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Name: Azza Khalifa

Id: H00372366

Task 3
Safe learning environment:

Lesson focus (English, Safe learning Student teacher Azza Khalifa Alazizi
Math, Science) environment

MCT Dr. Aysha Date Aug 25, 2018

Area of observation Safe learning environment


With reference to MOE outcomes for KG, Select when applicable? There are no outcomes
yet, because of the MS. Stephanie in the video she explained her classroom’s learning
environment and display.

What related MOE standards, outcomes or LOs were being addressed in the video?

There were standards that related to MOE standards such as, classroom with all supplies
needed, safe classroom, creative classroom, and have different sections in each corner like
(roleplay, reading area, library area, math area, English area, and the focus group area.

How did you cater for learners with special needs, and for differentiation? (if applicable)
While I observed the videos for Ms. Stephanie, she prepared a library area and specific
books for special needs children, also she provides two specific chairs for special needs

How did the teacher implement the (your area of focus)?

While I observed Ms. Stephanie's video, I was taking notes about what she has been
implemented in her beautiful classroom. She has a safe and creative learning environment;
she describes the outside and inside the classroom. The theme for her class was rainbow.

Outside: the door decorated with welcome letters and colorful rainbow.

Inside: Ms. Stephanie puts a rainbow chart on the door.Near the door, there are cards for
children's names, also, there are like a paper beside the door to write the absents of the day
and to writes notes.

Ms. Stephanie provides:

Recycled bin for her class if they will create activities or objects by using recycled objects.
A good reorganization for folders.
Clip paper to let the children sign in.
Birthday board for children.
Box for lunch boxes.
Litter stripe, colors, numbers, in the wall.
Name: Azza Khalifa
Id: H00372366

Chart for Ms. Stephanie to write what to do.

Noise level chart to make the children behave in a good way.
Calendar, weather chart, counting numbers, and dates of the week for a daily morning
Small whiteboard with different colors of markers.
Daily focus board.
Smartboard with beautiful colorful light.
The theme is rainbow and she put it above the smartboard.
Ward wall for each day.
She designed the class all with a rainbow (The theme).
Kitchen area for the teacher.
Drawing board for children drawing for 22 kids.
Small group table.
Ms. Stephanie disks in the classroom.
The emergency bag has class information
Roleplay display.
Ms. Stephanie organizations the library to engage the children in a creative place, Also,
there differentiations books for different levels.

What was the goal of implementing this strategy (your area of focus)?
To make a safe learning environment, children who are afraid often stay away from school.
A safe learning environment is focused on academic achievement, maintaining high
standards, fostering positive relationships between staff and children, and encouraging
parental and community involvement. One of the major benefits of safe learning
environments is that children will begin to take pride in their work and in themselves. One
of the best ways to help your children along with this goal is to skip right to the result and
celebrate their achievements as they are happening.

Overall aim and context of the lesson (What did students need to know before implementing
this strategy or lesson? What topic comes you expect to come next and how did today’s
lesson prepare students for that? Or/ How do you expect students to perform after this (area
of focus) implementation?)

The aim of this video is to show how the safe learning environment looks likes, the children
needs to know that the classroom it can be safe as their home and Ms. Stephanie should let
the children know that the classroom is safe for them they can, express, explore,
communication, share with each other. I think the children will be very happy to have a
wonderful and creative teacher that will teach them. Also, I believe that the children will
engage with Ms. Stephanie and have creative and fun experiences.

Who is the lesson for? Ms. Stephanie

Where did the lesson take place? In Ms. Stephanie’s classroom.

What were the teacher aiming to achieve in her lesson with a focus on your area of
observation? The teacher aiming to achieve in focus a creative and safe learning
Name: Azza Khalifa
Id: H00372366

What experiences did she provide to the students to help them to achieve the aims for them?
There are no experiences yet, because of the MS. Stephanie in the video she explained her
classroom’s environment and display.
Were students excited, always occupied, and remained on task during the lesson?
Why do you think the students responded the way that they did?
How well did her teaching relate to the students’ prior understanding (of your area of

There is no information about these questions, because of the MS. Stephanie in the
video she explained her classroom’s environment and display.

Explain the nature of the experience from the students’ perspective (based on your own
Did the lesson meet the main goal of (your area of focus)?

There is no information about these questions, because of the MS. Stephanie in the
video she explained her classroom’s environment and display.

How might you enhance student learning of this lesson in the future (with a focus on the
area of observation)?

In Ms. Stephine’s video, there is no lesson implement becouse she only explained her
classroom’s environment and display.

What are the implications for teachers’ professional practice of helping students to enhance
their learning in this way (with a focus on the area of observation)?

The children in Ms. Stephine’s classroom will makes children would do better when they
learn in positive environments. Most teachers would agree that some environments are more
conducive to learning and academic performance. For example, a child read a book in a
quiet, peaceful classroom will almost certainly do better than a child taking the same test in
a loud, chaotic room. The teacher can know how much influence environments have on
children's success, that children who learn in positive environments effectively receive a
higher educational level.

(i.e. what skill will the teacher have to develop or learn? What professional development will
she have to undertake?)
In Ms. Stephine’s video, there is no lesson implement or skills that can observe and
write comments about it becouse she only explained her classroom’s environment
and display.

Task 3
Name: Azza Khalifa
Id: H00372366

Enquiry based learning and project based learning:

Lesson focus (English, Enquiry based Student teacher Azza Khalifa Alazizi
Math, Science) learning and
learning. ( Science)
MCT Dr. Aysha Date Dec 16, 2015

Area of observation

With reference to MOE outcomes for KG, Select when applicable? They have an science
experiment about the egg and seeds.

What related MOE standards, outcomes or LOs were being addressed in the video?

While I observed the video, I notice that the MOE also focus on critical thinking as the
teacher in the video. Critical thinking is the ability to analyze the way the student thinks and
present evidence for the student's ideas. Students can gain numerous benefits from
mastering critical thinking skills, such as better control of their own learning and empathy
for other points of view.

Moreover, The MOE believing in inquiry-based learning, and the teachers in the UAE they
use this strategy with their students, to make them think highly.

The MOE explains that inquiry-based learning is can promote a deeper understanding of
content by delving into a concept through inquiry, students should see it as more than a
simple rule, idea, or formula, the students will understand: (How the idea was developed),
(Why the rule or formula works) and (When they can properly apply the rule, idea or

The teacher in UAE can use Inquiry when traditional methods won’t work so the guided
inquiry activities can lend themselves to topics that students typically struggle to grasp,
allowing them to process content in different ways. When the teacher presents Investigating
a question, they should be able to use their own techniques to analyze information that may
normally be too challenging otherwise. As a result, they’ll likely form conclusions that make
sense to them. After that, the teacher can discuss with her students about the results.

How did you cater for learners with special needs, and for differentiation? (if applicable)
In the video, they were no special needs.

How did the teacher implement the (your area of focus)?

While I observed the video, the teacher was focus on teacher-guided students to the
curriculum and they start the inquiry model incidents, in other words (From teacher-guided
to student-driven).
Also, the teacher lets the students be active with critical thinking to solve problems.

In the whiteboard, there are two charts the student writes down what they think for solving
problems there are 2 questions (what is the problem? / what are the possible solutions?).

Teacher in the video tries to build the foundation of higher-level inquiry. The teacher
develops the guided inquiry model based on the curriculum but the students shaping what
Name: Azza Khalifa
Id: H00372366

they won't go with it.

The school provide a lab for the students so they can express and explore themselves with
these problems.

Students in the video go to the lab and they try to figure out the which is sed and which is
egg, they have a paper to write steps, and then they test it and see what will happens.
Moreover, they use drawing critical thinking to solve the problems. The teacher-guided
them to make them think and ask them self. They are excited and have the power to know
the answer. Also, the inquiry is successful in teaching them how to write the appropriate

What was the goal of implementing this strategy (your area of focus)?

The goals of implementing inquiry-based learning are to guide them to make them think and
ask themselves, in the video, there were excited and have the power to know the answer.
While the teacher implements the inquiry-based learning it enhances learning experiences
for students by sitting in a classroom taking notes isn’t always the most effective or fun way
to learn. Rather than memorizing facts from the teacher, inquiry-based learning enhances
the learning process by letting students explore topics themselves. Also, teaches skills needed
for all areas of learning as they explore a topic, students build critical thinking and
communication skills.

Moreover, the cognitive skills that students develop can be used to improve comprehension
in every subject, as well as in day-to-day life. Also, increases engagement with the material
as a form of active learning, this approach encourages students to fully engage in the
learning process, by allowing students to explore topics, make their own connections, and
ask questions, they can learn more effectively.

Overall aim and context of the lesson (What did students need to know before implementing
this strategy or lesson? What topic comes you expect to come next and how did today’s
lesson prepare students for that? Or/ How do you expect students to perform after this (area
of focus) implementation?)

The inquiry is successful by teaching them how to write appropriate questions, in the video,
the students were very motivated and excited to solve the problem and know the answer. In
the future, I will use the critical thinking to teach by applying inquiry-based learning with
my students, to make them in the highest level of thinking and solving problems.

Who is the lesson for? For students (The grade it’s not available in the video)

Where did the lesson take place? In the classroom and the lab.

What were the teacher aiming to achieve in her lesson with a focus on your area of
The teacher aiming to achieve critical thinking by using inquiry-based learning to figure out
and solve problems in different ways in different results.

What experiences did she provide to the students to help them to achieve the aims for them?
Name: Azza Khalifa
Id: H00372366

While I observed the video, the teacher provides for her students all the materials to explore
the problem and let them try to solve the problem by using different materials and methods.

Were students excited, always occupied, and remained on task during the lesson?

The students in the video were so excited and they look happy while they write the steps and
try to figure out the solutions for the problem, and they continued exploring during all the
class time.
Why do you think the students responded the way that they did?

The students there were excited and have a fun time exploring the problem because the
teacher uses the strategy (Solve problem) that make the students motivated to work with it
to answer the question their head.

How well did her teaching relate to the students’ prior understanding (of your area of

 The students know how to write any steps to do or work with something, the student was
able to use different materials in a safe way.
 The students were collaboration and communication with each other in a nice way.
 The students were sharing ideas and views of points for the problem.

Explain the nature of the experience from the students’ perspective (based on your own

While I observed the video and the students, I noticed that there were very motivated and
trying hard to know the answers for their questions in their head, I would like to have my
student go through this experience, I believe they will be exited as the student in the video,
Next semester I will use the problem solve exploration.

Did the lesson meet the main goal of (your area of focus)?
Yes, the lesson meets the main goal, because the students enjoyed answering the questions
with active energy, and this what I want to be my students to enjoy study, enjoy answering
questions, and enjoy while they thinking about the steps and how to figure out the answers.
Using inquiry-based is a great strategy to activate your students with the lesson.
How might you enhance student learning of this lesson in the future (with a focus on the
area of observation)?

In the future I will use inquiry-based learning with my students to let them have a high level
of thinking a solving, I will include the inquiry-based learning in each subject (Math,
English, and Science). I will use this strategy because the inquiry-based learning led to the
critical thinking and critical thinking is important in daily life, it helps students to think
creatively ‘outside the box’. It keeps the students from becoming narrow. Also, critical
thinking is expected of students in higher education, it can lead to developing student's
judgment, evaluation, and problem-solving abilities.
Name: Azza Khalifa
Id: H00372366

What are the implications for teachers’ professional practice of helping students to enhance
their learning in this way (with a focus on the area of observation)?

The teacher who uses inquiry-based learning will have students with a higher level of
thinking and solving problems and this is one of the benefits of using inquiry-based learning
will lead the teacher to have developed in a professional way, this will support the teacher in
her teaching experiences.

(i.e. what skill will the teacher have to develop or learn? What professional development will
she have to undertake?)

I think the teacher in the video she teaches her student in an important way by letting the
students exploring the problem by themselves and she already has the professional
development by using inquiry-based learning.

Task 3
Name: Azza Khalifa
Id: H00372366

Interactive tools to create flipped classrooms and blended learning environment:

Lesson focus (English, Interactive tools to Student teacher Azza Khalifa Alazizi
Math, Science) create flipped
classrooms and
blended learning
MCT Dr. Aysha Date Video 1: Mar 19, 2015

Video 2: May 6, 2014

Area of observation

With reference to MOE outcomes for KG, Select when applicable? It has different types of
tools in the activities for blended learning and flipped learning.

What related MOE standards, outcomes or LOs were being addressed in the video?

How did you cater for learners with special needs, and for differentiation? (if applicable)
Special education students work on individualized education plans that focus on helping students
achieve goals and measure the progress they are making. If a special education student has not
mastered a learning goal, then they continue to work on that goal. Blended learning focuses on
mastery-based learning in the same way, because students can go at their own pace, students do
not move on from a subject area until they have mastered the content. Special education students
would be able to readily adapt to a blended learning environment due to this similarity. Special
education students have nothing to fear from blended learning blended learning has more in
common with special education instruction then one might think. It’s easy to overlook the
negative impact on certain sub-groups of students when new teaching pedagogies like Blended
Learning are introduced, however Blended Learning environments mirror positive aspects of
special education learning services and will foster a new understanding and appreciation for
unique learning needs in all students.

How did the teacher implement the (your area of focus)?

In the first video, the instructor just explained the blended learning environment and flipped
classrooms. In the second video, the teacher was applying blended learning with her
students. By having different centers and activities. Ms. Crofford use classwork to blend
learning in her classroom, Education games group, Reading programs group, and
traditional Reading group with timer.

What was the goal of implementing this strategy (your area of focus)?

In the first video:

The instructor talked about flipped learning, Flipping helps students of all abilities to excel
because all the direct instruction is recorded, students with special needs can watch the
videos as many times as they need to learn the material. Instead, students can pause their
teacher, rewind their teacher, and make sure they learn the important concepts.

Also, the instructor talked about 21st-century skills that are more important to students
now than ever before. They not only provide a framework for successful learning in the
Name: Azza Khalifa
Id: H00372366

classroom but ensure students can thrive in a world where change is constant and learning
never stops. And they are also tremendously important for our nation's well-being.

Blended learning means students learn from the computer, to improve educational learning.
Help students to learn and help teachers to be more effective. Their own computers in their
home they can have their owned web they can have feedback answers from media accesses
their lessons from home. This is an excellent tool to become students with digital learning.
The important features of the blended learning environment are:

The teacher should have these four components to have a successful blended and flipped
learning: Flexibility - commitment - mindset encourages our students - the role of the

In the second video:

The goal of implementing the important features of the blended learning environment are:

• Increased student engagement in learning

• Enhanced teacher and student interaction
• Responsibility for learning
• Time management
• Improved student learning outcomes
• Time flexibility
• Enhanced institutional reputation
• More flexible teaching and learning environment
• Offers 24/7 access to training resources.
• Track employee performance and skill development.
• Reduction in training costs.
• Provides personalized training experiences

Overall aim and context of the lesson (What did students need to know before implementing
this strategy or lesson? What topic comes you expect to come next and how did today’s
lesson prepare students for that? Or/ How do you expect students to perform after this (area
of focus) implementation?)

The students need to know how to work with technology

tools for having appropriate blended learning and
flipping learning. Also, students should start the
blended or the flipped learning in easy ways and in
ways programs.

The goal of blended and flipped learning are:

Flexibility, blended learning classes offer flexibility for teachers in how they present
material and for students in the pace and variety of the learning approaches they

Effectiveness, studies have shown that because blended learning incorporates multiple
methods of instruction from an assortment of perspectives, it proves to have an effective
learning outcome for most students involved.

Teacher empowerment, by incorporating technology into classroom instruction, teachers are

freed up to reach more students. Teachers can move within the stations or activities to
Name: Azza Khalifa
Id: H00372366

interact with individual or small groups of students and check on progress. Data provided
by educational technology programs also empowers teachers with insights on each student’s
learning so they can more effectively address gaps.

Engagement, because most students today are surrounded by technology in their everyday
life, they often engage more easily with the material when technology is incorporated in
instructional settings. Additionally, students become empowered as they expand their
technical skills and competency with technology.

Differentiation, because blended learning incorporates a variety of instructional approaches,

learning activities can be tailored to address numerous learning styles. Additionally, high-
quality digital educational tools allow teachers to measure each student’s individual learning
level and provide activities and instruction that meet the child where they are to give them
appropriate lesson material.

Who is the lesson for? For students with blended learning classroom and flipped learning

Where did the lesson take place? The first video in the TED thacaCollege, and the second
video in Ms. Crofford classroom.

What were the teacher aiming to achieve in her lesson with a focus on your area of
In the first video, the instructor was talking about blended and flipped learning. In the
second video with. Ms. Crofford focuses on use classwork to blend learning in her
classroom by having different activities the class with education games group, reading
programs group, traditional reading group with timer.

What experiences did she provide to the students to help them to achieve the aims for them?
In the first video there no expenses because the instructor was just explaining the blended
learning and flipped learning. in the second video, MS. Crofford provide for her student
different activities in different tools.
Name: Azza Khalifa
Id: H00372366

Were students excited, always occupied, and remained on task during the lesson?

The students were very excited by working in different activities, the whole class education
games group, reading programs group, the traditional reading group with timer.

Why do you think the students responded the way that they did?

The students responded the way that they did because the activities were engaging and

How well did her teaching relate to the students’ prior understanding (of your area of

The students know how to use different tools in the right way, the teacher gets around each
group and discuss with them.

Explain the nature of the experience from the students’ perspective (based on your own

While I observed the second video and the students, I noticed that there were very
motivated. I would like to have my student go through this experience, I believe they will be
exited as the student in the video, Next semester I will use the different tools for learning.
Also, experience will help the students in their education life in the future because they
explore blended learning in different types of tools and programs.
Did the lesson meet the main goal of (your area of focus)?
I think the teacher in the video she teaches her student in an important way by letting the
students exploring the different activities by themselves and she just get around them to
guide them. She already has professional development by using inquiry-based learning.
How might you enhance student learning of this lesson in the future (with a focus on the
area of observation)?

I will use different tools for learning easier

blended or flipped, for example nowadays, all
the countries using the online programs
because of the COVID-19. In the UAE we used
the zoom program in schools, colleges, and
other works.

What are the implications for teachers’ professional practice of helping students to enhance
their learning in this way (with a focus on the area of observation)?
Blended learning gets the teacher to be more creative and professional because the blended
learning that uses apps, games, or measurable programs to teach concepts allows students to
engage the material at their own pace. It can promote deeper learning, reduce stress, and
increase student satisfaction. Teachers can become more engaged with their students.
Flipping allows teachers to know their students better and flipping allows us to build better
relationships with our students. This is due to increased teacher-student interaction.
Name: Azza Khalifa
Id: H00372366

(i.e. what skill will the teacher have to develop or learn? What professional development will
she have to undertake?)

I think the teacher in the video she teaches her student in an important way by letting the
students exploring the tools by themselves and she already has the professional development
by using the blended and the flipped learning.

Lesson focus (English, Classroom Student teacher Azza Khalifa Alazizi

Math, Science) management

MCT Dr. Aysha Date 2-4-2017

Area of observation Positive reinforcement strategies


With reference to MOE outcomes for KG, Select when applicable?

Classroom management can apply it out the year.

What related MOE standards, outcomes or LOs were being addressed in the video?
There are no outcomes because she talks about classroom management.

How did you cater for learners with special needs, and for differentiation? (if applicable)
The teacher in the video not talking about the special needs and other differentiation she
just explains the 10 hacks and how to apply it.
Name: Azza Khalifa
Id: H00372366

How did the teacher implement the (your area of focus)?

There are 10 different hacks she mentioned in her video.

 The first hack is a mystery student, that (pick out one student from the class) use
equity stick and pull out a stick with the students' name on it, and then that will be
the mystery student. If the student worked well that would get a reward.
 The second hack is a camera in the room, this hack always recording the behavior of
the students. If the students have bad behavior will invite their parents so this will
help students to do better in the classroom and being in good behavior.

 The third hack is smelly spots if students doing a good job we put a small spot on
their hand.

 The fourth hack is a secret symbol, this hack very simple like pulling ear, the student
likes it because it is secret between the teacher and the student.

 The fifth hack is a tattling response; this will help students to not tell about the
anther students.

 The sixth hack is Ask Me Tag, this hack help students to make questions.

 Hack seven is hand signal, for example, if they want to go-to drinking water they
have to show the teacher water signal.

 Hack eight is nurse alternative for example if they are saying they want a nurse to
skip the class like hand hurt the teacher will say ok it's fine. If they still really want
to go, the teacher will send them directly to the nurse.

 Hack nine is noise letters that is the teacher can use the application to control the
volume of the student then use it with the letter.

 The last hack is sand timers, this will help the child to finish their task and need to
hold and change the sand time. For example, ClassDojo lets the teacher use it in class
and contact or share the students' work with the parents.

What was the goal of implementing this strategy (your area of focus)?

The objectives of classroom management are for students to gain behavioral, social, and
academic success in a structured environment that caters to tolerance, exemplary behavior,
and learning. Also, effective classroom management means implementing strategies that
create a safe, fair, and rule-based learning environment for children to flourish in.
Overall aim and context of the lesson (What did students need to know before implementing
this strategy or lesson? What topic comes you expect to come next and how did today’s
lesson prepare students for that? Or/ How do you expect students to perform after this (area
Name: Azza Khalifa
Id: H00372366

of focus) implementation?)

First, students should know the classroom management and how to improve their behavior.
Then the teacher can apply classroom management for example, if the student makes bad
behavior will invite their parents so this will help students to do better in the classroom and
being in good behavior.

Who is the lesson for? Ms. Michelle.
Where did the lesson take place? 2-4-2017
What were the teacher aiming to achieve in her lesson with a focus on your area of

Michelle focused on positive reinforcement strategies and how they used them in the
classroom. Also, the 10 hacks of positive reinforcement can use in the classroom and how
can make the students be in good behavior.

What experiences did she provide to the students to help them to achieve the aims for them?
To help students to achieve their goals give them a reward when they work well in the

Were students excited, always occupied, and remained on task during the lesson?
Why do you think the students responded the way that they did?
How well did her teaching relate to the students’ prior understanding (of your area of

There is no Analyze for this video

How might you enhance student learning of this lesson in the future (with a focus on the
area of observation)? There is no lesson, there is classroom management.

What are the implications for teachers’ professional practice of helping students to enhance
their learning in this particular way (with a focus on the area of observation)? (i.e. what skill
will the teacher have to develop or learn? What professional development will she have to
The teacher does not explain the lesson so cannot develop the skills of the students without

Explain the nature of the experience from the students’ perspective (based on your own

Did the lesson meet the main goal of (your area of focus)?
Name: Azza Khalifa
Id: H00372366

Lesson focus (English, Student teacher Azza Khalifa Alazizi

Math, Science)

MCT Dr. Aysha Date

Area of observation Positive reinforcement strategies


With reference to MOE outcomes for KG, Select when applicable?

Teaching strategies and doing formative assessment during the lesson.

What related MOE standards, outcomes or LOs were being addressed in the video?
There are no outcomes because they talks about the teaching strategies and formative
How did you cater for learners with special needs, and for differentiation? (if applicable)
The teachers in the video not talking about the special needs and other differentiation they
just how to use the teaching strategies and doing a formative assessment for the children.

How did the teacher implement the (your area of focus)?

In the first video:
Beth White talks about teaching Strategies author and former principal and teacher,
explores how formative assessment can be a powerful tool in an early childhood classroom.
A formative assessment process is a valuable tool for teachers to observe. The formative
assessment allows the student to see their own progress and improve their work
immediately, which improves learning outcomes. Also, she explains what is authentic (what
the children do during the lesson) and observer the children's skills and abilities.

In the second video:

Formative assessment
Focus area 5:1 Assess, provide feedback, and report.

Natalie thorpe, she is in Amaroo school. She uses the random selection tool to choose
students at random for different learning activities. It encourages active participation from
everybody ready to answer a question when it’s asked or to reflect something and foster
collaboration within the learning environment. She does the formative assessment to gain
information about students understanding and provide her with feedback that informs her
practice and uses it to change the lesson plan depending on the students feedback in the
future. She uses traffic lights, so using green amber and red stickers, to reflect on their
achievement in their work based on the learning intention. They put a green sticker if they
have met the learning intention, an orange if they are still working and need a little bit of
support and red if they still really need quite a bit of support.
Name: Azza Khalifa
Id: H00372366

Kathleen Chambers
She uses information through observations of the students during class time. In her
classroom, she has an "area of numeracy", she uses learning intentions wall to do the
formative assessment. If the students complete all of their learning activities, they can move
their photo depending on where they think there are sitting according to that learning
intention. For example, if they do that independently by themselves, they move their photo
to the green, if they need support from the teacher and do some by themselves move to
orange and if they still needing support for the whole thing move to red. This can assess
them themselves.

What was the goal of implementing this strategy (your area of focus)?
It is important to grade the students’ abilities, but rather to see how a student is progressing
and stimulate the acquisition of future knowledge and learning outcomes.

Overall aim and context of the lesson (What did students need to know before implementing
this strategy or lesson? What topic comes you expect to come next and how did today’s
lesson prepare students for that? Or/ How do you expect students to perform after this (area
of focus) implementation?)
First, students should understand the outcome of the lesson to answer the questions when
the teacher does the formative assessment to check if the students understand.

Who is the lesson for? Ms. Michelle.
Where did the lesson take place? 2-4-2017
What were the teacher aiming to achieve in her lesson with a focus on your area of

What experiences did she provide to the students to help them to achieve the aims for them?

Were students excited, always occupied, and remained on task during the lesson?
Beth White, Natalie Thorpe and Kathleen Chambers.
Why do you think the students responded the way that they did?
Teaching strategies for early childhood (1-10-2019) Formative assessment in the
How well did her teaching relate to the students’ prior understanding (of your area of
focus)? Beth White talks about teaching Strategies author and former principal and
teacher, explores how formative assessment can be a powerful tool in an early childhood
classroom. Natalie Thorpe and Kathleen Chambers, they talks about how to do the
formative assessment in the classroom.

Explain the nature of the experience from the students’ perspective (based on your own
Name: Azza Khalifa
Id: H00372366

According to Natalie, she says to support students use positive reinforcement for example
She uses traffic lights, so using green amber and red stickers. They put a green sticker if
they have met the learning intention, and orange if they are still working, and need a little
bit of support and red if they still really need quite a bit of support.
Did the lesson meet the main goal of (your area of focus)?

How might you enhance student learning of this lesson in the future (with a focus on the
area of observation)?

What are the implications for teachers’ professional practice of helping students to enhance
their learning in this particular way (with a focus on the area of observation)? (i.e. what skill
will the teacher have to develop or learn? What professional development will she have to
According to Kathleen, she uses the learning intentions wall to do the formative assessment.
If the students complete all of their learning activities, they can move their photo depending
on where they think there are sitting according

Lesson focus (English, Supporting cultural Student teacher Azza Khalifa Alazizi
Math, Science) and linguistic
diversity in early
Name: Azza Khalifa
Id: H00372366

childhood &
Strategies for
differentiating in
the inclusion
classroom & State
of New Jersey
department of
MCT Dr. Aysha Date Strategies for differentiating
in the inclusion classroom (1-

State of New Jersey

department of education (19-

Area of observation Positive reinforcement strategies


With reference to MOE outcomes for KG, Select when applicable?

Safe learning environment.
What related MOE standards, outcomes or LOs were being addressed in the video?
There are no outcomes because they talks about the safe learning environment.

How did you cater for learners with special needs, and for differentiation? (if applicable)
n the first video, they use strategy for special needs which is alternative or augmentative
communication means, such as pictures, manual signs, or voice output devices.

How did the teacher implement the (your area of focus)?

First video:

This video shows the planning process at a preschool and illustrates selected activities being
used in the classroom. if we have new children in the classroom and their families are from
different ethnicities and cultures. For example, according to Cheryl Etting families have two
sisters that are coming into their program they are 3 years old and four years old. They born
in the United States and their parents were born in Korea so they speak and understand
both Korea and English but they understand more of the Korea language.

The ways to embed diverse culture and linguistic activities in preschool routines:

Annie’s, she sings the good morning song in different languages and asks children how do
you say good morning in your language?
House area: can add some clothing from different cultures and can bring some cooking from
their house area to let children practice cooking and share in the classroom.

Second video:

This video shows the strategies for differentiating in the inclusion classroom. Jennifer thinks
about her classroom in the future, she going to be the classroom diverse of all students and
Name: Azza Khalifa
Id: H00372366

includes students with disabilities and the placement for students with disabilities depends
on how their needs can best be met. Also, Inclusion is the goal for all students to succeed.
She explains how do we reach this goal and how do we best support students with disabilities
in an inclusion classroom and how we do this in early childhood settings. To make sure the
students with disabilities succeed in the classroom is the same as to make sure all students
succeed. Providing students with the specific support they need to do the best through the
process that’s called differentiation. That based on the understanding of the students and
comes from skills, interests, environmental preference, and learning styles. She sees different
strategies of differentiation. In classroom arrangement into centers.

1- Strategy one: Classroom Arrangement into centers.

• Provide visual and concrete cue from a structured learning environment centers.
• Provide built-in differentiation because students can choose any centers they want to
go to. Auditory learners can visit the listening center and kinesthetic learners can visit
dramatic play to explore.

2- Strategy two: individualized and scaffold learning tasks:

• The teacher observed the students when in the centers and asked them questions.
• The teacher supports the students to help them accomplish tasks.

3- Strategy three: differentiating products: Students can show what they know for
example if they retelling a story they can act out the story with props.

4- Strategy four: flexible grouping: The teacher can make different groups with the
different levels of the students and mixed ability groups, for example, lower-level students
can learn with higher-level students.

5- Strategy five: visual & concrete support systems: One student with an IEP has
trouble with traditions the teacher can support him in giving him his own copy of the class
schedule and loving him plan which centers he’ll visit.

6- Strategy six: establishing a token economy: Give students rewards when they work
well in the classroom.
In addition, behavioral support should include in the classroom for students to succeed.

Video three:
This video shows the "State of New Jersey Department of education" students do different
Name: Azza Khalifa
Id: H00372366

activities in the classroom.

Tonya Coston: She talks about preschool classroom teaching guidelines. Give the students
the opportunity for growth and creativity.
3 part series based on the State of New Jersey Department of education
Part 1: The teacher set up the classroom environment to support children learning, explore
room arrangement in different centers.
Teacher plan scheduled rotations to support children learning and classroom management
and rules also support building a classroom community.
Room arrangement:
• The environment provides places for children to feel safe.
• Make space between the centers
• Quiet area.

Mary DeBlasio: She is giving the children the gift of time to engage with the materials, learn
new concepts and new ideas.

Kathleen Molina: She is welcoming for the students so they can feel safe and comfortable
and ready to learn.

Michelle Angelo: Uses the visuals and a lot of pictures and helps the students to understand
through using the pictures beside words

What was the goal of implementing this strategy (your area of focus)?
The goal of safe learning environments is that students will begin to take pride in their work
and in themselves and they feel safe in the classroom.

Overall aim and context of the lesson (What did students need to know before implementing
this strategy or lesson? What topic comes you expect to come next and how did today’s
lesson prepare students for that? Or/ How do you expect students to perform after this (area
of focus) implementation?) students should know the different centers in the classroom and
each center has a specific activity to do.

Who is the lesson for? Cheryl Etting, Jennifer Maria, Mary DeBlasio, Kathleen Molina,
Michelle Angelo, Michelle Howell, Giselle Buttler, Diana Herrera, Matthew Marino, Maria
Biondo and Dr. Holly Seplocha.

Where did the lesson take place? Strategies for differentiating in the inclusion classroom (1-
5-2016) State of New Jersey department of education (19-12-2017)

What were the teacher aiming to achieve in her lesson with a focus on your area of

They focused on how to make a safe learning environment.

What experiences did she provide to the students to help them to achieve the aims for them?

Were students excited, always occupied, and remained on task during the lesson?
The students work in groups and help each other. Students are excited when they sing with
Name: Azza Khalifa
Id: H00372366

the teacher.

Why do you think the students responded the way that they did?
Because the teacher engages them in the classroom center by singing with them.

How well did her teaching relate to the students’ prior understanding (of your area of
focus)? The students know how to work in the group. Students know how to use the
materials in the centers.

Explain the nature of the experience from the students’ perspective (based on your own
This experience helps students to develop their skills and develop fine and gross motor skills
through the activities.
Room arrangement:
• The environment provides places for children to feel safe.
• Make space between the centers
• Quiet area.

Did the lesson meet the main goal of (your area of focus)?
They meet the main goal to make a safe learning environment for the students.

How might you enhance student learning of this lesson in the future (with a focus on the
area of observation)?
There is no lesson there is safe learning environment.
What are the implications for teachers’ professional practice of helping students to enhance
their learning in this particular way (with a focus on the area of observation)? (i.e. what skill
will the teacher have to develop or learn? What professional development will she have to
All students develop their skills by doing different activities in the classroom. Also, when
making a safe learning environment they love to study and develop their knowledge from
different tasks.

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