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P Hello, what is your name?

O -Hi, my name is Octavio and yours?

P -I am paula

P -Nice to meet you paula

O-Nice to meet you too

P-Tell me more about you, how old are you?

O- I'm nineteen years old and you?

P-I am nineteen

O-and where are you from

P- I’m from miranda cauca and you

O-I’m from miranda cauca

P-Oh great, you study


O-Amazing, me too. What do you study?

P I study social development and you

O-I am a student of accounting issues

P-that’s great

O-yes and what do you on weekends

P- On the weekends I share with my mom, and my dad goes out to eat and on Sundays I go out
with my friends


P-yes and what do you do on Sunday?

O-I on the weekends I have lunch with my parents and at night I share with my whole family

P I liked talking to you

O I also liked to share with you

P bye

O bye

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