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Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 40 (2018) 8–18

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Heterogeneity in consumers’ mobile shopping acceptance: A finite mixture T

partial least squares modelling approach for exploring and characterising
different shopper segments
Michael Groß1
Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, Facility 5 – Economics, Law, and Society, Department of Planning and Innovation Management, Building 10,
Room 424k, Erich-Weinert-Str. 1, 03046 Cottbus, Germany


Keywords: This study investigates the phenomenon of mobile shopping (m-shopping), which, despite its growth in practice,
Mobile shopping (m-shopping) is still underdeveloped as a field of research regarding the segmentation approach. The aims of this study are
Multidimensional acceptance understanding therefore twofold: (1) to propose an extended version of the technology acceptance model (TAM) to reflect a
Consumer segmentation multidimensional framework of m-shopping acceptance, in which data heterogeneity regarding consumers’
Finite mixtures partial least squares (FIMIX-
acceptance is expected; and (2) to apply an advanced segmentation approach for revealing different mobile
shopper (m-shopper) types to highlight precise marketing activities and measures. For that purpose, the re-
Importance-performance matrix analysis
(IPMA) lationship between attitude, intention, and behaviour is elaborated with additional constructs (e.g. perceived
Technology acceptance model (TAM) enjoyment, vendor trust, social influences, and satisfaction) and analysed with a representative sample of 734
German m-shoppers. The study results not only confirm the relevance of all factors on an aggregate data basis,
thus supporting the proposed multidimensional framework of acceptance, but they also indicate some (un-
observed) heterogeneity in the path model structure using the finite mixtures partial least squares (FIMIX-PLS)
technique. This finally reveals three important m-shopper segments: ‘motivated m-shoppers’, ‘thoughtful utili-
tarian-oriented m-shoppers’, and ‘satisfied convenience-conscious m-shoppers’. Managerial implications are il-
lustrated and provided with respect to these segments with the use of a complementary importance-performance
matrix analysis (IMPA). Since focused research on m-shopper types is still limited, this study provides new
insights into the acceptance and profile of m-shoppers.

1. Introduction and scope of research Although the lion's share of retail electronic sales still takes place on
wired devices such as desktop computers or laptops, website browsing
With the rapid adoption and extended usages of advanced mobile is increasingly flowing through smartphones and tablets alike, leading
devices, in which smartphones and tablets lead the way, consumers are to increasing m-purchases around the world (Nielsen, 2016). In 2016,
sustainably changing their methods of communication and shopping for example, the proportion of m-purchases in the USA was approxi-
activities (Wang et al., 2015; Fuentes and Svingstedt, 2017). As a mately 33.9% compared to 23.4% across Europe, while individual
consequence of changing consumption behaviour, mobile shopping (m- European countries already reached a higher rate, such as Great Britain
shopping) is nowadays regarded as a new on-the-go service frontier for (35.6%), Germany (34.0%), and Sweden (29.6%) (Centre for Retail
searching, comparing, purchasing, sharing, and assessing products and Research, 2016). In contrast, the spending on mobile devices in South
services online from various vendors with hardly any restrictions re- Korea (46.0%) and China (49.7%) corresponds to almost half of the
garding availability, location, and time (e.g. Ko et al., 2009; Holmes local retail ecommerce sales (eMarketer, 2016).
et al., 2014; Park et al., 2015; Yang et al., 2016; Groß, 2016; Fritz et al., In accordance with the growing popularity of both the industry and
2017). The field of m-shopping applications is wide-ranging; however, retail sectors around the world (Nielsen, 2016), academic research on
in the present study the term m-shopping refers to mobile purchase (m- m-shopping acceptance has paid much attention to investigating key
purchase) activities unless otherwise noted. factors of consumers’ acceptance (see e.g. Groß, 2015a for literature

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Michael Groß received his Ph.D. from the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (Germany), and currently works as a consultant for the IT and tele-
communications industry. Mr. Groß's research interests are focused on big data themes, as well as the areas of electronic and commerce with the focus on retailing. In the course of his
career, he has gained enormous experience in the German retail industry and electronic commerce area.
Received 9 July 2017; Received in revised form 19 August 2017; Accepted 3 September 2017
Available online 09 September 2017
0969-6989/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Groß Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 40 (2018) 8–18

review). In detail, the large body of current literature concentrates on Thus, the present study not only contributes to the growing body of
the attitudinal viewpoint to investigate factors that might affect con- m-shopping literature (i.e. to the understanding of it being an in-
sumers’ reactions and willingness to engage in m-shopping (e.g. Chen dependent channel for purchasing items and/or services on-the-go) by
et al., this issue; Agrebi and Jallais, 2015; Gao et al., 2015; Yang, 2012; elaborating the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) into a multi-
Lu and Su, 2009). In contrast, however, a considerably lower number of dimensional understanding of acceptance, but it also respects the po-
studies explore the m-shopping behaviour itself to a greater extent. This tential data heterogeneity within the model-based framework for a
applies to both empirical studies (e.g. Holmes et al., 2014; Pantano and consumer segmentation approach. To the best of the author's knowl-
Priporas, 2016; Fuentes and Svingstedt, 2017) and works that use data edge, no similar study has been conducted on m-shopping to date, and
tracking materials obtained from mobile device usage behaviour (Wang this work may therefore offer new insights into the acceptance and
et al., 2015). Because an initial trial and a positive intention to adopt profile of m-shoppers. In addition, it may have managerial implications
are important for realising attitudinal acceptance, a holistic view of m- and provide suggestions regarding the ways in which m-shopping ser-
shopping acceptance requires an additional behaviour-based viewpoint vices can be better tailored to match the unique needs of their users.
(Yang et al., 2016). This is interesting, because a combination of both To realise the aim of the research, the rest of the paper is organised
attitude and behavioural aspects as part of a multidimensional accep- as follows. The next section provides the research model for measuring
tance framework is still under-researched for the m-shopping context m-shopping acceptance and postulates its corresponding hypotheses.
(Groß, 2015b) and therefore requires more attention (study focus part The third section discusses the research methodology with respect to
I). the data sample, measures, and the method selected for data analysis.
However, both attitudinal and behavioural viewpoints are affected Thereafter, the fourth section presents the empirical study results, and
on the one hand by studies pertaining to specific topics such as trust the last section concludes with a comprehensive discussion, providing
(e.g. Yang, 2016), shopping motives (e.g. Yang and Kim, 2012), and important theoretical and marginal implications as well as limitations.
values of benefit (e.g. Kim et al., 2015), and on the other hand by those
covering concepts such as smart shopper feelings (e.g. Park et al., 2015) 2. Conceptual framework and hypotheses
and worth-of-mouth communications (e.g. San-Martín et al., 2015), to
name only a few examples. Although such approaches extend the 2.1. Modified TAM as theoretical foundation
knowledge about m-shoppers to a certain extent, they do not fully ad-
dress the issue of m-shopper profiling and segmentation, which is still The underlying theoretical framework for this research is grounded
rarely explored to date and requires much more attention (Groß, in the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) by Davis et al. (1989),
2015a). which is presently one of the best proven models for measuring ac-
The few available studies on m-shopper segmentation use shopping ceptance (Zhang et al., 2012). It can be used to investigate the m-
motives (Jih and Lee, 2003) or are based on situational factors shopping context, where an attitudinal viewpoint to explain consumer
(Banerjee and Dholakia, 2013) as well as barriers and drivers (San- willingness to m-shop dominates current research (e.g. Ko et al., 2009;
Martín et al., 2013) of m-shopping acceptance. Since these few studies San-Martín et al., 2013; Wong et al., 2015; Agrebi and Jallais, 2015).
employ clustering methods such as k-means or latent class approaches, The TAM postulates a well-proven cause-and-effect relationship, in
a priori knowledge of the cluster structure is implied (observed het- which two beliefs about an information technology system, perceived
erogeneity). However, none of the available m-shopping studies try to usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEOU), first form a person's
gain deeper insight into the data heterogeneity that derives from the attitude (ATT) towards using the system. In turn, the person's ATT then
postulated research model and is therefore a priori unknown (un- influences behavioural intention (BI), which eventually determines
observed heterogeneity). This is a typical situation in new research usage behaviour (USE). Because the TAM is often criticised due to its
settings where theory is not well developed and where, moreover, parsimony and lack of falsifiability, a context-related modification is
knowledge about the existence of consumers’ group differences is still required. Accordingly, the underling model and hypotheses in-
limited (Rigdon et al., 2011). As m-shopping is still in its infancy and it vestigated in this research are presented in Fig. 1 and can be regarded
is difficult to reach m-shoppers, more research is required (study focus as an extension of Groß (2015b).
part II); this suggests the great new value of customer insight, not least
because ‘mobile vendors need to know the results of the first mobile
2.2. Causal relationship between attitude, intention, and behaviour as basis
shopping experiences to design their strategies and think about entering
for a multidimensional approach
in the mobile selling business’ (San-Martín et al., 2015, p. 2).
The purpose of this study is to explore both highlighted under-re-
At the core of Fishbein and Ajzen's (1975) Theory of Reasoned
searched aspects (study focus part I and II) by addressing the following
Action, the TAM hypothesises a causal relationship between ATT, BI,
aims: (1) to develop a multidimensional framework of m-shopping, in
and USE for determining technology acceptance (Davis et al., 1989). In
which data heterogeneity regarding consumers’ acceptance is expected;
this context, ATT characterises a person's evaluation of a certain be-
and (2) to apply a segmentation approach for revealing different m-
haviour, and it is assumed that a favourable evaluation will form an
shopper types to highlight precise marketing activities and measures.
intention to use the information technology system (e.g. m-shopping),

Fig. 1. Theoretical framework.

M. Groß Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 40 (2018) 8–18

while on the other hand an unfavourable evaluation will prevent a 2.4. Antecedents of behavioural intention (BI)
person from using it. Following this understanding, BI therefore refers
to the willingness to perform a particular behavioural task without any Besides ATT, the BI to use m-shopping is also influenced by aspects
actions being performed, while USE refers to the usage behaviour itself. of trust (Gao et al., 2015; Zhou, 2013) and social influence (San-Martín
However, whereas research into m-shopping acceptance has frequently et al., 2013; Yang and Forney, 2013). Embedded in the customer-
confirmed the attitude-intention relationship, so far little attention has vendor relationship, trust, and particularly the confidence in a particular
been paid to the intention-behaviour relationship (Groß, 2015b). mobile vendor (m-vendor), plays a central role for consumers in the m-
Hence, reflecting the causal relationship suggested by the TAM, the shopping context (San‐Martín and López‐Catalán, 2013; Yang, 2016;
following hypotheses are formulated: Yang et al., 2015). Once consumers feel confident in a vendor's specific
H01 ATT towards m-shopping is positively related to the intention attributes (e.g. benevolence, competence, and integrity), there is a high
to use m-shopping. likelihood that a positive willingness will be formed regarding that
H02 BI to use m-shopping determines m-shopping purchase beha- vendor, and, moreover, that business activities will begin, resulting in
viour. sharing personal information and making m-purchase transactions
In both hypotheses, the relationship between ATT, BI, and USE is (Yang et al., 2015; Zhou, 2013). M-vendor trust therefore not only re-
regarded as a conceptual framework, where aspects of both attitude and duces the uncertainty and complexity that consumers regularly face
behaviour are combined (Ajzen and Fishbein, 1977) to form a multi- when m-shopping, but also helps them to engage in a more optimistic
dimensional understanding of acceptance. Based on this relationship, and positive manner in this context (Groß, 2016). The theory regarding
different acceptance factors are added to elaborate the model. These are consumers’ confidence in m-vendors leads to the following hypothesis:
presented in the following. H08 Trust in the m-vendor is positively related to the intention to
use m-shopping.
Shopping, including m-shopping, implies challenging and re-
2.3. Antecedents of attitude (ATT) warding activities that are themselves regarded as highly sociable, and
peer-group influences therefore matter (San-Martín et al., 2013; Yang,
It is frequently argued that consumers’ ATT towards m-shopping is 2012). Yang and Forney (2013) recently noted that social influences (SI)
significantly affected by the degree to which they perceive m-shopping on m-shopping can be considered as the degree to which an individual
as useful and/or enjoyable (e.g. Chen et al., this issue; Agrebi and consumer perceives that important social peers (e.g. family, friends,
Jallais, 2015; Holmes et al., 2014; Yang, 2012; Ko et al., 2009). In this and colleagues) believe that (s)he should or should not m-shop. Thus,
context, perceived usefulness (PU) is thus associated with the advantage consumers who perceive m-shopping as socially important may gen-
offered by m-shopping and, moreover, refers to utilitarian shopping erate a more positive attitude towards it than others in the first in-
values (e.g. enables shopping regardless of place and time restrictions; stance; furthermore, they may also like to share their positive experi-
with a permanent and convenient internet access, offers an infinite ences (word-of-mouth effect) (San-Martín et al., 2015).
choice of information, goods, and services; offers a real-time interaction Moreover, particularly for those individuals who find a kind of in-
and communication channel to be in touch with all peers and vendors). trinsic reward from (closed) group membership, identification with the
Perceived enjoyment (PE), on the other hand, refers to hedonic shopping group might occur in compliance with congruent group behaviour, or it
values, which are any perceived experiential and emotional benefits might result in the internalisation of group options and norms (Kelman,
experienced regarding m-shopping. Unlike PU, PE focuses on the ac- 1958). This implies a kind of social pressure the degree of which de-
tivity that constitutes multisensory and emotive experiences in the pends on the individual consumer's desire to follow referent group
consumption process while m-shopping. Consequently, PE satisfies en- options and norms (social desirability), eventually confirming uniform
tertainment and recreational needs instead of fulfilling functionally group member behaviour (Yang, 2012). It is therefore not surprising
oriented purchase outcomes (e.g. saving time or securing good value for that SI much more strongly affects consumers’ intention to engage in m-
money). On this account, it can be assumed that consumers’ ATT to- shopping than their confidence in the m-vendor (Zhang et al., 2012).
wards using m-shopping is stimulated by a continuum of motives, Hence, in this study it can be assumed that social peer groups sig-
ranging from completely utility-driven to hedonic-oriented shopping nificantly affect consumers’ decision-making process for shopping and
values (Pantano and Priporas, 2016; Kim et al., 2015; Yang and Kim, consumption using smartphones. The hypothesis is expressed as fol-
2012). In this regard, the following two hypotheses are proposed: lows:
H03 PU is positively related to ATT towards m-shopping. H09 SI is positively related to the intention to use m-shopping.
H04 PE is positively related to ATT towards m-shopping.
Another important attitudinal factor for determining m-shopping 2.5. Antecedents of usage behaviour (USE)
acceptance is the ease of use (PEOU). This does not only refer to the
degree to which a person believes that using a certain m-shopping After BI, satisfaction (SAT) is regarded as the second most important
service will be free of mental and/or physical effort, but also involves factor for determining m-shopping behaviour in this study. SAT refers
the level of effort in learning to use (new) m-shopping services properly to the post-utilisation stage, where the individual consumer expecta-
(Groß, 2015b). It has been widely confirmed that the easier and more tions regarding m-shopping serve as the baseline to gauge the level of
intuitive it is to m-shop using a smartphone, the more useful and en- SAT (Hung et al., 2012; Sohn et al., 2017). Considering Bhattacherjee's
joyable m-shopping will be (Kim et al., 2015; Yang, 2012). This in- (2001) expectation-disconfirmation approach, it can be argued that
cludes not only easy-to-use navigation, but also requires convenience when expectations are confirmed or are even exceeded, it is highly
and ease of accessibility (Holmes et al., 2014; Lu and Su, 2009). Con- likely that consumers will tend to re-engage in the (same) m-shopping
sequently, complexity and a lack of usability will have the opposite activities instead of ceasing to do so. Thus, an understanding of ex-
effect, forming a negative attitude on the basis on minor usefulness and pectations is critical for assessing the affected state of SAT. It is there-
enjoyment experiences and, as a result, hindering consumers from fore important to note that SAT is considered here as an overall affec-
regularly engaging in m-shopping (San-Martín et al., 2013). Con- tive state, requiring the fulfilment of expectations regarding vendor
sidering the triangle relationship between PEOU, PE, and PU, the fol- trust (San‐Martín and López‐Catalán, 2013; Hung et al., 2012), social
lowing hypotheses are formulated: rewards (San-Martín et al., 2015), and, moreover, a satisfied evaluation
H05 PEOU is positively related to ATT towards m-shopping. of pre-consumption attitude that, in turn, is affected by consumers’
H06 PEOU is positively related to the PU of m-shopping. perceptions of usefulness, enjoyment, and usability regarding m-shop-
H07 PEOU is positively related to the PE of m-shopping. ping services (Shang and Wu, 2017; Sohn, 2017; Agrebi and Jallais,

M. Groß Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 40 (2018) 8–18

2015; Schramm-Klein and Wagner, 2014; Hung et al., 2012). 30.2%) or below (≤ €1000; 20.7%). Hence, this sample seems to re-
Unlike previous m-shopping studies (e.g. Agrebi and Jallais, 2015; present the German average population more than previous studies on
Gao et al., 2015; Shang and Wu, 2017), SAT is therefore not con- m-shopping acceptance have. Early research used primarily con-
ceptualised as a direct antecedent of the intention to use m-shopping in venience sampling, mainly involving students (Groß, 2015a).
the present TAM-based study. Instead, it is additionally applied as a
critical driver of the m-shopping behaviour and mean SAT with the m- 3.2. Measures
shopping experience. Hence, in this context, consumer SAT responses
encompass all positive and negative feelings regarding consumption All items for measuring the model constructs were measured re-
experiences resulting from accumulated interactions with m-shopping flectively with multi-item scales and used a seven-point Likert scale,
services. Therefore, the following is hypothesised: ranging from 1 (‘strongly disagree’) to 7 (‘strongly agree’). To ensure
H10 SAT response is positively related to m-shopping purchase content validity, each item was adopted from previous literature per-
behaviour. taining to m-shopping. More specifically, both PEOU and PU were
measured using a multi-item scale adapted by Aldás-Manzano et al.
(2009), Ko et al. (2009), and Yang (2012). For PE, Yang's (2012) item
3. Research design and data methodology scale was used. ATT in turn was measured using a scale developed by
Bigné et al. (2005) and Aldás-Manzano et al. (2009). Trust in the m-
3.1. Sample description vendor applied the scale suggested by Zhou (2013) and Groß (2015b).
For BI, the item scale of Ko et al. (2009), Lu and Su (2009), and Yang
In this study, the term m-shopping refers to a ubiquitous ‘on-the-go’ (2012) was used, while SI was based on the scale developed by Yang
purchase channel used on smartphones. Hence, the data was selected (2012), Yang and Forney (2013), and San-Martín et al. (2013).
accordingly. A sample of n = 734 versed m-shoppers was drawn from a Finally, USE was measured with a scale previously used by both
purchased consumer panel in Germany to participate in an online Groß (2015b) and Klopping and McKinney (2004), while SAT used the
survey for incentive rewards. Table 1 provides a general overview of the scale proposed by San‐Martín and López‐Catalán (2013). Although all
sample demographics, including both social demographics and m- these item scales have already been applied in previous m-shopping
shopping criteria. studies, a language modification was required to overcome differences
The sample comprised slightly more women (50.7%) than men in linguistic usage. After translating from English to German, a pretest
(49.3%), with an average age of 38.5 years. Moreover, 26% of the re- was conducted to guarantee clarity and understandability.
spondents had a graduate degree, were primarily employed (around As shown in Table 2, the distribution of all items indicates no cri-
65.8%), and were in the middle monthly income level (€1001–€2000; tical bias for the assumption of normality. This is because the accep-
table intervals for values of both kurtosis and skewness with +1 and –1
Table 1 are only marginally exceeded by 4 of 31 items, thus indicating no cri-
Demographic characteristics of respondents (n = 734). tical deviation from normal distribution (Hair et al., 2012).
Moreover, due to the self-reported measures approach, the data set
Criteria Frequency (Percent)
was also reviewed for the presence of common method variance
Gender (Richardson et al., 2009; MacKenzie and Podsakoff, 2012). For this
Female 372 (50.7%) purpose, Harman's single-factor tests were used, and the exploratory
Male 362 (49.3%)
factor analysis results reveal that no single factor emerged, and that no
≤ 24 years 130 (17.7%) general factor accounts for the majority of the variance (Podsakoff
25–34 years 251 (34.2%) et al., 2003). In more detail, the factor analysis explains less than 33%
35–44 years 159 (21.7%) of variance, which is clearly below the critical threshold of 50% and
≥ 45 years 194 (26.4%) thus does not indicate a substantial common method bias.
Less than high school 279 (38.0%)
High school diploma 233 (31.7%) 3.3. Data analysis method
(Under-)graduate degree 187 (25.5%)
Other / No degree 35 (4.8%) To analyse the model depicted in Fig. 1, the partial least squares
structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) approach was used with the
Student/Trainee 112 (15.3%)
Employee 483 (65.8%) SmartPLS software (version 3.2.4) (Ringle et al., 2015). This was done
Self-employed 38 (5.2%) for the following reasons: the PLS-SEM technique characterises a pre-
Unemployed 24 (3.3%) diction-oriented approach that is appropriate for research contexts
Other / No answer 77 (10.5%) (such as research on consumers’ m-shopping heterogeneity) that have
Net monthly income
≤ €1000 152 (20.7%)
not been well examined yet (Richter et al., 2016; Gefen et al., 2011). In
€1001–€2000 222 (30.2%) this context, the PLS approach is highly suitable for estimating large
€2001–€3000 160 (21.8%) complex models, it works well under the condition of small sample size,
≥ €3001 129 (17.6%) and it requires few assumptions about the distribution of the variables
No answer 71 (9.7%)
at the same time (Rigdon, 2016; Ringle et al., 2012; Hair et al., 2011).
M-Shopping experience
< 1 year 228 (31.1%) Although these are the clear benefits of choosing the PLS approach for
1–2 years 288 (39.2%) the present purposes, the technique nevertheless involves some draw-
2–3 years 124 (16.9%) backs too, such as biased parameter estimates, measurement errors, and
3–4 years 54 (7.4%) a missing overall fit test (see e.g. Rigdon, 2016 and Gefen et al., 2011
> 4 years 40 (5.4%)
M-Shopping frequency
for a critical look at PLS). However, what makes advanced PLS software
Rarely, or hardly at all 125 (17.0%) so useful nowadays is its additional settings, which enable a deeper
Half-yearly 83 (11.3%) multivariate analysis of data derived from the postulated model's re-
Quarterly 169 (23.0%) lationship to investigate (unobserved) heterogeneity in the research
Monthly 240 (32.7%)
model (Richter et al., 2016).
Weekly 102 (13.9%)
Daily 15 (2.0%) Once the theoretical assumptions are analysed and considered to be
valid, the finite mixture partial least square (FIMIX-PLS) can be

M. Groß Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 40 (2018) 8–18

Table 2
Construct and statistical metric of the 31 items used.

Constructs and scale itemsa Factor loadings (t-value)b Mean (S.D.) Kurtosis Skewness

Perceived ease of use (Aldás-Manzano et al., 2009; Ko et al., 2009; Yang, 2012)
• It is easy to use mobile shopping services. 0.920 (139.923) 5.49 (1.29) –0.01 –0.69
• I use mobile shopping services intuitively and without great effort. 0.840 (47.554) 5.24 (1.41) 0.37 –0.76
• I find it easy to get mobile shopping services to do what I want them to do.
Perceived usefulness (Aldás-Manzano et al., 2009; Ko et al., 2009; Yang, 2012)
0.911 (90.020) 5.43 (1.28) –0.23 –0.59

Mobile shopping services…

• … enable me to accomplish shopping tasks faster. 0.896 (93.271) 5.05 (1.41) –0.20 –0.51
• … reduce the time I spend shopping. 0.834 (63.744) 5.47 (1.35) –0.19 –0.75
• … can help me to make better purchasing decisions. 0.817 (50.319) 4.94 (1.50) –0.21 –0.48
• … make it easier for me to shop.
Perceived enjoyment (Yang, 2012)
0.845 (52.178) 4.84 (1.48) –0.29 –0.44

• It is fun to use mobile shopping. 0.928 (175.853) 4,94 (1.40) –0.05 –0.51
• I find mobile shopping entertaining. 0.914 (114.495) 4.69 (1.54) –0.31 –0.46
• I find mobile shopping exciting.
Attitude (Bigné et al., 2005; Aldás-Manzano et al., 2009)
0.887 (66.460) 4.45 (1.66) –0.71 –0.27

• Mobile shopping is interesting. 0.860 (56.341) 5.40 (1.28) 0.71 –0.81

• Mobile shopping is positive. 0.916 (114.316) 5.44 (1.21) 0.74 0.72
• Mobile shopping is valuable. 0.902 (82.600) 5.53 (1.27) 0.70 –0.84
• Mobile shopping is useful.
Trust in the m-vendor (Zhou, 2013; Groß, 2015b)
0.902 (97.127) 5.60 (1.23) 1.09 –0.99

Based on my experience with [‘vendor’] in the past, I think that they…

• … provide good customer services. 0.912 (98.267) 5.77 (1.22) 1.24 –1.11
• … keep their promises and commitments. 0.910 (96.523) 5.79 (1.21) 1.28 –1.13
• … care about their customers and take their concerns seriously. 0.918 (110.448) 5.56 (1.28) 0.23 –0.81
• … keep customers’ interests in mind.
Behaviour intention (Ko et al., 2009; Lu and Su, 2009; Yang, 2012)
0.923 (115.504) 5.68 (1.23) 1.25 –1.07

• Given the chance, I intend to shop with my smartphone. 0.866 (77.379) 4.67 (1.64) –0.54 –0.41
• I expect my mobile shopping to continue in the future. 0.813 (36.136) 5.47 (1.59) –0.04 –0.98
• I will recommend mobile shopping to others.
Social influences (Yang, 2012; Yang and Forney, 2013; San-Martín et al., 2013)
0.906 (124.118) 5.23 (1.42) –0.40 –0.78

• People who are important to me think that I should use mobile shopping. 0.932 (136.557) 4.73 (1.39) 0.24 –0.45
• Close friends and acquaintances regularly use their smartphone to mobile shop. 0.911 (99.959) 4.84 (1.45) –0.15 –0.36
• Persons who are very close to me value the benefits of mobile shopping.
Usage behaviour (Klopping and McKinney, 2004; Groß, 2015b)
0.943 (173.279) 4.80 (1.42) 0.13 –0.47

In the past six months, I have engaged in mobile shopping activities…

• … in order to purchase online products. 0.913 (104.134) 4.90 (1.73) –0.31 –0.69
• … in order to shop for products from different vendors. 0.882 (79.854) 4.95 (1.64) –0.19 –0.66
• … to make personal purchases. 0.911 (109.933) 4.76 (1.68) –0.33 –0.60
• I have used different kinds of mobile shopping services in the last six months.
Satisfaction (San‐Martín and López‐Catalán, 2013)
0.746 (34.440) 4.01 (1.68) –0.81 –0.11

• I am satisfied with the way in which shopping transactions are processed on smartphones. 0.940 (159.451) 5.21 (1.35) 0.43 –0.71
• Mobile shopping fulfils all of my expectations. 0.924 (162.270) 5.03 (1.41) –0.07 –0.50
• Shopping on my smartphone is very satisfactory. 0.911 (160.484) 5.08 (1.38) 0.11 –0.56

Seven-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (‘strongly disagree’) to 7 (‘strongly agree’).
Based on bootstrapping with 5000 samples.

additionally applied to uncover the heterogeneity in the structural shopping acceptance’ to a larger extent (more about this approach can
model. Unlike traditional clustering approaches (e.g. k-means), which be found in the discussion sections).
focus on the distance between objects or pairs to identify optimal All in all, while the basic PLS algorithm is used to validate the
cluster solution (segments), FIMIX-PLS is a model-based method in the postulated research model on the aggregate data level (referring to
structural equalling model context that hypothesises a statistical model study focus part I), both FIMIX-PLS and IPMA are afterwards applied to
for the data (Ringle et al., 2010). FIMIX-PLS enables model parameters handle data heterogeneity (referring to study focus part II).
(e.g. path coefficients) to be estimated and object affiliations to be si-
multaneously segmented when a priori information about the dis- 4. Data results
tribution of overall data heterogeneity is not known (Sarstedt and
Ringle, 2010). Based on the mixture regression concept, the FIMIX When assessing results obtained using SmartPLS, the literature re-
approach assumes that the data originates from several segments, and commends a two-step analysis approach: in the first step, the mea-
that each of them can be modelled separately. Thus, the overall popu- surement model must be examined to test its reliability and validity,
lation of potential m-shoppers can be divided into a number of (un- while in the second step the structural model needs to be examined to
known) segments, whereby each represents its own density functions test the research model and hypotheses (Henseler et al., 2009).
describing different meaningful characteristics of m-shoppers (Mancha
et al., 2014; Sarstedt and Ringle, 2010). 4.1. Evaluation of the measurement
Finally, a useful complement to the results obtained using the
FIMIX-PLS segmentation approach is the subsequent use of the im- The measurement model assessment involves specific quality criteria,
portance-performance matrix analysis (IPMA) (e.g., Hair et al., 2016; including indicator reliability, internal consistency reliability, con-
Mourada and Valette-Florence, 2016; Matthews et al., 2016; Ringle and vergent validity, and discriminant validity (see Hair et al., 2012 re-
Sarstedt, 2016; Rigdon et al., 2011). For instance, by applying IPMA, garding the recommended threshold level, for instance). The results
segment-specific recommendations for more precise marketing activ- regarding these criteria are presented in Table 3. All factor loadings not
ities and measures can be made to explain the phenomenon of ‘m- only consistently exceed the threshold of 0.7, but are also highly

M. Groß Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 40 (2018) 8–18

Table 3
Evaluation of the measurement model.

Latent construct Range of factor loadings Inter-construct correlationsa


Attitude (ATT) 0.860–0.916 0.895

Behaviour intention (BI) 0.813–0.906 0.668 0.862
Perceived enjoyment (PE) 0.887–0.928 0.623 0.647 0.910
Perceived ease of use (PEOU) 0.840–0.920 0.681 0.535 0.480 0.891
Perceived usefulness (PU) 0.817–0.896 0.681 0.676 0.652 0.554 0.849
Trust in the m-vendor (TR) 0.910–0.923 0.431 0.386 0.346 0.426 0.330 0.916
Satisfaction (SAT) 0.911–0.940 0.708 0.768 0.676 0.645 0.675 0.422 0.941
Social influences (SI) 0.911–0.943 0.538 0.592 0.537 0.465 0.530 0.322 0.574 0.929
Usage behaviour (USE) 0.746–0.913 0.531 0.681 0.546 0.441 0.570 0.280 0.634 0.550 0.866

Composite reliability (CR > 0.7) 0.942 0.897 0.935 0.920 0.911 0.954 0.959 0.950 0.922
Cronbach's alpha (α > 0.7) 0.917 0.828 0.897 0.870 0.870 0.936 0.936 0.921 0.886
Average variance extracted (AVE > 0.5) 0.802 0.744 0.828 0.794 0.720 0.839 0.886 0.863 0.749

While bold numbers on the diagonal show the square root of AVE for that construct, the off-diagonal elements show the latent variable correlations.

significant (p > 0.001); therefore, a good indicator reliability is found Table 4

(Hulland, 1999). In addition, the internal consistency reliability is Results of hypothesis testing and the model's predictive power.
supported since both the criteria of composite reliability (Bagozzi and
Hypotheses and Path ß Path coefficient (t- Test result
Yi, 1988) and Cronbach's alpha (Nunnally, 1978) are clearly above the values)a
recommended threshold of 0.7. The same is applied to the convergent
validity, since the average variance extracted (AVE) for all constructs is H01 PU → ATT 0.312 (6.572)*** Supported
above the suggested threshold of 0.5 (Bagozzi and Yi, 1988). Finally, H02 PE → ATT 0.228 (5.987)*** Supported
H03 PEOU → ATT 0.398 (11.239)*** Supported
with respect to the criterion proposed by Fornell and Larcker (1981), H04 PEOU → PU 0.554 (18.247)*** Supported
the data set provides sufficient discriminant validity because the square H05 PEOU → PE 0.480 (15.188)*** Supported
roots of all AVE scores (given as diagonal elements in Table 3) are H06 ATT → BI 0.461 (12.190)*** Supported
significantly larger than any other correlation coefficients among all H07 TR → BI 0.086 (2.386)* Supported
H08 SI → BI 0.317 (8.926)*** Supported
constructs, and also because all of the indicator's loadings are higher
H09 BI → USE 0.481 (9.176)*** Supported
than all of its cross-loadings. Additional support for established dis- H10 SAT → USE 0.251 (4.630)*** Supported
criminant validity is derived from the heterotrait-monotrait ratio of
correlations, as no correlation exceeds the threshold value of 0.85 (Endogenous) Constructs R2 (with effect level) Q2
(Henseler et al., 2015). Perceived usefulness (PU) 0.307 (weak) 0.218
Perceived enjoyment (PE) 0.231 (weak) 0.183
Attitude (ATT) 0.626 (moderate) 0.499
Behaviour intention (BI) 0.528 (moderate) 0.387
4.2. Evaluation of the structural model Usage behaviour (USE) 0.487 (moderate) 0.363

Once the measurement model evaluation criteria have provided Results based on bootstrapping with 5000 samples: * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; ***
sufficient results, the evaluation of the structural model follows. This as- p < 0.001 (two-sided).

sessment requires analogues to the previous step's specific criteria, in-

cluding the path coefficients with their significance level, the coeffi- H08. Finally, consumers’ m-shopping behaviour is significantly de-
cients of determinates (R2), and the predictive relevance (Q2) of the termined by both their intention to m-shop (ß = 0.481, p < 0.001) and
model (see e.g. Hair et al., 2012 regarding the recommended threshold their degree of SAT (ß = 0.251, p < 0.001) with m-shopping, providing
level). statistical evidence to support H09 and H10. Hence, the PLS-SEM
The individual strength of the path coefficients and their statistical analysis supports all 10 hypotheses of this study on the basis of ag-
significance for testing the underlying model hypotheses are obtained gregate data.
by using the bootstrapping re-samples procedure with 5000 samples However, due to its predictive-oriented approach, the most relevant
(Hair et al., 2011). As shown in Table 4, all postulated relationships measure used for the structural model assessment is the coefficient of
between the constructs are highly significant at p < 0.001 and are in determination (R2), which represents the amount of explained variance
line with the hypothesised direction, with one marginal exception: the of the endogenous latent variable (the model's predictive power) that is
relationship between trust and BI (referring to H07) is statistically determined by all of the linked exogenous constructs (Hair et al., 2012).
significant at p < 0.05. With respect to Henseler et al. (2009), who consider R2-values of 0.67,
In more detail, the results therefore suggest that consumers’ ATT 0.33, and 0.19 as substantial, moderate, and weak, respectively, the
towards m-shopping is substantially affected by the PU (ß = 0.312, explanatory power in the underlying model for ATT, BI, and USE can
p < 0.001), PE (ß = 0.228, p < 0.001), and PEOU (ß = 0.398, therefore be described as moderate, while the power of both PU and PE
p < 0.001) regarding m-shopping. This supports H01, H02, and H03. is weak. Moreover, in line with the predictive accuracy of the R2-values,
Furthermore, PEOU has an additional, significant positive impact on the predictive relevance of all five endogenous constructs is confirmed
both PU (ß = 0.554, p < 0.001) and PE (ß = 0.480, p < 0.001), con- as all Stone-Geissers's Q2-values, which are obtained by using the
firming H04 and H05. On the other hand, consumers’ intention to m-shop blindfolding procedure, are consistently greater than 0 (Hair et al.,
is more affected by their attitude towards m-shopping (ß = 0.461, 2012; Henseler et al., 2009). Table 4 provides the discussed criteria for
p < 0.001) and social aspects (ß = 0.371, p < 0.001), as is the case assessing the quality of the structural model.
with the impact of consumers’ trust in the m-vendor (ß = 0.086, Although not free from criticism in the context of PLS-SEM due to its
p < 0.05). However, all three relationships receive statistical support predictive orientation approach, the use of model fit indices is also used
for explaining consumers’ BI to m-shop, thus confirming H06, H07, and in this study (Henseler and Sarstedt, 2013; Hair et al., 2011). With

M. Groß Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 40 (2018) 8–18

Table 5 Table 7
Information and classification criteria for model selection. Membership probabilities for the three-segment solution.

Criteriaa K=2 K=3 K=4 K=5 K=6 K=7 Membership probability K=1 K=2 K=3 Total Relative

AIC3 7.845 7.746 7.724 7.690 7.670 7.667 Segment share 61.9% 23.0% 15.1% 734 100%
BIC 7.956 7.915 7.950 7.974 8.012 8.067
CAIC 7.987 7.963 8.013 8.053 8.107 8.178 ≥ 50% 451 169 109 729 99.32%
LnL –3.876 –3.803 –3.767 –3.726 –3.693 –3.667 ≥ 60% 409 149 93 651 88.69%
EN 0.537 0.625 0.661 0.636 0.651 0.568 ≥ 70% 372 130 78 580 79.02%
≥ 80% 305 120 53 478 65.12%
AIC3 = Akaike Information Criterion (modified with factor 3), BIC = Bayesian ≥ 90% 184 92 27 303 41.28%
Information Criteria, CAIC = Consistent AIC, LnL = LogLikelihood, EN = Entropy
Statistic (Normed), NFI = Non-Fuzzy Index. The best choices are highlighted.
less than 7% (n < 51 respondents) would meet at least the minimum
respect to the two available criteria (and their conservative thresholds) sample size requirements, fit best to the model complexity (with nine
for model fit assessment, namely the standardised root mean square constructs and 10 postulated relationships), and thus allow a reasonable
residual (SRMR < 0.08) and the root mean squared residual covariance segment-specific PLS path analysis (Hair et al., 2016; Rigdon et al.,
matrix of the outer model residuals (RMSTheta < 0.12), the underlying 2011). Moreover, according to Dijkstra and Henseler (2015), both path
model offers an appropriate model fit with SRMR = 0.048 and coefficients and indicator loadings become ‘consistent at large’ with an
RMSTheta = 0.115 (Henseler et al., 2014). appropriate high sample size per segment. Therefore, the FIMIX-PLS
solutions with K = 4 and more segment classes are not admissible, and,
4.3. FIMIX-PLS approach for data heterogeneity investigation moreover, small segment size is relatively unimportant for interpret-
ability and target marketing activities (Sarstedt and Ringle, 2010). In
Once all model-relevant criteria have been estimated to be valid and comparison to the K = 2 segment solution, the preferred three-segment
to support the underlying theoretical assumptions on the aggregate data solution (K = 3) not only has a better (smaller) value range for the
level, including the measurement and structural models, FIMIX-PLS can information criteria (see AIC3, BIC, and CAIC), but also implies a better
be applied. FIMIX-PLS follows a multi-stage approach, including the (higher) quality of partition with a higher EN value of 0.628.
identification of an optimal number of segments, their validation and Given that the three-segment solution (K = 3) is regarded as the
explanation, as well as the segment-specific path models estimation best option,2 Table 7 presents the number of respondents who belong to
(Hair et al., 2016; Ringle et al., 2010; Sarstedt et al., 2009). a segment with certain membership probability. While, in a theoretical
To investigate any (unobserved) heterogeneity caused by the data set, sense, a membership probability should be as unique as possible for one
the FIMIX-PLS procedure is run six times for K ranging from 2 through 7 specific segment with a probability of almost 1, in reality much lower
(Miller, 1956), and the resulting latent variable scores from the struc- membership probabilities are common. According to Hahn et al.
tural model are initially used. Because the optimal number of segments (2002), lower membership probability exemplifies the complexity of
is a priori unknown, in accordance with Sarstedt et al. (2011a), (2011b) measuring response-based variables; therefore, the probability ranges
Table 5 provides the values of three information criteria (AIC3, BIC, above 50% are of interest. As a result, 729 out of 734 respondents
CAIC) and two classification criteria (LnL, EN) that are obtained sepa- (approximately 99%) belong to one segment with a probability of above
rately for each segment, numbers K = 2–7, to determine the best so- 50%, whereas for 303 respondents (approximately 41% of all) the
lution regarding the segments’ statistical adequacy and interpretability membership probability is even higher than 90%, indicating a sufficient
(see in addition Hair et al. (2016) and Hahn et al. (2002)). segment partition.
According to the literature, an optimal solution is given when the After an optimal FIMIX-PLS segment solution has been selected, the
values of defined criteria are as low as possible, with one exception: the analysis of the inner-model structure of all three segments follows. This
value of EN, which should be as high as possible to reflect an appro- includes a separate evaluation of both their measurement and structural
priate level of separability. The EN value is furthermore regarded as the models to the same extent for each segment, as is described and done in
most powerful and important criterion; it ranges from 0 to 1, with the previous section for the aggregate data set (Matthews et al., 2016;
higher values mostly indicating a better quality of separation. Hence, a Rigdon et al., 2011; Sarstedt and, Ringle, 2010). For comparison pur-
good partition power is provided when the value of EN is above 0.5, poses only, Table 8 provides an overview of all relevant criteria of the
which is principally the case for all segment solutions in Table 5. aggregate data and the segment-specific results. According to the table,
However, the final segment solution should not just be based on em- the results of the measurement model evaluation support the measures’
pirically validated findings, but should also be of practical relevance, reliability and validity, with one exception regarding segment K = 3:
which implies an interpretability of the segment differences (Ringle here, Fornell and Larcker's (1981) strict criterion is not fully met,
et al., 2010). suggesting that the construct measurements for this data sample do not
Considering the complexity of the underlying research model in discriminate well (more specifically: the indicator's loadings of both PE
combination with the size of each segment given in Table 6, the seg- and PU are not higher than all of its cross-loadings, as is required by
ment with K = 3 is finally regarded to be the best option. Based on a Fornell and Larcker's criterion).
data sample of n = 734 m-shoppers, it is doubtful that a segment size of In terms of the structural model assessment, all postulated path
relationships are significant only on the basis of the aggregate data,
Table 6
while this is not entirely given for the segment-specific extraction,
Segment sizes for the different evaluated numbers on segments. implying a certain level of heterogeneity. However, since for target
marketing activities only significant differences between segments offer
Segment K p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 ∑k pk valuable insights regarding consumer attitudes and acceptance

2 0.583 0.417 1.000

3 0.619 0.230 0.151 1.000
4 0.488 0.321 0.174 0.017 1.000 Please note: to reveal the best solution based on the data sample, all potential seg-
5 0.453 0.253 0.163 0.066 0.065 1.000 ment solutions have been analysed with the same relevant set of criteria (as described in
6 0.369 0.303 0.152 0.095 0.064 0.016 1.000 Sections 4.1 and 4.2, and thus finally listed in Table 8 for the selected solution) to assess
7 0.254 0.166 0.163 0.163 0.100 0.093 0.062 1.000 the quality of the structural model. This approach suggests that the three-segment solu-
tion is the best option.

M. Groß Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 40 (2018) 8–18

Table 8
FIMIX-PLS results of three latent segments solution.

Global modela FIMIX segmentationa t[mgp]C

K=1 K=2 K=3 K1 / K2 K1 / K3 K2 / K3

Segment size 734 (100%) 454 (61.9%) 169 (23.0%) 111 (15.1%)
Segment label Motivated m- Thoughtful utilitarian-oriented Satisfied convenience-conscious
shopper m-shoppers m-shoppers
Hypotheses and
H01: PU → ATT 0.312 (6.572)*** 0.300 (6.807)*** 0.314 (4.294)*** 0.117 (1.800) n.s. 0.164 n s. 1.941 n s. 1.903 n s.
H02: PE → ATT 0.228 (5.987)*** 0.274 (7.454)*** 0.172 (2.434)* 0.029 (0.420) n.s. 1.380 n s. 2.994** 1.340 n s.
H03: PEOU → ATT 0.398 (11.239)*** 0.398 (11.388)*** 0.376 (6.017)*** 0.834 (10.416)*** 0.312 n s. 5.511*** 4.656***
H04: PEOU → PU 0.554 (18.247)*** 0.716 (34.815)*** 0.030 (0.395) n.s. 0.974 (207.074)*** 11.840*** 6.162*** 9.794***
H05: PEOU → PE 0.480 (15.188)*** 0.534 (16.212)*** 0.108 (1.354) n.s. 0.976 (253.389)*** 5.850*** 6.547*** 8.771***
H06: ATT → BI 0.461 (12.190)*** 0.502 (15.328)*** 0.295 (3.990)*** 0.862 (15.839)*** 2.984** 5.048*** 5.626***
H07: TR → BI 0.086 (2.386)* –0.012 (0.318) n.s. 0.223 (3.033)** 0.018 (0.358) n.s. 3.626*** 0.470 n s. 2.071*
H08: SI → BI 0.317 (8.926)*** 0.460 (13.393)*** 0.072 (1.034) n.s. 0.059 (1.074) n.s. 5.560*** 5.405*** 0.134 n s.
H10: BI → USE 0.481 (9.176)*** 0.601 (12.962)*** 0.277 (2.611)** 0.551 (4.284)*** 3.221*** 2.490* 2.019*
H09: SAT → USE 0.251 (4.630)*** 0.256 (5.232)*** 0.135 (1.783) n.s. 0.275 (1.986)* 1.991* 0.159 n s. 2.048*
PU 0.307 [0.241, 0.513 [0.455, 0.001 [0.000, 0.034]b 0.946 [0.926, 0.962]b
0.376]b 0.59]b
PE 0.231 [0.173, 0.286 [0.220, 0.012 [0.000, 0.068]b 0.946 [0.926, 0.962]b
0.292]b 0.358]b
ATT 0.626 [0.579, 0.714 [0.673, 0.335 [0.242, 0.466]b 0.980 [0.973, 0.987]b
0.677]b 0.757]b
BI 0.528 [0.461, 0.732 [0.692, 0.198 [0.118, 0330]b 0.839 [0.779, 0.890]b
0.597]b 0.773]b
USE 0.487 [0.428, 0.675 [0.625, 0.191 [0.105, 0.312]b 0.651 [0.543, 0.754]b
0.550]b 0.724]b
Measurement model assessmentd
Convergent validity (AVE) + + + +
Reliability (CR and α) + + + +
Discriminant validity + + + –

Results based on bootstrapping with 5.000 samples show the path coefficients and their t-values (in brackets) with* p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001; n.s. non-significant (two-
Bootstrapped R2-values with confidence interval [2.5%, 97.5%].
t[mga] = t-values for multi-group analysis with 5.000 permutations with* p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001; n.s. non-significant (two-sided).
CR = Composite reliability; α = Cronbach's alpha; AVE = Average variance extracted; +/– criterion for the measurement model assessment is fulfilled/ is not fulfilled.

behaviours, a multi-group analysis is also conducted to assess and In addition, the initial two-dimensional grid can further be divided
compare whether the segment-specific relationships of path coefficients into a four-field matrix to prioritise needs for marketing actions when
are indeed significantly different from each other (Hahn et al., 2002). taking into account both median lines for the importance and perfor-
To this end, the PLS multi-group analysis (PLS-MGA) is used by ap- mance of each latent construct (Martilla and James, 1977). Considering
plying the permutation test (with 5000 permutations) (Rigdon et al., the individual results of m-shopper types in Fig. 2, four different re-
2011; Sarstedt and Ringle, 2010; Ringle et al., 2010). The multi-group commendations can be made for more efficient actions of target mar-
comparison results in Table 8 show that 21 out of 30 path relationships keting activities (see also e.g. Matzler et al. (2004), Riviezzo et al.
are statistically different in terms of a p-value of at least 0.05 across all (2009), or Feng et al. (2014) for similar descriptions):
segments, supporting once again a more or less sufficient segment
distinction. • Quadrant I represents attributes of acceptance that are evaluated
highly in both performance and importance, stressing competitive
factors for gaining or sustaining acceptance of m-shopping at a high
4.4. IPMA to offer managerial implications
level. Therefore, m-retailers should continue the work they are
doing to keep all assigned factors in this quadrant.
In prioritising managerial implications, the segment-specific view-
point should be respected (Slack, 1994). Thus, in line with previous • Quadrant II involves attributes of acceptance with a high importance
but low performance, thus indicating a high priority in intervention
studies focusing on the identification and assessment of influencing key
for improvement. M-retailers should concentrate on these factors
factors with regard to company brands (Völckner et al., 2010), cross-
first, as ignorance of these attributes might cause a lack of accep-
industry innovations (Bader, 2013), and satisfaction with service in-
tance of m-shopping.
terfaces (Höck et al., 2010), the IPMAs are additionally performed to
elaborate more accurate marketing-related recommendations to im- • Quadrant III covers attributes of acceptance that are both low in
performance and importance. Due to their low priority, it is not
prove m-shopping acceptance. According to Rigdon et al. (2011), this
advisable to focus additional improvement effort on these assigned
kind of matrix-related grid analysis combines the total effects of the
attributes, as long as the strength of their influence does not change.
PLS-SEM estimates (‘importance’) with the average value scores (‘per-
formance’)3 of each latent construct in the structural model to explain • Quadrant IV contains attributes of acceptance with a low importance
but high performance rate; however, this implies possible excessive
the target to a larger extent: in this study, the m-shopping behaviour.
effort in forming positive m-shopping acceptance. To avoid this,
present marketing resources should be used in other areas than the
The criterion ‘performance value’ refers to the rescaled version of each latent variable attributes in this quadrant.
score that was initially measured with the seven-point Likert scale, now ranging on a scale
from 0 to 100 to facilitate interpretation (Ringle and Sarstedt, 2016).

M. Groß Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 40 (2018) 8–18

• Apart from attitude, consumers’ intention to use m-shopping is much

more strongly affected by social influence than by confidence in m-
vendors, confirming Zhang et al.’s (2012) meta-analysis results,
which take up to 53 mobile commerce studies into account. The
present study's result is not surprising as m-shopping services enable
consumers to share their newly purchased items, to ask for feedback,
and/or to express any displeasure immediately in social networks
with a few swift finger movements. It is also not uncommon for
consumers to use social networks to ask their peers for purchase
recommendations, particularly with regard to the trustworthiness of
• Thus, in addition to consumers’ intention, m-shopping usage beha-
viour is driven by consumers’ satisfaction. This supports previous
research studies showing that satisfaction positively affects con-
sumers’ intention to continue to engage in m-shopping (e.g. Agrebi
and Jallais, 2015; Gao et al., 2015; Schramm-Klein and Wagner,

Second, and in relation to study focus part II, with the help of the
PLS-FIMIX approach the empirical findings furthermore reveal three
different m-shopper segments, supporting the assumption of data het-
erogeneity that is an inherent part of the postulated structural model.
The causal relationship between attitude, intention, and behaviour is
found to be significant across all three segments, and the multi-
dimensional framework is additionally confirmed. In accordance with
the typological approach proposed by San-Martín et al. (2013), the
three identified segments can be characterised as follows.

• Segment 1 includes n = 454 m-shoppers, representing the majority

of the sample (61.9%), and these shoppers can be described as
‘motivated m-shoppers’. This stems from the fact that they perceive
m-shopping not only as useful and enjoyable to a greater extent than
Fig. 2. IPMA for m-shopping behaviour across the three m-shopper types.
the other two segments, but also as highly socially important and as
an easy-to-use service. Across all segments, the majority of existing
It should be noted that these managerial suggestions stress stereo- m-shoppers seem to be highly motivated to shop mobile. On the
typical recommendations derived from the matrix grid, which offers a other hand, the motivated m-shoppers are the least satisfied with m-
corridor approach for prioritising activities and tasks. This should shopping. This suggests that current m-shopping services are not
nevertheless not preclude a combination of different marketing activ- able to fulfil all of consumers’ expectations to the same extent, ul-
ities, particularly to improve overall m-shopping acceptance across all timately implying a certain degree of dissatisfaction. Moreover, trust
three identified shopper segments. in the m-vendor does not seem to be a relevant acceptance factor for
the motivated m-shoppers, supporting the importance of social in-
5. Discussion and conclusions fluences.
• Segment 2, representing nearly one quarter of the sample (n =
5.1. Summary 169 m-shoppers, sample size of 23.0%), consists of ‘thoughtful uti-
litarian-oriented m-shoppers’. One main characteristic of the con-
Driven by both the lack of a multidimensional understanding of m- sumers in this segment is that they perceive m-shopping to be much
shopping acceptance (study focus part I) and the absence of sufficient more useful than enjoyable. The impact of the perceived usefulness
characterisation of different m-shopper types (study focus part II), this aspect is almost twice as high as that of perceived enjoyment. Unlike
study contributes to contemporary research on m-shopping in two other segments, a second main characteristic of this one is that trust
ways. in the m-vendor is an important factor for m-shopping. This might
First, with respect to the aggregate data level (n = 734 survey re- imply that for a certain proportion of consumers, nearly one quarter,
spondents) and the study focus part I, the analysis shows strong support m-shopping is not free of any risks and uncertainties, and, as a
for the causal relationship between attitude, intention, and behaviour, consequence of this, they select m-vendors carefully.
and thus confirms the multidimensional framework hypothesised in this
• Finally, segment 3 contains n = 111 of the m-shoppers in the sample
study. (15.1%), referred to as ‘satisfied convenience-conscious m-shop-
pers’. Interestingly, these m-shoppers do not perceive m-shopping as
• In more detail, consumers’ attitude towards m-shopping is more af- useful and enjoyable; instead, they prefer it due to its ease of use.
fected by an easy-to-use interface than by usefulness and enjoyment. Since m-shopping is convenient, these shoppers are expected to have
However, all three factors are nevertheless essential to form a po- an ultimately positive attitude towards it. Confirming this expecta-
sitive attitude, and an easy-to-use interface affects more utilitarian tion, they find m-shopping overall to be highly satisfactory. Similar
than hedonic aspects. This is different from previous study findings to the motivated m-shoppers, however, m-vendor trust is not im-
on this topic, which suggest that consumers without experience with portant to this segment.
m-purchases value m-shopping services for usefulness and enjoy-
ment reasons (e.g. San-Martín et al., 2013; Aldás-Manzano et al., Due to the different importance of acceptance factors, the model-
2009; Ko et al., 2009; Lu and Su, 2009). This changes as more ex- specific explanatory power varies across the three segments: for the
perience is gained, highlighting the importance of ease of use. ‘motivated m-shoppers’, the ‘thoughtful utilitarian-oriented m-

M. Groß Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 40 (2018) 8–18

shoppers’, and the ‘satisfied convenience-conscious m-shoppers’, it ex- and, moreover, is less prone to the familywise error rate (e.g. type-II
plains approximately 67.5%, 19.1%, and 65.1% of the variance in their errors) that might affect study results. On the other hand, this suggested
present m-shopping behaviour, respectively. approach requires stricter assumptions regarding the data structure.
Third, because self-reported measures were used to determine m-
5.2. Managerial implications and suggestions shopping behaviour in this study, the results are limited. Future studies
should therefore try to take real usage of m-shopping into account; this
With regard to the result of the IPMA and the structured re- might for instance be done through mobile device usage tracking (e.g.
commendations for action (see Section 4.3 again) to design tailor-made Wang et al., 2015). In such studies, the purposed multidimensional
services for m-shopping, several segment-specific suggestions can be acceptance framework could be used as a theoretical background. Thus,
made to improve consumers’ overall m-shopping acceptance. a model verification with the help of real usage data is recommended
First, since the IPMA shows the highest evaluation rates across all and would provide great value in terms of consumer insight.
three m-shopper types for consumers’ attitude regarding m-shopping in Finally, it should be noted that this study reflects only a momentary
both performance and importance, taking measures to improve attitude situation. Therefore, present knowledge will quickly become obsolete in
is highly advisable. Considering the cause-and-effect relationship of the the course of the high speed of development of m-shopping trends,
underlying research model, this should be done by improving aspects of suggesting a need for long-term research that respects consumers’ ex-
usability (e.g. easy and fast access to the Internet, and an intuitive and periences and their associated changes (e.g. perception of m-shopping
easy-to-use interface), usefulness (e.g. improving the effectiveness and issues).
efficiency of performing shopping tasks), and enjoyment (e.g. extending
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