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Name: Kae Ann F. Villanueva Date: January 23, 2020

Course/Yr/Blk: BS Biology 2nd Year-Block 1 Subject: Art Appreciation


1. What is the subject of Art?

- The subject of Art is the matter to be described or to be portrayed by the
artist. It is varied. In general, the subject of an artwork is anything under the
sun. It could be make-believe, imaginary and invented. And lastly it could be
real events.
2. What is the content of Art?
- The content of art is the meaning, message, and/or feeling imparted by a
work of art. Content is inextricably linked with form.
3. What are the two kinds of Art as to subject? (Give brief definitions.)
- The two kinds of Art as to subject are; first the representational or objective
art, these are arts that depict objects that are commonly recognized by most
people. They use “form” and are concerned with “what” is to be depicted in
the artwork. They attempt to copy or portray the subject as it is. The second
one is the nonrepresentational or nonobjective art. These arts are those
without any reference to anything outside itself. This art is nonobjective
because it has no recognizable objects. It is abstract and more on the
“content” and “how” the artwork is depicted.
4. Give at least three (3) sources of the subject of Art.
- Nature, history, Greek and Roman mythology
5. Where does each artwork associated and communicated with? (Based from the
content of Art.)
- Each artwork is associated and communicated with its mass of ideas through
art’s imagery, symbolic meaning, surroundings where it’s used or displayed,
the customs, beliefs, and values of the culture that uses it and writings that
help explain the work.
6. Where do we keep our Artworks? Why do we keep them? Explain briefly.
- We keep our artworks at public and private institutions, like museums and
galleries. Moreover, we keep and preserve them for national pride and glory
because it is good for economy, also for preservation and restoration because
most of arts shows the culture that a country or place have and lastly for
private collections and exhibit in museums for the public to behold or more
like aesthetic pleasure, personal or ritual use or display of power.

Name: Kae Ann F. Villanueva Date: January 23, 2020

Course/Yr/Blk: BS Biology 2nd Year-Block 1 Subject: Art Appreciation


1. Differentiate Artists from Artisans.

-Artist is a person who performs any of the creative arts. This can range from
painting to music.
-Artisan is a skilled worker who makes things by hand.
2. Give all the key components of the Art Market and their roles in the Art world.
- Curator- is the manager or overseer, the content specialist charged with an
institution’s collections, selecting art to be displayed in a museum, organizing
art exhibitions in galleries or public places, researching artists, and writing
catalogs and involved with the interpretation of heritage.
- Art buyer- is a professional who is knowledgeable in art.
- Art dealer- a person or company that buys and sells works of art. They often
study the history of art before starting their careers. They have to understand
the business side of the art world and keep up with the trends in the market
and are knowledgeable about the style of art that people want to buy.
- Private collection- a personal owned collection of works, usually a collection
of art.
3. What are the stages of the creative process and the stages in art making?
- The stages of the creative process are germination, assimilation and
completion. Germination (idea) is the initial moment when you conceive a
new project in your life. Assimilation is the crucial step in this process
because during this phase, you will internalize and assimilate or incorporate
the idea you want to create and completion, the time to finish your project, to
give the final shape before you present it to the audience.
- The stages in art making are preproduction or subject development,
production or medium manipulation and post production or exhibition.
4. Define an artist’s medium and technique.
- Medium - refers to the materials that are used by an artist to create a work of
- Technique – refers to the artists’ ability and knowledge or technical know-how
in manipulating the medium.
5. Give at least 10 GAMABA Awardees and 5 National Artists in the Philippines.
- 10 GAMABA Awardees
1. Ginaw Bilog, artist and poet (1993)
2. Masino Intaray , musician and epic chanter (1993)
3. Samaon Sulaiman, musician (1993)
4. Lang Dulay, textile weaver (1998)
5. Salinta Monon, weaver (1998)
6. Alonzo Saclag, musician and dancer (2000)
7. Frederico Caballero, epic chanter (2000)
8. Uwang Ahadas, musician (2000)
9. Darhate Sawabi, weaver (2005)
10. Eduarto Matuc, metalsmith/ metal scupltor (2004)
- 5 National Artists in the Philippines
1. Fernando Amorsolo (1972) painting
2. Nick Joaquin (1976) literature
3. Fernando Poe Jr. ( 2006) cinema
4. N.V.M. Gonzales (1997) literature
5. Edith L. Tiempo (1999) literature
6. What is an Art Exhibit?
- Art Exhibit is a planned arrangement and display of a collection of items. It
usually takes place in museums, galleries and exhibition halls and World’s

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