Adapted Evaluation

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You are required to complete a final written evaluation of the work you
completed for this project. Whilst you don’t have a production to evaluate,
you can still evaluate your research and planning – helping to further
develop these skills for year 2!

Remember to be specific and highlight which research or planning

you are discussing – this can be done through screenshots.

 Your intentions – what did you intend on making and why?

Originally when coming up with the idea for my production I had

intended for the idea to be more complicated than what I have
planned now. I took the time to reconsider if it would work with what I
was planning on producing which was a short film. After finding that
short films follow a relatively simple storyline as there isn’t much time
to fully develop the plot I ultimately decided on a much simpler
concept. I also decided that producing a short film would give me the
opportunity to convey my idea in the best possible way as I would be
able to show the characters expressions towards what was going on in
the scene without having them say it directly. I feel like this works
better as well since my idea follows the mostly spiritual belief of
soulmates connected to he physical idea of the red string of fate
connecting the two characters together even if they don’t know each

 How did you use your findings from your research to plan a

Researching into what conventions I would need to include in my

production in order for it to be successful was helpful as it made me
aware of what I would and wouldn’t be able to do as well as what I
could include in order to make my production more well suited to the
genre I chose, which was romance, like including certain images and
colours. However, researching into the concept of my production was
kind of difficult since there wasn’t much information specifically on the
red string of fate so I decided to hint towards the ways that soulmates
can be connected throughout my production instead, like being able
to read each other’s minds and being connected through any period in
time even in death, which I found from my research.

 Why would your production have met the needs of your target
I decided to aim my production towards 14-24-year-old females as
from my research I found that 12-24-year-olds are the primary
target audience in the romance genre generally. However, since
my concept is kind of confusing, I decided that targeting it at an
older audience would be a better idea. Also, since I planned on
posing it onto Instagram and youtube I found that the majority of their
users are aged between 15-25 for youtube and 18-24 for Instagram.

 What codes and conventions did you plan into your production?

I planned to include some for the easily identifiable codes and

conventions of the romance genre into my production. One of the
easiest to identify would be the colour red as my main character have
a red string connecting them. Also, I had planned for when the main
characters meet for the first time to be on top of the hill at sunrise in
order to make the scene more private and intimate. Since the
storyline doesn’t follow the expected plot of a usual romance film I
also wanted the moment where Atlas disappears from next to Kiaria
on the hill to be the “break up” of the story since they don’t say
anything to each other before he disappears only for kiaria to find that
he had actually died 3 years before and that the red string of fate
meant that they were destined to be together and would see each
other again during a different life time.

 How effective do you feel your planning materials are? Could they be
used by another person to produce your project? If not, what could be

I think that my planning materials are somewhat effective however, if

someone who didn’t understand what I was trying to produce was to
produce it I don’t think it would make much sense. For that reason I
think I could add more details to my script like specific directions for
how I want the actors to be, Where I want the camera to be and how I
want the shot framed. I also think that my storyboards need some
improvements as they don’t show much detail or the camera angles
very well.

 What were the strengths and weaknesses of the work you completed?

I think that one of the main strengths of the work I completed was my
script as a whole because I was able to get my idea across in a way
that would be easy for an audience to understand when watching the
production and I think I would be able to film and produce it
successfully as well even if there are improvements I need to make in
order for it to be better. I think I could have spent more time doing
research into the codes and conventions of my chosen genre though
as well as analysing examples since I don’t believe I did it in very
much detail. I also think that the research into my concept was
somewhat successful even if there isn’t much information on it.
 What areas do you feel you need to improve on most in second

The areas I need to improve on the most in second year would be

going into more detail with my research and taking the time to make
it as good as I possibly can as well as finding more than a few reliable
sources to get the information from. Also, I think my storyboarding
needs a lot of improvement since I struggle to draw the different
camera angles and details that I write in my script.

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