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Adrian Capili


Sports Medicine Internship Program

My love for sports dates further back into my childhood since I was about 8-9 years old. I

remember shooting hoops with my older brother and dad in our backyard. My dad would always

say, “oh yes, sarap! (Suh-rop),” before he released the ball out of his hands. Sarap is a word from

the tagolog language, which paraphrases as, “mm that’s good or this is good.” Being at this

young age, I was completely astonished on how my dad would make these jump shots, and be

confident that it was going in. At this moment, I knew that I would grow a passion for all types

of sports.

The reason why I am interested in this program is because sports have always been a part

of my life. A game would be on all the time at our family parties and if I knew I was going to

miss a big game from any of the teams I root for, I would immediately rush to find a way to

record that game. This program allows an opportunity for me to gain experience in something

that truly interests me. Sports mean so much more than just a game or physical activity. One of

my inspirations is Kobe Bryant from the Los Angeles Lakers. His grit and determination grew

onto me at a young age. Kobe’s physical and mental mindset motivated me to train the mind and

body to become the best self I may be.

I believe this program will help understand a different aspect to the game. I acknowledge

and understand that many elite athletes did not reach their level of performance on their own. It

took the help and support from the athletic training team and coaching staff to get them where
they are now. I see this program as an opportunity to be in an environment that I know and love,

and with hopes in possibly make a difference in the sport community.

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