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Directions: Log in to OFFICE 365; go to ONEDRIVE and open the BIBLIOTECAS COMPARTIDAS.
Click on HIGH ENGLISH GROUP 01-B; then, click on DOCUMENTOS, and open the file COURSE


Exercise 1 Read HISTORY GOES TO THE MOVIES in page 30 of the book. To answer, use red
font color; type the letter you choose as your answer in the space provided.

1 Emma Thompson said that ____ that the movie In

the Name of the Father was historically inaccurate,
a it was upsetting
b it didn’t matter
c it was obvious

2 When people see a movie they tend to remember________

a great deal of what people said
b what happened in chronological order
c who the heroes and villains were

3 According to the author, what most Americans

know about history comes from____
a what they learned in high school
b textbooks
c movies they have seen at the movie theater and on TV

4 Movies made in recent years have been

historically inaccurate because filmmakers_ __
a don't check the facts
b are not concerned about historical accuracy
c want to make politically correct movies

5 The star system Joseph Roquemore uses refers___

a equally to historical accuracy and entertainment value
b more to entertainment value than historical accuracy
c more to historical accuracy than entertainment value
exercise 2

Complete the sentences with a word or expression from the highlighted words (in the book) and
expressions related to the movies.

1 The latest James Bond movie is expected to be _____ early next summer.
2 After years as a respected theater actress, she has finally been given her chance to appear on
3 I can’t stand it when people get up and leave the theater as soon as the movie ends while I’m
trying to watch the ______
4 The special effects were fantastic, but the ______ was pretty implausible.
5 Many of the biggest names were there at last night’s _________

Exercise 3 Play track 8 and answer the following questions. Besides, type the inaccuracies
demanded in the table for each movie.

How many stars did the author Joseph Roquemore give each movie?

Does the movie critic agree?

Titanic 1997 Director James Cameron


Braveheart 1995 Director Mel Gibson

Exercise 4

Directions: Listen to track 10 and write T (true) or F (False). Finally, answer why you say the
false sentence are false.

1 Adrian believes historical dramas are popular because they’re full of interesting stories that
people recognize.
2 It’s not always possible to tell a historical story in a way that resonates with the present.
3 According to Adrian, historical dramas are sometimes less expensive than contemporary
4 “Dressing” a movie specifically means selecting appropriate costumes for the actors.
5 Making a movie that doesn't have any anachronisms is costly and expensive.
c Now listen again and say why the F sentences are false.

Why false sentences are false?

1 ______

2 ______

3 ______

4 ______

5 ______

Exercise 5

Directions: Listen to track 11 and answer the questions.

What does Adrian say about...?

1. the importance of accuracy in historical drama

2. the extent to which you can change details when you are writing a historical drama

3. the difference between writing a drama based on ancient history and one based on recent

4. the writer's responsibility to be truthful to history

5. the danger of a film becoming the “received version of the truth”

6. why Spartacus is a good example of this

7. the film Braveheart

Exercise 5

Directions: Track 12. Listen to some extracts from the interview and complete the phrases.

1 ...but the thing about history is it's _______with good stories, many of which people know, part,
or at least vaguely know.

2 You have to make sure there are no cars, no airplanes, every shot has to _______ to make sure
that there’s nothing in it which, which betrays the period.

3 So unfortunately, all of that costs money and you have to have bigger crowds in many cases.
Rome was ________

4 ... it’s much easier to ___________ the details of what happened in Rome than it is __________ the
details of what happened in the Iraq War say...

5 You can’t say this is true when ________ it isn’t.

6 So Spartacus the film, made in 1962, I think, _________, has become, I think, for nearly
everybody who knows anything about Spartacus the only version of the truth.

7 There are other examples, you know, a lot of people felt that the version of William Wallace
that was presented
in Braveheart was really ____________ history could stand...

Exercise 6

Directions: Track 13. You are going to listen to five people talking about history.

1 Esther 2 Aurelia 3 Brent 4 James 5 Amy

What two questions do they answer?

Who chooses a) the most recent past in answer to the first question?

Who chooses b) the most distant past in answer to the first question?

Who do they admire and why?


Exercise 7

Directions: Track 14. Listen and complete the phrases with one to three words.
1 I really admire Abraham Lincoln because of all the
work that he did with _______ of American history....
2 I love ________ and I love to be in his plays.
3 If I could have lived in another historical period I would
choose the ________
4 I like jazz music a lot and that was sort of the of _______ bebop in New York.
5 I think his writing’s absolutely phenomenal and very much ________ time.

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