Homework 2

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Buf William - Group 7

What is an arthroscope?

• An optical instrument made up of series of lenses and prisms with the role of enlarging the
images of different anatomical formations of the joint examined , connected by optic fibre to a
source of light and a video camera connected to a monitor.

• A thin flexible fiberoptic scope which is introduced into a joint space through a small incision in
order to carry out diagnostic and treatment procedures within the joint.

What is a magnification endoscopy ?

• Uses endoscopes able to zoom 30-150 times with a mobile lens on top. This zoom of the image
determines a better observation of details which allows taking of an immediate decision without
the need to wait for the histopathologic exam result for a couple of weeks.

Give examples of vital functions tracking monitors that are used in special environments.

• These are several types of monitors such as portable or fix with classical screens or LCD with
button commands or touchscreen with different ways of displaying parameters.Medical monitor
for vital functions records the following parameters of the patient :

• Electrocardiogram , heart-rate , breathing rate with the aid of electrodes placed on the chest
and connected through cables to the monitor.

• Blood pressure automatically measured through a cuff

• The oxygen saturation is recorded by a pulse oximeter

Compare the transabdominal fetal echograph with transvaginal fetal echograph . Identify
advantages and disadvantages

• Fetal ultrasound offers valuable information about pregnancy and allows parents to see their
baby while in the uterus. It is easy to perform , it is non invasive and doesn’t have side effects.

With transvaginal ultrasound , a device called a transducer is placed in the vagina to send out
soundwaves and gather the reflections. This technique is mostly used during early pregnancy . It
might be also done if the abdominal ultrasound didn't provide much information.

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