Pola Passive Voice Dalam Soal Tes Toefl

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Pasive Voice dalam soal bagian Structure and Written Expression bisa saja dapat Anda temukan ketika
mengikuti tes TOEFL. Untuk menjawab soal pola ini, Anda harus memahami pola-polanya dengan baik
Passive Voice atau Kalimat pasif adalah kalimat yang objek dari kalimat aktifnya menjadi subjek
pada kalimat pasif.
Pola kalimatnya: Subject + to be + past participle
1. Simple Present:
Aktif : He drinks a cup of coffee.
Pasif : A cup of coffee is drunk (by him).
2. Simple Past:
Aktif : He drank a cup off coffee.
Pasif : A cup of coffee was drunk (by him).
3. Simple Future:
Aktif : I will visit my grandmother.
Pasif : My grandmother will be visited (by me).
4. Present Continuous:
Aktif : I am writing a letter.
Pasif : A letter is being written (by me).
5. Present Perfect:
Aktif : I have done my homework.
Pasif : My homework has been done (by me).
6. Present Perfect Continuous:
Aktif : I have been studying English.
Pasif : English has been being studied (by me).
7. Modals : Subject + modals + be + V3
Aktif : I can finish my work on time.
Pasif : My work can be finished on time (by me).

Contoh kalimat pasif dalam pola negatif:

1. He doesn’t clean his rooms. [aktif]
His rooms are not cleaned (by him). [pasif]
2. I haven’t done my work. [aktif]
My work has not been done by me. [pasif]
Contoh kalimat pasif dalam pola interogatif:
1. Doesn’t she buy some foods? [aktif]
Aren’t some foods bought by her? [pasif]
2. Did he sell his car? [aktif]
Was his car sold by him? [pasif]
Bila kalimat aktif terdiri dari induk kalimat dan anak kalimat, yang dipasifkan bisa pada induk
kalimatnya, bisa juga pada anak kalimatnya.
1. He says that Andi is a clever student [aktif]
2. It is said that Andi is a clever student [pasif]
3. Andi is said to be a clever student [pasif]
Contoh Soal TOEFL Passive Voice dan Pembahasannya

1. ‘’The boys have been told the good news.” It means ______.
    A. The good news was told to the boys. B. Somebody has told the boys the good news.
    C. The good news has been told by the boys. D. The boys have told the good news.

Jawaban : B Keyword : have been told

Pembahasan : Berdasarkan bentuk polanya, kalimat ini adalah bentuk pasif present perfect tense. Jadi
kalimat aktifnya adalah Somebody has told the boys the good news.

2. The meeting was supposed to be held yesterday, but it has been ______ to next Thursday.
    A. taken off B. worn off C. put off D. called off

Jawaban : C
Keyword : supposed to be held yesterday
Pembahasan : Kalimat ini bermakna sesuatu yang ditunda. Pilihan jawaban dan maknanya adalah taken
off (diambil), worn off (luntur), put off (ditunda), dan called off (dibatalkan). Jadi pilihan yang tepat
adalah put off.

3. The proposal ______ discussed when I called the office this morning.
    A. was being B. been C. being D. have been

Jawaban : A Keyword : when I called

Pembahasan : Tense pada anak kalimat berupa past, jadi tense pada induk kalimatnya juga harus berupa
past yaitu was being.

4. Black, red, and even bright pink diamonds _____

    A. Occasionally to find B. Occasionally found
    C. Have occasionally been found D. Have occasionally found

Jawaban : C Keyword : diamonds

Pembahasan : Kalimat ini merupakan kalimat pasif.

5. Many books _____, but one of the best is “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale
    A. Have written about success
    B. Written about success
    C. Have been written about success
    D. About successful

Jawaban : C
Keyword : Many books
Pembahasan : Kalimat ini memerlukan predikat dan bentuknya pasif.
6. _____ were first viewed through telescope by Galileo.
    A. Jupiter has four moons
    B. Jupiter’s four moons
    C. Jupiter surrounded by four moons
    D. Surrounded by four moons, Jupiter

Jawaban : B
Keyword : were first viewed
Pembahasan : Pada kalimat sudah ada kata kerja (verb) jadi kalimat ini hanya membutuhkan subjek.
Selain itu kata kerja yang ada (were) adalah kata kerja untuk subjek jamak. Jadi pilihan yang tepat adalah
Jupiter’s four moons.

7. In November of 1863, the city of Atlanta _____ during Sherman’s famous “March to the Sea”.
    A. Was completely burned B. Completely was burned
    C. It was burned completely D. Completely burned it

Jawaban : A
Keyword : the city of Atlanta
Pembahasan : Karena pada soal sudah ada subjek dan kalimat tersebut bermakna pasif, maka jawaban
yang paling sesuai adalah was completely burned.

8. The Supreme Court does not hear a case unless _____, except those involving foreign ambassadors.
    A. A trial B. Already tried
    C. It already trying D. It has already been tried

Jawaban : D
Keyword : unless
Pembahasan : Kata unless harus diikuti klausa. Selain itu dari pola kalimatnya diketahui bahwa kalimat
ini merupakan kalimat pasif. Karena itu jawaban yang dibutuhkan adalah it has already been tried.

9. _____ occasions for congratulations.

    A. Birthdays that usually considered
    B. Usually considering birthdays
    C. Birthdays are usually considered
    D. That considered birthdays usually

Jawaban : C
Keyword : occasions
Pembahasan : Kalimat ini merupakan kalimat pasif yang belum ada subjek dan predikatnya. Maka
jawaban yang paling sesuai adalah birthdays are usually considered.

10. Electron storage rings _____ in investigations of the structure of materials.

    A. They are used B. That are used C. Used D. Are used
Jawaban : D
Keyword : rings
Pembahasan : Kalimat ini sudah ada subjek yang berbentuk jamak (electron storage rings), karena itu
yang dibutuhkan adalah predikat untuk subjek jamak (are used).

11. The government requires that a census be taken every ten years so accurate statistics may be

Jawaban : A
Keyword : a census
Pembahasan : Karena subjek pada anak kalimat adalah a census, jadi predikatnya is taken.

12. In 1961 America’s first manned spacecraft launched.

Jawaban : D
Keyword : spacecraft
Pembahasan : Kalimat ini merupakan kalimat pasif berbentuk past tense.
Jadi polanya adalah subject + was/were + V3.
Berdasarkan pola ini bentuk launched tidak tepat, melainkan harus diganti was launched.

13. By passing sunlight through a prism, the light is separate into a spectrum of colors.

Jawaban : C
Keyword : the light
Pembahasan : Kalimat ini merupakan kalimat pasif dalam bentuk present tense. Jadi polanya adalah
subject + is/am/are + V3. Berdasarkan pola ini bentuk is separate tidak tepat, melainkan harus diganti is

14. After the yolk is separated from the white, it must be boil immediately.

Jawaban : C
Keyword : it must be
Pembahasan : Be pada kalimat pasif harus diikuti participle (V3). Karena itu penggunaan boil tidak
tepat, melainkan harus diganti boiled.

15. The children’s television program called ”Sesame Street” was seeing in 84 countries in 1989.

Jawaban : C
Keyword : “Sesame Street” was
Pembahasan : Kalimat ini merupakan kalimat pasif dalam bentuk past tense. Karena itu polanya adalah
subject + was/were + V3. Jadi penggunaan seeing tidak tepat, melainkan harus diganti seen.

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