Past Perfect Tense (Befejezett Múlt Idő) : I. Képzése

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Készítette: Bors Balázs 1 Budapest, 2020.05.02.

Past Perfect Tense (befejezett múlt idő)

I. Képzése:
A had segédige + a főige 3. szótári alakja. A tagadószó a segédige után áll, a kérdés pedig
szórendcserével történik.

Kijelentés: Tagadás:
You You
He/She/It had done the homework. He/She/It hadn’t done the homework.
We We
You You
They They

Kérdés: Rövid válasz:

- Had the play started when you arrived? - Yes, it had. / No, it hadn’t.

Alanyra kérdezés: Rövid válasz:

- Who had had a shower before I left? - Peter had. / Peter hadn’t.

II. Használata:
Egy múltbeli cselekvés előtt már/még nem befejeződött cselekvés

- After Carol had taken the photos, she developed the film.
- Before Carol developed the film, she had taken the photos

The chairman didn’t speak until he had heard all the arguments.

As soon as Jack had written the letters, he posted them.

When we arrived, Ann had just left.

By 6 o’clock he had repaired the car.

By the time his boss arrived, he had repaired the car.

Although he had done his homework, he didn’t go out.

III. Időhatározók:

as soon as
by the time
Készítette: Bors Balázs 2 Budapest, 2020.05.02.

Past Perfect Continuous Tense (folyamatos befejezett múlt idő)

I. Képzése: (tagadásban nem jellemző)

Alany + had + been + ige + ing + for / since…

II. Használata:
Egy múltbeli cselekvés kezdetéig tartó, folyamatos cselekvés

- Everything had been going quite well up to then.

- The driver who died in the accident had been drinking.

- By the time we got there, she had been waiting for us for hours.

III. Időhatározók:

(up to) then

all (the)…
by the time

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