India's Most Wanted Arjun Kapoor Raj Kumar Gupta: Movie Name: Cast: Director

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Movie Name:India's Most Wanted

Cast:Arjun Kapoor
Director:Raj Kumar Gupta

The Man With No Face. The man who doesn't have a face. No one has
seen him in more than a decade. But wherever he goes, he leaves
destruction in his wake. Who is this man, India's Most Wanted, who has
held the country captive for over a decade with serial blasts, deaths and
devastation? After a series of blasts in Pune, the IB (Intelligence Bureau)
and RAW (Reseach and Analysis Wing) are in the dock. While they stick to
their 'terrorists are sitting in Pakistan and Dubai' stance, India is rocked by
more serial blasts.
Prabhat (Arjun Kapoor) gets a tip from one of his sources. He tells his boss
Rajesh Singh (Rajesh Sharma) the tip-off is trustworthy and that he needs
a team to nab India's Most Wanted. But like all things Indian government,
the processes are slow and the papers are stuck for eons in the shelves of
Prabhat gets his group of the Fantastic Four, the faceless men, to get hold
of their Faceless Man. These four men are so ordinary that you would
mistake them for just another deskie at a government office. Director Raj
Kumar Gupta drives a point about our unsung heroes home. Minus Arjun
Kapoor's biceps, our heroes are never really as ripped as a John Abraham
in Force 2 or as suave as a Saif Ali Khan in Phantom or as agile as an
Akshay Kumar in Baby. The heroes in India's Most Wanted are real people.
Picked off offices and streets to get a job done.

Prabhat takes off for Kathmandu, where this terrorist is in hiding. They
have the ISI (Inter-Services Intelligences) and Pakistani forces to deal with
on the way. The Nepali officials are not very helpful either. Do they get
India's Osama?
Loosely based on the capture of Indian Mujahideen terrorist Yasin
Bhatkal, who was arrested in 2013 after a several-year manhunt, India's
Most Wanted tries to lay bare what these nameless heroes need to deal
with. India's Most Wanted takes its viewer to the India-Nepal border to tell
the account of how India's Osama was finally caught.

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