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Language is the dress of thought.

Samuel Johnson

(Hill, Lives of the English Poets Vol.1)

Imagination is not a talent of some men but is the health of every man.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

(Letters and Social Aims- “Poetry and Imagination)


Fantina, Dyah, 2019.



This chapter will be presents background of the research, research problems,

research objectives, and significances of the research, scope and limitation of the
research, and definition and key terms.

a.1 Background of the study

Learning English is considered urgent in our life today. Information

pertaining to the globalization era and free trade that have been spreading, make some
people feel worried, and even upset. But these informations also encouraged them.
All those symptoms are based upon such question, as:

a. The coming up of globalization era

b. The search for definition of free trade, and
c. The quality of human resources

Globalization era is another name for the 21st century. Exactly, in the next
few years we will undergo many changes in many aspects of human activities which
cover socioeconomical, cultural, communication, trade and education problems.
These cases can be feasible because of the communication technology developments.
By means of telecommunication we can enlarge our mind and knowledge. The main
instrument pertaining to this case is language, both oral and written.

Learning language covers some aspects. One of the important aspects is

linguistic aspect which covers grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, structure, and so
on. Beside those aspects, the learners also need to master the skills of the language
such as listening, writing, reading, and speaking. However, it should be kept in mind
that those skills cannot be learned discretely. Students who are learning English
should master those skills integratedly.

It has been known that the students tend to face written texts every day. The
written texts could be found in magazines, newspaper, books, articles on paper and
internet, and other kinds of the written texts. Those written texts give so much
information for the learners. In school setting, texts are widely presented in the
learner textbooks. However, for many years, listening is undervalued (Field, 2008).
For instance, listening session was always reduced when the teacher applied many
competences in the classroom.

The same condition happens in SMP--------------. Based on the observation,

the listening teaching and learning process was rarely conducted. The reason is that
the available listening materials are not appropriate to be used to teach. Although
there are many choices of listening materials such as CDs, DVDs, or videos, the
teacher mostly uses a textbook as a means of the teaching and learning process.
Accordingly, the school language laboratory which provides Information and
Technology (IT) tools such as computers, Liquid-Crystal Display (LCD) projectors,
and audio speakers to facilitate listening activities is underused. Thus, listening is
usually conducted in the classroom without using any media.

As a result of teaching listening which is poor, the students’ listening skills

are still low. Most of them have difficulty in listening comprehension. In the teaching
practice program, the researcher taught them listening and they could not understand
what the text was about. They could not notice the meaning of certain words which
they might know if it was in a written form. The possible cause is that they have
never been used to listen to English. It means that their language input in terms of
spoken language is low.

All of the facts above contradict the importance of listening. Listening is

much needed since it provides input which is vital for the students’ language
development. The input acts as a model of spoken language that can be acquired by
them. This acquired language affords the basis for other language skills. A greater
efficiency of language acquisition will be achieved if the students are prepared by a
large amount of listening practices before speaking, for instance, than if they are
taught by all skills simultaneously. For these reasons, listening should also be
prioritized in the teaching and learning process in order to improve their language

As mentioned before, a textbook becomes the most often used medium in

the teaching and learning process. In relation to the implementation of the 2013
curriculum, an English textbook entitled “When English Rings a Bell” has been
provided by the Ministry of Education and Culture for Grade VIII students of junior
high schools. This book presents the materials based on the core and basic
competences of the 2013 curriculum by static objects like texts and pictures. The
book cannot offer moving objects like videos or animations as the input. There are
also no supplementary media such as Power Point slides, videos, audios, and
nteractive learning multimedia accompanying this book.

a.2 Research Problem

Based on the results of preliminary study done by the researcher, the

researcher formulated the problems and determined the appropriate actions to solve
the problems as follows:

1. What kind of material can improve English language listening learning at the
grade eight of junior high school level?
2. How is the implementation of the model of listening skill by using the product
for grade eight of junior high school?
3. How is the significance of the model of listening skill by using the product for
grade eight of junior high school?
a.3 Objectives of the Study

The plan that will be used to develop listening skill for grade seventh students

1. To establish the model of listening skill by using DVD and Students Book for
grade eight of junior high school.
2. To describe the implementation of the model of audio lingual by using DVD
and Students Book for grade eight of junior high school.
3. To investigate the significance does to English listening skill for grade eight
of junior high school.

a.4 Significance of the Research

This study is expected to give benefits to some parties.

a) Theoretically, the results of this research can be used as the

reference for other researchers in developing interactive
learning multimedia for listening materials based on an English
b) Practically, the findings of the research will be useful for:
1. The English teachers of junior high schools
This research will help the English teachers in providing
listening media that can vary the teaching and learning
activities by using technology.
2. Grade VIII students of junior high schools
Grade VIII students of junior high schools are expected
to acquire more knowledge and develop their listening
c) Methodologically, the processes and the outcomes of this study
hopefully can inspire other researchers to do research
concerning similar topics.
a.5 Scope and Limitation of the Research
Due to the wide range of the problems stated in the identification of
the problems, the present study is focused on the problem related to media.
In this case, the interactive learning multimedia for listening materials
based on the “When English Rings a Bell for Grade VIII students of junior
high schools (SMP/MTS)” textbook is developed. Because of time
constraints, the development is limited into the first three units of the
textbook. The design of this program is in the form of Compact Disc (CD).

a.6 Definition and Key-term

a) Listening Skill

Research has demonstrated that adults spend 40-50% of communication time

listening [ CITATION Gil84 \l 1033 ], but the importance of listening in language learning
has only been recognized relatively recently [ CITATION Oxf93 \l 1033 ]. Since the role
of listening comprehension in language learning was taken for granted, it merited
little research and pedagogical attention. 

a) Coursebook

A book used by students when they do a particular course of study [ CITATION

Cam191 \l 1033 ]. In another word, course book already well-known by people as
“textbook” than the course book itself.

b) Audio Lingual Teaching Method

With the outbreak of World War II armies needed to become orally proficient
in the languages of their allies and enemies as quickly as possible. This teaching
technique was initially called the Army Method, and was the first to be based on
linguistic theory and behavioral psychology. The Audio-lingual Method was widely
used in the 1950s and 1960s, and the emphasis was not on the understanding of
words, but rather on the acquisition of structures and patterns in common everyday

These patterns are elicited, repeated and tested until the responses given by
the student in the foreign language are automatic.
Some characteristics of this method are:
a) Drills are used to teach structural patterns
b) Set phrases are memorised with a focus on intonation
c) Grammatical explanations are kept to a minimum
d) Vocabulary is taught in context
e) Audio-visual aids are used
f) Focus is on pronunciation
g) Correct responses are positively reinforced immediately


This chapter present reviews of theories concerning the research topic and
conceptual framework underlaying study. The details of the theoretical review and
conceptual framework are presented as follows.

2.1 Theoretical Review

2.1.1. Listening Skill Definition of Listening Skill
According to Howatt and Dakin (Wills, 2003: 2), listening is the ability to
identify and understand what others are saying. This process involves
understanding a speaker's accent or pronunciation, the speaker’s grammar and
vocabulary, and comprehension of meaning. A competent listener can regain
those capabilities simultaneously. Meanwhile, according to Brown (2001:
249), listening is not a one way street. It is not merely the process of a
unidirectional receiving of audible symbols. One facet – the first step – of
listening comprehension is the psychomotor process of receiving sound waves
through the ear and transmitting nerve impulse to the brain.
Holtzer (2003: 373) points out that listening is very different from hearing
in that it is a very active skill which requires listeners to apply several
functions each time they receive messages. Listening involves processing
phonetic language information and constructing a message from a stream of
sound, based on listener’s syntactic, phonetic and semantic knowledge of the
language. Listeners can receive messages conveyed to their ears as sound
waves pass through the medium of auditory organs. Listening is a very active
behavior, and is quite different from “hearing”, which is the activity of just
receiving sound waves.
In accordance to Holtzer, Saha (2008: 1) states that even though listening
and hearing are related, listening involves an active process, which requires an
analysis of sounds, in contrast to hearing that only perceives sounds in a
passive way. It is a very active process since it is selecting and interpreting
information from auditory and visual clues from the recordings and voices.
Thus, listening could be understood as a receptive and passive skill, where the
role of the listeners is to comprehend the ideas from the recordings or voices
rather than just perceiving sounds as hearing does, making listening as an
active process.

From the above several definitions, it can be said that even though
listening is a receptive skill listening, it is in fact a very active process. It
involves brain to receive and decode oral communication. In the process of
listening comprehension, it demands the understanding of several aspects. In
so doing, the listeners are very active when they are dealing with the listening
process because they have to integrate the components of the listening skill Processes of Listening Types of Listening Skills Listening Micro- and Macro-skills Teaching Listening for Grade VIII Students of Junior High Schools

2.2. Previous Study

2.3. Theoretical Framework
2.4. Research Hypothesis
2.5. Assumption of the research


The objective of the research was to develop the model of speaking skill
course book based on Natural Approach by using comic strip for grade eight of Junior
High School. To support the research, the suitable design that the researcher applied
was research and development (R and D). This chapter was discussing the research
and development which cover approach and research design, research framework and
procedures, plan of product design (analysis, design and product development,
hypothetical product and product specification), validation of product design, trial
product (the design of the researcher, population and sample, data collection
technique, research instrument, data analysis technique), product evaluation, product
improvements, and publication.

3.1. Approach and Research Design
3.1.1. Research Approach
The researcher proposed to get the right approach in the model
development by using limited tryout. This research used qualitative
approach. According to Sugiyon [CITATION Sug09 \p 15 \n \t \l 1033 ]
“the qualitative research is a method based on the philosophy of
postpositivism, used to examine the natural conditions of objects
where the researcher is a key instrument, sampling data sources is
done purposively, collecting techniques with triangulation, data
analysis is inductive or qualitative, and qualitative research results
emphasize more meaning rather than generalization”. The researcher
used qualitative and quantitative approach to analyze data. According
to Sugiyono [CITATION Sug14 \p 8 \n \t \l 1033 ], “the quantitative
approach is a research method based on the philosophy of positivism,
used to examine populations or specific samples, sampling techniques
are generally carried out randomly, data collection using research
instruments, quantitative or statistical data analysis with the aim to test
hypotheses that are has been established”. The result of the interview,
observation, and field note presented descriptively to know the
effectiveness, and suggestion about the product. According to
Sugiyono [CITATION Sug16 \n \t \l 1033 ], the form of research data is
3.1.2. Research Design

3.2. Research Framework and Research Procedure

3.2.1. Research Framework
3.2.2. Research Procedure

3.3. Phase I : Analysis of Potential and Problem

3.3.1. Study of Populaion and Sample
3.3.2. Data Collection Participant Observation Interview Documanetation
3.3.3. Data Analysis

3.4. Phase II: Design and Devolepment

3.5. O

3.6. O
3.7. O

3.8. O

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