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Case study: From Munich to Mohali


1. What challenges may be faced by German expatriates in India, as in the case of Maria

— India is a fascinating country attracting with its diverse culture, traditions, languages and
arts. The diversity in culture can be surprising to the expatriates relocating to India.
Some may find it captivating where other may find unattractive; the work adjustment,
interaction adjustment and general adjustment are three dimensions of expatriate’s
adjustment. Workplace diversity is the differences among the people in the
organization; hence adaptations at the workplace become a challenge for Maria.
Adaptation to the general non-work (social interaction) environment is the most
common problem faced by her, due to inadequate language skill and due to differences
in the mode of communication. Security issues are another challenge she has to face.
Other challenge that Maria faces is cultural differences which cause difficulties when
one do not know how to act in different kinds of everyday situations, she was agitated
about how she should dress at her workplace and at non-work environment. And to
great extent, she was concerned how others (including her colleague) might feel about
her. Lastly, Maria sensed that the business cultural was highly gender discriminated.

2. To what extent did gender issues influence the experiences and challenges that Maria
came across on her assignment?

— During her assignment, she faced difficulty to adapt the work environment and
communication was not easy when working with subordinates and other managers as
most of them were men. Some of her colleague and business client perceived her hard
to please and very demanding nature, where as she thought it to be confident and
forceful personality.

3. What insights about Indian should expatriate managers, especially women, keep in mind
when given an expatriate assignment?

— When given an expatriate assignment, especially women, the insights about India the
managers must keep in mind are;
i. One should have a clear understanding about the Indian cultural and policies.
ii. One should know about the diverse culture, traditions, languages and arts of
iii. Must be aware about the safety measures available in India.
iv. Should learn and ready some journals relating to assignment.
v. Must identify and have a clear view about the business culture where she/he has
been assigned.

4. What can MNCs do to ensure successful selection, training and adjustment for, and
completion of, expatriate assignments in the Indian context?

— To ensure successful selection, training and adjustment for, and completion of

expatriates assignments in the Indian context; MNCs assess the following training
 International training and development programs- In Multinational Corporation,
there are mainly two different group of international training.

They are divided in:

Pre-departure training for expatriates: Before an expatriate’s departure for the
international assignment, there will be preparatory training course, this has the
scope to ensure that the expatriate has the right capacity and knowledge to
accomplish her/his assignment in a successful way. It includes different
components: cultural awareness training, preliminary visits, language instruction
and assistance with practical assistance.

Post-arrival training for expatriates: Once the expatriate is arrived in her/his

international assignment, she/he will be provided with one-site training, in order
to familiarize with the new working environment. It includes buddy program
(bringing expats and local employees closer will improve the integration of the
expat and the harmony within the team)

 Cross-culture training programs- It refers to the training given to employees

related to the cultural differences between nations, the awareness of which
helps in running smooth business across the nations. It contributes in increasing
ability of employees to understand cultural of other.

Types of cross-cultural training:

 Intercultural Training,
 Cultural Competence, and
 Diversity Training.

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