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Basic Concept of Disaster and Disaster Risk

Activity 3

Objective: formulate a qualitative risk map from analysis of hazard, exposure, and vulnerability.

1. As an expert in disaster risk, you were consulted to assess the levels of risk that sites in a scenic mountainous
residential area are exposed to. You got hold a simple but informative landslide hazard map from the Mines and
Geosciences Bureau showing which areas were expose to high, medium, and low landslide hazard. Qualitative
estimates are useful, if not more useful, as the quantitative values especially when the range of category values
are significantly different.
a. Which sites will you recommend for further development?
2. Another map done by a nearby research institute shows the combined exposure and vulnerability of all buildings
in the areas.
a. Considering both this map and the landslide hazard map, mark with red color the residential area at
highest risk on the risk map provided.
b. Likewise, mark with blue color the area the lowest risk. Explain the significance of these two areas.
c. Where would you advise interested entities to purchase an existing residential or commercial building?
Explain your choice.

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