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Presidency University, Bengaluru

Even Semester 2019-2020

Announcement of Test 2

Course Title: Database Management Systems Course Code: CSE 207

Instructor In Charge: Mr. Mohammed Mujeer Ulla, Mr. D. Pramodh Krishna

Date: 09-05-2020 Day: Saturday Time: Part A - 10:15 – 11:15, Part B -11:15 – 1:15

Weightage: 20 % Total Marks: 40

Module: 2: Functions, Procedures, Triggers, Views.

Module: 3: The Relational Algebra - Unary relational operations-select and project, relational

operations from set theory, binary relational operations: JOIN and DIVISION, examples of

queries in relational algebra.

Module: 4: Informal design guidelines for relation schema.

(Lecture No. L18 TO L29 of the Course Handout)

1. Test 2 will be conducted online through EDITCH. Test 2 will consist of 2 parts
2. PART A will be MCQ type question with weightage 25% weightage of TEST-2 .Total marks for
PART A will be 10 marks.
3. PART B consists of Descriptive type /solving problems which can be given as assignment.
Weightage for PART B is 75% of TEST2. Total marks for PART B is 30 marks.
4. In Part B, students has to write the answer and upload the same in Edhitch in the given time in
.pdf format and the file name should be Student ROLL NUMBER.

Signature of Instructor In-Charge

(Mr. Mohammed Mujeer Ulla, Mr. D. Pramodh Krishna)

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