Battery Recharge - Testing

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Battery Recharge

 EQUI-ZZ_UUID_NUMBER -> Manufacturer’s date (MFRD)

 EQUI-ZZ_MAC_ADDRESS -> Latest Re-charging date (LRCD)
 Logging table for the MFRD/LRCD updates: table > ZMS_LRCD_HIST

1. Inbound ASN (SAP IT)

LOAD ID Vendor Info Vendor Code

305420104 JDM1 Suzhou CN CM 2266985
304609594 Chicony Dongguan CN CM 656118114
304716165 FOXLINK Dongguan CN CM 2115939
304491484 Foxlink Xuzhou CN CM 3021636
305183330 Liteon Dongguan CN CM 656035938
305068070 Chicony Wujiang CN CM
306668174 Quanta Shanghai CN CM 2203295
306441593   Liteon 656035938
306070987 IQOR - CANADA
306603732 IQOR - MEXICO

+ EMEA & HK -> ASN files too (local SAP IT)

2. Updating the current database Report: ZMS_EQUI_BATTERY_LIFE ( SAP IT & local SAP IT)
3. Batter Aging Report : ZMS_AGING_BATTERY_LIFE ( Testing team)
Playbook for the recharging rules based on the Material/Material group: ZMS_SHELF_LIFE
4. Transaction: ZINBOUND_PACK (Testing team)
5. ROC Booking transaction: (Testing team)
6. Utility program to check the MFRD/LRCD for a given serial no:
7. Transformation & Bundling: (Ryan)
Scenario -1:
 Get all the serial numbers that need to be recharged from Aging report.
 Upload the serials into the table: (ZPP_GY). Follow the GREEN-YELLOW process (Tcodes:
 Create an internal production order REPID type (Order type: ZP05) from SKU A -> SKU A
 In ZSTEP1, a popup will appear for the recharged devices -> We should capture
RECHARGING DATE & STATUS (S – success or F - failure) of the recharge.
 Output message (ZRCH) only should be triggered for the recharged HU’s.

Scenario -2: SKU A -> SKU B

Updating the EQUI (MFRD/LRCD) dates into the new Material?
Scenario -3: Bundling
Scenario -4: DeBundling

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