Time-Evolution of Sound Levels Around A Roadside Building

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Applied Acoustics 133 (2018) 123–132

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Time-evolution of sound levels around a roadside building T

a,⁎ a b b
Dietrich Heimann , Arthur Schady , Roland Schuster , Tobias Berkefeld
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Wessling-Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology, Göttingen, Germany


Keywords: The time evolution of the sound impact due to single cars driving along a road was evaluated at seven receivers
Sound propagation in front of and behind a road-side building. The sound impact was measured in the field and around a scale
Diffraction model of the building in a laboratory. In addition, two calculation methods were applied: a complex numerical
Building finite-difference time-domain model based on the Euler equation and a simple ray-based calculation according to
the ISO 9613-2 standard. On the backside of the building where sound waves only arrive by diffraction, the
differences between the four methods are disappointingly large. Some of the discrepancies can be explained by
diverse assumptions and boundary conditions which go along with the individual methods. However, a major
disagreement largely remains an open problem, namely the magnitude of the drop of the sound level in the
acoustical shadow of the building. It is fairly strong in the scale-model measurements and the Euler model
simulations on the one hand, but rather weak or even not existing in the field measurements and ISO 9613-2
calculations on the other hand.

1. Introduction behaviour of the sound level at receivers between and behind a road-
side development. The average sound level, maximum level and max-
Road traffic noise is a major concern in many European countries imum change rate are affected by the buildings and thus differ from
and worldwide. Most traffic-noise prediction procedures and national those in unobstructed situations.
standards only provide energy-equivalent average sound levels Leq on Diffraction is the key process that enables sound to propagate into
the base of traffic parameters for roads and railway lines. However, the areas which are shaded by buildings or other obstacles. Diffraction
assessment should also be interpretable with respect to possible noise theory has been made progress during the 1970ies and 1980ies
effects on human beings such as health impairments, sleeping dis- (McNamara et al. [7]). Numerical propagation models that solve the
turbances or annoyance. Conventional exposure-response relationships wave equations explicitly account for diffraction (e.g. propagation over
rely on average sound levels (Miedema and Voss [1]; Miedema and a barrier; Salomons [8]; Heimann and Blumrich [9]). However, ray-
Oudshoorn [2]; Lercher et al. [3]). More recent studies also consider based models often use simplified heuristic diffraction models. These
event-related noise parameters which characterize the time evolution of calculate the diffractive attenuation based on the difference between a
sound levels like the number of events, the maximumlevel, the noise diffracted ray from source to receiver around and over an object and a
duration or the sound-level change rates (e.g. Basner et al. [4]). El- direct ray between source and receiver neglecting the object. These
menhorst et al. [5] found that the maximum level of an event and the models can also be described as detour models. A simple detour ap-
maximum level rise are highly significant indicators of sleep dis- proach is implemented in the ISO 9613-2 standard [10] to calculate
turbances caused by railway noise. For annoyance they found that the sound levels in the acoustical shadow of screens and buildings. A re-
Leq alone is not a significant predictor, while the number of events in lated but slightly more complex diffraction model is described in the
combination with non-acoustical parameters is significant. Harmonoise project (Salomons et al. [11]). It is a detour model which
If the vicinity of a road is free of obstacles, the temporal variation of calculates the diffracted ray based on Fresnel zones. A more sophisti-
the sound level due to moving vehicles can be easily calculated using cated approach was introduced by Wei et al. [12].
analytical formulae (Heimann and Schady [6]). However, buildings and Sound propagation over a single building was investigated by
other obstacles lead to reflections and shading. Some sound may pro- Alberts II et al. [13]. In another paper Remillieux et al. [14] studied the
pagate through gaps between the obstacles, either directly or by dif- sound propagation at an isolated building not only in the field, but also
fraction. This geometry often results in a rather irregular time compared the results with numerical simulations. In both papers

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: d.heimann@dlr.de (D. Heimann).

Received 31 July 2017; Received in revised form 14 November 2017; Accepted 11 December 2017
0003-682X/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Heimann et al. Applied Acoustics 133 (2018) 123–132

artificial sources of impulsive broadband sound were used. However, located close to a two-lane state road (St 2068) about 20 km west of
the time-history of sound levels according to moving sources (e.g. cars) Munich/Germany (Fig. 1). The building belongs to the Oberpfaffen-
were not addressed. hofen site of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and is used as a
The present study investigates a real situation with a roadside kindergarten. The detailed geometry of the building and its position
building with four different methods: sound from moving sources is relative to the road is shown in Fig. 2. Photos are provided in Fig. 3.
studied by (1) field measurements, (2) laboratory scale-model mea- They show that the building (A) is not symmetric. In particular, there is
surements, (3) advanced numerical sound propagation modelling, and a one-storeyed annex (B) and a small separate flat-roofed housing of a
(4) engineering-type sound prediction. The resulting sound level var- natural-gas distributor (C) on the northern side. The nearest facade of
iations in space and time are compared and deviations are discussed. So buildings outside the area shown in Fig. 2 is about 55 m to the southeast
far, such a setting has not been in the focus of previous publications, (cf. Fig. 1).
although dynamic simulations of traffic sound in built-up areas were The building complex A-B-C stands in a grass garden, but its im-
recently published. Most of these papers aim at probability statistics of mediate surrounding is paved. Between building and road there is a
sound levels in urban areas with many buildings (e.g. Wang et al. [15], green strip with bushes and a few single trees. The road is 7 m wide and
Walker et al. [16]) and therefore do not really compare with the present paved with asphalt. The speed limit is 70 km/h. On the side of the
study. Hou et al. [17] discuss measured and simulated sound levels at a building, the road is accompanied by a paved pedestrian/bike way.
single roadside building. However, the building in their study is of ra- Except the state road, there are other potential sources of noise: a
ther complex shape and only two of totally six measuring points are suburban railway line in the west (closest distance 320 m), the federal
located outdoors, one near the road and another one on the backside of motorway A96 in the north (closest distance 620 m), and the Special
the building. Unfortunately, time-series are only shown in rather coarse Airport Oberpfaffenhofen (ICAO-code: EDMO) in the east (closest dis-
resolution (1 s) and for the point near the road and two indoor points. tance to the runway 700 m).
Temporal variations of the sound level are due to fluctuating traffic
rather than due to shading by the building.
2.2. Field measurements

2. Case study Acoustical measurements were performed during the weekend

12–13 March 2016. The evaluation was restricted to selected drive-by
2.1. General situation events of vehicles during the second half of the weekend nights (11/12,
12/13 and 13/14 March). Extraneous noise is minimized at this time.
The study considers a single two-storey building with a saddle roof The kindergarten is closed on weekends and the airport is not operating

Fig. 1. Topographical map showing the mea-

surement site (encircled) within the DLR
Oberpfaffenhofen research campus (enclosed by
A 96 dotted line) and its vicinity with the state road
A 96 to Munich St2068, the motorway A96, the suburban railway
and the airport runway (RWY).




0 100 200 300 400 500 m
© OpenTopoMap (CC-BY-SA)

D. Heimann et al. Applied Acoustics 133 (2018) 123–132

10 m
St 2068

20 m

+30 m


B P6

80 m

A 4
P2 P3 P

10 20 30 m

50 m
Fig. 2. Sketch of the state road St2068, the building (A: main building, B: annex, C: gas
distributor housing) and the measurement positions (P1–P7). The hatched lines at
building “A” indicate ridge and overhang of the saddle roof. “T” is the automatic traffic
counter with its sensor range. The coordinate x points into the driving direction. The
coordinate y provides the normal distance from the center of the lane. The outer frame of
the sketch corresponds to the numerical model domain (see Section 2.4).

during night. Also train operation is ceased during the second half of
the night. The remaining nightly background noise varies between 38 Fig. 3. Photos of the building from the southeast (a), northeast (b), and north (c). Panel
and 42 dB(A). It mainly originates from the motorway or is wind-in- (c) shows the traffic counter mounted at the fence.
duced vegetation noise.
Four class-1 sound level meters were installed at seven positions Table 1
(P1–P7) in front of and behind the building (Fig. 2). Only at P1 and P3 Measuring positions (cf. Fig. 2) of the four sound meters. CET = Central European Time.
the devices were not moved and measurements are permanently
available. The other two devices were temporarily installed at the other 2016 Device 1 Device 2 Device 3 Device 4

positions so that always four positions were occupied at once (Table 1).
from to Norsonic 121 Topsonic TOPNMS15
The microphones are fixed 2 m above ground at P1, P4, and P7 and
1.5 m above ground at P2, P3, P5, and P6. The measurement position 11 March17, 12 March15, P2 P3 P1 P4
P1 is the nearest to the road and without obstacles towards the road CET CET
12 March17, 13 March14, P5 P3 P1 P4
(except the chain-link fence seen in Fig. 2c). P1 serves as a reference for
the sound emission. 13 March16, 14 March07, P6 P3 P1 P7
All four sound meters recorded the A-weighted sound pressure level CET CET
with ‘fast’ time weighting. Two devices (Type 1: Norsonic 121) re-
corded the level in 1/8-s intervals including spectral analysis with 1/3-
octave resolution (8 Hz–16 kHz). The other two devices (Type 2: In addition to the sound also meteorological parameters (wind,
Topsonic TOPNMS15) recorded the level as energy-equivalent average temperature, relative humidity) were measured at position P4 and P7.
sound level for each 1-s interval together with the sound pressure at a The traffic was monitored by an automatic radar-based traffic counter.
rate of 44,100 s−1. For these sound meters the sound level in 1/8-s It was mounted at the fence between P1 and the road. The traffic
intervals and the frequency spectrum in 1/3-octave resolutions were counter recorded the time of the day, driving direction, speed and
derived by post-processing. length of each vehicle passing by. From the latter the vehicle type
(motorcycle, passenger car, delivery van, and truck) was derived using

D. Heimann et al. Applied Acoustics 133 (2018) 123–132

a statistical categorization. driver. The adapter connects the compression driver with a thin pipe.
A selection of 13 drive-by events of northeastbound passenger cars The sound leaves the acoustic pipe at the end on a diameter of 2.1 mm.
was chosen for further evaluation. To minimize the probability of ex-
traneous noise (rail, aircraft, birds, wind noise), the events were se- 2.4. Euler model simulations
lected such that all these events took place between 01 and 03 a.m.
Central European Time and in weak-wind situations. In addition, the A three-dimensional finite difference time-domain (FDTD) model
selection ensures that there are no other cars within a 5-min window based on the linearized Euler equation (Blumrich and Heimann [19])
around each event so that the sound of a selected event is caused by just was applied to the measured situation. The basic model equations for
one single car. The speed of the cars ranged between 62 and 77 km/h. sound propagation in a calm atmosphere provide the time derivatives
The mean speed of the 13 cars is 70.15 km/h. During the events the
∂U 1
wind speed (2 m above ground) varied between 1 and 3 m/s from = − ∇p
∂t ρ0 (1)
northeasterly directions (0° to 90°). The temperature ranged between 2
and 4 °C and the relative humidity between 75 and 90%. ∂p
Correspondingly, the adiabatic sound speed amounted to about = −κp0 ∇ ·U
∂t (2)
c = 330 m/s . According to the prevailing wind direction the sound of
the northeastward moving vehicles was subject to upwind propagation of the sound velocity vector U and the sound pressure p . ρ0 and p0 are
during approach and downwind propagation during departure. the atmospheric density and the atmospheric pressure, respectively.
κ = 1.4 is the ratio of the specific heat capacities of air at constant
2.3. Scale-model measurements pressure and constant volume. The equations are solved by time in-
tegration using a six-step 4th order Runge-Kutta scheme after Hu et al.
To gain reference data of the diffraction problem of sound propa- [20] in combination with an 11-point 6th order selective filter after
gation around and over a building an experimental study has been Bogey at al. [21]. Spatial derivatives are approximated by 7-point
carried out in the anechoic chamber of the DLR in Göttingen. The an- central differences according to Bogey and Bailly [22]. Impedance
echoic chamber is a Class 1 absorbent chamber according to ISO 3745 boundary conditions (Heutschi et al. [23]) are used at the ground and
[18]. Its room dimensions are 7 × 7 × 6 m3 . Due to the limited space, a advective boundary conditions (Bogey and Bailly [24]) are im-
1:25 scaled setup is used. The scale model was manufactured of wooden plemented at the lateral and top limits of the model domain.
multiplex panels with a thickness of 18 mm. The maximum height of Simulations were performed in a 50 × 80 × 16 m3 large domain
the saddle-roof building A is 0.28 m at the top and the height of the (Fig. 2) with 0.1 m resolution corresponding to 64 million grid cells.
annex building B is 0.18 m. The building models are placed in the Sound propagation was calculated for 15 surface-based source points at
center of the room. In order to simulate a quasi-steady moved noise the center of the northeastbound lane of the road with an equal spacing
source a traverse is mounted alongside the house model. A loudspeaker of 5 m in separate simulations. Each simulation was initialized with a
is mounted on the traverse 2 mm above the ground, pointing down- Gaussian sound pressure pulse. The amplitude of the pulse was set to an
ward. During measurement, it is moved to 35 equally spaced positions arbitrary value as the results are subject to subsequent normalization.
along the traverse. The spacing amounts to 0.208 m which corresponds The spectrum of the broadband pulse has an energy peak at 200 Hz. The
to 5.2 m in reality. At each position the loudspeaker is excited for 15 s numerical differencing scheme allows to evaluate the spectrum down to
using a signal generator together with a power amplifier to generate a a wavelength of approx. five-times the grid spacing, i.e. up to a fre-
broadband noise signal. An analogous bandpass filter is used with a quency of about 650 Hz.
Butterworth filter function 48 dB/octave. The cut-off frequencies are set The building with all parts A, B, and C (Fig. 2) is represented by
to 2000 Hz and 60 kHz. Seven ¼″-microphones with a preamplifier are setting U = 0 at the respective grid cells. This corresponds to totally
mounted 6 cm above the ground. The microphone signals are recorded reflecting walls. The simulated sound pressure was stored at the grid
with a 16-bit data acquisition system. The sampling rate is set to cells which correspond to the microphone positions P1 to P7. Here, the
200 kHz. Data acquisition and signal generator modules are placed sound level was determined during postprocessing.
outside the anechoic chamber to prevent acoustical disturbance during The Euler model is capable of calculating the effects of diffraction
measurement. A reference microphone is placed on the traverse, which explicitly, i.e. without parameterization. This is demonstrated by
is moved together with the loudspeaker. Its signal is used to cross- comparing its results with laboratory scale-model measurements and
correlate with the microphone array signals to filter out uncorrelated analytical solutions based on diffraction theories as published by Kawai
noise. In Fig. 4 the experimental setup with the line of loudspeaker [25]. Fig. 5a/b shows sufficient coincidence for the diffracted sound
positions and the locations of microphones is shown. above and behind two laboratory-scale house-shaped fully reflecting
The measurement data processing is performed block-wise. All mi- barriers on non-reflecting ground. The results refer to a 500 Hz tone.
crophone signals are divided into blocks which have a length of 16,384 Scaled-up to the size of the real building A with a scaling factor of 5.68,
samples. The data in each block are weighted using the Hann window this corresponds to a frequency of 88 Hz.
function. The auto- and cross-spectral densities are calculated using
FFT. They are averaged over all blocks resulting from 15 s measure- 2.5. Noise prediction
ment. Differences of the atmospheric absorption between ray tracer and
measurement due to the scaling are not taken into account. To compare the measurements data with noise mapping calcula-
As the experimental setup is scaled by 1:25, the spectrum of the tions, the noise calculation standard ISO 9613-2 was applied as it is
loudspeaker needs to be scaled as well. The non-scaled frequency range implemented in the CadnaA software [26]. For roads and other line-like
of 100 Hz–2 kHz is scaled to a frequency range of 2.5–50 kHz. A com- sources CadnaA does not only provide long-term sound levels such as
pression driver of the type BMS 4540-8 was chosen to satisfy this re- Leq, but also the time history of the sound pressure level according to a
quirement. It is further adjusted in two ways. Firstly, to reduce noise single vehicle with specified sound emission travelling along that line at
emissions from the back of the compression driver, it is placed in an a prescribed speed.
acoustically sealed housing. The housing consists of several wooden A monopole source of sound is placed in steps of 1.94 m along the
layers. In between these layers a heat conducting aluminium foil is center line of the northeastbound lane at y= 0 . For a speed of 70 km/h
laminated to increase the cooling. Secondly, to approximate a point this corresponds to a time resolution of 0.1 s. The source height is set to
source, the sound radiating surface of the compression driver is re- z= 0 , representing the rolling noise of the cars. As with the Euler si-
duced. An adapter is produced and screwed onto the compression mulations the emission level was set to an arbitrary value. The ground

D. Heimann et al. Applied Acoustics 133 (2018) 123–132

Fig. 4. Layout of the scale-model measurements. The

loudspeaker was adjusted at 35 positions along the
dotted arrow to simulate the sound emission of a
driving road vehicle. The microphone positions corre-
spond to the positions P1–P7 in Fig. 2.

line of loudspeaker positions

building A

building B

microphone positions

is assumed to be non-reflecting. Air absorption is not considered. 3. Results

The buildings are implemented as obstacles and reflectors. Since
saddle roofs cannot be represented in this noise prediction procedure, 3.1. Evaluation method
buildings and parts of buildings are assumed to be cubic blocks with flat
roofs of a height that corresponds to 80% of top heights of the real The time evolutions of A-weighted sound levels are compared at the
saddle roofs (building parts A: 8 m, B: 6 m, C: 3 m). microphone positions P1 to P7. The origin of the time axis (t = 0 ) is

(a) -20
-25 -25
-20 -30 -20 -20 -25 -30

2 -15 -15
z in m

-10 -10 -35
1 -10

1.02 m

-10-5 0
-5 0 S S
-2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2
x in m x in m

(b) -20
-30 -15 -20 -25
-15 -25

-10 -30
z in m

1 -10
0.68 m

-40 0 -40
0 5
-2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2
x in m x in m
Fig. 5. a. Comparison of the Euler model results (left) with calculated (right, solid isolines) and measured (right, broken isolines) sound levels for the propagation of 500 Hz sound from a
source (S) over a laboratory-scale flat-roof building. The right panel is reproduced from Fig. 13d in [25]. b. As Fig. 5a, but for a saddle-roof building. The right panel is reproduced from
Fig. 13 h in [25].

D. Heimann et al. Applied Acoustics 133 (2018) 123–132

Table 2
Overview of considered influences and physical processes in the diverse sound levels (F: field measurements, S: scale-model measurements, E: Euler model simulations, I: ISO 9613-2
calculations, A: analytical free-field solution).


Spectral range 8 Hz–16 kHz 100 Hz–2 kHz 8 Hz–630 Hz 63 Hz–8 kHz –
(1/3 octave bands)
Geometrical spreading Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Air absorption Yes No No No No
ground effects Yes No Simplified No No
Vegetation effects Yes No No No No
Refraction Yes No No No No
Diffraction Yes Yes Yes Simplified No
Doppler effect Yes No No No No
Building Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Reflectivity of building Unknown 1 1 0.8 –
Source directivity Yes No No No No
Background sound Yes Simplified Simplified Simplified Simplified

defined to be the time of maximum sound level at position P1. This time absorption, but comprise ground absorption. The comparability is also
corresponds to the source position with the smallest distance to P1 hampered by the fact that the data sets do not cover the same frequency
(xs = ys = 0). To ease the comparability and to eliminate the effect of range (see Table 2). An overlap is only given for the 1/3 octave bands
different source strengths all sound levels (field measurements, Euler with the center frequencies 100–630 Hz. Nevertheless, the evaluation is
model, and scale model) are normalized to LA,0 = 73.27 dB at t = 0 and performed with all available frequency bands for each method. The role
P1. This value equals the observed energy-equivalent mean maximum of cut-off frequencies is discussed in Section 3.4. Finally, monopole
sound level at P1 averaged over all selected events. The Euler simula- sources are assumed in the numerical and scale-model experiments,
tions and the laboratory scale-model measurements were additionally while the real sources are multipoles with directivities. With regard to
adapted to the spectrum for passenger cars as proposed by the European the range of travel distances and emission angles, the error of the A-
project Harmonoise (Jonasson et al. [27]). All sound levels (except the weighted sound level due to missing air absorption is estimated to be
field measurements) were corrected with respect to a constant A- not much higher than 1 dB. Higher deviations can be expected from the
weighted background sound level of LA,b = 40 dB. ignored refraction due to downwind and upwind propagation. An
The A-weighted sound levels (Euler model and scale model) at time overview of the considered environmental influences and physical
t and at position Pi (i = 2–7), LA,Pi (t ), are calculated from the un- processes is given in Table 2.
weighted 1/3-octave band sound levels Lj,Pi (t ) by using the A-weighted
source spectrum LA,j,s [27], where j with l ⩽ j ⩽ u is the index of the
available 1/3-octave bands of the respective data source according to 3.2. Results of the field measurements
Table 2.
The results of the field measurements are illustrated in Fig. 6. The
u (Lj,Pi (t ) + LA,j,s − Lj,P1 (t = 0)) graphs show the A-weighted energy-equivalent mean sound level over
⎡ ⎤
LA,Pi (t ) = 10lg ⎢∑ ⎜⎛10 10 ⎞
⎟ + C1
⎥ all selected driving-by events at each receiver position. Also the
⎣ j=l ⎝ ⎠ ⎦ variability of the events is indicated. It results from variations of the
+ LA,0−LA,P1 (t = 0) (3)
70 P1 P2
with C1 = 10 LA,b /10 and LA,0 = 73.27dB. 60
The normalization and the adaption to a realistic frequency spec-
trum enable the comparability between the events and among the four 40
data sources with respect to the reference position P1. However, there 70 P3 P4
A-weighted SPL in dB

are also facts that impede the comparability. First, the measurement 60
devices were not automatically synchronized. A time comparison was 50
made once a day and time was adjusted between the comparisons by
assuming a linear drift. This may result in an inaccuracy of the obser-
ving time of ± 0.5 s. Second, the time evolutions of the results of the 70 P5 P6
numerical simulation, the scale-model and the ISO 9613-2 noise pre- 60
diction were derived from the results for individual source points along 50
the road and the assumption of a constant vehicle speed of 70 km/h. 40
Hence, the sound level at the receiver points (P1 to P7) at a given point 70 P7 -5 0 +5
on the time axis is uniquely associated with a specific emission point on
60 t in s
the road, considering the straight-line travel time of sound. In reality,
sound from a certain source point on the road may arrive at different
times at a receiver because of different propagation paths (direct, re- 40
flected, diffracted). However, the error due to different travel times in -5 0 +5
the given geometry is estimated to be not larger than 0.15 s. Besides t in s
errors in the temporal coordination, there are further sources of po- Fig. 6. Time histories of A-weighted sound levels of driving cars measured at the posi-
tential deviations of sound levels. While the field measurements com- tions P1–P7. The solid line represents the energy-equivalent mean of all selected events.
prise all physical processes during propagation including refraction, air The grey shade indicates the range of variability of the events. The dotted curves show the
and ground absorption, the latter effects are not considered in the scale- analytical solution for free-field propagation. All sound levels are normalized to 73.27 dB
at P1 for t = 0 .
model results. The numerical results ignore refraction and air

D. Heimann et al. Applied Acoustics 133 (2018) 123–132

vehicle speed and meteorological influences, but also depends on the 70 P1 P2

number of recorded events at the individual receivers (P1 and P3: 13,
P2 and P5: 5, P4: 10, P6 and P7: 3).
In addition to the measurements, analytic solutions for free-field 50
propagation (no building, no absorption, no refraction) are shown for
better interpretation (cf. Heimann and Schady [6]). They were calcu- 70 P3 P4

A-weighted SPL in dB
lated by 60

ρ c 50
L (t ) = 10lg ⎧ 0 2 P [V 2A2 + yr2 ]−1 + 10 LB /10⎫
⎨ 2πp0 ⎬ (4)
⎩ ⎭ 70 P5 P6
with 60

V 2 (t −x /V )2 + yr2 50
xr r
A = t− −
V c -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3
70 P7
where P is the source power, V is the velocity of the vehicle, c is the t in s
sound speed. x r , yr are the receiver coordinates, and p0 = 2·10−5 Pa . Eq.
(4) considers the sound-wave travel time and thus results a slightly 50
asymmetric behaviour with respect to t = 0 . LB = 40 dB is the back- -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3
ground sound level. The source power was chosen such that
t in s
L (t = 0) = 73.27 dB at P1. The assumptions of the analytical solution
resemble those of the scale-model (no absorption in the air and at the Fig. 7. Time histories of A-weighted sound levels of driving cars valid at the positions
ground) except that effects of the building (reflection, shading, dif- P1–P7. Blue: field measurements (energy-equivalent average over all selected events);
green: scale-model results; brown: numeric Euler model results; red: ISO 9613-2 calcu-
fraction) are not considered in Eq. (4).
lations; dotted black: analytic free-field solution (Eq. (4)). All sound levels are normalized
The measured level vs. time curve at P1 is clearly asymmetric with to 73.27 dB at P1 for t = 0 . (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure
smaller levels during approach (t < 0 ) and higher levels during de- legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
parture (t > 0 ). Note that the asymmetry due to the travel time of the
sound is already included in the free-field solution of Eq. (4). It is much
positions. The scale-model measurements and the Euler model simula-
less than the observed one. Therefore, the most likely explanation is the
tions show rather strong drops of the sound level at P3 and P4. These
refraction effect due to the prevailing wind from north-east which
are only weakly developed in the field measurements and the ISO 9613-
causes upwind propagation with upward refraction during approach
2 calculations. At P5 and P6 the sudden peak in the field measurements
and downwind propagation with downward refraction during de-
could be reproduced by the Euler model and the ISO 9613-2 calcula-
parture. Note that the time axis covers ± 9 s which corresponds to
tion, but with smaller amplitude.
propagation paths from the 70 km/h fast cars to P1 of up to 175 m
A summary of the degree of agreement between the different sound-
length. Nearly the same asymmetry is observed at P2, but the sound
level time evolutions is presented in Fig. 8. It shows the concordance
from the departing cars is more damped and close to the analytic so-
correlation coefficient after Lin [28] for all combinations of the con-
lution, probably because of the vegetation in the slant propagation
sidered sound levels. This coefficient is a measure of both precision and
path. The maximum sound level at P2 of the field and scale-model
accuracy. The correlation analysis refers to the period
measurements is by about 3 dB higher than the maximum of the ana-
−1.5 s⩽ t ⩽ +2.5 s within which all sound levels are available. All
lytically calculated sound level. This is caused by the backward re-
correlations are rather high at positions which are not in the immediate
flection at the roadside facade of the building.
Behind the building (P3 to P7) the situation is more complex. The 1.0
field measurements result in sound levels which are generally lower 0.8
than the free-field solution. This is expected because of the shading by 0.6
the building and other propagation effects such as attenuation by the
ground and by vegetation. At P3 and P4 there are even weak dips in the 0.0
P1 P2
sound level curve at the time when the free-field propagation yields
maximum levels. Striking features are the short-time increases of the 0.8
sound level at P4 and P6. These are caused by reflection as it is dis- 0.6
cussed in the following. 0.2
P3 P4
3.3. Comparison of measured and calculated sound-level evolutions
Fig. 7 allows to compare five different time-series of sound levels at 0.4
each receiver position: the field measurements, the scale-model mea- 0.2
surements, the Euler model simulations, the ISO 9613-2 calculations 0.0
P5 P6
and the free-field solutions. At P1 and P2 the curves coincide quite well SF EF IF AF ES IS AS
except the strong asymmetry of the field measurements due to wind- 0.6
induced refraction. This process is not considered in all other curves. At 0.4
P2 all curves show higher levels than the free-field solution because of 0.2
the backward reflection by the building. However, the offset is dif- -0.2
ferent. A possible cause is the degree of reflection of the building. It was SF EF IF AF ES IS AS
not determined for the real building and different assumptions were Fig. 8. Concordance correlation coefficient between pairs of A-weighted sound-level
met in the calculations (the reflectivity was set to 1 in the Euler si- time-series of the field measurements (F), the scale-model measurements (S), the Euler
mulation and 0.8 in the ISO 9613-2 calculation). model simulations (E), the ISO 9613-2 calculations (I), and the analytical free-field so-
lution (A) for all receiver positions P1–P7.
Larger deviations between the curves are found for all other receiver

D. Heimann et al. Applied Acoustics 133 (2018) 123–132

Table 3 0
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
Extreme change of the A-weighted sound level within 1 s at positions P1–P7 (F: field

y in m
measurements, S: scale-model measurements, E: Euler model simulations, I: ISO 9613-2
calculations, A: analytical free-field solution).

20 A

Minimum change rate (drop) in dB/s

30 P3
F S E I A 60

A-weighted SPL in dB
P1 −6.1 −6.9 −7.4 −7.6 −7.4
P2 −7.2 −7.1 −6.4 −5.4 −4.7
P3 −2.6 −17.4 −12.1 −3.2 −2.9
P4 −2.6 −10.0 −6.7 −6.3 −2.5 50
P5 −4.4 −4.9 −2.0 −3.6 −2.8
P6 −6.0 −3.7 −5.8 −4.7 −3.0
P7 −4.2 −3.7 −9.1 −5.9 −2.4 45
Maximum change rate (rise) in dB/s
-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60
F S E I A x in m
P1 7.8 8.1 7.2 8.6 8.0 Fig. 9. A-weighted sound levels (colors as in Fig. 7) at P3 as a function of the source
P2 11.2 7.8 5.2 6.8 5.0 position for a vehicle speed of 70 km/h. The source positions of distinctive features in the
P3 2.4 4.7 6.1 2.1 3.1 sound-level curves are indicated as S1–S6. Direct and diffracted (over the roof) rays are
P4 2.7 9.3 3.8 2.9 2.6 shown as long-dashed and short-dashed lines, respectively. (For interpretation of the
P5 11.2 10.0 9.6 4.8 3.1 references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this
P6 13.1 9.7 4.5 6.4 3.3 article.)
P7 4.5 15.1 10.3 10.2 2.7

15 dB. Also the Euler model results in a decrease of nearly that amount,
acoustical shadow of the building (P1, P2, and P7). At the shaded po- but at a slower rate. The minimum sound level of the field measure-
sitions P3 to P6 the following is observed: ments, the scale-model measurements and the Euler model coincides
with the source position S4. From this position the diffracted propa-
• the agreement between both types of measurements (field vs. scale gation paths over and around the building are longest. Once the car
model “SF”) is rather poor. reaches S5 the diffraction path over the low annex building B is pos-
• at P3 and P4 the Euler simulation agrees much better with the scale- sible. This seems to lead to the secondary maximum in the field mea-
model measurements (“ES”) than with the field measurements surements, the scale-model measurements and the Euler model. The
(“EF”). features that are related with the source positions S3, S4 and S5 do not
• at P5 and P6 the rather simple ISO 9613-2 calculation agrees slightly show up in the ISO 9613-2 results. Presumably this is caused by the fact
better (“IF”, ”IS”) with the measurements than the complex Euler that only the diffraction path over the building is considered and the
model (“EF”, “ES”). The free-field solution completely fails behind roof is assumed to be flat. The weak minima in the Euler and scale
the building as expected (“AF”, “AS”). model results associated with source position S6 cannot be satisfactorily
explained without additional experimentation. This minimum appears
The discrepancies between the results also show up in the sound- neither in the field measurement nor in the ISO 9613-2 calculations.
level rise and drop rates. As these are important in assessing human In sum, it can be stated that the results at the receiver position P3 on
effects of noise (cf. introduction), they are listed in Table 3. The sound- the shaded backside of the building are curious and difficult to under-
level change rates deviate most at P3 and P4 (decrease rate over- stand. In particular, the large difference in the decline of the sound level
estimated by Euler simulations and scale-model measurements) and at between the field measurement on the one hand and the Euler and
P7 (increase rate overestimated by Euler simulations, scale-model scale-model results on the other hand is surprising. Some possible
measurements and ISO 9613-2 calculations). reasons for the shallow curve of the field measurement at P3 were
considered. Local background noise (e.g. wind induced noise of nearby
vegetation) can be ruled out, because the curves level off at about 40 dB
3.4. Discussion of discrepancies and singularities for |t| > 6 s as they do at the other microphone positions. A possible
influence of reflections from the facades of neighbouring buildings in
The field measurements deviate from the scale-model measurements the east (cf. Fig. 1) can be excluded, too. Test calculations with the ISO
and Euler simulations at the backside of the building (positions P3 to 9613-2 procedure suggest that such reflections would increase the
P6). In particular, the prominent drop of the sound level by 12–15 dB at sound level at P3 by less than 1 dB. A certain sound transmission
P3 which is present in the scale-model measurements and Euler simu- through the building could be also a reason for the observed behaviour.
lations, is not visible in the field measurements. The ISO 9613-2 cal- However, this could not be verified, but it is rather improbable because
culations do not show this feature either. Fig. 9 presents a close-up to of the solid masonry and sound-insulating windows at least on the road
the situation at position P3. The time axis t is converted to the space side of building A. The sound meters were calibrated before and cross-
axis x along the road by x = Vt with the vehicle speed V = 70 km/ checked after the field experiment without abnormalities.
h = 19.4 m/s. So it is possible to coordinate features in the temporal The differing spectral range of the methods (cf. Table 2) could be
development of sound levels with the approximate position of the also the origin of discrepancies. Therefore, the spectral behaviour at P3
sound emitting car. is shown in Fig. 10 for the field and scale-model measurements and for
Fig. 9 shows that P3 becomes shaded once the source passes S1. At the Euler simulations. The figure shows the deviation from the spec-
this instance the ISO 9613-2 sound level drops by about 4 dB. However, trum near the source at P1 and t = 0 . The scale-model as well as the
neither the field measurement nor the scale-model measurement shows Euler model shows a strong drop throughout the available frequency
this drop. The field measurement even shows a slight increase. As the range once the source passes S3. This drop slightly increases with
source passes S3 the sound towards P3 has to propagate around two growing frequency as low-frequency sound is stronger diffracted than
diffraction edges in the horizontal and vertical plane as well. At this high-frequency sound. By and large, the structures of the scale-model
situation the scale-model result shows a significant drop by about

D. Heimann et al. Applied Acoustics 133 (2018) 123–132

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 0
S1 S2 S3 S4
(a) 10

y in m
frequency in Hz

20 A

500 30 P6

A-weighted SPL in dB
200 60

100 55
frequency in Hz

-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60
x in m
Fig. 11. A-weighted sound levels (colors as in Fig. 7) at P6 as a function of the source
100 position for a vehicle speed of 70 km/h. The blue dashed-dotted curve shows the field
2000 measurements for 25–630 Hz (A-weighted and normalized as the other curves). The
(c) hatched red curve provides the results of ISO 9613-2 calculations without reflections at
frequency in Hz

1000 the walls of building C. The source positions of distinctive features in the sound-level
curves are indicated as S1–S4. Direct, diffracted (over the roof) and reflected (at building
C) rays are shown as long-dashed, short-dashed and dot-dashed black lines, respectively.
(For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to
the web version of this article.)
Another weak maximum of the sound level appears when the source
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 reaches S4. From here the sound can pass through a gap between
time in s building parts B and C. This explains the sudden rise of the sound level
in the field measurements and most notably in the ISO 9613-2 calcu-
Fig. 10. Deviation of the spectral distribution at P3 (in dB) from the spectrum at P1 and lations. The subsequent decrease of the level is a shadow effect of
t = 0 for (a) the field measurements, (b) the scale-model measurements and (c) the Euler
building C. The ISO 9613-2 calculation without reflections at building C
model simulations. The results of the Euler simulations are not available in the grey area.
For a better comparability with Fig. 9 the positions S1–S6 of a 70 km/h fast source are
also shows this decrease. Note that only the reflections at the wall of
indicated at the upper margin. building part C are switched off (totally absorbing walls), while
building part C still acts as an obstacle around and over which dif-
fraction is possible. The scale-model results do not show this feature,
and Euler model results are similar. However, the field measurements
possibly because building C was not modelled.
are very different. Frequencies below 200 Hz are generally less damped
than higher frequencies. This is almost independent of the source po-
sition. The slow decrease of the sound level between source positions S2 4. Conclusions
and S4 applies almost equally to all frequencies between 100 and
2000 Hz. From Fig. 9 it is evident that the different behaviour of the The investigation of road traffic noise in the vicinity of a building
broadband A-weighted sound levels shown in Fig. 8 is not caused by with four different methods (field measurements, laboratory scale-
differences in the spectral range of the respective data set. Note that the model measurements, numerical Euler model simulations, and standard
Doppler effect is not considered in the scale-model and Euler model noise prediction calculations) reveal the complexity of the problem. The
results. For c = 330 m/s and V = 70 km/h the maximum Doppler shift real situation in the field is characterized by a structured building with
between arrival and departure amounts to 11.7 percent of the fre- an annex building, roof overhangs, a chimney, and with different ma-
quency. terials involved. The building is located on a partly paved, partly grass
Another peculiarity of the results is the strong short-term peak of the covered ground and bush vegetation and a few trees between the house
sound level in the field measurements at receiver positions P5 (at t = 0 ) and the road. Any model, be it a numerical one or a scale model, cannot
and P6 (at t = −0.4 s ); see Fig. 6. This feature is closer inspected in reproduce the full complexity of the reality, but it has to simplify the
Fig. 11. Test calculations with the ISO 9613-2 procedure suggest that situation depending on the specific abilities of the method. Moreover,
the peak is caused by reflections at the southwestly facade of the small the models are only approximations of the physical processes which
building C as long as the source moves from S1 to S3. From this road determine the sound propagation from the source on the road to the
section sound rays reach the receiver P6 with one reflection at building receivers around the building. Some processes are simplified, others are
C and without being blocked by other parts of the building. In the ISO neglected at all. Therefore, it is not surprising that the results of nu-
9613-2 curves the peak disappears when the reflection at building C is merical and physical models deviate from each other and from field
disregarded. The peak does not exist in the results of the scale-model measurements.
measurements because only the building parts A and B were considered Nevertheless, from the present study one has to conclude that the
in the layout. The peak is also present in the results of the Euler model differences between the applied methods can be rather grave. Most
simulations, but the amplitude is as small as in the ISO 9613-2 calcu- notably there are two pairs of methods which among each other re-
lations. A spectral evaluation of the field measurements shows that the semble with respect to their results: the numerical model (“E”) and the
strong amplitude of the peak results from high frequencies scale model (“S”) on the one hand, and the field measurements (“F”)
(f > 630 Hz). If only the 1/3-octave bands 25–630 Hz are considered and the rather simple ISO 9613-2 calculation method (“I”) on the other
the peak amplitude of the A-weighted sound level reduces from 9 to hand. The setups (Table 2) for “E” and “S” are quite similar. This could
4 dB. be one reason why the results of these methods look alike.
The reason for this behaviour could not be sufficiently elucidated in

D. Heimann et al. Applied Acoustics 133 (2018) 123–132

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