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Nature, I am but a tiny speck in all her wonder

Yet it is my existence the very fiber of my being
For I am one with nature and nature is one with me
It is my spirit, my soul, my life, my calling.

Death is everywhere
Death is everything
It is the meaning of life
For life is death and death is life.

Our existence is only a figment

Of our imagination.
For in this black world of ours
Death prevails
Death is part of us and it’s always there
Weather we like it or not.

You’re no longer wanted!
You’re no longer my concern!
So get away from me!
Get out and leave!
No one wants you anymore
You’ll be shunned from every door.
Your shadow will be your only friend
And your soul will never mend
Cause this, this is the end!
You’ll be a spark
Surrounded by the dark
When you look in mirror
No one will be here
And once you die
No one will cry
And you will know
You’re destined to be alone
Just you wait and see!
You’ll be just like me!
Some times I wonder
Is anyone truly better?
Or are we all
Birds of a feather?

Breath of Night
Grasping and gasping for the light
I fall into the darkness of the night
I look into my dreadful past
Hoping this darkness will not last

As I breathe in my last breath of light

My breath becomes the breath of night
But then I see a ghostly sight
A sight that may dissolve of night

I breathe in the heavenly mist

I feel that I, slowly, start to exist
But now I remember the price I pay
The price of the light of day

I struggle to get back to the night

To break free from dreadful light
But now I am not one of the night
So once again I have the curse of light

Each day I hide within my shadow
While something is left behind.
So I grow farther away from existence
And go crazy in my mind.

But I conceal all my emotion

And lock away the key.
To try and wash my tears away
So no one can find me.

Everyday I cry on the inside
Every day I die within
Because no one sees the real me
They only see the mask
And though I try to find were I belong
All I seem to find is a song
A song of my history
A song of my past
It keeps on haunting me
And keeps me locked away
But with all the things I hide
Something’s are better left inside

They said all secrets one day will unfold

And hidden tragic stories will be told
My true story you ought to believe
No one can redeem you from the constant grief
I know you sorrow is not a state of mind
I know all the truth which lie behind

Once upon the time you came from above

Heavenly mysterious realm full of love

What brought you to the dark ! it might be the singing

Of cursed lurk
It is the ruthless wind that forced you to black word descend
Something made you blind and you right path you can’t find

Low glow woe low

Fade made raid wade

Whey this face is full of stretches. distress and cuts

how Merciless this world ….! Even to the angel has no mercy or buts

My angel your body is not sucks

It just to high heaven you belong
And came her by mistake by wrong

ruthless world you were not you designd

not for them him or mine

divine mine descend

woe low

Whey this face is full of stretches. distress and cuts

how Merciless this world ….! Even to the angel has no mercy or buts

My angel your body is not sucks

It just to high heaven you belong
And you came her by mistake by wrong
divine mine descend

Can You See
I am bound within this prison
Never to brake free
For I fear this endless emotion
Afraid that they will see
But I find there is only one answer
To the question that is me

I am stuck in a maze of emotion
And I am surrounded by glass
I try to brake free from the torture
I try to brake free from the past.
For I live in a shield made of roses
And I have seen the shadow I cast.
I endure within this nightmare
To be free from the world at last.

Welcome to my hell hole
Welcome to my life

This is where all darkness came from

This is where I began
You’ll soon see the darkness
You’ll soon understand

Welcome to my hell hole

Welcome to my life

The darkness charms me

Like a flame to a moth
It’s just waiting
For me to turn the lights off

Welcome to my hell hole

Welcome to my life

My eyes grow heavy
And my wounds grow deep
As I try to escape
This endless sleep

My lips whisper
But cannot speak
What life have I,
One so weak?

My face smiles
Yet I cry inside
Yet there are demons
This face can’t hide

I walked through
The endless night.
I struggled for freedom
But was powerless to fight.

Love turns into spite

My heart fell for you,

When you held me tight.
But when the going got tough,
You where nowhere in sight.

Love turns into spite

Again left alone,

In the fading light.
With deaths sweet embrace,
Ready to bight.

Love turns into spite


On a black asphalt street,
A lowly puddle doth lie
As people pass by.

It lies still as ice

As it reflects the gray skies
Waiting for the day it dies.

A stone falls into the water;

At first it ripples, then lies still
But is it fine, or is it ill?

The puddle is different

Steady as she goes
Yet no one ever knows

Silence is Golden
Blow out the candle
Turn off the light
I do not want to see
That dreadful sight

I know not the face

But I know the mask
What lies beneath?
I must not ask

How can you save

What is not real?
How is my heart
Suppose to feel?

I cannot bare
What might be
How can my reflection
Not be me?
March Away
I do not have a heart
That can be broken
For there are secrets
I have never spoken

I keep moving on
Not allowed to cry
Watching loved ones
Fall down and die

Gun of my heart
Shattering my soul
Hurting myself
Just to feel whole

I Wish I Could Cry

Every time I need someone to be there for me, everyone disappears.
I end up crying into a pillow and talking to deaf ears.

Is anyone there?
Does anyone care?

Please someone save me, before it’s too late!

Please don’t let this be my forgotten fate.

Is anyone there?
Does anyone care?

Is this is my destiny; a forgotten speck of dust

All my life’s work, ready to combust?

Is anyone there?
Does anyone care?

I suppose now is the time I must bow my head in defeat

For now the world knows, I have been beat.

I am nothing you can hold on to;
Try to touch me
And you go right through.

Turn and run away

For this heart of mine
Can never be saved.

You are fated

To never understand
Something that is not real

So look upon this deadly fuse,

And give up now
Or you’re destined to lose.

Never Return
Locked in a room,
Without a key.
My only friend,
The mirror behind me.

I tap on my window
Hoping someone will hear.
Watching days pass by
Year by year.

Trapped behind this windowpane,

Watching beauty pass by.
Never able to continue,
Never able to die.

So I try to find,
What I must lack.
Words ringing in my ear,
“Never come back.”

Open Wound
It was all a game to you,
My emotions a toy.
Tearing myself apart,
For a stupid boy.

Yes, I waited for an eternity,

Hoping you would show.
But you never came
And I cannot let go.

I stand here still waiting

For the day you arrive.
Giving you my whole heart,
Just so I can stay alive.

But one day I’ll break down,

Showing the world what is within.
And pour out my heart,
To fill it with sin.

My heart is broken
And I have left the world behind
Just so I can be saved.

I am waiting for my lie to come true.

I create a dream and live that life.
My fantasy becoming reality;
Full of love and free of pain.

I am waiting for my lie to come true.

My daydream is far from perfect

But that works for me.
That is what makes my story.

I am waiting for my lie to come true.

Here I have my prince charming.

Who protects me from reality,
Relinquishing all my sorrow and fear

Soothing you speak, stranger,
Regarding my misfortune.
But gentle words and a cup of tea
Will not save me.

I do not need your pity.

This is my destiny.
I will never find what I seek;
Fortune is not granted to the meek.

How do you know that behind

The gloom there is opportunity?
How can you say what is not true
When I do not know you?

There is nothing left but hollow bones.

For my heart was smashed in a bottle
And sent to the bottom of the sea,
While my soul escaped me.

So tell me, my condemned companion,

Indulge me with your “wisdom.”
But never tell me what you think.
For I shall never find what I seek

Thou hath divine presence
In every statuesque stance.
I, a mere human, can simply gaze,
Never advance.

I see thou walking upon a silver cloud

And strolling through my heart.
I look upon thy perfection,
Love dancing in my eyes.

Though thy heart belongs to another,

And I never stood a chance,
I still must pine for thy heart
In this everlasting dance.

Yet I wish for nothing more

Than thy eternal happiness.
So gladly, I take my place
Under the title of “friend.”

Keeping my affection at bay

Yet taking the occasional glance.
I shall be thy closest ally
And protect thou from every lance.

Shrouded in darkness
Embroidered with lace
Dying in misery
With a smile on my face.
The Bee
There once lived a bee and a flower
The flower was all by itself
Until a bee came a long

I’ll never forget the bee

The bee said to the flower

“If you let me drink your nectar
I will be yours forever”

I’ll never forget the bee

The flower replied “How do I know

You will not be like the rest?
And leave me here to die?”

I’ll never forget the bee

The bee said sweetly

“You are the most beautiful flower
And if I have your nectar, I’ll be yours”

I’ll never forget the bee

“I shall be back for you next spring”

Said the bee, so the flower agreed.
The bee thanked the flower, and buzzed away.

I’ll never forget the bee

The next spring came

And the flower awaited the bee
But the bee never came

I’ll never forget the bee

After many springs the flower died

But in all its pain and misery
It had but one thought

I’ll never forget the bee

Rain fall upon me
And hide my crying eye
For with your liberation
I shall tell no lie

I shall tell my story

And release all my pain
Yes come down, redeemer
So my efforts are not in vain

I gave my smile
And believed I had lost not
I gave him everything
Yet I knew not the cost

I met him in darkness

And I was filled with fright
He was my hope
My fire in the night

But my light was extinguished

I was left alone to fight
Now who will save me
From my internal plight?

I no can longer wait

For my White Knight.
For love only holds
A swift bite.

So quench me freedom
Let me drink what brought.
For love’s “sweet elixir”
Is all for not.
Smile every day take it away

I prefer pain torture, death and living in a prison

Than to be one day by you forgotten
I will die from regret and pain
‫وأرضى أعيش بسجن بس أنت سجاني‬..‫أموت حسرةوقهرلوإنت تنساني‬
I prefer pain, torture, death and living in a prison than to be one day by you forgotten

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