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Everyone should become a vegetarian

Meat has been an essential part of human diet since prehistoric times. However, there are
more and more of individuals who decide to stop eating meat for ethical or other reasons and
who argue that meat-free diet is healthier than the one based on animal products. Has the time
come for people to change their ways and accept vegetarianism as their new lifestyle?

There are many arguments in favour of cutting meat out of our diet. People become
vegetarians because of their ethical, religious or health conviction, but in today's modern
society it is mostly due to concern about animal welfare. We have become aware that it is just
wrong and cruel to kill another living being to have it on our menu in today's world where
there are many other food sources. What is more, we should not be concerned that not eating
meat would be damaging for our health. There is a lot of scientific proof that having diet
based on grains, fruit and vegetables is beneficial for our cardiovascular system and our
overall state of well-being.

Nevertheless, despite all the reasons for becoming a vegetarian, people continue to eat meat.
Why is that? Firstly, all habits are hard to break. Human body has got used to animal derived
products and if we suddenly decide to exclude it from our diet, we will surely suffer some
consequences. For instance, people not eating meat have admitted that they may feel fatigue
and lack of energy, or more seriously, some medical problems as a result of lack of meat
proteins. Furthermore, since the world has become more sensitive to animal rights, more and
more farms decide to grow their livestock in more humane way and thus minimalizing their
suffering when their life cycle comes to an end.

To conclude, despite growing number of vegetarians all over the world, meat is still one of
basic components of our diet. In my opinion, in an ideal world, we would all be vegetarians
and no animal would have to die for our selfish needs, but since we just get meat from
supermarkets and we do not see the whole process of animal keeping and slaughtering in
industrial farming, we choose to be ignorant and stick to our old habits.
Social life is more important than work

In the modern society of today, there are more and more demands to be successful and at the
same time be satisfied in private life. People lead more or less hectic lives, always trying to
balance between social life and career. Should we sacrifice our private life in favour of a high-
flying career or is rich social life the key to happiness?

On the one hand, people are social human beings. Without quality relationships in our lives,
we cannot be fully happy and satisfied which makes social interaction vital for our mental
health and this fact cannot be argued. Moreover, even if we feel some kind of fulfillment in
our work, if we do not share our contentment with others, it is just a short-term feeling and
fades away quickly. That is why it is necessary not to lose our social connections when we
try to pursue our business aims.

On the other hand, without serious work in most cases there are no material means and
without them, there is little possibility of good quality living. To maintain our social life on a
high level it is important to go out, meet people, have discussions over dinners and for this,
naturally, some funds are needed which we can acquire through our jobs. Moreover, we all
have our duties and life and we should not ignore them. Having a job, be successful at what
you do and being part of creating something for the common good, can sometimes be more
fulfilling and satisfying than any kind of social interaction.

To sum up, both work and being social are important components of our everyday life, so that
is why it is important to find the right balance between them, as difficult as it may seem. In
my opinion, we should not give up our private life for the sake of work, but work just enough
to have a good social life.

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