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integr med res 7 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 109–125

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Review Article

Integration of botanicals in contemporary

medicine: road blocks, checkpoints and go-ahead

Neha Arora Chugh, Shreya Bali, Ashwani Koul ∗

Department of Biophysics, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The use of botanicals for maintaining good health and preventing diseases is undisputed.
Received 22 September 2017 The claimed health benefits of natural health products and herbal medicines are based on
Revised 7 March 2018 traditional claims, positive results obtained in preclinical studies and early phase clinical
Accepted 22 March 2018 trials that are not backed by safety and efficacy evidences approved by regulatory agen-
cies. Although, the popularity of botanicals is growing, health care practitioners of modern
medicine seldom recommend their use because of ill equipped database of their safety and
Keywords: potency. This review discusses problems that preclude botanicals from integrating into the
Botanicals mainstream contemporary therapeutics and cues that provide impetus for their realisation.
Complementary and alternative © 2018 Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. This is an
medicine open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Contemporary medicine (

origin and around 27 anticancer drugs including actinomycin

1. Introduction
D, paclitaxel, vincristine, topotecan, dexamethasone, etopo-
side, tamoxifen etc. developed during the period 1940–2010,
The use of plants for therapeutic purposes can be traced
were from natural sources.8–10
back to the Neanderthal period and since then their use
The search for medicinally relevant compounds from natu-
for remedial purposes has been growing.1 Animals have
ral sources is relatively easy because they have a history of use
also been consuming plants for their healing properties
in prevention and/or treatment of diseases. Thus, drug discov-
and such serendipitous occurrences have provided leads for
ery from herbal sources is experience driven and on the con-
identifying plants with medicinal potentials.2–5 Many of the
trary, the search of a clinically useful compound ‘de novo’ with
drugs in modern therapeutics are natural products or have
no source leads is a ‘shot in the dark’. Drug development from
been derived from them (plants, microbes, marine organ-
plants is carried out in three elaborate steps namely: pre-drug
isms/plants, insects, animals).6–9 Data collected over the years
stage; quasi drug stage and full drug stage.11 Pre-drug stage
from drug manufacturing community has indicated that about
50% of drugs available in the last several decades had natural

Corresponding author. Department of Biophysics, Panjab University, South Campus, Sector 25, Chandigarh-160014, India.
E-mail addresses:, (A. Koul).
2213-4220/© 2018 Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (
110 Integr Med Res ( 2 0 1 8 ) 109–125

is the first stage of drug development and involves the infor- and their eminence for purported health benefits is on a con-
mation driven selection of herbs or plants, based on results tinuous rise.26
obtained in animal studies, experience obtained by their Modern medicine targets the disease usually by employing
indigenous use and through self-medication. Thus, fruits, veg- a single agent (monotherapy). Traditional healing systems like
etables, spices, and traditional medicinal plants are obvious ayurveda employ different approaches like medicinal herbs,
targets for this approach. Once cleared through the pre-drug yoga, dietary control, meditation, prayers etc for restoring
stage, the plant enters the quasi drug stage which involves balance in the body and alleviation of diseases. Traditional
the preparation of extracts, screening of phytochemicals, systems of medicine are based on the holistic treatment of
structure and composition elucidation, bioactivity evaluation the patient which also takes into consideration behavioral,
and identification of possible lead compounds using mod- physiological, psychological effects of drugs on the mind-body
ern techniques.12 Once the lead compound is identified, it is complex. Ayurvedic medicinal preparations contain combi-
structurally modified if needed. It is then evaluated in animal nation of medicinal plants, minerals, metals etc. Polyherbal
models, in-vitro studies and clinical trials and upon approval; formulations are recommended as they provide synergism of
it enters as a marketed drug. All these comprise the full drug positive effects and antagonism of negative effects and drug
stage. Although, modern, scientific and high through put tech- associated side effects.27,28 The use of multiple herbs in com-
nologies are available for the drug discovery process, however, bination with other ingredients and modalities serves well to
unless these take care of the ADMET profile (i.e., absorption, provide symptomatic relief alongside targeting the disease at
distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity) they may not the tissue level. The modern chemotherapeutic approaches
be able to successfully produce a good medicinal product. which are largely ‘molecule driven’ have taken an edge over
The drug development process is growing at an enor- traditional healing systems because plant based preparations
mous pace and it is undeniable that chemically synthesized and other complementary modalities are slow to act and
drugs have revolutionised the field of medicine. Despite, the provide relief gradually, in comparison to the drugs used in
well established system of modern conventional medicine, modern medicine.28,29 However, the ill effects emanating from
plants still continue to provide benefits for medicinal purposes the use of these drugs has provided grounds for renewed inter-
to about 80% of the world population, largely in develop- est in traditional therapies.30,31
ing countries.13,14 Over 70–95% of the population in Africa, The increase in adoption of herbal remedies may be
Asia, Latin America and Middle East use some form of tra- ascribed to: a general preference of natural therapies and
ditional medicine as their first line of treatment.15 Majority of aversion for other interventions like surgery, allopathic
the hospitals in China have well established units rendering medicines etc; inclination towards self-medication based
treatment through traditional healing systems.16,17 In China, upon experience; affordable cost of herbal medicines and
traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) was very widely used for ease of availability; side effects associated with conventional
controlling severe acute respiratory distress syndrome and in medicines (especially in cases of chronic problems) and grow-
Africa, traditional herbal medicine was used to alleviate symp- ing promotion of herbal medicines.13,32 Herbal remedies are
toms associated with human immune deficiency virus (HIV) generally used and/or recommended for maintaining good
infection.18,19 Plant based remedies are the primary form of health, alleviation of chronic problems and rarely for acute
healthcare amongst the unprivileged sections of populations and/or life-threatening problems.33,34 People begin using alter-
because of poverty and limited access to modern medicine. native forms of treatment, including herbal medicine when
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies conventional medicine is ineffective or for pain palliation in
is divided into two broad categories namely drug based CAM case of long standing problems like cancer, arthritis etc.17 The
therapies and non-drug based CAM therapies.20 Plants con- use of natural dietary supplements among the general popu-
stitute about 80% of the drug based CAM therapies. There lation is also very popular in an attempt to prevent cancer.35,36
has been a change of perception among the general pub- The use of dietary supplements (containing natural products)
lic and adoption of alternative remedies has increased even among cancer patients in USA has become very popular and
in the developed nations.13,21 Particularly, herbal medicine many patients begin using new dietary supplements with
is drawing attention and has given a boost to the phy- natural ingredients after being given a cancer diagnosis.37
topharmaceutical market in international trade. Global giants Botanicals when sold commercially are often referred to as
in pharmaceutical manufacturing have been aggressively ‘natural health products (NHPs) or herbal medicinal products
investing in herbal medicine.17,19 Chinese herbal medicine (HMPs)’. They are available as single isolated/enriched com-
registered an increase of 20 percent in sales in 2012 from pounds or as complex mixtures of several biologically active
the previous year; reaching to about US$83 billion.22 The compounds and they may be obtained from single herb or
international market for herbal supplements and remedies combination of herbs (polyherb formulations). They are pre-
is expected to reach US$115 billion by 2020, with Europe pared in a variety of ways and can be taken in the form
being the largest and Asia-Pacific being the fastest growing of decoction, tinctures, essential oils, teas, syrup, ointments,
market.23 Worldwide, about 35 000 plant species are being salves, and tablets/capsules that contain powered form of the
used for medicinal purposes.24 The Indian herbal industry whole plant/plant part or dried extract.17
uses about 960 plant species and among these about 178 Although, the adoption of herbal medicine/botanicals in
have huge consumption surpassing hundred metric tonnes.25 preventing and/or curing diseases through self-medication
Among the European countries, Germany and France have the instigated by promotion in popular media has seen a surge,38
largest sales of herbal medicines.17 The use of herbal supple- however, its acceptance among health care practitioners is not
ments is also very popular in United States of America (USA) very encouraging.39–41 Strange as it may appear, but many
N.A. Chugh et al 111

professional health practitioners admitted to having little and developing nations and of all cultures and religion. All
knowledge regarding herb supplements, which discourages these reasons account for the hazy reputation of botanicals.
their prospective clinical trials and use. It was revealed in a
survey that oncologists did not have enough knowledge about 2.1. Challenges of clinical trials: impediments in trial
the use of herbs and dietary supplements and did not receive designing, poor design of trials and their reporting,
any training in this regard. Due to lack of concrete evidence economically unviable trials
and scientifically robust studies evaluating their potential
risks and benefits, oncologists find it challenging to give advice Carrying out of randomised, placebo-controlled trials is essen-
to patients regarding their use, probable positive or negative tial in the evaluation of any drug for health benefits or disease
impact along with the use of other treatment modalities like mitigation.37 Usually herbal medicines have a peculiar color,
radiotherapy, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, immunother- taste and smell which make it difficult to carry out placebo-
apy etc.37,42 controlled trials.44,45 In addition, the decision to choose an
Although, many botanicals are in the pipeline of clini- ‘active reference medicine/comparator’ as a herbal product
cal trials however, they have met with little success because or one that from modern medicine is an area of concern.
of the study limitations.43 Therefore, health care practition- Quite literally, it is very difficult and impractical to have active
ers seldom recommend/prescribe their use in ailments. The and control groups with similar organoleptic features when
widespread promotion of the natural products/dietary sup- using herbal products.46 The differences in the type of for-
plements claiming their health benefits through television, mulations used, although containing the same ingredients
internet etc is one of the major sources through which the con- yield different results owing to the varying bioavailability of
sumers gain knowledge about these products. These claims the active constituents.47 Although, the inclusion and exclu-
are usually not backed by any regulatory authority and gen- sion criteria for enrolling patients in clinical trials with HMPs
erally are based on positive results obtained in pre-clinical could be based either on modern or traditional practice, how-
investigations in animal models, cell lines and/or small early ever, confounding situations could arise if the disease criteria
phase clinical trials. The use of these products bereft of any vary in both the systems.46 The inclusion and exclusion cri-
safety and efficacy studies is likely to have some detrimental teria for trials with herbal medicine are challenged by the
effects. For instance, in USA, for cancer, several clinical trials non-uniformity in medical systems across countries.48 Over-
have been conceived and initiated but Food and Drug Admin- looking such issues can allow for faulty interpretations and
istration (FDA) has not approved any phytoproduct in cancer conclusions. For instance, the criteria for patient selection by
therapy. A lot of natural dietary supplements have undergone American researchers for testing the potential of a herb on
phase 2 trials; however, majority failed to enter the follow up heart failure would be based on the disease features recog-
phase 3 trials.37,43 Plant extracts encounter steep failure rates nised by the New York Heart Association, which drastically
in clinical trials which is in sharp contrast to the enormous differs from the ‘ying and yang’ perspective of disease devel-
benefits they exhibit in pre-clinical studies.37 Thus, they fail to opment by the practitioners of TCM.19
obtain the regulatory approval as potential treatment options. Ayurveda (Indian form of traditional herbal medicine)
This review discusses various problems encountered with treats patients on the basis of ‘prakriti’ or the ‘psycho-
botanicals/phytomedicine and its possible integration with somatic’ constitution. This is an individualistic thing and
the contemporary medicine (Fig. 1). Some of the impediments ayurveda recommends compounding/mixing of herbs, dosage
are inherent to this healing system and there are other prob- and duration for an individual. Therefore, the effect of one par-
lems which fall in the ambit of regulations and procedures. ticular treatment regimen of an ayurvedic remedy would be
Even though, there has been a paradigm shift in the mindset of inappropriate to generalise to a subject population with vary-
people regarding the use of natural products, however unless ing psychosomatic constitution in clinical studies.49,50 Such
backed by their safety and efficacy proofs they are unlikely to generalisation could also be difficult to apply to other tra-
be recommended as popularly as the contemporary form of ditional forms of medicine like TCM which lays stress on
medicine. personalised medicine.51
Clinical evaluation of herbal drugs has been found to have
shortcomings in trial design, improper execution and weak
data analysis.52 Inappropriate number of patients in trials,
2. Problems that keep botanicals away from improper randomisation and selection bias has been observed
being included in the mainstream alternatives in previous clinical trials with herbal medicines.53,54 Enrolling
for health promotion and disease management fewer participants in the trial make it difficult to reach to
a statistically significant conclusion. Many a times, doubts
Scientifically sound and robust procedures and guidelines and objections have been raised on the methodology and
have been laid down for assessing safety, efficacy, pharma- inferences drawn from clinical trials of herbal treatments.
cokinetics, quality, good manufacturing practices (GMP), post In addition, reports on herbal drugs are incomplete with
marketing surveillance etc of conventional putative drugs. respect to the recommendations of Consolidated Standards
However, such rigorous procedures are lacking for herbal of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) guidelines,55–57 explaining the
products. In addition, clinical trials with herbal products are elusiveness and contradiction in their safety and efficacy
associated with poor design and reporting. This is surprising reviews.58–60 Considering these limitations, Cochrane reviews
considering the fact that this form of medicine enjoys such had concluded that with herbal drugs no well-designed trial
tremendous popularity amongst the people of both developed has been conducted and that there is not enough supporting
112 Integr Med Res ( 2 0 1 8 ) 109–125

Fig. 1 – Inclusion of botanicals in contemporary medicine: obstacles encountered and potential solutions (a brief summary)

evidence for their safety and effectiveness for the proposed Repetitive and large scale clinical trials are complicated,
clinical condition.61–67 Poor quality of trials and their reporting time consuming and expensive procedures. Usually, the com-
give way to under or overestimation of the treatment effects pound/drug molecule undergoing clinical trials is patented
which are bound to have undesired effects. Also, the conclu- by the pharmaceutical company and these are then sold at
sions made regarding the efficacy are surrounded by doubts a premium providing opportunities for the manufacturers to
linked to poor quality of reporting and poor design and con- gain profits. Usually, manufactures of food products, herbal
duct of trials.68 Very few clinical trials involving traditional products etc are not given patent protection and therefore
herbal medicines in Africa and China have been reported to be face price competition. Limited profits incurred dissuade them
of adequate quality and problems have been recognised with from paying the hefty costs involved in large phase 3 trials.37
regard to number of patients recruited, placebo preparation In USA, since FDA approval is not mandatory for selling
etc.69–71 dietary supplements containing herbal ingredients, therefore,
N.A. Chugh et al 113

manufactures avoid going through randomised, placebo- bioavailability, known and unknown adverse effects and drug
controlled phase 3 trials and continue promoting their prod- interactions rendering such treatment regimens unsuitable.88
ucts based upon the positive results obtained in phase 2 trials. Because of the inadequate studies determining the interac-
Due to the fact that plants cannot be patented, therefore drug tions of herbal medicines with the conventional medicines
manufacturers see fewer opportunities for huge profit making. there is a likelihood of adverse drug reactions (ADRs). Not only
In USA, approximately $5.5 billion to 5.9 billion and 15years is this, insufficient information is available regarding the dose
the amount of money and time spent in bringing a new drug to dependent effects and possible side effects of the same on
the market.72,73 Without huge profits in sight, very few com- consumption of higher doses. For instance, although herbal
panies are willing to invest in satisfying FDA requirements. remedies are effective in controlling progression of liver dis-
eases, however some of the compounds present in these
2.2. Problems of complexity: difficult pharmacokinetic medicines can have deleterious effects. Thus, this necessitates
evaluation and dosage calculation careful dose escalation and efficacy testing which involves
complex pharmacokinetic and dose calculation studies.89 Tra-
Pharmacokinetic studies are difficult to carry out on poly- ditional forms of medicine used in China, Japan, Korea, India
chemical natural products.74 This is because many a times, etc are mainly used in the form of decoction which involves
the active ingredient/active principle is not known, and also boiling of the plant parts to extract/enrich the compounds
the presence of several different active components make of interest. Decoctions suffer from disadvantages like dosage
the pharmacokinetic evaluation difficult and complex.75–77 quantification, composition stability, quality control etc. Dis-
The problems of pharmacokinetic profiling in phase I of drug crepancies in the reported dosage and treatment duration
development are further compounded in cases when poly- of herbal remedies; poor standardisation and lack of qual-
herbal formulations are used. This requires standardisation ity control of herbal preparations, presence of several active
of several active compounds and their estimation in the body compounds are some issues that make the dose calculation
fluids.78 Pharmacokinetic evaluation becomes very elaborate tedious.77
when patients simultaneously seek treatment from tradi-
tional and contemporary medicine systems. 2.3. Product categorization affects safety assessments:
Pharmacokinetic herb–drug interactions are mediated by pre-marketing and post-marketing safety checks
modulations in cytochrome P450s (CYPs) and drug trans-
porters (P-glycoprotein).79 CYPs are primarily involved in drug Herbal products are classified and regulated depending
metabolism and are abundantly present in liver and small upon countries/jurisdiction.90 The regulatory requirements
intestine. CYP3A4, one of the isoform of CYPs is an impor- for products labelled as ‘food’ are less stringent than those
tant drug metabolising enzyme (DMEs) that is involved in the labelled as ‘drugs’ or ‘medicinal products’. This categorisa-
herb–drug interactions.80 It is responsible for oxidising about tion varies between countries and sometimes even within
60% of drugs to less active or readily excretable metabolites the countries.91,92 Product categorisation can be a difficult
and its level of activity determines the bioavailability of the task, sometimes vague, presenting challenges to the regu-
drug. Any alteration in the activity of CYP3A4 gets reflected in latory authorities. The claims made regarding the products
the bioavailability of drugs that are oxidised by this CYP. For enlists them either into food or drugs i.e. products which claim
instance, it has been observed that grapefruit reduces enteric no health or medicinal benefits (treat or prevent diseases) are
CYP3A4 activity, thereby elevating the levels of some drugs to labelled as ‘food’. For instance, if products containing garlic
toxic levels.81 On the contrary, St.John’s wort, which is used in are claimed to exhibit health benefits then they are regulated
the treatment of depression increases CYP3A4 activity and P- as drugs, else are sold as food.68
glycoprotein, consequentially leading to diminished clinical In USA, herbal products are classified as dietary supple-
response of drugs like cyclosporine and indinivir.82,83 Since, ments or special foods and since they are not considered
the drug entities of both the systems are metabolised by the as drugs, therefore they can be sold without clinical trials
same monooxygenase system (DMEs) in the body, therefore and do not require pharmacovigilance reporting.93 Thus, FDA
pharmacokinetic interactions are inevitable. Further, poly- does not subject them to the same strict and thorough inten-
morphism in DMEs is likely to have its own influence on the sity checks of proof and safety. They are regulated under the
way individuals respond to herbal medicines.84 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, which allows
Conventional medicines are carefully studied for their dose their use without having them to clear the strict quality con-
effect response and accordingly safest dose is calculated tak- trol tests of Drugs and Cosmetics Acts (1994). FDA only reviews
ing into consideration body weight, drug interactions etc and these products and does not approve them. Accordingly, it is
possibly minimising the scope for negative effects.44,85,86 Dose not mandatory for manufacturers to test them in clinical trials
calculation is a tricky area to resolve in herbal medicine due before marketing them, thus allowing for any untoward effects
to several reasons. Very often the active ingredient/s and the that could occur with their use. FDA can disallow a com-
quantity is unknown in the herb and its raw material by which pany from making a supplement after it has been shown to
the herbal medicine is prepared. More so, very rarely it is cause adverse effects.94 Several such cases have been reported
known as to how the levels of the active constituents vary where herbal products have been recalled after they were
with the kind of processing the herb undergoes for preparation found containing banned substances or substances unfit for
of drug.87 In vitro and pre-clinical studies involve prolonged consumption like prescription drugs etc. FDA banned the sale
exposure to high concentrations of the phytoproduct. This of ephedra following reports of ephedra-related toxicity and
may be difficult to imitate in humans because of limited oral deaths.95 This is in striking contrast to the regulations for
114 Integr Med Res ( 2 0 1 8 ) 109–125

prescription and non-prescription drugs which are required correct identification of the plant/herb by the user. Inade-
to be proven safe before selling. Pharmacovigilance report- quate or inappropriate use of names can cause confusion. For
ing (ADR reporting) is also not mandatory for manufacturers instance, ADRs reporting by referring to the use of ‘ginseng’
of herbal dietary supplements.96 In the European Union (EU), could point out to a variety of plants, their species or even
herbal products are classified either as herbal medicines or as unrelated plants. ‘Ginseng’ may refer to Panax ginseng C.A. Mey
food supplements depending upon the claims made. Herbal or Panax quinquefolious (Burk.) F.H. Chen or other plants that
medicines in EU are required to satisfy safety and quality are also referred to as ginseng such as Eleutherococcus sentico-
standards but food supplements are not required to do so. sus (Rupr. & Maxim) Maxim (Siberian ginseng) or the unrelated
Complexity arises in cases when the same herb or mixture Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal (Indian Ginseng).96
of herbs is being supplied as herbal medicine and dietary sup- It is a general perception among consumers that herbal
plement. Thus, labelling a herbal product as drug or food has products have low risk so much so that anything natural is
implications in its pre-marketing (quality control, clinical tri- synonymous with being safe. Any untoward effects observed
als) and post marketing safety checks (pharmacovigilance).96 upon their consumption are generally not accepted and thus
In China, natural products are considered as medicinal prod- ‘cause–effect’ is not acknowledged in this case. Because of this
ucts and therefore are subjected to similar level of regulatory unawareness or paucity of information, users very often defer
control as for the conventional medicines. The regulatory the notion that their adoption of herbal remedy may be caus-
guidelines for countries like Canada, Singapore, Australia ing the observed unfavourable effects. Thus, their prolonged
etc vary and regulate the products accordingly.68 This non- use of herbal products could aggravate the problem. This is
uniformity in product categorisation not only affects their particularly prevalent in the developing countries where use
pre-market and post-market control, their safety and efficacy, of traditional herbal medicine is very popular and the system
but also poses challenges in trans-national movement of prod- of reporting ADRs is not well constituted. Surveys conducted
ucts. in developed nations like USA, Canada, United Kingdom
(UK), Australia have indicated that in these nations ‘passive
2.4. Challenges of pharmacovigilance: complexity of surveillance’ (voluntary spontaneous reporting) is the prime
nomenclature and consumer related issues source of gathering information about adverse effects ema-
nating from the use of medicinal products including NHPs.105
Since herbal drugs available worldwide come from China, Although, passive surveillance has the advantage of reveal-
India, Brazil, Africa, several countries of Europe, South Amer- ing adverse effects in ‘real’ situations (large population/wide
ica etc, therefore there are problems that come up due to consumer base) however, it has its limitations which can be
diversity. This brings to the forefront questions such as what understood from the fact that since this system depends upon
should be the appropriate naming system (Latin, pharmaceu- voluntary reporting by the practitioners and/or patients, less
tical, generic, herbal drug name) and accurate validation of than 1% of adverse effects are reported.106 More so, patients
the constituent herbs. Plants/herbs are generally known via and health care practitioners are less likely to report adverse
their Latin scientific name, vernacular name, pharmaceutical effects associated with the use of NHPs than with the conven-
name or pharmacopoeial name or specific herbal drug names tional over the counter medications. It has also been observed
(as used in TCM or Indian herbal medicine). Sometimes, differ- that physicians do not routinely inquire patients about use
ent herbal ingredients are known by a single name allowing of NHPs.106–111 Collectively; all these factors contribute to the
for misidentification and inadvertent use of herbal products inadequacy of the passive surveillance to identify NHP associ-
leading to undesired effects.68 The roots of Aristolochia fangchi, ated harms. Active surveillance which involves keeping track
Stephania tetrandra and Cocculus trilobus are commonly known of adverse events using a carefully chalked out pre-organized
as Fang ji. A. fangchi (Guang Fang Ji) was mistakenly consumed process are well established for conventional prescription
instead of S. tetrandra (Han Fang Ji) for its weight loss benefits medicines but its application to NHPs is limited till date.112–114
and consumers reported severe renal problems. Upon careful For reasons known and unknown, patients do not divulge to
analysis it was found that inadvertent consumption of aris- their clinicians about their use of herbal medicines.38 The
tolochic acid containing A. fangchi (Guang Fang Ji) products consumers are unaware of the importance of reporting the
was responsible for such adverse effects.97–99 This was fol- use of herbal products or the adverse effects that may have
lowed by a ban of aristolochic acid containing herbal products emanated from their use.115 In case of ill effects, patients and
in EU, USA and Australia. However, misidentification of herbs health care professionals can report such events, but such
due to confusion/similarity in common names continued the reporting is not mandatory.94 This leads to underreporting of
production and consumption of aristolochic acid containing their adverse effects which contributes to their poor database
herbal products.100–104 Product labelling of drugs may use one of toxicity and drug interactions.
or more of these naming systems and at times the drugs are
even sold without any labels. The non-uniformity in describ- 2.5. Adverse reactions: an outcome of poor quality control,
ing herbal constituents makes ADR and analysis confounding, herb–drug/herb–herb interactions
sometimes wrongly implicating a herb to the observed neg-
ative outcomes. Although, common names are frequently Several reports are available regarding the undesirable effects
used in USA and EU for the purpose of reference, however, of natural products, sometimes with very dire consequences.
EU regulatory authorities recommend the use of Latin scien- Such observations have been reported amongst the users of
tific names.96 Reporting of herbal ADRs is of use only if the both developed and developing nations. The adverse effects
reporter is aware of what herb/product was used. This requires emanating from the use of herbal products can be attributed
N.A. Chugh et al 115

to the toxic effects of the inherent constituents or the adul- be of concern if they act to cause damage. Many a times, there
terants/contaminants that are present in the preparation and is mislabelling/incomplete information provided on the labels
also herb–drug/herb–herb interactions. Owing to the poor which increases the chances of herb–drug/herb–herb interac-
quality control standards and improper regulation of purity tions etc.135–137
and potency, herbal products fall short in comparison to Consumption of poor quality and adulterated products
the conventional drugs. Poor quality control systems and has led to many un zfavourable effects ranging from mild
lack of stringent monitoring systems lead to the contamina- to moderate to severe; such as allergic reactions, respira-
tion/adulterations of herbal preparations. tory complaints, pain, nausea, fatigue, gastrointestinal upset,
Herbs obtained from polluted sites (areas with soil, water mood disturbances, muscle weakness, vomiting, confusion,
or air pollution due industrial emissions) or poor farming lethargy, seizures, sensory disturbances, compression frac-
practices lead to the production of low quality products unfit tures, leucopoenia, convulsions, persistent hypoglycaemia,
for human consumption.116,117 Herbal preparations although Cushing’s syndrome, burns, dermatitis, meningitis, multi-
prepared from same herbs each time may vary from batch organ failure, arsenic, lead or mercury poisoning, malig-
to batch because the phytochemical content could fluctuate nancies, hepatic and renal toxicity, cerebral edema, coma,
depending upon the harvesting time of the plant, climatic intracerebral haemorrhage, and even death.13,129,138
conditions, geographical locations, harvesting methods and
environmental conditions could affect the presence of certain
elements (like heavy metals) depending upon the conditions 2.6. Discouraging reimbursement options
of water, soil and air in that region.32,86,118 Inappropriate stor-
age conditions can affect the quality of herbal products if they Worldwide, the use of CAM is increasing and has been a major
get subjected to fungal or bacterial contamination and also contributor to non-reimbursed medical or health expenditure.
excessive drying can lead to loss of thermo-labile bioactive Insurance companies refuse to cover CAM because they do
constituents.84,86 Variations may also arise in preparations not completely believe the claims made by the proponents
such as extracts, decoctions etc between batches and amongst of CAM.139 The decision makers in the insurance sector rea-
manufacturers because of the variation in solvents, tempera- son out that in the current scenario of escalating healthcare
ture, extraction time etc.17 The variability in the preparation costs, and the constant emergence of new medical technolo-
of the herbal products has implications in the health benefits gies and drugs has made them wary of expanding the health
observed.67,86 The likely presence of allergens, pollens, toxins care coverage options. They are of the opinion that coverage
(aflatoxin, mycotoxins brevetoxin B, yessotoxins, pecteno- should only be provided for health facilities that are backed
toxins, digoxin, sikimitoxin),119–122 microbes (Escherichia coli, by a robust body of evidence for their safety and effective-
Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes) and heavy toxic metals (mer- ness. Moreover, the lack of information on the use, cost and
cury, cadmium, lead, arsenic)123–128 could be contributing overall cost-effectiveness of CAM makes it difficult for the
to the observed adverse effects. Several cases of deliberate insurance companies to respond to the consumer needs and
addition of prescription drugs/other pharmaceutical products hinders their ability to plan and execute policies related to
(aminopyrine, phenylbutazone, phenacetin, dexamethasone, CAM reimbursement.139 In USA, the private insurance compa-
indometacin, diazepam, hydrocortisone, fluocinolone ace- nies provide cover to varying degrees for the medical expenses
tonide, diclofenac, mefenamic acid, clobetasol propionate, incurred from the accepted standard of care modalities and
phenytoin, methylsalicylate, prednisolone, indomethacin and reimbursement is usually not available for CAM and there-
glibenclamide etc)123,124,129 in herbal products have come to fore must be paid of pocket by the consumers.140 Although,
light. Cadmium, arsenic and lead have been detected in the CAM is very popularly used in UK, however it is not cov-
herbal products with levels exceeding the maximum permissi- ered by the healthcare system.141 Since, the introduction of
ble limits allowed by World Health Organisation (WHO).130,131 Statutory Health Insurance Modernization Act in 2004, the
Inadvertent adulteration and substitution of herbal drugs with sale of herbal medicines has dropped in Germany because of
incorrect plants/herbs due to confusion in vernacular names, the exclusion of phytotherapeutics from reimbursement.142 In
similarity in color and morphology etc is one of the reasons for USA, Medicare and Medicaid plans selectively provide cover
herbal products exhibiting undesired effects and being unfit for chiropractic care, massage and acupuncture and have
for consumption.132,133 excluded other forms of CAM including phytomedicine from
Botanicals contain many pharmacologically active com- the reimbursement plans.143–145 Private insurance companies
pounds that exhibit biological effects in synergism or have begun to include some forms of CAM however pre-
antagonism. The presence of multiple compounds increases authorization, network restrictions, deductibles, co-payments
the likelihood of interactions and it is considered that may be more than those laid out for conventional treatment
herb–drug interactions could be more pronounced than options. Additionally, the number of visits to the clinic/centre
drug–drug interactions. These interactions could either serve and the extent of reimbursement may vary and be limited. In
to enhance or diminish the pharmacological or toxicolog- EU, the reimbursement systems and policies differ between
ical effects. Such interactions are mediated due to the the countries and in many countries, CAM is not included in
pharmacokinetic interference of one xenobiotic on another the national health supervision system.146 This implies that
xenobiotic, including metabolism, elimination, absorption etc. patients seeking CAM treatment outside of their home country
All these events would modulate the dose response observed may not be able to receive reimbursement because the CAM
and therapeutic or toxic effects.128 Although, interactions reimbursement policies may differ between their country of
could be positive, negative or neutral134 ; however, they could affiliation and the country of treatment.
116 Integr Med Res ( 2 0 1 8 ) 109–125

Table 1 – Medicinal effects exhibited by some plants

Plant Beneficial effects observed Reported literature
Azadirachta indica (Neem) Anti-cancer, anti-toxic, anti-viral 148–154,156,175
Lycopersicum esculentum (Tomato) Anticancer, anti-toxic 155,157
Aloe barbadensis (Aloe vera) Radioprotective 158,159
Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) Anti-cancer, anti-toxic 160,161–164
Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo) Neuroprotective, nootropic 165–168
Alpinia galangal (Greater galangal) Fertility 121,171
Punica granatum (Pomegranate) Fertility 121,171
Viscum album (Mistletoe) Immunity booster in cancer patients, mitigates 172
chemotherapy associated side effects
Thymus vulgaris (Thyme) Cold, cough, bronchitis, respiratory tract ailments 173
Pimpinella anisum (Aniseed) Cold, cough, bronchitis, respiratory tract ailments 173
Althea officinalis (Marshmallow) Cold, cough, bronchitis, respiratory tract ailments 173
Serenoa repens (Saw palmetto) Urinary tract ailments 174
Artemisia annua (Sweet wormwood) Anti-arthritis, anti-inflammatory 176

toxicity in rats.160 Several researchers have investigated the

3. Growing prospects of botanicals
anticancer effects of Withania somnifera against skin, prostate,
colon, leukemia etc in animal models and cell lines.161–164
Although there are numerous deterrents in the field of phy-
Extracts of Ginko biloba has neuroprotective effects as revealed
tomedicine, however, efforts are being concerted globally to
by its ability to prevent ischemic brain damage in mice165 and
gain maximum benefits from the healing powers of plants.
trimethyltin neuronal toxicity.166 Ginko biloba has also exhib-
Despite the apprehended hiccups, researchers worldwide
ited nootropic effects.167,168 Myriad number of phytochemicals
have been carrying out pre-clinical studies and clinical tri-
present in fruits, vegetables, herbs etc have been demon-
als with botanicals. Agencies like National Institute of Health
strated to have a wide range of biological activities that are
(, USA; European Medicines Agency [EMA]
responsible for their medicinal properties.169,170
(, London; Indian Council of Medi-
In a randomised control, double blinded trial, plant extracts
cal Research (, India; National Health and Medical
of Alpinia galanga (greater galangal) and Punica granatum
Research Council, Australia ( etc in assistance
(pomegranate) were assessed for their effects in improving
with several government and private institutes undertake
semen quality in males (NCT01357044; and
clinical trials and maintain their database. Typical pharma-
the study findings suggested that subfertile men can gain
copoeial standards are difficult to apply to herbal medicines
an improved amount of motile ejaculated sperms by taking
and thus require broader and flexible approach in addressing
tablets containing preparations of pomegranate fruit extract
the problem of standardization.85,147 Systems and procedures
and rhizome of greater galangal.121,171 A gel prepared with
are being developed and revised to improve quality control,
Solanum undatum plant extract is being tested for its safety
safety and efficacy testing and pharmacovigilance.
and efficacy in patients of actinic keratosis (NCT01516515;
NCT02559934), vulvar pre-cancerous lesions and cutaneous
3.1. Gathering scientific evidence for their proof of condyloma (NCT01676792). Mistletoe plant extract has been
function: pre-clinical and clinical studies assessed for its ability to improve immune function in stage
IV lung cancer patients receiving conventional chemother-
Plants are being continually explored for their medicinal prop- apy (NCT00079794). Its use as a complementary treatment
erties in various animal, in-vitro models of diseases and led to chemotherapy dose reductions, fewer hospitalisations
their suitability is also assessed in clinical studies (Table 1). and reduction in non-haematological side-effects.172 Plant
The underlying mechanisms behind the observed beneficial extracts have been tested for their ability to provide relief
effects are also being studied extensively. Several studies from against nasopharyngitis and upper respiratory tract infec-
our laboratory and those of others have demonstrated the tion (EudraCT Number: 2005-005207-4). A combined herbal
anticancer effects of Azadirachta indica (Neem) extract against preparation of dry ivy leaf extract, decoction of thyme and
cancer of various sites in mice.148–154 Lycopene enriched aniseed, and mucilage of marshmallow root was tested for
tomato extract has proved beneficial against liver cancer in its efficacy and tolerability in open clinical trial and this
mice.155 The anticancer activity has been ascribed to their preparation alleviated cough in consequence of common
ability to modulate key signalling pathways like cell prolifer- cold, bronchitis or respiratory tract diseases with formation
ation, apoptosis, carcinogen biotransformation, DNA repair, of mucus.173 Extract of Serenoa repens was analysed versus
immunomodulation etc. Neem and tomato extracts have placebo in the treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms
been effective in ameliorating doxorubicin induced cardiac156 associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (EudraCT Num-
and renal157 toxicity in mice. Administration of Aloe vera ber: 2014-000222-38) and it was found effective in mitigating
extract provided protection against radiation induced testicu- inflammatory biomarkers in these patients.174 Polyherbal for-
lar damage in mice by its ability to scavenge free radicals and mulations of neem and other plants in the form of cream
strengthen the cellular anti-oxidant defense system.158,159 or tablet have been tested for their anti-human papilloma
Withania somnifera has the ability to mitigate arsenic induced virus (HPV) potential in women infected with HPV type 16.175
N.A. Chugh et al 117

Neem leaf extract in herbal mouth rinse has been assessed when any herbal product is classified as a medicine then
for its effectiveness in controlling radiation induced mucositis the manufacturers have pharmacovigilance obligations listed
in oral cancer patients (CTRI.2014/11/005163; NCT01898091). under European directives and other national regulations.
A randomised placebo-controlled clinical trial revealed alle- This includes informing the regulatory agencies of any unto-
viation of symptoms associated with osteoarthritis of the ward or unexpected effects.96 In UK, the Chinese Medicine
hip and knee with the use of an extract of Artemisia annua Advisory Service with the help of Royal Botanic Gardens Kew
(ACTRN12614000259640).176 Although, these studies have met helps with the enquiries on adverse effects and the identifi-
with mixed results, however, positive results obtained in these cation of the Chinese medicinal herb suspected to be causing
trials certainly pave a way ahead for plant based medicine to the effect. In Hong Kong toxicology centres in hospitals take
be incorporated with conventional medicine. up multidisciplinary investigations related to herbal toxicity.
WHO Collaborating Centre for monitoring drug safety (UMC)
collects ADR reports from over 100 countries and collates
4. Surmounting the challenges faced by them with the purpose of addressing nomenclature issues
botanicals and possibly co-relating the ADR with the correct herb.181 The
database maintained by the UMC also provides useful infor-
4.1. Improving procedures and guidelines mation on the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic drug
interactions.182 Regulatory agencies around the world have
Although, not strictly followed by all countries, protocols started making efforts to facilitate the harmonization of reg-
for safety and toxicity testing have been devised by several ulatory requirements.68 The Association of Southeast Asian
agencies including Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry,177 Nations (ASEAN) consists of ten member countries each with
European Medicines Agency (EMA),178 and the European Food its varying backgrounds of traditional medicine. ASEAN has
Safety Authority.179 Considering the complexity of herbal formed a harmonized regulatory framework for traditional
medicines viz a viz their content and action, organisations like and HMPs. This framework includes common agreements
WHO, European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Prod- on additives, excipients, pesticide residue levels, labelling
ucts and European Scientific Cooperation of Phytomedicine, requirements etc.183,184
US Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, European
Pharmacopoeia Commission, Department of Ayurveda, Yoga, 4.2. Improving trial design and ensuring quality control
Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy (India) are revising procedures
and developing new protocols to standardise phytotherapy. High quality scientific research intended for the safety and
Attempts are being made to resolve issues that occur due to efficacy of HMPs is essential to instil confidence in practition-
nomenclature problems. Kew’s Medicinal Plant Names Ser- ers of conventional medicine to adopt HMPs as alternatives for
vices has developed a freely accessible global resource that disease management. However, the high costs of research and
provides information about plant and plant products rel- development deter the manufacturers of herbal products from
evant to policy making and health regulation, traditional delving into this space. This deterrent can be surmounted
medicine, functional foods and pharmacological research. by applying for a patent. Although, it is difficult to claim
This database provides information of medicinally relevant exclusive rights for growing herbs, spices, plants etc, however,
plants pertaining to their frequently used vernacular, trade this should not dissuade the manufactures from venturing
and pharmaceutical names.180 The Uppsala Monitoring Cen- into HMP research since patents can also be granted on the
tre (UMC) in collaboration with the Royal Botanic Gardens basis of novelty related to processing and formulating HMP,
has established an effective system for standardisation and unique compositions and their intended use for a medical
cross-referencing of herbal names in order to enable interna- purpose.185–188 Patents have been granted for HMP based on
tional reporting of ADRs due to herbal drugs. UMC has also novel poly herb compositions, dosage forms, establishment
been involved in developing the WHO herbal dictionary which of new processes for isolation and standardization of active
serves as an international reference source of herbal prod- compounds.186
ucts. This dictionary allows identification of herbal products, Clinical trials carried out with placebos and/or reference
their bioactive constituents, possible therapeutic uses, coding medicines before marketing are very important in revealing
and analysis of drug safety data during pre and post market- potential adverse effects emanating from the use of a partic-
ing. Herbal monographs have been published by American ular drug. However, these clinical trials are of a short duration
Herbal Pharmacopoeia, WHO, United States Pharmacopoeia, and are incapable of providing information on problems (such
European Pharmacopoeia, EMA, Indian Pharmacopoeia etc. as long term effects) that are not comprehensively addressed
Emphasis is being laid to improve the quality of ADR report- by clinical trial protocols. Therefore, to evaluate long term
ing and specialised centres have been set up worldwide for toxicity and safety potentials, long-term carcinogenicity tests,
assistance in herbal pharmacovigilance. In USA, since herbal reproductive and teratogenicity potentials should be assessed.
products are sold as dietary supplements and not as drugs Moreover, many a times some rare and severe adverse effects
therefore they are spared from pharmacovigilance obliga- resulting due to interactions with drugs and nutrients come
tions. However, health care practitioners and consumers are to the forefront in subgroups of people not included in the
being made aware of the benefits of ADR reporting and are randomized control trials (RCTs). Such events are likely to be
being guided to report ADR events to the FDA MedWatch detected only when the drug is in use by a larger section of the
Scheme. In UK, Medicines and Healthcare Products Regula- population. Post-marketing surveillance of HMPs could help in
tory Agency has a system for reporting of ADRs. In the EU, keeping track of such effects.52
118 Integr Med Res ( 2 0 1 8 ) 109–125

The researchers should resort to high quality clinical Chromatographic fingerprinting is an analytical method
trials and adhere to good reporting. Considering the short- that employs high performance liquid chromatography,
falls in trial reporting, the CONSORT statement has been thin layer chromatography (TLC), and gas chromatogra-
amended with an aim to improve research and report- phy techniques.193,199,203 These techniques give a fingerprint
ing quality with botanicals. Recommendations have been which is unique to a HMP. This fingerprint comprises of a
made with context to complete and transparent reporting set of peaks which are characteristic of the herbal ingredi-
of trials.57,189,190 Due emphasis has been laid on the stan- ents present. Thus, a unique fingerprint generated helps in
dardization of the HMP because many a times the amount qualitative and quantitative analysis. Principal component
of the active ingredient is not known and is known to vary analysis can be used to compare fingerprint patterns to detect
between preparations.60,191,192 The researchers must fully adulteration.203,204 For polyherbal preparations204,205 and
describe the preparation of placebos used in HMP trials preparations with closely related species (e.g. Heracleum spho-
so as to enable other researchers in carrying out related ndylium and Heracleum sibiricum),206 a single chromatographic
placebo-controlled trials in order to control bias that may analysis may be insufficient. To resolve the details of poly-
occur due to the peculiar organoleptic properties of clinical herbal formulations 2D-TLC,206,207 multiple chromatographic
preparations and their respective placebos.193 Caution must fingerprinting143,154,193,204 and metabolite fingerprinting are
be practiced while designing clinical trials, laying stress on advisable.205,208–210
the internal and external validity of the tests used thereof. The regulators should perform targeted chemical analysis
It is essential that the output of the results in the con- on every batch of HMPs to check for adulterants. To evade
trol conditions of the study find relevance in being used detection, manufacturers have started adding chemical drugs
outside the experimental settings of the study (refers to or their modified analogues to the capsule shells.211–213 In
the harmony between internal and external validity). This order to detect adulteration of this sort, reference spectra
implies that the study findings give meaningful insights of these shells and analogues should be recorded with the
when applied in the ‘real’ situations.194,195 Further, for the aid of analytical techniques like liquid chromatography–mass
results to be externally valid it must be ensured that the spectrometry (LC–MS),214,215 nuclear magnetic resonance
disease criteria for inclusion and exclusion should be rele- spectroscopy,215,216 infra-red spectroscopy.216 Considering the
vant with the diagnostic procedures currently used.48 Cluster transnational movement of HMPs, it is required that the reg-
RCTs may be designed in order to establish the variabili- ulators and manufacturers involve in information sharing
ties of the practitioners while evaluating the efficacy of the relating to detection of adulterants. Consumers can play their
HMPs.48 part by buying HMPs from reputable and trust worthy sources.
It is known that ayurveda recommends personalized treat- In order to grapple with the unethical manufacturers and mis-
ment on the basis of an individual’s ‘prakriti’ and ‘tridoshas’. creants the consumers should be particular about details such
‘Ayurgenomics’ is an upcoming field of study which serves to as manufacturing and expiry dates, batch numbers, names
bridge the gaps between genomic influences and Ayurvedic and addresses of HMP manufactures. Having clear product
principles. It is an integration of principles of genomics with categorization will enable sufficient safety checks. It is known
that of ayurveda and is aimed at studying inter-individual that regulated HMPs are equipped with better product infor-
differences to disease development and therapeutics by inter- mation details enabling the customers to make more informed
relating their psychosomatic constitution and their genetic choices, thus promoting the safe use of HMPs. With the grow-
makeup.196,197 Such integration of disciplines could help in ing popularity of HMPs and its worldwide acceptance, it is
designing trials with ayurvedic remedies. required that authorities harmonize their regulatory require-
As defined by the EMA, chemical markers are chemically ments so as to bring about transparency and convenience for
defined constituents or group of constituents intended for manufacturers and consumers.
the control of quality. Chemical markers are employed in the For the standardization of herbal drugs, tests can be
standardization process to ensure that all batches contain a applied based on several established standards includ-
defined amount of the active ingredient. The choice of the ing pharmacopeial standards, marker based phytochemical
chemical marker/s is essential to the quality of the herbal assays, process control standards, storage standards, poly-
product. These could be of two types: active markers and ana- herbal reference standards, chemi-informatics approaches
lytical markers. Active markers possess therapeutic potentials based structural standards217 which include a range of phys-
while the latter ones are solely used for analytical purposes ical, chemical and biological tests. Correct identification of
and have no therapeutic value.198 It must be understood plant involves ascertaining the correctness of the plant cho-
that using a single active marker may not give a true repre- sen based on its taxonomical classification, its morphological
sentation of the synergistic effects of the various bioactive features etc. The part of plant to be used should be confirmed
constituents present in the HMP.199,200 And similarly, using by matching its characteristic botanical features. Also, assess-
an inappropriate analytical marker may not appropriately ing the level of exposure of the plant part to the environment
give the indication of the potency or quality of HMP. Using a helps in deciding the levels of adulterants/contaminants.218
non-specific analytical marker (e.g. quercetin, oleanolic acid Removal of foreign organic matter involves removing other
etc) will fail to recognize an adulterated HMP because of the organic matter (like weeds etc) that may sometimes come
widespread presence of the marker being used.201,202 Using along with the raw plant material. This is essential to avoid
a chemical marker alone for standardization and quality interference during the standardization. Estimation of ash
control of HMP has its disadvantages. Therefore, other values (total ash, sulphated ash, water soluble ash, acid insol-
methods must be used in tandem. uble ash) should be done by performing thermo-gravimetric
N.A. Chugh et al 119

analysis, differential thermal analysis and differential scan- reinstate the efforts that are being put to establish the
ning calorimetry.219–221 Moisture content must be determined database of plant based medicine.
precisely to assess the actual weight of the drug. Low mois-
ture content increases the stability of the drug.217 Extractive
values which are indicative of the extractable chemical con- 5. Conclusion
stituents of the crude drug (under different solvent conditions)
must be evaluated as they are important in dose calculation. The growing popularity of over-the counter available health
The qualitative analysis of the crude drug involves screen- products, dietary supplements, nutraceuticals obtained from
ing of the various phytochemical constituents like flavonoids, plants has highlighted certain issues which need to be
alkaloids, phenolics, carbohydrates etc which are of pharma- addressed at priority. These polychemical mixtures containing
cological significance.222 LC–MS has previously been employed many pharmacologically active compounds need a thorough
to standardize an aqueous extract of the mixture of twenty scientific and clinical evaluation in order to bring them to
herbs. This method provided twenty chemical compounds mainstream therapeutics. The perception of natural being
to be used as reference markers.223,224 Quantitative analysis safe can only be realised if these products are manufactured
should be performed for the levels of different elements, min- under strict regulatory controls and assessed for their efficacy.
erals, heavy metals etc. Microbial assays should be carried out Through implementation of good agricultural, manufactur-
to establish the presence of mycotoxins, harmful fungi, bac- ing and supply practices it would be possible to improve the
teria and other microorganisms. Toxicology studies should be quality of herbal medicines making them of a reproducible
performed in relevant animal models to generate LD50 values quality. A collaborative effort of the researchers, clinicians and
and other relevant parameters which are required for subse- patients is required to successfully establish herbal medicine
quent studies by the drug regulators. These give information in health promotion and disease management. Although
about potentially toxic elements, pesticide levels etc.203,225 evidences exist for the beneficial effects of plants against
In order to ensure process control standards, batch analy- diseases and in health promotion, however the use of plant
sis should be done by performing intermediate testing using derived preparations can only be realised after the affirma-
appropriate methods. Tests should be performed to check tion of their safety and efficacy. With such reassurances it
for any process induced toxicity and impurity. Storage stan- could be possible to replace some synthetic drugs with herbal
dards should also be applied by determining storage standard medicines or use them in combination with other drugs; thus
markers for raw material, stable intermediates from fractions, enabling their integration into contemporary medicine.
processed material, and finished product. The shelf life of
the finished product in various conditions of temperature,
Conflict of interest
humidity should be also determined. Packaging material and
labeling standards should also be checked.217 Polyherbal ref-
Authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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