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© Sheet Music” Caccini Fere selvaggie Andante non troppo lento ———— 4 of the il pid fer - che per mon - tier-ra Halt in your roam-ing oer the moun gig U - di-teil mjo la- ing, Give ear fo my Ia - que-ste ver- di pigg in these green vales paus —— CD Sheet Music (tm) -- Caccini -- Fere selvaggic ; —_== ee dim, 7 ——— to, ch’ha ta- lor per pig-tA fer - ma - - toil ven - ing That in pit- y has of -ten — stopp'd cen the p > PEP ——— U- di-teil mjo Ia - men - to, chvhata- lor per pig-td fer - Give car to my Ia - ment - ing, That in pit- y has of - ten CD Sheet Music (tm) -- Caccini -- Fere selvaggi P Fil - li- de mi mi- a Fil-li-de bel Phyl - is my sweet Phyl-lis, beau ti ful Phyl tf SS _ ip me si ru- bel ri - al Di-te-le che r my love dis- dain i is and heart - less. Tell her to look up - 2 poco erese. che ri - mi-ri, men-tre ch'jo mo-roal-men Took up - om me While I a mar-tyrs death___ — ———~ CD Sheet Music (tm) -- Caccini -- Fere selvaggi = pip > erese. — t r r fs ee = Di-te-le che ri- mi - ri, di-te-le che ri- mi - ri, men-tre ch’io Tell her to look up - on me, On-ly to look up - on me, While To oe pap molto crese. trattenuto eof > mo - ro_al- men. mar-tyrs death. i mig - - - i mar- ti = - il by tor - : = ture am dy ~ + ing. trattenuto molto crese.

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