Ethics and Public Speaking: Lesson 4

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Public speaking should reflect the character of the speaker and should be based
on a foundation of trust, integrity, respect and dignity. The speaker should avoid
behaviors like stereotyping, damaging messages and plagiarism.

Ethics and Public Speaking

The First Amendment of the Constitution protects our right to free speech. That's
a given right to all citizens of the United States.

But is freedom of speech always ethical? Let's explore this question. If you
define ethics as rules of conduct all human beings should possess that reflect
what's right and just, then just how far can a public speaker stretch the
boundaries of what is legal and what is right?

Good question! As far back as Aristotle's days, there was evidence that public
speakers should adhere to five simple principles:

 Trustworthiness
 Integrity in the subject matter
 Respect for others
 Dignity in conduct
 Truthfulness in message

Even in modern times, people expect that speakers will uphold these timeless
standards. So, how does a speaker earn an audience's approval?

The Ethical Public Speaker

It is difficult to ignore the hate-filled speeches of people, like Adolf Hitler or the
Ku Klux Klan. The messages of violence, extreme power and supremacy are
enough to make our skin crawl.

Suppose you are commissioned to write a speech for your company. In that
assignment, you must wage an argument for something that you do not believe
in. For example, some people don't believe in wearing fur coats. If you are one of
those people, you are faced with a challenge to write a positive speech about
the benefits of wearing fur. You may decide to side with your own value system
and choose not to get involved. Or you may have little choice but to hit the keys
and start writing.
So, how would you gain the trust of the audience through the message? Here are
a few tips:

 Make sure that the message you are sending is ethically sound
 Use information that is truthful
 Avoid biases and stereotypes
 Believe in your own claims
 Show respect for the audience
 Be prepared

In our example, the subject of the speech may be unethical, but the message
doesn't have to be. You might begin your speech by stating the facts about
the humane treatment of the animals used for fur coats. Your choice of words
will help send a more positive message.

You should avoid using biases and stereotypes when speaking to a group. If
you are promoting a line of fur coats, it is best t remain objective about it.
Avoid generalizing or specifically bashing those who do not agree with your

For as much as you can, believe in what you are saying. It may be difficult to
agree with the topic at times, but as long as there is some part of speech that
you do agree with, it will come across as truthful.

Respect your audience beliefs and values, as well.

Be prepared, not only for the speech but also for the questions that may
follow the afterwards.

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