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Favour of Kisenyi.

This claim was put up by Kisenyi Peter Simon before his death and upto today we are following the same.

When decentralization came pension matters are difficult to follow, you are here and there being reffered
to another place and another, however we hope we have come to you and you will be the last stage to
settle our matter.

Please see the attached letter No. COM/96/157/02 of 3rd August 2016 from the permanent Secretary
Public Service Uganda to the Ministry of Health in this matter where accepted and directed to pay after
verification of period. See the photocopy of the letter marked with a yell clipped paper.

Furthermore, see some other correspondence in this matter which might give you courage to arrive at
your decision. In another way it is difficult because no response to them from the address. The little
information you might get from these papers attached might help you to arrive at your decision and

Thank you very much for your action

Yours sincerely,

……………………………………………….. …………………………………………


Administrative of the Estate Administrative of the Estate

cc. Attorney General,

Ministry of Justice-Kampala

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