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The aim of this charter is to communicate to Back Market’s partner refurbishers the rules of customer

care management on our platform, as well as remind them of the key elements of customer
satisfaction. This charter has been created to optimize customer service management on the platform
in a fair and efficient manner amongst all of our refurbishers.

Great customer service is key to performing well on Back Market, more so than on any other
marketplace because it impacts directly the Buybox algorithm / your sales performance. This charter
defines the mutual commitments of refurbishers and Back Market, and cements the foundation of a
healthy and fruitful partnership between the two parties.

The Back Market vision of Customer Care

Supporting a client does not just mean responding when the client has a problem.
Above all, it’s sending him the right product (reference & state) within the announced delivery period.
It’s also answering any potential questions and anticipating them within the Customer Care messaging
framework in order to limit friction and the number of exchanges.

Our requirements are the same for all resellers registered on Back Market, in order to move forward
smoothly in a competitive environment. You will find in the following articles the procedures to follow
in the event of technical, structural or administrative problems.

Thibaud de Larauze

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ARTICLE 1 – Pre-sales

Products sold on the platform imperatively must have undergone a defined series of checks before
being sold.
Only products completely tested and diagnosed as 100 % functional can be sold on the platform.

1.1 Checks performed

Each seller commits to displaying in all transparency all the checks which are performed on his products
via his ‘checkup’ models available in the ‘Options’ tab of the Back Office.

For smartphones, the control points are the following:

- Buttons - Unblocked - Wifi/ Bluetooth/ 3G/ 4G
- Microphone and speakers - SIM card holder - Cameras
- IMEI Code - Earphones - Reset
- Proximity sensors - Oxidation - Jack
- Charger - Touch ID - Flash
- Network

In addition, you’ve informed us that:

1. Your batteries:
- are new/refurbished/original, tested using a machine/a software programme……..…,
- are replaced when the number of cycles/amperage/voltage is higher than………………,
- when replaced are new/refurbished/original

2. Your screens:
- are new/refurbished/original,
- tested with a machine/with a software programme/manually…….,
- are replaced by new/refurbished/original screens if there is any observed fault

The seller promises additionally to check the liquid contact indicator and replace it if the product has
been opened and repaired.

1.2 The external states of the smartphones

The external state of the product must correspond to one of the following states. A scratch or a chip is
enough to make it drop into the lower state and therefore generate an unwanted return from an
unsatisfied customer.
In any cases the procut must be tested, verified and cleaned. Only the fully fonctionnin products can
be sold.
Here is a reminder of the five states of appearance available on Back Market:

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Grade Type of product
Smartphones Other products
Shiny Shell: No scratches as new Appearance: As new no trace of usage
Screen: as new
Gold Shell: micro scratches, invisible at more than Very good appearance: very few marks of usage, invisible to
20cm Screen: as new 20 cm
Silver Shell: micro scratches, visible at less than 20cm. Good appearance: few marks invisible to 50 cm
Screen: like new.
Bronze Shell: light scratches but visible. Correct appearance: few visible marks visible to 50 cm
Screen: can present micro scratches, invisible 100% functional
when switched on.
Stallone Shell: visible scratches and/or minor chips. Medium appearance: visible marks of use 100% functional
Screen: can present micro scratches, invisible
when switched on.

1.4 Stock management

Stock must be regularly updated and an order cancellation due to a stock error must be communicated
to the client within 24 hours maximum.
Order cancellations have a strong negative impact on customer experience, so please set up the right
system according to the number of distribution channels you are working with.
In order to avoid cancellations whenever possible, we authorize you to try and find a solution with the
customer within 24 hours of order preparation if you do not have the product in stock.
You may offer to send the same device in another color or an upgrade concerning the storage capacity,
the external state or the model. However, it is forbidden to send a product of lower quality than the
initial order.

If your order cancellation rate exceeds 5% by your fault, we reserve the right to temporarily unplug you
from the platform.

The cancellation rate, as well as your product quality (technical and external), are important elements
taken into account in the BuyBox algorithm.

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Article 2 - Delivery

Delivery is an increasingly important subject in e-commerce and for buyers.

Good delivery tracking is an essential element to ensure a good customer experience. It is important to
respect the announced delivery time. If you experience any problem/delayed delivery, you must inform
the client as soon as possible to limit customer dissatisfaction.

Here are a few rules you need to respect in order to prevent an excessive number of problems.

2.1 The package

- Choose a package adapted to the device, in order to avoid any deterioration during transport;
- Wrap device in bubble wrap or equivalent (foam protection, etc.)
- Do not display the content of the package (avoid labels), in order to avoid theft during
- Avoid packaging which displays its content.
- We also encourage you to wrap your packages with anti-theft film.

2.2 Back Market delivery slip

- Each package must contain the Back Market delivery slip, which you can find in the Back Office
(“Orders”), as soon as an order is validated by you (it can be downloaded manually or exported)
- The delivery slip explains the way to open an After-Sales-Ticket to the customer and states the
necessary details (order number, article, price, carrier…etc.)
- It doesn’t replace a bill though, meaning you can also put yours into the package if you want

2.3 Delivery time

- The device must be shipped within 24 hours of the order being made (working days);
- Do not forget to take into consideration the order preparation time in the delivery time
displayed for your offer;
- Respect the delivery time announced for your offer

2.4 Order tracking

- The tracking number and the name of the shipper must always be communicated and they
must correspond to the client’s order. The client must be able to follow his package as soon as
you give him the tracking number.

2.5 Invoice issuance

- The invoice must always be sent to the customer. Two options are available for the merchant:
- Send the invoice within the box with the product
- Send the invoice through the SAV interface when the customer asks for it

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We would like to remind you that all of the elements enumerated in article 2 are taken into account in
the Buybox algorithm.

Article 3 – After-sales

The objective is to make the management of after-sales easy and efficient. If a client is taken care of
correctly, this will highlight the quality of the after-sales service and it will entice him to come back even
if he received a faulty device. If a client is not taken care of correctly, he will never make a positive
recommendation and will speak very negatively about refurbished products to his friends and family.
The damage to the sector is disastrous, and it stigmatizes refurbished products as poor quality products.
Here are the different criteria which are taken into account:

3.1 Customer Care in the Back Office

Use the Customer Care interfaces in the Back Office as the only way to manage your after-sales issues.
If the seller is using a middleman, it’s possible to share the Back Market account with him.
You also have the possibility of contacting customers by telephone directly if this makes the resolution
of the issue easier. In that case, you will have to notify the client by mail or in the customer care
This allows Back Market to be able to respond directly to customer questions and that way helps reduce
the number of unnecessary messages for the sellers.
It also permits Back Market to answer directly to the customer’s questions hence prevents useless
contact with the merchant.

3.2 Delivery guideline

- In case of late delivery, reassure the client as to the new delivery date, offer him a commercial
gesture and send him the tracking link again.
- In case the package is lost, proceed to refund the customer within the 48 hours which follow
the announcement. If the client, specifically asks to be sent a similar product, do no proceed to the
refund and send another product.
- In case a package is not received despite the shipper’s delivery confirmation, a claim should
be filed. Once the claim is accepted, proceed to the total refund within 48 hours.

3.3 Answer customer in the shortest time possible.

The quicker you answer, the better your customer rating will be. Therefore our ambition is to answer
all customer requests within 24 hours and up to 48 hours (working days) as a maximum time limit.

3.4 Quality of the messages

Send structured and pleasant messages (“Hello”, “We are very sorry”, “Best regards”). These are little
things but they make a huge difference.
Communicate in full sentences, in a pertinent and efficient way, in order to minimize the number of

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3.5 Proactivity
Communicate proactively: send a message when you receive the product, at start of diagnostic, at start
of repair, when product is sent back.
Give the detail of the repairs which have been done, and the detail of the bill if the repairs could not be
covered by the warranty.

3.6 Pre-paid delivery slips

In compliance with Terms of Use, systematically send pre-paid delivery slips.
- In the case or a return within the warranty period, the seller takes charge of providing return
labels during the entire duration of the warranty.
- In the case of DOA (Defective On Arrival), the seller takes charge of providing return labels
- In the case of a product return from a customer using his right of withdrawal, the seller is
exempted from the obligation of paying the return costs (except when the device is DOA)

The return label is to be provided to the client within 48h following its request.

3.7 Multiple returns (Information not communicated to clients to avoid abuse)

a) Double return
If the client has to send back his product for a second time for a technical fault, the product must be
swapped by an identical product (swap) or refunded.

b) Triple returns
If the client has to send back his product for a third time for a technical fault, he will receive (if he
requests it) a total refund of the order.

3.8 Warranty extension (returns)

Returns that take longer than 7 days to process, will trigger a warranty extension equivalent to the time
taken to process the issue.
Second returns are subjected to the same legislation (French Consumption Code, Article L217-16)

3.9 Accessories
Accessories have the same warranty as the product.
If the client has fitted a tempered glass screen protector on the device and then returns the device to
you with the protector, you must provide a new tempered glass screen protector when you send the
device back.

3.10 Time limit for processing the return

Upon reception of the product, you have 5 working days to repair, return or refund the customer.
If the product is not shipped to the client within this time limit, your performance in the Buybox
algorithm will be downgraded.
After 10 working days, if the product is still not returned to the client, the client will be totally refunded
at your charge. For logistical reasons, an exception is granted for big dimension products (i.e product
weighing over 30kg or of a dimension superior than 1,50m); on these products a limit of 30 days is

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3.11 Commercial gestures

Commercial gestures are strongly recommended when the service provision does not correspond to
what is announced to the client when he places an order.
A document in the appendix will establish the structure of these gestures. We also display the gestures
we will undertake to perform.

We wish to remind you that all the elements in article 3 are considered by our algorithm.
In case of non-compliance with these commitments, Back Market will take over from the seller managing
the customer care as defined in article 3. Any generated costs (pre-paid labels, refunds…) will be assigned
to the seller.


You will be in contact with the Back Market Sales and Customer Care teams, giving you support
depending on your issues.

Article 1 – Commitments of the Back Market Sales team

The Back Market Account Manager commits to following you and giving you personal support
particularly during the first few weeks following integration on Back Market.
The Account Manager also provides you with all the tools he has to improve your performance
commercially speaking but also on product quality and service.

1.1 Sending of data

The Account Manager commits to sending you the weekly Back Market weather forecast, allowing you
to have a general overview of the access of your products to the BuyBoxes, and refine your pricing
accordingly in order to increase your revenues and margins.
He also commits, on the commercial side, to regularly sending you estimates of results, stock and selling
price at key moments of the year.
On the quality side, he commits to advising and working with you to improve your performance, helping
you to set up new processes and new tools adapted to your needs.

1.2 Accompaniment by the Account Manager

Depending on the size of your structure and your needs, your Account Manager gives you personalized
advice on your product catalogue and your supplying. He works hand in hand with you to increase your
turnover on Back Market.
He will also accompany you in the day to day resolution of your problems, and will be able to answer
all your administrative questions.

Article 2 – Commitments of the Back Market Customer Care team

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A Customer Care Manager will be assigned to you, and will be your unique point of contact for all after-
sales topics. Here are his different commitments.

2.1 Onboarding and training

Back Market’s Customer Care will offer training to your after-sales manager(s) in order to be able to
transmit our Back Market vision.
A test account will be created for you in order to help you get a better feel for our interface before
being put live.
Moreover, during the first after-sales service requests, we commit to following and advising you in
order to improve the flow of exchanges and highlight the client experience that is expected.

2.4 Availability
We commit to being available all working days from 09:30 hours to 18:30 hours by phone and e-mail
to help you process your client requests and other issues relating to Customer Care.

2.5 Support in the management of Service Requests

We commit to communicating with clients and sellers via the Service Requests section in the Back
Office, in order to support you in your management of Service Requests.
We are aware of the stakes and issues of our sellers, that’s why we help to resolve complicated Service
Requests by being impartial between the sellers and the clients.
Moreover, we deal with any questions clients might have before placing their orders with the

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The eight pages of the charter are to be signed and initialed by the two parties.


The seller Back Market co-founder
Signed in:
On the:

Followed by the words ‘read and approved’

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Policy of commercial gestures from Back Market to customers
according to customer loyalty and the issue faced
BACKER (1st order) SUPER BACKER (2nd order and +)
Order cancellation by the
Issue by Back Market of a purchase voucher of 5€ for 0 to 150€ purchase / 10€ for 151 to 300€ / 15€ over 301€
Refund because swap is not Refurbisher must find a solution. Case or tempered glass screen protector sent by BM for next
possible If not possible, no gesture purchase as new purchase might not be with the same refurbisher.

2nd return for the same order Mandatory device swap by the merchant and Back Market sends a Mandatory device swap by the merchant and Back Market sends a
number: double tempered glass screen protector or a case if client is very angry. tempered glass screen protector and a case if client is very angry

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