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Tutankhamen, called in life Tutankhaten, was a pharaoh belonging

to the 18th dynasty of Egypt, who reigned from 1336 BC. C. to 1327 a. C.

Tutankhamen was a remarkable pharaoh He died approximately in 1327 a. C., when he On November 26, 1922, the expedi�on of
in the post-Amarna restora�on and was only 19 years old and a�er serving archaeologist Howard Carter, financed by the
harmoniza�on Egypt, but due to his short as pharaoh of Egypt for 9 years. The causes of aristocrat Lord Carnarvon, made an excep�onal
reign and the usurpa�on of its few monuments his death are s�ll uncertain, but it is suspected discovery: the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun,
by Pharaohs of the nineteenth dynasty, that he died of a malaria epidemic that King of Egypt, between 1332 and 1323 B.C.,
was not known in ancient �mes. caused a lot of deaths in Egypt in an incredible state of conserva�on

(Cortes. B; Casallas. C; 2020)">Vector de Infografía creado por upklyak">Vector de Dibujos animados creado por macrovector

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