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Juan Esteban Cardona López

English 03
Group 01
The Constitution of Cundinamarca
The constitution of Cundinamarca was one of the first’s constitutions of the Latin-
American world, and I say this because is not the only one for the moment, there are a
lot of examples in others places of the Iberian monarchy, and this phenomenon was
explained for the historiography understanding the context where was writing. The
historians show the problem that affront the Spain peninsula for the Napoleon invasion
and capture of the monarch who’s was deposed and replaced for his brother Jose
This situation led that in Spanish America the creoles, who was relegated in a second
plane in the administration of his natives lands take the initiative to do a change in the
colonial order and take again his autonomy that was lose when Spanish Crow start the
absolutist administration. In this moment, was when the American start to write the
constitutions of states that are recognized like independents in administration and
continuing with his loyalty to the monarch Fernando VII.
In short the constitution of Cundinamarca was one many in this context so much so that
the American lands finish disarm in a lot of little sovereign provinces who wrote their
own constitution with similar requirements which responded to the same discomfort
with the administration of the American terrains.
Next, the constitution of Cundinamarca was written in Santa Fe of Bogotá in 1811 with
the help of important educated people who had a known of law in superior studies in the
universities of the Spanish world, building a test in which innovative ideas were agreed
like the use of words like “pueblo” and his importance in the exercise of the sovereignty
that was the most important political advance for a time in which all had been subjects
of the monarch.

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