 15.0 ClontarfEn 0.35 - 1.40 0.26 - -3.80 88.1 SeaEnergy 7.25 - 39.50 7.00 - -1.61 370.7
Lok'nStor 284.00 - 300.30 199.17 2.46 120.70 24.3 Servoca 23.00 - 26.03 11.00 - 17.11 49.2
Utilityws 155.25 -8.75 311.05 142.00 2.58 10.83 135.1

Investment Companies
Conventional (Ex Private Equity) 52 Week Dis(-) ..CULS 103.25 - 107.89 102.00 - - - JPMGIConv 93.75 -1.88 112.00 90.00 6.00 98.6 -4.9 ScotAmer♦ 241.75 -3.00 276.50 221.99 4.36 229.4 5.4 Albion Ent 90.50 - 91.75 85.00 5.52 98.2 -7.8 Marwyn Val 223.00 -0.25 251.93 196.00 - - -
Price +/-Chg High Low Yld NAV or Pm Edin Inv 670.00 -11.00 706.00 565.20 3.52 659.0 1.7 JPM GEI♦ 92.50 -2.00 130.00 86.11 5.30 94.0 -1.6 Scottish In 588.00 -11.00 670.00 536.00 2.04 650.6 -9.6 AlbionTech 76.00 -0.50 78.49 71.25 6.58 79.2 -4.0 TerraCat 106.00 0.50 112.00 90.00 - - -
3i Infra 163.60 -1.00 189.56 151.00 4.57 - - Edin WWd 433.00 -6.00 502.44 332.25 0.46 460.5 -6.0 JPM I&C Uni 361.00 -0.50 370.00 330.06 - 344.7 4.7 ScottMort 243.50 -5.00 283.40 204.00 1.19 236.8 2.8 AlbionVCT 66.00 - 68.65 63.00 7.58 67.0 -1.5
AbnAsianIn 155.50 -5.75 213.80 142.50 5.27 165.1 -5.8 EP Global 220.00 -4.00 262.10 207.04 1.50 229.2 -4.0 JPM Inc&Gr 104.00 - 115.85 98.50 2.12 107.8 -3.5 ScottOrtll 690.00 -32.00 900.00 660.00 1.67 807.5 -14.6 ArtemisVCT 63.50 - 70.52 59.23 6.30 71.3 -10.9 ISDX
AbnAsian 706.50 -33.00 1014 653.77 1.42 812.0 -13.0 Estabmt 145.00 -0.50 188.00 140.00 3.24 195.1 -25.7 JPM Ind 489.50 -17.00 605.50 430.00 - 541.5 -9.6 SecTstScot 128.50 -3.88 148.00 123.00 3.74 134.0 -4.1 Baronsmd 76.13 - 75.60 69.50 4.60 79.9 -4.7
Euro Ast 1047.5 -20.00 1160 800.00 4.99 1054.1 -0.6 JPM JpSm 220.50 -9.50 261.75 184.00 - 267.0 -17.4 Seneca I&G♦ 141.00 - 150.00 131.00 3.97 140.8 0.1 ..VCT 2 98.63 - 99.00 91.00 4.56 103.9 -5.1 52 Week Vol
AbnJapInv 485.50 -20.50 571.00 357.50 0.93 488.2 -0.6
EuroInvT 740.00 -8.00 849.00 659.33 1.89 777.6 -4.8 JPM Jap 260.50 -9.75 307.95 195.00 1.07 295.2 -11.8 Shires Inc 227.00 -3.50 261.00 214.00 5.29 231.2 -1.8 ..VCT 3 101.75 -0.50 104.69 94.00 7.37 106.9 -4.8 Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s
AbnLatAmIn 49.63 -2.88 85.68 44.25 8.56 54.8 -9.4
F&C Cp&I 251.00 -8.50 277.00 231.75 3.94 250.2 0.3 JPM Mid 970.00 -12.00 992.00 669.10 1.86 988.1 -1.8 StdLf Eqt 455.00 -13.00 471.46 362.50 3.08 445.8 2.1 ..VCT 4 94.88 - 94.35 86.75 3.16 99.5 -4.6 ArsenalFC 1587500 - 1590000 1400000 - 68.02 0.0
..Sub 0.25 0.05 2.63 0.10 - - -
F&CGblSmlr 941.50 -18.50 1028.92 781.00 0.87 937.5 0.4 JPM O'seas 982.00 -15.00 1159 890.95 1.53 1067.6 -8.0 StdLf Sml 321.00 -6.00 340.00 256.00 1.40 351.5 -8.7 ..VCT 5 78.13 - 78.88 72.00 5.12 81.7 -4.4 ShephdNm 1145 5.00 1260 1000.00 2.26 25.40 1.5
AbnNewDn♦ 148.00 -5.00 205.23 136.00 2.43 170.4 -13.1
F&CMgdG 148.50 -0.75 158.00 130.00 - 144.9 2.5 JPMRussian 293.50 0.75 446.00 223.25 4.43 354.0 -17.1 StrategicEq 229.50 -2.25 241.50 155.90 0.34 212.9 7.8 BSC VCT■ 88.00 - 91.80 82.00 6.25 96.2 -8.5 Thwaites 109.00 - 132.00 108.00 4.09 9.82 9.7
AbnNewThai 355.00 -2.63 489.88 324.00 2.25 425.9 -16.6
AbnSmlCo 216.50 1.00 229.00 174.00 3.00 249.8 -13.3 F&CMgdI 117.00 0.25 130.00 110.00 4.23 115.1 1.7 JPMSnrSec 89.50 -0.50 101.00 89.00 - 93.9 -4.7 Temp Bar 1088 -30.00 1274 1040 4.30 1120.3 -2.9 ..VCT2♦ 55.00 - 60.50 51.98 8.18 60.5 -9.1
Abn UK 290.00 -10.00 334.75 281.83 3.52 305.2 -5.0 FidAsian 210.50 -4.25 285.50 195.50 0.52 240.1 -12.3 JPM Smlr 850.00 -9.25 868.00 527.00 1.13 1016.5 -16.4 TempEmerg 409.00 -7.00 626.64 370.00 1.77 469.7 -12.9 Crown Place 29.00 - 30.50 27.75 8.62 28.1 3.2
Abf Gd Inc 200.50 -1.25 212.00 138.25 3.67 218.4 -8.2 FidChiSpS 114.50 -6.50 179.78 105.06 1.00 139.8 -18.1 JPM US Sml 166.75 -2.25 193.75 135.77 - 176.6 -5.6 TRIG♦ 99.75 -0.25 109.00 99.00 6.10 - - FrsightSol 103.50 - 106.00 95.00 5.80 108.5 -4.6 Guide to FT Share Service
Abf Sml 1185 3.00 1235 966.00 2.09 1282.7 -7.6 Fid Euro 167.90 -3.50 187.50 137.40 1.85 174.8 -3.9 JupUSSmCo 586.50 -17.75 704.03 574.28 - 685.7 -14.5 ThreadUKSel♦ 168.50 - 181.78 160.00 2.58 180.9 -6.9 Inc&GthVCT 93.50 - 104.00 88.25 19.25 103.7 -9.8
AcenciADbt $ 1.56 - 114.00 1.53 3.95 1.7 -8.2 Fid Jap 77.75 -3.63 88.25 64.00 - 91.8 -15.3 KeystoneInv 1770 -35.00 1900 1651.76 2.85 1809.6 -2.2 TREurGth 608.50 -7.50 661.00 438.00 1.07 660.2 -7.8 KingsAYVCT 18.00 - 19.50 17.25 5.56 19.9 -9.5
AdvDvpMk 368.00 -7.88 483.00 350.00 - 427.8 -14.0 Fid Spec 189.00 -8.50 217.00 159.37 1.75 - - Law Deb♦ 475.25 -7.00 545.50 452.50 3.30 451.9 5.2 TroyInc&G 67.50 -1.00 74.71 60.00 3.37 66.7 1.2 Maven I&G 66.50 0.50 68.00 59.50 6.77 65.0 2.3
Alliance 456.40 -10.00 531.50 420.20 2.17 522.0 -12.6 FinsG&I 547.00 -11.50 609.36 464.25 2.14 540.1 1.3 LinTrain £♦■ 499.00 - 537.00 364.40 1.35 403.9 23.5 UtilicoEmg♦ 158.75 -2.75 206.09 142.94 3.84 175.1 -9.3 MavenVCT2 52.25 - 56.75 49.00 7.37 59.4 -12.0 For queries about the London Share Service pages e-mail
AllianzTech 573.00 -17.00 640.43 463.07 - 589.3 -2.8 FstPacfic H HK$ 4.95 -0.10 9.48 4.95 4.17 - - Ln&StLaw 351.00 -8.00 384.00 330.80 3.93 358.7 -2.1 UtilicoInv♦ 110.00 -1.50 128.25 103.00 6.82 150.5 -26.9 MavenVCT3 73.75 - 79.00 70.00 2.71 87.0 -15.2
AltAstsOps 38.25 - 47.00 36.80 - 44.2 -13.5 For & Col 421.60 -8.40 467.90 365.00 2.23 450.0 -6.3 Lowland 1380 -2.00 1440 1219 2.75 1336.6 3.2 ValAndInc 236.75 -3.75 274.00 228.50 3.67 304.5 -22.2 MavenVCT4♦ 83.75 -0.75 88.39 80.00 5.97 96.3 -13.0 All data is as of close of the previous business day. Company classifications
Art Alpha 255.50 -2.63 306.50 249.50 1.27 309.8 -17.5 Geiger 13.75 - 27.63 12.50 - 16.6 -17.2 M&GHighInc 153.00 -4.50 179.95 148.00 3.01 164.4 -6.9 Witan 738.00 -21.00 850.00 642.00 2.12 733.8 0.6 MavenVCT5 35.75 0.75 37.00 32.00 2.80 41.8 -14.5 are based on the ICB system used by FTSE (see FTSE
..Sub 19.00 - 44.73 18.00 6.32 - - GenEmer 440.00 -8.20 583.00 391.70 - 495.0 -11.1 Majedie 250.00 -6.75 283.00 206.41 3.00 249.1 0.4 WitanPac 215.00 -4.00 274.75 203.03 2.09 253.1 -15.1 Nthn 2 VCT 69.75 - 88.00 67.25 2.87 74.2 -6.0 100 constituent stocks are shown in bold.
AsianToRt 177.00 -2.63 224.00 163.25 1.84 196.3 -9.8 GFIS 16.50 - 28.39 15.00 - 43.8 -62.3 Man&Lon 236.25 3.25 260.49 219.00 3.17 277.2 -14.8 WorldTst♦ 242.00 5.00 285.25 212.00 0.22 269.2 -10.1 Nthn 3 VCT 90.00 - 104.00 88.00 6.11 95.5 -5.8 Closing prices are shown in pence unless otherwise indicated. Highs & lows
Aurora 151.50 - 166.79 144.00 2.51 158.6 -4.5 GRIT 11.00 -0.13 35.00 9.79 - - - MCGlobPort 166.25 -4.50 195.00 155.00 2.41 167.8 -0.9 WwideHlth 1877 -32.00 2108.5 1355 0.75 1914.0 -1.9 NthnVent 76.00 - 85.36 74.50 7.89 79.8 -4.8 are based on intra-day trading over a rolling 52 week period. Price/earnings
BG Japan 425.00 -19.75 493.25 316.50 - 411.6 3.3 GoldenPros 19.75 - 41.04 18.00 - 23.0 -14.1 MCurPac 243.00 -8.13 336.00 236.73 3.09 290.7 -16.4 ProVenGI 79.00 - 81.25 76.00 5.06 87.3 -9.5 ratios (PER) are based on latest annual reports and accounts and are updated
Conventional - Private Equity 52 Week Dis(-)
BG Shin 362.50 -32.25 424.00 282.50 - 373.4 -2.9 Hansa 810.00 -33.00 988.00 810.00 2.35 1107.0 -26.8 MercantIT 1702 -20.00 1762.96 1316.55 2.35 1860.7 -8.5 ProVenVCT 94.38 -0.13 97.89 89.50 4.77 105.0 -10.1 with interim figures. PER is calculated using the company’s diluted earnings
Price +/-Chg High Low Yld NAV or Pm
BSRT 18.00 -3.00 39.80 18.00 - 39.6 -54.5 ..A 812.50 - 940.00 795.00 - 1107.0 -26.6 MrchTst 432.50 -19.50 505.58 413.00 5.48 443.0 -2.4 UnicornAIM 133.00 - 135.79 122.00 4.51 153.5 -13.4 from continuing operations. Yields are based on closing price and on dividends
Hend Alt 215.00 -4.50 254.00 215.00 1.40 276.4 -22.2 Mid Wynd 317.50 -0.50 352.50 260.07 1.20 312.7 1.5 AbnPvtEq♦ 83.00 - 96.00 80.88 2.69 121.3 -31.6
Bankers 584.00 -10.50 674.50 506.00 2.59 598.3 -2.4 Ordinary Income Shares 52 Week HR paid in the last financial year and updated with interim figures. Yields are
Hen Div 89.50 -0.38 95.50 87.50 5.70 89.1 0.4 MitonUKMic 54.25 - 56.25 50.00 - - - Altamir € 10.40 -0.27 11.82 9.43 - 16.0 -35.0
BrngEmEu 470.25 -10.75 679.00 432.00 4.04 538.4 -12.7 Price +/-Chg High Low Yld WO GRY 0% shown in net terms; dividends on UK companies are net of 10% tax, non-UK
HenEuroF 993.50 -46.50 1148.5 816.47 2.36 985.1 0.9 MitonWw 158.25 -0.50 164.65 149.00 - 168.9 -6.3 Dun Ent 313.00 -7.00 408.25 305.00 1.50 507.0 -38.3
BH Global 1302 -1.00 1343.6 1178 - 1372.0 -5.1 companies are gross of tax. Highs & lows, yields and PER are adjusted to reflect
HenEuro 840.00 -7.50 957.00 678.25 2.08 835.9 0.5 MMP 3.50 0.25 5.00 3.00 - - - Electra 3200 -50.00 3349.01 2338 - 3675.8 -12.9 JPM I&C 96.25 - 106.00 86.00 6.75 -13.8 -8.6
..EUR € 12.00 - 14.00 11.80 - - - capital changes where appropriate.
HenFarEs 271.50 -3.50 362.00 238.25 6.81 271.5 0.0 Monks 385.30 -5.20 458.90 348.40 1.03 432.5 -10.9 ElectraPrf 151.00 - 152.05 144.25 - 145.9 3.5 JupiterDv&G 4.25 - 5.50 3.50 17.41 7.1 -32.0
..USD $ 12.80 - 13.35 11.70 - 13.5 -5.2 Trading volumes are end of day aggregated totals, rounded to the nearest
HendGlob 361.00 -9.38 416.81 336.20 2.77 406.8 -11.3 MontanSm 490.00 -18.00 544.00 390.50 1.43 553.9 -11.5 F&C PvtEq 219.00 -0.50 230.00 197.00 4.95 283.2 -22.7 M&GHI&Gt 58.75 -0.25 67.00 55.00 - -14.4 -17.1
BH Macro 2065 - 2191 1946 - 2174.0 -5.0 1,000 shares.
HenHigh 180.00 -0.50 195.25 156.50 4.83 170.5 5.6 Mur Inc 682.50 -12.50 796.60 646.50 4.81 710.5 -3.9 GraphEnt 571.50 -18.00 605.00 536.10 1.31 689.0 -17.1 Rghts&Icp 4800 - 4900 3800 - -79.7 -0.5
..EUR € 19.96 - 21.10 18.88 - 21.0 -5.0
HenInt Inc 117.50 -1.25 137.69 103.00 3.66 114.3 2.8 Mur Int 824.00 -21.50 1123 787.96 5.46 839.4 -1.8 HVPE $ 13.33 -0.03 13.85 12.04 - 16.3 -18.2 Net asset value per share (NAV) and split analytics are provided only as a
..USD $ 19.81 0.01 21.10 18.80 - 20.9 -5.2 Income Shares 52 Week HR
Hen Opp♦ 997.00 -13.50 1059.1 755.00 1.25 1042.5 -4.4 ..B 750.00 - 1445.47 650.00 - 839.4 -10.7 HgCapital 1079 -6.00 1169 1006 2.97 1300.1 -17.0 guide. Discounts and premiums are calculated using the latest cum fair net
BiotechGth 748.50 -41.50 898.92 492.52 - 784.6 -4.6 Price +/-Chg High Low Yld WO GRY 0%
HenSmlr 651.00 -13.50 696.00 468.13 1.77 725.2 -10.2 NB DDIF $ 1.16 - 1.25 1.00 - - - JPM Pvt Eq $ 1.00 0.00 1.07 0.76 - 1.3 -23.1 asset value estimate and closing price. Discounts, premiums, gross redemption
BlckRCom 62.50 - 119.88 55.25 9.62 61.8 1.1 JPM In&Gr♦ 95.25 - 100.50 90.15 4.62 -69.8 10.1
Herald 680.00 -9.00 742.50 594.00 - 841.8 -19.2 NewCtyEgy 12.63 -0.13 37.00 10.50 - 18.1 -30.2 JZ Capital 430.50 -3.50 480.00 390.00 - 685.6 -37.2 yield (GRY), and hurdle rate (HR) to share price (SP) and HR to wipe out (WO)
BlckREmEur 183.00 -0.13 247.00 164.58 1.27 213.8 -14.4 M&GHghIc 58.00 - 63.00 51.00 - -14.4 -18.8
HICL Infra♦ 151.40 - 161.40 140.10 5.96 136.3 11.1 ..Sub 0.13 - 0.15 0.06 - - - Mithras 134.50 0.50 151.91 130.00 0.74 162.4 -17.2 are displayed as a percentage, NAV and terminal asset value per share (TAV)
BlckRFrnt 102.50 -0.13 133.28 95.25 4.06 106.2 -3.5 Rghts&I♦ 1075 - 1245 895.00 3.35 - 46.3
Impax Env. 141.00 -1.13 167.75 136.00 0.99 161.5 -12.7 NewCityHY 57.00 -2.00 66.50 52.00 7.42 56.2 1.4 NB PE Ptnr $ 11.42 -0.11 12.20 10.80 - - - in pence.
BlckRGtEur 237.00 -7.00 264.50 201.75 1.98 246.5 -3.9
Ind IT 349.00 - 364.00 268.50 1.43 355.5 -1.8 NewIndia 305.00 -6.63 371.30 263.00 - 338.6 -9.9 Nthn Invs 556.50 10.00 665.00 385.25 1.80 526.7 5.7 Capital Shares 52 Week HR
..Sub 12.50 -0.13 25.63 8.75 - - -
Intl PP 134.90 -0.90 140.59 130.34 4.67 128.4 5.1 New Star IT 72.50 -1.00 77.91 65.45 - 106.0 -31.6 Pantheon 1256 -14.00 1355 1140 - 1561.8 -19.6 Price +/-Chg High Low SP WO TAV 0% X FT Global 500 company
BlckR I&G♦ 176.50 -1.00 193.00 158.01 3.23 178.5 -1.1
InvAsTr 164.50 -2.00 213.58 147.00 2.10 184.9 -11.0 NorthAmer 763.50 -19.00 906.45 729.50 3.73 833.3 -8.4 PantheonR 1235 - 1300 1058 - 1561.8 -20.9 JPM Inc&Gr 10.75 - 15.19 9.00 6.0 -0.5 1.0 ♦ trading ex-dividend
BlckRIncStr 132.75 -2.00 140.50 119.25 4.86 130.0 2.1
Inv Inc 282.00 -10.00 305.00 255.00 3.55 292.1 -3.5 NthAtSml 2018 -2.00 2050 1625.86 - 2535.3 -20.4 PrincssPE € 7.71 0.14 8.12 6.50 6.75 9.0 -14.3 M&GHghIc 2.85 -0.13 5.39 2.00 15.6 14.5 - ■ trading ex-capital distribution
BlckRckLat 288.50 -9.75 508.45 267.02 6.66 339.6 -15.0
InvPerp 71.25 -0.50 79.00 70.00 7.02 69.8 2.1 Oryx Int 547.50 - 565.00 375.00 - 634.0 -13.6 Riverstone 870.00 14.50 1114 822.00 - 1068.8 -18.6 # price at time of suspension from trading
BlckRckNrAm♦ 106.00 -3.50 124.50 98.75 3.77 114.5 -7.4 Zero Dividend Preference Shares 52 Week HR
IPST BalR 117.50 -1.25 123.00 114.00 - 115.1 2.1 PacAsset 177.50 -7.75 226.15 156.25 1.46 183.8 -3.4 StdLfEuPv 200.00 -5.25 236.42 198.00 2.50 262.0 -23.7
BlckRSmlr 920.00 -5.50 969.39 697.00 1.40 1020.3 -9.8 Price +/-Chg High Low SP WO TAV 0% The prices listed are indicative and believed accurate at the time of publication.
BlckRThrmt 331.00 -3.25 351.79 238.00 1.33 379.3 -12.7 IPST Gbl Eq 156.00 -0.50 172.00 138.00 2.95 149.6 4.3 PacHorzn 153.00 -3.50 223.77 142.50 0.92 175.1 -12.6 Conventional - Property ICs 52 Week Dis(-) Abf Gd Inc 150.25 -0.50 153.25 143.25 -45.6 - 159.7 No offer is made by Morningstar or the FT. The FT does not warrant nor
BlckRWld♦ 213.25 -6.75 483.85 202.00 9.85 236.7 -9.9 IPST Mngd 102.25 -0.25 104.00 100.75 - 103.2 -0.9 Perp I&G 400.30 -11.20 431.00 350.81 3.02 390.5 2.5 Price +/-Chg High Low Yld NAV or Pm EcofinWatr 154.38 0.25 155.10 149.75 -68.9 -87.1 160.7 guarantee that the information is reliable or complete. The FT does not accept
Bluecrest A 189.50 0.10 194.60 183.20 - 201.2 -5.8 IPST UK Eq 162.00 -0.50 174.39 143.00 3.80 158.3 2.3 PerAsset 33760 -90.00 36313.1 33436 1.66 33571. 0.6 Direct Property JPM I&C 174.00 - 175.00 165.50 -17.9 - 192.1 responsibility and will not be liable for any loss arising from the reliance on
Brit Emp 457.10 -13.40 557.08 444.40 2.30 525.4 -13.0 InvPpUK♦ 377.75 0.25 390.46 281.00 1.72 394.7 -4.3 1 JupiterDv&G 110.50 -0.50 114.00 99.50 -6.4 -98.5 128.5
AseanaPr $ 0.55 - 0.58 0.43 - 0.6 -8.3 or use of the information.
Brunner♦ 512.00 -5.50 584.12 486.00 2.34 584.8 -12.4 Invs Cap A 92.50 - 102.00 87.00 4.84 94.4 -2.0 PolarFins 103.50 -2.75 112.84 92.00 3.00 107.2 -3.5 JZ Capital 357.50 - 358.90 342.50 -86.5 -97.8 369.8
AXA Propty 48.38 -0.50 49.25 39.45 - - -
Calednia 2316 2.00 2517.66 2104 2.14 2682.5 -13.7 Invs Cap B 92.50 -1.00 103.00 87.03 1.24 94.4 -2.0 ..Sub 7.00 -0.25 13.00 5.00 - - - M&GHghIc 114.38 - 115.29 110.01 -18.2 -96.6 122.8 The London Share Service is a paid-for-print listing service and may not be
CustdnREIT♦ 108.50 0.63 111.50 104.00 3.46 - -
CanGen C$♦ 18.75 0.75 22.00 17.08 2.86 24.6 -23.8 Invs CapU 373.00 - 404.95 347.00 - 377.8 -1.3 PolarHealth 172.75 -0.75 187.50 142.50 2.05 178.0 -2.9 UtilicoFn16 184.63 - 186.00 177.51 -68.1 - 192.8 fully representative of all LSE-listed companies. This service is available to all
F&CComPrp 143.20 -0.80 149.00 123.00 4.19 127.1 12.7
Cap Gear 3175 -60.00 3575 3125 0.50 3179.9 -0.2 JLaingInf 117.90 0.60 128.60 116.00 5.62 107.6 9.6 PolarTech 555.00 -9.50 614.00 458.80 - 555.5 -0.1 UtilicoFn18 139.00 -0.25 146.50 129.00 -20.5 -33.5 160.5 listed companies, subject to the Editor’s discretion. For new sales enquiries
F&CUKRealE 101.25 0.50 104.50 86.75 4.94 97.0 4.4
City Merch 180.75 -0.75 194.00 180.50 5.53 178.8 1.1 JPM Amer 261.20 -6.00 296.14 236.05 1.24 267.7 -2.4 ProspJap $ 0.95 -0.02 1.15 0.91 - 1.2 -20.8 UtilicoFn20 119.25 -1.00 123.75 103.50 -9.3 -12.1 154.9 please email or call 020 7873 4012.
InvistaERET 0.25 0.15 3.56 0.03 - 4.5 -94.4
CityNatRs 82.50 0.50 146.00 75.00 6.79 102.7 -19.7 JPM Asn 191.50 -7.88 268.92 182.00 1.15 225.8 -15.2 QatarInvF $ 1.23 -0.01 1.49 1.09 - 1.4 -12.1
Longbow 106.25 0.13 106.75 101.25 5.41 - -
City Lon 375.80 -8.50 418.35 345.00 3.96 363.8 3.3 JPM Brazil♦ 38.50 -1.00 76.49 36.00 2.21 42.4 -9.2 RIT Cap 1520 -27.00 1615 1265.55 1.95 1552.8 -2.1
PictonProp 72.00 -0.50 74.75 60.50 4.17 69.7 3.3 Investment Companies - AIM
DexionAb 186.00 -1.00 191.00 167.00 - 195.4 -4.8 JPM China 148.00 -7.50 233.96 136.30 1.08 180.3 -17.9 RobecoNV € 30.38 - - - - - -
SLIPropInc 84.00 0.25 90.25 74.75 5.53 78.0 7.7 Data provided by Morningstar
..EUR € 2.55 0.03 2.65 2.40 - 2.7 -5.6 JPMElct MC♦ 100.00 - 101.99 97.01 - 101.5 -1.5 RolincoNV € 28.32 - - - - - - 52 Week Dis(-)
UKComPrp 86.10 -0.65 94.00 80.50 4.27 84.3 2.1
..USD $ 3.85 - 3.89 3.60 - 4.1 -6.1 ..MG♦ 585.00 -5.50 635.00 507.66 1.21 596.3 -1.9 Ruffer Inv 219.50 -0.25 226.00 193.50 - 214.7 2.2 Price +/-Chg High Low Yld NAV or Pm
DiverseInc 89.75 -1.75 93.00 73.02 2.62 87.7 2.3 ..MI♦ 96.75 -2.50 110.00 92.00 1.76 99.7 -3.0 SchdrAsiaP 248.50 -4.50 321.50 226.25 1.11 279.3 -11.0 Property Securities AdFrntMkt 51.00 -0.75 65.50 49.00 - 56.8 -10.2
JPM Emrg 523.50 -9.50 674.65 486.00 1.05 598.0 -12.5 Schdr Inc 263.00 -6.75 348.25 235.50 3.84 266.3 -1.2 SchdrGlbRe♦ 114.50 -1.00 132.98 98.88 1.90 121.5 -5.8 CrysAmber 155.00 - 170.00 129.81 0.3 160.1 -3.2
Dun Inc 234.00 -5.00 275.00 221.50 4.74 242.9 -3.7
JPM EurGth 234.75 -2.38 263.00 193.00 2.85 250.5 -6.3 SchdrJap 142.50 -4.50 165.00 115.25 1.26 154.9 -8.0 TR Prop 299.10 -7.40 325.00 232.40 2.52 301.5 -0.8 GLI Finance♦ 54.50 -0.75 65.00 51.00 9.2 - -
Dun Sml 203.00 -6.88 229.00 171.30 2.59 242.4 -16.3
EcofinWatr 119.00 -2.00 176.75 114.75 5.88 144.8 -17.8 JPM EurInc 124.50 -1.88 147.50 104.75 2.05 130.7 -4.7 SchdrOrient 172.50 -4.00 215.25 154.00 4.43 174.0 -0.9 VCTs 52 Week Dis(-) IndiaCap 58.00 -0.75 69.40 46.00 - 70.2 -17.4
JPM EuSm 240.75 -7.00 256.00 164.00 1.20 265.8 -9.4 SchdrUK 152.50 -4.75 174.00 145.25 3.11 167.9 -9.2
-0.25 111.70 102.00
-8.75 311.00 212.50
-14.0 JPM Clavr 586.00 -14.50 645.18 534.51 3.50 597.0 -1.8 SchdrUKMd 475.00 -8.75 504.50 402.49 1.79 520.3 -8.7
Price +/-Chg High Low Yld NAV or Pm Infra India
20.00 -
3.50 0.25
21.99 10.00
5.00 3.00
- -
AlbionDev 69.00 - 70.89 66.00 7.25 73.7 -6.4
Wednesday 2 September 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 23


Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield

Artemis Strategic Bond R Q Acc 83.64 88.86 -0.08 4.04 CF Seneca Diversified Income B INC 103.73 - -0.23 5.69 EUR Accumulating Class (H) € 9.25 - -0.01 0.00 UK Gilt Bond £ 1.27 - 0.00 1.96 Corp Pens UK Index Tracker £ 1.88 1.88 0.00 -

Artemis Strategic Bond R Q Inc 54.43 57.82 -0.05 4.12 CF Seneca Diversified Income N INC 102.78 - -0.22 5.69 EUR Distributing Class € 11.13 - -0.05 2.86 UK Gilt Gross £ 2.02 - 0.00 1.93 Guardian Linked Life Assurance Ltd
ACPI Global UCITS Funds Plc (IRL) Artemis UK Growth R Acc 452.52 479.62 -2.12 0.55 Investment Adviser - DSM Capital Partners EUR Distributing Class (H) € 8.95 - -0.01 3.07 UK Long Corp Bond £ 1.36 - 0.00 4.40 Managed Acc £ 17.39 18.30 0.00 -
Regulated The Westchester X $ 26.31 - -1.04 0.00
Artemis UK Smaller Cos R Acc 1112.52 1201.50 2.73 0.50 GBP Distributing Class £ 9.91 - 0.03 2.96 UK Long Corp Bond - Gross £ 2.44 - -0.01 4.25 Equity Acc £ 31.71 33.38 0.00 -
ACPI Emerging Mkts FI UCITS Fund USD A $ 108.24 - -0.19 0.00
The Westchester Class 1 GBP Acc £ 18.56 - -0.68 0.00 Fixed Interest Acc £ 17.00 17.90 0.00 -
Artemis UK Special Sits R Acc 504.22 536.23 -0.95 1.68 GBP Distributing Class (H) £ 9.01 - -0.01 3.02 UK Long Corporate Bond Fund - Gross Income £ 10.86 - -0.02 4.39
ACPI Global Credit UCITS Funds USD A $ 13.87 - -0.01 0.00
The Westchester Class 2 GBP Acc £ 18.60 - -0.68 0.00 International Acc £ 12.63 13.30 0.00 -
Artemis US Abs Ret I Acc 104.65 - -0.15 - USD Accumulating Class $ 9.31 - -0.01 0.00 UK Specialist £ 1.81 - -0.01 3.32
ACPI Global Fixed Income UCITS Fund USD A $ 150.95 - -0.12 0.00 Investment Adviser - Morant Wright Management Limited
Artemis US Equity I Acc 106.13 - -2.33 - BlueBay Asset Management LLP (LUX) Dodge & Cox Worldwide Funds plc-Global Stock Fund FIL Investment Services (UK) Limited (1200)F (UK) Retail Share Classes International S-NA Acc £ 6.49 6.83 0.00 -
Q ACPI India Fixed Income UCITS Fund USD A $ 9.79 - -0.06 - Regulated CF Morant Wright Japan A X 256.35 - -7.95 0.00 130, Tonbridge Rd, Tonbridge TN11 9DZ
USD Accumulating Share Class $ 15.85 - -0.05 0.00 Emerging Markets - retail £ 1.14 - -0.03 0.08 International S-PA Acc £ 3.92 4.13 0.00 -
Artemis US Select I Acc 108.38 - -2.37 - Callfree: Private Clients 0800 414161
ACPI India Fixed Income UCITS Fund USD A3 $ 83.62 - -0.47 0.00 BlueBay EmMkt B-USD $ 286.67 - 0.69 0.00 CF Morant Wright Japan A Inc X 252.56 - -7.83 0.00
GBP Accumulating Share Class £ 16.99 - 0.01 0.00 Broker Dealings: 0800 414 181 Europe Long Term Growth £ 1.54 - 0.00 1.84 International S-EU Acc £ 3.16 3.33 0.00 -
Artemis US Select I Inc 96.80 - -2.12 -
ACPI International Bond UCITS Fund USD A $ 17.94 - -0.03 0.00 BlueBay EmMktCrp B-USD $ 161.26 - 0.48 0.00 CF Morant Wright Japan B X 272.41 - -8.43 0.55 Authorised Inv Funds
GBP Distributing Share class £ 12.42 - 0.01 0.76 {*}CAR - Net income reinvested
Artemis US Smlr Cos I Acc 115.22 - -2.16 - Managed S-PR Acc £ 6.61 6.95 0.00 -
BlueBay EmMktSel B-USD $ 145.05 - 0.37 0.00 Unit Trust
CF Morant Wright Japan B Inc X 256.89 - -7.94 0.57
EUR Accumulating Share Class € 21.21 - -0.13 0.00 Fixed Interest S-IL Acc £ 6.42 6.76 0.00 -
Artemis US Ex Alpha I Acc 111.19 - -2.04 - Cash Accum Units 186.35 186.35 0.00 0.00
BlueBay EmMkLocCy B-USD $ 134.56 - 0.42 0.00 CF Morant Wright Nippon Yield ACC A X 265.39 - -6.20 2.17
ACPI Select UCITS Funds PLC (IRL) Dodge & Cox Worldwide Funds plc-International Stock Fund FIL Fund Management (LUX) Deposit Accum £ 4.45 4.68 0.01 -
Cash Fund £ 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.12
Regulated BlueBay GlblConv I-USD $ 185.99 - 0.64 0.00 CF Morant Wright Nippon Yield ACC B X 274.85 - -6.42 2.16 USD Accumulating Share Class $ 13.99 - -0.03 0.00 2a, rur Albert Borschette, BP 2175, L-1021, Luxembourg
Phone: 800 22 089, 800 22 088 Guardian Pensions Management Ltd
ACPI Balanced UCITS Fund USD Retail $ 13.77 - -0.02 0.00 Gross Accum Cash £ 1.28 1.28 0.00 0.00
Artisan Partners Global Funds PLC (IRL) BlueBay GlblHgYd B-USD $ 131.85 - 0.17 0.00 CF Morant Wright Nippon Yield Fund A Inc X 232.97 - -5.45 2.21 EUR Accumulating Share Class € 14.68 - -0.08 0.00 Regulated Pens. Managed Acc. £ 22.60 23.79 0.00 -
Beaux Lane House, Mercer Street Lower, Dublin 2, Ireland MoneyBuilder Cash ISA £ 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.14
ACPI Balanced UCITS Fund EUR Retail € 10.40 - -0.01 0.00 BlueBay HgYield B-EUR € 336.19 - 1.58 0.00 CF Morant Wright Nippon Yield Fund B Inc X 241.35 - -5.63 2.20 Dodge & Cox Worldwide Funds plc-U.S. Stock Fund
Tel: 44 (0) 207 766 7130 China Consumer A-GBP £ 13.43 - -0.14 0.00 Pens. Equity Acc. £ 33.56 35.33 0.00 -
ACPI Balanced UCITS Fund GBP Retail £ 10.51 - -0.01 0.00 USD Accumulating Share Class $ 17.70 - -0.08 0.00 MoneyBuilder Global £ 2.54 2.54 -0.01 0.20
FCA Recognised BlueBay HgYieldCp B-EUR € 142.43 - 0.57 0.00 China Focus A-GBP £ 4.01 - -0.02 0.75
Artisan Partners Global Funds plc OEIC Funds
ACPI Balanced UCITS Fund USD Institutional $ 10.00 - - - BlueBay InvGr B-EUR € 170.70 - 0.17 0.00 GBP Accumulating Share Class £ 17.94 - -0.02 0.00
Cavendish Asset Management Limited (1200)F (UK) American £ 26.04 - -0.48 0.00 Global Financial Services A-GBP £ 0.43 - 0.00 0.12
Artisan Emerging Markets I USD Acc $ 6.45 - -0.01 0.00 HPB Assurance Ltd
ACPI Balanced UCITS Fund EUR Institutional € 10.00 - - - BlueBay InvGEurGv B-EUR € 147.39 - 0.18 0.00 Chelsea House, Westgate, London W5 1DR GBP Distributing Share Class £ 11.44 - -0.01 0.53
American Special Sits £ 10.84 - -0.11 0.00 Global Health Care A-GBP £ 0.56 - 0.00 0.00 Anglo Intl House, Bank Hill, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 4LN 01638 563490
Artisan Global Equity Fund Class I USD Acc $ 14.61 - -0.19 0.00 IFA Enquiries 020 8810 8041 Admin/Dealing 0870 870 7502
ACPI Balanced UCITS Fund GBP Institutional £ 10.00 - - - BlueBay InvGEurAg I-EUR € 147.73 - 0.15 0.00 EUR Accumulating Share Class € 20.47 - -0.15 0.00 International Insurances
Authorised Inv Funds Asia Pacific Ops W-Acc £ 0.98 - -0.02 - Global Industrials A-GBP £ 0.62 - 0.01 0.00
Artisan Global Opportunities I USD Acc $ 11.83 - -0.14 0.00
Asset Management
ACPI Horizon UCITS Fund $ 13.07 - -0.01 0.00 BlueBay InvGLibor B-EUR € 125.04 - 0.08 0.00 Holiday Property Bond Ser 1 £ 0.49 - 0.00 0.00
Cavendish Opportunities Fund B Class 1085.00 - 1.00 1.40 Global Inflation-Linked Bd A-GBP-Hdg £ 1.16 - 0.00 0.56

Asset Management
Artisan Global Value Fund Class I USD Acc $ 15.55 - -0.05 0.00 Fidelity Asian Dividend Fund A-Accumulation £ 1.00 - -0.02 1.51
HighIncomeLoan H-EUR € 194.53 - -0.06 0.00 Holiday Property Bond Ser 2 £ 0.59 - 0.00 0.00
Cavendish Opportunities Fund A Class 1078.00 - 2.00 0.61 Fidelity Asian Dividend Fund A-Income £ 0.95 - -0.03 2.84 Global Real Asset Securities £ 1.35 - -0.01 0.00
Artisan US Value Equity Fund Class I USD Acc $ 10.77 - 0.00 0.00
Abbey Life Assurance Company Limited (UK) Cavendish Opportunities Fund C Acc 1120.00 - 2.00 1.20 China Consumer £ 1.33 - -0.04 0.08 Global Technology A-GBP £ 0.24 - 0.00 0.00
100 Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth BH8 8AL 0845 9600 900
BONHOTE Cavendish Worldwide Fund B Class 290.10 - -3.10 0.84 Global Telecomms A-GBP £ 0.28 - 0.00 1.19 Hamon Investment Group
additional fund prices can be found @ Emerging Asia £ 1.07 - -0.02 0.16
Ashmore Sicav (LUX) Other International Funds Other International Funds
Insurances Cavendish Worldwide Fund A Class 289.20 - -3.20 0.07 India Focus A-GBP £ 4.22 - -0.04 0.00
2 rue Albert Borschette L-1246 Luxembourg Emerg Eur, Mid East & Africa H £ 1.33 - 0.00 1.00 Asian Market Leaders - USD $ 22.75 - -0.61 0.00
Life Funds Bonhôte Alternative - Multi-Arbitrage (USD) Classe (EUR) € 6806.00 - 4.00 2.22
FCA Recognised Cavendish Worldwide Fund C Acc 296.60 - -3.20 0.80 Latin America A-GBP £ 1.33 - -0.03 0.65
Dragon Capital Group Enhanced Income - Acc £ 1.82 - -0.01 7.14 Asian Market Leaders - GBP £ 11.54 - -0.30 0.00
Prop. Acc. Ser 2 1545.60 1627.00 5.90 - Ashmore SICAV Emerging Market Debt Fund $ 93.94 - 0.64 8.00 Bonhôte Alternative - Multi-Performance (USD) Classe (EUR) € 10147.00 - -123.00 0.90
Cavendish AIM Fund B Class 159.90 - -0.10 0.38 c/o 1901 Me Linh Point, 2 Ngo Duc Ke, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Enhanced Income - Inc £ 1.17 - -0.02 7.48
Selective Acc. Ser 2 1562.20 1644.40 -7.90 - Greater China - USD $ 9.78 - -0.29 0.00
Ashmore SICAV Emerging Market Frontier Equity Fund $ 146.01 - 1.25 0.94 Fund information, dealing and administration:
Cavendish AIM Fund A Class 155.10 - -0.10 0.00 European - Inc £ 1.39 - -0.02 1.56 Findlay Park Funds Plc (IRL)
American Ser. 4 1568.90 1651.50 -43.70 - Other International Funds Greater China - GBP £ 4.01 - -0.11 0.00
Ashmore SICAV Emerging Market Total Return Fund $ 81.17 - 0.38 5.63 Braemar Group PCC Limited (GSY) Cavendish Asia Pacific Fund B Class 148.30 - -3.50 1.64 30 Herbert Street, Dublin 2, Ireland Tel: 020 7968 4900
Vietnam Enterprise Inv. (VEIL) NAV $ 3.40 - -0.11 0.00 European £ 15.80 - -0.17 1.18 Selected Asian P'folio $ 43.41 43.42 -0.27 0.00
Custodian Ser. 4 482.20 507.60 -3.80 - Regulated FCA Recognised
Ashmore SICAV Global Small Cap Equity Fund $ 112.28 - 3.26 0.00
Cavendish Asia Pacific Fund A Class 147.40 - -3.50 0.75 Vietnam Growth Fund (VGF) NAV $ 22.04 - -0.66 0.00 European Opportunities £ 3.67 - -0.02 0.25
UK Agricultural Class A £ 1.26 - 0.00 0.00 American Fund USD Class $ 79.43 - -0.53 0.00
Equity Ser. 4 540.10 568.50 -8.50 - Ashmore SICAV Local Currency Fund $ 82.01 - 0.11 0.32
Cavendish Asia Pacific Fund C Acc 152.50 - -3.60 1.62 Vietnam Property Fund (VPF) NAV $ 0.82 - 0.04 0.00 Extra Income £ 0.26 - 0.00 3.30
UK Agricultural Class B £ 1.38 - 0.00 0.00 American Fund GBP Hedged £ 43.29 - -0.29 0.00
European Ser 4 554.00 583.10 -10.50 - EM Mkts Corp.Debt USD F $ 93.46 - 0.30 7.80 Hargreaves Lansdown Fd Mgrs (1100)F (UK)
Cavendish European Fund B Class 136.70 - -1.20 1.28 Extra Income - Gross £ 0.26 - 0.00 3.30
Student Accom Class B £ 0.55 - -0.17 0.00 American Fund GBP Unhedged £ 51.66 - -0.19 - PO Box 55736, 50 Bank Street, Canary Wharf London E14 1BT
Fixed Int. Ser. 4 889.90 936.70 -1.40 - EM Mkts Loc.Ccy Bd USD F $ 78.01 - 0.27 4.46
Cavendish European Fund A Class 134.90 - -1.20 0.37 Enquiries 0117 90090000
Global Dividend - Acc £ 1.48 - -0.02 3.31 Latin American Fund USD Class $ 11.70 - -0.11 0.00
Intl Ser. 4 416.80 438.80 -9.90 - DSM Capital Partners Funds (LUX)
Cavendish Japan Fund B Class 149.20 - -5.50 0.80 Global Dividend - Inc £ 1.32 - -0.03 3.46 Latin American Fund GBP Unhedged £ 7.61 - -0.05 - Authorised Inv Funds
Japan Ser 4 356.00 374.70 -14.60 - CAF Financial Solutions (UK)
Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent 03000 123 222 Cavendish Japan Fund A Class 147.70 - -5.50 0.00 Global Focus £ 12.65 - -0.15 0.00 Hargreaves Lansdown Funds
Man. Ser. 4 1603.40 1687.80 -23.50 - Global Growth I2 Acc € 126.91 - -1.54 0.00 Unit Trust
Property & Other UK Unit Trusts Cavendish North American Fund B Class 183.60 - -0.50 0.61 Global High Yield Fund - A Gross Acc £ 11.95 - 0.01 4.89
Money Ser. 4 524.30 551.90 0.00 - CAF UK Equitrack Inc Fd 68.29 68.29 -0.53 3.40 Global Growth I1 Eur € 94.95 - -1.15 - HL Multi-Manager Special Situations Trust A Acc 260.55 274.26 4.24 0.38
Cavendish North American Fund A Class 178.00 - -0.50 0.00 Global High Yield Fund - A Gross Inc £ 10.01 - -0.04 5.54
Prop. Ser. 4 1099.60 1157.50 3.40 - CAF UK Equitrack Acc Fd 95.12 95.12 -0.73 3.40 HL Multi-Manager Special Situations Trust M Acc 260.55 274.26 4.24 0.00
Cavendish Technology Fund B Class 264.00 - -1.70 0.09 Global High Yield Fund - A Net Acc £ 11.54 - 0.01 4.94
Custodian Ser 5 463.30 487.70 -3.70 - FP CAF Alternative Strategies A Class Acc 111.02 - -0.12 0.49 HL Multi-Manager Income & Growth Trust A Acc 161.47 169.89 2.15 3.53
Cavendish Technology Fund A Class 251.20 - -1.70 0.00 Eclectica Asset Management (UK)
Global High Yield Fund - A Net Inc £ 10.01 - -0.03 5.54
International Ser 5 400.50 421.60 -9.50 - Aspect Capital Ltd (UK) FP CAF Alternative Strategies A Class Inc 110.18 - -0.12 0.52 40 Dukes Place, London EC3A 7NH HL Multi-Manager Income & Growth Trust M Acc 161.46 169.87 2.16 0.29
Other International Funds Cavendish UK Balanced Income Fund B Class 137.50 - -0.70 5.34 Order desk: 0845 6080941 Switchboard 0870 6072555 Global Property - Acc £ 1.38 - -0.03 1.34
Managed Ser 5 1540.60 1621.70 -22.60 - FP CAF Fixed Interest A class Acc 113.60 - 0.12 2.91 HL Multi-Manager Income & Growth Trust A Inc 98.30 103.43 1.31 3.62
Aspect Diversified USD $ 435.74 - 11.68 0.00 Cavendish UK Balanced Income A Class 130.80 - -0.70 5.61 Authorised Corporate Director - Capita Financial Managers
Global Property W Inc £ 1.12 - -0.05 3.02 Fleming Financial Trust Investment Fund Limited (NZ)
Money Ser 5 513.30 540.40 0.00 - FP CAF Fixed Interest A class Inc 99.94 - 0.11 2.97 Authorised Inv Funds HL Multi-Manager Income & Growth Trust M Inc 98.28 103.41 1.31 0.29
Aspect Diversified EUR € 262.10 - 6.41 - Cavendish UK Select Fund B Class 153.40 - 0.10 1.86 Incorporated in New Zealand, Reg No 5141841
CF Eclectica Agriculture A EUR Acc ♦ € 1.41 - -0.01 0.00 Global Special Sits £ 24.07 - -0.43 0.00
Property Ser 5 1056.50 1112.10 3.20 - FP CAF Fixed Interest B class Acc 114.11 - 0.13 2.91 Registered address: Level 5, 3 City Road, Graftn, Auckland, 1010, New Zealand HL Multi-Manager Balanced Managed Trust A Acc 179.22 188.52 2.44 0.93
Aspect Diversified GBP £ 133.80 - 3.48 0.00 Cavendish UK Select Fund A Class 153.00 - 0.10 1.01 Index Emerging Markets P-Acc £ 0.93 - -0.01 2.79
Pension Funds CF Eclectica Agriculture A GBP Acc ♦ 103.49 - -0.80 0.00 HL Multi-Manager Balanced Managed Trust M Acc 179.22 188.51 2.44 0.00
FP CAF Fixed Interest B class Inc 100.25 - 0.11 2.97
Aspect Diversified CHF SFr 125.61 - 3.21 0.00 Index Europe ex UK P-Acc £ 1.00 - -0.01 2.50
American 1796.10 1890.70 -51.00 - CF Eclectica Agriculture A USD Acc ♦ $ 1.58 - -0.02 0.00 Other International Funds
FP CAF International Equity A Class Acc 135.73 - 0.72 0.65 HL Multi-Manager Equity & Bond Trust A Inc 107.75 113.25 0.93 2.01
Aspect Diversified Trends USD $ 129.12 - 0.82 0.00
Equity 4741.20 4990.70 -66.30 - Cedar Rock Capital Limited (IRL) CF Eclectica Agriculture C EUR Acc ♦ € 1.46 - -0.01 0.33 Index Japan P-Acc £ 1.07 - -0.04 1.59 Fleming FT Investment Fund
FP CAF International Equity A Class Inc 131.97 - 0.71 0.65 HL Multi-Manager Equity & Bond Trust M Inc 107.73 113.23 0.92 0.17
Aspect Diversified Trends EUR € 129.33 - 0.81 0.00 Regulated Fleming Fund $ 3.83 3.93 0.01 -
European 1113.10 1171.70 -21.60 - CF Eclectica Agriculture C GBP Acc ♦ 107.28 - -0.83 0.38 Index Pacific ex Japan P-Acc £ 0.95 - -0.03 4.10
FP CAF UK Equity A Class Acc 146.38 - 0.58 2.13 Cedar Rock Capital Fd Plc $ 365.29 - -3.41 0.00 HL Multi-Manager Equity & Bond Trust A Acc 144.87 152.26 1.25 1.99
Aspect Diversified Trends GBP £ 133.84 - 0.88 0.00 Index UK A-Acc £ 0.81 - -0.01 2.97
Fixed Int. 1631.10 1716.90 -2.50 - CF Eclectica Agriculture C USD Acc ♦ $ 1.63 - -0.02 0.40
FP CAF UK Equity A Class Inc 133.86 - 0.52 2.16 Cedar Rock Capital Fd Plc £ 367.41 - -3.53 0.00 HL Multi-Manager Equity & Bond Trust M Acc 144.87 152.26 1.24 0.17
International 880.20 926.60 -21.30 - Index UK P-Acc £ 0.99 - -0.01 3.22 Foord Asset Mgt (Guernsey) Ltd (GSY)
FP CAF UK Equity B Class Acc 146.38 - 0.57 2.13 Cedar Rock Capital Fd Plc € 342.24 - -5.15 0.00 HL Multi-Manager Strategic Bond Trust A Acc 166.40 171.54 -0.12 1.48
Japan 373.30 393.00 -14.00 - Atlantas Sicav (LUX) Index US A-Acc £ 1.52 - -0.02 1.53
FP CAF UK Equity B Class Inc 133.85 - 0.53 2.16 Foord International Trust $ 34.22 - 0.61 0.00 HL Multi-Manager Strategic Bond Trust M Acc 166.41 171.55 -0.11 0.13
Managed 4135.40 4353.00 -60.70 - Index US P-Acc £ 1.17 - -0.02 1.75
American Dynamic $ 3398.29 - 124.32 0.00 HL Multi-Manager Strategic Bond Trust A Inc 139.36 143.67 -0.10 1.50
Property 2846.50 2996.30 10.80 -
Charles Schwab Worldwide Funds Plc (IRL) Index World A-Acc £ 1.35 - -0.02 1.89
American One $ 3125.67 - 119.01 0.00 Regulated HL Multi-Manager Strategic Bond Trust M Inc 139.36 143.67 -0.10 0.13
Security 1476.40 1554.10 0.00 - Index World P-Acc £ 1.10 - -0.01 2.01 Franklin Templeton International Services Sarl (IRL)
Schwab USD Liquid Assets Fd $ 1.00 - 0.00 0.01 JPMorgan House - International Financial Services Centre,Dublin 1, Ireland HL Multi Manager Emerging Markets A Acc 82.62 85.15 2.23 0.00
Bond Global € 1363.96 - 23.17 0.00
Selective 1994.60 2099.60 -11.50 - Japan £ 2.63 - -0.09 0.00 Other International Funds
Eurocroissance € 843.40 - 41.68 0.00 HL Multi-Manager European A Acc 98.69 101.72 1.63 0.14
Formerly Hill Samuel Life Assurance Ltd EdenTree Investment Management Ltd (UK) Japan Smaller Companies £ 1.89 - -0.06 0.00 Franklin Emerging Market Debt Opportunities Fund Plc
100 Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth, BH8 8AL 0845 6023 603 Far East $ 633.56 - 13.02 0.00 Chartered Asset Management Pte Ltd PO Box 3733, Swindon, SN4 4BG, 0800 358 3010 HL Multi-Manager UK Growth A Acc 101.74 104.88 1.25 0.16
Franklin Emg Mkts Debt Opp CHFSFr 17.49 - -0.36 6.60
Other International Funds MoneyBuilder Asset Allocator £ 1.16 - -0.01 0.53
Managed Ser A (Life) 1540.10 1629.70 11.10 - Authorised Inv Funds
Franklin Emg Mkts Debt Opp EUR € 12.32 - -0.30 6.67
CAM-GTF Limited $ 271270.16 271270.16 -5157.63 0.00 Amity UK Cls A Inc 210.80 - -0.70 1.48 MoneyBuilder Balanced £ 0.49 - 0.00 4.15
Managed Ser A (Pensions) 1024.30 1078.20 9.00 - CCLA Investment Management Ltd (UK)
BLME Asset Management (LUX) Senator House 85 Queen Victoria Street London EC4V 4ET
Franklin Emg Mkts Debt Opp GBP £ 10.28 - -0.15 6.52 Haussmann
CAM GTi Limited $ 647.80 - -62.67 0.00 Amity UK Cls B Inc 210.80 - -0.70 2.29 Money Builder Dividend £ 2.47 - -0.04 4.49
Formerly Target Life Assurance Ltd BLME Sharia'a Umbrella Fund SICAV SIF Other International Funds
Authorised Inv Funds Franklin Emg Mkts Debt Opp SGD S$ 22.71 - -0.27 6.36
100 Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth, BH8 8AL 0845 6023 603 Regulated Raffles-Asia Investment Company $ 1.72 1.72 -0.10 7.53 Higher Income Cls A Inc 122.10 - -0.60 5.00 MoneyBuilder Growth £ 0.72 - -0.02 2.29 Haussmann Cls A $ 2859.39 - -18.19 0.00
The Public Sector Deposit Fund
Managed (Life) 1560.80 1642.90 11.30 - Franklin Emg Mkts Debt Opp USD $ 17.43 - -0.32 6.43
Income Fund - Share Class A Acc $ 1138.13 - -0.18 0.00 The Public Sector Deposit Fund-share class 1 ♦ F 100.00 - 0.00 0.50 Higher Income Cls B Inc 125.60 - -0.60 4.93 MoneyBuilder Growth ISA £ 0.73 - -0.02 2.45 Haussmann Cls C € 2504.82 - -16.57 0.00
Managed Growth (Life) 491.40 517.30 4.80 - Income Fund - Share Class B Acc $ 1158.33 - -0.17 0.00 MoneyBuilder Income £ 0.35 - 0.00 3.23
The Public Sector Deposit Fund-share class 2 ♦ F 100.00 - 0.00 0.30 UK Equity Growth Cls A Inc 234.40 - -1.10 0.61 Haussmann Cls D SFr 1328.55 - -9.32 0.00
Managed (Pensions) 6147.20 6470.70 55.00 - Income Fund - Share Class C Acc $ 1006.35 - -0.18 0.00 MoneyBuilder Income -Gross £ 0.35 - 0.00 3.23 Frontier Capital (Bermuda) Limited
The Public Sector Deposit Fund-share class 3 ♦ F 100.00 - 0.00 0.35 UK Equity Growth Cls B Inc 239.70 - -1.20 1.23
Managed Growth (Pensions) 598.10 629.60 7.20 - Other International
Income Fund - Share Class D Dis $ 996.27 - -0.16 1.22 The Public Sector Deposit Fund-share class 4 ♦ F 100.00 - 0.00 0.40 Amity Balanced For Charities A Inc 106.60 - -0.70 6.05 Multi Asset Adventurous A-Acc £ 1.29 - 0.00 0.48
additional fund prices can be found on our website Commercial Property-GBP Class £ 71.42 - -0.53 - Heartwood Wealth Management Limited (IRL)
Income Fund - Share Class G Acc £ 1078.18 - -0.14 0.00 The Public Sector Deposit Fund-share class 5 ♦ F 100.00 - 0.00 0.30 Amity European Fund Cls A Inc 194.00 - -2.20 1.27 Multi Asset Alloc Adventurous A-Acc £ 3.65 - -0.03 2.39 Regulated
Global Real Estate-GBP C Class £ 45.26 - -0.50 -
Income Fund - Share Class M Acc € 1013.32 - -0.16 0.00 Amity European Fund Cls B Inc 196.20 - -2.30 2.15 Multi Asset Alloc Strategic A-Acc £ 1.15 - -0.01 0.28 Heartwood Caut Multi Asset B Acc 139.29 - 0.45 0.00

Income Fund - Share Class W DisA$ 1033.77 - -0.04 - Cheyne Capital Management (UK) LLP (IRL) Multi Asset Alloc Def - Gross A £ 1.11 - 0.00 0.28
Amity Global Equity Inc for Charities A Inc 98.46 - -0.95 4.07
CCLA Investment Management Ltd (UK) Regulated
Gl Sukuk Fund - Share Class A Acc $ 1229.60 - 0.21 0.00 Senator House 85 Queen Victoria Street London EC4V 4ET Amity International Cls A Inc 192.10 - -1.90 1.45 Multi Asset Alloc Def - Net A £ 1.10 - -0.01 0.25 Henderson Global Investors (UK)
Cheyne Convertibles Absolute Return Fund € 1345.20 - 3.17 0.00
Gl Sukuk Fund - Share class B Acc £ 1096.87 1096.87 0.22 0.00 Property & Other UK Unit Trusts PO Box 9023, Chelmsford, CM99 2WB Enquiries: 0800 832 832
Amity International Cls B Inc 193.80 - -2.00 2.36 Multi Asset Alloc Growth A £ 1.18 - 0.00 0.00
CBF Church of England Funds Cheyne European Real Estate Bond Fund € 110.50 - -0.54 0.00
Amity Sterling Bond Fund A Inc 106.60 - -0.30 5.18 Multi Asset Defensive £ 1.21 - 0.00 0.36 Authorised Inv Funds
Investment Inc 1274.36 1288.46 -88.91 3.78 Cheyne Global Credit Fund € - - - 0.00
Bank of America Cap Mgmt (Ireland) Ltd (IRL) Amity Sterling Bond Fund B Inc 115.00 - -0.30 5.16 Multi Asset Defensive - Gross £ 1.22 - 0.00 0.35 Asia Pacific Capital Growth A Acc 648.10 - -11.00 0.98
Alceda Fund Management S.A. Investment Acc 2570.49 2598.92 -179.32 - Regulated Multi Asset Growth £ 1.34 - 0.00 0.36 Asian Dividend Income Inc 79.73 84.13 -1.56 6.93
Global Equity Inc 144.11 145.70 -12.76 4.31 Fundsmith LLP (1200)F (UK)
FCA Recognised Global Liquidity USD $ 1.00 - 0.00 0.22 Cheyne Capital Management (UK) LLP
MultiManager Balanced £ 1.09 - 0.00 0.56 PO Box 10846, Chelmsford, Essex, CM99 2BW 0330 123 1815 Cautious Managed A Acc 234.70 - -0.80 3.26
AC Opp - Aremus Fund EUR A € 113.10 - 0.36 0.00 Global Equity Acc 208.42 210.72 -18.46 - Other International Funds Edinburgh Partners Limited (IRL),
Cheyne European Event Driven Fund € 137.14 - 0.99 0.00 27-31 Melville Street, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, EH2 4DJ +353 1 434 5143 Multi Asset Open Growth A-Acc £ 0.46 - 0.01 0.82 Authorised Inv Funds Cautious Managed A Inc 146.30 - -0.50 3.32
AC Risk Parity 7 Fund EUR A € 118.52 - -0.25 0.00 UK Equity Inc 139.09 140.49 -12.25 4.05
Barclays Investment Funds (CI) Ltd (JER) Dealing - Fax only - +353 1 434 5230
Cheyne European High Yield Fund € 136.72 - -3.22 0.00 Multi Asset Open Strategic A-Acc £ 1.22 - 0.01 1.25 Fundsmith Equity T Acc 204.31 - -1.47 1.26 China Opportunities A Acc 737.30 - -19.00 0.44
AC Risk Parity 12 Fund EUR A € 141.13 - -0.50 0.00 UK Equity Acc 203.52 205.57 -17.91 - FCA Recognised
39/41 Broad Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 3RR Channel Islands 01534 812800
Cheyne Malacca Asia Equity Fund Class A $ 1437.16 - 19.75 0.00 Edinburgh Partners Opportunities Fund PLC Multi Asset Open Strategic A-Inc £ 0.29 - 0.00 2.52 Fundsmith Equity T Inc 192.95 - -1.39 1.28 Emerging Markets Opportunities A Acc 136.20 - -1.10 0.81
AC Risk Parity 17 Fund EUR A € 86.64 - -0.50 0.00 FCA Recognised Fixed Interest Inc 165.61 166.27 1.17 3.96
Bond Funds Cheyne Multi Strategy Liquid Fund $ 127.99 - 0.31 - European Opportunities I EUR € 2.56 - -0.02 2.26 Multi Asset Strategic £ 1.51 - 0.00 0.53 European Growth A Acc 161.70 - -1.10 0.81
ACQ Risk Parity Bond Fund EUR A € 95.88 95.88 -0.12 0.00 Fixed Interest Acc 497.29 499.29 3.51 -
Sterling Bond F £ 0.45 - -0.01 3.35 European Opportunities I GBP £ 1.86 - -0.02 2.44 Open World A-Acc £ 1.16 - 0.01 0.00 European Selected Opportunities A Acc 1242.00 - -13.00 0.69
Cheyne Real Estate Credit Holdings Fund £ 151.98 - 0.89 0.00
Property Fund Inc 130.82 135.21 1.52 6.51 GAM Limited (2300)F (UK)
Cheyne Real Estate Debt Fund Class A1 £ 131.69 - 0.43 0.00 European Opportunities I USD $ 2.89 - -0.02 1.98 Multi Asset Income A Gross Acc £ 1.55 - 0.00 3.72 GAM Sterling Management Limited European Special Situations A Acc 94.66 - -0.29 1.05
Property Fund Acc 234.22 242.07 2.73 -
12 St James's Place London SW1A 1NX. 0800 919 927
Baring Fund Managers Ltd (1200)F (UK) Cheyne Total Return Credit Fund - December 2017 Class $ 197.53 - -6.47 0.00 European Opportunities A EUR € 2.51 - -0.01 1.57 Multi Asset Income A Gross Inc £ 1.09 - -0.01 5.20 Fixed Interest Monthly Income A Inc 21.96 23.03 0.00 5.47
Dealing and Enquiries 020 7214 1004
Cheyne Total Return Credit Fund December 2019 $ 143.50 - 2.25 - Global Opportunities I USD $ 1.64 - -0.02 2.10 Multi Asset Income A Net Acc £ 1.46 - -0.01 3.74 Authorised Inv Funds Global Care Growth A Inc 193.80 - -1.60 0.12
Fund Information: CCLA Fund Managers Ltd (UK) GAM Funds OEIC
Authorised Inv Funds Senator House 85 Queen Victoria Street London EC4V 4ET Global Opportunities I GBP £ 1.07 - -0.01 1.99 Multi Asset Income A Net Inc £ 1.09 - -0.01 5.21 Global Equity Income A Inc 46.95 - -0.89 3.91
GAM Global Diversified Acc 3887.36 - -16.01 0.00
Dynamic Capital Growth Acc 636.10 671.30 -5.60 1.67 Property & Other UK Unit Trusts Global Opportunities I EUR € 1.47 - 0.00 2.06 South East Asia £ 7.32 - -0.14 0.13 Global Growth Fund 1963.37 2052.36 -27.34 0.00
COIF Charity Funds (UK) Cohen & Steers SICAV (LUX) GAM North American Gwth Acc 3198.90 - -16.59 -
Dynamic Capital Growth Inc 254.60 268.60 -2.20 1.70 Regulated Global Opportunities A GBP £ 1.01 - 0.00 1.50 Special Situations £ 29.82 - -0.07 0.80 Global Technology A Acc 883.70 - -8.20 0.00
Algebris Investments (IRL) Investment Inc 1207.33 1220.68 27.53 3.62
Asset Management
GAM UK Diversified Acc 1855.25 - -1.86 -
Regulated Eastern Acc GBP 592.10 - -11.90 0.00 European Real Estate Securities € 22.4155 - 0.0296 1.68 Pan European Opportunities I EUR € 1.57 - 0.00 - Strategic Bond £ 0.31 - 0.00 2.96 Multi-Manager Absolute Return A Acc 135.20 - 0.30 0.31
Algebris Financial Credit Fund - Class I EUR € 130.42 - 0.21 0.00 Eastern Inc GBP 581.00 - -11.70 0.00
Investment Acc

Ethical Invest Inc

11506.05 11633.32 262.40

186.36 188.42 4.29 3.73

Europ.RealEstate Sec. IX € 30.0089 - 0.0396 0.00 Strategic Bond Gross £ 0.31 - 0.00 2.96 Multi-Manager Active A Acc ▲ Asset Manageme 170.40 - 0.10 0.00
Algebris Financial Income Fund - Class I EUR € 121.67 - 0.13 0.00 Europe Select Inc GBP 2524.00 - -16.00 0.68 Gbl RealEstate Sec. I $ 10.2421 - -0.1441 1.49 Target 2015 £ 0.50 - 0.00 0.27 GAM Limited (IRL)
Multi-Manager Distribution A Inc 126.20 - 0.90 3.18
Ethical Invest Acc 237.57 240.20 5.47 - FCA Recognised
Algebris Financial Equity Fund - Class B EUR € 99.06 - -0.14 - European Growth Inc 1016.00 1071.00 -12.00 1.42 Gbl RealEstate Sec. IX $ 12.1131 - -0.1704 0.00 Target 2015 - Gross £ 0.50 - 0.00 0.30 GAM Fund Management Ltd Multi-Manager Diversified A Acc 77.86 - 0.33 2.70
Global Equity Inc 142.58 144.16 4.37 4.41
Algebris Asset Allocation Fund - Class B EUR € 99.91 - 0.29 - German Growth Acc GBP 568.60 - -8.50 0.30 Georges Court, 54-62 Townsend Street, Dublin 2 + 353 1 6093927
Target 2020 £ 0.56 - 0.00 0.51 Multi-Manager Global Select Acc 174.40 - -0.20 0.00
Global Equity Acc 209.38 211.70 6.42 - GAM Star Fund Plc
German Growth Inc GBP 523.50 - -7.90 0.29 Target 2025 £ 1.28 - -0.01 0.29 Multi-Manager Income & Growth A Acc 150.80 - 1.10 2.10
Fixed Interest Inc 133.82 134.35 -0.08 4.14 GAM Star Asia-Pacific Eqty USD Acc F $ 11.67 - -0.18 0.00
Strategic Bond Inc 116.20 122.10 0.00 1.08 Target 2030 £ 1.37 - -0.01 0.26 Multi-Manager Income & Growth A Inc 139.50 - 1.00 2.12
Fixed Interest Acc 759.46 762.51 -0.48 - GAM Star Asian Eqty USD Ord Acc F $ 12.30 - -0.08 0.00
Global Growth Inc 362.20 381.60 -9.40 0.00 EFG Hermes UK Select £ 2.38 - -0.01 0.89 Multi-Manager Managed A Acc 224.20 - 0.10 0.43
Property Inc 112.52 116.29 0.07 5.79 DIFC, The Gate Building, West Wing Level 6, PO BOX 30727, Dubai UAE GAM Star Balanced GBP Acc £ 10.24 - 0.10 0.00
Japan Growth Acc 130.30 137.20 -4.80 0.27 Contact: Telephone + 971 4 363 4029 Email UK Growth £ 3.51 - -0.01 0.00 Multi-Manager Managed A Inc 220.10 - 0.10 0.42
Property Acc 248.62 256.95 2.77 - GAM Star Cap.Appr.US Eqty USD Inc F $ 16.85 - -0.11 0.00
Korea Acc 264.00 279.70 -5.70 0.00 Other International Funds
Local Authorities Property Fd (LAMIT) (UK) UK Smaller Companies £ 2.08 - 0.01 0.19 Sterling Bond Acc 193.99 202.69 -0.35 2.80
Comgest SA (FRA) The EFG-Hermes Egypt Fund $ 29.93 - - 0.00 GAM Star Cat Bond USD Acc $ 12.50 - 0.02 0.00
Multi Asset A Acc ... C 152.70 - -1.10 1.52 Property 274.76 295.14 2.73 4.81 WealthBuilder A Acc £ 0.99 - 0.00 0.64 Sterling Bond Inc 60.49 63.20 -0.11 2.84
17 square Edouard VII - 75009 Paris
Allianz Global Investors GmbH(1200) F (LUX) Middle East & Developing Africa Fund (Final) $ 19.81 - - 0.00 GAM Star Cautious GBP Acc £ 10.30 - 0.08 0.00
Multi Asset A Inc ... C 146.20 - -0.90 1.54 FCA Recognised Fidelity PathFinder Strategic Bond A Inc 126.60 - 0.00 5.34
FCA Recognised
Saudi Arabia Equity Fund SR 13.81 - 0.14 0.00 Fidelity PathFinder Foundation 1 Gross Acc (clean) £ 1.08 - 0.00 - GAM Star China Equity USD Acc F $ 20.95 - -0.32 0.00
UK Growth Inc 235.00 248.50 -1.80 1.56 Comgest Magellan € 18.85 - -0.13 0.00
Allianz Best Styles Global Equity £ 100.33 100.33 -1.63 - UK & Irish Smaller Companies A Acc 561.00 - 0.80 0.00
CG Asset Management Limited (IRL) GAM Star Cont European Eqty GBP Acc F £ 3.45 - -0.02 0.00
Charity Fund Fidelity PathFinder Foundation 1 Acc (clean) £ 1.08 - 0.00 -
Allianz Global Fundamental Strategy £ 102.00 102.00 -0.67 - Northern Trust, George's Court, 54-62 Townsend Street, Dublin 2, Rep of Ireland UK Absolute Return A Acc 146.80 - -0.30 0.00
0800 032 6347 (charity enquiries) 00 353 1 434 5098 GAM Star Cred Opportunities GBP Acc £ 12.29 - 0.01 4.60
Electric & General (1000)F (UK) Fidelity PathFinder Foundation 2 Acc (clean) £ 1.07 - 0.00 -
Allianz Global Small Cap Equity £ 105.49 105.49 -1.37 -
Targeted Return Fund Acc 141.30 142.10 -0.90 3.23 FCA Recognised
Comgest AM International Ltd (IRL) UK Alpha A Acc ♦ 111.60 - -0.40 1.00
46 St Stephen's Green, Dublin 2, Ireland Stuart House St.John's Street Peterborough PE1 5DD Fidelity PathFinder Foundation 3 Acc (clean) £ 1.05 - 0.00 - GAM Star Defensive GBP Acc £ 10.82 - 0.18 0.00
Capital Gearing Portfolio Fund Plc £ 26389.94 26389.94 55.03 0.63 Orders & Enquiries: 0845 850 0255 UK Equity Income & Growth A Inc 603.00 - -2.30 3.82
Targeted Return Fund Inc 109.80 110.40 -0.70 3.30 FCA Recognised GAM Star Discretionary FX USD Acc F $ 12.73 - 0.00 0.00
Authorised Inv Funds Fidelity PathFinder Foundation 4 Acc (clean) £ 1.06 - 0.00 -
CG Portfolio Fund Plc UK Index A Acc 476.90 - -3.80 2.63
Amundi Funds (LUX) Comgest Gth Asia Pac ex Jap DIS F $ 7.42 - -0.04 0.13
Authorised Corporate Director - Carvetian Capital Management GAM Star Dynamic Gbl Bd USD Acc H $ 10.04 - -0.03 0.00
5 Allee Scheffer L-2520 Luxembourg + 44 (0)20 7074 9332 Fidelity PathFinder Foundation 5 Acc (clean) £ 1.11 - -0.02 -
Real Return Cls A £ 167.83 167.83 2.67 2.38 Comgest Gth Emerging Mkt DIS F $ 29.48 - -0.22 0.46 UK Property A Acc 193.08 203.24 0.05 4.04 Baring International Fd Mgrs (Ireland) (IRL) Electric&General Net Income A 136.60 - -1.20 2.12 GAM Star Emerg. Market Rates USD Acc F $ 11.43 - -0.02 0.00
Fidelity PathFinder Focussed 1 Gross Acc (clean) £ 1.10 - 0.00 -
Northern Trust, George Court 54-62 Townsend Street, Dublin 2 Rep of Ireland 020 7214 1004 Dollar Fund Cls D £ 129.92 129.92 2.44 1.62 Comgest Gth Europe DIS F € 19.67 - -0.03 0.00 UK Property A Inc 97.68 102.81 0.03 4.16
FCA Recognised GAM Star European Eqty USD Acc F $ 23.20 - -0.03 0.00
FCA Recognised Fidelity PathFinder Focussed 1 Acc (clean) £ 1.09 - 0.00 -
Bd. Euro Corporate AE Class - R - EUR € 18.41 - -0.03 0.00 Capital Value Fund Cls V £ 128.67 128.67 0.41 0.27 Comgest Gth GEM PC DIS F € 11.78 - -0.03 0.16 UK Tracker A Acc 212.80 - -2.00 2.36
ASEAN Frontiers A GBP Inc £ 101.63 - -1.04 0.62 Ennismore Smaller Cos Plc (IRL) Fidelity PathFinder Focused 2 Acc (Clean) £ 1.10 - 0.00 - GAM Star Flexible Gbl Port GBP Ac £ 12.45 - -0.02 0.00
Bd. Global AU Class - R - USD $ 25.63 - -0.05 0.00 US Growth A Acc 749.10 - -9.70 0.00
5 Kensington Church St, London W8 4LD 020 7368 4220 GAM Star GAMCO US Equity Acc F $ 12.85 - -0.02 0.00
Asia Growth A GBP Inc H £ 40.07 - -0.80 0.00 Fidelity PathFinder Focussed 3 Acc (clean) £ 1.09 - -0.01 -
Eq. Emerging Europe AE Class - R - EUR € 26.83 - -0.24 0.00 FCA Recognised
Australia A GBP Inc £ 61.39 - -2.07 2.10
Consistent Unit Tst Mgt Co Ltd (1200)F (UK)
Fidelity PathFinder Focussed 4 Acc (clean) £ 1.10 - 0.00 - GAM Star Global Rates USD Acc F $ 12.49 - -0.25 0.00

Asset Management
Ennismore European Smlr Cos NAV £ 96.50 - -0.25 0.00
Eq. Emerging World AU Class - R - USD $ 80.17 - -0.13 0.00 PO BOX 10117, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 9JB

Asset Management Asset Management

Baring China Bond Fund $ 9.85 - 0.06 0.00 Fidelity PathFinder Focussed 5 Acc (clean) £ 1.12 - 0.00 - GAM Star Global Selector USD Acc F $ 13.07 - 0.00 0.00
Dealing & Client Services 0845 0264281 Ennismore European Smlr Cos NAV € 132.04 - -0.60 0.00
Eq. Greater China AU Class - R - USD $ 534.28 - 2.90 0.00
Authorised Inv Funds GAM Star Japan Eqty USD Acc F $ 12.95 - -0.17 0.00
Baring Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund $ 9.33 - 0.00 0.00 Fidelity PathFinder Freedom 1 Gross Acc (clean) £ 1.07 - 0.01 -
Eq. Latin America AU Class - R - USD $ 341.37 - -3.85 0.00 Consistent UT Inc 53.31 53.94 -0.26 4.83
Baring European Opportunities Fund Class A EUR Acc € 13.10 - -0.07 0.00 Fidelity PathFinder Freedom 2 Acc (clean) £ 1.06 - 0.01 - GAM Star Keynes Quant Strat USD Acc F $ 12.26 - -0.02 0.00
Gl. Macro Bds & Curr Low Vol AHG - GBP £ 98.90 - -0.03 0.00 Consistent UT Acc 124.24 125.72 -0.62 4.68 Ennismore European Smlr Cos Hedge Fd
GAM Star Local EM Rates and FX USD Acc $ 10.80 - -0.07 0.00
Baring Global Mining Fund - Class A GBP Inc £ 3.88 - -0.04 0.58 Canada Life Investments (UK) Other International Funds Fidelity PathFinder Freedom 1 Acc (clean) £ 1.06 - 0.00 -
1-6 Lombard St, London, EC3V 9JU, Dealing: 0845 606 6180 Practical Investment Inc 204.97 209.95 -1.74 3.80 GAM Star North of South EM Equity Acc F $ 9.65 - -0.07 0.00
Dynamic Emerging Markets A GBP Acc F £ 8.72 - -0.06 0.00 NAV € 482.14 - 6.07 0.00 Fidelity PathFinder Freedom 3 Acc (clean) £ 1.04 - 0.01 -
Authorised Inv Funds
Hermes Investment Funds Plc (IRL)
The Antares European Fund Limited Practical Investment Acc 976.32 1000.03 -8.30 3.70 GAM Star Technology USD Acc F $ 14.74 - -0.17 0.00 Hermes Investment Management Limited, 1 Portsoken Street, London E1 8HZ +44 (0) 207 680 2121
Eastern Europe A GBP Inc £ 39.76 - 0.71 1.87 Asia Pacific B Acc 758.09 - -21.60 1.14 Fidelity PathFinder Freedom 4 Acc (clean) £ 1.03 - 0.01 -
Other International FCA Recognised
Emerging Mkt Debt LC A GBP Hedged Inc £ 7.41 - -0.03 6.82 GAM Star US All Cap Eqty USD Acc F $ 13.14 - -0.14 0.00
AEF Ltd Usd $ 630.92 - -19.03 - Balanced B Acc 142.22 - -0.72 1.53 Equinox Fund Mgmt (Guernsey) Limited (GSY) Fidelity PathFinder Freedom 5 Acc (clean) £ 1.08 - 0.00 -
Hermes Abs Return Credit Fund Class F Acc £ £ 0.99 0.99 0.00 -
Regulated GAM Star Worldwide Eqty USD Acc F $ 3232.07 - -16.14 0.00
AEF Ltd Eur € 633.71 - -18.64 0.00 Emerging Opportunities A GBP Inc H £ 16.69 - -0.36 0.00 Corporate Bond B Inc 203.81 - -0.19 4.07 Fidelity PathFinder Income 1 Income (clean) £ 1.02 - -0.01 3.97
Hermes Abs Return Credit Fund Class R Acc € € 1.95 1.95 0.00 -
Equinox Russian Opportunities Fund Limited $ 113.57 - 2.96 0.00
Glb Emerging Markets A GBP Inc H £ 16.98 - -0.39 0.00 European B Acc 242.88 - -2.41 1.64 Fidelity PathFinder Income 1 Gross Income (clean) £ 1.02 - -0.01 4.86
Hermes Active UK Inflation Fund Class F Acc £ 1.30 1.30 -0.01 0.00
Glb Resources A GBP Inc H £ 10.52 - -0.08 0.38 Global Bond B Inc 91.30 - 0.19 2.96 Fidelity PathFinder Income 2 Income (clean) £ 1.02 - -0.01 3.72 GYS Investment Management Ltd (GSY)
Hermes Asia Ex-Japan Equity Fund Class F Acc £ 1.39 1.39 -0.02 0.00
Arisaig Partners Regulated
Other International Funds High Yield Bond A GBP Hedged Inc H £ 6.45 - 0.01 7.00 Euronova Asset Management UK LLP (CYM) Fidelity PathFinder Income 2 gross £ 1.03 - -0.01 4.70
Global Equity B Acc 570.82 - -3.81 1.14 Hermes Asia Ex-Japan Equity Fund Class R Acc € 3.02 3.02 -0.05 0.00
Regulated Taurus Emerging Fund Ltd $ 173.48 177.02 2.37 0.00
Arisaig Africa Consumer Fund Limited $ 14.85 - 0.17 0.00 Hong Kong China A GBP Inc £ 522.48 - -14.89 0.64 Fidelity PathFinder Income 2 Gross Income (clean) £ 1.02 - -0.01 4.63
Global Equity Income B Inc 119.34 - 0.12 4.02 Crèdit Andorrà Asset Management (LUX) Smaller Cos Cls One Shares (Est) € 33.47 - -1.57 0.00 Hermes Global Emerging Markets Fund Class F Acc £ 1.09 1.09 -0.02 0.00
Arisaig Asia Consumer Fund Limited $ 61.20 - -0.42 0.00 India Fund - Class A GBP Inc £ 13.81 - -0.36 0.00 Fidelity PathFinder Income 3 Income (clean) £ 1.03 - 0.00 4.31
Global High Yield Bond B Inc 95.61 - 0.19 4.92 Smaller Cos Cls Two Shares (Est) € 23.54 - -1.00 0.00 Hermes Global Emerging Markets Fund Class R Acc € 2.74 2.74 -0.06 0.00
Arisaig Global Emerging Markets Consumer Fund $ 9.92 - -0.01 0.00 FCA Recognised Institutional OEIC Funds Generali International Limited
Latin America A USD Inc H $ 27.07 - -1.32 0.21 Global Infrastructure B Acc 108.20 - -0.27 0.95 Smaller Cos Cls Three Shares (Est) € 11.86 - -0.49 0.00 PO Box 613, Generali House, Hirzel Street, St Peter Port, Guernesy, GY1 4PA 01481 714108 Hermes Global Equity Fund Class F Acc £ 1.44 1.44 -0.01 0.00
Crediinvest SICAV Money Market Eur I € 11.21 - 0.00 0.00 America £ 3.73 - -0.05 0.56
Arisaig Global Emerging Markets Consumer UCITS € 11.42 - 0.00 0.00 MENA A GBP Inc F * £ 12.29 - -0.07 0.64 International Insurances
Global Resource B Acc 77.13 - 2.65 1.32 Smaller Cos Cls Four Shares (Est) € 15.19 - -0.68 0.00 Hermes Global Equity Fund Class R Acc € 3.77 3.77 -0.04 0.00
Crediinvest SICAV Money Market Usd A $ 10.02 - 0.00 0.00 Emerging Markets £ 2.87 - -0.07 0.87
Arisaig Global Emerging Markets Consumer UCITS STG £ 10.61 - -0.03 0.00 Global Multi-Strategy Managed $ 4.62 4.98 -0.29 0.00
Japan B Acc 49.86 - -1.69 0.94 Hermes Global ESG Equity Fund Class F Acc £ 1.11 1.11 -0.01 0.00
Crediinvest SICAV Fixed Income Eur € 10.75 - -0.01 0.00 Europe £ 3.98 - -0.04 1.59
Arisaig Latin America Consumer Fund $ 20.32 - -0.02 0.00 UK Multi-Strategy Managed £ 4.72 5.09 -0.21 0.00
Baring International Fd Mgrs (Ireland) (IRL) Portfolio III B Acc 106.14 - -0.14 2.04
Asset Management
Hermes Global High Yield Bond Fund Class F Acc £ 1.08 1.08 0.00 0.00
Crediinvest SICAV Fixed Income Usd $ 10.49 - 0.00 0.00 Fidelity Pre-Retirement Bond Fund £ 116.70 - -0.10 3.05
Regulated EU Multi-Strategy Managed € 2.94 3.17 -0.14 0.00
Portfolio IV B Acc 107.33 - -0.39 2.24 Hermes Global High Yield Bond Fund Class R Acc € 2.82 2.82 0.00 0.00
China A-Share A GBP Inc £ 5.70 - 0.14 0.00 Crediinvest SICAV Spanish Value € 261.61 - -1.41 0.00 Global Focus £ 2.69 - -0.03 1.70 Global Bond USD $ 3.47 3.75 -0.02 0.00
Portfolio V B Acc 106.00 - -0.55 1.39 Hermes Global Small Cap Fund Class F Acc £ £ 0.96 0.96 0.00 -
Crediinvest SICAV International Value € 222.44 - 0.27 0.00 Index Linked Bond £ 2.66 - -0.01 0.71
Portfolio VI B Acc 104.53 - -0.83 1.50 Hermes Global Small Cap Fund Class R Acc € € 1.88 1.88 -0.01 -
Crediinvest SICAV Big Cap Value € 17.21 - -0.10 0.00 Index Linked Bond Gross £ 3.21 - -0.02 0.71
Barings (Luxembourg) (LUX)
Portfolio VII B Acc 100.72 - -1.00 1.22 Genesis Asset Managers LLP Hermes Multi Asset Inflation Fund Class F GBP Acc £ 0.99 0.99 0.00 -
FCA Recognised Crediinvest SICAV US American Value $ 17.82 - -0.13 0.00 Index-Linked Bond Fund Gross Inc £ 12.53 - -0.07 0.71 Other International Funds
North American B Acc 783.98 - 1.44 0.79 Eurobank Fund Management Company (Luxembourg) S.A. Hermes Multi Strategy Credit Fund Class F Acc Hed £ 1.03 1.03 0.00 0.00
Russia A GBP Inc F £ 23.85 - 0.50 0.00 Crediinvest SICAV Sustainability € 14.98 - 0.00 0.00 Japan £ 1.96 - -0.06 0.81 Emerging Mkts NAV £ 5.02 - 0.04 0.00
Strategic Return B Acc 98.14 - -0.51 0.00 Hermes Sourcecap EU Alpha Fund Class F Acc £ 1.24 1.24 -0.01 0.00
Artemis Fund Managers Ltd (1200)F (UK) (LF) Absolute Return € 1.29 - -0.01 0.00 Long Bond £ 0.50 - 0.00 2.85
57 St. James's Street, London SW1A 1LD 0800 092 2051 Total Return B Acc 102.41 - 0.87 2.98 Hermes Sourcecap EU Alpha Fund Class F Dis £ 1.20 1.20 -0.02 1.36
Barmac Asset Management Ltd (UK) DAVIS Funds SICAV (LUX) (LF) Balanced - Active Fund (RON)RON 16.22 - -0.06 0.00 Long Bond Gross £ 0.82 - 0.00 2.79
Authorised Inv Funds UK Equity B Inc 105.79 - -0.50 1.76
Guardian (UK)
40 Dukes Place, London, EC3A 7NH Regulated Hermes Sourcecap EU Alpha Fund Class R Acc € 2.99 2.99 -0.05 0.00
(LF) Cash Fund € € 1.18 - 0.00 - Long Bond Fund Gross Inc £ 11.19 - -0.04 2.85 Ballam Road, Lytham St Annes, Lancashire, FY8 4JZ 01253 733 151
Artemis Capital R ACC 1228.87 1299.23 -6.90 1.29 Authorised Corporate Director - Capita Financial Managers UK Equity & Bond Income B Inc 225.23 - -0.62 5.31 Davis Value A $ 39.78 - -0.28 0.00 Insurances Hermes Sourcecap EX UK Fund Class F Acc £ 1.29 1.29 -0.02 0.00
Dealing: 0845 922 0044 (LF) Cash Fund (RON) RON 15.61 - 0.00 0.00 Pacific (Ex Japan) £ 3.24 - -0.08 2.02
Artemis European Growth R Acc 238.67 252.21 -2.20 1.21 Guardian Assurance
Authorised Inv Funds UK Equity Income B Inc 398.17 - -1.41 5.32 Davis Global A $ 27.83 - -0.28 0.00 Hermes Sourcecap EX UK Fund Class R Acc € 3.03 3.03 -0.04 0.00
(LF) Eq Emerging Europe € 0.73 - 0.00 0.00 Pan European £ 2.58 - -0.02 2.10
Artemis European Opps R Acc - - - 0.85 Equity S-GH Class B £ 11.99 - -0.10 -
The Castleton Growth Fund Ret Acc 2 114.09 - 0.06 0.00 UK Government Bond B Inc 47.05 - -0.09 1.97 Hermes UK Small & Mid Cap Fund Class F Acc £ 1.62 1.62 0.01 0.00
(LF) Eq Flexi Style Greece € 0.94 - -0.05 0.00 Reduced Duration UK Corporate Bond £ 10.50 - 0.02 3.15
Artemis Global Emg Mkts I GBP Acc 79.22 - -0.91 - Managed Fund Bond £ 22.76 23.71 0.00 -
The Castleton Growth Fund Ret Inc 2 112.73 - 0.06 0.00 Hermes UK Small & Mid Cap Fund Class R Acc € 4.84 4.84 0.01 0.00
Discretionary Unit Fund Mngrs (1000)F (UK) (LF) Global Bond Fd € 12.07 - 0.01 0.00 Reduced Duration UK Corporate Bond Gross £ 10.66 - 0.01 3.15
Artemis Global Emg Mkts I GBP Dist 79.22 - -0.90 - Choices Wth-Pfts Lg-tm 319.60 336.40 0.00 -
The Castleton Growth Fund Ret Acc X F 110.44 - 0.05 0.00 1 Poultry, London EC2R 8JR 020 7 415 4130 Hermes US All Cap Equity Class F Stg £ Acc £ 0.95 0.95 0.00 -
Capita Asset Services (UK) (LF) Global Equities € 1.12 - -0.01 0.00 Reduced Duration UK Corporate Bond Inc £ 9.94 - 0.02 3.15
Artemis Global Energy R Acc 22.43 23.84 0.54 0.00 Authorised Inv Funds Choices Wth-Pfts St-tm 270.80 285.10 0.00 -
The Castleton Growth Fund Ret Inc X F 110.89 - 0.05 0.00 40 Dukes Place, London EC3A 7NH Hermes US All Cap Equity Class R € Acc € 1.85 1.85 -0.01 -
Order Desk 08459 220044 Switchboard 0870 607 2555 Disc Inc 1571.80 1620.40 -11.70 0.00 (LF) Eq Mena Fund € 13.88 - 0.02 0.00 Reduced Duration UK Corp Bond Gross Inc £ 9.95 - 0.02 3.15
Artemis Global Growth R Acc 173.46 183.10 -3.89 0.84 Choices Managed 598.35 629.84 0.00 -
Authorised Inv Funds Hermes US SMID Equity Fund Class F Acc £ 1.57 1.57 0.01 0.00
Do Accum 5897.30 6079.70 -43.90 0.00 (LF) Greek Government Bond € 16.57 - -0.11 - Select Emerging Markets Equities £ 1.09 - -0.02 1.71
Artemis Global Income R Acc 90.88 96.04 -1.48 4.28 Choices Equity 666.41 701.48 0.00 -
BlackRock (JER) CF Heartwood Cautious B Acc X 126.63 - -0.14 0.11 Hermes US SMID Equity Fund Class R Acc € 3.34 3.34 0.00 0.00
(LF) Income Plus $ $ 1.22 - 0.00 0.00 Select European Eqts £ 1.73 - 0.01 1.88
Artemis Global Income R Inc 73.18 77.34 -1.19 4.45 Freedom With Pfts Long-Tm 219.30 230.90 0.00 -
Regulated CF Heartwood Cautious Income B Inc X 110.25 - -0.10 2.06
(LF) Greek Corporate Bond € 10.26 - 0.00 - Select Global Equities £ 2.85 - -0.04 1.17
Artemis Global select R Acc 67.57 71.31 -1.46 0.00 BlackRock UK Property £ 40.42 - 0.08 3.29 Freedom With Pfts Short-Tm 197.20 207.60 0.00 -
CF Heartwood Growth B Acc X 139.82 - -0.98 0.68 Hermes Property Unit Trust (UK)
(LF) FOF Balanced Blend € 1.40 - 0.00 0.00 South East Asia £ 3.24 - -0.08 2.17
Artemis High Income R Inc 78.29 83.41 -0.16 5.84 Blackrock UK Long Lease £ 1063.18 - 5.39 0.00 Freedom Managed 350.00 368.42 0.00 -
CF Heartwood Balanced Income B Inc X 111.68 - -0.22 2.51 Property & Other UK Unit Trusts
(LF) FOF Equity Blend € 1.29 - 0.00 0.00 Sterling Core Plus Bond Gr Accum £ 2.04 - 0.00 3.46
Artemis Income R Inc - - - 4.44 BLK Intl Gold & General $ 3.93 4.14 0.04 0.00 Freedom Equity 391.16 411.75 0.00 - Property £ 5.64 6.00 0.06 4.08
CF Heartwood Balanced B Acc X 122.69 - -0.60 0.35
(LF) FOF Glob. Emerging Mkts € 0.82 - -0.01 0.00 Sterling Core Plus Bond Inc £ 1.33 - 0.00 5.18
Artemis Income R Acc 335.29 355.40 -2.40 4.32 Corp Pens Mananged 211.23 211.23 0.00 -
CF Heartwood Defensive Multi Asset Fund B Accumulation 109.05 - -0.14 0.01
(LF) FOF Dynamic Fixed Inc € 11.58 - 0.05 0.00 UK £ 3.47 - -0.02 2.32
Artemis Monthly Dist R Inc 61.17 64.96 -0.48 4.85 Corp Pens Equity 217.57 217.57 0.00 -
CF Richmond Core X 180.45 - -0.29 0.00 Dodge & Cox Worldwide Funds (IRL) Hermes UK Residential Real Estate (UK)
(LF) FOF Real Estate € 15.67 - -0.03 0.00 UK Aggreg Bond Gr Accum £ 1.80 - 0.00 4.62
Artemis Pan-Euro Abs Ret GBP 109.94 - -0.01 - 6 Duke Street,St.James,London SW1Y 6BN Corp Pens Fixed Interest 296.29 296.29 0.00 - Property & Other UK Unit Trusts
CF Seneca Diversified Growth A ACC 213.05 - -0.03 1.35
Artemis Strategic Assets R Acc 74.49 79.02 -0.06 0.00 020 3713 7664 UK Aggregate Bond Inc £ 1.21 - 0.00 4.73 VISTA UK Residential Real Estate £ 1.02 1.06 0.03 -
Corp Pens Index Linked 334.16 334.16 -2.94 -
CF Seneca Diversified Growth B ACC 125.86 - -0.01 1.42 FCA Recognised
Artemis Strategic Bond R M Acc - - - 4.05 UK Corporate Bond £ 1.21 - 0.00 3.98
Dodge & Cox Worldwide Funds plc - Global Bond Fund Corp Pens Deposit 190.77 190.77 0.00 -
CF Seneca Diversified Growth N ACC 124.69 - -0.01 1.22
Artemis Strategic Bond R M Inc 54.18 57.56 -0.20 4.12 UK Corporate Bond - Gross £ 2.24 - 0.00 3.85
EUR Accumulating Class € 11.50 - -0.05 0.00 Corp Pens Protector 361.02 361.02 0.00 -
CF Seneca Diversified Income A INC 87.54 - -0.20 5.58
UK Corporate Bond Fund Gross Inc £ 11.01 - 0.00 3.97
24 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Wednesday 2 September 2015


Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield

Global Equity (No Trail) inc ♦ F 184.08 - -4.84 1.05 Diversified Real Ret Inc 49.21xd - -0.21 1.08 Strategic Bond A Acc 179.15 - 0.08 1.85 Vantage 1500 (EUR) MA € 10.21 - 0.00 0.00 US Conc.Growth A1 $ 14.77 - -0.17 0.00 Mir. -Eq Spain A € 26.61 - -0.13 0.00 Asia Pac Eq GBP Ord Inc £ 87.86 - -0.31 3.90

Global Equity Income (No Trail ) Acc ♦ F 238.50 - -3.45 3.33 Emerging Mkts Acc 129.40 - -2.40 0.80 Strategic Bond A Inc 118.99 - 0.05 1.85 Vantage 3000 (EUR) MA € 10.34 - 0.00 0.00 US Government Bond A1 $ 17.05 - -0.01 0.00 Mir. - Eq Swiss Sm/Mid A SFr 310.26 - 1.21 0.00 Asia Pac Eq USD Ord Inc $ 88.37 - -0.31 3.27
Impax Asset Management (IRL)
Norfolk House, 31 St James's Square, London, SW1Y 4JR Global Equity Income (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 193.71 - -7.98 3.41 Emerging Mkts Inc 55.66 - -1.04 0.81 UK Equity Absolute Return A Acc 118.83 - -0.08 0.00 PrivilEdge Value A1 $ 21.13 - -0.16 0.00 Mir. - Glb High Yield Bds A $ 109.37 - 0.12 - Asia Pac Eq USD Inst Acc $ 93.65 - -0.33 0.00
FCA Recognised Inc.Pt.RMB Dt.CNH PA CNH 101.13 - -0.09 0.00
Global ex UK Core Equity Index ( No Trail) Acc ♦ F 161.59 - -3.00 1.36 Emrg Mkts Inc Acc... C 47.82xd - -0.47 5.54 UK Equity A Acc 224.07 - -1.87 1.42 Mir. - Glb Eq High Income A USD $ 99.05 - -0.39 0.00 Asia Pac Eq USD Inst Inc $ 98.62 - -0.34 4.00
Env Mkts (Ire) Stl A £ 2.14 - 0.02 0.00
Inc.Pt.RMB Dt.SH CHF PA SFr 9.66 - 0.02 0.00
Global ex UK Enhanced Index ( No Trail) Acc ♦ F 189.29 - -3.83 1.79 Emrg Mkts Inc Inc... C 42.05xd - -0.42 5.74 UK Equity Income A Acc 196.63 - -1.49 4.24 Mir. - Glb Strat. Bd A USD $ 105.47 - 0.05 0.00 Dyn Europ Eq EUR Ord Inc € 170.13 - -0.03 1.40
Env Mkts (Ire) Euro A € 2.00 - 0.01 0.00 MMIP Investment Management Limited (GSY)
Inc.Pt.RMB Dt.SH EUR PA € 9.73 - 0.02 0.00 Regulated
Gbl Fin Cap No Trail Acc 179.29 - -0.26 4.32 Europe Acc 1018.00 - -11.00 1.53 UK Equity Income A Inc 153.67 - -1.17 4.36 Dyn Europ Eq GBP Ord Inc £ 180.89 - -0.01 1.77
Env Mkts (Ire) USD A $ 1.72 - 0.02 0.00 Multi-Manager Investment Programmes PCC Limited
Inc.Pt.RMB Dt.USD PA $ 9.78 - 0.01 0.00
Gbl Fin Cap No Trail Inc 153.98 - -0.23 4.45 Europe Inc 58.60 - -0.63 1.53 UK Opportunities A Acc 160.42 - -1.20 1.33 Dyn Europ Eq USD Ord Inc $ 169.92 - -0.02 1.31
European Equity Fd Cl A Initial Ser € 2630.39 2630.39 115.75 0.00
Jenn. US Eq.Opp. USD PA $ 9.47 - -0.06 0.00
Global Opportunities (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 233.03 - -3.54 1.02 Eur Dynamic exUK Acc 158.40 - -1.80 0.83 UK Smaller Companies A Acc 274.82 - 1.25 0.65 China Equity EUR Ord Acc € 130.49 - -2.36 0.00
Japanese Equity Fd Cl A Initial Ser ¥ 374586.00 374586.00 2750.00 0.00
INDIA VALUE INVESTMENTS LIMITED (INVIL) Neubrg.Berman US Core PA $ 13.51 - -0.05 0.00
Global Smaller Companies (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 237.34 - -2.97 0.77 Eur Dynamic exUK £ hdg Acc 180.70 - -2.30 0.73 China Equity GBP Ord Acc £ 136.31 - -2.56 0.00 MMIP - US EQUITY CLASS A 01 June 07 Series $ 1343.33 1343.33 -11.03 0.00
Sands US Growth PA € 13.38 - -0.24 0.00
Other International Funds Global Smaller Companies (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 226.78 - -2.84 0.77 Eur Dynamic exUK Inc 72.73 - -0.83 0.82 China Equity USD Ord Acc $ 132.69 - -2.47 0.00
Kames Capital Investment Portfolios ICVC (UK) Pacific Basin Fd Cl A Initial Ser $ 2267.99 2281.49 -101.36 0.00
NAV £ 7.82 - -0.05 0.00 Kames House, 3 Lochside Crescent, Edinburgh EH12 9SA Sands US Growth PA $ 16.17 - -0.29 0.00
Global Targeted Rets (No Trail) Acc 113.41 - 0.24 0.84 Eur Smaller Cos Acc 461.00 - -2.20 0.00 China Equity USD Inst Acc $ 136.11 - -2.52 0.00
0800 45 44 22 UK Equity Fd Cl A Series 01 £ 2405.27 2429.26 50.96 0.00
Will.Blair Gbl. Ldrs PA € 15.02 - -0.12 0.00 Montello Real Estate Opportunity Fund (LUX)
High Income (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 170.64 - -0.80 3.44 Eur Smaller Cos Inc 59.95 - -0.29 0.00 Global Val.Cr.Fd GBP Ord Inc £ 111.32 - 0.05 3.62
Authorised Funds Diversified Absolute Rtn Fd USD Cl AF2 $ 1647.35 - 7.55 0.00 101 New Cavendish Street,London W1W 6XH
Will.Blair Gbl. Ldrs PA $ 12.56 - -0.11 0.00
Intrinsic Value Investors (IVI) LLP (IRL) High Income (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 125.46 - -0.59 3.53 Fusion Balanced Acc 54.01 - 0.19 0.48 Property Income B Acc 116.68 - 0.29 - Regulated Global Val.Cr.Fd USD Inst Acc $ 122.89 - 0.06 0.00
Diversified Absolute Return Stlg Cell AF2 £ 1667.95 - 7.74 0.00
1 Hat & Mitre Court, 88 St John Street, London EC1M 4EL +44 (0)20 7566 1210 Montello Real Estate Opportunity Fund II £ 1134.60 - 8.02 0.00
High Yield Fund (No Trail) Acc 223.46 - 0.33 4.84 Fusion Balanced Inc 53.99 - 0.18 0.48 Property Income B Inc 109.50 - -0.12 - Global Val.Cr.Fd GBP Ord Acc £ 177.31 - 0.09 0.00
FCA Recognised
High Yield Fund (No Trail) Inc 166.57 - 0.24 4.96 Fusion Conservative Acc 53.55 - 0.14 0.66 Lothbury Property Trust (UK) Global Val.Cr.Fd USD Ord Acc $ 166.45 - 0.07 0.00
IVI European Fund EUR € 17.69 - 0.06 0.00
155 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3TQ +44(0) 20 3551 4900 Manek Investment Mgmt Ltd (1000)F (UK)
Hong Kong & China (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 170.13 - -3.26 1.34 Fusion Conservative Inc 53.43 - 0.13 0.68 MW Japan Fund Plc (IRL) Global Val.Cr.Fd EUR Ord Acc € 155.35 - 0.07 0.00
IVI European Fund GBP £ 17.40 - -0.04 1.03 Kames Capital VCIC (IRL) Property & Other UK Unit Trusts P.O.Box 100, Swindon SN1 1WR 0844 800 9401
Income & Growth (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 218.07 - -0.99 4.18 Fusion Growth Acc 55.21 - 0.08 0.48 1 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland +35 3162 24493 Authorised Inv Funds FCA Recognised Swiss Select Equity Inst Acc SFr 112.97 - 0.56 0.00
Lothbury Property Trust GBP £ 1732.06 1858.39 27.09 3.34
FCA Recognised Growth Fd Acc 58.39 61.75 1.04 0.00 MW Japan Fund PLC A $ 23.80 - -0.88 -
Income & Growth (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 172.63 - -0.79 4.30 Fusion Growth Inc 55.21 - 0.08 0.48 Swiss Select Equity Ord Acc SFr 111.90 - 0.55 0.00
Absolute Return Bond B GBP Acc 1077.87 - 0.20 - MW Japan Fund PLC B $ 24.03 - -0.89 -
Income (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 169.13 - -0.64 3.27 Fusion Growth + Acc 56.79 - 0.20 0.49 US Growth USD Ord Acc $ 204.05 - -2.57 0.00
Eq Market Neutral B Acc 1018.76 - -0.53 - MW Japan Fund PLC C $ 91.45 - -3.99 -
Income (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 125.75 - -0.48 3.35 Fusion Growth + Inc 56.79 - 0.19 0.49 Manulife Global Fund (LUX) US Growth EUR Ord Acc € 195.56 - -2.40 0.00
Eq Market Neutral Plus B Acc 1032.60 - -0.79 - 31 Z.A. Bourmicht, L-8070 Bertrange, Luxembourg
Japan (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 144.46 - -4.80 0.78 Fusion Income Acc...C 53.23 - 0.04 2.44 US Growth GBP Ord Acc £ 205.23 - -2.61 0.00
High Yield Global Bond A GBP Inc 529.77 - 1.11 3.76
Japanese Smaller Companies (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 162.93 - -2.61 0.00 Fusion Income Inc...C 50.91 - 0.04 2.46 FCA Recognised Morant Wright Funds (Ireland) PLC (IRL) US Growth USD Inst Acc $ 188.08 - -2.35 0.00
High Yield Global Bond B GBP Inc 1100.40 - 2.36 4.27 FCA Recognised
Invesco Fund Managers Ltd (UK) Latin American (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 99.33 - -1.21 2.33 Global Allocation Acc 52.70 - -0.65 0.66 American Growth Fund Class A F $ 28.6994 - -0.4816 0.00 Wealthy Nat Bd EUR Inst Inc € 108.11 - 0.04 3.82
Investment Grade Global Bd A GBP Inc 554.29 - -0.73 2.56 Morant Wright Fuji Yield EUR Acc Hedged € 10.86 - -0.36 -
Perptual Park, Henley-On-Thames, Oxon, RG9 1HH M & G Securities (1200)F (UK)
Asset Management
Latin American (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 89.20 - -2.62 2.35 Global Allocation Inc 52.36 - -0.64 0.67 American Growth Fund Class AA F $ 1.6570 - -0.0087 0.00 Wealthy Nat Bd GBP Inst Inc £ 112.03 - 0.04 3.66
Dealing: 0800 085 8571 Kames Global Equity Income B GBP Acc 1087.25 - -13.20 - PO Box 9039, Chelmsford, CM99 2XG Morant Wright Fuji Yield EUR Dist Hedged € 10.80 - -0.36 -
Investor Services: 0800 085 8677
Managed Growth (No Trail) Acc ♦ F

Managed Growth (No Trail) Inc ♦ F



-1.95 1.27

-1.79 1.28
Global Bond exUK Acc

Global Bond exUK Inc



-0.30 0.76

-0.20 0.76
Kames Global Equity Income B GBP Inc 1040.28 - -12.62 - Enq: 0800 390 390, Dealing: 0800 328 3196
Authorised Inv Funds
American Growth Fund Class AA (HKD) FHK$ 10.2916

Asian Equity Fund Class A F $ 2.7276


-0.1734 0.00

-0.0488 0.46
Morant Wright Fuji Yield GBP Acc Hedged £ 11.08 - -0.37 -
Wealthy Nat Bd EUR Ord Inc

Wealthy Nat Bd GBP Ord Inc

Asset Manageme
€ 107.37

£ 112.68

0.04 3.58

0.04 3.39
Authorised Inv Funds Strategic Global Bond A GBP Inc 1098.85 - 0.54 0.58 Morant Wright Fuji Yield GBP Dist Hedged £ 10.85 - -0.36 -
Charifund Inc 1408.76 - 11.05 4.84 Asian Equity Fund Class AA F $ 0.8773 - -0.0157 0.00
INVESCO PERPETUAL Funds Managed Income (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 185.76 - -1.63 3.20 Global Bond Opport. Acc 49.19xd - 0.00 2.87 Wealthy Nat Bd USD Ord Inc $ 109.66 - 0.03 3.37
Strategic Global Bond B GBP Inc 623.27 - 0.35 1.08 Morant Wright Fuji Yield USD Acc Hedged $ 10.78 - -0.35 -
Asian Acc ♦ F 396.75 - -6.73 0.97 Charifund Acc 19117.46 - 149.85 4.70 Asian Small Cap Equity Fund Class AA F $ 1.9097 - -0.0258 0.00 New Capital Alternative Strategies
Managed Income (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 153.52 - -1.67 3.26 Global Bond Opport. Inc 48.46xd - -0.32 2.91
Morant Wright Fuji Yield USD Dist Hedged $ 10.91 - -0.36 -
Asian Inc ♦ F 356.35 - -6.04 0.98 M&G Corporate Bond A Acc 62.12 - 0.20 3.09 Asian Small Cap Equity Fund Class AA (HKD)HK$ 7.7244 - -0.1051 0.00 All Weather Fd USD Cls $ 121.26 - 0.57 0.00
Monthly Income Plus (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 170.48 - 0.01 4.74 Global Eq Income £ hdg Acc... C 64.92xd - -1.27 3.68
Morant Wright Fuji Yield YEN Acc ¥ 1111.49 - -36.75 -
Asian Equity Income Acc ♦ F 54.00 - -0.75 4.77 Monthly Income Plus (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 108.05 - -0.39 4.84 Global Eq Income £ hdg Inc ... C 46.76xd - -0.92 3.76 Kleinwort Benson Bank (UK) M&G Corporate Bond A Inc 39.26 - 0.12 3.09 China Value Fund Class A F $ 7.5909 - -0.2225 0.78 All Weather Fd EUR Cls € 109.06 - 0.45 0.00
14 St. George Street, Mayfair, London W1S1FE Morant Wright Fuji Yield B YEN Acc ¥ 979.27 - -34.57 -
Asian Equity Income Inc ♦ F 46.01 - -0.64 4.90 M&G Dividend A Inc 58.93 - 0.41 4.65 China Value Fund Class AA F $ 2.3764 - -0.0697 0.53 All Weather Fd GBP Cls £ 117.69 - 0.54 0.00
Pacific (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 168.68 - -3.95 0.91 Global Eq Income Acc... C 67.88xd - -1.19 3.67 Dealing and enquiries: 0800 024 2400
Morant Wright Fuji Yield YEN Dist ¥ 1099.26 - -36.34 -
Balanced Risk 6 Acc 51.60 - -0.08 0.00 Authorised Inv Funds M&G Dividend A Acc 590.29 - 4.14 4.49 Dragon Growth Fund Class A F $ 1.7535 - -0.0486 0.69 Tactical Opps USD Cls $ 141.87 - 4.75 0.00
Pacific (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 160.09 - -3.76 0.99 Global Eq Income Inc ... C 59.14xd - -1.05 3.75
Unit Trust Manager/ACD - Host Capital Morant Wright Sakura Fund Sterling Acc Hedged £ 13.19 - -0.56 0.00
Balanced Risk 8 Acc 52.83 - -0.14 0.00 M&G Episode Growth X Inc 50.97xd - 0.44 1.83 Dragon Growth Fund Class AA HKDHK$ 8.4789 - -0.2357 0.66 Tactical Opps EUR Cls € 119.12 - 4.09 0.00
Tactical Bond (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 139.86 - 0.02 1.46 Global Equity Acc 957.10 - -15.80 0.16
HC KB Capital Growth A Acc 159.01 - -0.99 1.36 Morant Wright Sakura Fund Euro Acc Hedged € 13.17 - -0.56 0.00
Balanced Risk 10 Acc 53.96 - -0.17 0.13 M&G Episode Income A Acc 135.62 - 2.18 3.65 Emerging Eastern Europe Fund Class AA F $ 1.2827 - 0.0037 0.54 Tactical Opps GBP Cls £ 133.65 - 4.43 0.00
Tactical Bond (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 119.26 - 0.02 1.48 Global Equity Inc 71.13 - -1.18 0.15
HC KB Capital Growth A Inc 148.89 - -0.93 1.38 Morant Wright Sakura Fund Yen Acc Unhedged ¥ 1343.93 - -57.12 0.00
Childrens Acc ♦ F 388.40 - -3.09 1.82 UK Aggressive (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 159.45 - -1.44 2.43 Global Financials Acc 705.40 - -14.70 0.89
M&G Episode Income A Inc 114.09 - 1.83 3.72
Asset Management
Emerging Eastern Europe Fund Class A F $ 2.9867 - 0.0085 0.96

set Management
HC KB Enterprise Equity Income A Inc 107.70 - 2.01 3.78 Morant Wright Sakura Fund Dollar Acc Hedged $ 13.12 - -0.56 0.00
M&G Extra Income A Inc 710.82 - 4.99 4.55

Asset Management Asset Management

Corporate Bd Acc (Gross) ♦ F 205.19 - 0.00 3.62 UK Aggressive (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 134.17 - -1.20 2.48 Global Financials Inc 40.12 - -0.83 0.89 European Growth Fund Class A F $ 10.2826 - -0.2790 1.23
HC KB Enterprise Equity Income A Acc 158.55 - 2.95 3.69 Morant Wright Sakura Fund Swiss Franc Acc HedgedSFr 13.08 - -0.56 0.00
Corporate Bd Inc (Gross) ♦ F 88.77 - 0.00 3.72 M&G Extra Income A Acc 5767.24 - 40.48 4.42 European Growth Fund Class AA F $ 0.7435 - -0.0202 0.60
UK Enhanced Index (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 385.64 - -3.01 3.63 Global High Yield Bd Mth Inc C 37.59xd - -0.07 6.52
HC KB Endeavour Multi Asset Balanced A Acc 128.71 - -0.17 0.81
Corporate Bond Acc ♦ F 182.90 - -0.02 3.64 M&G Global Basics A Inc 601.27 - 10.49 0.30 Global Contrarian Fund Class AA F $ 0.8727 - -0.0172 0.00
UK Enhanced Index (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 245.01 - -1.91 3.71 Global High Yield Bd Acc C 98.56xd - 0.24 6.45
HC KB Endeavour Multi Asset Balanced A Inc 122.33 - -0.15 0.81
Corporate Bond Inc ♦ F 88.51 - -0.01 3.73 M&G Global Basics A Acc 907.69 - 15.83 0.31 Global Property Fund Class AA F $ 0.9361 - -0.0225 0.80
UK Growth (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 140.52 - -1.08 2.44 Global High Yield Bd Inc C 37.72xd - 0.09 6.53
HC KB Enterprise Fixed Income A Acc 122.06 - 0.29 3.44
Distribution Acc ♦ F 107.93 - -0.10 4.32 M&G Global Dividend Fund A Acc 183.27 - 3.98 3.44 Global Property Fund Class AA (HKD)HK$ 8.7946 - -0.2121 -
UK Growth (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 114.98 - -0.89 2.49 Global Property Secs Acc 54.41xd - -1.86 0.62
HC KB Enterprise Fixed Income A Inc 108.97 - 0.26 3.44 Northwest Investment Management (HK) Ltd
Distribution Acc (Gross) ♦ F 123.34 - -0.11 4.30 M&G Global Dividend Fund A Inc 145.68 - 3.16 3.51 Global Resources Fund Class AA F $ 0.6452 - 0.0057 0.00
UK Smaller Companies Equity (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 278.67 - 1.70 1.30 Global Property Secs Inc 46.96xd - -1.61 0.61 11th Floor, Kinwick Centre, 32, Hollywood Road, Central Hong Kong +852 9084 4373
Distribution Inc ♦ F 63.24 - -0.31 4.40 M&G Glbl Emrgng Mkts A Acc 178.05 - 3.53 0.97 Greater China Opportunities Class AA $ 0.8813 - -0.0231 0.00 Other International Funds
UK Smaller Companies Equity (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 257.08 - 1.57 1.32 Income Acc ... C 49.74xd - 0.01 6.65
Lloyds Investment Fund Managers Limited (1000)F (JER) M&G Glbl Emrgng Mkts A Inc 172.01 - 3.40 0.98 Northwest $ class $ 2331.51 - -97.83 0.00
Distribution Inc (Gross) ♦ F 63.23 - -0.36 4.40 UK Strategic Income (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 710.39 - -2.62 3.47 Income Inc ... C 46.81xd - -0.18 6.71 Healthcare Fund Class AA F $ 1.8714 - -0.0512 0.00
PO Box 311, 11-12 Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 8ZU 01534 845555 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds (LUX)
Other International Funds M&G Global Macro Bond Fund A Acc 105.70xd - 0.45 0.87 6b Route de Trèves L-2633 Senningerberg Luxembourg (352) 34 64 61 Northwest Warrant $ class $ 2413.75 - -188.47 0.00
Emerging European Acc ♦ F 34.03 - 0.69 3.00 UK Strategic Income (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 532.57 - -1.96 3.55 Japan Acc 276.60 - -11.00 0.00 India Equity Fund Class AA F $ 1.2952 - -0.0246 0.00
Lloydstrust Gilt £ 12.2500 - -0.0200 2.43 M&G Global Macro Bond Fund A Inc 73.34xd - 0.32 0.87
Emerging European Inc ♦ F 31.03 - 0.63 3.08 US Equity (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 215.03 - -2.76 0.04 Japan Inc 66.58 - -2.65 0.00 International Growth Fund Class A F $ 4.4042 - -0.0848 0.14
FCA Recognised
Lloyds Investment Funds Limited M&G Global High Yield Bond X Inc 49.59 - 0.24 4.30
European Equity Acc ♦ F 826.55 - -10.42 2.27 Multi-Asset Inc Mth Inc ... C 63.01xd - -0.69 3.86 International Growth Fund Class AA F $ 1.0107 - -0.0195 0.00 US Advantage A F $ 54.57 - -1.14 0.00
Euro High Income € 1.6220 - -0.0040 2.91
European Equity Inc ♦ F 699.32 - -8.81 2.32 M&G Global High Yield Bond X Acc 115.94 - 0.56 4.30 Japanese Growth Fund Class A F $ 3.2587 - -0.0888 0.61
Multi-Asset Inc Acc... C 83.54xd - -0.64 3.77 Asian Equity A F $ 39.36 - -0.76 0.00
European £ 7.1870 - -0.0850 1.42
European Equity Income Acc ♦ F 72.07 - -0.74 3.51 M&G Managed Growth X Inc 73.60 - 1.09 0.70 Japanese Growth Fund Class AA F $ 0.8377 - -0.0228 0.00
Multi-Asset Inc Inc... C 63.21xd - -0.49 3.86 Asian Property A F $ 17.06 - -0.41 0.00
High Income £ 0.8614xd - -0.0042 5.04
European Equity Income Inc ♦ F 55.79 - -0.57 3.60 M&G Optimal Income A Inc 142.47 - 0.35 1.94 Latin America Equity Fund Class AA F $ 0.7042 - -0.0015 1.85
Multi-Asset Macro Acc 67.72 - 0.09 0.00 Asian Property AX F £ 10.47 - -0.12 0.54
International £ 3.8950 - -0.0350 1.13
European High Income Acc ♦ F 79.23 - -0.34 3.40 M&G Optimal Income A Acc 186.79 - 0.47 1.94 Russia Equity Fund Class AA F $ 0.4107 - 0.0070 0.00
Multi-Asset Macro Inc 67.73 - 0.09 0.00 Diversified Alpha Plus A F € 31.34 - 0.01 0.00
North American £ 15.1900 - -0.0700 0.20 Oasis Crescent Management Company Ltd
European High Income Inc ♦ F 57.81 - -0.39 3.45 M&G Recovery GBP A Inc 118.16 - 1.15 0.74 Taiwan Equity Fund Class AA F $ 1.4645 - -0.0243 0.23
Multi-Manager Growth Acc 694.20 - -7.10 0.48 Emerg Europ, Mid-East & Africa Eq A F € 65.83 - -0.04 0.00 Other International Funds
Sterling Bond £ 1.4650 - -0.0010 3.65
European Opportunities Inc ♦ F 84.74 - -0.33 0.16 Invesco (LUX) Multi-Manager Growth Inc 647.90 - -6.60 0.48
M&G Recovery GBP A Acc 265.32 - 2.59 0.74 Turkey Equity Fund Class AA F $ 0.6534 - -0.0126 0.00 Emerging Markets Debt A F $ 75.37 - 0.22 0.00 Oasis Crescent Equity Fund R 9.28 - 0.02 0.00
Dublin 00 353 1 439 8100 Hong Kong 00852 3191 8282 UK £ 6.5370 - -0.0660 1.41
European Opportunities Acc ♦ F 86.78 - -0.33 0.16 M&G Strategic Corp Bond A Inc 72.98 - 0.19 2.74 US Bond Fund Class AA F $ 1.2069 - -0.0020 3.94
FCA Recognised Natural Resources Acc 348.00 - 2.90 0.12 Emerging Markets Domestic Debt AX F £ 10.38 - -0.04 5.78
Lloyds Gilt Fund Limited
European Smlr Cos Acc ♦ F 190.29 - -0.92 0.23 Invesco Management SA M&G Strategic Corp Bond A Acc 104.19 - 0.27 2.74 U.S. Bond Fund Class AA Inc F $ 0.9774 - -0.0016 3.14
Natural Resources Inc 24.64 - 0.20 0.12 Lloyds Gilt Fund Quarterly Share £ 1.2740 - -0.0010 1.97 Emerging Markets Equity A F $ 32.61 - -0.52 0.00 Oasis Global Mgmt Co (Ireland) Ltd (IRL)
Invesco Active Multi-Sector Credit Fund A € 2.92 - 0.00 0.00 M&G Global Leaders GBP A Inc 185.77 - 3.72 1.47 Regulated
Global Bd Acc (Gross) ♦ F 129.31 - 0.23 1.17 New Europe Acc 132.50 - 2.40 2.74 Monthly Share £ 1.2240xd - -0.0030 1.97 US Bond Fund Class AA (HKD) HK$ 9.8904 - -0.0171 - Euro Bond A F € 15.60 - 0.00 0.00
Invesco Asia Balanced A dist $ 13.75 - -0.38 3.79 M&G Global Leaders GBP A Acc 433.40 - 8.68 1.45 Oasis Global Investment (Ireland) Plc
Global Bd Inc (Gross) ♦ F 80.10 - 0.15 1.18 New Europe Inc 31.49 - 0.58 2.70 Lloyds Money Fund Limited U.S. Bond Fund Class AA (HKD) IncHK$ 9.7417 - -0.0169 3.05 Euro Corporate Bond AX F £ 21.75 - -0.08 1.71
Oasis Crescent Global Short Term Income Fund $ 1.00 - 0.00 0.49
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand Fund A income $ 12.23 - -0.29 0.20 Sterling Class £ 52.5920 - 0.0010 0.16 M&G UK Inflation Lnkd Corp Bnd A Acc 112.30 - 0.47 0.09
Global Bond Acc ♦ F 121.56 - 0.22 1.17 Portfolio Acc 194.40 - -1.00 0.70 U.S. Special Opportunities Fund Class AA F $ 0.8960 - -0.0004 7.27 Euro Strategic Bond A F € 43.15 - -0.07 0.00
Oasis Global Equity $ 26.50 - -0.05 0.24
Invesco Asia Infrastructure (A) $ 12.25 - -0.39 1.55 Lloyds Multi Strategy Fund Limited M&G UK Inflation Lnkd Corp Bnd A Inc 110.69 - 0.46 0.09
Global Bond Inc ♦ F 80.00 - 0.14 1.18 Sterling Corporate Bond Acc 82.00xd - -0.08 2.56 U.S. Special Opportunities Fund Class AA (HKD)HK$ 9.5989 - 0.0104 - European Currencies High Yield Bd A F € 21.76 - 0.11 0.00 Oasis Crescent Global Investment Fund (Ireland) plc
Invesco Asia Opportunities Equity A $ 98.60 - -1.70 0.00 Conservative Strategy £ 1.0890 - 0.0020 1.97
Glbl Distribution Acc 52.38 - -0.16 4.14 Sterling Corporate Bond Inc 51.53xd - -0.05 2.57 U.S. Special Opportunities Fund Class AA Inc $ 0.8843 - -0.0004 4.66 European Equity Alpha A F € 43.80 - 0.07 0.00 Oasis Crescent Global Equity Fund $ 26.92 - -0.02 0.00
Invesco Balanced Risk Allocation Fund A € 14.59 - -0.12 0.00 Growth Strategy £ 1.4640 - 0.0100 1.32
Glbl Distribution Acc (Gross) 52.97 - -0.16 4.14 Strategic Bond Acc 68.61xd - 0.04 2.69 M & G Securities Ltd (UK) US Small Cap Equity Fund Class AA F $ 1.0753 - -0.0120 0.00 European Property A F € 33.97 - -0.70 0.00 Oasis Crescent Variable Balanced Fund £ 10.38 - 0.00 -
Invesco Emerging Europe Equity Fund A $ 8.04 - 0.02 0.00 Aggressive Strategy £ 1.7840 - 0.0150 0.00 Property & Other UK Unit Trusts
Glbl Distribution Inc 50.04 - -0.34 4.17 Strategic Bond Inc 57.26xd - 0.03 2.70 US Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities Fund Class AA F $ 1.2700 - -0.0041 0.06 Eurozone Equity Alpha A F € 11.44 - -0.03 0.00 OasisCresGl Income Class A $ 10.97 - -0.01 2.31
Invesco Emerging Local Currencies Debt A Inc $ 6.99 - -0.03 7.07 Global USD Growth Strategy $ 1.3810 - 0.0080 0.00 Charibond 123.36 - 0.34 5.24
Glbl Distribution Inc (Gross) 50.04 - -0.37 4.17 UK Active Index + E Acc 270.70 - -2.10 3.17 Global Bond A F $ 38.68 - -0.10 0.00 OasisCresGl LowBal D ($) Dist $ 11.64 - -0.02 0.00
Dealing Daily (Accum Units) 3603.75 - 9.92 5.24
Invesco Emerging Mkt Quant.Eq. A $ 9.12 - -0.13 0.00
Global Emerging Markets Acc ♦ F 223.69 - -2.09 1.04 UK Active Index + E Inc 51.05 - -0.38 3.17 Global Brands A F $ 90.79 - -2.01 0.00 OasisCresGl Med Eq Bal A ($) Dist $ 11.77 - -0.03 0.33
Manulife Global Fund
Invesco Energy A $ 18.66 - 0.02 0.00 NAACIF 73.53 - 0.71 4.69
Global Emerging Markets Inc ♦ F 201.72 - -1.88 1.05 UK Dynamic Acc 156.00xd - -1.30 1.51 Other International Funds Global Convertible Bond A F $ 42.03 - -0.24 0.00 Oasis Crescent Gbl Property Eqty $ 9.30 - -0.09 1.91
Invesco Euro Corporate Bond Fund (A) € 17.14 - -0.01 0.00 (Accum Units) 6503.31 - 63.03 4.57 Asia Total Return Fund Class AA $ 0.9617 - -0.0002 -
Global Equity (acc) ♦ F 451.15 - -6.65 0.51 UK Dynamic Inc 127.60xd - -1.00 1.52 Global Property A F $ 26.56 - -0.68 0.00
Invesco Euro Inflation Linked Bond A € 15.37 - -0.02 0.00 M&G Property Portfolio A Acc 132.13 139.08 0.04 3.62 Asia Total Return Fund Class AA (HKD) Inc FHK$ 9.5175 - -0.0033 -
Global Equity (inc) ♦ F 409.00 - -8.55 0.51 UK Eq & Bond Inc Acc ... C 136.80xd - -0.80 3.34 Indian Equity A F $ 34.57 - -0.62 0.00
Invesco Euro Reserve A € 322.82 - 0.00 0.00 Property Portfolio A 122.04 128.46 0.03 3.71 Asia Total Return Fund Class AA Inc $ 0.9107 - -0.0003 3.24
Global Equity Income Acc ♦ F 115.41 - -1.68 3.34 UK Eq & Bond Inc Inc ... C 80.40xd - -0.47 3.41 Latin American Equity A F $ 39.17 - 0.15 0.00
Invesco Euro Bond A € 7.03 - -0.02 0.00 Property Portfolio X 122.04 122.04 0.03 3.69 Asia Value Dividend Equity Fund Class AA F $ 1.5084 - -0.0285 0.00
Global Equity Income Inc ♦ F 93.73 - -3.87 3.43 UK Higher Inc Acc ... C 874.30xd - -6.20 4.29 Short Maturity Euro Bond A F € 20.41 - 0.02 0.00
Invesco European Growth Equity A € 23.32 - -0.44 0.00 Asia Value Dividend Equity Fund Class AA Inc $ 0.9155 - -0.0172 -
Gbl Financial Capital Acc 88.07 - -0.13 4.34 UK Higher Inc Inc ... C 508.20xd - -3.60 4.42 Lombard Odier Funds (Europe) S.A (LUX) US Dollar Liquidity A F $ 13.03 - 0.00 0.00
Invesco Global Absolute Return Fund A Class € 11.20 - -0.02 0.00 M & G (Guernsey) Ltd (GSY) Strategic Income Fund Class AA F $ 1.0781 - -0.0013 4.46
Gbl Financial Capital Inc 75.62 - -0.12 4.47 UK Managed Equity Acc 63.12xd - -0.58 2.11 US Growth A F $ 64.78 - -1.43 0.00
Regulated Regulated
Invesco Global Bond A Inc $ 5.52 - -0.01 0.97 Odey Asset Management LLP (UK)
Gbl Financial Cap Acc Gross 91.89 - -0.13 4.84 UK Managed Equity Inc 53.23xd - -0.49 2.14 Lombard Odier Funds The M&G Offshore Fund Range US Growth AH F € 45.93 - -0.24 0.00
Invesco Global Conservative Fund 90 (EUR) A € 11.94 - 0.03 0.00 40 Dukes Place, London, EC3A 7NH
Gbl Financial Cap Inc Gross 75.96 - -0.11 5.03 UK Smaller Cos Acc 379.40 - 1.00 0.00 Absolute Ret Bond (EUR) PA € 12.02 - 0.00 0.00 Corporate Bond 1306.78 1347.20 -0.33 3.09 Marlborough Fd Managers Ltd (1200)F (UK) US Growth AX F £ 43.00 - -0.28 0.00 Order Desk: 0845 300 2106, Enquiries: 0870 607 2555
Invesco Global Equity Income Fund A $ 57.59 - -1.19 0.00 Absolute Ret Bond (USD) PA $ 17.65 - -0.01 0.00 Marlborough House, 59 Chorley New Road, Bolton, BL1 4QP 0808 145 2500
Global Opportunities Acc ♦ F 90.65 - -1.38 0.49 UK Smaller Cos Inc 73.67 - 0.19 0.00 Global Basics 2213.44 2281.89 38.44 0.00 US Property A F $ 62.50 - -2.06 0.00 Authorised Corporate Director - Capita Financial Managers
Invesco Global Inc Real Estate Sec A dist $ 9.00 - -0.16 2.19 Authorised Inv Funds
Global Smaller Cos Acc ♦ F 1626.16 - -20.43 0.21 UK Strategic Eq Inc Acc ... C 147.10xd - -0.90 3.68 All Roads (CHF) PA SFr 17.49 - 0.03 0.00 Global Leaders 3226.29 3360.72 64.53 1.26 Authorised Inv Funds
CF Odey Continental European GBP R Acc 700.48 - -6.31 0.19
Invesco Global Inv Grd Corp Bond A Dist $ 11.67 - -0.02 3.07 All Roads (USD) PA $ 11.12 - 0.02 0.00 Balanced 149.72 158.24 0.23 0.05
Global Smaller Cos Inc ♦ F 1552.78 - -19.51 0.21 UK Strategic Eq Inc Inc ... C 96.25xd - -0.58 3.77 Global High Yield Bond 976.22 1006.41 1.20 4.30
Morgens Waterfall Inc CF Odey Opus GBP R Inc 3646.01 - -38.41 0.00
Invesco Global Leisure A $ 35.11 - -1.03 0.00 All Roads (GBP) PA £ 11.35 - 0.02 0.00 Bond Income 49.81 52.71 -0.46 4.91
Global Targeted Rets Acc 56.17 - 0.11 0.29 UK Strategic Gth Acc 109.00 - -0.50 1.21 Global Macro Bond Fund 10992.32 11332.29 47.92 0.89 Other International Funds
CF Odey Absolute Return GBP R 312.27 - 1.86 0.00
Invesco Global Smaller Comp Eq Fd A $ 55.38 - -0.99 0.00 All Roads (EUR) PA € 11.27 - 0.01 0.00 Cash 50.17 - 0.00 0.32 Phaeton Intl (BVI) Ltd (Est) $ 412.16 - 9.41 0.00
High Income Acc ♦ F 798.81 - -3.79 3.45 UK Strategic Gth Inc 101.70 - -0.40 1.22 North American Dividend Fund 151.01 157.30 3.89 0.63
CF Odey Portfolio Fund GBP R Inc 140.36 - -2.94 0.07
Invesco Global Structured Equity A $ 44.51 - -1.06 0.76 Alpha Japan (EUR) PA F € 11.59 - -0.09 0.00 Cautious Inc 81.78 86.07 0.35 1.33
High Income Inc ♦ F 440.65 - -2.09 3.53 US Acc 674.00 - -12.00 0.00 Optimal Income Fund 141.33 145.70 0.15 1.94
Invesco Global Total Ret.(EUR) Bond Fund A € 13.27 - -0.01 0.00 Alpha Japan (CHF) PA F SFr 14.49 - -0.11 0.00 Defensive A Inc 115.87 - 0.19 0.98
High Yield Fund Acc 107.94 - 0.16 4.86 US Inc 93.28 - -1.67 0.00 Recovery Fund Limited 'A' Participating Shares 10206.85 10632.14 -27.97 0.43
Invesco Gold & Precious Metals A $ 3.75 - -0.03 0.00 Alpha Japan (JPY) PA F ¥ 1376.00 - -11.00 0.00 Emerging Markets 209.67 - -1.20 1.82 Odey Asset Management LLP (CYM)
High Yield Fund Acc (Gross) 125.67 - 0.19 4.83 US Equity Income Acc ... C 112.80xd - -2.50 2.23 Recovery Fund Limited 'I' Participating Shares 10212.33 10315.48 -27.15 1.24
Invesco Greater China Equity A $ 41.33 - -0.76 0.00 Alpha Japan (USD) PA F $ 16.59 - -0.13 0.00 ETF Global Growth A 150.66 - 0.08 0.00
High Yield Fund Inc 43.19 - 0.06 4.98 US Equity Income £ hdg Inc ... C 93.97xd - -2.24 2.30 Strategic Corporate Bond Fund 132.69 138.22 0.18 2.74 OEI Mac Inc GBP A £ 363.01 - 4.91 0.00
Invesco India Equity A $ 51.54 - -1.00 0.00 Alternative Beta PA F SFr 115.34 - -0.62 0.00 ETF Commodity A 72.38 - 2.88 0.00
High Yield Fund Inc (Gross) 43.26 - 0.07 4.98 US Equity Income Inc ... C 96.26xd - -2.08 2.25 UK Growth 1482.20 1543.96 -9.27 1.20 OEI Mac Inc GBP B £ 196.98 - 2.63 0.00
Invesco Japanese Equity Adv Fd A ¥ 3614.00 - -148.00 0.00 Alternative Beta PA F € 77.79 - -0.43 0.00 European Multi-Cap 265.20 - -1.64 0.20
Hong Kong & China Acc ♦ F 429.42 - -8.26 0.80 US Select Acc 105.00 - -2.10 0.00 OEI MAC Inc USD $ 1943.43 - 26.13 0.00
Invesco Japanese Value Eq Fd A ¥ 1184.00 - -46.00 0.00 Alternative Beta PA F $ 116.33 - -0.62 0.00 Extra Income 77.75 82.27 -0.32 4.56 Natixis International Funds (Lux) I SICAV (LUX)
Income & Growth Acc ♦ F 927.22 - -4.29 4.19 US Select Inc 103.70 - -2.00 0.00 Odey European Inc EUR € 846.63 - 15.90 0.00
Cannon Bridge House, 25 Dowgate Hill, London, EC4R 2YA 0044 20 3216 9000
Invesco Latin American Equity A $ 6.04 - -0.03 0.00 Commodities (CHF) PA SFr 5.34 - 0.00 0.00 Far East Growth A Inc 146.92 - -1.09 2.03
Income & Growth Inc ♦ F 402.27 - -1.87 4.31 US Smaller Cos Acc 370.00 - -4.20 0.00 FCA Recognised Odey European Inc GBP A £ 324.51 - 6.17 0.00
Invesco Nippon Small/Mid Cap Equity A ¥ 989.00 - -41.00 0.00 Commodities (EUR) PA € 5.40 - 0.00 0.00 Global 173.13 182.22 2.13 0.00 Harris Global Equity R/A (USD) $ 254.77 254.77 -1.85 0.00
Income Acc ♦ F 3080.97 - -11.80 3.29 US Smaller Cos Inc 96.97 - -1.09 0.00 Odey European Inc GBP B £ 184.16 - 3.50 0.00
Invesco Pan European Equity A EUR Cap NAV € 18.94 - -0.42 0.00 Commodities (USD) PA $ 5.58 - 0.00 0.00 Global Bond Inc 135.14 143.00 0.05 3.22 Harris Concentrated US Equity H-N/A (GBP) £ 136.26 136.26 -0.30 0.00
Income Inc ♦ F 1740.12 - -6.67 3.36 Odey European Inc USD $ 390.05 - 7.39 0.00
Invesco Pan European High Income Fd A € 13.84 - -0.13 2.20 Convertible Bd P A € 17.24 - -0.03 0.00 High Yield Fixed Interest 73.58 78.07 -0.06 5.64 Harris Concentrated US Equity R/D (GBP) £ 96.02 96.02 -0.39 36.41
Japan Acc ♦ F 304.34 - -10.11 0.31 Giano Capital EUR Inc € 4423.88 - -73.35 0.00
JPMorgan Charity Funds (UK)
Japanese Smlr Cos Acc ♦ F 64.02 - -1.03 0.00
Invesco Pan European Small Cap Equity A € 22.48 - -0.22 0.00
60 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0JP 020 7742 9175 Convertible Bd Asia PA F SFr 13.42 - -0.02 0.00 MFS Investment Funds (LUX) Multi Cap Income A Inc 155.86 - -0.18 4.32 Loomis Sayles Strategic Alpha Bond Fund H-N/D(GBP) £ 98.62 98.62 0.10 0.90
Property & Other UK Unit Trusts FCA Recognised
Invesco Pan European Structured Equity A € 16.35 - -0.32 0.00 Convertible Bd Asia PA F € 14.30 - -0.02 0.00 Nano-Cap Growth A Acc 101.9920 112.4100 -0.0242 -
Latin America Acc ♦ F 102.83 - -1.26 1.53
UK Equity Fund for Charities I...C £ 2.716000 2.726690 -0.021670 3.51 Blend.Research Gb.Eq.Fd. € 99.48 - -0.67 - Odey Asset Management LLP (IRL)
Invesco UK Eqty Income A £ 30.81 - -0.12 0.00 Convertible Bd Asia PA F $ 14.39 - -0.03 0.00 Special Situations A Acc 1146.00 1212.70 1.42 0.39
Latin America Inc ♦ F 85.60 - -1.94 1.54 Natixis International Funds (Dublin) I plc (IRL) FCA Recognised
Bond Fund for Charities £ 1.345540 1.351790 -0.002280 3.75 Blend.Research Gb.Eq.Fd. £ 97.38 - -0.96 -
Invesco UK Investment Grade Bond A £ 0.98 - -0.01 2.93 Emerg. Consumer (CHF) PA SFr 11.47 - -0.05 0.00 UK Multi-Cap Growth A Inc 230.90 244.34 -0.97 0.40 Cannon Bridge House, 25 Dowgate Hill, London, EC4R 2YA +44 (0)20 3216 9000 Odey Pan European EUR R € 340.79 - 1.71 0.00
Managed Growth Acc ♦ F 155.64 - -1.61 0.73
Blend.Research U.S.Core Eq.Fd. ¥ 9984.00 - -74.00 - Regulated
Invesco US Structured Equity A $ 20.30 - -0.53 0.00 Emerg. Consumer (EUR) PA € 11.60 - -0.05 0.00 UK Micro Cap Growth A 472.03 499.50 0.60 0.00 Odey Allegra European EUR O € 262.97 - 0.88 0.00
Managed Growth Inc ♦ F 129.57 - -1.34 0.73
Blend.Research Gb.Eq.Fd. $ 98.41 - -0.80 - Loomis Sayles Global Opportunistic Bond R/D (GBP) £ 13.40 13.40 -0.05 1.13
Invesco US Value Eq Fd A $ 30.13 - -0.63 0.00 Emerg. Consumer (USD) PA $ 11.57 - -0.06 0.00 US Multi-Cap Income 304.96 - -0.33 0.18 Odey Allegra International EUR O € 174.05 - 1.01 0.00
Managed Income Acc ♦ F 155.12 - -1.37 3.21
Em.Mk.Eq.Fund Euro € 104.41 - -0.36 0.00 Loomis Sayles High Income R/D (USD) $ 8.87 8.87 -0.01 13.86
Invesco USD Reserve A $ 87.02 - 0.00 0.00 Emerg.Eq. Risk Par.(EUR) PA € 7.68 - 0.03 0.00 MFM - Third Party Funds Odey Allegra Developed Markets USD I $ 129.02 - 0.78 0.00
Managed Income Inc ♦ F 95.59 - -1.05 3.27
Em.Mk.Eq.Fund Sterling £ 89.45 - -0.59 0.00 Loomis Sayles Multisector Income R/D (GBP) £ 12.99 12.99 -0.05 4.60
Junior Oils 73.68 77.97 5.26 0.00
Money Acc ♦ F 90.12 - 0.00 0.22 Emerg. Eq. Risk Par.(USD) PA $ 6.02 - 0.02 0.00 Odey European Focus Fund € 17.62 - 0.03 0.53
Em.Mk.Eq.Fd.US Dollar $ 89.35 - -0.44 0.00
Junior Gold C Acc 21.54 - 0.81 0.00
Money Acc (Gross) ♦ F 95.23 - 0.00 0.22 Invesco Global Asset Management Ltd (IRL) Emerg. Loc.Cur.&Bds DH (CHF) PASFr 7.88 - 0.00 0.00 Odey Atlas Fund GBP I S £ 1.17 - 0.00 0.00
Em.Mk.Loc.Ccy Debt Fd.FC ¥ 7946.00 - -81.00 6.15 Natixis International Funds (UK)
Dublin 00 353 1 439 8100 Hong Kong 00 852 2842 7200 MFM Artorius Fund 144.28 - -7.41 0.19
Monthly Income Plus Acc ♦ F 295.87 - 0.00 4.76 Emerg.Loc.Cur.Bd.Fdt PA SFr 8.10 - 0.02 0.00 Odey Giano European Fund EUR R € 117.00 - -0.53 0.00
FCA Recognised GAM Em.Mk.Loc.Ccy Debt Fd.FD ¥ 9646.00 - -88.00 6.45 Cannon Bridge House, 25 Dowgate Hill, London, EC4R 2YA 0044 20 3216 9000
MFM Bowland 148.99 161.07 -7.47 0.00
Monthly Income Plus Acc (Gross) ♦ F 347.20 - 0.03 4.73, Emerg.Loc.Cur.Bd.Fdt PA € 10.77 - -0.03 0.00 Authorised Funds Odey Naver Fund EUR I € 123.96 - 0.09 0.00
Invesco Stlg Bd A QD F £ 2.59 - -0.02 3.37 Gb.Conc.Eq.Fd.Euro € 263.43 - -2.06 0.00
Regulated MFM Hathaway Inc 101.87 106.67 -2.02 1.60 H2O MultiReturns Fund N/A (GBP) $ 12.51 12.51 -0.02 1.77
Monthly Income Plus Inc ♦ F 109.74 - -0.40 4.85 Emerg.Loc.Cur.Bd.Fdt PA $ 8.38 - -0.04 0.00 Odey Odyssey USD I $ 157.00 - 0.37 0.00
Invesco Asian Equity A $ 5.87 - -0.09 0.55 Gb.Conc.Eq.Fd.Sterl.UK T £ 160.45 - -1.76 0.00
JB BF ABS-EUR B € 105.02 - 0.01 0.00 MFM SGWM Managed A Acc 121.31 - 1.08 0.16 H2O MultiReturns Fund I/A (GBP) £ 1.35 - 0.00 1.67
Monthly Income Plus Inc (Gross) ♦ F 109.86 - -0.49 4.85 Euro BBB-BB Fdt PA SFr 15.49 - -0.01 0.00 Odey Orion Fund EUR I € 123.28 - 0.46 0.00
Invesco ASEAN Equity A $ 88.85 - -0.60 0.44 Gb.Conc.Eq.Fd.Sterling £ 243.02 - -2.67 0.00
JB BF Abs Ret Def-EUR B € 110.74 - -0.06 0.00 MFM Techinvest Special Situations Acc 127.29 - -4.10 0.01 Harris Associates Global Concentrated Equity Fund N/A (GBP) £ 0.99 - -0.02 0.00
Pacific Acc ♦ F 910.15 - -21.40 0.40 Euro BBB-BB Fdt PA € 12.29 - -0.01 0.00 Odey Swan Fund EUR I € 100.49 - -0.78 0.00
Invesco Bond A $ 27.07 - 0.04 2.20 Gb.Conc.Eq.Fd.US $ 186.83 - -1.73 0.00
JB BF Abs Ret EM-USD B $ 116.80 - 0.02 0.00 MFM Techinvest Technology Acc 337.06 - -28.75 0.00 Harris Associates Global Concentrated Equity Fund I/A(GBP) £ 1.00 - -0.01 0.00
Pacific Inc ♦ F 835.95 - -19.66 0.40 Euro BBB-BB Fdt PA £ 10.86 - -0.01 0.00 Odey European Absolute Return GBP S £ 100.13 - -0.22 0.00
Invesco Continental Eurp Small Cap Eqty A $ 197.89 - -1.54 0.00 Gb.Eq.Hdg Fd.Euro IRE T € 177.15 - -1.17 0.00
JB BF Abs Ret-EUR B € 129.95 - -0.16 0.00 MFM UK Primary Opportunities A Inc 308.63 - -1.32 1.43 Loomis Sayles Strategic Income H-N/D (GBP) £ 0.93 - 0.00 4.47
Tactical Bond Acc ♦ F 68.39 - 0.01 0.97 Euro BBB-BB Fdt PA $ 17.44 - -0.02 0.00
Invesco Emerging Markets Equity A $ 34.15 - -0.45 0.00 Gb.Eq.Euro Hdg Fd. € 251.12 - -1.66 0.00
JB BF Abs Ret Pl-EUR B € 128.66 - -0.28 0.00 Slater Investments Ltd - Investment Adviser
Euro Credit Bd PA F € 12.84 - -0.02 0.00 Loomis Sayles Strategic Income H-N/A (GBP) £ 1.01 - 0.00 4.35
Tactical Bond Inc ♦ F 59.52 - 0.01 0.97 Invesco Emerging Markets Bond A $ 20.64 - 0.00 4.87 MFM Slater Growth 386.49 410.07 0.59 0.11 Odey Wealth Management (CI) Ltd (IRL)
JB BF EM Corporate-USD B $ 107.30 - -0.03 0.00 Gb.Eq.Fund Euro € 271.78 - -1.67 0.00
Euro Government Fdt PA € 12.36 - -0.03 0.00 Loomis Sayles US Equity Leaders N/A (GBP) £ 1.33 - -0.03 0.28
Tactical Bond Acc (Gross) ♦ F 70.92 - 0.02 0.97 Invesco Continental European Equity A € 8.66 - -0.16 0.20 MFM Slater Income A Inc 160.19 - -0.18 3.86
JB BF EM Infl Link-USD B $ 82.06 - -0.55 0.00 Gb.Eq. Fd Euro IRE T € 171.91 - -1.05 0.00 FCA Recognised
Euro Inflation-Lk Fdt PA € 11.86 - 0.00 0.00 Loomis Sayles US Equity Leaders I/A (GBP) £ 1.31 - -0.03 0.49
Tactical Bond Inc (Gross) ♦ F 59.60 - 0.01 0.98 Invesco Gilt A £ 14.95 - -0.02 1.46 MFM Slater Recovery 166.75 176.92 0.61 0.25
JB BF EM Inv Grade-USD B $ 98.94 - -0.07 0.00 Gb.Eq.Fd.Sterling UK T £ 200.16 - -1.86 0.00 Odey Opportunity EUR I € 218.36 - 0.44 0.00
UK Aggressive Acc ♦ F 194.01 - -1.75 1.87 Euro Resp.Corp. Fdt PA € 18.08 - -0.03 0.00
Invesco Global Small Cap Equity A NAV $ 118.51 - -1.78 0.00 Gb.Eq.Fd.US Dollar $ 304.41 - -2.31 0.00
JB Emerging (EUR)-EUR B € 331.77 - -0.33 0.00
UK Aggressive Inc ♦ F 161.57 - -1.46 1.90 Invesco Global High Income A NAV $ 12.40 - 0.01 5.46
Europe High Conviction PA € - - - 0.00 NatWest (2230)F (UK)
JB Emerging (USD)-USD B $ 404.32 - -0.07 0.00 Gb.Eq.Fund Sterling £ 197.98 - -1.85 0.00 Marlborough International Management Limited (GSY)
Eurozone Small&Mid Caps PA € 50.50 - -0.02 0.00
PO Box 23873, Edinburgh EH7 5WJ** Omnia Fund Ltd
UK Growth Acc ♦ F 531.82 - -4.14 1.90 Invesco Gbl R/Est Secs A GBP F F £ 7.34 - -0.12 0.94 Tudor House, Le Bordage, St Peter Port, Guernsey, CI, GY1 1DB +44 1481 71520
JB BF Local EM-USD B $ 254.11 - -1.79 0.00 Gb.Val.Ex-Jap.Fd.USD $ 113.56 - -0.73 0.00 Enquiries: 0800 085 5588 Other International Funds
UK Growth Inc ♦ F 337.41 - -2.63 1.93 Fdmt.Eq.L/S SH Sd EUR PA € 10.96 - 0.00 0.00 FCA Recognised Authorised Inv Funds
Invesco Global Health Care A $ 132.76 - -4.96 0.00 Gb.Val.Ex-Japan Fd.Yen ¥ 13532.00 - -67.00 0.00 Estimated NAV $ 979.10 - 25.55 0.00
JB BF Total Ret-EUR B € 98.60 - 0.03 0.00 Marlborough North American Fund Ltd £ 28.78 29.07 -1.59 0.00 Series 1(Minimum initial investment 16375,000)
UK Smaller Cos Equity Acc ♦ F 856.79 - 5.17 0.80 Fdmt.Eq.L/S SH Sd USD PA $ 10.98 - -0.01 0.00
Invesco Global Select Equity A $ 12.79 - -0.26 0.00 Low Volatility Gb.Eq.Fd. € 98.73 - -0.40 -
JB EF Abs Ret Eur-EUR B € 120.08 - 0.10 0.00 Marlborough Tiger Fund Ltd F £ 23.08 23.31 -1.67 0.00 United Kingdom Equity Index Fund £ 12.41 - 0.12 2.76
UK Smaller Cos Equity Inc ♦ F 656.11 - 3.95 0.80 Gbl.Gvt.Fdmt PA € 10.32 - -0.03 0.00
Invesco Jap Eqty Core A $ 1.80 - -0.04 0.00 Low Volatility Gb.Eq.Fd. £ 96.64 - -0.70 -
JB EF Euro Value-EUR B € 183.27 - -1.75 0.00 UK Specialist Equity Inc £ 19.08 - 0.14 0.41
UK Strategic Income Acc ♦ F 179.02 - -0.67 3.48 Gbl.Gvt.Fdmt.(CHF) PA SFr 22.42 - 0.06 0.00
Invesco Japanese Equity A $ 17.69 - -0.51 0.00 Low Volatility Gb.Eq.Fd. $ 97.65 - -0.55 -
JB EF Japan-JPY B ¥ 16600.00 - -638.00 0.00 Contl Europe Spec Equity £ 15.69 - 0.01 0.00
UK Strategic Income Inc ♦ F 134.20 - -0.50 3.57 Invesco Korean Equity A $ 33.42 - -0.56 0.00
Gbl.Gvt.Fdt.SH (CHF) PA SFr 26.52 - -0.04 0.00 Marwyn Asset Management Limited (CYM)
JB EF Luxury B-EUR B € 215.56 - -1.32 0.00 Regulated US Spec Equity Fund £ 13.24 - 0.10 0.00
US Equity Acc ♦ F 516.89 - -6.67 0.00 Gbl.5B Fdmt (EUR) PA € 11.69 - 0.01 0.00
Invesco PRC Equity A $ 47.83 - -1.51 0.00
JB Ms EF Special Val. EUR/A € 137.18 - -0.26 0.80 MFS Meridian Funds SICAV (LUX) Marwyn Value Investors £ 535.69 - -21.99 0.00 Japan Specialist Fund X £ 9.56 - 0.18 0.00
Invesco Perpetual Funds (No Trail) Gbl.5B Fdmt (CHF) PA SFr 10.36 - 0.06 0.00
Invesco Pacific Equity A $ 44.97 - -0.92 0.19 Regulated
JB Strategy Balanced-CHF/B SFr 148.06 - -0.14 0.00 Pacific Basin Specialist Equity Fund £ 20.36 - -0.44 0.71
Asian (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 166.10 - -2.81 1.56 Gbl.5B Fdmt SH (USD) PA $ 10.92 - 0.00 0.00 Optima Fund Management
Invesco Global Technology A $ 14.81 - -0.60 0.00 Absolute Return A1 € 19.49 - -0.09 0.00
JB Strategy Balanced-EUR € 152.83 - -0.37 0.00 McInroy & Wood Portfolios Limited (UK) UK Sovereign Bd Index Fund £ 10.89 - 0.01 2.60 Other International Funds
Asian (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 151.03 - -2.55 1.57 Generation Global (CHF) PA F SFr 12.70 - -0.02 0.00
Invesco UK Eqty A £ 7.90 - -0.13 1.37 Asia ex-Japan A1 $ 21.82 - -0.13 0.00
JB Strategy Balanced-USD/B $ 128.06 - -0.42 0.00 Easter Alderston, Haddington, EH41 3SF 01620 825867 UK Specialist Equity Income Fund £ 9.64 - 0.06 3.83 Cuttyhunk Fund II Limited $ 1525.63 - -43.67 0.00
Asian Equity Income (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 110.43 - -1.54 4.76 Generation Global (EUR) PA F € 19.30 - -0.14 0.00 Bond A1 $ 10.33 - 0.00 0.00 Authorised Inv Funds
JB Strategy Growth-CHF/B SFr 90.29 - -0.15 0.00 Global Spec Inv Grade Bd Fund GBP £ 9.99 - 0.00 3.21 JENOP Global Healthcare Fund Ltd $ 17.12 - -0.24 0.00
Asian Equity Income (No Trail) Inc 94.10 - -1.31 4.89 Generation Global (USD) PA F $ 14.73 - -0.13 0.00 Balanced Fund Personal Class Units 3806.60 - -25.30 1.95
China Equity Fd A1 $ 8.97 - 0.00 0.00
JB Strategy Growth-EUR € 113.45 - -0.41 0.00 Inflation Lkd Sov Bd Fund £ 12.57 - 0.01 0.67 OPTIKA Fund Limited - Cl A $ 115.74 - -4.14 -
Balanced Risk 6 No Trail Acc 105.03 - -0.16 0.16 Global Energy (USD) PA F $ 7.05 - 0.14 0.00 Income Fund Personal Class Units 2327.70 - -7.20 2.95
Continental European Eqty A1 € 17.13 - -0.05 0.00
JB Strategy Inc-CHF/B SFr 118.85 - -0.03 0.00 Global Emerg Mkts Equity Fund X £ 10.48 - -0.13 0.57 Optima Fd NAV $ 94.52 - -1.59 0.00
Balanced Risk 8 No Trail Acc 107.50 - -0.28 0.44 Golden Age (CHF) PA F SFr 21.71 - -0.19 0.00 Emerging Markets Fund Personal Class Units 1540.80 - -12.70 2.53
Emer Mkts Debt Lo Curr Fd A1 $ 11.22 - 0.00 0.00
JB Strategy Inc-EUR/B € 158.62 - -0.25 0.00 Series 2 (Investment Management customers only) Optima Discretionary Macro Fund Limited $ 87.21 - -1.06 0.00
Balanced Risk 10 No Trail Acc 109.79 - -0.36 0.59 Golden Age (EUR) PA € 14.75 - -0.12 0.00 Smaller Companies Fund Personal Class Units 3522.50xd - 7.40 1.76
Emerging Markets Debt A1 $ 32.89 - 0.03 0.00 United Kingdom Equity Index Fund £ 12.42 - 0.11 3.24
JB Strategy Inc-USD/B $ 145.60 - -0.29 0.00 The Dorset Energy Fd Ltd NAV $ 30.55 - 1.64 0.00
Corporate Bond (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 162.71 - -0.01 3.89 Golden Age (USD) PA F $ 20.45 - -0.18 0.00 Emerging Markets Eq.A1 $ 10.05 - -0.04 0.00 UK Specialist Equity Inc £ 19.29 - 0.14 1.74 Platinum Fd Ltd $ 83.56 - -4.56 0.00
Corporate Bond (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 117.05 - -0.01 3.98 Invest AD Sh.T- Money Mkt EUR PA € 112.32 - -0.01 0.00 European Concentrated A1 € 17.18 - -0.07 0.00 Meridian Fund Managers Ltd Contl Europe Spec Equity £ 16.49 - 0.01 0.62
Client services: +971 2 692 6101 Platinum Fd Ltd EUR € 16.26 - -0.86 0.00
Distribution (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 165.41 - -0.15 4.31 Sh.T- Money Mkt CHF PA SFr 128.85 - -0.01 0.00 Other International Funds
Other International Funds European Core Eq A1 € 30.33 - -0.14 0.00 US Spec Equity Fund £ 13.82 - 0.11 0.16
Global Gold & Resources Fund $ 180.02 - -1.51 - Platinum Japan Fd Ltd $ 53.86 - -2.22 0.00
Distribution (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 110.33 - -0.53 4.39 Sh.T- Money Mkt GBP PA £ 10.27 - 0.00 0.00
Invest AD - Iraq Opportunity Fund $ 64.61 - -0.70 0.00 European Res.A1 € 31.84 - -0.19 0.00 Japan Specialist Fund X £ 10.16 - 0.20 0.52
Global Energy & Resources Fund $ 37.95 - -6.10 - Optima Partners Global Fd (Est) $ 14.94 - 0.24 0.00
Emerging European (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 70.73 - 1.44 3.60 Sh.T- Money Mkt USD PA $ 10.30 - 0.00 0.00
Invest AD - Emerging Africa Fund $ 955.66 - 8.11 0.00 European Smaller Companies A1 € 49.80 - -0.13 0.00 Pacific Basin Specialist Equity Fund £ 20.30 - -0.44 1.41 Optima Partners Focus Fund A $ 16.87 - -0.36 0.00
Emerging European (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 62.50 - 1.27 3.71 Sw.Fr.Bd(For) PA SFr 23.75 - -0.01 0.00
Invest AD - GCC Focus Fund $ 1529.14 - -17.82 0.00 European Value A1 € 34.64 - -0.13 0.00 UK Sovereign Bd Index Fund £ 11.06 - 0.01 2.60
European Equity (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 145.79 - -1.83 2.78 Sw.Fr.Credit Bd(For) PA SFr 13.65 - -0.01 0.00 Metage Capital
Kames Capital ICVC (UK) Global Conc.A1 $ 34.93 - -0.32 0.00 UK Specialist Equity Income Fund £ 10.39 - 0.06 3.78
European Equity (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 123.14 - -1.55 2.86 Other International Funds Oryx International Growth Fund Ltd
Kames House, 3 Lochside Crescent, Edinburgh, EH12 9SA Tactical Alpha (CHF) PA SFr 10.08 - 0.00 0.00 Global Credit Fund $ 10.34 - 0.00 0.00
MGS -Master Series (Est) $ 240.66 - -2.89 - Global Spec Inv Grade Bd Fund GBP £ 10.14 - 0.01 3.21 Other International Funds
European Equity Income (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 148.33 - -1.50 3.50 0800 45 44 22
Tactical Alpha (EUR) PA € 10.39 - 0.00 0.00 Global Energy Fund A1 $ 12.79 - 0.05 0.00
Authorised Funds MEMO - Master Series $ 501.03 - -3.56 0.00 Inflation Lkd Sov Bd Fund £ 12.69 - 0.01 0.67 NAV (Fully Diluted) £ 6.45 - 0.27 0.00
European Equity Income (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 114.84 - -1.17 3.59 Tactical Alpha (USD) PA $ 14.93 - 0.00 0.00
Diversified Income B Acc 109.51 - -0.46 5.29 Global Equity A1 $ 44.18 - -0.31 0.00 Global Emerg Mkts Equity Fund X £ 10.13 - -0.13 0.79
MEMO - MEMV Series $ 117.28 - -0.07 0.00
European High Income (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 163.10 - -0.70 3.39 Technology PA € 13.14 - -0.16 0.00
Diversified Income B Inc 100.96 - -0.78 5.47 Global Equity A1 € 24.81 - -0.35 0.00 The initial charge you will pay will depend on the amount you invest
European High Income (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 119.00 - -0.81 3.44 Technology PA $ 19.90 - -0.25 0.00 **Address and Telephone number for series 1 only
Diversified Growth A Acc 130.13 - -1.17 2.71 Global High Yield Fund $ 24.81 - 0.02 0.00
European Opportunities (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 181.49 - -0.70 0.66 Ministry of Justice Common Investment Funds (UK)
JPMorgan Asset Mgmt (1200)F (UK) Ethical Cautious Managed A Acc 163.50 - -0.66 1.62 Wld Gold Expertise PAF SFr 9.19 - -0.11 0.00 Global High Yield Fund € 16.00 - -0.10 0.00 Property & Other UK Unit Trusts
European Opportunities (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 172.23 - -0.66 0.67 60 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0JP
Wld Gold Expertise PA € 7.32 - -0.09 0.00 Global Multi-Asset A1 $ 15.41 - 0.03 0.00 Asset Management
Asset Management
Brokerline: 0800 727 770, Clients: 0800 20 40 20 Ethical Cautious Managed A Inc 135.27 - -0.54 1.64 The Equity Idx Tracker Fd Inc 1275.00 1275.00 -17.00 2.85
European Smaller Companies (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 233.46 - -1.11 0.73

Global Balanced Index (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 151.98 - -1.43 1.81

Authorised Inv Funds
JPM Retail OEIC (A class unless stated) Asset Management
Ethical Corporate Bond A Acc

Ethical Corporate Bond A Inc



-0.05 3.32

-0.02 3.32
Wld Gold Expertise PA
LO Selection
$ 9.72 - -0.11 0.00 Global Res.A1

Global Total Return A1

Asset Management $ 25.48

€ 16.97

-0.19 0.00

-0.17 0.00
Distribution Units

Permal Investment Mgmt Svcs Ltd

America Equity Acc 58.14 - -1.27 0.00 Balanced (CHF) PA F SFr 106.80 - 0.09 0.00
Global Bond (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 136.55 - 0.25 1.42
Ethical Equity A Acc 171.06 - -1.34 1.22 Inflation-Adjusted Bond A1 $ 13.99 - -0.01 0.00 Mirabaud Asset Management (LUX)
Other International Funds
America Equity Inc 58.14 - -1.27 0.00 Balanced (EUR) PA F € 124.61 - 0.22 0.00,
Global Bond (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 124.16 - 0.22 1.43 Offshore Fund Class A US $ Shares
High Yield Bond A Acc 115.25 - 0.23 4.07 Japan Equity A1 $ 10.12 - -0.06 0.00
Asia Acc 109.20 - -2.10 0.35 Conservative (CHF) PA F SFr 103.52 - 0.12 0.00 Regulated New Capital Fund Management Ltd (IRL)

Asset Management
Glbl Distribution Acc (No Trail) 105.42 - -0.32 3.86
Leconfield House, Curzon Street, London, W1J 5JB Investment Holdings N.V. $ 5712.21 - -20.57 0.00
High Yield Bond A Inc 52.82 - -0.07 4.07 Latin American Equity Fd A1 $ 12.09 - -0.07 0.00 Mir. Conv. Bds Eur A EUR € 135.58 - -0.04 0.00

Asset Management
Asia Inc 60.61 - -1.15 0.34 Conservative (EUR) PA F € 113.90 - 0.17 0.00 FCA Recognised
Glbl Distribution Inc (No Trail) 100.73 - -0.67 3.93 Macro Holdings Ltd $ 4197.79 - 38.91 0.00
Limited Maturity A1 $ 14.02 - 0.00 0.00
Asset Management
Investment Grade Bond A Acc 158.18 - -0.11 3.04
Asset Management
Mir. Conv. Bds Glb A USD $ 113.96 - -0.03 0.00 New Capital UCITS Funds
Cautious Managed Rt Acc 67.49xd - -0.58 0.18 Global Allocation (GBP) PA F £ 9.89 - -0.01 0.00
Gbl Emerging Markets (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 146.47 - -1.36 1.67 Fixed Income Holdings N.V. $ 386.95 - -15.12 -
Investment Grade Bond A Inc 115.89 - -0.09 3.04 Prudent Wealth Fd A1 $ 14.47 - 0.01 0.00 Mir. - Eq Asia ex Jap A $ 159.90 - -3.00 0.00 Asia Pac Bd USD Inst Inc $ 90.84 - -0.07 3.32
Cautious Managed Rt Inc 59.38xd - -0.52 0.18 Growth (CHF) PA F SFr 111.29 - 0.12 0.00
Gbl Emerging Markets (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 136.10 - -1.26 1.69 Permal Absolute Return Fund $ 169.53 - 2.94 0.00
Sterling Corporate Bond A Acc 69.18 - -0.03 2.95 Research Bond A1 $ 16.52 - -0.01 0.00 Mir. - Eq Glb Emrg Mkt A USD $ 83.94 - -1.61 0.00 Asia Pac Bd USD Ord Inc $ 92.75 - -0.08 2.57
Diversified Real Ret Acc 50.66xd - -0.21 1.06 Growth (EUR) PA F € 134.39 - 0.31 0.00
Global Equity (No Trail) acc ♦ F 198.95 - -2.92 1.04
Sterling Corporate Bond A Inc 30.90 - -0.01 2.95 UK Equity A1 £ 7.85 - -0.03 0.00 Mir. - Eq Global Focus A USD $ 99.96 - -0.53 0.00 Asia Pac Eq EUR Ord Inc € 84.85 - -0.29 3.44
Wednesday 2 September 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 25


Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield

UK Long Term Corp. Bnd Inst-Inst Acc £ 18.89 - 0.05 0.00 LTIF Stability A ACCU € 166.29 - 0.28 -

UK Real Return - Inst Acc £ 23.02 - 0.00 0.00

Taube Hodson Stonex Ptnrs UT (1200)F (UK) Unicorn Asset Management Ltd (UK) Money Market
UK Sterling Long Average Duration - Inst Acc £ 21.56 - 0.02 0.00 50 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London E14 5NT PO Box 10602, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 9PD 0845 026 4287

UK Sterling Low Average Duration - Inst Acc £ 14.03 - 0.00 0.00

SIA (SIA Funds AG) (CH)
Other International Fds
Admin: 50 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London E14 5NT
Dealing & Enquiries: 0870 870 8433
Authorised Inv Funds Trusts and
UK Growth A Inc 397.88 - 0.65 0.00
Bank Accounts
Unconstrained Bond - Inst Acc $ 12.05 - -0.03 0.00 LTIF Stability Growth SFr 185.90 - -14.50 - Authorised Inv Funds
THS Growth & Value Funds Mastertrust A Inc X F 351.77 - -3.42 0.00
LTIF Stability Inc Plus SFr 165.20 - -12.90 6.13 Gross
US Fundam.Index StocksPLUS Inst Inc $ 11.87 - -0.07 0.00
International UK Growth B Inc 400.49 - 0.69 0.23 Gross Net AER Int Cr
Pictet Asset Management (Europe) SA (LUX) US High Yield Bond Fund Inst Acc $ 27.83 - 0.01 0.00 Robeco Asset Management (LUX) Santander Asset Management UK Limited (1200)F (UK)
15, Avenue J.F. Kennedy L-1855 Luxembourg Coolsingel 120, 3011 AG Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 287 St Vincent Street, Glasgow G2 5NB, 0845 6000 181 IGV - Inc A 325.20 - -2.40 2.41 Mastertrust B Inc X F 317.12 - -3.03 0.40
Tel: 0041 58 323 3000 Authorised Funds Smith & Williamson Investment Management (1200)F (UK) IGV - Inc B 324.90 - -2.40 1.59 CCLA Investment Management Ltd
25 Moorgate, London, EC2R 6AY 020 7131 8100 Outstanding British Cos A Acc X F 241.80 - -0.10 0.45
FCA Recognised FCA Recognised Santander Atlas Range Senator House 85 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4V 4ET IGV - Acc X 397.50 - -2.90 1.88 Outstanding British Cos B Acc X F 252.15 - -0.09 1.16 CBF Church of England Deposit Fund 0.50 - 0.50 Qtr
Pictet-Absl Rtn Fix Inc-HI EUR € 106.57 - -0.06 0.00 Asia-Pacific Equities (EUR) € 125.41 - -1.88 0.00 Santander Atlas Port 3 Acc Ret 146.90 - -0.10 -
Authorised Inv Funds
IGV - Acc Y 425.90 - -3.10 2.37 UK Smaller Cos A Inc X F 435.90 - -1.27 0.08
Pictet-Absl Rtn Glo Div-I EUR F € 123.92 - 0.25 0.00 Chinese Equities (EUR) € 69.32 - 0.74 0.00 Santander Atlas Port 3 Inc Ret 102.20 - -0.10 - European Growth Trust A Class 497.00 - -5.80 0.74
IGV - Acc Z 395.00 - -3.00 1.60 UK Smaller Cos B Inc X F 428.63 - -1.21 0.77
CCLA Fund Managers Ltd
Pictet-Agriculture-I EUR F € 187.03 - -0.81 0.00 Em Stars Equities (EUR) € 161.58 - -0.38 0.00 Santander Atlas Port 3 Acc Inst 161.30 - -0.10 - Far Eastern Income and Growth Trust A Class 392.20 - -8.10 3.32 Senator House 85 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4V 4ET
European UK Income A Acc X F 259.68 - -1.24 5.93
Pictet-Asian Equities Ex Japan-I USD F $ 189.17 - -2.56 0.00 Emerging Markets Equities (EUR) € 135.49 - 0.16 0.00 Santander Atlas Port 4 Acc Ret 178.10 - 0.10 - COIF Charities Deposit Fund 0.45 - 0.45 Qtr
Fixed Interest Trust A Class 121.20xd - -0.20 3.39
EGV - Acc S 270.20 - -1.70 -
Pictet-Asian Local Currency Debt-I USD F $ 148.50 - -0.09 0.00 Flex-o-Rente (EUR) € 109.03 - -0.18 0.00 Santander Atlas Port 4 Inc Ret 128.60 - 0.00 - UK Income A Inc X F 235.31 - -1.12 6.17
Platinum Capital Management Ltd Global Gold and Resource Trust A Class 132.00 - 2.20 0.00
EGV - Acc Z 270.20 - -1.70 0.83
Pictet-Biotech-I USD F $ 869.66 - -25.94 0.00 Other International Funds Glob.Consumer Trends Equities (EUR) € 146.91 - -1.22 0.00 Santander Atlas Port 4 Acc Inst 161.60 - 0.10 - UK Income B Acc X F 275.25 - -1.29 5.89
MM Endurance Balanced Fund A Class 209.60 - 0.80 1.21 Continental
Pictet-Brazil Index I USD $ 40.14 - -1.25 0.00
Platinum All Star Fund - A $ 120.00 - - -
High Yield Bonds (EUR) € 125.35 - 0.88 0.00 Santander Atlas Port 5 Acc Ret 187.40 - -0.20 - MM Global Investment Fund A Class 2093.00 - -12.00 1.84
UK Income B Inc X F 249.53 - -1.17 6.13 Data Provided by
CGV Acc S 110.30 - -0.80 -
Platinum Global Dividend Fund - A $ 59.09 - - -
Pictet-CHF Bonds I CHF SFr 505.26 - -0.11 0.00 Lux -O- Rente (EUR) € 138.73 - -0.40 0.00 Santander Atlas Port 5 Acc Inst 158.90 - -0.20 - North American Trust A Class 1654.00 - -7.00 0.00 CGV Acc X 109.60 - -0.80 -
Platinum Global Dividend UCITS Fund $ 68.46 - 0.28 5.32
Pictet-China Index I USD $ 103.10 - 0.06 0.00 New World Financials (EUR) € 51.80 - -0.17 0.00 Santander Atlas Port 6 Acc Ret 254.20 - -0.10 - Oriental Growth Fund A Class 136.40 - -2.20 1.09 CGV Inc A £ 1.10 - -0.01 -
Value Partners Hong Kong Limited (IRL)
Platinum Essential Resources UCITs Fund $ 5.69 - 0.11 0.00,
Pictet-Clean Energy-I USD F $ 79.53 - -1.26 0.00 US Premium Equities (EUR) € 176.59 - -1.17 0.00 Santander Atlas Port 6 Acc X 181.50 - 0.00 - UK Equity Growth Trust A Class 410.60 - -2.80 0.66 CGV Inc B £ 1.10 - -0.01 - Regulated
Platinum Maverick Enhanced Fund Limited $ 103.46 - - 0.00
Pictet-Digital Communication-I USD F $ 238.96 - -3.45 0.00 US Premium Equities (USD) $ 197.29 - -1.29 0.00 Santander Atlas Port 6 Acc Inst 156.20 - 0.00 - UK Equity Income Trust A Class 218.00 - -4.50 6.20 Value Partners Classic Equity Fund USD Z Unhedged $ 10.49 - -0.23 0.00
Pictet-Eastern Europe-I EUR F € 271.26 - 0.79 0.00 Santander Atlas Port 7 Acc Ret 196.70 - 0.20 - Value Partners Classic Equity Fund CHF HedgedSFr 11.00 - -0.25 0.00
The Hartford International Funds (IRL)
Pictet-Em Lcl Ccy Dbt-I USD F $ 155.68 - -0.68 0.00
Royal Bank of Scotland (2230)F (UK) Santander Atlas Port 7 Acc Inst 155.90 - 0.20 -
Smith & Williamson Fd Admin Ltd (1200)F (UK)
Regulated Value Partners Classic Equity Fund EUR Hedged € 11.10 - -0.25 0.00
Pictet-Emerging Markets-I USD F $ 465.06 - -4.17 0.00 PO Box 23873, Edinburgh EH7 5WJ 0800 917 7072 Authorised Inv Funds Gbl Govt Bond (Ex Japan) Index (GBP) £ 1573.73 - -2.57 0.00
25 Moorgate, London, EC2R 6AY 0141 222 1150 Value Partners Classic Equity Fund GBP Hedged £ 11.34 - -0.25 0.00
Authorised Inv Funds Data as shown is for information purposes only. No
Max 70% Shs Acc Ret 161.90 - -1.20 - Authorised Inv Funds
Pictet-Emerging Markets Index-I USD F $ 212.09 - 0.02 -
Series 5 (Minumum Initial Investment £75,000) UK Corporate Bond £ 1550.63 - -1.00 0.00 Value Partners Classic Equity Fund GBP Unhedged £ 11.83 - -0.12 0.00 offer is made by Morningstar or this publication.
Max 70% Shs Inc Ret 137.10 - -1.10 - S&W Deucalion Fd (OEIC) 2102.00 - -89.00 0.24
Pictet-Emerging Corporate Bonds I USD $ 105.63 - -0.02 0.00 United Kingdom Equity Index Fund £ 15.52 - 0.14 2.75 Gilt £ 1578.15 - -0.39 0.00 Value Partners Classic Equity USD Hedged $ 12.87 - -0.28 0.00
Investments Inc Acc Ret 153.70 - -0.30 - S & W Magnum 366.30 387.40 -2.20 1.94
Pictet-Emerging Markets High Dividend I USD $ 93.68 - -0.77 0.00 UK Specialist Equity Inc £ 19.09 - 0.14 0.41 Global Eq (Ex Japan) Index Fund ¥ 1.34 - 0.00 0.00 Value Partners Health Care Fund RMB Class Z UnhedgedCNH 9.11 - -0.04 -
Polar Capital Funds Plc (IRL)
Investments Inc Inc Ret 102.10 - -0.20 - S & W Marathon Trust 184.30 195.10 -0.20 1.92
Pictet-Emerging Markets Sust Eq I USD $ 85.18 - 0.43 0.00 Regulated Contl Europe Specialist Fund £ 23.17 - 0.02 0.00 Global Eq (ex Japan) Class HJ4 ¥ 1.39 - -0.01 0.00 Value Partners Health Care Fund HKD Class A UnhedgedHK$ 8.69 - -0.02 -
Equity Inc Inc Inst 235.40 - -1.40 - Charity Value and Income Fund Acc 134.00 134.80 -0.40 4.72
Pictet-Environmental Megatrend Sel I EUR € 150.69 - -1.37 0.00 Asian Financials I USD $ 270.29 270.29 -4.57 0.00 Japan Specialist Fund X £ 14.47 - 0.27 0.00 Global Eq (ex Japan) Class JP5 ¥ 1.52 - 0.00 0.00 Value Partners Health Care Fund USD Class A Unhedged $ 8.72 - -0.02 -

Guide to Data
Equity Inc Inc Ret 202.20 - -1.30 - Charity Value and Income Fund Inc 91.30 91.80 -0.23 4.86
Pictet-EUR Bonds-I F € 547.15 - -1.13 0.00 Biotechnology I USD $ 19.06 19.06 0.07 0.00 US Spec Equity Fund £ 17.89 - 0.13 0.00 Global Eq Ex Japan Index Fund (Hedge) ¥ 1.39 - 0.00 0.00
European Income Acc EUR € 11.35 11.35 0.04 - Equity Inc Acc Inst 142.10 - -0.90 -
Pictet-EUR Corporate Bonds Ex Fin i EUR € 142.34 - -0.19 0.00 Pacific Basin Specialist Equity Fund £ 35.90 - -0.78 0.72 Gbl Govt Bond (Ex Japan) Index ¥ 1.34 - 0.00 0.00
N&P UK Gwth Inc Ret 158.10 - -1.20 - Veritas Asset Management LLP (IRL)
Pictet-EUR Corporate Bonds-I F € 198.01 - -0.20 0.00 European Ex UK Inc EUR Acc € 9.64 9.64 0.01 - UK Sovereign Bd Index Fund £ 10.67 - 0.00 2.60 Standard Life Wealth (JER) Gbl Govt Bond (ex Japan) Class JP4 ¥ 1.31 - 0.00 0.00 HSSI Ltd, 1 Grand Canal Sq, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland The fund prices quoted on these pages are supplied by
Stckmkt 100 Track Gwth Acc Inst 88.47 - -0.92 - PO Box 189, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9RU 01534 709130
Pictet-EUR Government Bonds I EUR € 155.25 - -0.37 0.00 Financial Opps I USD $ 12.55 - 0.03 2.11 Veritas Funds Plc the operator of the relevant fund. Details of funds
Inflation Lkd Sov Bd Fund £ 12.81 - 0.01 0.67 FCA Recognised Japan Equity Index Fund ¥ 1.01 - -0.05 0.00 published on these pages, including prices, are for the
GEM Growth I USD $ 8.44 - 0.04 0.00 Stckmkt 100 Track Gwth Acc Ret 163.80 - -1.70 - Standard Life Offshore Strategy Fund Limited
Pictet-EUR High Yield-I F € 243.25 - 0.06 0.00 UK Specialist Equity Income Fund £ 9.62 - 0.06 3.83 Japan Equity Class JP3 ¥ 1.23 - -0.06 0.00 +353 1 635 6799 purpose of information only and should only be used
UK Growth Acc Inst 276.40 - -2.10 - Bridge Fund £ 1.5508 - -0.0129 2.13 as a guide. The Financial Times Limited makes no
Pictet-EUR Short Mid-Term Bonds-I F € 136.60 - 0.01 0.00 GEM Income I USD $ 9.50 - 0.05 0.00 FCA Recognised
Global Emerg Mkts Equity Fund X £ 10.12 - -0.13 0.53 representation as to their accuracy or completeness
UK Growth Acc Ret 320.70 - -2.50 - Institutional and they should not be relied upon when making an
Global Alpha I USD $ 12.68 12.68 0.06 0.00 Diversified Assets Fund £ 1.1630 - -0.0039 3.03
Pictet-EUR Short Term HY I EUR € 119.20 - 0.05 0.00 Global Spec Inv Grade Bd Fund GBP £ 9.84 - 0.01 3.21 The National Investor (TNI) Veritas Asian Fund A USD H $ 290.73 - -6.86 0.69 investment decision.
Global Convertible I USD $ 11.57 11.57 0.05 0.00 UK Growth Inc Ret 213.40 - -1.70 - Global Equity Fund £ 1.7795 - -0.0170 1.14
Pictet-EUR Sov.Sht.Mon.Mkt EUR I € 103.06 - 0.00 0.00 Series 6 (Investment Management Customers Only)
Managed OEIC Veritas Asian Fund A GBP H £ 350.76 - -7.48 0.51 The sale of interests in the funds listed on these pages
United Kingdom Equity Index Fund £ 15.33 - 0.14 3.24 Global Balanced Fund - Income Units £ 1.3032 - -0.0106 1.97 Other International Funds
Pictet-Euroland Index IS EUR € 129.85 - -0.52 0.00 Global Insurance I GBP £ 3.92 - 0.00 0.00 may, in certain jurisdictions, be restricted by law and
Glob Em Shs Port Acc Ret 148.60 - 0.30 - TNI Blue Chip UAE Fund * AED 10.69 - 0.01 0.00 Veritas Asian Fund A EUR H € 294.33 - -6.55 0.44
UK Specialist Equity £ 19.29 - 0.14 1.74 Global Balanced Fund - Accumulations Units £ 1.5126 - -0.0123 1.94 the funds will not necessarily be available to persons
Pictet-Europe Index-I EUR F € 168.55 - -0.26 0.00 Global Technology I USD $ 21.98 - 0.06 0.00
Max 70% Shs Port Acc Ret 250.80 - -0.30 - TNI Funds Ltd (BMU) Veritas China Fund A USD $ 141.40 - -0.72 0.00 in all jurisdictions in which the publication circulates.
Healthcare Blue Chip Fund I USD Acc $ 11.21 11.21 -0.03 - Contl Europe Specialist Fund £ 24.14 - 0.02 0.62 Global Fixed Interest Fund £ 1.0064 - 0.0020 3.47 Persons in any doubt should take appropriate
Pictet-European Equity Selection-I EUR F € 622.07 - -0.56 0.00 MENA Hedge Fund $ 995.03 - 3.99 0.00
Max 70% Shs Port Acc X 180.10 - -0.20 - Veritas China Fund A GBP £ 146.29 - -0.72 0.00 professional advice. Data collated by Morningstar. For
Healthcare Opps I USD $ 41.89 - 0.12 0.00 Japan Specialist Fund X £ 15.25 - 0.29 0.52 Sterling Fixed Interest Fund £ 0.8444 - -0.0010 3.10 other queries contact +44
Pictet-European Sust Eq-I EUR F € 235.57 - -0.42 0.00 TNI Funds Plc (Ireland)
Max 70% Shs Port Acc S 145.60 - -0.20 - Veritas China Fund A EUR € 140.36 - -0.76 0.00 (0)207 873 4211.
Income Opportunities B2 I GBP Acc £ 1.72 1.72 0.00 0.00 US Spec Equity Fund £ 18.71 - 0.14 0.16 UK Equity Fund £ 1.8876 - -0.0130 2.78 MENA UCITS Fund * $ 1181.01 - 25.64 0.00
Pictet-Global Bds Fundamental I USD $ 116.93 - -0.44 0.00
Investment Port Acc Ret 230.90 - 0.00 - Veritas Global Equity Income Fund D USD $ 115.65 - -1.27 4.86
Japan Alpha I JPY ¥ 198.03 198.03 -10.44 0.00 Pacific Basin Specialist Equity Fund £ 35.82 - -0.78 1.40 The fund prices published in this edition along with
Pictet-Global Bonds-I EUR € 159.98 - -0.14 0.00
Investment Port Acc X 163.70 - 0.10 - Veritas Global Equity Income Fund D EUR € 199.29 - -2.04 4.12 additional information are also available on the
Pictet-Global Emerging Currencies-I USD F $ 96.18 - -0.41 0.00 Japan I JPY ¥ 2008.63 - -104.93 0.00 UK Sovereign Bd Index Fund £ 10.78 - 0.00 2.60 Financial Times website, The
Max 50% Shs Port Acc Ret 241.30 - -0.10 -
Thesis Unit Trust Management Limited (UK)
Veritas Global Equity Income Fund D GBP £ 146.32 - -1.28 4.75 funds published on these pages are grouped together
Pictet-Global Emerging Debt-I USD F $ 353.76 - 0.13 0.00 North American I USD $ 17.20 17.20 0.00 0.00 Inflation Lkd Sov Bd Fund £ 12.68 - 0.01 0.67 Exchange Building, St Johns Street, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1UP
by fund management company.
Max 50% Shs Port Inc Ret 216.00 - 0.00 - Authorised Funds Veritas Global Focus Fund D USD $ 25.40 - -0.26 2.78
Pictet-Global Megatrend Selection-I USD F $ 219.53 - -2.48 0.00 UK Absolute Equity I GBP £ 12.16 12.16 0.05 - UK Specialist Equity Income Fund £ 10.39 - 0.06 3.78
Max 50% Shs Port Acc X 174.70 - -0.10 - TM New Court Fund A 2011 Inc £ 12.88 - -0.01 0.00 Veritas Global Focus Fund D EUR € 22.69 - -0.22 2.60 Prices are in pence unless otherwise indicated. The
Pictet-Greater China-I USD F $ 428.34 - -7.88 0.00 Global Spec Inv Grade Bd Fund GBP £ 10.11 - 0.00 3.21 change, if shown, is the change on the previously
Max 50% Shs Port Acc S 146.30 - 0.00 - TM New Court Fund - A 2014 Acc £ 12.91 - -0.01 0.00 Veritas Global Focus Fund D GBP £ 28.07 - -0.22 2.42 quoted figure (not all funds update prices daily). Those
Pictet-Health-I USD $ 283.78 - -5.40 0.00 Global Emerg Mkts Equity Fund X £ 10.13 - -0.13 0.76 designated $ with no prefix refer to US dollars. Yield
Polar Capital LLP (CYM) Max 100% Shs Port Acc Ret 270.20 - 0.70 - TM New Court Equity Growth Fund - Inc £ 12.99 - -0.01 0.00 Veritas Global Focus Fund A GBP £ 27.05 - -0.22 2.21
Address and telephone number for Series 5 only Stenham Asset Management Inc percentage figures (in Tuesday to Saturday papers)
Pictet-High Dividend Sel I EUR F € 149.95 - -0.44 0.00 Regulated Veritas Global Focus Fund A EUR € 13.20 - -0.12 2.06 allow for buying expenses. Prices of certain older
Max 100% Shs Port Acc X 193.90 - 0.50 -
ALVA Convertible A USD $ 129.05 - 0.44 0.00 Other International Funds insurance linked plans might be subject to capital
Pictet-India Index I USD $ 97.06 - -0.90 0.00
Max 100% Shs Port Acc S 141.40 - 0.40 - Veritas Global Focus Fund A USD $ 24.46 - -0.25 2.34 gains tax on sales.
Pictet-Indian Equities-I USD F $ 430.16 - -8.03 0.00
European Conviction A EUR € 151.07 - -9.24 0.00 Royal London Unit Managers Ltd. (1200) F (UK) Stenham Asia USD $ 135.37 - -2.06 -
5th Floor, Churchgate House, 56 Oxford Street, Manchester M1 6EU 03456 057777 Enhanced Inc Inc Ins 206.80 - -0.70 - Veritas Global Focus Fund C GBP £ 29.23 - -0.23 0.00 Guide to pricing of Authorised Investment Funds:
European Forager A EUR € 180.73 - -0.07 0.00 Stenham Credit Opportunities A Class USD $ 104.62 - -0.76 0.00
Pictet-Japan Index-I JPY F ¥ 15540.33 - -616.99 0.00 Authorised Inv Funds (compiled with the assistance of the IMA. The
Enhanced Inc Inc Ret 195.70 - -0.70 - Veritas Global Focus Fund C EUR € 23.73 - -0.23 0.00
Stenham Emerging Markets USD B1 $ 105.21 - -2.06 0.00 Investment Management Association, 65 Kingsway,
Pictet-Japanese Equities Opp-I JPY F ¥ 9212.45 - -366.33 0.00 Royal London Sustainable Diversified A Inc £ 1.52 - 0.00 2.02
Enhanced Inc Inc X 166.20 - -0.60 - Veritas Global Focus Fund C USD $ 26.50 - -0.27 0.00 London WC2B 6TD.
Polunin Capital Partners Ltd Royal London Sustainable World A Inc 164.30 - -1.10 0.70 Stenham Gold USD $ 143.57 - -11.96 0.00 Tel: +44 (0)20 7831 0898.)
Pictet-Japanese Equity Selection-I JPY F ¥ 13821.31 - -544.39 0.00
Enhanced Inc Acc Inst 151.80 - -0.50 - Veritas Global Equity Income Fund A GBP £ 140.32 - -1.23 4.78
Other International Funds Stenham Growth USD $ 228.02 - 2.78 -
Pictet-LATAM Index I USD $ 52.57 - -0.61 0.00 Royal London Corporate Bond Mth Income 88.09 92.73 -0.55 4.20 Toscafund (CYM) OEIC: Open-Ended Investment Company. Similar to a
Emerging Markets Active $ 42.54 - -2.14 - Managed Investments OEIC Veritas Global Equity Income Fund A EUR € 193.74 - -1.99 4.15
Stenham Healthcare USD $ 200.89 - 7.01 0.00 Regulated unit trust but using a company rather than a trust
Pictet-LATAM Lc Ccy Dbt-I USD F $ 110.68 - -1.78 0.00 Royal London European Growth Trust 105.00 110.50 -0.90 0.95 Max 30% Shs Port Acc Ret 153.70 - -0.20 - structure.
Luxcellence Em Mkts Tech $ 737.12 - -113.65 0.00 Tosca (Est) $ 302.21 - -2.82 0.00 Veritas Global Equity Income Fund A USD $ 111.36 - -1.23 4.89
Royal London Sustainable Leaders A Inc 443.20 - -2.10 0.86 Stenham Helix USD $ 31.00 - -73.66 -
Pictet-Pacific Ex Japan Index-I USD F $ 316.66 - -4.93 0.00 Max 30% Shs Port Acc X 153.40 - -0.20 -
Polunin Developing Countries $ 721.06 722.07 9.49 0.00 Veritas Global Equity Income Fund C GBP £ 163.73 - -1.43 - Different share classes are issued to reflect a different
Stenham Managed Fund USD $ 120.10 - 1.29 - Tosca Mid Cap GBP £ 267.76 - 6.83 0.00
Pictet-Premium Brands-I EUR F € 152.73 - -1.06 0.00 Royal London UK Growth Trust 464.00 488.40 -2.90 1.51 Max 30% Shs Port Acc S 147.30 - -0.20 - currency, charging structure or type of holder.
Polunin Discovery - Frontier Markets $ 1429.96 - -23.40 0.00 Tosca Opportunity B USD $ 313.41 - 20.23 0.00 Veritas Global Equity Income Fund C EUR € 225.41 - -2.31 -
Royal London UK Income With Growth Trust 216.10 227.40 0.00 4.57 Stenham Multi Strategy USD $ 123.16 - 0.52 -
Pictet-Quality Global Equities I USD $ 129.36 - -1.10 0.00 Max 30% Shs Inc Port Inc Ret 152.20 - -0.70 - Selling price: Also called bid price. The price at which
Polunin Small Cap $ 1215.96 1231.16 -175.10 0.00 Veritas Global Equity Income Fund C USD $ 129.13 - -1.42 -
Stenham Quadrant USD A $ 402.92 - 6.77 - units in a unit trust are sold by investors.
Pictet-Russia Index I USD $ 49.94 - -0.26 0.00 Royal London US Growth Trust 149.60 157.30 0.10 0.00 Max 30% Shs Inc Port Inc X 152.40 - -0.70 - Veritas Global Real Return Fund A USD $ 20.09 - 0.01 2.09
Additional Funds Available Stenham Trading Inc USD $ 116.54 - 1.77 - Buying price: Also called offer price. The price at
Pictet-Russian Equities-I USD F $ 41.68 - -0.05 0.00 Max 30% Shs Inc Port Inc S 146.20 - -0.60 -
Please see for details Veritas Global Real Return Fund A GBP £ 11.23 - 0.01 2.07 which units in a unit trust are bought by investors.
Private Fund Mgrs (Guernsey) Ltd (GSY) Stenham Universal USD $ 458.70 - 2.19 - Includes manager’s initial charge.
Pictet-Security-I USD F $ 194.28 - -2.05 0.00 Max 60% Shs Port Acc Ret 263.90 - 0.30 -
Regulated Veritas Global Real Return Fund A EUR € 11.85 - 0.01 0.17
Stenham Universal II USD $ 170.21 - 0.74 0.00
Pictet-Select-Callisto I EUR € 106.39 - -1.43 0.00 Monument Growth 25/08/2015 £ 455.96 461.05 -26.55 1.08 Max 60% Shs Port Inc Ret 210.60 - 0.20 - Retail Single price: Based on a mid-market valuation of the
Ruffer LLP (1000)F (UK) underlying investments. The buying and selling price
Pictet-Small Cap Europe-I EUR F € 1094.65 - 2.93 0.00 40 Dukes Place, London EC3A 7NH Max 60% Shs Port Inc X 163.00 - 0.10 - Veritas Asian Fund B USD $ 202.03 - -4.78 0.50
for shares of an OEIC and units of a single priced unit
Pictet-ST.MoneyMkt-I € 140.50 - 0.00 0.00 Order Desk and Enquiries: 0845 601 9610 Stratton Street Capital (CI) Limited (GSY) Veritas Asian Fund B GBP £ 258.13 - -5.52 0.04 trust are the same.
Max 60% Shs Port Inc S 144.00 - 0.20 -
Prusik Investment Management LLP (IRL) Authorised Inv Funds Regulated
TreeTop Asset Management S.A. (LUX)
Pictet-ST.MoneyMkt JPY I USD ¥ 101533.19 - -2.41 0.00 Enquiries - 0207 493 1331 Authorised Corporate Director - Capita Financial Managers Eq Inc Port Acc Ret 284.20 - 0.90 - Regulated Veritas Asian Fund B EUR € 216.26 - -4.84 0.00 Treatment of manager’s periodic capital charge:
Japan Synthetic Warrant Yen Class ¥ 1630.64 - -117.68 0.00 TreeTop Convertible Sicav The letter C denotes that the trust deducts all or part
Regulated CF Ruffer Investment Funds
Pictet-ST.MoneyMkt-ICHF SFr 124.51 - -0.01 0.00 Eq Inc Port Inc Ret 221.70 - 0.70 - Veritas China Fund B GBP £ 141.39 - -0.67 0.00 of the manager’s/operator’s periodic charge from
Prusik Asian Equity Income B Dist $ 150.43 - -1.66 3.99 Japan Synthetic Warrant GBP Hedged Class £ 196.68 - 2.04 0.00 International A € 294.23 - -0.20 0.00
Pictet-ST.MoneyMkt-IUSD $ 135.09 - 0.00 0.00 CF Ruffer Gold Fund C Acc 74.93 - 1.31 0.00 Managed Investments OEIC 2 capital, contact the manager/operator for full details
Veritas China Fund B EUR € 166.75 - -2.49 0.00
Prusik Asia A $ 183.98 - -3.20 0.00 Japan Synthetic Warrant USD Class $ 17.29 - -0.99 0.00 International B $ 377.93 - -0.31 0.00 of the effect of this course of action.
Pictet-Timber-I USD F $ 147.63 - -1.01 0.00 CF Ruffer Gold Fund O Acc 74.24 - 1.30 0.00 Investments Inc Port Inc Ret 162.70 - -0.30 - Veritas Global Focus Fund B USD $ 17.62 - -0.18 1.70
Prusik Asian Smaller Cos A $ 139.39 - -1.88 0.00 Japan Synthetic Warrant USD Hedged Class $ 195.83 - 2.73 0.00 International C £ 127.10 - -0.13 0.00 Exit Charges: The letter E denotes that an exit charge
Pictet Total Ret-Agora I EUR € 112.32 - 0.01 0.00 Equity & General C Acc 380.28 - 4.53 0.25 Investments Inc Port Inc X 147.50 - -0.20 - Veritas Global Focus Fund B GBP £ 20.62 - -0.17 1.75 may be made when you sell units, contact the
Renminbi Bond Fund AUD Cls A A$ 116.82 - 0.69 4.00 International D € 273.12 - -0.19 3.11
Equity & General C Inc 350.94 - 4.18 0.25 £ Gov Bond Inc Inst (gross) 177.60 - -0.40 - manager/operator for full details.
Pictet Total Ret-Corto Europe I EUR € 134.34 - 0.15 0.00 Veritas Global Focus Fund B EUR € 15.68 - -0.15 1.65
Renminbi Bond Fund AUD Cls B A$ 118.60 - 0.70 3.73 Pacific A € 260.26 - -2.88 0.00
Pictet Total Ret-Divers Alpha I EUR € 104.28 - -0.09 0.00 Purisima Investment Fds (UK) (1200)F (UK) Equity & General O Inc 349.63 - 4.16 0.00 £ Gov Bond Inc Inst 145.70 - -0.30 - Veritas Global Equity Income Fund B GBP £ 129.24 - -1.14 4.84 Time: Some funds give information about the timing of
40 Dukes Place, London EC3A 7NH Renminbi Bond Fund CHF Cls A SFr 114.58 - 0.69 4.04 Pacific B $ 327.95 - -3.53 0.00 price quotes. The time shown alongside the fund
Pictet Total Ret-Kosmos I EUR € 108.95 - 0.05 0.00 Equity & General O Acc 376.80 - 4.48 0.00 £ Gov Bond Acc Inst 146.50 - -0.30 - Veritas Global Equity Income Fund B EUR € 178.00 - -1.84 4.20 manager’s/operator’s name is the valuation point for
Order Desk 08459 220044, Enquiries: 0870 607 2555 TreeTop Global Sicav
Renminbi Bond Fund CHF Cls B SFr 114.38 - 0.68 3.79 their unit trusts/OEICs, unless another time is
Pictet Total Ret-Mandarin I USD $ 112.56 - -0.41 0.00 Authorised Inv Funds European C Acc 507.30 - 5.89 0.22 Strat Bond Inc Inst (gross) 182.10 - -0.10 - Veritas Global Equity Income Fund B USD $ 110.53 - -1.22 4.95
Global Opp.A € 140.23 - -1.13 0.00 indicated by the symbol alongside the individual unit
Authorised Corporate Director - Capita Financial Managers Renminbi Bond Fund CNH Cls A CNH 123.25 - 0.35 3.46
Pictet-US Equity Selection-I USD $ 184.18 - -2.10 0.00 European O Acc 502.71 - 5.83 0.00 Strat Bond Inc Inst 149.90 - -0.10 - trust/OEIC name.
Global Opp.B $ 138.94 - -1.27 0.00 Veritas Global Real Return Fund B USD $ 19.46 - 0.02 1.64
Global Total Fd PCG A 156.50 - -1.61 0.37 Renminbi Bond Fund CNH Cls B CNH 123.00 - 0.35 3.22
Pictet-US High Yield-I USD F $ 146.55 - -0.06 0.00 Japanese Fund C Acc 181.63 - 8.36 0.01 Strat Bond Acc Inst 149.90 - -0.10 - Veritas Global Real Return Fund B GBP £ 11.00 - 0.01 1.65 The symbols are as follows: ✠ 0001 to 1100 hours; ♦
Global Total Fd PCG B 155.19 - -1.60 0.13 Renminbi Bond Fund Euro Cls B € 115.85 - 0.69 3.79 Global Opp.C £ 173.25 - -1.84 0.00
Managed Investments OEIC 3 1101 to 1400 hours; ▲1401 to 1700 hours; # 1701 to
Pictet-USA Index-I USD F $ 173.60 - -1.47 0.00 Japanese Fund O Acc X 179.75 - 8.27 0.00 Veritas Global Real Return Fund B EUR € 12.67 - 0.01 1.46
Global Total Fd PCG INT 153.26 - -1.58 0.00 Sequoia Equity A € 145.72 - -0.56 0.00 midnight. Daily dealing prices are set on the basis of
Div Inc Port Inc Ret 168.30 - -1.00 - Renminbi Bond Fund GBP Cls B £ 117.68 - 0.70 3.57
Pacific C Acc 289.71 - 14.64 0.49 the valuation point, a short period of time may elapse
Pictet-USD Government Bonds-I F $ 633.36 - -0.80 0.00 Sequoia Equity B $ 149.99 - -0.92 0.00
Corp Bond Acc Inst (gross) 210.50 - 0.20 - Renminbi Bond Fund SGD Cls B S$ 116.65 - 0.68 3.54 before prices become available. Historic pricing: The
Pictet-USD Short Mid-Term Bonds-I F $ 129.31 - -0.13 0.00 Pacific O Acc 286.80 - 14.48 0.18 letter H denotes that the managers/operators will
Corp Bond Inc Inst 141.80 - 0.20 - Renminbi Bond Fund USD Cls B $ 117.10 - 0.69 3.33 Sequoia Equity C £ 167.17 - -1.32 0.00 Veritas Asset Management LLP normally deal on the price set at the most recent
Purisima Investment Fds (CI) Ltd (JER) Total Return C Acc 397.19 - 6.20 1.40
Pictet-USD Sov.ST.Mon.Mkt-I $ 102.58 - 0.00 0.00 valuation. The prices shown are the latest available
Regulated Corp Bond Acc Inst 143.20 - 0.10 - Renminbi Bond Fund YEN Cls B ¥ 12927.00 - 78.03 0.00
Total Return C Inc 277.71 - 4.33 1.42 Other International Funds before publication and may not be the current dealing
Pictet-Water-I EUR F € 258.53 - -2.27 0.00 PCG B X 160.19 - 3.01 0.00 levels because of an intervening portfolio revaluation
Multi-Manager OEIC Renminbi Bond Fund USD Cls A $ 161.43 - 0.95 3.58 Real Return Asian Fund USD (Est) € 284.54 - -6.58 0.00
Total Return O Inc 275.05 - 4.29 1.42 or a switch to a forward pricing basis. The
PCG C X 158.03 - 2.96 0.00 Bal Intl Track Acc Ret 257.20 - 0.00 -
Renminbi Bond Fund GBP Cls A £ 156.83 - 0.94 3.82 Real Return Asian Fund GBP (Est) £ 303.70 - -7.13 0.00 managers/operators must deal at a forward price on
Total Return O Acc 393.53 - 6.13 1.40 request, and may move to forward pricing at any time.
Pimco Fds: Global Investors Series Plc (IRL) Bond Mthly Inc Acc Ret 142.70 - 0.10 -
Renminbi Bond Fund SGD Cls A S$ 154.49 - 0.91 3.79 Real Return Asian Fund EUR (Est) $ 299.76 - -7.08 0.00 Forward pricing: The letter F denotes that that
PIMCO Europe Ltd,11 Baker Street,London W1U 3AH
Putnam Investments (Ireland) Ltd (IRL) Bond Mthly Inc Inc Ret 92.19 - 0.11 - managers/operators deal at the price to be set at the Renminbi Bond Fund YEN Cls A ¥ 19133.86 - 115.71 0.00
next valuation.
Dealing: +44 20 3640 1000 Regulated
Renminbi Bond Fund EUR Cls A € 106.53 - 0.64 4.04
PIMCO Funds: +44 (0)20 3640 1407 Putnam New Flag Euro High Yield Plc - E € 1013.78 - 0.19 4.30 Troy Asset Mgt Ltd (UK)
Waverton Investment Funds Plc (1600)F (IRL) Investors can be given no definite price in advance of
FCA Recognised Santander Asset Management UK Limited (1200)F (UK) Poland Geared Growth £ 0.46 - -0.04 0.00 40 Dukes Place, London EC3A 7NH the purchase or sale being carried out. The prices
287 St Vincent Street, Glasgow G2 5NB 0845 605 4400 FCA Recognised appearing in the newspaper are the most recent
Asia Local Bond Fund - Inst Acc $ 9.40 - -0.04 0.00 Order desk: 0845 608 0950, Enquiries 0845 608 0950
Authorised Inv Funds Waverton Asia Pacific A USD $ 17.39 - -0.30 1.16 provided by the managers/operators. Scheme
Authorised Inv Funds particulars, prospectus, key features and reports: The
Capital Securities Inst Acc $ 14.97 - 0.01 0.00 Santander Premium Fund (OEIC) ACD Capita Financial Mgrs Waverton Global Bond Fund Cls A $ 8.79 - 0.00 5.51 most recent particulars and documents may be
Commodity Real Return Fund Inst Acc $ 6.64 - 0.12 0.00 A Shares Trojan Investment Funds obtained free of charge from fund
S W Mitchell Capital LLP (CYM)
Waverton Global Equity Fund A GBP £ 13.51 - -0.05 0.39
Europe (ex-UK) 269.50 - -3.50 - managers/operators. * Indicates funds which do not
Credit Absolute Return Fund Inst Acc $ 11.32 - 0.00 0.00 Regulated Spectrum Fund 'O' Acc ♦ 157.99 - 2.86 0.28 price on Fridays.
S W Mitchell European Fund Class A EUR € 355.68 - 15.96 - Japan Equities 148.10 - -5.20 - Waverton UK Fund A GBP £ 12.81 - -0.09 1.90
Diversified Income - Inst Acc $ 19.40 - -0.01 0.00 Spectrum Fund 'O' Inc ♦ 154.00 - 2.79 0.28
Waverton Equity Fund A GBP £ 14.39 - 0.12 0.00 Charges for this advertising service are based on the
S W Mitchell Small Cap European Fund Class A EUR € 235.00 - -3.60 - Pacific Bas (ex-Japan) 472.10 - -6.90 - Spectrum Income Fund 'O' Acc 95.58 - 1.04 - number of lines published and the classification of the
Diversified Income Durat Hdg Fund Inst Acc $ 11.40 - 0.01 0.00 Ram Active Investments SA
The Charlemagne Fund EUR € 333.23 - -14.24 - Sterling Bonds 262.50 - -0.30 - Waverton Sterling Bond Fund A GBP £ 9.50 - 0.00 5.48 fund. Please contact or
EM Fundam.Ind StocksPLUS Fund Inst Acc $ 8.70 - -0.04 0.00 E.I. Sturdza Strategic Management Limited (GSY) Spectrum Income Fund 'O' Inc 95.58 - 1.04 - call +44 (0)20 7873 3132 for further information.
Other International Funds UK Equities 257.00 - -2.00 - Regulated
Emerging Asia Bond Fund Inst Acc $ 9.49 - -0.06 0.00 Trojan Fund O Acc ♦ 251.59 - 0.49 0.45
RAM Systematic Emerg Markets Core Eq $ 79.85 - 0.00 - Nippon Growth Fund Limited ¥ 101567.00 - -8824.00 0.00
S W Mitchell Capital LLP (IRL) US Equities 252.00 - -1.40 - Trojan Fund O Inc ♦ 208.72 - 0.41 0.45 WA Fixed Income Fund Plc (IRL)
Emerging Local Bond - Inst Acc $ 10.99 - -0.06 0.00
RAM Systematic Emerg Markets Eq $ 140.81 - -0.21 - Strat Evarich Japan Fd Ltd JPY ¥ 96133.00 - 6676.00 0.00 Regulated
Regulated B Shares
Emerging Markets Bond - Inst Acc $ 38.06 - 0.00 0.00 Trojan Global Equity O Acc 205.62 - -1.06 0.94
RAM Systematic European Eq € 369.03 - 0.53 - SWMC European Fund B EUR € 15789.20 - 0.05 0.00 Strat Evarich Japan Fd Ltd USD $ 952.04 - 65.50 0.00 European Multi-Sector € 115.53 - -0.43 0.00
Pacific Bas (ex-Japan) 471.40 - -6.90 -
Emerging Markets Corp.Bd Fund Inst Acc F $ 12.87 - 0.00 0.00 Trojan Global Equity O Inc 175.15 - -0.90 0.95
RAM Systematic Global Shareholder Yield Eq $ 96.97 - -0.60 - SWMC UK Fund B £ 11945.56 - 120.47 0.00
Emerging Markets Curr.Fd- Inst Acc $ 11.77 - -0.07 0.00 Trojan Income O Acc ♦ 259.50 - -0.90 3.89
RAM Systematic Long/Short Emerg Markets Eq $ 118.44 - 0.29 - SWMC Small Cap European Fund B EUR € 13752.42 - 16.04 0.00 E.I. Sturdza Funds PLC (IRL)
Euro Bond - Inst Acc € 22.43 - 0.03 0.00 Saracen Fund Managers Ltd (1000)F (UK) Trojan Income O Inc ♦ 164.38 - -0.57 4.01
RAM Systematic Long/Short European Eq € 139.89 - 0.25 - SWMC Emerging European Fund B EUR € 8772.90 - 76.32 0.00 19 Rutland Square, Edinburgh EH1 2BB Regulated
Euro Credit - Inst Acc € 14.62 - 0.01 0.00 Dealing: 00 353 1 603 9921 Nippon Growth (UCITS Fund Euro Hedged Class EUR) € 1096.16 - 15.99 0.00
RAM Systematic North American Eq $ 223.79 - -1.05 -
Saracen Investment Funds ICVC (OEIC) Enq. 0131 202 9100
Euro Income Bond - Inst Acc F € 12.92 - 0.02 0.00 Nippon Growth (UCITS Fund Euro Hedged Institutional Class EUR) € 1288.75 - 18.89 0.00 UBS Global Asset Mgmt Fds Ltd (UK)
RAM Tactical Convertibles Europe € 141.51 - -0.17 - Authorised Inv Funds
Euro Long Average Duration - Inst Acc € 21.14 - 0.06 0.00 Nippon Growth (UCITS) Fund JPY Class A shares ¥ 100903.00 - 1465.00 0.00 21 Lombard Street, London, EC3V 9AH
RAM Tactical Global Bond Total Return € 139.17 - -0.12 - Saracen Growth Fd Alpha Acc £ 3.63 - 0.02 0.99 Client Services 0800 587 2113, Client Dealing 0800 587 2112
Euro Low Duration Fund Inst Acc € 11.25 - 0.00 0.00
Saracen Growth Fd Beta Acc £ 5.80 - 0.04 1.48 Nippon Growth (UCITS) Fund JPY Class B Acc shares ¥ 84566.00 - 1227.00 0.00 Yuki International Limited (IRL)
RAM Tactical II Asia Bond Total Return $ 122.92 - -0.08 -
Authorised Inv Funds Tel +44-20-7269-0207
Euro Real Return - Inst Acc € 13.18 - -0.02 0.00 Nippon Growth (UCITS) Fund JPY Class C Dis shares ¥ 82216.00 - 1193.00 0.00
Saracen Global Income & Growth Fund A - Acc £ 1.14 - 0.01 3.05 Regulated

Asset Management
Euro Short-Term Inst Acc € 12.28 - 0.00 0.00 Nippon Growth (UCITS Fund Class D Institutional JPY) ¥ 54721.00 - 795.00 0.00 Yuki Mizuho Umbrella Fund
Saracen Global Income & Growth Fund A - Dist £ 1.06 - 0.01 2.79 Global Emerg Mkts Eqty B Acc £ 1.21 - -0.02 1.83
Rathbone Unit Trust Mgmt (1200)F (UK)
Euro Ultra Long Duration - Inst Acc € 28.25

Global Advantage - Inst Acc $ 12.10


0.20 0.00

-0.03 0.00
PO Box 9948, Chelmsford, CM99 2AG
Order Desk: 0845 300 2101, Enquiries: 0207 399 0399
Tel. +41 44 653 10 10
(LUX) Saracen Global Income and Growth Fund -Acc # £ 1.41 - 0.01 3.43 Strategic China Panda Fund USD $ 2100.48

Strategic China Panda Fund Hedged EURO € 2046.25


20.90 0.00

21.22 0.00
Global Optimal B Acc Asset Management
£ 0.94 - -0.01 0.68
Yuki Mizuho Japan Dynamic Growth ¥ 6551.00

Yuki Mizuho Japan Large Cap ¥ 6936.00


-260.00 0.00

209.00 0.00
Asset Management
Saracen Global Income and Growth Fund -Dist # £ 1.24 - 0.01 2.82 UBS UK Opportunities Fund B Acc £ 0.86 - 0.00 3.08
Authorised Inv Funds Regulated
Global Advantage Real Return Fund Inst Acc $ 8.60 - -0.04 0.00 Strategic China Panda Fund Hedged Sterling £ 2072.63 - 22.22 0.00 Yuki Japan Low Price ¥ 26547.00 - -986.00 0.00
Blue Chip Income Inc 143.17 147.87 -0.71 4.49 RobecoSAM Sm.Energy/A £ 10.67 - -0.09 1.37 Saracen UK Income Fund - Acc £ 1.03 - 0.02 - US Equity B Acc £ 1.44 - 0.00 0.30
Global Bond - Inst Acc $ 27.66 - -0.02 0.00 Strategic Euro Bond Accumulating Class CHFSFr 990.35 - -0.63 0.00 Yuki Japan Value Select ¥ 12451.00 - -474.00 0.00
Blue Chip Income Acc 213.44 220.23 -1.06 4.36 RobecoSAM Sm.Materials/A £ 117.18 - -1.12 2.10 Saracen UK Income Fund - Dist £ 1.02 - 0.02 - UBS S&P 500 Index C Acc £ 0.51 - 0.00 -
YMR Umbrella Fund
Global Bond Ex-US - Inst Acc $ 19.24 - -0.02 0.00 . Strategic Euro Bond Institutional Class EUR € 1013.23 - -0.44 0.00
Ethical Bond Inc 90.30 92.30 -0.04 5.04 RobecoSAM Gl.Small Cap Eq/A £ 76.25 - -0.63 1.78 UBS Targeted Return B Acc £ 1.22 - -0.01 1.25 YMR N Growth ¥ 16040.00 - -636.00 0.00
Global Fundam.Index StocksPLUSInst Acc $ 10.93 - -0.08 0.00 For Save & Prosper please see Countrywide Assured
Strategic Euro Bond Fund Accumulating Class Shares € 1137.03 - -0.51 0.00
Ethical Bond Acc 171.10 174.56 -0.08 4.93 RobecoSAM Sustainable Gl.Eq/B € 174.83 - -0.82 0.00 UBS Sterling Corporate Bond Indexed Fund 50.58 - -0.54 3.33 Yuki Asia Umbrella Fund
Global High Yield Bond - Inst Acc $ 20.11 - 0.01 0.00 Strategic Euro Bond Fund Distributing Class Shares € 1026.18 - -0.46 2.91 Yuki Japan Rebounding Growth Fund JPY Class ¥ 22522.00 - -891.00 0.00
Global Opportunities Acc 132.84 137.08 -0.72 0.12 RobecoSAM S.HealthyLiv/B € 174.54 - -0.87 0.00 UBS Multi Asset Income B Inc (net) £ 0.49 - 0.00 3.66
Global Investment Grade Credit - Inst Income $ 12.23 - -0.02 3.61 Schroder Property Managers (Jersey) Ltd Strategic Global Bond RMB Acc $ 1051.31 - 4.38 0.00
RobecoSAM S.Water/A £ 158.73 - -1.43 2.37 UBS UK Equity Income B Inc Net £ 0.38 - 0.00 4.91 Yuki Japan Rebounding Growth Fund USD Hedged Class $ 906.58 - -36.72 -
Income Inc 838.48 867.72 -3.94 4.06 Other International Funds
Global Investment Grade Credit Fund Inst Acc € € 11.50 - -0.01 0.00 Strategic Global Bond USD Acc $ 1044.02 - 0.76 0.00
Income Acc 1274.27 1317.26 -5.97 3.88 Indirect Real Estate SIRE £ 130.50 136.46 1.01 3.16 Corporate Bond UK Plus B Inc Net £ 0.52 - 0.00 4.00
Global Investment Grade Credit Fund Inst Acc $ $ 16.56 - -0.03 0.00 Strategic US Momentum and Value Fund $ 827.86 - 0.79 0.00
Multi Asset Enhanced Growth Acc 118.40 - 0.17 0.00 UBS Global Allocation (UK) B Acc £ 1.05 - -0.01 1.87 Zadig Gestion (Memnon Fund) (LUX)
Global Multi-Asset - Inst Acc $ 14.45 - 0.02 0.00 Strategic US Momentum & Value Fund USD I Class $ 549.04 - 0.52 0.00 FCA Recognised
Multi Asset Strategic Growth inc 146.11 - 0.47 1.41 UBS Global Enhanced Equity Income C Inc £ 0.45 - 0.00 -
Scottish Friendly Asset Managers Ltd (UK)
Global Real Return - Inst Acc $ 18.03 - -0.01 0.00 Strategic US Momentum and Value EUR Hedged Class EUR € 578.67 - 0.55 0.00 Memnon European Fund I GBP £ 111.34 - -0.24 0.00
Multi Asset Strategic Growth acc 154.41 - 0.49 1.40 Scottish Friendly Hse, 16 Blythswood Sq, Glasgow G2 4HJ 0141 275 5000 UBS US Growth Fund B Acc £ 1.43 - -0.02 0.00
Income Fund Inst Acc $ 12.25 - -0.01 0.00 Authorised Inv Funds Strategic US Momentum and Value CHF Hedged Class CHFSFr 577.19 - 0.44 0.00
Multi Asset Total Return inc 125.76 - 0.05 1.88 UBS Emerging Markets Equity Income B Inc £ 0.37 - 0.00 6.05
Inflation Strategy Fund Inst Acc $ 8.93 - -0.04 0.00 Managed Growth ♦ 230.10 - -1.70 0.00
Multi Asset Total Return acc 137.80 - 0.06 1.86
Zebedee Capital Partners LLP (CYM)
Low Average Duration - Inst Acc $ 14.76 - 0.00 0.00 UK Growth ♦ 250.60 - -1.80 0.00 Regulated
Recovery Inc 419.88 435.68 -0.78 2.35 Unicapital Investments (LUX) Zebedee Focus Fund Limited Class A EURO Shares € 169.78 - -0.96 0.00
Socially Resp.Emerg.Mkts Bd Fd Inst Acc F $ 12.73 - -0.01 0.00
Recovery Acc 498.46 516.78 -0.92 2.32 Regulated
Zebedee Focus Fund Limited Class B USD Shares $ 197.30 - -1.19 0.00
StocksPLUS{TM} - Inst Acc $ 22.26 - -0.23 0.00 SIA (SIA Funds AG) (LUX) Investments III € 27.41 - 0.58 0.00
Strategic Bond Ret Acc £ 1.18 1.20 0.00 4.24 Regulated Zebedee Focus Fund Limited Class A USD $ 170.38 - -0.82 0.00
Total Return Bond - Inst Acc $ 27.08 - -0.01 0.00 Investments IV - European Private Eq. € 292.33 306.94 2.23 -
Strategic Bond Ret Inc £ 1.04 1.06 0.00 4.29 LTIF Classic € 326.00 - -0.73 0.00
UK Corporate Bond - Inst Acc £ 17.11 - 0.03 0.00 Investments IV - Global Private Eq. € 416.23 437.04 -20.82 -
LTIF Natural Resources € 72.00 - 0.22 0.00
26 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Wednesday 2 September 2015


EM squared

China’s great dilemma: what

next for the renminbi?
Oil bear forecasts return to $25 a barrel
With August and a week of the country. And Beijing’s Andurand says impact of plied in 2016 and 2017,” said Mr Mr Andurand said there was “nothing
2.5% 50 per cent increase since January —
tremendous market attempts to restore Andurand, who called the 2008 oil spike new” in comments on Monday from driven by new investor cash and positive
volatility behind us, it is domestic liquidity through US capex cuts will not be and subsequent crash. “We need low Opec, the oil producing cartel, which Hedge fund returns so far in 2015.
Andurand Capital’s
worth asking whether this reserve requirement ratio felt on supplies until 2019 prices for longer to rebalance the mar- some traders had interpreted as indicat- gain for August, While Mr Andurand has always bet on
new month will bring a cuts and central bank ket. There are no quick fixes.” ing the group wanted to co-ordinate despite a late 27% big oil market trends, his current opera-
return to stability and injections are fighting a His hedge fund, Andurand Capital, is with other producers to raise prices. crude price rally tion remains nimble enough to be able
perhaps even an symptom rather than an DAVID SHEPPARD AND NEIL HUME up 10.3 per cent before fees so far this Equally, a survey from the US Energy to pare back positions when the market
opportunity to get back underlying cause. One of the biggest bears in the oil mar- year (6.5 per cent after fees) and rose 2.5 Information Administration showing $25-$50 turns suddenly.
into beaten-down The People’s Bank of ket has not been swayed by the snap per cent in August, in spite of the 27 per US output fell between April and June He said while oil companies were
Pierre Andurand’s
emerging market assets, China is well aware of this. rally that pushed the crude price up by cent price oil rally between Thursday should not have been a surprise, he said. expected price slashing capital expenditure, the long
writes Dan Bogler. Hence it has been using its more than 25 per cent in just three trad- and Monday. That spike moved both “It was well expected by us and other range for West lead times on most projects meant the
A big part of the answer daily renminbi fix to guide ing sessions. Brent and US crude into positive terri- market participants that US production Texas Intermediate impact would not be felt on supplies in
is the outlook for China. the currency stronger Pierre Andurand, the hedge fund tory for the month, closing August at peaked in April and has been declining,” over next two years the market until around 2019. As such,
And that outlook remains again since the shock manager who returned 51 per cent $54.15 a barrel and $49.20 respectively. Mr Andurand said. US benchmark West Texas Intermedi-
very risky in the opinion of depreciation of August 11. before fees last year by betting against Oil prices reversed course again yes- “[But] we don’t expect US production ate could fall as low as $25 a barrel for up
Medley Global Advisors, a But it is hard to stuff the oil price, told the Financial Times terday, with both contracts dropping to go down much further, maybe to a month this year, he said — a $20 fall
macro research service that genie back into the that the market had overreacted to signs almost 8 per cent by mid-afternoon another 200,000 b/d relative to today. from levels yesterday.
owned by the Financial bottle. At this point, of slowing US crude production and London time, with a contraction in That’s not going to be enough to rebal- “I would expect the range for WTI to
Times. The measures taken depreciation expectations comments by Opec. He said prices China’s manufacturing sector refocus- ance the market so there need to be sup- be $25-$50 over the next two years.
by the mainland are pretty well entrenched would head lower again, possibly drop- ing traders on slowing economic growth ply cuts from other countries.” “If we stay at almost $50 WTI I think
authorities last week, — as shown by the ping below $30 a barrel. in the world’s largest commodity Mr Andurand’s fund has assets under US production will grow again relatively
including cuts to official sizeable gap between the “The market will remain oversup- importer. Brent dipped back below $50. management of about $575m — a near strongly.”
interest rates and reserve onshore renminbi and its
ratio requirements, were a offshore counterpart,
positive step. So is the which is weaker because
news, reported by the FT,
that Beijing intends to stop
the PBoC does not control
it directly. Analysis. Capital markets
intervening to prop up The central bank is likely
share prices.
But all of this is less
important right now than
the currency — the tail
to stick to its current policy
of keeping the currency
stable and strong for now
given this week’s military
HFT’s role in Treasuries gives regulators pause
that is wagging the dog in celebrations. But at some
China. As long as the point it will probably have
renminbi is widely to acknowledge currency
expected to depreciate strength is only further High-speed prop trading firms 10-year cumulative net
further, both by tightening domestic are, for good or ill, affecting aggressive volume (cash)
international investors and liquidity and will choke $m
Chinese citizens, capital already stuttering growth. liquidity as banks retreat
will continue to flow out of Aggregate
PTF 1000
Renminbi Hedge fund
Against the dollar (rmb per $) Depending on who you speak to, high-
6.2 frequency traders are either the scourge 500
of the US Treasury market, contributing
to volatile price movements, or its sav-
iour as banks make a broad retreat.
6.3 What is less debatable is that they are 0
Mainland quote carving out an increasingly significant
role for themselves, and regulators are
Hong Kong quote
6.4 trying to decide if they need to react.
An influx of foreign buyers, the -500
growth of the Federal Reserve’s balance 9:30 9:36 9:39 9:42 9:45
sheet, banks’ adaptation and the fear of Stacked 1-second observations on Oct 15
6.5 worsening trading conditions have all 10-year cumulative net
Jan 2015 Sep contributed to changes in the world’s passive volume (cash)
Source: Thomson Reuters Datastream largest government bond market.
The $12tn Treasury market is integral
to the global economy and the ecosys-
The Commodities Note tem of which HFT groups are part has a
PTF 500
direct impact on the cost of funding for Hedge fund
Aluminium trading houses the US government.
While none of them are primary deal-
hit by collapse in premiums ers, responsible for underwriting the
country’s debt, HFTs play an important
While aluminium prices The Asian commodities role in price discovery; and the price at
have declined to six-year trader said its aluminium which bonds trade affects the cost of -500
lows, what has really hurt business “had a very issuing debt in the future.
big trading houses such as difficult quarter as “They’re here. That’s the point,” says
Glencore and Noble Group premiums for metals in key a policy adviser at one US regulator. -1000
is the sharp fall this year in distribution locations “And we need to figure out what to do
what is known in industry weakened sharply, with them.” 9:30 9:36 9:39 9:42 9:45
speak as “premiums”, impacting the overall Although they are most commonly Stacked 1-second observations on Oct 15
Source: US Department of the Treasury
writes Henry Sanderson. business”. referred to as HFTs, other names,
This is the extra cost Over the past few years including “prop shops” and PTFs (for
added on to the price that premiums have ranged proprietary trading firms), are used A trader uses the gap between buyers and sellers moves. Instances of firms trading with maker in Treasuries. “It’s crazy . . . I
buyers pay to obtain the from about $150 to $350 a interchangeably to refer to what are a the high-speed across products. Cross-market trading themselves rose to almost 15 per cent just don’t understand the argument.”
metal in a certain region, tonne for aluminium, a diverse set of entities. facilities at a between futures and cash, where trades from just less than 6 per cent on normal It is an important debate. The price
which normally includes small percentage of the PTFs operate in the “interdealer” ‘prop shop’: are executed within a few milliseconds days. “Self-trading” includes unwitting and amount available to trade on inter-
insurance and delivery overall price but a big part market, so called because it was once critics say of each other, has gone from virtually nil interaction between two algorithms at dealer platforms affect the prices banks
costs. It is the money you of traders’ profit margin. home to banks trading only with other algorithmic 10 years ago to about 10 per cent of all the same firm, as well as deliberate give to their clients.
are paid on top of the But in the US, the banks. Actual investors tend to operate trading cash trading, says the Federal Reserve. attempts to skew prices. But as banks reduce their presence in
London Metal Exchange Midwest premium has outside this market, relying on banks to exacerbates PTFs say their role was vindicated Borut Miklavcic, chief investment the market, the importance of a poten-
price when you sell or fallen 67 per cent this year. quote prices over the phone or on elec- price moves during wild price swings on October 15 officer at Lindengrove Capital, says: tial alternative liquidity provider is
trade physical aluminium. It is now at its lowest level tronic trading venues. Citadel, a large Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg
after a report by five US regulators “These electronic, high-frequency firms amplified. While most PTFs agree they
Commodities trader and since January 2012, Chicago-based market maker, is cur- showed that in a 15-minute window — in add to the liquidity problem because are less likely than banks to hold large
miner Glencore said last according to CRU, close to rently the only non-bank that trades which the 10-year Treasury yield plum- they exaggerate volatility and exagger- positions on their balance sheets, many
month that its marketing $170 a tonne. In Europe, directly with investors. meted 33 basis points before bouncing ate market moves and it is becoming claim to take on real risk, improving the
division’s earnings fell due the premiums are trading When banks cannot offset, or back — PTFs were responsible for more more and more frequent.” market’s health.
to “tough metals trading near levels last seen in “hedge”, client trades with one another than 70 per cent of all trading. Quotes to buy or sell at various prices “I don’t think HFTs can replace
conditions, particularly 2010. “It’s a pretty nasty or internally, they turn to the inter- “It underscored just how important a sent by algorithms to trading screens banks,” says Mr Haraburda. “Proprie-
aluminium and nickel drop. What happens is all dealer market and to PTFs. PTFs trade role PTFs play and how the banks aren’t rocketed in number, as did cancella- tary trading groups don’t have the bal-
affected by the collapse in the big boys have got in smaller sizes and at tighter prices, the liquidity providers any more,” says tions of these orders. PTFs argue that if ance sheets that banks have to hold
physical premiums”. crushed. They’re sitting on concentrated in the most recently Bill Harts, chief executive of Modern prices move quickly, order cancellations massive positions overnight.”
Noble Group’s profits stock which then becomes issued, or “on-the-run”, bonds. Markets, an industry association. inevitably increase as old orders, based US regulators have been cautious not
before interest and tax in worth a lot less so you’ve PTFs also hedge their own positions, For critics the yield swings that day on an old price, become stale. to wade in clumsily, vowing to analyse
its metals and mining got to mark it down,” one either back into Treasuries or into other showed a market reeling in shock as “There is this premise that PTFs are the issue further. For now the US Treas-
segment fell 98 per cent in trader said. markets in which they are active, such banks pulled back, leaving PTFs trading the ones providing liquidity, but that’s ury market is in flux. High-frequency
the first half of the year. as Treasury futures or interest rate almost solely with each other, algorithm bad,” says Matt Haraburda, president at trading has arrived but regulators are
derivatives, and in this way bridge versus algorithm, exacerbating price XR Trading, an electronic market still figuring out what to do about it.

Capital markets Capital markets

US corporate debt barren spell hits 10 days European banks rush to issue covered bonds
KADHIM SHUBBER turn back on. There was a huge front- porate debt and Treasuries has climbed THOMAS HALE to unnerve investors. Demand for the In May European bank bond issuance
loading of issuance this summer — almost a third to 1.55 per cent this year, asset class is supported by European dried up after the 10-year German Bund
US bond markets have suffered the European markets saw a rush of cov-
record volumes. Currently market con- though it has moderated since an Central Bank purchases under a long- yield rose sharply. In July Greek fears
longest barren spell for at least 20 years ered bond issuance yesterday as pri-
ditions being what they are have kept August peak of 1.6 per cent. standing bank support programme. derailed primary debt market activity.
as stock market volatility has deterred mary market activity proved resilient
issuers away.” Bruno Velloso, credit strategist at Bar- “The general market sentiment is This week’s sharp rise in primary cov-
even the bravest investment-grade to global volatility coming from China.
Investment-grade issuance has run at clays, said supply was expected to slow probably not that great, but at least in ered bond issuance comes after the ECB
companies from issuing debt.
record levels this year as companies in the second half of the year, regardless The deals included covered bonds the covered bond market it’s holding up increased its purchases of the assets last
It is 10 business days and counting since have tried to take advantage of low of market volatility. Much of the merg- issued by Santander, UniCredit Bank very well,” said Joost Beaumont, fixed- week through its third covered bond
a company issued US investment-grade interest rates to refinance, and to fund ers and acquisition-driven debt supply Austria and Danske Bank, which raised income strategist at ABN Amro. “Execu- purchase programme. The ECB bought
bonds, the longest stretch of inactivity share buybacks and takeovers. had come to market in July, he noted, a total of €2.5bn. A 10-year €500m tion risk was quite high during times of €1.9bn of covered bonds last week, and
excluding Christmases in the records of US-marketed IG bond issuance is and there was unlikely to be a wall of bond issued by Commerzbank on Mon- volatility and that has come down sig- holds a total portfolio of about €111bn
Dealogic, which go back to January 1995. $567bn this year, according to Dealogic. issuance when markets calmed again. day met strong demand. nificantly, as confirmed by [the] deals.” through the third programme.
The last US marketed IG bond, But stock market chaos last month “There’s definitely less of a rush to Covered bonds, an idiosyncrasy of Markets were expecting significant Investors have complained that ECB
excluding financial institutions, was a put a brake on a rush of companies try- come in. In July the market wasn’t European debt markets, are backed by supply in the coming months, he added. intervention is distorting the market,
$600m issue by Hershey on August 18, ing to get through the door before the US receptive to supply but new issuance mortgage assets on banks’ balance Volatility in global financial markets saying the programme dramatically
the first day of what became a painful Federal Reserve raises rates this year, a was high; but now, if the market isn’t sheets and are viewed as low-risk invest- — stemming from central bank inter- reduces outstanding supply. But accord-
six-day rout in US equities. move that is now up for debate. receptive, issuance won’t be pushed ments. The investor has recourse to vention, Greek negotiations and ing to Mr Beaumont, the demand
“Given that no one is desperate to Investors had shown signs of fatigue through,” he said. both the issuing bank and the underly- extreme market movements in China — ensured by the ECB’s presence contrib-
come to market, it can be waited out,” even before the current market shut- One factor behind the calm may not ing assets in the event of a default. has been a thorn in the side of primary uted to this week’s activity. “It’s most
said Jack Flaherty, investment director down and were charging higher premi- last, however. “As soon as the volatility Yesterday’s issuance, the highest this market activity in recent months, with positive for issuers,” he said. “If you
at GAM. “Whenever we get some stabil- ums for holding corporate debt. goes down, the risk of a Fed hike goes year, came amid falling global stock many issuers reluctant to brave unwel- bring a deal, you know the eurosystem is
ity back in the market, the machine will The spread between yields on US cor- up,” added Mr Velloso. markets as jitters over China continued coming conditions. there to absorb part of the deal.”
Wednesday 2 September 2015 ★★★ FINANCIAL TIMES 27


Global overview
TRADING POST Markets update
Stocks slide as US and China data S&P 500 index
Change on day 2.96%

rekindle global growth concerns

Bond traders already have their eye on 1900
Friday’s US non-farm payrolls report.
If sturdy, it could help cement a Aug 2015 Sep
September rate rise by the Federal
Reserve. Oil switches into reverse Meanwhile, US factory data painted a US equities Energy, financial and
The policy-sensitive US two-year broadly uninspiring picture. The US technology stocks led the S&P 500
yields should punch decisively above after three-day rally while Institute for Supply Management’s lower amid worries about China’s
the 0.75 per cent level they have been risk-off mood lifts manufacturing index fell to a two-year economy and uncertainty over when
butting up against for a few months. low of 51.1 last month from 52.7 in July, US interest rates might start to rise
But for longer-term bonds it may be Treasuries, yen and gold reflecting the continued impact of the
argued that today is currently more ahead of US jobs figures strong dollar and softening global FTSE 100 index
important. demand. Change on day 3.03%
This is when the latest US oil DAVE SHELLOCK Danske Bank noted that the new 7000
inventory data will be released, and as export orders sub-index had dropped to
any commodity watcher knows, crude World stock markets suffered another its lowest level since July 2012, when the 6500
prices have become startlingly bruising session as concerns about the euro crisis was at its peak. 6000
sensitive to shifting supply outlook for global growth were rekin- “At that time the decline in the export
perceptions. dled by weak manufacturing figures out order index was not mirrored in actual Aug 2015 Sep
WTI oil surged 27.5 per cent in just of China and the US. export data, suggesting some of the
three recent sessions as evidence of Oil prices went into reverse after three weakness reflected sentiment effects. UK equities The FTSE 100 index
slowing US shale production and talk days of hefty gains while the risk-averse “This could be the case this time as underperformed its continental
that Opec might reconsider its supply mood offered support to Treasury well, but developments in China are key European peers as mining stocks came
policy caused energy bears to buy bonds, gold and the yen ahead of the to the outcome,” Danske said. under pressure from worries about
back short positions. release on Friday of US jobs data that “We believe that today’s data moved falling Chinese demand for resources
Lower energy costs have been may offer clues on when the Federal the probability of a Fed funds rate rise in
adding to global disinflation pressures, Reserve could raise interest rates. September down markedly, and we Eurofirst 300 index
helping suppress long-term price rise In New York, the S&P 500 ended 3 per stick to our call that the Fed will deliver
Change on day 2.87%
forecasts. The US five-year break-even cent lower at 1,913.9 points as selling a first rate rise in December.” 1600
rate, a gauge of inflation expectations, accelerated going into the close of busi- Such reasoning put the dollar under
has been tracking the oil market ness. That left the US equity benchmark pressure. Against the yen, viewed by 1500
pretty tightly of late. just over 10 per cent down from the — Martin Divisek/Bloomberg
many as a bolt-hole in times of turmoil, 1400
And it is clear from watching recent record high it reached in May, but clear Death crosses and oil spikes: the US currency was down 1.2 per cent
trading that such a correlation is being 1300
of last week’s 10-month low of 1,867. John Authers discusses a dramatic month for markets that at Y119.73, while the euro was up 0.8 per
Aug 2015 Sep
reflected in the intraday moves for The CBOE Vix volatility index, the so- ended with a ‘death cross’ for the S&P 500 and big rise for oil cent at $1.1299.
10- to 30-year US government paper. called US equity “fear gauge”, rose 13 per Gold was up $5 at $1,139 an ounce. European equities A renewed bout of
If the Fed were to raise rates soon cent to 32, which, although elevated, The weak dollar also reflected action concerns over Chinese growth helped
and oil to fall back again, then it is was nowhere near the intraday six-year Statistics’ official purchasing managers’ will see broadly stable equity prices in the US government bond market, push stocks across the region lower,
possible that longer-term bond yields high of 53 struck last week. index, which showed China’s manufac- around this lower level, if not another where the yield on the two-year Treas- with the German and French markets
could actually decline in response to European equities took a similar beat- turing sector contracting last month for rally; and third, we will see a broadly ury, which moves inversely to its price, both falling 2.4 per cent
the central bank’s move as the market ing, with the pan-regional FTSE the first time since February. stable, but somewhat higher, dollar/ren- was down 3 basis points at 0.71 per cent.
prices in a longer lasting Eurofirst 300 starting the month with a “Despite some disruptions to activity minbi rate. However, policy responses The 10-year yield was 4bp lower at 2.16
disinflationary environment. drop of 2.8 per cent and the FTSE 100 in in August, we believe the weaker NBS aimed at encouraging stability are actu- per cent while the equivalent maturity Nikkei 225 index
London sliding 3 per cent as mining PMI suggests continued downside risks ally worsening the situation. German Bund yield edged up 1bp to (’000) Change on day 3.84%
21.0 stocks fell sharply. for the economy,” said Barclays. “In terms of growth, it is hard to envi- 0.80 per cent 20.0
That followed a weak session in Asia, “Following the latest move by the Peo- sion what new driver can keep GDP at Elsewhere, a strong rally for oil prices
US inflation expectations and where the Nikkei 225 in Tokyo tumbled ple’s Bank of China, we expect further the desired 7 per cent year-on-year went sharply into reverse. Brent crude
oil price 3.8 per cent and Hong Kong stocks shed monetary easing in coming months.” level, absent the kind of deregulation settled at $49.56 a barrel, down 8.5 per
2.2 per cent. Michael Every, head of financial mar- that the government is retreating from cent, after climbing 25 per cent over the 17.0
US 5-year Crude oil WTI Aug 2015 Sep
breakeven rate (%) ($ per barrel) Chinese stocks had another day of kets research for Asia-Pacific at rather than moving towards. previous three sessions. US West Texas
2.0 100 wild swings, with the Shanghai Compos- Rabobank, warned that further action “A retreat back to state pump-prim- Intermediate was 8.2 per cent weaker at Japanese equities Pharmaceuticals
1.5 50 ite sliding as much as 5.8 per cent before could be counterproductive. ing and infrastructure/property spend- $45.15. were the day’s biggest fallers as the
1.0 0 ending with a 1.3 per cent loss. “For now the authorities are trying ing, which may be inevitable, will only Copper fell 1.3 per cent in London to sector ran into profit-taking. Takeda
Jun 2015 Sep
Sources: Thomson Reuters Datastream; Bloomberg
The catalyst for the latest bout of vola- very hard to convince markets that first, worsen debt issues and is already seeing $5,067 a tonne, after hitting a six-year fell 4.4 per cent and Eisai 7.5 per cent
tility came from the National Bureau of growth will pick up ahead; second, we ever less ‘bang’ for each ‘buck’.” low of $4,855 last week.

Meggitt 488.7p. Traders pinned the move on a

Trading Directory
Share price (pence) return of longstanding takeover
600 speculation, which had been quelled by
550 Meggitt’s $200m purchase of Cobham’s
500 composites businesses.
450 Berkshire Hathaway’s $37bn
400 purchase of Precision Castparts last
London Sep 2014 2015 Sep
Source: Thomson Reuters Datastream
month has helped refresh speculation
that Meggitt might be targeted by a US
Glencore retreats 'D\
peer. The group was continuing to buy
as fears grow over ,QGLFHV &ORVH FKDQJH back its own shares yesterday, however,
suggesting it was not sitting on market-
capital shortfall
)76(   sensitive information.
)76(   Ocado added 1.2 per cent to 347p
)76($OO6KDUH   after Exane BNP Paribas upgraded it to
)76($OO6KDUH<LHOG   “neutral”. Ocado’s technology licensing
)76()XWXUHV   model could still meet a need for
Bryce Elder \U*LOW<LHOG

retailers, in spite of the success of
asset-light grocery delivery services
such as Instacart, but expansion would
Glencore hit another record low prices and would leave “limited equity be slow and the market was probably
yesterday on growing concerns that it value” in a deeper downturn, Merrill right to price in just $1.5bn of
may be forced into an equity issue. said. international retail sales by 2020,
Miners slumped on data showing Merrill estimated that, if current spot Exane said.
that China’s factory activity contracted commodity prices stretch into Pumpmaker Weir faded 3.5 per cent
at its highest pace in three years, which perpetuity, Glencore has a $9.3bn to £13.55 and Lonmin, the platinum
put further pressure on copper and capital shortfall against the debt target miner, slid 4.8 per cent to 33.4p ahead of
coal prices. needed to safeguard its credit rating and its likely relegation in this week’s FTSE
Glencore closed down 10 per cent to would need to raise more than $16bn to index review.
133.5p, which took its loss since flotation cut net debt to 2 times earnings before Housebuilder Berkeley Homes is
in 2011 to 75 per cent. With the big interest, tax, depreciation and expected to replace Weir in the blue-
miners needing to raise as much as amortisation. chips while Circassia Pharmaceuticals
$60bn to recapitalise their balance Sector peers matched the slump, with and software maker Sophos looked
sheets, companies should act quickly, Anglo American off 7.7 per cent to likely additions to the FTSE 250.
argued Merrill Lynch. 684.4p, BHP Billiton 6.7 per cent lower Berkeley lost 2.6 per cent to £32.84,
“Early recappers could be rewarded at £10.56 and Antofagasta slipping Weir was off 3.5 per cent to £13.55 and
with less dilution, premium market 5.7 per cent to 574.5p. Sophos edged up 0.9 per cent to 268.3p.
ratings and possibly a licence to The FTSE 100 was down 3 per cent, Man Group faded 6.8 per cent to
undertake M&A,” it told clients. That off 189.40 points, to 6,058.54. 150.2p. The hedge fund manager’s AHL
gives Glencore shares a net present Aerospace engineer Meggitt was the funds have lost about 6 per cent in
value of 42p a share at current spot only FTSE 100 gainer, up 2.4 per cent to three sessions.

per cent in morning trade as Ford Delta rose 1.6 per cent, but pared
reported August car sales up 5 per cent, gains to close flat at $43.79, while Copa
beating analyst forecasts for a made shortlived gains and fell 3.3 per
0.2 per cent rise. “We also had our best cent to $49.57. American Airlines rose
month of Ford SUV sales in 12 years,” 0.6 per cent to $39.20 after swinging
said Mark LaNeve, Ford’s vice- between a 1.2 per cent gain and loss.
president of US marketing, sales and The S&P 500 lost 3 per cent while the
Wall Street service.
GM’s sales were 0.7 per cent lower
Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped
2.8 per cent and the Nasdaq Composite
Carmakers in reverse last month but were ahead of an
expected 2.6 per cent fall. Even so,
Index shed 2.9 per cent.
Implied market volatility as
despite strong August shares failed to make gains, down measured by Vix, a barometer of
2.8 per cent to $28.63. Chrysler, too, investor sentiment, jumped 2.97 points
defied analysts’ forecasts to record a rise to 31.40. The reading remains well
in sales last month, with the company above 20, which is considered a mark of
delivering 2 per cent more vehicles heightened investor fear but below the
Kadhim Shubber compared with a year ago. Sales were highs reached last month.
forecast to decline 1.7 per cent. The New York Stock Exchange again
Shares fell 3.4 per cent to $13.65. invoked Rule 48, which is designed to
Strong August car sales were not enough Airlines struggled in morning trading, ease trading at the opening of the stock
to spare the likes of Ford, GM and
Chrysler yesterday as Wall Street
despite a note from Deutsche Bank
raising its rating on American Airlines,
market, in anticipation of a troubled
day for equities.
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fell 1 per cent to $13.73 after jumping 2 forecasted,” said Deutsche. market volatility”.
28 ★★★ Wednesday 2 September 2015

INSIGHT Analysis. Currencies

Global worries hold EM valuations in check
Bottom draws nearer for units Adjustments beckon
such as Malaysia’s ringgit but
China’s lower demand there is still reason for caution
Currency changes
Against the dollar, since end-Aug 2014 (%)

for commodities is ROGER BLITZ

China Taiwan India Singapore South Korea Mexico Brazil

not the whole story If there is a mood of anxiety across the

US and Europe over the impact of China
catching a cold, there is an air of déjà vu
for emerging market investors.

or those tracing the cause of August’s rout in The panicked reaction to “Black Mon-
world stock markets, most roads lead back to day” in Chinese equities suggests much
China. An outsized investor reaction to the fall in of the developed world has only just
the renminbi and dark talk of currency wars woken up to the risk that a slowing Chi-
quickly gave way to very real concerns about nese economy poses around the globe. -8.0% -8.6%
China’s economic strength, compounding the negative But it is nothing new for EM countries.
mood. Yet for all the prevailing attention on China, there “The biggest surprise [about last week’s -11.6%
are actually four themes that will set the agenda for asset market panic] was not that China has -14.3%
allocators as we roll into autumn. slowed but that it has come as such a
First, the timing of the US Federal Reserve’s rise in inter- surprise,” says Paul McNamara, EM
est rates will continue to captivate investors. A rate rise portfolio manager at GAM Holding. -21.9%
this year is highly likely, on the grounds that the US job and China’s slowdown has been worrying
housing markets remain robust, even if inflation still lags. EM countries throughout 2015. It has
Typically stock markets struggle over the first rate rise. been a year of falling commodity prices,
They have historically dipped 5 per cent on average in the partly brought lower by the drip-drip -38.3%
three months after a rise, before regaining their poise and evidence that China’s investment drive FT graphic Source: Thomson Reuters Datastream
outperforming bonds for the rest of the hiking cycle. — which fuelled growth in commodity
Given the focus on the US rate cycle, and the de-risking countries — was being checked.
prompted by China, markets arguably have already dis- Black Monday, says Mr McNamara,
counted much of the weakness normally seen at the start was “a pretty intense dose of what we’ve ‘There’s not Five years of easy money — the quan- Instead, they are doing the opposite. but the health of economies like China,
of a rate rise cycle. After all, if the US economy is strong been seeing all year”. titative easing programmes of the US, Stuart Oakley, Nomura’s head of EM FX, Korea and Taiwan are fantastic com-
enough to justify higher rates, and it is only the recent mar- Take Colombia, a big oil producer. enough Japan and now the eurozone — distorted says capital has been “closing out and pared to other EM countries.”
ket volatility that is staying the Fed’s hand, the start of the The peso had fallen 24 per cent from the conviction to resource allocations in emerging mar- running away from EM and back home” In his view “we are very near to the
cycle should be taken as a signal of normalisation. beginning of the year to Black Monday, play [in EM kets, says Daniel Tenengauzer, head of in fear of slowing and deleveraging EM bottom of EM currencies”.
History tells us investors should dump stocks on the last when it dropped a further 4 per cent. EM FX strategy at RBC Capital Markets. economies and policy shifts. Mr McNamara is more cautious.
rate rise, not the first; cautious optimism on stocks, and a EM countries have been pummelled currencies], “A rising dollar is part of a valuation The main question, he says, is the There will be a turn in some currencies,
clear “buy the dip” mentality, is still a sensible base case. this year by China’s slowdown and the even if adjustment that’s necessary in EM,” he capacity of EM countries to deal with particularly among commodity import-
Second, while a softening China will not derail global continuous focus on when the US will they are says. “Malaysia was very overvalued a portfolio flows moving out of EMs. ers such as India, Poland and Mexico, he
growth, it still has far-reach- raise rates, which has driven dollar year ago. It made a very significant In China, Taiwan, South Korea, Singa- says. “But the big problem is that word
ing global implications. China strength and weakened EM currencies. undervalued’ adjustment and is now close to fair pore and India the strength of other again — growth.
is in the painful process of try-
Sector weakness The result is a fall of a fifth over a year value. Mexico was about 5-10 per cent factors, including net international “We had a brief surge in credit after
ing to move from an invest- implies negative in JPMorgan’s EM currency index. over. Now it’s under. The vast majority investment positions, current account the financial crisis when most of EM cut
ment-led growth model to one How much further can they fall? If fair [of EM currencies] are either close to balances and GDP growth, gives the rates at the same time as the developed
driven by consumption. Mar-
feedback loop valuation were an investor’s only bench- fair value or are undervalued.” lie to the idea that these countries are market. But with the credit leg kicked
ket liberalisation efforts, such for emerging mark then for several EM currencies the But fair valuation is not the only in the grip of persistent, long-lasting away, the export leg isn’t kicking in with
as moves towards floating the answer would be: not much further. benchmark. Mr Sen adds: “There’s not weakness. sufficient strength to really drive EM.”
currency, are fundamental to
economies “EM currencies are now going from enough conviction to play [in EM cur- “The reason a lot of EM economies are The adjustment has been such that it
this process. being overvalued to being close to fair rencies], even if they are undervalued. slowing down is many of them are com- is hard to see EM currencies falling
There is real and concerning weakness in China, but the value or dipping into undervalued Valuations are quite interesting, but modity exporters,” says Mr Oakley. much further, Mr McNamara adds. “But
notion that the renminbi’s drop in value constituted the territory,” says Arko Sen, EMEA strate- because of poor global risk sentiment, “You can’t lump them all together. Bra- without the engine of growth, we are not
opening salvo in some global currency war is far-fetched. gist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. investors don’t want to take the risk.” zil, Mexico and Indonesia are suffering, going to see a strong EM rally.”
Far more profound is China’s reduced demand for com-
modities, a secular issue that will weigh meaningfully on
emerging markets for some time. The ramifications
extend beyond traditional commodity producers because Equities
the structural decline in commodity prices is likely to
affect many policymakers’ outlook for inflation.
Third, the European recovery and the aftershocks of the
eurozone periphery crisis will remain critical. We should
Manufacturing fall in
not play down the hard road that Greece has ahead, but
that has little bearing on Europe’s broader economy. A big-
China hits global stocks
ger issue will be how the eurozone works through height-
ened political uncertainty — notably the Spanish general
election due late in the year. PATTI WALDMEIR paring back losses. The
European equity earnings growth is outstripping the US — SHANGHAI Shanghai Composite index
for the first time in five years, albeit from a much lower closed down 1.3 per cent.
base. Economic sentiment in the euro area remains opti- Activity in China’s manufac- Wang Tao, chief China
mistic, and continued improvements in credit conditions turing sector contracted at economist at UBS, said the
should reinforce the domestic recovery. Significantly for its fastest pace in three reading showed the persist-
Europe, where around four-fifths of corporate financing years, sending global shares ence of downward pressure
comes from banks, lending growth relative to GDP is at its down and exacerbating on growth — a pressure that
best level since before the financial crisis, adding further fears of a Chinese slowdown has triggered a flurry of sup-
support to equity markets for the next 12 months. that have hit global markets. portive measures from Bei-
Fourth, the double dip in oil prices will drive the global jing, dented stock markets
markets agenda. Weak oil, especially in combination with In New York, the S&P 500 around the world and sent
a strong dollar, is not helpful for US equities earnings. If we ended 3 per cent lower at emerging market currencies
account for the effect of oil and the dollar, US earnings will 1,913.9 yesterday as selling into a swoon. “This is why
have gained little ground this year. The bad news is we accelerated going into the [Beijing] has . . . [announ-
have forgone a year of earnings growth; the good news is close of business, led by falls ced] plans to bring forward
we know why, and it is unlikely to repeat in 2016. in energy and financial some key infrastructure
Based on the factors discussed above, there are three stocks. That left the US projects,” Ms Wang said.
areas in which our investment conviction is increasing. equity benchmark just over Frederic Neumann, co-
First, we see the weakness in commodities, metals, bulks 10 per cent down from the head of Asia economic res-
and energy alike as structural — it is too soon to be buying record high it reached in May earch at HSBC, said the PMI
into weakness in the commodity sector. but clear of last week’s 10- numbers added to pressure
Second, this weakness implies lower inflation and a neg- month low of 1,867. The Nas- for more stimulus. “What’s
ative feedback loop for emerging markets, where we daq also ended 3 per cent critical at this point is to avoid
remain cautious relative to developed markets. lower. In London, the FTSE a deterioration in the labour
Third, regardless of whether the Fed moves in Septem- 100 slid 3 per cent as mining market that could ultimately
ber or December, short-dated US interest rates look to be stocks fell sharply. weighonconsumption.”
headed higher, supporting the dollar and potentially Commodities, too, were China’s central bank cut
putting still further pressure on EM economies. hit, with Brent crude sliding interest rates last week and
10.4 per cent to $48.50 a said it would inject liquidity
John Bilton is head of global multi-asset strategy at JPMorgan barrel, and West Texas Inter- into the banking sector.
Asset Management mediate, the US marker, fall- Lian Ping, chief economist
ing 10.1 per cent to $44.23 a at China’s Bank of Communi-
barrel. Both oil prices had cations, expected further
settled roughly 8 per cent weakness before the benefits
lower earlier in the day. of those measures kicked in.
The official Purchasing But “as the government
More comment and data on Managers’ Index fell to 49.7 policy starts to take effect,
in August from the previous we think there’s little possi-
month’s reading of 50, the bility for the PMI in the last
Y Fast FT Our global economies, headed first time since February that quarter of this year to decline
team gives you market- by Brazil, Russia, India the bellwether figure for further”, he said.
moving news and views, and China. large industrial enterprises Eric Rosengren, president
24 hours a day, five days has fallen below 50 — the of the Boston Federal Reser-
a week. level that separates expan- ve, warned that slowing for-
Y Podcast The Hard
Y Alphaville Our Currency podcast takes a sion from contraction — and eign economies, stock mar-
irreverent financial blog. look at what is driving its lowest since August 2012. ket volatility and falling
Join Paul Murphy and the global currency The Chinese PMI reading commodity prices could hit
Bryce Elder for the daily market. backs up the earlier Caixin US growth. In a speech in
Markets Live session at flash PMI, representing small New York, he said the devel-
Y Lex Video Analysis and medium-sized enter- opments “might suggest a
and opinion from the prises, which fell to 47.1 in downward revision in the
Y beyondbrics News and team on the hot issues August from 47.8 in July. forecast that is large enough
comment from more affecting companies and China’s stock markets spi- to raise concerns about
than 40 emerging markets. ralled as much as 5.8 per cent whether further tightening
lower after the data, before of labour markets is likely”.

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