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CHS Portfolio

Work Experience Outside of School

Describe the job(s) you have participated in outside of school.

The jobs I’ve participated in as a busier at hamburger ranch and was a waiter at a wedding.

If this is a regular job, on average, how many hours do you work each week?
I worked for 8 hours a week for hamburger ranch.
If this is an occasional job, how many hours do you estimate you have spent doing this activity?

I worked at the wedding for 6 hours.

Do you enjoy the work that you have done so far? Why or why not?
Some days were fine and some days I didn’t because the rush hour of people made it very crazy.

What kinds of soft skills, academic skills, and/or specialized training have you needed to use in
your work?

I used my skills I have been taught by my parents to remain calm and have good manners.

What have learned about yourself so far by doing this kind of work?

I have learned that I can get along with people I don’t know a single thing about.

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