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1.1 Background of COVID-19

Corona virus is part of a family of viruses that cause disease in animals or in humans. In
Indonesia, it is still fighting the Corona virus to date, as well as in other countries. The
number of cases of the Corona virus continues to grow with several reports of recovery, but
not a few have died. Handling and prevention efforts continue to be made in order to fight
COVID-19 with flu-like symptoms.
Background on the Corona virus or COVID-19, the case begins with pneumonia or
pneumonia. This case is allegedly related to the Huanan animal market in Wuhan which sells
various types of animal meat, including those not normally consumed, for example snakes,
bats, and various types of mice. With this background, the Corona virus is not the only time
to make the world's citizens panic. Having symptoms that are similar to the flu, the Corona
virus develops rapidly to result in more severe infections. In Indonesia the number of
confirmed cases of corona virus was 369. During the period of treatment, 320 people were
86.721% of the confirmed. Someone who was recovered 17 people out of 4,607 confirmed.
And that is said to have died 32 people from 8,672 confirmed.
In the Jakarta area confirmed as many as 215 people, recovered 14 people and 18 others died.
West Java confirmed 41 people were infected, 1 person was declared cured and 7 died. And
there are many other areas that have been infected by the Corona virus.
The initial symptoms of the Corona virus are:
1. Cough.
2. Tired.
3. Shortness of breath and not feeling well.

As for prevention so as not to get affected by Corris, among others:

1. Wash your hands.
2. Don't touch objects in public places.
3. Avoid the crowd.
4. Keeping distance from others.

1.2 Problem Formulation
a. understanding of Corona or covid 19 viruses?
b. does the Corona or Covid 19 virus work?
c. how to prevent Corona virus or COVID-19,?
d. The Impact of the Covid Pandemic on the Indonesian Economy
Industry affected?

1.3 Purpose
a. to find out the understanding of Corona or covid virus 19
b. to find out the Corona virus virus or covid 19
c. to find out how to prevent Corona virus or COVID-19,
d. for the Impact of the Covid Pandemic on the Indonesian Economy
Industry affected


Understanding Coronavirus
Coronavirus or corona virus is a large family of viruses that cause mild to moderate upper
respiratory infections, such as flu. Many people are infected with this virus, at least once in
their lives.
However, some types of corona viruses can also cause more serious illnesses, such as:
• Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV).
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV).
• Pneumonia.
SARS, which appeared in November 2002 in China, spread to several other countries.
Starting from Hong Kong, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, England, Italy, Sweden,
Switzerland, Russia, to the United States. The SARS epidemic which ended until mid-2003
affected 8098 people in various countries. At least 774 people must lose their lives due to this
severe respiratory infection.
To date, seven coronaviruses (HCoVs) have been identified, namely:
• HCoV-229E.
• HCoV-OC43.
• HCoV-NL63.
• HCoV-HKU1.
• SARS-COV (which causes acute respiratory syndrome).
• MERS-COV (Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome).
• COVID-19, also known as Coronavirus Novel (caused pneumonia outbreak in Wuhan,
China in December 2019, and spread to other countries from January 2020. Indonesia itself
announced a covid 19 case from March 2020

2.1 Symptoms of COVID-19

The characteristics of the Corona virus in the early symptoms are flu-like and are often
underestimated by patients. However, in contrast to the common cold, Corona virus infection
or COVID-19 runs fast, especially in patients with previous health problems.
Symptoms of mild cases of Corona virus infection or COVID-19:

1. Cough
2. Tired
3. Shortness of breath and aching throughout the body
4. Generally feel unwell
Symptoms of severe cases of Corona virus infection or COVID-19:
1. Difficulty breathing
2. Pneumonia infection
3. Abdominal pain
4. Decreased appetite

2.2 Characteristics of the Corona virus or COVID-19 and its symptoms mostly appear
 2-10 days after contact with the virus. But in some cases, the initial characteristics of
Coronavirus and its symptoms only appear around 24 days. To distinguish the early features
of Corona and the common cold, there are a number of things that must be considered,
1. Within 14 days had traveled to a country that is considered the source of the Corona virus
2. Had contact with a patient who had a Corona infection
Cases of Corona virus infection or COVID-19 which are still endemic can be prevented in a
simple way. Here are four ways to prevent Corona virus or COVID-19:

2.3 Prevention of COVID-19

Cases of Corona virus infection or COVID-19 which are still endemic can be prevented in a
simple way. Here are four ways to prevent Corona virus or COVID-19,
1. Wash your hands
When washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If there is no water and
soap, you can use a hand sanitizer with a minimum alcohol content of 60 percent. Hand
washing must be done before and after the move.
2. Don't touch public places

When in public facilities, you should not touch elevator buttons, door handles, stairs or
escalators. If you have to touch, it's best to use a tissue or sleeve and wash your hands
immediately afterwards.
3. Avoid the crowd

Cases of Corona virus infection or COVID-19 are easy to attack when in a crowded place.
Therefore, try not to be in the crowd especially in poorly ventilated rooms. If forced to be in a
crowd, do not carelessly touch your face, nose, and eyes, especially if you have not washed
your hands.
4. Diligent cleaning the house
Cleaning the house using disinfectant liquid is another effort to prevent cases of Corona virus
infection or COVID-19. After these prevention methods are done, do not forget to use a mask
when on the move outside the home.
When to see a doctor?
Immediately see a doctor if you experience or find symptoms of the Corona virus in others as
mentioned above, especially if symptoms appear 2 weeks after returning from China or
another country that is positively infected. People suspected of being infected with the
Corona virus must be referred immediately to the nearest hospital emergency room in order
to get proper treatment.
Causes of Corona Virus
Corona virus infection is caused by coronavirus, which is a group of viruses that infect the
respiratory system. In most cases, coronaviruses only cause mild to moderate respiratory
infections, such as flu. However, this virus can also cause severe respiratory infections, such
as MERS, SARS, and pneumonia.
It is suspected that the Corona virus was initially transmitted from animals to humans.
However, it was later discovered that coronaviruses were also transmitted from human to
A person can be infected with coronavirus through various ways, namely:
Accidentally inhale a splash of saliva from sneezing or coughing Corona virus sufferers.
Hold the mouth or nose without washing hands first, after touching an object affected by the
patient's saliva.
Close contact with sufferers, such as touching or shaking hands.
Corona virus can infect anyone, but more at risk of attacking the elderly, as well as people
who are sick or have weak immunity.

Corona Virus Diagnosis
To determine whether the patient is infected with the Corona virus, the doctor will ask about
the symptoms experienced by the patient. The doctor will also ask if the patient is traveling to
the Corona virus endemic area before symptoms appear.
To confirm the diagnosis of the Corona virus, the doctor will carry out the following follow-
up examinations:
Blood sample test.
A throat swab test to examine sputum samples.
Chest radiograph to detect infiltrates or fluid in the lungs.
Corona Virus Treatment
Corona virus infection can not be treated, but there are several steps that doctors can take to
relieve the symptoms, namely:
Providing fever and pain relievers. However, doctors will not give aspirin to sufferers of
Corona virus infection who are still children.
Encourage sufferers to take a warm bath and use a humidifier, to relieve cough and sore
Encourage sufferers to get enough rest and do not leave the house to prevent the spread of the
Encourage and require sufferers to drink lots of water in order to maintain body fluid levels.
Complications of Corona Virus
In severe cases, Corona virus infection can cause the following serious complications:
Secondary infection of other organs
Kidney failure
Acute cardiac injury
Acute respiratory distress syndrome
Corona Virus Prevention
Until now, there is no vaccine to prevent the Corona virus. Therefore, the best prevention
method is to avoid the factors that can cause you to be infected with this virus, namely:
Avoid traveling to China or other countries where Corona virus transmission has been found.

Use a mask when outdoors, especially if you are doing activities in public places.
Wash your hands regularly with water and soap or hand sanitizer containing alcohol after
outdoor activities.
Avoid contact with animals, especially wild animals. In case of contact with animals, wash
your hands afterwards.
Make sure you cook the meat completely before consuming it.
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, then throw

the tissue in the trash.

Do not touch the eyes, mouth and nose before washing hands.
Avoid being close to someone who is sick.
Keep clean objects that are often touched and environmental cleanliness.
For someone who is suspected of being infected with the Corona virus, there are several steps
you can take so that the virus does not spread to others, namely:
Do not leave the house, except for treatment.
Try to stay apart from other people for a while. If it is not possible, use a bedroom and
bathroom that is different from what others use.
Prohibit and prevent others from visiting or visiting you until you are completely healed.
As much as possible do not have meetings with people who are sick.
Avoid sharing eating and drinking utensils, toiletries, and bedding with other people.
Wear a mask and gloves when in a public place or with someone else.
Use tissue to cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, then throw the tissue in
the trash.

2.4 covid impact

The Impact of the Covid Pandemic on the Indonesian Economy
Industry affected
First is the high level, such as automotive manufacturing companies under great pressure
because of their dependence on the global supply chain, which hinders the production
The garment industry which implements a system of reducing employee density by means of
two work weeks and two weeks of holidays in order to reduce the spread of the corona virus,

of course this has an impact on decreased production so that companies can suffer losses that
result in layoffs.
The tourism and aviation sector are empty of passengers due to social distancing policies, and
non-food retailers which are quiet of visitors.
Second level, such as the film industry that reduces the shooting process, the media industry
and the press are hampered to find content and news.
The third level is low, such as the service sector industry only a few obstacles, namely
decreasing service orders but can still be overcome and not too affected.
Digital finance is increasing
As we already know that corona virus can stick to objects, money is one of them.

This is the reason why digital money will increase because digital money cannot be held or
touched so it will not cause transmission of the virus, unlike the case with physical money
(paper and metal) that can be held and of course this will cause the spread of the virus.
The exchange rate of the US dollar has increased. This is caused by many things one of
which is the decline of the Chinese economy so that the Indonesian state is affected because
our country is pro against the state of China which is the opponent of the US-China trade war
which is still hot. And now 1 US dollar has reached around Rp. 16,466 (as of March 25).
Increased purchasing power of local products
From the negative impact caused by this plague, it turns out that there is a good side, namely
the first increase in the purchasing power of local goods because the government has banned
imported goods while the outbreak is still ongoing.
Second, the air police decreased due to lack of vehicles caused by social

Government Policies Regarding the Covid-19 Pandemic:

Social distancing (social restrictions), is a series of infection control measures intended to
stop or slow the spread of infectious diseases.
The purpose of social restrictions is to reduce the possibility of contact between infected
people and other people who are not infected, so as to minimize transmission of disease, for
example such as school closures, workplaces, isolation, quarantine, closing or restricting
public transportation.

Income tax is borne by the government. Regular income received by employees earning 200
million rupiah a year working for companies affected by the corona virus pandemic gets
income tax article 21 (PPh 21) borne by the government.
In the Minister of Finance Regulation No. 23 / PMK.03 / 2020 companies affected by the
corona virus pandemic are companies registered with 440 KLU (Business Field
Classifications) and companies that have been designated as KITE (Export Import Facility for
Export Purpose) companies.
Loan to pay credit. The government provides a number of incentives for micro, small and
medium enterprises (MSMEs), including the possibility of paying credit for up to one year.

President Joko Widodo said the incentive was also reduced by interest. Even so, this
provision can only be enjoyed by MSMEs with loans below Rp10 billion.
In addition to MSMEs, credit leeway will also be given to motorcycle taxi drivers and taxi
drivers. Loan relaxation has also been approved by Bank Indonesia (BI) and the Financial
Services Authority (OJK).
The leeway is valid from March 31, 2020 to March 31, 2021.
Electricity subsidy. It is a policy to reduce electricity costs to PLN customers amid a corona
virus pandemic.
The policy has been implemented since April 1, and it is hoped that all customers who are
entitled to electricity subsidies can access the electricity subsidies.
PLN has succeeded in providing free or discounted electricity to 8.5 million prepaid or token

Details of eligible customers, as many as 24 million 450 VA household customers get free
Furthermore, 7 million 900 VA subsidized households receive a 50 percent electricity
payment discount for three months. This policy is intended for the poor people.
Study at home. The Ministry of Education provides a number of references for implementing
learning from home during this pandemic.
There are no specific restrictions on what learning material students must do at home. This is
because the access or learning facilities owned by each student at home are not the same.

To support the process of learning from home, the Ministry of Education and Culture has
collaborated with several telecommunications providers such as Indosat, Telkomsel and XL
to provide educational quotas to access applications or learning websites.


3.1 Conclusions
Corona virus infection or COVID-19 is caused by coronavirus, which is a group of viruses
that infect the respiratory system. In most cases, coronaviruses only cause mild to moderate
respiratory infections, such as flu. However, this virus can also cause severe respiratory
infections, such as pneumonia, Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), and Severe
Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
It is suspected that the Corona virus was initially transmitted from animals to humans.
However, it was later discovered that the Corona virus was also transmitted from human to


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