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Work is Worship

Work done for the purpose of serving humanity is a highest form of worship of
Allah Almighty. Here the word worship is usually misunderstood by the people
and for them worship is just going to mosque or church. But the real worship is
helping the mankind by their work. Allama Muhammad Iqbal talked about it in his
poetry that the purpose of creation of man is to serve the humanity as angles
were enough for praising and worshiping Allah Almighty. Today, some of the
people think on extreme levels, either for them, the meaning of life is just to work
for oneself or they consider life is just to worship God only. But, there are some
people do who focus on enshrining their souls by working with a spirit to serve
the people. So, a man who do work with the inspiration of service is actually doing
the worship of God but people do not understand it.
Here serving the humanity can be taken in different perspectives, but the general
idea which is generated from this concept is that, only that work is worship which
is useful and wholesome for the society. Now one can do this work as a worship
either by staying loyal to its profession or by doing some philanthropist activities.
In the former concept, if a man stay loyal to his work and work with honesty not
just only thinking about his own benefits but considering himself as a whole and
working for the betterment of whole organization or institution is his worship.
While in the later concept if someone help the needy persons such as by making
NGOs and charity hospitals or some other work according to his abilities, then it
would be the highest form of his worship. One can have different spirit of serving
and considering work as worship but at the end only that work is worship which is
providing benefits to others.
History is filled with such people who considered their work as it were their
worship and thus changed the world. And their spirit for inventing new things for
the betterment of human lives became an epitome of their work. As they
determined to serve the humanity and did hard work, the universe
retrospectively opened its secrets to those people and they revolutionized the
world in true sense. As in Quran it is mentioned that man can have nothing except
what he strives towards. This verse of Holy Quran clearly depicting the spirit of
working and exploring the new things. And those people who understand this
philosophy became unconscious of their needs. They strive and serve the
So, amalgamating work with the spirit of service is the highest form of worship.
Since its creation, man is continuously striving to fulfill his needs as well as
worshiping has always been remain a part of his life. But a man who do work with
the inspiration of service is actually doing the worship of God which is exactly
explaining that work is worship as work done in spirit of service is the highest
form of worship.

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