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Uploaded: 02/25/2020 | Checked: 02/25/2020

Matches Citation Reference Character replacement

22% Matches 0% Citations 0% References


Internal library sources 2

1 Introduction 22.62%

2 New document 02/19/20 21.34%


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Uploaded: 02/25/2020 | Checked: 02/25/2020

Matches Citation Reference Character replacement

Step i1: iIdentify ithe iProblem

The ifirst istep iin ithis iprocess iis ito irecognize ia iproblem. iThe i research iquestion imay ibe
isomething ithat ithe icompany irecognizes ias ian iissue, isome iexpertise ior iinformation ithe

iorganization ineeds, ior ithe ineed ito irecognize ia inational irecreation ipattern.

Step i2: iReview ithe iLiterature

After ithe iproblem ihas ibeen iidentified, ithe iresearcher imust ilearn imore iabout ithe iparticular
iissue iunder iinquiry. iTo ido ithis, ithe iresearcher imust ievaluate iresearch iassociated iliterature.

iThis iphase ioffers ibaseline iknowledge iof ithe iproblem iarea. iThe iliterature ireview ialso iinforms

ithe iresearcher ion iwhat istudies iwere icarried iin ithe ipast, ihow ithose iresearch iwere iundertaken,

iand ithe ifindings iin ithe iproblem iarea.

Step i3: iClarify ithe iProblem

The iinitial iproblem iidentified iduring ithe ifirst istep iof ithe iprocess iis ioften itoo ilarge ior itoo iwide
iin iscope. iThe iresearcher iclarifies ithe iproblem iin istep i3 iof ithe i method, iand inarrows ithe iscope

iof ithe ianalysis. iThis ican ionly i be idone iafter irevising ithe iliterature. iThe iknowledge igained

ithrough ithe iinvestigator's ianalysis i of iliterature iguides ishould iexplain iand i narrow ithe iresearch


Step i4: iDefine ithe iPopulation

Research iprojects imay iconcentrate ion ia ispecific igroup iof ipeople, iamenities, ipark igrowth,
iemployee ireviews, iservices, ifinancial istatus, imarketing iefforts, ior itechnology iincorporation

iinto ithe ioperations. iFor iexample, iif ia iresearcher iwants ito iexamine ia ispecific igroup iof ipeople

iin ithe icommunity, ithe istudy icould iexamine ia iparticular iage igroup, imales ior ifemales.

Step i5: iDevelop ithe iInstrumentation iPlan i

The istudy iplan iis icalled ithe iinstrumentation iprogram. iThe iinstrumentation iplan iacts ias ia
iblueprint ifor ithe istudy ias ia iwhole, ioutlining iwho iwill iparticipate iin ithe iproject; ihow, iwhere,

iand iwhere idata iwill ibe icollected; iand isystem imaterial. iThere iare inumerous idecisions iand

iconsiderations ito ithis iplan

‘’Training is an organization's effort to develop training among these employees, and

advancement is an effort that is more focused on expanding an individual's abilities, skills, for
potential responsibility”. (2012 by George & Scott). Learning and growth is a continuous
effort aimed at improving the skills of the employees and coordinating performance as a
strategy to increase the ability and efficiency of the employees. Human Resource
Management has played an important role in certain developed nations such as France, USA,
CHAINA, CANADA and Japan's economic growth. (Thompson, n.d.)

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