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Dominica Update

December 2010

Tony & Martha Cornelius 195 Montverde Dr. Greenville SC 29609 (864) 350-5868

Support Ticker 85%

 The Lord has been gracious to allow our support to
increase by 12% over the Thanksgiving break.
Thank you for faithfully praying and giving.
To God be the glory!
 Even before we heard of the increase in our sup-
port, we began to feel the Lord’s leading concerning
a definite date to return to Dominica. We are cur-
rently looking at February 15, 2011.
 We have priced tickets at around $2300 one way for
our entire family to return to Dominica. That price
is very good, and we trust we will be able to take
advantage of it soon.
 Also, my health situation has improved recently.
Thank you for praying! More on this later.
Eric Nathaniel Cornelius has been a great joy
to all of us (now that he is sleeping through
the night). He will be 5 mo. December 20.
 As we prepare to return to Dominica, there are a
number of things that need to be accomplished.
Tony’s Health Update Pray that the Lord will give us clear direction and
wisdom to do all of His will.
A lot has happened with my health since  Pray for Nicky, wife of the Open Bible Church in-
you received the last Update. I have not terim pastor, Axel. After delivering their baby she
mentioned it lately because I was doing needed some additional surgery. Pray for full heal-
ing and strength for her and endurance and wisdom
some better. However, shortly after writing for Axel.
the last Update I took a turn for the worse.
The heart palpitations returned and were  Keep praying that the ministry of God’s Word in
Dominica will reap bountiful and eternal fruit.

1Thessalonians 5:24 Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.
worse than ever. I was on a calcium blocker
to control the heart rhythm but it did not Prayer Focus
help at all. After remembering having
minor pain in the front of my neck before Oulie Burton
things worsened, I began to do some
research online. Everything seemed to
point to my thyroid. I sent the information We met Oulie for
to my doctor who agreed we needed to the first time
explore that possibility more thoroughly. when moving into
The tests confirmed the culprit was the our house in the
thyroid with all four hormone levels above village of Cray-
normal. (I always knew I was above fish River. He and
normal.) The diagnosis: I had some other young
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. This disease me n w e r e ver y
attacks the thyroid causing over helpful to us.
production at first but can lead to an Oulie suffers from
underactive thyroid, in which case I would seizures but takes
need to take the hormones for the rest of Oulie, Christmas Day, 2008 medication to
my life. The last blood test showed the four control them. He
hormones in the normal range with the testifies coming to the Lord during one of
stimulating hormone still low but a little our camps but was first dealt with by TJ in
higher than previously. I will be tested our garden. Oulie is a very dependable work-
again later this month and may be able to er and will do anything you ask him to do.
discontinue my medication. Thank you for He spent a great deal of time with us and
praying! I know the Lord will provide the often helped the kids with their chores.
health I need to continue to serve Him. Martha taught him for several years with our
kids with the main goal of teaching him how
Merry Christmas to read. His greatest desire is to be able to
read God’s Word for himself. For his devo-
tions he prays and looks for words in the
Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us Bible he knows and thinks about verses he
a son is given, and the government shall be remembers. Oulie is a very special friend and
upon his shoulders: and his name shall be is practically part of our family. We look for-
ward to seeing him and all the dear people
called Wonderful, Counselor, the mighty God,
to whom we minister in Dominica in Febru-
the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.
ary, Lord willing.
God bless you all! Thank you so much for praying and giving.
Tony, Martha, Jamie, TJ, Stephanie, Your prayers and gifts are propelling us back
Kimberly, Emily, David, Daniel, Eric to Dominica to continue God’s work.

Gospel Fellowship Association Missions

Greenville SC 29615 (864) 609-5500 baptist church
875 State Park Rd
Greenville SC 29609 (864) 232-5691

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