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Another Perspective: The iPad is a Real Musical Instrument

Being as open-minded and accepting as I can possibly be, I am strongly against

the argument itself. Without denying the undeniable and phenomenal musicality of
people who have worked with or are working with iPads to create music, an iPad itself
should never be regarded as a Real musical instrument. I think a better perspective is to
say that musicians that work with iPads (and other technology devices) are real
musicians, or to say that music created by iPad (non-traditionally-considered-musical
instruments) is still real music.
As though, I see how easy it is to confuse technology devices with REAL musical
instruments. A musical instrument is defined by its abilities to make artistics sounds,
and deliver musical performances when used in a creative/artistic way. There is no
doubt that all instruments including iPads are capable of doing so. However, we need to
keep in mind that ​ANY sounds the iPad makes are pre-recorded and
programed into its applications​ in order to provide effects like if it was whatever
instruments the recordings are. If you argue that iPads are REAL musical instrument,
please have a seat while I lecture you on how radios can also be a real musical
instrument, according to your theory.
We do give appreciation and recognition to iPad-made music and ensembles and
all that stuff, music can be anything that you create with a artistic/creative/musical
mind (layering recordings and making arrangements of them is a musical technique, no
doubt). Music is a very passion-driven and subjective thing, something might be music
to you while it can be an absolute noise to others, it all depends on the perspectives. But
Let’s make one thing clear, musical instruments function as so they help musicians
produce music, ​not by working with already existing products of sounds
(recordings etc.). Recorded sounds are documents, iPads is a physical collections of
those documents.

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