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Toastmaster New Member Induction Process:

Fellow Toastmasters today we have __________________ who has made a formal request to join
Kirkwood Keynotes.

1. Have the new member come forward and introduce them to the current members.
2. Have new member give a short introduction of self. How did you hear about Keynotes?
3. Have the Sergeant At Arms escort the inductee(s) out of the room.
4. Club President will call for a vote of Yeah or Nay to accept this person into Kirkwood Keynotes
Toastmaster Club.
5. Club President will ask a Fellow Toastmaster to escort the Sergeant at Arms and the candidate
into the room.
6. Club President will start the applause as they enter the room.
7. Club President will welcome the new member into Kirkwood Keynotes Club.
a. Have member stand with the President in the front of the room.
b. __________________ it has been unanimously agreed that the “Kirkwood Keynotes
Toastmaster members” welcome you as our newest member(s) of the Kirkwood
keynotes Club.
c. As President I would like to talk a little about the benefit of having new members join.
i. New faces
ii. New learning experiences
iii. New ideas
iv. New stories
v. Having new members join our club is considered a wonderful experience Thank
8. At this time Club President I will ask ___________to read the Toastmaster New Member Pledge.
9. Fellow Toastmasters please read our membership pledge to our new member _____________.
10. Fellow Toastmaster _________________, It is my pleasure to present to you:
a. Toastmaster Membership Pin
b. Toastmaster Membership Card
c. Announce who their mentor will be
i. Say mentor’s name twice:
1. _______________ will be your mentor.
2. New member name your mentor will be ______________________.
d. As Club President I would like to be the first to shake your hand, and say welcome to
Kirkwood Keynotes.
e. I will invite all Fellow Toastmasters to stand to welcome and shake ___________ hand.
11. The End.

Last updated: 10/6/09 by M.Driscoll

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