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1 Ask Preguntar I can ask something.?

2 Be Ser I want to be like you.

3 Begin Empezar I begin my new job as a painter on Monday.
4 Become Hacerse I will become stronger.
5 Believe Creer We believe in you.
6 Break Romper Let´s break the window.
7 Bring Traer Bring a beer.
8 Build Construir They are going to build a house.
9 Buy Comprar Let´s buy fruits.
10 Call Llamar Call my mother.
11 Can Poder I can whit this.
12 Cancel Cancelar Cancel the meeting.
13 Carry Llevar They carry their bags to the plane.
14 Catch Atrapar Catch the ball.
15 Change Cambiar Change your character.
16 Choose Elegir Choose a team.
17 Clean Limpiar I have to clean the room.
18 Close Cerrar I have close the door.
19 Come Venir Come to visit us.
20 Cute Cortar Cut the cake.
21 Dance Bailar I´m going to dance on Saturday.
22 Decide Decidir Decide fast what to do.
23 Do Hacer I do it for my family.
24 Draw Dibujar They Draw landscapes.
25 Drink Beber I drink cook.
26 Drive Manejar I will drive slowly.
27 Eat Comer You have to eat the rice.
28 Explain Explicar Explain why not.
29 Fell Caerce I fell and broke my arm.
30 Feel Sentir I feel very could in winter.
31 Fill Llenar We fill the house whit people.
32 Find Encontrar Let´s find the way home.
33 Finish Terminar Let´s finish the work of the 100 verbs.
34 Fit Caber Eighty people fit in that train car.
35 Fix Reparar Fix the car for Saturday
36 Fly Volar I believe I can fly.
37 Forget Olvidar Forget the keys at work.
38 Get Conseguir Let´s get that contract.
39 Give Dar Give me a chance.
40 Go Ir It´s time to go home.
41 Happen Pasar This can´t happen.
42 Have Tener I have the power.
43 Hear Oir I hear anything you tell me.
44 Hit Golpear I´m going to hit your face.
45 Hurt Dañar You hurt a player.
46 Keep Mantener Keep calm.
47 Know Saber You know what I men.
48 Let Dejar Let me know what she said.
49 Learn Aprender I want to learn English.
50 Leave Dejar Leave that in your room.
51 Listen Escuchar I´m going to listen music for a while.
52 Live Vivir I will live in the United States.
53 Look Mirar Look around.
54 Lose Perder I´m going to lose the game.
55 Make Hacer I´m going to make my train.
56 Meet Conocer Let´s meet another place.
57 Move Mover Move the car to another place.
58 Need Necesitar You need to change.
59 Open Abrir Open the door.
60 Pay Pagar I have to pay de bill.
61 Play Jugar Let´s play football.
62 Put Poner Put that on the site.
63 Read Leer I have to read five books.
64 Reply Responder She doesn´t answer my calls.
65 Run Correr Today we will run five km.
66 Say Decir I have to say something.
67 See Ver Let´s see the great canyon.
68 Seem Parecer Any of those options seem good to me.E
69 Sell Vender I will sell everything.
70 Send Enviar Send that email to the boss.
71 Set Poner Set the alarm clock to seven.
72 Show Mostar Show me the house.
73 Sign Firmar Sign the contract.
74 Sit Sentarse Sit down please.
75 Sleep Dormir We need some sleep.
76 Speak Hablar I need to speak.
77 Spell Deletrear Spell your name please.
78 Spend Gastar I don´t want to spend money.
79 Stand Ponerse de Pie Stand up please.
80 Start Comenzar Let´s start the game.
81 Stop Parar You can stop now.
82 Study Estudiar Let´s study English.
83 Take Tomar Our second option is to take a taxi.
84 Tall Alto He is as tall as his brother.
85 Teach Enseñar Do you teach me how to cook.
86 Tell Decir Tell me more about you.
87 Think Pensar I think that would be a serious mistake.
88 Try Intentar I will try to win.
89 Turn Doblar Turn to the left.
90 Understand Entender I do not understand anything.
91 Use Usar Use a match to light the candle.
92 Wait Esperar That can wait.
93 Walk Caminar Walk beside me.
94 Want Querer I want to learn English.
95 Watch Mirar He took her to watch the beautiful sunset.
96 Win Ganar You bad you didn´t win first place.
97 Work Trabajar I have no desire to work today.
98 Worry Preocuparce Don’t worry, be happy.
99 Write Escribir Write your name on the line.
100 March Marchar There is a march against poverty next Saturday.

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