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// STALKER Shaders MAX 1.06 - Optimized Preset - By Kingo64, Sky4CE, Meltac, JJ

#ifndef SSM_Mount
#define SSM_Mount
//Feature Enable/Disable: Comment a feature (Add the //) to disable, or uncomment
(Remove the //) to enable.
// Comments with a '#' are my notes

//World effects
//#define DEPTH_OF_FIELD // Enables Depth Of Field # Blurs
objects in the distance
#define PARALLAX_OCCLUSION // Enables Parallax Occlusion Mapping # Makes
surfaces look bumpy and 3d at the cost of fps. Worth it
#define SSAO // Enables Screen Space Ambient Occlusion #
Looks good if you are stuck on Object Dynamic Lighting
//#define SUN_SHAFTS // Enables Sun Shafts (god rays) # Only
noticable on Full Dynamic Lighting, looks very nice but causes poor performance on
some computers. Also makes the environment much brighter and natural.
//#define USE_SJITTER // Uses shadow jittering, a modern method of
smoothing out shadow edges. Applies to flashlight, and to world if SUN_FILTER is
#define USE_SUNMASK // Enables sun shadow masking # Seems to be the
line that produces shadows based on sun orientation. I am not sure if F32 needs or
it should avoid it

//Screen Space effects

//#define USE_MBLUR // Enables Motion Blur # This forces Motion
Blur on like -mblur. Adjust the blur amount with MBLUR_COEF later in this script.
//#define IMPROVED_MBLUR // Use distance-depending Motion Blur -
Adjust START_DIST and FINAL_DIST to your needs.
//#define SKY4CE_MBLUR // # Seems to break Motion Blur and Anti-
Aliasing altogether
#define SATURATION_FILTER // Enables Saturation Filter, giving a grey
like appearance to areas which are "unsafe".
#define CONTRAST_FILTER // Enables Contrast Filter, giving a grey like
appearance to areas which are "unsafe".

//#define USE_F32 // Enables Float32 mod. Breaks saturation and
contrast filters. # If you are using Panoramic Mod 2.1 FINAL from Argus make sure
you have a // at the start of this line
//#define USE_F32_FOG // Enables Float32 style fog. Requires Float32
to be enabled.
#define CUSTOM_SHADOW_RESOLUTION int(2048) // Use a custom shadow size.
Default is 1024 (1024x1024).

//Depth Of Field

//Basic options:
#define DOF_QUALITY int(10) //Amount of DOF samples. Maximum value is 12.

//Distance Options:
#define MINDIST float(15.0) // Minimum distance DOF starts. Default is 0.4.
#define MAXDIST float(275) // Distance at which DOF stops rendering.
Default is 375
#define MAXCOF float(4.0) // Blur amount - if using DDOF, this should not
differ too much from DDOF_MAXCOF (I use same value)

// Meltac: Total DOF Extensions

// Blur methods - enable at least one; can be combined/applied together,
// however in my experience the overall effect was worse in combination;
// use r2_aa_kernel to adjust the mix, 0.3 = full classic; 0.7 = full
#define DOF_CLASSIC // Use classic blur algorithm, as
implemented by Sky4Ace
#define DOF_GAUSSIAN // Use simple gaussian blur algorithm
(blurs stronger with same MAXCOF value)
#define DOF_CORRECTION float (6.0) // Factor to equalize the amount of
gaussian to classic blur. Don't change this unless you know what you're doing.

// Oversampling for better quality (not really improving much, but making
game startup slower - use at your own risk)
#define DOF_OVERSAMPLING int(1) // oversampling ratio. Default is

// Near Field DOF (see also Dynamic DOF, because the effects are
#define MAXNEAR float(0.7) // Distance at which Near Field DOF
starts. Default is 0.7. Larger values will blur your weapon more, and not only its
near part.
#define MINNEAR float(0.0) // Distance at which Near Field DOF
stops. Default is 0.0
#define MAXCOF_NEAR float(15.0) // Near Field blur amount.
Interferes heavily with DDOF. Default is value 7.0 without, 15.0 with DDOF.

// Zoom DOF
#define ZOOM_MINDIST float(15.0) // Minimum distance (radius) from screen
center where DOF starts.
#define ZOOM_MAXDIST float(260.0) // Distance radius from screen center at
which DOF stops rendering (beyond that value - full blur).
#define ZOOM_MAXCOF float(80.0) // Blur amount at the screen border
while zooming.
#define ZOOM_FACTOR float(10.0) // The stepness of the blur amount
raising from center to border. Good values are 10-12.
#define ZOOM_BARRIER float (20.0) // (DEBUG) Distance from the screen
center at which blurring starts, in relative pixels.

// Dynamic DOF
//#define DDOF // Enable/disable Dynamic DOF (blurring
coefficient is MAXCOF)
#define DDOF_MINDIST_ADD float(0.7) // Added to view distance, at this
distance begins blurring
#define DDOF_MAXDIST_FACTOR float(4.0) // Mindist times factor = maxdist
#define DDOF_MINDIST float(0.0) // Minimum distance DDOF starts.
#define DDOF_MAXDIST float(10.0) // Distance at which DOF stops rendering.
Beyond this view distance, only minor DDOF
#define DDOF_MAXCOF float(4.0) // DDOF blur factor - good balanced
is value 2.0 - 5.0 - see also MAXCOF
// End Meltac

//Anti-Aliasing (does not really work well, use at your own risk; at the moment,
non-zoom mode only)

// Basic options:
//#define AA // Enable Anti-Aliasing
#define AA_KERNEL float(100.0) // PS: 0.5

#define AA_BARRIER_X float(0.800000)

#define AA_BARRIER_Y float(0.500000)
#define AA_BARRIER_Z float(0.000000)

#define AA_WEIGHTS_X float(0.250000)

#define AA_WEIGHTS_Y float(0.250000)
#define AA_WEIGHTS_Z float(0.000000)

//Parallax Occlusion Mapping

//Basic Options:
#define MAX_SAMPLES int(35) //Maximum amount of samples done to a
#define MIN_SAMPLES int(4) //Minimum amount of samples done to a
#define PARALLAX_OFFSET float(0.015) //Height of surface per sample.
#define FINAL_INTERSECTION_LOOPS int(5) //Amount of additional samples to
increase accuracy.

//Performance Options:
//#define PARALLAX_FADE //Parllax textures fade back to regular
normals with distance; increases FPS and fixes anisotropic filtering. #Disabling
this strangely gave me a much higher FPS.
#define START_FADE float(0.0003) //Distance the fading starts
#define STOP_FADE float(0.0004) //Distance the fading stops, and
the texture returns to just using normals.

//Other Options:
//#define USE_TEXTURE_PACK //Uses height maps built into texture
files, rather than self generating them. Requires special textures (81mb) # Put
a // at the start of this line if you are running low on RAM or get 'Out of Memory'
errors. Also it may cause other problems such as disabling the feature altogether
//#define CORRECT_PERSPECTIVE //WARNING!!! artifacts will appear if
#define CONTRAST_COEF_Q1 float(0.6) //Amount of contrast in calculations.
#define CONTRAST_COEF_Q2 float(1) //Amount of contrast in calculations.
#define BRIGHTNESS_COEF float(0.25) //Amount of brightness in calculations.

//Screen Space Ambient Occlusion

//Basic Options:
#define SSAO_QUALITY int(2) //Amount of SSAO samples. Use 2 for low quality
and 3 for high quality. 0 and 1 are invalid. #The only noticable difference is the
framerate :P
#define SSAO_TEX_CONT //Increase texture contrast for diffuse
lighting # This line makes SSAO much darker. If it is too dark add a // to the
start of the line or increase the value on the line below.
#define CONT_COEF float(0.3) //Brightness increase amount

//Only for testing.

#define FADE_DIST float(4)
#define FADE_COEF float(0.2)

//Sun Shafts

//Basic options:
#define RAY_SAMPLES int(15) //Amount of sun ray samples. The higher this
is, the better the quality and the lower your framerate.
#define SS_INTENSITY float(0.5) // intesity of sun shafts

//Only for testing.

#define SS_CONTRAST float(4) //Amount of contrast during sunray calculation.
//#define SS_FARNEARLERP //# Seemed to give me more FPS but caused
massive sun errors. Leave it disabled.

//Motion Blur

//Basic options:
#define MBLUR_SAMPLES int(20) // Quality(Intesity)

#define SCALE_X float(-0.03) // Velocity ratio X
#define SCALE_Y float(0.03) // Velocity ratio Y
#define START_DIST float(1.0) // Interpolation start distance
#define FINAL_DIST float(300.0) // Interpolation end distance
#define VEL_START float(0.001) //Velocity softening at start distance -
default is 0.009, but I consider this value too high
#define VEL_FIN float(0.02) //Velocity softening at end distance
#define IMB_CLAMP float(0.01) //Motion Blur Ratio Clamp

// Meltac: Use this instead of the "r2_mblur" setting in the console to

define the motion blur amount
//#define MBLUR_COEF float2(1.0,0.0)

//Saturation and Contrast

//Basic options:
#define COLOR_SATURATION float(0.5) //Level of Grey. 0 is all grey
(Black and White), 1 is no Grey (Why have this enabled?)
#define COLOR_SAT_SUN_COEF float(1) //How much influence sun lighting
has on the saturation.
#define CONTRAST_FILTER_COEF float(0.15) //Level of full screen contrast.

//Float32 v2.0

//Basic options:
#define CT_int 1.25f //Cook Tolerance of the sun.
#define CT_int_in 1.25f //Cook Tolerance of indoor lighting.
#define BLOOM_val 0.6h //Bloom brightness - Increases HDR brightness
of the sky
#define HDR_int 10.h //HDR cutoff - Total HDR brightness

//RADEON COMPATIBILITY MODE - For those who can not use Fetch4 or have issues! Not
needed on most modern GPUs.
//#define NO_F4

//Forced Settings - Debug

// #define USE_GAMMA_22
// #define USE_SUNFILTER
// #define USE_HWSMAP
// #define USE_HWSMAP_PCF // nVidia GF3+, R600+
// #define USE_BRANCHING
// #define USE_VTF // VertexTextureFetch
// #define FP16_FILTER
// #define FP16_BLEND
// #define USE_PARALLAX
// #define USE_TDETAIL
// #define USE_LM_HEMI
// #define USE_DISTORT
// #define DBG_TMAPPING


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