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Career Readiness Needs Assessment Your opinions matter! The school counseling department would like to know about what your needs are for career pathways and career preparation. By answering this survey and submitting it now, we can make plans to better support your career readiness. Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey, select the box that best fits your response to a statement, and press submit at the bottom of the page when you are done. All answers are anonymous and will be kept confidential. * Required What gender do you identify with? * © Female O Male CO Prefer not to say © Other Grade level: * © oth © 10th O Mth © 12th What is your current GPA (grade point average)? © 400 orhigher O 3003.9 O 20029 O 0101.99 What is your current plan after graduating high school? O 4year college © 2year college © Vocational/Technical School O Work O Military © Other: Information about career preparation is available in my school or district on websites and/or in printed materials. © Strongly disagree CO Disagree O Neutral O Agree © Strongly agree My school discusses career options and how to prepare for a career. CO Strongly disagree CO Disagree O Neutral O Agree CO Strongly agree | want to go to a vocational or technical school. © Strongly disagree CO Disagree O Neutral O Agree CO Strongly Agree Ihave an idea of a job/career | find interesting for my future after | graduate. CO Strongly disagree CO Disagree O Neutral O Aaree CO Strongly agree | think doing well in school is important right now. © Strongly disagree CO Disagree O Neutral O Aagree © Strongly Agree I think doing well in school is important for my future. CO Strongly disagree CO Disagree O Neutral © Aaree CO Strongly Agree | feel having a satisfying career is important. (A career is what you train for) CO Strongly disagree CO Disagree © Neutral O Agree © Strongly Agree My grades are good enough for my career path. CO Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Co0o00°0 Strongly Agree | believe | can apply what | am learning from schoo! to the real-world. CO Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree CoO00°0 Strongly agree | have taken a personality survey at some point in school. O Yes O No © | not sure Ihave an idea about how to research information for careers. CO Strongly disagree CO Disagree O Neutral O Aagree CO Strongly agree Ihave spent time researching what | want to do after | graduate. Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree oo000 Strongly Agree Ihave discussed my career plans with an adult. Oo Strongly disagree CO Disagree Neutral Agree ooo Strongly Agree Ihave discussed my career plans with an adult. © Strongly disagree CO Disagree © Neutral O Agree CO Strongly Agree | know the requirements for graduation. CO Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Oo0o0o°0o Strongly Agree | have an idea about the requirements for a career path or a technical school. CO Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Oo0o00 Strongly Agree 1am knowledgeable about the skills | need for my current job interest. CO Strongly disagree CO Disagree O Neutral O Agree © Strongly agree The Career Technical Education (CTE) and elective classes offered at Katella High School are improving my career readiness. (CTE classes provide academic and technical skills for future careers, such as culinary, auto technology, child development, carpentry/construction) CO Strongly disagree © Disagree O Neutral O Aaree CO Strongly agree What is a career path you are interested in? Agriculture, Food, and Resources (Ex: Farmer, Meat Packer, Food Scientist, Hunters) Architecture and Construction (Ex: Carpenter, Sheet Metal Worker, Architect, Civil Engineer) Art, Audio/Video Technology and Communications (Ex: Choreographer, TV announcer, Photographer) Business, Management, and Administration (Ex: Receptionist, Computer Analyst, Human Resource) Education and Training (Ex: Teacher, Social Worker, School Counselor, Coach) Finance (Ex: Accounting, Banking Services, Business Finance, Insurance) Government and Public Administration (Ex: Judge, Lawyer, Military, Law Enforcement, Postal Service) Health Science (Ex: Dentist, Doctors, Nurse) Hospitality and Tourism (Ex: Baker, Chef, Hotel/Motel Clerks, Travel Agent, Tour Guide, Waiter/Waitress) Human Services (Ex: Counselor, Childcare worker, Barber, Nail Technician, Tailor) Information Technology (Ex: Software Developer, Computer Programmer, Video Game Designer) Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security (Ex: Firefighter, Judge, Lawyer, Security, Police Officer) Manufacturing (Ex: Carpenter, Plumper, Welding, Machine Operators) Marketing, Sales, and Services (Ex: Salesperson, Real Estate Agent, Market Research Analyst) Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (Ex: Astronomer, Scientist, Electrical Engineer) Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics (Ex: Driver, Pilot, Engineer, Captain) O00 000 00000000 00 0 Other: 5 FI

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