Civil Eng. Waste Water Final Project

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Engineering Project

Yousef Waleed Halasah

Table of Contents

List of Tables

List of Figures

This project is designed to illustrate what has been learned in the wastewater engineering class.

- Design a sewer connection for a (500m x 500m) area.
- Show the home connections attached to the sewer connection.
- Transfer the flow of the given area 5km away.

Project Description
An area of 0.25Km2 was taken at the Dead Sea – Jordan. Following is a top view of the area.

The method that is used in the design of this project is flow by gravity. Therefore
we need to design the pipes with a proper slope in order to meet the velocity
The area contains of 32 houses, each house was estimated to have 20 residents, assuming each
person results in 75 l/d (8.68 x10-7 m3/s), a flow of 1.736 x10-5 m3/s was estimated to come out
of each house.
Furthermore, an initial flow of 0.017 m3/s was assumed to be flowing from previous pipes.

Design Layout

n= 0.013 Invert Elevations
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Length Pipe Grade of Grade of Velocity Fall of Depth of
From To Flow Upper Lower Qfull Velocity Upper MH Lower MH
Line of line diameter surface sewer flowing Q/Qfull V/Vfull sewer lower MH
MH MH (m3/s) MH (m) MH (m) (m3/s) (m/s) (m) (m)

(m) (m) (m/m) (m/m) full (m/s) (m) (m)

Table-1: Street
1 D1 D2 71 0.01701736 0.2 -238.2 -239.1 0.01267606 0.01267606 1.175869788 0.03696437 0.46037197 0.86261161 1.01431893 0.9 -240.2 -241.1 2

2 D2 D3 78 0.01701736 0.2 -239.1 -241.1 0.02564103 0.02564103 1.672379549 0.05257254 0.32369296 0.77112212 1.28960886 2 -241.1 -243.1 2

3 D3 D4 83 0.017019096 0.2 -241.1 -242.9 0.02168675 0.02168675 1.538028411 0.0483491 0.35200437 0.79197959 1.2180871 1.8 -243.1 -244.9 2

4 D4 D5 81 0.017036456 0.2 -242.9 -244.2 0.01604938 0.01604938 1.323111116 0.04159301 0.40959897 0.83111586 1.09965863 1.3 -244.9 -246.2 2

5 D5 D6 93 0.017053816 0.2 -244.2 -246.5 0.02473118 0.02473118 1.64244031 0.05163137 0.33029949 0.77609722 1.27469336 2.3 -246.2 -248.5 2

6 D6 H7 84 0.01705382 0.2 -246.5 -247.6 0.01309524 0.013095 1.195143085 0.03757024 0.4539183 0.85874405 1.02632202 1.09998 -248.5 -249.6 2

7 C1 C2 68 0.01703472 0.2 -240.8 -242.1 0.01911765 0.01911765 1.444057117 0.04539504 0.37525505 0.80826893 1.1671865 1.3 -242.8 -244.1 2

8 C2 C3 71 0.01705208 0.2 -242.1 -244 0.02676056 0.02676056 1.708499192 0.05370798 0.31749618 0.76639226 1.30938055 1.9 -244.1 -246 2

9 C3 C4 83 0.01705208 0.2 -244 -245.5 0.01807229 0.01807229 1.404021424 0.04413649 0.38634878 0.81579931 1.14539971 1.5 -246 -247.5 2

10 C4 C5 81 0.01706944 0.2 -245.5 -246.1 0.00740741 0.00740741 0.898876998 0.02825689 0.60408065 0.94052481 0.84541612 0.6 -247.5 -248.1 2

11 C5 C6 64 0.01710416 0.2 -246.1 -247.2 0.0171875 0.0171875 1.369220861 0.04304251 0.39737832 0.82314137 1.12706233 1.1 -248.1 -249.2 2

12 C6 H6 51 0.01713888 0.2 -247.2 -247.8 0.01176471 0.013608 1.218328214 0.03829908 0.44750105 0.85486097 1.04150124 0.694008 -249.2 -249.894 2.094

13 B1 B2 39 0.01703472 0.2 -240 -240.5 0.01282051 0.01282051 1.18255092 0.0371744 0.45823797 0.86133686 1.01857469 0.5 -242 -242.5 2

14 B2 B3 87 0.01705208 0.2 -240.5 -241.1 0.00689655 0.00689655 0.867327568 0.02726511 0.62541765 0.95097412 0.82480607 0.6 -242.5 -243.1 2

15 B3 B4 35 0.01705208 0.2 -241.1 -242.4 0.03714286 0.03714286 2.012819381 0.06327452 0.26949361 0.72743019 1.46418559 1.3 -243.1 -244.4 2

16 B4 B5 74 0.01705208 0.2 -242.4 -243.1 0.00945946 0.00945946 1.01578153 0.03193187 0.5340144 0.90433191 0.91860365 0.7 -244.4 -245.1 2

17 B5 B6 73 0.01706944 0.2 -243.1 -244.8 0.02328767 0.02328767 1.593786641 0.05010191 0.34069441 0.78378965 1.24919348 1.7 -245.1 -246.8 2

18 B6 B7 106 0.01710416 0.2 -244.8 -246.7 0.01792453 0.01792453 1.398269934 0.04395569 0.38912278 0.81765919 1.14330827 1.9 -246.8 -248.7 2

19 B7 B8 46 0.01710416 0.2 -246.7 -247 0.00652174 0.00652174 0.843429648 0.02651386 0.64510262 0.96040098 0.81003066 0.3 -248.7 -249 2

20 B8 B9 29 0.01712152 0.2 -247 -247.1 0.00344828 0.00344828 0.613293205 0.01927934 0.8880759 1.06325983 0.65209003 0.1 -249 -249.1 2

21 B10 B9 32 0.01503472 0.2 -246.9 -247.1 0.00625 0.00625 0.825671245 0.02595561 0.57924742 0.92804148 0.76625716 0.2 -248.9 -249.1 2

Following Table-1
22 B9 B11 44 0.03215624 0.3 -247.1 -247.5 0.00909091 0.00909091 1.304863195 0.0922936 0.34841246 0.78939826 1.03005673 0.4 -249.1 -249.5 2

23 B11 B12 65 0.0321736 0.3 -247.5 -247.9 0.00615385 0.00615385 1.073580567 0.07593487 0.42369996 0.84011829 0.90193467 0.4 -249.5 -249.9 2
24 B12 H3 43 0.03219096 0.3 -247.9 -248.1 0.00465116 0.012721 1.543554437 0.10917634 0.29485288 0.748554 1.15543385 0.547003 -249.9 -250.447 2.347

25 A1 A2 30 0.01703472 0.2 -239.8 -239.9 0.00333333 0.00333333 0.602985022 0.0189553 0.89867859 1.06728406 0.6435563 0.1 -241.8 -241.9 2

26 A2 A3 92 0.01705208 0.2 -239.9 -239.9 0 0.003 0.572041819 0.01798257 0.94825579 1.08568323 0.62105621 0.276 -241.9 -242.176 2.276

27 A3 A4 34 0.01705208 0.2 -239.9 -240.6 0.02058824 0.02058824 1.498568892 0.04710866 0.36197333 0.79905099 1.19743296 0.7 -242.176 -242.876 2.276
28 A4 A5 93 0.01705208 0.2 -240.6 -242.3 0.01827957 0.01827957 1.412050204 0.04438888 0.38415204 0.81431999 1.1498607 1.7 -242.6 -244.3 2

29 A5 A6 52 0.0170868 0.2 -242.3 -243.6 0.025 0.025 1.651342491 0.05191122 0.32915428 0.7752397 1.28018626 1.3 -244.3 -245.6 2

30 A6 A7 99 0.01712152 0.2 -243.6 -246 0.02424242 0.02424242 1.626129674 0.05111864 0.33493695 0.77954912 1.26764796 2.4 -245.6 -248 2

31 A7 A8 83 0.01712152 0.2 -246 -246.3 0.00361446 0.00361446 0.627897469 0.01973844 0.86742015 1.05532492 0.66263585 0.3 -248 -248.3 2

32 A8 A9 44 0.01712152 0.2 -246.3 -247.6 0.02954545 0.02954545 1.795198553 0.05643345 0.30339313 0.75538816 1.35607173 1.3 -248.3 -249.6 2

33 A9 A10 53 0.01713888 0.2 -247.6 -249.2 0.03018868 0.03018868 1.814634686 0.05704444 0.30044789 0.75304627 1.36650389 1.6 -249.6 -251.2 2

34 A10 H1 45 0.01715624 0.2 -249.2 -250.7 0.03333333 0.041044 2.115884665 0.06651446 0.25793249 0.71734837 1.51782642 1.84698 -251.2 -253.047 2.347
35 H7 H6 98 0.01705382 0.2 -247.6 -247.8 0.00204082 0.003 0.572041819 0.01798257 0.94835255 1.08571849 0.62107638 0.294 -249.6 -249.894 2.094

36 H6 H5 74 0.0341927 0.3 -247.8 -247.9 0.00135135 0.003 0.749586837 0.05301864 0.64491852 0.96031372 0.71983853 0.222 -249.894 -250.116 2.216

37 H5 H4 77 0.0341927 0.3 -247.9 -248 0.0012987 0.003 0.749586837 0.05301864 0.64491852 0.96031372 0.71983853 0.231 -250.116 -250.347 2.347
38 H4 H3 53 0.03421006 0.3 -248 -248.1 0.00188679 0.00188679 0.59446103 0.04204651 0.81362419 1.03403599 0.6146941 0.1 -250.347 -250.447 2.347
39 H3 H2 94 0.06640102 0.4 -248.1 -249.6 0.01595745 0.01595745 2.094283726 0.26334167 0.25214779 0.71218788 1.4915235 1.5 -250.447 -251.947 2.347
40 H2 H1 93 0.06640102 0.4 -249.6 -250.7 0.01182796 0.01182796 1.803053792 0.22672152 0.29287479 0.74695188 1.34679441 1.1 -251.947 -253.047 2.347

n= 0.013 Invert Elevations
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Length Pipe Grade of Grade of Velocity Fall of Depth of

From To Flow Upper Lower Qfull Velocity Upper MH Lower MH

Table-2: Home
Line of line 3 diameter surface sewer flowing Q/Qfull V/Vfull sewer lower MH
MH MH (m /s) MH (m) MH (m) (m3/s) (m/s) (m) (m)
(m) (m) (m/m) (m/m) full (m/s) (m) (m)

HC1 V1 D1 16 0.00001736 0.2 -237.8 -238.2 0.025 0.075 2.860209095 0.08991287 0.00019308 0.215 0.61494496 1.2 -239 -240.2 2

HC2 V3 D3 9 0.00001736 0.2 -240.85 -241.1 0.02777778 0.11666667 3.567307496 0.11214105 0.00015481 0.215 0.76697111 1.05 -242.05 -243.1 2

HC3 V4 D4 15 0.00001736 0.2 -242.6 -242.9 0.02 0.07333333 2.828250448 0.08890823 0.00019526 0.215 0.60807385 1.1 -243.8 -244.9 2

HC4 V5 D5 19 0.00001736 0.2 -243.6 -244.2 0.03157895 0.07368421 2.835008523 0.08912067 0.00019479 0.215 0.60952683 1.4 -244.8 -246.2 2

HC5 V2 C1 11 0.00001736 0.2 -240.7 -240.8 0.00909091 0.08181818 2.987390969 0.09391093 0.00018486 0.215 0.64228906 0.9 -241.9 -242.8 2

HC6 W1 C1 7 0.00001736 0.2 -240.6 -240.8 0.02857143 0.14285714 3.947463578 0.12409155 0.0001399 0.215 0.84870467 1 -241.8 -242.8 2

HC7 W2 C2 6 0.00001736 0.2 -241.8 -242.1 0.05 0.18333333 4.471856605 0.14057625 0.00012349 0.215 0.96144917 1.1 -243 -244.1 2

HC8 W4 C4 8 0.00001736 0.2 -245 -245.5 0.0625 0.1625 4.210113792 0.13234816 0.00013117 0.215 0.90517447 1.3 -246.2 -247.5 2

HC9 W5 C5 16 0.00001736 0.2 -245.7 -246.1 0.025 0.075 2.860209095 0.08991287 0.00019308 0.215 0.61494496 1.2 -246.9 -248.1 2

HC10 V6 C5 9 0.00001736 0.2 -245.8 -246.1 0.03333333 0.12222222 3.651255628 0.11478003 0.00015125 0.215 0.78501996 1.1 -247 -248.1 2

HC11 W6 C6 10 0.00001736 0.2 -246.9 -247.2 0.03 0.11 3.463885231 0.10888989 0.00015943 0.215 0.74473532 1.1 -248.1 -249.2 2

HC12 V7 C6 12 0.00001736 0.2 -247.1 -247.2 0.00833333 0.075 2.860209095 0.08991287 0.00019308 0.215 0.61494496 0.9 -248.3 -249.2 2

HC13 Y1 B1 10 0.00001736 0.2 -239.7 -240 0.03 0.11 3.463885231 0.10888989 0.00015943 0.215 0.74473532 1.1 -240.9 -242 2

HC14 Y2 B1 11 0.00001736 0.2 -239.7 -240 0.02727273 0.1 3.302684982 0.10382244 0.00016721 0.215 0.71007727 1.1 -240.9 -242 2

HC15 X1 B2 8 0.00001736 0.2 -240.2 -240.5 0.0375 0.1375 3.872741422 0.1217426 0.0001426 0.215 0.83263941 1.1 -241.4 -242.5 2

HC16 X2 B5 7 0.00001736 0.2 -242.75 -243.1 0.05 0.16428571 4.233183081 0.13307336 0.00013045 0.215 0.91013436 1.15 -243.95 -245.1 2

Following Table-2
HC17 X3 B6 8 0.00001736 0.2 -244.5 -244.8 0.0375 0.1375 3.872741422 0.1217426 0.0001426 0.215 0.83263941 1.1 -245.7 -246.8 2

HC18 W3 B6 10 0.00001736 0.2 -244.35 -244.8 0.045 0.125 3.692514064 0.11607702 0.00014956 0.215 0.79389052 1.25 -245.55 -246.8 2

HC19 X4 B8 11 0.00001736 0.2 -246.7 -247 0.02727273 0.1 3.302684982 0.10382244 0.00016721 0.215 0.71007727 1.1 -247.9 -249 2

HC20 Y5 B10 14 0.00001736 0.2 -246.5 -246.9 0.02857143 0.08571429 3.057692139 0.0961209 0.00018061 0.215 0.65740381 1.2 -247.7 -248.9 2

HC21 Y6 B10 12 0.00001736 0.2 -246.55 -246.9 0.02916667 0.09583333 3.233146984 0.10163646 0.0001708 0.215 0.6951266 1.15 -247.75 -248.9 2
HC22 X5 B11 16 0.00001736 0.2 -247.1 -247.5 0.025 0.075 2.860209095 0.08991287 0.00019308 0.215 0.61494496 1.2 -248.3 -249.5 2
HC23 Y7 B12 11 0.00001736 0.2 -247.6 -247.9 0.02727273 0.1 3.302684982 0.10382244 0.00016721 0.215 0.71007727 1.1 -248.8 -249.9 2
HC24 Z1 A1 8 0.00001736 0.2 -239.5 -239.8 0.0375 0.1375 3.872741422 0.1217426 0.0001426 0.215 0.83263941 1.1 -240.7 -241.8 2

HC25 Z2 A2 13 0.00001736 0.2 -239.6 -239.9 0.02307692 0.08461538 3.03802832 0.09550275 0.00018177 0.215 0.65317609 1.1 -240.8 -241.9 2
HC26 Z3 A5 11 0.00001736 0.2 -242 -242.3 0.02727273 0.1 3.302684982 0.10382244 0.00016721 0.215 0.71007727 1.1 -243.2 -244.3 2
HC27 Y3 A5 9 0.00001736 0.2 -242 -242.3 0.03333333 0.12222222 3.651255628 0.11478003 0.00015125 0.215 0.78501996 1.1 -243.2 -244.3 2

HC28 Z4 A6 10 0.00001736 0.2 -243.3 -243.6 0.03 0.11 3.463885231 0.10888989 0.00015943 0.215 0.74473532 1.1 -244.5 -245.6 2

HC29 Y4 A6 9 0.00001736 0.2 -243.3 -243.6 0.03333333 0.12222222 3.651255628 0.11478003 0.00015125 0.215 0.78501996 1.1 -244.5 -245.6 2
HC30 Z5 A9 10 0.00001736 0.2 -247.3 -247.6 0.03 0.11 3.463885231 0.10888989 0.00015943 0.215 0.74473532 1.1 -248.5 -249.6 2
HC31 Z6 A10 9 0.00001736 0.2 -249 -249.2 0.02222222 0.11111111 3.481335645 0.10943846 0.00015863 0.215 0.74848716 1 -250.2 -251.2 2
HC32 X6 H4 16 0.00001736 0.2 -247.8 -248 0.0125 0.0841875 3.030337206 0.09526098 0.00018224 0.215 0.6515225 1.347 -249 -250.347 2.347

n = 0 .0 1 3

Invert Elevations
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Length Pipe Grade of Grade of Velocity Fall of Depth
From To Flow Upper Lower Qfull Velocity Upper Lower MH
Line of line diameter surface sewer flowing Q/Qfull V/Vfull sewer of lower
MH MH (m3/s) MH (m) MH (m) (m3/s) (m/s) MH (m) (m)
(m) (m) (m/m) (m/m) full (m/s) (m) MH (m)
1 H1 M1 100 0.06640102 0.4 -250.7 -251.9 0.012 0.012 1.81611957 0.22836446 0.29076775 0.74523718 1.35343982 1.2 -253.05 -254.25 2.35

2 M1 M2 100 0.06640102 0.4 -251.9 -252.9 0.01 0.01 1.65788276 0.20846727 0.31852012 0.76717812 1.27189138 1 -254.25 -255.25 2.35

Table-3: 5Km Connection

3 M2 M3 100 0.06640102 0.4 -252.9 -252.9 0 0.01 1.65788276 0.20846727 0.31852012 0.76717812 1.27189138 1 -255.25 -256.25 3.35

4 M3 M4 100 0.06640102 0.4 -252.9 -252.4 -0.005 0.005 1.172300142 0.14740862 0.45045547 0.85665338 1.00425487 0.5 -256.25 -256.75 4.35

5 M4 M5 100 0.06640102 0.4 -252.4 -252 -0.004 0.005 1.172300142 0.14740862 0.45045547 0.85665338 1.00425487 0.5 -256.75 -257.25 5.25

6 M5 M6 100 0.06640102 0.4 -252 -253.5 0.015 0.005 1.172300142 0.14740862 0.45045547 0.85665338 1.00425487 0.5 -257.25 -257.75 4.25

7 M6 M7 100 0.06640102 0.4 -253.5 -255.1 0.016 0.005 1.172300142 0.14740862 0.45045547 0.85665338 1.00425487 0.5 -257.75 -258.25 3.15

8 M7 M8 100 0.06640102 0.4 -255.1 -255.4 0.003 0.003 0.908059785 0.11418223 0.58153551 0.92920676 0.84377529 0.3 -258.25 -258.55 3.15

9 M8 M9 100 0.06640102 0.4 -255.4 -253.3 -0.021 0.005 1.172300142 0.14740862 0.45045547 0.85665338 1.00425487 0.5 -258.55 -259.05 5.75

10 M9 M10 100 0.06640102 0.4 -253.3 -254 0.007 0.007 1.387084234 0.17441623 0.38070436 0.81198658 1.12629379 0.7 -259.05 -259.75 5.75

11 M10 M11 100 0.06640102 0.4 -254 -256.7 0.027 0.005 1.172300142 0.14740862 0.45045547 0.85665338 1.00425487 0.5 -259.75 -260.25 3.55

12 M11 M12 100 0.06640102 0.4 -256.7 -260.5 0.038 0.02 2.344600284 0.29481724 0.22522773 0.68704832 1.61085369 2 -260.25 -262.25 1.75

13 M12 M13 100 0.06640102 0.4 -260.5 -263.4 0.029 0.029 2.823272606 0.35500697 0.18704145 0.6475981 1.82834597 2.9 -262.25 -265.15 1.75

14 M13 M14 100 0.06640102 0.4 -263.4 -265.7 0.023 0.023 2.514303693 0.31615627 0.21002594 0.67193494 1.68944849 2.3 -265.15 -267.45 1.75

15 M14 M15 100 0.06640102 0.4 -265.7 -264.6 -0.011 0.005 1.172300142 0.14740862 0.45045547 0.85665338 1.00425487 0.5 -267.45 -267.95 3.35

16 M15 M16 100 0.06640102 0.4 -264.6 -262.9 -0.017 0.005 1.172300142 0.14740862 0.45045547 0.85665338 1.00425487 0.5 -267.95 -268.45 5.55

17 M16 M17 100 0.06640102 0.4 -262.9 -262.4 -0.005 0.005 1.172300142 0.14740862 0.45045547 0.85665338 1.00425487 0.5 -268.45 -268.95 6.55

18 M17 M18 100 0.06640102 0.4 -262.4 -262.6 0.002 0.002 0.74142771 0.0932294 0.71223263 0.9911452 0.73486252 0.2 -268.95 -269.15 6.55

19 M18 M19 100 0.06640102 0.4 -262.6 -264.6 0.02 0.002 0.74142771 0.0932294 0.71223263 0.9911452 0.73486252 0.2 -269.15 -269.35 4.75

20 M19 M20 100 0.06640102 0.4 -264.6 -265.4 0.008 0.0012 0.574307435 0.07221518 0.91948837 1.07508923 0.61743174 0.12 -269.35 -269.47 4.07

21 M20 M21 100 0.06640102 0.4 -265.4 -265.8 0.004 0.004 1.048537123 0.13184628 0.50362452 0.88762262 0.93070526 0.4 -269.47 -269.87 4.07

22 M21 M22 100 0.06640102 0.4 -265.8 -265.4 -0.004 0.0012 0.574307435 0.07221518 0.91948837 1.07508923 0.61743174 0.12 -269.87 -269.99 4.59

23 M22 M23 100 0.06640102 0.4 -265.4 -265.4 0 0.0012 0.574307435 0.07221518 0.91948837 1.07508923 0.61743174 0.12 -269.99 -270.11 4.71
24 M23 M24 100 0.06640102 0.4 -265.4 -265.5 0.001 0.0012 0.574307435 0.07221518 0.91948837 1.07508923 0.61743174 0.12 -270.11 -270.23 4.73

25 M24 M25 100 0.06640102 0.4 -265.5 -265.8 0.003 0.003 0.908059785 0.11418223 0.58153551 0.92920676 0.84377529 0.3 -270.23 -270.53 4.73

26 M25 M26 100 0.06640102 0.4 -265.8 -266.3 0.005 0.0012 0.574307435 0.07221518 0.91948837 1.07508923 0.61743174 0.12 -270.53 -270.65 4.35

27 M26 M27 100 0.06640102 0.4 -266.3 -266.2 -0.001 0.0012 0.574307435 0.07221518 0.91948837 1.07508923 0.61743174 0.12 -270.65 -270.77 4.57

28 M27 M28 100 0.06640102 0.4 -266.2 -265.5 -0.007 0.0012 0.574307435 0.07221518 0.91948837 1.07508923 0.61743174 0.12 -270.77 -270.89 5.39

29 M28 M29 100 0.06640102 0.4 -265.5 -264.1 -0.014 0.0012 0.574307435 0.07221518 0.91948837 1.07508923 0.61743174 0.12 -270.89 -271.01 6.91

Following Table-3
M29 M29 0 0 0 -264.1 -264.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -271.01 -265.3 1.2
30 M29 M30 100 0.06640102 0.4 -264.1 -262.8 -0.013 0.002 0.74142771 0.0932294 0.71223263 0.9911452 0.73486252 0.2 -265.3 -265.5 2.7

31 M30 M31 100 0.06640102 0.4 -262.8 -262.2 -0.006 0.002 0.74142771 0.0932294 0.71223263 0.9911452 0.73486252 0.2 -265.5 -265.7 3.5

32 M31 M32 100 0.06640102 0.4 -262.2 -262 -0.002 0.002 0.74142771 0.0932294 0.71223263 0.9911452 0.73486252 0.2 -265.7 -265.9 3.9

33 M32 M33 100 0.06640102 0.4 -262 -261.2 -0.008 0.002 0.74142771 0.0932294 0.71223263 0.9911452 0.73486252 0.2 -265.9 -266.1 4.9

34 M33 M34 100 0.06640102 0.4 -261.2 -261.5 0.003 0.003 0.908059785 0.11418223 0.58153551 0.92920676 0.84377529 0.3 -266.1 -266.4 4.9

35 M34 M35 100 0.06640102 0.4 -261.5 -262.5 0.01 0.002 0.74142771 0.0932294 0.71223263 0.9911452 0.73486252 0.2 -266.4 -266.6 4.1

36 M35 M36 100 0.06640102 0.4 -262.5 -262.6 0.001 0.002 0.74142771 0.0932294 0.71223263 0.9911452 0.73486252 0.2 -266.6 -266.8 4.2

37 M36 M37 100 0.06640102 0.4 -262.6 -261 -0.016 0.002 0.74142771 0.0932294 0.71223263 0.9911452 0.73486252 0.2 -266.8 -267 6

38 M37 M38 100 0.06640102 0.4 -261 -263.3 0.023 0.002 0.74142771 0.0932294 0.71223263 0.9911452 0.73486252 0.2 -267 -267.2 3.9

39 M38 M39 100 0.06640102 0.4 -263.3 -266.5 0.032 0.032 2.965710839 0.37291759 0.17805816 0.63753141 1.89073382 3.2 -267.2 -270.4 3.9

40 M39 M40 100 0.06640102 0.4 -266.5 -268.1 0.016 0.016 2.097074246 0.26369256 0.25181226 0.7118861 1.492878 1.6 -270.4 -272 3.9

41 M40 M41 100 0.06640102 0.4 -268.1 -270.5 0.024 0.024 2.568380927 0.32295611 0.20560385 0.66739906 1.71413501 2.4 -272 -274.4 3.9

42 M41 M42 100 0.06640102 0.4 -270.5 -273.7 0.032 0.032 2.965710839 0.37291759 0.17805816 0.63753141 1.89073382 3.2 -274.4 -277.6 3.9

43 M42 M43 100 0.06640102 0.4 -273.7 -278.2 0.045 0.035 3.101614637 0.39000656 0.17025616 0.62850361 1.949376 3.5 -277.6 -281.1 2.9

44 M43 M44 100 0.06640102 0.4 -278.2 -282.7 0.045 0.03 2.871537173 0.36107591 0.18389767 0.64411344 1.84959568 3 -281.1 -284.1 1.4

45 M44 M45 100 0.06640102 0.4 -282.7 -283.3 0.006 0.006 1.284190464 0.16147806 0.4112077 0.83215348 1.06864357 0.6 -284.1 -284.7 1.4

46 M45 M46 100 0.06640102 0.4 -283.3 -281.7 -0.016 0.005 1.172300142 0.14740862 0.45045547 0.85665338 1.00425487 0.5 -284.7 -285.2 3.5
47 M46 M47 100 0.06640102 0.4 -281.7 -280.3 -0.014 0.005 1.172300142 0.14740862 0.45045547 0.85665338 1.00425487 0.5 -285.2 -285.7 5.4
48 M47 M48 100 0.06640102 0.4 -280.3 -280.1 -0.002 0.005 1.172300142 0.14740862 0.45045547 0.85665338 1.00425487 0.5 -285.7 -286.2 6.1
49 M48 M49 100 0.06640102 0.4 -280.1 -280.4 0.003 0.003 0.908059785 0.11418223 0.58153551 0.92920676 0.84377529 0.3 -286.2 -286.5 6.1
50 M49 M50 100 0.06640102 0.4 -280.4 -281.4 0.01 0.01 1.65788276 0.20846727 0.31852012 0.76717812 1.27189138 1 -286.5 -287.5 6.1


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