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Tugas dikumpulkan pada hari Sabtu, 11 April 2020.

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History of Balinese Art Painting
Balinese art is unlike as Europeam pure art. Balinese art is used for religious ceremony of
Hindu-Bali s dedication to gods. It has been handed down as one of the traditional arts since 400
years ago. Balinese painting’s origin was brought by Majapahit Dynasty in late 16th century
when they lost battle against Islamic Dynasty in Java. It has been used as decoration in royal
palace under the influence of refined culture. Main theme is the ancient Indian epic Hindu for
“Ramayana” and “Mahabarata”. Balinese painting techniques handed down from those days is
called Kamasan (or Wayan) style, continued to nowadays. Using five colors such as black, white,
yellow, blue and brown draen in plane on textile. Kamasan village is located in the outskirts of
the dynasty Klungkung, the last dynasty of Bali, producing and developing new sensibility with
high degree of perfection to this traditional style of painting.
Turning point to the Balinese art painting was encounter to European painting. German
musician painter Walter Spies and Dutch painter Rudolf Bonet were invited to Ubud by Cokorda
Sukawati, the royal family of the region, under Dutch rule in 1920. They founded the
Association of local artists Pita Maha (great light) with Nyoman Lempad, Made Nadera and
other many local farmer artists. In order to improve painting technique and to introduce fair price
trade for the works of local artists.
They raised Balinese art up to the international level was done by interacting with
European artists who longed and settled in this tropical island. They created own works and gave
paints and canvas to the youth of island. They were also teaching shading method and assigning
perspective everyday life and landscape as theme of painting works. By the circumstance, Ubud
style and Batuan style were born. After World War II, the Dutch painter Arie Smit arrived in
Ubud and under his guidance young artists with theme of rural life and landscape was born. In
the 1970s the theme of birds Pengosekan style appeared. Even if the theme is different, each
style of paintings are using unique traditional technique inherited from ancient times.
Currently the young creative painters of Bali have been working with great energy and its
capital of art. Ubud, a small village located central of Bali, offers a lot of Art Museum. Each
museum has collection from classical works to contemporary art works, held exhibitions of local
artists who committed to develop and protect the traditional art painting style. At the same time it
is attracting eyes of foreign visitors as well. Many galleries and shops displaying mass quantity
of so called Balinese painting which are mixed up with boulder of artist’s mass-produced
paintings to masterpiece of local artist.

Based on the text above, please decided whether these statement True (T) or False (F).
1. Balinese art is an ancient traditional art.
2. Balinese art survived over world war.
3. Pita Maha was founded only by the King of Ubud.
4. Artists from Germany came to Bali to join Pita Maha.
5. Pita Maha project was to sell Balinese painting to other countries.
6. Ubud style and Batuan style were born in 19s century.
7. The Dutch painter provoked the born of rural life and landscapes theme.
8. New themes are using ancient technique.
9. There are few museums in Ubud with only contemporary works collection.
10. Tourists can easily find Balinese painting in galleries and art shops in Ubud.

Complete the conversation with WAS / WASN’T / WERE / WEREN’T

A : Where were you last night? I phoned you but you (1)………………. at home.
B : I (2)……………… out with friends. We (3)………………. at the Bluenote Café.
A : (3)………………. Julia there?
B : No, she……………….. Why?
A : Oh, I just wondered.
B : She (4)……………….. out with Nick. They (5)……………. At the oasis. I think.
A : No, they (6)…………………
B : How do you know?
A : Because I (7)……………… there!


Complete the story. Use the verbs in the brackets.

Last year I went (go) on holiday. I (1)…………. (drive) to the sea with my
friend. On the day we (2)…………. (look) at the beautiful buildings and (3)………… (eat) in
lots of restaurants. The next day (4)…………….. (be) very hot so we (5)…………. (drive) to
the sea. We (6) …………….. (leave) our clothes in the car and (7)………….. (sunbathe) and
(8)……………… (swim) all day. At six o’clock we (9)…………….. (walk) to our car, but
the car (10)………………(be) there. We (11)……………… (buy) some clothes and (12)
……………..(go) to the Police Station. The police (13)………………….. (be) nice and we
(14)……………… (sleep ) in the police station.

Source: English for Personality Development (MPK team)


Pelajarilah kosa kata berikut. Untuk task 4 ini tidak perlu dikumpulkan, cukup dipelajari
sebagai materi vocabulary in art.
1. Drawing
2. Abstract art
3. Watercolors
4. Brush drawing
5. Design
6. Calligraphy
7. Environmental art
8. Mural
9. Palette
10. Fine art
11. Relief
12. Canvas line
13. Monochrome
14. Oil pastel
15. Pattern
16. Sketch
17. illustration

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