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Peak expiratory flow values are higher in older and

taller healthy male children: An observational study

Fernanda R.Radziavicius MSc1 1 Department of Morphology and Physiology. School

Lourdes C. Martins PhD1 of Medicine of ABC. Santo André, SP, Brazil.
Camilla C.Radziavicius MSc2 2 Universitary Center of São Camilo, São Paulo, SP,

Vitor E. Valenti PhD Fellowship1, 3 Brazil.

Arnaldo A. F. Siqueira PhD4 3 Department of Medicine, Cardiology Division, Fed-

Cíntia G. de Souza PhD Fellowship4 eral University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo,
Luiz C. de Abreu PhD1, 4 SP, Brazil.
4 Department of Maternal-Infant Health, University of

São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, SP, Brazil.

Manuscript submitted 2nd November, 2009

Manuscript accepted 2nd February, 2010

Clin Invest Med 2010; 33 (2): E92-E98.

Abstract correlation was seen for PEF with both age and height in
healthy children from five to ten years old.
Purpose: Peak expiratory flow (PEF) was measured in
healthy children aged five to ten years in order to provide
baseline values and to determine correlations between PEF
and factors such as gender, age and type of school. The majority of lung diseases are characterized by ob-
Methods: After the Ethical Committee of Research in struction of the airflow within the tracheobronchial
Human of the School of Medicine of ABC – FMABC tree. Thus, techniques to estimate the severity of this
approval, PEF and height were measured in 1942 children obstruction are extremely useful for the assessment of
between five and ten years old from nine public schools
and nine private schools throughout São Bernardo do patients and in the evaluation of the efficacy of thera-
Campo City. PEF was measured using the Mini-Wright peutic measures.1-8
Peak Flow Meter (Clement Clarke International Ltd.) and. There are several tests able to evaluate lung func-
height was measured using a Sanny professional tion. To evaluate pulmonary flow, simple tests such as
stadiometer .
Results: Significant differences were found in values for spirometry and peak expiratory flow and more com-
PEF: higher values were seen in older students in plex and expensive tests like dilution of inert gases,
comparison with younger students, in males in comparison wash-out of nitrogen and whole body plethysmogra-
with females and in students from private schools in phy can be used. Measurement of pulmonary flow
comparison with public schools, with average values
ranging from 206 L/min to 248 L/min,. Linear correlations does not directly assess lung function, but reduction in
were seen for PEF values with both height and age flow is associated with pathologic respiratory condi-
(Spearman Coefficient). tions and can aid in diagnosis and treatment of
Conclusions: Differences were seen for PEF between patients with lung disease.3,9
genders and between types of school, and a linear

© 2010 CIM Clin Invest Med • Vol 33, no 2, April 2010 E92.
Radziavicius et al. Peak expiratory flow in children

The measurement of peak expiratory flow (PEF) is dren, aged between five and eleven years old in public
a simple, noninvasive, rapid and economical method and private schools of São Bernardo do Campo, Bra-
to assess the strength and speed of expiration, in units zil. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee
of liters per minute (L/min), through a forced expira- of Human Research of the School of Medicine of
tion from total lung capacity (TLC). It is used to de- ABC (Protocol No. 029/2005).
tect a reduction in pulmonary function associated with São Bernardo do Campo is located in the metro-
the narrowing of airways, to assess the efficacy of politan region of Sao Paulo, including a group of cit-
clinical treatment used for the resolution of airflow ies known as ABC Region. Its surface covers an area
limitation.3-5,10-13 These measurements are particularly of 408 km2 and its population in 2008 was estimated
necessary for patients unable to detect airway obstruc- in 801580 inhabitants, resulting in a density of 1962.5
tion as soon as it starts, as in case with children.10-13 km².
The measurement of PEF is dependent on thora-
coabdominal muscles and the degree of stress gener- Participants
ated by the subject evaluated,10-13 and since it requires The study population consisted of 2312 children from
maximal expiration, it is considered less useful in nine public schools (Peter E. Gardin, E. Lim Thunder,
some populations.14-18 Furthermore, there are limita- E. Gofredo, E. Geraldo Hipólito, E. Mário Almeida
tions associated with the use of spirometry in children
19. Thus, standardization of PEF is of particular im-
Martins, E. Flaminio Rangel, E. Aldino Pinotti, Anita
E. Magrini, Professor Joseph E. Vargas Bueno) and
portance in pediatric patients. nine private schools (Leonor College, Athens College,
There are studies which include children aged five College Villa Lobos, St. Charles College, College
to ten years old, as in the Swaminatham et al. study in Paradise Viva College Life, College Terra Mater, Ex-
South India and Usuphile with children in Sri ternato Rio Branco, College Maua) in São Bernardo
Lanka.20,22 There are, however, no comparable values do Campo. Among the participants 1295 were males
for this age group in Brazil. PEF values from children and 1017 were females between five and ten years
Sri Lanka may not be applicable to children from Bra- old.
zil, as other studies have shown that PEF values are Of the 2312 children selected, 370 were later ex-
dependent on race and ethnicity.19,21 Data for Brazil is cluded from the study. The criteria of exclusion in-
vital to provide baseline information for epidemiol- cluded lack of cooperation during one of the two
ogical studies and for clinical management and moni- measurements, presence of current or previous
toring of children’s growth and development. Thus, pulmonary pathology, and those who did not agree to
the aim of this investigation was to measure PEF in participate in the investigation. Thus, the final sample
healthy Brazilian children from five to ten years of consisted of 1942 children.
age. Children from both public and private schools
were tested in order to determine the effect of socio- Outcome measures
economic level (and concomitant health and physical
fitness) on PEF. The study lasted nine months. Each child was evalu-
ated twice, one month apart, and each evaluation was
Methods comprised of three measurements. The highest PEF
value was chosen from the three measurements for the
Design initial and final PEF values. Measurements were taken
This is a prospective, descriptive study of a sample of in the standing position. The children were instructed
convenience. The sample consisted of healthy chil- and encouraged to perform with maximal effort during

© 2010 CIM Clin Invest Med • Vol 33, no 2, April 2010 E93.
Radziavicius et al. Peak expiratory flow in children

TABLE 1. Distribution by gender and type of school. ple regression model. In order to verify if PEF
Variables n (%) changes with age and to evaluate the reliability of test-
Type of school ing children of different ages, we performed intratests,
Private 1124 (48.6%) in which we compared PEF in children of the same
Public 818 (35.3%)
gender according to age. Children were divided into
12 groups: six male groups (five vs six vs seven vs
Female 832 (35.9%)
Male 1110 (48%) eight vs nine vs 10 years old groups) and six female
groups (five vs six vs seven vs eight vs nine vs 10
all steps. Although PEF measurements are effort- and years old groups) and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
technique-dependent, which is an issue in the evalua- for repeated measures followed by post hoc pairwise
tion of children, this method is accepted in the litera- multiple comparisons Tukey test were used to assess
ture, and previous investigations support the feasibil- significance. The level of significance was 5% (statis-
ity of accurate measurement of PEF in children from 5 tical package used was SPSS 16.0 for Windows).
to 10 years old.23, 24 Through the multiple regression analysis, we used
In addition to the PEF, height was measured by a an estimative formal equation model of PFE values
Sanny professional stadiometer barefoot in the stand- for boys (A) and girls (B):
ing position with his or her spine straight, arms at the
body line, and eyes looking to the horizon. Informa- PFE = 134.989 + (240.73 x HEIGHT)
tion on variables such as gender and age, in completed + (6.131 X AGE)
years, were provided by the family. PFE = 162.152 + (264.807 x HEIGHT)
The peak flow meter (Mini-Wright Peak Flow Me- (B)
+ (6.709 X AGE)
ter Clement Clarke International Ltd.). was used in
order to measure the strength and speed exerted by the Results
expiration in units of liters per minute (L/min). This
flow meter is portable, durable, easy to handle and We evaluated 2312 healthy children, among them
made of plastic material. 1295 (56.1%) were male and 1017 (43.9%) were fe-
male. Regarding the distribution of schools, 1309
Data Analysis (56.7%) attended public schools and 1003 (43.3%)
belonged to private network, as described in Table 1.
Descriptive analysis was conducted for all study vari- Tables 2 and 3 summarize the age, height and ini-
ables. Qualitative variables were analyzed in terms of tial and final PEF in children from private and public
their absolute and relative values. Quantitative vari- schools in São Bernardo do Campo. There was no
ables were evaluated by their values of central ten- significant difference between initial and final PEF.
dency and dispersion. The association between quali- Furthermore, no correlation was observed between
tative variables was evaluated by chi-square. The ho- PEF variability and age or height in boys and girls.
mogeneity of variance and normality were verified by Our results show that boys had higher PEF values in
the Levene and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, respec- comparison with girls (p<0.001). As shown in Table 3,
tively. For variables with these two principles satisfac- we observed higher PEF values in children from pri-
tory we used the Student t test, otherwise, we used the vate schools in comparison with children from public
Mann-Whitney test. Correlations were evaluated using schools in São Bernardo do Campo (p <0.001).
the Spearman test. In order to obtain a mathematical By applying the Spearman coefficient test we
model to explain the phenomenon we used the multi- found significant dependence of PEF on age and

© 2010 CIM Clin Invest Med • Vol 33, no 2, April 2010 E94.
Radziavicius et al. Peak expiratory flow in children

TABLE 2. Description according to age, height, and initial and final PEF with respect to gender.
Minimum-maximum Mean (standard error) Test
Age (years) 1 5-10 5-10 7.9(1.4) 7.9(1.4) p=0.40
Height (metres)2 1.05-1.65 1,03-1.63 1.3(0.1) 1.3(0.1) p=0.25
PEF I (L/min)1 100-290 140-410 206(38.1) 240(44.8) p=0.11
PEF F (L/min)1 110-370 160-410 218(38.9) 248(43.5) p=0.23
PEF I – Initial Peak expiratory flow
PEF F – Final Peak expiratory flow
F – Female
M – Male
1Mann-Whitney test; 2Student t-test

TABLE 3. Description according to age, height, and initial and final PEF for the type of school.
Minimum-maximum Mean(standard error) Test
Private Public Private Public
Age (years) 1 5-10 5-10 7.8(1.4) 8(1.5) p=0.11
Height (metres)2 1.05-1.63 1.03-1.65 1.3(0.1) 1.3(0.1) p=0.89
PEF I (L/min)1 160-410 100-290 254(41.2) 205(36.4) p=0.14
PEF F (L/min)1 180-410 110-300 262(40.5) 216(36.2) p=0.37
PEF I – Initial Peak expiratory flow
PEF F – Final Peak expiratory flow
F – Female
M – Male
1Mann-Whitney test; 2Student t-test

TABLE 4. Spearman's correlation coefficient for differences in TABLE 5. Spearman's correlation coefficient with the type of
PEF values with respect to gender. school.
Female Male Female Male
Variable Variable
Initial Final Initial Final Initial Final Initial Final
Age (years) 0.759* 0.752* 0.674* 0.687* Age (years) 0.814* 0.814* 0.844* 0.833*
Height (metres) 0.755* 0.770* 0.703* 0.747* Height (metres) 0.754* 0.788* 0.781* 0.799*
*p<0.05 *p<0.05

height corresponding to gender and type of school der (five vs six vs seven vs eight vs nine vs 10 years
(Tables 4 and 5, respectively). old groups for boys and girls). There was no signifi-
Tables 6 and 7 show, through multiple regression cant difference among all groups.
analysis, the mean value of PEF according to age and
height in children evaluated in both sexes. We also Discussion
noted a linear relationship between PEF and both age In this investigation PEF was measured in healthy
and height: PEF was higher in males in comparison children from five to ten years old to determine if PEF
with females. was influenced by type of school and gender. PEF was
In order to evaluate the quality control of testing used as a simple test to assess pulmonary function,
and to better investigate Spearman coefficient test, we rather than the more complex and expensive tests such
performed a comparison among children of the same as dilution of inert gases, nitrogen wash-out and
gender according to age. Children were separated into whole body, which allow the indirect evaluation of the
12 groups; each group was separated by age and gen- lung function.3,9 This study showed that there were

© 2010 CIM Clin Invest Med • Vol 33, no 2, April 2010 E95.
Radziavicius et al. Peak expiratory flow in children

TABLE 6. Mean values of PEF in male children (5-10 years old).

Height (meters) 1.03 1.13 1.23 1.33 1.43 1.53 1.63
Age (years)
5 144.1 170.6 197.1 223.6 250.1 276.5 303.1
6 150.8 177.3 203.8 230.3 256.8 283.3 309.7
7 157.6 184.1 210.5 237.1 263.5 289.9 316.4
8 164.3 190.7 217.2 243.7 270.2 296.7 323.1
9 170.9 197.5 223.9 250.4 276.9 303.4 329.9
10 177.7 204.2 230.6 257.1 283.6 310.1 336.6
PEF – Peak expiratory flow (L/min)

TABLE 7. Mean values of PEF in female children (5-10 years old).

Height (metres) 1.05 1.15 1.25 1.35 1.45 1.55 1.65
Age (years)
5 148.4 172.5 196.6 220.6 244.7 268.8 292.9
6 154.6 178.6 202.7 226.8 250.8 274.9 299.1
7 160.7 184.8 208.8 232.9 256.9 281.1 305.1
8 166.8 190.9 214.9 239.1 263.1 287.2 311.3
9 172.9 197.1 221.1 245.2 269.2 293.3 317.4
10 179.1 203.2 227.2 251.3 275.4 299.4 323.5
PEF – Peak expiratory flow (L/min)

significant differences of PEF in relation to gender peak expiratory flow (PEF F) stages with height and
and with respect to the type of school assessed (public age in both genders and groups schools evaluated. Our
or private). In addition, a linear correlation between findings are supported by those of Sagher et al.6, who
PEF and both age and height was seen. evaluated PEF in 339 healthy Libyan children from
During the period of data collection no discomfort seven to sixteen years old, and Usuphille et al., who
of the children was noted – so stress was not an influ- studied 345 southern Indian children from four to fif-
encing factor in the PEF values. Moreover, three teen years old and showed an increase in PEF with
measurements were taken in each evaluation session age and height, suggesting that older and taller chil-
and the highest PEF value used for further analysis. dren tend to have higher values of PEF. 22 Thus, there
The measurement of PEF represents a simple, nonin- is agreement among several published studies from
vasive, quick and economical test used to assess the different parts of the world, such as those of Wille and
strength and speed of expiration in liters per minute Svensson, Bandopadhyay et al., Swaminathan et al.,
(L/min) through a forced expiration from the total Siersted et al., Cowie et al., Souef and Cotton et
lung capacity (TLC).3,10-12 Reduction in PEF reflects al.1,2,14,15,20,26,27 In addition, to determine if PEF varies
tightening of airways, and can be used to assess the with age and to estimate the reliability of our study,
clinical status and efficacy of treatment for resolution intratests were performed, in which PEF in children of
of airflow limitation.3, 9-11,15 These measurements are the same gender were compared according to age. No
particularly necessary for patients who are unable to significant influence of age on PEF values was noted,
accurately and promptly assess their own degree of which supports the measurement reproducibility of
airway obstruction, as in the case with children.10-12 our method.
Analysis of PEF data revealed linear correlation Not surprisingly, PEF I and PEF F were found to
between initial peak expiratory flow (PEF I) and final be higher in boys compared to girls (see Table 2). This

© 2010 CIM Clin Invest Med • Vol 33, no 2, April 2010 E96.
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is consistent with the report of Hsu et al., which stud- Our investigation presents some limitations. Con-
ied 301 children and showed a strong influence of ventional reference value equations usually list height,
gender on PEF.28 Pederson pointed out that this differ- age and gender as independent determinants29. Other
ence in PEF values between the genders occurs due to possible variables, not tested in our study, include
differences in lung size, lung capacity and strength of obesity, body mass index, ethnicity and nutrition
respiratory muscles.25 This finding is in agreement state.30,31 Two series of measurements were made, one
with previous research in several locations around the month apart, and this could have lead to some experi-
world.22,25-27 mental error; however, previous studies have also used
We believe that the more interesting finding of this two measurements and no significant differences be-
study relates to the difference in PEF in children at- tween final and initial PEF were found, suggesting no
tending private and public schools. To the best of our significant influence of learning on PEF.23,24
knowledge, there are no previous investigations that In conclusion, we observed significant differences
suggest any difference between private and public between mean values of PEF in relation to gender and
school regarding lung function. We suggest the fol- type of school assessed (public or private). We also
lowing possibilities which may explain this differ- noted a linear correlation of PEF with age and height.
ence: 1) Private school provides more opportunities
for children to participate in sports, such as swim- Acknowledgments
ming, soccer, volleyball and basketball; hence, im- We thank Mr. Jason Saltsgiver for critical evaluation
proving the children’s lung function; 2) Children from of English grammar.
private schools may have better medical care in com-
parison with those from public schools due the better
financial support from their family and this better References
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