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U H Y LLP C e r t i f i e d P u b l i c A c c o u n t a n t s
December 2010
Vol. 4 • No. 6

6851 Oak Hall Lane Suite 300 Columbia, MD 21045 410-423-4800 Fax 410-381-5538

$300,000 for the previous tax year

The Price of Federal Funding: (from any source) are exempted
from reporting.
More Reporting As well, not-for-profit entities that
by Nelly Gizdova, Manager do not meet the threshold subjecting
them to the federal Single Audit Act

If you had just

become used to
hearing the term
ARRA). The first reporting was due
November 30, 2010, for the month
ending October 31, 2010. The col-
may still be subject to the provisions
All recipients of federal awards
ARRA without lected information on federal
(grants and/or contracts) are
having a panic awards is then published and acces-
required to register in the Central
attack, there is now sible through a searchable website:
Contractor Registration system at
a new potential In addition
source of anxiety:
The term federal awards used in to that, prior to submitting FFATA
FFATA. FFATA, or the Federal
FFATA is quite broad and includes reports, the prime awardees must
Funding Accountability and Trans-
grants, sub-grants, loans, awards, register in the new FFATA Sub-
parency Act, is not new legislation,
cooperative agreements and other award Reporting System (FSRS) at
per se; it was signed into law on
forms of financial assistance as well
September 26, 2006, by President
as contracts, sub-contracts, purchase FSRS was created to collect the
George W. Bush. The reason FFATA
orders, task orders and delivery required data from the federal
is starting to make headlines again
orders. ARRA grants, awards that awardees for reportable sub-awards
is that many of its provisions
involve classified information and (grants or contracts greater than
became effective on October 1, 2010.
benefit payments, and other awards $25,000) and executive compensa-
FFATA is similar to ARRA (the to individuals who apply for or tion. In a memo to federal agencies,
American Recovery and Reinvestment receive the awards as natural per- the Office of Management and
Act) in its intent to make the govern- sons are excluded from reporting Budget (OMB) clarified that
ment transparent and accountable under FFATA. Other transactions awardees would be required to sub-
for its spending decisions by using that are presently exempted from mit data only on first-tier sub-grants
the newest information technology reporting include individual transac- and sub-contracts.
resources, but it goes beyond the tions below $25,000 and credit card
ARRA reporting in several aspects. transactions before October 1, 2008. Reporting requirements
To begin, the provisions of FFATA
All awardees should have imple-
affect all entities that receive federal Who is affected? mented the requirement to collect
awards (direct and first tier sub-
FFATA affects a spectrum of entities: sub-award data prior to October 1,
recipients) regardless of the type or
for-profit and nonprofit corpora- 2010. Awardees and sub-awardees
amount of federal funding received,
tions, associations, partnerships, (recipients, sub-recipients, contrac-
and are applicable for all new
limited liability companies, limited tors and sub-contractors) should be
awards effective October 1, 2010.
liability partnerships, sole propri- prepared to report on applicable
The other major difference is that etorships, any other legal business awards (grants, contracts and orders
FFATA reporting is going to be entities and states or localities. greater than $25,000), as soon as prac-
monthly (not quarterly, as with Entities with gross income less than continued on page 2

UHY LLP brings specialists in nonprofit solutions in accounting and tax.

December 2010
Vol. 4 • No. 6

The Price of Federal • Award title Award Database System (FAADS),

the Federal Procurement Data
Funding: More Reporting • Location of the entity (including
System (FPDS) and the Central
continued from page 1 congressional district)
Contractor Registration System
ticable after the sub-award, or a sub- • Place of performance (including (CCR) to ensure quality data and
sequent change to the sub-award, has congressional district) minimize unintended data entry
been made, but no more than 30 days errors by sub-recipients. The federal
after that event. The prime awardee • Unique identifier of the entity and agency making the award will pre-
has a responsibility to inform the sub- its parent (if owned by another populate the prime award recipient
awardees at the time of the award of entity) information by reporting it in FAADS
all reportable data elements and to for grant awards and in FPDS for
Compensation and names of top
monitor the completion of those contract awards. FSRS interfaces with
five executives (prime and/or sub-
requirements on a monthly basis. It is the above three systems (FAADS,
awardee), limited to entities that
the sub-awardees’ responsibility to FPDS and CCR) to make the informa-
report to the prime awardee all infor- have met all three of the following
requirements: tion available to the general public in
mation required by FSRS.
The reporting requirements are • More than 80% of annual gross
FSRS takes an “awardee-centric”
phased in for federal contracts and revenues are funded by the
approach, allowing the prime
sub-contracts and are effective as Federal government,
awardees to manage and report
follows: • Annual gross revenues are against multiple contracts and/or
• For contracts greater than or equal greater than $25 million in the grants awarded to their registered
to $20,000,000, reporting started previous fiscal year, and DUNS number. The awardees can
July 1, 2010, sort and filter their worklist by type,
• Compensation information is not i.e. contract or grant, by awarding
• For contracts greater than or equal already available through report- agency and by other filter terms.
to $550,000, reporting started ing to the SEC or some other Awardees will be able to see, by
October 1, 2010, and public source (IRS Form 990). award number, the FFATA sub-award
• For contracts greater than or equal For ARRA-funded contracts subject reports filed against that particular
to $25,000, reporting starts March to FFATA reporting, the prime recipi- contract and/or grant.
1, 2011.
ent will be required to report the con- Now, even though FSRS reporting is
There is no phase-in of the reporting tracts to both and not specifically addressed in the lat-
requirements for federal grants and FSRS, if required by the contract. est A-133 audit guide, OMB consid-
sub-grants. ers this to be required reporting and,
However, for ARRA-funded grants
as such, the awardees’ timeliness
Sub-award reporting subject to FFATA reporting, the
and accuracy of FSRS reporting will
prime recipient will not be required
The sub-award information report- be audited, and any non-compliance
to report the grants to both
ed in FSRS is very similar to what is will result in a finding. and FSRS.
being reported under ARRA at Summing things up, sub-recipient
ARRA-funded grants will continue monitoring and reporting and timeli-
to be reported to
• Name of entity receiving award only and all non-ARRA funded fed- ness of the reporting are expected to
eral grants will be reported to FSRS. be the major issues in the FFATA
• Amount of award
implementation process.
• Funding agency Making things a little easier •••
• NAICS code for contracts/CFDA
Some prime and sub-award informa- Please contact Nelly Gizdova, 410-
program number for grants
tion will be pre-populated in FSRS 423-4800 or
• Program source with data from the Federal Assistance for more information.

The statements contained herein are provided for informational purposes only, are not intended to constitute tax advice which may be relied upon to avoid penalties under any federal,
state, local or other tax statutes or regulations, and do not resolve any tax issues in your favor. Furthermore, such statements are not presented or intended as, and should not be taken
or assumed to constitute legal advice of any nature, for which advice it is recommended that you consult your own legal counselors or professionals.
UHY Advisors, Inc., provides tax and business consulting services through wholly owned subsidiary entities that operate under the name of “UHY Advisors.” UHY Advisors, Inc.,
and its subsidiary entities offer services from offices across the United States. UHY Advisors, Inc., and its subsidiary entities are not licensed CPA firms. UHY LLP is a licensed independent
CPA firm that performs attest services. UHY Advisors, Inc., and UHY LLP are independent U.S. members of Urbach Hacker Young International Limited.

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