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Regulatory Risk Management – Responding to

COVID-19 Pandemic
Employment and Immigration
Y / N

Have you ensured that recruiters have made suitable arrangement for
interview over teleconferencing ?

Have you ensured that recruiters are trained to ensure that there is no bias
around employees with specific disabilities emerging from COVID-19 or
employees of specific race/ origin/ nationality?

Have you assessed the impact on new employees or candidates in the

process of joining your organisation?

Have you considered postponing the date of joining for such candidates
and assessed the regulatory impact in terms of payment of wages for such

Have you made suitable changes to policies and processes to facilitate

remote working and telecommuting for employees?

Have you revised your policies/ processes/ employment contracts with

regulatory enhancements to employee benefits viz. paid leave, sick leave/
sick pay in case of being impacted by COVID-19, time off for taking care of
families and unemployment benefits ?

Have you reviewed compensation process for hourly paid employees who
will be forced to stop work due to business shut down?

Have you assessed impact on benefit cost due to emergence of this event
and how funding will be done to self funded health care plans?
Regulatory Risk Management – Responding to
COVID-19 Pandemic
Employment and Immigration
Y / N

Have you identified reporting requirements under various regulations for

employees tested positive?

Have you tracked your mobile workforce and assessed country and state
specific ban for movements for immigration and safety regulations?

Have you checked on employees who have come to India to complete visa
11 stamping but are unable to get re-deployed because of cancelled
operations of visa embassies?

Have you instituted appropriate modes for employees, contractors and

12 consultants to provide self declaration, full disclosure and acceptance of
liability in case of non-adherence to company and government regulatory

Have you reviewed your protocol and measures to respond to COVID-19

13 from a regulatory perspective and confirmed that those procedures are not
in contravention with data privacy, employment rights, human rights and
other employment contract terms?

Have you reviewed the current exit practices to ensure that employees/
14 temp workers/ contractors are not involuntarily terminated on account of
being affected by COVID-19

15 Have you reviewed the need for extending notice period of resigned
employees and a need for their coverage in existing health plans?
Regulatory Risk Management – Responding to
COVID-19 Pandemic
Health and Safety
Y / N

1 Have you assessed the need for your employees to work from office
premises depending upon their nature of work?

Have you formed a crisis management team and have you assessed
preparedness of this team and your partners to respond in case of
emergency at your work site?

Have you made suitable arrangements for quarantining/isolating affected

individuals or groups to prevent further spread of the disease?

Have you established appropriate communication channels for

disseminating regulatory announcements or government advisories?

Have you set up a mechanism to obtain declarations from employees/

5 contractors/ visitors if they have travelled to affected areas / countries or
been in physical contact with / proximity to infected individuals?

Have you adopted preventive measures for specific areas of your worksite
which are likely to have higher density and flow of employees/ visitors?

Have you created a mechanism for responding to employee queries or

concerns regarding COVID-19?

Have you made suitable business continuity plans in the event of outbreak
within company premises?

Have you identified reporting requirements under various regulations with

regard to COVID-19 outbreak?

Have you reviewed technical security measures for the organization while
facilitating remote working for employees especially with static ids?

Have you reviewed the need to institute a process for disposing bio waste
11 which would have been created owing to disposal of masks and other
protective equipment within your premises?
Regulatory Risk Management – Responding to
COVID-19 Pandemic
Corporate Governance and Reporting
Y / N

1 Have you analysed the likely impact on the company's financial results due
to COVID-19 ?

Have you performed risk assessment to ascertain if any material

disclosures would be required to regulators or stock exchange?

3 Have you reviewed insider-trading norms and possible risk of shareholder

activism owing to stock price fluctuations ?

Have you done succession and back up planning to make sure that there is
adequate coverage available to carry on operations of the company in the
event of incapacitation of Board Members or KMP?
Have you reviewed the need to reschedule, delay or exclude symptomatic
5 persons or tested positive from a physical meeting which are mandatory by
law ?
Regulatory Risk Management – Responding to
COVID-19 Pandemic
Supply Chain
Y / N

1 Have you conducted a country-by-country impact assessment from a

supply and demand perspective for your global operations?

In case the supply of materials, goods or services is time critical and you
are required to cancel the contract or resort to an alternative, have you
analysed your rights and obligation in case of such cancellation?

3 Have you analysed your contractual rights and obligations under events
which are beyond your controls and considered as force majeure?

Have you analysed your rights and obligations in case of your failure to
deliver goods or services?

Have you reviewed your cross-border contracts and transactions and the
5 impact of regulatory changes in other countries?

Have you assessed impact of logistical restrictions during the course of

6 performing contractual obligations?

In case you provide essential services, have you analysed impact of

7 discontinuation of such services?
Regulatory Risk Management – Responding to
COVID-19 Pandemic
Capital Markets
Y / N

1 Have you assessed impact on financial condition, liquidity, results of

operations and/or prospects considered material to an investment decision
for the company’s securities?

2 Have you considered impact on credit rating in case of any downgrade or

negative outlook being discussed by rating agencies?

3 Have you analysed your company’s liquidity position owing to stretched

receivables and arranged for contingency funding?

Have you explored the re-negotiation of payment terms with your suppliers
considering delayed collections?

Have you explored the re-negotiation of payment terms with your suppliers
considering delayed collections?
Regulatory Risk Management – Responding to
COVID-19 Pandemic
Trade Restrictions and Pricing
Y / N

1 Have you reviewed any trade restriction on the materials which you use
for production or on the finished goods which could be restricted for
international or intra-state trade?

2 Have you reviewed any pricing or competition related restriction which may
apply to your products or services?

3 Have you reviewed impact of import/ export clearance delays for any
movement of goods to/ from affected countries?

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