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Edexcel Chemistry IAS Revision_Worksheet_2

1 The mass of magnesium ions in 1 kg of sea water is 1.3 g.
The concentration in parts per million (ppm) is

2 Calculate the total number of ions in 7.41 g of calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2.

The molar mass of calcium hydroxide is 74.1 g mol–1.
The Avogadro constant is 6.0 × 1023 mol–1.

3 Which of the following has the highest melting temperature?

4 Which of these has a dative covalent bond?

5 100 cm3 of hydrogen is mixed with 25 cm3 of oxygen at a temperature of

150 °C.
The gases react as shown in the equation below.
2H2(g) + O2(g) 
→ 2H2O(g)
The total volume of gas present at the end of the reaction is

1 Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel Chemistry IAS Revision_Worksheet_2

6 Sodium nitrate decomposes on heating.

2NaNO3(s) 
→ 2NaNO2(s) + O2(g)
What is the maximum volume of oxygen, measured in dm3 at room
temperature and pressure, which could be obtained by heating 0.50 mol of
sodium nitrate?
[Molar volume of a gas = 24 dm3 mol–1 at room temperature and pressure]

7 An excess of copper(II) oxide is mixed with 40.0 cm3 of 2.50 mol dm–3
hydrochloric acid.
CuO(s) + 2HCl(aq) 
→ CuCl2(aq) + H2O(l)
(a) If the mass of copper(II) chloride produced is 5.50 g, what is the
percentage yield of copper(II) chloride?
[Molar mass of copper(II) chloride = 134.4 g mol–1]

(b) The ionic equation for the reaction is

2 Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel Chemistry IAS Revision_Worksheet_2

(c) Some facts about copper(II) chloride are given below.

Which of these gives the best evidence that the bonding in copper(II) chloride
is ionic?

8 The melting temperature of sodium is lower than the melting temperature of

magnesium. The best explanation for this is

9 A trend going down Group 1 is that the

10 Which of the following ions has the biggest radius?

11 A compound has the composition 62.1% C, 10.3% H and 27.6% O.

What is its empirical formula?

3 Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel Chemistry IAS Revision_Worksheet_2

12 What is the systematic name of the following?

13 Which of the following shows geometric isomerism?

14 This question is about the organic compounds with skeletal formulae as


(a) Which compounds are isomers?

4 Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel Chemistry IAS Revision_Worksheet_2

(b) Which compound has the same molecular formula and empirical formula?

15 What is the formula of poly(but-1-ene)?

16 The following molecules are alkenes.

5 Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel Chemistry IAS Revision_Worksheet_2

(a) Which molecule has a geometric isomer?

(b) Which molecule would produce 2-bromohexane as the major product on

addition of hydrogen bromide?

(c) Which molecule has 14 hydrogen atoms?

17 The structure of Z-3-methylpent-2-ene is

Which of the following shows two repeat units of the polymer made from

6 Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel Chemistry IAS Revision_Worksheet_2

18 What is the systematic name for the following molecule?

19 Nitrogen can form the following species with hydrogen:

Which of these species has a dative covalent bond?

20 Which of these elements in Period 3 has the highest melting temperature?

21 The conduction of electricity by a solution is evidence that ions are present

in the solution.
What could be formed when an electric current is passed through aqueous
sodium chloride?

7 Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel Chemistry IAS Revision_Worksheet_2

22 An example of an equation to illustrate the cracking of an alkane from

crude oil is

(a) What is the atom economy for this reaction in terms of production of
Use the expression

(b) The chemical industry uses cracking in the processing of crude oil

23 Scientists are developing alternatives to fossil fuels.

24 Which of the following is isoelectronic with the chloride ion, Cl−?

8 Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel Chemistry IAS Revision_Worksheet_2

25 What are the shapes of the BF3 and PH3 molecules?

26 Which describes the polarity of the C – Cl bond and the polarity of the
molecule trichloromethane, CHCl3?

9 Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel Chemistry IAS Revision_Worksheet_2

Section B
1 A mass spectrometer was used to analyse a sample of oxygen gas in which
the most abundant isotope was 16O. The oxygen was ionized and the ions
were accelerated by an electric field.
(a) (i) Suggest the formulae of two different ions containing only the 16O
isotope, which might be formed in the mass spectrometer.
(ii) Which part of the mass spectrometer separates ions of different mass?
(iii) For the two ions you have chosen in (a)(i), sketch their paths in the mass
spectrometer after leaving the electric field and as they approach the detector
region. Label each path with the formula of the ion.

(b) The following results were obtained for the atoms of oxygen in the sample.

10 Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel Chemistry IAS Revision_Worksheet_2

Calculate the relative atomic mass of oxygen atoms. Show your working and
give your answer to three decimal places.

(c) In the first half of the twentieth century, oxygen was used as the standard
for relative atomic mass. The unit of atomic mass was defined as 1∕16 the
mass of an oxygen atom. This was based on samples of oxygen obtained
from the air which consisted of a mixture of oxygen isotopes.
Suggest one reason why the use of this standard was discontinued.
2 This question is about elements in Period 3 of the Periodic Table.
(a) Write the equation, including state symbols, which represents the first
ionization energy of magnesium.

(b) Complete the electronic configuration for aluminium using s, p notation.

1s ......................................................................................................................

11 Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel Chemistry IAS Revision_Worksheet_2

(c) The sketch graph below shows the first ionization energies of some of the
elements in Period 3.

*(i) Explain why the values shown on the graph go down from magnesium to
aluminium, and then rise again going from aluminium to silicon.

12 Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel Chemistry IAS Revision_Worksheet_2

(ii) Complete the sketch graph for the elements from phosphorus to argon.
Explain why one of these elements does not follow the general trend.
(d) Draw a dot and cross diagram for silicon tetrachloride, SiCl4, showing
outer shell electrons only. Use a cross (×) for silicon electrons and a dot (•) for
chlorine electrons.

(e) Sodium and magnesium are both in Period 3. In sodium iodide, the ions
are not polarized but in magnesium iodide some polarization occurs.
*(i) Explain the term polarization as it applies to magnesium iodide, and state
how it arises.

13 Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel Chemistry IAS Revision_Worksheet_2

3 Fractional distillation is used in industry to obtain alkanes from crude oil.

(a) (i) On what physical property of alkanes does this process depend?
(ii) The alkanes are then processed by cracking or reforming to produce
other hydrocarbons.
Explain the meaning of these terms.
4 This question is about ethane and ethene.
(a) Ethane reacts with chlorine by a free radical mechanism.
(i) Explain what is meant by the term free radical.
(ii) Complete the equation for the formation of free radicals from one molecule
of chlorine. Use appropriate curly arrows to show electron movements.

Cl – Cl 

(iii) Write an equation for the reaction between ethane and a chlorine free
radical, and name the type of step in the mechanism where this occurs. Curly
arrows are not required.
Type of step .......................................................................................................
(iv) Give an equation for a termination step in this mechanism in which an
organic compound other than chloroethane is formed.

14 Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel Chemistry IAS Revision_Worksheet_2

(b) Ethene contains a carbon-carbon double bond.

(i) Complete the diagram below showing the σ and π bonds in the carbon-
carbon double bond in ethene.


*(ii) Describe and explain what happens to the σ and π bonds in ethene in an
addition reaction.
(iii) One test for a carbon-carbon double bond is the reaction with acidified
potassium manganate(VII), KMnO4.
Give the colour change if this reaction was carried out with ethene. Draw the
displayed formula of the product.
From ............................................................................................................... to
Displayed formula
(iv) Describe another test for a carbon-carbon double bond and give the
colour change for the positive result.
Test ....................................................................................................................
From ........................................................ to ......................................................

15 Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel Chemistry IAS Revision_Worksheet_2

(v) Ethene reacts with hydrogen bromide. Write the mechanism for this
reaction, showing any relevant dipoles.

(c) But-1-ene is an alkene with properties similar to ethene.

Write an equation, using skeletal formulae for the organic compounds,
showing the conversion of but-1-ene to butane. State the essential condition
Condition ............................................................................................................

16 Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel Chemistry IAS Revision_Worksheet_2

5 This question is about water.

(a) Water is a polar covalent molecule. The strongest intermolecular forces
between water molecules are hydrogen bonds.
(i) The O–H bond in water is polar because, when compared with the
hydrogen atom, the oxygen atom ha

(ii) Show the value of the H–O–H angle within a molecule

6 Electrons in atoms occupy orbitals.
(a) Draw in the boxes the shape of an s-orbital and a p-orbital.

(b) State what is meant by the term first ionisation energy.

17 Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel Chemistry IAS Revision_Worksheet_2

(c) (i) The graph shows the first ionisation energies for a series of six
consecutive elements A–F. The letters are not their chemical symbols.
Complete the graph of the first ionisation energies for the next five elements.

(ii) Explain why the value of the first ionisation energy for D is greater than for
(iii) Explain why the value of the first ionisation energy of E is less than for D.

18 Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel Chemistry IAS Revision_Worksheet_2

(d) Successive ionisation energies can give information about the electronic
structure of an element.
Which of the following sets of data showing the first four ionisation energies,
in kJ mol–1, of four elements is most likely to belong to boron?

7 This question is about magnesium.

(a) (i) Complete the electronic structure of a magnesium atom.
1s2 ......................................................................................................................
(ii) The bonding in magnesium results from

(b) Magnesium exists as three stable isotopes. One isotope has a relative
isotopic mass of 25.0.
State what is meant by the term relative isotopic mass.

19 Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel Chemistry IAS Revision_Worksheet_2

(c) What are the numbers of protons, neutrons and electrons in an atom of
magnesium which has a mass number of 25?

(d) The relative atomic mass of a sample of magnesium was found to be 24.3.
The percentage composition for two of the three isotopes is given in the table.
Use these data to calculate the percentage composition of the third isotope
and hence its relative isotopic mass. Give your answer to an appropriate
number of significant figures. You must show your working.


8 Boron and aluminium are in the same group of the Periodic Table. Both
form compounds with chlorine and with fluorine.
(a) Boron reacts directly with chlorine to produce a covalently bonded
compound, BCl3.
(i) Write the equation for this reaction. State symbols are not required.

20 Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel Chemistry IAS Revision_Worksheet_2

(ii) Draw a dot-and-cross diagram for BCl3 showing only the outer shell
electrons of the atoms.

(iii) Use your diagram to explain why BCl3 has a trigonal planar shape with
bond angles of 120°.
(b) Aluminium also reacts directly with chlorine to form a compound,
aluminium chloride, containing only aluminium and chlorine.
A 0.500 g sample of aluminium chloride was analysed and found to contain
0.101 g of aluminium.
Another 0.500 g sample was heated to 473 K. The gas produced occupied a
volume of 73.6 cm3 at a pressure of 1.00 × 102 kPa.
Determine the molecular formula of the gas.
You will need to use the equation pV = nRT and R = 8.31 J mol–1 K–1

21 Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel Chemistry IAS Revision_Worksheet_2

*(c) Aluminium fluoride and aluminium chloride are both crystalline solids at
room temperature. Aluminium fluoride sublimes to form a gas at 1291°C
(1564 K), whilst aluminium chloride sublimes at 178 °C (451 K).
Use the Pauling electronegativity values in the Data Booklet to explain these
differences in sublimation temperature.
9 A phosphorus atom has mass number 31.
(a) How many of each sub-atomic particle are present in the phosphide ion,

22 Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel Chemistry IAS Revision_Worksheet_2

(b) Phosphorus(III) chloride molecules are pyramidal with a bond angle less
than 109.5°.

(i) Explain why a phosphorus(III) chloride molecule has this shape and bond
(ii) Which describes the polarity of the P – Cl bond and the polarity of the
phosphorus(III) chloride molecule?

(c) Phosphorus has one naturally occurring isotope with mass number 31.
Chlorine exists as two isotopes with mass numbers 35 and 37.
Give the formulae and mass/charge ratio of the ions responsible for the
molecular ion peaks in the mass spectrum of phosphorus(III) chloride, PCl3.

23 Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Edexcel Chemistry IAS Revision_Worksheet_2

10 The equation shows how lithium reacts with water.

2Li(s) + H2O(l) → 2LiOH(aq) + H2(g)
A sample of lithium contains an inert impurity. An experiment was carried out
to find the percentage purity of the sample.
(a) A piece of lithium was weighed on a balance reading to 2 decimal places.
The mass recorded was 0.12 g. It was then added to 50 cm3 of water (an
excess) in a beaker.
Calculate the maximum volume of hydrogen, in cm3, which would be formed
at a temperature of 20°C and a pressure of 1.0 × 105 Pa.

(b) The solution formed in the reaction was used in a titration with hydrochloric
acid of concentration 0.200 mol dm–3. Lithium hydroxide reacts with
hydrochloric acid.
LiOH(aq) + HCl(aq) 
→ LiCl(aq) + H2O(l)
(i) The first stage was to make up the solution of lithium hydroxide to a volume
of exactly 100 cm3. Name the type of flask used to make the solution up to
100 cm3.
(ii) The mean titre of 0.200 mol dm–3 hydrochloric acid required to neutralise
25.00 cm3 samples of lithium hydroxide was 20.40 cm3.
Calculate the concentration of the lithium hydroxide solution.
Hence calculate the percentage purity of the original sample of lithium.

24 Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

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