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Date: ___________________

I. Identifying Information
Name : _________________________________
Age : _________________________________
Address : _________________________________
Birthdate : _________________________________
Birthplace : _________________________________
Birth order : _________________________________
Civil Status : _________________________________
Educational Attainment _________________________________
Religion : _________________________________
Individual/Family Monthly income : _________________________________

Family Composition
Name Age Relationship Highest Educ. Occupation Estimated
(parents, eldest to youngest) to client Attainment Monthly

II. Presented Problem/s

The content of this part should be or at least has the ff.
 Background of the problem presented
 From the point of view of the client (presenting problem)
 From the point of view of the Social worker (Immediate problem to work on
and underlying problem anchored)

III. Background Information

a. Person (Client)
The content of this part should be or at least has the ff.
 Bio-psycho-social-spiritual background/behaviors/values/character
 Client focused
 Biological (Physical and health status). Social Context (Role performance,
relationship with others), Psychological Context (Emotional and Cognitive)
b. Family
The content of this part should be or at least has the ff.
 Socio economic status of the family
 Current family functioning (Role performance, Relationship, Rules/Rituals)
(Decision-making, interaction, communication & problem-solving patterns)

c. Community (Environment)
The content of this part should be or at least has the ff.
 The community’s background (socio economic status, values and cultures)
directly or indirectly affect the client.

IV. Assessment
The content of this part should be or at least has the ff.
 Strengths, motivations, opportunities for change
 Limitations and weaknesses/constraints or obstacles to overcome (SWOT)
 Problem prioritization
 All of the content must be based on findings/assessment on the above and
used tools

V. Intervention Plan/s
(Your SMART plans to help the client, fill up the table)
Goals Objectives Activities Person Responsible Time frame

VI. Evaluation
The content of this part should be or at least has the ff.
 Assessment of the goal, process and outcome
- If the objectives can be achieved and how
- Analysis of strengths and weaknesses
- Assumptions of impacts, what greater good was serve/d as a result of the
VII. Recommendation
The content of this part should be or at least has the ff.
 Priority actions to be taken for the client as inclined from the intervention plan
Example: The undersigned social worker highly recommends …
Based on the information above it is recommended that …
Etc …

Prepared by:

Social Work Practitioner

Reviewed by:


Social Work Instructor

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